Sydney Pollack
摩天高跟鞋以25厘米创 造了鞋款的新高度。这些 “恨天高”利用了各种钢铁 配件,与皮料等不同材料 打造而成,其中最为吸引 眼球的是外形酷似龙虾爪 或驴蹄的鞋款。
MacQueen狂妄 不羁的 性格。他还是典型 的恐怖 美学的忠实拥护者 ,他剪刀下的女性 总有 那么一种锐利和强 悍。
Alexander McQueen_2003_秋冬成衣发布
McQueen 在复古和工艺方面的热情一发不 可收拾,成为新千年初的创作重点。
本系列便受到了Sydney Pollack于 1969 年拍摄的电影《孤注一掷 (They Shoot Horses, Don't They?)》 的启发 McQueen 的秀成功地表现了希望破 灭后的绝望和疲惫
Alexander McQueen_1997_秋冬成衣发布
1998 春夏的“黄金雨”系列也充满 了争议,在隐晦的性主题下诞生了一个 经典廓形和妆容,超紧身的桶状连衣裙 在 2009 春夏发布的时候勒晕了 Abby Lee,而泪痕烟熏妆在 2003 春夏秀场 再次出现。
1998年倒退时光:这是17世纪的玛丽安 托瓦内特时装风格
Alexander McQueen_2002_秋冬成衣发布
延续并加强之前的强势感,其中皮 革的绑带设计在之后的男装发布中多次 出现。
Alexander McQueen_2003_春夏成衣发布
设计开始转向柔美与复古,正常秀的前 后对比也非常强烈,前半节是复古的海盗造型, 邻近尾声时突然转为色彩斑斓绚丽的“鹦鹉”, 这也是 McQueen 在色彩和图案方面的首次触 电。
Second Class Mail (1985)
Broken Rainbow (1985)破碎的彩虹
Wizard of the Strings, The (1985)
Madres dela Plazade Mayo, Las (1985)
Soldiers in Hiding (1985)
Out of Africa (1985)走出非洲悉尼波拉克(Sydney Pollack)
Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985)蜘蛛女之吻赫克托阿尔特里欧(Hector Babenco)
Prizzi's Honor (1985)普里兹家族的荣誉约翰休斯顿(John Huston)
Out of Africa (1985)走出非洲
Back to the Future (1985)回到未来
Chorus Line, A (1985)歌舞线上
Ladyhawke (1985)鹰狼传奇
Silverado (1985)西尔弗拉多
Back to the Future (1985)回到未来
Out of Africa (1985)走出非洲梅丽尔斯特里普(Meryl Streep)
Sweet Dreams (1985)甜蜜梦幻杰西卡兰格(Jessica Lange)
Cocoon (1985)魔茧唐阿米奇(Don Ameche)
Jagged Edge (1985)血网边缘罗伯特洛吉亚(Robert Loggia)
Making Overtures: The Story of a Community Orchestra (1985)
電影非原創音樂- 《二○○一太空漫遊》
(2001- A Space Odyssey)
它聽起來一點也不奇異,不神祕,不科技也 不未來,它似乎違反了當代科幻電影配樂的 所有標準。
但很驚人的,它卻展現了前所未有的作用, 它讓在太空中飄浮旋轉的輪形太空站,在無 重力的世界裏翩然起舞,它也讓太空旅程變 得如此優雅,怡人與高貴,從此以後, 科幻電影配樂再也不一樣了.
電影非原創音樂- 《遠離非洲》
(Out Of Africa )
導演薛尼.波拉克(Sydney Pollack)
女主角在垂暮之年,憶述自己的非洲經歷, 也想起了生命中難忘的那個男人(丹尼斯): 「他外出狩獵時還不忘帶著留聲機,三把來 福槍,一個月的口糧和莫札特。」莫札特的 A大調單簧管協奏曲(Concerto for clarinet and orchestra in A (K.622) )第二樂章優雅 地在空中飄盪著。
電影歌曲的產生可以分為兩種:一種是配合 劇情採用非原創的歌曲,另一種是根據電影 內容特別譜寫的原創歌曲。
非原創歌曲--電影《不能說的秘密》 採用了流行於60年代的歌曲《情人的眼淚》。
原創歌曲--電影《菊花台》歌曲《菊花台》 原創歌曲--電影《不能說的秘密》
辯士:台灣早期的默片,除了有樂隊現場的演出,還 有個特殊的人物『辯士』 。
『辯士』是從日文『辯護士』 發展出來的名詞,每 當電播放時,辯士會在一旁同時解說劇情,或是揣摩 劇中角色的音調,替演員說出對白,幫助觀眾更融入 劇情。
優秀的辯士在當時甚至比演員更受觀眾愛戴,是戲院 的活招牌,左右著電影的票房!
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice (1969)两对鸳鸯一张床
Caduta degli dei, La (1969)纳粹狂魔
Easy Rider (1969)逍遥骑士
Wild Bunch, The (1969)日落黄沙
Midnight Cowboy (1969)午夜牛郎
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)安妮的一千日
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969)孤注一掷
Z (1969)大风暴
Z (1969)大风暴
Midnight Cowboy (1969)午夜牛郎达斯廷霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)乔恩沃伊特(Jon Voight)
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (1969)春风不化雨玛吉史密斯(Maggie Smith)
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)安妮的一千日Geneviève Bujold
En marchant (1969)
Of Men and Demons (1969)
Arthur Rubinstein, l'amour de la vie (1969)
Before the Mountain Was Moved (1969)
In the Year of the Pig (1969)
Olympics inMexico, The (1969)
A film report of SabrinaWomen can never live without fairy tales, and that's one of the best.《Sabrina》is a film directed by Sydney Pollack in 1995. It is a romantic love story like Cinderella in which both female leading role starts as an average person without much money or a high social status.Sabrina Fairchild is the daughter of a British driver who is working for the Larrabee’s. She is into the youngest Larrabee son David who is a real playboy. Besides, David has been engaged with another woman as a perfect combination of love and business.When Sabrina returns home, David falls in love with her as soon as he sees her. But, Linus, the oldest Larrabee son, who is in charge of the big family corporation, finds that the relationship between them will ruin the two rich families united. As a successful business man, he decides to divide them. However , he falls in love with her too. Auctually he finally captures her heart.After watching the film, I know something.A confident woman is charming and beautiful. All the changes are after she changes herself in Paris. Someone ignored her falls in love with her immediately. Her beauty and grace attracted Someone . From this movie , I know the glamour of Paris, and I know that the way oflife is change.。
第八十四届(2011-2012)《艺术家》(The Artist)米歇尔·阿扎纳维修 Michel Hazanavicius——《艺术家》The Artist第八十三届(2010-2011)《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech)汤姆·霍珀 Tom Hooper——《国王的演讲》The King's Speech第八十二届(2009-2010)《拆弹部队》(The Hurt Locker)凯瑟琳·毕格罗 Kathryn Bigelow——《拆弹部队》The Hurt Locker第八十一届(2008-2009)《贫民富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)丹尼·保尔 Danny Boyle——《贫民富翁》Slumdog Millionaire第八十届(2007-2008)《老无所依》(No Country For Old Man)伊桑·科恩 Ethan Coen/约尔·科恩 Joel Coen——《老无所依》NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MAN第七十九届(2006-2007)《无间道风云》(The Departed)马丁·斯科塞斯Martin Scorsese——《无间道风云》THE DEPARTED第七十八届(2005-2006)《撞车》(Crash)李安Ang Lee——《断背山》BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN第七十七届(2004-2005)《百万美元宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby)克林特·伊斯特伍德Clint Eastwood——《百万美元宝贝》MILLION DOLLAR BABY第七十六届(2003-2004)《指环王3:王者无敌》(The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King)彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson——《指环王3:王者无敌》THE LORD OF THE RINGS:THE RETURN OF THE KING第七十五届(2002-2003)《芝加哥》(Chicago)罗曼·波兰斯基Roman Polanski——《钢琴家》THE PIANIST第七十四届(2001-2002)《美丽心灵》(A Beautiful Mind)罗恩·霍华德Ron Howard——《美丽心灵》A BEAUTIFUL MIND第七十三届(1999-2000)《角斗士》(Gladiator)史蒂文·索达伯格Steven Soderbergh——《毒品网络》TRAFFIC第七十二届(1998-1999)《美国美人》(American Beauty)萨姆·门德斯Sam Mendes——《美国美人》AMERICAN BEAUTY第七十一届(1997-1998)《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in love)斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格Steven Spielberg――《拯救大兵瑞恩》SAVING PRIVATE RYAN第七十届(1996-1997)《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron――《泰坦尼克号》TITANIC第六十九届(1995-1996)《英国病人》(The English Patient)安东尼·明格拉Anthony Minghella――《英国病人》THE ENGLISH PATIENT第六十八届(1994-1995)《勇敢的心》(Brave Heart)梅尔·吉布森Mel Gibson――《勇敢的心》BRAVE HEART第六十七届(1993-1994)《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)罗伯特·泽梅基斯Robert Zemeckis――《阿甘正传》FORREST GUMP第六十六届(1992-1993)《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler’s List)斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格Steven Spielberg――《辛德勒的名单》SCHINDLER'S LIST第六十五届(1991-1992)《不可饶恕》(Unforgiven)克林特·伊斯特伍德Clint Eastwood――《不可饶恕》UNFORGIVEN第六十四届(1990-1991)《沉默的羔羊》(The Silence of the Lambs)乔纳森·德米Jonathan Demme――《沉默的羔羊》THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS第六十三届(1989-1990)《与狼共舞》(Dances With Wolves)凯文·科斯特纳Kevin Costner――《与狼共舞》DANCES WITH WOLVES第六十二届(1988-1989)《为戴茜小姐开车》(Driving Miss Daisy)奥利佛·斯通Oliver Stone――《生于七月四日》BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY第六十一届(1987-1988)《雨人》(Rain Man)巴里·莱文森Barry Levinson ――《雨人》RAIN MAN第六十届(1986-1987)《末代皇帝》(The Last Emperor)伯纳多·伯托鲁西Bernardo Bertolucci――《末代皇帝》THE LAST EMPEROR第五十九届(1985-1986)《野战排》(Platnoon)奥利佛·斯通Oliver Stone――《野战排》PLATOON第五十八届(1984-1985)《走出非洲》(Out Of Africa)西德尼·波拉克Sydney Pollack——《走出非洲》OUT OF AFRICA第五十七届(1983-1984)《莫扎特》(Amadeus)麦洛斯·弗曼Milos Forman――《莫扎特》AMADEUS第五十六届(1982-1983)《母女情深》(Terms Of Endearment)詹姆士·L·布鲁克斯James L· Brooks――《母女情深》TERMS OF ENDEARMENT第五十五届(1981-1982)《甘地》(Gandhi)理查德·阿坦伯洛Richard Attenborough――《甘地》GANDHI第五十四届(1980-1981)《火的战车》(Chariots Of Fire)沃伦·比蒂Warren Beatty――《赤色分子》REDS第五十三届(1979-1980)《普通人》(Ordinary People)罗伯特·雷德福Robert Redford――《普通人》ORDINARY PEOPLE第五十二届(1978-1979)《克莱默夫妇》(Kramer vs.Kramer)罗伯特·本顿Robert Benton――《克莱默夫妇》KRAMER VS.KRAMER第五十一届(1977-1978)《猎鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)迈克尔·西米诺Michael Cimino――《猎鹿人》THE DEER HUNTER第五十届(1976-1977)《安妮·霍尔》(Annie Hall)伍迪·艾伦Woody Allen――《安妮·霍尔》ANNIE HALL第四十九届(1975-1976)《洛奇》(Rocky)约翰· G·阿维尔德森John G·Avildsen――《洛奇》ROCKY第四十八届(1974-1975)《飞越疯人院》(One Flew Over the Cuckoo ‘s Nest)麦洛斯·弗曼Milos Forman――《飞越疯人院》ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST第四十七届(1973-1974)《教父2》(Godfather 2)弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉Francis Ford Coppola――《教父2》Godfather 2第四十六届(1972-1973)《骗》(The Sting)乔治·罗伊·希尔George Roy Hill――《骗》THE STING第四十五届(1971-1972)《教父》(Godfather 1)鲍勃·弗斯Bob Fosse ――《歌厅》CABARET第四十四届(1970-1971)《法国贩毒网》(The French Connection)威廉·弗莱德金William Friedkin――《法国贩毒网》THE FRENCH CONNECTION第四十三届(1969-1970)《巴顿将军》(Patton)弗兰克林·J·沙夫纳Franklin J·Schaffner――《巴顿将军》PATTON第四十二届(1968-1969)《午夜牛郎》(Midnight Cowboy)约翰·施莱星格John Schlesinger――《午夜牛郎》MIDNIGHT COWBOY第四十一届(1967-1968)《奥利弗》(Oliver!)卡罗尔·里德Carol Reed――《奥利弗》OLIVER!第四十届(1966-1967)《炎热的夜晚》(In the Heat of the Night)麦克·尼可尔斯Mike Nichols――《毕业生》THE GRADUATE第三十九届(1965-1966)《四季之人》(A Man For All Seasons)弗莱德·辛尼曼Fred Zinnemann――《四季之人》A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS第三十八届(1964-1965)《音乐之声》(The Sound Of Music)罗伯特·怀斯Robert Wise――《音乐之声》THE SOUND OF MUSIC第三十七届(1963-1964)《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)乔治·丘克George Cukor――《窈窕淑女》MY FAIR LADY第三十六届(1962-1963)《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)托尼·理查德森Tony Richardson――《汤姆·琼斯》TOM JONES第三十五届(1961-1962)《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence Of Arabia)大卫·里恩David Lean――《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》LAWRENCE OF ARABIA第三十四届(1960-1961)《西区故事》(West Side Story)罗伯特·怀斯Robert Wise/杰罗姆·罗宾斯Jerome Robbins――《西区故事》WEST SIDE STORY第三十三届(1959-1960)《桃色公寓》(The Apartment)比利·威尔德Billy Wilder――《桃色公寓》THE APARTMENT第三十二届(1958-1959)《宾虚》(Ben-Hur)威廉·怀勒William Wyler――《宾虚》BEN-HUR第三十一届(1957-1958)《琪琪》(Gigi)文森特·米尼利Vincente Minnelli――《琪琪》GIGI第三十届(1956-1957)《桂河大桥》(The Bridge On The River Kwai)大卫·里恩David Lean――《桂河大桥》THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI第二十九届(1955-1956)《环球旅行80天》(Around The World In 80 Days)乔治·史蒂文斯George Stevens――《巨人》GIANT第二十八届(1954-1955)《马蒂》(Marty)戴尔伯特·曼Delbert Mann――《马蒂》MARTY第二十七届(1953-1954)《码头风云》(On The Waterfront)伊利亚·卡赞Elia Kazan――《码头风云》ON THE WATERFRONT第二十六届(1952-1953)《永垂不朽》(From Here To Eternity)弗莱德·辛尼曼Fred Zinnemann――《永垂不朽》FROM HERE TO ETERNITY第二十五届(1951-1952)《戏中之王》(The Greatest Show On Earth)约翰·福特John Ford――《默默无语的人》THE QUIET MAN第二十四届(1950-1951)《一个美国人在巴黎》(An American In Paris)乔治·史蒂文斯George Stevens――《美国的悲剧》A PLACE IN THE SUN第二十三届(1949-1950)《慧星美人》(All About Eve)约瑟夫· L·曼基维兹Joseph L· Mankiewicz――《彗星美人》ALL ABOUT EVE第二十二届(1948-1949)《一代奸雄》(ALLTHEKING""SMEN)约瑟夫·L·曼基维兹Joseph L·Mankiewicz――《三妻艳史》A LETTER TO THREE WIVES 第二十一届(1947-1948)《王子复仇记》(Hamlet)约翰·哈斯顿John Huston――《宝石岭》THE TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE第二十届(1946-1947)《君子协定》(Gentlemen""s Agreement)伊利亚·卡赞Elia Kazan――《君子协定》GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT第十九届(1945-1946)《黄金时代》(The Best Years Of Our Lives)威廉·怀勒William Wyler――《黄金时代》THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES第十八届(1944-1945)《失去的周末》(The Lost Weekend)比利·威尔德Billy Wilder――《失去的周末》THE LOST WEEKEND第十七届(1943-1944)《与我同行》(Going My Way)莱奥·麦克卡雷Leo McCarey――《与我同行》GOING MY WAY第十六届(1942-1943)《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)迈克尔·科蒂斯Michael Curtiz――《卡萨布兰卡》CASABLANCA第十五届(1941-1942)《忠勇之家》(Mrs.Miniver)威廉·怀勒William Wyler――《忠勇之家》MRS· MINIVER第十四届(1940-1941)《青山翠谷》(How Green Was My Valley)约翰·福特John Ford――《青碧山谷》HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY第十三届(1939-1940)《蝴蝶梦》(Rebecca)约翰·福特John Ford――《怒火之花》THE GRAPES OF WRATH第十二届(1938-1939)《乱世佳人》(Gone With The Wind)维克多·弗莱明Victor Fleming――《乱世佳人》GONE WITH THE WIND第十一届(1937-1938)《浮生若梦》(You Can’t Take It With You)弗兰克·卡普拉Frank Capra――《浮生若梦》YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU第十届(1936-1937)《左拉传》(The Life Of EmilaZola)莱奥·麦克卡雷Leo McCarey――《春闺风月》THE AWFUL TRUTH第九届(1935-1936)《歌舞大王齐格飞》(The Great Ziegfeld)弗兰克·卡普拉Frank Capra――《富贵浮云》MR· DEEDS GOES TO TOWN第八届(1934-1935)《叛舰谍血记》(Munity On The Bounty)约翰·福特John Ford――《告密者》THE INFORMER第七届(1933-1934)《一夜风流》(It Happened One Night)弗兰克·卡普拉Frank Capra――《一夜风流》IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT第六届(1932-1933)《乱世春秋》(Cavalcade)弗兰克·罗伊德Frank Lloyd――《乱世春秋》CAVALCADE第五届(1931-1932)《大饭店》(Grandhotel)弗兰克·波萨奇Frank Borzage――《坏女郎》BAD GIRL第四届(1930-1931)《壮志千秋》(Cimarron)诺曼·陶洛格Norman Taurog――《淘哥儿》SKIPPY第三届(1929-1930)《西线无战事》(All Quiet on the Western Front)路易斯·麦尔斯通Lewis Milestone――《西线无战事》ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT 第二届(1928-1929)《红伶秘史》(The Broadway Melody)弗兰克·罗伊德Frank Lloyd――《薄命花》THE DIVINE LADY第一届(1927-1928)《翼》(Wing)路易斯·麦尔斯通Lewis Milestone――《两个阿拉伯骑士》TWO ARABIAN KNIGHTS弗兰克·波萨奇Frank Borzage――《七重天》7TH HEAVEN。
**名单最佳**: 甘地传 Gandhi最佳导演: 理查德·阿滕伯勒 Richard Attenborough 《甘地传》最佳男主角: 本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 《甘地传》最佳女主角: 梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 《苏菲的抉择》最佳男配角: 小**斯·格赛特 Louis Gossett Jr. 《军官与绅士》最佳女配角: 杰西卡·兰格 Jessica Lange 《窈窕淑男》最佳原创剧本: 甘地传 Gandhi最佳改编剧本: 大失踪 Missing最佳外语片: 重新开始 Volver a empezar最佳纪录长片: “第五阶级”又一个孩子失踪“The Fifth Estate”Just Another Missing Kid最佳摄影: 甘地传 Gandhi最佳剪辑: 甘地传 Gandhi最佳视觉效果: E.T. 外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial最佳音效剪辑: E.T. 外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial最佳音响: E.T. 外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial最佳艺术指导: 甘地传 Gandhi最佳服装设计: 甘地传 Gandhi最佳化妆: 火之战 La guerre du feu最佳原创配乐: E.T. 外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial最佳原创歌曲: 军官与绅士 An Officer and a GentlemanBest Music, Original Song Score and Its Adaptation or Best Adaptation Score: 雌雄莫辨 Victor/Victoria最佳动画短片: 探戈 Tango最佳真人短片: 骇人事故 A Shocking Accident最佳纪录短片: 如果你热爱这个星球 If You Love This Planet 终身成就奖: 米基·鲁尼 Mickey Rooney吉恩·赫肖尔特人道**奖: 沃尔特·米里施 Walter Mirisch奥斯卡功绩奖: Erich Kaestner戈登·E·索耶奖: 约翰·奥尔堡 John Aalberg甘地传 Gandhi甘地传 Gandhi**导演: 理查德·阿滕伯勒编剧: 约翰·布瑞雷主演: 本·金斯利 / 坎迪斯·伯根 / 爱德华·福克斯 / 约翰·吉尔古德 / 约翰·米尔斯 / 马丁·辛 / 丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯类型: 剧情 / 传记 / **制片/地区: 英国 / 印度 /语言: 英语上映*期: 1982-12-03片长: 191 分钟又名: 甘地/ Richard Attenborough’sFilm: GandhiIMDb**: tt0083987豆瓣评分: 8.6简介本片记录了印度圣雄甘地史诗般传奇伟大的一生。
澳新凯旅游攻略1. 简介澳新凯,也就是澳大利亚、新西兰和凯恩斯,是许多旅行者梦寐以求的旅游目的地之一。
2. 澳大利亚2.1 必游景点•悉尼歌剧院:这座世界级标志性建筑是悉尼的地标之一,不仅可以欣赏到其独特的建筑风格,还可以观看丰富多样的演出。
2.2 特色美食•顶级牛扒:澳大利亚以其牛肉品质著称。
2.3 旅行建议•季节选择:澳大利亚位于南半球,四季与北半球相反。
3. 新西兰3.1 必游景点•奥克兰:这座城市以其美丽的港湾和充满活力的文化而闻名。
☺《热情如火》(Some Like It Hot)【导演】比利·怀尔德(Billy Wilder)【主要演员】玛丽莲梦露(Marilyn Monroe)托尼柯蒂斯 (Tony Curtis)杰克莱蒙 (Jack Lemmon)乔治拉夫特 (George Raft)【奖项】奥斯卡最佳服装设计奖【简介】男扮女装的题材,历久弥新。
091. 1964 My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女 George Cukor
092. 1951 A Place In The Sun 郎心如铁;太阳浴血记 George Stevens
086. 1935 Mutiny On The Bounty 叛舰喋血记 Frank Lloyd
087. 1931 Frankenstein 科学怪人 James Whale
088. 1969 Easy Rider 逍遥骑士;迷幻车手 Dennis Hopper
089. 1970 Patton 巴顿将军 Franklin J. Schaffner
078. 1976 Rocky 洛基第一集 John G. Avildsen
079. 1978 The Deer Hunter 猎鹿人;越战猎鹿人 Michael Cimino
080. 1969 The Wild Bunch 日落黄沙 Sam Peckinpah
081. 1936 Modern Times 摩登时代 Charlie Chaplin
007. 1967 The Graduate 毕业生 Mike Nichols
008. 1954 On the waterfront 岸上风云;码头风云 Elia Kazan
009. 1993 Schindler’s List 辛德勒的名单;辛德勒名单 Steven Spielberg
010. 1952 Singing in the Rain 万花嬉春;雨中曲 Gene Kelly And Stanley Donen
018. 1960 Psycho 惊魂记 Alfred Hitchcock
新概念一61课课文原文Was a famous actress. She died a few years ago. She was in a lot of films.TOM: Look, Karen! Here it is.Read the headline. It says: "Film star: Terrible accident."KAREN: By "film star" do you mean Sydney Pollack?TOM: He's a director. I mean the actress in the film.KAREN: Which film?TOM: That film we saw last week. Don't you remember?KAREN: Do you mean the one where the girl died in a swimming - pool?TOM: Yes, that's right. She died in a swimming - pool.KAREN: How did it happen?TOM: "Early this morning, people were walking by the swimming - pool. Then they saw something strange in the water. It was the body of the famous actress. She was floating on the water. Dead. "KAREN: It's very sad.TOM: Here, read the story.KAREN: "Film star: Terrible accident. Early this morning, people were walking by the swimming - pool. Then they saw something strange in the water. It was the body of the famous actress. She was floating on the water.Dead. She was filming a new film at the time of her death. It was a horror film. She was playing the part of a ghost. She died in a horrible way. "TOM: It's really terrible.。
《大玩家》影评10篇《大玩家》是一部由罗伯特·奥特曼执导,蒂姆·罗宾斯 / 格列塔·斯卡奇 / 弗莱德·沃德主演的一部剧情 / 喜剧 / 犯罪类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。
《大玩家》影评(四):The Player格里芬·米尔是好莱坞一家大制片公司的制片人。
电影名称: 走出非洲英文名称: Out of Africa地区: 美国影片类别: 爱情/ 剧情/导演: 悉尼·波拉克(Sydney Pollack)主要演员: 罗伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford) 梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)剧情介绍《走出非洲》是一部表现得而复失-丧失了像田园诗一般美好、质朴生活的影片。
走出非洲 文本分析
《走出非洲》电影分析片名:Out of Africa《走出非洲》导演:西德尼·波拉克 Sydney Pollack主演:梅丽尔·斯特里普、罗伯特·雷德福、克劳斯·马利亚·布朗道尔、故事情节:《走出非洲》是丹麦女作家伊萨克·迪内森(Isak Dinesen)的自传性小说。
凯伦(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)是一个爱慕虚荣的富家女,为了得到一个男爵夫人的称号她离开故土丹麦远嫁非洲,然而男爵夫人的称号并没有给凯伦带来美满的婚姻生活。
在一次打猎遇险时,凯伦邂逅了英国贵族丹尼斯(罗伯特·雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)。
英语影视欣赏期末考试English Movie AppreciationFinal Examination题目:The Appreciation Of Out of Africa分数:__________________________ 学生:学号:时间:教师:英语影视欣赏期末考试English Movie Appreciation Final ExaminationDirections:Choose one of the greatest American movies that you like most, Write Down the following informationI. The basic information (10 points)a. the directorb. the studioc. the main charactersII. The Plot(30 points)200III. The comment (60 points)备注: 用A4纸打印, 字体: Time New Roman, 标题4号,正文小四号.Please write in EnglishI. The basic information (10 points)a.the director Sydney Pollackb.adaptorKaren Blixen .....(books "Out of Africa", "Shadows on the Grass" and "Letters from Africa") (as Isak Dinesen)Judith Thurman .....(book "Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller")Errol Trzebinski .....(book "Silence Will Speak")Kurt Luedtke .....(screenplay)c.actorMeryl Streep .....Karen Christence Dinesen Blixenobert Redford .....Denys George Finch HattonKlaus Maria Brandauer .....Baron Bror Blixen/Baron Hans BlixenSuzanna Hamilton .....FelicityLeslie Phillips .....Sir JosephMichael Kitchen .....Berkeley ColeMalick Bowens .....FarahJoseph Thiaka .....KamanteStephen Kinyanjui .....KinanjuiMichael Gough .....Lord DelamereRachel Kempson dy BelfieldGraham Crowden .....Lord Belfieldd.the directorSydney Pollackc.adaptorKaren Blixen .....(books "Out of Africa", "Shadows on the Grass" and "Letters from Africa") (as Isak Dinesen)Judith Thurman .....(book "Isak Dinesen: The Life of a Storyteller")Errol Trzebinski .....(book "Silence Will Speak")Kurt Luedtke .....(screenplay)Robert Redford .....Denys George Finch HattonKlaus Maria Brandauer .....Baron Bror Blixen/Baron Hans BlixenSuzanna Hamilton .....FelicityLeslie Phillips .....Sir JosephMichael Kitchen .....Berkeley ColeMalick Bowens .....FarahJoseph Thiaka .....KamanteStephen Kinyanjui .....KinanjuiMichael Gough .....Lord DelamereRachel Kempson dy BelfieldGraham Crowden .....Lord Belfielde.the studioSydney Pollack .....producerAnna Cataldi .....associate producerTerence A. Clegg (as Terence Clegg)Kim Jorgensen .....executive producerJudith Thurman .....associate producerf.musicJohn Barryg.make companyMirage EntertainmentUniversal Pictures ... (2006) (USA) (theatrical)g.Publish companyArgentina Video Home (AVH) ..... (Argentina) (video)CIC Vídeo ..... (Brazil) (VHS)Columbia TriStar ..... (Brazil) (DVD)MCA/Universal Pictures ..... (Brazil) (DVD) time(Los Angeles, California) (premiere) (USA)II. The Plot(30 points)200Follows the life of Karen Blixen, who establishes a plantation in Africa. Her life is Complicated by a husband of convenience (Bror Blixen), a true love (Denys), troubles on the plantation, schooling of the natives, war, and catching VD from her husband.Karen Blixen, a Danish woman, marries a friend for the title of Baroness and they move to Africa and start a coffee plantation. Things unfold when her husband begins cheating on her and is away on business often, so she's at home alone, working on the farm and bonding with two men she met in her first day in Africa. She eventually falls in love with the one, Denys Finch-Hatton and goes on safari and whatnot with him. Later, she begins to want more from him than the simple friendship/relationship they have and pushes marriage, but Denys still wants his freedom. By the end, she's gained a much better understanding and respect for the African culture than when she came.A study of the life of Danish noblewoman and storyteller Karen ('Isak') Dinesen Blixen, from her marriage and departure for Kenya in 1913 until her return to Denmark in 1931. As she struggles to maintain a coffee farm through various struggles and disasters, and strives to improve relations with the local natives, her marriage of convenience to a titled aristocrat gradually gives way to an enduring romance with the noted hunter and adventurer Denys Finch Hatton.III. The comment (60 points)OUT OF AFRICA is based on the memoirs of Danish writer Karen Blixen (pen name, Isak Dinesen) in a coffee plantation in present day Kenya. It explains how this brave woman overcomes the stereotype of a dainty, colonial British lady by running the coffee farm while her husband Bror Blixen (Brandauer) led a life of hunting and infidelities. Meryl Streep is great as Karen Blixen. She manages to maintain therealistic Danish accent through the whole film. Redford is great as Denys Finch-Hatton, the Etonian hunter who keeps companion in her loneliest and hardest. But the real attraction of the film is he outstanding photography of the African landscape together with the sweeping John Barry soundtrack that is probably the most beautiful movie soundtrack of the 1980s. OUT OF AFRICA will be regarded as Sydney Pollack's asterpiece and a Classic of our times。
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VOICE ONE:I'm Barbara Klein.VOICE TWO:And I'm Steve Ember with People in America in VOA Special English. Today we tell about movie director and producer Sydney Pollack. He made many popular movies with some of the biggest stars in Hollywood. The award-winning movies he directed in the nineteen seventies and eighties include "The Way We Were", "Tootsie" and "Out of Africa."(MUSIC)VOICE ONE:Sydney Pollack in New York City,2006Sydney Pollack also acted in many films, including "Tootsie," released in nineteeneighty-two.In the movie, Dustin Hoffman plays an actor, Michael Dorsey. He has trouble getting acting jobs because he is very difficult to work with.He goes to see his agent, George Fields, whose job is to get him acting jobs. Sydney Pollock plays the agent.(SOUND)Fields:"Nobody will hire you."Dorsey: "Are you saying that nobody in New York will work with me?"Fields: "No, that's too limiting.Nobody in Hollywood will work with you either.I can't even send you up for a commercial.You played a tomato for thirty seconds and they went half a day over schedule because you wouldn't sit down."Dorsey: "Yes, it wasn't logical."Fields: "You were a tomato! A tomato doesn't have logic! A tomato can't move!Dorsey: "That's what I said! So if he can't move, how's he gonna sit down, George?VOICE ONE:Later, Michael Dorsey proves his agent wrong. He dresses up like a woman and gets a job acting on a popular daytime television series.VOICE TWO:"Tootsie" was a huge success. But filming it was not easy. Hoffman and Pollack argued about the movie. Pollack wanted to bring attention to the love affair between the two main characters. Hoffman wanted to make a funnier version of the story. The movie cost more money and took more time to make than it was supposed to.But in the end, "Tootsie" received ten Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture. It earned over one hundred and seventy million dollars in the United States.VOICE ONE:Sydney Pollack received an Emmyaward in 1966 for outstandingdirectorial achievementSydney Pollack made movies with big stars, high production values and often political or moral subjects. His movies were popular with the general public while also remaining sharply intelligent. He said that his movies were not about special effects and high technology action scenes. He said his movies were character driven stories defined by the performances of the actors.(MUSIC)VOICE TWO:Sydney Irwin Pollack was born in nineteen thirty-four in Lafayette, Indiana. His parents were Russian-Americans who met in college in Indiana.In high school, Sydney discovered his love of theater. He later moved to New York City to study at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theater. Pollack studied there for two years, then continued working as an assistant to the head of the school's acting department. In nineteenfifty-eight, he married Claire Griswold.VOICE ONE:Sydney Pollack acted in many plays during this early part of his career. One person he met during these years was the actor Burt ncaster suggested that Pollack try directing instead of acting. Pollack later said that his time as an acting teacher helped him a great deal in developing his method as a director.VOICE TWO:During the nineteen sixties, Sydney Pollack began directing shows on television like "Ben Casey" and "Naked City."His first full-length movie, "The Slender Thread," came out in nineteen sixty-five, followed a year later by "This Property is Condemned." These were not successful.Then, in nineteen sixty-nine, Pollack directed "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" This movie tells an intense story about a group of people in a dance competition during the Great Depression in the nineteen thirties.Jane Fonda and Michael Sarrazin give powerful performances as two struggling contestants. The film received nine Academy Award nominations, including one for Pollack.VOICE ONE:Robert Redford starred in many of Pollack's movies. The two became friends in the early nineteen sixties.They worked together on seven movies.One is a western, "Jeremiah Johnson." Another is "The Way We Were" which stars the actress and singer Barbra Streisand.In "Three Days of the Condor" Robert Redford plays a worker at the Central Intelligence Agency who becomes caught in a deadly political plot.(MUSIC)VOICE TWO:Sydney Pollack's best movie is probably "Out of Africa" which was released in nineteen eighty-five. This beautifully filmed movie was based on a book by the Danish writer Karen Blixen about her life. She wrote the book under the name Isak Dinesen. She moved to Kenya in nineteen fourteen to buy land and operate a coffee-growing farm.Pollack's movie version brought to life the great love story between Baroness Blixen and the big-game hunter Denys Finch Hatton.Two of the biggest stars of the nineteen eighties, Meryl Streep and Robert Redford, play the lovers. Here they meet for the first time.Karen Blixen is looking at the wildlife on her land when her horse runs away. She sees a lion walking towards her.(SOUND)Finch Hatton: "I wouldn't run. If you do, she'll think you're something good to eat."Blixen: "Do you have a gun?"Finch Hatton: "She won't like the smell of you."Blixen: "Shoot it."Finch Hatton: "She's had breakfast."Blixen: "Please shoot her."Finch Hatton: "Let's give her a moment."Blixen: "Oh my God, shoot her!"(The lion walks away.)Blixen: "How much closer did you expect her to let her come?"Finch Hatton: "A bit. She wanted to see if you would run. That's how they decide -- a lot like people that way."Blixen: "She almost had me for lunch!"Finch Hatton:" It wasn't her fault, baroness. She's a lion."VOICE ONE:"Out of Africa" won seven Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Picture for Sydney Pollack.Five years later, Pollack directed "Havana", also starring Robert Redford. This movie was followed by "The Firm" and "Sabrina."In two thousand five Pollack directed "The Interpreter" starring Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman. Part of the movie was filmed in the United Nations building in New York City. It is the only movie ever filmed inside the buildings of the UN General Assembly and Security Council.VOICE TWO:Sydney Pollack once said that he backed into filmmaking and never actually trained for the job. He said that directing movies made him very tense. He noted that everyfifteen-minute period in making a movie represents thousands of dollars, so a director is concerned about the clock every minute.VOICE ONE:Pollack also produced many films during his long career. He started a production company called Mirage Productions in the nineteen eighties.He said that he liked the creative part of being a producer. And he said he liked producing because not getting the praise or the blame for a movie was a big relief.His production credits include "Sense and Sensibility", "The Talented Mister Ripley" and "Cold Mountain."He also produced "Michael Clayton" which was nominated for Best Picture in two thousand eight.In two thousand five, he directed and produced "Sketches of Frank Gehry," a documentary about the famous architect. Here, Pollack talks about his friendship with Frank Gehry.Sydney Pollack: "Frank's got his own original and sort of perverse way of doing things. We've been friends for several years. We spend a lot of time together bemoaning the difficulties of trying to find personal expressiveness within disciplines that makes stringent commercial demands. Several people approached him with the idea of making a documentary about him. When he asked me if I'd do it, I thought he was crazy. It's not just that I didn't know anything about making documentaries, I didn't even know anything about architecture. That's why you're perfect, he said."(SOUND)VOICE TWO:Throughout his career, Sydney Pollack never stopped acting. He said that once in a while he could not resist being able to spy on other directors by acting in their films. He said that he learned new methods and techniques from these directors. Pollack has played many kinds of roles in movies such as "Husbands and Wives" directed by Woody Allen; "Eyes Wide Shut", directed by Stanley Kubrick, and "The Player", directed by Robert Altman. He even made appearances in television shows such as "Will and Grace" and "Entourage."In "Michael Clayton" Pollack plays a high-powered lawyer named Marty Bach. He is head of a group of lawyers involved in a difficult case. Here is a scene with Pollack and George Clooney who plays one of the lawyers, Michael Clayton.(SOUND)Marty:"Everybody knows how valuable you are, Michael, everyone who needs to know."Michael: "I'm forty-five years old and I'm broke. I've been riding shotgun for twelve years and I got no equity. I'm sorry,I don't feel reassured."Marty:" Nobody told you to go into the bar business."Michael:" I only opened it so that I have something else, I'd have a way out."Marty: "I had no idea that you were so unhappy."Michael: "How many times did I ask you to put me back on a litigation team."Marty: "Hey, anyone can go to court, you think that's so special?"Michael:" I was good at it!"Marty: "Wonderful, so are a lot of people. At this, what you do, you're great."VOICE ONE:Later in his career, Pollack was involved in many film and acting organizations. For example, he served as director of the Actors Studio West in Los Angeles, California and as a chairman for the American Cinematheque.Sydney Pollack died of cancer at his home in Los Angeles, California in two thousand eight. He was seventy-three years old. His many films will continue to influence generations of movie lovers.(MUSIC)VOICE TWO:This program was written and produced by Dana Demange. I'm Steve Ember.VOICE ONE:And I'm Barbara Klein. You can learn about other interesting Americans on our Web site, . Join us again next week for People in America in VOA Special English.。