Nature genetics 2005-Transferability of tag SNPs in genetic association studies
Millisecond-timescale,genetically targeted optical control of neural activityEdward S Boyden1,Feng Zhang1,Ernst Bamberg2,3,Georg Nagel2,5&Karl Deisseroth1,4Temporally precise,noninvasive control of activity in well-defined neuronal populations is a long-sought goal of systems neuroscience.We adapted for this purpose the naturally occurring algal protein Channelrhodopsin-2,a rapidly gatedlight-sensitive cation channel,by using lentiviral gene delivery in combination with high-speed optical switching to photostimulate mammalian neurons.We demonstrate reliable,millisecond-timescale control of neuronal spiking,as well as control of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission.This technology allows the use of light to alter neural processing at the level of single spikes and synaptic events,yielding a widely applicable tool for neuroscientists and biomedical engineers.Neural computation depends on the temporally diverse spiking pat-terns of different classes of neurons that express unique genetic markers and demonstrate heterogeneous wiring properties within neural net-works.Although direct electrical stimulation and recording of neurons in intact brain tissue have provided many insights into the function of circuit subfields(for example,see refs.1–3),neurons belonging to a specific class are often sparsely embedded within tissue,posing funda-mental challenges for resolving the role of particular neuron types in information processing.A high–temporal resolution,noninvasive, genetically based method to control neural activity would enable elucidation of the temporal activity patterns in specific neurons that drive circuit dynamics,plasticity and behavior.Despite substantial progress made in the analysis of neural network geometry by means of non–cell-type-specific techniques like glutamate uncaging(for example,see refs.4–7),no tool has yet been invented with the requisite spatiotemporal resolution to probe neural coding at the resolution of single spikes.Furthermore,previous genetically encoded optical methods,although elegant8–10,11,have allowed control of neuronal activity over timescales of seconds to minutes,perhaps owing to their mechanisms for effecting depolarization.Kinetics roughly a thousand times faster would enable remote controlof100 mV500 ms105Time(ms)TimetothresholdTimetospikepeakSpikejitter15 ms10 ms5 ms400 pA400 pA100 ms500 ms100 ms40 mV100 pA2 sPeakSteadystate5001,000current(pA)d eb cFigure1ChR2enables light-driven neuronspiking.(a)Hippocampal neurons expressingChR2-YFP(scale bar30m m).(b)Left,inwardcurrent in voltage-clamped neuron evoked by1sof GFP-wavelength light(indicated by black bar);right,population data(right;mean±s.d.plottedthroughout;n¼18).Inset,expanded initialphase of the current transient.(c)Ten overlaidcurrent traces recorded from a hippocampalneuron illuminated with pairs of0.5-s light pulses(indicated by gray bars),separated by intervalsvarying from1to10s.(d)Voltage traces showingmembrane depolarization and spikes in a current-clamped hippocampal neuron(left)evoked by1-s periods of light(gray bar).Right,propertiesof thefirst spike elicited(n¼10):latency tospike threshold,latency to spike peak,andjitter of spike time.(e)Voltage traces inresponse to brief light pulse series,with lightpulses(gray bars)lasting5ms(top),10ms(middle)or15ms(bottom).Published online14August2005;doi:10.1038/nn15251Department of Bioengineering,Stanford University,318Campus Drive West,Stanford,California94305,USA.2Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysics,Department of Biophysical Chemistry,Max-von-Laue-Str.3,D-60438Frankfurt am Main,Germany.3Department of Biochemistry,Chemistry and Pharmaceutics,University of Frankfurt, Marie-Curie-Str.9,60439Frankfurt am Main,Germany.4Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,Stanford School of Medicine,401Quarry Road,Stanford, California94305,USA.5Present address:Julius-von-Sachs-Institut,University of Wu¨rzburg,Julius-von-Sachs-Platz2–4,D-97082Wu¨rzburg,Germany.Correspondence should be addressed to K.D.(deissero@).T E C H N I C A L R E P O R T ©25NaturePublishingGroup spikes or synaptic events.We have therefore devised a new strategy using a single-component ion channel with submillisecond opening kinetics,to enable genetically targeted photostimulation with fine temporal resolution.Two rhodopsins in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas rein-hardtii were recently identified independently by three groups 12–15.One of them is a light-gated proton channel (Channelrhodopsin-1;ref.13),whereas the other,Channelrhododopsin-2(ChR2),is a light-gated cation channel 12.The N-terminal 315amino acids of ChR2are homologous to the seven-transmembrane structure of many microbial-type rhodopsins;they compose a channel with light-gated conductance (as proposed earlier 16).Inward currents in ChR2-expressing cells could be evoked within 50m s after a flash of blue light in the presence of all-trans retinal 12,suggesting the possibility that ultrafast neuronal stimulation might be possible with equipment commonly used for visualizing green fluorescent protein (GFP).ChR2therefore combines some of the best features of previous photostimulation methods,including the speed of a monolithic ion channel 9,and the efficacy of natural light-transduction machinery 11.We found that ChR2could be expressed stably and safely in mammalian neurons and could drive neuronal depolarization.When activated with a series of brief pulses of light,ChR2could reliably mediate defined trains of spikes or synaptic events with millisecond-timescale temporal resolution.This technology thus brings optical control to the temporal regime occupied by the fundamental building blocks of neural computation.RESULTSRapid kinetics of ChR2enables driving of single spikesT o obtain stable and reliable ChR2expression for coupling light to neuronal depolarization,we constructed lentiviruses containing a ChR2-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)fusion protein for genetic modification of neurons.Infection of cultured rat CA3/CA1neurons led to membrane-localized expression of ChR2for weeks after infection (Fig.1a ).Illumination of ChR2-positive neurons with blue light (bandwidth 450–490nm via Chroma excitation filter HQ470/40Â;300-W xenon lamp)induced rapid depolarizing currents,whichreached a maximal rise rate of 160±111pA/ms within 2.3±1.1msafter light pulse onset (mean ±s.d.reported throughout paper,n ¼18;Fig.1b ,left).Mean whole-cell inward currents were large:496pA ±336pA at peak and 193pA ±177pA at steady-state (Fig.1b ,right).Light-evoked responses were never seen in cells expressing YFP alone (data not shown).Consistent with the known excitation spectrum of ChR2(ref.12),illumination of ChR2-expressing neurons with YFP-spectrum light in the bandwidth 490–510nm (300-W xenon lamp filtered with Chroma excitation filter HQ500/20Â)resulted in currents that were smaller (by 42%±20%)than those evoked with the GFP filters.Despite the inactivation of ChR2with sustained light exposure (Fig.1b and ref.12),we observed rapid recovery of peak ChR2photocurrents in neurons (Fig.1c ;recovery t ¼5.1±1.4s;recovery trajectory fit with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm;n ¼9).This rapid recovery is consistent with the well-known stability of the Schiff base (the lysine in transmembrane helix seven,which binds retinal)in microbial-type rhodopsins,and the ability of retinal to re-isomerize to the all-trans ground state in a dark reaction,without the need for other enzymes.Light-evoked current amplitudes remained unchanged in patch-clamped neurons during 1h of pulsed light exposure (data not shown).Thus ChR2was able to sustainably mediate large-amplitude photocurrents with rapid activation kinetics.We next examined whether ChR2could drive spiking of neurons held in current-clamp mode,with the same steady illumination protocol we used for eliciting ChR2-induced currents (Fig.1d ,left).Early in an epoch of steady illumination,single neuronal spikes were rapidly and reliably elicited (8.0±1.9ms latency to spike peak,n ¼10;Fig.1d ,right),consistent with the fast rise times of ChR2currents described above.However,any subsequent spikes elicited during steady illumination were poorly timed (Fig.1d ,left).Thus,steady illumina-tion is not adequate for controlling the timing of ongoing spikes with ChR2,despite the reliability of the first spike.Earlier patch-clamp studies using somatic current injection showed that spike times were more reliable during periods of rapidly rising membrane potential than during periods of steady high-magnitude current injection 17.This is consistent with our finding that steady illumination evoked a single reliably timed spike,followed by irregular spiking.In searching for a strategy to elicit precisely timed series of spikes with ChR2,we noted that the single spike reliably elicited by steadyλ = 100λ = 200J i t t e r , n e u r o n -t o -n e u r o n(m s )# of neurons firing a given spikeλ = 100,λ =100λ = 200λ= 100λ = 200λ = 100λ = 200λ = 20λ = 10λ = 20λ = 10# o f s p i k e sThree different neurons:same pulse series1 s60 mVTimeto spike Jitter throughout traini iim sP e r c e n t a g e f i d e l i t y o f s p i k e t r a n s m i s s i o nJ i t t e r , t r i a l -t o -t r i a l (m s )R e p e a t a b i l i t y ,t r i a l -t o -t r i a lOne neuron: repeated pulse seriesafghbcdeFigure 2Realistic spike trains driven by series of light pulses.(a )Voltage traces showing spikes in a single current-clamped hippocampal neuron,in response to three deliveries of a Poisson train (with mean interval l ¼100ms)of light pulses (gray dashes).(b )Trial-to-trial repeatability of light-evoked spike trains,as measured by comparing the presence or absence of a spike in two repeated trials of a Poisson train (either l ¼100ms or l ¼200ms)delivered to the same neuron (n ¼7neurons).(c )Trial-to-trial jitter of spikes,across repeated light-evoked spike trains.(d )Percent fidelity of spiketransmission throughout entire 8-s light pulse series.(e )Latency of spikes throughout each light pulse series (i)and jitter of spike times throughout train (ii).(f )Voltage traces showing spikes in three different hippocampal neurons,in response to the same temporally patterned light stimulus (gray dashes)used in a .(g )Histogram showing how many of the seven neurons spiked in response to each light pulse in the Poisson train.(h )Neuron-to-neuron jitter of spikes evoked by light stimulation.T E C H N I C A L R E P O R T©2005 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e n e u r o s c i e n c eillumination had extremely low temporal jitter from trial to trial,as reflected by the small standard deviation of the spike times across trials (Fig.1d ,right;0.5±0.3ms,average of n ¼10neurons).This observation led us to devise a pulsed-light strategy that would take advantage of the low jitter of the single reliable spike evoked at light pulse onset.In order for this to work,the conductance and kinetics of ChR2would have to permit peak currents of sufficient amplitude to reach spike threshold,during a light pulse of duration shorter than the desired interspike interval.We found that multiple pulses of light with interspersed periods of darkness could elicit trains of multiple spikes (Fig.1e ;shown for a 25-Hz series of four pulses).Longer light pulses evoked single spikes with greater probability than short light pulses (Fig.1e ).In the experiments described here,we used light pulse durations of 5,10or 15ms.Thirteen high-expressing neurons fired reliable spikes,and five low-expressing neurons could reliably be depolarized to subthreshold levels.The ability to easily alter light pulse duration suggests that a straightforward method for eliciting spikes,even in multiple neurons having different ChR2current densities,would involve titrating the light pulse duration until single spikes were reliably obtained in all the neurons being illuminated.Modulation of light intensity would also allow for this kind of control.Precise spike trains elicited by series of light pulsesThe precise control described above raised the prospect of generating arbitrary spike patterns,even mimicking natural neural activity.T o test this possibility,we generated series of light pulses,the timings of which were selected according to a Poisson distribution,commonly used to model natural spiking.A single hippocampal neuron could fire repeatable spike trains in response to multiple deliveries of the same Poisson-distributed series of light pulses (Fig.2a ;response to a repeated 59-pulse-long series of light pulses,with each pulse of 10-ms duration,and with mean interpulse interval of l ¼100ms).These optically driven spike trains were very consistent across repeated deliveries of the same series of light pulses:on average,495%of the light pulses in a series elicited spikes during one trial if and only if they elicited spikes on a second trial,for both the l ¼100ms series (Fig.2a )and a second series (mean interval l ¼200ms)comprising 46spikes (Fig.2b ;n ¼7neurons).We increased light pulse duration until reliable spiking was obtained:we used trains of 10-ms light pulses for four of the seven neurons and trains of 15-ms light pulses for the other three (for the analyses of Fig.2,all data were pooled).The trial-to-trial jitter for each individual spike was very small across repeated deliveries of the same Poisson series of light pulses (on average,2.3±1.4ms and 1.0±0.5ms for l ¼100ms and l ¼200ms,respectively;Fig.2c ).Throughout a series of pulses,the efficacy of eliciting spikes throughout the train was maintained (76%and 85%percent of light pulses successfully evoked spikes,respectively;Fig.2d ),with small latencies (Fig.2e ).As another indication of how precisely spikes can be elicited throughout an entire series of pulses,we measured the standard deviation of the latencies of each spike across all the spikes in the train.This ‘throughout-train’spike jitter was quite small (3.9±1.4ms and 3.3±1.2ms;Fig.2e ),despite presumptive channel inactivation during the delivery of a series of pulses.Hence,pulsed optical activation of ChR2elicits precise,repeatable spike trains in a single neuron,over time.Even in different neurons,the same precise spike train could be elicited by a particular series of light pulses (shown for three hippocampal neurons in Fig.2f ).Although the large hetero-geneity of different neurons—for example,in their membrane capaci-tance (68.8±22.6pF)and resistance (178.8±94.8M O )—might be expected to introduce significant variability in their electrical responses to photostimulation,the strong nonlinearity of light-spike coupling dominated this variability.Indeed,different neurons responded in similar ways to a given light pulse series,with 80–90%of the light pulses in a series eliciting spikes in at least half the neurons examined (Fig.2g ).T o quantitatively compare the reliability of spike elicitation in different neurons,for each pulse,we calculated the standard deviation of spike latencies (jitter)across all the neurons.Remarkably,this across-neuron jitter (3.4±1.0ms and 3.4±1.2ms for the pulses in the l ¼100ms and l ¼200ms trains,respectively;Fig.2h )was similar to the within-neuron jitter measured throughout the light pulse series (Fig.2e ).Thus,heterogeneous populations of neurons can be controlled in concert,with practically the same precision observed for the control of single neurons over time.Having established the ability of ChR2to drive sustained naturalistic trains of spikes,we next probed the frequency response of light-spike coupling.ChR2enabled driving of spike trains from 5to 30Hz (Fig.3a ;here tested with series of twenty 10-ms light pulses).It was easier to evoke more spikes at lower frequencies than at higher frequencies (Fig.3b ;n ¼13neurons).Light pulses delivered at 5or 10Hz could elicit long spike trains (Fig.3b ),with spike probability dropping off at higher frequencies of stimulation.For these experiments,the light pulses used were 5ms (n ¼1),10ms (n ¼9)or 15ms (n ¼3)in duration (data from all 13cells were pooled for the population analyses of Fig.3).As expected from the observation that light pulses generally elicited single spikes (Figs.1d and 2),almost no extraneous spikes occurred during the delivery of trains of light pulses (Fig.3c ).Even at higher frequencies,the throughout-train temporal jitter of spike timing remained very low (typically o 5ms;Fig.3d )and the latency to spike remained constant across frequencies (B 10ms throughout;Fig.3e ).Thus ChR2can mediate spiking across a physiologically relevant range of firing frequencies.5 Hz10 Hz20 Hz30 HzStimulus frequency(Hz)Stimulus frequency(Hz)Stimulus frequency(Hz)Stimulus frequency(Hz)# o f e x c e s s s p i k e sT i m e t o s p i k e (m s )# o f s u c c e s s f u l s p i k e s (o u t o f 20 p o s s i b l e )J i t t e r t h r o u g h o u t t r a i n (m s )aedFigure 3Frequency dependence of coupling between light input and spike output.(a )Voltage traces showing spikes in a current-clamped hippocampal neuron evoked by 5-,10-,20-or 30-Hz trains of light pulses (gray dashes).(b )Population data showing the number of spikes (out of 20possible)evoked in current-clamped hippocampal neurons.(c )Number of extraneous spikes evoked by the trains of light pulses,for the experiment described in b .(d )Jitter of spike times throughout the train of light pulses for theexperiment described in b .(e )Latency to spike peak throughout the light pulse train for the experiment described in b .T E C H N I C A L R E P O R T©2005 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e n e u r o s c i e n c eRemote activation of subthreshold and synaptic responsesFor many cellular and systems neuroscience processes (and for nonspiking neurons in species like Caenorhabditis elegans )subthres-hold depolarizations convey physiologically significant information.For example,subthreshold depolarizations are potent for acti-vating synapse-to-nucleus signaling 18,and the relative timing of subthreshold and suprathreshold depolarizations can determine thedirection of synaptic plasticity 19.But compared with driving spiking,it is in principle more difficult to drive reliable and precisely sized subthreshold depolarizations.The sharp threshold for action potential production facilitates reliable ChR2-induced spiking,and the all-or-none dynamics of spiking produces virtually identical waveforms from spike to spike (as seen throughout Figs.1–3),even in the presence of significant neuron-to-neuron variability in electrical properties.In contrast,subthreshold depolarizations,which operate in a more linear regime of membrane voltage,will lack these intrinsic normalizing mechanisms.Nevertheless,subthreshold depolarizations evoked by repeated light pulses were reliably evoked over a range of frequencies (Fig.4a ),with spaced repeated depolarizations resulting in a coefficientof variation of 0.06±0.03(Fig.4b ;n ¼5).Thus,ChR2can be used to drive subthreshold depolarizations of reliable amplitude.Finally,synaptic transmission was also easily controlled with ChR2.Indeed,both excitatory (Fig.4c )and inhibitory (Fig.4d )synapticevents could be evoked in ChR2-negative neurons receiving synaptic input from ChR2-expressing neurons.Expression of ChR2has minimal side effectsWe conducted extensive controls to test whether simply expressing ChR2would alter the electrical properties or survival of neurons.Lentiviral expression of ChR2for at least 1week did not alter neuronal membrane resistance (212±115M O for ChR2+cells versus239.3±113M O for ChR2Àcells;Fig.5a ;P 40.45;n ¼18each)or resting potential(À60.6±9.0mV for ChR2+cells versus À59.4±6.0mV for ChR2Àcells;Fig.5b ;P 40.60),when measured in the absence of light.This suggests that in neurons,ChR2has little basalelectrical activity or passive current-shunting ability.It also suggests that expression of ChR2did not compromise cell health,as indicated by electrical measurement of mem-brane integrity.As an independent measure ofcell health,we stained live neurons with themembrane-impermeant DNA-binding dye propidium iodide.ChR2expression did not affect the percentage of neurons that took up propidium iodide (1/56ChR2+neurons ver-sus 1/49ChR2Àneurons;P 40.9by w 2test).Neither did we see pyknotic nuclei,indicative of apoptotic degeneration,in cells expressingChR2(data not shown).We also checked foralterations in the dynamic electrical propertiesof neurons.In darkness,there was no differ-ence in the voltage change resulting from 100pA of injected current,in either the hyperpolarizing (À22.6±8.9mV for ChR2+neurons versus À24.5±8.7mV for ChR2Àneurons;P 40.50)or depolarizing (+18.9±4.4mV for ChR2+versus 18.7±5.2mV for ChR2Àneurons;P 40.90)directions.Nor was there any difference in the number ofspikes evoked by a 0.5-s current injection of +300pA (6.6±4.8for ChR2+neurons versus 5.8±3.5for ChR2–neurons;Fig.5c ;P 40.55).Thus,ChR2does not significantly jeopardize cell health or basal electrical properties of the expressing neuron.We also measured the electrical properties described above,24h afterexposing ChR2+neurons to a typical light pulse protocol (1s of 20-Hz15-ms light flashes,once per minute,for 10min).Neurons expressing ChR2and exposed to light had basal electrical properties similar to non-flashed ChR2+neurons:cells had normal membrane resistance (178±81M O ;Fig.5a ;P 40.35;n ¼12and resting potential (À59.7±7.0mV;Fig.5b ;P 40.75).Exposure to light also did not predispose neurons to cell death,as measured by live-cell propidium iodide uptake (2/75ChR2+neurons versus 3/70ChR2-neurons;P 40.55by w 2test).Finally,neurons expressing ChR2and exposed to light also had normal spike counts elicited from somatic current injection (6.1±3.9;Fig.5c ;P 40.75).Thus,membrane integrity,cell health and electrical proper-ties were normal in neurons expressing ChR2and exposed to light.500 ms 40 mV1 s 500 pA+Gabazine Inhibitory synaptic transmission5 HzSub-threshold responsesExcitatory synaptic transmission 100 pA1 s +NBQXab Figure 4Simulated and natural synaptic transmission evoked via ChR2.(a )Voltage traces showing trainsof subthreshold depolarizations in a current-clamped hippocampal neuron in response to trains of light pulses (gray dashes).(b )Repeated light pulses induced reliable depolarizations.(c )Excitatory synaptic transmission driven by light pulses.The selective glutamatergic transmission blocker NBQX abolishedthese synaptic responses (right).(d )Inhibitory synaptic transmission driven by light pulses.Theselective GABAergic transmission blocker gabazine abolished these synaptic responses (right).M e m b r a n e r e s i s t a n c e (M O h m )Ch R2C h R 2f l a s h e dCh R 2Ch R2Ch R 2f l a s h e dCh R2–Ch R2+Ch R 2+f l a s h e d Ch R2R e s t i n g p o t e n t i a l (m V )a b Figure 5Basal and dynamic electrical properties of neurons expressingChR2.(a )Membrane resistance of neurons expressing ChR2(black;n ¼18),not expressing ChR2(white;n ¼18)or expressing ChR2and measured 24h after exposure to a typical light-pulse protocol (gray;n ¼12).(b )Membrane resting potential of the same neurons described in a .(c )Number of spikes evoked by a 300-pA depolarization of the same neurons described in a .T E C H N I C A L R E P O R T©2005 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e n e u r o s c i e n c eDISCUSSIONCombining the best aspects of earlier approaches that use light to drive neural circuitry,the technology described here demonstrates voltage control significantly faster than previous genetically encoded photo-stimulation methods 8–11.Notably,the ChR2method does not rely on synthetic chemical substrates or genetic orthogonality of the transgene and the host organism.Although the ChR2molecule does require the cofactor all-trans retinal for light transduction 12,no all-trans retinal was added either to the culture medium or recording solution for any of the experiments described here.Background levels of retinal may be sufficient in many cases;moreover,the commonly used culture medium supplement B-27used here (see Methods)includes retinyl acetate,and additional supplementation with all-trans retinal or its precursors may assist in the application of ChR2to the study of neural circuits in various tissue environments.We used pulsed light delivery to take full advantage of the fast kinetics and high conductance of ChR2.This strategy was made possible with fast optical switches,but other increasingly common equipment,such as pulsed lasers,would also suffice.Unlike electrical stimulation,glutamate uncaging 20–22and high-powered laser excitation methods 23,ChR2can be genetically targeted to allow probing of specific neuron subclasses within a heterogeneous neural circuit,avoiding fibers of passage and the simultaneous stimulation of multiple cell types.Because ChR2is encoded by a single open reading frame of only 315amino acids,it is feasible to express ChR2in specific subpopulations of neurons in the nervous system through genetic methods including lentiviral vectors (as we have done)and in transgenic mice,thus permitting the study of the function of individual types of neurons in intact neural circuits and even in vivo .Cell-specific promoters will allow targeting of ChR2to various well-defined neuronal subtypes,which will permit future exploration of their causal function in driving downstream neural activity (measured using electrophysiological and optical techniques)and animal behavior.ChR2also could be used to resolve functional connectivity of particular neurons or neuron classes in intact circuits in response to naturalistic spike trains (Fig.2)or rhythmic activity (Fig.3),for example,by using acute slice prepara-tions after intracranial viral injections.Recent papers have explored the topics of static and dynamic microcircuit connectivity using calcium imaging of spontaneous activity 24,multi-neuron patch-clamping 25,26and glutamate uncaging 6.These studies have reported surprisingly refined and precise connec-tions between neurons.However,finer-scale dissection of micro-circuits,at the level of molecularly defined neuron classes (such as cannabinoid receptor–expressing cortical neurons,parvalbumin-positive interneurons or cholinergic modulatory neurons)would be greatly facilitated through use of a genetically targeted,temporally precise tool like ChR2.This holds true also for recent microstimulation experiments that have demonstrated profound influences of a cluster of neurons in controlling attention,decision making or action 2,3,27,28.Understanding precisely which cell types contribute to these functions could provide great insight into how they are computed at the circuit level.Because the light power required for ChR2activation (8–12mW/mm 2)is fairly low,it is possible that ChR2will be an effective tool for in vivo studies of circuit maps and behavior,even in mammals.Finally,the efficacious and safe transduction of light with a single natural biological component also could serve biotechnological needs,in high-throughput studies of activity-dependent signal transduction and gene expression programs,for example,in guiding stem cell differentiation 29and screening for drugs that modulate neuronal responses to depolar-ization.Thus,the technology described here may fulfill the long-sought goal of a method for noninvasive,genetically targeted,temporallyprecise control of neuronal activity,with potential applications ranging from neuroscience to biomedical engineering.METHODSPlasmid constructs.The ChR2-YFP gene was constructed by in-frame fusing EYFP (Clontech)to the C terminus of the first 315amino acid residues of ChR2(GenBank accession number AF461397)via a Not I site.The lentiviral vector pLECYT was generated by PCR amplification of ChR2-YFP with pri-mers 5¢-GGCAGCGCTGCCACCATGGATTATGGAGGCGCCCTGAGT-3¢and 5¢-GGCACTAGTCTATTACTTGTACAGCTCGTC-3¢and ligation into pLET (gift from E.Wexler and T.Palmer,Stanford University)via the Afe I and Spe I restriction sites.The plasmid was amplified and then purified using MaxiPrep kits (Qiagen).Viral production.VSVg pseudotyped lentiviruses were produced by triple transfection of 293FT cells (Invitrogen)with pLECYT,pMD.G and pCMV D R8.7(gifts from E.Wexler and T.Palmer)using Lipofectamine 2000.The lentiviral production protocol is the same as previously described 30except for the use of Lipofectamine 2000instead of calcium phosphate precipitation.After harvest,viruses were concentrated by centrifuging in a SW28rotor (Beckman Coulter)at 20,000rpm for 2h at 41C.The concentrated viral titer was determined by FACS to be between 5Â108and 1Â109infectious units (IU)per ml.Hippocampal cell culture.Hippocampi of postnatal day 0(P0)Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River)were removed and treated with papain (20U/ml)for 45min at 371C.The digestion was stopped with 10ml of MEM/Earle salts without L -glutamine along with 20mM glucose,Serum Extender (1:1000),and 10%heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum containing 25mg of bovine serum albumin (BSA)and 25mg of trypsin inhibitor.The tissue was triturated in a small volume of this solution with a fire-polished Pasteur pipette,and B 100,000cells in 1ml plated per coverslip in 24-well plates.Glass coverslips (prewashed overnight in HCl followed by several 100%ethanol washes and flame sterilization)were coated overnight at 371C with 1:50Matrigel (Collaborative Biomedical).Cells were plated in culture medium:Neurobasal containing 2ÂB-27(Life T echnologies)and 2mM Glutamax-I (Life T echnol-ogies).The culture medium supplement B-27contains retinyl acetate,but no B-27was present during recording and no all-trans retinal was added to the culture medium or recording medium for any of the experiments described.One-half of the medium was replaced with culture medium the next day,giving a final serum concentration of 1.75%.Viral infection.Hippocampal cultures were infected on day 7in vitro (DIV 7)using fivefold serial dilutions of lentivirus (B 1Â106IU/ml).Viral dilutions were added to hippocampal cultures seeded on coverslips in 24-well plates and then incubated at 371C for 7d before experimentation.Confocal imaging.Images were acquired on a Leica TCS-SP2LSM confocal microscope using a 63Âwater-immersion lens.Cells expressing ChR2-YFP were imaged live using YFP microscope settings,in Tyrode solution containing (in mM)NaCl 125,KCl 2,CaCl 23,MgCl 21,glucose 30and HEPES 25(pH 7.3with NaOH).Propidium iodide (Molecular Probes)staining was carried out on live cells by adding 5m g/ml propidium iodide to the culture medium for 5min at 371C,washing twice with Tyrode solution and then immediately counting the number of ChR2+and ChR2Àcells that took up propidium iodide.Coverslips were then fixed for 5min in PBS +4%paraformaldehyde,permeabilized for 2min with 0.1%Triton X-100and then immersed for 5min in PBS containing 5m g/ml propidium iodide for detection of pyknotic nuclei.At least eight fields of view were examined per coverslip.Electrophysiology and optical methods.Cultured hippocampal neurons were recorded at approximately DIV 14(7d post-infection).Neurons were recorded by means of whole-cell patch clamp,using Axon Multiclamp 700B (Axon Instruments)amplifiers on an Olympus IX71inverted scope equipped with a 20Âobjective lens.Borosilicate glass (Warner)pipette resistances were B 4M O ,range 3–8M O .Access resistance was 10–30M O and was monitored throughout the recording.Intracellular solution consisted of (in mM)97T E C H N I C A L R E P O R T©2005 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e n e u r o s c i e n c e。
【转载】揭开美国顶尖生物医学实验室成功的法宝来源:向骏的日志2005年3月我有幸加盟了哈佛医学院布里根妇女医院(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)Stephen Elledge 实验室,在Elledge 教授直接领导下工作了整整六个年头。
Stephen Elle dge (后文皆称Steve)是美国生物医学界天才级科学家,他博士毕业于麻省理工学院(M IT)生物学系,在斯坦福大学生物化学系做的博士后。
1989年成为著名的贝勒医学院(Ba ylor Medical College )生物化学系的助理教授。
短短几年后便于1993年当选为霍华德休斯医学研究所的研究员(HHMI Investigator)。
2003 年他当选为美国科学院院士。
他在多个研究领域,如细胞周期调控、DNA 损伤应答机制、肿瘤细胞生物学、泛素连接酶的组成与调控、新型生物技术的开发与利用以及病毒的感染机制方面均有杰出贡献。
他发现肿瘤抑癌基因TP53的直接下游靶点为P21,他发现DNA 损伤后ATM、ATR蛋白激酶激活下游CHK1、CHK2等信号传导通路,他发现抑癌基因REST、PTPN12等,揭示泛素连接酶F-box 家族,优化了酵母双杂交系统(Yeast two hybrid system)、Magic DNA 载体高通量转换系统、全蛋白组水平分析蛋白稳定性的GPS 系统及与Gregory Hannon 首创小发卡核苷酸干扰文库(s hRNA library)。
50岁出头的他,光在Cell 、Nature 、Science 杂志上就已经发表了二十几篇文章,其数量与质量就是在哈佛医学院这样大师云集的地方也名列前茅。
Steve 的科研思维与科研能力当属超一流,他堪称科学家中的科学家。
在Steve 手下先后工作的中国同胞为数不少,其中很多人颇有成就,但能够回归祖国并将Steve 实验室成功经验总结出来的人不多。
Natural Variation in the Promoter of GSE5 Contributes to Grain Size Diversity in Rice译文及感悟
在这项研究中,我们通过将全基因组关联研究与功能分析相结合,在GSW5 / GW5基因座控制水稻粒径中鉴定出一种以前未被识别的基因,命名为GSE5。
根据其启动子区的缺失/插入类型,鉴定了栽培稻中GSE5(GSE5,GSE5DEL1 + IN1和GSE5DEL2)的三种主要单倍型。
我们证明携带GSE5DEL1 + IN1单倍型的籼稻品种中的950bp缺失(DEL1)和携带GSE5(DEL2)单倍型的粳稻品种中的1212bp缺失(DEL2)与GSE5的表达降低相关,导致宽的谷粒。
综上所述,我们的研究结果表明,在水稻育种者广泛使用的GSW5 / GW5基因座中,以前未被识别的GSE5基因控制着谷粒大小,并揭示了GSE5启动子区域的自然变异有助于水稻的粒径多样性。
nature genetics格式
《Nature Genetics》是一本权威的科学期刊,涵盖了遗传学和基因组学领域的最新研究成果。
本文将对《Nature Genetics》期刊的一些特点和相关内容进行介绍。
一、期刊简介《Nature Genetics》是由国际知名的科学出版机构自然出版集团(Nature Publishing Group)出版的一本月刊期刊,创刊于1992年。
二、期刊内容《Nature Genetics》的文章涉及的主要内容包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 人类遗传学人类遗传学是《Nature Genetics》期刊中的一个重要领域。
《Nature Genetics》期刊发表了许多关于人类遗传学的重要研究成果,为人类疾病的研究和治疗提供了重要的参考。
2. 动植物基因组学除了涉及人类遗传学领域的研究外,《Nature Genetics》还发表了大量关于动植物基因组学的研究成果。
3. 疾病遗传学疾病遗传学是《Nature Genetics》期刊中另一个重要的研究领域。
三、期刊质量作为一本顶级期刊,《Nature Genetics》在期刊质量上始终保持着高水准。
在这里,我阐述了通过四个因子,Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc,and Klf4,在胚胎干细胞培养条件下将鼠胚胎或成体纤维母细胞向多能干细胞的诱导。
这些细胞被我们称为诱导多能干细胞(inducedpluripotent stem cell,iPS cell),它们表现出胚胎干细胞(embryonicstem cell,ES cell)的形态和属性,并且表达胚胎干细胞的标记基因。
将iPS cells皮下注射转移至裸鼠导致包含所有三个胚层的一系列组织的肿瘤的形成。
接下来将其注射进入鼠囊胚,iPS cells导致了鼠胚胎的发育。
简介起源于哺乳动物囊胚内细胞团的胚胎干细胞维持在多潜能性时具有无限生长的能力,并且能分化成三个胚层内的的所有细胞( Evans and Kaufman, 1981; Martin, 1981)。
人类胚胎干细胞被认为能治疗许多疾病,例如Parkinson’s disease,spinal cordinjury, and diabetes (Thomson et al., 1998 )。
体细胞能够通过将核物质转移进卵母细胞( Wilmut et al., 1997)或与胚胎干细胞融合(Cowanet al., 2005; Tada et al., 2001 )而重新编程。
专利类型:发明专利 发明人:M·维斯特,R·L·兰扎,J·希柏利 申请号:CN00813712.9 申请日:20000906 公开号:CN13774 24 A 公开日:20021030
摘要:本发明涉及复壮正常体细胞和生产与目的正常体细胞有相同基因型的不同类型正常体细胞 的方法。这些细胞在细胞和组织移植中特别有用。也包括再克隆克隆动物的方法,特别是克隆动物的后 代与其克隆亲代相比遗传改变(例如是“超年轻的”)的方法。这些动物应比其克隆亲代更健康并具有 希望的特性。也包括激活内源端粒酶、EP C-1活性和/或AT L途径和/或延长正常体细胞寿命的方法, 以及与细胞增殖能力老化有关的其它基因。
申请人:先进细胞技术公司 地址:美国马萨诸塞州 国籍:US 代理机构:中国国际贸易促进委员会专利商标事务所 代理人:樊卫民 更多信息请下载全文后查看
1.基因工程的定义:在分子水平上,提取 或合成不同生物的遗传物质,在体外切割, 再和一定的载体拼接重组,然后把重组的 DNA分子引入细胞或生物体内,使这种外 源基因在受体细胞内进行复制和表达,按 照人们的需要繁殖扩增基因或生产不同 产物或定向地创造生物新性状,并能稳定 地遗传给下代.
2.基因工程的步骤 ①目的基因的获得
重组DNA 四环素 四环素
分: 质粒 基因载体 噬菌体 其它
1966年,科学家全部破译了64个密 码,编排了一本密码字典。
2009年11月1日,著名的《自然遗传学》(Nature Genetics)杂志在线发表了世界第一个蔬菜作物的基因组测序和分析的重要论文。
《自然遗传学》是《自然》系列杂志之一,发表国际遗传学研究的最新发现和重大成果,2008年影响因子为30(Nature为31,Science 为28)。
【摘要】2005年10月3日,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院诺贝尔奖委员会把今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了澳大利亚科学家巴里·J·马歇尔(Barry J.Marshall)和J·罗宾·沃伦(J.Robin Warren),因为他们发现了幽门螺旋杆菌和其在胃炎和消化性溃疡疾病中的作用。
1.以2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖为背景的生物学试题 [J], 孙智敏
2.2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖成果解读 [J], 雷军
3.改造老鼠基因收获诺贝尔奖——2007年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖解读 [J], 奇云
4.埋藏在肠胃中的诺贝尔奖——解读2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 [J], 王卫东
5.平淡中精彩坚定后辉煌——解读2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 [J], 赵明东因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
基因工程研究简史1859 年英国生物学家达尔文发表《物种起源》,第一次用大量事实和系统的理论论证了生物进化的普遍规律。
查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文(Charles Robert Darwin,1809.2.12—1882.4.19)英国博物学家,生物学家,进化论的奠基人1865 年瑞士科学家米歇尔发现核酸。
1866 年奥地利生物学家孟德尔发表论文“ 植物杂交试验” ,提出了遗传学的分离定律、自由组合定律和遗传因子学说。
1879 年德国生物学家弗莱明发现细胞核内的染色体。
1903 年美国细胞学家萨顿发现了遗传因子与染色体的平行关系,提出了遗传的染色体学说。
1915 年美国生物学家摩尔根创立了现代遗传学的基因学说1924 年德国细胞学家福尔根发现了核糖核酸(RNA )和脱氧核糖核酸(DNA )。
1927 年美国遗传学家缪勒发现X 射线照射可人工诱使遗传基因发生突变。
1929 年俄裔美国生物化学家列文发现核酸碱基的主要成份是腺膘呤、鸟膘呤、胸腺嘧啶、胞嘧啶。
1938 年美国生物学家、遗传学家比德尔与美国生物化学家塔特姆提出遗传基因通过一定的化学反应起作用的理论。
1943 年德裔美国生物学家、物理学家德尔布吕克,意大利裔美国生物学家卢里亚,美国遗传学家赫尔希合作发现了病毒的复制机制。
1952年,他们又分别发现在上述复制机制中起决定性作用的遗传物质是DNA1944 年美国细菌学家艾弗里首次证明DNA 是遗传信息的载体。
1946 年美国生物化学家塔特姆与美国遗传学家莱德伯格合作发现了两种细菌混合培养时发生了“ 杂交” 现象,实现了基因重组。
1948 年挪威科学家弗伯格提出了DNA 螺旋结构的结论。
1951 年美国女遗传学家麦克林托克提出了可移动的遗传基因(即“ 跳跃基因” )学说。
1952 年美国遗传学家莱德伯格发现了通过噬菌体的“ 转导” 实现的不同细菌间的基因重组现象。
1953 年美国生物学家沃森、英国生物物理学家克里克在英国女生物学家富兰克林和英国生物学家威尔金斯等人研究成果的基础上,首先建立了DNA 的双螺旋结构模型,并提出了DNA 的复制机制。
1.英国人类胚胎干细胞可专利性问题研究——兼论对我国专利法的借鉴意义 [J], 刘强; 徐芃
2.美国研究人员发现保证人类胚胎干细胞成活的关键因子 [J], 聆风
3.英国人类胚胎干细胞研究法律规制述评 [J], 肇旭
4.[古人类]英国和德国科学家在阿联酋发现的早期人类石器显示现代人类可能在10万年前走出非洲,比先前的推测提前约4万年 [J],
5.英国利用人类胚胎干细胞移植技术成功恢复沙鼠听力 [J],
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Transferability of tag SNPs in genetic association studies in multiple populationsPaul I W de Bakker 1–4,16,Noe¨l P Burtt 1,16,Robert R Graham 1–4,16,Candace Guiducci 1,Roman Yelensky 1–3,5,Jared A Drake 1,6,Todd Bersaglieri 1,6,Kathryn L Penney 7,Johannah Butler 1,6,Stanton Young 2,3,Robert C Onofrio 1,Helen N Lyon 1,6,Daniel O Stram 8,Christopher A Haiman 8,Matthew L Freedman 1,9,Xiaofeng Zhu 10,Richard Cooper 10,Leif Groop 11,12,Laurence N Kolonel 13,Brian E Henderson 8,Mark J Daly 1,2,14,Joel N Hirschhorn 1,4,6&David Altshuler 1–4,14,15A general question for linkage disequilibrium–based association studies is how power to detect an association is compromised when tag SNPs are chosen from data in one population sample and then deployed in another sample.Specifically,it is important to know how well tags picked from the HapMap DNA samples capture the variation in other samples.To address this,we collected dense data uniformly across the four HapMap population samples and eleven other population samples.We picked tag SNPs using genotype data we collected in the HapMap samples and then evaluated the effective coverage of these tags in comparison to the entire set ofcommon variants observed in the other samples.We simulated case-control association studies in the non-HapMap samples under a disease model of modest risk,and we observed little loss in power.These results demonstrate that the HapMapDNA samples can be used to select tags for genome-wide association studies in many samples around the world.The International HapMap Project provides empirical genotype data for 43million SNPs in a limited sample of 270individuals from four populations 1.There are two fundamental questions with regard to a dense reference panel such as HapMap.First,to what extent is power compromised when tags are selected from incomplete genotype data in the reference panel?Second,how is power affected when tags are selected from a reference panel but then genotyped in another population sample?Previously,we addressed the first question by evaluating the quantitative relationship between marker density and power in simulated association studies using HapMap ENCODE datawith near-complete ascertainment of common variation 2.Here,we characterize the extent to which tag SNPs picked from HapMap DNA samples are transferable across different population samples.T o this end,we have collected dense genotype data uniformly across HapMap and non-HapMap population samples.As part of the Multiethnic Cohort (MEC)Study 3,4,we compiled a list of genes in the steroid hormone and growth factor pathways.In each of these genes,we selected a dense set of SNPs from the public dbSNP database 5and augmented this set by SNP discovery through exon resequencing in 190individuals with breast and prostate cancer from five different ethnic groups (Supplementary Table 1online).In total,we attempted genotyping for 3,302SNPs in 41,000DNA samples from 15population samples (Table 1and Supplementary Table 2online).We kept all SNPs that were successfully genotyped in all population samples and that were polymorphic in at least one (Supplementary Table 3online).The final data set contained 1,679SNPs across 25genes with a total span of 2.6Mb and an average marker density of 1SNP per 1.6kb (Supplementary Table 4online).T o assess the transferability of tags picked from HapMap samples for association studies in other population samples,two relevant measures are (i)the distribution of the correlation (r 2)between the allelic tests (based on the tags)and all ‘untyped’variants (that is,SNPs not selected as tags)present in these samples and (ii)how this translates into study-wide power to detect an association under a specified disease model.We prefer these measures to comparisons based on differences in linkage disequilibrium (LD)structure,haplotype diver-sity or allele frequencies,as the question of immediate interest is the impact of any such differences on the power in the disease study.Received 23March;accepted 12September;published online 22October 2006;doi:10.1038/ng18991Programin Medical and Population Genetics,Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT,Seven Cambridge Center,Cambridge,Massachusetts,02142,USA.2Center forHuman Genetic Research and 3Department of Molecular Biology,Massachusetts General Hospital,185Cambridge Street,Boston,Massachusetts 02114-2790,USA.4Department of Genetics,Harvard Medical School,Boston,Massachusetts,USA.5Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology,Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA.6Divisions of Endocrinology and Genetics,Program in Genomics,Children’s Hospital,Boston,Massachusetts 02115,USA.7Harvard School of Public Health,Boston,Massachusetts 02115,USA.8Department of Preventive Medicine,Keck School of Medicine,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,California 90089,USA.9Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,Boston,Massachusetts 02115,USA.10Department of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology,LoyolaUniversity,Maywood,Illinois 60153,USA.11Department of Clinical Sciences,University Hospital,Lund University,Malmo¨S-20502,Sweden.12Department of Medicine,Helsinki University,Helsinki,Finland.13Cancer Research Center,University of Hawaii,Honolulu,Hawaii 96813,USA.14Department of Medicine,HarvardMedical School,Boston,Massachusetts,USA.15Diabetes Unit,Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston,Massachusetts 02114,USA.16These authors contributed equally to this work.Correspondence should be addressed to D.A.(altshuler@).L E T T E R S©2006 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e g e n e t i c sUsing only the genotype data collected in each HapMap panel (YRI,CEU,CHB and JPT),we selected tags until every SNP observed with Z 5%allele frequency in that panel was captured with a pairwise r 2Z 0.8by at least one tag.By definition,these tags capture all (including ‘untyped’)common SNPs (Z 5%)at a maximum r 2Z 0.8in that HapMap panel.The mean maximum r 2between the tags and the ‘untyped’SNPs was 0.93–0.96(Table 2),and many ‘untyped’SNPs had a perfect proxy (maximum r 2¼1)(Fig.1a –d ).Before considering transferability across population samples,it is crucial to measure the effect of transferability to a second,independent sample from the same population.Specifically,we expect to see statistical fluctuation in allele frequencies around the 5%threshold for tag SNP selection.For example,SNPs with an estimated allele frequency just below the5%threshold will not be targeted during tag SNP selection (and may not be captured)but may well have an allele frequency above this threshold in a second sample 6.Conversely,SNPs with an estimated allele frequency just above the 5%threshold will be captured by a tag but may fall below the threshold in a second sample and therefore may not be included in the assessment.Furthermore,there is fluctuation in the estimated r 2for pairs of SNPs in independent samples of limited size:SNPs captured with r 2Z 0.8by a tag in one sample may be captured with r 2o 0.8in a second sample (and vice versa)owing to random fluctuations in the chromo-somes chosen for each sample.These effects are a natural consequence of sampling varia-bility and employing strict allele frequency and r 2thresholds.We characterized the extent of samplingvariation in the HapMap reference panels by evaluating the coverage of common SNPs in independent samples drawn from the same population.The vast majority of the ‘untyped’common SNPs were still captured with a maximum r 2Z 0.8:71%in unrelated individuals from Ibadan,Nigeria also used in the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP-YRI),89%in parent-offspring trios from Utah (from the Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain)withnorthern and western European ancestry (CEPH-EXT),79%in unrelated Han Chinese from Beijing from the HGDP (HGDP-CHB)and 78%in unrelated Japanese from T okyo from the HGDP (HGDP-JPT)(Table 2).In fact,most SNPs were captured with a maximum r 2Z 0.5(Fig.1e –h ).The observed loss is interpretedas statistical fluctuation caused solely by draw-ing independent samples of limited sizefrom the same underlying population,result-ing in modest r 2overestimation during tag SNP selection.A small fraction of ‘untyped’SNPs,how-ever,were not well captured:between 2%and 11%of ‘untyped’SNPs had a maximum r 2o 0.5in the second,independent samplefrom the same population (Fig.1e –h ).Uponcloser inspection,these poorly captured SNPstypically had a lower allele frequency (Fig.2).All SNPs with a maximum r 2o 0.5in CEPH-EXT had a frequency below 5%in the Hap-Map CEU panel (a few were monomorphic)and were consequently missed,as no tags were explicitly picked to capture them.Thus,the observed loss is due to the fluctua-tions in the allele frequency estimates,not to differences in LD structure.We observed this thresholding effect,to a lesser degree,in HGDP-YRI,HGDP-CHB and HGDP-JPT.Some ‘untyped’SNPs were captured poorly even though they were observed at Z 5%frequency in the referencepanel,reflecting a decrease in LD between the tags and these SNPs.Table 1Population samples included in this studySamples and origin AbbreviationNumber of chromosomes in final data set a Yoruba from Ibadan,Nigeria,International HapMap Project YRI 120Yoruba from Ibadan,Nigeria,Human Genome Diversity Project HGDP-YRI 50African Americans from Los Angeles,Multiethnic Cohort MEC-AA 138African Americans from Chicago MAY 96Utah,European ancestry from CEPH,International HapMap Project CEU 104Utah,European ancestry from CEPH (other)CEPH-EXT 248Self-described ‘whites’from Hawaii,from Multiethnic Cohort MEC-W 136Botnia,Finland BOT 116Han Chinese from Beijing,International HapMap Project CHB 88Han Chinese from Beijing,Human Genome Diversity Project HGDP-CHB 80Japanese from Tokyo,International HapMap Project JPT 88Japanese from Tokyo,Human Genome Diversity Project HGDP-JPT 62Japanese from Hawaii and Los Angeles,Multiethnic Cohort MEC-J 136Native Hawaiians from Hawaii,Multiethnic Cohort MEC-H 138Latinos from Los Angeles,Multiethnic Cohort MEC-L 138a After QC and data filtering.Table 2Coverage of common variation in the population samples by the tags picked from theHapMap samplesAll common SNPs ‘Untyped’common SNPsReference panel (HapMap samples)Number of picked tags Population sample Mean maximum r 2Percentage with maximum r 2Z 0.8Mean maximum r 2Percentage with maximum r 2Z 0.8YRI 724YRI 0.97100%0.93100%YRI 724HGDP-YRI 0.9287%0.8271%YRI 724MEC-AA 0.8779%0.7356%YRI 724MAY 0.8780%0.7356%CEU 470CEU 0.97100%0.95100%CEU 470CEPH-EXT 0.9593%0.9189%CEU 470MEC-W 0.9286%0.8778%CEU 470BOT 0.9389%0.8983%CHB 388CHB 0.97100%0.95100%CHB 388HGDP-CHB 0.9186%0.8779%JPT 415JPT 0.97100%0.96100%JPT 415HGDP-JPT 0.9285%0.8878%JPT 415MEC-J 0.9491%0.9186%Coverage is expressed as the mean maximum r 2and the percentage with maximum r 2Z 0.8for all SNPs (includingtags)and ‘untyped’SNPs with frequency Z 5%in each population sample.L E T T E R S©2006 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e g e n e t i c sHaving assessed the transferability within samples of the same population,we next examined transferability to samples with similar continental ancestry as the CEU and JPT HapMap panels but sampled from different ing the tags picked from HapMap CEU samples,we evaluated the coverage of common variants in self-described‘white’individuals from Hawaii(MEC-W)and in indivi-duals from the Botnia region of Finland(BOT).The performance ofthe CEU tags in these non-HapMap samples was very similar to thatin CEPH-EXT(Fig.1k–l).The mean maximum r2for‘untyped’SNPswas0.87–0.89(Table2).In both samples,only4%of‘untyped’variants were captured with a maximum r2o0.5.We also evaluatedthe coverage in Japanese samples from Hawaii and Los Angeles(MEC-J)for tags picked from HapMap JPT samples(Fig.1m).Performance was similar:86%of‘untyped’variants were capturedwith a maximum r2Z0.8with a mean maximum r2of0.91(Table2),and only2%were captured with a maximum r2o0.5.Thus,in thesesamples there is little loss in coverage beyond that observed inindependent samples from the same population.We next evaluated the performance of tags picked from the YRIHapMap samples in African American samples from Los Angeles(MEC-AA)and from Chicago(MAY).Of all‘untyped’commonvariants,56%were captured with a maximum r2Z0.8,with amean maximum r2of0.73(Table2).A comparatively larger fractionof SNPs(18%)was captured with a maximum r2o0.5(Fig.1i–j).Wedid notfind this surprising in light of estimates that African Americanshave80%–85%African ancestry7.A tagging strategy that takes intoaccount the combined African and European ancestry of these sampleswould be expected to improve coverage,as we will demonstrate below. frequency in YRIMaximumr21. CEPH-EXT HGDP-CHB HGDP-JPTAllele frequency in CEU Allele frequency in CHB Allele frequency in JPT Figure2The relationship between the allele frequency observed in the HapMap reference panel(from which tags are picked)and the maximum r2between the tags and all‘untyped’SNPs with Z5%frequency in HGDP-YRI,CEPH-EXT,HGDP-CHB and HGDP-JPT.Tags were picked from each HapMap reference panel to capture all SNPs with Z5%frequency in that panel(threshold indicated by vertical lines).No explicit attempt was made to capture SNPs with o5%frequency in the reference panel.SNPs that are poorly captured(maximum r2o0.5)tend to have lower allele frequency.The gray horizontal lines separate the three r2bins used in Figure1.–.5.5–.8.8–1.Maximum r2 CommonSNPscaptured(%)CommonSNPscaptured(%)(%)African Americansfrom Multiethnic CohortAfrican Americansfrom Chicagoa b c dei jFigure1r1.0).a tag(ii)in(f)(iii)in other samples:(i)MEC-AA(using tags from YRI),(j)MAY(using tags from YRI),(k)MEC-W(using tags from CEU),(l)BOT(using tags from CEU)and(m)MEC-J(using tags from JPT).The darker shade represents SNPs captured by aperfect proxy(maximum r2¼1).L E T T E R S©26NaturePublishingGroup these results are encouraging,we wanted to obtain a more direct estimate of statistical power in a disease study.Because of the correlated nature of dense SNP data and the number of statistical tests,it is not straightforward to estimate power directly from the r 2distribution.Thus,we simulated case-control association studies for each non-HapMap population sample using a recently described procedure 2:for each non-HapMap sample,we nominated eachcommon SNP with Z 5%allele frequency as ‘causal’in turn,and we generated a large number of simulated case-control panels.We evaluated power by performing the association tests (based on the same tags selected from the HapMap samples as above)in these case-control panels and counting the number of panels in which we were able to detect an association at a gene-wide corrected P value of 0.01,averaged over all 25genes.T esting all common SNPs in the simulated case-control panels resulted in an absolute power of 82%in HGDP-YRI,84%in CEPH-EXT and HGDP-CHB and 85%in HGDP-JPT.This is substantially higher than the power in HapMap ENCODE data under the identical genetic model (60%in YRI and 68%in CEU and CHB+JPT)2.This is due to an overall reduction in the multiple testing burden,because the genes in the present data set are smaller and have less complete ascertainment than the 500-kb regions of the HapMap ENCODE project.We report the power to detect all common causal alleles,as well as the power to detect ‘untyped’common variants as a con-servative estimator,and we express both relative to the power obtained by testing all common SNPs in the case-control sample (as if we had genotyped all common SNPs directly).In independent samples from the same populations as the HapMap samples,power was 87%–95%for the ‘untyped’common SNPs relative to the power obtained by testing all common SNPs in those samples (T able 3).Relative power decreased by only B 5%in MEC-W and BOT (using CEU tags)and remained unchanged in MEC-J (using JPTtags).Performance was lower in the African American MEC-AA and MAY samples:relativepower was 81%using tags picked in YRI.(For the sake of comparison,if we used the CEU tags alone,relative power dropped to 63%.)We attempted to improve the power for the African American samples by picking tags from all four HapMap population samples combined (rather than picking tags from YRI only).At an additional genotyping cost (22%more tags),this ‘cosmopolitan’tagging approach increased the relative power to89%–90%for the ‘untyped’common SNPsin both African American samples (Table 3).This demonstrates that tags from the HapMappopulations are able to provide good power in these samples.It is likely that tag SNP selec-tion could be made more efficient by incor-porating knowledge about the ancestry ofsamples.Power did not deteriorate when tagswere picked from YRI and CEU only (exclud-ing CHB and JPT),but it did result in fewertags.This is not unexpected:tags from CHB and JPT that are not redundant with tags from YRI and CEU include SNPs that are unique to these two East Asian populations.For some population samples like native Hawaiians (MEC-H)and Latinos (MEC-L)from the MEC,there is no obvious choice of HapMap reference panel from which to pick tags.Nevertheless,when we used CEU in our initial attempt,relative power was 89%for ‘untyped’variants in MEC-H,and power in MEC-L was only slightly worse (Table 3).The cosmopolitan tags improved relative power to 94%–96%in both population samples,albeit at a greater genotyping cost.Recently,we introduced specified multimarker (haplotype)tests as a means to improve upon pairwise tagging in terms of genotyping efficiency without sacrificing power 2.In this approach,specific haplo-types act as effective surrogates for single tag SNPs.This keeps the multiple testing burden constant while decreasing the number of tags (but requiring greater genotyping quality and completeness).When we used this ‘aggressive’tagging approach to capture all common SNPs with r 2Z 0.8,the genotyping burden was reduced by 15%–23%compared with pairwise tagging.Power in the simulated case-control association studies remained essentially unchanged with this more efficient tagging approach (data not shown).Hence,this multimarker strategy is robust to transferability,at least for the DNA samples tested here.A notable implication of this result is that specified multimarker tests inferred from a dense reference panel (such as HapMap)can act as effective predictors for some untyped SNPs.We have recently demonstrated that this approach can provide a substantial boost in the coverage of commercially available whole-genome products 8.Our results are broadly consistent with other assessments of tag transferability 9–20.Although LD structure is known to vary betweenpopulation samples 12,21–24,we have demonstrated empirically that a standard tagging approach in the four HapMap population samples can capture common variation effectively in many other independent samples.Most of the observed loss in coverage and power results from fluctuations in allele frequency and r 2estimates owing to samplingTable 3Relative power in simulated case-control association studies in non-HapMap populationsReference panel (HapMap samples)Number ofpicked tagsSimulated case-control panel Relative power for all causal alleles (%)Relative power for ‘untyped’causal alleles (%)YRI 724HGDP-YRI 9587YRI 724MEC-AA 9281YRI 724MAY 9281CEU 470CEPH-EXT 9795CEU 470MEC-W 9691CEU 470BOT 9689CEU 470MEC-H 9489CEU 470MEC-L 9283CHB 388HGDP-CHB 9692JPT 415HGDP-JPT 9692JPT 415MEC-J 9692Cosmopolitan 885MEC-AA 9690Cosmopolitan 885MAY 9689Cosmopolitan 885MEC-H 9996Cosmopolitan 885MEC-L 9794Tags were picked from a reference panel (HapMap sample)to capture all SNPs observed with Z 5%frequency in that panel with a pairwise maximum r 2Z 0.8.The relative power is the power to detect causal alleles (SNPs with Z 5%frequency in the non-HapMap population sample)in comparison with the observed power when all causal alleles aretested directly (no tagging).Power is given for all common SNPs as well as for the subset of common SNPs that were not picked as tags (‘untyped’).‘Cosmopolitan’refers to the set of tags that captures all common SNPs across all four HapMap populations.L E T T E R S©2006 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e g e n e t i c svariation.We conclude that tag SNPs selected from the HapMap DNA samples are likely to provide good power to study the role of common polymorphisms in complex traits in many sample collections.METHODSDNA samples.We collected genotype data in the following DNA samples:30parent-offspring trios from the Y oruba people in Ibadan,Nigeria (YRI),27parent-offspring trios from Utah,USA,with northern and western European ancestry (from the Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain;CEU),45unrelated Han Chinese people from Beijing,China (CHB)and 44unrelated Japanese people from T okyo,Japan (JPT)used the International HapMap Project 1;25unrelated individuals from Ibadan,Nigeria (HGDP-YRI),40unrelated Han Chinese from Beijing,China (HGDP-CHB)and 31unrelated Japanese from T okyo (HGDP-JPT)from the Human Genome Diversity Project 25,26;62trios from Utah with northern and western European ancestry,from the CEPH collection (CEPH-EXT);70self-described African American (MEC-AA),69self-described native Hawaiian (MEC-H),70self-described Japanese (MEC-J),70self-described Latino (MEC-L)and 70self-described ‘white’(MEC-W)samples from the Multiethnic Cohort Study conducted in Hawaii and California (mainly Los Angeles);30trios from Botnia,Finland (BOT)and 48unrelated African Americans from Chicago (MAY).These studies were approved by the Human Subject Institutional Review Boards at the respective institutions,and informed consent was obtained from all subjects.SNP discovery.We performed exon resequencing in 95cases of advanced breast cancer and 95cases of advanced prostate cancer from the Multiethnic Cohort Study.These are 19samples from each of the five populations represented in the Multiethnic Cohort (see above)that do not overlap with the samples used to collect genotype data).Summary statistics are given in Supplementary Table 1.Resequencing in these samples was specifically performed to enrich for common functional (missense,splice site,UTR)variants not present in dbSNP at the time (we note that this project started before the International HapMap Project).Of the 542SNPs that were discovered by resequencing in the 25genes,157were present already in dbSNP and not attempted for validation.Of the remaining novel SNPs,355were processed for further validation (primers were designed successfully),and 240were validated by genotyping in the resequen-cing panel.There are only 14SNPs that are nonsynonymous,with a frequency of 41%in the entire resequencing panel (n ¼190),and only seven nonsynonymous SNPs had a frequency of 41%in the Multiethnic Cohort panel (n ¼349).All SNPs used in the analysis were validated.SNP genotyping.A dense set of SNPs was selected for genotyping from two sources:(i)SNPs discovered by resequencing that were not in dbSNP (version 117)and that were located in exons or UTRs and,subsequently,(ii)SNPs from dbSNP (version 119)and Celera databases prioritizing ‘double-hit’and mis-sense SNPs.Genotyping was performed to generate an initial map of roughly evenly spaced SNPs in the African American MEC samples to classify regions according to their degree of LD and to provide a guide for further genotyping.SNP density was preferentially increased in regions of low(er)LD as inferred from the initial map.In total,we attempted 3,302SNP assays in 1,029samples using the Sequenom MassArray and Illumina GoldenGate platforms (Supple-mentary Table 2).Concordance between the Sequenom and Illumina plat-forms was 98.2%(12,927out of 13,170)for 863markers typed in 16identical samples.In the 15population samples,on average,84%(2,774)of the attempted assays passed quality control filters,defined as genotyping complete-ness 490%,no more than one concordance error,no more than one Mendel inheritance error and P 40.001for the Hardy-Weinberg test (Supplementary Table 3).This resulted in a working set of 1,842SNPs that passed quality control in all 15population samples,including 1,679SNPs that are poly-morphic in at least one population sample (1,473SNPs with Z 5%frequency;Supplementary Table 4).All genotype data were phased using the program PHASE 2.1.1(ref.27)to produce phased chromosomes that were used in all analyses 26.For the purposes of estimating (high)r 2values between SNPs,the impact of potential phasing errors is expected to be minimal 28.Simulation of case-control association studies.For all non-HapMap samples,we simulated case-control panels of each gene to evaluate the power to detectan association.We used a multiplicative genetic model in which we designated all common SNPs,one by one,to be ‘causal’.For each causal SNP ,we made case-control panels by sampling with replacement chromosomes from the phased data to give 1,000cases and 1,000controls (4,000chromosomes in total).As a function of the allele frequency of the designated ‘causal’allele,we set the genotype relative risk to obtain a constant 95%power at a nominal P of 0.01using a 2Â2w 2test.We generated 75replicate case-control panels per causal SNP ,and all SNPs have an equal chance of being causal.We also generated 75,000control-control (null)panels by sampling chromosomes at random from the phased data.These null panels have no causal SNP and were used to derive gene-wide significance thresholds.Tag SNP selection.We used the program Tagger to derive a set of tag SNPs from the HapMap reference panel such that each allele that satisfies the allele frequency threshold is captured at the given r 2threshold either by a single tag (pairwise tagging)29or by a specified multimarker (haplotype)test (‘aggressive’tagging)2.We noticed that the efficiency gain afforded by aggressive tagging was less than that observed in previous analyses of the HapMap-ENCODE data 1,2.This is likely due to the fact that this study focuses on gene regions of B 100kb in size,compared with 500-kb ENCODE regions where tagging can benefit from long-range LD.Cosmopolitan tagging.We have implemented a ‘cosmopolitan’tagging approa-ch that maximizes in a greedy fashion,for every additional tag,the total number of captured alleles (at the user-defined threshold:here,r 2Z 0.8)in multiple reference panels.T o illustrate,our approach will pick a SNP with more proxies in multiple reference panels (such as CEU and YRI)as a tag in favor of a SNP with only few proxies in a single panel (such as CEU).This procedure does not directly combine the (phased)genotype data for multiple panels (which could inflate or deflate correlations between markers),but rather evaluates multiple panels in parallel.This is similar in spirit to the TagIT 13and MultiPop-TagSelect methods 30.Power calculations.We evaluated power by performing the allelic tests (based on the selected tags)in the simulated null panels and the case-control panels.We derived significance thresholds from the null panels that correspond to a gene-wide corrected P of 0.01.The power is the fraction of case-control panels in which we observed a test statistic greater than the significance threshold.We report the power relative to that obtained by testing all common SNPs in that non-HapMap sample directly,averaged over all 25genes.URLs.Genotype data and SNP summary statistics can be found at /Core/DocManager/DocumentList.aspx?CID ¼13.Tagger can be found at /mpg/tagger/.Note:Supplementary information is available on the Nature Genetics website.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank M.Egyud for sharing unpublished results and all members of the collaborative Multiethnic Cohort Study and the Analysis group of theInternational HapMap Consortium for useful discussions.We acknowledge the support of NIH grants CA63464and CA098758(to B.E.H.),HL074166(to X.Z.),CA54281(to L.N.K.)and DK067288(to H.N.L.);a March of Dimes grant(6-FY04-61,to J.N.H.)and a Charles E.Culpeper Scholarship of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Clinical Scholarship in Translational Research (both to D.A.).AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONSH.N.L.,X.Z.,R.C.,L.G.,C.A.H.,L.N.K.,B.E.H.provided DNA samples;N.P .B.coordinated resequencing with R.C.O.and S.Y .;N.P .B.,R.R.G.,C.G.,J.B.,K.L.P .prepared DNA samples,designed and performed genotyping experiments;P .d.B.,N.P .B.,R.R.G.,R.Y.,J.A.D.and T.B.performed the analyses;P .d.B.wrote the paper,with contributions from N.P .B.and R.R.G.;M.L.F.,C.A.H.,D.O.S.and H.N.L.gave feedback and helped with revisions and M.J.D.,J.N.H.and D.A.jointly directed the project.COMPETING INTERESTS STATEMENTThe authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.L E T T E R S©2006 N a t u r e P u b l i s h i n g G r o u p h t t p ://w w w .n a t u r e .c o m /n a t u r e g e n e t i c s。