
























蟑螂作文开头和结尾英文回答:Introduction:Cockroaches, often considered as pests, are a common sight in many households. These resilient creatures have adapted to survive in various environments and have been around for millions of years. In this essay, I will explore the characteristics and habits of cockroaches, as well as their impact on human life.Body:Cockroaches are known for their ability to thrive in different conditions. They can survive in extreme temperatures, from freezing cold to scorching heat, making them highly adaptable. This adaptability is due to their ability to regulate their body temperature and their resistance to various chemicals and pesticides.Cockroaches are also known for their fast reproduction rate. A single female cockroach can produce hundreds of offspring in her lifetime. This rapid reproduction allows them to quickly infest an area and become a nuisance. Their ability to hide in small cracks and crevices further makes it difficult to eliminate them completely.Furthermore, cockroaches are omnivorous creatures, feeding on a wide range of food sources. They can consume almost anything, including leftover food, organic matter, and even glue or paper. This versatility in their diet enables them to survive in urban areas where food sources are abundant.Cockroaches are mainly active at night, making it challenging to spot them during the day. They are also incredibly fast runners and can quickly disappear when disturbed. This stealthy behavior makes it even more difficult to control their population.Despite their negative reputation, cockroaches alsoplay a role in the ecosystem. They act as decomposers, breaking down organic matter and contributing to nutrient recycling. Additionally, some species of cockroaches serve as a food source for other animals, such as birds and reptiles.Conclusion:In conclusion, cockroaches are highly adaptable creatures that have managed to survive and thrive for millions of years. Their ability to withstand extreme conditions, rapid reproduction rate, and versatile diet make them a formidable pest. While they may be a nuisance to humans, they also have a role to play in the ecosystem. It is essential to take preventive measures and maintain cleanliness to control their population effectively.中文回答:引言:蟑螂,通常被视为害虫,在许多家庭中都是常见的。


01 形态特征
03 分类 05 相关报道
02 生活习性 04 危害防治
蟑螂,泛指属于“蜚蠊目”(学名)的昆虫,属于节肢动物门、昆虫纲、蜚蠊目(Blattaria),俗称蟑螂, 是常见的医学昆虫。蟑螂体扁平,黑褐色,通常中等大小。头小,能活动。触角长丝状,复眼发达。翅平,前翅 为鞘翅后翅为膜翅,前后翅基本等大,覆盖于腹部背面;有的种类无翅。不善飞,能疾走。不完全变态。产卵于 卵鞘内,约有6000种,主要分布在热带、亚热带地区,生活在野外或者室内。
中国蟑螂腹面曾经有生物学家根据蟑螂的生态习性下了一个定论:如果有一天地球上发生了全球核子大战, 在影响区内的所有生物包括人类和甚至鱼类等都会消失殆尽,只有蟑螂会继续它们的生活,这是因为通常情况下 人类身体所能忍受的放射量为5rems,一旦总辐射量超过800rems则必死无疑。而德国小蠊可以忍受 9000~105000rems,美洲大蠊则达到967500rem。(表示辐射剂量。rem剂量当量雷姆(rem)希[沃特](Sv) 1Sv=100rem)所以即使有核子爆炸,蟑螂也可以幸存下来。美国政府用来消灭蟑螂一年的费用就达到15亿美元, 大约是用在防治艾滋病预算的两倍。
雌雄成虫在羽化后的一周左右就能进行交配。雄虫一生能交配多次,但雌虫仅交配1次或2次,1次交配就可 使它终生产出受精卵。
雌虫产卵在特殊的胶质囊内,形成卵鞘(卵荚)。卵鞘由雌虫分泌物生成,光滑,质较坚硬,具有防水功能, 可保护其内胚胎的发育。卵鞘的形状、雌虫一生所产卵鞘数量以及其中所含卵数因种类而不同,就是同一种蟑螂 也可因环境条件和营养状况而有所差别。






















2023年高考英语外刊时文精读精练 (6)Roaches to the rescue蟑螂救援队主题语境:人与社会主题语境内容:科学与技术【外刊原文】(斜体单词为超纲词汇,认识即可;下划线单词为课标词汇,需熟记。

)Why go to all the trouble of designing and building a drone(无人机)if nature has already done most of the job for you? That is the attitude taken by the small but determined band of researchers who are trying to robotise(机械化)insects. Some are working on turning insects like beetles(甲虫)into such cyborgs(半人半机器的生物)—perhaps for use in military inspection or spying. Others prefer to concentrate on the fearful side of entomology(昆虫学),by taking electronic control of cockroaches(蟑螂).The first cyber-roach(赛博蟑螂) goes back to 1997, when Shimoyama Isao of Tokyo University sent electrical signals to a cockroach's antennae(触角), causing it to turn either left or right depending on which antenna was stimulated. Others have built on this approach by recruiting extra sense organs, such as the rear-facing cerci(后向尾须). They have also begun fitting the insects with instrument packs that might let them do a useful job: searching collapsed buildings for survivors.One such is Sato Hirotaka of Nanyang Technological University, in Singapore. He has been working on cyber-insects for 15 years. Now, he has added another twist to cyber-roaches. Instead of having their movements dictated by remote control, his are autonomous agents. They are run by algorithms(算法)that respond directly to sensors in their backpacks.The insects thus fitted out by Dr Sato are Madagascar hissing(发声) cockroaches, which are about 6cm long. The backpacks contain a communications chip, a carbon-dioxide sensor, a motion sensor, an infrared(红外线)camera and a tiny battery.Released into the rubble(碎石), to crawl their way through while searching for signs of life such as movement, body heat and higher CO2 levels from breathing. The artificial intelligence that decides whether a set of signals actually indicate the presence of a human being is programmed directly intothe camera. If it thinks it has spotted someone, it alerts a rescuer.To test this arrangement, Dr Sato and his team ran trials in a simulated disaster zone. They laid out concrete blocks of various shapes and sizes in an area of 25 square metres. Among these were a number of people, and also some decoys(诱饵), such as a heat lamp, a microwave oven and a laptop. They then released the cyber-roaches, having first programmed into them the search's start and end points. The software proved able to recognise humans correctly 87% of the time, a success rate Dr Sato thinks could be improved still further by collecting multiple images from different angles. The next phase of the project is to refine the system for use out of doors. That done, manufacture of the backpacks and automation of their attachment (附加装置)to the insects will need to be commercialised(商业化). If all goes well, Dr Sato predicts the result could be available for use within five years.【课标词汇】1.design设计;制(图);意图,打算Who designed this building/dress/furniture?是谁设计这座建筑物/这款裙子/这套家俱?This dictionary is designed for advanced learners of English.本词典是为高级英语学习者编写的。



























































但是并不只有害虫处理专家对它们感兴趣——这些昆虫也启发了抗体、机器人以及机械肢体的研究,Mary Colwell写道。

Cockroaches are often associated with dirty kitchens and grimy bathrooms - scuttling away as soon as you enter the room and turn on the light. But pest controllers aren't the only people interested in them - these insects are inspiring research into antibiotics, robots and mechanical limbs, writes Mary Colwell.在哈瓦那,当地亮绿色的古巴蟑螂经常被当做宠物来喂养,而且在古老的民间故事里也有它们的身影。


In Havana the native bright green Cuban cockroach is often kept as a pet and the insect even appears in old folktales. In one story, a beautiful young Cuban cockroach called Martina tests the character of her suitors by annoying them when they come to visit.“把咖啡倒在他们的鞋上,看看他们的反应,”她明智的祖母建议道。



蟑螂为什么打不死作文英文回答:The cockroach has an exoskeleton made of chitin, which is a tough, flexible material that protects its body from damage. This exoskeleton also contains a waxy layer that helps the cockroach resist water and other chemicals. The cockroach's body is also covered in tiny hairs that can sense touch and vibration, which helps it to avoid predators and navigate its environment.The cockroach's respiratory system is also very efficient. It has a network of tiny tubes that carry oxygen directly to its cells, which allows it to survive for long periods of time without air. The cockroach's digestive system is also very efficient, and it can eat almost anything, including paper, wood, and even garbage. This allows it to survive in a wide range of environments.The cockroach's nervous system is also very simple,which allows it to survive even if it is injured or decapitated. The cockroach's brain is located in its head, but it also has nerve clusters in its thorax and abdomen that can control its body even if its head is removed.The cockroach is also very adaptable. It can survive in a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels, and it can even withstand radiation. The cockroach's reproductive system is also very efficient, and it can produce hundreds of eggs at a time. This allows it to quickly repopulate even if its population is decimated.中文回答:蟑螂为什么打不死?1、坚硬的外骨骼。

























时间:2019-08-17 10:44:57 | 作者:解子宁


















蟑螂为什么打不死作文英文回答:Cockroaches are known for their ability to survive and adapt in various environments. They have been around for millions of years and have evolved to have a strong resistance to many common methods of extermination. There are several reasons why it is difficult to kill cockroaches.Firstly, cockroaches have a high reproductive rate. A female cockroach can produce up to 400 offspring in her lifetime. This means that even if you manage to kill a few cockroaches, there are likely many more hiding and reproducing in the same area. Their rapid reproduction makes it challenging to completely eradicate them.Secondly, cockroaches have a unique ability to hide and survive in small spaces. They can squeeze through tiny cracks and crevices, allowing them to avoid detection and extermination. They also have a strong sense of smell,which helps them locate sources of food and water. This enables them to survive even in the most inhospitable conditions.Thirdly, cockroaches have developed a resistance to many common insecticides. Over time, they have evolved to tolerate and even detoxify these chemicals. This resistance is passed down through generations, making it increasingly difficult to eliminate them using traditional methods. This is why some people resort to using professional pestcontrol services, which have access to more potent and specialized insecticides.Furthermore, cockroaches are highly adaptable creatures. They can quickly adjust their behavior and feeding habitsto avoid danger. For example, if they detect the presenceof insecticides, they may change their feeding patterns or move to a different location. This ability to adapt and survive in changing environments makes it challenging to effectively control their population.In conclusion, cockroaches are difficult to kill due totheir high reproductive rate, ability to hide in small spaces, resistance to insecticides, and adaptability. These factors contribute to their survival and make it challenging for humans to completely eradicate them.中文回答:蟑螂之所以难以杀死有几个原因。


综上,康复新液的有效成分可以发挥消除炎 症水肿,促进创面修复,调节免疫等功能,有利 于各种外伤创面及各类顽固性溃疡的治疗。
康复新液是为数不多的一种既可口服又可外 用的纯中药制剂。
康复新液外用可治疗金疮、外伤、溃疡、瘘 管、烧烫伤、褥疮等创面,其具体用法用量为:
对于无感染的创面,应小心清除异物后用 生理盐水(注射器)冲洗清创;对于有感染的创 面,小心清除异物后需先使用双氧水、高锰酸 钾、新洁儿灭、洗必泰等进行冲洗,再用生理盐 水进行冲洗。清创过后的创面用碘伏、医用酒精 等消毒。在创面上直接涂擦康复新液,或经清创 消毒干净后用浸透康复新液的无菌纱布填塞或敷 用,一日2~3次。若伤口形成窦道或瘘管,用浸 有康复新液的纱条填入切口中引流。创面面积 较大时,也可将康复新液倒入温水中(1~2倍稀 释),冲洗或坐浴。
合的功效,其药理作用是促进表皮组织细胞的增 殖、分化,加速新细胞的生成,而一方面促进 组织的再生修复,另一方面则提高再生组织的质 量。
康复新液富含黏多糖,一方面能提高巨噬细 胞、自然杀伤(NK)细胞的活性,增强机体的 免疫功能,同时还能促进体内分泌白细胞介素、 干扰素、白三烯等物质,消除炎症水肿。
随着对康复新液的科学研究不断深入, 发现其外用可治疗金疮、外伤、溃疡、瘘管、 烧烫伤、褥疮等创面,内服可用于治疗胃痛出
血、消化性溃疡,以及肺结核的辅助治疗。由 于康复新液在临床应用广泛,疗效确切,安全 性高,进而被国家收录为中药保护品种,还被 纳入国家医保报销品种。
现代医学研究发现,康复新液的主要成 分有氨基酸类、多元醇类、肽类、黏多糖等物 质,可起到促进肉芽组织增生、促进血管新 生、改善创面微循环、加速机体病损组织修复 和增强机体免疫功能。



灭蟑(Cockroach)The existing measures to control cockroaches include environmental prevention, physical control, chemical control and biological control. Each kind of prevention and cure has its own characteristics. (1) environmental prevention and control. All the cracks and holes that can be used for cockroaches are blocked, filled and filled with cement or paint, so as to clean away the debris and do a good job of sanitation.(2) physical control. Heat killing and freezing killing. Cockroaches have a poor resistance to heat, and when they reach 60 degrees, they die within a few minutes and kill the eggs in the egg pods. The common method is to put the boiling water into the kettle and pour it into the concealed crevice of the cockroach to kill it. Hair dryer can also be used to kill, as long as the tune to the hottest, a few seconds or die. Move items and furniture with roaches to -5 degrees below -10 for 30 minutes, and the cockroaches are frozen to death. Trapping method. With cockroach induced box or with a bottle with repellent bottle placed in cockroach bait. Sticking method. Will be coated with the adhesive and cockroach paper, put the middle point on the cockroach bait, often where the sticking and catching cockroach. (3) chemical control. Spraying technique of medicament. Close doors and windows and fan exhaust facilities when spraying. After spraying, airtight for more than 2 hours, to prevent the loss of drugs, cockroaches fled. When spraying begins, a ring of medicine should be sprayed at the door, window and other passages to prevent cockroaches from escaping from the door and window. Surface spraying should be done from outside to inside, from top to bottom. In the concentration of cockroaches, direct spraying will cause cockroaches to be stimulated and flee four times. Should beconcentrated in the area where the cockroach is first sprayed to form a sealing ring, which is sprayed from the outside to the outside, so that when the cockroach runs outside, it can also get sufficient dose. For cockroaches, such as gaps and other places, you can first spray 30-50 cm around the drug belt, and then crack wine. Smoke and fumigation. In enclosed spaces available this technology for disinfection. Bait. Point more, quantity less, 0.5 - 1 grams / square meters, cloth placed in cockroaches regular activity place. Powder. Should be placed on the cockroaches frequented place, so that cockroaches exposed to exposure, with touch, stomach, killing role. Long duration, usually 1-2 months, but to prevent moisture. Glue bait. The gel bait is moist and delicious to cockroaches, and has a long holding period, is safe, efficient and convenient, is not easy to produce resistance, and is harmful to each other in cockroaches, causing colony death of cockroaches. The cockroach gel bait is a more effective method. (4) biological control. This is now the most effective method for killing cockroach. "Island", which is currently the world's only biological Miezhang products. [control] German cockroach Blattella germanica in Chinese nearly twenty years from the beginning of a big city has spread to almost small city and even small towns and rural areas, according to the national CDC relevant information, a female cockroaches year can breed one million generations. With the extensive use of pesticides for controlling, German cockroach has strong resistance to most insecticides, invalid. At present, cockroaches have replaced the mouse as the first four! Now the Chinese scientists have developed an environmentally friendly, safe and efficient method for biological cockroach - "island" biological cockroach killing bait. The mechanism of action is to makecockroach plague by cockroach virus! The national CDC has been extended to the whole country, and China is now in the leading position in the world! Now the common effective methods on cockroach bait and drug spraying insecticide, killing cockroach chalk, and daub powder, cast insecticidal smoke, according to the actual situation, choose to use. In addition to methods of killing pests by chemical, physical methods can also be used to cockroach sticky boxes, bottles and other booby trap. How reasonable the cockroach cockroach spray spray often drilling in seam, cave habitat to hide, so use the spray spray, needle, hole, must on the corner and around the spray, spray, spray, this effect is good, but also save drugs. Cockroaches are reptiles. Spray and kill cockroaches. Do not spray in space, nor do you have to wear a mask. All walls are sprayed. The trick on the cockroach bait put bait is commonly used as a simple method for killing cockroach, but the trick is to use properly, "less, many points, wide," is poison point more in the house, less dosage of each point, the distribution of a wide range. This cockroach habitat from crawling out to eat the bait, killing effect. In order to prevent moisture bait failure, should be placed in a cloth cap on granular bait. Painted with insect chalk. In the habitat, seams, holes and corners of cockroaches, as well as the places where they often move, the stroke or "well" word of the drug is used to cause cockroaches to be poisoned when they are moved in or out. Painted lines should not be too thin, should be 2--3 cm thick line.Cockroach controlCockroach habitsCockroaches usually sleep in dark crevices during the day, and at night cockroaches walk in groups along the drain,From the drainage holes, walls, doors and windows cracks, indoor foraging, the peak activity is from 9 in the evening to 2 in the middle of the night. Their descendants flock together in a dark, moist, warm, multi - cave place. Any gap greater than 1.6 centimeters, such as the gap between furniture, is where cockroaches live. Rich in starch or sweet fermented foods such as sesame oil, brown sugar, fried flour, cream, raisins, and wine, they are the favorite of cockroaches.The cockroach has a fatal weakness, hunger is not thirsty.Two, cockroaches prevention and control(1) physical methodsThe most reliable method is the physical method used to control cockroaches.The first is to keep the room clean and dry. To block the water faucet shut, wipe the traces of water; all food should be closely affixed, trash, kitchen barrel seal, on the ground without leaving any edible residue; timely cleaning box and accumulation of debris, into the room from elsewhere with hidden bug baskets, boxes must be strict inspection; regular cleaning of telephone and computer the installation covers, in the phone, part of regular cleaning, or put the bait, can achieve certain effect. Second to the gap, cockroaches hiding holes, such as walls, cabinets, door frames, door aperture andtap water pipe socket,Using cement putty or glass glue sealed, so that cannot reproduce the cockroach had no place to hide. Third add a detailed mesh on the drain hole, in the evening should be the home of the drainage holes and so on, to prevent cockroaches from entering. The fourth is often find in the kitchen, sink and kitchen cabinets at the corner of the cockroach ootheca (cockroach eggs laid before the first discharge of a viscose material, to form a hard shape of oocysts, red beans, called egg sheath, egg sheath is often placed at a secluded corner or the gap) and cockroaches wreckage. Once the stripping crushed and burned; every week in the cockroach infested place again with cucumber skin, can destroy the hatchlings cockroaches; if you see some black dots on the wall, use cloth wipe clean, this is the secretion of cockroaches. The fifth is the furniture, preferably close to the wall, or from the wall interval is large, it is difficult to hide cockroaches. Hot water is available sixth dead or suffocated cockroaches, or with hot soapy water cockroaches will be burnt to death, because the soap water can make the pores closed to abdominal cockroaches, cockroaches can't breathe.(two) chemical methods1. cockroach bait granulesDressed with a small bottle when in use, only 0.5 grams of drugs per head, placed in cockroach haunts the corner, there is a good trapping effect. Bait is such as boric acid and other harmful to the cockroach's stomach poison or pesticide, mixed withcockroaches like to eat carbohydrates and starch products, as bait. Cockroach bait will be swallowed indigestion death, its body and excreta by eating other cockroaches, cockroach killing effect to the chain. The disadvantage is that the effect is slow, 7~10 days to see the effect. Using multiple bait should be placed on the surface is broad, and the single dosage can not be too much, because the general attraction of bait is small, only a few centimeters range around it, especially when the density of cockroaches, the number of double bait. Application of small cap and bait dishes, placed near the food must be clean, have the attraction of cockroach bait. Don't ignore the two dose. In addition, the bait should be discarded after three months so as to avoid the mildew failure. Strongly recommended: 1 boric acid bait homemade green box, 250 grams of onion (about 1 fist) ground into cubes, 150 grams of flour, 1 tablespoons sugar, milk powder and half spoon. A little onion pieces squeezed juice, mixed with other materials in the mixing water, not too much, twist the ball shaped and flat, not sticky to the best. About 50 or so, and then put on paper, dried can be used after a week. It can be used in the wardrobe. If stored in a dry airtight space, the effect can be maintained for several months. The general family should be placed 12 to 20 baits, there should be 1 ~ 10 kitchen, toilet at least 2. The key is to make bait, the material should be fresh, it is best to fry dry, reduce the moisture to less than 5%. Because water content is too highHigh bait is easy to mold, and cockroaches do not like fermented rotten food. A small amount of attention when placing the cast, add up, keep fresh bait.2. cockroach house.Cockroaches house is the most effective cockroach killing drug, but because of its limited size, it is only suitable for cockroaches, such as homes, offices and so on. It is important to place the location must be put in place by the slot wall, in order to achieve the desired effect. And put cockroaches behind the house, near the area of food to be sealed and tidy up, cockroaches will be cockroach house temptation. In addition, the cockroach house should be discarded after three months, so as to avoid mildew failure3. chalk out of cockroach.The synthetic pyrethroids added gypsum, made of chalk, often in cockroach activities, such as the corner and infested arteries according to the well shaped paint, each side of the width of about 3 cm,The cockroach crawled over the line of chalk and killed it. More than 90% cockroaches and ants can be eliminated.(three) other methods1. use of empty bottles to stay a little wine left as bait, put some sugar in the mouth, leaning on the wall, cockroaches. You will fall into the bottle, said one night can catch a bottle full of cockroaches.2. bottles of syrup to catch cockroaches can "trap", this method is used for the small cockroaches.3. soda anti cockroach methodThe most commonly used soda anti cockroach recipe for americans.Mix the sugar and baking soda in half and mix together. Place in the infested area of cockroaches. About 3~14 days later, the cockroach will disappear. There is a saying that because the stomach of cockroaches is acidic, they can not accept the alkaline of sugar and soda into their stomach and die of poison.4. oranges anti cockroach put some dried or baked orange peel and Rutaceae in the cabinet, there are anti cockroach effect.Be careful:1., through gene delivery, cockroaches will produce resistance, should be rotated medication.Cockroach packages using "2. suggestions".Cockroach killing methodThe prevention and control of cockroaches are generally divided into two categories: physical control and chemical control. Physical control methods are simple, economical and someCan operate by itself.Physical method1. sticky trapsCockroaches can be glued to sticky sticks. Sticky board, one side with glue, the central place a small piece of fresh bread, cockroaches smell that will closeViscose can not escape, this method is simple and effective, and sometimes a sticky board can capture more than 600.2. scabbardThe key to kill cockroaches is to kill their reproductive chain and destroy their reproductive system. The egg sheath is often found in a very subtle seamIn the corner and debris heap, there is no medicine that can kill it directly. Searching for the sheath and killingThe combination of insects and nymphs is ideal.3. hot killsKitchens and canteens are the most popular places for cockroaches. Water or steam can be used to directly irrigate the seams, holes and cornersKill the cockroaches and eggs hidden in them.4. freeze killIn winter, when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius, it is possible to estimate the cabinets, tables, and rooms inside the kitchenCockroaches, boxes, boxes, etc. moved to the outdoor space to clean up, the cockroaches will be frozen to death.5. trapPut a little bait in an empty can or jar, such as bread crumbs, brown sugar and other sweet foodsA ring of petrolatum or sesame oil. In the evening, place in a cockroach infested place. Place a bridge with cardboard and place it in the groundPut one at the mouth of the bottle, and the cockroaches don't want to come out.6. electric killsThe electronic cockroach catcher is made up of a plastic shell with a diameter of 19 cm, a hemispherical shell and an electroplated touch plateSurface decoy. Once the cockroach climbs into it and touches the touch board, it is usually less than 1 minutes before the death of an electric shock.chemical method1. touch killSpray with water and powder on cockroaches wherever they go, killing cockroaches, touching contact with drugs, or using aerosolContact death by spraying.2. smoked and killedThrough special smoke diffuse in the entire enclosed room, suffocating, stifling cockroaches to achieve the purpose. This methodThe average family is rarely used. It is mainly used in restaurants, restaurants and other places.3. trapWith love edible materials as cockroach bait, lure cockroaches to eat, the cockroach poisoning death, deformity and deathDesquamation, death, etc.。




Cockroach problem(蟑螂问题)指的就是这种不可小觑的问题,如果处理不当,其危害会像滚雪球一样越来越大。

Cockroach problem is a problem that is bigger than it initially appears.

You've got one little piece of bad news, and there is always more, just like those little bugs.

If you solve the problem earlier, it won't be a cockroach problem.




【英语】高中英语阅读理解(科普环保)解题技巧及练习题及解析一、高中英语阅读理解科普环保类1.犇犇Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.While faking and fierce looks are among animals great defenses, many species know that everyone runs from a big stink (臭气) too.Vulture (秃鸳)Vultures, are street sweepers that feast on the rotting flesh of dead animals, which benefits us by ridding our highways and landscapes of animal bodies and the bacteria they might carry. When vultures feel threatened they vomit, and the smell of vomited-on dead bodies puts of most predators. Throwing up allows the vulture to fly away more quickly-and the vomit can hurt the aggressor's eyes and face.Opossum (负鼠)In some ways opossums have it easy. In order to become "dead", they don't have to fax anyone a death certificate. They just lie there with their tongues hanging out with the smell of dead flesh, sometimes for hours, effectively convincing potential predators they can find a much fresher meal elsewhere. Even if they keep getting attacked, they won't move any more than a human statue until the threat has passed.Hoatzin (磨雉)Hold your nose and meet the hoatzin, a bird of distinctions, not the least of which is that it smells like fresh cow shit. The animal mostly eats leaves and it's the only bird known to digest by fermentation, like a cow. This process is what causes its smell and has earned it the nickname the "stink birdMillipedes (千足虫)Millipedes are tricky. For starters they look wormy. Their name is deceptive, too: Their legs number about 750. Their major defense is to curl up into a ball. They, though, also release a harm eyes, and leave a horrible smell on their attackers.Sea Hare (海兔)The graceful sea hare is plain in taste in the first place, so it's not the most popular dish in the seafood chain. Nonetheless this type of sea creature has a pretty creative smell-related defense that is almost the opposite of its smelly companions on this list. The sea hare gives out a slimy, purple ink, the substance which makes food less palatable to predators.Researchers using lobsters (2-f) as model predators found that the sea blocks the lobsters receptive mechanism. In other words, the sea hare gives its attacker the equivalent of a stuffy nose so they don't know how appealing it is.(1)The sea hare defends itself from predators by ________.A. becoming plain in taste at the discovery of a predatorB. giving out purple ink to make itself invisible to predatorsC. releasing substance to make predators unable to smell itD. giving off smelly gas to try to drive predators away(2)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The vulture carries bacteria so that predators dare not get close to it.B. The opossum fakes its death to avoid being targeted by predators.C. The hoatzin eats cow shit so that it is nick-named as "stink bird".D. The gas released by millipede was basically harmless.(3)The species that enjoys more than one defense mechanism is ________.A. vultureB. opossumC. millipedeD. sea hare【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一些野生动物是如何进行自身防御的。


第3页 共6页
the water can not flow out; then they fly to the dining room and break the feet of the table and chair; finally they fly to the kitchen and eat all the food and lay eggs in the sugar and monosodium glutamate.
总之,它们坏事干尽才成群结对咆哮而去。 In a word, only when they have done all the bad things can they roar away in groups. 〔四〕消灭 〔4〕 Destruction 人们的生活被蟑螂破坏得不成样子,最终忍无可忍,确定把 蟑螂一网打尽!有人用杀虫剂,有人用灭虫器,还有的竟然用上 了电蚊拍,电死蟑螂呢! People"s lives were destroyed by cockroaches. Finally, they couldn"t bear it. They decided to wipe out the cockroaches! Some people use insecticides, some people use insect killers, others even use electric mosquito swatters to kill cockroaches! 我也踊跃行动起来,因为蟑螂实在太可恶了。有一次,当我 翻开饼干盒时,只见一只蟑螂把长长的触角伸出来,里面的饼干 一片也没有了,而它还在那儿“打饱嗝”。“死蟑螂,你太大胆 了,竟敢在光天化日之下偷吃饼干。”我大吼一声,气愤地拿起

拜耳 灭蟑螂原理

拜耳 灭蟑螂原理
















灭蟑螂的作文英文回答:Cockroaches are one of the most common pests found in homes and businesses around the world. They are known to carry and transmit a variety of diseases, and their presence can also trigger allergies and asthma.There are a number of different ways to get rid of cockroaches, including:Using baits and traps。

Spraying insecticides。

Vacuuming and cleaning regularly。

Sealing up cracks and crevices。

Eliminating food and water sources。

The best method for getting rid of cockroaches will vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the location of the cockroaches. In most cases, a combination of methods will be necessary to achieve the best results.中文回答:蟑螂是全世界家庭和企业中最常见的害虫之一。









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但是并不只有害虫处理专家对它们感兴趣——这些昆虫也启发了抗体、机器人以及机械肢体的研究,Mary Colwell写道。

Cockroaches are often associated with dirty kitchens and grimy bathrooms - scuttling away as soon as you enter the room and turn on the light. But pest controllers aren't the only people interested in them - these insects are inspiring research into antibiotics, robots and mechanical limbs, writes Mary Colwell.在哈瓦那,当地亮绿色的古巴蟑螂经常被当做宠物来喂养,而且在古老的民间故事里也有它们的身影。


In Havana the native bright green Cuban cockroach is often kept as a pet and the insect even appears in old folktales. In one story, a beautiful young Cuban cockroach called Martina tests the character of her suitors by annoying them when they come to visit.“把咖啡倒在他们的鞋上,看看他们的反应,”她明智的祖母建议道。


”"Drop coffee on their shoes to see how they react," recommends her wise grandma. "It is very important to know what your future husband is like when he is angry - the coffee test never fails."当鞋子变得湿漉漉的,她富有的追求者们露出了他们的本性。


When faced with soaking wet shoes, her rich suitors show their true colours.A kind and gentle but poor hopeful passes the test though, and the couplelive happily ever after.明智和美丽可不经常用于形容蟑螂,但是它们的坏名声有时有点儿冤枉。



Wise and beautiful are words not often associated with these creatures but their bad reputation is not always justified. Out of the 4,500 known species, only four are considered pests. Most don't live near human homes and they perform a vital ecological role, eating dead and decaying matter.它们中的有些种类具有亮丽的色彩和精致的花纹。





Some species are exquisite with brilliant colours and patterns. Some are social and make collective decisions, passing on information about food and shelter. Others are solitary. Some pair up and raise their young together. They can hiss, sing and make drumming sounds to attract a mate, and they are supremely hardy, surviving on the most meagre rations for months on end. One, [In his 2014 TEDtalk](https:///books?>the Eublaberus posticus, can survive for a year on water alone.澳大利亚的犀牛蟑螂是蟑螂中最重的一种,重量可达35g,身长可达8cm。



The heaviest, the subterranean rhinoceros cockroach, weighs in at 35g, measures 8cm in length, and lives in Australia. One of the smallest isa pest commonly found in Europe and North America - the German cockroach, which is just over 1cm long. Martina and her grandma might be interested to know that coffee grounds are often used as bait to trap them.不过科学家可没那么反感它们,它们可是科学家们的灵感之源。

1999年,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的Robert Full教授从蟑螂移动的方式中获得启发,设计出了六足机器人,具有更快的移动速度,同时移动起来也更加容易。

But rather than finding them repulsive, scientists see them as a source of inspiration. In 1999, the way cockroaches moved inspired Prof Robert Full at the University of California, Berkley, to devise a six-legged robot that moved faster and more easily than any others.在他的TED演讲中,解释了昆虫的具有弹性的足、圆润的身形和柔韧的外骨骼——由管状和板状结构彼此相连构成——是如何使它们适应复杂地形。


he explained how the insects' springy legs, rounded body shape and flexible exoskeletons - made up of connected tubes and plates - enable them to negotiate complex terrain. Footage of cockroaches on mini treadmills and assault courses shows how stable they are - and if they do happen to flip over, they can use their wings to right themselves.蟑螂的足也为研究者设计人类下一代义肢提供了灵感。


根据哈弗仿生机器人实验室负责人Robert D Howe的观点,设计的目的在于制造出一种更先进的假手,可以“滑过物体表面,然后握住它们,就像人们用真正的手端起咖啡杯的动作一样”。

The insects' legs are also providing ideas for researchers designing the next generation of prosthetic legs for humans. And the mechanics of their springiness are the basis for the grip in a new mechanical hand. The aim,according to Robert D Howe, head of Harvard's Biorobotics Laboratory, is to produce a hand that can "glide along objects until it wraps around them, just like a human hand lifting a coffee cup".将微型计算机用类似外科手术的方法接在活蟑螂的背上,这就是蟑螂机器人。


Then there's the robotic roach - a fusion of live cockroach andmini-computer, surgically attached to its back. By sending messages to the computer, the cockroach can be directed to places that are hard for to humans to access, such as collapsed buildings or broken sewers, where they collect data."当第一次见到它们时,我的头皮都一阵发麻,“德州农工大学的首席研究员Hong Liang说。
