Wang Kentang—a scholar-physician of the ming dynasty




Stanford Tumor Glycome Laboratory — a new initiative of University's postgenomics research斯坦福肿瘤糖组学实验室-斯坦福大学后基因组学研究的一个新开端The Stanford University research team led by Denong Wang, PhD (photo), has been selected by the Na tional Cancer Institute to establish a Tumor Glycome Laboratory to study how changes in carbohydrate structure may play a major role in the progression of prostate cancer and how immune systems recognize and react to cancer-associated complex carbohydrates.王德農博士的斯坦福大学研究团队被美国国立肿瘤研究所(NCI)选定组建一个肿瘤糖组学研究实验室,致力于研究糖结构改变如何影响前列腺肿瘤的惡化过程,以及免疫系统如何识别和應對这些肿瘤相关的糖复合物.Stanford Tumor Glycome Laboratory is one of seven such NCI-funded labs nationwide that will share $15.5 million over five years to discover, develop and validate cancer biomarkers (molecular biological indicators) by targeting the carbohydrate (glycan, or sugar) structures on cancer cells. The other six labs will focus on glycan-based biomarkers for melanoma, breast, ovarian, lung, colon and pancreatic cancers.斯坦福肿瘤糖组学实验室是全美范围内NIC资助的七家实验室之一,这七个实验室共获得NCI1550万美元的五年研究资金,用于发现, 開发和验证肿瘤细胞上与碳水化合物结构(多聚糖或糖)相关的肿瘤生物标记物(分子生物指示剂)。



The reference answers for the exercises of organometallics asigned已布置金属有机化学习题参考答案The First Asignment(第一次作业)1. What was the first olefin complex?(第一个烯烃络合物是什么?)Answer: The first olefin complex is Zeise’s salt Na[PtCl3C2H4]答案:第一个烯烃络合物是蔡斯盐Na[PtCl3C2H4]。

2. In what year did P. Ehrlich won Nobel prize and what was his invention?(P额尔利屈获得诺贝尔奖?他的发明是什么?)Answer: P. Ehrlich won Nobel prize in the year of 1908 for his invention of Salvarsan, a medicin for the treatment of syphilis.答案:P额尔利屈在1908年获得诺贝尔奖,他的发明是治疗梅毒的药物洒尔佛散。

3. What was K. Ziegler and G. Natta’s major discovery?(K齐格勒和G纳塔的主要发现是什么?)Answer: K. Ziegler, G. Natta fund ways to manufacture polyolefins (聚烯烃) from ethylene and propylene, respectively, in a low pressure process employing mixed metal catalysts (transition-metal halide/ AlR3).答案:K. 齐格勒,G. 纳塔找到了应用混合金属催化剂(过渡-金属卤化物/AlR3)在低压过程中分别从乙烯和丙烯制造聚烯烃的途径。



高二英语科学家名称单选题20题1.Who is known for inventing papermaking?A.ConfuciusB.Zhang HengC.Cai LunD.Sima Qian答案:C。



2.In ancient times, who made great contributions to astronomy?A.Li ShizhenB.Bian QueC.Guo ShoujingD.Zhang Heng答案:D。



3.Who is famous for writing "Compendium of Materia Medica"?A.Sun SimiaoB.Li ShizhenC.Hua TuoD.Cheng Ying答案:B。

李时珍编写了《 本草纲目》。

孙思邈也是医学家但不是写《本草纲目》的,华佗也是著名医学家,程婴不是医学家也没有写过 本草纲目》。

4.Who is renowned for his contributions to mathematics in ancient China?A.Zu ChongzhiB.Xu GuangqiC.Kuai XiangD.Yang Zhenning答案:A。



5.Who is remembered for his invention of the seismograph?A.Cai LunB.Zhang HengC.Li BaiD.Du Fu答案:B。





Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2019Vol.32No.7学术传承黄文政教授是天津中医药大学第一附属医院中医内科主任医师、教授,中医内科肾病专业博士研究生导师、中国中医科学院中医传承方向博士后合作导师,享受政府特殊津贴专家,2009年被天津市政府授予“天津市名中医”称号。




在标准汤剂指纹图谱的建立过程中,采用DAD 检测器进行全波长扫描,选取230、346nm 作为检测波长进行比较,结果表明在230nm 时,特征峰峰形好、个数多,故选定230nm 作为检测波长。

分别以乙腈-0.1%三氟醋酸、乙腈-0.35mol/L 氯化铵溶液进行梯度洗脱,结果发现乙腈-0.35mol/L氯化铵溶液作为流动相梯度洗脱,柱压稳定,色谱峰信息量较大且分离度良好。

参考文献[1]中华人民共和国药典委员会.中华人民共和国药典:一部[M ].北京:中国医药科技出版社,2015:146-147.[2]李运,邱国玉,白贺明,等.染色关黄柏中金胺O 的检测方法研究[J ].药物分析杂志,2016,6(11):2029-2034.[3]Zhu SL ,Dou SS ,Liu RH ,et al.Qualitative and quanti-tative analysis of alkaloids in Cortex Phellodendri by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and HPLC/DAD [J ].Chem Res Chinese Universities ,2011,27(1):38-44.[4]国家中医药管理局中华本草委员会.中华本草[M ].上海:上海科学技术出版社,1999:949.[5]Xian YF ,Mao QQ ,IP SP ,et parison on the anti-inflammatory effect of cortex phellodendri Chinensis and cortex phellodendri amurensis in 12-O-tetrade-canoyl-phorb-l-13-acetate-induced ear edema in mice [J ].Journal of Ethnopharmacology ,2011,137(3):1425-1430.[6]陈士林,刘安,李琦,等.中药饮片标准汤剂研究策略[J ].中国中药杂志,2016,41(8):1367-1375.收稿日期:2018-02-27作者简介:李运(1985—),男,硕士学位,工程师。



第33卷第4期2017年8月吉林体育学院学报Journal of Jilin Sport University Vol.33No.4Aug.2017*收稿日期:2017-06-17;修回日期:2017-07-18第一作者简介:王建月(1980-),女,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:运动医学与康复。

运动人体科学与应用心理学抗阻训练对皮艇运动员血睾酮变化特点的分析王建月1孙朋2丁勇3(1.安徽体育运动职业技术学院体育教育管理系,安徽合肥230011;2.安徽省体育科学研究所运动医学研究室,安徽合肥230001;3.安徽大学体育军事教学部,安徽合肥230039)摘要:以17名优秀皮艇运动员为研究对象,观察并分析抗阻训练对其血液生化指标血睾酮(T )的变化特点,为今后科学训练及监控提供一些参考。

方法:在训练周期内,定期测定T 并对其的变化特点进行统计分析;结果:在训练周期中,前3周的肌肉肥大训练后男女T 值均上升,第3周T 值与安静值相比差异非常显著(P <0.01);第二阶段爆发力训练及第三阶段肌肉耐力训练后男子T 值与安静值相比差异显著(P 分别为<0.05和<0.01),而女子的T 值与安静值相比无显著差异(P 均>0.05);不同阶段的抗阻训练对男女T 值的变化都没有差异(P 均>0.05)。

结论:抗阻训练对男女T 值的变化是不一致的,且不同训练效果的抗阻训练对男女T 值的变化区别不大。

关键词:皮划艇;抗阻训练;血睾酮中图分类号:G804.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-1365(2017)04-0078-04Analysis of the Change of the Testosterone Following Resistance Exercise in Kayak AthletesWANG Jian -yue 1,SUN Peng 2,DING Yong 3(1.Department of Physical Education ,Anhui Professional &Technical Institute Of Athletics ,HeFei 230011,China ;2.Sports Medicine Lab ,Anhui Sports Institute of Science and Technology ,HeFei 23001,China ;3.P.E.Department of Anhui University ,HeFei 230039,China )Abstract :In order to provide some reference to scientific training plan ,we observe 17kayak athletes (man :10,female :7)of anhui province and analyze the change of the testosterone of after resistance exercise.Methods :During the whole training term ,we surveyed the testosterone concentration regularly and analysis of the change of the testosterone following resistance exercise in man and female kayak athletes.Results :In the entire cycle of resistance training ,men and women T values has risen after the first three weeks'muscle hypertrophy training ,the third weeks'T value has a very significant difference compared to quiet value (P <0.01);men T value has a significant difference compared to quiet value after the second phase of explosive training and third sta-ges of muscular endurance training (P <0.05and P <0.01),however ,the T value of the woman has no significant difference compared to the quiet value (P >0.05).Conclusion :Resistance exercise has been shown to acutely increase total testosterone concentrations in most studies in men ,while in young women no change or an elevation may take place.The change of T value of man and female is not much different on different training effect of resistance exercise.Key words :resistance exercise ;Kayak ;testosterone皮划艇运动是用无支点桨按照一定规则推动各种船艇前进的一种体育项目,它要求运动员必须具备较好的肌肉力量及耐力,因此力量素质对皮划艇运动员来说至关重要。



丁专统噩学现代医院2020年丨0月第20卷第10期专业技术篇M o d e m Hospitals Oct 2020 Vol 20 N o 10王昌俊教授辨治脑肿瘤的临证经验黄旭晖林举择王昌俊【摘要】王昌俊教授擅长于中医药治疗脑肿瘤临证上,王老师辨治脑肿瘤,常见证型可分为痰湿内阻、肝胆湿热、肝肾阴虚、肝风内动、气血郁结进行论治,强调首先分清寒热、上下分治,热证之证治,重在清热熄风,化瘀解毒寒证之证治,重在通阳散寒,化痰祛瘀同时应注意上下分治,上者为镇潜开窍,下者为通腑利水由于血脑屏障的存在,应辨证与辨病结合,强调药对的应用,以提高疗效王老师谨守病机,审因论治,其辨治脑肿瘤的学术经验疗效显著,值得推广。

【关键词】名医经验;王昌俊;中医药;脑肿瘤中图分类号:R739.41文献标志码:A doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1671-332X.2020.10.039Professor Wang Changjun's Clinical Experience in the Treatment of Brain Tumor by TCMHUANG Xuhur ,LIN Juze, WANG Changjun【A b s t r a c t】P r o f e s s o r W r a n g G h a n^j u n is g o o d at treating b r a i n t u m o r s w i t h traditional C h i n e s e m e d i c i n e.In clinicalt r e a t m e n t,P r o f e s s o r W a n g d i v i d e s c o m m o n s y n d r o m e t y p e s into p h l e g m d a m p n e s s a n d internal o b s t r u c t i o n,liver a n d g a l l b l a d­d e r d a m p n e s s a n d h e a t,liver a n d k i d n e y yi n d e f i c i e n c y,liver w i n d internal m o v e m t M i t,Q i a n d b l o o d stagnation. H e stressesthat t h e first t h i n g is to di s t i n g u i s h t h e c o l d a n d t h e h e a t,t h e u p p e r a n d t h e lower. T h e t r e a t m e n t o f h e a t s y n d r o m e f o c u s e s o nc l e a r i n g a w a y h e a t a nd w i n d,re m o v i n g b l o o d stasis a n d detoxification. T h e t r e a t m e n t of c o l d s y n d r o m e f o c u s e s o n activatingy a n g a n d d i s p e r s i n g c o l d,r e s o l v i n g p h l e g m a n d r e m o v i n g b l o o d stasis. A t the s a m e t i m e,h e p a y s attention to t h e s e p a r a t i o no f t h e u p p e r part a n d t h e l o w e r part. T h e u p p e r part is to control the potential a n d o p e n th e orifices, a n d t h e l o w e r part is tod re d g e li l t"internal o r g a n s a m i p r u m u l t*llie flo w of waiter. B e c a u s t* of tlif e x i s l e n c e of b l u u d — b r a i n barritr, h e f o m b i n e s s y n­d r o me differentiation w i t h d i s e a s e differentiation, a n d e m p h a s i z e s the a p p l i c a t i o n of d r ug pairs to i m p r o v e th e curati v e effect.P r o f e s s o r W a n g's a c a d e m i c e x p e r i e n c e in th e t r e a t m e n t o f b r a i n t u m o r s is h i g h l y effective a n d is t h u s w o r t h y o f p r o m o t i o n 【K e y w o r d s】E x p e r i e n c e o f F a m o u s D o c t o r;W a n g C h a n g j u n;T raditional C h i n e s e M e d i c i n e;B r a i n T u m o r【A u t h o r’s a d d r e s s】* D e p a r t m e n t o f Tr a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e M e d i c i n e,G u a n g d o n g Geriatric R e s e a r c h Institute, G u a n g­d o n g Prov i n c i a l Pe o p l e's H o s p i t a l(G u a n g d o n g A c a d e m y of M e d i c a l S c i e n c e s) ,G u a ng zh o u 510800,C hi n a王昌俊教授为主任医师,博士生导师,广东省名 中医,第六批全国名老中医药专家学术经验继承指导老师及首批广东省名中医师承项目指导老师,中华中医药学会老年病分会副会长,中国民族医药学会老年病专委会副主任委员,国家中医区域诊疗中心及国家中医重点专科(老年病科)学科带头人。



Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医学, 2023, 12(10), 3131-3136Published Online October 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/tcmhttps:///10.12677/tcm.2023.1210469从五行角度探析崔氏五参汤组方思路王宝五1,马子懿1,卢丽君2*1湖北中医药大学中医学院,湖北武汉2武汉市中医医院呼吸科,湖北武汉收稿日期:2023年9月11日;录用日期:2023年10月16日;发布日期:2023年10月26日摘要崔金涛教授是湖北中医名师,全国第五批名老中医专家学术经验传承导师,潜心研究心脑血管疾病及其他内科疑难杂病,治验颇丰,尤其善用自拟五参汤加减治疗气阴两虚型冠心病、慢性糜烂性胃炎及慢性阻塞性肺病等内科疾病。




关键词五参汤,崔金涛,名老中医经验,五行,组方思路Thought of Cuishi Wushen Decoction fromthe Perspective of Five ElementBaowu Wang1, Ziyi Ma1, Lijun Lu2*1College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan Hubei2Respiratory Department, Wuhan Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan HubeiReceived: Sep. 11th, 2023; accepted: Oct. 16th, 2023; published: Oct. 26th, 2023AbstractProfessor Cui Jintao is a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Hubei Province, the fifth batch of domestic famous old Chinese medicine experts academic experience inheritance tutor, with great concentration on the exploration of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and *通讯作者。



Wang Jingyan's Story of Heroic Deeds: Dedication to Science and the PeopleAs a renowned Chinese medical scientist and educator, Wang Jingyan made significant contributions to advancing medical research and education in China. She dedicated her life to medical science and the people of China. Her story of heroic deeds is an inspiration to all those who aspire to make a positive change in the world.Wang Jingyan was born in 1930 in the city of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. She showed an early interest in science and medicine and went on to study at Shanghai Medical College, where she obtained her medical degree in 1955. After graduation, Wang worked as a physician and lecturer at various medical institutions in China, including Beijing Medical University and Peking Union Medical College.In 1959, Wang Jingyan was sent to the Soviet Union to further her studies in medical science. There, she obtained a PhD in pharmacology from the Institute of Pharmacology of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences. This experience broadened her academic horizons and deepened her understanding of medical research.Upon her return to China in 1965, Wang Jingyan devoted herself to medical education and research. She served as a professor and researcher at Beijing Medical College, which was later renamed Peking University Health Science Center. She also held many important positions including the President of the Chinese Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology and the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.Wang Jingyan's achievements in medical science were significant. Her research focused on pharmacology, particularly the effects of drugs on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. She made significant discoveries in the field of medicine, including the effects of ginsenosides on the brain, the relationship between hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases, and the pharmacokinetics of anti-cancer drugs.Wang Jingyan's dedication to medical education was also remarkable. She actively promoted the development of medical education in China, including the reform of medical education, the training of medical professionals, and the integration of modern medicine with traditional Chinese medicine. She also emphasized the importance of ethical principles in medical practice and research.Wang Jingyan's contributions to advancing medical research and education in China were widely recognized both nationally and internationally. She was awarded numerous honors and awards for her achievements, including the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Chinese Pharmacological Society, and the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award.Despite her many achievements, Wang Jingyan remained humble and dedicated to the people of China. She firmly believed that science and technology should serve the needs of the people and advocated for the importance of applying scientific discoveries to improve people's lives. In recognition of her outstanding contributions, the Chinese government awarded her the China National Science and Technology Award, the highest scientific award in China.Wang Jingyan's story of heroic deeds is a testament to the power of dedication, hard work, and perseverance. She embodied the spirit of scientific inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge in the service of humanity. Her legacy lives on in the countless lives she touched through her work, and she continues to inspire future generations of medical scientists and educators in China and around the world.。



中国科学家介绍英语作文China has a rich history of scientific achievements. Chinese scientists have made significant contributions in various fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine. Their groundbreaking discoveries and innovations have had a profound impact on the world.One Chinese scientist who deserves recognition is Tu Youyou. She is a pharmaceutical chemist and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for her discovery of artemisinin, a drug used to treat malaria.Tu's research has saved millions of lives andrevolutionized the treatment of one of the world's deadliest diseases.Another notable Chinese scientist is Zhang Heng, an astronomer, mathematician, and inventor who lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He invented the first seismograph, which could detect and measure earthquakes. Zhang Heng's invention was a remarkable achievement and laid thefoundation for the development of seismology.In the field of physics, Chinese scientist Jian-Wei Pan made a significant breakthrough in quantum physics. He led a team that successfully demonstrated quantum entanglement, a phenomenon that Albert Einstein famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance." Pan's research has opened up new possibilities for quantum communication and computing.In the field of genetics, Chinese scientist Jun Wang has made remarkable contributions. He was one of the key scientists involved in the Human Genome Project, which successfully sequenced the entire human genome. Wang's work has advanced our understanding of genetics and has the potential to revolutionize personalized medicine.Chinese scientists have also made significant contributions to space exploration. For example, China's space program has achieved several milestones, including the successful landing of the Chang'e 4 spacecraft on the far side of the moon. This achievement made China the first country to land a spacecraft on the moon's unexplored side.In conclusion, Chinese scientists have made remarkable contributions in various fields of science. Their groundbreaking discoveries and innovations have had a profound impact on the world. From the discovery of life-saving drugs to advancements in space exploration, Chinese scientists continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and inspire future generations.。



The Craftsmanship of Wang Jin: A Master ofHis TradeIn the heart of Beijing, amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, lies a hidden gem – the Palace Museum. This vast repository of Chinese history and culture attracts millions of visitors every year, who come to marvel at its grandeur and to witness the rich tapestry of artifacts that tell the story of China's imperial past. Among these artifacts, one man stands out as a guardian of the past and a keeper of the flame for traditional craftsmanship: Wang Jin.Wang Jin is not just another employee of the Palace Museum. He is a master craftsman, a restorer of ancient clocks and watches, and a walking encyclopedia of Chinese horology. His skill and dedication to his craft are legendary, and his story is one that epitomizes the spirit of craftsmanship and the preservation of cultural heritage. Wang Jin's journey into the world of horology began when he was a young boy, fascinated by the intricate mechanisms of clocks and watches. As he grew older, his passion for these intricate devices grew with him, leadinghim to pursue a career in restoring and maintaining them. His training was rigorous, and he spent years honing his skills under the guidance of masters in the field.Today, Wang Jin is a master in his own right. His hands, rough and calloused from years of meticulous work, are a testament to his dedication and craftsmanship. He can spend hours, sometimes even days, examining a single clock,piecing together its history and understanding its intricacies. His work requires not just technical skill but also a deep understanding of Chinese history and culture,as many of the clocks he restores are over a hundred years old and bear the marks of different dynasties and eras.What sets Wang Jin apart is his meticulous attention to detail. He treats each clock as if it were a delicate piece of art, carefully disassembling it, cleaning each part, and then reassembling it with precision. His workshop is a testament to his craftsmanship, filled with tools and machines that he has meticulously maintained over the years. Wang Jin's dedication to his craft is not just about restoring clocks. It's about keeping alive a tradition that dates back hundreds of years and about preserving a part ofChinese history and culture that would otherwise be lost. His work is not just a job; it's a calling, a mission to protect and preserve the rich tapestry of Chinese horology. In a world where technology is constantly evolving and traditional crafts are often overlooked, Wang Jin stands as a beacon of hope for craftsmanship and cultural preservation. His story is a reminder that even in the face of modernization and globalization, there is still a need to cherish and preserve our cultural heritage. His dedication and craftsmanship are an inspiration to us all, a reminder that true mastery lies not just in the hands but also in the heart.**王津的匠艺:行业翘楚**在北京的心脏地带,在这座城市的喧嚣与繁华之中,隐藏着一颗璀璨的明珠——故宫。



中国杰出科学家潘伟健:科研之路,创新之光In the vast ocean of scientific research, China has nurtured numerous brilliant minds, among whom Dr. Pan Weijian stands out as a shining star. His remarkable contributions to the fields of science and technology have not only earned him worldwide recognition but have also significantly advanced China's position in the global scientific landscape.Dr. Pan Weijian, a Chinese scientist renowned for his innovative research and dedication to scientific exploration, has spent decades delving into various fields, making groundbreaking discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of natural phenomena. His journey in science began at an early age, nurtured by a keen interestin the mysteries of the universe and a relentless pursuitof knowledge.Pan's academic career is nothing short of impressive. After graduating from a top university in China with honors, he embarked on a series of postdoctoral studies abroad, soaking up knowledge and skills from the best minds in thefield. His research, which spans multiple disciplines including physics, chemistry, and materials science, has produced numerous high-impact papers published in leading international journals.One of Dr. Pan's most significant achievements lies in the field of nanomaterials. His team developed a novel method for synthesizing nanoscale materials with unprecedented properties, paving the way for a range of new applications in areas such as energy storage, catalysis, and biomedicine. This breakthrough not only expanded the boundaries of nanotechnology but also held promise for addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges, such as renewable energy and environmental sustainability. In addition to his research endeavors, Dr. Pan is also actively involved in scientific education and outreach. He regularly speaks at conferences, workshops, and schools, sharing his knowledge and insights with the next generation of scientists and engineers. His enthusiasm and accessibility have made him a popular figure among students and young researchers, inspiring them to pursue their own dreams in science.Dr. Pan's influence extends beyond the scientific community. His work has garnered widespread media attention, and he has been recognized with numerous awards and honors, including several national science prizes. His story, a testament to the power of perseverance and innovation, has also inspired countless people in China and abroad.Looking ahead, Dr. Pan Weijian continues to forge ahead in his scientific journey, exploring new frontiers and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. His research is expected to yield more groundbreaking discoveries that will shape the future of science and technology. As a leader in the scientific community, he also serves as a role modelfor young researchers, demonstrating the impact that one individual's dedication and innovation can have on the world.In conclusion, Dr. Pan Weijian is a shining example of the excellence and innovation that China's scientific community has to offer. His contributions to science and technology, as well as his dedication to scientific education and outreach, have left an indelible mark on the global scientific landscape. His journey, filled withperseverance and innovation, serves as an inspiration forall those who aspire to make a difference in the world through science.**中国杰出科学家潘伟健:科研之路,创新之光**在科研的广阔海洋中,中国孕育了无数杰出的头脑,其中潘伟健博士便如一颗璀璨的明星。

Strategies of Effective Questioning by Teachers in

Strategies of Effective Questioning by Teachers in

Strategies of Effective Questioning by Teachers in Picture-Book Reading in KindergartensYu Wang1, Haikang Tang21Chengdu Longquanyi district xiangyangqiao kindergarten 2Chengdu University Teachers CollegeAbstract:Early reading, an important means for children to obtain direct experience, lays a foundation for children’s future growth and development. Picture-book teaching has become a trend in kindergarten teaching. Because of the simple content, vivid pictures and prominent themes of picture-book, it is easy for children to understand and read. However, in practice, teachers’ questions in picture-book teaching have some problems, such as unclear purpose, stereotyped questions, single questioning methods, neglecting children’s thinking and questioning, and failing to stimulate children’s interest. In view of these problems, teachers should pay attention to the use of inspiring and appropriate questions, give children time to think, choose a variety of questioning methods and pay attention to the contextualization of questioning design in order to improve the effectiveness of questioning.Keywords: Picture-book reading; Teachers’ questioning; Early readingDOI: 10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250025.202105051. IntroductionTeachers’ questioning is a common and frequent teaching behavior, which is an important indicator to measure the quality of teaching. High-quality teacher questions can not only improve children’s enthusiasm and creativity to participate in activities, but also expand the breadth and depth of children’s thinking. In the picture-book reading, teachers make presuppositions according to the content of picture-book and ask questions timely according to the development of stories in the teaching process, which can promote the completion and understanding of the teaching task of picture-book, guide children to think, and improve the role ofAbout the author: Yu Wang (1997-), Female, Han, Native place: Sichuan Yaan, Chengdu Longquanyi district xiangyangqiao kindergarten, Master of Education, research direction: Teacher education, preschool education.Haikang Tang (1994-), Male, Han, Native place: Guangdong Shanwei, Chengdu University, Master of education, research direction: Teacher education, curriculum and teaching theory.137Journal of International Education and Development Vol.5 No.5 2021picture books in the development of children. Understanding teachers’ questioning strategies in picture-book teaching activities is of great significance for improving the quality of picture-book teaching and promoting children’s development.2. The Importance of T eachers’ Questioning in Picture-book Reading(1) Language is the bridge for children to understand the content of picture-bookVygotsky’s theory of thinking and language development emphasizes the importance of teacher’s language in children’s conceptual cognition. He believes that for preschool children, when learning concepts, teachers need to guide children to connect concepts with content they can understand. In various kinds of teacher guidance, various studies have further emphasized the importance of teacher questioning, believing that teacher questioning is the most critical type of teacher language for children’s learning process and participation.(2) Teachers’ questioning can promote children’s active thinkingQuestioning is the most direct and common way of communication between teachers and children in language activities. By optimizing the quality of questioning, children’s active learning can be reflected and subjective education can be effectively grasped. Good questions and scientific questioning methods have important promoting value to the development of children’s thinking and language. Teachers should be good at asking questions in language teaching activities to stimulate children’s enthusiasm for learning.3. Problems Existing in T eacher’s Questioning in Picture-book ReadingAt present, in the teaching practice of picture books in kindergartens, the quality of teachers’ questions is still relatively low on the whole.(1) Unclear purposeThe purpose of the teacher’s questions is not clear. It is mainly reflected in the ambiguity of the purpose of teachers’ questioning in the teaching activities of picture books, and the neglect of questioning the elements of picture details, words and forms in picture books.(2) Stereotyped questionsTeachers’ questions and feedback methods for different picture books are modeled, and they cannot grasp the link between picture-book and children’s recent development area. Most of the questions are designed to serve the goals of knowledge and ability in the activities, and lack of comprehensive consideration138Strategies of Effective Questioning by Teachers in Picture-Book Reading in Kindergartens of the characteristics of children’s age, cognitive experience, emotion and other aspects.(3) Single questioning methodsQuestion is the key to arouse children’s interest. Repeat a single question, will only let the children feel boring, can not mention the desire to say. The forms of questioning can be divided into exploratory questioning, questions raised in order to seek the cause of the event, hypothetical questioning, questions from the opposite side, open-ended questioning, no single standard answer to this kind of questions. In the picture-book reading, teachers ask questions in a single way and have few open questions.(4) Neglecting children’s thinking and questioningTeacher question just in order to promote the learning process, there are teachers default answer, after questions, sometimes ignore children’s thinking, don’t give children thinking space fully, after hearing to answer quickly to the next link, even directly tell children, provided no time to think seriously about children after communication.(5) Failing to stimulate children’s interest.The way of questioning is boring. There is no situational questioning combined with picture book stories. There is no real understanding of the role of the story and integration into the role of the story.4. T eachers’ Questioning Strategies in Picture-book T eaching(1) Pay attention to the inspiration of questions and design questions with gradientWhen teachers ask questions, it is necessary to guide children according to the level of children and children’s thinking trend, according to a certain difficulty gradient, in order to guide children according to the clues provided by teachers, bold expression, layers of depth. When children are broken or fuzzy in thinking and telling, they should consciously give language hints to children through simple questions, so as to improve the clarity of children’s thinking and guide children to respond clearly, coherently, completely and coherently. The progressive and hierarchical questioning is not only close to children’s life, but also can inspire children to think logically.(2) Focus on the appropriateness of questions and ask questions around key experiencesTeachers in teaching design, considering the connection between the old and the new experience, using the existing experience to help children acquire new139Journal of International Education and Development Vol.5 No.5 2021experience, in the design, it is necessary to pay attention to content of continuity, read understand this content, key analysis confirmed that young children need experience, around key experience to conceive and design questions. Teachers need to improve their understanding of picture stories and pay attention to the use of scaffolding conditions according to children’s vocabulary level.(3) Give children time to think and give feedback in timeAfter questions, teachers need to give children loose time to think and guide them to think and answer questions. Positive feedback is especially important for children, teachers should make positive attention to children’s answer and feedback, it also requires teachers to be familiar with the painting content, attach importance to reading feedback, teaching mechanism, teachers should set up the constructive teaching concept, using a variety of ways, such as language, body positive feedback cheeper answer, promote the development of young children’s thinking.(4) Focus on the way of questioning and increase the openness of questioningTeachers should pay attention to the use of a variety of questioning methods, such as exploratory questioning, hypothetical questioning, open-ended questioning. Teachers should reflect on children’s performance in a timely manner, consider the effectiveness of questioning, use appropriate questioning methods, better introduce questions into language activities, fully mobilize children’s learning initiative, so that children become the main body of learning. We should pay attention to the interactive questioning with children, use open questioning, strengthen the interaction between teachers and students, and encourage children to think and speak.(5) Attach importance to situational design and promote children’s interestWhen teachers design questions, they need to pay attention to the situational learning to attract children’s attention, stimulate their emotions, mobilize the desire to explore, and help children to learn easily and actively. For example, before reading, children can boldly guess the content of the story according to a picture on the cover; In the process of reading, suspense should be cleverly set so that students can reasonably predict the development of the next plot on the basis of appreciating the picture. In addition, give them the freedom to tell the story according to the rich graphics; After reading, expand children’s imagination, stimulate their interest in reading, let them freely describe the content of the story, let children understand its connotation.5. ConclusionTeachers’ questioning and guidance in picture-book reading is both a science and an art. Teachers should consider from the specific points of picture books,140Strategies of Effective Questioning by Teachers in Picture-Book Reading in Kindergartensfrom the development level of children, master the methods and principles of questioning, ask questions in the place that can inspire children to think and bring children to harvest, only in this way can the value of reading picture books be better realized and the effectiveness of teachers’ questioning be improved.References[1] Wang Cuiping. “An Analysis of Teachers’ Effective Questioning Strategies in Pic-ture Book Reading Teaching” [J]. Journal of Educational Development (Second Half),2014(2):82-82.[2] Feng Shuxia. “How to Put Questions in Kindergarten Language Teaching Activi-ties” [J]. Studies in Preschool Education,2014(6):70-72.[3] Chen Yuan. “Teachers’ Questions “live” and children’s answers “Move” -- Analy-sis of the effectiveness of Children’s questions in Language Activities” [J]. New Course (I),2015(4):168-69.141。



邓铁涛医生的简介英语作文Dr. Deng Tietao, a figure of towering presence in the medical field, is known for his boundless enthusiasm and his unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of his patients. With a twinkle in his eye that could put the stars to shame, Dr. Deng has a knack for turning even the most mundane medical procedures into a delightful experience.Born in the heart of a bustling city, Dr. Deng was destined for greatness from the moment he first cried out his arrival into the world. His early years were spent in the company of books and beakers, his curiosity a flame that only grew brighter with time. As he grew older, his passion for medicine blossomed, leading him to pursue a career that would see him become a beacon of hope for many.Dr. Deng's journey through medical school was nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. He tackled each challenge with the same zest and vigor that he would later bring to his practice. His peers often found themselves in stitches as Dr. Deng regaled them with his humorous take on the complexities of the human body, making even the most intricate of medical concepts accessible and enjoyable.Upon graduating with honors, Dr. Deng dove headfirst into the world of patient care. His days were filled with a whirlwind of consultations, surgeries, and the occasional impromptu stand-up comedy routine in the hospital cafeteria.His patients couldn't help but be drawn to his infectious laughter and his ability to make them feel at ease, even in the face of adversity.But it's not just his bedside manner that sets Dr. Deng apart. His expertise in the field of medicine is nothing short of legendary. He has authored numerous papers and has been a guest speaker at countless conferences, always leaving his audience both educated and entertained.When he's not saving lives or cracking jokes, Dr. Deng can be found tinkering in his home laboratory, concocting the next big breakthrough in medical science. His dedication to his craft is only matched by his love for a good pun, which he never hesitates to share with anyone within earshot.In a world that can often be a bit too serious, Dr. Deng Tietao is a shining example of how a little humor and a lot of heart can make all the difference. His is a story of triumph, of a life dedicated to the pursuit of health and happiness, and of a doctor who truly knows how to bring a smile to the faces of those around him.。



用英语介绍王振义院士的作文Title: A Brief Introduction to Academician Wang Zhenyi Amidst the vast landscape of Chinese scientific achievements, one name stands out as a beacon of excellence and innovation - Academician Wang Zhenyi. A renowned figure in the field of medicine, Wang Zhenyi's contributions to the advancement of healthcare and medical research are both profound and far-reaching.Born into a family with a strong academic background, Wang Zhenyi's early life was marked by a keen interest in science and a passion for exploration. His journey through medical school honed his skills and broadened his horizons, laying a solid foundation for the remarkable achievements he would later make.One of Wang Zhenyi's most significant contributions is his groundbreaking research in the treatment of leukemia. His dedication to this field of study has led to the development of novel therapeutic strategies that have revolutionized the way leukemia is treated. His work has not only improved the survival rates and quality of lifefor patients but has also paved the way for future research in this area.Wang Zhenyi's approach to research is characterized by his meticulousness, creativity, and unwavering commitment to scientific integrity. He is a firm believer in the power of collaboration and has built a network of researchers and clinicians who share his vision and dedication. This collaborative spirit has been a driving force behind many of his most significant achievements.In addition to his research, Wang Zhenyi has also made significant contributions to medical education and public health. He has mentored generations of young researchers, passing down his wisdom and expertise to the next generation of scientific leaders. His influence extends beyond the laboratory, as he has also advocated for improved healthcare policies and access to quality medical care for all.Wang Zhenyi's achievements have been recognized both domestically and internationally. He has received numerous awards and honors, including the prestigious National Science and Technology Award, in recognition of hiscontributions to the field of medicine. His work has been published in leading scientific journals and has been cited by countless researchers worldwide.However, despite his many accolades and achievements, Wang Zhenyi remains humble and committed to his research. He believes that science is a never-ending journey of discovery and is always eager to explore new avenues and push the boundaries of knowledge.In conclusion, Academician Wang Zhenyi is a true giant in the field of medicine. His dedication, innovation, and collaboration have led to remarkable advancements in the treatment of leukemia and have inspired countless researchers to pursue their own scientific dreams. His legacy will continue to inspire and guide the next generation of scientists as they embark on their own journeys of discovery.。



2024年高二英语科学家名称单选题20题1.Who is famous for his theory of relativity?Albert EinsteinIsaac NewtonGalileo GalileiMarie Curie答案:Albert Einstein。





2.Which scientist is known for discovering penicillin?Louis PasteurAlexander FlemingThomas EdisonNikola Tesla答案:Alexander Fleming。





3.Who is the scientist associated with the law of universal gravitation?Albert EinsteinIsaac NewtonGalileo GalileiMarie Curie答案:Isaac Newton。





4.Which scientist is famous for his work on electricity and magnetism?Michael FaradayCharles DarwinSigmund FreudLeonardo da Vinci答案:Michael Faraday。



高二英语科学家名称单选题20题1.Who is known for his theory of relativity?A.NewtonB.EinsteinC.DarwinD.Galileo答案:B。



2.Which scientist is famous for his discovery of penicillin?A.FlemingB.PasteurC.CurieD.Bohr答案:A。



3.Who is the scientist associated with the law of universal gravitation?A.EinsteinB.NewtonC.DarwinD.Hawking答案:B。



4.Which scientist is renowned for his work on evolution?A.NewtonB.DarwinC.EinsteinD.Fleming答案:B。



5.Who is the scientist known for his research on black holes?A.HawkingB.EinsteinC.NewtonD.Darwin答案:A。



6.Who is known for making significant contributions to the field of agriculture in Asia?A.Yuan LongpingB.Albert EinsteinC.Thomas EdisonD.Isaac Newton答案:A。










【关键词】科学脉诊;健康预防;中医王唯工教授(Wei-Kung Wang )美国约翰霍普金斯大学生物物理博士中医科学化杰出贡献入选Marquis 世界名人录台湾中国医药学院中医系教授中医“气血共振”理论的奠基者,被台湾大学校长李嗣涔誉为“超越诺贝尔奖的发明”■钟晨26RRJK阶梯健康科技(深圳)有限公司上的贡献连续收录于Marquis 世界名人录。




the American journal of chinese medicine-2014

the American journal of chinese medicine-2014

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine,Vol.42,No.5,1261–1277©2014World Scientific Publishing CompanyInstitute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and MedicineDOI:10.1142/S0192415X14500797Saikosaponin-D Attenuates Heat Stress-Induced Oxidative Damage in LLC-PK1 Cells by Increasing the Expressionof Anti-Oxidant Enzymes and HSP72Bao-Zhen Zhang,a Xiao-Tong Guo,a Jian-Wei Chen,Yuan Zhao,Xia Cong,Zhong-Ling Jiang,Rong-Feng Cao,Kai Cui,Shan-Song Gao and Wen-Ru TianCollege of Animal Science and Veterinary MedicineQingdao Agricultural UniversityQingdao266109,Shandong Province,ChinaPublished28August2014Abstract:Heat stress stimulates the production of reactive oxygen species(ROS),which cause oxidative damage in the kidney.This study clarifies the mechanism by which saiko-saponin-d(SSd),which is extracted from the roots of Bupleurum falcatum L,protects heat-stressed pig kidney proximal tubular(LLC-PK1)cells against oxidative damage.SSd alone is not cytotoxic at concentrations of1or3 g/mL as demonstrated by a3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT)assay.To assess the effects of SSd on heat stress-induced cellular damage,LLC-PK1cells were pretreated with various concentrations of SSd,heat stressed at42 C for1h,and then returned to37 C for9h.DNA ladder and MTT assays demonstrated that SSd helped to prevent heat stress-induced cellular damage when compared to untreated cells.Additionally,pretreatment with SSd increased the activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),and glutathione peroxidase(GPx)but de-creased the concentration of malondialdehyde(MDA)in a dose-dependent manner when compared to controls.Furthermore,real-time PCR and Western blot analysis demonstrated that SSd significantly increased the expression of copper and zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD-1),CAT,GPx-1and heat shock protein72(HSP72)at both the mRNA and protein levels.In conclusion,these results are thefirst to demonstrate that SSd ameliorates heat stress-induced oxidative damage by modulating the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes and HSP72in LLC-PK1cells.Keywords:Saikosaponin-d;Heat Stress;HSP72;Anti-Oxidant Enzymes;LLC-PK1.Correspondence to:Dr.Wen-Ru Tian,College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine,Qingdao Agricultural University,No.700,Changcheng Road,Chengyang,Qingdao266109,Shandong Province,China.Tel:(þ86) 532-8608-0849,Fax:(þ86)532-8608-0849,E-mail:wrtian@a These authors contributed equally to this work.12611262 B.-Z.ZHANG et al.IntroductionHeat stress(HS)can increase the morbidity rate of acute renal failure and other kidney diseases in both humans and other species(Knowlton et al.,2009;Bernabucci et al.,2010; Kjellstrom et al.,2010;Fletcher et al.,2012).Although the mechanism by which HS acts on renal diseases remains unclear because the pathophysiology of kidney is complex,a role for oxidative damage has been reported(Calabrese et al.,2007).Previous studies have demonstrated that HS can enhance the formation of reactive oxygen species(ROS)in mammalian cells(Lord-Fontaine and Averill-Bates,2002),which can result in both lipid peroxidation in cell membranes and oxidative damage to proteins and DNA (Young,1990;Hall et al.,1994;Mujahid et al.,2007).The generation of ROS,such as the hydroxyl radical(ÁOH),hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)and the superoxide anion(OÁÀ2)can be blocked by administering superoxide scavengers(Zhang et al.,2004).The toxic effects of (OÁÀ2)in vivo are buffered by the actions of superoxide dismutase(SOD)enzymes,most notably cytosolic Cu/ZnSOD(SOD-1),and mitochondrial MnSOD(SOD-2),which catalyze the conversion of(OÁÀ2)to H2O2(Yun and Lee,2003).In contrast,the removal of H2O2is accomplished by catalase(CAT)and glutathione peroxidase(GPx)enzymes.The family of GPx enzymes includes the“classic”enzyme GPx-1along with the isoforms GPx-2,GPx-3 and GPx-4(Maiorino et al.,1995).When the anti-oxidant defense system cannot sufficiently eradicate excessive ROS,exogenous anti-oxidants can have a protective effect(Rekha et al., 2001).Previous studies have shown that ingesting vitamin C,vitamin E and several other micronutrients through food sources can attenuate ROS-induced oxidative damage in renal tissues(Wardle,1999;Bucioli et al.,2011;Zhan et al.,2011;Ishitsuka et al.,2013).Heat shock proteins(HSPs)are a family of highly conserved proteins that act as molecular chaperones to stabilize and salvage denatured proteins and therefore prevent the formation of cytotoxic aggregates(Parsell and Lindquist,1993;Hartl,1996;Fink,1999).The major HSPs are primarily localized in tubular epithelial cells in the kidney(Wakui et al.,1995).Recent studies have shown that in patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy,HSPs can counteract the intracellular pro-oxidant status in their lymphocytes(Calabrese et al.,2007).The70-kDa HSP(HSP70)family of proteins includes a73-kDa protein(HSC73)that is constitutively expressed in healthy cells and a highly stress-inducible72-kDa protein(HSP72)that is expressed at low levels in healthy cells(Kiang and Tsokos,1998).This property of HSP72 suggests a cytoprotective role,especially during the acute phase of cellular injury.Over-expressing HSP72is sufficient to improve cell survival in renal epithelial cells that have been exposed to metabolic inhibitors(Wang et al.,2002),HS(Brown et al.,1992)and oxidative stress(Komatsuda et al.,1999).Moreover,HSP72reduces cellular oxidative damage caused by ROS in renal cells(Suzuki et al.,2005).Saikosaponin-d(SSd,C42H68O13)is a major biologically active component that can be extracted from the roots of Bupleurum falcatum L.(Kubota and Hinoh,1968).It belongs to the saponin family and has a chemical structure(Fig.1)that resembles steroid hormones (Wang et al.,2010).SSd has been reported to prevent urinary protein excretion in ami-nonucleoside nephrosis both in rats(Abe et al.,1986)and in rat models of anti-GBM nephritis(Hattori et al.,1991).Moreover,SSd can protect hepatocytes from oxidativeinjury that is induced by carbon tetrachloride (Abe et al.,1982;Fan et al.,2007).The anti-oxidant capabilities of SSd,such as scavenging against ROS and inhibiting lipid peroxi-dation,have also been observed in pharmacological experiments (Fang and Zheng ,2002).However,the effects of SSd on the expression of anti-oxidant enzymes and HSP72in renal tissues remain unclear.Thus,the objectives of this study were first to investigate whether SSd could ameliorate HS-induced oxidative damage and also to determine its mechanism of action by measuring the expression of anti-oxidant enzymes and HSP72in heat-stressed renal epithelial LLC-PK 1cells.Materials and MethodsMaterialsSSd was purchased from the National Pharmaceutical Engineering Center (Jiangxi,China).Dulbecco ’s modi fied Eagle ’s medium (DMEM),fetal bovine serum (FBS),penicillin and streptomycin for cell culture use were obtained from Life Technologies Inc.(Grand Island,NY,USA).Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO),trypsin and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT)were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co.(St.Louis,MO,USA).The antibodies used in this study,including HSP72(sc-1060),SOD-1(sc-8637),CAT (sc-34285),GPx-1(sc-22145)and GAPDH (sc-48166),were all obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology,Inc.(USA).Peroxidase-Af finiPure goat anti-swine IgG (H þL)was purchased from Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories,Inc.(USA).The GPx,SOD,CAT and MDA commercial kits were obtained from Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute of Nanjing (Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,China).All other chemicals were of reagent grade.Cell Culture and TreatmentLLC-PK 1cells,a cultured renal epithelial cell line derived from porcine kidney cells,were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville,MD,USA)and Figure 1.The chemical structure of SSd.SAIKOSAPONIN-D ATTENUATES OXIDATIVE DAMAGE 12631264 B.-Z.ZHANG et al.maintained as monolayer cultures in DMEM supplemented with5%heat-inactivated FBS, 100U/mL penicillin and100 g/mL streptomycin(Lee et al.,2012).The cells were maintained in a humidified atmosphere at37 C with5%CO2.SSd was dissolved in DMSO and diluted with complete culture medium with afinal concentration of0.1% DMSO.In each experiment,the cells were incubated in the presence or absence of various concentrations of SSd at37 C for24h,heat stressed in a42 C incubator for1h,and allowed to recover at37 C for9h.MTT Assay for Cell ViabilityCell viability was determined by an MTT assay(Shen et al.,2012;Liu et al.,2013). Briefly,cells were seeded in96-well plates for1h at37 C in the presence of100 L of DMEM supplemented with5%FBS.The cells were then pretreated with200 L of various concentrations of SSd(0–10 g/mL)for24h.After1h of HS at42 C,the cells were returned to37 C for9h.The cells were then washed with phosphate-buffer saline(PBS) once before50 L of FBS-free medium containing5mg/mL of MTT was added and the cells were returned to37 C for4h.After the supernatant was removed,any formazan blue that had formed in the cells was dissolved in150 L of DMSO per well.The optical density was measured at490nm on a microplate reader(Thermo,USA).Analysis of DNA FragmentationLLC-PK1cells were cultured as described above.After exposure to HS(1h at42 C), 6Â106cells were lysed,and the DNA was extracted and purified with the Apoptotic DNA Ladder Kit(Beyotime Institute of Biotechnology,China)according to the manufacturer’s instructions(Chen et al.,2013).Equal amounts of purified apoptotic DNA were subjected to electrophoresis on a2%agarose gel at80V for1h.DNA bands were visualized with 1mg/mL of ethidium bromide and were analyzed by an ultraviolet gel documentation system.Measuring the Activity of Anti-Oxidant Enzymes and the Levels of Lipid Superoxide LLC-PK1cells were rinsed and then disrupted in PBS using an ultrasonic processor(UP 200S,Dr.Hielscher,Germany).The cellular debris was pelleted by centrifugation at 1000g for15min at4 C.The supernatants were transferred into fresh tubes to assess the activity of SOD,CAT and GPx along with the level of malondialdehyde(MDA).All measurements described below were performed using commercial kits according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Total SOD activity was measured using the xanthine/xanthine oxidase method(McCord and Fridovich,1969),which involves detecting the absorbance at450nm.One unit of SOD activity was defined as the amount of enzyme that inhibited the rate of nitro blue tetra-zolium(NBT)reduction by50%.The activity was expressed as U/mg protein.SAIKOSAPONIN-D ATTENUATES OXIDATIVE DAMAGE1265 CAT activity was measured by the reaction in which CAT scavenges H2O2(Aebi, 1984).In this reaction,ammonium molybdate was added,and a pale yellow complex was produced.The change in the absorbance at405nm was monitored.CAT activity was also expressed as U/mg protein.The activity of GPx was determined according to a previously described method (Rotruck et al.,1973).This procedure is based on the reaction between a byproduct of GPx (i.e.,glutathione)and5,50-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid),which results in a compound with the ability to absorb light at412nm.This enzymatic activity was expressed as mol/g protein.MDA levels were used as an index of the cellular lipid superoxide levels.It was measured using the thiobarbituric acid(TBA)method(Ohkawa et al.,1979).The con-densation of both MDA and TBA results in a red product,which has a maximum ab-sorption peak at532nm.The MDA levels were expressed as nmol/mg protein.Finally,protein concentrations were measured using the bicinchoninic acid(BCA) method(Beyotime Biotechnology,China)with bovine serum albumin as a standard. Real-Time PCRTotal RNA from LLC-PK1cells was isolated using the RN28-Easyspin Plus Tissue/Cell RNA Kit(Aidlab Biotech,Beijing,China).Purified RNA was quantified with a Bio-photometer Plus(Eppendorf,Hamburg,Germany),and was visualized with agarose gel electrophoresis(Xiong et al.,2012).cDNA synthesis was performed with3 g total RNA using afirst strand cDNA synthesis kit(Fermentas,Waltham,USA).The concentration of mRNA was measured by real-time PCR using SYBR Green I and the LightCycler r480 System(Roche Diagnostics,Basel,Switzerland).Each reaction mixture containing1 L of cDNA,5 L of SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(Roche)and0.2 L of each primer in a total volume of10 L was subjected to the following conditions:95 C for10min,followed by 45cycles of95 C for10s,60 C20s,and72 C for30s in96-well optical reaction plates(Roche).The melting curves were analyzed at65–97 C after45cycles.Each qPCR analysis was performed in triplicate.All of the primer pairs(Table1)have been described previously(Luci et al.,2007;Pennarossa et al.,2012)and were custom ordered from a commercial supplier(Sangon Biotech,Shanghai,China).The relative mRNA Table1.Primer Sequences for the Real-Time PCR AssayGene(NCBIGenebank)Forward Primer Reverse Primer Size(bp) GAATCCGCAGAATACCGTGT TCCGCAGTCTCCTTCATCTT213 HSP72(NM001123127.1)SOD(AF396674)TCCATGTCCATCAGTTTGGA CTGCCCAAGTCATCTGGTTT254 CAT(NM214301)CAGCTTTAGTGCTCCCGAAC AGATGACCCGCAATGTTCTC180 GPx(NM214201)CAAGAATGGGGAGATCCTGA GATAAACTTGGGGTCGGTCA190 GAPDH(AF017079)AGGGGCTCTCCAGAACATCATCC TCGCGTGCTCTTGCTGGGGTTGG4461266 B.-Z.ZHANG et al.concentrations were calculated based on the amplification efficiencies and the crossing point(CP)values(Livak and Schmittgen,2001).Western Blot AnalysisCells were lysed on ice in the presence of cell lysis buffer(Beyotime,China).Protein concentrations were calculated using the BCA protein assay kit,and equal amounts of protein were loaded in each well of10%of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel(Hu et al.,2012).After electrophoresis,the proteins were transferred onto polyvinylidene difluoride(PVDF)membranes with a glycine transfer buffer[192mM glycine,25mM Tris-HCl(pH8.8),20%methanol(v/v)].After the membranes were incubated for2h at room temperature in blocking solution[5%bovine serum albumin in Tris-buffered solution plus Tween-20(TBST):50mM Tris-HCl,150mM NaCl,pH7.5,0.1%v/v Tween-20)], each membrane was incubated overnight at4 C in the presence of a specific primary antibody against SOD-1(1:1000dilution),CAT(1:1000dilution),Gpx-1(1:500dilution), HSP72(1:1000dilution)or GAPDH(1:1000dilution).The membranes were then washed three times for5min each with TBST and incubated with the appropriate horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody(1:6000dilution)for1h at room temperature. Following this incubation,the blots were again washed three times with TBST and then developed through enhanced chemiluminescence(TransGen Biotech,Beijing,China). Statistical AnalysisData are all expressed as the meanÆSD.Differences between groups were evaluated by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s t-test using Graphpad Prism5.01(GraphPad Software Inc.).A difference at p<0:05was considered statistically significant. ResultsThe Effect of SSd on LLC-PK1Cell ViabilityTo investigate whether SSd has cytotoxic effects on LLC-PK1cells,an MTT assay was conducted to assess the viability of these cells24h after treatment.When applied at concentrations of1and3 g/mL,SSd did not affect cell viability(Fig.2).However,a significant decrease in the number of viable cells was observed at higher concentrations of SSd(5 g/mL).Therefore,SSd applied at1or3 g/mL does not cause the cytotoxicity seen in this study.The Effect of SSd on HS-Induced Apoptosis in LLC-PK1CellsHS can enhance the formation of ROS,which can cause oxidative injury to cells.There-fore,we next assessed the ability of SSd to convey cytoprotection in the presence of HS. Pretreatment with SSd(1and3 g/mL)significantly reduced HS-induced cellular injury ina concentration-dependent manner (Fig.3A ).We also assessed apoptosis in LLC-PK 1cells using the apoptotic DNA ladder method.While DNA laddering was observed in cells subjected to HS,this effect was abolished by pretreatment with 1and 3 g/mL of SSd (Fig.3B).Figure 2.The effect of SSd on the viability of LLC-PK 1cells.Cells were cultured with SSd (0–10 g/mL)for 24h at 37 C and subjected to an MTT assay.Data are presented as the mean ÆSD of three independent experiments.*p <0:05vs.the control (CTRL)group and **p <0:01vs.the CTRLgroup.(A)(B)Figure 3.The effect of SSd on HS-induced apoptosis in LLC-PK 1cells.(A)Cell viability was measured 24h after SSd-treated (0,1and 3 g/mL)LLC-PK 1cells were subjected to HS at 42 C for 1h.CTRL cells were not treated with SSd and were instead cultured at 37 C.(B)Agarose gel electrophoresis was performed to assess DNA ne 1,CTRL;Lane 2,HS alone;Lane 3,HS þSSd (1);Lane 4,HS þSSd (3).Data are presented as the mean ÆSD of three independent experiments.*p <0:05vs.the CTRL group and **p <0:01vs.the CTRL group.SAIKOSAPONIN-D ATTENUATES OXIDATIVE DAMAGE 1267The Effect of SSd on the Activity of Anti-Oxidant Enzymes and the Levelof Lipid Superoxide in LLC-PK 1CellsHS can induce changes in the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes in LLC-PK 1cells.To determine whether pretreatment with SSd attenuates this effect,the activity levels of major anti-oxidant enzymes,including SOD,CAT and GPx,were measured.We found that the production of SOD,CAT and GPx was signi ficantly diminished in the group subjected to HS alone (by 32.1%,59.2%,and 74.6%,respectively)compared with the control group (Figs.4A –4C ).In contrast,pretreatment with SSd for 24h resulted in a signi ficant increase in enzymatic activity,which occurred in a dose-dependent manner.An increase in MDA levels is a reliable indicator of lipid peroxidation,which might be closely related to cell damage (Passagne et al.,2012).We observed that the MDA levels were signi ficantly (p <0:01)elevated in cells exposed to HS when compared to controls (Fig.4D ).Moreover,pretreatment with SSd for 24h signi ficantly reduced MDA produc-tion in a dose-dependent manner and nearly returned the MDA concentrations to controllevels.(A)(B)(C)(D)Figure 4.The effect of SSd on SOD (A),CAT (B),and GPx (C)enzymatic activity and MDA (D)levels in LLC-PK 1cells.The activity of anti-oxidant enzymes and the level of lipid superoxide were measured as described in Materials and Methods.Data are presented as the mean ÆSD of 4independent experiments.*p <0:05vs.the CTRL group and **p <0:01vs.the CTRL group;##p <0:01vs.the HS group.1268 B.-Z.ZHANG et al.The Effect of SSd on Anti-Oxidant Enzyme and HSP72mRNA LevelsWe next used real-time PCR to investigate whether SSd affects the expression of anti-oxidant enzymes,including SOD-1,CAT,and GPx-1.The expression of both SOD-1and GPx-1was signi ficantly (p <0:05)increased after exposure to HS (42 C)when compared with controls (Figs.5A and 5B ).More strikingly,pretreatment with SSd for 24h signi ficantly (p <0:01)increased SOD-1mRNA levels when compared to HS alone.Similarly,the mRNA levels of GPx-1were signi ficantly (p <0:05)higher after SSd pretreatment than with HS alone.Heat stress also induced a dramatic increase in the CAT mRNA levels (p <0:01)when compared to controls (Fig.5C ).Finally,cells that were pretreated with SSd also showed a signi ficant upregulation of CAT mRNA expression compared to the HS group.HSP72is expressed in response to both oxidative stress and HS.In this study,HSP72expression was markedly up-regulated (p <0:05)by HS when compared to the control group.Moreover,pretreatment with SSd for 24h resulted in a signi ficant and dose-dependent increase in the expression of HSP72(Fig.5D).(A)(B)(C)(D)Figure 5.The effect of SSd on the relative mRNA levels of SOD-1(A),GPx-1(B),CAT (C)and HSP72(D)in LLC-PK1cells.Cells were pretreated with SSd and then subjected to HS,mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time PCR.The expression levels for each gene relative to GAPDH were calculated for all samples by using the 2ÀÁÁcp method of three independent experiments with three replicates for each sample.*p <0:05vs.the CTRL group and **p <0:01vs.the CTRL group;#p <0:05vs.the HS group;##p <0:01vs.the HS group.SAIKOSAPONIN-D ATTENUATES OXIDATIVE DAMAGE 1269The Effect of SSd on Anti-Oxidant Enzyme and HSP72Protein LevelsNext,we assessed the effect of SSd on anti-oxidant enzyme levels by Western blot analysis. Interestingly,the amount of SOD-1and GPx-1protein was significantly(p<0:01)re-duced in the HS group when compared to the control group(Figs.6A and6B).Figure6.The effect of SSd on the expression of SOD-1(A),GPx-1(B),CAT(C)and HSP72(D).The lanes in this blot represent1,CTRL;2,HS alone;3,HSþSSd(1);4,HSþSSd(3).Protein samples were analyzed by Western blot with specific antibodies as described in Materials and Methods.GAPDH was used as an internal control.Similar results were obtained in three independent experiments,and one representative experiment is shown here.*p<0:05vs.the CTRL group and**p<0:01vs.the CTRL group;#p<0:05vs.the HS group and##p<0:01vs.the HS group. 1270 B.-Z.ZHANG et al.SAIKOSAPONIN-D ATTENUATES OXIDATIVE DAMAGE1271 Pretreatment with SSd for24h prevented this HS-induced reduction in protein expression. By contrast,exposure to HS increased the levels of CAT(Fig.6C)when compared to the control group.In addition,pretreatment with SSd dramatically(p<0:05)increased CAT protein expression.Finally,we examined the levels of HSP72and found that HS significantly(p<0:05) increased HSP72expression when compared with the control group(Fig.6D).Pretreat-ment with SSd also progressively increased the abundance of HSP72when compared to exposure to HS alone.DiscussionThis study is thefirst to demonstrate that SSd protects LLC-PK1cells against HS-induced oxidative damage by increasing the expression of both anti-oxidant enzymes and HSP72.To ensure that a non-toxic concentration of the SSd was chosen for the key experiments, we examined the effect of SSd on cell viability.Adding3 g/mL or less of SSd for24h was non-toxic to the cells.Hyperthermic treatment of mammalian cells can alter many cellular functions,including inhibiting cell proliferation,altering cell morphology and affecting cell adhesion(Kampinga, 1993;Khan and Brown,2002).Here,we evaluated cellular injury by using the widely accepted MTT and DNA ladder assays.Our study indicated that pretreatment with SSd ameliorated cellular injury.Likewise,previous studies have suggested that SSd inhibits calcium ionophore A23187-or phorbol12-myristate13-acetate(PMA)-induced DNA fragmentation in thymocytes(Kato et al.,1995).Low concentrations of saikosaponins have also been shown to protect or stabilize rat erythrocytes against both hypotonic and heat-induced hemolysis(Abe et al.,1981).In this study,we investigated the mechanism by which SSd attenuates HS-induced oxidative damage.MDA production has long been recognized as an important factor both in altering membranefluidity(Chen and Yu,1994),and promoting membrane fragility, which may result in cell death(Halliwell and Chirico,1993).Along with other aldehydes that are produced during lipid peroxidation,MDA not only inhibits various enzymatic reactions,but it also strongly inhibits both DNA and protein synthesis(Esterbauer et al., 1982).Here,we have demonstrated that SSd decreases MDA levels in SSd-treated cells in a dose-dependent manner.This result suggests that the ROS formed during HS-induced oxidative damage are scavenged,and lipid peroxidation is attenuated by SSd in these LLC-PK1cells.Abe et al.(1982)also found that pretreatment with SSd significantly attenuates CCl4-induced acute hepatic injury by inhibiting lipid peroxidation.The protective effects of SSd might result from its classification as a triterpenoid compound(Zhu et al.,2009) because these molecules have a high lipophilicity that allows them to protect against lipid peroxidation(Grassmann et al.,2002).Moreover,SSd has also been shown to decrease the levels of enzymes involved in drug metabolism(e.g.,NADPH-cyt c reductase or p450levels)in the rat liver(Abe et al.,1980),suggesting that it protects against HS-induced lipid peroxidation partly by reducing the levels of drug-metabolizing enzymes in LLC-PK1cells.1272 B.-Z.ZHANG et al.Oxidative damage results from an imbalance between radical-generating and radical-scavenging systems that leads to increased free radical production,reduced activity of anti-oxidant defenses,or both.ROS can directly damage anti-oxidant enzymes such as SOD,CAT,and GPx and reduce their activity,which will result in an increased accu-mulation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals.This accumulation could then stimulate lipid peroxidation and lead to cell death(Pigeolet et al.,1990).Therefore,the decreased activity of SOD,CAT and GPx under HS conditions that was observed in this study suggests that more ROS are being generated,and that anti-oxidant enzymes are being depleted during the process of combating HS.In this study,we observed that pretreating cells with SSd before subjecting them to HS increased the activity of SOD,CAT,and GPx.Previous studies have reported similar results andfindings(Liu et al.,2005;Wang et al.,2005),and the portion of SSd responsible for this effect could be its -hydroxyl group.Because it is an endogenous anti-oxidant,GPx is more efficient in defending against oxygen-derived free radicals than SOD and CAT(Michiels et al.,1994).In this study,the GPx activity in the SSd-treated group was higher than that in the control group,although the difference was not significant.These data further confirm that SSd was more effective in increasing the activity of GPx,which would be beneficial to cells undergoing free radical damage.To investigate the mechanism by which SSd might alleviate HS-induced oxidative damage,the expression of SOD-1,CAT,and GPx-1was examined at both the gene and protein level.We found that the SOD-1and GPx-1mRNA levels were markedly increased by exposure to HS.Interestingly,the amount of SOD-1and GPx-1protein was signifi-cantly reduced,which explains why their overall activity was decreased.The discrepancy between the decrease in SOD-1and GPx-1protein levels and the corresponding increase in mRNA levels might result from impaired regulation during and after translation.Moreover, DNA and RNA damage are normally reversible and occur at temperatures of85–90 C, while protein denaturation begins at40 C in mammalian cells(Lepock,2003).Therefore, exposure to HS at42 C may damage these enzymes and reduce their activity while leaving the genetic material intact.In addition,HS-induced ROS can modulate the activity of some transcription factors(Pigeolet et al.,1990),which might activate and/or increase the transcription of SOD-1and GPx-1.In contrast,HS up-regulated CAT expression at both the mRNA and protein level.One possible explanation is that CAT is mainly localized to subcellular particles such as per-oxisomes,while GPx-1and SOD-1are found in the cytosol and mitochondria where the generation of OÀ2is the major intracellular source of oxygen radicals.Therefore,CAT may be more resistant to HS-induced oxidative damage.Previous studies have demonstrated that CAT expression can also be activated and increased by ROS(Pigeolet et al.,1990). Interestingly,the HS-induced increase in CAT protein expression was accompanied by a decrease in activity,indicating that HS may inhibit CAT activity independently of its effect on CAT protein expression.The discrepancy between the estimated quantity of CAT protein and the decrease in CAT activity may have two explanations:(a)CAT induced by HS possesses a low specific protein activity and/or(b)CAT enzymatic activity is unusually heat labile.SAIKOSAPONIN-D ATTENUATES OXIDATIVE DAMAGE1273 In this study,SSd treatment induced an increase in anti-oxidant enzymes expression at both the mRNA and protein level.These data indicate that the SSd-induced activa-tion of SOD-1,GPx-1and CAT is mediated by both transcriptional and translational regulation.However,it is still unclear whether SSd itself acts directly as a transcrip-tion factor or whether it stimulates other intracellular molecules to act as second messengers.Previous studies have suggested that HS-induced HSP72expression.Interestingly,we found that pretreating cells with SSd significantly increased the expression of HSP72at both the mRNA and protein level when compared to the cells that were exposed to HS alone.These results suggest that SSd up-regulates HSP72expression.Previous studies have reported that HSP72expression can be induced by the activation of calcium/cal-modulin(Huang et al.,2009)and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)(Peng et al.,2010).Therefore,SSd may increase HSP72expression by in-creasing cytosolic calcium levels(Wong et al.,2013),which would lead to the activation of CaM and CaMKII under conditions of HS.Previous studies have also demonstrated that the chaperone function of HSP72can increase the activity of SOD(Kondo et al.,1996;Choi et al.,2005),GPx and glutathione reductase(GR)(Guo et al.,2007),and prevent anti-oxidant enzymes from forming di-sulfide bonds during part of their catalytic cycle(Cumming et al.,2004).HSP72can also inhibit the formation of a functional apoptosome complex and can play a protective role in mitochondria to decrease ROS-induced cellular damage(Chiu et al.,2009).These actions would promote the proliferation of peroxisomes and could therefore increase the expres-sion and enzymatic activity of certain peroxisomal enzymes(Alvares et al.,1990).Thus, the induction of HSP72expression is likely an important mechanism in the SSd-induced reduction of HS-induced oxidative damage.In summary,this study builds upon previously published data to demonstrate that SSd is a promising anti-oxidant that can help attenuate HS-induced oxidative damage by modu-lating the expression of anti-oxidant enzymes and HSP72.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank Jane Morrell from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences for her help in improving the manuscript.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31172378;31372313),the Shandong Natural Science Foundation(ZR2010CM028)and SDAIT-12-011-03.ReferencesAbe,H.,M.Orita,H.Konishi,S.Arichi and S.Odashima.Effects of saikosaponin-d on aminonu-cleoside nephrosis in rats.Eur.J.Pharmacol.120:171–178,1986.Abe,H.,M.Sakaguchi,M.Anno and S.Arichi.Erythrocyte membrane stabilization by plant saponins and sapogenins.Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch.Pharmacol.316:262–265,1981.。

王充 Wáng Chōng (27-circa 99 AD)—中国历史人物英文介绍

王充 Wáng Chōng (27-circa 99 AD)—中国历史人物英文介绍

王充Wáng Chōng (27-circa 99 AD)An Iconoclastic ThinkerBorn in what is today's Shangyu County, Zhejiang Province in eastern China, Wang Chong lost his father when he was only 10 years old. Later, he wasknown in the local community for his filial piety and his devotion to his mother.His humble origins contributed to his sensitive, perseverant and aloof personality. When he was about 17, Wang finished his primary education in hishometown and then went to Luoyang, the capital in the north to continue studying. But he was so poor that he couldn't afford the books needed forhis study, so he frequently visited the local bookstalls where he would read many classic writings.After studying in both the south and the north of the country, Wang witnessed the great cultural gap between the two places. In the north, people had already developed a set of complicated rituals. In his hometown in the south, the environment for making a living washarsher. So, local people were more practical and they paid little attention to formalities. Generally speaking, it was a time rife with theologicalthinking and superstition. Lao Zi, the founder of Daoism, and Confucius, the creator ofConfucianism, had been worshipped like gods and their philosophies had become superstitions and state religion. In addition, the belief in ghosts andthe practice of fengshuiwere ubiquitous.Known as a rationalist and one of the most original and independent Chinese thinkers, Wang responded to all these notions with derision and sharpcriticism. He stressed that all words and philosophies of the previous sages should be treated critically.He wrote an 85-chapter book entitled Lun Heng or "Balanced Enquires" to spread his "naturalism of primordial qi."He said that heaven, like all other natural objects, is a natural body. It comprises the "primordial qi" the original substance similar to smoke and cloud.Therefore, heaven has no purpose for man. He believed that man is also a part of nature and is not substantially different from other natural things in the universe. Only because they haveknowledge and wisdom, they are deemed slightly more superior than others.Many previous classics tended to deify the rulers and in the Chinese culture, the emperors were often denoted as the descendants of the dragon.Wang pointed out such an idea was totally absurd because the dragon was but a beast, so how could it be nobler than man?In his book, Wang also used the materialistic and atheistic approach to explain natural signs and denounced ludicrous superstitions. For instance, hedescribed his observations on movement, force, heat, static, thunder, sound and other physical and chemical phenomena. He even declared thatsound is created by vibration and transmitted through certain substances, 1,600 years before Robert Boyle's discovery of air's role in the propagationof sound.Wang's ideas later influenced the resurgence of the school of "neo-Daoism," which adopted a more rational and naturalistic line to explain theuniverse.Wang's career in officialdom was short-lived due to his argumentative nature, iconoclastic approach and innate resent toward officials. So, after takinga few minor government positions, he spent most of his life as a teacher in his hometown.。

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