1. 意大利面条(Spaghetti):这是意大利最著名的菜肴之一,通常搭配肉酱、番茄酱或奶酪等配料。
2. 披萨(Pizza):这是一种传统的意大利美食,通常由面团、番茄酱、奶酪和各种配料组成。
3. 意大利调味饭(Risotto):这是一种用米饭制成的菜肴,通常加入海鲜、肉类或蔬菜等配料。
4. 意大利肉酱面(Bolognese):这是一种以肉酱为主要原料的意大利面条,通常搭配奶酪和帕玛森芝士等配料。
5. 意大利千层面(Lasagna):这是一种传统的意大利菜肴,由多层面皮、肉酱、奶酪和番茄酱组成。
6. 意大利海鲜面(Linguine alle vongole):这是一种以海鲜为主要原料的意大利面条,通常搭配蛤蜊、虾和贻贝等配料。
7. 意大利提拉米苏(Tiramisu):这是一种著名的意大利甜点,由咖啡、马斯卡彭奶酪、手指饼干和可可粉等原料制成。
8. 意大利冰淇淋(Gelato):这是一种传统的意大利
9. 意大利香醋(Balsamic vinegar):这是一种传统的意大利调味料,由葡萄汁制成,口感酸甜,可以用于沙拉、肉类和海鲜等菜肴。
10. 意大利面包(Pane):意大利面包种类繁多,包括法棍、面包卷、拖鞋面包等,是意大利美食的重要组成部分。
第一种:经典意大利面(Spaghetti all'amatriciana)原料:- 意大利面- 熟火腿块- 橄榄油- 洋葱- 大蒜- 罐装西红柿碎步骤:1. 在热锅中加入橄榄油,煸炒洋葱和切碎的大蒜,直至蔬菜变软。
2. 加入火腿块,继续煸炒至火腿略微变脆。
3. 加入罐装西红柿碎,煮沸后转小火慢炖15-20分钟。
4. 在另一锅中煮意大利面至“al dente”的状态(即口感略带嚼劲的状态)。
5. 将煮熟的意大利面加入到调好的酱汁中,翻炒均匀。
6. 撒上切碎的巴马干酪和黑胡椒粉,即可享用。
第二种:阿里奥欧利奥意大利面(Spaghetti aglio e olio)原料:- 意大利面- 大蒜- 橄榄油- 干辣椒片- 巴马干酪碎- 意大利干酒(可选)步骤:1. 在热锅中倒入橄榄油,放入切碎的大蒜和干辣椒片,小火煸炒2分钟,直至大蒜微金黄,辣椒片散发香气。
2. 在另一锅中煮意大利面至“al dente”状态。
3. 将煮熟的意大利面加入到调好的蒜油中,翻炒均匀。
4. 如喜欢,可加入适量的意大利干酒提升风味。
5. 撒上巴马干酪碎,即可享用。
第三种:海鲜意大利面(Spaghetti alle vongole)原料:- 意大利面- 新鲜蛤蜊- 橄榄油- 大蒜- 干白葡萄酒- 意大利西芹(可选)- 意大利香草(比如欧芹和扁叶欧芹)- 酸柑/柠檬汁步骤:1. 将蛤蜊浸泡在冷水中,清洗掉泥沙和杂质。
2. 在热锅中用橄榄油煸炒切碎的大蒜,直到香气四溢。
3. 加入沥干的蛤蜊,倒入适量的干白葡萄酒,盖上锅盖,蒸煮至蛤蜊壳张开。
4. 将蛤蜊汤和蛤蜊肉分开。
5. 在另一锅中煮意大利面至“al dente”状态。
13. Spaghetti Chart意大利面图
Spaghetti Chart - How to use it 5. Measure the distance travelled by parts and by each operator during one cycle time (it can be interesting to multiply this figure to highlight the distance walked in a day). Also the time spent in motion – remember it’s all waste. ( ) – PC
45 30 #20 #10 35 #30 #50 #40
55 #70
Bench Op No 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 10 20
55 #50
55 #40
55 #70
35 220 #10 #30 #60
1 2 3
lean rails
• • •
• •
• •
Note: 29
8.5 / 3/4 / 5 / 10 1 8.5 / / / 7.5 /
(Takt time) Cycle time
Takt time
Takt time
Production Capacity Sheet
意英中对照意大利菜谱-点菜难不倒前菜 AntipastoBruschetta (蕃茄香草烤面包片)Capasante al Burro e Limone(Scallops in Butter and Lemon Sauce 煎扇贝/带子奶油/牛油柠檬汁)Carpaccio di Tonno (Tuna Carpaccio 腌金枪/吞拿鱼薄片)Cozze alla marinara (Marinara Mussels 白酒煮淡菜/青口)Creamy Pesto Cheese BallServes 6frittata di cipolle e zucchini (frittata with onions & zucchini)Pizzette Margherita (Mini Pizza Margherita 迷你披萨饼)Pomodori ripieni con Gorgonzola (Stuffed tomatoes with Gorgonzola 酿蕃茄) Pomodorini Ripieni (Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes 乳酪/芝士、火腿酿车厘茄Pomodorini Ripieni (Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes 金枪/吞拿鱼、蛋黄/沙律酱酿车厘茄) 头盘 Primifettuccine misto di mare ( seafood fettuccine)INSALATA DI RISO (Rice Salad 夏季色彩的米沙拉)Lasagne al Pomodoro (Lasagne with Tomato and Cheese 焗茄汁千层面)Linguine con Aragosta (Linguine with Lobster 龙虾意大利面)Maccheroni con Broccoli e Pinoli(Macaroni with Broccoli and Pine Kernels 西兰花松子仁通心面)Orecchiette con Pomodorini (Orecchiette with Cherry Tomatoes 车厘茄耳壳粉) Paste al Salmone Affumicato (Pasta with Smoked Salmon 烟熏三文鱼意大利面) Penne all' Arrabbiata (Penne with Chilli-Hot Sauce 辣汁长通心粉)Risotto ai Funghi (Mushroom Risotto 牛肝菌烩饭)Risotto ai Gamberi (Prawn Risotto 虾仁烩饭)Risotto con Asparagi (Risotto with Asparagus 露荀烩饭)Spaghetti all'amatriciana(Spaghetti with bacon, chilli in tomato sauce 茄汁烟肉意大利面)Spaghetti alle vongole (Spaghetti with clams 蛤蜊/蚬意大利面)Tagliatelle al Ragù Bolognese(Tagliatelle with Bolognese Sauce 波隆拿肉酱意大利面)Zuppa di Cozze e Vongole(Mussel and Clam soup with Tomato Sauce 蕃茄淡菜/青口蛤蜊/蚬汤)配菜 ContornoAsparagi alla Emiliana (Asparagus Emilian-Style艾美利亚式露荀)Insalata di arance e finocchi (Orange and Fennel salad)Involtini di Asparagi (Asparagus Rolls 露荀卷)Melanzane Fritte (Fried Aubergines 煎茄子)Patate al Rosmarino (Potatoes with Rosemary 迷迭香马铃薯)Patate alla Contadina (Potato Rustic Style 农夫马铃薯)Sformato di Patate con Uova e Formaggio (焗乾酪薯蓉)主菜 SecondoCacciucco (Livornese Fish Soup 海鲜汤)Code di Salmone alla Griglia con Pesto(Grilled Salmon with Pesto 烤鲑鱼Pesto汁)Fegato Grasso al Balsamico (Foie Gras with Balsamic Sauce 煎鹅肝Balsamic醋汁)Filetti di Sogliola con Funghi (Fillets of Sole with Oyster Mushrooms 煎龙脷柳)Italian Sausage And Mushroom RaguNodino di Vitello al Rosmarino (Veal Cutlets with Rosemary 迷迭香牛仔扒)Ossobuco alla Milanese (Veal Shank Milanese Style 米兰式烩牛仔膝)Pesce Spada alla Griglia con Olio e Limone (Grilled Swordfish Steaks 烤剑鱼扒)Petti d'anatra con salsa d'arance Siciliane(Duck Breasts with Sicilian Orange Sauce 煎鸭胸西西里橙汁)Petti di Pollo alla Pizzaiola (Chicken *** in Pizzaiola Sauce 煎鸡胸披萨汁)Petti di Pollo con Limone e Rosmarino(Chicken Breasts with Lemon and Rosemary 迷迭香煎鸡胸)Petti di Tacchino con Prosciuto e Formaggio(Turkey Breasts with Ham and Cheese 煎火鸡胸)Piccata Milanese (Veal with Parma Ham Milanese Style 米兰式煎牛仔Vitello Tonnato (Veal in Tuna Sauce 金枪/吞拿鱼汁牛仔肉)甜品 DolciCrème Caramel (Cream Caramel 焦糖布丁)Macedonia di Frutta (Mixed Marinated Fruit 鲜杂果捞)Panna Cotta (Baked Cream 忌廉奶冻)Pesche con Ricotta e Mandorle(Peaches stuffed with Almonds and Ricotta 乳酷杏仁酿鲜桃)TIRAMISUServes 8-10LindaTiramisu (Pick Me Up 提拉蜜素)鱼类 PesceAnguillaEel鳗鱼AragostaLobster龙虾AringaHerring鲱鱼BarboBarbel白鱼, 欧洲产的一种淡水鱼Bottarga di MuggineRoe of Grey Mullet灰鲻子Bottarga di TonnoRoe of Tuna金枪(吞拿)鱼子BrazinoSea Bass鲈鱼CacciuccoFish/Seafood Soup海鲜杂会汤CalamaroSquid乌贼CannolicchioRazor Shell竹蛏CappesanteScallop带子CarpaCarp鲤鱼CerniaGrouper石斑鱼CozzaMussel淡菜 / 青口肉类AffettatoSliced Preserved Meat (mostly pork)AgnelloLamb羔羊AnatraDuck鸭BisteccaBeef Steak牛排Bocconcino Veal Pieces小牛肉块BovinoCow牛BresaolaAir-dried Beef 风乾牛肉Camoscio Chamois羚羊CapraGoat山羊CaprioloRoe Deer獐鹿CarpaccioThinnly Sliced Raw Meat / Fish / Vegetable 薄切 (肉 / 鱼 / 菜) 片CavalloHorse马CervoRed Deer红鹿CinghialeWild Boar野猪菜类AglioGarlic大蒜AsparagoAsparagus芦笋BarbabietolaBeetroot紫菜头BorragineBorage琉璃苣BroccoloBroccoli西兰花CarciofoGlobe Artichoke朝鲜蓟CardoCardoon菜蓟CarotaCarrot红萝卜Cavolfiore Cauliflower花椰菜Cavolino di Bruxelles Brussels Sprout球芽甘蓝CavoloCabbage圆白菜 / 棷菜CeceChickpea鹰嘴豆CetrioloCucumber黄瓜 / 青瓜Cicoria Chicory菊苣果类ActindiaKiwi Fruit 奇异果Albicocca Apricot杏Anguria Watermelon 西瓜Arachide Peanut花生Arancia Orange橙Cachi Persimmon 柿子Castagna Chestnut 栗子Cedro Citron佛手柑CiliegiaCherry樱桃ClementinaClementine柑橘与酸柑的杂交品种DatteroDate枣FicoFig无花果FragolaStrawberry草莓LamponeRaspberry悬钩子Pizza 比萨Pizza Nargherita 只有番茄摩萨来拉哥奶酪的上等品味Pizza con funghi 西红柿奶酪比萨加上切细的蘑菇Pizza con funghi e prosciutto 上述比萨里夹入生火腿Pizza Napale tana 在Pizza Margherita中加入黑背沙丁鱼风味Pizza Marinara 西红柿酱加欧菜嘉诺风味Pizza con Peperoni 加红色或黄色的肉厚的甜柿子椒Pizza Quattro stagioni 四季比萨。
十种最佳意大利面菜谱Spaghetti美味的意大利面做起来并不复杂,笔者从国外摘录了十种最佳意大利面菜谱,与大家分享.西餐和中餐很大一个区别在于调味品,调料的差异,中餐依靠五味烹调出千千万万的变化,而西餐则有几千种调味料,恐怕都很难有人清楚整理出到底有多少~所以笔者仅翻译配料,以飱同好,实际操作都很简单,请大家阅读原文~注:本文推荐意大利面做法为国外最新十佳排名,说直白一些就是老外自己评分得到的十佳,和我们在国内常见的传统做法有很大不同,应该属奉献给国内追求饮食时尚,潮流的朋友.至于传统经典的意大利面比如肉酱面,培,海鲜面,本文不再狗尾续貂赘述~Halloween Bloody Baked Rats 万圣烤红鼠This is a fun, inexpensive, creepy Halloween entree that will gross outand impress your dinner guests. It is mini meatloaves baked in tomatosauce that are shaped like rats with cheese in the middle. When you cutit open, gooey cheese will come oozing out. Garnished with a spaghettinoodle tail and carrot ears, these pests are sure to be a devilishlydelectable dinner." ANGELA O.Ingredients∙ 2 pounds ground beef 2 磅牛肉馅∙1/2 onion, chopped半个洋葱,切碎∙ 1 egg, beaten一个鸡蛋,打散∙ 1 cup dry bread crumbs 1杯干面包屑∙ 1 (1.25 ounce) packet meatloaf seasoning mix 1.25盎司 1 小撮肉糜卷的调料(超市购买,或自制)∙ 1 cup cubed Cheddar cheese 1 小杯切达干酪(英国产)∙ 3 (10 ounce) cans tomat o sauce三听番茄酱(10盎司)∙ 1 cup whit e sugar 1杯糖∙ 1 tablespoon Worcest ershire sauce一大汤匙伍斯特酱油(辣醋酱油、英国黑醋或伍斯特沙司)∙ 1 ounce uncooked spaghetti, broken into fourths 1 盎司意大利面,分成四份∙1/2 carrot, cut into 1/8-inch thick slices半个胡萝卜,切成1/8英寸的片∙ 1 tablespoon frozen green peas一汤匙冰冻豌豆Directions1.Preheat the oven t o 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).2.In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, onion, egg, bread crumbs, and meatloaf seasoning. Use yourhands to mix until well blended. Measure out 1/3 cupfuls of the meat mixture and mold around a cube of cheese like a meatball. Shape into a point at one end and lengthen the body a bit by rolling between your hands. Place your ''rat'' into a shallow baking dish, and continue with the remaining meat. Insert pieces of uncooked spaghetti into the rounded end of the rats to make t ails.3.In a medium bowl, stir t ogether the tomat o sauce, sugar and Worcest ershire sauce. Pour over the ratsin the dish and cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil.4.Bake for 45 minut es in the preheated oven. Uncover the dish and continue to bake for another 20 to 30minut es, basting occasionally with the sauce to glaze t he rat s.5.While the rats finish baking, heat the peas and carrots in a small bowl in the microwave for about 15seconds.6.Carefully transfer the rats t o a serving platter so that their delicat e tails don't fall off. Press peas intothe pointy end t o make eyes, and insert carrot slices to make ears. Spoon some of the t omato sauce around them and serveWhat to Drink?MerlotMeatball Minestrone意大利蔬菜浓汤(有通心粉、干豆及蔬菜的一种汤)By: Linda de Beaudrap"'As the busy parents of two boys, my husband and I are always on thelookout for quick meals,' writes Linda de Beaudrap of Calgary, Alberta. 'Youdon't have to thaw the frozen meatballs for this satisfying soup, so you canhave it on the table in minutes.'"“…两个男孩的忙碌父母,丈夫和我都在寻找可快速完成的菜谱. 无需解冻肉丸, 这汤无论味道还是速度都令人满意,你可以在几分钟内把它端到桌上。
十种最佳意大利面菜谱Spaghetti美味的意大利面做起来并不复杂,笔者从国外摘录了十种最佳意大利面菜谱,与大家分享.西餐和中餐很大一个区别在于调味品,调料的差异,中餐依靠五味烹调出千千万万的变化,而西餐则有几千种调味料,恐怕都很难有人清楚整理出到底有多少~所以笔者仅翻译配料,以飱同好,实际操作都很简单,请大家阅读原文~注:本文推荐意大利面做法为国外最新十佳排名,说直白一些就是老外自己评分得到的十佳,和我们在国内常见的传统做法有很大不同,应该属奉献给国内追求饮食时尚,潮流的朋友.至于传统经典的意大利面比如肉酱面,培,海鲜面,本文不再狗尾续貂赘述~Halloween Bloody Baked Rats 万圣烤红鼠This is a fun, inexpensive, creepy Halloween entree that will gross outand impress your dinner guests. It is mini meatloaves baked in tomatosauce that are shaped like rats with cheese in the middle. When you cutit open, gooey cheese will come oozing out. Garnished with a spaghettinoodle tail and carrot ears, these pests are sure to be a devilishlydelectable dinner." ANGELA O.Ingredients∙ 2 pounds ground beef 2 磅牛肉馅∙1/2 onion, chopped半个洋葱,切碎∙ 1 egg, beaten一个鸡蛋,打散∙ 1 cup dry bread crumbs 1杯干面包屑∙ 1 (1.25 ounce) packet meatloaf seasoning mix 1.25盎司 1 小撮肉糜卷的调料(超市购买,或自制)∙ 1 cup cubed Cheddar cheese 1 小杯切达干酪(英国产)∙ 3 (10 ounce) cans tomat o sauce三听番茄酱(10盎司)∙ 1 cup whit e sugar 1杯糖∙ 1 tablespoon Worcest ershire sauce一大汤匙伍斯特酱油(辣醋酱油、英国黑醋或伍斯特沙司)∙ 1 ounce uncooked spaghetti, broken into fourths 1 盎司意大利面,分成四份∙1/2 carrot, cut into 1/8-inch thick slices半个胡萝卜,切成1/8英寸的片∙ 1 tablespoon frozen green peas一汤匙冰冻豌豆Directions1.Preheat the oven t o 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).2.In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, onion, egg, bread crumbs, and meatloaf seasoning. Use yourhands to mix until well blended. Measure out 1/3 cupfuls of the meat mixture and mold around a cube of cheese like a meatball. Shape into a point at one end and lengthen the body a bit by rolling between your hands. Place your ''rat'' into a shallow baking dish, and continue with the remaining meat. Insert pieces of uncooked spaghetti into the rounded end of the rats to make t ails.3.In a medium bowl, stir t ogether the tomat o sauce, sugar and Worcest ershire sauce. Pour over the ratsin the dish and cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil.4.Bake for 45 minut es in the preheated oven. Uncover the dish and continue to bake for another 20 to 30minut es, basting occasionally with the sauce to glaze t he rat s.5.While the rats finish baking, heat the peas and carrots in a small bowl in the microwave for about 15seconds.6.Carefully transfer the rats t o a serving platter so that their delicat e tails don't fall off. Press peas intothe pointy end t o make eyes, and insert carrot slices to make ears. Spoon some of the t omato sauce around them and serveWhat to Drink?MerlotMeatball Minestrone意大利蔬菜浓汤(有通心粉、干豆及蔬菜的一种汤)By: Linda de Beaudrap"'As the busy parents of two boys, my husband and I are always on thelookout for quick meals,' writes Linda de Beaudrap of Calgary, Alberta. 'Youdon't have to thaw the frozen meatballs for this satisfying soup, so you canhave it on the table in minutes.'"“…两个男孩的忙碌父母,丈夫和我都在寻找可快速完成的菜谱. 无需解冻肉丸, 这汤无论味道还是速度都令人满意,你可以在几分钟内把它端到桌上。
好时光回廊有什么好吃的呢?除了意大利面、排餐外还有下午茶和佐酒餐点喔!!赶快来看看菜单吧!!!!!精选汤品Soup (提供时间:12:00~21:00) (附面包x2)奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin soup with vegetables NTD.120法式洋葱汤French onion soup NTD. 120轻食色拉Salad (提供时间:12:00~21:00)凯萨色拉Caesar salad NTD. 120熏鸡肉凯萨色拉Caesar salad with smoked chicken NTD. 160烟熏鲑鱼色拉Smoked salmon salad NTD. 180什锦翡翠色拉(素) Green salad(Vegetarian) NTD. 120地中海海鲜色拉Mixed seafood salad NTD. 160鲜虾北非小米色拉(须预订) Shrimps salad NTD. 140烟熏牛肉色拉Smoked beef salad NTD. 160升级套餐(汤+面包) NTD. 90以上餐点均须附加10%服务费精选意大利面Pasta (提供时间:12:00~14:00,18:00~21:00)萝勒西红柿海鲜意大利面Seafood spaghetti with basil and tomato sauce NTD. 250 布根地炖牛肉意大利面Beef stew spaghetti with red wine sauce NTD. 250鲜虾明太子意大利面Shrimp roe spaghetti with cream sauce NTD. 240白酒蛤俐意大利面Clam spaghetti with cream sauce NTD. 180青酱鸡肉意大利面Chicken Spaghetti with pesto sauce NTD. 210青酱海鲜意大利面Seafood spaghetti with pesto sauce NTD. 260鲑鱼奶油意大利面Salmon roe spaghetti with cream sauce NTD. 240卡波纳拿Spaghetti Carbonara NTD. 200霜降牛小排意大利面Short Rib Spaghetti NTD. 250蒜香培根意大利面Spaghetti with Garlic an Bacon NTD. 200搭配套餐(汤、色拉、饮料) + NTD .100搭配精选套餐A(汤、色拉三选一、饮料)+ NTD 150下列为A套餐内容汤品奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin soup with vegetables or 法式洋葱汤French onion soup 色拉水果优格色拉Fruit yogurt salad or 北海道帆立贝柱色拉scallops salador 日本山药蒟蒻色拉Japan yam and konjac jelly salad饮料冰热咖啡or 冰热红茶or 冰热奶茶or 果汁以上餐点均须附加10%服务费商业午餐Lunch Special (提供时间:12:00~14:00)经典肉酱意大利面Spaghetti with meat tomato sauce NTD. 160芦笋培根意大利面Spaghetti with asparagus and bacon NTD. 160田园野菇意大利面(可素食)Mushrooms spaghetti NTD. 160奶油蔬菜意大利面(蛋奶素)Vegetable spaghetti with cream sauce NTD. 160搭配商业午餐套餐(色拉+饮料)+ NTD.40搭配精选套餐A(汤、色拉三选一、饮料)+ NTD. 150下列为A套餐内容汤品奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin soup with vegetables or 法式洋葱汤French onion soup色拉水果优格色拉Fruit yogurt salad or 北海道帆立贝柱色拉scallops salador 日本山药蒟蒻色拉Japan yam and konjac jelly salad饮料冰热咖啡or 冰热红茶or 冰热奶茶or 果汁以上餐点均须附加10%服务费特色主餐Main course (提供时间18:00~21:00)徳式肉肠佐培根酸菜Pork or Veal sausage with sauerkraut NTD.230雪花牛小排佐红酒酱Pan-fried Short-Rib with red wine sauce NTD.270义式香料鸡腿排Grilled chicken leg with Italian style NTD. 200嫩煎海鲈鱼佐柠檬奶油酱Pan-fried sea bass with lemon butter sauce NTD.240迷迭香烤羊肉Grilled lamb with rosemary sauce NTD. 240诺曼底苹果鸭胸Pan-fried duck breast with Granny apple sauce NTD.250搭配套餐(汤、色拉、饮料) + NTD .100搭配精选套餐A (汤、色拉三选一、饮料) + NTD .150下列为A套餐内容汤品奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin soup with vegetables or 法式洋葱汤French onion soup 色拉水果优格色拉Fruit yogurt salad or 北海道帆立贝柱色拉scallops salador 日本山药蒟蒻色拉Japan yam and konjac jelly salad饮料冰热咖啡or 冰热红茶or 冰热奶茶or 果汁搭配精选套餐B(汤、色拉三选一、美酒)+ NTD .280下列为B套餐内容汤品奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin soup with vegetables or 法式洋葱汤French onion soup 色拉水果优格色拉Fruit yogurt salad or 北海道帆立贝柱色拉scallops salador 日本山药蒟蒻色拉Japan yam and konjac jelly salad饮料冰热咖啡or 冰热红茶or 冰热奶茶or 果汁美酒套餐均附Hiiir Space 精选红酒一杯法国贝杰哈克雷丁亚克酒堡红葡萄酒2008年分Bergerac Chateau Lestigna Vin Rouge 2008以上餐点均须附加10%服务费—————————————————————————–下午茶TeaTime (提供时间:14:00~17:30)挪威森林下午茶双人糕点塔Norwegian Wood set NTD. 560 含10%服务费附2杯饮料或一壶茶(皆不可续杯续壶) —————————————————————————–全时段饮料单Drink List咖啡Coffee招牌咖啡(冰Ice/热Hot) Coffee NTD.120拿铁(冰Ice/热Hot) Latte 140卡布奇诺(冰Ice/热Hot) Hot Cappuccino NTD.140义式浓缩咖啡Espresso 140焦糖玛奇朵(冰Ice/热Hot) Caramel Macchiato NTD.150茶TeaHiiir特调林迈薄荷茶(冰Ice/热Hot) Michael’s Tea NTD.180Hiiir特调林迈奶茶(冰Ice/热Hot)Michael’s Milk Tea NTD.280招牌红茶(冰Ice/热Hot) Black Tea NTD.100招牌奶茶(冰Ice/热Hot) Milk Tea NTD.120碳酸饮料Soft Drink可口可乐Coke Cola NTD.120零卡可乐Zero Coke NTD.120雪碧Spirit NTD.120果汁特调Juice果汁特调(Orange/ Lemon/ Pineapple/Mango/Grape/Cranberry) Juice NTD.120(柳橙/柠檬/菠萝/芒果/葡萄/蔓越莓)鲜果冰沙Juice&Sorbet葡萄柳橙Grape Orange Sorbet NTD.150葡萄菠萝Grape Pineapple Sorbet NTD.150蔓越莓葡萄Cranberry Grape Sorbet NTD.150菠萝柳橙Pineapple Orange Sorbet NTD.150椰子菠萝Coconut Pineapple Sorbet NTD.150菠萝芒果椰汁Pineapple Mango Coconut Sorbet NTD.160柠檬可尔必思Lemon Calips NTD.160以上餐点均须附加10%服务费—————————————————————————–好时光回廊LoungeTime ( 每周五pm.21:30~12:00 ) 推出佐酒餐欢迎大家来品尝佐酒餐Tapas煎威士忌帆立贝柱串(份/2串) Pan-fried whisky scallop kebab NTD. 180烤义式香草鸡腿肉串(份/2串) Roast chicken with herbs kebab NTD. 180串烤霜降牛小排(份/2串) Roast short-rib kebab NTD. 180迷迭香烤羊里肌肉串(份/2串) Roast lamb with rosemary kebab NTD. 180匈牙利香烤雪花猪肉串(份/2串) Roast pork kebab with paprika spice NTD. 180什锦风味拼盘(任选3种份/6串) Assorted kebab plate (choose any 3 kabab) NTD. 500 综合起司盘Assorted cheese plate NTD. 250玉米片Dorito NTD. 100饮品Drink红酒(杯)Bergerac Chateau Lestigna Vin Rouge 2008 NTD. 180海尼根Heineken (瓶) NTD. 150可乐娜Corona (瓶) NTD. 150冰红茶Tea (杯) NTD. 100奶茶Milk Tea (杯) NTD. 120果汁(柳橙、蔓越莓、葡萄汁、芒果汁) Juice NTD. 150LoungeTime 时段不定期举办活动请密切注意好时光回廊blog !!。
意大利中英文菜单来源:网络文章作者:.2010-07-18 23:19:08冷菜SALAD沙拉1. 蟹肉木瓜色拉 Crab with Papaya Salad2. 各式肉盘 Assorted of Cold Cuts3. 生刨牛肉色拉 Beef Carpaccio4. 番茄芝士色拉 Tomato Cheese Salad5. 腌桂鱼色拉 Marinated Mandarin Fish Salad6. 煎小明虾色拉 Grilled Prawn Salad7. 蔬菜色拉 Vegetable Salad8. 海鲜色拉 Seafood Salad9. 风干火腿配蜜瓜 Parma Ham with Honey melon10. 意粉色拉 Mixed Noodle Salad11. 肉肠色拉 Sausage Salad12. 煮小牛肉配金枪鱼汁 Veal Salad with Tuna Fish Sauce汤SOUP13. 奶油南瓜汤 Cream of Pumpkin Soup14. 奶油番茄汤 Cream of Tomato Soup15. 奶油栗蓉汤 Cream of Chestnut Soup16. 鸡肉清汤配小馄饨 Chicken Consomme with Tortellini17. 鸡肉杂菜汤 Vegetable Soup with Chicken Meat18. 意大利杂菜汤 Minestrone Soup19. 海鲜汤 Seafood Soup面PASTA20. 烟斗面配南瓜汁 Lumaconi with Pumpkin Sauce21. 螺旋面配番茄汁 Eliche with Tomato Sauce22. 五彩螺丝面 Fusilli23. 青口贝番茄炒宽面 Pappardelle with Mussel and Tomato24. 手指馄饨配青红椒粒、奶油汁 Tortellini with Cream of Pepper Sauce25. 手指馄饨配番茄黑水榄汁 Tortellini with Tomato and Olive Sauce26. 海鲜宽面 Pappardelle with Seafood27. 蔬菜宽面 Pappardelle with Vegetable28. 意大利方馄饨配奶油汁 Tortellini with Cream Sauce29. 海鲜贝壳面 Conchiglie with Seafood30. 蝴蝶面配奶油野菌汁 Falline with Cream of Morel Sauce31. 贝壳面配番茄尖椒汁 Conchiglie with Tomato Pepper Sauce32. 意大利春卷 Cannelloni33. 牛肉千层面 Beef Lasagne34. 意大利蔬菜饭 Fried Rice with Vegetable Italian Style35. 意大利海鲜饭 Seafood Rice Italian Style36. 炒意大利粉块配番茄汁 Gnocchi with Tomato Sauce37. 意大利面条配烟肉奶油汁 Spaghetti with Cream Bacon Sauce38. 意大利肉酱面 Spaghetti with Bolognese39. 意大利面条配香草蒜茸汁 Spaghetti with Garlic Sauce40. 意大利面条配番茄汁 Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce41. 菠菜面配奶油蘑菇汁 Tagliatelle with Cream of Mushroom Sauce42. 耳朵面配番茄银鱼汁 Orecchiette Pugliesi with Cod Fish and Tomato43. 素食比萨 Vegetable Pizza44. 海鲜比萨 Seafood Pizza45. 菠萝比萨 Pineapple Pizza46. 香肠鸡蛋比萨 Egg Salami Pizza主菜MAIN COUSE47.煎牛柳配马撒拉汁 Grilled Beef Fillet48.帕尔玛火腿卷肉眼配红胡椒粒汁 Parma Ham Stuffed Rib Eye49.香草鸡肉饼 Chicken Pancake with Herb50.烟熏鸭胸配甜橙汁 Smoked Duck Breast with Orange Sauce51.煎三文鱼配罗勒汁 Grilled Salmon52.煎猪腰配胡椒粒汁 Panfried Kidney with Pepper Sauce53.芝士焗明虾 Baked Prawn with Cheese54.香草羊排 Grilled Lamb Chop55.纸包银鳕鱼 Baked Cod Fish56.罗菲鱼柳夹 Stuffing Herring Fish57.烤羊排配BBQ汁 Baked Lamb Chop with BBQ Sauce58.水煮乳猪卷 Boiled Porker Roll59.酥皮鸡卷 Stuffing Chicken Roll60.煎小牛柳配干葱汁 Grilled Beef肉类 carne小羊肉 agnello牛肉 manzo小牛肉 vitello鹌鹑 quaglia鸭 anatra .野鸡 fagiano野禽类 selvaggina .排骨 costina .腿肉 coscia .肉片 fettine di carne .肝脏 fegato舌 lingua .兔子 coniglio肉块 scaloppina .鸽子 piccione .鸡肉 pollo火鸡 tacchino猪肉 maiale腰子 rene .香肠 salame ..里脊肉 filetto火腿 prosciutto鱼类 pesci, 贝壳类 crostacei 凤尾鱼 acciuga鳗鱼 anguilla鱼子酱 caviale螃蟹 granchio小虾 gamberetto海鲜 frutto di mare龙虾 aragosta牡蛎 ostrica生蚝 ostrica cruda鲈鱼 pesce persico海胆 riccio di mare蛤蜊 conchiglia扇贝 pettine沙丁鱼 sardina鲑鱼 salmone比目鱼 rombo鳟鱼 trota鱿鱼 calamaro墨鱼 seppia蔬菜类 verdure芦笋 asparago茄子 melanzana罗勒 basilico花菜 broccolo胡萝卜 carota芹菜 sedano蘑菇 fungo卷心菜 cavolo洋葱 cipolla黄瓜 cetriolo南瓜 zucca水芹 achillea生菜沙拉 insalata cruda 葱 porro菠菜 spinaci茴香 finocchio四季豆 fagiolini莴苣 lattuga小扁豆 lenticchia豌豆 pisello辣椒 peperone马铃薯 patata西红柿 pomodoro水果类 frutta杏 albicocca橙子 arancia菠萝 ananas香蕉 banana西瓜 cocomero / anguria 柿子 cachi樱桃 ciliegia无花果 fico草莓 fragola猕猴桃 kiwi柠檬 limone橘子 mandarino苹果 mela甜瓜 melone桃 pesca梨 pera李子 prugna栗子 castagna葡萄 uva甜点 dolci冰淇淋 gelato提拉米苏 tiramisu苹果派 strudel蛋糕 torta英式蛋糕 zuppa inglese奶酪 formaggio阿斯阿戈奶酪 asiago波河干奶酪 grana padano戈尔贡佐拉羊奶酪 gorgonzola伦巴第奶酪 mascarpone罗马羊奶酪 pecorino romano莫扎来拉鲜奶酪 mozzarella帕尔马奶酪 parmigiano软奶酪 taleggio鲜软奶酪 stracchino西西里羊奶酪 pecorino siciliano瓦尔帕达纳硬奶酪 provolone valpadana 调味品 condimenti蒜 aglio奶油 burro番茄酱 sugo di pomodoro蛋黄酱 maionese芥末 mostarda胡椒 pepe绿胡椒 pepe verde盐 sale砂糖 zucchero醋 acetoAntipasti 前菜Prosciutto di Parma 帕尔玛火腿prosciutto 意大利熏火腿Bruschetta 烤面包 breadAntipasto misto 意式混合拼盘 a selection of cold delicaciesSalmone affumicato 烟熏三文鱼 smoked salmonPrimi 第一道Spaghetti al ragù 肉酱意大利面Spaghetti alla carbonara 培根蛋酱意大利面Penne all'arrabiata 辣味通心粉Farfalle ai quattro formaggi 四款奶酪蝴蝶面Lasagne al bolognese 博洛尼亚千层面肉酱汁焗面片lasagne with bolognese sauceTortellini al formaggio 奶酪饺子Fettuccine ai funghi 蘑菇宽面Rigatoni al sugo 酱汁直管面Linguine al pesto 罗勒青酱扁意面Risotto ai frutti di mare 海鲜烩饭 seafood riceSecondi 第二道Bistecca ai ferri 菲力牛排Pollo all'aglio 大蒜烤鸡Scaloppine ai funghi 蘑菇汁牛柳Involtini alla romana 罗马卷Vitello 牛肉Vitello alle verdure 牛肉烩蔬菜Maialino al forno 烤乳猪Filetto 里脊肉/牛肉片Contorni 配菜Insalata mista 什锦蔬菜沙拉Insalata verde 蔬菜沙拉Insalata Caprese 卡布里风味沙拉Insalata cesare 凯撒沙拉 cesar saladPizze 比萨Marghetita 玛格丽特 tomato,mozzarellaMarinara 海岸比萨 tomato,garlic origanoNapoletanaRomana 罗马比萨 Tomato,mozzarella,anchovie,origanoSiciliana 西西里式比萨tomato,mozzarella,anchiovies,origano,cappers,black oliveFunghi 蘑菇比萨Prosciutto 火腿肉比萨4 stagioni 四季比萨四种奶酪4 formaggi 四喜芝士比萨 emmental,mozzarella,cream,parmersan, tomato Calzone 卡拉佐内比萨 stuffed pizza with ham,salami,tomato,mozzarellaDolci - frutta 甜点和水果Ti ramisù 提拉米苏Panna cotta 意式奶酪布丁Creme Caramel 焦糖布丁Torta di mele 苹果蜂蜜蛋糕Frutta fresca di stagione 时令水果Vini 葡萄酒ChiantiOrvietoLambruscoSangioveseBaroloPinot GrigioBevante - birre 饮料和啤酒Coa ColaAcqua minerale 矿泉水Nastro AzzurroPeroni。
意大利餐馆菜单Caffè咖啡Espresso浓缩咖啡Cappuccino热奶咖啡CaffèLatte中杯咖啡奶Latte Macchiato小杯加奶咖啡CaffèMocha摩卡咖啡CaffèAmericano美式咖啡CaffèRistretto超浓缩咖啡饮料acqua gassata带汽的水acqua minerale矿泉水acqua naturale自来水acqua水bibita/bevanda饮料cacao可可亚latte牛奶limonata柠檬水succo果汁succo d`arancia橙汁succo d'uva葡萄汁succo(spremuta) d'arancia柳橙汁te' nero红茶tè茶酒类barolo比蒙特红酒birra啤酒brandy白兰地champagne香槟chianti意大利托斯卡纳酒cockta鸡尾酒gin琴酒limonciello柠檬酒liquore烈酒puque龙舌兰酒sherry雪莉酒vino bianco白葡萄酒vino rosso红葡萄酒vodka伏特加whisky威士忌意大利餐acciughe all'ammiraglia凤尾鱼柳加橄榄油和柠檬acquacotta蔬菜汤affettato misto拌沙拉米香肠aglio e olio大蒜和橄榄油alla bolognese肉沙司alla carbonara奶油沙司加鸡蛋熏肉干酪alla pizzaiola番茄沙司加橄榄油和红辣椒alla puttanesca番茄沙司加橄榄油加凤尾鱼all'amatriciana有刺激味的番茄沙司加洋葱和熏肉all'arrabbiata辛辣的番茄沙司antipasto开胃菜arancino加入肉和奶酪的米饭团babàal rum浪姆酒浸湿的酵母饼biscotti/biscotto饼干bistecca di maiale猪排brodo肉汤bruschetta烤面包上加蕃茄片bucatini alla matricciana罗马传统长条番茄肉管面budino布丁calamari fritti炒鱿鱼cannelloni大长的管状的面食cannoli面粉糕饼加意大利乳清干酪cantucci带有杏仁,松子的饼干capellini天使头发面食caponata siciliana茄子炖西红柿caprese干酪西红柿新鲜罗勒carne肉carpaccio生牛肉薄片carpaccio di verdura蔬菜起司肉cassata加奶油,奶油冻的冰淇淋castagno栗子屑ciambel环状蛋糕cioccolata巧克力conchiglie贝壳形面食coniglio兔子cornetto牛角面包crema al caramello饴糖crema pasticcera香草布丁crostata用面粉,奶油和糖掺合做成的脆饼ditalini小的很短的面食escarole卷心菜fettuccine薄的宽面条focaccia不发酵面包focaccina小圆面包formaggio奶酪frittata di zucchine e frittata di cipolle炸洋葱黄瓜frittel松饼frittella薄烤饼funghi imbottiti蘑菇馅fusilli长的意大利式细面条gelato冰淇淋giardiniera泡菜gli agnolotti小的,新月形的面食gli gnocchi马铃薯面团布丁gli spaghetti alle vongole鲜贝细面gli spaghetti di pescatore海鲜细面gnocchi面疙瘩granita果汁冰糕insalata沙拉菜insalata di cetrioli黄瓜沙拉insalata di frutti di mare海鲜沙拉insalata di pollo鸡肉沙拉insalata di pomodoro西红柿沙拉insalata di verdura生菜沙拉insalata mista混和沙拉insalata沙拉linguine薄的意大利式细面条maccheroni短而粗硬的面食maccheroni通心粉maritata和香肠汤marzapane杏仁酥mesciua鸡豆,豆角和面汤millefoglie脆的面粉糕饼minestrone蔬菜浓汤mosalera alla mediterranea地中海意大利奶酪oca鹅omelette煎蛋卷paghette法国长面包panacotta cossasa al caramello意大利甜酱布丁pandolce甜面包加水果pane面包panine小面包panna montata生奶油parmigiano意大利起司pasta e fagioli面条和豆加肉汤pasticcini面粉糕饼penne直的中长度面食peperonata油和马槟榔炒辣椒petto di pollo a fette切片鸡肉pizza quattro formaggi四季披萨pizza大馅饼pollo arrosto烤鸡pollo fritto炸鸡pomodori ripieni con riso西红柿中灌大米primi piatti第一道菜prosciutto火腿radiatori有褶饰边的面食risotto di mare海鲜饭salmone al fumicato熏鲑鱼salsiccia香肠sandwich三明治sbuffo泡芙schiacciata con l'uva面粉糕饼加葡萄semifreddo冻奶油spaghetti意大利面tacchino火鸡tagliatel鸡蛋宽面(条)tagliatelle al riscampi e tartufo香菇海鲜和宽面tiramisu al caffè提拉米苏toast吐司,烤夹肉面包torta蛋糕torta delnonna用面粉,奶油和糖掺合做成的脆饼torta di frutta果馅饼torta馅饼tortellini环型面食tramezzino三明治vermicelli细面条zabaglione奶油蛋羹zanie al fungo意大利传统千层面zuccotto一种圆松糕zuppa di mais玉米浓汤zuppa di mare海鲜汤zuppa di verdura素菜汤zuppa inglese千层饼。
意⼤利⾯(spaghetti spaghetti squash)意⼤利⾯条-意粉⼉,是西餐正餐中最接近国⼈饮⾷习惯的⾯⾷。
图:意⼤利⾯条南⽠,⼀般从中间切开后,进烤炉,或者蒸熟,⽤拌蔬菜⾊拉的⼤叉挑⼏下,它⾃⼰就成⾯条状了,因⽽称意⼤利⾯条南⽠(spaghetti squash)。
包装盒⼀⾓上注明验证不是转基因⾷品(NON GMO)。
海鲜意面(Spaghetti ai Frutti di Mare)是意大利料理中一道经典的海鲜美食,它的做法简单,口感丰富,深受人们喜爱。
1. 背景介绍意大利作为地中海沿岸国家,拥有丰富多样的海鲜资源,例如鱼、虾、螃蟹和贝壳类海鲜等。
2. 材料准备制作海鲜意面所需的材料包括新鲜海鲜(如鱼、虾、墨鱼等)、大蒜、橄榄油、番茄酱、辣椒、意大利面和少量盐和胡椒粉。
3. 制作步骤(1)准备海鲜:将海鲜材料洗净备用,切好或剁碎,根据个人口味决定是否去壳。
(5)煮意大利面:将意大利面煮至“al dente”(略带嚼劲),并将其捞出备用。
4. 食用建议海鲜意面可搭配一些葡萄酒,如白葡萄酒或者带有柠檬香气的葡萄酒,能提升整体的味觉体验。
5. 原创创意为了丰富味道和色彩,制作海鲜意面过程中可以加入一些创意元素。
意大利面及西餐摆盘 presentation
感谢知乎作者 YU Bo在怎样做
Spaghetti ?利面?有什么
要诀? 这一问
RuoteOrzo源自马行空?我也来造 一款意面 可以吗?
超出寻常 具有现代感的 富有美感 符合”建筑结构美学” 美味 能引领法国当时新兴的新派菜系 (La Nouvelle Cuisine) 即符合人们注重健康, 吃得更少但吃得更好的原则。
Penne + Browned Butter
Spaghetti + Browned Butter
Linguine + Cream Sauce
Linguine + Garlic-andOil
任意 搭配
• 餐叉的发明被认为是西方 饮食进入文明时代的标志
• 严谨 • 精确 • 定量 • 卫生 • 高效 • 整洁 • 标准化
培训的统一 口味的一致
系统工程化的工作方式 总共提交了12套方案 由Voiello的产品工程师对每一项方案进行包括”美味度” 指标在内的一系列技术测试
Rigatoni + Meat Sauce
Fettuccine + Browned Butter
意大利面条的五种做法墨鱼汁意大利细宽面Squid Ink Tagliolini在1487年就被发明的意大利细宽面——Tagliolini,是意面中的经典款,一直是意大利上层社会的最爱之一,它的发明者很可能是一位宫廷厨师。
如果今天你胃口不错,想尝试一些香浓的美食,那Rigatoni 就是一个不错的选择。
由于Rigatoni 的形状比较大、面皮较厚、富有嚼劲儿,通常厨师会用肉酱将其填满然后放入烤箱中烤制,而且酱汁中也会加入奶油、肉类高汤或者红酒。
土豆面团 Potato Gnocchi这是一款很传统但在中国出镜率不高的意大利面。
以鸡蛋面粉为主料的面团 Gnocchi起源于意大利中东部,罗马帝国的扩张将Gnocchi带到了欧洲的其他国家,慢慢地,每个国家也就衍生出了各种不同的Gnocchi。
意大利面Spaghetti/Pasta原料(Ingredients)圆葱 Onion西红柿 Tomato牛肉末 Ground Beef意大利面酱 Spaghetti Sauce橄榄油 Olive Oil意大利面 Spaghetti Noodles黄油 Butter平底锅 Pan步骤 Procedure1.煮意大利面(稍加盐和油) Boil Spaghetti Noodles(add sault and olive oil)2.往锅里倒油Pour Olive Oil into the Pan3.再往油锅里加入黄油Add Butter on Hot Pan4.往油锅里加入圆葱末Add Chopped onion to the Pan(翻炒Stir-Fry)5.加入牛肉末翻炒 Add Ground Beef(翻炒Stir-Fry)6.加入西红柿块Add Chopped Tomato7.加入意大利面酱 Add Spaghetti sauce8.加盐,加黑胡椒,小火焖煮 Add Sault, black papper,basil, Boil with Low hea单词vocabulary1.ingredient食材21.chopped 切碎的2.onion圆葱22.ground 磨碎的3.tomato西红柿23.beef 牛肉4.Ground Beef牛肉末24.tomato 番茄酱5.spaghetti/pasta意大利面25.stir-fry 翻炒6.Sauce酱26.papper 胡椒7.Spaghetti Sauce意大利面酱27.Basil罗勒叶8.olive橄榄28.low 低的9.oil 油29.heat加热10.olive oil 橄榄油30.low heat 小火11.butter 黄油12.pan 平底锅13.Procedure步骤14.boil煮15.noodles面条16.sault盐17.pour into 往...倒18.add to 往...加入19.hot 热的20.pan平底锅。
apéritif 开胃酒kir 基尔酒gin 杜松子rhum 朗姆酒甘蔗酒pastis 马赛名酒茴香酒richardEntrée 前餐Carottes rapees vinaigrette 酸醋沙司胡萝卜丝Oeuf du mayonnaise 清煮蛋配蛋黄酱Avocat sauce crevettes 鳄梨汁虾Consomme vermicelle 清炖意粉Salade de gesiers confits 油焖肫色拉Salade d'endives au roquefort 羊乳干酪苦苣色拉Salade frisee aux lardons 肉丁皱叶菊苣色拉Salade de concombre 黄瓜色拉Salade de tomate 番茄色拉Salade de tomate et concombre 黄瓜番茄色拉Salade verte melangee 绿蔬拼盘色拉Celeri remoulade 蛋黄酱沙司芹菜Saumon fume d'ecosse 苏格兰烟熏鲑鱼Poireaux vinaigrette 酸醋沙司韭葱Saucisson sec beurre 干黄油腊肠Saucisson a l'ail beurre 黄油蒜肠Museau de boeuf vinaigrette 酸醋沙司牛头肉Rillette de porc 熟肉酱(猪肉)Crevettes roses mayonnaise 蛋黄酱明虾Filet de hareng pommes a l'huile 土豆油浸鲱脊Bloc de foie gras de canard 鹅肝酱Jambon de pays beurre 当地黄油火腿6 escargots 6只法式蜗牛12 escargots 12只法式蜗牛Poisson 鱼Bar au four a la graines de fenouil 茴香烤狼鲈Quenelle de brochet sauce nantua nantua酱汁串鱼肠Plat 正菜Entrecote grille maitre d hotel 招牌烤牛排Steak hache sauce poivre vert frites 绿胡椒炸碎牛排Pave de rumsteck au poivre 胡椒牛腿排Pot au feu menagere 家庭炖锅Pot au feu pommes frites 炸薯条炖锅Tranche de boeuf sauce tomate 番茄酱牛肉片Steack cru sauce tartare frites 芥末蛋黄汁炸当地牛排Tete de veau sauce gribiche 蛋黄酱小牛肉Cotes d'agneau grillees frites 烤小羊排Poulet fermier roti frites 烤农场鸡Andouillette de troyes aaaaa grillee frites 烤特洛伊香肠Boudin puree 猪血香肠Choucroute alsacienne 阿尔萨斯腌酸菜Escalope de veau normande 诺曼底小牛肉片Pave de rumsteack grille frites 炸牛腿排Legume 蔬菜Pommes frites 炸薯条Pommes a l' anglaise beurre 英格兰炸薯条Spaghettis 意大利面Choucroute legume 腌酸菜Legumes du pot au feu 炖菜Haricots verts a l' anglaise 英式四季豆Champignons a la provencale 普罗旺斯菇Assiette vegetarienne 素盘Fromage 奶酪Bleu d'auvergne beurre 奥弗涅霉干酪Camembert 卡门贝干酪Saint nectaire 圣蜜腺Emmental (瑞士)爱芒特干酪Fromage de chevre 羊干酪Fromage blanc de campagne 乡村白干酪Pont l' eveque 勒维克奶酪Yaourt 酸乳Dessert 餐后甜点Compote de pommes 苹果酱Creme de marron vanillee 香草栗子奶油Ananas frais 新鲜菠萝Salade de fruits 水果色拉Pruneaux au vin glace vanille 香草冰淇淋李子酒Ile flottante 甜岛(一种奶油蛋白甜食)Coupe de creme chantilly 甜味掼奶油Delice au chocolat creme anglaise 美味英式奶油巧克力Coupe mont blanc (creme de marron chantilly) 勃朗峰(栗子味掼奶油)Pomme ou orange 苹果或桔子Glace 冰淇淋Souffle glace au grand marnier 海之气息Profiteroles au chocolat chaud (夹心巧克力酥球)热巧Peche melba 冰淇淋糖水桃子Peche melba chantilly 甜味冰淇淋糖水桃子Dame blanche 白夫人Vin du Moment 酒Médoc 2004 梅多克葡萄酒Comtesse de BY BY伯爵夫人。
长形意大利面 Spaghetti经典意面,圆形横截面,中等粗细,是我们日常生活中最经常见到的一种意大利面。
扁细面 Linguine这其实是Spaghetti的扁平版,其字面意思为“小舌头”。
传统宽面 Pappardelle意大利人在家中最为常做的自制宽面,适合与各种酱汁搭配,尤其是与牛肝菌等菌类搭配,非常能够凸显菌菇的清香之味。
天使的发丝 Capellini这是目前最细的一种意面,因为形状细长金黄,就像传说中天使的秀发,所以英文中又被称为“Angle Hair”。
意大利宽面 FettuccineFettuccine有“小丝带”的意思,是一款长宽型意大利面,有点像我们平常吃的河粉,但更有韧性,宽宽的表面很能挂得住白汁的美味,比较传统的吃法就是海鲜奶油意面。
意式干面 TagliatelleTagliatelle与意大利宽面Fettuccine基本属于同类,都是揉制新鲜的面团,擀干成薄而平的面皮压切而成,区别仅仅是意式干面要更窄一点、厚一点。
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十种最佳意大利面菜谱Spaghetti美味的意大利面做起来并不复杂,笔者从国外摘录了十种最佳意大利面菜谱,与大家分享.西餐和中餐很大一个区别在于调味品,调料的差异,中餐依靠五味烹调出千千万万的变化,而西餐则有几千种调味料,恐怕都很难有人清楚整理出到底有多少~所以笔者仅翻译配料,以飱同好,实际操作都很简单,请大家阅读原文~注:本文推荐意大利面做法为国外最新十佳排名,说直白一些就是老外自己评分得到的十佳,和我们在国内常见的传统做法有很大不同,应该属奉献给国内追求饮食时尚,潮流的朋友.至于传统经典的意大利面比如肉酱面,培,海鲜面,本文不再狗尾续貂赘述~Halloween Bloody Baked Rats 万圣烤红鼠This is a fun, inexpensive, creepy Halloween entree that will gross outand impress your dinner guests. It is mini meatloaves baked in tomatosauce that are shaped like rats with cheese in the middle. When you cutit open, gooey cheese will come oozing out. Garnished with a spaghettinoodle tail and carrot ears, these pests are sure to be a devilishlydelectable dinner." ANGELA O.Ingredients∙ 2 pounds ground beef 2 磅牛肉馅∙1/2 onion, chopped半个洋葱,切碎∙ 1 egg, beaten一个鸡蛋,打散∙ 1 cup dry bread crumbs 1杯干面包屑∙ 1 (1.25 ounce) packet meatloaf seasoning mix 1.25盎司 1 小撮肉糜卷的调料(超市购买,或自制)∙ 1 cup cubed Cheddar cheese 1 小杯切达干酪(英国产)∙ 3 (10 ounce) cans tomato sauce三听番茄酱(10盎司)∙ 1 cup white sugar 1杯糖∙ 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce一大汤匙伍斯特酱油(辣醋酱油、英国黑醋或伍斯特沙司)∙ 1 ounce uncooked spaghetti, broken into fourths 1 盎司意大利面,分成四份∙1/2 carrot, cut into 1/8-inch thick slices半个胡萝卜,切成1/8英寸的片∙ 1 tablespoon frozen green peas一汤匙冰冻豌豆Directions1.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).2.In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, onion, egg, bread crumbs, and meatloaf seasoning. Use yourhands to mix until well blended. Measure out 1/3 cupfuls of the meat mixture and mold around a cube of cheese like a meatball. Shape into a point at one end and lengthen the body a bit by rolling between your hands. Place your ''rat'' into a shallow baking dish, and continue with the remaining meat. Insert pieces of uncooked spaghetti into the rounded end of the rats to make tails.3.In a medium bowl, stir together the tomato sauce, sugar and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over the ratsin the dish and cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil.4.Bake for 45 minutes in the preheated oven. Uncover the dish and continue to bake for another 20 to 30minutes, basting occasionally with the sauce to glaze the rats.5.While the rats finish baking, heat the peas and carrots in a small bowl in the microwave for about 15seconds.6.Carefully transfer the rats to a serving platter so that their delicate tails don't fall off. Press peas intothe pointy end to make eyes, and insert carrot slices to make ears. Spoon some of the tomato sauce around them and serveWhat to Drink?Meatball Minestrone意大利蔬菜浓汤(有通心粉、干豆及蔬菜的一种汤)By: Linda de Beaudrap"'As the busy parents of two boys, my husband and I are always on thelookout for quick meals,' writes Linda de Beaudrap of Calgary, Alberta. 'Youdon't have to thaw the frozen meatballs for this satisfying soup, so you canhave it on the table in minutes.'"“‘两个男孩的忙碌父母,丈夫和我都在寻找可快速完成的菜谱. 无需解冻肉丸, 这汤无论味道还是速度都令人满意,你可以在几分钟内把它端到桌上。
”Linda De beaudrap, 来自加拿大的阿尔伯塔省,卡尔加里市。
Ingredients∙ 6 cups water 6 杯水∙ 1 (16 ounce) can kidney beans, rinsed and drained 1听腰豆,洗净,控水(16盎司)∙ 1 (16 ounce) package frozen mixed vegetables 1把冰冻蔬菜(16盎司)∙ 2 tablespoons beef bouillon granules 2 大汤匙牛肉汤精∙ 1 tablespoon dried minced onion 1 大汤匙干碎洋葱∙ 1 bay leaf 1片月桂∙ 1 teaspoon dried basil一汤匙干罗勒∙ 1 teaspoon salt一汤匙盐∙1/2 teaspoon pepper半汤匙胡椒粉∙ 4 ounces spaghetti, broken into 2-inch pieces 4盎司意大利面,截断为2英尺长度∙24 cooked meatballs 24个熟肉丸∙ 1 (14.5 ounce) can stewed tomatoes 1听熟番茄Directions1.In a Dutch oven or soup kettle, combine the first nine ingredients. Bring to a boil; add spaghetti.Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 10 minutes or until spaghetti is tender. Add the meatballs and tomatoes; heat through. Discard bay leaf.Garden-Fresh Spaghetti 新鲜蔬菜意面By: Sue Yaeger"This thick pasta sauce with fresh-from-the-garden flavor is chock-full ofpeppers, mushrooms, carrots and onion. 'It makes a big batch, so you'llhave plenty to serve over spaghetti with leftovers for other meals,' observesSue Yaeger from Boone, Iowa."Ingredients∙ 4 cups sliced fresh mushrooms 4杯新鲜蘑菇,切片∙ 3 medium carrots, coarsely chopped 3 个胡萝卜,切块∙ 1 cup chopped celery 1杯切碎的芹菜∙ 1 cup chopped onion 1杯切碎洋葱∙1/2 cup chopped green pepper半杯切碎的青椒∙1/2 cup chopped sweet red pepper半杯切碎的红青椒(甜)∙ 4 garlic cloves, minced 4个大蒜切碎∙1/4 cup vegetable oil ¼ 杯植物油∙ 2 (28 ounce) cans crushed tomatoes 2听(28盎司)碎番茄∙ 2 (15 ounce) cans tomato sauce 2听(15盎司)番茄酱∙ 1 (12 ounce) can tomato paste 1听(12盎司)番茄意大利面酱∙ 1 cup beef broth 1杯牛肉汤∙ 2 teaspoons dried basil 2汤匙干罗勒∙ 2 teaspoons dried oregano 2汤匙薄荷叶(牛至)∙ 1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar 1+1/2 汤匙褐糖∙ 1 teaspoon salt 1汤匙盐∙1/2 teaspoon pepper ½汤匙胡椒粉∙ 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1杯搓碎的意大利干酪∙Hot cooked spaghetti煮好的热意大利面Directions1.In a Dutch oven, saute the mushrooms, carrots, celery, onion, peppers and garlic in oil until tender.Add the next 10 ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 1 hour. Serve over spaghetti.Spaghetti Carbonara II培根蘑菇意面 IIBy: SABRINATEE"A super rich, classic 'bacon and egg' spaghetti dish. Great to serve forcompany. This recipe also makes an unusual brunch offering."Ingredients∙ 1 pound spaghetti 1磅意大利面条∙ 1 tablespoon olive oil1汤匙橄榄油∙8 slices bacon, diced8片培根丁∙ 1 tablespoon olive oil1汤匙橄榄油∙ 1 onion, chopped1洋葱,切碎∙ 1 clove garlic, minced1瓣蒜,切碎∙1/4 cup dry white wine (optional) 1 /4杯干白葡萄酒(可选)∙ 4 eggs4个鸡蛋∙1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese1/ 2杯,芝士粉∙ 1 pinch salt and black pepper to taste1捏盐和黑胡椒调味∙ 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley2汤匙剁碎的新鲜欧芹∙ 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese2汤匙芝士粉Directions1.In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook spaghetti pasta until al dente. Drain well. Toss with 1tablespoon of olive oil, and set aside.2.Meanwhile in a large skillet, cook chopped bacon until slightly crisp; remove and drain onto papertowels. Reserve 2 tablespoons of bacon fat; add remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil, and heat in reused large skillet. Add chopped onion, and cook over medium heat until onion is translucent. Add minced garlic, and cook 1 minute more. Add wine if desired; cook one more minute.3.Return cooked bacon to pan; add cooked and drained spaghetti. Toss to coat and heat through, addingmore olive oil if it seems dry or is sticking together. Add beaten eggs and cook, tossing constantly with tongs or large fork until eggs are barely set. Quickly add 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, and toss again.Add salt and pepper to taste (remember that bacon and Parmesan are very salty).4.Serve immediately with chopped parsley sprinkled on top, and extra Parmesan cheese at table. Video/video/823/spaghetti-carbonara-ii/detail.aspx?prop24=RD_RecipeVideoBeef and Spaghetti Pie 牛肉意面派By: CHUBS"This recipe, adapted to use the traditional flavors of Classico® Pasta Sauce, wasoriginally submitted by Allrecipes home cook CHUBS. "Ingredients∙ 1 pound spaghetti 1磅意大利面条∙ 1 pound lean ground beef 1磅瘦牛肉∙1/4 teaspoon salt 1 /4茶匙盐∙1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 /4茶匙黑胡椒∙garlic powder to taste蒜粉∙1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper •1 /2杯切碎的绿色甜椒∙26 ounces Classico® Tomato and Basil Sauce 26盎司古典®番茄罗勒酱∙3/4 cup sour cream 3 /4杯酸奶∙1/2 cup chopped green onions 1 /2杯切碎的绿洋葱∙1/2 (8 ounce) package cream cheese 1 /2(8盎司)包、奶油奶酪∙ 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese1+1 /2杯碎干酪Directions1.Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until aldente; drain.2.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).3.In a skillet over medium heat, brown the ground beef. Drain and crumble. Put crumbled beef in skillet.Stir in salt, pepper, garlic powder, bell pepper and pasta sauce. Bring to a boil; reduce heat andsimmer for 20 minutes.4.In a small bowl combine sour cream, green onions and cream cheese and set aside. Coat a 9x13 inchbaking dish with cooking spray and add the cooked spaghetti. Spread the cream cheese mixture over it, add the meat mixture and sprinkle with Cheddar Cheese.5.Cover and bake for 25 minutes. Uncover and bake for 5 more minutes until the cheese is bubbly.Pantry Puttanesca 红伶面By: Julie Filips"Puttanesca is a hearty tomato sauce with a rich texture and a spicy kick. Pair it with hot pasta, and a fresh tasting, wholesome dinner will be on the table in no time."Ingredients∙1/3 cup olive oil 1 /3杯橄榄油∙ 3 cloves garlic, minced 3瓣大蒜,剁碎∙1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste 1 /4茶匙碎红辣椒片∙ 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1茶匙干牛至∙ 3 anchovy fillets, chopped, or more to taste 3 鳀鱼片,切碎∙ 2 (15 ounce) cans diced tomatoes, drained. 2(15盎司)罐番茄丁∙ 1 (8 ounce) package spaghetti 1(8盎司)包意大利面条∙1/2 cup chopped pitted kalamata olives 1 /2杯切碎进站卡拉马塔橄榄∙1/4 cup capers, chopped 1/ 4杯马槟榔,切碎Directions1.Fill a large pot with water. Bring to a rolling boil over high heat.2.As the water heats, pour the olive oil into a cold skillet and stir in the garlic. Turn heat to medium-low and cook and stir until the garlic is fragrant and begins to turn a golden color, 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in the red pepper flakes, oregano, and anchovies. Cook until anchovies begin to break down, about 2 minutes.3.Pour tomatoes into skillet, turn heat to medium-high, and bring sauce to a simmer. Use the back of a spoon to break down tomatoes as they cook. Simmer until sauce is reduced and combined, about 10 minutes.4.Meanwhile, cook the pasta in the boiling water. Drain when still very firm to the bite, about 9 minutes. Reserve 1/2 cup pasta water.5.Stir the olives and capers into the sauce; add pasta and toss to combine.6.Toss pasta in sauce until pasta is cooked through and well coated with sauce, about 1 minute. If sauce becomes too thick, stir in some of the reserved pasta water to thin."荡妇酱",一种意大利面酱汁,用黑橄榄、刺山柑、鯷鱼、番茄制成Whole Wheat Pasta with Smoked Clams andFiddleheads 烟熏蛤蜊,蕨菜全麦面By: donnacim"Fiddleheads give this dish nice texture and lots of visual appeal. Make sure to boil them a minimum of 10 minutes, as there is a history of undercooked fiddleheads leading to unpleasant endings to an otherwise nice evening. The smoked clams add a unique flavor."Ingredients∙ 1 cup fiddleheads, ends trimmed 1 杯特色蕨菜,两端修剪∙1/2 (16 ounce) package whole-wheat spaghetti 1 /2包(16盎司)全麦面条∙ 2 tablespoons olive oil 2汤匙橄榄油∙ 2 large cloves garlic, minced 2大瓣蒜,切碎∙ 2 (3.75 ounce) cans smoked clams, drained and chopped 2(3.75盎司)罐烟熏蛤蜊,沥干,切碎∙ 2 tablespoons dry white wine 2汤匙干白葡萄酒∙1/2 teaspoon salt 1 /2茶匙盐∙1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, or to taste 1/ 4杯,芝士粉Directions1.Place the fiddleheads into a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduceheat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until tender, about 15 minutes. The water will turn brown. Drain, and set aside.2.While the fiddleheads are boiling, fill a large pot with lightly salted water and bring to a rolling boil overhigh heat. Once the water is boiling, stir in the spaghetti, and return to a boil. Cook the pasta uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the pasta has cooked through, but is still firm to the bite, about 12 minutes.Drain well in a colander set in the sink.3.Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook and stir the garlic until fragrant, then stir inthe smoked clams. Stir in the drained fiddleheads, white wine, and salt. Cook until heated through, about5 minutes. Toss with spaghetti, and serve with Parmesan cheese.Baked Spaghetti 烤意面By: Louise Miller"This yummy spaghetticasserole will be requestedagain and again for potlucks and family gatherings. From Westminster, Maryland, Louise Miller writes, 'It's especially popular with my grandchildren, who just love all the cheese.'"Ingredients∙ 1 (16 ounce) package spaghetti 1包(16盎司)意大利面条∙ 1 pound ground beef 1磅的碎牛肉∙ 1 medium onion, chopped 1个中型洋葱,切碎∙ 1 (26 ounce) jar meatless spaghetti sauce 1(26盎司)罐素食酱意大利面∙1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt 1 /2茶匙调味盐∙ 2 eggs 2个鸡蛋∙1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/ 3杯,芝士粉∙ 5 tablespoons butter, melted 5汤匙黄油,融化∙ 2 cups small curd cottage cheese 2杯小凝乳干酪∙ 4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 4杯切碎的马苏里拉芝士Directions1.Cook spaghetti according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook beef and onionover medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. Stir in the spaghetti sauce and seasoned salt;set aside.2.In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, Parmesan cheese and butter. Drain spaghetti; add to egg mixtureand toss to coat.3.Place half of the spaghetti mixture in a greased 13-in. x 9-in. x 2-in. baking dish. Top with half ofthe cottage cheese, meat sauce and mozzarella cheese. Repeat layers. Cover and bake at 350degrees F for 40 minutes. Uncover; bake 20-25 minutes longer or until cheese is melted.4.5.By: LaDonna"Make this tasty dish ahead of time, and cook it when needed. Allow a little extra cooking time if you make this ahead and refrigerate."Ingredients∙12 ounces spaghetti 12盎司意大利面条∙ 1 cup chopped onions 1杯切碎的洋葱∙ 1 cup chopped green bell peppers 1杯切碎的绿色甜椒∙ 1 pound lean ground beef 1磅瘦牛肉∙ 1 (16 ounce) can diced tomatoes 1听(16盎司)番茄丁∙ 1 (4.5 ounce) can mushrooms, drained 1 听(4.5盎司)蘑菇,沥干∙ 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1茶匙干牛至∙ 2 cups shredded mild Cheddar cheese 2杯切碎•轻度切达乳酪∙ 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup 1听(10.75盎司)可以浓缩奶油蘑菇汤∙1/4 cup water 1/ 4杯水∙1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/ 4杯,芝士粉Directions1.Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add spaghetti, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, oruntil al dente. Drain, and set aside.2.In a large skillet over medium-high heat, saute the onions, green peppers and ground beef. Oncebeef is brown and onions and peppers softened, add the tomatoes, mushrooms and oregano.Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes.3.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. Place half of thecooked spaghetti into the prepared dish. Top with half of the meat mixture. Sprinkle with 1 cup of the mild Cheddar cheese. Repeat. In a medium bowl, mix together cream of mushroom soup and water until smooth; pour over casserole. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.4.Bake in preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.。