The History of English__ LanguagePPT课件


英语发展史 the history of English PPT课件

英语发展史 the history of English PPT课件

night and main, friend or foe, a labour of love。
In 1066, the Normans conquered
1066 14
England. French became the
存并很语 象语
了。在复合词的构成格式方面,也吸收 了法语的一些特色,例如:名词+形容词, 副词+过去分词(例by-gone)。这些现象, 语言学史上称为英语的罗曼语化。这就
同族,但现代英语的词汇和法语更相近 的原因。
(1500-- )
早期现代英语时期,对英语词汇的影响最大的是文艺复兴 运动。文专职复兴运动是十四世纪在意大利开始的,在十 六世纪以后的两个世纪内对英国的影响很大。在这一时期, 强调研究古代希腊、罗马文化,以对抗中世纪的封建文化。 于是许多外来词,主要是拉丁语和希腊语的词语传入英语, 成为英语的书面语和术语词的基本部分。同时也为英语提 供了大量的同义词。希腊和拉丁语词进入英语后有的保留 了原来的形式,如 climax, appendix, exterior, axis;有 的失去了词尾,如(扩号内为拉丁语), consult (consultare), exclusion (exclusioneum) exotic (exoticus); 还有的改变了词尾,使之更适合英语的形式,如形容词词 尾us 变成了ous或变成al,名词词尾tas变为ty。
在8世纪末,斯堪的那维亚人攻占英国。 战 争持续了将近200年。 在这个时期,很多 拉丁语、丹麦和古斯堪的那维亚的单词融入



A-Brief-History-of-EnglishA Brief History of EnglishN o understanding of the English language can be very satisfactory without a notion of the history of the language. But we shall have to make do with just a notion. The history of English is long and complicated, and we can only hit the higl1 spots.不了解英语的历史很难真正掌握这门语言,然而对此我们只能做到略有所知。


At the time of the Ro1nan Empire, the speakers of what was to become English were scattered along the northern coast of Europe. They spoke a dialect of Low German. More exactly, they spoke several different dialects, since they were several different tribes. The names given to the tribes who got to England are Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, who are referred to collectively as Anglo-Saxons4.在罗马帝国时期,散居在欧洲北部沿海的居民说一种西部德语的方言,这就是英语的前身。


The history of English language(英汉双语)

The history of English language(英汉双语)


English is a West Germanic language that originated from theAnglo-Frisian dialects, broughtto Britain by Germanic invaders最初的古英语由多种方言组成,晚期西撒克逊语最终成为了统一英语的语言。




Middle English differed from Old English because of two invasions which occurred during the Middle Ages. The 1st invasion was by peoples who spoke North Germanic languages. They conquered and colonized parts of Britain during the 8th and 9th centuries A.D. The 2nd invasion was by the Normans of the 11th century, who spoke Old Norman and eventually developed an English form thereofcalled Anglo-Norman.Proto-English英语诞生于日耳曼人的语言,主要包括盎格鲁语,撒克逊语,弗里西语,朱特语。


The languages of Germanic peoples gave rise to the English language( the best known are the Angles, Saxons, Frisii, Jutes and possibly some Franks,) . Latin loan wordsentered the vocabulary.Old English – from the mid-5th century to the mid-11th century人们现在所讲的古英语是长期以来多个殖民部落的方言融合而形成的。

A History of the English Language

A History of the English Language

A History of the English LanguagePast Changes Precipitate Worldwide PopularityLauralee B. YorkRewritten August. 2, 1999The history of the English language is of significance because English is spoken more frequently than any other language except Chinese, according to the International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (410). A Germanic language, English is spoken by an estimated 1,500,000,000 people, and that number is ever increasing, according to An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Language and Languages (121).English is the chief language of world publishing, science and technology, conferencing, and computer storage as well as the language of international air traffic control (121). English is also used for purposes of international communications, and international politics, business communications, and academic communities (122).The history of English can be traced to the colonization of people from a family of languages which spread throughout Europe and southern Asia in the fourth millennium BC, (185). It is thought that a seminomadic population living in the steppe region to the north of the Black Sea moved west to Europe and east to Iran and India, spreading their culture and languages (186). According to The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, the European languages and Sanskrit, the oldest language of the Indian sub-continent, were tied to a common source. When a systematic resemblance was discovered in both roots and verbs and in grammar forms, by comparing similar features of the European languages and Sanskrit, a common source language was reconstructed named Proto-Indo-European (298).The Proto-Indo-European language was more complex than English today. According to The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, It is possible to reconstruct three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter) and up to eight cases (nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative, locative, instrumental). Adjectives agreed in case, number, and gender with the noun. The verb system was also rich in inflections, used for aspect, mood, tense, voice, person, and number. Different grammatical forms of a word were often related by the feature of ablaut, or vowel graduation: the root vowel would change systematically to express such differences as singular and plural or past and present tense, as is still the case in English foot/feet ortake/took (Crystal 299).The Proto-Indo-European language is thought to have been spoken before 3,000 BC, and to have split up into different languages during the following millennium (298). The languages families include Celtic, Germanic, Italic, Indo-Iranian, Tocharian, Armenian, Anatolian, Albanian, Greek, Balto-Slavic, and Slavic languages. Yiddish, German, Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, and English make up the West Germanic subgroup of the Germanic Branch (Crystal 186).Scholars renamed the language group the Indo-European family after 3,000 BC (298). Theorists suggest that the horse was a major element of the Proto-Indo-European and theIndo-European family of languages. They conjecture that the culture was spread by warriors who conquered from horse-drawn chariots. Others discount this theory, according the Dictionary of Languages (273). The Indo-European languages have been marked by a succession of changes affecting different languages. One change of note includes thecentum/satem split. K followed by a front vowel became s or sh in Indo-Aryan (Sanskrit sata), Iranian (Persian sad), Slavonic (Russian sto), Baltic (Lithuanian simtas), Albanian (qind, pronounced chind) and Armenian. It remained k in Celtic (Welsh cant), Italic, Tocharian (kant), Greek (hetaton) and Germanic (with a subsequent move to h, English hundred).A sound shift in consonants occurred that differentiated the Proto-Germanic languages from other Indo-European languages. It included several consonants that were changed from the first example to the second example in the following consonants: p>f, t>0, k>x, b>p, d>t, g>k, bh>b, dh>d, and gh>h. The sound shift was named Grimms Law, after the man who described it, according to Contemporary Linguistics (332).The Proto-Indo-European, the Indo-European, and specifically the Germanic language, of which English is a derivative, influenced the early history of the English Language. The early history of the English language began in Britain and with several groups of people. At first people migrated to the placed now called England. Several invading groups joined the original settlers of England, bringing with them their language and culture. English became a mixture of languages that adapted to the circumstances and the needs of the people. England eventually commanded an empire, thus, spreading the language around the world. When the empire, diminished the Americas continued to spread the English language because of their political power and wealth. The history of the English language is fascinating and follows as events and language changes are pointed out.The Celts were the first Indo-European people to spread across Europe, according The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (304). They emerged from south central Europe and spread throughout most of Europe, reaching the Black Sea and Asia Minor. They migrated to south-west Spain, central Italy, and throughout Britain in a series of wave-like migrations. Their culture was named after a Swiss archaeological site called La Tene.The first group of Celts went to Ireland in the 4th century and later reached Scotland and the Isle of Man. The second group went into southern England and Wales, and later to Brittany, producing a type of Celtic know as British.During the greatest days of the Roman Empire, their law ruled all men from Britain to Egypt, from Spain to the Black Sea, according to A History of Knowledge, (67). The Romans had a fierce respect and love of the law. Everywhere the Romans governed, they took their laws and administered them over the peoples they ruled. In fact, Roman law continues to this day to be an influence upon almost all legal systems in the Western world. The Romans adopted the Greek alphabet, Greek ideas, images and world views. They copied the Macedonian order of battle and Spartan steel weapons and armor. They conquered everywhere they went, building roads, establishing cities, trading, and sharing their culture. The Romans build a transportation network with hundreds of miles of roadway. The roads the Romans built still exist today, after twenty centuries of continuous use.Britain was acquired as a province of the Roman Empire during the century after 14 AD, following the death of Augustus. Words from Latin and Greek languages were adopted into the language. The Greek alphabet, with a few minor changes, is used in the English language today (25). Eventually, the Romans also brought Christianity to Britain. English became a distinct tongue about 449 AD when Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, who spoke Germanic dialects, arrived in Celtic-speaking Britain. Groups of Angles, Saxons, and Jutes came to aid the Romanized Britons who were besieged by Picts and Scots after the Roman military withdrewin 410 AD (Bright 410). English owes its origin to the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes who crossed the sea and settled in Britain, according to the Dictionary of Languages, (166). The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms covered most of what is now England by around 600 AD.The West Saxons were the most powerful of the new kingdoms, and the only one able to withstand the Viking invasion in the 9th century AD. It was also in Wessex or the West Saxon kingdom that a written language first flourished. The International Encyclopedia of Linguistics divides the history of English into three periods: Old English, Anglo-Saxon from 700 to 1100 AD, Middle English from 1100 to 1500 AD, and Modern English or New English from 1500 to the present (410).Old English (OE) was a highly inflected language. There were suffixes on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and demonstratives. It had an elaborate system of personal interrogative and relative pronouns. The four dialects during the Old English period were Kentish in the southeast, West Saxon in the south and southwest, Mercian in the Midlands, and Northumbrian above the Humber River. West Saxon was the written standard during the reign of Alfred the Great from 871 to 899 AD.Old English morphology included noun forms of singulars and plurals, with five cases, and three genders. Old English personal pronouns have been retained, and have transferred into New English, more of their morphological variations than any other form class.With the influx of the Christian religion at the end of the 6th century, some Latin words were added. About 2,000 Danish words and phrases were also added to Old English. At that time, the combining of native elements in prefixing, suffixing, and compounding was the most characteristic way of expanding the word stock. (Bright, 412)Britain was invaded again during the Viking age of about 750 to 1050. This invasion was mostly by Danes who then settled in central and southern England. Throughout Britain, most of the people spoke Old English and few words from the Celtic influence remained. Middle English began with the 1066 Norman Conquest. French-speaking Normans carried out government and educational duties. The Norman invasion caused a bilingual environment with the middle class speaking both French and English. It brought approximately 10,000 Norman French words into Middle English. The Normans exerted a great influence in food, fashion, education, religion, government, law, and the military.Social and linguistic upheaval changed the language climate in 1215 when King John of England was forced to acknowledge the Magna Carta. According to The Heritage of World Civilizations, this monumental document was a victory of feudal over monarchical power in the sense that it secured the rights of many the nobility, the clergy and the townspeople over the autocratic king; it restored the internal balance of power that had been the English political experience since the Norman conquest. Now the English people could be represented at the highest levels of government. This eventually brought English back into use as the countrys language (446-447).Modern English developed when Caxton established his printing press at Westminister in 1476. New English is a derivative of the dialect of medieval London. It is in the same dialect used by Cha cer and Chancery. During this time Johannes Gutenberg, a German printer invented type molds for casting individual letters. His first book using movable type was printed about 1450 and was printed on rag paper. (The Chinese government is credited withthe discovery of paper in 105 AD, however, Arabs also discovered how to make paper.) Gutenbergs invention made movable type practical because he could produce any quantity of letters and words and place the timeype in a frame. He used rag paper in his printings. His most famous printing is the Gutenberg Bible (Van Doren 154).According to the International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, all vowels were systematically raised, and the highest were dipthongized between 1400 and 1564. Also, there were 333 strong verbs in Old English. Half of the verbs are still used, although, only 68 are inflected as strong verbs (414). The most important phonological event in modern times is the so-called Great Vowel Shift. It began in late middle English and continued until the eighteenth century. The long vowels of Middle English came to be pronounced in a higher position, while the highest vowels became diphthongs, according to The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (1125).With the approach of the 18th century, English became an analytical language. Its rich inflectional system weakened, causing a great increase in the use of prepositional phrases, in new phrasal prepositions (e.g. in spite of, with regard to, on the basis of), and in periphrastic verb construction. For example, did say is the periphrastic past tense of say, and said is the inflected past tense of say. During this period, there was a reduction of inflectional distinctions (Asher 1125). Also, Old English had used both SVO and SOV sentence word orders without requiring a grammatical subject. Middle English used SVO and the subject was obligatory (Bright 413).During the Renaissance, English displaced Latin as the language used in philosophy, science, and other learned arenas. Since English was lexically deficient, it borrowed Latin and Greek words for nouns and adjectives. The International Encyclopedia of Linguistics estimated that during the first 150 years of New English, more than 10,000 words from 50 languages were borrowed. It also asserted that the current English language has borrowed foreign words from more than 75 languages with French as the principal donor. The Old English method of using affixes and compounding to form words was displaced in New English by borrowing words as the favorite way of enlarging the English word stock. According to the Dictionary of Languages, the history of Modern English has three important themes. The themes include the extension of English into new subject areas, the spread of English to many parts of the world, and the growth of English into Standard British English.The extension of the language began with the first printed English translation of the Bible in 1525. The Authorized Version of the English Bible was translated in 1611. Finally, the revised Book of Common Prayer was published in 1662. The Bible and the prayer book were in everyday use in Anglican churches until the 1970(s), where they influenced the speaking and writing of English for over 300 years. English took the place of Latin during the 16th century in religion, science, and scholarship. To make this transition possible, vast numbers of loan words have been added to the English language.English has spread to many parts of the world. It became a native language for English-speaking colonies, which are now independent and powerful states. English was spread by British trade and influence. It is the second language of many other states because the ex-colonial countries have no better choice of a national language. English is currently acknowledged as the universal language of diplomacy and science. It is also the language that people usually speak when addressing foreigners, and it is the most popular second language(167).Standard British English is the widely accepted standard language, the language of London and its elite. It is sometimes called the Kings (or Queens) English, BBC English, and Received Pronunciation. This standard use of English has been helped by the spread of education and literacy, the extension of printing and publishing, and recently the influence of radio and television. All these factors have increased the standardization of pronunciation, spelling, and spoken and written style.English shares linguistic features with other Indo-European languages. However, the lexicon, morphology, and phonology are characteristically Germanic. One example of this is that past tense inflections are a Germanic characteristic. Another distantly Germanic characteristic is the fixed primary stress on the first syllable, as expressed in the word brother (Bright 410). An Encyclopedia Dictionary of Language and Languages (AEDLL) describes English as spoken worldwide by a large and ever-increasing number of people. The English language has official status in more than 60 countries. Two diagrams called A Family of Languages and English: the world language follow the bibliography. One shows that English is listed with languages in the West Germanic subgroup, and the other illustrates the use of English in countries around the world today. A summary of the trends allows the prediction that English may become the language of universal communications.BibliographyAsher, R.E. and J. M. Y. Simpson. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 10 Vols. New York: Pergamon Press, 1994. 1125.Bright, William. International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. 4 Vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. 410-415.Craig, Albert M., et al., eds., et The Heritage of World Civilizations. 2 Vols. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986. 446-447.Crystal, David, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 2nd Ed. New York: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1997. 298-299.Crystal, David. An Encyclopedia Dictionary of Language and Languages. USA: Blackwell Publishers, 1992. 121-122, 134, 185-186.Dalby, Andrew. Dictionary of Languages: The Definitive Reference to more than 400 Languages. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 1998.166-179.OGrady, William, Michael Dobrovolsky and Mark Aronoff. Contemporary Linguistics. 3rd Ed. New York: St. Martins Press, Inc., 1992. 332.Van Doren, Charles. A History of Knowledge Past, Present, and Future. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992. 154.。



English raise want
skill skin
Both survived
Old English (450-1100 AD)
Part of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》 , a poem written in Old English. The invading Germanic tribes spoke similar languages, which in Britain developed into what we now call Old English. Old English did not sound or look like English today. Native English speakers now would have great difficulty understanding Old English. Nevertheless, about half of the most commonly used words in Modern English have Old English roots. The words be, strong and water, for example, derive from Old English. Old English was spoken until around 1100.
History of the English Language
The very beginning of English
The development of the English language can date back to as far as 500BC.According to historical record ,the earliest language used in Great Britain is Celtic. In 55 BC , the Roman conquered the Great Britain and had ruled there for more than 500 years , creating an opportunity for Latin to find its way into Britain and gradually take the place of Celtic as the official language.

history of English 英国历史简介

history of English 英国历史简介

Oldபைடு நூலகம்English (450-1100)

The period from 450 to 1100 is known as the Old English or the Anglo-Saxon period. In the sixth century, the Roman missionaries headed by St. Augustine brought Christianity to the Germanic tribes (mainly the Saxons). The English language adopted many words from Latin, the official language of the church. Latin provided not only religious vocabulary (e.g., abbot, altar, disciple, hymn, nun, mass, pope, and priest) but also a surprising number of what are now everyday words (e.g., candle, cap, school, and spend).

This created an interesting mixture, because Old English was very similar to this close Germanic relative. For example, Old English Norse loan Many words beginning with scshrub scrub /sk- are borrowed from Scandinavian languages, e. g. lend loan score, scorch, skill, skin, skirt, sky. rear raise shirt skirt craft skill



• In the field of literature, enlightenmenters believed that the artistic should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy . seek proportion, unity, harmony and grace in literary expression, in an effort to delight, instruct and correct human beings. • Neoclassicism. A revival in literature in the late 17th and 18th centuries, characterized by a regard for the classical ideals of reason, form, and restraint.

Poetry Much of old English poetry was probably intended to be chanted, with harp (a kind of instrument in Chinese means 竖琴) accompaniment, by Anglo-Saxon scop (poet in Chinese means 吟游诗人), often bold and strong, but also mournful and elegiac (sad) in spirit. Major achievement: Beowulf
What is Literature?
Literature refers to the practice and profession of writing. It comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of human experiences. Literature shows us not only what a society is like in a certain age, but also what individuals feel about it, what they hope from it, and how they can change it or escape from it.

英语发展史 the history of English

英语发展史 the history of English
英语的历史从1500多年前的北欧开始。 在公元5世 纪左右,称为盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人的部落 从德国和丹麦旅行向西过北海。他们迁入英国,并 在7世纪末以前,他们所讲的即为早期形式的英语。
In the late eighth century, the Vikings attacked England. Fighting continued for years. During this time, almost two hundred many Latin, Danish, and Norse words entered the English language. Latin gave English words like kitchen and cup. From Danish and Norse, English borrowed skin, leg, they. many synonyms from the Norse language became integrated into English, for example, wrath(English),anger(Norse);sick(English),i ll(Norse).
语词汇中占有显著的地位。据统计,在史诗《贝奥 武夫》3183行诗句中,竟有1069个复合词。有些复 合词中不重读部分,渐渐失去了独立地位,而演变 成了词缀,如for-, in-, -ful 等派生法在古英语中也 广泛使用。共有二十四个名词后缀、十五个形容词 后缀,-dom, -hood, -ship, -ness, -the, -ful,- ish 等词缀都可溯源到古英语时期。古英语时期的诗歌 有一种特殊的修辞手法,即头韵(alliteration),



AHistoryoftheEnglishLanguage第一篇:A History of the English LanguageA History of the English Language(2011-10-11 23:17:57)转载标签:分类:英语语言概论杂谈A History of the English LanguageThe history of English is a complex and dynamic history.It is often, albeit perhaps too neatly, divided into four periods: Old English, Middle English, Early-Modern English, and Late-Modern English.English is classified genetically as a Low West Germanic language of the Indo-European family of languages.Currently, nearly two billion people around the globe understand it.It is the language of aviation, science, computing, international trade, and diplomacy.It holds a crucial place in the cultural, political, and economic affairs in countries all over the world.From its early beginnings as a series of Germanic dialects, English has been remarkable in both its colonizing power and its ability to adopt and amass vocabulary from all over the world.Yet it was nearly wiped out in its early years(Bragg 2003).Old English(500-1100AD) It is nearly impossible to identify the birth of a language, but in the case of English, it is safe to say that it did not exist before the West Germanic tribes settled Britain.During the fifth and sixth centuries A.D., West Germanic tribes from Jutland and southern Denmark(Norseland)invaded the British Isles.These tribes--which included the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes--spoke a Germanic language now termed Old English, a language which is similar to modern Frisian.Out of these tribes, four major dialects of Old English emerged, Northumbrian in the north of England, Merican in the Midlands, West Saxon in the south and west, and Kentishin the Southeast.These tribes, along with the English language, may well have been wiped out altogether by Viking raiders if not for a Wessex king named Alfred the Great.After defeating the Vikings, who threatened both the English way of life and its language, Alfred the Great encouraged English literacy throughout his kingdom(McCrum, et al 1986).Before the Germanic tribes arrived, the Celts were the original inhabitants of Britain.When the Germanic tribes invaded England, they pushed the Celt-speaking inhabitants out of England into what is now Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Ireland.The Celtic language survives today in the Gaelic languages, and some scholars speculate that the Celtic tongue might have influenced the grammatical development of English, though the influence would have been minimal(Bryson 1990).Around A.D.850, Vikings or Norsemen made a significant impact on the English language by importing many North Germanic words into the language.From the middle of the ninth century, large numbers of Norse invaders settled in Britain, especially in the northern and eastern areas and, in the eleventh century, a Danish(Norse)King, Canute, ruled England.The North Germanic speech of the Norsemen had a fundamental influence on English.They added basic words such as “that,” “they,” and “them,” and also may have been responsible for some of the morphological simplification of Old English, including the loss of grammatical gender and cases(Bragg 2003).The majority of words that constitute Modern English do not come from Old English roots(only about one sixth of known Old English words have descendants surviving today), but almost all of the 100 most commonly used words in modern English do have Old English roots.Words like “water,” “strong,” “the,” “of,” “a,” “he”“no” and many other basic modern English words derive from Old English(Bragg 2003).Still, the English language we know today is a far cry from its Old English ancestor.This is evidenced in the epic poem Beowulf, which is the best known surviving example of Old English(McCrum, et al 1986), but which must be read in translation to modern English by all but those relative few who have studied the work in the original.The Old English period ended with the Norman Conquest, when the language was influenced to an even greater extent by the French-speaking Normans.The Norman Conquest and Middle English(1100-1500)In 1066, William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons.After the invasion, the Norman kings and the nobility spoke a dialect of Old French known as Anglo-Norman, while English continued to be the language of the common people.This class distinction can still be seen in the English language today in words such as “beef” vs.“cow” and “pork” vs.“pig.” The aristocracy commonly ate beef and pork, which are derivatives of Anglo-Norma, while the Anglo-Saxon commoners, who tended the cattle and hogs, retained the Germanic and ate cow and pig.Many legal terms, such as “indict,” “jury,” and “verdict” also have Anglo-Norman roots because the Normans ruled the courts.It was not uncommon for French words to replace Old English words;for example, “uncle” replaced “eam” and “crime” replaced “firen.” French and English also combined to form new words, such as the French “gentle” and the Germanic “man” forming “gentleman”(Bryson1990).To this day, French-based words hold a more official connotation than do Germanic-based ones.When the English King John lost the province of Normandy to the King of France in 1204, the Normannobles of England began to lose interest in their properties in France and began to adopt a modified English as their native tongue.When the bubonic plague devastated Europe, the dwindling population served to consolidate wealth.The old feudal system crumbled as the new middle class grew in economic and social importance as did their language in relation to Anglo-Norman.The highly inflected system of Old English gave way to, broadly speaking, the same system of English found today which, unlike Old English, does not use distinctive word endings.Unlike Old English, Middle English can be read(albeit with some difficulty)by modern English speakers.By 1362, the linguistic division between the nobility was largely over and the Statue of Pleading was adopted, making English the language of the courts and Parliament.Edward the III became the first king to address Parliament in English in 1362, and the first English government document to be published in English since the Norman Conquest was the Provisions of Oxford.And the most famous literary example of Middle English is Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.The Middle English period came to a close around 1500 with the rise of Modern English(McCrum, et al 1986).Early Modern English(1500-1800)The Renaissance brought with it widespread innovation in the English language.The rediscovery of classical scholarship created an influx of classical Latin and Greek words into the language.While Latin and Greek borrowings diversified the language, some scholars adopted Latin terms awkwardly and excessively, leading to the derogatory term “inkhorn.” An important item for scholars, an inkhorn was simply a horn pot that held ink for quills...but later it became a deprecatory term for pedantic writers who borrowed obscure and opulent termssuch as “revoluting” and “ingent affability”(Bragg 2003).The invention of the printing press also marked the division from Old English to Modern English as books became more widespread and literacy increased.Soon publishing became a marketable occupation and books written in English were often more popular than books in Latin.The printing press also served to standardize English.The written and spoken language of London already influenced the entire country, and with the influence of the printing press, London English soon began to dominate.Indeed, London standard became widely accepted, especially in more formal context.Soon English spelling and grammar were fixed and the first English dictionary was published in 1604(Bryson 1990).In the fifteenth century, the Great Vowel Shift--a series of changes in English pronunciation--further changed the English language.These purely linguistic sound changes moved the spoken language away from the so-called “pure” vowel sounds which still characterize many Continental languages today.Consequently, the phonetic pairings of most long and short vowel sounds were lost, resulting in the oddities of English pronunciation and obscuring the relationship of many English words and their foreign roots.The Great Vowel Shift was rather sudden and the major changes occurred within a century, though the shift is still in process and vowel sounds are still shortening, albeit much more gradually.The causes of the shift are highly debated.Some scholars argue that such a shift occurred due to the “massive intake of Romance loanwords so that English vowels started to sound more like French loanwords.Other scholars suggest it was the loss of inflectional morphology that started the shift”(Bragg 2003).Late-Modern English(1800-Present)The pronunciation, grammar, and spelling of Late-Modern English are essentially the same as Early-Modern English, but Late-Modern English has significantly more words due to several factors.First, discoveries during the scientific and industrial revolutions created a need for a new vocabulary.Scholars drew on Latin and Greek words to creat e new words such as “oxygen,” “nuclear,” and “protein.” Scientific and technological discoveries are still ongoing and neologisms continue to this day, especially in the field of electronics and computers.Just as the printing press revolutionized both spoken and written English, the new language of technology and the Internet places English in a transition period between Modern and Postmodern.Second, the English language has always been a colonizing force.During the medieval and early modern periods, the influence of English quickly spread throughout Britain, and from the beginning of the seventeenth century on, English began to spread throughout the world.Britain’s maritime empire and military influence on language(especially after WWII)has consequently been significant.Britain’s complex colonization, exploration, and overseas trade both imported loanwords from all over the world(such as “shampoo,” “pajamas,” and “yogurt”)and also led to the development of new varieties of English, each with its own nuances of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.Significantly, one of England’s colonies, America, created what is known as American English and, in some respects, American English is closer to the English of Shakespeare than the modern Standard British English(or the modern Queen’s English)because many Americanisms are originally British expressions that were preserved in the colonies while lost at home(e.g., “trash” for “rubbish”).Native American andSpanish vocabulary have also been a great influence on American English, importing or adopting such words as “raccoon,” “canoe,” “mustang,” “ranch,” and “vigilante”(Bragg 2003).Global EnglishRecently, English has become a lingua franca, a global language that is regularly used and understood by many countries where English is not the first/native language.In fact, when Pope John Paul II went to the Middle East to retrace Christ’s footsteps and addressed Christians, Muslims, and Jews, the Pope didn’t speak Arabic, Italian, Hebrew, or his native Polish;instead, he spoke in English.In fact, English is used in over 90 countries, and it is the working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN and of 98 percent of international research physicists and chemists.It is also the language of computing, international communication, diplomacy, and navigation.Over one billion people worldwide are currently learning English, making it unarguably a global language.--Posted January 27, 2008ReferencesBragg, Melvyn.2003.The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language.New York: Arcade Publishing.Bryson, Bill.1990.Mother T ongue: English and How it Got That Way.New York: Perennial.McCrum, Robert, William Cran, and Robert MacNeil.1986.The Story of English.New York: Viking.。

英语The history of the English language

英语The history of the English language

The history of the English languageThe history of the English language is divided into three periods: The period from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English. It is described as the period of full inflections(词尾变化), since during most of this period the case endings of the noun, the adjective and the conjunction(结合)of the verbs were not weakened. Old English was a highly inflected language. It had a complete system(体系)of declensions(变格)with four cases and conjunctions. So Old English grammar differs from Modern English grammar in these aspects(方面).The period from 1150 is known as the Middle English period. It is known as the period of reducing inflections. This period was marked by important changes in the English language. The Norman Conquest was the cause of these changes. The change of this period had a great effect on both grammar and vocabulary. In this period many Old English words were lost, but thousands of words borrowed from French and Latin appeared in the English vocabulary. In the Middle English period grammatical gender(性)of nouns disappeared, completely replaced by the natural gender.The modern English period extends from 1500 to the present day. The Early modern English period extends from 1500 to 1700. The chief effect of this time was great humanistic(人文主义的)movement of the Renaissance. The influence of Latin and Greek on English was great. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries are a period of rapid expansion(扩张)for the English. Vocabulary in the history of the English language.The development of the English language in America can be separated into three periods: The first period extends from the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 to the end of colonial(殖民地的)times. In this period the population in America numbered about four million people, 90 percent of whom came from Britain. The second period covers the expansion of the original(最初的)thirteen colonies. This time may be said to close with the Civil War, about 1860. This period was marked by the arrival of the new immigrants(移民)from Ireland and Germany. The third period, since the Civil War, is marked by an important change in the source from which the European immigrants came. They came from northern and southern Europe in large numbers.As time went on, the English language gradually changed on both sides of the Atlantic. The Americans adopted(接纳)many words from foreign languages and invented a large number of new words to meet their various needs.American English began in the seventeenth century. At the beginning of the 17th century the English language was brought to North America by colonists from England. They used the language spoken in England, that is, Elizabethan English, the language used by Shakespeare, Milton and Banyan. At first the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain, but slowly the language began to change. Sometimes, the English spoken in America changed but sometimes the language spoken in the place stayed the same, while the language in England changed.Following the American independence, famous persons like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Noah Webster began to consider that the country should have a language of its own. English in America has developed a character(特点)of its own, reflecting(反映)the life and the physical and social environment(环境)of the American people.。

《Unit 5 Languages around the world》优质教学课件(统编人教版)

《Unit 5 Languages around the world》优质教学课件(统编人教版)

( )4.As is known to us,the West Lake is known for its beauty.
( )5.Which door leads to the yard? ( )6.It is well known that lung cancer is connected with smoking. [答案] 1-6 FBCEDA
Unit 5 Languages around the world
英语是一种使用很广泛的语言,英语的历史真正起源于公元 5 世纪。
The history of the English language really started when other people arrived in England during the 5th century.
第三步 研读——能力升华接轨高考 根据 P62 课文内容,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词 的正确形式。 The main reason 1._w_h_yChina's ancient civilization has continued all the way through into modern times has been the Chinese writing system.At the beginning,written Chinese was a picture-based language, which 2._d_a_t_e_s (date)back several thousand years to longgu.
2.Paragraphs 1-4 3.Paragraph 5
4.Paragraph 6 [答案] 2-4 CAB
A.China's present is connected with its past by written Chinese. B.Many foreigners learn Chinese culture and history through the Chinese written system. C.How did the Chinese writing system develop.


• 圣火的实例往往比千言万语的说教更有 力量,它能够激发或者缓和人类的激情。 所以在我当面给了你一些安慰之后,我 就决定把自己的苦难经历写给你,来安 慰你,希望你拿我的苦难同你的比较一 下,你就会觉得你的苦难毕竟是微乎其 微,你也就有勇气来面对人生的一切磨 难。
——阿贝拉尔(12世纪法国神 学家)
如何学习文学——“三不 分”

—William Blake
• the inseparability of literature, history & philosophy
• Close connection between literature, music, painting & photography
Of prancing poetry
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll:
How frugal is the chariot
That bears the human soul!
Emily Dickinson
1. learn basic information about different periods in English and American literary history
2. understand important writers of different schools of English and American literature
• 学而无思则罔, 思而不学则殆。
文学与生活密切相关。从生活中汲 取灵感来理解文学;从文学中吸取智慧 来感悟人生。在“悟”中把握人生的真 谛。

The History of English Literature(2011-2012)(1)

The History of English  Literature(2011-2012)(1)

1. good and perfect classroom performances. (20%) 2. assignment completion. (10%) 3. final examination. (70%)
1. What is Literature?
Literature refers to the practice and profession of writing. It comes from human interest in telling a story, in arranging words in artistic forms, in describing in words some aspects of human experiences. Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by university of intellectual and emotional appeal. Literature shows us not only what a society is like in a certain age, but also what individual feel about it, what they hope from it, and how they can change it or escape from it.
Language: Anglo-Saxon (Old English) Society: from tribal society to feudalism Belief: christianity (7th century) Literature: poetry

The history of EnglishPPT

The history of EnglishPPT

5th century AD. These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and the
Jutes, crossed the North Sea from what today is Denmark
and northern Germany. At that time the inhabitants of Britain
The history of English
1.Early history 2.Old English 3.Early le English
4.Varieties of English
Early History
The history of English language really started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes who invaded Britain during
Thank You
Varieties of English
From around 1600, the English colonization of North America resulted in the creation of a distinct American variety of English. Some English pronunciation and words changed when they reached America. Today American English is particularly influential, due to the USA’s dominance of cinema, television, popular music, trade and technology. But there are many other varieties of English around world, including Australian English, New Zealand English, Canadian English, South African English, Indian English… …

History of the English language

History of the English language

Evolving English:One Language,Many Voices.An Illustrated History of the English LanguageD.CrystalBritish Library2010,159pp.,£16.95isbn9780712350983The great biologist Dobzhansky(1973)wrote an essay titled,‘Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution’.This is as true of language as it is of any other biological phenomenon,and the English language exemplifies the fact.By examining where English has been and how it got to where it is today, we can better understand and appreciate it,and perhaps imagine its future directions.And by‘it’I mean‘they’,because the story of English is more truthfully the stories of Englishes,as we will see. The history and evolution of English in all its diversity is the subject of David Crystal’s edifying new book, Evolving English:One Language,Many Voices, published by the British Library in conjunction with its acclaimed exhibition of the same name.Crystal isa highly regarded author of over a100books and is no stranger to anyone keenly interested in language, linguistics,and the history of bininga hobbyist’s enthusiasm with an academic’s erudition,he has a knack for writing in a down-to-earth style that appeals to a wide audience regardless of how familiar they are with the subject matter. For most of history,speech left no trace;only recently did we begin to record it.Writing is different:texts many centuries old have survived,allowing us to study earlier forms of written language.In his introduction,Crystal recalls studying the history of English at undergraduate level and feelinga‘profound sense of distance’(p.8)from it,which he attributes to the lack of visual material.The delight is in the details,and Evolving English presents more than 150examples rich in detail.It is a beautifully illustrated history,each page spread containing at least one large image alongside concise and helpful commentary,and sometimes supplementary notes and glossaries.A history of language might sound like a dry subject to the uninitiated,but it is in fact pretty spectacular,to use Deutscher’s(2005:15) description,and with pictures this ongoing mystery story comes vividly to life.The selection represents a wide variety of text types, such as poems,religious texts,journals,almanacs, children’s texts,teaching materials,and cookbooks. There are classic works(Beowulf,Chaucer, Shakespeare,Dickens),dictionaries(general,jargon, dialect,pronunciation),and handwritten letters:Jane Austen describes a party in1811(‘The House was not clear till after12’)(p.69),and Margery Brews declares her love in1477(‘I am not in good heele[health]of body ner of herte nor schall be tyll I here from yowe’) (p.62).Where the illustrated text is difficult to parse, transcriptions and translations enable easy and fascinating comparison.Evolving English has seven chapters:‘English comes of age’,‘Setting the standard’,‘Everyday English’,‘English at work’,‘English at play’,‘Accents and dialects’,and‘English around the world’.Each begins with a one-page summary that touches broadly on the issues to be developed further.‘English comes of age’takes us on a brisk chronological tour of English from its earliest recognizable beginnings—fifth-century runic inscriptions—to its maturation into Middle English.By the late fourteenth century,English was ‘rapidly becoming the language of power’(p.24);a monk’s chronicle relates how‘in all the grammar schools of England,children abandon French’and ‘know no more French than their left heel’(ibid.).‘Setting the standard’charts the rise to prestige of the dialect(s)known as standard English.Crystal shows how certain kinds of text,such as bibles,grammars, and dictionaries,influenced the dialect that came to be generally considered‘proper’.William Caxton for one was dissatisfied with the looseness(or chaos)to be found in English,and his position gave him some power over what forms might be more widely adopted.Even so,his1471Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye(a compilation of stories or incidents),thefirst book printed in English,has little punctuation and many orthographic inconsistencies.Standard English,which emerged between1400and1800, roughly speaking,soon‘began to fragment’(p.28), partly because of the different standard being developed in America.Many aspects of this book will invite discussion in the classroom(and indeed elsewhere),such as the controversy over Shakespeare’s handwriting,which Crystal addresses succinctly;Robert Lowth’s use of an end-placed preposition even as he argues against them;and a striking comparison of Lowth’s grammar with Lindley Murray’s,the latter reproducing Lowth’s ‘to the point of plagiarism’(p.53).Between these prescriptivist texts and later ones by Fowler and Strunk and White lies the great Oxford English Dictionary.(The chapter’s introduction points to the wrong page—p.56instead of p.55—but more puzzling was the claim on p.31that the word‘aloneness’did not survive.I believe it did.)‘Everyday English’showcases informal varieties that people use‘unselfconsciously in all kinds of domesticReviews501 at Tsinghua University on October 17, Downloaded fromsettings’(p.58),from the sublime Colloquy,byÆlfric, to the unintentionally ridiculous English As She is Spoke,by Pedro Carolino(‘Will you this?’‘Dress your hairs.’).Thanks to technological advances,demotic language has never been easier to publish and observe,and Crystal notes that recent trends in electronic discourse‘have already added a fresh dimension to the stylistic range of everyday English’(p.58).His casual mention of‘tweets’and‘emails’(no hyphen,no less)reflects the book’s modernity. Almost a quarter-century ago,in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language,the same author noted that computer applications had begun to‘alter radically the methods and the potential of lexicography’(Crystal1988:111);vast corpora and language-tracking software ensure that they continue to do so.Slang crops up repeatedly.Traditionally,it has been widely scorned as vulgar and worse,but it servesa multitude of purposes(‘Language is like dress.We vary our dress to suit the occasion’,as Potter(1976: 130)pithily put it in Our Language),and many slang terms eventually become standard.Crystal demonstrates the enduring popularity of slang dictionaries,compiled not only out of linguistic interest but for‘a social purpose’(p.68).George Andrewes wrote his1809Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages principally‘to expose the Cant Terms of[Thieves’]Language,in order to the more easy detection of their crimes’(ibid.).Colourful excerpts from this and other lexicons supply colloquial curiosities galore,for example‘lully-priggers’(linen-thieves)and‘bone setters’(hackney coaches, obviously in the days before pneumatic tyres!).‘English at work’focuses on the jargon of different occupations and their contributions to the general vocabulary.Crystal describes how the growth in literacy created demand for information in a range of fields,and how growth in world trade and science fostered greater record keeping and more specialist terminologies.Science also affected how language was studied:witness the emergence of comparative philology and the International Phonetic Alphabet.A recipe from a medieval‘leechbook’(‘leech’meant physician)purports to be‘a linguistic cure fora linguistic problem’(p.78):a Christian ritual to combat the malign influence of runic messages.We see a sixteenth-century hornbook,‘a small handheld frame,into which was inserted printed text’(p.85) which children carried in their belts.The text typically included the alphabet(no‘j’!),some letter pairs,and a prayer.Readers of all ages will enjoy comparing old newspapers(Oxford Gazette1665)and advertisements(tooth powder1830)with their modern equivalents.‘English at play’—in a word,wordplay—‘cuts across the standard/non-standard divide’(p.98).From the lowest forms of wit to the highest forms of experimental literature,English has been used for fun,frolics,and fearlessflights of fancy.Two‘shaped poems’are included from William Dobson’s wonderful Literary Frivolities,and an‘emblematic poem’from the1860s is at times remarkably close to txtspk(‘I wrote2U B4’).Verse features prominently in this chapter,but there are also cartoons and an extract from Tristram Shandy.I think Ulysses would also have been apt here,but I am probably biased.‘Accents and dialects’begins with the insight thata linguistic standard‘is always a minority element when viewed against the overall backdrop of English usage’(p.120).Regional dialects are frequently lampooned,but their validity as a natural mode of expression is increasingly acknowledged.Systematic dialectology has been around for several centuries; two pioneering efforts featured here are John Ray’s Collection of English Words(1674)and Joseph Wright’s Dialect Dictionary(c.1900).More jocular observations can be seen in satirical cartoons from Punch that poke fun at social anxieties over Received Pronunciation,not least the ever-shifting‘ab(h)ominable(h)aitch’.Thefinal chapter,‘English around the world’,isa short survey of English as it has been adapted—for literary and other purposes—by various cultures near and far from its island origins.Crystal writes that‘whenever English arrives in a country and people adopt it as a lingua franca,they quickly adapt the language to suit their circumstances’(p.138).There is a satisfyingfinale in John Agard’s resolutely non-standard(even anti-standard)poem‘ListenMr Oxford don’(‘I ent have no gun/I ent have no knife/but mugging de Queen’s English/is the story of my life’)(p.156).Learners struggling with the subtler technicalities of English grammar can take heart;if they are non-native speakers they might also relate to the political and personal difficulties offinding an authentic tongue within one associated with colonial oppression.The relationship between language and culture isa theme that runs throughout Evolving English.As its subtitle One Language,Many Voices indicates,the emphasis is on the great variety of English.In his earlier book The English Language,Crystal(1990:86) describes his own accent as‘a hybrid—or mess’. Everyone who speaks or writes does so in a unique idiolect.Our language overlaps with the shapes it502Reviews at Tsinghua University on October 17, Downloaded fromassumes in the particular circles and cultures we move in,but English would not have become a global lingua franca were it notflexible enough to accommodate so much regional variation.(Ifind Irish English a particular joy,but again I could be biased!)Crystal’s book celebrates this diversity and the infinite ways it gives life to language.In his essay‘A brief history of English’that prefaces the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary,he writes that‘everyone who has opted to use[English]has come to have a part-ownership in it’(2007:xxvii).This brings its own problems:too much of popular discourse on language,including published books,takes the form of petty and often misguided peeving.History can bring perspective and balance to these discussions. On‘Sentencefirst’,my blog about the English language,I wrote once that‘languages are dynamic, distributed systems beyond the total control of any person,institution,or movement’(Carey2010).Yet everyone who uses it contributes in some small fashion to its continuous evolution.A thousand years hence,if there are people about,whatever they speak and write is likely to be as different from today’s language as our speech is from Old English. Evolving English offers not just a snapshot of English as we know it but a panoply of snapshots throughout history,some familiar,some obscure.It presents them in the context of their times and cultures and shows skilfully and entertainingly how they bring to bear on the language we revel in today.Wrenn(1952: 209)wrote that the study of the language‘opens the way to a large number of subsidiary studies’,and readers of Evolving English mightfind their appetites whetted for deeper explorations of dialect or etymology.Like the language itself,Evolving English can and will be adapted by its users,be they students or general readers,tofit a variety of purposes,playful and educational,practical and pleasurable.I recommend it happily.ReferencesCarey,S.2010.‘Language correctness,corruption, and doom—Sentencefirst’.Available at http:// /2011/03/17/language-correctness-corruption-and-doom/(accessed on30 June2011).Crystal,D.1988.The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language.Cambridge:Guild Publishing by arrangement with Cambridge University Press. Crystal,D.1990.The English Language.London: Penguin.Crystal,D.2007.‘A brief history of English’inA.Stevenson(ed.).Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Sixth edition).Oxford:Oxford University Press.) Deutscher,G.2005.The Unfolding of Language. London:Arrow Books.Dobzhansky,T.1973.‘Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution’.Available at /wgbh/evolution/library/10/2/ text_pop/l_102_01.html(accessed on30June2011). Potter,S.1976.Our Language.(Revised edition). Harmondsworth:Penguin.Wrenn,C.L.1952.The English Language.London: Methuen.The reviewerIreland.A qualified TEFL teacher and scientist,he takes great pleasure in exploring,discussing,and playing with language.He writes about words and language for Macmillan Dictionary Blog,and he also contributes to the Visual Thesaurus website.You can find his editing website at and his blog about English,‘Sentencefirst’,at.Email:stancarey1@doi:10.1093/elt/ccr058Reviews503 at Tsinghua University on October 17, Downloaded from。



Old English (450-1100 AD)
• About 449, Settlement of Britain by Germanic tribes (the Angles盎格鲁人/the Saxons萨克逊人/ the Jutes朱特人)
• Anglo-Saxon society (textbook 10th para. ) • All kinds of Germanic dialects formed
• 在文艺复兴(Renaissance)时期英国出 了三个大诗人和文学家: (伊丽莎白时代) 斯宾赛(Spencer, 1552-1599 ) ,莎士 比亚(Shakespeare,1564-1616)和 (清教徒革命时期)弥尔顿 (Milton, 1608-1674)。
Three Periods of English
• I.古英语时期:Old English (450-1100 A.D.) • II.中古英语时期:Middle English (1100-1500) • III.现代英语时期:Modern English (1500- )
-- 早期现代英语时期:Early Modern English
英帝国开始向外扩张,与世界各地的交往日趋频繁 , 全球各地的语言都有语汇进入了英语。
• 例如:harem [波斯语,商队],bazaar [波斯语, 市场],shawl [波斯语,披肩],kiosk [土耳其语, 凉亭],coffee [土耳其语], nabob [印地语,大富 翁],soy [日语,酱油],orang-outang [马来语, 猩猩],paddy [马来语,稻]。
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Indo-European and Germanic Influences English is a member of the Indo-European family of languages. This broad family includes most of the European languages spoken today. The IndoEuropean family includes several major branches: Latin and the modern Romance languages; The Germanic languages; The Indo-Iranian languages, including Hindi and Sanskrit;( 印地语; 梵语) The Slavic languages; ( 斯拉夫语) The Baltic languages of Latvian and Lithuanian) ( 波 罗地,拉脱维亚,立陶宛) The Celtic languages; Greek.
The Norman Conquest and Middle English (11001500) William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the AngloSaxons in 1066 AD. The new overlords spoke a dialect of Old French known as Anglo-Norman. The Normans were also of Germanic stock and Anglo-Norman was a French dialect that had considerable Germanic influences in addition to the basic Latin roots.
East Germanic was spoken by peoples who migrated back to southeastern Europe. No East Germanic language is spoken today, and the only written East Germanic language that survives is Gothic. North Germanic evolved into the modern Scandinavian languages of Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic (but not Finnish, which is related to Estonian and is not an Indo-European language). 爱沙尼亚语 West Germanic is the ancestor of modern German, Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, and English. 弗里斯兰语
I. Background Information
❖ A Brief History of English Language
A (Very) Brief History of the English Language Indo-European and Germanic Influences Old English (500-1100 AD) The Norman Conquest and Middle English (11001500) Early-Modern English (1500-1800) Late-Modern English (1800-Present) American English A Chronology of the En00-1100 AD) West Germanic invaders from Jutland and southern Denmark: the Angles (whose name is the source of the words England and English), Saxons, and Jutes, began populating the British Isles in the fifth and sixth centuries AD. They spoke a mutually intelligible language, similar to modern Frisian--the language of northeastern region of the Netherlands--that is called Old English. Four major dialects of Old English emerged, Northumbrian in the north of England, Mercian in the Midlands, West Saxon in the south and west, and Kentish in the Southeast.央格鲁人,撒克逊人,朱特人 弗里斯兰语,诺森伯兰语,莫西兰语,肯特语
Of these branches of the Indo-European family, two are, for our purposes of studying the development of English, of paramount importance, the Germanic and the Romance (called that because the Romance languages derive from Latin, the language of ancient Rome). English is in the Germanic group of languages. This group began as a common language in the Elbe river region about 3,000 years ago. Around the second century BC, this common Germanic language split into three distinct sub-groups: (易北河)