exchange current density




fluent经典算例Tutorial:Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellIntroductionThe purpose of this tutorial is to provide guidelines and recommendations for using the PEM Fuel Cell add-on module available in FLUENT.This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:Build and generate a mesh for a single-channel PEM fuel cell.Assign zone names and types that are required in the FLUENT PEM fuel cell add-onmodule.Import the mesh into FLUENT,set up the case,and run the calculations.Postprocess the results.PrerequisitesThis tutorial assumes you are familiar with both the GAMBIT and FLUENT interfaces and that you have a good understanding of the basic setup and solution procedures.Details of most steps will not be shown explicitly.If you have not used FLUENT before,it would be helpful to?rst refer to the FLUENT6.3 User’s Guide and theFLUENT6.3Tutorial Guide.You can also refer to the GAMBIT User’s Guide,GAMBIT Tutorial Guide,and GAMBIT Modeling Guide.Problem DescriptionA schematic description of a single,straight-channel,counter-?ow PEM fuel cell is shown inFigure1.The dimensions of the fuel cell are2.4×2.88×125mm in the x,y,and z directions, respectively.This model represents a repeating channel of a larger counter-?ow PEM fuel cell.The cross-sectional area of the membrane electrode assemblyis2.4×125=300mm2.All the zones as marked in Figure1(with exception of the optional cooling channel)must be de?ned as separate zones within GAMBIT.Note that there can be multiples of each zone.For example,there can be multiple cathode gas di?usion layers,each with di?erent material properties.In FLUENT6.3,all continuum zones must be of the?uid type except for the current collectors which may be either solid or? uid.For simplicity,it is recommended that you make the current collectors solid continuum zones.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellFigure1:PEM Fuel Cell ZonesFor details about the FLUENT PEMFC model,refer to o f FLUENT6.3Fuel Cell ModulesManual.Note:If you would like to bypass all GAMBIT steps and proceed to the FLUENT portion of the tutorial,skip to Step. Preparation in GAMBIT1.Create a folder called pem-single-channel to contain the?les generated in thistutorial.2.Start GAMBIT and specify this folder as the working folder.To simplify the geometry construction and meshing steps,a journal?le,pem-single-channel.jou is provided.This?le contains GAMBIT instructions which will create the geometry and gen-erate the mesh.It is recommended that you step through the journal?le to understand eachof the steps and recognize the assigned zone boundary types pertinent to fuel cell problems.Geometry Creation and Mesh GenerationStep1:Geometry Creation1.Create a rectangular face primitive in the xy plane.Operation?→Geometry?→Face?→Create Real Rectangular Face(a)Enter2.4for Width and1.2for Height.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell(b)Select+X+Y for Direction,(c)Click Apply and close the Create Real Rectangular Face panel.2.Create another face by sweeping the uppermost edge by0.21units in the y-direction.Operation?→Geometry?→Face?→Sweep Edges3.Create another face by sweeping the uppermost edge by0.012units in the y-direction.4.Create another face by sweeping the uppermost edge by0.036units in the y-direction.5.Create another face by sweeping the uppermost edge by0.012units in the y-direction.6.Create another face by sweeping the uppermost edge by0.21units in the y-direction.7.Create another face by sweeping the uppermost edge by1.2units in the y-direction.8.Create a rectangular face with dimensions(x,y)=(0.8,0.6).Use+x+y for the di-rection(so that the global coordinate system origin is in the lower left corner of theface).9.Move the newly created face using a vector of(0.8,0.6,0).Operation?→Geometry?→Face?→Move/Copy Faces10.Copy the face by1.08units in the y-direction.11.Split the lowermost face with the face you just created.Operation?→Geometry?→Face?→Split Face12.Similarly,split the uppermost face with its internal face.The resulting mesh should appear as shown in Figure2.Step2:Mesh Generation(Manual)1.Mesh the edges as shown in Figure2.The numbers of cells along each edge are indicated below.The geometry and mesh are symmetric about its horizontal midplane.Operation?→Mesh?→Edge?→Mesh Edges2.Mesh the nine faces using the Quad Submap scheme.Operation?→Mesh?→Face?→Mesh Faces3.Create an edge by sweeping any one of the vertices by125units in the positive z direction.Operation?→Geometry?→Edge?→Sweep VerticesModeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellFigure2:Edge and Face Mesh(a)Select Vector for Path and click the De?ne button.(b)Enable Magnitude and enter125.(c)Select Positive for Z from the Direction list.(d)Click Apply in the Vector De?nition form.(e)Click Apply and close the Sweep Vertices form.4.Mesh the newly created edge using a double-sided graded edge mesh that consists of 60elements.(a)Enable Double sided.(b)Enter1.1for Ratio1and Ratio2.(c)Click Apply and close the Mesh Edges form.5.Create volumes by sweeping the nine faces along the newly created edge. Operation?→Geometry?→Volume?→Sweep Faces(a)Enable With Mesh.(b)Click Apply and close the Sweep Faces form.The volume mesh is as shown in Figure3.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellFigure3:Volume MeshStep3:Zone Assignments and Mesh ExportFLUENT’s PEM fuel cell add-on module requires that boundary and continuum zones berigorously de?ned.Care should be taken in order to have a logical system of naming eachzone to represent each of the regions shown in Figure1.At a minimum,the boundary zones that are required include the following:Inlet and outlet zones for the anode gas channel.Inlet and outlet zones for the cathode gas channel.Surfaces representing anode and cathode terminals.Optional boundary zones that could be de?ned include any voltage jump surfaces,interiorow surfaces,or non-conformal interfaces that are required.The following continuum zones are also required:Flow channels for anode-and cathode-sideuids.Anode and cathode current collectors.Anode and cathode gas diusion layers.Anode and cathode catalyst layers.Electrolyte membrane.The inlets should all be assigned the boundary zone type MASS FLOW INLET and outletsshould be assigned the PRESSURE OUTLET type.The terminals are the regions where thevoltage(or current?ux density)is known.Normally,the anode is grounded(V=0)andModeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell the cathode terminal is at a?xed potential that is less than the open-circuit potential.Bothof the terminals should be assigned the WALL boundary type.Voltage jump zones can optionally be placed between the various components(such asbetween the gas di?usion layer and the current collector).Faces which represent?uid/solidinterfaces must be of type WALL.Additional interior zones may be de?ned for purposes of post-processing.If such interiorzones are de?ned,they should have no e?ect on the solution.FLUENT’s PEM add-on module supports the use of non-conformal grid interfaces.In such cases,it is recommended that the INTERFACE boundary type be used halfway between the membrane continuum zone,and that the mesh on opposite sides of the interface have similar size,aspect ratio,and orientation.In such cases,the membrane will consist of two uid zones.1.Assign boundary zones according to the de?nitions listed in Table1.Operation?→Zones?→Specify Boundary TypesTable1:Boundary Zone AssignmentsAnode-side inlet(z=125,upper)inlet-a MASS FLOW INLETCathode-side inlet(z=0,lower)inlet-c MASS FLOW INLETAnode-side outlet(z=0,upper)outlet-a PRESSURE OUTLETCathode-side outlet(z=125,lower)outlet-c PRESSURE OUTLETAnode terminal(y=2.88)wall-terminal-a WALLCathode terminal(y=0)wall-terminal-c WALLAnode-side?ow channel walls wall-ch-a WALLCathode-side?ow channel walls wall-ch-c WALLFuel cell ends wall-ends WALLAnode-side di?usion layer walls wall-gdl-a WALLCathode-side di?usion layer boundaries wall-gdl-c WALLLateral boundaries of the fuel cell wall-sides WALL2.Assign continuum zones according to the de?nitions listed in Table2.Refer to Figure1 when selecting which volumes to assign to each zone.Operation?→Zones?→Specify Continuum TypesModeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell Table2:Continuum Zone AssignmentsAnode-side catalyst layer catalyst-a FLUIDCathode-side catalyst layer catalyst-c FLUIDAnode-side?ow channel channel-a FLUIDCathode-side?ow channel channel-c FLUIDAnode-side gas di?usion layer gdl-a FLUIDCathode-side gas di?usion layer gdl-c FLUIDElectrolyte membrane membrane FLUIDAnode current collector current-a SOLIDCathode current collector current-c SOLID3.Export the mesh?le as pem-single-channel.msh.Setup and Solution in FLUENTFLUENT’s PEM Fuel Cell(PEMFC)model is provided as an add-on module with thestandard FLUENT licensed software.A special license is required in order to use thismodel.The module is installed as part of the standard FLUENT installation in the folder/addons/fuelcells2.2within the FLUENT installation folder.The PEMFC model con-sists of a user-de?ned function(UDF)library and a compiled Scheme library which can beloaded using a text user interface(TUI)command.trtitlePreparation1.Copy the mesh?le pem-single-channel.msh.gz to your working folder.If you worked through the GAMBIT portion of this tutorial,an uncompressed versionof this?le will already be in place.2.Start the3DDP(3ddp)version of FLUENT.!If you wish to solve this case in parallel,you will need to set up and save the case?le in serial mode?rst.Once this is done,you can start a parallel FLUENTsession and proceed with the calculations.Step1:Grid1.Read the mesh?le,pem-single-channel.msh.gz.File?→Read?→Case...FLUENT will perform various checks on the mesh and will report the progress in theconsole window.Make sure that the reported minimum volume is a positive number.2.Check the grid.Grid?→CheckA grid check should always be performed in order to verify the integrity of the meshle.Specically,you should verify that the minimum cell volume is a positive value.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell3.Since the mesh was created in units of millimeters,it must be scaled.Grid?→Scale...(a)Select mm from the Grid Was Created In drop-down list.(b)Click the Change Length Units button.(c)Click Scale.(d)Verify that the value of Zmax is125mm and close the Scale Grid panel.Step2:Models1.To load the PEMFC model using the text user interface,enter the following commandin the console:/define/models/addon-module3This command will load a Scheme library which contains the PEM model GUI anda UDF library.Upon successful execution,the following message will be displayed inthe console:Addon Module:fuelcells2.2...loaded!2.Calculate the surface area of the membrane for post-processing.In this case,the membrane area is equal to the surface area of the cathode terminal. This surface is named wall-terminal-c.Report?→Projected Areas...(a)Select Y from the Projection Direction group box.(b)Select wall-terminal-c from the Surfaces list.(c)Click Compute.The projected area reported is0.0003m2.(d)Close the Projected Surface Areas panel.3.Change the Solution Zones for user-de?ned scalars2and3to all zones.De?ne?→User-De?ned?→Scalars...This is an optional step which allows UDS-2and UDS-3to be postprocessed on bothuid and solid zones.4.Con?gure the PEM model.De?ne?→Models?→PEMFC...(a)Click the Anode tab.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell i.Select Current Collector in the Anode Zone Type group box and select current-a from the Zone(s)selection list.ii.Select Flow Channel in the Anode Zone Type group box and select channel-afrom the Zone(s)selection list.iii.Select Di?usion Layer in the Anode Zone Type group box and select gdl-a fromthe Zone(s)selection list.iv.Select Catalyst Layer in the Anode Zone Type group box and select catalyst-afrom the Zone(s)selection list.(b)Click the Membrane tab.i.Select membrane from the Membrane Zone(s)selection list.(c)Click the Cathode tab.i.Select Current Collector in the Cathode Zone Type group box and selectcurrent-c from the Zone(s)selection list.ii.Select Flow Channel in the Cathode Zone Type and select channel-c from theZone(s)selection list.iii.Select Di?usion Layer in the Cathode Zone Type and select gdl-c from theZone(s)selection list.iv.Select Catalyst Layer in the Cathode Zone Type and select catalyst-c from theZone(s)selection list.(d)Click the Reports tab.i.Specify the value of Membrane-Electrode-Assembly Projected Area to0.0003m2. Recall that this value was obtained earlier in the tutorial.ii.Select wall-terminal-a from the Anode selection list and select wall-terminal-cfrom the Cathode selection list.(e)Click OK to close the PEM panel.FLUENT reports in the console that the energy equation has been enabled auto-matically.For convenience,the PEMFC model also automatically enables species transport and creates default materials.Step3:MaterialsRetain the default settings for the materials.Step4:Operating ConditionsDe?ne?→Operating Conditions...1.Set the Operating Pressure to200000pascal.2.Click OK to close the Operating Conditions panel.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell Step5:Boundary ConditionsDe?ne?→Boundary Conditions...There are several zones which must be speci?ed in the boundary conditions panel.These are the anode and cathode voltage terminals,as well as the inlets and outlets.1.Set boundary conditions for the anode voltage terminal,wall-terminal-a.At this surface,the voltage is grounded and the temperature is constant.(a)Click the Thermal tab and enter353K for Temperature.(b)Click the UDS tab.i.Select Speci?ed Value from the Electric Potential drop-down list User-De?nedScalar Boundary Condition group box.ii.Enter0for Electric Potential in the User-De?ned Scalar Boundary Value groupbox.This boundary condition represents a grounded terminal.(c)Click OK to close the Wall panel.2.Set boundary conditions for the cathode voltage terminal,wall-terminal-c.At this surface,the voltage is maintained at a constant,positive value.(a)Click the Thermal tab and enter353K for Temperature.(b)Click the UDS tab.i.Select Speci?ed Value from the Electric Potential drop-down list User-De?nedScalar Boundary Condition group box.ii.Enter0.75for Electric Potential in the User-De?ned Scalar Boundary Valuegroup box.This boundary condition represents a terminal operating at0.75Volts.iii.Click OK to close the Wall panel.To calculate an IV polarization curve,you should vary the Electric Potential forthe cathode,starting from a voltage near the open circuit voltage and gradually decreasing it,converging the solution each time you change the value.3.Set boundary conditions for the anode gas?ow inlet,inlet-a.At this inlet,a humidi?ed hydrogen stream enters the fuel cell.No liquid enters the channel.(a)Enter6.0e-7kg/s for Mass Flow Rate and0for Supersonic/Initial Gauge Pressure.(b)Click the Thermal tab and enter353K for Temperature.(c)Click the Species tab and set the mass fractions of h2,o2and h2o to0.8,0.0,and0.2,respectively.(d)Click the UDS tab and select Speci?ed Value from the Water Saturation drop-down list in the User-De?ned Scalar Boundary Condition group box.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell(e)Enter0for Water Saturation in the User-De?ned Scalar Boundary Value group box.(f)Click OK to close the Mass-Flow Inlet panel.4.Set boundary conditions for the cathode gas?ow inlet,inlet-c.At this inlet,a humidi?ed air stream enters the fuel cell.No liquid enters the channel.(a)Enter5.0e-6kg/s for Mass Flow Rate.(b)Click the Thermal tab and enter353K for Total Temperature.(c)Click the Species tab and set the mass fractions of h2,o2and h2o to0.0,0.2,and0.1,respectively.(d)Click the UDS tab and select Speci?ed Value from the Water Saturation drop-down list in the User De?ned Scalar Boundary Condition group box.(e)Enter0for Water Saturation in the User-De?ned Scalar Boundary Value group box.(f)Click OK to close the Mass-Flow Inlet panel.5.Set boundary conditions for the anode gas?ow outlet,outlet-a.(a)Click the Thermal tab and enter353K for Back?ow Total Temperature.(b)Click OK to close the Pressure Outlet panel.6.To set boundary conditions for the cathode gas?ow outlet,copy the boundary con-ditions from outlet-a to outlet-c7.Close the Boundary Conditions panel.Step6:Solution ControlsThe default solver settings are not su?cient to obtain a converged solution.Therefore,the following modi?cations must be made.1.Set the under-relaxation factor for Pressure to0.7,Momentum to0.3,Protonic Po-tential to0.95,and Water Content to0.95.Solve?→Controls?→Solution...2.Modify the multigrid settings.Solve?→Controls?→Multigrid...(a)Select F-Cycle from the Cycle Type drop-down lists for all equations.You will need to scroll down to set all equations.(b)Enter0.001for Termination Restriction for h2,o2,h2o,and Water Saturation.(c)Select BCGSTAB from the Stabilization Method drop-down list for h2,o2,h2o,Water Saturation,Electric Potential and Protonic Potential.(d)Enter0.0001for Termination Restriction for Electric Potential and Protonic Po-tential.(e)Increase the value of Max Cycles to50in the Algebraic Multigrid Controls group box.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell(f)Click OK to close the Multigrid Controls panel.3.Enable the plotting of residuals.Solve?→Monitors?→Residual...Note:The PEMFC model automatically disables convergence checking for all equa-tions.4.Initialize the solution.Solve?→Initialize?→Initialize...(a)Set Temperature to353K.(b)Click Apply.(c)Click Init and close the Solution Initialization panel.5.Save the case and data?les as pem-single-channel.cas.gz andpem-single-channel.dat.gz.File?→Write?→Case&Data...!If you want to run the calculations in parallel,exit FLUENT and start a parallel session at this point.Open the case and data? les you saved in the previousstep and proceed.6.Request200iterations.The solution residuals will drop to acceptable values.Solve?→Iterate...The solution residual plot should resemble that shown in Figure4.The average currentdensity is displayed in the console at the end of each iteration.At the end of the calculations,the current density is reported as approximately0.324A/cm2.Step7:Postprocessing1.Create surfaces for postprocessing.Surface?→Iso-Surface...(a)Select Grid...and Z-Coordinate from the Surface of Constant drop-down lists.(b)Click Compute.(c)Enter62.5for Iso-Values(mm).(d)Enter plane-xy for New Surface Name.(e)Click Create.(f)Similarly,create another surface along the length of the fuel cell.This surfaceshould be a surface of constant X-Coordinate,with a value /doc/d88704d349649b6648d74700.html this surface plane-yz.(g)Close the Iso-Surface panel.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellFigure4:Residual Plot2.Create custom vectors for display.Display?→Vectors...(a)Click the Custom Vectors...button to open the Custom Vectors panel.i.Enter current-?ux-density for Vector Name.ii.Select User De?ned Memory...and X Current Flux Density from the X Com-ponent drop-down lists.iii.Select User De?ned Memory...and Y Current Flux Density from the Y Com-ponent drop-down lists.iv.Select User De?ned Memory...and Z Current Flux Density from the Z Com-ponent drop-down lists.v.Click De?ne and close the Custom Vectors panel.(b)Select current-?ux-density from the Vectors of drop-down list.(c)Select?lled-arrow from the Style drop-down list.(d)Click the Vector Options...button to open the Vector Options panel.i.Enter0.5for Scale Head.ii.Click Apply and close the Vector Options panel.(e)Select User-De?ned Memory and Current Flux Density Magnitude from the Colorby drop-down lists.(f)Enable Draw Grid from the Options list to open the Grid Display panel.i.Deselect all surfaces except plane-xy from the Surfaces selection list.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellFigure5:Current Flux at a Cross-Section Midway Down the Length of the PEM Channel ii.Ensure that Edges is enabled from the Options list and Feature is selectedfrom the Edge Type list.iii.Click Display and close the Grid Display panel.(g)Select plane-xy in the Surfaces selection list.(h)Click Display and close the Vectors panel.3.Auto-?t the display to the graphics window by pressing Ctrl-A on the keyboard./doc/d88704d349649b6648d74700.html pare your results with those shown in Figure5.Note:The maximum current density occurs in the regions between the channels and also that the plot units are A/m2.5.Plot contours of hydrogen mass fraction along the surface plane-yzDisplay?→Contours...(a)Enable Filled and Draw Grid from the Options list.(b)Select plane-yz from the Surfaces selection list in the Grid Display panel.(c)Click Display and close the Grid Display panel.(d)Restore the right view.Display?→View...i.Select right from the Views selection list.ii.Click Apply and close the Views panel.The display updates to the right-hand view.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellFigure6:Contours of Hydrogen Mass Fraction Along the Channel Length(e)Select plane-yz from the Surfaces selection list.(f)Select Species...and Mass fraction of h2from the Contours of drop-down lists.(g)Click Display.The resulting display is di?cult to visualize since the aspect ratio of the channelis large.You can change the way FLUENT displays data using the following steps:Display?→Scene...i.Select all entries from the Names selection list.ii.Click the Transform...button to open the Transformations panel.iii.Set Z to0.1in the Scale group box.iv.Click Apply and close the Transformations panel.The graphics display will be scaled accordingly.(h)Auto-?t the image to the window by pressing Ctrl-A in the graphics window.(i)Compare your result with that shown in Figure6.The?ow in the anode(upper)channel is from left to right.Note that the hydrogenmass fraction decreases in the direction of?ow.This is due to water being pulled through the membrane along with hydrogen as it is consumed in the fuel cell.6.Plot contours of oxygen mass fraction along the surface plane-yzDisplay?→Contours...(a)Follow the same procedure to generate the oxygen mass fraction contour plotthat you used to generate the hydrogen mass fraction contours.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellFigure7:Contours of Oxygen Mass Fraction Along the Channel Length(b)Compare your result with that shown in Figure7.The?ow in the cathode(lower) channel is from right to left.As expected,the oxygen mass fraction decreases inthe direction of?ow.7.Verify that global conservation of mass is observed.This will be done using a few text user interface(TUI)commands and basic electrochemistry concepts.(a)Compute the net oxygen consumption.Enter the TUI command:/report/species-mass-flowIf you have read a data?le instead of performing iterations,you must performat least one iteration in order to populate this data from the solver.The output is as follows:zone22(inlet-a):(4.8e-0701.2e-07)zone21(inlet-c):(01e-065e-07)zone20(outlet-a):(-4.6958153e-07-8.9805489e-11-2.8157297e-07)zone19(outlet-c):(-2.6251551e-10-9.1930928e-07-4.2904232e-07)zone53(wall-ch-a-shadow):(000)zone15(wall-ch-c):(000)zone29(wall-ends:029):(000)zone30(wall-ends:030):(000)zone31(wall-ends:031):(000)zone32(wall-ends:032):(000)zone33(wall-ends:033):(000)Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel Cell zone51(wall-gdl-a-shadow):(000) zone11(wall-gdl-c):(000)zone1(wall-sides:001):(000)zone23(wall-sides:023):(000)zone25(wall-sides:025):(000)zone26(wall-sides:026):(000)zone27(wall-sides:027):(000)net species-mass-flow:(1.0155954e-088.0600915e-08-9.061529e-08)To interpret the output,each line can be read aszone num(zone-name):(˙m1˙m2...˙m n)where the subscripts1,2,...,nrefer to each species being calculated.Here,we are considering three species,namely h2,o2and h2o.Therefore,the second value in each list is the calculatedoxygen mass?ow rate in kilograms per second.In addition,a negative numberindicates?ow out of the domain from that boundary.From the last line,the netoxygen consumed is8.06×10?8kg/s.The molecular weight of oxygen is31.9988kg/kmol.Also,since the valence of a diatomic oxygen molecule is4,there are4kmol of electrons released per kmol of oxygen.Finally Faraday’s constant is9.6485×107C/kmol-electrons.Thus,the total release of electrons(which isequivalent to the current in Amperes),isI=˙mv FM=(8.06×10?8)(4.0)(9.6485×107)31.9988=0.972A(1)The total current is obtained by integrating the current density over the surface of the terminal.This integral value can be calculated in several ways.One way is to multiply the membrane area by the reported current density.This givesI=(0.0003)(0.3241)(100)2=0.972A(2) Alternatively,you can integrate the user memory Y Current Flux Density(the y-component of current density)over the terminal surface.This integration yields an accurate result since the y-direction is normal to the terminal.To do this, use the Surface Integrals panel.Report?→Surface Integrals...i.Select Report Type from the Integral drop-down list.ii.Select User De?ned Memory...and Y Current Flux Density from the Field Variable drop-down lists.iii.Select wall-terminal-a from the Surfaces selection list and click Compute.The absolute value of the number reported is approximately0.972A.We have electrochemical balance in the calculations. iv.Close the Surface Integrals panel.Modeling a Single-Channel,Counter-Flow Polymer Electrolyte Membrane(PEM)Fuel CellSummaryIn this tutorial,you learned how to set up and model a single-channel PEM fuel cell.Themodel provides detailed information on the distribution of current and voltage on all theelectrically conducting regions,along with species and current?ux density distributionthroughout the fuel cell.。



c to c transport 盒对盒薄片转移cable 电缆cable code 水线电码cable concentrator 集线器集中器cable connector 电缆连接器cable drum 电缆卷筒cable duct 电缆槽cable holder 电缆支架cable installation 电缆敷设cable interference 电缆干扰cable joint 电缆接头cable laying 电缆敷设cable locator 电缆探测器cable message 水线电报cable set 电缆附件cable shield 电缆包皮cable television 电缆电视cable terminating set 电缆终端cable transmission 电缆传输cablegram 水线电报cad 计算机辅助设计cad system 计算机辅助设计系统cad technique 计算机辅助设计技术cad tools 计算机辅助设计工具cad workstation 计算机辅助设计工拙cadmium 镉cage antenna 笼形天线cage dipole 笼形偶极子calcination 烧成calculagraph 计时器calibration test 校准试验call 呼叫call acceptance 呼叫接受call count 通话计数call finder 呼叫选择器call forward operation 呼叫转发电话call forwarding 呼叫转发电话call in operation 呼叫转发电话call indicator 呼叫指示器call sign 呼号call signal 呼叫信号call switch 呼叫转换开关call waiting 得等待call wire 呼叫线路callback 回叫called line 被叫线calling cord 呼叫塞绳calling device 呼叫装置calling key 呼叫键calling lamp 呼叫灯calling machine 铃龙calling plug 呼叫插塞calling relay 呼叫继电器calling subscriber 中用户calorimetric power measurement 热量计式功率测量法camber 挠曲camber free ceramics 无弯曲的陶瓷camera 照相机;摄像机camera alignment 摄像机导camera chain 摄像机系统camera lens 摄影机镜头camera signal 电视摄像机信号camera tube 电视摄像管camp 计算机辅助掩模制备camp on 得等待can 金属盒canal rays 阳极射线cancellation 熄灭cancelling 熄灭canonical form 标准形cap layer 保护层capacimeter 电容测量表capacitance 电容capacitance box 电容箱capacitance meter 电容测试器capacitive bridge 电容电桥capacitive coupling 电容性耦合capacitive diaphragm 电容性窗膜capacitive feedback 电容反馈capacitive iris 电容性窗膜capacitive load 电容性负载capacitive reactance 电容性电抗capacitive sawtooth generator 电容式锯齿波发生器capacitive strip 电容带capacitive susceptance 电容性电纳capacitive tuning 电容党capacitive unbalance 电容不平衡capacitive voltage divider 电容分压器capacitive window 电容性窗口capacitively loaded line 电容性负载线capacitor 电容器capacitor coupled fet logic 电容耦合式场效应晶体管逻辑capacitor network 电容气络capacitor parasitics 寄生电容器capacitor plate 电容偏板capacitor probe 电容式探针capacitor voltage characteristic 电容电压特性capacity 电容量capillary clogging 毛细管堵塞capless annealing 无覆盖退火capping 覆盖capping annealing 覆盖退火capping oxidation 覆盖氧化capping oxide 覆盖氧化物capstan 织轮capstan amplifier 转矩放大器capsulation 封装captive production 专用生产capture 捕获capture of particles 粒子俘获capture region 俘获区域capture time 捕获时间car radio 汽车收音机car receiver 汽车接收机carbon 碳carbon diaphragm 炭膜carbon dioxide laser 二氧化碳激光器carbon granule microphone 炭粒式话筒carbon mircrophone 炭精式话筒carbon resistor 碳电阻器carbonization 增碳carcinotron 返波管carcinotron oscillator 返波管振荡器card 卡cardioid diagram 心脏形曲线图cardioid microphone 心形传声器单向传声器cardioid pattern 心脏形曲线图cardioidal reception 心形方向图接收carrier 载波carrier amplitude 载波振幅carrier amplitude regulation 载波幅度蝶carrier balance 载波平衡carrier capture 载劣俘获carrier carrier interaction 载劣间相互酌carrier channel 载波信道carrier current telegraphy 载波电抱carrier density 载劣密度carrier dificiency 载劣耗尽carrier drift 载劣漂移carrier flutter 载波颤动carrier frequency 载波频carrier gas 载气carrier generation 载劣生成carrier heating 载劣加热carrier killer 载劣寿命扼杀剂carrier leak 载波泄漏carrier lifetime 载劣寿命carrier noise 载波噪音carrier pair generation 载劣对发生carrier recombination 载劣复合carrier socket 插座carrier spacing 载波间隔carrier storage 载劣存储carrier synchronization 载波同步carrier tape 带式载体carrier telegraphy 载波电抱carrier to noise ratio 载波信噪比carrier transfer 载劣传输carrier transfer device 载劣转移掐carrier transit time 载劣渡越时间carrier transmission 载波传输carrier transport 载劣输运cartridge 盒式磁带cascade 级联cascade amplifier 级联放大器cascade connected 级联的cascade connection 级联cascade image tube 级联摄象管cascade solar cell 级联太阳电池cascaded laser 级联激光器cascode 栅地阴地放大器共射共基放大器cascode amplifier 阴地栅地级联放大器涡尔曼放大器case 管壳casing 外壳cassegrain antenna 卡塞格伦天线cassette 箱cassette based transfer 盒式传送cassette loader 盒装载器cassette pitch 盒节距cassette sampling 向盒取样cassette station 向盒装卸台cassette to cassette approach 盒对盒装卸技术cassette to cassette coater 盒间装卸式涂敷器cassette to cassette feed 盒对盒装卸操作cassette to cassette handler 盒对盒装卸装置cassette to cassette operation 盒对盒装卸操作cassette to cassette wafer transport 盒对盒薄片转移casting 铸模casting resin 充填尸catalogue integrated circuit 集成电路样本catalogue microprocessor 微处理机样本catalytic oxidation 催化氧化cataphoresis pumping 电泳泵激cataphoretic laser 电泳激光器catcher 收注栅catcher resonator 收注栅catcher space 收注栅空间catchment area 积水面积cathode 阴极cathode bias 阴极偏压cathode coupled amplifier 阴极耦合放大器cathode current 阴极电流cathode dark space 阴极暗区cathode fall space 阴极电位降空间cathode follower 阴极跟随器cathode glow 阴板电辉cathode heater 阴极加热器cathode heater assembly 阴极加热器cathode heating time 阴极加热时间cathode modulation 阴极灯cathode poisoning 阴极中毒cathode ray 阴极射线cathode ray beam intensity modulation 阴极射线束强度灯cathode ray oscillograph 阴极射线示波器cathode ray storage tube 阴极射线存储管cathode ray tube 阴极射线管cathode spot 阴极斑点cathode spraying 阴极溅射cathode sputtering 阴极溅射cathodoluminescence 电子致发光cathodoluminescent display 阴极线发光显示器cation resin 阳离子交换尸cavity 空腔谐振器cavity adjustment 谐振腔蝶cavity filter 空腔滤波器cavity frequency meter 空腔频率计cavity laser 空腔激光器cavity length 谐振腔长度cavity linewidth 谐振谱线宽度cavity magnetron 空腔谐振磁控管cavity maser 共振腔脉泽cavity mirror 谐振腔反射镜cavity mode 空腔共振模cavity reflector 谐振腔反射镜cavity resonator 空腔共振器cavity stability 谐振腔稳定度cavity tuner 空腔党器cavity volume 空腔谐振棋积cavity wavemeter 谐振腔波长计ccd 电荷耦合掐ccd filter 电荷耦合掐滤波器ccd image array 电荷耦合掐成像阵列ccd imager 电荷耦合成像器ccd logic 电荷耦合掐逻辑ccd multiplexer 电荷耦合掐多路转换器ccd readout 电荷耦合读出设备ccd shift register 电荷耦合移位寄存器ccfl 电容耦合式场效应晶体管逻辑cci 电荷耦合成象器ccl 电荷耦合逻辑电路ccram 电荷耦合随机存取存储器cd 冲突检出cd amplifier 源输出放大器cdi 集电极扩散隔离cdip 陶瓷双列直插式外壳cell 电池cell array 单元阵列cell density 单元密度cell library 单元库cement 水泥cement bonding 粘合剂接合center 中心center frequency 中心频率center of a band 频带中心center to center spacing 中心间距centering 定中心centering control 准心蝶器居中蝶central antenna television 共用天线电视central battery system 共电制central exchange 电话总机central office 电话总机central processor unit 中央处埋机central telephone exchange 中央电话局centralized control 中心控制centre 电话总机centre holes 输送孔centrifuge 离心机centrifuge testing 离心机试验centring control 准心蝶器居中蝶cer dip 陶瓷双列直插式外壳ceramic and metal package 金属陶瓷外壳ceramic base 陶瓷衬底ceramic cap 陶瓷盖ceramic carrier 陶瓷芯片座ceramic dip 陶瓷双列直插式外壳ceramic encapsulated ic 陶瓷封装集成电路ceramic magnet 陶质磁体ceramic metallization 陶瓷金属化cerdip assembly 陶瓷双列直插式外壳组装cerdip package 陶瓷双列直插式外壳cerenkov losses 切伦科夫损失cerenkov radiation 切伦科夫辐射cerium 铈cerium glass 铈玻璃cermet 金属陶瓷材料cermet approach 金属陶瓷工艺cermet conductor 金属陶瓷导体cermet material 金属陶瓷材料cermet process 金属陶瓷工艺cesium 铯cesium antimonide photocathode 锑化铯光电阴极cesium atomic beam frequency standard 铯原子射束的频率标准cesium phototube 铯光电管chaff 箔条chain 电路chalcogenide glass 硫属化合物玻璃chalcogenide memory 硫族化合物存储器challenge 询问chamber wash 洗室channel 沟道;信道channel algorithm 通道算法channel amplifier 信道放大器channel balancing 通道平衡channel bank 通道纽channel capacity 信道容量channel conversion 信道变换channel current 沟道电流channel cutoff 沟道截止channel diffusion 沟道扩散channel electron multiplier 通道电子倍增器channel group 通道纽channel injection 沟道注入channel leakage 沟道漏电channel mobility 沟道载劣迁移率channel oxide 沟道区域氧化物channel phasing 通道定相channel pulse 推进脉冲channel region 沟道区域channel selector 信道选择器channel separating filter 信道分离滤波器channel separation 频道分隔channel stopper 沟道截断环channel stopper impurity 沟道截断环杂质channel stopper region 沟道截断区channel switching 通道转换channel type 沟道导电类型channeling 沟道酌chanstop 沟道截断环character code 字符码character display device 字符显示器character repertoire 字符集character set 字符集characteristic admittance 特性导纳characteristic frequencies 特盏率characteristic frequency 特盏率characteristic impedance 特件阻抗charactron 显象管charge 电荷charge carrier 载荷子charge carrier diffusion 载劣扩散charge carrier generation 载劣发生charge carrier injection 载劣注入charge carrier noise 载波噪音charge compensation 电荷补偿charge coupled array 电荷耦合掐阵列charge coupled cell 电荷耦合单元charge coupled circuit 电荷耦合集成电路charge coupled device 电荷耦合掐charge coupled fet 电荷耦合场效应晶体管结构charge coupled imager 电荷耦合成象器charge coupled logic 电荷耦合逻辑电路charge coupled memory 电荷耦合存储器charge coupled ram 电荷耦合随机存取存储器charge coupled register 电荷耦合寄存器charge depletion 载劣耗尽charge distribution 电荷分布charge injection device 电荷注入掐charge migration 电荷迁移charge packet 电荷包charge recombination center 截劣复合中心charge storage capacitor 电荷存储电容器charge storage diode 阶跃恢复二极管charge storage tube 电荷存储管charge transfer amplifier 电荷传输放大器charge transfer channel 电荷转移沟道charge transfer circuit 电荷传输集成电路charge transfer device 电荷转移掐charge transfer structure 电荷转移结构charge transit time 电荷渡越时间charge transport 电荷输送chargeable call 收费通话charged particle 带电粒子charged particle analyzer 带电粒子分析器charging indication 费用指示chatter 锯型边缘;接点振动音chebyshev filter 切比雪夫滤波器check 检查check test 检查试验checking 检查cheese antenna 盒形天线chemical affinity 化学亲合力chemical bond 化学键chemical deposition 化学淀积chemical durability 化学耐久性chemical etch polishing 化学腐蚀抛光chemical etchant 化学腐蚀剂chemical laser 化学激光器chemical pumping 化学激励chemical structure fault 化学结构缺陷chemical vapor deposition 化学汽相淀积chemical vapor deposition film 化学汽相淀积膜chemical vapor deposition reactor 化学汽相淀积反应器chemisorption 化学吸着chip 芯片chip and wire approach 芯片细线方法chip and wire hybrid ic 芯片细线混合电路chip approach 多片技术chip assember 片子装配器chip assembly 片子装配chip board 芯片板chip bonding 芯片焊接chip bonding pad 芯片焊盘chip capacitor 片状电容器chip carrier 芯片座chip carrier assembly 芯片载体组装chip component 片状元件chip density 芯片密度chip design 芯片设计chip dicing 切成小片chip diode 片状二极管chip edge 芯片边缘chip family 集成电路系列chip grid 芯片布置网chip holder 芯片座chip integrated circuit 片状集成电路chip layout 芯片布置布线图chip level complexity 芯片级致密度chip marking 芯片打标chip mounting 芯片组装chip mounting area 芯片安装面积chip on board process 基板上芯片装配工艺chip on tape 带式载体上的芯片chip placer 芯片装入机chip positioner 芯片定位器chip prober 芯片探测器chip processing 芯片处理chip profile 芯片剖面chip real estate 芯片有效面积chip resistor 片状电阻器chip set 芯片组chip set processor 多片处理机chip to header bond 芯片管座焊接chip trimming 片状电阻蝶chmos 互补高性能金属氧化物半导体结构choke 扼力choke coupling 扼力耦合choke joint 扼凉缘接头choke piston 扼令塞choked flange 阻波凸缝cholesteric liquid crystal 胆甾醇结构液晶chopped pulse 缩短脉冲chroma 色度chroma control 彩色强度蝶器chroma key 色度键chromatic aberration 色差chromatic channel 色度通道chromatron 彩色显象管chrome mask 铬掩模chrome master 铬掩模原版chrome photomask 铬掩模chrome plate 铬掩模chrominance 色度chrominance band 色度频带chrominance carrier reference 彩色载波基准频率chrominance channel 色度通道chrominance demodulation 色度信号解调chrominance demodulator 色度解调chrominance modulator 色度信号灯器chrominance signal 色度信号chrominance subcarrier 色度副载波chrominance subcarrier generator 色度副载波发生器chrominance synchronisation 彩色同步chromoscope 彩色显象管chronopotentiogram 测时电位图chronopotentiometry 计时电位测量法chronoscope 计时表cigfet 互补隔离栅场效应晶体管cil 电立入逻辑cipher 密码cipher mask 数码消隐ciphering 译成密码ciphony 密码电话circuit 电路circuit analysis 电路分析circuit closing connection 闭路接法circuit closing device 接通装置circuit component 电路元件circuit density 电路装配密度circuit design 电路设计circuit diagram 电路图circuit element 线路元件circuit engineering 电路技术circuit functional checkout 电路功能检查circuit interconnect pattern 电路互连图案circuit layout 电路布置图circuit orbit 圆形轨道circuit polarizer 圆偏振器circuit requirements 电路技术条件circuit simulation 电路模拟circuit switching 通道转换circuit technique 电路技术circuitry 电路图circular cavity 圆形空腔谐振器circular cross section 圆形截面circular guide 圆导轨circular polarization 圆偏振circular polarized wave 圆极化波circular ring laser 环形激光器circular scanning 圆扫描circular sweep 圆扫描circular waveguide 圆形波异管circularly polarized light 圆偏振光circularly polarized wave 圆极化波circulating beam 环柳circulating gas laser 循环式气体激光器circulating liquide laser 循环式液体激光器circulator 循环器circulator switch 循环平开关city exchange 市内电话交换局cl 闭合环路clad layer 镀层clad optical fiber 涂层光学纤维cladding 电镀cladding thickness 覆盖厚度clamp amplifier 箝位放大器clamp diode 箝位二极管clamp on 得等待clamp pulse 箝位脉冲clamping 电平固定clamping circuit 箝位电路clamping diode 箝压二极管class 100 clean environment 100级洁净环境class 100 clean room 100级洁净室class a amplifier a类放大器class a modulation 甲类灯class a modulator 甲类灯器class a operation a类运用class ab amplifier ab类放大器甲乙类放大器class ab operation ab类运用class b amplifier b类放大器class b modulation 乙类灯class b modulator 乙类灯器class b operation b类运用class c operation c类运用class d amplifier d类放大器classfication 分类classifier 分类机clean area 净化室clean audit 洁净度检测clean bench 洁净台clean machine 清洗装置clean room 净化室clean room compatibility 洁净室适合性clean room environment 洁净室环境clean room garment 洁净室工clean workstation 洁净工拙cleaner 清洗装置cleaning 清洗cleaning boat 清洗小舟cleanup 清洗clear back signal 话终信号clearing relay 话终继电器clearing signal 话终信号cleat 夹板cleavage 解理click filter 喀呖声滤波器clipper 限幅器clipper amplifier 限幅放大器clipper circuit 限制器限幅器;限幅器熄电路clipper diode 限幅二极管clipper tube 熄管clipping 限幅clipping level 限幅电平clock frequency 时钟频率clock pulse rate 时钟频率clock pulse source 时钟脉冲源clock rate 时钟频率close packed lattice 密集晶格close packing 密堆积closed circuit 闭合电路closed circuit cooling 闭路冷却closed circuit television 闭路电视closed cycle 闭合环路closed loop 闭合环路closed shell 闭合壳层closed tube diffusion 闭管扩散closed tube oxidation diffusion system 闭管氧化扩散系统clover leaf aerial 苜蓿叶形天线clover leaf antenna 苜蓿叶形天线clutter 杂乱回波clutter noise 杂波噪声clutter reflections 地物反射cmis 互补型金属绝缘体半导体结构cml 电联关逻辑cml gate cml门电路cmos cmos结构cmos integrated circuit cmos集成电路cmos latchup cmos结构的闭锁cmos on sapphire 蓝宝石上互补金属氧化物半导体cmos on sapphire microprocessor 蓝宝石上互补金属氧化物半导体微处理机cmos on sapphire process 蓝宝石上互补金属氧化物半导体工艺cmos process cmos工艺cmosic cmos集成电路cmr 共横抑制cmrr 共模抑制比cmv 共模电压co channel interference 同波道干扰;同频道干扰co diffusion 同时扩散co3laser communication 二氧化碳激光通信coal microphone 炭精送话器coarse alignment 粗对准coarse tuning 粗调平直党coast station 海岸台coastal refraction 海岸折射coastal transmitter 海岸发射机coated optical fiber 涂层光学纤维coater 涂料器coating 覆盖coating composition 涂层成分coating striation 涂层条纹coaxial antenna 同轴天线coaxial attenuator 同轴衰减器coaxial cable 同轴电缆coaxial cavity 同轴空腔谐振器coaxial connector 同轴连接器coaxial filter 同轴滤波器coaxial line 同轴线coaxial line resonator 同轴线谐振器coaxial phase shifter 同轴移相器coaxial probe 同轴探针coaxial resonator 同轴谐振器coaxial short 同轴短路coaxial stub 同轴短线coaxial switch 同轴转换开关coaxial to waveguide transducer 同轴线波导管匹配变换器coaxial transmission line 同轴传输线coaxial tuner 同轴典器cockcroft walton accelerator 科克罗夫特沃尔顿加速器codan 载频控制的干扰抑制器code 符号code book 电码本code chip 代码单元code dictionary 电码本code division multiple access 分码多址访问code element 代码单元code message 编码信息code selector 选码器code signal 编码信号code translation 译码code unit 代码单元codec 编码译码器coded hologram 编码全息照相coded signal 编码信号coder 编码器coder decoder 编码译码器coding 编码coefficient of feedback 反馈系数coefficient of transparency 透玫数coevaporation 同时蒸发coherence measurement 相干性测量coherent acceleration 相干加速coherent amplification 相干放大coherent detector 相参检波器相干检波器coherent light 相干光线coherent light flux 相干光通量coherent light holography 相干光全息术coherent optical radiation 相干光辐射coherent optics 相干光学coherent oscillation of particles 粒子束相干振荡coherent pulse radar 相干脉冲雷达coherent radar 相干雷达coherent radiation 相干辐射coherent reception 相干接收coherent scattering 相干散射coherent scattering cross section 相干散射截面coherent signal 相干信号coherent sychrotron radiation 相干同步加速气射coherer 粉末检波器coil 绕纽coil aerial 环形天线coil antenna 环形天线coil getter 螺旋管吸气剂coin box 投币箱coin telephone 投币式公用电话coincidence analyzer 重合分析器coincidence circuit 重合电路coincidence gate 与电路coincident current selection 电霖合法cold carrier 冷载劣cold cathode 冷阴极cold cathode gaseous laser 冷阴极气体激光器cold cathode ionization gauge 冷阴极电离真空计cold cathode lamp 冷阴极管cold cathode thratron 冷阴极闸淋cold cathode tube 冷阴板电子管cold cathode valve 冷阴极管cold crucible technology 冷坩埚技术cold forming 冷模压cold measurement 冷测定cold processing technique 冷加工技术cold trap chiller 冷捕集器cold weld 冷焊collection efficiency 收集效率collective line 共用线collector 集电极collector base capacitance 集电极基极电容collector base diode 集电极基极二极管collector breakdown 集电极哗collector capacitance 集电极基极电容collector characteristic 集电极特性collector circuit 集电极电路collector current 集电极电流collector diffusion 集电极扩散collector diffusion isolation 集电极扩散隔离collector diffusion isolation technique 集电极扩散隔离技术collector electrode 集电极collector junction 集电极结collector junction capacitance 集电极结电容collector mask 集电极掩膜collector potential 集电极电位collector resistance 集电极电阻collector to base capacitance 集电极基极电容collector to base conductance 集电极基极电导collector to emitter conductance 集电极发射极电导collimation 视准collimator 准直仪collinear array 直排天线阵collision 碰撞collision broadening 碰撞展宽collision course indicator 航向防撞指示器collision cross section 碰撞横截面collision detection 冲突检出collision excitation 碰撞激发collision ionization 碰撞电离collision loss 碰撞损失collision number 碰撞数collisional heating 碰撞发热color balance 彩色平衡color balance control panel 彩色平衡控制盘color bar 彩条color bar generator 彩条信号发生器color bar signal 彩条信号color bar test pattern 彩条测试图color brilliance 彩色亮度color cathode ray tube 彩色阴极射线管color center formation 色中心形成color channel 彩色通路color coder 彩色编码器color contamination 彩色混杂color contrast 彩色对比度color control 色彩蝶color converter 彩色图象变换器color decoder 彩色信号解码器color difference information 色差信息color difference signal 色差信号color display device 彩色显示器color dividing electrode 彩色分离电极color dividing mask 彩色分离掩膜color flicker 彩色闪烁color hologram 彩色全息照相color holography 彩色全息照相术color image 彩色图象color image separation 彩色图象分离color information 彩色信息color killer 消色器color kinescope 彩色显象管color lock 彩色同步color matrix 彩色矩阵color modulator 彩色灯器color monitor 彩色监视器color noise 彩色信号杂波color overload 色过饱和color pattern 彩色测试图color pattern generator 彩色图样信号发生器color phase 彩色相位color pickup tube 彩色显象管color picture screen 彩色电视荧光屏color picture signal 彩色图象信号color picture tube 彩色显象管color picture tube of 110 110偏转角彩色显象管color primaries 基色color purity adjustment 色纯度蝶color purity coil 色纯度控制线圈color purity ring 色纯度蝶环color receiver 彩色电视接收机color reference signal 彩色基准信号color resolution 彩色分解力color stripe filter 彩条滤色器color subcarrier lock 彩色副载波锁相color synchronizing 彩色同步color television 彩色电视color television picture tube 彩色显象管color television receiver 彩色电视接收机color test signal 彩色测试信号color tv tube 彩色显象管colorimetry 比色法colour breakup 色乱colour centre 彩色中心colour matching 配色colour picture tube 彩色显象管colour sensation 色感觉colour sensitivity 感色灵敏度colpitts oscillator 考毕兹振荡器comb filter 梳形滤波器comb line 梳形线comb structure 梳状结构combination connector 通用终接机combination frequencies 组合频率combinational logic function 组合逻辑函数combined aerial 共用天线combiner amplifier 组合放大器command 命令common aerial 共用天线common base connection 共基极连接common cathode 共阴极common collector connection 共集电极连接common drain amplifier 源输出放大器common emitter connection 共发射极连接common mode rejection 共横抑制common mode rejection ratio 共模抑制比common mode voltage 共模电压communication 通信communication band 通信频带communication cable 通信电缆communication channel 通信信道communication engineering 通信工程学communication line 通信线路communication network 通信网络communication protocol 通信协议communication range 通信范围communication satellite 通信卫星communication satellite net 通信卫星系统communication security 通信保密communication system 通信系统community antenna 共用天线community television 集体电视commutation 换向commutation system 交换系统compact laser 小型激光器compaction 数据压缩compander 压伸器companding 压缩扩展comparator bridge 比较电桥compatibility 互换性compatible color television 兼容彩色电视compatible integrated circuit 兼容集成电路compensated impurity 补偿杂质compensated semiconductor 补偿半导体compensated video amplifier 视频补偿放大器compensating circuit 补偿电路compensating signals 补偿信号compensation 补偿compensation factor 补偿因数compensator bridge 补偿电桥complementary high performance mos 互补高性能金属氧化物半导体结构complementary insulated gate fet 互补隔离栅场效应晶体管complementary integrated circuit 互补集成电路complementary metal insulator semiconductor 互补型金属绝缘体半导体结构complementary mnos 互补金属氮化物氧化物半导体complementary mos cmos结构complementary transistor 互补晶体管complementary transistor logic 互补晶体管逻辑complementary ttl 互补晶体管晶体管逻辑电路complementary wavelength 互补色波长complete inversion 全反转completely reflecting mirror 全反射镜compliant lead 易弯曲的引线component 成分component density 元件密度component inserter 元件插入装置component integration 元件集成化component interconnect 元件间相互连接component layout 元件布置component manufacturing machinery 元件制造设备component mounting 元件装配component part 电路部件component reliability 元件可靠性composite board 复合板composite color signal 复合色信号composite gate 复合门composite gate mos structure 复合栅金属氧化物半导体结构composite layer 复合层composite material 合成材料composite picture signal 复合图象信号composite set 报话复合器composite substrate 复合衬底composite sync generator 复合同步信号发生器composite sync signal 复合同步信号composite transistor 复合晶体管composite wafer 多层薄片composition 成分compound 复合物compound glass 复合玻璃compound integration 多芯片集成电路compound semiconductor 化合物半导体compound semiconductor body 化合物半导体衬底compound semiconductor device 化合物半导体掐compound semiconductor interface 化合物半导体界面compound signal 复合信号compression 数据压缩compression system 压缩系统compressional heating 压缩加热compressor 压缩机computer 计算机computer aided customization 计算机辅助专用集成电路设计computer aided design 计算机辅助设计computer aided design facilities 计算机辅助设计工具computer aided design library 计算机辅助设计程序库computer aided design system 计算机辅助设计系统computer aided drafting 计算机辅助制图computer aided mask preparation 计算机辅助掩模制备computer conferencing 计算机会仪computer controlled laser 计算机控制激光器computer generated artwork 计算机生成原图computer hologram 计算机全息图computer mail 电子函政computer simulation 计算机模拟computer to computer communication 计算机间通信computerized design technique 计算机辅助设计技术computing machine 计算机computing technique 计算技术computor aided drawing 计算机辅助制图computor assisted design 计算机辅助设计concentration 浓度concentration gradient 浓度梯度concentration level 浓度级concentration profile 浓度分布曲线concentration ratio 浓度比率concentrator 集线器集中器condensation 数据压缩condensation nucleus 凝聚核condenser antenna 电容性天线condenser circuit 电容歧路condenser lens 聚束透镜condenser microphone 电容式话筒condenser transmitter 电容式话筒condenser voltage 电容歧压conditioned air 第的空气conductance 电导conductance band 导带conducting channel 导电沟道conducting film 导电膜conduction 导电conduction band 导带conduction electron density 导电电子密度conduction type 导电型conductive adhesive 导电粘合剂conductive coating 导电涂层conductive crossover 导线交叉conductive pattern 导电图conductivity 电导率conductivity modulation 电导率灯conductor 导线conductor insulator semiconductor fet 金属绝缘体半导体场效应晶体管conductor layer 导体层conductor paste 导体胶conductor paste system 导体膏系统conductor pattern 导线分布图conductor to hole spacing 导体孔间隔cone antenna 锥形天线configuration 配置confocal resonator 共焦谐振器congestion 超负荷conical horn 圆锥形喇叭conical resonator 圆锥形谐振器conical scanning 圆锥形扫描connecting device 连接装置connecting plug 塞子connection 连接connection diagram 接线图connection error 连接错误connection plug 塞子connection release 保险装置connection route 连接通路connector 插接器插头座constant current modulation 定疗constant current source 恒链constant luminance 恒定亮度constant voltage modulation 定压灯construction 结构contact annealing 接触式退火contact area 接触面积contact device 接触装置contact diffusion 电极孔形成扩散contact drop 接触电位差contact exposure 密接曝光contact gap 接触间隙contact hole 接触窗口contact hole opening 开接触孔contact lithography 接触光蚀刻contact mask printer 接触式掩模复制器contact opening 接触窗口contact pad 接触点contact photolithography 接触光蚀刻contact potential 接触电势contact potential barrier 接触势垒contact potential difference 接触电位差contact region 接触面积contact resistance 接触电阻contact scribing 接触式划片contact socket 接触座contact window 接触窗口contactless lithography 无接触光蚀刻contactless scribing 无接触划片contaminant 沾染物质contaminant free film 无沾污膜contamination 沾染物质continental code 国际电码continuous laser 连续工驻光器continuous layer 连续层continuous pump 连续激励continuous tuner 连续党器continuous wave doppler radar 连续波多普勒雷达continuous wave irradiation 连续波辐照continuous wave laser 连续波激光器continuous wave laser operation 连续波激光操作continuous wave mode 连续波运行continuous wave operation 连续波运行continuous wave radar 连续波雷达continuously operating laser 连续工驻光器continuously pumped laser 连续激励激光器continuously tunable laser 可连续党激光器contrast 对比contrast control 对比度第contrast control device 对比度第装置contrast dynamic range 对比度动态范围contrast range 对比度范围contrast ratio 对比度系数contrast threshold 对比阈control 控制control channel 控制信道control characteristic 控制特性control circuit 控制电路control circuit apparatus 控制电器control device 控制装置control diffusion 受控扩散control electrode 控制电极control gate 控制栅control grid 控制栅control of horizontal synchronization 行同步控制control of vertical synchronizing 场同步控制control track 控制声道control voltage 控制电压controlled atmosphere furnace 可控气氛炉controlled diode 控制二极管controlled junction depth 受控结深度controlled switch 受控开关controller 控制器第器;控制器convergence 会聚convergence circuit 会聚电路conversation 通话conversational mode 对话方式conversion 变换conversion efficiency 转换效率conversion integrated circuit 变换集成电路conversion loss 变换损耗converter 变换器converter tube 变换管conveyor dryer 传送带式干燥机coolant 冷却剂coolant fluid 冷却剂铃cooled photodetector 冷却式光电探测器cooler 冷却器cooling 冷却cooling circuit 冷却回路cooling fin 散热片cooling fluid 冷却液cooling jacket 冷却夹套cooling rate 冷却速率cooling system 冷却系统cooling water 冷却水cooling water circulation 冷水环流coordinate plotter 坐标绘图机coordinate sensitive photodetector 坐标敏感光电检测器coordinate table 坐标工专coordinatograph 坐标绘图机coplanar electrodes 共平面电极copper 铜copper clad laminate 敷铜箔叠层板copper filled adhesive 填铜粘合剂copper plated base material 镀铜的基体材料copying 复制cord circuit 塞绳电路cord circuit repeater 塞绳增音机cordless switchboard 无塞绳交换机core 磁心core logic 磁心逻辑coring 晶内偏析corner 弯曲软波导corner antenna 角反射旗线corner cube 角形反射器corner reflector 角形反射器corona 电晕放电corona discharge 电晕放电correcting amplifier 校正放大器correcting lens 校正透镜correcting signal 校正信号correction 校正correction of distortion 失真校正correction of phase 相位校正correction time 校正时间corrector circuit 校正电路corrosion 腐蚀corrosion stability 腐蚀稳定性corrugated mask 多孔障板。

ANSYS Fluent 15.0 燃料电池模块手册(en)

ANSYS Fluent 15.0 燃料电池模块手册(en)

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ANSYS Fluent Fuel Cell Modules Manual



4极永磁无刷直流电机仿真结果BRUSHLESS PERMANENT MAGNET DC MOTOR DESIGNFile: Setup1.resGENERAL DATARated Output Power (kW): 0.55 额定输出功率Rated V oltage (V): 220 额定电压Number of Poles: 4 极数Given Rated Speed (rpm): 1500 给定额定转速Frictional Loss (W): 11 摩擦损耗Windage Loss (W): 0 风损Rotor Position: Inner 转子位置Type of Load: Constant Power 负载类型Type of Circuit: C2 控制电路类型Lead Angle of Trigger in Elec. Degrees: 0 晶体管导通角Trigger Pulse Width in Elec. Degrees: 120 导通脉宽One-Transistor V oltage Drop (V): 2 晶体管压降One-Diode V oltage Drop (V): 2二极管压降Operating Temperature (C): 75 运行温度Maximum Current for CCC (A): 0Minimum Current for CCC (A): 0STATOR DATANumber of Stator Slots: 24 定子槽数Outer Diameter of Stator (mm): 120 定子外径Inner Diameter of Stator (mm): 75 定子内径Type of Stator Slot: 3 定子槽类型Stator Sloths0 (mm): 0.5hs1 (mm): 1hs2 (mm): 8.2bs0 (mm): 2.5bs1 (mm): 5.6bs2 (mm): 7.6rs (mm): 0Top Tooth Width (mm): 4.62351 齿顶宽度Bottom Tooth Width (mm): 4.78125 齿底宽度Skew Width (Number of Slots) 1 斜槽宽Length of Stator Core (mm): 65 定子铁心长度Stacking Factor of Stator Core: 0.95 定子叠压系数Type of Steel: D23_50 定子材料Slot Insulation Thickness (mm): 0 槽绝缘厚度Layer Insulation Thickness (mm): 0 层绝缘厚度End Length Adjustment (mm): 0 端部长度调整Number of Parallel Branches: 1Number of Conductors per Slot: 60 每槽导体数Type of Coils: 21 绕组类型Average Coil Pitch: 5 平均节距Number of Wires per Conductor: 1 电线每导体数Wire Diameter (mm): 0.71 线径Wire Wrap Thickness (mm): 0.08 线绝缘厚度Slot Area (mm^2): 59.42 槽面积Net Slot Area (mm^2): 54.12 净槽面积Limited Slot Fill Factor (%): 75 最大槽满率Stator Slot Fill Factor (%): 69.1907 槽满率Coil Half-Turn Length (mm): 143.747 线圈半匝长ROTOR DATAMinimum Air Gap (mm): 0.5 最小气隙Inner Diameter (mm): 26Length of Rotor (mm): 65Stacking Factor of Iron Core: 0.95 叠压系数Type of Steel: D23_50 转子材料Polar Arc Radius (mm): 37 极弧半径Mechanical Pole Embrace: 0.7 机械极弧系数Electrical Pole Embrace: 0.699985 电极弧系数Max. Thickness of Magnet (mm): 3.5 最大磁钢厚度Width of Magnet (mm): 38.7594 磁钢宽度Type of Magnet: XG196/96 磁钢材料Type of Rotor: 1 转子类型Magnetic Shaft: No 转轴是否磁性PERMANENT MAGNET DATA 永磁材料参数Residual Flux Density (Tesla): 0.96 剩磁密度Coercive Force (kA/m): 690 矫顽力Maximum Energy Density (kJ/m^3): 183 最大磁能积Relative Recoil Permeability: 1 相对回复磁导率Demagnetized Flux Density (Tesla): 5.85937e-005 退磁磁通密度Recoil Residual Flux Density (Tesla): 0.867073 回复剩磁密度Recoil Coercive Force (kA/m): 690.015 回复矫顽力MATERIAL CONSUMPTION 材料消耗Armature Copper Density (kg/m^3): 8900 电枢铜密度Permanent Magnet Density (kg/m^3): 7800 永磁材料密度Armature Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7820 电枢铁芯密度Rotor Core Steel Density (kg/m^3): 7820 转子铁芯密度Armature Copper Weight (kg): 0.729388 电枢铜重量Permanent Magnet Weight (kg): 0.275114 永磁材料重量Armature Core Steel Weight (kg): 2.63935 电枢铁心重量Rotor Core Steel Weight (kg): 1.44611 转子铁心重量Total Net Weight (kg): 5.08996 总重量Armature Core Steel Consumption (kg): 5.44721 电枢铁心消耗Rotor Core Steel Consumption (kg): 1.85836 转子铁心消耗STEADY STATE PARAMETERS 稳态参数Stator Winding Factor: 0.879653 定子绕组系数D-Axis Reactive Inductance Lad (H): 0.021587 直轴电枢反应电抗Q-Axis Reactive Inductance Laq (H): 0.021587 交轴电枢反应电抗D-Axis Inductance L1+Lad(H): 0.0281925 直轴同步电抗Q-Axis Inductance L1+Laq(H): 0.0281925 交轴同步电抗Armature Leakage Inductance L1 (H): 0.00660549 电枢绕组漏抗Zero-Sequence Inductance L0 (H): 0 零序电抗Armature Phase Resistance R1 (ohm): 5.67264 电枢绕组相电阻Armature Phase Resistance at 20C (ohm): 4.6662 20度绕组相电阻D-Axis Time Constant (s): 0.00380546 直轴时间常数Q-Axis Time Constant (s): 0.00380546 交轴时间常数Ideal Back-EMF Constant KE (Vs/rad): 0.981343 反电势常数Start Torque Constant KT (Nm/A): 0.800227 启动转矩常数Rated Torque Constant KT (Nm/A): 1.02912 额定转矩常数NO-LOAD MAGNETIC DATA 空载磁路数据Stator-Teeth Flux Density (Tesla): 1.61237 定子齿磁密Stator-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 1.16604 定子轭磁密Rotor-Yoke Flux Density (Tesla): 0.728065 转子轭磁密Air-Gap Flux Density (Tesla): 0.677341 气隙磁密Magnet Flux Density (Tesla): 0.731645 磁钢磁密Stator-Teeth By-Pass Factor: 0.00468801 定子齿旁路系数Stator-Yoke By-Pass Factor: 3.45683e-005 定子轭旁路系数Rotor-Yoke By-Pass Factor: 2.00386e-005 转子轭旁路系数Stator-Teeth Ampere Turns (A.T): 36.1578 定子齿安匝Stator-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 14.5864 定子轭安匝Rotor-Yoke Ampere Turns (A.T): 3.18795 转子轭安匝Air-Gap Ampere Turns (A.T): 323.26 气隙安匝Magnet Ampere Turns (A.T): -377.204 磁钢磁势Armature Reactive Ampere Turns 电枢反应安匝at Start Operation (A.T): 3647.8 启动安匝数Leakage-Flux Factor: 1 漏磁系数Correction Factor for Magnetic 磁路修正系数Circuit Length of Stator Yoke: 0.582455 定子轭磁路修正系数Correction Factor for MagneticCircuit Length of Rotor Yoke: 0.793199 转子轭磁路修正系数No-Load Speed (rpm): 2091.38 空载转速Cogging Torque (N.m): 6.36774e-013 齿槽转矩FULL-LOAD DATA 负载特性数据Average Input Current (A): 2.93027 平均负载电流Root-Mean-Square Armature Current (A): 1.95039 电枢电流有效值Armature Thermal Load (A^2/mm^3): 58.7204 电枢热负荷Specific Electric Loading (A/mm): 11.9199 电枢线负荷Armature Current Density (A/mm^2): 4.92624 电枢电流密度Frictional and Windage Loss (W): 13.0778 风磨损耗Iron-Core Loss (W): 28.9672 铁芯损耗Armature Copper Loss (W): 43.1578 电枢铜耗Transistor Loss (W): 8.92247 晶体管损耗Diode Loss (W): 0.44813 二极管损耗Total Loss (W): 94.5734 总损耗Output Power (W): 550.085输出功率Input Power (W): 644.659 输入功率Efficiency (%): 85.3297 效率Rated Speed (rpm): 1783.34 额定转速Rated Torque (N.m): 2.94556 额定转矩/负载Locked-Rotor Torque (N.m): 40.3887 堵转转矩/启动转矩Locked-Rotor Current (A): 50.559 启动电流WINDING ARRANGEMENT 绕组排列The 2-phase, 2-layer winding can be arranged in 6 slots as below: AAABBBAngle per slot (elec. degrees): 30 每槽电角度Phase-A axis (elec. degrees): 105 A相轴电角度First slot center (elec. degrees): 0 第一槽中心角TRANSIENT FEA INPUT DATA 瞬态数据For Armature Winding: 电枢绕组Number of Turns: 360 匝数Parallel Branches: 1 并联支路数Terminal Resistance (ohm): 5.67264 相电阻End Leakage Inductance (H): 0.00252843 终端漏抗2D Equivalent Value: 二维分析用到的等效数据Equivalent Model Depth (mm): 65 等效气隙长度Equivalent Stator Stacking Factor: 0.95 等效定子叠压系数Equivalent Rotor Stacking Factor: 0.95 等效转子叠压系数Equivalent Br (Tesla): 0.867073 等效剩磁磁密Equivalent Hc (kA/m): 690.015 等效矫顽力Estimated Rotor Moment of Inertia (kg m^2): 0.00149257 转动惯量估计值。



电力电子专业英语词汇Absorber Circuit 吸收电路AC/AC Frequency Converter 交交变频电路AC power control交流电力控制AC Power Controller交流调功电路AC Power Electronic Switch交流电力电子开关Ac V oltage Controller交流调压电路Asynchronous Modulation异步调制Baker Clamping Circuit贝克箝位电路Bi-directional Triode Thyristor双向晶闸管Bipolar Junction Transistor-- BJT双极结型晶体管Boost-Buck Chopper升降压斩波电路Boost Chopper升压斩波电路Boost Converter升压变换器Bridge Reversible Chopper桥式可逆斩波电路Buck Chopper 降压斩波电路Buck Converter降压变换器Commutation 换流Conduction Angle 导通角Constant V oltage Constant Frequency --CVCF 恒压恒频Continuous Conduction--CCM (电流)连续模式Control Circuit 控制电路Cuk Circuit CUK 斩波电路Current Reversible Chopper 电流可逆斩波电路Current Source Type Inverter--CSTI 电流(源)型逆变电路Cycloconvertor 周波变流器DC-AC-DC Converter 直交直电路DC Chopping 直流斩波DC Chopping Circuit 直流斩波电路DC-DC Converter 直流-直流变换器Device Commutation 器件换流Direct Current Control 直接电流控制Discontinuous Conduction mode (电流)断续模式displacement factor 位移因数distortion power 畸变功率double end converter 双端电路driving circuit 驱动电路electrical isolation 电气隔离fast acting fuse 快速熔断器fast recovery diode 快恢复二极管fast revcovery epitaxial diodes 快恢复外延二极管fast switching thyristor 快速晶闸管field controlled thyristor 场控晶闸管flyback converter 反激电流forced commutation 强迫换流forward converter 正激电路frequency converter 变频器full bridge converter 全桥电路full bridge rectifier 全桥整流电路full wave rectifier 全波整流电路gate turn-off thyristor——GTO 可关断晶闸管general purpose diode 普通二极管giant transistor——GTR 电力晶体管half bridge converter 半桥电路hard switching 硬开关high voltage IC 高压集成电路hysteresis comparison 带环比较方式indirect current control 间接电流控制indirect DC-DC converter 直接电流变换电路insulated-gate bipolar transistor---IGBT 绝缘栅双极晶体管intelligent power module---IPM 智能功率模块integrated gate-commutated thyristor---IGCT 集成门极换流晶闸管inversion 逆变latching effect 擎住效应leakage inductance 漏感light triggered thyristo---LTT 光控晶闸管line commutation 电网换流load commutation 负载换流loop current 环流背板backplane带隙电压参考Band gap voltage reference工作台电源benchtop supply方块图Block Diagram波特图Bode Plot自举Bootstrap桶形电容bucket capcitor机架chassis恒流源constant current source铁芯饱和Core Sataration交叉频率crossover frequency纹波电流current ripple逐周期Cycle by Cycle周期跳步cycle skipping死区时间Dead Time核心温度DIE Temperature非使能,无效,禁用,关断Disable主极点dominant pole 主极点使能,有效,启用Enable额定值ESD Rating ESD评估板Evaluation Board超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障.建议不要工作在电特性表规定的参数范围以外. Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characteristics section is not implied.下降沿Failling edge品质因数figure of merit浮充电压float charge voltage反驰式功率级flyback power stage前向压降orward voltage drop自由运行free-running续流二极管Freewheel diode满负载Full load栅极驱动gate drive栅极驱动级gate drive stage图gerber plot Gerber接地层ground plane电感单位(亨利) Henry人体模式Human Body Model滞回Hysteresis涌入电流inrush current反相Inverting抖动jittery结点Junction开尔文连接Kelvin connection引脚框架Lead Frame无铅Lead Free电平移动level-shift电源调整率Line regulation负载调整率load regulation批号Lot Number低压差Low Dropout密勒Miller节点node非反相Non-Inverting新颖的novel关断状态off state电源工作电压Operating supply voltage输出驱动级out drive stage异相Out of Phase产品型号Part NumberP沟道MOSFET P-channel MOSFET相位裕度Phase margin开关节点Phase Node便携式电子设备portable electronics掉电power down电源正常Power Good功率地Power Groud节电模式Power Save Mode上电Power up下拉pull down上拉pull up逐脉冲Pulse by Pulse推挽转换器push pull converter斜降ramp down斜升ramp up冗余二极管redundant diode电阻分压器resistive divider振铃ringing纹波电流ripple current上升沿rising edge检测电阻sense resistor序列电源Sequenced Power Supplys直通,同时导通shoot-through杂散电感stray inductances子电路sub-circuit基板substrate电信Telecom热性能信息Thermal Information散热片thermal slug阈值Threshold振荡电阻timing resistor线路,走线,引线Trace传递函数Transfer function 跳变点Trip Point 跳变点匝数比(初级匝数/次级匝数)turns ratio (Np / Ns)欠压锁定Under V oltage Lock Out (UVLO)电压参考V oltage Reference伏秒积voltage-second product零极点频率补偿zero-pole frequency compensation拍频beat frequency单击电路one shots缩放scaling等效串联电阻ESR地电位Ground平衡带隙trimmed bandgap压差dropout voltage大容量电容large bulk capacitance断路器circuit breaker电荷泵charge pump过冲overshoot元件设备三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 电容器:Capacitor并联电容器:shunt capacitor电抗器:Reactor母线:Busbar输电线:TransmissionLine发电厂:power plant断路器:Breaker刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator分接头:tap电动机:motor状态参数有功:active power无功:reactive power电流:current容量:capacity电压:voltage档位:tap position有功损耗:reactive loss无功损耗:active loss功率因数:power-factor功率:power功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade空载损耗o-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流o-load current阻抗:impedance正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance负序阻抗egative sequence impedance零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance电阻:resistor电抗:reactance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance无功负载:reactive load 或者QLoad有功负载: active load PLoad遥测:YC(telemetering)遥信:YX励磁电流(转子电流):magnetizing current定子:stator功角:power-angle上限:upper limit下限:lower limit并列的:apposable高压: high voltage低压:low voltage中压ddle voltage电力系统power system发电机generator励磁excitation励磁器excitor电压voltage电流current母线bus变压器transformer升压变压器step-up transformer高压侧high side输电系统power transmission system输电线transmission line固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 稳定stability电压稳定voltage stability功角稳定angle stability暂态稳定transient stability电厂power plant能量输送power transfer交流AC装机容量installed capacity电网power system落点drop point开关站switch station双回同杆并架double-circuit lines on the same tower 变电站transformer substation补偿度degree of compensation高抗high voltage shunt reactor无功补偿reactive power compensation故障fault调节regulation裕度magin三相故障three phase fault故障切除时间fault clearing time极限切除时间critical clearing time切机generator triping高顶值high limited value强行励磁reinforced excitation线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation)机端generator terminal静态static (state)动态dynamic (state)单机无穷大系统one machine - infinity bus system 机端电压控制A VR电抗reactance电阻resistance功角power angle有功(功率) active power无功(功率) reactive power功率因数power factor无功电流reactive current下降特性droop characteristics斜率slope额定rating变比ratio参考值reference value电压互感器PT分接头tap下降率droop rate仿真分析simulation analysis传递函数transfer function框图block diagram受端receive-side裕度margin同步synchronization失去同步loss of synchronization阻尼damping摇摆swing保护断路器circuit breaker电阻:resistance电抗:reactance阻抗:impedance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance导纳:admittance电感:inductance电容: capacitance电源专业词汇(二)coupling 耦合intermittent 周期的dislocation 错位propeller 螺旋桨switchgear 配电装置dispersion 差量flange 法兰盘dielectric 介电的binder 胶合剂alignment 定位elastomer 合成橡胶corollary 必然的结果rabbet 插槽vent 通风孔subtle 敏感的gearbox 变速箱plate 电镀crucial 决定性的flexible 柔性的technics 工艺ultimate 最终的resilience 弹性vendor 自动售货机partition 分类rigid 刚性的prototype 样机diagram 特性曲线interfere 干涉compatible 兼容的simulation 模拟clutch 离合器refinement 精加工fixture 夹具torque 扭矩responsive 敏感的tensile 拉伸cushion 减震器rib 肋strength 强度packing 包装metallized 金属化stress 应力mitigate 减轻trade off 折衷方案yield 屈伸line shaft 中间轴matrix 母体inherent 固有的spindle 主轴aperture 孔径conformance 适应性axle 心轴turbulence 扰动specification 规范semipermanent 半永久性的enclosure 机壳specialization 规范化bolt 螺栓oscillation 振幅calling 职业nut 螺母anneal 退火vitalize 激发screw 螺丝polymer 聚合体revelation 揭示fastner 紧固件bind 凝固dissemination 分发rivit 铆钉mount 支架booster 推进器hub 轴套distortion 变形contractual 契约的coaxial 同心的module 模块verdict 裁决crank 曲柄slide 滑块malfunction 故障inertia 惰性medium 介质allegedly 假定active 活性的dissipation 损耗controversy 辩论lubrication 润滑assembly 总装dictate 支配graphite 石墨encapsulate 封装incumbent 义不容辞的derivative 派生物adhesive 粘合剂validation 使生效contaminate 沾染turbine 涡轮procurement 收购asperity 粗糙bearing 支撑架mortality 失败率metalworking 金属加工isostatic 均衡的shed light on 阐明viscous 粘稠的osculate 接触adversely 有害的grinding 研磨i mperative 强制的consistency 连续性corrosin 侵蚀lattice 晶格fitness 适应性flush 冲洗fracture 断裂warrant 保证inhibitor 防腐剂diffusivity 扩散率turning 车工dispersant 分散剂vice versa 反之亦然ways 导轨deteriorate 降低tribological 摩擦的hybrid 混合物neutralize 平衡screen 屏蔽ID=inside diameterpulley 滑轮exclusion 隔绝OD=outside diameterhydraulic 液压的insulation 绝缘reciprocate 往复运动delicate 精密的elaborate 加工dress 精整dampen 阻尼incontrovertible 无可争议的by and large 大体上pivotal 中枢的luminous 发光的plastic 塑胶utilitarian 功利主义out of round 失园organic 有机的grass root 基层premature 过早的film 薄膜state-of-the -art 技术发展水平guard 防护罩polyester 聚酯blade 托板permeate 渗入epoxy 环氧的carrier 载体spillage 溢出polypropylene 聚丙烯chuck 卡盘erosion 浸蚀photoconductive 光敏的infeed 横向进给routine 程序miniaturization 小型化lapping 抛光postprocess 后置处理asynchronism 异步milling 洗削solder-bump 焊点synchronization 同步speciality 专业grid 栅格respond 响应stroke 行程impedance 阻抗feedback 反馈attachment 备件approximately 大约aberrance 畸变tapered 楔形的purported 据说steady 稳态的casting 铸件consumable 消费品dynamic 动态的index 换档inductance 电感transient 瞬态的stop 挡块capacitance 电容coordinate 坐标contour 轮廓resistance 电容curve 曲线machine center 加工中心audion 三极管diagram 特性曲线capitalize 投资diode 二极管history 关系曲线potentiometer 电位器transistor 晶体管gradient 斜率know-how 实践知识choker 扼流圈parabola 抛物线potted 封装的filter 滤波器root 根mechatronics 机电一体化transformer 变压器eigenvalue 特征值stem from 起源于fuse 保险丝function 函数rule-based 基于规则的annular core 磁环vector 向量consolidation 巩固radiator 散热器reciprocal 倒数energize 激发regulator 稳压器virtual value 有效值synchronous 同时发生bobbin 骨架square root 平方根socket 插孔tape 胶带cube 立方polarity 极性ceramic capacitor 瓷片电容integral 积分armature 电枢electrolytic C 电解电容differential 微分installment 分期付款self-tapping screw 自攻螺丝hisgram 直方图lobe 凸起footprint 封装ratio 比率plunge 钻入resin 松香grade down 成比例降低servo 伺服机构solderability 可焊性proportion 比例dedicated 专用的shock 机械冲击inverse ratio 反比interpolation 插补endurance 耐久性direct ratio 正比compensation 校正initial value 初始值plus 加upload 加载flashing 飞弧subtract 减overload 过载canned 千篇一律的multiply 乘lightload 轻载lot 抽签divide 除stagger 交错排列parallel 并联impedance 阻抗traverse 横向in series 串联damp 阻尼longitudinal 纵向的equivalent 等效的reactance 电抗latitudinal 横向的terminal 终端admittance 导纳restrain 约束creep 蠕动susceptance 电纳square 平方Hyperlink 超级连接spring 触发memo 备忘录wastage 损耗presentation 陈述principle 原理binder 打包planer 刨床source program 源程序Client-Server Model客户机server 服务器table 表query 查询form 表单report 报表macro 宏module 模块field 字段record 记录电源专业词汇(三)printed circuit 印制电路printed wiring 印制线路printed board 印制板printed circuit board 印制板电路printed wiring board 印制线路板printed component 印制元件printed contact 印制接点printed board assembly 印制板装配board 板rigid printed board 刚性印制板flexible printed circuit 挠性印制电路flexible printed wiring 挠性印制线路flush printed board 齐平印制板metal core printed board 金属芯印制板metal base printed board 金属基印制板mulit-wiring printed board 多重布线印制板molded circuit board 模塑电路板discrete wiring board 散线印制板micro wire board 微线印制板buile-up printed board 积层印制板surface laminar circuit 表面层合电路板B2it printed board 埋入凸块连印制板chip on board 载芯片板buried resistance board 埋电阻板mother board 母板daughter board 子板backplane 背板bare board 裸板copper-invar-copper board 键盘板夹心板dynamic flex board 动态挠性板static flex board 静态挠性板break-away planel 可断拼板cable 电缆flexible flat cable (FFC) 挠性扁平电缆membrane switch 薄膜开关hybrid circuit 混合电路thick film 厚膜thick film circuit 厚膜电路thin film 薄膜thin film hybrid circuit 薄膜混合电路interconnection 互连conductor trace line 导线flush conductor 齐平导线transmission line 传输线crossover 跨交edge-board contact 板边插头stiffener 增强板substrate 基底real estate 基板面conductor side 导线面component side 元件面solder side 焊接面printing 印制grid 网格pattern 图形conductive pattern 导电图形non-conductive pattern 非导电图形legend 字符mark 标志base material 基材laminate 层压板metal-clad bade material 覆金属箔基材copper-clad laminate (CCL) 覆铜箔层压板composite laminate 复合层压板thin laminate 薄层压板basis material 基体材料prepreg 预浸材料bonding sheet 粘结片preimpregnated bonding sheer 预浸粘结片epoxy glass substrate 环氧玻璃基板mass lamination panel 预制内层覆箔板core material 内层芯板bonding layer 粘结层film adhesive 粘结膜unsupported adhesive film 无支撑胶粘剂膜cover layer (cover lay) 覆盖层stiffener material 增强板材copper-clad surface 铜箔面foil removal surface 去铜箔面unclad laminate surface 层压板面base film surface 基膜面adhesive faec 胶粘剂面plate finish 原始光洁面matt finish 粗面length wise direction 纵向cross wise direction 模向cut to size panel 剪切板ultra thin laminate 超薄型层压板A-stage resin A阶树脂B-stage resin B阶树脂C-stage resin C阶树脂epoxy resin 环氧树脂phenolic resin 酚醛树脂polyester resin 聚酯树脂polyimide resin 聚酰亚胺树脂bismaleimide-triazine resin 双马来酰亚胺三嗪树脂acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂melamine formaldehyde resin 三聚氰胺甲醛树脂polyfunctional epoxy resin 多官能环氧树脂brominated epoxy resin 溴化环氧树脂epoxy novolac 环氧酚醛fluroresin 氟树脂silicone resin 硅树脂silane 硅烷polymer 聚合物amorphous polymer 无定形聚合物crystalline polamer 结晶现象dimorphism 双晶现象copolymer 共聚物synthetic 合成树脂thermosetting resin 热固性树脂thermoplastic resin 热塑性树脂photosensitive resin 感光性树脂epoxy value 环氧值dicyandiamide 双氰胺binder 粘结剂adesive 胶粘剂curing agent 固化剂flame retardant 阻燃剂opaquer 遮光剂plasticizers 增塑剂unsatuiated polyester 不饱和聚酯polyester 聚酯薄膜polyimide film (PI) 聚酰亚胺薄膜polytetrafluoetylene (PTFE) 聚四氟乙烯reinforcing material 增强材料glass fiber 玻璃纤维E-glass fibre E玻璃纤维D-glass fibre D玻璃纤维S-glass fibre S玻璃纤维glass fabric 玻璃布non-woven fabric 非织布glass mats 玻璃纤维垫yarn 纱线filament 单丝strand 绞股weft yarn 纬纱warp yarn 经纱denier 但尼尔warp-wise 经向thread count 织物经纬密度weave structure 织物组织plain structure 平纹组织grey fabric 坏布woven scrim 稀松织物bow of weave 弓纬end missing 断经mis-picks 缺纬bias 纬斜crease 折痕waviness 云织fish eye 鱼眼feather length 毛圈长mark 厚薄段split 裂缝twist of yarn 捻度size content 浸润剂含量size residue 浸润剂残留量finish level 处理剂含量size 浸润剂couplint agent 偶联剂finished fabric 处理织物polyarmide fiber 聚酰胺纤维aromatic polyamide paper 聚芳酰胺纤维纸breaking length 断裂长height of capillary rise 吸水高度wet strength retention 湿强度保留率whitenness 白度ceramics 陶瓷conductive foil 导电箔copper foil 铜箔rolled copper foil 压延铜箔annealed copper foil 退火铜箔thin copper foil 薄铜箔adhesive coated foil 涂胶铜箔resin coated copper foil 涂胶脂铜箔composite metallic material 复合金属箔carrier foil 载体箔invar 殷瓦foil profile 箔(剖面)轮廓shiny side 光面matte side 粗糙面treated side 处理面stain proofing 防锈处理double treated foil 双面处理铜箔shematic diagram 原理图logic diagram 逻辑图printed wire layout 印制线路布设master drawing 布设总图computer aided drawing 计算机辅助制图computer controlled display 计算机控制显示placement 布局routing 布线layout 布图设计rerouting 重布simulation 模拟logic simulation 逻辑模拟circit simulation 电路模拟timing simulation 时序模拟modularization 模块化layout effeciency 布线完成率MDF databse 机器描述格式数据库design database 设计数据库design origin 设计原点optimization (design) 优化(设计) predominant axis 供设计优化坐标轴table origin 表格原点mirroring 镜像drive file 驱动文件intermediate file 中间文件manufacturing documentation 制造文件queue support database 队列支撑数据库component positioning 元件安置graphics dispaly 图形显示scaling factor 比例因子scan filling 扫描填充rectangle filling 矩形填充region filling 填充域physical design 实体设计logic design 逻辑设计logic circuit 逻辑电路hierarchical design 层次设计top-down design 自顶向下设计bottom-up design 自底向上设计net 线网digitzing 数字化design rule checking 设计规则检查router (CAD) 走(布)线器net list 网络表subnet 子线网objective function 目标函数post design processing (PDP) 设计后处理interactive drawing design 交互式制图设计cost metrix 费用矩阵engineering drawing 工程图block diagram 方块框图moze 迷宫component density 元件密度traveling salesman problem 回售货员问题degrees freedom 自由度out going degree 入度incoming degree 出度manhatton distance 曼哈顿距离euclidean distance 欧几里德距离network 网络array 阵列segment 段logic 逻辑logic design automation 逻辑设计自动化separated time 分线separated layer 分层definite sequence 定顺序conduction (track) 导线(通道)conductor width 导线(体)宽度conductor spacing 导线距离conductor layer 导线层conductor line/space 导线宽度/间距conductor layer No.1 第一导线层round pad 圆形盘square pad 方形盘diamond pad 菱形盘oblong pad 长方形焊盘bullet pad 子弹形盘teardrop pad 泪滴盘snowman pad 雪人盘V-shaped pad V形盘annular pad 环形盘non-circular pad 非圆形盘isolation pad 隔离盘monfunctional pad 非功能连接盘offset land 偏置连接盘back-bard land 腹(背)裸盘anchoring spaur 盘址land pattern 连接盘图形land grid array 连接盘网格阵列annular ring 孔环component hole 元件孔mounting hole 安装孔supported hole 支撑孔unsupported hole 非支撑孔via 导通孔plated through hole (PTH) 镀通孔access hole 余隙孔blind via (hole) 盲孔buried via hole 埋孔buried blind via 埋,盲孔any layer inner via hole 任意层内部导通孔all drilled hole 全部钻孔toaling hole 定位孔landless hole 无连接盘孔interstitial hole 中间孔landless via hole 无连接盘导通孔pilot hole 引导孔terminal clearomee hole 端接全隙孔dimensioned hole 准尺寸孔via-in-pad 在连接盘中导通孔hole location 孔位hole density 孔密度hole pattern 孔图drill drawing 钻孔图assembly drawing 装配图datum referan 参考基准printed circuit 印制电路printed wiring 印制线路printed board 印制板printed circuit board 印制板电路printed wiring board 印制线路板printed component 印制元件printed contact 印制接点printed board assembly 印制板装配board 板rigid printed board 刚性印制板flexible printed circuit 挠性印制电路flexible printed wiring 挠性印制线路flush printed board 齐平印制板metal core printed board 金属芯印制板metal base printed board 金属基印制板mulit-wiring printed board 多重布线印制板molded circuit board 模塑电路板discrete wiring board 散线印制板micro wire board 微线印制板buile-up printed board 积层印制板surface laminar circuit 表面层合电路板B2it printed board 埋入凸块连印制板chip on board 载芯片板buried resistance board 埋电阻板mother board 母板daughter board 子板backplane 背板bare board 裸板copper-invar-copper board 键盘板夹心板dynamic flex board 动态挠性板static flex board 静态挠性板break-away planel 可断拼板cable 电缆flexible flat cable (FFC) 挠性扁平电缆membrane switch 薄膜开关hybrid circuit 混合电路thick film 厚膜thick film circuit 厚膜电路thin film 薄膜thin film hybrid circuit 薄膜混合电路interconnection 互连conductor trace line 导线flush conductor 齐平导线transmission line 传输线crossover 跨交edge-board contact 板边插头stiffener 增强板substrate 基底real estate 基板面conductor side 导线面component side 元件面solder side 焊接面printing 印制grid 网格pattern 图形conductive pattern 导电图形non-conductive pattern 非导电图形legend 字符mark 标志base material 基材laminate 层压板metal-clad bade material 覆金属箔基材copper-clad laminate (CCL) 覆铜箔层压板composite laminate 复合层压板thin laminate 薄层压板basis material 基体材料prepreg 预浸材料bonding sheet 粘结片preimpregnated bonding sheer 预浸粘结片epoxy glass substrate 环氧玻璃基板mass lamination panel 预制内层覆箔板core material 内层芯板bonding layer 粘结层film adhesive 粘结膜unsupported adhesive film 无支撑胶粘剂膜cover layer (cover lay) 覆盖层stiffener material 增强板材copper-clad surface 铜箔面foil removal surface 去铜箔面unclad laminate surface 层压板面base film surface 基膜面adhesive faec 胶粘剂面plate finish 原始光洁面matt finish 粗面length wise direction 纵向cross wise direction 模向cut to size panel 剪切板ultra thin laminate 超薄型层压板A-stage resin A阶树脂B-stage resin B阶树脂C-stage resin C阶树脂epoxy resin 环氧树脂phenolic resin 酚醛树脂polyester resin 聚酯树脂polyimide resin 聚酰亚胺树脂bismaleimide-triazine resin 双马来酰亚胺三嗪树脂acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂melamine formaldehyde resin 三聚氰胺甲醛树脂polyfunctional epoxy resin 多官能环氧树脂brominated epoxy resin 溴化环氧树脂epoxy novolac 环氧酚醛fluroresin 氟树脂silicone resin 硅树脂silane 硅烷polymer 聚合物amorphous polymer 无定形聚合物crystalline polamer 结晶现象dimorphism 双晶现象copolymer 共聚物synthetic 合成树脂thermosetting resin 热固性树脂thermoplastic resin 热塑性树脂photosensitive resin 感光性树脂epoxy value 环氧值dicyandiamide 双氰胺binder 粘结剂adesive 胶粘剂curing agent 固化剂flame retardant 阻燃剂opaquer 遮光剂plasticizers 增塑剂unsatuiated polyester 不饱和聚酯polyester 聚酯薄膜polyimide film (PI) 聚酰亚胺薄膜polytetrafluoetylene (PTFE) 聚四氟乙烯reinforcing material 增强材料glass fiber 玻璃纤维E-glass fibre E玻璃纤维D-glass fibre D玻璃纤维S-glass fibre S玻璃纤维glass fabric 玻璃布non-woven fabric 非织布glass mats 玻璃纤维垫yarn 纱线filament 单丝strand 绞股weft yarn 纬纱warp yarn 经纱denier 但尼尔warp-wise 经向thread count 织物经纬密度weave structure 织物组织plain structure 平纹组织grey fabric 坏布woven scrim 稀松织物bow of weave 弓纬end missing 断经mis-picks 缺纬bias 纬斜crease 折痕waviness 云织fish eye 鱼眼feather length 毛圈长mark 厚薄段split 裂缝twist of yarn 捻度size content 浸润剂含量size residue 浸润剂残留量finish level 处理剂含量size 浸润剂couplint agent 偶联剂finished fabric 处理织物polyarmide fiber 聚酰胺纤维aromatic polyamide paper 聚芳酰胺纤维纸breaking length 断裂长height of capillary rise 吸水高度wet strength retention 湿强度保留率whitenness 白度ceramics 陶瓷conductive foil 导电箔copper foil 铜箔rolled copper foil 压延铜箔annealed copper foil 退火铜箔thin copper foil 薄铜箔adhesive coated foil 涂胶铜箔resin coated copper foil 涂胶脂铜箔composite metallic material 复合金属箔carrier foil 载体箔invar 殷瓦foil profile 箔(剖面)轮廓shiny side 光面matte side 粗糙面treated side 处理面stain proofing 防锈处理double treated foil 双面处理铜箔shematic diagram 原理图logic diagram 逻辑图printed wire layout 印制线路布设master drawing 布设总图computer aided drawing 计算机辅助制图computer controlled display 计算机控制显示placement 布局routing 布线layout 布图设计rerouting 重布simulation 模拟logic simulation 逻辑模拟circit simulation 电路模拟timing simulation 时序模拟modularization 模块化layout effeciency 布线完成率MDF databse 机器描述格式数据库design database 设计数据库design origin 设计原点optimization (design) 优化(设计) predominant axis 供设计优化坐标轴table origin 表格原点mirroring 镜像drive file 驱动文件intermediate file 中间文件manufacturing documentation 制造文件queue support database 队列支撑数据库component positioning 元件安置graphics dispaly 图形显示scaling factor 比例因子scan filling 扫描填充rectangle filling 矩形填充region filling 填充域physical design 实体设计logic design 逻辑设计logic circuit 逻辑电路hierarchical design 层次设计top-down design 自顶向下设计bottom-up design 自底向上设计net 线网digitzing 数字化design rule checking 设计规则检查router (CAD) 走(布)线器net list 网络表subnet 子线网objective function 目标函数post design processing (PDP) 设计后处理interactive drawing design 交互式制图设计cost metrix 费用矩阵engineering drawing 工程图block diagram 方块框图moze 迷宫component density 元件密度traveling salesman problem 回售货员问题degrees freedom 自由度out going degree 入度incoming degree 出度manhatton distance 曼哈顿距离euclidean distance 欧几里德距离network 网络array 阵列segment 段logic 逻辑logic design automation 逻辑设计自动化separated time 分线separated layer 分层definite sequence 定顺序conduction (track) 导线(通道)conductor width 导线(体)宽度conductor spacing 导线距离conductor layer 导线层conductor line/space 导线宽度/间距conductor layer No.1 第一导线层round pad 圆形盘square pad 方形盘diamond pad 菱形盘oblong pad 长方形焊盘bullet pad 子弹形盘teardrop pad 泪滴盘snowman pad 雪人盘V-shaped pad V形盘annular pad 环形盘non-circular pad 非圆形盘isolation pad 隔离盘monfunctional pad 非功能连接盘offset land 偏置连接盘back-bard land 腹(背)裸盘anchoring spaur 盘址land pattern 连接盘图形land grid array 连接盘网格阵列annular ring 孔环component hole 元件孔mounting hole 安装孔supported hole 支撑孔unsupported hole 非支撑孔via 导通孔plated through hole (PTH) 镀通孔access hole 余隙孔blind via (hole) 盲孔buried via hole 埋孔buried blind via 埋,盲孔any layer inner via hole 任意层内部导通孔all drilled hole 全部钻孔toaling hole 定位孔landless hole 无连接盘孔interstitial hole 中间孔landless via hole 无连接盘导通孔pilot hole 引导孔terminal clearomee hole 端接全隙孔dimensioned hole 准尺寸孔via-in-pad 在连接盘中导通孔hole location 孔位hole density 孔密度hole pattern 孔图drill drawing 钻孔图assembly drawing 装配图datum referan 参考基准coupling 耦合intermittent 周期的dislocation 错位propeller 螺旋桨switchgear 配电装置dispersion 差量flange 法兰盘dielectric 介电的binder 胶合剂alignment 定位elastomer 合成橡胶corollary 必然的结果rabbet 插槽vent 通风孔subtle 敏感的gearbox 变速箱plate 电镀crucial 决定性的flexible 柔性的technics 工艺ultimate 最终的resilience 弹性vendor 自动售货机partition 分类rigid 刚性的prototype 样机diagram 特性曲线interfere 干涉compatible 兼容的simulation 模拟clutch 离合器refinement 精加工fixture 夹具torque 扭矩responsive 敏感的tensile 拉伸cushion 减震器rib 肋strength 强度packing 包装metallized 金属化stress 应力mitigate 减轻trade off 折衷方案yield 屈伸line shaft 中间轴matrix 母体inherent 固有的spindle 主轴aperture 孔径conformance 适应性axle 心轴turbulence 扰动specification 规范semipermanent 半永久性的enclosure 机壳specialization 规范化bolt 螺栓oscillation 振幅calling 职业nut 螺母anneal 退火vitalize 激发screw 螺丝polymer 聚合体revelation 揭示fastner 紧固件bind 凝固dissemination 分发rivit 铆钉mount 支架booster 推进器hub 轴套distortion 变形contractual 契约的coaxial 同心的module 模块verdict 裁决crank 曲柄slide 滑块malfunction 故障inertia 惰性medium 介质allegedly 假定active 活性的dissipation 损耗controversy 辩论lubrication 润滑assembly 总装dictate 支配graphite 石墨encapsulate 封装incumbent 义不容辞的derivative 派生物adhesive 粘合剂validation 使生效contaminate 沾染turbine 涡轮procurement 收购asperity 粗糙bearing 支撑架mortality 失败率metalworking 金属加工isostatic 均衡的shed light on 阐明viscous 粘稠的osculate 接触adversely 有害的grinding 研磨imperative 强制的consistency 连续性corrosin 侵蚀lattice 晶格fitness 适应性flush 冲洗fracture 断裂warrant 保证inhibitor 防腐剂diffusivity 扩散率turning 车工dispersant 分散剂vice versa 反之亦然ways 导轨deteriorate 降低tribological 摩擦的hybrid 混合物neutralize 平衡screen 屏蔽ID=inside diameterpulley 滑轮exclusion 隔绝OD=outside diameterhydraulic 液压的insulation 绝缘reciprocate 往复运动delicate 精密的elaborate 加工dress 精整dampen 阻尼incontrovertible 无可争议的by and large 大体上pivotal 中枢的luminous 发光的plastic 塑胶utilitarian 功利主义out of round 失园organic 有机的grass root 基层premature 过早的film 薄膜state-of-the -art 技术发展水平guard 防护罩polyester 聚酯blade 托板permeate 渗入epoxy 环氧的carrier 载体spillage 溢出polypropylene 聚丙烯chuck 卡盘erosion 浸蚀photoconductive 光敏的infeed 横向进给routine 程序miniaturization 小型化lapping 抛光postprocess 后置处理asynchronism 异步milling 洗削solder-bump 焊点synchronization 同步speciality 专业grid 栅格respond 响应stroke 行程impedance 阻抗feedback 反馈attachment 备件approximately 大约aberrance 畸变tapered 楔形的purported 据说steady 稳态的casting 铸件consumable 消费品dynamic 动态的index 换档inductance 电感transient 瞬态的stop 挡块capacitance 电容coordinate 坐标contour 轮廓resistance 电容curve 曲线machine center 加工中心audion 三极管diagram 特性曲线capitalize 投资diode 二极管history 关系曲线potentiometer 电位器transistor 晶体管gradient 斜率know-how 实践知识choker 扼流圈parabola 抛物线potted 封装的filter 滤波器root 根mechatronics 机电一体化transformer 变压器eigenvalue 特征值stem from 起源于fuse 保险丝function 函数rule-based 基于规则的annular core 磁环vector 向量consolidation 巩固radiator 散热器reciprocal 倒数energize 激发regulator 稳压器virtual value 有效值synchronous 同时发生bobbin 骨架square root 平方根socket 插孔tape 胶带cube 立方polarity 极性ceramic capacitor 瓷片电容integral 积分armature 电枢electrolytic C 电解电容differential 微分installment 分期付款self-tapping screw 自攻螺丝hisgram 直方图lobe 凸起footprint 封装ratio 比率plunge 钻入resin 松香grade down 成比例降低servo 伺服机构solderability 可焊性proportion 比例dedicated 专用的shock 机械冲击inverse ratio 反比interpolation 插补endurance 耐久性direct ratio 正比compensation 校正initial value 初始值plus 加upload 加载flashing 飞弧subtract 减overload 过载canned 千篇一律的multiply 乘lightload 轻载lot 抽签divide 除stagger 交错排列parallel 并联impedance 阻抗traverse 横向in series 串联damp 阻尼longitudinal 纵向的equivalent 等效的reactance 电抗latitudinal 横向的terminal 终端admittance 导纳restrain 约束creep 蠕动susceptance 电纳square 平方Hyperlink 超级连接spring 触发memo 备忘录wastage 损耗presentation 陈述principle 原理binder 打包planer 刨床source program 源程序Client-Server Model客户机server 服务器table 表query 查询form 表单report 报表macro 宏module 模块field 字段record 记录。

Materials science and engineering, an introduction Chapter 17 Corrosion and Degradations of material

Materials science and engineering, an introduction Chapter 17 Corrosion and Degradations of material

Learning Objectives
After careful study of this chapter you should be able to do the following:
1. Distinguish between oxidation and reduction electrochemical reactions.
2. Describe the following: galvanic couple, standard half-cell, and standard hydrogen electrode.
3. Compute the cell potential and write the spontaneous electrochemical reaction direction for two pure metals that are electrically connected and also submerged in solutions of their respective ions.
7. List five measures that are commonly used to prevent corrosion.
8. Explain why ceramic materials are, in general, very resistant to corrosion.
9. For polymeric materials discuss (a) two degradation processes that occur when they are exposed to liquid solvents, and (b) the causes and consequences of molecular chain bond rupture.


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TABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL PURPOSE RECTIFIERS (1)ULTRA FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERS (6)UF4001(G)---UF4007(G)1A1---1A7 UF5400(G)---UF5408(G)GP10A---GP10M1N4001(G)---1N4007(G) SURFACE MOUNT ULTRA FASTRL101(G)---RL107(G) RECOVERY RECTIFIERS (6)GP15A---GP15M US1A---US1M1N5391(G)---1N5399(G) UF1A---UF1MRL151(G)---RL157(G) US2A---US2MGP20A---GP20M UF2A---UF2MRL201(G)---RL207(G) UF3A---UF3MRL251(G)---RL257(G)1N5400(G)---1N5408(G) SUPER FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERS (7)1N4139---1N4146GP30A---GP30M SF11---SF165A05---5A10 MUR105(G)---MUR11006A05---6A10 SF21---SF268A05---8A10 SF31---SF3610A05---10A10 MUR405---MUR4100SF51---SF56SURFACE MOUNT GENERAL SF61---SF66PURPOSE RECTIFIERS………………………………………………………3 MUR605CT---MUR660CTMURH805CT---MURH8100CTDL4001/SM4001---DL4007/SM4007 MUR(F)805---MUR(F)880GS1A/M1---GS1M/M7 MUR(F)805CT---MUR(F)880CTGS2A---GS2M MUR(F)1005CT---MUR(F)1080CTS1A---S1ZZ MUR(F)1605CT---MUR(F)1680CTS2A---S2M MUR(F)2005CT---MUR(F)2080CTS3A---S3M MUR3005PT---MUR3040PTS5A---S5M MUR5005PT---MUR5060PTS6A---S6MS8A---S8M SURFACE MOUNT SUPER FASTS10A---S10M RECOVERY RECTIFIERS (9)FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERS……………………………………4 EMS101/DLSF11---EMS106/DLSF16ES1A---ES1M1F1---1F7 ES2A---ES2MFR101(G)---FR107(G) ER1A---ER1ZZFR151(G)---FR157(G) ER2A---ER2MFR201(G)---FR207(G) ER3A---ER3KFR251(G)---FR257(G) ER6A---ER6GFR301(G)---FR307(G) ER8A---ER8JFR501(G)---FR507(G) ER10A---ER10GFR601(G)---FR607(G)MR810---MR818 HIGH EFFICIENCY RECTIFIERS (10)MR850---MR856MR820---MR826 1H1---1H8HER101(G)---HER108(G)SURFACE MOUNT FAST RECOVERY HER151(G)---HER158(G)HER201(G)---HER208(G) RECTIFIERS (5)HER301(G)---HER308(G)DL4933/SM4933---DL4948/SM4948 HER501(G)---HER508(G)FS1A---FS1M HER601(G)---HER608(G)RS1A---RS1MFS2A---FS2M SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERS (11)FR1A---FR1ZZFR2A---FR2M SB020---SB040FR3A---FR3M 1N5817---1N5819FR6A---FR6M SB120---SB160FR8A---FR8M SR120---SR1A0FR10A---FR10M SB220--SB260SR220---SR2A0 1N30641N5820---1N5822 1N4606SB320--SB360 1N4531SR320---SR3A0 1N4532SB520---SB560 1N4533SR520---SR5A0 1N4534MS820---MS8100 1N4536SR802---SR810 LL4148MBR(F)720---MBR(F)760 1SS244MBR(F)1020---MBR(F)10100 1SS130MBR(F)1020CT---MBR(F)10150CT 1SS131MBR(F)1520---MBR(F)1560 1SS132MBR(F)1520CT---MBR(F)1560CT 1SS134MBR(F)1620---MBR(F)1660 1SS133MBR(F)1620CT---MBR(F)16100CT BAV18MBR(F)2020CT---MBR(F)20200CT BAV19MBR(F)2520CT---MBR(F)2560CT BAV20MBR(F)3020CT---MBR(F)30100CT BAV21MBR3020PT---MBR3060PT 1SS245MBR4020PT---MBR4060PT 1S1553MBR5020PT---MBR5045PT 1S15551SS141SURFACE MOUNT SCHOTTKY 1SS1441SS145BARRIER RECTIFIERS (14)1SS146DL5817/SM5817---DLSR1010 1SS147SS12---SS110SK12---SK110 SURFACE MOUNT SWITCHING DIODES (19)SS22---SS210SK22---SK210 SURFACE MOUNT ZENER DIODES (21)SS32---SS310SK32A---SK310A BZT52C2V0S--- BZT52C39SSK32B---SK310B BZT52C2V4--- BZT52C51SK32---SK310 BZX84C2V4W---BZX84C39WSK52---SK510 BZX84C2V4---BZX84C51SK82---SK810 MMBZ5221BW---MMBZ5259BWSK102---SK1010 MMBZ5221B---MMBZ5262BSK152---SK1510 MMBZ5221BS---MMBZ5259BSMMSZ5221B---MMSZ5259BSURFACE MOUNT SMALL SIGNALSCHOTTKY DIODES (16)ZENER DIODES (23)SWITCHING DIODES……………………………………………………18 1N5221B/DL5221B---1N5227B/DL5227BBZX55-C2V4---BZX55-C361N4148 ZMM55-C2V4---ZMM55-C361N4151 1N4728/DL4728---1N4764/DL47641N4448 1ZB6.8---1ZB3901N4151 ZPY3V9---ZPY1101N3604 ZY1---ZY2001N4152 3EZ11---3EZ2001N3605 1N5342B---1N5388B1N41531N3606 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSOR (31)1N41541N4446 P4KE6.8---P4KE440CA1N914A P6KE/SMBJ6.8---P6KE/SMBJ440CA1N4447 1.5KE/SMCJ6.8---1.5KE/SMCJ440CA1N916A1N4448 DIODES FOR TELEVISION AND MONITOR (37)1N914B1N4449 10DF1---10DF81N916B 10ELS1---10ELS61N4450 15DF4---15DF81N4454 1N4933---1N49371N5059---1N5062 ERB83-0061S1834---1S1835 ERB84-0091S1885---1S1888 ERB91-021S1941---1S1944 ERB93-0230DF1---30DF4 ERC01-02---ERA01-1031DF1---31DF4 ERC04-02F---ERC04-04F3JH45 ERC05-06---ERC05-083JH61 ERC06-13---ERC06-153TH41 ERC18-02---ERC18-04AG01Y---AG01A ERC25-04---ERC25-06AK03---AK04 ERC30-01---ERC30-02AM01Z---AM01A ERC33-02AU01Z---AU01A ERC35-02AU02Z---AU02A ERC38-04---ERC38-06BA157---BA159 ERC81-004---ERC81-006BY228 ERC84-009BY296---BY299S ERC91-02BY396---BY399S ERD07-13---ERD07-15BY448 ERD09-13---ERD09-15BYD31D-BYD31M ERD28-04---ERD28-06BYD33D---BYD33M ERD29-02---ERD29-06BYM6C ERD32-01---ERD32-02BYT52A---BYT52M ERD33-02BYT56A---BYT56M ERD38-04---ERD38-06BYV12---BYV16 ERE41-15BYV26A---BYV26E ES1Z---ES1FBYV27---(50---600) EU01Z---EU01ABYV37---BYV38 EU02Z---EU02ABYV95A---BYV95C EU1CBYV96D---BYV96E EU1Z---EU1ABYW32---BYW36 EU2YXBYW72---BYW76 EU2Z---EU2ABYW95A---BYW95C GP10K---GP10MBYW96D---BYW96E GP15A---GP15MDLE30B---DLE30E RC2EG01Y---EG01C RG2Y---RG2AEG1Y---EG1A RG4Y---RG4CEGP10A---EGP10G RGP02-12E--RGP02-20EEGP20A---EGP20G RGP10A---RGP10MEGP30A---EGP30G RGP15A---RGP15MEM01Z---EM01A RGP20A---RGP20MEM1Y---EM1C RGP30A---RGP30MERA15-01---ERA15-10 RM2Z---RM2CERA18-02---ERA18-04 RM11A---RM11CERA22-06---ERA22-10 RN1Z---RN4ZERA32-01---ERA32-02 RP1H RU1PERA34-10 RU2M---RU2AMERA38-04---ERA38-06 RU2YX---RU20AERA81-004 RU3---RU3YXERA82-004 RU30Z---RU30AERA83-004---ERA83-006 RU4D---RU4DSERA85-009 RU4Y---RU4CERA91-02 RU4YX---RU4AMERA92-02 S5295B---S5295JERB06-13---ERB06-15 TVR1B---TVR1JERB12-01---ERB12-10 TVR4J---TVR4NERB32-01---ERB32-02ERB35-02 BRIDGE RECTIFIERS (44)ERB37-08---ERB37-10ERB38-04---ERB38-06 MB2M---MB10MERB43-02---ERB43-04 MB2S---MB10SERB44-02---ERB44-10 DB101S---DB107SERB81-004 DB101---DB107ERB83-004 DB151S---DB157SDB151---DB157RB151(G)---RB157(G)W005(G)---W10(G)W005M(G)---W10M(G)2W005/RC201(G)---2W10/RC207(G)2W005M(G)---2W10M(G)KBP005/RS201---KBP10/RS207KBL005/RS401L---KBL10/RS407LKBU4A/RS401---KBU4M/RS407KBU6A/RS601---KBU6M/RS607KBU8A/RS801---KBU8M/RS807GBU4A---GBU4MGBU6A---GBU6MGBU8A---GBU8MGBU10A---GBU10MGBU15A---GBU15MGBU25A---GBU25MKBPC1005/BR305---KBPC110/BR310KBPC6005/BR605---KBPC610/BR610KBPC8005/BR805---KBPC810/BR810KBPC10005/BR1005---KBPC1010/BR1010KBPC15005/MB1505(W)---KBPC1510/MB1510(W) KBPC25005/MB2505(W)---KBPC2510/MB2510(W) KBPC35005/MB3505(W)---KBPC3510/MB3510(W) KBPC50005/MB5005(W)---KBPC5010/MB5010(W) GBPC15005/BR1505(W)---GBPC1510/BR1510(W) GBPC25005/BR2505(W)---GBPC2510/BR2510(W) GBPC35005/BR3505(W)---GBPC3510/BR3510(W) GBPC50005/BR5005(W)---GBPC5010/BR5010(W) KBJ/GBJ601---KBJ/GBJ607KBJ/GBJ801---KBJ/GBJ807KBJ/GBJ1001---KBJ/GBJ1007KBJ/GBJ1501---KBJ/GBJ1507KBJ/GBJ2001---KBJ/GBJ2007KBJ/GBJ2501---KBJ/GBJ2507PACKAGE OUTLINES (49)RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUTS (62)THROUGH HOLE-AXIAL LEADED (63)THROUGH HOLE-SURFACE MOUNT (64)V RRM (I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A V AV A A 1A1 1.050301.0 1.0 5.0501A2 1.0100301.0 1.0 5.0501A3 1.0200301.0 1.0 5.0501A4 1.0400301.0 1.0 5.050R--11A5 1.0600301.0 1.0 5.0501A6 1.0800301.0 1.0 5.0501A7 1.01000301.0 1.0 5.050GP10A 1.050301.0 1.0 5.050GP10B 1.0100301.0 1.0 5.050GP10D 1.0200301.0 1.0 5.050GP10G 1.0400301.0 1.0 5.050DO--41GP10J 1.0600301.0 1.0 5.050GP10K 1.0800301.0 1.0 5.050GP10M 1.01000301.0 1.0 5.0501N4001(G) 1.050301.0 1.0 5.0501N4002(G) 1.0100301.0 1.0 5.0501N4003(G) 1.0200301.0 1.0 5.0501N4004(G) 1.0400301.0 1.0 5.050DO--411N4005(G) 1.0600301.0 1.0 5.0501N4006(G) 1.0800301.0 1.0 5.0501N4007(G) 1.01000301.0 1.0 5.050RL101(G) 1.050301.0 1.0 5.050RL102(G) 1.0100301.0 1.0 5.050RL103(G) 1.0200301.0 1.0 5.050RL104(G) 1.0400301.0 1.0 5.050A--405RL105(G) 1.0600301.0 1.0 5.050RL106(G) 1.0800301.0 1.0 5.050RL107(G) 1.01000301.0 1.0 5.050GP15A 1.550501.1 1.5 5.050GP15B 1.5100501.1 1.5 5.050GP15D 1.5200501.1 1.5 5.050GP15G 1.5400501.1 1.5 5.050DO--15GP15J 1.5600501.1 1.5 5.050GP15K 1.5800501.1 1.5 5.050GP15M 1.51000501.1 1.5 5.0501N5391(G) 1.550501.1 1.5 5.0501N5392(G) 1.5100501.1 1.5 5.0501N5393(G) 1.5200501.1 1.5 5.0501N5394(G) 1.5300501.1 1.5 5.0501N5395(G) 1.5400501.1 1.5 5.050DO--151N5396(G) 1.5500501.1 1.5 5.0501N5397(G) 1.5600501.1 1.5 5.0501N5398(G) 1.5800501.1 1.5 5.0501N5399(G) 1.51000501.1 1.5 5.050RL151(G) 1.550501.1 1.5 5.050RL152(G) 1.5100501.1 1.5 5.050RL153(G) 1.5200501.1 1.5 5.050RL154(G) 1.5400501.1 1.5 5.050DO--15RL155(G) 1.5600501.1 1.5 5.050RL156(G) 1.5800501.1 1.5 5.050RL157(G) 1.51000501.1 1.5 5.050GP20A2.050701.22.0 5.050GP20B 2.0100701.22.0 5.050GP20D 2.0200701.12.0 5.050GP20G 2.0400701.12.0 5.050DO--15GP20J 2.0600701.12.0 5.050GP20K 2.0800701.12.0 5.050GP20M 2.0100070 1.1 2.0 5.050"G"SUFFIX SINGNIFIES A GLASS PASSIVATED DIE Type Forward Rectified CurrentRepetitive Reverse Voltage Forward Rectified Current Forward Voltage Peak Reverse Current Case Style I (AV)I FSM V FM I RM @V RRMV RRM (I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A V AV A A RL201(G) 2.050701.12.0 5.050RL202(G) 2.0100701.12.0 5.050RL203(G) 2.0200701.12.0 5.050RL204(G) 2.0400701.12.0 5.050DO--15RL205(G) 2.0600701.12.0 5.050RL206(G) 2.0800701.12.0 5.050RL207(G) 2.01000701.12.0 5.050RL251(G) 2.5501501.12.5 5.050RL252(G) 2.51001501.12.5 5.050RL253(G) 2.52001501.12.5 5.050RL254(G) 2.54001501.12.5 5.050R--3RL255(G) 2.56001501.12.5 5.050RL256(G) 2.58001501.12.5 5.050RL257(G) 2.510001501.12.5 5.0501N5400(G)3.0502001.0 3.0101001N5401(G) 3.01002001.0 3.0101001N5402(G) 3.02002001.0 3.0101001N5403(G) 3.03002001.0 3.0101001N5404(G) 3.04002001.0 3.010100DO--271N5405(G) 3.05002001.0 3.0101001N5406(G) 3.06002001.0 3.0101001N5407(G) 3.08002001.0 3.0101001N5408(G) 3.010002001.0 3.0101001N4139 3.0503001.0 3.0101001N4140 3.01003001.0 3.0101001N4141 3.02003001.0 3.0101001N4142 3.04003001.0 3.0101001N4143 3.06003001.0 3.0101001N4144 3.08003001.0 3.0101001N4145 3.010003001.0 3.0101001N4146 3.012003001.0 3.010100GP30A 3.0501251.2 3.0 5.050GP30B 3.01001251.2 3.0 5.050GP30D 3.02001251.1 3.0 5.050GP30G 3.04001251.1 3.0 5.050DO--27GP30J 3.06001251.1 3.0 5.050GP30K 3.08001251.1 3.0 5.050GP30M 3.010001251.1 3.0 5.0505A05(G) 5.0503001.0 5.0101005A1(G) 5.01003001.0 5.0101005A2(G) 5.02003001.0 5.0101005A4(G) 5.04003001.0 5.010100R--55A6(G) 5.06003001.0 5.0101005A8(G) 5.08003001.0 5.0101005A10(G) 5.010003001.0 5.0101006A05(G) 6.0504001.0 6.0101006A1(G) 6.01004001.0 6.0101006A2(G) 6.02004001.0 6.0101006A4(G) 6.04004001.0 6.010100R--66A6(G) 6.06004001.0 6.0101006A8(G) 6.08004001.0 6.0101006A10(G) 6.010004001.0 6.0101008A058.0504001.08.0101008A18.01004001.08.0101008A28.02004001.08.0101008A48.04004001.08.010100R--68A68.06004001.08.0101008A88.08004001.08.0101008A108.010004001.08.01010010A0510.0504001.010.01010010A110.01004001.010.01010010A210.02004001.010.01010010A410.04004001.010.010100R--610A610.06004001.010.01010010A810.08004001.010.01010010A1010.01000400 1.010.010100"G"SUFFIX SINGNIFIES A GLASS PASSIVATED DIE Peak Reverse Current Case Style I (AV)I FSM V FM I RM @V RRM DO--27Type Forward Rectified CurrentRepetitive Reverse Voltage Forward Rectified Current Forward VoltageV RRM(I=I RM)V FM I(AV)T A=25A V A V A ADL4001/SM4001 1.05030 1.1 1.0 5.050DL4002/SM4002 1.010030 1.1 1.0 5.050DL4003/SM4003 1.020030 1.1 1.0 5.050DL4004/SM4004 1.040030 1.1 1.0 5.050MELF DL4005/SM4005 1.060030 1.1 1.0 5.050DL4006/SM4006 1.080030 1.1 1.0 5.050DL4007/SM4007 1.0100030 1.1 1.0 5.050 GS1A/M1 1.05030 1.1 1.0 5.050GS1B/M2 1.010030 1.1 1.0 5.050GS1D/M3 1.020030 1.1 1.0 5.050 GS1G/M4 1.040030 1.1 1.0 5.050 GS1J/M5 1.060030 1.1 1.0 5.050 GS1K/M6 1.080030 1.1 1.0 5.050 GS1M/M7 1.0100030 1.1 1.0 5.050 GS2A 2.05050 1.1 2.0 5.050 GS2B 2.010050 1.1 2.0 5.050 GS2D 2.020050 1.1 2.0 5.050 GS2G 2.040050 1.1 2.0 5.050 GS2J 2.060050 1.1 2.0 5.050 GS2K 2.080050 1.1 2.0 5.050 GS2M 2.0100050 1.1 2.0 5.050 S1A 1.05030 1.1 1.0 5.050 S1B 1.010030 1.1 1.0 5.050 S1D 1.020030 1.1 1.0 5.050 S1G 1.040030 1.1 1.0 5.050 S1J 1.060030 1.1 1.0 5.050 S1K 1.080030 1.1 1.0 5.050 S1M 1.0100030 1.1 1.0 5.050 S1Q 1.0120030 1.1 1.010.0100 S1V 1.0140030 1.1 1.010.0100 S1Y 1.0160030 1.1 1.010.0100 S1Z 1.0180030 1.1 1.010.0100 S1ZZ 1.0200030 1.1 1.010.0100 S2A 2.05050 1.15 2.0 5.050 S2B 2.010050 1.15 2.0 5.050 S2D 2.020050 1.15 2.0 5.050 S2G 2.040050 1.15 2.0 5.050 S2J 2.060050 1.15 2.0 5.050 S2K 2.080050 1.15 2.0 5.050 S2M 2.0100050 1.15 2.0 5.050 S3A 3.050100 1.2 3.0 5.050 S3B 3.0100100 1.2 3.0 5.050 S3D 3.0200100 1.2 3.0 5.050 S3G 3.0400100 1.2 3.0 5.050 S3J 3.0600100 1.2 3.0 5.050 S3K 3.0800100 1.2 3.0 5.050 S3M 3.01000100 1.2 3.0 5.050 S5A 5.050200 1.2 5.010.0100 S5B 5.0100200 1.2 5.010.0100 S5D 5.0200200 1.2 5.010.0100 S5G 5.0400200 1.2 5.010.0100 S5J 5.0600200 1.2 5.010.0100 S5K 5.0800200 1.2 5.010.0100 S5M 5.01000200 1.2 5.010.0100 S6A 6.050200 1.2 6.010.0100 S6B 6.0100200 1.2 6.010.0100 S6D 6.0200200 1.2 6.010.0100 S6G 6.0400200 1.2 6.010.0100 S6J 6.0600200 1.2 6.010.0100 S6K 6.0800200 1.2 6.010.0100 S6M 6.01000200 1.2 6.010.0100 S8A8.050300 S8B8.0100300 S8D8.0200300 S8G8.0400300 S8J8.0600300 S8K8.0800300 S6M8.01000300 S10A10.050300 S10B10.0100300 S10D10.0200300 S10G10.0400300 S10J10.0600300 S10K10.0800300 S10M10.01000300 SMB/HSMBHSMC SMC/HSMCHSMCHSMCHSMC SMA/SMB/HSMBMaximum Forward Voltage MaximumPeakReverseCurrentCaseStyleI(AV)I FSM V FM I RM@V RRMType AverageForwardRectifiedCurrentPeakRepetitiveReverseVoltagePeakForwardRectifiedCurrentSURFACE MOUNT GENERAL PURPOSE RECTIFIERSVRRM (I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A VA V A A ns 1F1 1.05025 1.3 1.0 5.01001501F2 1.010025 1.3 1.0 5.01001501F3 1.020025 1.3 1.0 5.01001501F4 1.040025 1.3 1.0 5.0100150R--11F5 1.060025 1.3 1.0 5.01002501F6 1.080025 1.3 1.0 5.01005001F7 1.0100025 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FR101(G) 1.05030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FR102(G) 1.010030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FR103(G) 1.020030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FR104(G) 1.040030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150DO--41FR105(G) 1.060030 1.3 1.0 5.0100250FR106(G) 1.080030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FR107(G) 1.0100030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FR151(G) 1.55060 1.3 1.5 5.0100150FR152(G) 1.510060 1.3 1.5 5.0100150FR153(G) 1.520060 1.3 1.5 5.0100150FR154(G) 1.540060 1.3 1.5 5.0100150DO--15FR155(G) 1.560060 1.3 1.5 5.0100250FR156(G) 1.580060 1.3 1.5 5.0100500FR157(G) 1.5100060 1.3 1.5 5.0100500FR201(G) 2.05070 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FR202(G) 2.010070 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FR203(G) 2.020070 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FR204(G) 2.040070 1.3 2.0 5.0100150DO--15FR205(G) 2.060070 1.3 2.0 5.0100250FR206(G) 2.080070 1.3 2.0 5.0100500FR207(G) 2.0100070 1.3 2.0 5.0100500FR301(G) 3.050200 1.3 3.010200150FR302(G) 3.0100200 1.3 3.010200150FR303(G) 3.0200200 1.3 3.010200150FR304(G) 3.0400200 1.3 3.010200150DO--27FR305(G) 3.0600200 1.3 3.010200250FR306(G) 3.0800200 1.3 3.010200500FR307(G) 3.01000200 1.3 3.010200500FR501(G) 5.050300 1.3 5.010200150FR502(G) 5.0100300 1.3 5.010200150FR503(G) 5.0200300 1.3 5.010200150FR504(G) 5.0400300 1.3 5.010200150R--5FR505(G) 5.0600300 1.3 5.010200250FR506(G) 5.0800300 1.3 5.010200500FR507(G) 5.01000300 1.3 5.010200500FR601(G) 6.050300 1.3 6.010200150FR602(G) 6.0100300 1.3 6.010200150FR603(G) 6.0200300 1.3 6.010200150FR604(G) 6.0400300 1.3 6.010200150R--6FR605(G) 6.0600300 1.3 6.010200250FR606(G) 6.0800300 1.3 6.010200500FR607(G) 6.01000300 1.3 6.010200500MR810 1.05030 1.2 1.0 5.0100750MR811 1.010030 1.2 1.0 5.0100750MR812 1.020030 1.2 1.0 5.0100750MR814 1.040030 1.2 1.0 5.0100750DO--41MR816 1.060030 1.2 1.0 5.0100750MR817 1.080030 1.2 1.0 5.0100750MR818 1.0100030 1.2 1.0 5.0100750MR850 3.050100 1.3 3.010200200MR851 3.0100100 1.3 3.010200200MR852 3.0200100 1.3 3.010200200DO--27MR854 3.0400100 1.3 3.010200200MR856 3.0600100 1.3 3.010200200MR820 5.050300 1.0 5.010200200MR821 5.0100300 1.0 5.010200200MR822 5.0200300 1.0 5.010200200R--5MR824 5.0400300 1.0 5.010200200MR826 5.0600300 1.0 5.010200200"G"SUFFIX SINGNIFIES A GLASS PASSIVATED DIEFAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERSV FM I RM @V RRM Reverse Recovery Time Trr Type Average Forward Rectified Current Peak Repetitive Reverse VoltagePeak Forward Rectified Current Maximum Forward Voltage Maximum Peak Reverse Current Case Style I (AV)I FSMV RRM (I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A V A V A A ns DL4933/SM4933 1.05030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150DL4934/SM4934 1.010030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150DL4935/SM4935 1.020030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150DL4936/SM4936 1.040030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150MELF DL4937/SM4937 1.060030 1.3 1.0 5.0100250DL4947/SM4947 1.080030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500DL4948/SM4948 1.0100030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FS1A 1.05030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FS1B 1.010030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FS1D 1.020030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FS1G 1.040030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FS1J 1.060030 1.3 1.0 5.0100250FS1K 1.080030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FS1M 1.0100030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500RS1A 1.05030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150RS1B 1.010030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150RS1D 1.020030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150RS1G 1.040030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150RS1J 1.060030 1.3 1.0 5.0100250RS1K 1.080030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500RS1M 1.0100030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FS2A 2.05050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FS2B 2.010050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FS2D 2.020050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FS2G 2.040050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FS2J 2.060050 1.3 2.0 5.0100250FS2K 2.080050 1.3 2.0 5.0100500FS2M 2.0100050 1.3 2.0 5.0100500FR1A 1.05030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FR1B 1.010030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FR1D 1.020030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FR1G 1.040030 1.3 1.0 5.0100150FR1J 1.060030 1.3 1.0 5.0100250FR1K 1.080030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FR1M 1.0100030 1.3 1.0 5.0100500FR1Q 1.0120030 1.5 1.0 5.0100300FR1V 1.0140030 1.5 1.0 5.0100300FR1Y 1.0160030 1.5 1.0 5.0100300FR1Z 1.0180030 1.7 1.0 5.0100500FR1ZZ 1.0200030 1.7 1.0 5.0100500FR2A 2.05050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FR2B 2.010050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FR2D 2.020050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FR2G 2.040050 1.3 2.0 5.0100150FR2J 2.060050 1.3 2.0 5.0100250FR2K 2.080050 1.3 2.0 5.0100500FR2M 2.0100050 1.3 2.0 5.0100500FR3A 3.050100 1.3 3.010200150FR3B 3.0100100 1.3 3.010200150FR3D 3.0200100 1.3 3.010200150FR3G 3.0 400 100 1.3 3.0 10 200 150 SMC FR3J 3.0600100 1.3 3.010200250FR3K 3.0800100 1.3 3.010200500FR3M 3.01000100 1.3 3.010200500FR6A 6.050300 1.3 6.010200150FR6B 6.0100300 1.3 6.010200150FR6D 6.0200300 1.3 6.010200150FR6G 6.0400300 1.3 6.010200150HSMC FR6J 6.0600300 1.3 6.010200250FR6K 6.0800300 1.3 6.010200500FR6M 6.01000300 1.3 6.010200500FR8A 8.050300 1.38.010200150FR8B 8.0100300 1.38.010200150FR8D 8.0200300 1.38.010200150FR8G 8.0400300 1.38.010200150HSMC FR8J 8.0600300 1.38.010200250FR8K 8.0800300 1.38.010200500FR8M 8.01000300 1.38.010200500FR10A 10.050300 1.310.010200150FR10B 10.0100300 1.310.010200150FR10D 10.0200300 1.310.010200150FR10G 10.0400300 1.310.010200150HSMC FR10J 10.0600300 1.310.010200250FR10K 10.0800300 1.310.010200500FR10M 10.01000300 1.310.010200500SMA/SMB/HSMB SMB/HSMB HSMA/SMAE SMA HSMA/SMAE Case StyleI (AV)I FSM V FM I RM @V RRM Trr Type Average Forward Rectified CurrentPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Peak Forward Rectified Current Maximum Forward Voltage Maximum Peak Reverse Current Reverse Recovery Time SURFACE MOUNT FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERS/HSMCV RRM(I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A VAVAAnsUF4001(G) 1.05030 1.0 1.01010050UF4002(G) 1.010030 1.0 1.01010050UF4003(G) 1.020030 1.0 1.01010050UF4004(G) 1.040030 1.3 1.01010050DO--41UF4005(G) 1.060030 1.7 1.01010075UF4006(G) 1.080030 1.7 1.01010075UF4007(G) 1.0100030 1.7 1.01010075UF5400(G) 3.050150 1.0 3.01010050UF5401(G) 3.0100150 1.0 3.01010050UF5402(G) 3.0200150 1.0 3.01010050UF5403(G) 3.0300150 1.0 3.01010050UF5404(G) 3.0400150 1.3 3.01010050DO--27UF5405(G) 3.0500150 1.7 3.01010075UF5406(G) 3.0600150 1.7 3.01010075UF5407(G) 3.0800150 1.7 3.01010075UF5408(G) 3.01000150 1.73.01010075"G"SUFFIX SINGNIFIES A GLASS PASSIVATED DIEV RRM(I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A VAVAAnsUS1A 1.05030 1.0 1.01010050US1B 1.010030 1.0 1.01010050US1D 1.020030 1.0 1.01010050US1G 1.040030 1.3 1.01010050US1J 1.060030 1.7 1.01010075US1K 1.080030 1.7 1.01010075US1M 1.0100030 1.7 1.01010075UF1A 1.05030 1.0 1.01010050UF1B 1.010030 1.0 1.01010050UF1D 1.020030 1.0 1.01010050UF1G 1.040030 1.3 1.01010050SMB UF1J 1.060030 1.7 1.01010075UF1K 1.080030 1.7 1.01010075UF1M 1.0100030 1.7 1.01010075US2A 2.05050 1.0 2.01010050US2B 2.010050 1.0 2.01010050US2D 2.020050 1.0 2.01010050US2G 2.040050 1.3 2.01010050US2J 2.060050 1.7 2.01010075US2K 2.080050 1.7 2.01010075US2M 2.0100050 1.7 2.01010075UF2A 2.05050 1.0 2.01010050UF2B 2.010050 1.0 2.01010050UF2D 2.020050 1.0 2.01010050UF2G 2.040050 1.3 2.01010050SMB UF2J 2.060050 1.7 2.01010075UF2K 2.080050 1.7 2.01010075UF2M 2.0100050 1.7 2.01010075UF3A 3.050100 1.0 3.01010050UF3B 3.0100100 1.0 3.01010050UF3D 3.0200100 1.0 3.01010050UF3G 3.0 400 100 1.3 3.0 10 100 50 SMC UF3J 3.0600100 1.7 3.01010075UF3K 3.0800100 1.7 3.01010075UF3M 3.01000100 1.7 3.01010075SMA/SMAE SMA/SMAEI FSM V FMI RM @V RRM Trr SURFACE MOUNT ULTRA FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERSTypeAverageForward Rectified CurrentPeak Repetitive ReverseVoltage PeakForward Rectified Current Maximum Forward Voltage Maximum Peak Reverse Current Reverse Recovery Time Case StyleI (AV)I FSM V FMI RM @V RRM Trr TypeForward Rectified Current Repetitive Reverse VoltageForward Rectified Current Forward Voltage Peak Reverse Current Recovery Time Case StyleI (AV)V RRM(I=I RM)V FM I(AV)T A=25A V A V A A nsSF11 1.050300.95 1.0 5.05035 SF12 1.0100300.95 1.0 5.05035 SF13 1.0150300.95 1.0 5.05035 SF14 1.0200300.95 1.0 5.05035 SF15 1.030030 1.25 1.0 5.05035 SF16 1.040030 1.25 1.0 5.05035 MUR105(G) 1.050350.975 1.0 5.05045 MUR110(G) 1.0100350.975 1.0 5.05045 MUR115(G) 1.0150350.975 1.0 5.05045 MUR120(G) 1.020035 1.35 1.0 5.05045 MUR140(G) 1.040035 1.35 1.0 5.05060 MUR160(G) 1.060035 1.35 1.0 5.05060 MUR180 1.080035 1.75 1.0 5.05075 MUR1100 1.0100035 1.75 1.0 5.05075 SF21 2.050500.95 2.0 5.05035 SF22 2.0100500.95 2.0 5.05035 SF23 2.0150500.95 2.0 5.05035 SF24 2.0200500.95 2.0 5.05035 SF25 2.030050 1.25 2.0 5.05035 SF26 2.040050 1.25 2.0 5.05035 SF31 3.0501250.95 3.0 5.05035 SF32 3.01001250.95 3.0 5.05035 SF33 3.01501250.95 3.0 5.05035 SF34 3.02001250.95 3.0 5.05035 SF35 3.0300125 1.25 3.0 5.05035 SF36 3.0400125 1.25 3.0 5.05035 MUR405 4.050150 1.0 4.010.020045 MUR410 4.0100150 1.0 4.010.020045 MUR415 4.0150150 1.0 4.010.020045 MUR420 4.0200150 1.35 4.010.020060 MUR440 4.0400150 1.35 4.010.020060 MUR460 4.0600150 1.35 4.010.020060 MUR480 4.0800150 1.85 4.010.020075 MUR4100 4.01000150 1.85 4.010.020075 SF51 5.0501500.95 5.0 5.010035 SF52 5.01001500.95 5.0 5.010035 SF53 5.01501500.95 5.0 5.010035 SF54 5.02001500.95 5.0 5.010035 SF55 5.0300150 1.25 5.0 5.010035 SF56 5.0400150 1.25 5.0 5.010035 SF61 6.0501500.95 6.0 5.010035 SF62 6.01001500.95 6.0 5.010035 SF63 6.01501500.95 6.0 5.010035 SF64 6.02001500.95 6.0 5.010035 SF65 6.0300150 1.25 6.0 5.010035 SF66 6.0400150 1.25 6.0 5.010035 MUR605CT 6.05040 1.25 3.0 5.010035 MUR610CT 6.010040 1.25 3.0 5.010035 MUR620CT 6.020040 1.25 3.0 5.010035 MUR640CT 6.040040 1.35 3.0 5.010060 MUR660CT 6.060040 1.35 3.0 5.010060 MURH805CT8.050100 1.25 4.050.050035 MURH810CT8.0100100 1.25 4.050.050035 MURH820CT8.0200100 1.25 4.050.050035MURH840CT8.0400100 1.25 4.050.050060 MURH860CT8.0600100 2.8 4.050.050060 MURH880CT8.0800100 2.8 4.050.050060 MURH8100CT8.01000100 2.8 4.050.050060TO-220AB DO--27 DO--27 DO--27 TO-220AB DO--41 DO--41 DO--15 DO--27I FSM V FM I RM@V RRMTrrType ForwardRectifiedCurrentRepetitiveReverseVoltageForwardRectifiedCurrentForwardVoltagePeakReverseCurrentRecoveryTime CaseStyle I(AV)V RRM(I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A VAVAAnsMUR(F)8058.050125 8.050100 1.0 4.010.050035MUR(F)810CT 8.0100100 1.0 4.010.050035MUR(F)820CT 8.0200100 1.0 4.010.050035MUR(F)830CT 8.0300100 1.3 4.010.050035MUR(F)840CT 8.0400100 1.3 4.010.050035MUR(F)860CT 8.0600100 1.5 4.010.050050MUR(F)880CT 8.0800100 1.5 4.010.050050MUR(F)1005CT 10.050125 1.0 5.010.050035MUR(F)1010CT 10.0100125 1.0 5.010.050035MUR(F)1020CT 10.0200125 1.0 5.010.050035MUR(F)1030CT 10.0300125 1.3 5.010.050035MUR(F)1040CT 10.0400125 1.3 5.010.050035MUR(F)1060CT 10.0600125 1.5 5.010.050050MUR(F)1080CT 10.0800125 1.5 5.010.050050MUR(F)1605CT 16.050125 16.0100125 16.0200125 16.0300125 16.0400125 16.0600125 16.0800125 20.050150 20.0100150 20.0200150 20.0300150 1.310.010.050035MUR(F)2040CT 20.0400150 1.310.010.050035MUR(F)2060CT 20.0600150 1.510.010.050050MUR(F)2080CT 20.0800150 1.510.010.050050MUR3005PT 30.050300 30.0100300 30.0200300 30.0300300 1.315.010.050035MUR3040PT 30.0400300 1.315.010.050035MUR150515.050150 1.2515.050.050035MUR151015.0100150 1.2515.050.050035MUR152015.0200150 1.2515.050.050035MUR154015.0400150 1.515.050.050060MUR156015.06001501.515.050.050060Peak Reverse Current Recovery Time Case StyleI (AV)I FSM V FMI RM @V RRM Trr TO-220AB(ITO-220AB)TO-220AB(ITO-220AB)TO-3P (TO-247AD)TO-220ACTO-220AC(ITO-220AC)TO-220AB(ITO-220AB)TO-220AB(ITO-220AB)TypeForward Rectified Current Repetitive Reverse VoltageForward Rectified Current Forward VoltageV RRM(I=I RM )V FM I (AV)T A =25A VAVAAnsEMS101/DLSF11 1.050300.95 1.0 5.05035EMS102/DLSF12 1.0100300.95 1.0 5.05035EMS103/DLSF13 1.0150300.95 1.0 5.05035EMS104/DLSF14 1.0200300.95 1.0 5.05035EMS105/DLSF15 1.030030 1.25 1.0 5.05050EMS106/DLSF161.040030 1.25 1.0 5.05050ES1A 1.050300.95 1.0 5.05050ES1B 1.0100300.95 1.0 5.05050ES1C 1.0150300.95 1.0 5.05050ES1D 1.0200300.95 1.0 5.05050ES1E 1.030030 1.25 1.0 5.05050ES1G 1.040030 1.25 1.0 5.05050ES1J 1.060030 1.35 1.0 5.05060ES1K 1.080030 1.35 1.0 5.05060ES1M 1.0100030 1.60 1.0 5.050100ES2A2.050500.95 2.0 5.05050ES2B 2.0100500.95 2.0 5.05050ES2D 2.0200500.95 2.0 5.05050ES2G 2.040050 1.25 2.0 5.05050ES2J 2.060050 1.35 2.0 5.05060ES2K 2.080050 1.35 2.0 5.05060ES2M 2.0100050 1.60 2.0 5.050100ER1A 1.050300.95 1.0 5.05050ER1B 1.0100300.95 1.0 5.05050ER1C 1.0150300.95 1.0 5.05050ER1D 1.0200300.95 1.0 5.05050ER1E 1.030030 1.25 1.0 5.05050ER1G 1.040030 1.25 1.0 5.05050ER1J 1.060030 1.35 1.0 5.05060ER1K 1.080030 1.35 1.0 5.05060ER1M 1.0100030 1.60 1.0 5.050100ER1Q 1.0120030 1.85 1.0 5.050150ER1V 1.0140030 1.85 1.0 5.050150ER1Y 1.0160030 2.00 1.0 5.050150ER1Z 1.0180030 2.00 1.0 5.050300ER1ZZ 1.0200030 2.00 1.0 5.050300ER2A 2.050500.95 2.0 5.05050ER2B 2.0100500.95 2.0 5.05050ER2C 2.0150500.95 2.0 5.05050ER2D 2.0200500.95 2.0 5.05050ER2E 2.030050 1.25 2.0 5.05050ER2G 2.040050 1.25 2.0 5.05050ER2J 2.060050 1.35 2.0 5.05060ER2K 2.080050 1.35 2.0 5.05060ER2M 2.0100050 1.60 2.0 5.050100ER3A3.0501000.95 3.0 5.05035ER3B 3.01001000.95 3.0 5.05035ER3C 3.01501000.95 3.0 5.05035ER3D 3.02001000.95 3.0 5.05035ER3E 3.0300100 1.25 3.0 5.05035ER3G 3.0400100 1.25 3.0 5.05035ER3J 3.0600100 1.70 3.0 5.05035ER3K 3.0800100 1.70 3.0 5.05035ER6A 6.050125 1.25 6.010.010050ER6B 6.0100125 1.25 6.010.010050ER6D 6.0200125 1.25 6.010.010050ER6G 6.0400125 1.25 6.010.010060ER8A 8.050150 1.358.010.010050ER8B 8.0100150 1.358.010.010050ER8D 8.0200150 1.358.010.010050HSMCER8G 8.0400150 1.358.010.010050ER8J 8.0600150 1.358.010.010060ER10A 10.050200 1.0010.010.010035ER10B 10.0100200 1.0010.010.010035ER10D 10.0200200 1.0010.010.010035ER10G10.04002001.0010.010.010060HSMCHSMCSMA/SMB/HSMBSMB/HSMBSMC/HSMCMELFSMA/HSMA/SMAESMB/HSMA/SMAEI FSM V FMI RM @V RRM Trr SURFACE MOUNT SUPER FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIERSTypeAverageForward Rectified CurrentPeak Repetitive ReverseVoltage Peak Forward Rectified Current Maximum Forward Voltage Maximum Peak Reverse Current Reverse Recovery Time Case StyleI (AV)。


STM32F103x8 STM32F103xB
Medium-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 64 or 128 KB Flash, USB, CAN, 7 timers, 2 ADCs, 9 communication interfaces
■ ■
VFQFPN36 6 × 6 mm
LQFP48 7 × 7 m LQFP100 14 × 14 m LQFP64 10 × 10 m
BGA100 10 × 10 mm BGA64 5 × 5 mm

Debug mode – Serial wire debug (SWD) & JTAG interfaces 7 timers – Three 16-bit timers, each with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input – 16-bit, motor control PWM timer with deadtime generation and emergency stop – 2 watchdog timers (Independent and Window) – SysTick timer: a 24-bit downcounter Up to 9 communication interfaces – Up to 2 x I2C interfaces (SMBus/PMBus) – Up to 3 USARTs (ISO 7816 interface, LIN, IrDA capability, modem control) – Up to 2 SPIs (18 Mbit/s) – CAN interface (2.0B Active) – USB 2.0 full-speed interface CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID Packages are ECOPACK® Device summary




CAMERA PREVIEW/播放MP4出现TEARING(切屏画面有明显分界)确认接口定义上是否有连出FMARK/TE 帧同步输出信号PIN给到主板


ENBM 第一章 知识点

ENBM 第一章 知识点

第一章计算机组装与维护知识点1. 什么是适配卡?对于外部设备,CPU是无法直接控制的,它需要一种装置,将这些外部设备与主板相联,再通过系统总线实现CPU控制,这种装置就是适配卡。

2. 什么是总线?多个功能部件共享的信息传输线路称为总线。






数据先从内存调入Cache,CPU从Cache 中读取数据。





由于生产技术的限制,传统通过提升工作频率来提升处理器性能的作法目前面临严重的阻碍,高频 CPU的耗电量和发热量越来越大,已经给整机散热带来十分严峻的考验。










abandon* v. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺absolute* a. 绝对的,完全的absorb* v. 吸收,使全神贯注abstract* n.摘要a.抽象的v.摘要abundant* a. 丰富的,充裕的access* n. 通路,进入,使用之权accommodation* n. 住处,膳宿accompany* v. 陪伴,带有accomplish* v. 完成account n.帐目,报告,估计v. 叙述,解释accumulate* v. 积聚,堆积accurate* a. 准确的,精确的accuse* v. 责备,控告acknowledge* v. 承认,答谢,告知收到acquire* v. 获得,取得,学到actually ad. 实际上additional a. 附加的,另外的adequate* a. 足够的,适当的,能胜任的admire*v. 钦佩,羡慕,赞赏admission* n.许可,入会费,承认advance n.v. 前进agency* n. 代理,代理处agenda* n. 议事日程agent* n.代理人,代理商,特工airline n. 航线;航空公司alcohol* n. 酒精allowance* n. 津贴alphabet* n. 字母表alter* v 改变alternative n.选择之物a.二者选其一ambassador* n 大使ambition* n 雄心;远大目标ambitious* a雄心勃勃的amend* v修正,修订amuse* v逗乐;提供娱乐ancestor* n 祖先;先驱者anniversary* n 周年(纪念)annoy* v使恼怒;使烦恼annual a 每年的;n年刊anticipate* v预期;希望anxiety* n忧虑;渴望anxious a焦虑的;急切的apartment n公寓apparent* a 表面上的;明显的appeal to v呼吁,恳请,吸引,上诉appearance* n出现;外貌appendix* n附录;附属物appetite* n食欲,胃口;欲望,爱好appetizing*a开胃的;刺激欲望的applause* v鼓掌;欢呼appliance* n电器;装备applicant* n请求(申请)者application n申请(表);应用appoint* v任命;约定(时间地点) appreciate v重视,欣赏;领会;为……表示感谢approach* v靠近;n接近;途径;方法appropriate* a 适当的approval* n赞成,同意;批准approve* v赞成,同意;批准arbitration* n仲裁,公断arise v出现;起源于arouse* v引起;唤醒artificial* a人工的;假的aside a在旁边,到一边aspect n方面assess* v评估,评价assign* v指派;布置;指定assignment* n(指定的)任务;指派;分配assist* n协助assistant n助手a副的;助理的associate* v把…联系在一起;交往n伙伴,合伙人;a副的association* n协会,社团;联合;联想assume* v假定;承担astonish* v使惊讶atmosphere n 大气;气氛attach v贴;使附属;使依恋attend v出席;照料;专心于attendant* n服务员a陪同的authority n[pl.]官方,当局;当权者;权力,权威authorize* v授权,委任auto n汽车automatic a自动的automobile* n汽车available a可利用的,可得到的;可取得联系的avenue* n林荫道;大街await*awake a醒着的v唤醒awful* a 可怕的;极度的awkward* a笨拙的;尴尬的,棘手的bachelor* n单身汉;学士balance* v使平衡;称n天平;均衡;差额ball n舞会banquet* n宴会bare a赤裸的,不戴帽的;光秃秃的;勉强的v露出,暴露bargain v讨价还价n交易;特价商品barrier* n障碍(物)battery* n电池(组)bear v忍受;负担;结,生behalf* n利益behave* v(机器)运转;举止behavior n(机器)运转;举止beneath prep在...下面ad在下面berth* n卧铺;泊位,停泊处bid* n/v 出价,投标bind v捆绑(扎)blend* v混合n混合物board n板;董事会,委员会;伙食v上(车)bold a勇敢的;冒失的;粗体的bond* n联结;公债,债券bonus* n奖金;额外酬金bore* v使厌烦;钻,凿,挖n令人讨厌的人(事)bound* a一定的;有义务的;开往…的v跳跃,弹回boundary* n分界线;边界brilliant* a光辉灿烂的;卓越杰出的brochure* n小册子broker* n经纪人budget* v/n预算bulletin* n告示bureau* n局campaign* n运动;战役candidate n候选人;报考者;申请求职者capacity* n容量,容积;能力capture* v/n捕获cashier* n出纳员cast* v投;铸造casual* a随便的;偶然的catalogue* n目录(册);v编入目录;编目分类cease* v/n 停止centigrade* a/n摄氏(的)ceremony n典礼;礼节certificate n证(明)书;执照characteristic* a特有的n特性charge v索价;控告;充电n收费;控告;充电,电荷chase* v/n追逐check v检查;制止n检查;支票Christian* n基督教徒;a基督教的circuit* n电路;环行circumstance* n环境,条件,情况claim v宣称;提出要求n宣称;索赔clarify* v澄清;阐明classic* n[pl]杰作a一流的classical a古典的,经典的classify* v分类clause n条款clockwise* a/ad顺时针coach v指导n长途汽车;铁路旅客车厢colleague* n同事collection* n收藏品;收集collective* a/n 集体column* n柱;栏;专栏combination* n结合;化合(物)comment n/v 注解;评论commerce n商业;贸易commercial* n电视广告a商业的commission* n授权,委托;佣金,回扣;委员会commit* v犯,干;承诺commodity* n商品commute* n通勤;定期往返;变换compact* a紧密;坚定;简洁的companion n同伴,伴侣comparable* a可相比;敌得上compatible* a相容;谐调;一致compensate*v赔偿;报酬;弥补competent* a有能力;胜任competitive* a竞争complaint* n抱怨;怨言;控诉complex* a综合;复杂n综合体complicated* a复杂;难懂component* n成分;部件compose v构成;创作,谱曲composition* n成分;作文;乐曲;compound* a复合n化合物comprehension n理解(力)comprise*v包含,由…组成,构成compromise* n妥协;折中办法concentrate v集中;集合;浓缩concern n关心;关联v关心;涉及concerning prep关于conduct n行为v处理;传conductor n导体;指挥;列车员confess* v 坦白;承认confidential* a机密confine* v使受到限制confirm* v证实;确认;批准conflict* v/n冲突;抵触conform* v一致,符合confront* v面对;遭遇;对抗confuse v使混乱;混淆congress* n代表大会;国会,议会consequence n 结果,后果consequently ad因此conservative* a/n保守的(人)conserve* v保持considerable a相当大;值得考虑considerate a 体谅;考虑周到consist v组成;在于constraint* n强制;拘束;压迫感consul* n. 领事consulate* n. 领事馆consult v.商讨,向...请教,查阅consultant* n. 顾问consume*v. 消耗,花费consumption* n. 消费(量)content n[pl]内容,目录;含量a满意的contest* v/n竞争,比赛context* n上下文;前后关系continual a连续的continuous a连续不断的contract n合同;v订合同;使收缩contradict* v同…矛盾(抵触)contrary a相反的;n相反(事物)contrast* v/n对比contribute* v捐献,贡献;投稿conversion* n转变(化,换)convert* v转变(化)convey* v运(输)送;传达(送)convince v使确信(信服)cooperate v合作;配合coordinate* v调节,协调copyright* n版权;著作权a有版权的corporation* n公司correspond v与…一致;相当(类似) correspondence* n通信,函电;相当correspondent* n通信者;通讯员;有业务往来者corresponding* a相应的;一致的costly a昂贵;代价高的council* n委员会;理事会counter n柜台;记数器;v反对courteous* a有礼貌的craft* n手艺;船;航天器creature* n生物;人credit* n信用贷款;信用;荣誉;赞扬;功劳;学分v记入贷方crew* n全体船(机组)人员criminal* n罪犯;a刑事的crisis n危机;决定性时刻critical a批评的;关键性的crucial* a极其重要的;严重的crude* a简陋的;天然的;粗俗的crystal* n水晶;a清澈透明的;晶体的currency* n通货;货币;流通;通用current n流;电流;a当前的;流行的cursor* n光标curve* n曲/弧线;v(使)弯曲damp* a潮湿的;n潮湿dash* v/n飞奔;猛掷;data* n数据;资料database 数据库deadline 截止时间;界限dealer* 商人;贩子debate* 辩论;讨论decay* 腐烂;衰落deceive* 欺骗decrease 减少(小)defence / defense* 击败;使落空defend 保卫;为…辩护definite 明确的;肯定的delegate* 代表;委员/ //授权;委托;委派delete* 取消;删除deliberately* 深思熟虑地;有目的地delicate 纤细的;清秀的;鲜美的;优美的;易碎的;纤弱的;微妙的;棘手的;灵敏的;精密的delight 使高兴//快乐;令人高兴的东西或人democracy* 民主(国家)demonstrate* 论证;演示;示威density* 密集;稠密;密度deny 拒绝给予(要求);否认department 部门;系科departure 出发;离开dependent* 依靠的deposit* 使沉淀;存放;储蓄;交押金//沉积物;定金;押金depress* 使沮丧;降低derive* 取得;追溯…的起源deserve* 应受;值得desirable* 值得向往的;称心的despair* 绝望//绝望despite 不管,尽管dessert* 甜点destination* 目的地;目标destruction* 破坏;消灭detect 察觉;侦察determination* 决心determine 决心;查明;决定device 装置;设备;器具devote 将…奉献;把…专用于diagnose* 诊断diagram* 图表;简图dialect* 方言differ 不同;与…意见不同digest* 消化//摘要digital* 数字的;用数字显示的dim* 昏暗的;朦胧的dimension* 尺寸,长(宽,厚,深)度;面积,大小,规模dine 就餐diplomat* 外交官direct 笔直的;率直的;直接(地)//针对;指示;指导,管理direction 方向(位);用法说明director 指导者,主管;董事;导演disaster* 灾难discharge* 离开;放出;卸货//释放;排除discipline* 纪律;训练//训导;惩罚disclose* 揭开;揭发;露出disconnect* 断绝(开);使脱离discount* 折扣discourage* 使泄气disgust* 厌恶//使厌恶disgusting* 令人厌恶的dismiss 免职,开除;解散disorder 杂乱;骚乱;失调dispose* 去掉,消除;排列;安排dispute* 争论//争吵distinct* 截然不同的;清楚的,明白的distinction* 差别;区分distinguish* 区别;分清distort* 歪曲;使变形district* (地)区,行政区divide 分;分配;隔开;除divorce* 离婚;分离domestic*本国的;家用的;驯养的dominate* 支配;统治;管辖draft* 草稿(案)//起草dramatic* 引人注目的,给人深刻印象的;戏剧性的//表演drift (使)漂流//漂流duplicate* 完全相同的;副本的//加-倍,复制//副本;相同的东西durable* 持久的,耐用的duration* 持续;持久dynamic(al)* 动力的;力学的;充满活力的earnest* 认真的;诚恳的ease 容易;安逸,舒适//缓和;减轻echo* 回声//共鸣economic 经济(学)的economical 节约的effective 有效的efficient 效率高的;有能力的elaborate* 复杂的;精心制作的//详尽阐述,发挥;变得复杂elderly 年长的election* 选举electric 电(动)的electricity 电electronic* 电子的element 基本组成部分;要素;元素elementary* 基本的;初级的elevator* 电梯eliminate* 消除;淘汰embarrass* 使窘迫(为难) embassy* 大使馆emerge* 出现;显露;被知道emergency*紧急情况;不测事件emotion 情感(绪)emperor* 皇帝emphasis* 强调;重点emphasize(-se) 强调;着重empire* 帝国enclose 围住;封入;附上endure* 忍受;持久engage* (使)从事与/忙于;吸引;占用;雇用;使订婚engineering 工程(学)enhance* 增加;提高enormous* 巨大的ensure 保证,担保enterprise 企业entertain 使欢乐;招待;考虑enthusiasm* 热情entry 进入;入口;人(物),条目envelope 信封equivalent* 相等的;等值的//相等物era* 时代error 误差essential 必不可少的;本质的//本质,要点estate* 财产;地产estimate v/n估计;评价evaluate* 估量;评价;鉴定eventually 终于,最后evidence 根据,证据evident* 明显的,明白的evil* 邪恶;祸害//邪恶的,坏的evolution* 演变,进化;进展,发展exact 确切的,精确的examine 检查,调查;考察exceed* 超过exception* 例外excess* 超越;过量//过量的excessive* 过量的,过度的exchange v/n交换,调度;交谈exclude* 把…排除在外,排斥execute* 处死;实施executive* 执行官,行政官//执行的exert* 运用,行使;用,尽exhaust* 使精疲力竭;耗尽//排气装置;废气exhibit 展出//展品existence 存在;生存expectation* 期待;预料expenditure* 消费;费用expert 专家//内行的export 出口,输出//出口(物)explanation 解释,说明explode (使)爆炸(发)exploit* 剥削;利用;开发(采)explore* 探险;探索expose (使)暴露于exposure* 暴露,曝光express 陈述;体现//快车extend 延长;扩大;给予extensive* 广阔的extent 程度;范围external 外部的extra额外的事物;另外的收费//额外的;特别的extraordinary* 非常的,非凡的,奇异的extreme 极度的;尽头的//极端facility 设备;便利,容易factor 因素faculty* 才能;(大学)系,院;全体人员fade* (使)褪色;衰退;变微弱failure 失败(的人或事);没做到,不履行;失灵,故障faint 微弱的,微小的//晕倒,昏阙fairly 相当;公正地faithfully 忠诚地;如实地familiar 熟悉的;常见的,日常用的fancy 想象;猜想;喜爱//空想出来的;花俏的;奇特的//想象力,;幻想;爱好,迷恋fare (车船)费fatal* 命运的的,命中注定的,致命的fatigue* 疲劳favor 好感;恩惠,善事//赞同;偏袒favorable 有利的;顺利的;称赞的fax / facsimile 传真feasible* 可行的,可用的feature 特征;相貌feedback* 反馈fence* 栅栏,篱笆festive* 节日的,欢乐的fiber / fibre* 纤维fierce 凶猛的;狂热的;猛烈的figure 数字;轮廓;人物;体型,风姿;插图filter* 过滤//过滤器finance* 财政,金融financial* 财政的,金融的fine 罚金//处…以罚金//美好的,优秀的;纤细的;精制的;晴朗的fit (使)适合;(使)配合;安装//适合的;强健的fix 固定;安装;决定;确定;修理;安排flavour* 风味flexible 易弯曲的;柔韧的;灵活的forbid* 禁止format* 板式//格式化formula* 公式forth 向前;往外fortnight* 两星期fortunate* 幸运的;侥幸的fortune 运气;财产foundation* 基础;地基;建立;基金会;根据fountain* 喷泉framework* 框架;体系frequency 频率;频繁frustrate*使受挫;破坏;使挫败fuel* 燃料//加燃料fulfil(l) 满足;实现function 起作用;行使职责//功能;职责fund 资金;基金;储备fundamental* 基本的//基本原则furthermore 而且gain V(钟表)走快;获得;V/N增加;得益gap 缺口;间隙;差距garage 车库;加油站gay 快乐的;色彩鲜艳的gene* 遗传基因generate* 使产生;引起generation 一代;产生generous* 慷慨的;宽厚的genius* 天才;天才人物gentle 和蔼的;轻柔的;不陡的genuine 真心的;坦诚的geometry* 几何(学)gesture 姿势;姿态;表示gift 天赋;礼物glorious* 壮丽的;光荣的glory 光荣;荣誉glow 广亮//发光govern 统治;支配graceful 优雅的;得体的gradual* 逐渐的grand*宏伟的;重大的;豪华的grant 拨款//授予,准予graph* 图表graphic* 图的;生动的grateful 感激的gratitude* 感激grave 坟墓//庄重的;严重的greet 问候;接受;呈现在…前grocer* 食品杂货商gross* 总的;严重的guidance 指导,领导guide 导游;指南//指导;给…导游gym(-nasium)* 体育馆;健身房hardware 五金;硬件hardship 艰难heading* 标题headline 大字标题;新闻提要headquarters* 总部;指挥部hence* 因此;今后heroic* 英雄的;英勇的highlight* 以强光照射;强调//最明亮的部分;最重要部分hit 成功而风行一时的事物hi-tech* 高新技术honorable* 诚实的;尊敬的horizon 地平线;眼界,见识horsepower* 马力hospitable* 好客的host 东道主;目主持人;一大群hostile* 敌对的;不友善的house 给..房子住//商号however 不管怎样//然而humble* 谦逊的;低下的;恭顺的identical* 相同的;相等的identification* 识别;身份identify 认出;认为…等同于idle* 虚度//空闲的;懒散的illustrate*阐明;给…作插图说明illustration* 说明;插图image 像;映像imitation* 模仿immediate 立即的;直接的;最接近的immigrant* 移民;侨民immigrate* (从国外)移来的implication* 含义;暗示imply 暗示;意味着import 进口商品//进口;输入impose 把…强加于;征税impress 使铭记;压印improvement 改进;改进之处incident* 发生的事;事件incline* (使)倾斜(倾向于)//斜坡,斜面inclusive* 包括(一切)的index* 索引;指标//为…编索引indicate* 指示;表明individual*个别的;特的//个人induce* 说服;劝诱industrial 工业的industry 勤奋;工业inevitable* 不可避免的infect* 传染;感染infectious* 感染的infer* 推论inference* 推论inferior* 低下的;下级的infinite* 无限的inform 告发;通知initial* 开始的//首字母initiative* 主动性;首创精神injection* 注射injury 伤害;受伤处inner* 内心的;内部的innocent* 无罪的;幼稚的;无害的input 输入;投入的资金inquiry/enquiry 打听;调查insect* (昆)虫insert* 插入;刊登//嵌入物insight* 洞察力,观点inspection* 检查inspire* 鼓舞;激起;给灵感install* 安装installment* 一期付款instance* 例子instant 即刻,瞬间//立即的;紧急的;速溶的instinct* 本能;直觉institute 学会;研究所;学院institution*设立;公共机构;学会instruct 教;命令;通知instruction 教学;指示;用法说明instrument 仪器;工具;乐器insult* v/n 侮辱insurance* 保险(金,费)insure 给保险;保证integrate*使一体化;(使)综合intellectual* 知识分子//智力的intelligence* 智力;情报intelligent* 明智的intense 强烈的;热情的interaction* 相互作用interest 利害关系;利率//引起兴趣interference* 干涉;妨碍interior* 内部的;内地的//内部(地)intermediate* 中间的interpretation* 解释;口译interrupt 打断;中止interval* 间隔;工间休息investigate* 调查investigation*调查研究investment*投资(额)invisible*无形的invoice*发票;发货单involve牵涉;使卷入;包含irrevocable*无法挽回的;不可撤销的isolate使隔离issue颁布,出版,发布//问题;发行,期号item条,项目;一则itinerary*旅行指南jam v/n拥挤;堵塞;卡住jeans牛仔裤joint 结合处;关节//合资(联合)的journal 杂志;期刊;日志journalist 新闻记者justice 正义;司法justify 证明…正当(有理,正确);为…辩护karaoke* 卡拉OKlabel*标签//贴标签于,把…称为labor 劳工;劳动laboratory/lab 实验室lag* V/N 落后lane* 胡同;车道launch* 发射;使(船)下水;发动,发起laundry洗衣房;待(已)洗的衣物layout* N安排;布局;陈设lead 铅leaf 薄金属片leak* 渗漏;泄露//漏洞;露出量lean* 倾斜;靠;依靠leap* V/N跳;飞跃learning 学问;学习leisure 闲暇;安逸length 长(度);一段level 水平面;等级//(水)平的liable* 易于;可能的liberation* 解放liberty* 自由;许可;冒昧licens(c)e* 许可;执照//批准;发许可证light 照亮//轻快的;愉快的litre/liter* 升load* 装(载,货)//负荷;装载量loan* 贷款;暂借//借出local 地方的;当地的;局部的locate 找出;查明;把…设置在log* 原木;木料logic* 逻辑(学,性)logical* (符合)逻辑的loose 松的lorry* 卡车lower 降下;减弱//下游的magic* 魔术(法);有魔力的magnificent* 壮丽(宏伟)的maintain* 维持;保养;主张maintenance* 维持;保养;主张majority 大多数mall 购物中心management* 管理manual* 手工的;体力的//手册manufacture 制造//制造业;产品margin* 页边空白;边缘//余地marvelous* 奇迹般的;惊人的mask* 面具;口罩;伪装//戴面具;掩饰;伪装mass 众多;团;群众;质量mature* 成熟(成年人)的//(使)成熟maximize* 使最大化;充分重视maximum* 最大限度;顶点//最高(大)的mean 自私的;卑鄙的means 方法mechanical 机械的;力学的;呆板的;手工的mechanism* 机械装置;机制medium* 中等的;适中的//媒介;中间;适中memo(-randum)* 备忘录memorial* 纪念的//纪念堂(碑,仪式)mental 精神的;智力的merchant* 商人;零售商mercy* 慈悲;宽容mere 纯粹的merely* 仅仅merit* 优点microscope* 显微镜military 军事(用)的minimum* 最低的//最低限度;最少量minister* 部长;大臣minor* 较小的;较次要的minority* 少数(派,民族)minus* 减(去)//负的;减去的miracle 奇迹;令人惊奇的人miserable* 痛苦/悲惨/可怜的mission* 使命;任务;代表团mixture 混合(物)mode* 方式;样式moderate* 温和/稳健/有节制/适度的modest 适中/不过分的modification*修改;修饰;减少modify* 缓和;修改;修饰moisture* 潮湿;湿气monitor 监听(检测)器//监听;监测monument* 纪念碑mood* 心情;语气moral* 道德(上)的;有道德的//寓意mortgage* 抵押贷款motion* 运动;手势;提议//打手势;示意motivate* 激起;激发积极性motive* 动机;目的mount 登上;安放//峰multiple* 复合的;多重的//倍数multiply*增加;繁殖;乘;使相乘municipal* 都市/市政的mutual 互相的;共同的mysterious 神秘的;难理解的mystery 神秘;神秘事物nail* 钉子//钉(牢)nationality 民族;国籍navigation* 航海/空(术);领航navy* 海军necessity* 必要(性);必需品negative 底片;负数//否定(反面,消极,负,阴性)的neglect 忽视(略);疏(玩)忽negotiate* 商定;谈判neighborhood 地段(区);四邻;附近;邻近地区nervous 神经紧张的;神经系统的,神经性的neutral* 中立(性)的nevertheless 仍然;不过newsletter 通讯nonsense* 胡说;废话normally 通常;正常地note 注意;记录//笔记;注解;票据;钞票novel 新颖的nuclear* 核能的;核心的numerous* 众多的nursery 托儿所;苗圃objection* 反对objective 目标//客观的obligation* 义务;职责oblige* 迫使;施恩惠于;帮…的忙;使感激observe 注意到;观察;评论;遵守;奉行occasional* 偶尔的occupation 工作;职业;占领occupy 占(用,领);使忙碌(从事)occur 被想起;出现;发生odd 古怪/临时/不成对/奇数/挂零的offence* N 冒犯;得罪;违反offend v 冒犯;使厌恶omit 省略;遗漏operator 操作员;话务员opponent* 敌手;对手opposite 在对面//对面的;对立的//对立面(物)optimal* 最佳的;最理想的oral* 口头的;口的orient* 东方//定方位//东方的;珍贵的orientation* 东方;方位original* 起初的;独创的outcome 结果outlet* 出路;电源插座outline 外形;轮廓;大纲;概要//描…的外形;概述outlook * 观点;见解;展望;前景output 产量;输出(功率)outstanding 突出的;杰出的overload* 使超载;//超载overlook* 俯瞰;看漏;宽容ownership* 所有(权,制)pamphlet* 小册子panel* 专门小组;面,板;控制仪,仪表盘parallel* 可相比拟的事物;相似处;平行线;平行面parameter* 参数parcel* 包裹parliament* 议会;国会participant* 参加(考)者participate 参与partly 在一定程度上;不完全地;部分地passage 通道;经过;消逝passion* 激情;酷暑passive 消极的;被动的passport 护照paste* 浆糊//粘贴Patternn.型、模式、样式、图案、花样Pausev/n.暂停、中止Peculiara奇怪的、古怪的特殊的、独特的Perceivev察觉、感知认识到、意识到、理解Perfecta完美的,完满的,完全的十足的v使完美,改善Performancen演出,表演履行,执行,表现permanent*a永久(性)的,固定的permissible*a可允许的,可原谅的permission*n允许,许可persist*v坚持不懈,执意持续,存留Personala个人的,私人的,亲自的Personneln人员,员工Petroln汽油phase*n阶段,时期,面,方面,phenomenonn现象,迹象philosophern哲学家philosophy*n哲学,主旨physicala身体的,物理的,物质的,有形的,自然的pioneer* n先驱者,开拓者platform*n台平台,讲台,站台plentiful*a丰富的,多的plot*n计划,密谋,情节v绘制,标绘,计划Plusa加号的,正的prep加,加上poll*n投票,计数,民意测验Pooln水池,联营,合资经营v联营Popn流行音乐,v突然出现,发生porcelain*n瓷器portable*a便于携带的,轻便的,手提式的portionn位置,职位,职务,姿态,见解,立场*posen姿势v摆姿势*positivea确实的,确信的,明确的,肯定的,断然的,正极的possessv占有,拥有possibilityv可能性postage*n邮资poster*n海报,标语postponev推迟,延期potential*a潜在的,可能的n潜力,潜能pourv倒,倾泻,流出povertyn贫穷,贫困powern权力,政权,力量,能力,功率,动力,乘方,电力practical a实际、实用的precaution*n预防,防备,preceding*a在先的,在前的,precious*a珍贵、贵重的precise*a精确的,准确的predetermine*v预先决定preference*n偏爱,更加喜爱,优先权(~for\to)preliminary*a预备的,初步的prescribe*v指示,处方prescription*n指示,处方presence*n出席,在场,(某物的)存在preserve*v保护,维护保存,宝藏,腌渍Pressv压,按,压榨,压迫,催促,逼迫prevail*v流行,盛行,获胜,占优势previousa先,前,以前的,primarya最初的,初级的主要的,基本的prime* a首要的,主要的最好的,第一流的n青春,壮年primitive*a原始的,早期的,简单的,粗糙的principal a最重要的,主要的,n负责人,校长,资本,资金principlen原理,原则prior*a在前的,在先的,比……重要的,优先的priority*n优先,在前procedure n程序,手续,步骤proceedv进行,继续下去processn过程,进程,工序,加工,处理Progressv/n前进,进步,进展procession*n队伍,行列productn产品,产物,成积production n生产,产量,产品,作品profession*n职业professional*a职业的,专业的n自由职业者,专业人员proficient*a精通的,熟练的profitablea可赚钱/有好处/有益的progressive*a进步的,前进的,先进的prohibitv禁止,不准prompt*v促使,推动a敏捷的,及时的Proofn证据,证明,样张,校样Propertyn财产,资产,所有物,性质,特性proportion* n比例,部分,均衡,相称proposaln提议,建议proposev提议,建议,推荐,提名prospect n前景,前途,展望prospectus*n招生简章,厂商介绍prosperity*n兴旺,繁荣prosperous*a繁荣的,昌盛的protest*v/n抗议,反对provev证明,证实,检验,鉴定,结果是,原来是provided conj假如,若是provincen省,领域,范围provision*n供应,准备,预备,规定,供给,条款psychological*a心理的,心理学的publication*n出版物,出版,发行,公布,发表punctual*a准时的,正点的purchasev买,购买n购买的物品pursue*v追赶,追踪,追求,从事puzzlev使迷惑,使为难n难题,迷惑,谜Qualifieda合格的Qualifyv证明合格,使具有资格限制,限定Qualityn质量,品质,特性Quantityn数量,大量quarantine*n检疫random*a随便的,无目的的range*n幅度,范围,距离,一系列,山脉rank*n地位,军衔,社会阶层,排,横列,分等级,把…分类,列入rarely ad很少,难得,非常地ratio*n比,比率raw* a未煮过的,生的,未加工过的,生疏无知的readily ad容易realistic*a现实主义的receipt*n收据,收条,收到,接收receptionn接待处,接待,招待会,接收,收到receptionist*n招待员recognition*n认出,识别,承认recommendationn推荐,建议,劝告referencen提及,涉及,参考,查阅,证明书或人,推荐信或人refine*n精炼,精制,提纯reflectv反射,反映,表现,反省,考虑,细想reflection*n映像,倒影,沉思,反省refresh*v使精神振作,使精力恢复refreshment*n点心,饮料refundable*a可归还的,可偿还的regardless*a不留心的,不注意ad无论如何registern登记,注册v登记,把……挂号regulate*v使有条理/有秩序,整顿,调整,调节regulation*n规章,规则,管理,控制,调节,调整reinforce*v增强rejectv拒绝,排斥,抵制,驳回,舍弃,退掉relatev叙述,讲述,关系,联系(to)relativea相对的,比较的,有关系的,相关的n亲属,亲戚release*v释放,解放发表,发行reliablea可靠的reliefn减轻,解除,救援,救济relieve*v减轻,解除,救援,救济religiousa宗教的,虔诚的,笃信宗教的reluctant*a不情愿的,勉强的remark n评语,议论,意见,v谈论,评论,注意到,察觉remarkablea异常的,非凡的显著的,值得注意的,remedy*v纠正,补救,治疗n补救方法,治疗措施,药品remote*a遥远的,偏僻的,疏远的represent*v描述,表示,代表,代理,象征,体现representative*n代表,代理人a典型的,有代表性的reputation*n.名气,名声,名望resemble* v像,类似reserve*v保留,储备,预定,预约reset*v重放,重调residence*n住宅,住处resident* n居民,定居者a居住的Resistv抵抗,反抗,抵制resolution*n决心,决定,坚定,刚毅,解决resort*n胜地respective*a各自的,各个的respectively* ad个别的,.各自的respondv回答,答复,反应,响应(to)responsen回答,答复,响应,反应responsibilityn责任(心),职责,responsiblea需负责任的,有责任感,责任重大的,restrain*v抑制,遏制,阻止,控制restrictv限制,约束resumev重新开始,恢复n简历retain*v保持,保留retreatv撤退,退却reveal*v展现,显示,揭示,揭露,泄露,透露reverse*v颠倒,倒转n相反,反转,背后a相反的,倒转的revise*v修订,订正,校正,复习revolutionary n革命者a革命的,大变革的rewardn报酬,奖赏,赏金v报答,酬劳,奖赏ridiculousa可笑的,荒谬的rival*n竞争对手,敌手a竞争的v与……竞争roast*v烤,炙,烘rougha粗糙的,粗略的,大致的,粗暴的,粗野的route*n路,路线routine* a例行的,日常的,常规的n惯例,例行公事royal*a王室的,皇家的saken目的,缘故,理由salutation*n称呼语satisfactorya令人满意的savingn节省,节约,存款,储蓄金scalen刻度,标度,天平,磅秤,比例,规模范围scanv细看,审视,扫描,浏览scarce*a缺乏的,不足的,稀少的,罕见的scarcely*ad几乎不,简直没有,勉强scare*n惊恐,恐慌v惊吓,受惊,使恐惧scatter*v散开,驱散,撒播scenen景色,景象,背景,布景,舞台,场面,一场戏scenery*n风景,景色,舞台布景scenic*a景色好的schedulen时间表,日程安排表v安排,安定scheme*n计划,方案,阴谋系统,组合,配合scholarship*n奖学金,学问学识screw*n螺旋,螺丝钉v拧紧,拧seal*n封印,图章v密封Secondarya次要的,从属的,辅助的,中级的Section *n章节,部分,部门,截面,剖面secure*a安全的,牢固的,可靠的v使安全,保卫security*n安全selection*n选择,挑选,选集,精品选selective*a选择的,有选择能力semester*n学期seminar*n学术讨论会senate*n参议院,上院seniora较年长的,年高的,地位较高的,高年级的,资格较老的sensible*a明智的,合情合理的sensitivea敏感的,神经过敏的,灵敏的sequence*n连续,接连,一连串,次序,顺序settlev安放,安顿,定居,解决,调停,料理,安排settlement*n解决,协议,定居地severe*a严厉的,严格的,严峻的,艰难的shallow*n阴影,影子,暗处,荫shareholder*n股东shelter*n掩蔽处,躲避处,掩蔽,保护v躲避,掩蔽,庇护Shiftv改变,替换,移动,转移,n转变,替换,轮班Shortly ad立刻,不久,简短地,简慢地sightseeing*n观光,游览significance*n意思,含义,重要性,significanta相当数量的,不可忽略的,重要的意义重大的,意味深长的simultaneous*a同时的singlea单独的,单人的,单一,单个的,未婚的,独身的singular*a单数的,非凡的,突出的,独一的,唯一的siten场所,定点sketch*n素描,速写,略图,草图,概述,纲要v素描,速写,画草图slice*n薄片,切片,部分v把……切成片slide*v使滑动,使滑行n滑道,幻灯片,滑动slope*n斜坡,斜面,倾斜,斜度v使倾斜smarta漂亮的,时髦的,聪明的,精明的smuggle*v走私snack*n小吃,快餐solea单独的,唯一的,仅有的solutionn解答,解决,溶解,溶液somewhat ad稍微,有点sophisticated*a老于世故的,老练,精密的,尖端的souvenir*n纪念品span*n一段时间,跨距,跨度specialist*n专家specialize/se*v专营,专攻,专门从事,专门化specifica明确的,具体的,特定的,特有的specification*n详细说明,规格,规范specimen*n样品,样本spectator*n观众sphere*n球体,范围,领域spill*v使溢出,使洒落splendid*a灿烂的,壮丽的,辉煌的,极好的split*v切开,劈开,撕裂,分裂,分开spoilv损坏,破坏,溺爱,宠爱sponsor*v主办,发起,倡议,赞助n主办者,发起者staff*n全体职员,全体人员,v为……配备人员stain*n污点,污迹v污染,给……着色starve*v使挨饿,使饿死statistics*n统计学,统计数字statue*n雕塑,塑像status*n地位,身份steady*a稳的,稳定的,不变的,坚定的,镇定的v使稳定,使固定steep*a陡峭的,陡直的stereo*n立体声stereotype*n陈规,陈见stiff*a硬的,僵直的,拘谨的,生硬的stimulate*v刺激,激励stipulate*v规定stirv搅拌,搅动,微动,移动,激励,打动,惊动,搅乱,引动,煽动stockn备料,库存,现货,股票,公债v储备,储存strategy*n战略,策略strengthenn力量,实力stressn压力,紧张,着重,强调,重音v强调,着重stretch*v拉伸,伸张n伸张,扩展Stricta精确的,严谨的Striken罢工v打,击,撞,罢工,给……以印象,使受吸引,敲响,报点,使认为stroke*n击,敲,响,一举,一着,成功的努力,笔划,一笔,中风,突然发作structurev建筑,建造n结构,构造,建筑物studion工作室,画室,演播室,电影摄影室stuff* n原料,材料,东西,物品v把…塞满,把…塞进subjectn主题,题目,学科,科目,主语a易遭…的,受…支配的(to)v使遭受,使服从(to)submit*v使服从,使屈服,提交,呈交submission* n服从,提交substance*n物质,材料实质,本质,旨要substituten代用品,替补v代替,接待Suburbn市郊,郊区Subwayn地铁,地道Sufficienta足够的,充分的Suitablea合适的,适宜的summarize /se v概括,作总结summaryn概要,摘要superficial*a肤浅的,浅薄的,表面的,外表的superior*a上级的,有优越感的较好的,优良的,较多的,较大的,较高的,n上级,长官supplement*v补充,增补n增补物,补充物,增刊,副刊Supposev料想,猜想,假定,认为surgery*n外科surroundingsn周围的事物,环境survey v/n俯瞰,眺望,测量,策勘,全面审视,调查suspect*v怀疑,疑有n嫌疑犯,可疑分子suspicion*n怀疑,略有所知suspicious*a怀疑的swallowv吞,咽n燕子swing*v摇摆,摇荡,挥动,转身,转向n秋千,摇摆,摆动switch*n开关,电闸,转变,转换v转变,转换Symboln象征,标志,符号Sympathyn同情,同情心symphony*n交响乐symptom*n症状synthetic*a合成的,人造的,综合性的systematic*a系统的tablet*n药片tackle* n用具v解决,处理Tagn标签,标牌Tankn箱,罐,槽,坦克tax*n税款,负担v对…征税Tearn眼泪v撕碎Techniquen技术,技能,技巧,手艺Technologyn技术,工艺teller*n出纳员temporarya暂时的,临时的,一时的tempt*v吸引,引诱,诱惑,引起…的兴趣tender* a温柔的,嫩的,平和的,脆弱的,敏感的tensea拉紧的,紧张的n动词的时态terminal*n终点站,末端,终端a末端的,终点的,极限的territory*n领土,版图,领域,范围thermometern温度计,体温表thorougha彻底的,完全的thoughtful*a沉思的,思考的,体贴的,关心的threat*n威胁,恐吓,凶兆,征兆threaten*v威胁,恐吓,是…的征兆,预示危险快要来临tip*n末端,尖端,小费v给小费,轻触,轻碰tissue*n组织,薄纱,薄纸,薄的织物toleratev容忍,忍受,容许,宽恕tone*n腔调,语气,音调,声调,气氛,色调。

卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书

卡梅伦液压数据手册(第 20 版)说明书

☰ Hydraulics
⌂ Cameron Hydraulic Data ☰
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................ 1-3 Liquids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-3
Viscosity etc.
Steam data....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Liquid Flow.............................................................................. 1-4
Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-5 Pumping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... .......................... 1-6 Volume-System Head Calculations-Suction Head. ........................... 1-6, 1-7 Suction Lift-Total Discharge Head-Velocity Head............................. 1-7, 1-8 Total Sys. Head-Pump Head-Pressure-Spec. Gravity. ...................... 1-9, 1-10 Net Positive Suction Head. .......................................................... 1-11 NPSH-Suction Head-Life; Examples:....................... ............... 1-11 to 1-16 NPSH-Hydrocarbon Corrections.................................................... 1-16 NPSH-Reciprocating Pumps. ....................................................... 1-17 Acceleration Head-Reciprocating Pumps. ........................................ 1-18 Entrance Losses-Specific Speed. .................................................. 1-19 Specific Speed-Impeller. .................................... ........................ 1-19 Specific Speed-Suction...................................... ................. 1-20, 1-21 Submergence.. . . . . . . . . ....................................... ................. 1-21, 1-22 Intake Design-Vertical Wet Pit Pumps....................................... 1-22, 1-27 Work Performed in Pumping. ............................... ........................ 1-27 Temperature Rise. . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-28 Characteristic Curves. . ...................................... ........................ 1-29 Affinity Laws-Stepping Curves. ..................................................... 1-30 System Curves.. . . . . . . . ....................................... ........................ 1-31 Parallel and Series Operation. .............................. ................. 1-32, 1-33 Water Hammer. . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-34 Reciprocating Pumps-Performance. ............................................... 1-35 Recip. Pumps-Pulsation Analysis & System Piping...................... 1-36 to 1-45 Pump Drivers-Speed Torque Curves. ....................................... 1-45, 1-46 Engine Drivers-Impeller Profiles. ................................................... 1-47 Hydraulic Institute Charts.................................... ............... 1-48 to 1-52 Bibliography.. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... ........................ 1-53



资产负债表(一)一、资产ASSETS流动资产:CURRENT ASSETS货币资金Cash and cash equivalents结算备付金Provision of settlement fund拆出资金Funds lent交易性金融资产Financial assets held for trading应收票据Notes receivable应收账款Accounts receivable预付款项Advances to suppliers应收保费Insurance premiums receivable应收分保账款Cession premiums receivable应收分保合同准备金Provision of cession receivable应收利息Interests receivable其他应收款Other receivables买入返售金融资产Recoursable financial assets acquired存货Inventories其中:原材料Raw materials库存商品(产成品)Finished goods一年内到期的非流动资产Non-current assets maturing within one year其他流动资产Other current assets其中:内部银行Including:In-house bank流动资产合计TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS非流动资产:NON-CURRENT ASSETS发放贷款及垫款Loans and payments可供出售金融资产Available-for-sale financial assets持有至到期投资Held-to-maturity investments长期应收款Long-term receivables长期股权投资Long-term equity investments投资性房地产Investment real estates固定资产(固定资产原价)Fixed assets(Original value of fixed assets)减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated depreciation固定资产净值Fixed assets-net value减:固定资产减值准备Reserve for fixed assets impairment 固定资产净额Net fixed assets在建工程Construction in progress工程物资Project materials固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets生产性生物资产Productive biological assets油气资产Oil and natural gas assets无形资产Intangible assets开发支出Development costs商誉Goodwill长期待摊费用Long-term deferred expenses递延所得税资产Deferred income tax assets其他非流动资产Other non-current assets其中:特准储备物资Including:Physical assets reserve specifically authorized非流动资产合计TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS资产总计TOTAL ASSETS二、负债LIABILITIES流动负债:CURRENT LIABILITIES短期借款Short-term borrowings向中央银行借款Borrowings from central bank吸收存款及同业存放Deposits from customers and interbank拆入资金Deposit funds交易性金融负债Financial assets held for liabilities应付票据Notes payable应付账款Accounts payable预收款项Payments received in advance卖出回购金融资产款Funds from sales of financial assets with repurchasement agreement 应付手续费及佣金Handling charges and commissions payable应付职工薪酬Employee benefits payable其中:应付工资Including:Wages payable应付福利费Welfare payable其中:职工奖励及福利基Including:Bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers应交税费Taxes and surcharges payable其中:应交税金Including:Taxes payable应付利息Interests payable应付股利Dividends payable其他应付款Other payables应付分保账款Cession insurance premiums payable保险合同准备金Provision for insurance contracts代理买卖证券款Funds received as agent of stock exchange代理承销证券款Funds received as stock underwrite一年内到期的非流动负债Non-current liabilities maturing within one year其他流动负债Other current liabilities其中:内部银行Including:In-house bank流动负债合计TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES非流动负债:NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES长期借款Long-term borrowings应付债券Debt securities issued长期应付款Long-term payables专项应付款Specific item payable预计负债Estimated Liabilities递延所得税负债Deferred tax liabilities其他非流动负债Other non-current liabilities其中:特准储备基金Including:Authorized reserve fund非流动负债合计TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES负债合计TOTAL LIABILITIES三、所有者权益(或股东权益):OWNERS' EQUITY(or shareholders' equity)实收资本(或股本)Paid-up capital(or share capital)国家资本National capital集体资本Collective capital法人资本Legal person’s capital其中:国有法人资本State-owned legal person's capital集体法人资本Collective legal person's capital个人资本Personal capital外商资本Foreign capital减:已归还投资Less:Investment returned实收资本净额Net paid-up capital资本公积Capital reserves减:库存股Treasury stock专项储备Special reserves盈余公积Surplus reserves其中:法定公积金Statutory surplus reserve任意公积金Other surplus reserve储备基金Reserve fund企业发展基金Enterprise expansion fund利润归还投资Profits capitalized on return of investment一般风险准备Provision for normal risks未分配利润Retained earnings/Undistributed profits外币报表折算差额Exchange differences on translating foreign operations归属于母公司所有者权益合计Total equity attributable to the shareholders of parent companyTotal equity attributable to the shareholders of parent company少数股东权益Minority shareholders' equity (B/S)所有者权益合计TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY负债和所有者权益总计TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY资产负债表(二)一、资产ASSETS流动资产: CURRENT ASSETS货币资金Cash and cash equivalents交易性金融资产Financial assets held for trading应收票据Notes receivable应收账款Accounts receivable减:坏帐准备Less:Provision for bad debts预付款项Advances to suppliers应收股利Dividends receivable其他应收款Other receivables存货Inventories其中:原材料Including:Raw materials库存成品及商品Inventory of finished goods低值易耗品Consumbles一年内到期的非流动资产Non-current assets maturing/due within one year 其他流动资产Other current assets流动资产合计TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS非流动资产:NON-CURRENT ASSETS可供出售金融资产Available-for-sale financial assets持有至到期投资Held-to-maturity investments长期应收款Long-term receivables长期股权投资long-term equity investments投资性房地产Investment real estate固定资产(固定资产原价)Fixed assets(Original value of fixed assets)减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated depreciation固定资产净值Fixed assets-net value减:固定资产减值准备Reserve for fixed assets impairment 固定资产净额Net fixed assets在建工程Construction in progress工程物资Project materials固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets生产性生物资产Productive biological assets油气资产Oil and natural gas assets无形资产Intangible assets开发支出Development costs商誉Goodwill长期待摊费用Long-term deferred expenses递延所得税资产Deferred income tax assets其他非流动资产Other non-current assets非流动资产合计TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS资产总计TOTAL ASSETS二、负债LIABILITIES流动负债:CURRENT LIABILITIES短期借款Short-term borrowings交易性金融负债Financial assets held for liabilities应付票据Notes payable应付账款Accounts payable预收款项Payments received in advance应付职工薪酬Employee benefits payable/Staff remuneration payables应交税费Taxes and surcharges payable应付股利Dividends payable其他应付款Other payables一年内到期的非流动负债Non-current liabilities maturing within one year其他流动负债Other current liabilities流动负债合计TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES非流动负债:NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES长期借款Long-term borrowings应付债券Debt securities issued长期应付款Long-term payables专项应付款Specific item payable预计负债Provisions for liabilities递延所得税负债Deferred income tax liabilities其他非流动负债Other non-current liabilities非流动负债合计TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES负债合计TOTAL LIABILITIES三、所有者权益(或股东权益):OWNERS' EQUITY (or shareholders' equity)实收资本(或股本)Paid-up capital (or share capital)其中:国家资本National capital集体资本Collateral capital法人资本Legal person's capital个人资本Personal capital外商资本Foreign capital资本公积Capital reserves减:库存股Treasury stock盈余公积Surplus reserves未分配利润Retained earnings/Undistributed profit所有者权益(或股东权益)合计TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY (OR SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY)负债和所有者权益(或股东权益)总计TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY利润表一、营业总收入Overall sales/Overall income其中:营业收入Including: Sales/Income from operations/Income from operations 其中:主营业务收入Sales/Income from main business/Income from main business 其他业务收入Sales/Income from other business/Income from other business 利息收入Interests income已赚保费Insurance premiums earned手续费及佣金收入Handling charges and commissions income二、营业总成本Overall costs其中:营业成本Including: Costs of operations其中:主营业务成本Costs of main business其他业务成本Costs of other business利息支出Interests expenses手续费及佣金支出Handling charges and commissions expenses退保金Refund of insurance premiums赔付支出净额Net payments for insurance claims提取保险合同准备金净额Net provision for insurance contracts保单红利支出Commissions on insurance policies分保费用Cession charges营业税金及附加Taxes and surcharges on operations销售费用Selling and distribution expenses管理费用General and administrative expenses其中:业务招待费Entertainment expenses/Business entertainment研究与开发费Research and development costs财务费用Financial expenses其中:利息支出Interests expenses利息收入Interests income汇兑净损失Foreign exchange net loss资产减值损失Impairment loss on assets加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“-”号填列)Plus: Gain or loss from changes in fair values 投资收益(损失以“-”号填列)Investment income其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益Including: Investment income from joint ventures and affiliates汇兑收益(损失以“-”号填列)Gain or loss on foreign exchange transactions三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列)Profit from operations加:营业外收入Plus: Non-operating profit其中:非流动资产处置利得Gain from disposal of non-current assets非货币性资产交换利得Gain from exchange of non-monetary assets政府补助Governmental subsidy债务重组利得Gain of debt restructuring减:营业外支出Less: Non-operating expenses其中:非流动资产处置损失Loss from disposal of non-current assets非货币性资产交换损失Loss from exchange of non-monetary assets债务重组损失Loss of debt restructuring四、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列)Profit before tax加:应弥补亏损Loss to cover减:所得税费用Less: Income tax expenses五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列)Net profit其中:被合并方在合并前实现的净利润Among which: Net profit recognized before the merger归属于母公司所有者的净利润Net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company 少数股东损益Minority interest income六、每股收益:Earnings per share (EPS)基本每股收益Basic EPS稀释每股收益Diluted EPS七、其他综合收益Other comprehensive income八、综合收益总额Total comprehensive income归属于母公司所有者的综合收益总额Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of parent company归属于少数股东的综合收益总额Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders现金流量表(都要校对一下)一、经营活动产生的现金流量Cash flows from operating activities销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金Cash received from the sales of goods and the rendering of services客户存款和同业存放款项净增加额Net increase in deposits from customers and placements from corporations in the same industry向中央银行借款净增加额Net increase in loan from central bank向其他金融机构拆入资金净增加额Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial institutions收到原保险合同保费取得的现金Cash premiums received on original insurance contracts收到再保险业务现金净额Cash received from re-insurance business保户储金及投资款净增加额Net increase in deposits and investments from insurers处置交易性金融资产净增加额Net increase in disposal of trading financial assets收取利息、手续费及佣金的现金Interest, handling charges and commissions received拆入资金净增加额Net increase in funds deposit回购业务资金净增加额Net increase in repurchasement business funds收到的税费返还Receipts of tax refunds收到其他与经营活动有关的现金Other cash received relating to operating activities 其中:企业内部银行收到的现金Including: Cash received by in-house bank经营活动现金流入小计Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金Cash payments for goods purchased and services received客户贷款及垫款净增加额Net increase in loans and payments on behalf存放中央银行和同业款项净增加额Net increase in deposits with centre bank and interbank支付原保险合同赔付款项的现金Payments of claims for original insurance contracts支付利息、手续费及佣金的现金Interests, handling charges and commissions paid支付保单红利的现金Commissions on insurance policies paid支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金Cash payments to and on behalf of employees支付的各项税费Payments of all types of taxes支付其他与经营活动有关的现金Other cash payments relating to operating activities经营活动现金流出小计Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities经营活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from operating activities二、投资活动产生的现金流量:Cash flows from investing activities收回投资收到的现金Cash received from disposals and withdraw on investment取得投资收益收到的现金Cash received from returns on investments处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额Net cash received from disposals of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额Net cash received from disposals of subsidiariesand other business units收到其他与投资活动有关的现金Other cash received relating to investing activities投资活动现金流入小计Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金Cash payments to acquire and construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets投资支付的现金Cash payments to acquire investments质押贷款净增加额Net increase in secured loans取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额Net cash payments for acquisitions of subsidiaries and other business units支付的其他与投资活动有关的现金Other cash payments relating to investing activities投资活动现金流出小计Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities投资活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from investing activities三、筹资活动产生的现金流量Cash flows from financing activities吸收投资所收到的现金Cash received from investors in making investment in the enterprise其中:子公司吸收少数股东投资收到的现金Including:Cash received from issuing shares of minority shareholders取得借款所收到的现金Cash received from borrowings发行债券收到的现金Proceeds from issuance of bonds收到的其他与筹资活动有关的现金Other cash received relating to financing activities筹资活动现金流入小计Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities偿还债务所支付的现金Cash repayments of amounts borrowed分配股利、利润或偿付利息所支付的现金Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits, or cash payments for interest expenses其中:子公司支付给少数股东的股利、利润Including: Subsidiary companies pay cash to minority shareholders for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit支付的其他与筹资活动有关的现金Other cash payments relating to financing activities筹资活动现金流出小计Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities筹资活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from financing activities四、汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents五、现金及现金等价物净增加额Net increase in cash and cash equivalents加:期初现金及现金等价物余额Plus:Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period六、期末现金及现金等价物余额Cash and cash equivalents at end of period本月实际Actual for this month去年同期The corresponding period of last year本年累计Accumulative total for this year行次Line金额Amount项目Item。

Multisim 11 常用的英文翻译

Multisim 11  常用的英文翻译
failed to find a pin model=未能找到引脚模型
failed to copy the records=未能复制记录
the component was not saved=元件未保存
the user database is not open=用户数据库未打开
output module base address=输出模块基址
vco output offset=压控振荡器输出偏移
pd input offset pd=输入偏移
pll input offset=锁相回路输入偏移
initial count value=初步计数值
input frequency division factor=输入频率分频系数
find and replace=搜索和替换



w w w .k e i t h l e y.c o m1781787001 High Density Switch SystemThe 7001 is a half-rack, high-density, two-slot mainframe with the highest density switching of any half-rack mainframe in the test and measurement market.Up to 80 channels of 2-pole switching.Each slot of the 7001 can accommodate up to 40 channels. This means fewer switch cards are required, reducing switching hardware needed. Higher density also pro-vides extra capacity and flexibility.The 7001’s analog backplane is used by the high density switch cards. The backplane eliminates inter-card wiring and increases configuration flexibility. Two cards may be connected through the backplane to create a 1×80 multiplexer, a 4×20 matrix, or a multiplexer/matrix combination that provides matrix row expansion.See the status of every channel simultaneously.The vacuum fluorescent display of the 7001 shows the open/close status of each channel in the mainframe simultaneously. The graphical display pattern makes it much easier to configure a test system, make modifications, or debug an existing program. The status of the cards in both slots is displayed side by side on the same screen.Easy to Set Up and Use.The 7001 has a number of built-in features that make it easy to set up, run,change, or modify. It conforms to IEEE-488.2 and SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments). All aspects of the instrument can be programmed from the front panel and over the IEEE bus.Simply select the channels to be scanned and enter them into the scan list. Channels can be entered in any order, and complete switch pat-terns contained in memory can also be included. Once you’ve pro-grammed a test configuration into the mainframe, you can store it in one of 10 nonvolatile memory locations. To repeat the test, simply recall the setup. Or use a setup as your power-up default.All of the programmable capability of the 7001 is saved as part of the configuration. Saving the scan list along with the other parameters also saves all of the programmable functions necessary for a complete application.Trigger-Link•Flexible: 6 lines for use with multiple instruments. Software recon-figurable.•Fast: Eliminates IEEE-bus command overheads.•Provides tighter control. Minimizes latency and jitter.•Easy to use.A C C E S S O R I E S AVA I L AB L ECABLES,ADAPTERS 7007-1Shielded IEEE-488 Cable, 1m (3.3 ft)7007-2Shielded IEEE-488 Cable, 2m (6.6 ft)8501-1Trigger Link Cable, 1m (3.3 ft)8501-2Trigger Link Cable, 2m (6.6 ft)8502Trigger Link Adapter BoxRACK MOUNT KITS4288-1Single Fixed Rack Mount Kit 4288-2Dual Fixed Rack Mount Kit OTHER 7001-EW 1 Year Warranty Extension KPCI-488IEEE-488 Interface/Controller for the PCI BusKPC-488.2AT IEEE-488 Interface Card for IBMPC/AT (full slot)KPC-TM Trigger Master Interface TestPointTest Development SoftwareSee pages 170–173 for Switching Cards and Accessories Selector Guides, and page 235 for descriptions of all accessories.1981w w w .k e i t h l e y.c o m179179ANALOG BACKPLANESIGNALS:Four 3-pole rows (Hi, Lo, Guard). These signals provide matrix and multiplexer expansion between cards within one mainframe.MAXIMUM VOLTAGE:250V DC, 250V rms, 350V AC peak, signal path to signal path or signal path to chassis.MAXIMUM CURRENT:1A peak.PATH ISOLATION:>1010Ω, <50pF path to path (any Hi, Lo, Guard to another Hi, Lo,Guard).>1010Ω, <50pF differential (Hi to Lo or Hi, Lo to Guard).>109Ω, <75pF path to chassis.CHANNEL CROSSTALK:<–65dB @ 1MHz (50Ωload).BANDWIDTH:<3dB loss at 100MHz (50Ωload).SYSTEMCAPACITY:2 plug-in cards per mainframe.MEMORY:Battery backed-up storage for 100 switch patterns.SWITCH SETTLING TIME:Automatically selected by the mainframe for each card. Additional time from 0 to 99999.999 seconds can be added in 1ms increments.TRIGGER SOURCES:External Trigger (TTL-compatible, programmable edge, 600ns mini-mum pulse, rear panel BNC).IEEE-488 bus (GET, *TRG)Trigger LinkManual (front panel)Internal Timer, programmable from 1ms to 99999.999 seconds in 1ms increments.STATUS OUTPUT : Channel Ready (TTL-compatible signal, rear panel BNC). Low going pulse (10µs typical) issued after relay settling time.For two different switch cards, 7001 will be set to the slowest relay settling time.SWITCHING SEQUENCE:Automatic break-before-make.MAINFRAME DIGITAL I/O:4 open-collector outputs (30V maximum pull up voltage, 100mA maximum sink current, 10Ωoutput impedance), 1 TTL compatible input, 1 common.RELAY DRIVE:700mA maximum for both card slots.CARD SIZE:32mm high × 114mm wide × 272mm long (1¼in × 4½in × 10¾in).CARD COMPATIBILITY:Fully compatible with all 7XXX cards.THROUGHPUTEXECUTION SPEED OF SCAN LIST:165 channels or memory locations per second.TRIGGER EXECUTION TIME (maximum time from activation of Trigger Source to start of switch open or close 2):SOURCE LATENCY JITTER GET 1100µs <50 µs *TRG 15.0ms Trigger Link 100µs <13 µs External 100µs <13 µs Timer100µs<13 µs1Assuming no IEEE-488 commands are pending execution.2Excluding switch settling time.IEEE-488 COMMAND EXECUTION TIMECOMMANDEXECUTION TIME 1:ROUT:OPEN (@1!1)<8 ms + Relay Open Time :ROUT:CLOS (@1!1)<8 ms + Relay Close Time :ROUT:REC M1<9 ms + Relay Settle Time1Measured from the time at which the command terminator is taken from the bus to relay energize.The 7001 accommodates a broad range of signals, maintains very high accuracy,and will not degrade signal quality. By minimizing signal errors, the 7001 will pre-vent degradation due to offset voltage, isolation resistance, and leakage current.More than 30 cards available.With its broad range of available cards, the 7001provides multi-pole switching. Cards such as the 7011 can be used in either 2- or 4-pole configuration.If a card does not have the pole capacity required, the 7001 can still accommodate the application—just select the CARD PAIR function. It allows the channel closures in both slots to be synchronized for up to 8-pole switching.STANDARDS CONFORMANCE:Conforms to SCPI-1990, IEEE-488.2and IEEE-488.1.MULTILINE COMMANDS:DCL, LLO, SDC, GET, GTL, UNT, UNL,SPE, SPD.UNILINE COMMANDS:IFC, REN, EOI, SRQ, ATN.INTERFACE FUNCTIONS:SH1, AH1,T5, TE0, L4, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0,DC1, DT1, C0, E1.GENERALDISPLAY:Dual-line vacuum fluorescent.1st line:20-character alphanumeric.2nd line:32-character alphanumeric.REAR PANEL CONNECTORS:IEEE-4888-pin micro-DIN connector for digital I/O 8-pin micro-DIN for Trigger Link8-pin micro-DIN for Trigger Link expansion BNC for External Trigger BNC for Channel ReadyPOWER:90–260V AC universal input, 47–440Hz, 40VA maximum.EMC:Conforms to European Union Directive 89/336/EEC.SAFETY:Conforms to European Union Directive 73/23/EEC (meets EN61010-1/IEC 1010).EMI/RFI:Meets VDE 0871B and FCC Class B.ENVIRONMENT:Operating:0°–50°C, <80% relative humidity (0°–35°C).Storage:–25°to +65°C.DIMENSIONS,WEIGHT:89mm high × 216mm wide × 375mm deep (3½in × 8½in × 14¾in). Net weight 3.4kg (7½lbs).7001 High Density Switch System。




Input Current and Impedance
mV TA = -40°C to +85°C (Note 1)
mV TA = -40°C to +125°C (Note 1)

µV/°C TA = -40°C to +125°C
VIN+ 3
4 VIN–
VIN+ 3
4 VIN–
NC 1
8 CS
VIN– 2 VIN+ 3 VSS 4
The Microchip Technology Inc. MCP601/1R/2/3/4 family of low-power operational amplifiers (op amps) are offered in single (MCP601), single with Chip Select (CS) (MCP603), dual (MCP602), and quad (MCP604) configurations. These op amps utilize an advanced CMOS technology that provides low bias current, highspeed operation, high open-loop gain, and rail-to-rail output swing. This product offering operates with a single supply voltage that can be as low as 2.7V, while drawing 230 µA (typical) of quiescent current per amplifier. In addition, the common mode input voltage range goes 0.3V below ground, making these amplifiers ideal for single-supply operation.



pt的交换电流密度交换电流密度(current density)是指在导体中通过的电流单位面积。





















在这里,电子密度实际上是由所有占据的分子轨道φi.来决定。分子轨道 可能由上自旋电子(Alpha电子)和下自旋电子(Beta电子)占据。当Alpha电子和 Beta电子的数目相等的时候,我们可以用单一的分子轨道φi.来进行表述,这类 体系称为闭壳层体系(Closed-shell),在DMol3中不需要选中Spin restricted前 面的选项。当Alpha电子和Beta电子的数目不相等的时候,我们将会使用不同 的φi.来表述Alpha电子和Beta电子,这类体系称之为开壳层体系(Openedshell)或者自t旋o t极a a l化lp 。 hba 在etDaMol3计算的时候需要选中Spin restricted的选项,并 指定自旋数目。
在开壳层体系中,会有两个不同的电子密度:一个是Alpha电子的电子密 度,一个是Beta电子的电子密度。它们的和就是整个体系的总电荷,它们的差 就是自旋密度。
spin alph ba eta
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J=delta I/delta S
Hg 0.5mol/L H2SO4 H+ +e=H2 5×10-13
Ni 1.0mol/L NiSO4 1/2Ni2+ +e=1/2Ni 2×10
Fe 1.0mol/L FeSO4 1/2Fe2+ +e=1/2Fe 10-8
Cu 1.0mol/L CuSO4 1/2Cu2+ +e=1/2Cu 2×10-5
Zn 1.0mol/L ZnSO4 1/2Zn2+ +e=1/2Zn 2×10-5
Pt 0.1mol/L ZnSO4 H+ +e=H2 10×10-4

碱性溶液中,氧在贵金属上的交换电流密度仅为约10-10A/cm2, 比同一金属上氢的交换电流密度10-3A/cm2低6-7个数量级。


