2024年秋新人教版三年级上册英语课件 Unit 4 Part B 第4课时 Let's talk

grass /ɡrɑːs/ n. (名词)草;草地
草地 the grass
Let’s play on the grass. 我们一起在草地上玩吧。
plant /plɑːnt/
v. (动词)种植 n. (名词)植物
We plant a tree. 我们种了一棵树。 We can help the plant grow. 我们可以帮助植物成长。
➢ 你留意过学校花坛、绿化带 里种了什么植物吗?
➢ 请走一走、看一看吧!
Read and answer:What do they want to help?
The school gardens need help.
We can water the flowers.
Read and answer:How can they help?
• Presentation: Let’s talk
Chen Jie, Wu Binbin and Mike are talking. What are they talking about?
• 文化链接
➢ “绿色校园”,从身边小事 做起,积极参与保护环境, 了解可持续发展思想。
What plants can you see in your school garden?
What plants do you like?
• 文化链接:植物四君子——梅、兰、竹、菊
plum blossom 坚韧不拔 顽强向上
orchild 君子高洁
bamboo 正直谦虚
We can water the flowers.
We can water the grass.

科普版三年纪上册英语教案,Lesson4,What,is,your,name,? 篇一:科普版小学三年级上册英语教案九年义务教育小学三年级上册〔2022—2022学年度〕英语教案宋庄小学陈静2022---2022学年度三年级英语上册教学进度方案一、学生情况分析三年级一班共有学生名,其中男生名,女生名。
二、教材分析本册是小学开设英语的第一学年第一学期使用,本册教材具有以下几个特点: 1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。
三年级上册英语一课一练-Lesson4whats your name同步练习 科普版 三起含答案

科普版小学英语三年级上册Lesson 4同步练习一、比比看谁写的好1.比比看谁写的好(1)G M N L H________(2)q r h i k________(3)T O q k b________(4)J I Q s x________二、选择正确的字母,补全下列单词。
2.n ____ meA. oB. eC. a3.ple ____ seA. aB. eC. o4.s ____ tA. iB. pC. o5.be ____ rA. eB. aC. m6.d ____ wnA. aB. eC. o7.w ____ atA. hB. aC. e三、选出下列单词中不同类的单词。
8.选出下列单词中不同类的单词()A. myB. yourC. I9.选出下列单词中不同类的单词()A. whatB. yesC. no10.选出下列单词中不同类的单词()A. dogB. sitC. hen11.选出下列单词中不同类的单词()A. MrB. pleaseC. Miss12.选出下列单词中不同类的单词()A. isB. amC. down四、给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。
13.whatA. 多少B. 什么14.yourA. 你(们)的B. 你15.pleaseA. 请B. 再见16.sitA. 站B. 坐17.downA. 向下B. 向上五、单项选择。
18.What your name?A. amB. isC. are19. name is Eve.A. yourB. IC. My20. down, please.A. sitB. SitC. Please21.—What's your name ?—A. Hello, Tom.B. Good morning, Tom.C. My name is Tom.22.—Nice to meet you.—A. Nice to meet you, too.B. Good morning!C. Hello!六、给下列句子选择正确的译文。

英语(人教版)三年级上册中英文对照初级版英语(人教版)三年级上册中英文对照初级版CONTENTS 目录2Unit One Hello 单元1 你好 (1)12Unit Two Colours 单元2 颜色 (6)22Unit Three Look at me! 单元3 看着我! (11)32Recycle 1 复习 1 (16)36Unit Four we love animals 单元4 我们爱动物. 18 46Unit Five Let’s eat! 单元5 让我们吃!. 24 56Unit Six Happy birthday! 单元6 生日快乐!29 66Recycle 2 复习 2 (35)2-3Unit One Hello 单元1 你好Hello! I’m Zoom. 您好!我是祖姆。
Hello, I’m Mike. 你好,我是迈克。
Hi, I’m Wu yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡。
Hi! My nam e’s Zip. 你好!我的名字是哲珀。
Goodbye! 再见!Bye, Miss White ! 再见,怀特小姐!Hello,I’m Chen Jie. 嗨,你好,我叫陈洁。
What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?My name’s Sarah. 我叫莎拉。
4Let's talk大家一起说Hello, I’m Miss White. 你好,我是怀特小姐。
Hello, I’m Wu yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡。
Hi, I’m Sarah. 你好!我是莎拉。
Let's play一起玩吧Hello, I’m Liu Xin. 你好!我是刘欣。
Hi, I’m John. 嗨,我是约翰。
5Let's learn让我们学习ruler 直尺I have a ruler. 我有一把尺子。
Eraser 橡皮I have an eraser. 我有一块橡皮。
pencil 铅笔crayon 蜡笔Let's chant让我们吟颂(唱)I have a 我有一个Me too 我也是6Let's sing让我们唱Now you see 现在你看I can say my ABCs 我可以说我的ABC Let's find out我们去查一下7Let's talk大家一起说Hello, I’m Mike. 你好,我是迈克。
三年级英语:Lesson 4 Nice to meet you

小学英语新课程标准教材英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 )学校:年级:任课教师:英语教案 / 小学英语 / 小学三年级英语教案编订:XX文讯教育机构Lesson 4 Nice to meet you教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于小学三年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。
lesson 4 nice to meet you!第一课时教学目标:1.能够熟练掌握字母ll, mm, nn, oo的读音以及大小写的书写形式.2.能够听说,认读单词: leg, mouth, nose, toe, hi, this, nice, meet.3.能听懂指令性句子并做出反应,能听说补充的词汇head, ear, eye, arm, face, foot. 教学重点,难点重点:字母ll, mm, nn, oo的读音以及大小写的书写形式.难点:掌握ll, mm, nn共同读音,了解字母l m n o在单词中的读音课前准备:教师准备ll, mm, nn, oo四组字母的大小写卡片,以及身体部位的单词教学图片..教学过程1.组织课堂用自由问答的形式复习前面所学对话,活跃课堂气氛2.复习导入用多种方式让学生快速认读,或听写字母3, 新课展示(new presentation)教师通过课前准备好的字母卡片以及相关单词的图片或者实物来讲解句型和词汇:1)教师出示字母卡片进行字母规范书写的教学.这一部分教师讲解各个字母的读音及书写细则,给学生看书写体和印刷体的卡片,帮助学生区分两者之间的不同.要求近距离口型示范每个字母的发音方式.书写方面:大写字母l占上两格,上不顶格,一笔写成;小写字母l占上两格,上不顶格,一笔写成.大写m两笔写成,占上两格,上不顶格;小写m一笔写成,占中间一格;大写n占上两格,上不顶格,三笔写成,小写n一笔写成,占中间一格;大写o占上两格,上不顶格,一笔写成;小写o占中间一格,一笔写成.另外字母ff, ll, mm, nn的读音中都含有/e/,可按读音归为一类.oo读作/ u/,由/ /音滑向/u/音,不可读成"欧".最后教师在教授mouth的时候,其中th读作/ /,发音时舌尖挤在上下齿缝间,摩擦发出,有点咬舌.2)教师通过课前准备好的单词卡片或者实物进行单词教学.leg: /leg/其中l为舌边音,发音时舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿龈,舌前部向硬腭抬起,气流从舌的旁边泄出,发音时声带振动.mouth:/ /其中浊辅音/m/发音时双唇紧闭,软腭下垂,发音位置和发/p/, /b/音时完全一样,发音方法是气流从鼻孔中出来.nose: / /中浊辅音/n/发音时舌端紧贴上齿龈,软腭下垂,和发/t/, /d/音时的舌位相同,气流从鼻孔中出来.toe:/ /其中o发合口双元音/ /放入音,发音时由/ /自然向/u/过渡.口形也相应地做一些变化,由扁平唇转换为圆唇,舌头在口中自然放松.4.巩固活动:(小组游戏)1)教师将本课要求学生掌握的单词:leg, mouth, nose, toe依次分别贴在黑板上,将学生分成两组,再将学生分成两组在中间排队站好,每次由站在队伍最前面两名同学参加比赛,教师将塑料小锤发给队伍最前面的两个同学,发指令说:head!这两个学生要迅速跑到相应图片跟前,用小锤轻敲该图片并重复head三遍,先完成该动作的将为该组赢得一分,结束后两人全部站回到本队的最后一排.2) let's do. 教师发令要求全班同学做.touch your nose/ mouth/ eyes/ ears/hair.再让部分学生站在黑板前,看不见老师面部,全班同学看着老师的暗示教师发令,让站在讲台前的同学做. 最后还可以两人相互发指令让对方做.3)simon says.教师可在游戏前给学生将清楚规则,当教师先说:simon says的时候,学生将以最快的速度去做动作,慢者要接受惩罚.5.课后作业(homework):练一练.教师为学生创造模拟真实的生活场景,让学生在模拟的场景中去使用语言,感知语言,真正做到学以致用.第二课时教学目标:1,能够听说,认读单词hi, this, nice, meet.2,能熟练掌握介绍用语,并能灵活运用句型:this is…/nice to meet you, (too).教学重点,难点重点: 句型—this is…—nice to meet you, (too)教学用具教学挂图,录音机,一些人物图片,字母卡片教学过程1 复习1)唱歌how are you 同时教师检查《课堂练习》上的作业.2)复习字母aa,bb,ccdd, ee, ff, gghh, ii, jj, kk:ll, mm, nn, oo3)让学生听写所学过的字母纠正书写错误4)复习所学过的句子2 介绍新对话教师将通过孩子们熟悉的人物形象mr. sun和alice,jerry来呈现引出本课的重点句型和词汇:mr. sun: good morning, alice!alice: good morning, mr. sun! this is jerry. jerry, this is my teacher, mr. sun.jerry: nice to meet you, mr. sun.mr. sun: nice to meet you, too在此教师要给学生说明"nice to meet you."是"很高兴见到你"的意思,表达"见到你也很高兴"就说nice to meet you, too.另外我们想要表达见一个人很高兴时的表达方式还有"pleased/ glad to meet you."接下来,教师可以通过以下儿歌和学生进行训练,巩固和复习: nice to meet you!hello! hello! hello! hello!nice to meet you.hello! hello! hello! hello!nice to meet you.hello! hello! hello! hello!nice to meet you.3. 听录音学习课文,并跟读:(1)listen, look and repeat(ⅰ)(播放该部分的录音,同时出l l m m n n o o(2)listen, look and repeat(ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)l l a leg a legm m a mouth a mouthn n a nose a noseo o a toe a toe(3)listen, look and say(ⅰ) (播放该部分的录音)a: hi!this is gao qiang. this is alice.b: nice to meet you.c: nice to meet you.(4)listen, look and say(ⅱ)(播放该部分的录音)a: hello! my name is bruce. nice to meet you.b: nice to meet you ,too.通过本部分的学习学会向他人介绍自己的朋友,亲人等等,并且能在生活中自如应用,会使用问候用语.4布置作业《课堂练习》笔写第2题:看图说话.XX文讯教育机构WenXun Educational Institution。
三年级英语上册 Lesson4 Whats your name第一课时教案 科普版

Lesson 4 What’s your name?(第一课时)Let’s talkTeaching material analyses(教材分析)一.Study the new words“what your bird hen panda bear monkey”Pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words.二.Learn the letters from Uu to Zz and know how to write them in the three blanks and fourlines.三.They can make sentences about the new words in class.( bird hen panda bear monkey) 四.Know the form:“What’s your name? My name is……”Goal request(教学目的)1)Master the new words:what your bird hen panda bear monkey.They can make sentences about words in class.2)Make them know “What’s your name? My name is……”3)Know some animals’ name.4)Know the form:“What’s your name? My name is……”5)Learn the letters from Uu to Zz and know how to write them in the three blanksand fourlines.Key difficulty(重点难点)(1)Know how to write the letters from Uu to Zz in the three blanks and four lines. (2)Master the form“What’s your name? My name is……”(3)What’s…=What is…Teaching method(教学方法):three doubts three searches.Teaching aid study(教具学具):picture ( bird hen panda bear monkey)picture of Fishing Joy HD.Teaching process(教学过程)Step 1:设疑自探(5 minutes)T:Good afternoon ,everyone .S: Good afternoon,Miss He.T: Please look at the blackboard and review the last class,We will review them one by one,OK?S: OK!......T: Now, listen to the tape carefully . Look at the book and pictures, do you have anyquestions?S1:How to read the words and the sentences?S2: What’s the meaning of the dialogues?S3: How to use?......Try to think by yourself.Step 2:解疑合探(15 minutes)1)T:OK,open your books ,turn to page Lesson 4 What’s your name?Write these sentences on the blackboard.Lesson 4 What’s your name?2)T: Who can tell me how to pronounce the sentence and what’s the meaning?3)Get the volunteers to have a try to read the sentences and give them some praise.4)T:OK,please read after me first.I say one time and you say two times.Are you ready?S:Yes ……★ Games:①High and low voice②Pat the pictures③Little translatorT:Good . Please read and talk about the meaning of the dialogue with your partner,OK?S:OK......T:OK,now who can have a try?S:……Encourage the students to stand up and read the sentences.If there are some questions,the teacher will tell them,if not,give them a big hand.★ Then teacher ask the students with “What’s your name?”,students answer with “My name is……”Then exchange.a) The teacher choose some students to stand up.Teacher says the Chinese,students say theEnglish or change.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.b) Theacher let the students make a short dialogue with“What’s your name?My nameis……”Using the following:----What’s your name?----My name is Qiqi.\Hen.\Bird.\Bear.\Panda.\Monkey.★ Practise:a.One by oneb.Boys and girlsc.Teacher and studentsd.In two partse.In pairs.★ Then encourage the students to stand up to act out the dialogue.Step 5:质疑再探(5 minutes)1)T:About this lesson,what else you want to ask?Do you have any questions?(If they have questions,teacher should help them solve it.If not,please past.)Step 6:运用拓展(8 minutes)Do some exercise:teacher write the questions on the blackboard and ask the students write it on the notebook.① What____ your name?A. isB. areC. am答案:A②---Nice to meet you.---Nice to meet you,____A. twoB. toC. too答案:C③My name is _____.A. monkeyB. MonkeyC. dog答案:B6)Write the meaning on your exercise book.——What's your name?My name is Eve——Sit down,please.T:OK,Today we have a nice lesson.Goodbye!S:Bye!Blackboard Writing design(板书设计)Lesson 4 What’s your name?what your bird hen panda bear monkey----I'm Lulu,What’s your name?----My name is Eve.----Good morning.----Sit down,please.。

2024年江西省英语小学三年级上学期期中自测试卷与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What’s the weather like today?B. It’s sunny, isn’t it?C. The children are playing in the park.Answer: BExplanation: The question is asking about the weather, and the correct response is about confirming the weather is sunny.2、Listen to the story and answer the question.What is the name of the little girl in the story?A. LilyB. EmilyC. GraceAnswer: AE xplanation: The story explicitly mentions that the little girl’s name is Lily.3、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.( ) A. I have a book.B. I have a pencil.Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue might contain a sentence like “I have a pen cil in my hand.” Hence, the correct answer is B, indicating that the speaker has a pencil.4、Listen to the sentence and circle the correct word.She likes to (play / paint) with her dolls.Answer: playExplanation: The sentence indicates that the girl enjoys engaging in an activity with her dolls, and typically, “play” is the verb used for interactive activities with toys. Therefore, the correct word to circle is “play.”5、What is Tom’s favorite color?•A) Blue•B) Red•C) Green*Answer: B) Red*Explanation: I n the audio, you will hear a sentence that states, “Tom says his favorite color is red because it reminds him of his favorite toy car.”6、Where does Sarah go after school?•A) To the park•B) To her grandma’s house•C) To the library*Answer: C) To the library*Explanation: The audio will include a dialogue or a statement indicating that, “Sarah goes to the library after school to read books and do her homework.”7、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A. What is the boy doing?a) Reading a book.b) Writing a letter.c) Drawing a picture.Answer: a)Explanation: The boy says, “I’m reading my favorite book,” which means he is reading a book.8、Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.John: Hello, Mary. How are you doing today?Mary: Hi, John. I’m doing fine, thanks. How about you?John: I’m doing well too. I just___________a new game at home.Mary: Oh, that sounds interesting. What’s the name of the game?John: It’s called ___________.Answer: 1) played; 2) Minecraft.Explanation: John tells Mary that he just played a new game at home, and the name of the game is Minecraft.9、Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. She likes apples.B. She doesn’t like apples.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogu e, the speaker says “She doesn’t really enjoy eating apples.” This directly corresponds to option B, indicating that she does not like apples.10、Listen to the passage and answer the question.Question: What is the speaker’s favorite sport?A. SwimmingB. RunningC. BasketballAnswer: AExplanation: The passage states that the speaker enjoys swimming in the summer and finds it relaxing. This suggests that swimming is the speaker’s favorite sport, hence the answer is A. The passage does not explicitly mention running or basketball as the speaker’s favorite sport.11、You will hear a sentence. Choose the picture that matches what you hear.A. [A description of Picture A]B. [A description of Picture B]C. [A description of Picture C]Answer: CExplanation: The sentence you heard described a scene where a boy is playing with a toy car in the park. Picture C shows a similar scene, so it is the correctchoice.12、You will hear a short dialogue. Choose the best response to the question asked.A. Yes, I do.B. No, I don’t.C. Sure, I can.Answer: AExplanation: In the dialogue, one person asks, “Do you like playing basketball?” The correct response should confirm or deny this statement. Since the speaker does like playing basketball, the correct answer is “Yes, I do.”二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the plural form of the word “cat”?A. catsB. catC. catesD. catses答案:A解析:The plural form of “cat” is “cats.” Option A is the correct answer. Options B, C, and D are incorrect forms of the plural.2、Which word belongs to the same family as “happy”?A. happilyB. unhappyC. unhappylyD. haply答案:B解析:The word “happy” is an adjective, and “unhappy” is another adjective that belongs to the same family, both derived from the root word “happy.” Option B is the correct answer. Options A, C, and D are adverbs or a different word, respectively, and do not belong to the same family as the adjective “happy.”3、Which word is a synonym for “big”?A) smallB) tinyC) largeD) short*Answer: C) large*Explanation: A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. In this case, “large” is a synonym for “big,” whi le the other options (small, tiny, short) have different meanings, often opposite to “big.”4、Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: I have_____(A) an / (B)a orange.A) anB) a*Answer: A) an*Explanation: When we use the indefinite article before a noun, we choose “an” if the noun begins with a vowel sound, and “a” if it begins with a consonant sound. Since “orange” starts with a vowel sound, we use “an” before it. Therefore, the correct sentence is “I have an orange.”5、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:The cat sat on the _______.A)tableB)chairC)bedAnswer: A) tableExplanation: The correct answer is “table” because it is a common place where a cat might sit. “Chair” and “bed” are also possible but less typical for a cat’s preferred sitting spot.6、Which sentence correctly uses the word “because” to connect two ideas?A)I like apples; I can eat them without sugar.B)I like apples, because I can eat them without sugar.C)I like apples, and I can eat them without sugar.Answer: B) I like apples, because I can eat them without sugar.Explanation: The word “because” is used to show a cause-and-effect relationship between two ideas. In this case, the cause is “I can eat them without sugar” and the effect is “I like apples.” Therefore, the correctsentence uses “because” to connect these two ideas.7、Which of the following words is NOT a fruit?•A) Apple•B) Banana•C) Carrot•D) Orange*Answer: C) Carrot*Explanation: Carrot is a vegetable, not a fruit. Apples, bananas, and oranges are all fruits that grow on trees or plants and contain seeds.8、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “I have___(A) book / (B) books in my backpack.”•A) a•B) an•C) the•D) some*Answer: D) some*Explanation: The correct answer is “some” because it indicates an unspecified number of books. “A” and “an” are used before singular countable nouns, and “the” is used when referring to specific items. Since we don’t know the exact number of books, “some” is the most appropriate choice.9、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:The cat is sleeping under the tree. It’s very___________there.A. quietC. happyD. emptyAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence describes a peaceful scene where the cat is sleeping under a tree. Therefore, the word “quiet” best fits the context, indicating that the surroundings are not noisy or loud.10、Choose the correct question to complete the dialogue:A: What did you do yesterday?B:___________A. I watched TV.B. I went to the park.C. I played with my friends.D. I read a book.Answer: CExplanation: The question “What did you do yesterday?” is asking about an activity the person did the day before. The correct answer should reflect an activity that someone could have done on a typical day. “I played with my friends” is the most appropriate response in this context, as it involves an activity that is commonly associated with leisure time.11、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The sun is very___________in the sky.B. brightC. coolAnswer: BExplanation: The correct answer is “bright” because it is the word that best describes the sun’s appearance in the sky. “Hot” and “cool” descr ibe the temperature, not the appearance.12、Match the words with their meanings.A. pet - (1) a small animal kept for companionshipB. animal - (2) a living thing that can moveC. bird - (3) a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrateA.__________B.__________C.__________Answer:A. 3B. 2C. 1Explanation: The correct matches are:A. pet - a small animal kept for companionshipB. animal - a living thing that can moveC. bird - a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate三、完型填空(10分)Three friends, Alice, Bob, and Charlie, are planning a trip to the zoo. They are looking at the map to decide which animals they want to see first.1.Alice is very interested in the__________animals, so she suggests starting with the elephant exhibit.a) cuteb) colorfulc) huged) intelligent2.Bob is fascinated by birds, so he wants to visit the__________section first.a) mammalb) reptilec) birdd) insect3.Charlie is not sure which animals to see, but he knows he doesn’t like the__________ones.a) loudb) smallc) fierced) slow4.They agree to meet back at the__________after visiting the reptile exhibit.a) gift shopb) snack barc) entranced) exit5.As they walk through the zoo, they see a__________turtle in the pond.a) redb) greenc) blued) yellowAnswers:1.c) huge2.c) bird3.c) fierce4.d) exit5.b) green四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was very curious and loved to explore the world around her. One sunny morning, she decided to go on an adventure in the nearby forest. She packed her littlebackpack with some snacks, a map, and a compass.As Lily walked deeper into the forest, she came across a narrow path leading to a hidden cave. The cave was covered in moss and vines, making it look mysterious and magical. Lily’s heart raced with excitement as she thought about what she might find inside.With her map and compass, Lily began to explore the cave. The path was dark and twisty, but Lily bravely followed it. She found herself in a large cavern with sparkling crystals hanging from the ceiling. The crystals reflected the sunlight, creating a beautiful glow inside the cave.Lily was amazed by the sight and decided to take a closer look. As she moved closer to the crystals, she noticed small, glowing insects flying around them. The insects were magical and seemed to be drawn to the crystals. Lily carefully reached out to touch one of the insects, and to her surprise, it was warm and soft.Suddenly, a voice echoed through the cave, “Welcome, Lily. You have found the Crystal Cavern. The crystals here are said to have magical powers. Would you like to make a wish?”Lily was overjoyed and immediately made a wish. She wished for her family and friends to always be happy and healthy.The voice thanked Lily and said, “Your wish is granted. Remember to cherish your loved ones and always be kind to others.”With a smile, Lily made her way back to the path and continued her adventurein the forest.Questions:1.What did Lily pack in her backpack before going on her adventure?A) A map and a compass.B) Snacks, a map, and a compass.C) A flashlight and a camera.D) A blanket and a pillow.2.What did Lily find inside the hidden cave?A) A treasure chest.B) Sparkling crystals.C) A magical mirror.D) A secret garden.3.What did Lily wish for?A) For her family and friends to have lots of money.B) For her to be the tallest person in the world.C) For her to be able to fly.D) For her family and friends to always be happy and healthy.Answer Key:1.B) Snacks, a map, and a compass.2.B) Sparkling crystals.3.D) For her family and friends to always be happy and healthy.五、写作题(16分)Title: My Beloved Dog, MaxMax was a golden retriever with shiny, brown eyes that sparkled like the sun. He had a thick, fluffy coat that was as soft as a cloud. Max’s ears were perky and constantly twitching, as if he was always listening for something.Max was an incredibly friendly dog who loved to play with me. Every morning, he would greet me at the door with a wagging tail and a joyful bark. His favorite game was fetch, and he would run after the ball with all his might, never getting tired.Not only was Max fun to be around, but he was also incredibly loyal. Once, when I was feeling sad, Max sat beside me on the couch and put his head on my lap. His gentle eyes seemed to say, “I’m here for you.”That’s why Max is my favorite animal. He is a symbol of happiness, loyalty, and love. He has brought so much joy to my life, and I am grateful to have him as my loyal companion.解析:这篇短文以作者最喜欢的动物——一只金毛犬Max为题材,生动地描绘了Max的外貌、性格和作者与Max之间的感情。
三年级英语上册Unit4AreyouLingling 湘少版精品 课件

学习字母Dd,掌握字母D d 的读音和书写,了解D d 在单词中的发音。
Dd, Dd, Dd, dog, Dd, Dd, Dd, day, Dd, Dd, Dd, Dino Dinosaur. ……
Thank you
小学生读书心得(一): 书,是人类进步的阶梯。书,能够温暖 千万心 灵,改 变千万 人生。 我喜欢 看书, 从书中 吸取养 分,来 丰富我 的知识 ,提升 我的智 慧,磨 练我的 意志。 这是一本让亿万人获得幸福的心灵密码 丛书, 也是让 我爱不 释手的 书。它 透过一 个一个 看似微 不足道 但又充 满哲理 的小故 事,给 予我们 启迪和 感悟。 有一篇名为做人生的强者的小故事,讲 述的是 威尔玛 。鲁道 夫年幼 时身患 重病, 双腿落 下残疾 。但她 自强不 息,坚 持锻炼 ,最终 创造了2 00米的 世界纪 录。这 个故事 深深地 感动了 我,让 我懂得 了不要 被不可 能所吓 倒,只 要用心 ,只要 努力, 就会成 功,人 生就会 更多彩 。 还有一篇题为脚踏实地是最好的选取的 文章, 说的是 任小萍 在不断 调动的 工作岗 位上, 干一行 爱一行 ,在平 凡的岗 位上干 出了不 平凡的 成就。 读着文 章,我 记下了 这样一 句话:一 个人在 无法选 取工作 时,至 少他永 远有一 样能够 选取:就 是好好 干还是 得过且 过。这 样的选 取就决 定了 将来的 被选取 。虽然 语言很 朴素, 但却饱 含哲理 ,让我 很受教 育。 像这样的小故事小文章在这本书里还有 许许多 多。我 一口气 地读着 ,体会 着,最 后明白 了这本 书被奉 为经典 ,畅销 全球20 年而不 衰的奥 秘所在 ,正像 它的名 字《心 灵鸡汤 》一样 ,让人 生在故 事里开 悟,心 灵于沉 思中升 华,在 字里行 间滋养 着我的
三年级英语上册 unit 4 what’s this课件5

p egg
c a
7 c x k
n e 中 小 学 课 件 站
p fox
c a
7 c x k
n e
中 小 学 课 件 站
c a
7 c x k
n e
中 小 学 课 件 站
It’s an eraser。
7 c x k
n e
c a
7 c x k
n e
中 小 学 课 件 站
• What’s this? • It’s a/an__fi_s_h__
a • What’s this?
7 c x k
n e
课 件 站
• It’s a/an——d—u—ck——————
c a
7 c x k
e • What’s this?
c a
7 c x k
n e
中 小 学 课 件 站
Unit 4 Plants around us B Let's talk 人教版英语三年级上册

A Talk 通过去农场 帮农民伯伯 摘苹果,讨 论对水果的 喜好。
A Learn 从招待客人 中学会水果 单词,以及 确认他人对 水果的喜好。
A Spell 掌握字母MmPp的发音, 以及它们在 单词中的发 音。
B Talk 通过学校劳 动,学会表 达可以为学 校花园做的 事情。
B Learn 学会各种植 物的单词, 以及植物成 长所需的单 词。
Let’s imitate
The school gardens need help.
We can water the grass.
We can water the flowers.
Nice. And?
We can plant new trees.
Role play
The school gardens need help.
We can We can't
trees “What”
flowers grass
Know about plants
“What” sun
air water
We can…
plant, water, cut, turn
一、图文匹配。 A. water the flowers B. water the trees C. plant new trees
Let’s talk
Chen Jie, Mike and Wu Binbin are talking about the 园) To make a green school, the school gardens need help!
2024年秋人教三年级英语上册Unit 4 Plants around us PartA(2) 课件

oranges s
apple s
Do you like apples? No, I don’t. I like bananas. Do you like oranges? No, I don’t. I like grapes. Do you like grapes? Yes, I do.
Listen and follow
Do you like apples?
No, I don’t. I like bananas.
oranges s
apple s
Look and say
Ask and answer
/bə/ /ˈnɑː/ /nə/ I don’t like bananas.
/ˈɒ/ /rɪn/ /dʒ/ I like oranges.
/ɡr/ /eɪ/ /p/ Do you like grapes?
Watch and think
Think and answer
What do we get from plants?
fruit fresh air bird that sing Fruit, fresh air and birds that sing.
Listen and chant
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Lesson 4 What’s your name ?习题
1. 找朋友
(1) Hello ___________
(2) My name’s _________
A. Hi
B. My name is
2. 填空题
(1) 两人见面打招呼, 互相说_________
(2) 自我介绍用___________
A. “My name is + 名字”
B. “Hello”或者“Hi”
1.()—What’s ____(你的)name?
—My name’s Sam.
A. you
B. your
C. I
2.()—What’s your name?
—______ name’s Ann.
A . My B. Your C. I
( ) What’s your name? A. 你好,我是王勇。
( ) My name’s Sam. B. 你叫什么名字?
( ) Hi, my name’s Lili. C. 你好,我是丽丽。
( ) Hello, my name’s Wang Yong. D. 我是萨姆。
1. (1) A (2) B
2. (1) B (2) A
1. B
2. A