



第Ⅰ卷(共60分)一、填空题:1.【题文】已知集合{1,2},{2,3}A B ==,则A B = .【结束】2.【题文】若复数21(4),()2z a i a R a =+-∈-是实数,则a = .【结束】3.【题文】已知某一组数据8,9,11,12,x ,若这组数据的平均数为10,则其方差为 .【结束】4.【题文】若以连续掷两次骰子得到的点数n m ,分别作为点P 的横、纵坐标,则点P 在直线4x y +=上的概率为 .【结束】5.【题文】运行如图语句,则输出的结果T = .【结束】6.【题文】若抛物线28y x =的焦点与双曲线221x y m-=的右焦点重合,则双曲线的离心率为 .点重合,∴m+1=4,∴m=3,∴e=3c a ==,考点:本题考查了抛物线与双曲线的性质 【结束】7.【题文】已知一个圆锥的底面圆的半径为1,体积为3,则该圆锥的侧面积为 .【结束】8.【题文】将函数()2sin(),(0)3f x x πωω=->的图象向左平移3πω个单位得到函数()y g x =的图象,若()y g x =在[,]64ππ-上为增函数,则ω最大值为 .【结束】9.【题文】已知O 是坐标原点,点(1,1)A -,若点(,)M x y 为平面区域212x y x y +≥⎧⎪≤⎨⎪≤⎩上的一个动点,则OA OM的取值范围是 . 【答案】[0,2] 【解析】【结束】10.【题文】数列{}n a 中,12a =,1n n a a cn +=+(c 是常数,123n = ,,,),且123a a a ,,成公比不为1的等比数列,则{}n a 的通项公式是 .【结束】11.【题文】若对任意x R ∈,不等式23324x ax x -≥-恒成立,则实数a 的范围 . 【答案】11a -≤≤【结束】12.【题文】函数4log ,0()cos ,0x x f x x x >⎧=⎨≤⎩的图象上关于原点O 对称的点有 对.【结束】13.【题文】在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知点A 是椭圆221259x y +=上的一个动点,点P在线段OA 的延长线上,且72OA OP ⋅=,则点P 横坐标的最大值为 .【结束】14.【题文】从x 轴上一点A 分别向函数3()f x x =-与函数332()||g x x x=+引不是水平方向的切线1l 和2l ,两切线1l 、2l 分别与y 轴相交于点B 和点C ,O 为坐标原点,记△OAB 的面积为1S ,△OAC 的面积为2S ,则1S +2S 的最小值为 .【结束】第Ⅱ卷三、解答题 (本大题共6小题,共74分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)15.【题文】已知函数()sin()2cos()cos 22f x x x x x ππ=⋅--+⋅+.(1)求)(x f 的最小正周期;(2)在ABC ∆中,c b a ,,分别是∠A 、∠B 、∠C 的对边,若4)(=A f ,1=b ,ABC ∆的面积为23,求a 的值.【结束】16.【题文】已知直三棱柱ABC-A 1B 1C 1中,AD ⊥平面A 1BC ,其垂足D 落在直线A 1B 上.(1)求证:平面A 1BC ⊥平面ABB 1A 1;(2)若3=AD ,AB=BC=2,P 为AC 中点,求三棱锥1P A BC -的体积。



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Where are the speakers?A。

At a shop. B。

At a hotel。

C. In a hospital。


What do we know about the woman's father?A. He never eats cookies。

B.He loves his wife’s food。


He is a great cook。

3. What would the man like to see?A。

The western。

B.The baseball game. C。

The football game.4. What will the woman probably do?A. See the manager immediately. B。

Wait for the manager to arrive。

C. Make an appointment with the manager。

5. What is true about Mary and Jack?A。

Their honeymoon lasted one week.B.They thought a honeymoon of one week was too short.C。

They went on their honeymoon a week after their wedding。



江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月月考 英语

江苏省扬州中学2013届高三1月月考 英语

江苏省扬州中学2012—2013学年度第一学期质量检测高三英语2013.1 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。




1. What is Vincent’s nationality?A. French.B. Spanish.C. Italian.2. What will the speakers move?A. The television.B. The cupboard.C. The picture.3. What do we know about the woman?A. She just gave up her apartment.B. She has been looking for an apartment.C. She has just bought a reasonably priced house.4. What might the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Fine.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A butterfly.B. A painting.C. An argument.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What is the man’s destination?A. Helsinki.B. New York.C. Salt Lake City.7. How many hours will it take the man to his destination?A. 18 hours.B. 22 hours.C. 23 hours.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。












下列概念依次与a、b、c、d、e相对应的一组是A.染色体、DNA、蛋白质、基因、核糖核苷酸B.物质跨膜运输、被动运输、主动运输、自由扩散、O2进出细胞C.免疫调节、特异性免疫、非特异性免疫、体液免疫、细胞免疫D.生态系统、群落、无机环境、生产者、分解者4.下列对实验的相关叙述,正确的是A.孟德尔研究遗传因子的传递规律,运用了类比推理法B.沃森和克里克建构DNA分子结构模型,运用了放射性同位素标记法C.格里菲思利用肺炎双球菌的致病性时,运用了物质分离和提纯技术D.林德曼推断出能量传递呈递减的特点,运用了调查和系统分析法5. 下列关于各种酶作用的叙述正确的是A.H2O2酶可与H2O2结合,为反应提供活化能B.RNA聚合酶能与基因的特定位点结合,催化遗传信息的转录C.尿糖试纸含有葡萄糖氧化酶,催化葡萄糖氧化分解形成CO2和H2OD.通过PCR技术扩增目的基因时需用热稳定DNA聚合酶解开DNA双链6.如图为某高等动物的一组细胞分裂图像,相关叙述错误的是A.细胞①可能是精原细胞B.细胞②只能出现在有丝分裂过程C.细胞③中发生了等位基因的分离D.细胞④的出现只能是基因突变的结果7.某研究小组从蛙的精巢中提取了一些细胞(无突变发生),测定细胞中染色体数目,并根据染色体数目不同将这些细胞分为三组,各组细胞数如下图。






1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Allen’s new school.B. Why Allen transferred.C. Allen’s mother’s new job.2. How long can the man use the car?A. 9 hours.B. 10 hours.C. 11 hours.3. What does the man ask the girl to do?A. Do her homework.B. Play with Jane.C. Go out.4. Where is the report?A. At Mr. Smith’s office.B. At Mr. Thomson’s office.C. At Miss King’s office.5. What has the man decided to do on Sunday afternoon?A. Go to the museum.B. Visit an exhibition.C. Review his lessons.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What’s the relationship between the speakers?A. Customer and shop assistant.B. Student and teacher.C. Boss and secretary.7. When does the club open at weekends?A. At 9 am.B. At 10 am.C. At 11 am.8. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The club has a sale promotion now.B. The woman is not satisfied with the answers.C. The club has no swimming pool.听第7段材料,回答第9至第11题。







1. What might prevent the woman buying the table?A. Its quality.B. Its price.C. Its design.2. Who planted the trees?A. The woman.B. Henry.C. Someone else.3. What happened to the woman?A. She got fired today.B. She got promoted last week.C. She was fooled by the man.4. What did the man do?A. He gave the woman the wrong information.B. He put the sugar in the black container.C. He added salt to his coffee.5. How long is a day on Mars?A. Less than 24 hours.B. 24 hours and 37 minutes.C. 37 hours.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What do we know about the woman’s document?A. It’s about 30000 words long.B. It’s written in English.C. It’s a textbook.7. Which language is the most difficult according to the man?A. Arabic.B. Spanish.C. English.8. What does the woman decide to do?A. Translate the document herself.B. Hire the man to do the translation.C. Look for another translator.听第7段材料,回答第9、10题。



第五课《再塑生命》 学习目标 1、掌握重点字词,了解课文内容,理解作者的思想感情。





课前预习 使用说明与学法指导 1、有感情的朗读课文,领会莎莉文老师隽永深沉的爱心和高超的教育艺术,学习海伦好学敏思、坚忍不拔、热爱生活的精神。



教材助读 本文选自《假如给我三天光明》,作者海伦·凯勒(Helen keller),美国盲聋女作家、教育家、社会活动家。

她生于亚拉巴马州, 一岁半时患病,两耳失聪,双目失明。




重点字词 搓捻(cuō niǎn)将线、纸等搓成的条状物。

?企盼(qǐ pàn)盼望;希望。

?繁衍(fán yǎn)逐渐增多或增广。

?迁徙(qiān xǐ)迁移。

?觅食(mì shí)指鸟兽到处搜寻食物吃。

?油然而生(yóu rán ér shēng)形容思想感情自然而然地产生。

?花团锦簇(huā tuán jǐn cù)形容五彩缤纷、十分华丽的形象。

?美不胜收(měi bù shèng shōu)美好的东西太多,一时接受不完 (看不过来)。

?繁花似锦(fán huā sì jǐn)无数色彩鲜艳的花,好像漂亮的锦缎;形容美好的景色和美好的事物。




It happened to a very young pastor (牧师). His church was very old and what's worse, a storm knocked a hole in the wall of the church.One day the pastor 1 an auction(拍卖)and bid a beautiful tablecloth for six dollars. He carried the cloth back to the church and put it up on the wall. It completely hid the 2 !Just before noon of Christmas Eve, the pastor noticed a woman standing in the cold at the bus stop. ―The 3 won‘t be here for 40 minutes!‖ he called, and he invited her into the church to get 4 .She told him that she had come from the city to be interviewed for a job as governess to the children of one wealthy family in town but she had been turned down.The woman saw the tablecloth and rose suddenly. The pastor smiled and started to tell her about the storm 5 , but she didn‘t seem to 6 . ―It is mine!‖ she said. ―My husband had the cloth made7 for me !She explained that she and her husband decided to go separately in the WarⅡ. They planned that he would 8 her. But she never saw him again. Later she heard that he had died. The pastor tried to 9 her, advising her to take the cloth with her. She 10 . Then she went away.On Christmas Eve, after the service in church, one middle-aged man—the local clock-and-watch repairman—looked rather 11 .―It is strange,‖ he said in his soft accent. ―Many years ago, my wife and I owned such a cloth.The pastor suddenly became very 12 . He told him about the woman who had been in church 13 in the day. Together the two got in touch with the 14 who had interviewed her. And this man and his wife—who had been separated through so many saddened 15 —were reunited.⒈ A had B attended C held D took⒉ A wall B church C hole D table⒊ A boss B company C train D bus⒋ A warm B ready C cool D calm⒌ A damage B story C fact D truth⒍ A work B believe C listen D understand⒎ A carefully B attentively C finally D especially⒏ A join B write C bring D leave⒐ A amuse B comfort C please D help⒑ A cried B accepted C refused D continued⒒ A puzzled B delighted C determined D disappointed⒓ A sad B shocked C hopeful D excited⒔ A later B earlier C warmer D colder⒕ A woman B manager C husband D family⒖ A weeks B countries C Christmases D centuries第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16~25的相应位置上。

江苏省扬州中学2013届高三10月月考 英语.pdf

江苏省扬州中学2013届高三10月月考 英语.pdf

江苏省扬州中学2012—2013第一学期质量检测 高三英语试卷 2012.9 第卷 部分 共5分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。




1. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a hospitalB. In a friend’s house.C. In the man’s house. 2. What is the woman going to buy?A. A book on planes.B. Pictures of ships.C.A book on ships. 3. What kind of music does the man like?A. Folk music.B. Pop music.C. Classical music. 4. Why doesn’t the woman buy the coat?A. It is expensive.B. There isn’t her size.C. She doesn’t like the color. 5. What is the man doing?A. Finishing his homework.B. Doing physical exercise.C. Smoking on the upper floor. 第二节(共15小题) 听下面5段对话或独白。









1. What does the man imply?A. His class is cancelled.B. He’ll be late for his chemistry lab.C. He’ll meet his professor at a conference.2. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman is asked to take notes.B. The man hates Professor North’s class.C. Professor North will refer to exams today.3. Where is Robert Davis?A. At a hospital.B. At a hotel.C. At a dorm.4. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Finish her paper on time.B. Report her problem to the librarian.C. Stop using the computer.5. Who had the woman planned to go to Scotland with?A. Her parents.B. Her cousin.C. Debbie.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。




江苏省南通等五市2013届高三5月第三次调研测试英语试题第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.Our efforts will not be .Our basketball team is sure to win the final this year.A.by accident B.in vain C.on purpose D.at length 22.—Mr.Smith, I seem to have caught a fever and feel sleepy.—, you'd better see a doctor as soon as possible.A.If not B.If so C.If any D.If ever 23.—Mr.White, could you tell me whether I can be admitted to the university?—There be no problem.Your score is well beyond the minimum admission limit.A.could B.might C.shall D.should 24.I had never had such a good opportunity in my life but somehow away .A.it went B.went it C.did it go D.it goes 25.I in the countryside for two weeks and I really have no idea what is happening here.A.have stayed B.have been staying C.stayed D.had stayed 26.Don't worry! You can easily find a job skilled workers are badly needed.A.when B.though C.unless D.where 27.—How do you your absence from class this morning?—My neighbor's child got ill and I took him to hospital.A.account for B.ask for C.allow for D.answer for 28.—Have you finished your task now?—Not yet.So much time has been wasted its details aimlessly this morning.A.being assessed B.to assess C.assessed D.assessing 29.It is known to us all that we learn at present is closely linked with our future.A.how B.whether C.whatever D.whichever 30.During major holidays, all the highways around the country, including the airport expressways, will give free to small passenger cars.A.admission B.access C.passage D.privilege 31.Where and how they found the boats with treasures made known up to now.A.hasn’t been B.haven’t been C.wasn’t D.weren’t 32.The take was so hard and time was so pressing for him, is why he didn’t do as well as before.A.as B.which C.who D.that 33.—Will you be free during the second break this afternoon?—No, I my term paper then.I have to hand it in tomorrow.A.will write B.will be writing C.am to write D.wrote 34.The boy's parents the operation last week had it not been for the donations from our school.A.couldn't have paid for B.couldn't pay forC.shouldn't have paid for D.wouldn't pay for35.—I'm a bit nervous about speaking in public this afternoon.—! I'm sure you can make it.A.Go ahead B.Never give up C.Good luck D.Take it easy第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)If you lose something important, you are sure to desire to get it back.Thanks to the kindness of strangers, these 36 lost objects have been returned to their owners.Montreal residents Shoshana and Dez thought their 37 of New York City were gone forever after they lost their digital camera's memory card during a 2008 trip._38 .they were shocked to see it arrive in the 39 —three years later.Sullivan, a museum attendant who was 40 the day Shoshana and Dez visited, had noticed the tiny object on the museum floor.She posted its 41 on the net, which Backs, a student, came across.He recognized Shoshana as a friend of her mother's, and 42 the card made its way back home.Another 43 man was Chad Reid.It was the night 44 he was supposed to fly home.Without realizing it, he had his wallet 45 on an Afghanistan street.Then, fortunately, civilian aircraft mechanic Bill Peasley was looking 46 at just the right moment that night.and he 47 the wallet.He managed to get in touch with Reid the next day, who got his wallet back just in time to 48 his flight back to the States.Amy Harris saw a gold ring in the 49 water along the bank of Redfish Lake.She posted her find on Craigslist, but when no one had 50 the ring four months later, she almost gave up finding the owner.As a last 51 , Harris’s husband Jody called his old friend, Richard Black, a(n)52 .in the next town, for advice.Black asked, “Did you find it in Re dfish Lake?” The couple found out that Alair and Dana had stopped by Black’s shop-to buy a(n) 53 for the ring Alair lost that summer at the lake.The 54 ring! By Thanksgiving, Alair had her ring back.Return what you pick up, and honesty will bring you 55 and friendship.36.A.practical B.expensive C.eye-catching D.precious37.A.accounts B.memories C.photos D.impressions 38.A.Instead B.Therefore C.Anyway D.However39.A.mail B.museum C.camera D.dream40.A.traveling B.working C.shopping D.relaxing41.A.picture B.shape C.contents D.owners42.A.thus B.straight C.merely D.nevertheless 43.A.honest B.lucky C.ordinary D.admirable44.A.while B.when C.as D.before45.A.stolen B.dropped C.unfolded D.touched46.A.around B.out C.down D.aside47.A.approached B.neglected C.spotted D.recognized48.A.hoard B.change C.cancel D.reserve49.A.deep B.shallow C.tough D.muddy50.A.claimed B.noticed C.sought D.handled51.A.contact B.deal C.offer D.effort52.A.agent B.detective C.jeweler D.judge53.A.replacement B.antique C.bargain D.necklace54.A.other B.same C.splendid D.shining55.A.belief B.fortune C.reward D.credit第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ACarl’s Lawn(草坪)Care101 W. 141st Street1-800-290-5992Tired of spending your weekend working in the yard ?Fed up with grass that will not grow and weeds that will not die ? This summer , sit back and relax. Let the lawn-care specialists at Carl’s Lawn Care do the work for you. You will have peace of mind and a great-looking yard.Our Services●Mow(割)and edge grass ●Fertilize lawns●Trim hedges ●Water lawns●Plant/trim trees ●Rake leavesWhy Use Carl's Lawn Care?Benefits of using Carl's Lawn Care include:●Beautiful, well-maintained lawn●Complete removal of cuttings●Support area youth●More leisure time for friends and familyOur StoryCarl's Lawn Care began fifteen years ago.Carl Simmons, then a local high school student, needed a job.Carl knew he wanted to work outdoors, so he grabbed the family lawnmower and offered yard work services to his neighbors.Soon Carl's reputation for hard work and attention to detail created more work than he could handle on his own.He hired several of his friends, and he expected high quality and service from them as well.After graduating from high school, Carl continued the business throughout college and beyond.Carl turned a summer job into a full-time career.The service employs approximately 100 hard-working, local high school students each summer.All lawn care is completed by teams of students carefully trained in lawn-care maintenance.An adult lawn-care specialist supervises each team.Prices and PlansCarl's Lawn Care offers low-cost, flexible payment plans and service schedules.Satisfaction is guaranteed.Call today to speak to a lawn-care specialist and begin to enjoy your weekends again!56.Carl's Lawn Care is probably the name of .A.a piece of equipment for mowing grass B.an activity to promote certain products C.a company selling certain equipment D.a center providing certain services 57.Why is Our Story presented in the text?A.To provide evidence for good service, B.To stress its efficient management.C.To show Carl's reputation for hard work.D.To encourage readers to learn from Carl.58.The advertisement promises that you shall be .A.pleased with free service plans B.freed from certain tough workC.guided on how to protect weeds D.taught how to remove cuttingsBIt's extremely rare to find characters who excited such passions(激情)in the British population as Margaret Thatcher once did.There was no midd1e ground, no sitting on the fence and that was just the way she liked it.Back in the 70s-thanks to a combination of incapable Conservative and Labour prime ministers(all male)and the unelected and militant union leaders who didn't always have their members' best interests at heart-the country was on its knees, virtually bankrupt and covered in uncollected rubbish due to a massive public sector strike.It was no wonder the people saw hope in Margaret Thatcher and accordingly voted her into power when, depending on where you were standing at the time, she either saved Great Britain or ruined people's lives.Personally, for me it was the former and I could see how she improved the prospects and desires of the working classes to better themselves, I was one of them.At the same time I can also understand why people in the North of England who suffered after the close of the last remaining pits, factories and manufacturing industries didn't see it that way.But what I don't understand is how some folk think it's OK to be so openly disrespectful in her death just because it's her.The so-called “death parties” are sickening, attended as they mostly are by people who probably don't quite know who she is let alone who lived under her reign (统治).The Brighton teacher Romany Blythe, who organized one of the parties, actually compared her to Hitler.But Margaret didn't devote herself to genocide—murder of a whole race.neither did she attempt to take over Europe and control its people.She only went to war once in order to protect a British outpost in the South Atlantic after it was threatened and invaded by the Argentineans.And there lies the real reason I think she inspires such unreasonable hatred-because she was a woman.She clearly had no choice but to get the country back on its feet.Not one of them has half the courage to get us out of the current mess we're in.They're all too bothered about being popular, so they spend all their time trying to please all of the people all of the time.It's just not possible-as the lady herself proved.59.What kind of person can we see Margaret Thatcher as in the passage?A.Consistent.B.Conservative.C.Controversial.D.Considerate.60.Some people hate Margaret Thatcher because .A.she launched the war against ArgentinaB.she started a massive public sector strikeC.they think she devoted herself to genocideD.they think she brought them a miserable life61.In the eyes of the author, .A.Margaret Thatcher was popular among workers throughout the countryB.Margaret Thatcher did not succeed in getting the country back on its feetC.none of those who hate Margaret Thatcher can rule Britain as well as she didD.it is understandable why disrespect is shown to Margaret Thatcher on her death 62.The author wrote the passage mainly to .A.defend Margaret Thatcher against blames on herB.honour Margaret Thatcher and her achievementsC.call on people to mourn for Margaret ThatcherD.show different opinions about Margaret ThatcherCGiant landslides(山崩)have a seismic(地震的)fingerprint that allows researchers to estimate their size, duration, and even how far they travel across the landscape, new research reveals.The finding may be particularly useful in identifying landslides that occur in steep, remote areas where few people live-not because of their immediate effects, but because such slumps(滑坡)can block rivers and impound lakes that could later destroy the natural dams and threaten populated areas downstream.Seismometers and other such instruments record ground motions occurring at all frequencies(频率),but signals of earthquakes seismologists typically pay attention to only those in ranges where the exist.The first seismic waves caused by quakes and explosions are sharp and distinct, says Goran Ekstrom, a seismologist in Palisades, New York.But the low-frequency waves caused by giant landslides are occasionally hidden in the mix of seismic vibrations(震动)booming through Earth's crust, too.Of the 29 largest known landslides worldwide from 1980 through 2012, ground motions from the 27 largest were detected by seismic instruments that were part of a global network of instruments.Seismic vibrations produced by the other two slides showed up well on regional networks.When Ekstrom and colleague Colin Star.k analyzed the seismic data associated with those major landslides, they realized that certain characteristics of the slumps were contained in the ground motions - similar to the way that researchers can use seismic data to estimate the size of a quake and the directions.For instance, when rock falls off a mountainside, the peak is suddenly lighter-so, according to Newton's laws of motion, the mountain springs upward and away from the falling rock, causing initial ground motions that reveal some characteristics of the landslide.And because seismic data offer clues about how landslides unfold, it may help researchers develop better models of how landslides behave."People rarely see large landslides happen, they typically only see the aftereffects," Ekstrom notes.Indeed, Ekstrom and Stark's analysis revealed that a set of landslides that fell onto the Siachen Glacier near the India-Pakistan border in September 2010 actually included seven slides that occurred over a period of 4 days.“If we’d only seen this deposit in the field, we'd likely have thought it was formed by one or two landslides," Ekstrom says.Although some landslides fortunately don't affect people immediately, they can have long-term effects.If researchers have a way to identify such landslides quickly, they can possibly minimize damage and loss of life.63.What is the particular use of the finding mentioned in the passage?A.Clarifying the reasons to identify landslides.B.Finding the possible directions of landslides.C.Judging where landslides occur and how long they may last.D.Confirming the lonely sites and potential effects of landslides.64.According to the passage, seismic waves caused by giant landslides _ .A.are at high frequency B.are sharp and distinctC.might hardly be discovered D.may occur at all frequencies 65.What can help scientists figure out the size and direction of a landslide?A.Ground motions.B.Newton's laws of motion.C.The falling rock.D.The lighter mountain peak.66.We can infer from the passage that .A.damage and loss of life from giant landslides are unavoidableB.landslides can all be detected by instruments over the worldC.landslides have never been seen when they occurD.deposit can tell scientists the number of landslidesDCarrier PigeonsPeople have used pigeons to carry messages to one another for hundreds of years.In fact, pigeons were a common way to send messages right up through World War II.In 1815 an English banker named Nathan Rothschild made his fortune by relying on messages sent to him by carrier pigeons.English troops were fighting Napoleon's forces in France, and the English were believed to be losing.A financial panic gripped London.Government bonds were offered at low prices.Few people noticed that Rothschild was snapping up these bonds when everyone else was desperately trying to sell them.A few days later, London learned the truth, the Duke of Wellington had defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo.The value of the bonds went up, and Rothschild became extremely wealthy-all because his pigeons had brought him news of the victory before anyone else knew of it.Most of the time, however, carrier pigeons were used to benefit an entire country, not just one individual.The United States, England, France, Germany, and Italy, in both World War I and World War II, used carrier pigeons.Not only were the birds often the fastest, most reliable way to send messages, they could also be used to reach soldiers far behind enemy lines, where radios and field telephone lines were useless.Since they could easily be released from airplanes or ships, every branch of the armed services used the birds.In World War II, more than 3,000 soldiers and 150 0fficers were needed to care for and train the tens of thousands of birds in the U.S.Pigeon Service.Carrying messages could be a dangerous job.Some pigeons performed with such bravery that they became famous and were even awarded medals, such as England's Dicken Medal of Gallantry.In a few cases, pigeons even became prisoners of war.In 1918 American forces captured a pigeon named The Kaiser, which had been trained to fly special missions for Germany during battle.He was taken to America, where he lived to the age of 32.The most famous pigeon of all may have been Cher Ami.Stationed in France during World War I, he carried twelve important messages for American forces.On his last mission, though wounded, he carried a message that saved the lives of 194 American soldiers.For his extraordinary service, he was awarded the French “Groix de Guerr e".Carrier pigeons are a slightly different breed from the kind of pigeon you see on city streets.They are much thinner and taller, with longer legs.Many people find carrier pigeons ugly because of their big wattle, a knobby buildup of skin on the beak; however, people who raise pigeons often enjoy this odd appearance and consider carriers the best of their breeds.Today, modern communication methods can carry information from one place to another hundreds of times faster than a pigeon could do it.However, few people would argue with the fact that carrier pigeons-especially those that served in the military(军队)-have earned their place in history.Stories about brave pigeons such as Cher Ami, President Wilson, and Colonel's Lady have the power to inspire us as no fax machine or high-speed Internet connection couldever do.67.The author provides specific dates throughout the passage in order to .A.make a comparison between pigeons in different periodsB.describe the development of use of pigeons during wartimeC.indicate greater importance of' pigeons in the past than nowD.show the impact of carrier pigeons at particular points in history68.The underlined phrase “snapping up” in Paragraph 2 means “”.A.giving away B.putting aside C.getting in D.using up 69.The passage leads us to believe that .A.there were more civil carrier pigeons than military ones during wartimeB.not all types of pigeon can be used to carry messages for human beingsC.nobody could succeed in stopping carrier pigeons carrying out their tasksD.modern devices give us even greater enthusiasm than the famous pigeons70.The passage suggests the successful use of carrier pigeons depends on .A.their nature B.proper training C.their quality D.the geography第四部分任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)注意:每个空格只填1个单词。



江苏省扬州市2013届高三下学期5月考前适应性考试 英 语 试 卷 本试卷分五部分。



第Ⅰ卷(共 85 分) 第一部分: 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。




1. How many children are there in the classroom?A. Seven.B. Five.C. Twelve. 2. Where is the man’s bike now?A. Under the stairs.B. At the gate.C. In the garden. 3. Why won’t the woman go to town tomorrow? A. Because it will rain. B. Because it will be too hot. C. Because it will be too cold. 4. What does the woman suggest? A. They don’t have to go to the concert. B. They’ll have to rent a car as early as possible. C. The subway is fine with her. 5. Where does this conversation take place?A. At a restaurant.B. At the theatre.C.At the station. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。






第一节(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。




1. When can Mr. Jones see the man?A. At 10:00 a.m.B. At 3:30 p.m.C. At 4:00 p.m.2. What does the woman suggest the man should do?A. Go to work by bike.B. Get up earlier in the morning.C. Watch out for the bikes in the street.3. Who is Kristen?A. The man’s wife.B. The man’s sister.C. The woman’s sister-in-law.4. What is the weather like now?A. Hot and wet.B. Rainy and cold.C. Sunny and dry.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. On the plane.B. At the airport.C. At the railway station.第二节(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。



【最新】江苏省扬州市高三考前调研测试(5月) 英语 含答案

【最新】江苏省扬州市高三考前调研测试(5月) 英语 含答案




第Ⅰ卷(共85 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。






1. Where will the man find his English boo?A. In the drawer.B. On his des.C. On his bed.2. What has happened to the woman?A. She has been fired.B. She has got promoted.C. She has been admitted to a university.3. How will the woman buy the ticet?A. By waiting in the line.B. By telephone call.C. On the Internet.4. What is the man’s favorite free-time activity?A. Reading a boo.B. Watching TV.C. Listening to music.5. What does the woman mean?A. Peter lies to follow the fashion.B. Peter should tae more lessons.C. Peter has bad tastes in dressing.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。









()1. Where are the two speakers going?A. To a restaurant.B. To a zoo.C. To a shop.()2. When did the woman and Anna meet?A. At 7:53.B. At 7:58.C. At 7:57.()3. What is the woman going to do this evening?A. Go to dinner.B. Visit her sister.C. Go to the airport.()4. How much was the TV set?A. $60.B. $120.C. $90.()5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman had a photo shop of her own.B. The woman developed her photos all by herself.C. The woman did part of her own film developing.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。



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第Ⅰ卷(共85 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。




1. How many children are there in the classroom?A. Seven.B. Five.C. Twelve.2. Where is the man’s bike now?A. Under the stairs.B. At the gate.C. In the garden.3. Why won’t the woman go to town tomorrow?A. Because it will rain.B. Because it will be too hot.C. Because it will be too cold.4. What does the woman suggest?A. They don’t have to go to the concert.B. They’ll have to rent a car as early as possible.C. The subway is fine with her.5. Where does this conversation take place?A. At a restaurant.B. At the theatre.C. At the station.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. Where does the woman want to go?A. The post office.B. The cinema.C.A park.7. Who can answer the woman’s question?A. The man with a beard.B. The man with a mustache.C. The man with a bottle of beer.8. Where is the man standing?A. By the post office.B. By the lamp-post.C. By the mail box.听第7段材料,回答第9~11题。

9. What did Mary ask John to do?A. To help her.B. To look for their baby.C. To do some washing.10. Where is the baby?A. In the sitting-room.B. In the kitchen.C. In the washroom.11. What is the baby doing?A. He is playing games.B. He is brushing his teeth.C. He is brushing his shoes. 听第8段材料,回答第12~14题。

12. Who are the two speakers?A. A conductor and a conductress.B. A reporter and a conductress.C. The organizer of the race and a participant.13. When dose the dialogue take place?A. A day before the race.B. Right after the race.C. A day after the race.14. How long has she been cycling?A. 17 years.B. 18 years.C.19 years.听第9段材料,回答第15~17题。

15. Where was George yesterday?A. At his usual place.B. In the newspaper office.C. At home.16. Why did the woman call George?A. To ask him to a concert.B. To go on a holiday with him.C. To invite him to dinner at home.17. Where did George see Mary?A. At the office.B. At the concert.C. In his sister’s home.听第10段材料,回答第18~20题。

18. What did Hemingway do?A. He was a writer.B. He was a soldier.C. He was a doctor.19. When was Hemingway wounded?A. During the Second World War.B. During the First World War.C. Between the two world wars.20. What life do you think. Hemingway led all his life?A.A hard life.B. An active life.C. A poor life.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. A yellow taxi _______ alongside a truck at the traffic lights when an elderly woman wascrossing the road.A. brought upB. took upC. pulled upD. put up22. The opening between walls was very narrow; it’s very hard for soldiers to _______ through.A. squeezeB. pressC. stretchD. leap23. Many firms give away small quantities of their productions as _______ so that people can try them beforebuying.A. signsB. signalsC. examplesD. samples24. When the post fell _______, Dennis Bass was appointed to fill it.A. emptyB. blankC. vacantD. bare25. Look, _______ fashionable clothes is he wearing that all the eyes are fixed on him!A. soB. whatC. howD. such26. --- Why on earth didn’t you answer the door?--- I’m terribly sorry, but the telephone _______, too.A. is ringingB. was ringingC. rangD. was about to ring27. --- Ann looks hot and dry.--- So _______ you if you had a high fever.A. doB. areC. willD. would28. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _______, we refused his offer.A. not finishingB. had not been finishedC. not having finishedD. not finished29. On stepping into the room this morning, I was astonished to find the floor covered with _______ looked liketiny insects.A. thatB. whatC. whereD. when30. ---How much do you have in your pocket?---150 yuan, all of _______ came from my grandma.A. whichB. themC. itD. that31. --- Did your father come back early last night?--- Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock _______ he arrived home.A. beforeB. whenC. thatD. until32. --- Which hotel did you stay in last week?--- Well, just the one _______ I think you once met Ge You and his family.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. as33. _______, I think, and the problem could be settled,A. If you don’t doubt your effortsB. So long a s you keep up your spiritsC. Making great effortsD. A bit more efforts34. The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have _______ right from wrong.A. distinguishedB. distinguishingC. to distinguishD. to be distinguished35. --- The film we saw last week is very romantic.--- _______. I didn’t think it romantic at all.A. With all due respectB. I beg to differC. As predictedD. I can’t agree with you more第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
