精选历届TOPIK中级作文范文:第一9届다음을 읽고400~600자로 글을쓰십시오. (30점) 阅读题目,写一篇400~600左右的作文。
(30分) 여러분은어떤 사람처럼되고 싶습니까? 왜 그 사람처럼 되고 싶습니까?‘내가 닮고 싶은 사람’이라는제목으로 글을쓰십시오. 단,아래에 제시된내용이 모두포함되어야합니다. 닮고싶은 사람은누구인가? 왜 그 사람처럼 되고싶은가? 그사람처럼 되기위해서 어떻게해야 하는가?大家想成为和谁一样的人呢?为什么想成为想他/她一样的人?以“我想与之相像的人”为题写一篇作文。
잊지못할추억내가초등학교학년때의일이다. 나의담임선생님은오십이넘으셨다.학년에올라갔을때멋있거나예쁜선생님을기대했다가선생님을보고그만실망을했다. 어린이날운동회때나는쪽지보고달리기를했다. 쪽지에적힌내용은아버지손잡고달리기였다. 사실나는일곱살때아버지가돌아가셨기때문에그날많이당황할수밖에없었다. 바로그때쪽지를들고가만히서있는나에게선생님이달려오셨다. 그리고내손을꼭잡고뛰기시작하셨다. 나는놀랐지만다른생각을할사이도없이뛸수밖에없었다.우리는열심히달렸고그리고등을했다. 앞에서기다리고있던내어머니께선생님이이렇게말씀하셨다. 오늘은제가수영이아버지입니다. 선생님의그따뜻한목소리에내눈에서는눈물이비오듯흘렀다. 아버지가너무나그리울때였기때문에선생님의그행동은지금까지도나에게잊을수없는추억이되었다. 나는돌아가신아버지가보고싶을때마다그때내손을꼭잡고계시던선생님의모습이떠오른다. 无法忘记的回忆是我初一时发生的事情。
이라는제목으로글을쓰십시오나에게도몇가지나쁜생활습관이있는데특히너무늦은시간에잠을자는것과해야할일을뒤로미루는것이고치고싶은생활습관이다.이두가지습관때문에나는자주어려움을겪곤한다. 예를들어밤에늦게잠을자는습관때문에자주학교에늦는다.그래서수업시간에졸다가선생님께혼난적도한두번이아니다.또방학때는계속숙제를미루고안하다가방학이끝나기며칠전에야겨우하곤한다.밀린숙제를한꺼번에하면서다음방학에는꼭미리숙제를해야지하고생각하지만한번도그렇게한적이없다.이두가지습관을고치기위해나는몇가지일을해야한다.먼저늦은시간에잠을자는습관을고치기위해늦게까지텔레비전을보거나게임을하는습관을고쳐야한다.내가늦잠을자는이유가밤늦은시간까지TV를보거나게임을하는것이기때문이다. 다음으로해야할일을뒤로미루는습관을고치기위해서는언제까지어떤일을얼마나할지미리계획을세우고그대로실천해야한다.방학숙제도일주일에얼마씩할것인지미리계획을세우고해나가야한다.그렇게하면방학이끝날때한꺼번에숙제를하지않아도될것이다. 我想改正的不良生活习惯我有几个不良生活习惯,特别想改正的习惯是睡觉时间太晚和喜欢将事情一拖再拖。
topik 大作文历年真题总结
topik 大作文历年真题总结English Answer:Topic 1: The Role of Technology in Modern Education.The rapid advancement of technology has come to redefine the landscape of modern education, presenting both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, digital tools have the potential to enhance teaching and learning, allowing for personalized learning paths, interactive lessons, and access to a wealth of resources. On the other hand, the integration of technology also raises concerns regarding equity, digital literacy, and the potential negative impact on social interaction and creativity. Striking a balance between harnessing technology's benefits while mitigating its potential risks is crucial in ensuring the continued success of education in the digital age.Topic 2: The Importance of Cultural Diversity in a Globalizing World.In an increasingly interconnected world, cultural diversity is not only a source of richness and beauty but also an essential factor for economic growth, social development, and global understanding. Recognizing and embracing the unique cultural identities of different communities fosters tolerance, empathy, and cooperation. By creating inclusive and respectful environments that value and celebrate diversity, we can harness the collective knowledge, perspectives, and creativity that emerge from a diverse society.Topic 3: The Impact of Social Media on Society.Social media has become an integral part of modern life, offering unprecedented opportunities for communication, information sharing, and social activism. However, its impact on society is complex and multifaceted, raising concerns about privacy, misinformation, and the potentialfor social division and echo chambers. Understanding the both positive and negative effects of social media iscrucial for fostering responsible use and mitigating itspotential risks.Topic 4: The Future of Work.The rapid pace of technological change is transforming the world of work, leading to the emergence of new jobs, the displacement of others, and the need for continuous learning and adaptation. Embracing lifelong learning, fostering creativity, and developing skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication will be essential for individuals to thrive in the future job market.Topic 5: Sustainable Development.Ensuring a sustainable future for our planet is a global challenge that requires collective action. Sustainable development involves balancing economic growth with social progress and environmental protection. It calls for responsible resource management, reducing emissions, and promoting renewable energy sources. By making sustainable choices and adopting environmentally friendlypractices, we can create a livable planet for future generations.中文回答:第一话题,科技在现代教育中的作用。
二、历届写作要点探讨1. 社会类写作社会类写作常涉及社会问题、社会发展、社会关系等方面。
2. 科技类写作科技类写作通常关注科技的应用、科技对社会生活的影响等方面。
3. 教育类写作教育类写作涉及教育的问题、教育改革、教育方式等方面。
4. 文化类写作文化类写作通常关注文化传承、文化交流、文化保护等方面。
5. 环境类写作环境类写作主要关注环境污染、资源浪费、生态保护等问题。
三、写作技巧和范例1. 提前准备考生在备考阶段,可以通过阅读相关资料、参加写作培训等方式,提前准备写作所需的知识和技巧,以提高写作水平。
2. 明确观点在写作过程中,考生要明确自己的观点和立场,并通过论证和事例来支持观点,以增加文章的说服力。
3. 使用恰当的连接词考生可以使用一些恰当的连接词,如“因此”、“另外”、“然而”等,使文章的逻辑关系更加清晰,段落之间的过渡更加自然。
topik中高级大作文英文回答:In a world driven by constant advancements and rapid technological innovations, the role of education in the modern context has become increasingly multifaceted and crucial. No longer limited to the mere acquisition of knowledge, education has evolved into a catalyst for empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world and actively contribute to societal progress.Firstly, education continues to play a fundamental role in providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the globalized workforce. As industries embrace automation and digitalization, the need for a highly skilled workforce with competencies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has become paramount. Education empowers individuals to acquire these skills and develop the adaptability and lifelong learningmindset required to thrive in a constantly changing job market.Furthermore, education plays a vital role in fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication abilities. In the face of an overwhelming deluge of information and diverse perspectives, individuals armed with critical thinking skills can discern reliable sources, analyze information, and form informed opinions. Education equips individuals with the tools to navigate the complexities of the modern world, develop innovative solutions, and effectively communicate their ideas to drive positive change.Moreover, education has a profound impact on shaping individuals' values and ethical principles. Through exposure to diverse perspectives, cultures, and historical events, education fosters empathy, tolerance, and respect for human rights. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, participate in civic discourse, and actively contribute to the well-being of their communities and the world at large.In addition to its transformative impact on individuals, education also serves as a cornerstone for societal development. It contributes to economic growth by creatinga workforce with the skills and knowledge to drive innovation and productivity. Education fosters social cohesion by bridging cultural divides, promotinginclusivity, and empowering disadvantaged communities to participate in society. It also plays a crucial role in advancing scientific research, technological advancements, and the pursuit of knowledge that benefits humanity as a whole.In conclusion, the significance of education in the modern context cannot be overstated. It empowersindividuals with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to succeed in the globalized workforce, navigate the complexities of the contemporary world, and actively contribute to societal progress. Education remains a transformative force that unlocks human potential, drives innovation, fosters social cohesion, and shapes a more just and equitable society.中文回答:教育在现代社会中的角色日益复杂且至关重要。
TOPIK中级 韩语作文范例
‘내가좋아하는계절’ 이라는제목으로글을쓰십시요. 단, 아래에제시된내용이모두포함되어야합니다.参考范文:내가좋아하는계절은겨울이다. 그이유는첫째, 겨울방학이있다. 겨울방학에는학교다니느라못했던것들을할수있고,친구들과자주만날수있어서좋다.둘째,눈을밟는느낌이좋기때문이다. 단풍을밟을때도좋지만,눈은가볍고푹신한느낌이들어서더좋다. 셋째,눈내린풍경의아름다움때문이다.특히,눈이쌓인산의풍경은매우환상적이다. 나무와땅위에쌓인하얀눈을볼때면마음이잘가라앉는다.넷째, 멀어서자주보지못했던친척들과만날수있는설날이있기때문이다.여러친척들과덕담도나누고, 세뱃돈도받고,나이도한살더먹게된다.정말중요하고뜻깊은날이다.또한,겨울에만할수있는것들이많다.스키,스노보드,스케이트,얼음낚시,썰매눈싸움등……그중에서나는스키를좋아한다. 스키를타고위에서내려올때느껴지는바람이짜릿하기때문이다. 또,가파른슬로프를탈때는무섭기도하지만빠른속도로인해정말짜릿하다.参考译文:我喜欢的季节是冬天。
topik人际关系大作文英文回答:In an increasingly interconnected world, interpersonal relationships play a pivotal role in shaping our personal and professional lives. Whether we are navigating the intricacies of familial bonds, forging new friendships, or building relationships in a work environment, effective interpersonal skills are essential for personal growth, success, and overall well-being.The importance of interpersonal skills cannot be overstated. Strong interpersonal relationships foster a sense of belonging, support, and trust, providing a foundation for emotional stability and resilience. In the workplace, effective interpersonal skills facilitate collaboration, enhance productivity, and create a positive and supportive work environment. Moreover, interpersonal relationships contribute to our overall happiness and fulfillment, enriching our lives with meaningfulconnections and shared experiences.To develop and maintain effective interpersonal relationships, several key competencies are essential. These include:Communication: The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, is fundamental to building and maintaining relationships. Clear and respectful communication fosters understanding, reduces misunderstandings, and promotes open and honest dialogue.Empathy: The capacity to understand and share the feelings of others is crucial for building strong and meaningful connections. Empathy fosters trust, compassion, and a sense of shared humanity, allowing for deeper and more fulfilling relationships.Active listening: Paying attention to what others have to say, both verbally and non-verbally, demonstrates respect and genuine interest. Active listening promotes understanding, builds trust, and fosters positiverelationships.Respect: Treating others with dignity and respect, regardless of their differences, is essential for building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships. Respect fosters a sense of equality, promotes harmony, and provides a foundation for mutually beneficial interactions.Conflict resolution: Disagreements are an inevitable part of human relationships. Effective interpersonal skills include the ability to resolve conflicts constructively and respectfully. Finding common ground, seeking compromise, and maintaining open and honest communication can help resolve conflicts and strengthen relationships.Developing and honing these competencies requires conscious effort and consistent practice. Individuals can actively seek opportunities to improve their interpersonal skills through workshops, training programs, and mentoring relationships. Moreover, self-reflection and feedback from trusted sources can provide valuable insights for personal growth and improvement.In conclusion, interpersonal relationships are the lifeblood of human society. Effective interpersonal skills are essential for personal growth, success, and overall well-being. By cultivating competencies such as communication, empathy, active listening, respect, and conflict resolution, individuals can build and maintain strong and meaningful relationships that enrich their lives and contribute to a more harmonious and fulfilling society.中文回答:人际关系的重要性。
topik人际关系大作文英文回答:Interpersonal relationships are an essential aspect of our lives. They shape our experiences, influence our emotions, and affect our overall well-being. Building and maintaining healthy relationships is crucial for personal growth and happiness.Firstly, communication is key in any relationship. Effective communication allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, and needs, as well as listen and understand others. For example, in my friendship with Sarah, we always make sure to have open and honest conversations. This helps us resolve conflicts, support each other during difficult times, and strengthen our bond.Secondly, trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. Trust is built over time through consistent actions and reliability. For instance, in my romanticrelationship with Alex, we trust each other to be faithful and honest. This trust allows us to be vulnerable and share our deepest fears and desires.Additionally, empathy plays a crucial role in interpersonal relationships. Being able to understand and share the feelings of others helps create a sense of connection and compassion. For instance, when my colleague, John, was going through a tough time at work, I empathized with him and offered my support. This strengthened our professional relationship and improved our teamwork.Furthermore, it is important to respect each other's boundaries and individuality. Recognizing and accepting differences in opinions, beliefs, and values helps foster a healthy and inclusive environment. For example, in my family, we have different political views, but we respect each other's perspectives and engage in constructive discussions.Lastly, it is essential to invest time and effort into relationships. This includes spending quality time together,celebrating milestones, and offering support when needed. For instance, in my friendship with Lisa, we make it apoint to plan regular outings and celebrate each other's achievements. This strengthens our bond and creates lasting memories.中文回答:人际关系是我们生活中至关重要的一部分。
文章标题Title: Nurturing the Seeds of Language in Early Childhood EducationIn the realm of early childhood education, thecultivation of language skills holds paramount importance. As educators entrusted with the care and development of22nd-grade preschoolers, we recognize the critical role of English language learning in shaping their cognitive, linguistic, and social capabilities. This essay delves into the significance of English language learning in early childhood education, explores effective teaching strategies, and underscores the long-term benefits of fostering astrong foundation in this global language.Firstly, the importance of English language learning in early childhood cannot be overstated. English, as an international language, has become a vital tool for communication and understanding across borders. By introducing young children to the basics of English at an early age, we are equipping them with the ability to engage with a wider world of knowledge, culture, and opportunities. This early exposure not only enhances their linguisticproficiency but also primes them for future academic and career success.Moreover, the teaching of English in preschool settings should be approached with care and creativity. Children at this age are naturally curious and eager to learn, makingit an ideal time to captivate their imaginations through engaging and interactive lessons. The use of storytelling, songs, games, and other multisensory activities can greatly enhance the learning experience and make English fun and exciting for young learners. Additionally, teachers should strive to create a language-rich environment where children are encouraged to express themselves freely in English, fostering a sense of confidence and fluency.The benefits of early English language learning are multifaceted and long-lasting. Children who develop a strong foundation in English tend to excel in academic subjects that require language proficiency, such as reading and writing. Furthermore, they are better prepared to engage with peers and adults from diverse backgrounds, fostering cross-cultural understanding and respect. Thislinguistic agility also opens up a world of opportunitiesfor future travel, study, and work abroad.In conclusion, the cultivation of English languageskills in early childhood education is essential for laying the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and success. By embracing innovative teaching strategies and creating a nurturing learning environment, we can inspire a generation of young learners to embrace the beauty and power of the English language, unlocking a world of possibilities for their futures.**文章标题**标题:培育幼儿期英语语言能力的种子在幼儿教育中,语言能力的培养具有举足轻重的地位。
topik中高级写作Title: The Influence of Social Media on Identity Formation Introduction:In recent years, social media has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, interact, and even understand ourselves. With millions of users across the globe, social media platforms offer a powerful tool for self-expression and identity formation. However, this phenomenon has also raised concerns about the authenticity of the identities being constructed online, as well as the potential impact on an individual's sense of self. This essay aims to explore the influence of social media on identity formation and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such an influence.Body:1. The Construction of Online Identities1.1 Self-presentation on social media platformsSocial media platforms provide individuals with the opportunity to present and curate an idealized version of themselves. Users often carefully select and filter the content they share, portraying a desired image to their followers. This process of self-presentation involves creating and shaping an online identity that aligns with one's interests, values, and aspirations.1.2 The impact of social media on self-esteemThe ability to receive instant feedback and validation through likesand comments on social media can significantly impact an individual's self-esteem. Positive reinforcement can boost confidence and reinforce a positive self-image, while negative feedback or the absence of engagement can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Thus, the construction of online identities can greatly affect an individual's perception of their self-worth.2. Social Comparisons and Identity Formation2.1 Comparisons with othersSocial media platforms encourage individuals to compare themselves with others, often leading to a distorted sense of self. Users often showcase their most glamorous and exciting moments, creating an unrealistic standard against which others measure themselves. Constant exposure to carefully curated profiles may cause individuals to feel inadequate, leading to self-comparisons that negatively impact self-esteem and self-identity.2.2 Identity exploration and experimentationSocial media also provides a platform for individuals to explore and experiment with different aspects of their identity. Users can join communities of like-minded individuals, explore new interests, and express themselves freely. This enables a more fluid and flexible understanding of one's self, facilitating the formation of a multi-faceted and evolving identity.3. The Downsides of Social Media on Identity Formation3.1 The "filter bubble" effectThe use of algorithms by social media platforms often results in users being exposed to content and viewpoints that align with their existing beliefs and opinions. This can lead to the reinforcement of pre-existing biases, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives and hindering personal growth. Consequently, the formation of a well-rounded and inclusive identity may be impeded.3.2 The pressure to conformThe popularity of influencers and trendsetters on social media can create a sense of pressure to conform to certain ideals and trends. This pressure to fit in and be accepted can lead to individuals sacrificing their authentic selves in order to gain social validation. Consequently, social media can contribute to a phenomenon known as "performative identity," where individuals present a false version of themselves to conform to societal expectations.4. Positive Impact of Social Media on Identity Formation4.1 Empowerment and representationSocial media platforms have provided marginalized communities and individuals with a voice and a platform to share their experiences and struggles. This has led to increased representation, raised awareness, and fostered a sense of belonging and empowerment among these individuals. Social media can facilitate the formation of a strong and authentic identity rooted in diverse backgrounds and experiences.4.2 Bridging geographical dividesSocial media allows individuals from different geographic locations to connect, share experiences, and build relationships.This exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives can broaden an individual's understanding of the world and contribute to the formation of a more inclusive and globally-minded identity.Conclusion:Social media undoubtedly has a significant influence on identity formation. While it provides opportunities for self-presentation, exploration, and empowerment, it also carries risks such as distorted self-perception and the pressure to conform. It is important for individuals to approach social media mindfully, being aware of the potential impact on their identity, and seeking a balance between virtual and real-life experiences. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with users to curate an authentic online presence that aligns with their values and promotes genuine connections.。
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topik大作文英语As an AI language model, I can help you structure and outline an essay on the TOPIK writing test, but I cannot write the entire 1000-word essay for you as it requires original thought and analysis. Additionally, please notethat the TOPIK exam is conducted in Korean, so writing the essay in English may not be suitable for this particular test. However, I can provide you with a general structure and guidance for writing a persuasive essay in any language.Here's an outline for a persuasive essay on a general topic:Title: The Power of Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges Through Determined Effort.Introduction (approx. 100 words):Begin with a captivating hook to engage the reader's interest.Introduce the topic of perseverance and its importance in overcoming challenges.Briefly summarize the main points you will cover in the essay.Body Paragraph 1: Definition and Importance of Perseverance (approx. 200 words):Define perseverance and explain its significance in achieving goals.Discuss how perseverance differs from other qualities like talent or luck.Provide examples of successful people who persevered to achieve their dreams.Body Paragraph 2: The Challenges of Perseverance (approx. 200 words):Discuss the difficulties and challenges that people face when trying to persevere.Examine the reasons why people may give up easily or lack the motivation to persevere.Suggest strategies to overcome these challenges and maintain perseverance.Body Paragraph 3: The Benefits of Perseverance (approx. 200 words):Highlight the positive outcomes and benefits of persevering despite difficulties.Discuss how perseverance can lead to personal growth, success, and fulfillment.Provide real-life examples of people who have受益from persevering through tough times.Conclusion (approx. 150 words):Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.Reiterate the importance of perseverance in overcoming challenges and achieving success.Encourage readers to cultivate perseverance in their own lives and pursue their dreams with determination.Remember to use transitional words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly throughout the essay. Also, make sure to use specific examples, stories, and quotes to support your arguments and engage the reader.This outline should provide you with a solid foundation for writing a persuasive essay on perseverance. Feel free to adapt it to fit your specific prompt or topic. Good luck with your TOPIK exam!。
正确的道歉topik 作文
正确的道歉topik 作文Dear Mr. Smith,I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination on International Business English Writing you gave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.I suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital. Please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you.Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.Sincerely yours,Wang中文翻译:亲爱的史密斯先生,我真的很抱歉,我错过了你上周五参加的国际商务英语写作考试。