



河北正定中学高一年级第四次考试数学试题一.选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.已知53)2sin(=-απ,则cos()πα-= A. 35B.45C. 35-D.45- 2.()()113756923a b a a b ⎡⎤-+--=⎢⎥⎣⎦A. 23a b -B. 32a b -C. 2a b +D.3a b -3.AB MB BO OM AC +++-=A. ACB. BCC. 0D. CB4.332tan 03cossin 5cos2sin 222ππππ+--+=A. 2B. 2-C. 0D. 35.下列结论中,不正确的是A .向量AB 、CD 共线与向量AB CD 意义是相同的 B .若AB CD =,则AB CDC .若向量a ,b 满足a b =,则a b =D .若向量AB CD =,则向量BA DC =6.函数()1,0,,23f x x x π⎡⎤=∈⎢⎥⎣⎦则函数()f x 的最大值为A.12 B. 23C.2D.7.把函数sin 23y x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭的图象经由怎样的变换可以得到函数sin 23y x π⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭图象A. 向右平移6πB. 向左平移6πC. 向右平移3πD. 向左平移3π8.函数sin 26y x π⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭的单调递增区间是A. 2,263k k ππππ⎡⎤-++⎢⎥⎣⎦ ()k Z ∈B. 52,266k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦()k Z ∈ C. ,63k k ππππ⎡⎤-++⎢⎥⎣⎦ ()k Z ∈ D. 5,66k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦ ()k Z ∈ 9.已知cos31,sin 239tan149m ==则A. 21m m -B.C. 21m m- D.10.函数()sin()0,||,y A x x R ωϕωϕπ=+><∈的部分图象如图所示,则函数表达式为A .4sin()84y x ππ=+B .)48sin(4ππ-=x yC .34sin()84y x ππ=-D .34sin()84y x ππ=+11. 设函数2log (1),2,()1()1,2,2x x x f x x -≥⎧⎪=⎨-<⎪⎩若0()1f x >,则0x 的取值范围是A. ()(),03,-∞+∞ B. ()0,2 C. ()(),13,-∞-+∞ D. ()1,3-12.定义在R 上的偶函数()f x ,满足()()2f x f x +=,且()f x 在[]3,2--上是减函数,又,αβ是锐角三角形的两个内角,则A. ()()sin sin f f αβ<B. ()()cos cos f f αβ<C. ()()sin cos f f αβ<D. ()()cos sin f f βα<二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,将答案填在答题纸上) 13. 若sin cos 0θθ<,则θ为第 象限角;14. 已知幂函数()y f x =的图象过点2,,2⎛ ⎝⎭则此函数的解析式是 ;15. 在菱形ABCD 中,60,2DAB AB ︒∠==,则BC DC += ; 16.下面有五个命题:①函数sin cos y x x =+的最小正周期是2π;②终边在y 轴上的角的集合是,2k k Z παα⎧⎫=∈⎨⎬⎩⎭;③在同一坐标系中,函数sin y x =的图象和函数y x =的图象有三个公共点;④把函数3sin(2)3y x π=+的图象向右平移6π单位,得到3sin 2y x =的图象;⑤函数sin 2y x π⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭在()0,π上是减函数.所有正确命题的序号是 .(把你认为正确命题的序号都填上)三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分。




2.每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。





)1.已知U 是全集,M 、N 是U 的两个子集,若Φ=≠N M U N M ,,则下列选项中正确的是( )A .N M C U =B .M NC U = C .φ=)()(N C M C U UD .U N C M C U U =)((2.等差数列{}n a 的公差0d <,且22111a a =,则数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 取最大值时n =( )A.6B.5C.5或6D.6或73.为了得到函数)62sin(π-=x y 的图象,可以将函数x y 2cos =+1的图象按向量a r平移得到,则向量a r可以为( )A.(,1)3πB. (,1)3π- C. (,1)6π- D. (,1)6π4.定义在R 上的函数x x x f x x f x f x f 2)(,]2,0[),(3)2()(2-=∈=+时当满足,则)(,]2,4[x f x 时--∈的最小值是( )A .-91 B .91 C .31-D .-15.已知直线422=+=+y x a y x 与圆交于A 、B 两点,O 是坐标原点,向量、满足||||-=+,则实数a 的值是( )A .2B .-2C .6或-6D .2或-26.设偶函数()log a f x x b =-在(,0)-∞上单调递增,则)2()1(++b f a f 与的大小关系是( ) A .)2()1(+=+b f a f B .)2()1(+>+b f a fC .)2()1(+<+b f a fD .不能确定7.若函数)(2),()(1x f x y x f y x f y -===-且函数存在反函数的图象过点(2,1),则函数211第15题x x fy 2)(1-=-的图象一定过点( )A.(3,2)B.(2,3)-C.(4,3)-D.(3,4)-8.从原点O 引圆222()(2)1x m y m -+-=+的切线y kx =,当m 变化时,切点P 的轨迹方程是( ) A. 222x y += B. 22(1)2x y -+=C. 22(1)(1)3x y -+-= D.223x y +=9.在坐标平面上,不等式组211y x y x ⎧≥-⎪⎨≤+⎪⎩所表示的平面区域的面积为( )A. B.83 C.3D.210.已知02x π<<,且0t >,t 为常数,11()1sin f x sinx x=+-的最小值是9,则t =( ) A .3 B .2 2 C .4 D .3 2 11.如图所示,在△OAB 中,OA >OB ,OC =OB ,设OA →=a ,OB →=b ,若AC →=λ·AB →,则实数λ的值为A .a ·(a -b )|a -b |B .a ·(a -b )|a -b |2C .a 2-b 2|a -b | D .a 2-b 2|a -b |212.已知12,F F 为椭圆E 的两个左右焦点,抛物线C 以1F 为顶点,2F 为焦点,设P 为椭圆与抛物线的一个交点,如果椭圆离心率e满足12PF e PF =,则e 的值为( )B.2C.2D.2- 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二.填空题:(本大题共4个小题,每小题5分,共20分。




下列每小题所给选项只有一项符合题意,请将正确答案的序号填涂在答题卡上)1.过点(0,-1)作直线l ,若直线l 与圆1)1(22=-+y x 有公共点,则直线l 的倾斜角的范围为( ) A .]65,5[ππ B .),65[]6,0[πππ⋃ C .]32,3[ππ D .),32[]3,0[πππ⋃2.定义:映射B A f →:,如果满足集合B 中的任意一个元素在A 中都有原像,则称为“无缺映射“,已知集合A 中有4个元素,集合B 有3个元素,那么从A 到B 的“无缺映射“的个数为( )A .36B .24C .6D .723.已知}{n a 是递增数列,若对于任意+∈N ,都有12++=n n a n λ成立,则实数λ的取值范围是( ) A .0<λB .0>λC .3-≥λD .3->λ4.已知)0,(πα-∈,31log )3tan(aa =+απ,则)23cos(απ-的值为( )A .1010 B .1010- C .10103 D .-310 5.已知直线0=-+a y x 与圆422=+y x 交于两点B A ,,O 为坐标原点,向量→→OB OA ,满足:||||→→→→-=+OB OA OB OA ,则实数a 的值为( )A .-B .2C .-2D .2或-26.已知AB 是椭圆192522=+y x 的长轴,若把线段AB 五等份,过每个分点作AB 的垂线,分别与椭圆的上半部分相交于C 、D 、E 、G 四点,设F 是椭圆的左焦点,则||||||||FG FE FD FC +++的值是( )A .15B .16C .18D .20 7.一个项数是偶数的等比数列,它的偶数项和是奇数项和的2倍,又它的首项为1,且中间两项和为24,则此数列的项数为( )A .6B .8C .10D .12 8.设函数))((R x x f ∈为奇函数,)2()()2(,21)1(f x f x f f +=+=,则=)5(f ( ) A .0 B .1 C .25D .59.若不等式02<++q px x 的解集是(1,2),则不等式06522>--++x x qpx x 的解集是( )A .)2,1()1,(⋃--∞B .),6()2,1(+∞⋃C .),6()1,(+∞⋃--∞D .),6()2,1()1,(+∞⋃⋃--∞10.已知双曲线)0,0(12222>>=-b a by a x ,被方向向量)6,6(=→m 的直线截得的弦的中点为(4,1),则该双曲线离心率的值为( ) A .25 B .26 C .210 D .2 11.设定义域为R 的函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠-=1,11,|1|1)(x x x x f 若关于x 的方程0)()(2=++c x bf x f 有3个不同的实数解321,,x x x ,则232221x x x ++等于( )A .13B .2222b b +C .5D .2222cc + 12.已知函数b a x b x a x f ,(cos sin )(-=为常数,),0R x a ∈≠在4π=x 处取得最小值,函数)43(x f y -=π是( ) A .偶函数且它的图像关于点)0,(π对称 B .偶函数且它的图像关于点)0,23(π对称 C .奇函数且它的图像关于点)0,23(π对称 D .奇函数且它的图像关于点)0,(π对称 二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分,请把答案写在答案纸的相应位置上)13.抛物线y x 42=的准线l 与y 轴交于P 点,若l 以每秒12π弧度的角速度按逆时针方向旋转,则经过 秒,l 恰好与抛物线第一次相切. 14.已知二次函数)(2)(2R x c x ax x f ∈++=的值域为),0[+∞,则ac c a 11+++的最小值为__________.15.已知集合}04136|{},04|{22<-+-∈=>-=a x x Z x N x x M ,N M ⋂的子集个数为4,则实数a 的取值范围是 .16.已知直线)(01cos sin R y x ∈=++ααα,给出下列四个命题: (1)直线的倾斜角是απ-;(2)无论α如何变化,直线不过原点; (3)无论α如何变化,直线总和一个定圆相切;(4)当直线和两坐标轴都相交时,它和坐标轴围成的三角形的面积不小于1. 其中正确的命题的序号是 (把你认为正确的命题序号全填上). 三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤) 17、(本题满分10分)在ABC ∆中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为c b a ,,,已知向量),2(a b c -= )c o s ,(c o s C A =,且n m ⊥. (1)求角A 的大小;(2)若4=⋅,求BC 的最小值. 18、(本题满分12分)关于y x ,的方程C :04222=+--+m y x y x . (1)若方程C 表示圆,求实数m 的范围;(2)在方程C 表示圆时,若该圆与直线042:=-+y x l 相交于N M ,两点,且554||=MN ,求实数m 的值; (3)在(2)的条件下,若定点A 的坐标为(1,0),点P 是线段MN 上的动点,求直线AP 斜率的取值范围.19、(本题满分12分)平面直角坐标系中,O 为坐标原点,给定两点)2,0(),0,1(-B A ,点C 满足OB n OA m OC +=,其中R n m ∈,,且12=-n m .(1)求点C 的轨迹方程;(2)设点C 的轨迹与双曲线),0,0(12222b a b a by a x ≠>>=-且交于N M ,两点,且以MN 为直径的圆过原点,求证:2211ba -为定值; (3)在(2)的条件下,若双曲线的离心率不大于3,求双曲线实轴长的取值范围. 20、(本题满分12分)已知函数2()8,()6ln .f x x x g x x m =-+=+ (1)求()f x 在区间[],1t t +上的最大值)(t h ;(2)若方程()()f x g x =有且只有三个不同的实根,求实数m 的取值范围.21、(本题满分12分)已知21,F F 分别是椭圆)0(12222>>=+b a by a x 的左右焦点,其左准线与x 轴相交于点N ,并且满足2||,221121==F F NF F F ,设A 、B 是上半椭圆上满足λ=的两点,其中]31,51[∈λ.(1)求此椭圆的方程;(2)求直线AB 的斜率的取值范围. 22、(本题满分12分)已知各项均为正数的数列}{n a 的前n 项和满足1>n S ,且*),2)(1(6N n a a S n n n ∈++=.(1)求}{n a 的通项公式; (2)设数列}{n b 满足1)12(=-nb n a ,并记n T 为}{n b 的前n 项和,比较13+n T 与)3(log 2+n a 的大小.。



河北省正定中学2007—2008学年度高三年级第四次月考英语试题第I卷(选择题共95分)第一部分英语知识运用(共3节满分50分)第一节:语音知识(共5小题每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项1. watched A. filled B. recognized C. whispered D. practiced2. thank A. language B. strange C. thin D. twentieth3. frequently A. president B. fresh C. fever D. electric4. chemistry A. branch B. technique C. machine D. match5. quiet A. field B. believe C. society D. friend第二节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)6. As is announced , __$5000 reward will be offered for ____return of the stolen cultural relics.A. a ; theB. / ;theC. a ; aD. / ; a7. On stepping into his room he was astonished to find the floor covered with _____looked liketiny insects.A. thatB. somethingC. whatD. anything8. Mr. Smith said that their first trip to the seaside town was ____one but their second one waseven more interesting.A. a most interestingB. very interestingC. the most interestingD. a more interesting9. The position , however, ______you are applying, is not quite a well –paid one.A. thatB. whichC. for whichD. to which10. It is the rule that every car, bus and truck ____be inspected twice a year in this city.A. shallB. canC. has toD. need11. Tom’s brother is too selfish a man , whom we can’t _____ to lend us a hand .A. desireB. makeC. hopeD. suggest12. --- Are you sure you really want it ?---___________, I’m willing to pay ____ you ask for .A. No; no mater whatB. Yes ; no mater whatC. No ; whateverD. Yes ; whatever13. ____ seems to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the car we need.]A. ThatB. ThereC. ItD. This14. What an accident it is ! If you had been careful, things wouldn’t be _______.A. as it isB. as it wasC. as they areD. as they were15. Children are told to ______ strangers when they are out without parents.A. watch out forB. come up withC. get along withD. allow for16. In some western countries , demand for graduates from MBA courses has _____A. turned downB. turned overC. fallen downD. fallen over17. ---I went to work on foot yesterday, though it ______rats and dogs.---You _______by bus . It was likely to get a cold .A. is raining ; must have goneB. rained ; would goC. was raining ; should have goneD. have rained ; could have gone18. Getting a right job can be difficult____the students ___prepared to deal with the job interview.A. if ; won’t beB. unless ; areC. unless ; will beD. if ;are19. Having been praised by the teacher , the little girl ran back home ,______.A. happily and satisfiedB. eager and excitedlyC. happy and satisfiedD. anxiously and excitedly.20. ---Bill. Could I use your phone for a while?---___.Go ahead , please.A. By all meansB. Couldn’t be betterC. With pleasureD. No wonder第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。




1.wonderA.woman B.second C.stomach D.shock2.quarterA.marry B.market C.partly D.toward3.weighA.enough B.plough C.rough D.cough4.entranceA.event B.pretty C.fridge D.gentle5.measureA.pleasure B.sugar C.prison D.settle第二节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

6._____ came that my English teacher wanted to have _____ with me.A.The word; a word B.A word; the wordC.Word; a word D.A word; a word7. to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper “ , an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl.”A.Determined; wanted B.Determined; wantingC.Determine; wanted D.Determining; wanting8.The Friendship Store is being rebuilt stands the two main roads meet.A./; where B.where; where C.which; where D.which; which 9.—Did you make sense of what the man said just now?—No, his mean ing didn’t.Would you explain it for me?A.get through B.get off C.get across D.get out10.I don’t think is any point in having the old car repaired.A.it B.there C.that D.he11.–-Is Bob still working in your school?--I’m afraid not.He is said ____and____ in a private school recently.A.to resign; to teach B.to have resigned; teachingC.having resigned; to be teaching D.to have resigned; to be teaching12.It was _____ day.He didn’t feel cold because he was reading _____ sto ry.A.fairly a cold; quite an interesting B. a rather cold; quite interesting aC.rather cold a; quite interesting a D.rather a cold; quite an interesting13.There are ten waiting rooms at the newly-built station, ______in all 20,000 people.A.seating B.seated C.sitting D.to seating 14.Nobody but doctors or nurses and those _____ by Dr.Hu ______ to enter the patient’s room.A.invited; is allowed B.are invited; are allowedC.being invited; allowed D.invited; are allowed15.The goal of this project is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable______ his financial situation.A.in terms of B.according to C.due to D.regardless of 16.— Has Tim started? He said he would join in the party.— He ____.He is a man of keeping his word.A.could have left B.must have left C.can’t come D.won’t be coming17.I showed an old friend of mine around the city, surprise, the changes had been so great.A.whose B.which C.to whose D.to which18.---Mary, you clean the blackboard after class, _________?---Well, but it is Tim who’s on duty today.A.don’t you B.shall we C.won’t you D.do you19.It was ______ back home after the experiment.A.not until midnight did he go B.until midnight when he didn’t goC.until midnight that he didn’t go D.not until midnight that he went20.—Waiter!—________?—I can’t eat this.It’s too salty.A.Yes, sir B.What C.All right D.Pardon第三节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项。



高考语文名校模拟试题(66)河北正定中学第四次月考高考模拟2009-12-05 1622河北正定中学高三年级第四次考试语文试卷一、(12分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中,加点的字的读音全都正确的一组是A.巢穴(xuã)百福并臻(zhēn)韶光(sháo)不稂不莠(liáng)B.崔嵬(wãi)运筹帷幄(wù)秉承(bíng)草木菁菁(jīng)C.采邑(cài)独当一面(dāng)诤友(zhâng)流水浅浅(jiān)D.起讫(qì)嗟来之食(jiē)镌刻(juàn)泥古不化(nì)2.下列各项中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是A.“憧憬”一词中的“憧”字读音为“chōng”,这连许多小学生都能读准的字却被一位所谓的专家读成“zhuàng”,真是不可理喻。









河北正定中学2009届高三第四次月考物理试卷一、选择题(共14小题,每题4分共56分)1.粗糙水平地面上与墙平行放着一个截面为半圆的柱状物体A ,A 与竖直墙之间放一光滑圆球B ,整个装置处于平衡状态。

现对B 加一竖直向下的力F ,F 的作用线通过球心,设墙对B 的作用力为F 1,B 对A 的作用力为F 2,地面对A 的作用力为F 3。

若F 缓慢增大而整个装置仍保持静止,截面如图所示,在此过程中( )A .F 1保持不变,F 3缓慢增大B .F 1缓慢增大,F 3保持不变C .F 2缓慢增大,F 3缓慢增大D .F 2缓慢增大,F 3保持不变2.如图所示,甲分子固定在坐标原点O ,乙分子位于x 轴上,甲分子对乙分子的作用力与两分子间距离的关系如图中曲线所示,F>0为斥力, F<0为引力,a 、b 、c 、d 为x 轴上四个特定的位置。

现把乙分子从a 处由静止释放,则A.乙分子由a 到b 做加速运动,由b 到c 做减速运动B.乙分子由a 到c 做加速运动,到达c 时速度最大C.乙分子由a 到b 的过程中,两分子间的分子势能一直减少D.乙分子由b 到d 的过程中,两分子间的分子势能一直增加3.2002年4月下旬,天空中出现了水星、金星、火星、木星、土星近乎直线排列的“五星连珠”的奇观,这种现象的概率为几百年一次。

假设火星和木星绕太阳做匀速圆周运动,周期分别为T 1和T 2,而且火星离太阳较近,它们绕太阳运动的轨道在同一平面内,若某时刻火星和木星都在太阳的同侧,三者在一条直线上排列,那么经过多长时间将第二次出现这种现象( )A .221T T + B.1221T T T T - C.22122T T - D .2121T T T T -4.如图所示,一竖直放置开口向上的粗细均匀玻璃管内用水银柱封有一定质量的理想气体,水银与玻璃管间摩擦力不计,开始时玻璃管处于静止状态,当玻璃管自由下落时,下列说法中正确的是 ( )A .当玻璃管刚开始下落时,玻璃管的加速度大于重力加速度gB .玻璃管最初下落的短时间内,水银的加速度在逐渐变大C .玻璃管最初下落的短时间内,玻璃管的加速度在逐渐变大D .玻璃管最初下落的短时间内,水银将相对玻璃管下移5. 如图所示,一条小船位于200m 宽的河正中A 点处,从这里向下游1003m 处有一危险区,当时水流速度为4m/s ,为了使小船避开危险区沿直线到达对岸,小船在静水中的速度至少是( )A 、334m/sB 、338m/sC 、2m/sD 、4m/s6.质子和α粒子由静止经相同加速电压加速后,又垂直进入同一匀强电场,出电场时,它们横向偏移量之比和在电场中经过的时间之比分别为( )A .2:1B.1:1和 C .1:22:1和 D .1:4和1:27.如右图所示,处于平直轨道上的甲、乙两物体相距为s ,同时、同向开始运动。



力 F,其量值可能是① F=0 且历时 t 0 ; ② F= mg 且作用时间 t 0 ; ③ F=2 mg 且作用时
间 t 0.若此外力 F 按以下顺序施加在物体上,则使该物体在

3 t 0 时间内所发生的位移最大
a 与物体所 1/M 的对应数据
3.0 4.0
F( N)
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
1 (kg 1 ) M
0.25 0.50 0.69 0.80 1.0
( 1)分别画出 a - F 图象和 a -1/M 图象。
( 2)由 a - F 图象得到的结论是

由 a -1/M 图象得到的结论是
三、计算题( 56 分)按题目要求作答。解答题应写出必要的文字说明、方程和重要演算步骤,
B.物体 A 受到的摩擦力减小 C.物体 A 受到的摩擦力大小不变 D.物体 A 受到的弹簧拉力增大
二、实验填空题:本大题共 2 小题,共 16 分。
13. ( 8 分)(1) 在一次课外活动中, 某同学用如图 (a) 所示的装置测量放在水平光滑桌面上铁块
与金属板 B 之间的动摩擦因数, 已知铁块 A 的质量 mA=1kg,金属板 B 的质量 mB=0.5kg ,用水平力
( 2)在 t =3s 时间内木块位移的大小.
16.( 12分)如图所示,质量为 m 的木块 A放置在升降机中的斜面上,斜面倾角为 θ,木块和升 降机保持相对静止。当升降机以加速度 a匀减速向下运动时,求木块 A所受的支持力和摩擦力。





1.集合M {}{2,xy y P y y -====,则M P ⋂=( )A .{}1y y >B .{}1y y ≥C .{}0y y >D .{}0y y ≥2.化简)4(sin )4tan(21cos 222απαπα+--等于 ( )A .αcosB .αsin -C .-1D .13.已知→a =2,→b =3,→→-b a =7,则向量→a 与向量→b 的夹角是( )A .6π B .4πC .3π D .2π 4.已知直线420mx y +-=与250x y n -+=互相垂直,垂足为()1,p p ,则m n p -+的值是( )A .24B .20C . 0D .-45.在等差数列}{n a 中,)(3)(2119741a a a a a ++++=24,则此数列的前13项之和等于 ( )A .13B .26C .52D .1566.若011<<b a ,则下列不等式:① ||||b a >;②ab b a <+;③2>+baa b ;④b a b a -<22 中,正确的不等式有 ( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个 7.函数()21y x =≥的反函数的图象是( )ABCD8.已知三角形ABC 三个顶点为(1,1),(1(1A B C -,则角A 的内角平分线所在的直线方程为( )A .0x y -=B .122y x =+- C .0x y -=或20x y +-= D .20x y +-=9.已知函数)(x f y =的定义域为R ,它的反函数为)(1x f y -=,如果)(1a x fy +=-与)(a x f y +=互为反函数且a a f =)((a 为非零常数),则)2(a f 的值为 ( )A .a -B .0C .aD .a 210.已知双曲线)0,0(12222>>=-b a by a x ,被方向向量为)6,6(=的直线截得的弦的中点为(4,1),则该双曲线离心率的值是( )A .25 B .26 C .310 D .211.设F 1、F 2为椭圆13422=+y x 的左、右焦点,过椭圆中心任作一条直线与椭圆交于P 、Q 两点,当四边形PF 1QF 2面积最大时,→--→--⋅21PF PF 的值等于 ( )A .0B .1C .2D .412.对于函数M x f x x x f ≥+=)(,2)(2在使成立的所有常数M 中,我们把M 的最大值M=1-叫做x x x f 2)(2+=的下确界,则对于222)(,0,,,b a b a b a R b a ++∈则不全为且的下确界为 ( )A .21B .2C .41D .4二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分)13.函数sin cos (0)y a x b x ab =-≠的图像的一条对称轴为4x π=,则以(,)a a b =为方向向量的直线的倾斜角为 .14.不等式组1000x y x y y -+≥+≤≥⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩表示的平面区域的面积是 .15.若直线0(022>>=+-b a by ax ) 始终平分圆014222=+-++y x y x 的周长, 则ba 11+的最小值是 .16.椭圆22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>的两个焦点为F 1、F 2,点P 为椭圆上的点,则能使12F PF 2π∠=的点P 的个数可能有 个. (把所有的情况填全)三、解答题(共70分) 17.(本小题满分10分)xx x t a n 1)t a n 1(2s i n -+求的值.18.(本小题满分12分)已知曲线C 的方程为:22(4)1()kx k y k k R +-=+∈ (1)若曲线C 是椭圆,求K 的取值范围;(2)若曲线C 是双曲线,且有一条渐近线的倾斜角为3π,求此双曲线的方程. 19.(本小题满分12分)如图所示,已知圆()223100x y ++=,定点A (3,0),M 为圆C上一动点,点P 在AM 上,点N 在CM 上,且满足2,0AM AP NP AM ==,点N 的轨迹为曲线E 。



河北省正定中学2009—2010学年高二第四次考试(语文)试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、选择题1.下列各项词语字音、字形全对一组是()A.瘦削.(xiāo)言简意赅.(gāi)黯.淡(àn)便.宜行事(biàn)B.怔.忡(zhèng)危如累.卵(lěi)笃.实(dú)得陇.忘蜀(lǒng)C.裙褶.(zhě)风餐露.宿(lù)低徊.(huí)佶.屈聱牙(jí)D.瞻.养 (shàn) 溘.然长逝(kè)复辟.(pì)鲜.为人知(xiǎn)2.下列各项中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是()A.曹雪芹对《西厢记》的高度评价点燃了他重读王实甫曲作的热情,他急忙找出《西厢记》翻阅,孰料再读立刻就产生了相见恨晚....之感。








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1.wonderA.woman B.second C.stomach D.shock 2.quarterA.marry B.market C.partly D.toward 3.weighA.enough B.plough C.rough D.cough 4.entranceA.event B.pretty C.fridge D.gentle 5.measureA.pleasure B.sugar C.prison D.settle第二节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

6._____ came that my English teacher wanted to have _____ with me.A.The word; a word B.A word; the wordC.Word; a word D.A word; a word7.to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper ―, an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl.‖A.Determined; wanted B.Determined; wantingC.Determine; wanted D.Determining; wanting8.The Friendship Store is being rebuilt stands the two main roads meet.A./; where B.where; where C.which; where D.which; which 9.—Did you make sense of what the man said just now?—No, his meaning didn’t.Would you explain it for me?A.get through B.get off C.get across D.get out10.I don’t think is any point in having the old car repaired.A.it B.there C.that D.he11.—Is Bob still working in your school?—I’m afraid not.He is said ____and____ in a private school recently.A.to resign; to teach B.to have resigned; teachingC.having resigned; to be teaching D.to have resigned; to be teaching 12.It was _____ day.He didn’t feel cold because he was reading _____ story.A.fairly a cold; quite an interesting B.a rather cold; quite interesting aC.rather cold a; quite interesting a D.rather a cold; quite an interesting 13.There are ten waiting rooms at the newly-built station, ______in all 20,000 people.A.seating B.seated C.sitting D.to seating 14.Nobody but doctors or nurses and those _____ by Dr.Hu ______ to enter the patient’s room.A.invited; is allowed B.are invited; are allowedC.being invited; allowed D.invited; are allowed15.The goal of this project is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable______ his financial situation.A.in terms of B.according to C.due to D.regardless of 16.— Has Tim started? He said he would join in the party.— He ____.He is a man of keeping his word.A.could have left B.must have leftC.can’t come D.won’t be coming17.I showed an old friend of mine around the city, surprise, the changes had been so great.A.whose B.which C.to whose D.to which 18.—Mary, you clean the blackboard after class, _________?—Well, but it is Tim who’s on duty today.A.don’t you B.shall we C.won’t you D.do you19.It was ______ back home after the experiment.A.not until midnight did he go B.until midnight when he didn’t goC.until midnig ht that he didn’t go D.not until midnight that he went 20.—Waiter!—________?—I can’t eat this.It’s too salty.A.Yes, sir B.What C.All right D.Pardon第三节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项。

My father woke me up early one summer morning announcing, ―Get up.You’re going with me to cut grass.‖ The idea 21 my father actually thought I was big enough to help him in his 22 made me feel proud and 23 .From sunup to sundown my father, my younger brother and I 24 in the large yards in a rich part of Atlanta, Georgia.By the end of the day I was tired out, but felt good.I had 25 a hard day’s labour and had earned $6.One day my father found some leaves I’d 26 and pulled me aside.―Clear away these leaves,‖ he said 27 , ―and don’t make me have to tell you to do it again.‖ The 28 was clear.Today I value the importance of doing a job 29 the first time.It will never 30 to impress the person you are working for.After two years my father told me and my brother that he felt we were 31 enough to do lawns(草坪) on our own.Every Saturday , we 32 out early in the morning with the same desire and drive we had gained while working 33 our father.Taking care of lawns was not exciting 34 high-paying, but that didn’t matter.It taught me that any job is a good job and that 35 I was paid was more than I had before.A newspaper reporter once asked me how someone 36 possible live on a forty-hour- a –week minimum(最低的) pay.―My father never worked just forty hours a37 , and neither have I.‖ I replied.―If you’re only working forty hours, you probably don’t want to do 38 better than you’re doing.‖In every job I’ve39 ——from doing lawns to washing dishes—--I have learned something that helped me in my next job.If you 40 hard enough, you can learn from any job you do.21.A.what B.that C.which D.why22.A.farm B.family C.business D.company 23.A.excited B.tired C.troubled D.unpleasant 24.A.played B.excised C.worked D.struggled 25.A.put out B.put down C.put away D.put in 26.A.collected B.cleaned C.missed D.noticed 27.A.finally B.usually C.unexpectedly D.firmly 28.A.news B.message C.information D.word 29.A.right B.quickly C.fast D.wrong 30.A.happen B.seem C.fail D.begin 31.A.strong B.old C.clever D.skilled 32.A.worked B.set C.turned D.figured 33.A.beyond B.without C.under D.like 34.A.and B.and yet C.but D.or 35.A.no matter how B.whatever C.no matter what D.however 36.A.must B.should C.may D.could 37.A.day B.year C.week D.month 38.A.some B.any C.little D.very 39.A.found B.lost C.held D.helped 40.A.see B.look C.try D.enjoy第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题;第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题一分;满分45分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
