unit 7 what does he look like8-20180930150427376-0
七年级英语Unit 7 what does he look like
What does he/she look like?
He has short hair.
She has long hair.
What does she look like?
She has straight hair.
She has curly hair.
Describe one of your good friends . read in front of the Class and let other students guess whok like?
He is tall.
He is short.
What does he look like? He is fat/heavy.
He is thin.
What do they look like?
They are medium height.
What does she look like? She has a medium build.
A He is short. He is heavy. He has short and curly hair.He has a big nose.He wears glasses. He wears a T-shirt.
B She is tall. She has a medium build. She has long straight hair.She is nice. She wears a nice skirt.
Look at 1a,match the words and the pictures
Listen and fill in the pictures
【学习实践】Unit 7 What does he look like-(新目标七下英文教案)
Unit 7 What does he look like?(新目标七下英文教案)Unit7:whatdoeshelooklike?LanguagegoalInthisunitstud entslearntodescribepeople.Newlanguagewhatdoyoulookl ike?I'mshort.AndIhavecurlyhair.whatdotheylooklike?T hey'remediumheight.Andtheyhaveshorthair.whatdoeshel ooklike?He'sheavyandhewearsglasses.whatdoesshelookl ike?She'sthinandshehaslonghair.SectionAAskstudentst onamesomewaysofdescribingpeople.youcanstartstudents offwithexamplessuchastallandshort.Pointoutvariousst udentsintheclassandaskstudentstosayiftheyaretallors hort.continuewithexamplesofstudentswhohavelonghaira ndshorthair.writethewordsontheboardandaskstudentsto repeatthesewords.Thenpointatdifferentstudents'haira ndasktheclass,Longhairorshorthair?culturenoteInsome cultures,itisimpolitetopointatotherpeopleortotoucho therpeople,Thisactivityintroducesthekeyvocabulary.Focusattenti ononthewords.Askstudentstoreadthelistofwords.Thensa yeachwordandaskstudentstorepeatit.ontheboard,makeas impledrawingtoillustrateeachofthewords.Asyoucompleteeachdrawing,pointtoitandaskstudentswhatitshows.Ift heydon'tknow,saythewordandaskstudentstorepeatit.For example,drawastickfigurewithverylonglegsandalongbod y,whenyoupointtothefigure,studentssaytall.callatten tiontothepicture.Pointtothelettersnexttothepeoplein thepicture.Say,Usetheletterstomatchthepeopleinthepi cturewithoneofthenumberedwords.writeeachletternextt oanumberedword.youcanusesomelettersmorethanonce.Poi ntoutthesampleanswer.checktheanswers.1bThisactivityprovidesguidedlisteningandwritingpracti ceusingthetargetlanguage.callattentiontothespeechbu bblesinthepicture.Readthedialogue,sayingblankwhenyo ucometoablankline.Say,youwillhearaconversationbetwe enAmyandherfriend.Fillintheblanklinesintheirconvers ation.ThenlookatthepictureandfindtheboyAmyistalking about.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylist en.Playtherecordingasecondtime.Thistime,studentsfil lintheblanksinthespeechbubbles.Say,whoaretheytalkin gabout?correcttheanswers.1cThisactivityprovidesguidedoralpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.callattentiontothevariouspeopleinthepictu re.Say,oneofthesepeopleisyourfriend.Pointoutthesamp leconversation.Asktwostudentstoreadittotheclass.The nasktheclasstopointtothegirlinthepicturewhohaslongh airandamediumbuild.Sayadialoguewithastudent.Havethe studentaskyouthequestion.youthenansweritusingadescr iptionofoneofthepeopleinthepicture.Askthestudenttop ointoutthepersonyoudescribed.Say,Nowworkwithapartne r.Askandanswerthequestions.Thenhavestudentsworkinpa irs.Astheytalk,movearoundtheroommonitoringtheirwork .offerlanguageorpronunciationsupportasneeded.2aThisactivityprovidesguidedlisteningpracticeusingthe targetlanguage.Pointtothelistofninephrasesandaskast udenttoreadthemtotheclass.Say,Nowyouwillhearthreeco nversations.Thepeoplearetalkingaboutfriends.Theyare usingthesewordstodescribetheirfriends.Someofthesewo rdsgowith"has"andsomegowith"is".Pointtothecirclearo undtheword"circle".Say,circlethecorrectword,eitheri sorhas,whenyouhearitintheconversation.Playtherecord ingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylisten.Pointoutthatther earethreedifferentconversationsaboutthreedifferentpeople.Playtherecordingasecondtime.Thistimesay,circl e"has"or"is".youmaywishtoplaytherecordingathirdtime toallowslowerstudentstocompletetheirworkandtoletoth erstudentschecktheiranswers.correcttheanswers.2bThisactivityprovideslisteningandwritingpracticeusin gthetargetlanguage.Pointatthechartwithspacefortwowo rdsusedwithisandtwowordsusedwithhasaftereachnamecal lattentiontothesampleanswers.Asyoupointtothewordis, sayasentenceusingthesampleanswertall:He'stall.Point tothewordhasandsayasentenceusingthesampleanswercurl yhair:Hehascurlyhair.Playtherecording.Askstudentsto listentothedescriptionsandwritethewordsinthecorrect columnaftercadperson'sname.3Thisactivityprovidesguidedwritingpracticeusingtheta rgetlanguage.jcallattentiontothedialogueintheboxandthepicture.Ex plainthatstudentshavetocompletethedialoguewithwords todescribeNancy'sappearance.Havestudentsdotheactivityindividually.Astheywork,movearoundtheclassroomoff eringhelpasnecessary.3aThisactivityprovidesreadingp racticeusingthetargetlanguage.Drawattentiontothepic turesandthedescriptions.Explainthatstudentshavetoma tchthepictureswiththecorrectdescriptions.Pointoutth eexample.Haveastudentreadthefirstdescription.Studen tsdotheactivityindividually.3bThisactivityprovideso ralpracticeusingthetargetlanguagecallattentiontothepictureandthenamesinthebox.Say,St udentAhastowritethenamesintheboxnexttothepeopleinth epicture.ThenStudentBhastoaskquestionstofindthepeop le.Remindstudentsthattheyshouldnotlookateachothers' textbookswhentheydothisactivity.Havetwostudentsread outtheexampledialogueinthespeechbubbles.Thenaskstud entstodotheactivityinpairs.Asstudentstalk,walkaroun dtheclassroomlisteningandofferingassistanceasnecess ary.Afterseveralminutes,stoptheactivityandhavesever alpairspresenttheirdialoguestotheclass.4Thisactivityprovidesopen-endedoralpracticeusingthet argetlanguage.Giveasampledescriptionofsomeoneintheceonl ywordsandsentencepatternsfromthisunit.Forexample,Sh e'sshortandthin.Shehascurlyhair.Asksomestudentstode scribeapersonwhiletheirclassmatesguesswhoitis.Secti onBNewlanguagebeard,mustache,black,blonde,baldAddit ionalmaterialstobringtoclass:largescrappaperforthed rawingactivityinactivity41aThisactivityintroducesthekeyvocabulary.Focusattenti ononthesixpictures.Askstudentstotellwhattheyseeinea chpicture.confirmeachcorrectanswerandsupplyanywords studentsdon'tknow.Pointatthenumberedlistofwords.Say eachwordandaskstudentstorepeatthesewords.Thenaskstu dentstomatcheachwordwithoneofthepictures.Say,writet heletternexttothepictureinfrontofoneofthewords.Poin toutthesampleanswer.1bThisactivityprovidesoralandwritingpracticeusingthet argetlanguage.Pointattheincompletesentencesandreadt hecompletedsamplesentencetotheclass.Askstudentstowo rkaloneorinpairs.Havestudentswritethenameofafamousp ersonineachblank.Asksomestudentstoreadthesentencestheycompleted.Haveotherstudentssaywhetherthesentence sarerightorwrong.2bThisactivityprovideslisteningandwritingpracticeusin gthetargetstructures.Say,youwillhearmariaandDannyta lkingaboutTinaBrownandjohnnyDeanagain.Thistimeyourj obistowritewhateachpersonlookslike.Pointtotheheadin g"lookslike".Playtherecording.Askstudentstofillinth eblanksnexttothewords"lookslike"onthechart.correctt heanswers.2aThisactivityprovideslisteningandwritingpracticeusin gthetargetlanguage.PointoutthepictureofjohnnyDeanan dTinaBrownandmariaandDanny.Say,youwillhearmariaandD annytalkingaboutTinaBrownandjohnnyDean.yourjobistow ritethejobeachpersondoes.Pointtotheheading"job"onth echart.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylis ten.Playtherecordingasecondtime.Thistimeaskstudents tofillintheblanksinthechart.correcttheanswers.2cThisactivityprovidesoralpracticeusingthetargetlangu afamousactor,musicianorathleteanddescribethatperson.Forexample,myfavoriteactorisLeonardoDicapr io.He'smediumheightandhehasbrownhair.Askstudentstow orkinsmallgroups.Havestudentsdescribeafamouspersont othegroup.Askothersinthegrouptoaddinformationtoeach description,ifpossible.3aThisactivityprovidesreadingandwritingpracticeusingt hetargetlanguage.callattentiontothetwopicturesofjoh nnyDean.Askstudentsiftheyarepicturesofonepersonortw odifferentpeople.Leadstudentstounderstandthattheyar ebeforeandafterpictures.Askstudentstoreadthemagazin earticleindividually.movearoundtheroomansweringanyq uestionsstudentsmayhave.Readthemagazinearticletothe class.Answeranyfurtherquestionsaboutthewordsinthest orystudentsmayhave.Pointouttheblanksinthechart.Say, Under"Before"writewordsthatdescribejohnnybeforebech anged.Under"Now"writewordsthatdescribejohnnyafterbe changed.Pointoutthesampleanswer.Asstudentswork,move aroundtheroommonitoringprogress.3bThisactivityprovi desguidedwritingpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.call attentiontothepassageandthepicturesbelow.Explaintha tthepassagedescribeshowGloriaGreen'slookhaschanged.Pointoutthesampleanswer,andaskastudenttoprovidethes econdanswer.Pointoutthenumberedblanksintheparagraph .Say,writewordsdescribingGloria'sappearanceineachbl ank.Askstudentstofinishtheactivityontheirown.3cThisactivityprovideswritingpracticeusingthetargetla nguage.Askstudentstonametheirfavoriteactorsormusici ans.writesomeofthenamesontheboard.Askeachstudenttoc hooseanactorormusicianandwriteashortdescriptionofth eperson.Askwhatnewwordsstudentswanttouseintheirdesc riptions.whenyouunderstandwhatastudentwantstosay,wr itethewordontheboard,explainittotheclassandhavethec lassrepeatit.Limitthistotwoorthreenewwords.Asstuden tswrite,movearoundtheroomansweringquestionsandoffer inglanguagesupport.Readsomeofthecompleteddescriptio nstotheclassandhavestudentsguesswhothepersonis.4Thisactivityprovideslisteningandspeakingpracticeusi ngthetargetlanguage.Readtheinstructions.checktoseet hatstudentsunderstandhowthegameisplayed.Askeachstud enttodrawapicturewithoutletting,anyoneelseseeit.Hav estudentsgetintogroupsoffour.Tellthestudentsineachgrouptogivethemselvesnumbersfrom1to4.Asktheotherthre estudentsineachgrouptolistentothedescriptionanddraw theperson.youmaywishtohavethemlistentothedescriptio nseveraltimes.Askeachgrouptoswapitspictureswithanot hergroup.Thatgroupvotestodecidewhichofthethreecopie slooksmostliketheoriginalpicture.Thestudentwhodrewt hatcopyisthewinner.。
课题Unit7 What does he look like? (period 1)教学目标Learn the words about describing persons’ appearance. Learn how to describe people’s looks.教学过程Step 1 Leading-inT: Look, this is my family photo. Let’s meet them oneby one.(Show a photo of my family.)Step 2 New words1. Present new words.T: Look, this is my mother. she has long hair. Readafter me, long hair, H-A-I-R, hair.Ss: H-A-I-R, hair.(Then look at the pictures of my father and my sisiterand teach the other new words in the same way such as “short hair, curly hair and straight hair.”)T: Look at this man. He is my father. He is very tall. Read after me, tall, T-A-L-L, tall.Ss: T-A-L-L, tall.(Teach the other new words in the same way such as “short, medium height, thin, heavy, medium build”.)2.Practice the new words.T: Look at 1a. Match the new words with the pictures复备as quickily as you can.Step 3 listening.T: Listen to the tape. Work on 1b. Help Amy find herfriendStep4 New drills1. Present the drillsT: I have long, straight hair. I’m of medium height andI’m of medium build. What do you look like?S1:I have …And I’m….(Ask three more students to practice.)T: And what does he look like?S5: He is…, and he has….(Ask three more students to practice.)2.Practice the drillsA: What do you look like?B: I am…, and I have….A: What does he/she look like?B: He/She is…, and He/She has….作业课后反思课题Unit7 What does he look like? (period 2)教学目标To enable students to describe people’s looks correctly. To improve students listening skill.教学过程Step1 GreetingsGreet students as usual.Step2 Review the drillsT: What do you look like?S1: I am…, and I have….T: What does he/she look like?S1: He/She is…, and He/She has….Step 3 Listening practiceT: I have three good friends. They are David, Sally and Pete. Do you know what they look like?T: Look at 2a. Listen and circle “is” or “has” below.(Play the tape and then check the answers.)T: Listen again. Fill in the chart in 2b.复备(Play the tape again and check the answers.)Step 4 PracticeT: Work in pairs. Ask and answer according to 2b.(The students practice the dialogue and then the teacherasks some pairs to practice.)Step5 Pairwork(Show a picture of Lily’s new friend.)T: Look at the picture. She’s Lily’s new friend. Lilywill introduce her to you. Look at 3 and help Lilydescribe her new friend.(Ask students to fill in the blanks.)Ask students to practice this dialogue within severalminutes and then act the dialogue out.Step6 Grammar FocusExplain the important language points.作业Recite the dialogue in P42 3课后反思课题Unit7 What does he look like? (period 3)教学目标Learn to describe people’s looks in different ways.Learn the useful words and expressions about describing persons’appearance.教学过程Step1 GreetingsGreet students as usual.Step2 Present the new words.T: Look at this boy. His name is Jack. He likes soccervery much. He is the captain of the team. He is very popular in his class. He has brown hair.(Then explain “captain, team and brown” to the复备students. Teach them how to read the new words.)T: Look at this girl. She is Tina. She is very funny. She likes telling jokes very much. She is a bit thin. She has beautiful blonde hair. She never stops talking. (Explain “tell jokes, a bit, blonde and stop talking” to the students and teach them how to read the new words.)(Show four pictures of four students.)T: They are in the same class. Read the descriptions of the four classmates. Match them with the pictures in 3a.Step3 PracticeAsk students to match the pictures and check the answers.After explaining some useful words and expressions, ask students to read after the tape.Step 4PairworkT: There are some other classmates here. Can you describe them? Let’s work in pairs. Student A writes the names in the box next to the people in the picture. Student B asks questions to find the people. (The students work in pairs.)Step5 GameDescribe someone in the class. Ask your classmates toguess who you’re describing.T: This person is medium height. She has short hair…Ss:…(First teacher gives an example, then ask a student tocome to the blackboard and describe one person. Askother students to guess who he/she’s describing. )作业课后反思课题Unit7 What does he look like? (period 4)教学目标To enable students to learn other descriptions of persons’appearance.To improve students listening skill.教学过程Step1. Learn the new words(The teacher shows a false beard to the students.)T: Look, this is a beard. Read after me, beard, B-E-A-R-D, beard.(Teach other new words in the way above. “glasses, black hair, blonde hair”)Step2. Practice the new words(Show a picture of a famous musician with black hairand a beard.)T: What does he look like?S1: He has black hair and he has a beard.T: Do you know other musicians, actors or famous people? Look at 1b and fill in the blanks. Let’s see who knows the most.(The students fill in the blanks. Then the teacher asksthe students to tell the answers.)Step3: Listening practiceT: Danny and Maria are also talking about two famous men, Johnny and Tina. What do they do? Look at 2a, listen and write their jobs in the chart.(Play the tape and check the answers.)T: Now listen again, what do they look? Fill in the chart.复备(Check the answers.)作业课后反思课题Unit7 What does he look like? (period 5)教学目标Learn how to make a new look.Learn some useful words and expressions about describing persons’appearance.教学过程Step1 Leading-in(Show a picture of Liu Huan.)T: Look at the picture. What’s his name?T: What does he do?T: Yes, he is a pop singer..T: What does he look like?S1: He has long black hair. He has a big nose and a big mouth. He is a little heavy. And I think he is of medium height.(Then the teacher shows another photo of Liu Huan.)T: Now look at this photo. What does he look like?He has short black hair. He has a big nose and a big mouth.He is thin. And I think he is of medium height.Step2 ReadingT: Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Remember means“牢记,记住” Do you know his old look?T: Read the magazine article about Johnny Dean and fill in复备the blanks in the chart.Step3 Work on 3b(Show a picture of a beautiful woman to the students.)T: You know she is Gloria Green, a pop singer. Now she is not happy. Because she likes shopping. But when she goes shopping, many fans follow her. So she wants to design a new look. Look at the two pictures of Gloria Green. Then fill in the blanks in the article in 3b.Step4. Design your favorite famous star’s new lookName What doeshe/she look like? What’s his/ her new look?Work in group of four and then the teacher asks groups tohave a report.作业课后反思课题Unit7 What does he look like? (period 6)教学目标Review the words about describing persons’ appearance. Review how to describe people’s looks.教学过程Step1. Review the wordsshort hair, thin, straight hair, beard, curly hair, heavy, medium build, glasses, long hair, black hair, wear, tall, brown hair, medium height, short, blonde hair…Step2. Review how to describe a person’s appearanceTeacher could show some pictures and ask students to describe the persons’ appearance in these pictures.Step3. Work on P46 3Look at the picture. Old Henry and his neighbors are performingin a play. Describe what the people look like.Step4. Exercises复备后反思。
初中英语教案含教学反思Unit 7 What does he look like
初中英语优秀教案含教学反思Unit 7 What does he look like 一.说教材1. 教材分析本单元的教学核心工程是“描述人的外貌〞〔Describe People〕,涉及到商量人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及其着装等言语工程。
2.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互援助,共同完成学习任务, 尽情享受学习的乐趣。
3.教学重点a.掌握“询问一个人的长相是什么样的〞表达方法:〔1〕What do you look like〔2〕What do they look like〔3〕What does he look like〔4〕What does she look likeb.学会“描述一个人的长相是什么样的〞表达方法:〔1〕I am short. I am thin.〔2〕They are medium height.〔3〕He is medium height.〔4〕She is tall. She is thin.4.教学难点a. 比照look like 和like 的区别b.答复What does he look like时,可以有两种答复方法,一种为I’m…./He’s…需要注意的是be 动词后跟着形容词/表示身高;另一种为I have …/He has…需要注意的是后跟着形容词+名词。
七年级英语下册:Unit 7 What does he look like知识要点及考点(人教新目标版)
Unit 7 What does he look like?(一)重点句子1. What does he look like? = What is he like? ( be like = look like)He is handsome and kind.2. She is of medium build/ height and she has beautiful long black hair.3. She always wears a red skirt and white shoes.4. Wang Lin is the captain of the basketball team.5. She is a little bit quiet.6. Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.7. She never stops talking.8. Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?9. I don’t think he’s so great.(二)重点短语和知识要点1. medium height 中等个子medium build 中等身材2. curly hair 卷发long hair 长发straight hair 直发3. look like 看起来像She looks like her mother.例题1 )Many people like ______ others playing games.A. watchB. watchesC. watchingD. watched2) She is ______ her father.A. likeB. likesC. likingD. to like3) -__________?-She is of medium build.A. What does she look likeB. What is she lookC. What does she likeD. What is she look like4. Class Five 五班(注意大写)5. the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长6. a little bit +形容词一点儿= a little / a bita little little a few few 的用法4) There are no apples. Please give _____ to me .A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few5) I feel kind of tired. I want to have a rest. (同义句)I feel ____ _____ ____ tired. I want to have a rest.7. love to do sth. 喜爱做某事Do you love to play basketball? 你爱打篮球吗?8. stop doing sth 停止做某事stop to do sth 停下来开始做某事Please stop talking to write. 请停止讲话,开始书写。
Unit 7 What does he look like?Section A要点讲解1. 句型What do/does sb look like?的用法。
【例】—What does your friend look like? 你的朋友长得什么样?—She is of medium build, and she has long hair. 她中等身材,留着长发。
(1) 此句型用来询问人的外貌特征,如身高、体型、长相、发型、着装等。
例如:—What does your father look like? 你的爸爸长得什么样?—He’s tall and of medium build. He has short hair. 他很高,中等身材, 留着短发。
—What do you look like? 你长得什么样?—I have a round face and big eyes. I wear a white dress. 我长着圆脸和一双大眼睛,我穿着一件白色的连衣裙。
(2) look like意思是“看起来像”,其中look是动词,意思是“看起来”,后常跟形容词;like是介词,意思是“像;和……一样”。
例如:The boy looks like his father. 那个男孩长得像他的爸爸。
He looks tired because he didn’t sleep well last night. 他看起来很累是因为昨晚没睡好。
2. a little bit的用法及辨析。
【例】She’s good-looking but she’s a little bit quiet. 她长得好看,但是有一点点文静。
a little bit意思是“有点儿”,后跟形容词,和kind of, a little, 和a bit的意思相同。
例如:She’s tall but she’s a little bit heavy. 她个子很高但有点儿胖。
Unit 7 What does he look like单元知识讲解
Unit 7 What does he look like?单元知识讲解班级姓名一. 重点单词和词组like prep. 像;像……一样look like 看起来象,看起来是……样子short adj. 短的;矮的hair n. 头发;毛发;(动物的)毛curly adj. 卷曲的;卷缩的straight adj. 直的;直线的;笔直的height n. 高度;身高thin adj. 瘦的heavy adj. 重的;沉的build n. (人的)体格popular adj. 为大众喜爱的;流行的;通俗的good-looking adj. 好看的;漂亮的bit n. 一点儿;少许;微量 a little bit 有点儿;一点儿brown adj. 棕色的;褐色的beard n. 胡须glasses n. 眼镜remember v. 想起,记得winner n. 获胜者award n. 奖品;奖金nobody pron. 没有人;无人二. 重点难点讲解1. What does he look like? 他看上去什么样子?look like表示“看起来像……”指的是“外观上像”的意思My friend is medium height . (对划线提问)2. She is good-looking but she is a little bit quiet . 她长得漂亮但有些内向。
(1)good-looking 为合成形容词(尤指人)漂亮的,好看的。
其同义词有:beautiful “好看的”尤指妇女,儿童。
pretty “好看的”,尤指妇女,儿童。
handsome “好看的”,用于男子。
beautiful 是个有分量的,表示赞许的形容词,含有高雅和完美的意思。
pretty 指娇媚温柔的容貌。
(2) a bit “有点儿”,“稍微”。
a little “少量”,“稍许”,与不可数名词连用,此句中用来修饰bit.a little bit: “有一点儿”,用来修饰形容词quiet,指“有点儿内向”。
Unit 7- What does he look like?
Unit 7: What does he look like?以下是为您推荐的Unit 7: What does he look like?,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。
Unit 7: What does he look like? Language goal In this unit students learn to describe people. New language What do you look like? I’m short. And I have curly hair. What do they look like? They’re medium height.And they have short hair. What does he look like? He’s heavy and he wears glasses. What does she look like? She’s thin and she has long hair. Section A Ask students to name some ways of describing people. You can start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short. Continue with examples of students who have long hair and short hair. Write the words on the board and ask students to repeat these words. Then point at different students’ hair and ask the class, Long hair or short hair? Culture note In some cultures, it is impolite to point at other people or to touch other people, particularly on the head. la This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the words. Ask students to read the list of words. Then say。
中学英语说课稿Unit 7 What does he look like-
中学英语说课稿Unit 7 What does he look like?中学英语说课稿Unit 7 What does he look like?中学英语说课稿单元7他是什么样子呢?早上好,亲爱的法官。
目标语言: - 什么他/她是什么样子?- 他/她高。
-你长的怎样?- 我瘦。
unit7 what does he look like-20180930155952829-abf
Unit 7 What does he look like?单元整体说明单元教材分析本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书《新目标英语》七年级下册中第七单元,本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(image),因此‘talking about sb’s image’是教学重点。
单元知识结构1.词汇:名词:hair, height,build,captain,team,bit,joke,person,heard,grasses,mustache,image,winner etc.形容词:short,curly,straight,high,thin, heavy,etc2.短语:look like, good一looking,a little bit,etc3. 句型:What does he/she look like? --He/She is tall.What do you look like? --I’m thin.4. 语法:What does he/she look like? --He/She is tall.What do you look like? --I’m thin.单元总体目标1. Master the vocabulary.2. Master and use:---What does he/she look like?---He/She is tall.---What do you look like?—I’m thin.单元学情分析学生在七年级上册已经学过关于“What does he like?”这一特殊疑问句式,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。
unit7what does he look like-20180930150432048-8e2c
Johnny Dean
Hale Waihona Puke Tina Brownmovie actor
Job Looks like
pop singer
tall,thin,long curly hair,glasses
medium height long blonde hair
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black hair
long black hair
long brown short blonde curly red hair hair hair
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2a listen and write Johnny Dean’s and Tina Brown’s jobs in the chart.
Unit7 What does he look like?
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unit7what does he look like-20180930150432032-a0aa
Show your English!
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sunglasses a white hat
a red shirt
long hair
white beard
white hair
He/she wears/has…
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需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪 Leaning tips: witness( 目击者);rob( 抢劫) );feature(特征)
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1. 完成作业本5,6部分。 2.背诵课文P95-sectionB:2a2b.
3.写一篇小作文:描述自己的家庭成 员的相貌。字数:60words.
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A:What does he look like? Is he fat?
B: No, he is thin. A: what about his height? B: He is short. …
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Report: Tom is tall and heavy. He has curly brown hair….
Teeny is short and thin. She has long black hair… …
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Suppose you have witnessed a thief robbing money from a bank. Now a policeman is asking you some questions about the features of the thief. How will you describe the thief?
Unit 7 What does he look like
Unit 7 What does he look like?一教学内容本单元的教学核心项目是“描述人的外貌”(Describe People),教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点,引导学生学会用英语介绍自己或他人的外表特征。
这些内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,学生能通过交换对不同人物的描述及看法所以在学习活动中,因此,学生会更加对What does he look like?感兴趣。
二教学目标1知识目标1)识记描述人物外貌特征的词汇hair, height, build, captain, team, bit, joke, beard, glasses, look, singer, etc. short, tall, medium, thin, heavy, blonde, brown, curly, straight, wise, popular, huge, etc.2)口头及书面掌握询问外貌的有关句型--What does he/she look like?--He/she is tall. He /she has curly hair.-- What do you/they look like?-- I’m thin. /They’re of medium height.----Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five?----I think I know her. She always wears a red skirt.2能力目标1) 学会询问他人外表。
2) 学会谈论,描述身高,体重,发型,面部特征及着装等外貌特征。
Section A(一)四会单词及短语hair tall height thin heavy build like always captain team popular bit joke never stop brown personmedium height/build the captain of tell jokes stop talking(二)词汇拓展1 build 体型,身材为可数名词。
Unit7 What does he look like
Unit7 What does he look like?WuYing (原创)一、教材分析:本单元的教学核心项目是“描述人的外貌”(Describe People),涉及到讨论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及其着装等语言项目。
Section A从根据人的外貌特征找人,来呈现与此相关的形容词、短语(Activity1a)到听力练习(Activity1b, 2a, 2b),让学生学会描述人的外貌(Activity3a),引出本单元的语法项目have动词、be动词和wear动词的用法,到句型操练(Activity1c,3,3b),语言目标层层递进,主要展示了重点句型:What does he/she look like?He/She is tall. He/She has curly hair.What do you/they look like?I’m thin. /They’re medium height.最后还有一个猜人游戏:Mystery Student(Activity4) 以游戏的方式来检测学生对本部分单词和句型的掌握情况。
Section B中的教学是在Section A的基础上展开的,不少知识点都是以旧带新,把所学的目标句型进行实际的综合运用。
先以Activity1a入手继续学习描述人的外貌特征的词和短语,再以Activity1b进行实际操练, Activity2a, 2b是一个综合的听力训练,用来展示学生的听力能力,并以听力内容为基础,通过Activity2c中描述自己的偶像的外貌的练习实现英语交际的功能。
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My favorite star!
Task 3 Listening Practice
Section B 2a,2b Listen and write Johnny Dean’s and Tina Brown’s jobs and what they look like in the chart.
What does he look like?
He wears funny glasses. He has funny glasses.
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What does she look like?
She has blonde hair. She has short straight blonde hair.
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Period 3
Section B
By Ni Jiandan
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Task 1:Describing (描述) What do I look like? You have long curly brown hair. You are medium height. (You are tall/You are short.) You have a medium build. (You are thin/You are heavy.) You wear a dress.
Does he have hair? No,he doesn’t.
What does he look like? He is
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What does he look like?
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Pairwork:ask and answer
A:Who’s your favorite singer/ actor/athlete(运动员)? B:My favorite … is … A:What does he/she look like? B:He/She is/has… Report:My partner's favorite singer is Liu Huan.He has long black hair.He is a little bit heavy.He's medium height. 需要更完整的资源请到 新世纪
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Ask the questions below: 1.What does Johnny Dean do? He’s a pop singer. 2.What does he look like? He’s tall and thin. He has long curly hair.And he has funny glasses. 3.What does Tina Brown do? She’s a movie actor(actress). 4.What does she look like? She’s medium height and she has long blonde hair.
She’s Li Wen(Coco). What does she do? She’s a pop singer. What does she look like? She has a medium build and long straight blonde hair.
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Task 2:Groupwork
Describe what your favorite musician,actor and athlete
look like. (描述你最喜爱的音乐家,
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Who’s this woman?
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描述头发 漂亮+长短+形状+颜色
beauபைடு நூலகம்iful
short curly long straight
brown blonde black white red
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What do you look like? I am/have/wear......
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What does she/he look like?
She wears glasses . He wears sunglasses .
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has black hair. Li Baotian has a beard. Han Hong wears glasses. Zhou Xun has blonde hair. Chen Peisi is bald. Zhou Runfa has a mustache.
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Try to describe what Yao Ming looks like.
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A:Who’s your favorite singer? B:My favorite singer is Zhou Bichang. A:What does she look like? B:She wears glasses. She has short black hair. She is medium height. She is medium build.
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He新世纪 has a mustache. He has a beard. 需要更完整的资源请到
c b a
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1b Fill in the blanks.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Jackie Chan