of the ACM, 31(9)1116–1127, 1988.




计算机英语试题3及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of computer virus?A. TrojanB. WormC. Antivirus softwareD. Virus2. What does the acronym "CPU" stand for?A. Central Processing UnitB. Central Processing UnitC. Central Processing UnitD. Central Processing Unit3. In computer terminology, what does "RAM" refer to?A. Random Access MemoryB. Random Access MemoryC. Random Access MemoryD. Random Access Memory4. What is the primary function of a router?A. To store dataB. To transmit dataC. To receive dataD. To process data5. What is the term used to describe the process of converting data into a format that can be transmitted over anetwork?A. EncryptionB. CompressionC. DecompressionD. Encoding6. Which of the following is not a type of software?A. Operating systemB. Application softwareC. Utility softwareD. Hardware7. What does the acronym "GUI" stand for in the context of computer interfaces?A. Graphical User InterfaceB. Graphical User InterfaceC. Graphical User InterfaceD. Graphical User Interface8. What is the term for a computer program that is designed to perform a specific task?A. ApplicationB. ApplicationC. ApplicationD. Application9. What is the term used to describe a computer network that spans a relatively small area?A. LANB. LANC. LAND. LAN10. What does the acronym "USB" stand for?A. Universal Serial BusB. Universal Serial BusC. Universal Serial BusD. Universal Serial Bus二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. A computer virus is a type of malicious software that can replicate itself and spread to other computers without the user's permission.2. The central processing unit (CPU) is the primary component of a computer that performs most of the processing inside the computer.3. Random Access Memory (RAM) is a type of computer memory that can be read and changed freely and quickly.4. A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks.5. Encoding is the process of converting data into a format that can be transmitted over a network.6. Software is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the hardware what to do and how to do it.7. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators.8. An application is a computer program designed to help the user to perform specific tasks, such as word processing or web browsing.9. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers in a localized area.10. Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard developed in the 1990s that defines the cables, connectors and communications protocols used in a bus for connection, communication, and power supply between computers and electronic devices.三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between a computer virus and a computer worm.A computer virus requires a host program to replicate itself, whereas a computer worm can replicate and spread independently without needing a host program.2. Describe the role of a firewall in computer security.A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external networks, such as the Internet.3. What are the benefits of using a cloud-based service? Cloud-based services offer benefits such as scalability, accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to store and process large amounts of data in a remote location.4. Discuss the importance of data backup and recovery in a computer system.Data backup and recovery are crucial for protecting against data loss due to hardware failure, software bugs, data corruption, or cyber-attacks. Regular backups ensure that data can be restored in the event of a system failure,minimizing downtime and potential financial loss.四、论述题(20分)Discuss the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on society and the economy.The Internet of Things (IoT) has had a profound impact on society and the economy by enabling the interconnection of everyday objects, allowing them to send and receive data. This has led to increased efficiency in various industries, improved quality of life through smart home technologies, and the creation of new business models and markets. However, it also raises concerns about data privacy and security, as well as the potential for increased surveillance and control.。

蒂姆伯纳斯 李

蒂姆伯纳斯 李

蒂姆·伯纳斯·李 2004年4月15日,在芬兰的埃斯波市,芬兰技术奖基金会将全球最大的技术类奖“千年技术 奖”授予了现年49岁的英国物理学家蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)。这位万维网(World Wide Web)的发明 人在成为世界上首位“千年技术奖”得主的同时,也获得了生平最大的一笔100万欧元的奖金。当人们每天打开 电脑,感叹着互联网强大的同时,很少有人想到这一切竟是由一人之力创造的。 1955年6月8日,伯纳斯-李出生 在英国伦敦的西南部,他的父母都是英国计算机界的名人,曾参与了英国第一台商用计算机的研制工作,他从小 便耳濡目染。在牛津大学的女王学院学习期间,他就用从旧货商店花7美元买回的电视机,与M6800处理器、烙 铁、电路板组装出了自己的第一台电脑。
因为伯纳斯-李曾经在英国东多塞特郡居住,他于2001年接受郡古迹信托会的名誉保护人的职位。 他与他的 妻子和两个孩子住在美国波士顿。
1994年,他成为万维网名人堂的成员之一。 1995年,他赢得凯尔贝基金会的“年度青年发明家”奖项。同 年,他获得了ACM软件系统奖。 1997年,在英女皇寿辰上,为表扬他在“全球计算机网络”方面作出的贡献, 他获颁大英帝国官佐勋章。 1998年,他获得艾塞克斯大学荣誉博士学位。 1999年,他入选时代杂志20世纪最重 要的100个人物。 2000年3月,他获得公开大学荣誉博士学位。 2001年,他入选美国文理科学院。 2002年,他 入选BBC最伟大的100名英国人。 2003年,为表扬他对万维网发展的开创性贡献,他获颁计算机历史博物馆研究 奖。 2004年4月15日,他获芬兰技术学院颁发千禧技术奖。奖金高达一百万欧元,奖项在同年6月15日由芬兰总 统向他颁发。同年7月16日,因获颁大英帝国爵级司令,他获封为爵士。 2004年21日,他获得兰开斯特大学荣誉 科学博士学位。 2005年1月27日,因他的成就,与他展示出英国人的特质,“羞怯、决心、敏锐的幽默感及良好 的适应能力”,他入选2004年最伟大的英国人。 2007年,他获得成就学院金盘奖。同年,他与艾伯特·霍夫曼一 起并列每日电讯报“最伟大的100名在生天才”榜首。同年6月13日,他获颁功绩勋章。 2008年,为表扬他“构 思出万维网,并进一步发展万维网”,他获得了电气电子工程师学会詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦奖。 2008年12月2 日,他获得曼切斯特大学荣誉博士学位。 2009年4月21日,他获得马德里技术大学荣誉博士学位。同年4月28日, 他获选为美国国家科学院外籍院士。同年6月8日,因他的终生成就,他获得威比奖。颁奖仪式于纽约市举行。同 年10月,他获得阿姆斯特丹自由大学荣誉博士学位。 2011年3月30日,他获得米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫“改变世界 的人”奖。同年5月26日,他获得哈佛大学荣誉科学博士学位。同年,他入选电气电子工程师学会人工智能名人 堂。 2012年,他入选互联网名人堂。同年7月27日,他在2012年夏季奥林匹克运动会开幕典礼受到了表扬。 2017年,他因“发......



zh第二十届国际语言学奥林匹克竞赛保加利亚￿班斯科￿2023年7月23-29日个人赛解答第一题.⃝−→w -w 我看到了(它)我正在看到(它)w6我被看到了我正在被看到第一人称单数⃝−→w -w -n’ɨn-w6ɨn-ɨn-第三人称单数⃝−→w -w -y’——w6?-∅a-1.−→:•-CV →-C’V (ʂʼ→ʦʼ);•-V 1CC’V 2-→-V 1CV X C’V 2-,V X =(V 1=V 2)|a2.w 6:•-ʔ(-C’V →-CV |-ʔ);•⃝:(C)VCV-→(C) V VCV-3.n’→ŋ,y’→y |C’V 3.•n →m |{p ,p’}•n →ŋ|{k ,k’}4.‹p ,t ,k ›→‹b ,d ,g ›|{m ,n ,ŋ}(a )形式1形式2翻译kayʼɨnnetakʼa 推(它)16.kɨrɨyʼɨŋɡɨrʼɨ拉(它)17.pʼuhruyʼɨmpʼuhurʼu 打洞18.herʼoy ɨnherʼo 抹平(它)(b )39.herʼoŋ我抹平了(它)40.ɨniʂpaʔ我离开了41.aplaʔ它被打开了42.ʂurʼuy 它选择了(它)43.pirinʼ我看到了(它)44.ɨnʂawaʦʼa 我正在种植(它)45.kʼaaniʔ它被困住了46.ɨmpʼɨhanaʔ我正在跳跃47.ahɨkaʔ它正在被织,缝48.ɨniplaʔ我被洗了个人赛解答第二题.•语序:–S V DO (IO)≡DO S V (IO)(S (名词))(S =主语;V =谓语(动词);DO =直接宾语;IO =间接宾语[-mokaru ])–领属者被领属者•第一人称单数第二人称单数第三人称单数(m)(f)领属者=主语n(I)-p(I)-(I)-u-IO ;DO (¬∃IO )-nu-ry -ru(I)-= i{nh ,tx ,x }iyC ∅V ;n >nh |i•身体部位¬被领属者-txi (-y >-ĩ|-txi )(名词)被领属者-te(a )17.uwa xinhikaru sytu —她把女人记住了。



1988 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM 试题1988 MCM A: The Drug Runner ProblemTwo listening posts 5.43 miles apart pick up a brief radio signal. The sensing devices were oriented at 110 degrees and 119 degrees, respectively, when the signal was detected; and they are accurate to within 2 degrees. The signal came from a region of active drug exchange, and it is inferred that there is a powerboat waiting for someone to pick up drugs. it is dusk, the weather is calm, and there are no currents. A small helicopter leaves from Post 1 and is able to fly accurately along the 110 degree angle direction. The helicopter's speed is three times the speed of the boat. The helicopter will be heard when it gets within 500 ft of the boat. This helicopter has only one detection device, a searchlight. At 200 ft, it can just illuminate a circular region with a radius of 25 ft.·Develop an optimal search method for the helicopter.·Use a 95% confidence level in your calculations.1988 MCM B: Packing Railroad FlatcarsTwo railroad flatcars are to be loaded with seven types of packing crates. The crates have the same width and height but varying thickness (t, in cm) and weight (w, in kg). Table 1 gives, for each crate, the thickness, weight, and number available [table omitted]. Each car has 10.2 meters of length available for packing the crates (like slices of toast) and can carry up to 40 metric tons. There is a special constraint on the total number of C_5, C_6, and C_7 crates because of a subsequent local trucking restriction: The total space (thickness) occupied by these crates must not exceed 302.7 cm. Load the two flatcars (see Figure 1) so as to minimize the wasted floor space [figure omitted].。



1111111杭电:1000 A + B Problem (4)1001 Sum Problem (5)1002 A + B Problem II (6)1005 Number Sequence (8)1008 Elevator (9)1009 FatMouse' Trade (11)1021 Fibonacci Again (13)1089 A+B for Input-Output Practice (I) (14)1090 A+B for Input-Output Practice (II) (15)1091 A+B for Input-Output Practice (III) (16)1092 A+B for Input-Output Practice (IV) (17)1093 A+B for Input-Output Practice (V) (18)1094 A+B for Input-Output Practice (VI) (20)1095 A+B for Input-Output Practice (VII) (21)1096 A+B for Input-Output Practice (VIII) (22)1176 免费馅饼 (23)1204 糖果大战 (25)1213 How Many Tables (26)2000 ASCII码排序 (32)2001 计算两点间的距离 (34)2002 计算球体积 (35)2003 求绝对值 (36)2004 成绩转换 (37)2005 第几天? (38)2006 求奇数的乘积 (40)2007 平方和与立方和 (41)2008 数值统计 (42)2009 求数列的和 (43)2010 水仙花数 (44)2011 多项式求和 (46)2012 素数判定 (47)2014 青年歌手大奖赛_评委会打分 (49)2015 偶数求和 (50)2016 数据的交换输出 (52)2017 字符串统计 (54)2019 数列有序! (55)2020 绝对值排序 (56)2021 发工资咯:) (58)2033 人见人爱A+B (59)2037 今年暑假不AC (61)2039 三角形 (63)2040 亲和数 (64)2045 不容易系列之(3)—— LELE的RPG难题 (65)2049 不容易系列之(4)——考新郎 (66)2056 Rectangles (68)2073 无限的路 (69)2084 数塔 (71)2201 熊猫阿波的故事 (72)2212 DFS (73)2304 Electrical Outlets (74)2309 ICPC Score Totalizer Software (75)2317 Nasty Hacks (77)2401 Baskets of Gold Coins (78)2500 做一个正气的杭电人 (79)2501 Tiling_easy version (80)2502 月之数 (81)2503 a/b + c/d (82)2504 又见GCD (83)2519 新生晚会 (84)2520 我是菜鸟,我怕谁 (85)2521 反素数 (86)2522 A simple problem (88)2523 SORT AGAIN (89)2524 矩形A + B (90)2535 Vote (91)2537 8球胜负 (93)2539 点球大战 (95)2547 无剑无我 (98)2548 两军交锋 (99)2549 壮志难酬 (100)2550 百步穿杨 (101)2551 竹青遍野 (103)2552 三足鼎立 (104)2553 N皇后问题 (105)2554 N对数的排列问题 (106)2555 人人都能参加第30届校田径运动会了 (107)2560 Buildings (110)2561 第二小整数 (112)2562 奇偶位互换 (113)2563 统计问题 (114)2564 词组缩写 (115)2565 放大的X (117)2566 统计硬币 (118)2567 寻梦 (119)2568 前进 (121)2569 彼岸 (123)2700 Parity (124)2577 How to Type (126)北京大学:1035 Spell checker (129)1061 青蛙的约会 (133)1142 Smith Numbers (136)1200 Crazy Search (139)1811 Prime Test (141)2262 Goldbach's Conjecture (146)2407 Relatives (150)2447 RSA (152)2503 Babelfish (156)2513 Colored Sticks (159)ACM算法:kurXX最小生成树 (163)Prim (164)堆实现最短路 (166)最短路DIJ普通版 (167)floyd (168)BELL_MAN (168)拓扑排序 (169)DFS强连通分支 (170)最大匹配 (172)还有两个最大匹配模板 (173)最大权匹配,KM算法 (175)两种欧拉路 (177)无向图: (177)有向图: (178)【最大流】Edmonds Karp (178)dinic (179)【最小费用最大流】Edmonds Karp对偶算法 (181)ACM题目:【题目】排球队员站位问题 (182)【题目】把自然数N分解为若干个自然数之和。



杭州电子科技大学acm答案杭电2000~A+B for Input-Output Practice (VIII)Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 5573 Accepted Submission(s): 2058Problem DescriptionYour task is to calculate the sum of some integers.InputInput contains an integer N in the first line, and then N lines follow. Each line starts with a integer M, and then M integers follow in the same line.OutputFor each group of input integers you should output their sum in one line, and you must note that there is a blank line between outputs.Sample Input34 1 2 3 45 1 2 3 4 53 1 2 3Sample Output10156正确代码:#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int m,n,i,j,s,k;cin>>n;int c[1000];for(i=0;i<n;i++)< p="">{cin>>m;s=0;for(j=1;j<=m;j++){cin>>k;s+=k;}if(i==n-1){cout<<s<<endl;< p="">}else{cout<<s<<endl<<endl;< p="">}}return 0;}A+B ComingTime Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 902 Accepted Submission(s): 456Problem DescriptionMany classmates said to me that A+B is must needs. If youcan’t AC this problem, you would invite me for night meal. ^_^ InputInput may contain multiple test cases. Each case contains A and B in one line. A, B are hexadecimal number. Input terminates by EOF.OutputOutput A+B in decimal number in one line.Sample Input1 9A Ba bSample Output102121正确代码:#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int m,n,s;while(scanf("%x%x",&m,&n)!=EOF) //以十六进制输入{s=m+n;printf("%d\n",s); //以十进制输出,与上面}return 0;}此题的输入输出没有用cin>> 和cout<<,看到很多人说scanf和printf比较常用2001ASCII码排序Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) T otal Submission(s): 32853 Accepted Submission(s): 13545Problem Description输入三个字符后,按各字符的ASCII码从小到大的顺序输出这三个字符。



历届图灵奖得主图灵奖-----计算机的诺贝尔奖图灵奖得主1966年图灵奖获得者美国科学家艾伦佩利Alan J.Perlis:ALGOL语言和计算机科学的“催生者”。

获奖演说“算法系统的综合”(The Synthesis of Algorithmic System)。

1967年图灵奖获得者英国科学家莫里斯威尔克斯Maurice V.Wilkes:世界上第一台存储程序式计算机EDSAC的研制者。

获奖演说“计算机的过去和现在”(Computer Then and Now)。

1968年图灵奖获得者美国科学家理查德汉明Richard W.Hamming:发明了纠错码——汉明码(Hamming Code)。

获奖演说“对计算机科学的看法”(On Man’s View of Computer Science)。

图灵奖得主1969年图灵奖获得者美国科学家马文明斯基Marvin L.Minsky:“人工智能之父”,知识的框架理论(Frame Theory)创立者。

获奖演说“计算机科学的形式和内容” 。

1970年图灵奖获得者英国科学家詹姆斯威尔金森James H.Wilkinson:数值分析专家和研制ACE计算机(第一台商业计算机)的功臣。

获奖演说“一个数值分析家的若干意见” 。

1971年图灵奖获得者美国科学家约翰麦卡锡John MacCarthy:“人工智能之父”,LISP语言的发明者。

获奖演说“人工智能研究的现状” 。

图灵奖得主1972年图灵奖获得者荷兰科学家埃德斯加狄克斯特拉Edsgar W.Dijkstra:最早指出“goto”语句有害,著名的最短路径Dijkstra算法,现代操作系统的奠基者之一。

获奖演说“智力低下的程序员” 。

1973年图灵奖获得者美国科学家查尔斯巴赫曼Charles W.Bachman:网状数据库之父、推动与促成数据库标准的制订。

获奖演说“作为导航员的程序员” 。

1974年图灵奖获得者美国科学家唐纳德克努特Donad E.Knuth:经典巨著《计算机程序设计的艺术》The Art of Computer Programming的作者,排版软件的先驱(TEX)。




2011年6月5日,在加州圣荷塞会议中心ACM召开的计算研究联合大会FCRC 2011开幕日上,为莱斯利&#8226;瓦里安特举办了颁奖晚宴,奖金为25万美元,仍由Intel和Google赞助。

1 学术生平莱斯利&#8226;瓦里安特(Leslie Gabriel Valiant) 1949年3月28日生于英国。

1970年在剑桥大学国王学院获数学学士学位,1973年在伦敦帝国学院获计算机科学毕业文凭,1974年获华威克大学(University of Warwick)计算机科学博士学位。



从2001年起,担任哈佛工程与应用科学学院计算机科学与应用数学的杰弗逊(T. Jefferson Coolidge)讲席教授。


2 三大贡献莱斯利的第一个贡献是在机器学习领域。

1984年他在《ACM通讯》上发表了论文“习能力理论”(A Theory of the Learnable),在论文中提出了PAC模型,即“概率近似正确”(Probably Approximately Correct)的学习模型。






1988年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I Close TestFor each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labeled [A], [B], [C], and [D]. Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. Read the whole passage before making your choice. (10 points)①In 1620, a small sailboat named the Mayflower left England for the New World. ②The Mayflower headed for the Jamestown colony on the warm shore of Virginia. ③Its one hundred passengers were the Pilgrims. ④They were looking for a place where they could worship God 1 . ⑤Because of strong winds and severe storms, the Mayflower lost its 2 . ⑥The brave group of colonists finally had to land at Plymouth on the rocky coast of Massachusetts in December 1620. ⑦It was the middle of the stern northern winter. ⑧ 3 months of starvation, disease, and death were ahead of them. ⑨Only the strongest of the pilgrims 4 that winter. ⑩Many women gave their own pitiful rations to their children and died for lack of food for themselves. ○11Living 5 began to improve in the spring of 1621. ○12There were wild vegetables. ○13There were berries and fruit. ○14Fish and game were plentiful. ○15Therefore, they were able to get enough fresh meat despite their lack of skill or experience in hunting and fishing. ○16The colonists’ health 6 with the warm weather and their better diet.○17In the fall, they look back 7 the past year. ○18They were both regretful and thankful. ○19Only fifty of the original one hundred passengers remained. ○20The price in human life and tragedy had been great. ○21On the other hand, they saw new hope for the future. ○22A splendid harvest was8 them. ○23They were ready for the second winter with confidence. ○24They had eleven crude houses for protection against the severe winter. ○25Seven were for families, and four were for communal use. ○269 , they had established a treaty of friendship with their Indian neighbors under Chief Massasoit in the summer.○27The woods and forests became safe. ○28When the Mayflower returned to England that summer, there were no colonists 10 . ○29At the end of their first year in their new home, the Pilgrims wanted to celebrate with a real holiday. ○30It was their first Thanks giving Day. [328 words]1. [A]in their own style[B]in their own way[C]on their own[D]of their own2. [A]course[B]route[C]passage[D]channel3. [A]Uncomfortable[B]Bad[C]Unfavourable[D]Terrible4. [A]passed[B]sustained[C]survived[D]spent5. [A]situations[B]environments [C]conditions[D]circumstances6. [A]strengthened[B]regained[C]recovered[D]improved7. [A]in[B]of[C]over[D]at8. [A]on[B]behind[C]for[D]beyond9. [A]Best of all[B]For the best[C]To their best[D]All in all10.[A]ashore[B]around[C]about[D]aboardSection II Reading ComprehensionEach of the two passages below is followed by five questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the brackets on the left. (10 points)Text 1①It doesn’t come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no difference what you read or study if you can’t remember it. ②You just waste your valuable time. ③Maybe you have already discovered some clever ways to keep yourself from forgetting.①One dependable aid that does help you remember what you study is to have a specific purpose or reason for reading. ②You remember better what you read when you know why you’re reading.①Why does a clerk in a store go away and leave you when your reply to her offer to help is, “No, thank you. I’m just looking”? ②Both you and she know that if you aren’t sure what you want, you are not likely to find it. ③But suppose you say instead, “Yes, thank you. I want a pair of sun glasses.” ④She says, “Right this way, please.” ⑤And you and she are off -- both eager to look for exactly what you want.①It’s quite the same with your studying. ②If you chose a book at random, “just looking” for nothing in particular, you are likely to get just that -- nothing. ③But if you do know what you want, and if you have the right book, you are almost sure to get it. ④Your reasons will vary; they will include reading or studying “to find out more about”, “to understand the reasons for”, “to find out how”. ⑤A good student has a clear purpose or reason for what he is doing.①This is the way it works. ②Before you start to study, you say to yourself something like this, “I want to know why Stephen Vincent Benet happened to write about America. I’m reading this article to find out.” ③Or, “I’m going to skim this story to see what life was like in medieval England.” ④Because you know why you are reading or studying, you relate the information to your purpose and remember it better.①Reading is not one single activity. ②At least two important processes go on at the same time. ③As you read, you take in ideas rapidly and accurately. ④But at the same time you express your own ideas to yourself as you react to what you read. ⑤You have a kind of mental conversation with the author. ⑥If you expressed your ideas orally, they might sound like this: “Yes, I agree. That’s my opinion too.” or “Ummmm, I thought that record was broken much earlier. I’d better check those dates,” or “But there are some other facts to be considered!” ⑦You don’t just sit there taking in ideas -- you do something else, and that something else is very important.①This additional process of thinking about what you read includes evaluating it, relating it to what you already know, and using it for your own purposes. ②In other words, a good reader is a critical reader. ③One part of critical reading, as you have discovered, is distinguishing between facts and opinions. ④Facts can be checked by evidence.⑤Opinions are one’s own personal reactions.①Another part of critical reading is judging sources. ②Still another part is drawing accurate inferences.Text 2①If you live in a large city, you are quite familiar with some of the problems of noise, but because of some of its harmful effects, you may not be aware of the extent of its influence on human behavior. ②Although everyone more or less knows what noise is, i.e., it is sounds that one would rather not hear, it is perhaps best to define it more precisely for scientific purposes. ③One such definition is that noise is sounds that are unrelated to the task at hand. ④Thus stimuli that at one time might be considered relevant will at another time be considered noise, depending on what one is doing at the moment. ⑤In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in the effects of noise on human behavior, and concepts such as “noise pollution” have arisen, together with movements to reduce noise.①Exposure to loud noises can definitely produce a partial or complete loss of hearing, depending on the intensity, duration, and frequency composition of the noise. ②Many jobs present noise hazards, such as working in factories and around jet aircraft, driving farm tractors, and working (or sitting) in music halls where rock bands are playing. ③In general, continuous exposure to sounds of over 80 decibels (a measure of the loudness of sound) can be considered dangerous. ④Decibel values correspond to various sounds. ⑤Sounds above about 85 decibels may, if exposure is for a sufficient period of time, produce significant hearing loss. ⑥Actual loss will depend upon the particular frequencies to which one is exposed, and whether the sound is continuous or intermittent.Noise can have unexpected harmful effects on performance of certain kinds of tasks, for instance, if one is performing a watch keeping task that requires vigilance, in which he is responsible for detecting weak signals of some kind (e.g., watching a radar screen for the appearance of aircraft).①Communicating with other people is unfavorably affected by noise. ②If you have ridden in the rear of a jet transport, you may have noticed that it was difficult to carry on a conversation at first, and that, eventually, you adjusted the loudness of your speech to compensate for the effect. ③The problem is noise.Text 3①The traditional belief that a woman’s place is in the home and that a woman ought not to go out to work can hardly be reasonably maintained in present conditions. ②It is said that it is a woman’s task to care for the children, but families today tend to be small and with a year or two between children. ③Thus a woman’s whole period of childbearing may occur within five years. ④Furthermore, with compulsory education from the age of five or six her role as chief educator of her children soon ceases. ⑤Thus, even if we agree that a woman should stay at home to look after her children before they are of school age, for many women, this period would extend only for about ten years.①It might be argued that the house-proud woman would still find plenty to do about the home. ②That may be so, but it is certainly no longer necessary for a woman to spend her whole life cooking, cleaning, mending and sewing.③Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry, the latest models being entirely automatic and able to wash and dry a large quantity of clothes in a few minutes. ④Refrigerators have made it possible to store food for long periods and many pre-cooked foods are obtainable in tins. ⑤Shopping, instead of being a daily task, can be completed in one day a week. ⑥The new man-made fibers are more hardwiring than natural fibers and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful.①Apart from women’s own happiness, the needs of the community must be considered. ②Modern society cannot do well without the contribution that women can make in professions and other kinds of work. ③There is a serious shortage of nurses and teachers, to mention only two of the occupations followed by women. ④It is extremely wastefulto give years of training at public expense only to have the qualified teacher or nurse marry after a year or two and be lost forever to her profession. ⑤The training, it is true, will help her in duties as a mother, but if she continued to work, her service would be more widely useful. ⑥Many factories and shops, too, are largely staffed by women, many of them married. ⑦While here the question of training is not so important, industry and trade would be seriously shortSection III English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined sentences are to be translated. (20 points) Seated behind the front desk at a New York firm, the receptionist was efficient.Stylishly dressed, the firm’s newest employee had a pleasant telephone voice and a natural charm that put clients at ease. The company was pleased: (21) Clearly, this was a person who took considerable pride in personal appearance. David King, the receptionist, is unusual, but by no means unique. (22) Just as all truck drivers and construction workersare no longer necessarily men, all secretaries and receptionists are no longer automatically women. The number of men in women-dominated fields is still small and they haven’t attracted the attention that has often followed women advancing into male-dominated fields, but men are moving into more and more jobs that have traditionally been held by women.Strictly speaking, the phenomenon is not new. For the past several decades, men have been quietly entering fields such as nursing, social work and elementary education. But today no job seems off-limits. Men serve coffee in offices and meals on airplanes. (23) These changes are helping to influence some of the long-standing traditions about the types of work men and women can do -- but they also produce some undeniable problems for the men who are entering those fields formerly dominated by women.What kinds of men venture into these so-called “women’s fields”? All kinds. (24) “I don’t know of any definite answers I’d be comfortable with,” explains Joseph Pleck, Ph.D., of the Wellesley College Centre for Research on Women.Sam Ormont, for example, a thirty-year-old nurse at a Boston hospital, went into nursing because the army had trained him as a medical worker. (25) “I found that work very interesting.” he recalled, “and when I got out of the service it just seemed natural for me to go into something medical. I wasn’t really interested in becoming a doctor.” Thirty-five-year-old David King, an out-of-work actor, found a job as a receptionist because he was having trouble landing roles in Broadway plays and he needed to pay the rent.(26) In other words, men enter “female” jobs out of the same consideration for personal interest and economic necessity that motivates anyone looking for work. But similarities often end there. Men in female-dominated jobs are conspicuous. As a group, their work histories differ in most respects from those of their female colleagues, and they are frequently treated differently by the people with whom they are in professional contact.The question naturally arises: Why are there still approximately ninety-nine female secretaries for every one male? There is also a more serious issue. Most men don’t want to be receptionists, nurses, secretaries or sewing workers. Put simply, these are not generally considered very masculine jobs. (27) To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule.“There was kidding in the beginning,” recalls Ormont. “Kids coming from school ask what I am, and when I say ‘A nurse,’ they laugh at me. I just smile and say, ‘You know, there are female doctors, too.’”Still, there are encouraging signs. Years ago, male grade school teachers were as rare as male nurses. Today more than one elementary school teacher in six is male.(28)Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of men and women — or when the mention ofa male nurse will no longer raise eyebrows? It’s probably coming -- but not very soon.Section VII: English-Chinese TranslationDirections:Translate the following passage into Chinese. Only the underlined sentences are to be translated. (20 points) Seated behind the front desk at a New York firm, the receptionist was efficient.Stylishly dressed, the firm’s newest employee had a pleasant telephone voice and a natural charm that put clients at ease. The company was pleased: (61) Clearly, this was a person who took considerable pride in personal appearance. David King, the receptionist, is unusual, but by no means unique. (62) Just as all truck drivers and construction workers are no longer necessarily men, all secretaries and receptionists are no longer automatically women. The number of men in women-dominated fields is still small and they haven’t attracted the attention that has often followed women advancing into male-dominated fields, but men are moving into more and more jobs that have traditionally been heldby women.Strictly speaking, the phenomenon is not new. For the past several decades, men have been quietly entering fields such as nursing, social work and elementary education. But today no job seems off-limits. Men serve coffee in offices and meals on airplanes. (63) These changes are helping to influence some of the long-standing traditions about the types of work men and women can do -- but they also produce some undeniable problems for the men who are entering those fields formerly dominated by women.What kinds of men venture into these so-called “women’s fields”? All kinds. (64) “I don’t know of any definite answers I’d be comfortable with,” explains Joseph Pleck, Ph.D., of the Wellesley College Centre for Research on Women.Sam Ormont, for example, a thirty-year-old nurse at a Boston hospital, went into nursing because the army had trained him as a medical worker. (65) “I found that work very interesting.” he recalled, “and when I got out of the service it just seemed natural for me to go into something medical. I wasn’t really interested in becoming a doctor.” Thirty-five-year-old David King, an out-of-work actor, found a job as a receptionist because he was having trouble landing roles in Broadway plays and he needed to pay the rent.(66) In other words, men enter “female” jobs out of the same consideration for personal interest and economic necessity that motivates anyone looking for work. But similarities often end there. Men in female-dominated jobs are conspicuous. As a group, their work histories differ in most respects from those of their female colleagues, and they are frequently treated differently by the people with whom they are in professional contact.The question naturally arises: Why are there still approximately ninety-nine female secretaries for every one male? There is also a more serious issue. Most men don’t want to be receptionists, nurses, secretaries or sewing workers. Put simply, these are not generally considered very masculine jobs. (67) To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule.“There was kidding in the beginning,” recalls Ormont. “Kids coming from school ask what I am, and when I say ‘A nurse,’ they laugh at me. I just smile and say, ‘You know, there are female doctors, too.’”Still, there are encouraging signs. Years ago, male grade school teachers were as rare as male nurses. Today more than one elementary school teacher in six is male.(68) Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of men and women -- or when the mention of a male nurse will no longer raise eyebrows? It’s probably coming -- but not very soon.。



Along with Edward Teller (爱德华特勒)and Stanislaw Ulam(斯坦尼斯 乌拉姆), von Neumann
worked out key steps in the nuclear physics(核物 理) involved in
thermonuclear reactions(热核反应) and the hydrogen bomb(氢弹).
John Von Neumann (约翰.冯.诺依曼)
The eldest of three brothers, von Neumann was born Neumann János Lajos in Budapest, Hungary, to a wealthy Jewish family. His father is a lawyer who worked in a bank.
János, nicknamed “Jancsi” (Johnny), was a child prodigy(奇才) who showed an aptitude for languages, memorization, and mathematics.
Although he attended school at the grade level appropriate to his age, his father hired private tutors (家庭教师) to give him advanced instruction in those areas in which he had displayed an aptitude。 He received his Ph.D. (Philosophiae Doctor) in mathematics from Pázmány Péter University in Budapest at the age of 22.





中文名:阿兰·麦席森·图灵外文名:Alan Mathison Turing 国籍:英国民族:英格兰出生地:英国伦敦出生日期:1912年6月23日逝世日期:1954年6月7日职业:数学家及计算机逻辑学家毕业院校:剑桥大学国王学院信仰:科学主要成就:提出“图灵机”概念提出“图灵测试”概念开创非线性力学破解德国密码系统Enigma 代表作品:《论数字计算在决断难题中的应用》,《机器能思考吗?》目录[隐藏]人物履历人物生平人物大事年表图灵奖图灵机图灵实验人物履历人物生平人物大事年表图灵奖图灵机图灵实验[编辑本段]人物履历阿兰·麦席森·图灵(Alan Mathison Turing,1912.6.23—1954.6.7),英国数学家、逻辑学家,被称为计算机科学之父、人工智能之父。








南航学术英语演讲慕课答案1、_______ win the competition, he practiced a lot. [单选题] *A. BecauseB. In order to(正确答案)C. Thanks toD. In addition to2、Thank you very much. You gave us ____ our factory needed. [单选题] *A. informationB. informationsC. the information(正确答案)D. the informations3、You can borrow my book, _____ you promise to give it back to me by the end of this month. [单选题] *A.even ifB. as long as(正确答案)C. in caseD. even though4、Where have you _______ these days? [单选题] *A. been(正确答案)B. beC. isD. are5、Alice is a ______ girl. She always smiles and says hello to others.()[单选题] *A. shyB. strictC. healthyD. friendly(正确答案)6、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] *A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on7、Which do you enjoy to spend your weekend, fishing or shopping? [单选题] *China'shigh-speed railways _________ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past fewyears.A. are growing(正确答案)B. have grownC. will growD. had grown8、I’m not sure whether we’ll go on ______ foot or by _____ bike? [单选题] *A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /(正确答案)D. the; /9、The notice put _______ on the wall says “No Smoking”. [单选题] *A. up(正确答案)B. offC. awayD. out10、In winter, animals have a hard time_____anything to eat. [单选题] *A.to findB.finding(正确答案)C.foundD.to finding11、This kind of banana tastes very _______. [单选题] *A. nice(正确答案)B. wellC. nicelyD. better12、—Look at those purple gloves! Are they ______, Mary?—No, they aren’t. ______ are pink. ()[单选题] *A. you; IB. your; MyC. yours; Mine(正确答案)D. you; Me13、The manager isn’t in at the moment. May I _______ a message? [单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. makeC. haveD. keep14、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than15、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *A. as ifB. so that(正确答案)C. untilD. after16、Will you see to()that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season? [单选题] *A. it(正确答案)B. meC. oneD. yourself17、A small village cuts across the river. [单选题] *A. 切B. 穿过(正确答案)C. 划船D. 踢18、There are about eight ______ students in my school.()[单选题] *A. hundred(正确答案)B. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of19、There are sixty _______ in an hour. [单选题] *A. hoursB. daysC. minutes(正确答案)D. seconds20、36.This kind of bread is terrible. I don't want to eat it ______. [单选题] * A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer21、—When are you going to Hainan Island for a holiday? —______ the morning of 1st May.()[单选题] *A. InB. AtC. On(正确答案)D. For22、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的23、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)24、31.That's ______ interesting football game. We are all excited. [单选题] *A.aB.an(正确答案)C.theD./25、_____ whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. [单选题] *A. What is not yet knownB. It is not yet known(正确答案)C. As is not yet knownD. This is not yet known26、He is a student of _______. [单选题] *A. Class SecondB. the Class TwoC. Class Two(正确答案)D. Second Two27、The old woman doesn’t feel _______ though she lives _______. [单选题] *A. alone; lonelyB. alone; aloneC. lonely; lonelyD. lonely; alone(正确答案)28、I?have to?_______ my younger brother on Sunday. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look upC. take careD. look out29、--Jimmy, you are supposed to?_______ your toys now.--Yes, mom. [单选题] *A. put upB. put onC. put away(正确答案)D. put down30、My friends will _______ me at the airport when I arrive in London. [单选题] *A. takeB. meet(正确答案)C. receiveD. have。

Max Shulman-马克斯舒尔曼

Max Shulman-马克斯舒尔曼

• Dobie Gillis is significant as the first American television program produced for a major network to feature teenagers as leading characters.
• Dobie Gillis also broke ground by depicting elements of the counterculture, particularly the Beat Generation, primarily embodied in a stereotypical version of the "beatnik".
Counterculture: a group in society whose values, ideas, and ways of behaving are completely different from those of the rest of society.
the Beat Generation: a group of young people in the 1950s who did not accept the traditional values of Western society, especially on matters such as work, sexual relationships, and money. They had a lot of influence on the hippies in the 1960s and 1970s.
• Topics range from young love to garbage disposal were grist for Shulman’s wit.

阿达 洛芙莱斯

阿达 洛芙莱斯

伦敦科学馆分析机复制品在1842年与1843年其间,阿达花了9个月的时间翻译意大利数学家路易吉·米那比 亚对巴贝奇最新的计算机设计书(即分析机概论)所留下的备忘录。在这部译文里,她附加许多注记,内容详细 说明用计算机进行伯努利数的运算方式,而被认为是世界上第一个电脑程式;因此,阿达也被认为是世界上第一 位程式设计师。巴贝奇在他所著的《经过哲学家人生》(Passages from the Life of a Philosopher, 1846) 里留有下面的述叙:
依她的遗言,阿达葬于诺Байду номын сангаас汉哈克诺的圣玛丽亚·抹大拉教堂,长眠在父亲的身旁。
奥古斯塔·爱达·金,勒芙蕾丝伯爵夫人阿达是她母亲安妮·伊莎贝拉·米尔班奇(Anne Isabella Milbanke与诗人父亲—拜伦)唯一的合法女儿。她的名字取自拜伦的异母的姐姐奥古斯塔·李(Augusta Leigh)。
她死后一百年,于1953年,阿达之前对查尔斯·巴贝奇的《分析机概论》所留下的笔记被重新公布,并被公 认对现代计算机与软件工程造成了重大影响。
拜伦与安妮贝拉的婚事是在奥古斯塔为了避免丑闻,而怂恿拜伦与安妮贝拉结合的产物。然而,在1816年1 月16日,安妮贝拉还是离开拜伦,带着一个月大的阿达离开。同年4月21日,拜伦签下了分居协议,并离开英国。



Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(2), 2200-2205 Published Online February 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.132309肝癌血供特点及影响叶艳霞*青海大学附属医院肝胆胰二外科,青海 西宁收稿日期:2023年1月14日;录用日期:2023年2月10日;发布日期:2023年2月17日摘要 肝脏是人体中重要的器官,肝脏疾病,影响人们健康状况,恶性肿瘤更是使其雪上加霜。



关键词原发性肝癌,肝硬化,门静脉,血管生成,血流动力学,门静脉癌栓Characteristics and Influence of Blood Supply of Liver CancerYanxia Ye *Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University, Xining QinghaiReceived: Jan. 14th , 2023; accepted: Feb. 10th , 2023; published: Feb. 17th , 2023AbstractThe liver is an important organ in the human body, liver disease affects people’s health, malignant tumors make it worse. The characteristics of the blood supply of the liver itself also determine the particularity of the liver disease. In the process of the liver disease, changes in the Pathophysiolo-gy will inevitably lead to changes in the Hemodynamics of the liver to explore the changes of liver cancer Hemodynamics, and to provide new clinical ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer from different angles. KeywordsPrimary Liver Cancer, Cirrhosis, Portal Vein, Angiogenesis, Hemodynamics, Portal Vein Tumor *叶艳霞ThrombusCopyright © 2023 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言原发性肝癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。



Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(3), 3336-3341 Published Online March 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.133474紫草油联合表皮生长因子治疗索拉非尼所致 手足综合征2例苗长丰,李 雄,房 伟,陈东东,李惠民,田宏伟*甘肃省人民医院普外临床中心,甘肃 兰州收稿日期:2023年2月8日;录用日期:2023年3月4日;发布日期:2023年3月13日摘 要索拉非尼作为一种小分子多靶点口服多激酶抑制剂,它作为单一用药的安全性和有效性已在实体肿瘤患者中进行的一系列研究中得到证实。




关键词肝细胞癌,索拉非尼,手足综合征,紫草油,表皮生长因子Arnebiae Oil Combined with Epidermal Growth Factor for the Treatment of Sorafenib-Induced Hand-Foot Syndrome in 2 CasesChangfeng Miao, Xiong Li, Wei Fang, Dongdong Chen, Huimin Li, Hongwei Tian *General Surgery Clinical Medicine Center, Gansu Provincial People’s Hospital, Lanzhou GansuReceived: Feb. 8th , 2023; accepted: Mar. 4th , 2023; published: Mar. 13th , 2023*通讯作者。



01季理真:数学巨人SophusLie季理真,1964 年 4 月生于温州。

1984 年获杭州大学理学学士学位,1985 年赴美在丘成桐教授指导下研习数学。

1987 年在加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得理学硕士学位,1991 年在美国东北大学获得理学博士学位。

先后在美国麻省理工学院、普林斯顿高等研究所从事研究工作,1995 年至今任教于美国密歇根大学数学系,从 2002 年开始兼任浙江大学数学科学研究中心高级教授。

曾获得 Sloan 研究奖,以及美国自然科学基金会数学科学博士后奖。

译者 | 林开亮选自 | 《霍金与黑洞探索》本文简要介绍了 Sophus Lie 的生平和工作,特别是他早期和 Felix Klein 在有关 Erlangen 纲领方面的富有成果的相互影响以及他们晚期的冲突,他与 Friedrich Engel 多产的合作,以及他的论文选集的编辑与出版。

Sophus Lie (1842—1899)引言在今天的数学家和物理学家中,极少有人不曾听说过 Lie 群或 Lie 代数,或者以这样或那样的方式应用过 Lie 群与 Lie 代数。

如果我们将离散群或有限群作为特殊 (或退化的 0 维) Lie 群,那么数学的每一个分支都应用了 Lie 群。

正如 H. Poincaré [25] 在1882 年对 Lie 说的: “所有的数学都与群密切相关。


在 [17] 中列举了与群作用有关的各种课题。

Lie 理论是 Sophus Lie 的创造,而且是 Lie 最著名的成就。

但 Lie 的工作比这要广阔。

除此之外,Lie 还取得了哪些成就呢?这也许并不那么广为人知了。

微分几何学家陈省身在 1992 年写道:“即便不提 Lie 群,Lie 也是一个伟大的数学家。

”陈说这话是什么意思呢?我们将在后文中介绍 Lie 的一些主要贡献。

本文的目标是,通过追踪我所读过的关于 Lie 及其工作的文献,给出 Lie 的数学生涯之一瞥。



历届图灵奖获得者(1966-2010)图灵奖最早设立于1966年,是美国计算机协会在计算机技术方面所授予的最高奖项, 被喻为计算机界的诺贝尔奖. 它是以英国数学天才Alan Turing先生的名字命名的, Alan Turing先生对早期计算的理论和实践做出了突出的贡献.图灵奖主要授予在计算机技术领域做出突出贡献的个人. 而这些贡献必须对计算机业有长远而重要的影响.图灵奖被称为“计算科学界的诺贝尔奖”,它创立于1960年,现在的奖金10万美元,由Intel公司赞助。

历届图灵奖获得者名单:1966 A. J. Perlis --- PhD, MIT; Prof, Yale (was Prof at CMU) (deceased) 因在新一代编程技术和编译架构方面的贡献而获奖.1967 Maurice V. Wilkes --- PhD, Cambridge; Prof, Cambridge因设计出第一台程序实现完全内存的计算机而获奖.1968 Richard W. Hamming --- PhD, UIUC; Prof, Naval Postgraduate School (was at Bell) (deceased)因在计数方法、自动编码系统、检测及纠正错码方面的贡献被授予图灵奖. 1969 Marvin Minsky --- PhD, Princeton, Prof, MIT因对人工智能的贡献被授予图灵奖.1970 J.H. Wilkinson --- BS, Cambridge; staff, National Physical Laboratory, London因在利用数值分析方法来促进高速数字计算机的应用方面的研究而获奖.1971 John McCarthy --- PhD, Princeton; Prof, Stanford因对人工智能的贡献被授予图灵奖.1972 Edsger W. Dijkstra --- PhD, U Amsterdam; Prof, UT Austin因在编程语言方面的出众表现而获奖.1973 Charles W. Bachman --- staff, Honeywell因在数据库方面的杰出贡献而获奖.1974 Donald E. Knuth --- PhD, Caltech; Prof, Stanford因设计和完成TEX(一种创新的具有很高排版质量的文档制作工具)而被授予该奖.1975 Allen Newell --- PhD, Stanford; Prof, CMU (deceased)和Herbert A. Simon --- PhD, Chicago; Prof, CMU (deceased)因在人工智能、人类识别心理和表处理的基础研究而获奖.1976 Michael O. Rabin --- PhD, Princeton; Prof, Harvard和Dana S. Scott --- PhD, Princeton; Prof, CMU因他们的论文"有限自动机与它们的决策问题"中所提出的非决定性机器这一很有价值的概念而获奖.1977 John Backus --- BS, Columbia; staff, IBM因对可用的高级编程系统设计有深远和重大的影响而获奖.1978 Robert W. Floyd --- BS, Chicago; Prof, Stanford因其在软件编程的算法方面的影响,并开创了包括剖析理论、编程语言的语义、自动程序检验、自动程序合成和算法分析在内的多项计算机子学科而被授予该奖.1979 Kenneth E. Iverson因对程序设计语言理论、互动式系统及APL的贡献被授予该奖.1980 C. Anthony R. Hoare --- Prof, Oxford(now at Microsoft)因对程序设计语言的定义和设计所做的贡献而获奖. 快速排序算法发明人1981 Edgar F. Codd --- PhD, Michigan; staff, IBM因在数椐库管理系统的理论和实践方面的贡献而获奖.1982 Steven A. Cook --- PhD, Harvard; Prof, U Toronto因奠定了NP-Completeness理论的基础而获奖.1983 Ken Thompson --- MS, Berkeley; staff, Bell-Labs和Dennis M. Ritchie --- PhD, Harvard; staff, Bell-Labs因在类属操作系统理论,特别是UNIX操作系统的推广而获奖.1984 Niklaus Wirth --- PhD, Berkeley; Prof, ETH Zurich因开发了EULER、 ALGOL-W、 MODULA和PASCAL一系列崭新的计算语言而获奖. 提出了程序 = 算法 + 数据结构1985 Richard M. Karp --- PhD, Harvard; Prof, Berkeley因对算法理论的贡献而获奖.1986 John E. Hopcroft --- PhD, Stanford; Prof, Cornelland Robert E. Tarjan --- PhD, Stanford; Prof, Princeton因在算法及数据结构的设计和分析中所取得的决定性成果而获奖.1987 John Cocke --- staff, IBM因在面向对象的编程语言和相关的编程技巧方面的贡献而获奖.1988 Ivan E. Sutherland --- PhD, MIT; staff, Sun因在计算机图形学方面的贡献而获奖.1989 William V. Kahan --- PhD, U Toronto; Prof, Berkeley因在数值分析方面的贡献而获奖,他是是浮点计算领域的专家.1990 Fernando J. Corbato --- PhD, MIT; Prof, MIT因在开发大型多功能、可实现时间和资源共享的计算系统,如CTSS和Multics方面的贡献而获奖.1991 Robin Milner --- Prof, Cambridge (was at U Edinburgh)因在可计算的函数的逻辑(LCF)、ML和并行理论(CCS)这三个方面的贡献而获奖. 1992 Butler Lampson --- PhD, Berkeley; staff, Microsoft因在个人分布式计算机系统(包括操作系统)方面的贡献而获奖.1993 Juris Hartmanis --- PhD, Caltech; Prof, Cornell和 Richard E. Stearns --- PhD, Princeton; Prof, SUNY Albany因奠定了计算复杂性理论的基础而获奖.1994 Raj Reddy --- PhD, Stanford; Prof, CMU和 Edward Feigenbaum (PhD, CMU; Prof, Stanford)因对大型人工智能系统的开拓性研究而获奖.1995 Manuel Blum --- PhD, MIT; Prof, Berkeley因奠定了计算复杂性理论的基础和在密码术及程序校验方面的贡献而获奖. 1996 Amir Pnueli --- PhD, Weizmann Institute; Prof, NYU因在计算中引入Temporal逻辑和对程序及系统检验的贡献被获奖.1997 Douglas Engelbart --- PhD, Berkeley; staff, SRI因提出互动式计算概念并创造出实现这一概念的重要技术而获奖.1998 James Gray --- PhD, Berkeley; staff, Microsoft因在数据库和事务处理方面的突出贡献而获奖.1999 Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.--- PhD, Harvard; Prof, UNC因对计算机体系结构和操作系统以及软件工程做出了里程碑式的贡献. 2000 Andrew Chi-Chih Yao --- PhD, UIUC; Prof, Princeton (now at 清华)因对计算理论做出了诸多根本性的重大贡献. (图灵奖自创立以来获得该奖项的首位华裔学者,全球华人的骄傲)2001 Ole-Johan Dahl, and Kristen Nygaard --- Profs, U Oslo因他们在设计编程语言SIMULA I 和SIMULA 67时产生的基础性想法,这些想法是面向对象技术的肇始.2002 Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard M. Adelman-Ronald L. Rivest: PhD, Stanford; MIT Adi Shamir: PhD, Weizmann; WeizmannLeonard M. Adelman: PhD, Berkeley; USC 因他们在公共密匙算法上所做的杰出贡献(RSA算法是当前在互联网传输、银行以及信用卡产业中被广泛使用的安全基本机制).2003 Alan Kay --- PhD, Utah; HP Labs (was at Xerox PARC)因发明第一个完全面向对象的动态计算机程序设计语言Smalltalk.2004 Vinton G. Cerf、Robert E. Kahn获奖原因:由于在互联网方面开创性的工作,这包括设计和实现了互联网的基础通讯协议,TCP/IP,以及在网络方面卓越的领导。

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