2010年全国部分高校自主招生语文试题辑录.h1{FONT-WEIGHT:bold;TEXT-JUSTIFY:inter-ideograph;FONT-SIZE:22pt; MARGIN:17pt0cm16.5pt;LINE-HEIGHT:240%;TEXT-ALIGN:justify}.h2{FONT-WEI GHT:bold;TEXT-JUSTIFY:inter-ideograph;FONT-SIZE:16pt;MARGIN:13pt0cm;L INE-HEIGHT:173%;TEXT-ALIGN:justify}.h3{FONT-WEIGHT:bold;TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph;FONT-SIZE:16pt;MARGIN:13pt0cm;LINE-HEIGHT:173%;TEXT-A LIGN:justify} 由于今年武大重新调整了笔试分值,因此试卷未出现大-想象作文题,语文卷只有一道小-想象作文,要求学生依“×季的情趣”为题,从“春夏秋冬”四季中任选一篇短文素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡,瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆……有什么语法错误?”近日,在北大自主招生试题中,周杰伦这首《青花瓷》中的歌词被作为错误的语法版本,成为一道纠错题语文考试的-想象作文给出一段腐败官员对腐败行为的辩解,称腐败可以促进消费、拉动经济、促进人员之间的感情、有利于社会和谐,要求考生驳斥这种言论,至少要引用5句古诗词。
数学试题一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.4的算术平方根是 ( )A .±2B .2C .2D .±2.旱魃肆虐,河流干涸,大地荒芜,近期西南旱情时时牵动着人们的心,截至3月30日,兰州市三县五区受旱农田面积已经达到176.81万亩,将176.81万亩用科学记数法表示为( )A .176.81×104亩B .1.77×106亩C .1.7681×104亩D .1.7681×106亩 3.从小明、小凡、小丽、小红四人中用抽签的方式,选取两人为上海世博会的志愿者,那么能选中小明、小丽两人同时为上海世博会志愿者的概率为 ( )A .14B .112C .12D .164.某物体的三个视图如图所示,该物体的直观图是 ( ) 5.如图4,边长为1的正方形ABCD 绕点A 逆时针旋转300,得到正方形A 'B 'C 'D ',则图中阴影部分的面积为( ) A .12 B . C .1- D .1- 6.据报道,在4月22日世界地球日来临之际,世界各地呼吁人们关注地球,热爱地球,珍爱生命,创建和谐世界大型庆祝活动中,四个大城市参加庆祝活动人数统计如下表:A .27,28B .27.5,28C .28,27D .26.5,27A .B .C .D . A 第5题图7.如图,正方形ABCD 的边长为2,点E 在AB 边上.四边形EFGB 也为正方形,设△AFC 的面积为S ,则 ( ) A .S=2 B .S=2.4 C .S=4 D .S 与BE 长度有关8.连接边长为1的正方形对边中点,可将一个正方形分成2个大小相同的长方形,选右边的长方形进行第二次操作,又可将这个长方形分成2个更小的正方形……重复这样的操作,经过仔细地观察与思考,猜想n n )21()21()21()21(21132+++++- 的值等于( ) A .1 B .n)21(C .1)21(1--nD .n)21(1-9.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,动点P 从点A开始沿A B CD 的路径匀速前进到D 为止。
高校自主招生考试(物理)真 题 集 萃1.(2008 年同济大学)一条轻绳跨过一轻滑轮,滑轮和轴的摩擦可忽略。
在绳的一端挂一质量为 的物体,在另一侧有一质量为 的环(如图).当环相对于绳以恒定的加速度 沿绳向下滑动时,物体和环相2.(2006 年复旦外地)在一深度为 H 的容器中充满液体,液体密度从表面的 到容器底的 成线性变化.液体里浸入两个体积同为 V 的小球,小球间用长为 、不可伸长的轻细绳连接,第一个小球密度为 ,第二个小球密度为 .过一段时间后,两小球静止3.(2006 年复旦外地)在如图所示的系统中,活塞 n 插入活塞孔中的可移动塞栓 B 和密度为 的液体平衡.容器的截面积为S ,孔的截面积为 ,各滑动表面摩擦可忽略,液体不能从间隙中出来.问若在塞栓顶上放上质量为 的物体,塞栓相对初始位置下移多少?4.(2005 年上海交大)如图 1,一均匀细杆长 1m ,重量为 W ,在距其上端 25cm 处用 一钉子将其钉在铅直墙面上,使细杆可绕此钉子无摩擦旋转.今施一水平力于其上端, 使 细 杆 偏 离 铅垂线 角 (__________.)而 平 衡 , 则 钉子 作用在细 杆 上 的 力 的 量 值 为图 1 图 25.(2008 年上海交大)重为 80kg 的人沿如图 1 所示的梯子从底部向上攀登,梯子质量为 25kg,顶角为.已知 AC 和 CE 都为 5m 长且用铰链在 C 点处相连.BD 为一段轻绳,两端固定在梯子高度一半处.设梯子与地面的摩擦可以忽略,求在人向上攀登的过程中轻绳中张力的变化规律.图16.(2004 年上海交大)半径为 R 的匀质半球体置于水平面上,其重心在球心 O 正下方 C 点处,,半球质量为 m.在半球的平面上放一质量为的物体,它与半球平面间的动摩擦系数为 0.2,如图 1 所示,则物体刚要滑动时离球心的最大距离为__________.图 1 图 27.(2006 年上海交大)两个质量分布均匀的球,半径为,重为 P,置于两端开口的圆筒内,圆筒半径为,并竖直放在水平面上(如图 1).设所有接触面均光滑,为使圆筒不至于倾倒,圆筒的最小重量为多少?如果换成有底的圆筒,情况又如何?图 1 图 28.(2009 年清华大学)质量为 m、长为的三根相同的匀质细棒对称地搁在地面上,三棒的顶端重合,底端如图 1 所示.(1)求棒顶端所受的作用力的大小.的间距为(2)若有一质量也是的人(视为质点)坐在棒的中点处,三棒仍保持不动,这是棒顶端所受作用力的大小又为多大?9.(2009 年同济大学)如图所示,无穷多个质量均匀分布的圆环,半径依次为 、 、 、 ……相切于一公共点,则该系统的质心距10.(2009 年同济大学)距河岸(看成直线)500m 处有一艘静止的船,船上的探照灯以转速 n=1r/min 转动,当光束与岸边成 角时,光束沿岸边移动的速率是多少( )A .52.3m /s C .3.14× m/sB .69.8m /s D .4.18× m/s11.(2006 年上海交大)每逢佳节的夜晚,一串串烟火凌空爆发,展现出一幅幅色 彩艳丽的图像.燃放烟花时往往先看到一个光球迅速“膨胀”,而后“膨胀”渐缓并慢 慢散落下来.为什么爆发的烟花呈现球状呢?请对此现象作出分析.12.(2006 年上海交大)两质量均为的小球穿在一光滑圆环上,并由 一不可伸长的轻绳相连,圆环竖直放置,如所示位置由静止释放.试问 释放瞬间绳上张力为多少.13.(2006 年同济大学)一质量为、均匀分布的圆环,其半径为,几何轴与水平面垂直.若它能经受的最大张力为,求此圆环可以绕几何轴旋转的最大角速度.14.(2008 年清华大学)在地球赤道上的 A 点处静止放置一个小物体,现在设想地球对小物体的万有引力突然消失,则在数小时内,小物体相对于 A 点处的地面来说,将( )A.水平向东飞去B.原地不动,物体对地面的压力消失C.向上并渐偏向西方飞去D.向上并渐偏向东方飞去E.一直垂直向上飞去15.(2009 年同济大学)某颗地球同步卫星正下方的地球表面上有一观察者,他用天文望远镜观察被太阳照射的此卫星.试问,春分那天(太阳光直射赤道)在日落后 12 小时内有多长时间观察者看不到此卫星?(已知地球半径为R,地球表面处的重力加速度为,地球自转周期为,不考虑大气对光的折射)16.(2008 年东南大学)高空中有四个小球,在同一位置同时以相同速率向上、向下、向左、向右被射出,不计空气阻力,图 1 是经过 1S 后四个小球在空中位置的构图,其中正确图形是( )17.(2003 年上海交大)涨潮和退潮现象是由于天体给予整个地球和位于表面的水 以不同的加速度所引起的.但是太阳对于地球表面上一个点的吸引力都比月球对该点的 吸引力大,但是引起涨潮和退潮现象的主要作用是月球而非太阳,试分析并说明之.(可 能 需要的 数据: 地球 质量 kg ,月球直径kg ,日地平均距离kg , 地球 半径 km ,月地平均距离km ,太阳半径km , 月球 质 量km ,太阳质量km).18.(2009 年上海交大)俄罗斯科学家根据同步卫星在地球同步轨道上的飞行原理 首先提出了“太空电梯”的构想,以方便向太空实验室运送人员或补充物资.英国科幻 作家阿瑟.克拉克在他 1978 年出版的小说《天空喷泉》中使这一构想广为人知.太空 电梯的主体是一个永久连接站(同步卫星)和地球基站的缆绳,通过太阳能驱动的“爬行 器”沿着缆绳可爬上太空.试分析说明:(1)该太空站(同步卫星)与通常意义上的同步卫星相比,离地面的高度哪个更大?(2)按照“太空电梯”的构想,“太空电梯”的地面基站是否设在中国境内?19.(2002 年上海交大)飞船沿半径为 R 的圆周绕地球运动, 如果飞船要返回地面,可在轨道上某一点 A 处将速率降低到适当 数值,从而使飞船沿着以地心为焦点的椭圆轨道运动.椭圆与地 球表面在 B 点相切如图所示,求飞船由 A 点到 B 点所需的时间.(已知地球半径为 ,地球表面的重力加速度为 g))浮在有水的杯中,杯的横截面积为 200 ,水的密度为 1 ,平衡时杯内水深,用力使木块慢慢沉到杯底,外力所做的功的焦耳数是10cm, g 取 10m,g 取 10( )A. B.C. D.21.(2009 年上海交大)心脏是血液循环的动力装置.心脏中的右新房接受来自全身的静脉血,经过心脏瓣膜进入右心室,在通过右心室的压缩进入肺动脉,肺动脉把静脉血输入肺脏,进行氧和二氧化碳的交换后,富含氧气的动脉血通过肺静脉流回心脏的左心房,再进入左心室通过左心室的压缩,动脉血通过主动脉和通往身体各部位的大动脉被输送到全身的毛细血管.正常成年人在安静时心跳频率平均为每分钟 75 次,主动脉收缩压平均为 120mm,肺动脉收缩压为主动脉的.在左、右心室收缩前,心室中的血液压强接近于零(相对于大气压强).心脏中的左、右心室在每个搏动周期的血液搏出量均为 70mL.试估算正常成年人心脏的平均功率.(主动脉、肺动脉内径约为 20mmHg,在一个心脏搏动周期中左、右心室收缩时间约为 0.2S)22.(2007 年北京大学)长为 6m、质量为 6 的匀质绳置于特制Array的水平桌面上,绳的一端悬垂于桌面外,另一端系有一个可视为质点的质量为 M 的木块,如图所示.木块在 AB 段与桌面无摩擦,在BE 段与桌面有摩擦,匀质绳与桌面的摩擦可忽略.初始时刻用手按住木块使其停在 A 处,绳处于绷紧状态,,放手后,木块最终停在 C 处.桌面距地面高度大于 6L,求:(1)木块刚滑至 B 点时的速度和木块与 BE 段的动摩擦因数;(2)若木块在 BE 段与桌面的动摩擦因数变为,则木块最终停在何处?(3)是否存在一个 值,能使木块从 A 处释放后,最终停在 E 处,且不在运动?若能,求出该 值;若不能,简要说明理由.23.(2007 年南京大学)如图所示,一轻绳吊着粗细均匀的棒,棒下端离地 面高 H ,上端套着一个细环.棒和环的质量均为 m ,相互间最大静摩擦力等于 滑动摩擦力 kmg(k>1).断开轻绳,棒和环自由下落。
同济大学2010年自主招生优秀考生文化测试数学试卷一、填空题(本大题共有8题,只要求直接填写结果,每题答对得5分,否则一律得零分,本大题满分40分)1.函数12()log (sin cos )f x x x =+的单调递增区间是_______________________.2.如图所示,为某质点在20秒内作直线运动时,速度函数()v v t =的图象,则该质点运动的总路程s =_____(厘米).3.设a 与b 是两条非相互垂直的异面直线,α与β分别是过直线a 与b 的平面,有以下4个结论:(1) b //α,(2) b ⊥α,(3) β//α,(4) β⊥α,则其中不可能出现的结论的序号为__________.4.设某地于某日午后2时达到最高水位,为3.20米,下一个最高水位恰在12小时后达到,而最低水位为0.20米。
若水位高度h (米)的变化由正弦或余弦函数给出,则该地水位高度h (米)作为时间t (单位:时,从该日零时起算)的函数的表达式为_______________.5.设θ是第二象限角,357sin ,sin 258θπθ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭则=_____________________. 6.已知复平面上点A 与点B 分别对应复数2与2i ,线段AB 上的动点P 对应复数Z ,若复数z 2对应点Q ,点Q 坐标为(x ,y ),则点Q 的轨迹方程为________________________.7.设有正数a 与b ,满足a <b ,若实数x 1,y 1,x 2,y 2,使x 1+y 1是a 与b 的算术平均数,x 2·y 2是a 与b22()x y +的取值范围是_________________.8.从0,1,2,…,9这10个数码中随机抽出5个,排列成一行,则恰好构成可以被25整除的五位数的概率是_______________(用分数给出答案).二、解答题(本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须写出必要的步骤,本大题满分60分)9.(本题满分12分)试利用三角函数求函数2()42f x x =-+10.(本题满分12分)求证:对于任何实数a 与b ,三个数:|a +b |,|a -b |,|1-a |中至少有一个不小于12.11.(本题满分12分)设抛物线y =x 2-(2k -7)x +4k -12与直线y =x 有两个不同的交点,且交点总可以被一个半径为1的圆片所同时遮盖,试问:实数k 应满足什么条件?12.(本题满分12分)设四棱锥P —ABCD 中,底面ABCD 是边长为1的正方形,且PA ⊥面ABCD .(1) 求证:直线PC ⊥直线BD ;(2) 过直线BD 且垂直于直线PC 的平面交PC 于点E ,如果三棱锥E —BCD 的体积取到最大值,求此时四棱锥P —ABCD 的高.13.(本题满分12分)设有抛物线y 2=2px (p >0),点B 是抛物线的焦点,点C 在正x 轴上,动点A 在抛物线上,试问:点C 在什么范围之内时∠BAC 是锐角?P A B C D E。
二 A为n阶矩阵,B为m阶矩阵,C为m×n矩阵,D为n×m矩阵,其中A和B可逆;证
三线性转换T 在a1,a2,a3,a4下的阵为A=(这真不记得了,很梦幻的一组数字,不
五 (f(x),g(x))=连加号f(x)g(x) (连加是0到n,等号右边g(x)上有一横)
将1,x,x^2 用此内积施密特正交化为标准正交基。
上海交通大学:1.两个等差数列200,203,206,…和50,54,58…都有100项,它们共同的项的个数是__________.2.方程7x2 (k+13)x+k2 k 2=0的两根分别在区间(0,1)和(1,2)内,则k的取值范围是__________.3.将3个相同的球放到4个盒子中,假设每个盒子能容纳的球数不限,而且各种不同的放法的出现是等可能的,则事件"有3个盒子各放一个球"的概率是________.4.若今天是星期二,则31998天之后是( )A.星期四B.星期三C.星期二D.星期一5.若一项数为偶数2m的等比数列的中间两项正好是方程x2+px+q=0的两个根,则此数列各项的积是( )A.pm B.p2m C.qm D.q2m6.设f '(x0)=2,则( )A.2 B.2 C.4 D.4)7.已知正数列a1,a2,…,an,且对大于1的n有,.试证:a1,a2,…,an中至少有一个小于1.8.设3次多项式f(x)满足:f(x+2)=f( x),f(0)=1,f(3)=4,试求f(x).9.设在x=0处可导,且原点到f(x)中直线的距离为,原点到f(x)中曲线部分的最短距离为3,试求b,c,l,m的值.(b,c>0)10.两名射手轮流向同一目标射击,射手甲和射手乙命中目标的概率都是.若射手甲先射,谁先命中目标谁就获胜,试求甲、乙两射手获胜的概率.。
2010年上海市部分高校高职高专层次依法自主招生测试数学(考试时间80分钟,满分150分)(不可使用计算器)一、填空题(每题5分,共50分)1、函数1521)1lg()(2-++-=x x x x f 的定义域为________________2、如果)(1x f -为函数2)(+=x x x f 的反函数,则=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-311f _________ 3、已知实数x 、y 满足关系式:0|4|1022=-++-+y x y x ,则=xy __________4、若函数⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=3πsin 3x y ω的最小正周期为π4,则正的常数=ω________ 5、=︒︒+︒︒12sin 72sin 78sin 18sin ____________6、如果向量a 与b 的夹角为120°,且1||=a ,2||=b ,则=+⋅)(b a a _________7、计算组合数:=--+221C C n nn _________ 8、计算:=+++++201032i i i i 1 ___________(i 是虚数单位)9、在平面直角坐标系中,直线l 经过原点且直线l 的倾斜角⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=21arccos α,则直线l 的方程为____________________ 10、用0,1,3,5这四个数字组成没有重复数字的三位数,其中能被5整除的三位数共有___________个。
二、选择题(每题5分,共25分)11、已知{1,2}=X {1,2,3,4}且{1,2}=X { 1 },则集合X 为 ( )(A ){1,2,3} (B ){1,2,4} (C ){2,3,4} (D ){1,3,4}12、“12log 1>+a ”是“10<<a ”的 ( )(A )充分非必要条件 (B )必要非充分条件 (C )充要条件 (D )非充分非必要条件13、在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线x y 82=上有一点M ,若点M 到抛物线的焦点的距离为10,则点M 到y 轴的距离为 ( )(A )6 (B )7 (C )8 (D )1014、已知矩阵乘法满足等式⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛93752310321x ,则实数x 为 ( )(A )2 (B )3 (C )4 (D )515、某同学从家到学校途中有三处交通信号灯,在这三处遇到红灯的概率分别为21、31、41,则该同学从家去学校途中没有遇到过红灯的概率为 ( )(A )241 (B )41 (C )43 (D )1312 三、解答题(本大题共5题,满分75分)16、(本题满分14分,第(1)(2)小题各7分)(1)在平面直角坐标系中,已知圆C 的圆心与椭圆18102222=+y x 的右焦点重合,并且圆C 与直线10=x 相切,求圆C 的方程;(2)设1F 和2F 分别为双曲线1342222=-y x 的左、右焦点,M 为该双曲线上的某一点,且212F F MF ⊥,求||1MF 的值。
同济大学城市规划原理考研真题汇总(2013-1994)同济大学城市规划考研2013城市规划原理试题一、简述题(9'*10)1、隋唐长安城的规划布局特征2、文物建筑与历史建筑保护要求的区别3、居住区各类交通组织方式的特点4、什么是居住密度?可以用哪些指标反映?5、居住区控制性详细规划中控制容积率的作用6、区域中影响城市发展的条件有哪些?对其中一个举例说明7、乡村居民点体系规划的主要内容和规划依据8、城市人口结构有哪些?在总体规划编制中为什么要研究人口结构?9、风玫瑰在城市规划布局中的运用10、单中心与多中心城市结构的差别二、论述题(20'*3)1、对于居住区存在不同规模、不同职能的变化的现实,居住区配套公共服务设施配置时需要考虑哪些方面?2、城市蔓延的主要问题有哪些?城市总体布局中有哪些应对措施?3、某大城市中心区有一加工工业区要搬迁,对于这块用地有两个设想,一是以商务办公、商业服务业为主,二是以居住功能为主,请论述从城市规划的角度权衡两个设想时需要考虑哪些方面?同济大学城市规划考研2012城市规划原理试题一、简答题9x101. 居住区公共服务设施按使用性质可分为哪几类?2. 什么是居住密度?通常用那些指标予以反映?3. 简述控制性详细规划的内容4. 分析近代上海城市格局“局部有序,全局无序”的主要状况及其原因。
5. 简述历史文化名城保护规划的主要内容。
6. 简述区域规划中产业结构研究的主要内容及主导产业选择的原则。
7. 简述省域城镇体系规划中的强制性内容及作用。
8. 在总体规划阶段,确定城市发展方向要综合考虑哪些因素?9. 什么是城市环境容量,包括哪些内容?10. 简述多中心城市空间结构的特征及规划时应予以关注的主要问题。
二、论述题3x201. 分析封闭式居住小区的利弊。
2. 大城市规划建设新城应重点关注哪些问题?3. 从总体规划和详细规划两层面,论述低碳城市的规划策略。
2010 2009200820072006 20052004 2003 20012000 19992010 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 1999城建史1.巴西利亚录入《世界文化遗产》,简述其价值。
21.中世纪西欧城市的主要特征22.明清北京城市建设的主要特征23.霍华德“田园城市”(garden city)的空间模式、主要概念及其产生的社会背景和社会意义(论述题)24.我国宋与唐代相比较,在城市建设发展上有哪些重要的变化?简析其原因。
31.我国分几批公布了多少个历史文化名城?2010 20092008 2007 2006 2005 20042003 2000 1999 19981997 19961995居住区1.简述生态住区及其建设要求(方法)。
2010自主招生试题及答案【篇一:2010孝高英语自主招生试题及参考答案】参考)1.答题前,考生务必将自己所在县(市,区),毕业学校,考号,姓名填写在试卷上,答题卡上指定的位置.2.选择题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题的答案必须写在答题卡的指定位置,在本试卷上答题无效.3.本试卷满分120分,考试时间90分钟.第一部分:单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从四个选择中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.1.my father is ___university teacher. he always works very hard. aa. ab. anc. thed./2.jack,a friend of _______,keeps healthy by taking an activepart in sports and recreation. da. meb.ic. myd. mine3.there is still _____fish on the plate. please finish it off. ba. littleb .a little c. few d. a few.4.thanks to elaine. with her help, we finished the work an hour ______.ca. earlyb. earliestc. earlierd. the earliest5.he can hardly wait to hear the good news,__________? ba. can’t heb. can hec. does hed. doesn’t he6.since you are very tied, you ________finish the work today. you should go home earlier. aa. needn’tb. may notc. mustn’td. can’t7.try your best, ____you will make a great progress in your study. da. butb. ifc. ord .and8.let john ___milk and bread for breakfast himself. he’s ten years old now. aa. buyb. buysc. boughtd. is buying.9.a lot of workers set out to build the bridge _____a windy day. ba .inb .on c. atd. of10.after _____talk, they decided to go to beijing on holiday. da. two hourb. two hoursc. two-hoursd .two hours’11.---can we get together on saturday or sunday?---i’m afraid _______day is possible. da. eitherb. each c .bothd. neither12.”would you like me to show you the way?” the volunteersaid __to the tourist. da. lovelyb. likelyc. kindly d .friendly13.nowadays many people are too busy to ____a holiday with the family. ba. gob. affordc. offerd. cost.14.i _____vegetables to meat because they are good for my health. ca .produce b. prepare c. preferd. process15.i can’t ______the maths problem within an hour. it’s very difficult. ba. talk out b .work out c. put outd. look out16.many students have to ___their hobbies because of their busy school work. aa. give upb .put up c. stay upd .look up17.don’t forget to ____the lights and the tv in the sitting room before going to bed. ca. turn overb. turn onc. turn offd. turn up18.---have you read these books?---yes ,i _____them three days ago. aa .read b. have readc. have done d. did19.---_____will the astronaut be away from the earth? b---for about one month.a .how soon b. how long c. how oftend. how much20.---shall we make a pizza by ourselves instead of buying one? c---_______.a. the same to you .b. don’t worry. c .that’s a good idea.d .sodid i .第二部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.on father’s day, i spent the day with my granddaughter emma. soon after i21my son’s home, emma told me that she 22to read me a story. emma has just finished kindergarten. she read meher 23 story the red rose. i was surprised24emma actuallyread the story, word25 word, from the book.it is a short story of a young boy who falls in love with a little girl who always26a small red rose on her head. they grow up and get married, and though he asks her27 she always wears the rose, she does not28 his question. finally in their 29 age, as she is lying on her death bed, she tells him to take off the rose. slowly and 30 he takes off the red rose and as he does, she31 and becomes a red rose.emma loves this story. she read it32 twice that day. then at bedtime, she told me the story again, this time in her own 33 .i wondered at how she 34 the story’s plot line, the vocabulary of the story, and the flow of the words. she did not try to 35the whole story word for word, but she used nearly the exact phrases she had read 36 .the point i want to make is that stories have a37 impact(作用)on the development of children. they help children understand the 38 around them and they also help children find39 for the way things are. storytelling helps them understand events, cause and effect, good and bad, and the list40 .21. a. look overb. arrived atc. went through d. set upb22. a. fearedb. pretended c. forgot d. wantedd23. a. favorite b. happy c. own d. boringa24. a. since b. as c. untild. beforeb25. a. with b. in c. for d. on c26. a. wears b. dressesc. puts d. takes a27. a. if b. becausec. why d. so c28. a. like b. repeat c. replyd. answerd29. a. middleb. colorful c. important d. oldd30. a. carefullyb. bravelyc. strangely d. casually a31. a. cries b. disappearsc. growsd. jumps b32. a. at last b. at mostc. at leastd. in anger c33. a. words b. bookc. voiced. experiencea34. a. lost b. understandc. read d. forgot b35. a. miss b. design c. writed. remember d36. a. betterb. louder c. earlier d. morea37. a. badb. great c. disappointing d. convincingb38. a. world b. danger c. character d. people d39. a. skillsb. newsc. reasons d. books C40. a. takes offb. turns up c. picks upd. goes ondand the list goes on数不胜数第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选择中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.athere was once a king who had plenty of money and always bought beautiful clothes, but he was prouder of his boots than of anything else that he wore. the king had a very good servant(仆人), but he was old. one day, the old servant died and another man came to take his place.waited and waited, and then at last when he felt very hungry, he said, “please, yo ur majesty, you have not given me anything for my lunch yet.” “oh,” answered the king calmly, “it would be a waste of time to give you any food now, because you would only be hungry again in a few hours’ time.”41.what was the king proudest of according to the passage? _____ca. his old servantb. his beautiful clothesc. his bootsd. his money42.the king found a new servant because _____.ba. the new servant was young and clever.b. the old servant passed away.c. he needed the new servant to clean the boots for himd. the old servant was too old to serve him43.why did the king leave nothing for the servant to eat?____da. because the servant was not hungry.b. because the king was cruelc. because it would be a waste of time to give the servant something for his lunch.d. because he wanted to teach the lazy servant a lesson.bmany children use the internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. but some of them are not using it in a good way. here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the internet.make rules for using the internet with your parents. for example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you do online.don’t give your password(密码)to anyone else, and never leak out the following information: your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information. check with your parents before giving out a credit card (信用卡) number.never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it’s ok.check with your parents before going into a chat room. different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. you and your parents will want to make sure it’s a right place for you.never agree to meet anyone you meet on the internet without your parents’ permission(允许). never meet anyone you meet online alone.always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. treat everyone online as if they were strangers.if something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. tell a parent or teacher right away.treat other people as you’d like to be treated. never use bad language.remember—not everything you read on the internet is true.44.it’s good for children to ____on the internet. ba. give password to othersb. get useful knowledge and informationc. give out a credit card numberd. go into a chat room as they’d like to45.the underlined phrase ”leak out ”in the third paragraph may mean ”_________”aa. make something knownb. to allow liquid or gas outc. hided. help out46.if your parents don’t ag ree never _____.ca. read anything on the internetb. relax in your free timec. have a face to face meeting with anyone you met onlined. treat other people as you’d like to be treated.47.this passage is mainly about ”_____”da. how to use computersb. surfing the internetc. information on the internetd. internet safety rulesCmiss bailey taught me english in junior school. she cycled to school, and then when entering the school gate, she would give her bicycle to anyone of us to park it for her. it was a great honor when miss bailey gave her bicycle to you. one day shankar stood at the gate; shankar was a hunchback(驼背的人). we laughed and said, “move out of the way, shankar! miss bailey is going to enter!” miss bailey drov e in and we all rushed to offer our hands to her. but miss bailey looked past us all. “will you park it for me?”she asked. we looked back to see who it was and were surprised to see it was towards shankar. “i don’t think so, miss bailey!” stammered(结结巴巴地说) shankar. “why? you lazy fellow!”said miss bailey playfully. “you don’t want to help your teacher, do you?” “of course i want to, miss bailey!” whispered shankar. “but i might drop your cycle!” “if you drop it, you pick it up!”said the teacher with a smile.with that she gave her cycle to shankar and didn’t look to see how he’d manage. pretending she had confidence in his abilities, miss bailey turned and walked to class. we watched shankar as he held her bike. we held our breath as we thought it was goin g to fall. dinesh rushed to help. “leave it!” shankar said, and we all stopped. it seemed that his hump(驼背) disappeared as he drew himself up to his full height, and then with growing confidence, he pushed miss bailey’s cycle to the parking lot. the school bell rang, and we rushed to class. shankar was the last to enter, but we were surprised; it was a different boy who walked in.miss bailey didn’t even look at him as he walked to her and handed her the keys. fromthat day on, shankar was ready to answer the questions in class, his grades went up and a smile appeared on his face. 48. what does the underlined word “it” in the first paragraph probably refer to? ba) miss bailey’s bike b) parking the bike for miss bailey.c) going to school by bike. d) being a student of miss bailey.49.. from paragraph 2, we learn that _________.ca) miss bailey’s students disliked to help her. b) miss bailey didn’t like shankarc) shankar didn’t believe in his ability at first d) shankar didn’t want to help miss bailey50.. when shankar entered the classroom after parking the bike, _____.da)miss bailey praised him b)his classmates cheeredc)his hump disappeared d)he was full of confidence51. from the passage, we know that ____________.ca) shankar never stood at the school gateb) miss bailey pretended not to see shankar and walked to classc) parking the bike for miss bailey made shankar change himselfd) nobody wanted to help shankar park miss bailey’s bikedin canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. these are their pets. people love these pets and have them as their good friends. before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射)so that they wont carry disease. they have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. some people spend around two hundred canadian dollars a month on animal food. when you visit peoples houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. you will also find that almost every family has a feeding place for birds in their garden. all kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. they are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in canada. they have a law against killing wild animals. if you killed an animal, you would be punished. if an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.people in canada have many reasons to like animals. one of them might be that their family ties are not as close as ours. when children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. then the old will feel lonely, but pets can solve this problem. they can be good friends and never leave them alone.52.people can buy animal food for their pets_____. ba. only at the animal food storesb. in almost every storec. in the supermarkets d .in the pet shops53.when you visit people’s homes, _____.aa. people would be happy to show their animalsb .people would ask you to feed birdsc. you are not allowed to see their animalsd. it’s necessary for you to buy some animal food.54. when they grow up ____.ba. they dont love their parents any moreb. they don’t live together with their parentsc. they find jobs far from their parents【篇二:2010清华大学自主招生试题数学试题(带答案)】t>11.解:(Ⅰ)由得所以即因为所为内角,,(Ⅱ)又由余弦定理得即又所以,,有当且仅当即为等边三角形时,,的面积取得最大值12.解:(Ⅰ)设则由可知的斜率因此可以设直线方程为把所以因为所以直线代入,整理得都不平行于轴,斜率之和为可知直线所以作则由已知可得所以,所以为直角三角形可得,平分的倾角互补,而为垂足平行于轴,(Ⅱ)如图,根据的结果,可以设直线的方程分别为把分别代入,得【篇三:2010-2014年华约自主招生物理试题与答案】=txt>1.如图所示的传送带装置,与水平面的夹角为??,且????????=0.75。
历年自主招生试题分类汇编——平面几何4.( 2013 年北约)如图,△ ABC 中,AD 为 BC 边上的中线, DM 、DN 分别为∠ ADB 、∠ADC 的角平分线,试比较BM + CN 与 MN 的大小关系,并说明理由.AMNC D C解析延长 ND 至 E,使 ND = ED,连结 BE、 ME ,则△ BED ≌△ CND ,△ MED ≌ △ MND ,ME= MN ,由BM +BE >EM,得 BM+CN> MN .AMNC D CE题 4( 2012 年北约)如果锐角ABC 的外接圆圆心为O ,求 O 到三角形三边的距离之比。
解:如图,过 O 分别作 BC ,CA, AB 的垂线,垂足为 D , E , F , 设OD d1, OE d2,OF d3,OA OB OC RABOC 2 A ,∴ BOD A ,d1Rcos A由平几知识得EF同理: d2 R cosB , d3RcosC CO∴ d1 : d2 : d3cos A:cos B :cos CD A即O 到三角形三边的距离之比为对应边所对角的余弦之比。
题 8( 2012 年北约)求证:若圆内接五边形的每个角相等,则它为正五边形。
A AB E B EC D H C D G解:如图,五边形ABCDE 为O 内接五边形,延长 AE , CD , DC , AB 有两交点 G, H ,连接 AC ,∵AED EDC ,∴GED GDE∴ GE GD∵ A, C , D , E在O 上∴CAG GDE , GCA GED∴CAG GCA∴ GA GC∴ AE CD连结 AD ,同理可得AB CD ,从而 AE AB CD ,同样,延长BC , ED , BA, DE , 可证得:BA BC DE∴ AB BC CD DE EA ,从而可知五边形ABCDE 为正五边形。
2013同济大学812机械设计回忆版真题一选择题1, 管螺纹的公称直径a管螺纹外径b管螺纹内径c管螺纹中径d管内径2普通粗牙螺纹M10,螺距1.5 ,1, 0.75哪一个是其螺距3小带轮包角计算公式a=180-57.3(d2-d1)/a4计算K ,给出表面状态系数,表面强化系数,表面应力系数5计算滚动轴承最大受力,根据【PV】[V] ,给出宽径比,直径6键的设计选择顺序,根据选类型根据轴径选参数-轴毂选键长-校核7求斜齿轮的齿宽系数,给出一对的宽度75,80,螺旋角14 还有几题忘了、二填空题1,A1400/TGB1993- 解释带的名称2动压轴承的偏心距跟随转速增大怎么变化,随受力增大怎么变化3各种材料加工条件一样的情况下斜齿轮锥齿轮直齿轮承载能力最大和最小三计算题1画出5种影响锥齿轮Yhbe 系数的轴承安排变异结构图2画涡轮蜗杆-斜齿轮-锥齿轮受力方向。
(PS哈工大机械设计试题精选与答题技巧原题)3直齿轮齿条啮合,按接触强度校核直径,给出功率,主动轮转速,设计d,,m,z 4角接触球轴承常规题,水平方向,竖直方向受力分析合成Fr,最后算寿命,给出温度系数和载荷系数,轴中间斜齿轮啮合处三个力大小给出5螺纹连接题,残余预紧力是工作载荷 1.5倍,给出箱体内部压强和直径,求各种力,性能等级8.8,螺钉,按安全系数设计直径,在所给表格中选出,画受力变形图6皮带轮受力分析和10年真题相似(PS哈工大机械设计试题精选与答题技巧原题)四结构设计1 ,10分。
蜗杆轴比较长发热大设计轴系结构图2 20分结构改错画出正确轴系图锥齿轮精心整理出独家最全面最系统的同济大学《机械设计》专业课全套备考资料!同济大学考研初试复试考812《机械设计》这门专业课可以报考的专业:080204 车辆工程080202 机械电子工程080203 机械设计及理论080201 机械制造及其自动化082304 载运工具运用工程080703 动力机械及工程120204 技术经济及管理081103 系统工程080100 力学航空航天材料与结构设计430102 机械工程(专业学位)430135 车辆工程(专业学位)430123 交通运输工程(专业学位)430107 动力工程 (专业学位 )考研指定参考书目 :《机械设计》(第八版) ,濮良贵主编 ,高等教育出版社 ,2006 同济大学机械设计考研真题全套复习资料初试资料纸质部分1、2012-2010年同济大学硕士考试科目参考书及考试大纲 2013年同济大学硕士考试科目参考书及考试大纲后期更新免费发放 2011-2007年机械工程学院各专业硕士招生情况(招生人数、复试分数线) 机械设计总结后期更新 2013年考试大纲!2、同济大学 812《机械设计》 1998-2012年考研真题和答案,纸质, 80页。
)(3) 你能不能概述一下,你高中三年的成绩名次是怎么样的(4)你觉得学校的学习比较重要还是校外的学习重要,请列三条理由(其实这完全是想到什么就直接说了)(5)你独自一人去过最远的地方是哪里?有一个人去外地吗?(我倒是想去呀。
L Grammar1. We couldn't finish our work so easy your help. A. without B. with C. for2. Tm not going to the concert, fbr the ticket is expensive.A. far moreB. much moreC. far too3. --- rd like grapes and pears. ---Oh, I only need orange juice. A. some, a few B. a few, some C. a little, few4. -Where is Tom?-He hasn't come to school today. I think he be ill. A. has to B. should C. may 5. you've tried it, you can't imagine how pleasant it is. A. If onlyB. AlthoughC. For6. -Did you return Fred's call?-I didn't need to Fil see him tomorrow. A. becauseB. unlessC. though 7. I want to be liked and loved for I am inside.8. -Excuse me. Could you tell me? -$ 328.A. how much is the ticket C. what the price of the ticket is 9. -Would you mind basketball here?-Sorry. We'll go and play it on the playground. A. playingB. not playing10. My science teacher told us that the earth A. movesB. go11. My mother told me TV, but I really A. not watching; want to B. not to watch , want C. don't watch, wantD. not to watch , want to12. ---The computer is becoming smaller and smaller. It runs faster and faster.--I agree. It has really changed the whole world since it in 1976. A. is inventedB. was inventedC. has inventedD. invented13. The policeman asked the child so that he could take him home. A. where he livedB. where did he liveC. where he is livingD. where he lives14. -Do you know the man is sitting behind Lucy?-Oh, he is my English teacher, Mr. Zhou.A. howB. whoC. whetherD. whatD. except D. too muchD. a little , a fewD. need D. UnlessD. despite B. how much does the ticket cost D. how much should I pay for the ticket.C. to playD. not to playaround the sun. C. wentD. travelA. whoB. whomC. whichD. he15.Before liberation, those boring in poor families had little access education.A. forB. fromC. toD. into16.It was his talent and curiosity enabled him to succeed in his field.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. who17.1had no idea how long it would be the policy took effect.A. untilB. whenC. beforeD. that18.It was so a poem that quite a few students were to tears.A. moved, movingB. moving , movedC. moved, movedD.moving, moving19.from his facial expression, he felt quite annoyed at your words.A. JudgingB. JudgedC. To judgeD. Judge20.After the party , the whole floor requires thoroughly.A. to cleanB. to be cleanedC. cleanD. being cleaned21.In the mountainous area, students of my age can't afford to school.A. goB. to goC. goingD. went22.We should take into account the fact children differ in their development.A. thatB. whetherC. whichD. what23.With the help of new technology , more and more new substances in the past fewyears.A. have discoveredB. have been discoveredC. had been discoveredD. were discovered24.The hotel wasn't particularly good, but I in many worse hotels.A. was stayingB. stayedC. would stayD. had stayed25.When he just settled down in the USA, he found himself a lot of difficulties.A. facedB. facing withC. faced withD. was facing26.Only by analyzing these problems find solutions to them.A. can weB. we canC. we willD. will usIL VocabularyA. Fill in each sentences with one of the following words27.The head office of the bank is in Beijing , but it has over the world.28.A traditional welcoming ceremony is to be held to the president and his followers.29.Please bear in mind that all these rules will you a safe journey.30.The media set out to find the of the rumor.31.They became close friends because their interests were so much.32.When the well-known artisit leaves, he will be difficult to.33.With the new school year approaching , a wide variety of school things were tostudents in the shop.34.There was a serious incident a group of teenagers at the street corner.35.They were excited to know that their son had been to a key military institute.36.These boys were criticized for not school rules.Exchange a glance with someone, then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made a 37 statement. Holdit for three seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person's gaze without being intimate, rude, or 38. Ifyou are on an elevator, what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider you39 do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assumethem that you mean no 40 Since being close to another person 41 thepossibility of interaction, you need to send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye 42 what sociologists Erving Goffiman(1963) calls “a dimming of thelights”. You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger's eyes. Should you break the rule against 43 at a stranger on an elevator, you will make theother person 44 uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself.If you hold eye contacts for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the 45. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interestin this manner. They typically gaze at the each other for about 3 seconds at a time, and then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again. But if one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals, 4i know you". ‘Tm interested in you." or "You look peculiar and I am 46 about you." This type of stare often produces hostile feelings.IIL ClozeSeveral years ago, well-known writer and editor Norman Cousins became very ill. His body ached and he felt constantly tired. It was difficult for him to even _21—around. His doctor told him that he would lose the ability to move and eventually die from the disease. He was told he had only a 1 in 500 chance of survival.the diagnosis(诊断),Cousins was determined to survive. He had always been interested in medicine and had read a book, which discussed the idea of how body chemistry andabout the possible _24_ of positive attitudes and emotions. He thought, “Is it possible that love, hope, faith, laughter, confidence, and the __25_ to live have positive treatment value?”He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a way to treat some of the symptoms of his disease. In addition to his traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations that would _26_ positive emotions. u Laugh therapy" became part of his treatment. He _27_ time each day for watching comedy films, reading humorous books, and doing other activities that would draw out _28_ emotions. Within eight days of starting his “laugh therapy” program his pain began to _29_ and he was able to sleep more easily. He was able to return to work in a few months' time and _30_ reached complete recovery after a few years.IV Reading ComprehensionAMr Simith wanted to park his car at the Hilton car park. He saw this notice:CHARGESCars Monday to Saturday Publich Holidays & Sundays (Per hr) 8 a.m-6 p.m8 a.m —midnight $ 1.506 p.m 一midnight $ 1.50 midnight - 8 a.m $ 1.00 midnight- 8 a.m $ 1.00All parking over 5 hours - $ 4.00 per extra hour. If the parking period is within any two of the above periods, the charges will be based on the higher rate. Motorcycles $ 2.00 per day payable on each entry.Vehicles are parked at the owner's risk. The Hilton takes not responsibility for loss from , or damage to, vehicles.57. How much would Mr. Smith have to pay if he intended to park his car from 5 p.m -8p.m on Saturday?21. A. run 22. A.besides 23. A. attitudes 24. A. shortcoming 25. A. emotion 26. A.lead to 27. A. afforded 28. A. positive 29. A. escape 30. A. generallyB. pass B. Despite B. beliefs B. harm B. pain B. set about B. appointed B. approving B. decrease B. especiallyC.C. move C. Without C. goals C. benefit C. fear C. put up C. offered C. strong C.drop actuallyD. travel D. Beyond D. positions D. interest D. will D. make up D. arranged D. mixed D. end D. presentlyabout the possible _24_ of positive attitudes and emotions. He thought, “Is it possible that love, hope, faith, laughter, confidence, and the __25_ to live have positive treatment value?”He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a way to treat some of the symptoms of his disease. In addition to his traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations that would _26_ positive emotions. u Laugh therapy" became part of his treatment. He _27_ time each day for watching comedy films, reading humorous books, and doing other activities that would draw out _28_ emotions. Within eight days of starting his “laugh therapy” program his pain began to _29_ and he was able to sleep more easily. He was able to return to work in a few months' time and _30_ reached complete recovery after a few years.IV Reading ComprehensionAMr Simith wanted to park his car at the Hilton car park. He saw this notice:CHARGESCars Monday to Saturday Publich Holidays & Sundays (Per hr) 8 a.m-6 p.m8 a.m —midnight $ 1.506 p.m 一midnight $ 1.50 midnight - 8 a.m $ 1.00 midnight- 8 a.m $ 1.00All parking over 5 hours - $ 4.00 per extra hour. If the parking period is within any two of the above periods, the charges will be based on the higher rate. Motorcycles $ 2.00 per day payable on each entry.Vehicles are parked at the owner's risk. The Hilton takes not responsibility for loss from , or damage to, vehicles.57. How much would Mr. Smith have to pay if he intended to park his car from 5 p.m -8p.m on Saturday?21. A. run 22. A.besides 23. A. attitudes 24. A. shortcoming 25. A. emotion 26. A.lead to 27. A. afforded 28. A. positive 29. A. escape 30. A. generallyB. pass B. Despite B. beliefs B. harm B. pain B. set about B. appointed B. approving B. decrease B. especiallyC.C. move C. Without C. goals C. benefit C. fear C. put up C. offered C. strong C.drop actuallyD. travel D. Beyond D. positions D. interest D. will D. make up D. arranged D. mixed D. end D. presentlyA.The author likes travelling very muchB.The author did not try her best to work wellC.The author spent all her time caring for childrenD.The author is a success in personal lifecDo you know how it is when you see someone yawn and you start yawning too? Or how hard it is to be among people laughing and not laugh yourself? Well, apparently it H s because we have mirror neurons (神经元)in our brains.Put simply, the existence of mirror neurons suggests that every time we see someone else do something, our brains imitate (模仿)it, whether or not we actually perform the same action. This explains a great deal about how we learn to smile, talk, walk, dance or play sports. But the idea goes further: mirror neurons not only appear to explain physical actions y they also tell us that there is a biological basis for the way we understand other people.Mirror neurons can undoubtedly be found all over our brains, but especially in the areas whichA.The author likes travelling very muchB.The author did not try her best to work wellC.The author spent all her time caring for childrenD.The author is a success in personal lifecDo you know how it is when you see someone yawn and you start yawning too? Or how hard it is to be among people laughing and not laugh yourself? Well, apparently it H s because we have mirror neurons (神经元)in our brains.Put simply, the existence of mirror neurons suggests that every time we see someone else do something, our brains imitate (模仿)it, whether or not we actually perform the same action. This explains a great deal about how we learn to smile, talk, walk, dance or play sports. But the idea goes further: mirror neurons not only appear to explain physical actions y they also tell us that there is a biological basis for the way we understand other people.Mirror neurons can undoubtedly be found all over our brains, but especially in the areas which。