Study on Transfer Function of Intra-Body Communication Based on Quasi-static Electric Field Modelin




A Study on the Impact of Endowment Insurance System on IncomeDistribution in China1.1 Present situation of the research at home and abroad.China's social pension insurance system has experienced reform and development for 10 years and expand its coverage. However, Compared with the target of the development of social security covering urban and rural workers the central government established in 2020, coverage of the current system is still very limited.By the end of 2007, the insured workers who have China's basic old-age insurance still account for only 52% of the population of the urban employment①, which accounting for 20% of the employed population.②Take a different institutional arrangements for flexible and rural employed workers, causing a redistribution of income between the different types of insured population.In addition, even under the same institutional arrangements. As the level of income of the insured person, insured length of time, gender differences, life different and so on.and produce income redistribution. Thus, the existing old-age insurance system actually expand the gap between the rich and the poor, which is not conducive to the development of social fairness.As for income redistribution on social endowment insurance,there are a lot of relevant research literature abroad.such as Bos kin, Coronado, Gust man, Lee C., Jeffrey B.L. Borelia, Don F. B. Adopt calculation method that different groups of people participate in the internal rate of return of the pension insurance and pension insurance change Gini coefficient to estimate income distribution of the different national social pension insurance system effect. At home, Ren Ruoen adopt intergenerational accounting method to test intergenerational account of the value of China's social pension insurance system. Lixin use microeconomic survey data to use the detailed microscopic individual data into the transfer situation and the social security system on income redistribution. RJ Perez, Shen Shuguang contrast actuarial present value of pension entitlements and payment method to analyze the new pension adjustment program in 2005 compared with the past program changes in redistribution between high and low income groups which may come to the new system significantly and reduce the intra-generational redistribution effect conclusions. Overall, quantitative study of income redistribution effect of the pension insurance system in China is very limited.1.2 Research direction and purposeAccording to the latest statistics, China have more than 180 million people over the age of 60 at present. The number is increasing 5million to 8million each year. With the acceleration of the trend of a population and pension awareness, the popularity of the old-age insurance is more and more intensified. By the end of 2012, elderly theoretically with Chinese citizenship will be entitled to the pension. This isthe state committed to speed up the construction of old-age insurance system in recent years. Pratt & Whitney's universal vision and achieve the historic breakthrough.The socialist principles of the pension insurance fund allocation and income distribution has a very close relationship. In practice, the reason why pension insurance income countries is used as one of the important forms of fiscal revenue and brought in management into national budgets, the underlying reason is that pension insurance is an important content of the government's social policy, pension fund mobilization are the use of government action, From the point of view , government must be accountable to the public and properly manage the use of the old-age insurance fund.and shall be implemented through the national budget. Additionally, because of a lot of accumulated balances due to the pension insurance fund, the part of these funds are the important financial resources for social development. By the Fund's investment arrangements combined with co-ordinated, the investments also conducive to preserving and increasing the value of the fund. At present, the accumulation of the national pension insurance fund has reached 58 billion.1.3 Purpose and significanceAlthough construction has made remarkable achievements of China's pension insurance, deficiencies in the system partition unfair treatment is the existing pension insurance system, deepen reform and optimize system task is still arduous.This article intends to be discussed by our current system of pension insurance, based Arthur Cecil Pigou’s welfare economics and previous studies, Combine domestic and international experience. Analyzing the existing pension insurance system affect the distribution of income has the following theoretical and practical significance.(1)By the composition of the pension insurance system and the current national policy analysis, explaining the the popularity significance of the pension insurance and macro-control, especially income redistribution.(2)By welfare economics, together with the first and second theorem. Subject to people of different types of employment, different income level of the crowd, different gender groups, different payment years crowd and different life crowd, conclude and analyze income redistribution of pension insurance system.(3)By contrast with the relevant state policies, analyze reasonableness and unreasonableness of China's pension insurance system .。



浙江临床医学2021年1月第23卷第1期• 141•剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕处妊娠治疗现状曹奔奔仝进毅*剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕处妊娠(CSP)是一种特殊的异位妊 娠,指有剖宫产史者再次妊娠其孕旗着床在原剖宫产瘢痕处。

ROTAS等⑴指出CSP发生率约1/2216-1/1800,并呈逐年上 升趋势。



延误诊断和(或)治疗,前置胎盘、胎盘粘连等 并发症风险随孕周增长而增加[4"51,严重者并发出血、子宫 破裂等所以,一旦确诊CSP必须尽早终止妊娠。

VIAL 等—2000年提出两分法,即根据妊娠囊植人子宫瘢痕处的 程度及其生长方向,将子宫瘢痕妊娠分为内生型(丨型)和 外生型(n型),有助于指导临床治疗。

目前,关于如何终止 CSP尚未达成共识。

本文从药物治疗、手术治疗、其他等几 个方面阐述国内外CSP治疗现状。

1药物治疗甲氨蝶呤(M T X)是最常用药物,其是一种叶酸拮抗剂,通过阻断DNA合成,干扰RNA和蛋内质的合成,阻断滋养 细胞分裂,抑制滋养细胞增殖,导致胚胎停止发育并发生死 亡t1111。

1997年,GODIN等1通过孕囊周围及孕囊内注射甲 氨蝶呤的方式治疗CSP并取得成功,此后MTX在临床上被广 泛应用。

KATHRINE等1121提出,当患者生命体征稳定,孕 周<8周,孕囊与膀胱之间子宫肌层厚度<2 mm,血清HCG 浓度<5000IU/L,孕囊<2.5 cm或孕瘓内未见心脏搏动的情况 下,可选择MTX治疗。


研究表明[13], MTX治疗的两种方式其成功率相似约56%~60%,联合使用可 达77%,治疗过程中可发生肝酶升高、骨髓抑制、口腔溃疡 和发热等并发症,但对于一般情况稳定CSP患者,MTX治疗 仍作为一种有效方式。



第20卷第23期中国现代医学杂志Vol.20No.232010年12月China Journal of Modern Medicine Dec.2010共济失调毛细血管扩张症(ataxia-telangiectasi-a,AT)是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传病,以进行性中枢神经元变性、免疫缺陷和对放射线敏感为特点。









3gpp资料3GPP Feature

3gpp资料3GPP Feature

70 Enhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrum
71 Further NB-IoT enhancements
72 New Radio Access Technology 73 DL interference mitigation for UMTS 74 Further video enhancements for LTE
HPLMN Radio Access Technology deployment Optimisation in Network Selection
49 Mobile Communication System for Railways
Inclusion of WLAN direct discovery technologies as an alternative for ProSe direct discovery
E-UTRA 700MHz in Europe for Broadband-PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief)
42 FDD operating band in the L-band for LTE
LTE Extended 1.5 GHz SDL band (1427 – 1518 MHz) and LTE CA (2DL/1UL) with Band 20
54 MBMS usage for MC communication services
Study on technical requirements for a new secure platform for 3GPP applications



嵌合抗原受体T细胞治疗胰腺癌的现状及未来策略潘泽雁【期刊名称】《《中国癌症杂志》》【年(卷),期】2019(029)007【总页数】5页(P481-485)【关键词】嵌合抗原受体T细胞; 胰腺癌; 免疫治疗【作者】潘泽雁【作者单位】海军军医大学附属长海医院肿瘤科上海200433【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.9胰腺癌的发病率在全球范围内均呈上升趋势,由于其复杂的解剖结构及病理学特征,现有的主流治疗方法不尽如人意,晚期胰腺癌的中位生存期为3~5个月,1年生存率<10%,因此亟待开发新的有效的治疗方法。

免疫治疗作为继手术、放疗和化疗后的肿瘤治疗策略,近年来快速发展,其中嵌合抗原受体(chimeric antigen receptor,CAR)T细胞治疗血液系统肿瘤效果显著,因此,人们同样寄希望于CAR-T细胞疗法攻克包括胰腺癌在内的实体肿瘤。


1 CAR-T细胞的生物学特点及在实体瘤治疗中的困境将编码CAR的外源基因在体外完成设计和合成,并通过病毒载体等方式转染T细胞,使T细胞稳定表达CAR结构,形成CAR-T细胞。


CAR-T细胞得以发挥抗肿瘤作用的原理在于CAR结构中包含一段细胞外的肿瘤相关抗原(tumor-associated antigen,TAA)结合区,该结合区通过铰链结构、跨膜段与T细胞的细胞内信号转导通路相联结,细胞外段的肿瘤抗原结合段通常来源于多克隆抗体的抗原结合区域的单链可变区(singlechain variable fragment,scFv)段,当T细胞遇到肿瘤抗原时,scFv段与肿瘤抗原特异性结合后可直接激活T细胞并启动杀伤机制。




• • • • • • • • 先进的超低功率射频(RF)技术 计算机技术 智能传感器技术 无线传感器网络技术 无线网络技术等的飞速发展 材料技术 软件技术 计算智能
• 人体通信方式依据不同的传输方式可以划分为3 种类型 • 简单线路方式 • 电容耦合方式:利用发射器端的振荡让人体产生 电场,并由接收器检测电场的变化,从而实现通 信 • 电流耦合方式方式 :把人体作为波导
• 所谓人体通信,就是把人的身体当作线缆,利用 通信装置进行双向数据通信。NTT的实验标志着, 人类不仅是共享信息的受众,同时也将成为信息 传输的载体。将人体作为通信网络的一部分使用。 这项技术可向体内输入微弱的电信号,从而实现 6至10Mbps的通信。 • 人体通信是将距离人体3米以内的范围作为对象 的近距离无线通信“WBAN(wireless body area network)”的一种,其特点在于耗电量较低以及 安全性较高。
• 一是低速案例,如通过穿戴进行配对使用,如 蓝牙
• 二是中速案例,如通过触摸随时以电视或更大 的屏幕快速浏览手机的信息、打印文件,还有 人与人之间交换名片,通过穿戴或内部信号进 行保健等 • 三是高速案例,将音乐传输至耳机中、视频传 输、利用多媒体增强效果等。
• • • • 人体通信频带问题 人体通信信道模型问题 人体通信设备的功耗和问题 人体特征信号的提取问题
• 作为WSN 的分支和物联网的重要组成部分 ,BSN 通过应用泛在计算、智能信息处理和新 型网络化等和发展趋势
• • • • • • • • 信号采集及数据融合 节点信号处理. 生理感知数据特征提取. 轻量级数据融合算法 情景感知 人工神经网络 贝叶斯网络 Markov 模型



Practical Consequences ofResolution B1.6 "IAU2000 Precession-Nutation Model,"Resolution B1.7 "Definition of Celestial In-termediate Pole," and Resolution B1.8 "Definition and Use of Ce-lestial and Terrestrial EphemerisOrigin"Dennis D. McCarthy,1 Nicole Capitaine 21 U. S. Naval Observatory2 Observatoire de Paris1 Practical consequences of Resolution B1.6 "IAU2000 Preces-sion-Nutation Model"Resolution B1.6 (see Annex) recommends a new precession/nutation model. Beginning on 1 January 2003, the IAU 1976 Precession Model and the IAU 1980 Theory of Nutation are replaced by the precession-nutation model IAU 2000 A (MHB 2000) based on the transfer functions of Mathews et al. (2002) for those who need a model at the 0.2 mas level. Alternatively one can use a shorter version IAU 2000 B (McCarthy and Luzum, 2002) if precision at the 1 mas level is required. In both cases the associated celestial pole biases must be used.The IAU2000 A model contains 678 luni-solar terms and 687 planetary terms and provides the direction of the celestial pole in the Geocentric Celestial Reference Sys-tem (GCRS) with an accuracy of 0.2 mas. The series includes the geodesic nutation contributions to the annual, semi-annual, and 18.6-year terms. (Fukushima 1991). The Free Core Nutation (FCN), being a free motion that cannot be predicted rigor-ously, is not a part of the IAU2000A model.The abridged model, designated IAU2000B includes 80 luni-solar terms plus a planetary bias to account for the effect of the planetary terms in the time period un-der consideration. It provides the celestial pole motion with an accuracy that does not result in a difference greater than 1 mas with respect to the IAU2000A model during the period 1995-2050.Currently the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) provides “celestial pole offsets” for routine use in transformations between the terrestrial and celestial refer-ence systems. These are corrections to the angles ψ (longitude) and ε (obliquity) that one currently computes using the IAU 1976 Precession (Lieske et al. 1977) and the IAU 1980 Nutation Theory (Seidelmann, 1982). For most users these correc-tions will no longer be necessary if they use the IAU2000A/B models. The IERS will continue to publish celestial pole offsets with respect to IAU2000A, but these are expected to be less than 1 mas.The IAU 2000 series of nutation must be used with improved numerical values for the precession rate of the equator in longitude and obliquity:Practical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2Practical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2 The realization of the CIP thus requires that the IERS monitor the observed differ-ences (reported as "celestial pole offsets'') with respect to the conventional celestial position of the CIP in the GCRS based on the IAU 2000A precession-nutation model together with its observed offset at epoch. It also requires that the motion of the CIP in the TRS be provided by the IERS by observations taking into account a predictable part specified by a model including the terrestrial motion of the pole corresponding to the forced nutations with periods less than two days (in the GCRS) as well as the tidal variations in polar motion.Recent models for rigid Earth nutation (Bretagnon et al. 1997, Souchay et al. 1999, Roosbeek 1999) include prograde diurnal and prograde semi-diurnal terms with re-spect to the GCRS with amplitudes up to ~15µas in ∆ψ sinε0 and ∆ε. In order to realize the CIP as recommended by Resolution B1.7, nutations with periods less than two days are to be considered using a model for the corresponding motion of the pole in the ITRS. The prograde diurnal nutations correspond to prograde and retrograde long periodic (13 d to 3300 d) variations in polar motion and the prograde semi-diurnal nutations correspond to prograde diurnal variations in polar motion. The amplitudes for the non-rigid Earth can be derived from the rigid Earth values by applying the transfer function of Mathews et al. (2002) extended for the high fre-quency nutations. Preliminary numbers have been provided by Folgueira et al. (2001). An ad hoc Working Group has been working to provide a definitive table for operational use.3 Practical consequences of Resolution B1.8 “Definition anduse of Celestial and Terrestrial Ephemeris Origin” Resolution B1.8 recommends the use of the “non-rotating origin”' (Guinot, 1979) both in the GCRS and the ITRS and these origins are designated as the Celestial Ephemeris Origin (CEO) and the Terrestrial Ephemeris Origin (TEO). The “Earth Rotation Angle” is defined as the angle measured along the equator of the CIP be-tween the CEO and the TEO. It recommends that UT1 be linearly proportional to the Earth Rotation Angle and that the transformation between the ITRS and GCRS be specified by the position of the CIP in the GCRS, the position of the CIP in the ITRS, and the Earth Rotation Angle. It is recommended that the IERS takes steps to implement this by 1 January 2003 and that the IERS continue to provide users with data and algorithms for the conventional transformation.Two equivalent procedures were given in the IERS Conventions (1996) (McCarthy, 1996) for the transformation from the TRS to the CRS using the procedure[]()()()[]tPNRCRS=,tTRSWtwhere PN(t), R(t) and W(t) are the transformation matrices describing the position of the celestial pole in the celestial system, the rotation of the Earth around the axis of the pole, and polar motion respectively. The classical procedure makes use of the equinox for realizing the intermediate reference frame of date t. It uses apparent Greenwich Sidereal Time (GST) in the transformation matrix R(t) and the classical precession and nutation parameters in the transformation matrix PN(t).The second procedure makes use of the "non-rotating origin" to realize the interme-diate reference frame of date t. It uses the "Earth Rotation Angle" originally referred to as "stellar angle" in the matrix R(t) and the two coordinates of the celestial pole in the CRS (Capitaine, 1990) in the transformation matrix PN(t).Resolutions B1.6 and B1.7 can be implemented in either of these procedures if the requirements described above are followed for the space-time coordinates in the geocentric celestial system, for the precession and nutation model on which are based the precession and nutation quantities used in the transformation matrix PN(t) and for the polar motion used in the matrix W(t). However, only the second proce-dure can be in agreement with Resolution B1.8, which requires the use of the "non-rotating origin" both in the CRS and the TRS as well as the position of the CIP in thePractical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2 GCRS and in the ITRS. The IERS must also provide users with data and algorithms for the conventional transformation. This implies that the expression of GST has to be consistent with the new procedure.of the Resolutions4 ImplementationA direction vector given in a terrestrial reference system (TRS) can be expressed in a celestial reference system (CRS) by the following[]()()()[]RPNCRS=,tttTRSWwhere PN(t), R(t) and W(t) are the transformation matrices describing the position of the celestial pole in the celestial system, the rotation of the Earth around the axis of the pole, and polar motion respectively. The parameter t is defined byt = ( TT –2000 January 1d 12h TT) in days/36525.This complies with IAU Resolution C7 (1994) recommending that the epoch J2000.0 be defined at the geocentre and at the date 2000 January 1.5 TT = Julian Date 2451545.0 TT.Motion4.1 PolarReferring to (Capitaine, 1990), if we designate R1, R2 and R3 as rotations about the axes 1, 2 and 3 of the coordinate frame, then,W(t)=R3(-s') R1(y p) R2(x p),x p and y p being the polar coordinates of the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) in the TRS and s' the accumulated displacement of the TEO on the true equator due to po-lar motion. The use of the quantity s', which is neglected in the classical form, is necessary to provide an exact realization of the "instantaneous prime meridian." The pole coordinates to be used for the parameters x p and y p, if not estimated by analysis of the observations, are those published by the IERS. Models for the diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal variations in pole coordinates are described in the IERS Conven-tions and are available on the website of the IERS Conventions. The quantity s' is only slightly dependent on polar motion. Some components of s' have to be evalu-ated, in principle, from the measurements and can be extrapolated using the IERS data. Its main component can be written ass' = - 0.0015(a c2/1.2 + a a2) t,a c and a a being the average amplitudes (in arc seconds) of the Chandlerian and an-nual wobbles, respectively in the period considered (Capitaine et al., 1986). The value of s' is less than 0.4 mas after a century. Using the current mean amplitudes for the Chandlerian and annual wobbles gives s’= - 47 µas t, t being in Julian centuries from J2000. (see Lambert & Bizouard, this Volume).Rotation4.2 EarthUsing the same rotational designations as for polar motion, R(t) is given byR(t)= R3(-θ),θ being the Earth Rotation Angle between the CEO and the TEO at date t on the equator of the CIP, which provides a rigorous definition of sidereal rotation of the Earth. It is obtained by using its relationship with UT1 as given by Capitaine et al., (2000),θ(T u) = 2π (0.7790572732640 + 1.00273781191135448 T u),where T u = (Julian UT1 date - 2451545.0),and UT1 = UTC + (UT1-UTC),or equivalentlyθ(T u) = 2π (UT1 Julian day number elapsed since 2451545.0 + 0.7790572732640 + 0.00273781191135448 T u).Practical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2 The quantity UT1-UTC to be used (if not estimated in the analysis of the observa-tions) is the value published by the IERS. This definition of UT1 is insensitive at the microarcsecond level to the precession-nutation model and to the observed celes-tial pole offsets. Therefore in the processing of observational data, the quantity s (see below) must be considered as independent of observations.4.3 Precession-NutationAgain, using the same rotational designations,PN(t )=R 3(-E) R 2(-d) R 3(E) R 3(s),E and d being such that the coordinates of the CIP in the CRS areX = sin d cos E, Y = sin d sin E, and Z = cos d.s is the accumulated rotation, between the epoch and the date t, of the CEO on the true equator due to the celestial motion of the CIP. Its expression, accurate to 1 microarcsecond after one century, is given as a function of the coordinates X and Y by()()()()[]()()dt t Y t X t Y t X -t Y t X 21-s tt 000ò+=&, Equivalently, PN(t ) can be given by()()()s R Y X a 1Y -X -Y aY -1aXY -X aXY -aX -1t PN 32222⋅÷÷÷øöçççèæ+−=, where a = ½ + ⅛(X 2 + Y 2).Developments of X and Y based on the IAU 2000 A or IAU 2000 B model for pre-cession-nutation and on their corresponding pole offset at J2000.0 will be available on the website of the IERS Conventions. These developments have the form (Capitaine et al. 2002) ()()()()[]()()()()[]()()()()[]K++++++++−−+=åååi i c,i s,i i c,i s,i i c,i s,ARGUMENT t a ARGUMENT ta ARGUMENT t a ARGUMENT t a ARGUMENT a ARGUMENT a t ."t ."t ." t ." t -."." -X cos sin cos sin cos sin 0000060000004600198620504272190019174320040166170222211005432()()()()[]()()()()[]()()()()[]K++++++++++−=åååi 2i s,22i c,2i i s,1i c,1i i s,0i c,05432ARGUMENT sin t b ARGUMENT cos tb ARGUMENT sin t b ARGUMENT cos t b ARGUMENT sin b ARGUMENT cos b t 0000099."0t 0011131."0t 0018423."0 t 022."407251- t 0."025376-0."006951 YPractical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2 where t = ( TT –2000 January 1d 12h TT) in days/36525 and ARGUMENT represents the fundamental arguments of the nutation theory. Each of the lunisolar terms in the nutation series is characterized by a set of five integers N j that deter-mine the ARGUMENT for the term as a linear combination of the five fundamental arguments F j , namely the Delaunay variables l, l', F, D, Ω.å=⋅≡=51j j j F N F N ARGUMENT r r ,where N r is the five-vector composed of the values 51N ,N K that characterize the term, and F r is the five-vector 51F ,F K , which are functions of time.Planetary nutation terms differ from the above only in thatå=′′=141j j j F N ARGUMENT ,F 6 to F 13 are the mean longitudes of the planets (Mercury to Neptune) including the Earth (l Me , l Ve , l E , l Ma , l Ju , l Sa , l Ur , l Ne ), and the general precession in longitude, p a . The expressions for the fundamental arguments areF 1 ≡ l = Mean Anomaly of the Moon= 134.°96340251 + 1717915923.”2178 t + 31.”8792 t 2 + 0.”051635 t 3 - 0.”00024470 t 4,F 2 ≡ l' = Mean Anomaly of the Sun= 357.°52910918 + 129596581."0481 t – 0."5532 t 2 + 0."000136 t 3 - 0."00001149 t 4,F 3 ≡ F = L - Ω ( L is the Mean Longitude of the Moon.)= 93.°27209062 + 1739527262."8478 t – 12."512 t 2 – 0."01037 t 3 + 0."00000417 t 4,F 4 ≡ D = Mean Elongation of the Moon from the Sun= 297.°85019547 + 1602961601."2090 t – 6."706 t 2 + 0."006593 t 3 - 0."0003169 t 4,F 5 ≡ Ω = Mean Longitude of the Ascending Node of the Moon= 125.°04455501 – 6962890."5431 t + 7."4722 t 2 + 0."07702 t 3 - 0."0005939 t 4,where t is measured in Julian Centuries of 36525 days of 86400 seconds of TDB since J2000.0 (Simon et al., 1994).The arguments for the planetary nutations are those of Souchay et al. (1999), based on the mean longitudes of the planets of VSOP82. The developments are given be-low in radians and t in Julian centuries of TDB.l Me = 4.402 608 842 + 2608.7903 141 574 t,l Ve = 3.176 146 697 + 1021.3285 546 211 t,l E = 1.753 470 314 + 628.3075 849 991 t,l Ma = 6.203 480 913 + 334.0612 426 700 t,l Ju = 0.599 546 497 + 52.9690 962 641 t,l Sa = 0.874 016 757 + 21.3299 104 960 t,l Ur = 5.481 293 871 + 7.4781 598 567 t,l Ne = 5.311886287 + 3.8133035638 t,p a = 0.024381750 t +0.00000538691 t 2.Practical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2Practical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2 VLBI observations show that there are deficiencies in the IAU2000 A of the order of 0.2 mas (Mathews et al. 2002). The IERS will continue to publish observed esti-mates of the corrections to the IAU 2000 precession-nutation model. The observed differences with respect to the conventional pole position are monitored and reported by the IERS as celestial pole offsets. These are provided as correctionsδX ≈ δψ sin ε0 and δY ≈ δεto the X and Y coordinates. Using these offsets the corrected celestial position of the CIP is given by X = X(IAU2000) + δX, and Y = Y(IAU2000) + δY.This is practically equivalent to replacing the transformation matrix PN with the rotationwhere PN IAU represents the PN(t) matrix based on the IAU 2000 precession-nutation model.ReferencesBretagnon, P., Rocher, P., and Simon, J.-L., 1997. “Theory of the rotation of therigid Earth,” Astron. Astrophys , 319, pp. 305-317.Capitaine, N., 1990, "The Celestial Pole Coordinates," Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr., 48,pp. 127-143.Capitaine, N., 2000, "Definition of the Celestial Ephemeris Pole and the CelestialEphemeris Origin," in Towards Models and Constants for Sub-microsecond Astrometry, K. J. Johnston, D. D. McCarthy, B. Luzum, G. Kaplan (eds),U. S. Naval Observatory, pp. 153-163.Capitaine, N., Guinot, B., and Souchay, J., 1986, “A Non-rotating Origin on the In-stantaneous Equator: Definition, Properties and Use," Celest. Mech., 39,pp. 283-307.Capitaine, N., Guinot, B., and McCarthy, D. D., 2000, “Definition of the CelestialEphemeris origin and of UT1 in the international Reference Frame,”Astron. Astrophys., 355, pp. 398-405.Capitaine, N., Chapront, J., Lambert, S., Wallace, P., 2002, “Expressions for theCelestial Intermediate Pole and Celestial Ephemeris Origin consistent with the IAU 2000A precession-nutation model”, submitted to Astron. Astro-phys.Folgueira, M., Bizouard, C., and Souchay, J., 2001, “Diurnal and subdiurnal luni-solar nutations: comparisons and effects,” Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astr., 81, pp.191-217.Fukushima, T., 1991, “Geodesic Nutation, ” Astron. Astrophys ., 244, pp. L11-L12. Guinot, B., 1979, "Basic Problems in the Kinematics of the Rotation of the Earth,"in Time and the Earth's Rotation , D. D. McCarthy and J. D. Pilkington(eds), D. Reidel Publishing Company, pp. 7-18.IAU Resolution C7, 1994, Transactions of the IAU, vol XXIIB (1996), p 59. IAU PN 1Y -X -Y 00X 01PN ÷÷÷øöçççèæ=δδδδPractical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2 Lieske, J. H., Lederle, T., Fricke, W., and Morando, B., 1977, “Expression for the Precession Quantities Based upon the IAU (1976) System of AstronomicalConstants,” Astron. Astrophys., 58, pp. 1-16.Mathews P.M., Herring, T.A., Buffett B.A., 2002, “Modeling of nutation-precession: New nutation series for nonrigid Earth, and insights into theEarth's Interior,” J. Geophys Res., 107, B4, 10.1029/2001JB000390. McCarthy, D.D., 1996, IERS Conventions, IERS Technical Note 21.McCarthy, D.D. and Luzum, B.J., 2002, “An abridged model of the motion of the celestial pole,” submitted to Celest. Mech Dyn. Astr.Roosbeek, F., 1999, “Diurnal and subdiurnal terms in RDAN97 series,” Celest.Mech. Dyn. Astr. 74, pp. 243--252.Seidelmann, P. K., 1982, “1980 IAU Nutation: The Final Report of the IAU Work-ing Group on Nutation,” Celest. Mech., 27, pp. 79-106.Simon, J. L., Bretagnon, P., Chapront, J., Chapront-Touze, M., Francou, G., Laskar, J., 1994, “Numerical Expressions for Precession Formulae and Mean Ele-ments for the Moon and Planets,” Astron. Astrophys., 282}, pp. 663-683. Souchay, J., Loysel, B., Kinoshita, H., Folgeira, M., 1999, “Corrections and new developments in rigid Earth nutation theory: III. Final tables REN-2000 in-cluding crossed-nutation and spin-orbit coupling effects," Astron. Astro-phys. Supp. Ser, 135, pp. 111-131.Practical Consequences of Resolution B1.6, Resolution B1.7, Resolution B1.8 Session 3.2。



文献进展摘要及翻译贵州医科大学麻醉学系研究生(心电生理及记忆课题组)文献名:(中文)全麻药具有特异的抑制星形胶质细胞和神经元缝隙链接通道和半通道的功能(英文)General Anesthetics Have Differential Inhibitory Effectson Gap Junction Channels and Hemichannels in Astrocytes and Neurons译者:佘玉琦原文摘要:Astrocytes represent a major non-neuronal cell population actively involved in brain functions and pathologies. They express a large amount of gap junction proteins that allow communication between adjacent glial cells and the formation of glial networks.In addition, these membrane proteins can also operate as hemichannels, through which “gliotransmitters” are released, and thus contribute to neuroglial interaction. There are now reports demonstrating that alterations of astroglial gap junction communication and/or hemichannel activity impact neuronal and synaptic activity. Two decades ago we reported that several general anesthetics inhibited gap junctions in primary cultures of astrocytes (Mantz et al., (1993) Anesthesiology 78(5):892-901). As there are increasing studies investigating neuroglial interactions in anesthetized mice, we here updated this previous study by employing acute cortical slices and by characterizing the effects of general anesthetics on both astroglial gap junctions and hemichannels. As hemichannel activity is not detected in cortical astrocytes under basal conditions, we treated acute slices with the endotoxin LPS or proinflammatory cytokines to induce hemichannel activity in astrocytes, which in turn activated neuronal hemichannels. We studied two extensively used anesthetics, propofol and ketamine, and the more recently developed dexmedetomidine. We report that these drugs have differential inhibitory effects on gap junctional communication and hemichannel activity in astrocytes when used in their respective, clinically relevant concentrations, and that dexmedetomidine appears to be the least effective on both channel functions. In addition, the three anesthetics have similareffects on neuronal hemichannels. Altogether, our observations may contribute to optimizing the selection of anesthetics for in vivo animal studies. GLIA摘要翻译:星形胶质细胞是主要的非神经元细胞群,积极的参与了大脑的功能和病理学。




检测结核病患者外周血淋巴细胞亚群是评估免 疫功能的方法之一,但该检测项目在结核病的临床应用有限,认识不统一。

发表于《中国防痨杂志>2020年第10期 的《结核病患者外周血淋巴细胞亚群检测及临床应用专家共识》,就淋巴细胞亚群检测结果的正确判读和临床应用 提出了具体建议并达成共识。

本解读强调要关注结核病患者外周血淋巴细胞亚群检测方法的标准化和规范化,重 视全面正确客观分析检测结果,并就存在的问题提出简要建议,以供我国结核病临床工作者借鉴和参考。

【关键词】结核;淋巴细胞亚群;实验室技术和方法;总结性报告(主题);评论;基于问题的学习Interpretation of Expert consensus on detection and clinical application of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in patients with tuberculosis LIANG Jia n-q in, W U Xue-qiong. Army Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Key Laboratory,Beijing Key Laboratory o f New Techniques o f Tuberculosis Diagnosis and Treatment,Institute for Tuberculosis Research , the 8th Medical Center o f Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100091, ChinaCorresponding author :W U Xue-qiong 9 Email : xueqiongwu@ 139. com【Abstract】The occurrence,development and prognosis of tuberculosis (TB) are closely related to immune resistance. The detection of peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in TB patients is one of the methods to evaluate immune function, but the clinical application of this detection in TB is limited and the understanding is not uniform.^Expert consensus on detection and clinical application o f peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in patients with tuberculosis^ published in No. 10 of 2020 in Chinese J ournal o f A nti t uberculosis proposed specific suggevStions and reached consensus on correct interpretation and clinical application of lymphocyte subsets detection results. This interpretation emphasizes that we should pay attention to the standardization and normalization of detection methods for peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in TB patients, pay attention to the comprehensive, correct and objective analysis of the detection results»and put forward brief suggestions on the existing problems, to provide the reference of TB clinical workers of our country.【Key words】Tuberculosis; Lymphocyte subsets;Laboratory techniques and procedures;Consensus development conferences as topic;Comment;Problem-based learning结核病是威胁全球公共卫生健康的传染病之一。



TermsTheme rheme(主述位)Emphasis(强调)Modification(修饰)Passive/ Active Parallel progression(平行型推进)Attributive(定语)/Adverbial(状语)Sequence(顺序)Transfer(转移)Shift(转换)End(尽头)/未知领域未知领域Adverbial/ Predicate(谓语)Topic Tense But all these count nothing had not the orange scuh delight qualities of taste.但如果没有柑橘的香甜,这一切都不足为奇。

(虚拟语气是最容易忽视的语法现象之一)用不用威妥玛拼音都可以,eg. Kuomintang国民党国外的fermented food(发酵食物)不多,能与臭豆腐之类等同的只有farmhouse cheese农舍芝士Courtesy seat老弱病残孕专座Base fare基价,起步价Congee粥porridge麦片粥Malicious恶意的With charity for all, with malice toward none.Logical strataEg. I work in the bursar’s office at Columbia. - Early Autumn (Langston Hughes)误:我在哥伦比亚当会计。

(女主之前说过她现在住在纽约,前后不符)正:我在哥伦比亚大学的财务科上班Major country大国Xianglin’ s Wife祥林嫂深层次further, deep- rootedStrong, prosperous, democratic, culturally adcanced and harmonius富强民主文明和谐Entry- entries条目catalog目录Outline提纲;概要abstract也有摘要的意思两岸四地:the whole China including mainland, Taiwan, Hongkong and MagaoOur ill- fated and most lamentable friendship has ended in rain &public infamy(身败名裂)for me(可以提前,译作对我来说), yet the memory of our ancient affection is often with me, and the thought(通常名称译作动词,“一想到”)that loathing bitterness and contempt should for ever take place in my haert once held by love is very sad to me.对我来说,我们之间可惜又可悲的友谊已经毁于一旦,并让我身败名裂。


掌握: 1. 内环境、稳态和生物节律的定义 2. 体液调节、神经调节、自身调节的概念、特点和意义及其相互
之间的关系 3. 人体自动控制系统的类别、功能意义及它们之间的的异同
熟悉: 1. 生理学的研究对象和任务 2. 生理学的研究层次,立足局部把握整体
1. 生理学与医学的关系; 生理学的研究方法 2. 生命活动的基本特征; 生理学的发展历程,明确发展方向
1. 从器官和系统层面研究生理学 阐明器官和系统的功能活动规律以及影响因素
2. 从细胞和分子层面研究生理学 分子、细胞层面的研究有助于对器官功能的深入了解。 如2014年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主J.O’Keefe和Moser夫妇研究发现大脑海马区存在“位置
3. 负反馈控制系统
❖ 负反馈(negative feedback) 在闭环控制系统中,受控部分发出的反馈信息在比较器的参与下,影响控制部分并
分化程度 适用范围
高度分化 适用范围广
非条件反射 先天性 脑干和脊髓的反射 永久固定的神经联系
较简单 适应具有很大的限制
3. 反射弧—— 神经系统活动的结构基础
二、体液调节是一种较为原始的调节方式 1. 体液调节(Humoral regulation) 指机体的某些组织细胞所分泌的特殊的化学物质,通过体液
矛盾:一方面分工过细; 另一方面各门学科相互交叉而走向综合的趋势。
1947年创了“控制论”这个崭新的学科,1948年Wiener所著的《控制论》一书出版。 运用控制论原理分析人体的调节活动时,人体的各种功能调节可分为三类控制系统。



• How to Fat-proof Your Child? • --What kind of money does a girl 如何让你的孩子防“胖”于未然? like best? 女孩最爱什么“财”?——郎才。 女孩最爱什么钱?——礼钱。 • -- Matrimony. 女孩最爱什么钱?——美元(缘) • Able was I ere I saw Elba. 不到俄岛我不倒。 • --What flower does everybody 落败孤岛孤败落。 (tulips= two lips) have? 什么样的花人人都有啊?——泪花。 • --Tulips.
• 英语动词translate源自拉丁词translatus, 而translatus又是transferre 的过去分词。 在拉丁语里,transferre的意思是carry或 transport,指的是背负物件将其转移到另一 地方。词根trans本身含有时空变迁的意思, 而ferre除了“负重”与“搬运”的意思外, 还有endure与suffer的含义。
• 翻译是以符号转换为手段、意义再生为任 务的一项跨文化的交际活动。(许均, 《翻译论》,2003:75) • 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达 的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的 语言活动。 • By translation here we specifically mean translating, the process of translation, in which something is translated, instead of the work translated.
Some Metaphors of Translation
• 译者所从事的工作,是“一仆二主”的事情。 • 翻译是媒人。 (歌德) • Translations are like women—when they are faithful they are not beautiful; when they are beautiful they are not faithful. • • • • 翻译如临画,如伯乐相马。 (傅雷) Translation is to dance with fetters. Translation is the transmigration of souls. Traduttor traditori.



Evidence-based dosage parameters using electrostimulation as an analgesic;the need for a new approach剂量参数为依据的电刺激疗法——止痛新途径Dr. C. Lucas, PhD, MSc, RPT卢卡斯博士,理学硕士,哲学博士,康复理疗师Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心——临床流行病学及生物统计学院Faculty of Medical Sciences, Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心教学楼TENS and EBMTENS 和循证医学TENS; the state of the artTENS技术发展水平TENS as a low frequency electrotherapeutic modality exists since 1965, in fields other than physical medicine and rehabilitation as well.This includes neurophysiology assessment and treatment modalities in various other medical disciplines.TENS作为一种低频电疗法,起源于1965年,不仅应用于物理医学及康复领域,也应用于其它各种医学科室中神经生理功能的评估及治疗。

Conventional electrostimulation;a general matter of concern常规电刺激疗法一般观点In comparison to TENS the effectiveness of low and mid-frequency urrents for the treatment of pain has not been sufficiently studied in randomized clinical trials.Therefore, these modalities of electrotherapy will eventually be less frequently used与TENS相似可以治疗疼痛的低中频电疗法,由于没有经过充分的随机对照临床实验研究,因此这些方法在临床上应用的相对较少A specific matter of concern特殊观点•Clinicians using TENS (and IFC) notice unsuccessful treatment effects in almost half of all patients involved•Moreover, also the success rate reported in literature searches is about 50%•临床医生在应用TENS或干扰电时发现有一半的患者没能达到预期的治疗效果•此外,文献研究报道其有效率也大约为50%Why EBM ?选择循证医学的原因•Our daily need for valid information about diagnosis, therapy and prevention.•日常工作中我们需要有效的信息用于诊断、治疗和预防•The inadequacy of traditional sources for this information because they are out of date (textbooks), frequently wrong (experts), ineffective (didactic continuing medical education), or too overwhelming in their volume and too variable in their validity for practical clinical use (medical journals).•信息的传统来源由于多种原因而不足:如教科书落伍、频繁出错的专家个人意见、无效的继续医学教育模式、数量庞大变化万千的医学期刊•The disparity between diagnostic skills and clinical judgement, which increase with experience, and our up-to-date knowledge and clinical performance, which decline.•诊断技能与临床判断间的不同在于,前者随着经验、不断更新的知识和临床应用而增强,后者确下降。




Firstly, log in to your online banking account.2.点击转账功能选项。

Click on the transfer function option.3.选择转账方式,比如“本行转账”或“他行转账”。

Choose the transfer method, such as "intra-bank transfer" or "interbank transfer".4.输入收款人姓名和账号。

Enter the recipient's name and account number.5.输入转账金额。

Enter the transfer amount.6.选择转账的时间,即即时到账还是预约转账。

Select the transfer time, i.e. real-time transfer or scheduled transfer.7.确认转账信息是否准确无误。

Verify that the transfer information is correct and accurate.8.输入支付密码或验证码进行身份验证。

Enter the payment password or verification code for identity authentication.9.确认转账操作,等待系统处理。

Confirm the transfer operation and wait for the system to process.10.系统处理完成后,会显示转账成功的提示信息。

After the system processing is completed, a prompt message will be displayed indicating the successful transfer.。



本人跨行转账手续费规则英文回答:Intra-bank transfer fees.Intra-bank transfer fees are the charges levied by a bank for transferring funds between two accounts within the same bank. These fees can vary depending on the bank, the type of account, and the amount being transferred.Bank-to-bank transfer fees.Bank-to-bank transfer fees are the charges levied by a bank for transferring funds between two accounts held at different banks. These fees can be higher than intra-bank transfer fees, and can also vary depending on the banks involved and the amount being transferred.SWIFT transfer fees.SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) transfer fees are the charges levied by a bank for transferring funds between two accounts held at different banks in different countries. These fees can be higher than intra-bank and bank-to-bank transfer fees, and can also vary depending on the banks involved, the amount being transferred, and the currency exchange rate.Factors that affect transfer fees.The following factors can affect transfer fees:The bank: Different banks have different feestructures for intra-bank, bank-to-bank, and SWIFT transfers.The type of account: Some banks charge higher fees for transfers from or to certain types of accounts, such as savings accounts or business accounts.The amount being transferred: Transfer fees can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the amount beingtransferred.The currency: Transfer fees can be higher fortransfers involving foreign currencies.The speed of the transfer: Some banks charge higher fees for faster transfer options.How to avoid transfer fees.There are a few ways to avoid or reduce transfer fees:Use an online bank: Online banks often offer lower transfer fees than traditional banks.Set up a recurring transfer: Some banks offer lower fees for recurring transfers.Transfer a large amount: Some banks offer lower fees for transfers above a certain amount.Negotiate with your bank: You may be able to negotiatelower transfer fees with your bank, especially if you are a long-term customer.中文回答:跨行转账手续费规则。



临床眼科杂志2021年第29卷1期Jau/al b CUnical0phUbmWb/,2021,Voh29,No.1•81•.综述.人工晶状体远期闪辉现象对视觉质量的影响刘璐边立娟石海英张辉【摘要】白内障术后人工晶状体(IOL)在眼内长期存在,可能会受眼球内部侵袭因素的影响,发生材料的老化或变性,影响I0L的成像特性,从而降低舒适度或影响视觉质量。






【关键词】人工晶状体;闪辉;发生机制;视觉质量[临床眼科杂志,2471,29:81] Effect of long-term glistening of intraocular lens on visual quality Liu Lu,Bian Lijuan,2hi Haiying2,ZhangHui'.1Department cf Ophthalmology,Secong Hospital of Jilig University,Changchaa180041,Chinn;Department of Chang-chag Easturn Eyc Hospital,Changchaa189041,Chinn[Abstract]Intraoculvr dns(IOL)exists io Ue eye for a loxy time Eter cataract surgep,and may be EEcted byUe intraoculvr factors,aging or denaturaEox of Ue maWrivi which ckanyes Ue imaging chamUeUstics of Ue IOL,Ueredy redxcinv Ue comfort level or affecting Ue visual quaEty.At present,Ue most widely coxcerning and coxtuversivl form of material UearadaEox is Ue glistening phenomenox of IOL.The glistening phenomenox is Ue formatiox of Euid-Tiled micro-buXbIes i/side Ue IOL.The diRerenco io refractive indexes betueen these vvcuoles randomly distUduWh i/side Ue IOL andUe biomateUvi of IOL will lead to the i/cpase of light scattering io the eye.0has bee/reporwd that paEents with severe IOL ghstening will have a decrease io coxtmst sensitivity I CS)and modumEox transfer fu/ctiox(MTF),which will affect visuvl pePormasco.This paper reviews the influence of IOL ghstening ox visual quaEty,and the pathopenesis of ghsteningis discussed,sc that people can have a deeper unUersUsding of the IOL ghstening phenomenox,and this will ado ppviUereference for the improvement of IOL masufactuUng process.【Key words]Intraoculvr dns;Ghstening;Pathogenesis;Visual quahty[J Clin Ophthalmol,2021,29:81]白内障是目前世界范围内最常见的致盲眼病之一,通过手术摘除混浊的晶状体,并植入人工晶状体(intraoculvr lensJOL),恢复眼睛光学结构的清晰度,是惟一有效的治疗方法。



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山东医药2023 年第 63 卷第 29 期宫腔灌注药物在薄型子宫内膜治疗中的应用研究进展蒋凌云,胡少飞南宁市妇幼保健院生殖医学科,南宁530011摘要:子宫内膜的正常生长对妇女生理周期的顺利进行以及胚胎着床、定位、黏附具有重要意义,如果女性存在子宫内膜薄及月经量减少等问题,容易出现怀孕困难或复发性流产。




关键词:宫腔灌注;粒细胞集落刺激因子;自体富血小板血浆;生长激素;薄型子宫内膜doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2023.29.025中图分类号:R711 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-266X(2023)29-0101-03薄型子宫内膜是指子宫内膜的厚度低于能够获得妊娠的阈值。







糖尿病新世界2019年3月·临床研究·DIABETES NEW WORLD糖尿病新世界[作者简介]王菲(1980-),女,吉林长春人,本科,主管检验技师,研究方向:临床生物、化学及免疫学。






1资料与方法1.1一般资料选取在该科进行肝功能检测的甲亢合并糖尿病患者70例(A 组),男39例,女31例,年龄35~66岁,平均(49.7±2.6)岁,甲亢病程平均(4.6±1.1)年,糖尿病病程平均(7.9±1.5)年;进行肝功能检测的甲亢患者70例(B 组),男41例,女29例,年龄38~67岁,平均(48.6±2.3)岁,甲亢病程平均(4.8±0.7)年。

另选取同期在该科进行检查的健康体检者65名(C 组),男35名,女30名,年龄30~65岁,平均(50.8±2.4)岁。





A Preliminary Study on Transfer Pricing of Intra-group Service: Taking the OECD Guidelines and American laws and Regulations as Examples 作者: 郑燕[1] 毛杰[1] 宋雁[2] 何杨[3]
作者机构: [1]宁波市国税局国际处 [2]南京市国税局大企业国际处 [3]中央财经大学税务学院
出版物刊名: 国际税收
页码: 26-31页
年卷期: 2015年 第12期
主题词: 集团内劳务 转让定价 受益原则



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Finally, this paper reveals bit error rate phase-shift keying
distances for binary phase-shift keying
(QPSK) and 8PSK modulation schemes.
(BER) under different (BPSK), quadrature
major a variety of applications including medical and consumer electronics. The medical and health monitoring has caught the attention of the research groups. Building the health monitor BAN, extremely low power and high security radio is needed. The potential candidates include Zigbee, Bluetooth and Ultra Wide Band (UWB) and IBC[I, 2]. Compared with other transmission techniques, IBC consumes low power «1mW), offers data rate fast enough for biotelemetry with high security by using the human body as the transmission medium[l, 2]. In IBC, the transmitted signal can be controlled by the electric current or the electric potential through the body, which we call galvanic coupling and capacitive coupling, respectively. Existing communication prototypes for the two coupling methods have reach data rate from several kbps to Mbps. Data rate of 2.4 kbps were achieved by Zimmerman[3]in the first successful personal area network by using a carrier of 330 kHz and OaK modulation scheme. A higher data rate of 9.6 kbps was obtained by utilizing the 10.7 MHz FSK transmitter
In this
paper, the voltage distribution based on the quasi-static electric field modeling of human limb for galvanic coupling
analyzed, transfer function of physical channel from 1 Hz to IMHz is derived and proposed. The attenuation in transfer function shows that lower attenuation is obtained in frequency band from 20 kHz to 1 MHz. Moreover, rectangular pulse is utilized as the input to evaluate this system transfer function. The results in rectangular pulse response indicate separation of distance between in transmitter and receiver is consideration designing galvanic coupling
B power devices operating on, in or around the human
ody Area Network (BAN) is developed to facilitate low
and receiver[4]. Kurt Partridge et al. in [5] extended the system of Zimmerman and built one with data rate up to 38.4 kbps using FSK. Japanese Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and its subsidiary successfully realized communication in electronic device called RedTacton[6] with data rate up to 10 Mbps. However, the data rate reached depends on the working environment. Lin et al. in [7] developed the SOC system using the capacitive coupling IBC with a data rate of 2 Mbps. Wegmuller in [8, 9] investigated the signal attenuation in galvanic coupling IBC from 10 kHz to 1 MHz. The data rate of 64 kbps was achieved for a carrier frequency of 256 kHz in QPSK modulation. The above IBC systems give us the data rate in data communication. However, the optimal modulation, data rate and concerning parameters in designing IBC system have not been fully addressed yet. The output in response to an input signal in the IBC system depends on the system transfer function[lO]. To give some insight about consideration in designing IBC system, the paper will analyze the transfer function and the output in response to a rectangular pulse input. Data rates in modulation schemes of BPSK, QPSK and 8PSK will be investigated. Since in medical and healthcare application, the data rate can be low but the reliability is important requirement[2]. In galvanic coupling, all the current forming the closed loop circuit in the human body makes the communication system can tolerate and immune to the interference. Thus, the paper will analyze the physical channel of the galvanic coupling IBC based on the quasi-static electric field model. Section 2 analyzes the quasi-static electric model of galvanic coupling IBC, obtains the transfer function up to 1MHz. Section 3 develops the rectangular pulse response of the IBC system, presents the critical parameters in designing data communication system and reveals the performance of different modulation schemes. Finally, section 4 concludes the paper. II.
X. M. Chen, S. H. Pun, Y. M. Gao, P. U. Mak, M. I. Vai and M. Du
Abstract-Transfer function analysis plays an important role in the investigation of intra-body communication
Manuscript received October 7th,20II. This work was supported by The Science and Technology Development Fund of Macau under grant 014/2007/AI, 063/2009/A and 024/2009/AI, the Research Committee of University of Macau under Grants ULOI2/09-YI/EEEIVMIOI/FST, RG077/09-IOSIVMIIFST, RG075/07-08SIIOTIVMI/FST, and RG072/09-lOS/MPUIFST. X. M. Chen,S. H. Pun,P. U. Mak,and M. I. Vai are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Av. Padre Tomas Pereira, Taipa, Macau. (Tel: 853-83974276; fax: 853-83974275; e-mail: sammy.cxm@). Y. M. Gao and M. Du are with the Key Laboratory of Medical Instrumentation & Pharmaceutical Technology,Fujian Province, China and Institute of Precision Instrument,Fuzhou University,China.