第11单元 Managing products




(完整版)供应链管理第三版Unit11习题与答案Chapter 11Managing Uncertainty in the Supply Chain: Safety Inventory True/False1. Safety inventory is inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand thatexceeds the amount forecasted for a given period.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Safety inventory is carried because demand forecasts are accurate and aproduct shortage may result if the forecast demand exceeds the actual demand.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate3. Raising the level of safety inventory increases product availability and thus themargin captured from customer purchases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. Raising the level of safety inventory increases inventory holding costs.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility when newproducts come on the market.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined by the uncertainty of bothdemand and supply and the desired level of cycle inventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate7. As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safetyinventories increases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate8. As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of safetyinventory decreases.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy9. Lead time is the gap between when an order is placed and when it is received.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. The coefficient of variation measures the size of the relative certainty of cycleinventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. Product availab ility reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out of availableinventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. Order fill rate is the fraction of product demand that issatisfied from product ininventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate13. Product fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product ininventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate14. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is significant in a singleproduct situation.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. Tracking order fill rates is important when customers place a high value on theentire order being filled simultaneously.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy16. With continuous review, inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a lotsize Q is placed at regular intervals of time.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. With periodic review, inventory status is checked at regular intervals and an orderis placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard18. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle(ESC) isthe average units ofdemand that are satisfied from inventory in stock per replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard19. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cycle only if the demand during the leadtime exceeds the ROP.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. The fill rate increases and the cycle service level decreases as the safetyinventory is increased.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. For the same safety inventory, an increase in lot size increases the fill rate butnot the cycle service level.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard22. The required safety inventory grows rapidly with a decrease in the desiredproduct availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy23. The required safety inventory increases with an increase in the lead time and thestandard deviation of periodic demand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy24. A goal of any supply chain manager is to reduce the level of safety inventoryrequired regardless of the affect product availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy25. In most supply chains, the key to reducing the underlying forecast uncertainty isto link all forecasts throughout the supply chain to customer demand data.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate26. A reduction in supply can help dramatically reduce safety inventory requiredwithout hurting product availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate27. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demand only if demand acrossthe regions being aggregated is not perfectly positively correlated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate28. In case demand in different geographical regions is about the same size andindependent, aggregation increases safety inventory by the square root of thenumber of areas aggregated.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate29. If aggregation reduces the required safety inventory fora product by a smallamount, it may be best to carry the product in multiple decentralized locations to reduce response time and transportation cost.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate30. The lower the coefficient of variation of an item, the greater the reduction insafety inventories as a result of centralization.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard31. Manufacturer-driven substitution increases overall profitability for themanufacturer by allowing some aggregation of demand, which reduces theinventory requirements for the same level of availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate32. Postponement allows the supply chain to delay product differentiation, whichresults in disaggregating most of the inventories in the supply chain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate33. Periodic review policies require more safety inventory than continuous reviewpolicies for the same level of product availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy34. When using a continuous review policy, a manager has toaccount for theuncertainty of demand during the lead time and the review interval.Answer: FalseDifficulty: EasyMultiple Choice1. Inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds the amountforecasted for a given period isa. cycle inventory.b. demand inventory.c. safety inventory.d. security inventory.e. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy2. Safety inventory is carried becausea. demand forecasts are accurate.b. demand forecasts are uncertain.c. adequate supplies are available.d. excess product was manufactured.e. forecast demand exceeds the actual demand.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate3. The trade-off that a supply chain manager must consider when planning safetyinventory isa. increasing product availability versus increasing inventory holding costs.b. decreasing product availability versus decreasinginventory holding costs.c. increasing product availability versus raising the level of safety inventory.d. decreasing product availability versus decreasing the level of safetyinventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate4. The issue of product availability and the level of safety inventory is particularlysignificant in industries wherea. product life cycles are short and demand is stable.b. product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.c. product life cycles are long and demand is stable.d. product life cycles are long and demand is very volatile.e. a and b onlyAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate5. A key to success at which company has been its ability to provide a high level ofproduct availability to customers while carrying very low levels of safety inventory in its supply chain?a. Compaqb. Hewlett-Packardc. Delld. Packard-Belle. all of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate6. What key question(s) need(s) to be considered when planning safety inventoryfor any supply chain?a. What is the appropriate lead time to establish?b. What is the appropriate level of safety inventory to carry?c. What actions can be taken to improve product availability while reducingsafety inventory?d. a and b onlye. b and c onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate7. The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined bya. the uncertainty of both demand and supply.b. the desired level of product availability.c. the desired level of cycle inventory.d. the processes in a supply chain are divided into 2 categories dependingall of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate8. As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safetyinventoriesa. decreases.b. increases.c. remains stable.d. both a and be. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate9. As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of safetyinventorya. decreases.b. increases.c. remains stable.d. both a and be. none of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. Lead time is the gap betweena. when an order is placed and when it is received.b. when an order is received and when it is put away.c. when an order is received and when it is used.d. when an order is acknowledged and when it is received.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy11. The coefficient of variation measuresa. the accuracy of the demand forecast.b. the size of the uncertainty relative to demand.c. the relevance of cycle inventory to demand.d. the relative certainty of the forecast.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate12. Which of the following is not a measure of product availability?a. customer fill rateb. product fill ratec. order fill rated. cycle service level(CSL)e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate13. The fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level(CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy14. The fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in inventory is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level(CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy15. The fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all the customer demand beingmet is thea. customer fill rate.b. product fill rate.c. order fill rate.d. cycle service level(CSL).e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy16. If a customer order arrives when product is not availablea. a sale results.b. the retailer allocates product to the customer.c. a stockout results.d. the order is filled from safety inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate17. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate isa. not significant in a single product situation.b. significant in a single product situation.c. not significant when a firm is selling multiple products.d. significant when a firm is selling multiple products.e. both a and dAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate18. A replenishment policya. consists of decisions regarding when to reorder and how much to reorder.b. determines the cycle and safety inventories along with the fr and the CSL.c. may take several forms.d. All of the above are true.e. None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate19. A company that tracks inventory and places an order fora lot size Q when theinventory declines to the reorder point (ROP) is usinga. continuous review.b. daily review.c. occasional review.d. periodic review.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy20. A company that checks inventory status at regular periodic intervals and placesan order to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold is usinga. continuous review.b. daily review.c. occasional review.d. periodic review.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate21. Which of the following is correct?a. Average inventory = cycle inventory + safety inventoryb. Average inventory = cycle inventory - safety inventoryc. Average inventory = cycle inventory x safety inventoryd. Average inventory = cycle inventory / safety inventorye. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy22. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle(ESC) isa. the units of demand that are not satisfied from inventory in stock in agiven replenishment cycle.b. the units of demand that are satisfied from inventory in stock in a givenreplenishment cycle.c. the average units of demand that are not satisfied from inventory in stockper replenishment cycle.d. the average units of demand that are satisfied from inventory in stock perreplenishment cycle.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate23. The product fill rate (fr)is thus given bya. fr = 1 –ESC/Q + (Q – ES C)/Q.b. fr = 1 –ESC/Q –(Q – ES C)/Q.c. fr = 1 + ESC/Q = (Q + ES C)/Q.d. fr = 1 –ESC/Q = (Q – ES C)/Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Hard24. Given a lot size of Q (which is also the average demandin a replenishment cycle)a. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC + Q.b. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC –Q.c. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC/Q.d. the fraction of demand lost is thus ESC x Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard25. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cyclea. only if the demand during the lead time exceeds the ROP.b. only if the demand during the lead time is less than the ROP.c. only if the demand during the lead time exceeds the average demand.d. only if the demand during the lead time is less than the average demand.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate26. As the safety inventory is increaseda. fill rate increases and cycle service level decreases.b. fill rate decreases and cycle service level increases.c. both fill rate and cycle service level increase.d. both fill rate and cycle service level decrease.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate27. For the same safety inventory, an increase in lot sizea. decreases the fill rate but not the cycle service level.b. increases the fill rate but not the cycle service level.c. decreases both the fill rate and the cycle service level.d. increases both the fill rate and the cycle service level.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard28. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle is shown asa. ESC = (1 + fr)Q.b. ESC = (1 –fr)Q.c. ESC = (1 + fr)/Q.d. ESC = (1 –fr)/Q.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Hard29. The required safety inventorya. grows rapidly with a decrease in the desired product availability.b. grows rapidly with an increase in the desired product availability.c. decreases with an increase in the desired product availability.d. remains stable with an increase in the desired product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate30. The required safety inventorya. increases with an increase in the lead time and thestandard deviation ofperiodic demand.b. decreases with an increase in the lead time and the standard deviation ofperiodic demand.c. remains stable with an increase in the lead time and the standarddeviation of periodic demand.d. increases with a decrease in the lead time and the standard deviation ofperiodic demand.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate31. A goal of any supply chain manager is toa. increase the level of safety inventory required in a way that does notadversely affect product availability.b. increase the level of safety inventory required regardless of the effect onproduct availability.c. reduce the level of safety inventory required regardless of the effect onproduct availability.d. reduce the level of safety inventory required in a way that does notadversely affect product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate32. Which of the following is not an approach to reduce the level of safety inventoryrequired in a way that does not adversely affect product availability?a. Reduce the supplier lead time.b. Reduce the underlying uncertainty of demand.c. Reduce the cost of material coming from suppliers.d. All of the above are approaches.e. None of the above are approaches.Answer: cDifficulty: Hard33. Often, safety inventory calculations in practicea. do not include any measure of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels thatmay be higher than required.b. do not include any measure of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels thatmay be lower than required.c. include measures of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels that may behigher than required.d. include any measures of supply uncertainty, resulting in levels that maybe lower than required.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard34. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demanda. only if demand across the regions being aggregated is perfectly positivelycorrelated.b. only if demand across the regions being aggregated is not perfectlypositively correlated.c. even if demand across the regions being aggregated is not perfectlypositively correlated.d. whenever demand across the regions being aggregated is not perfectlypositively correlated.e. All of the above are accurate.Answer: bDifficulty: Hard35. If the number of independent stocking locations decreases by a factor of n, theaverage safety inventory is expected toa. decrease by a factor of √n.b. decrease by a factor of n.c. increase by a factor of √n.d. increase by a factor of n.e. None of the above are accurate.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate36. Which of the following is not a major disadvantage of aggregating all inventory inone location?a. Increase in forecast accuracy of customer demand.b. Increase in response time to customer order.c. Increase in transportation cost to customer.d. All of the above are disadvantages.e. All of the above are advantages.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy37. Which of the following is not a method by which a supply chain can extract thebenefits of aggregation without having to physically centralize all inventories inone location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component differentiatione. postponementAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderation38. Which approach to aggregation requires an information system that allowsaccess to current inventory records from each location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy39. Which approach to aggregation would stock the fast-moving items atdecentralized locations close to the customer and slow-moving items at acentralized location?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate40. The use of one product to satisfy demand for a different product isa. information centralization.b. specialization.c. product substitution.d. component commonality.e. postponement.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy41. Which use of common components in a variety of products has been a veryeffective supply chain strategy to exploit aggregation and reduce componentinventories?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy42. The ability of a supply chain to delay product differentiation or customization untilcloser to the time the product is sold isa. information centralization.b. specialization.c. product substitution.d. component commonality.e. postponement.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate43. Which approach to aggregation has the goal of moving product differentiation asclose to the pull phase of the supply chain as possible?a. information centralizationb. specializationc. product substitutiond. component commonalitye. postponementAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate44. Periodic review policies for inventory replenishment require safety inventory tocover demand duringa. lead time only.b. the review interval only.c. both lead time and the review interval.d. neither lead time or the review interval.e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate45. Continuous review policies for inventory replenishment require safety inventory tocover demand duringa. lead time only.b. the review interval only.c. both lead time and the review interval.d. neither lead time or the review interval.e. lead time when it exceeds the review interval.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate46. Periodic review policies requirea. more safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same levelof product availability.b. less safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same level ofproduct availability.c. the same safety inventory as continuous review policies for the samelevel of product availability.d. no more safety inventory than continuous review policies for the samelevel of product availability.e. none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate47. All inventory between a given stage in the supply chain and the final customer iscalled thea. cycle inventory.b. demand inventory.c. echelon inventory.d. safety inventory.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Hard48. A distributor should decide his safety inventory levels based ona. the level of safety inventory carried by all retailers supplied by him.b. the level of safety inventory carried by other distributors.c. the level of safety inventory carried by manufacturers supplying him.d. the level of cycle inventory carried by all retailers supplied by him.e. the level of cycle inventory carried by other distributors.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard49. As retailers decrease the level of safety inventory they carry, the distributor willhave toa. decrease his or her safety inventory.b. increase his or her safety inventory.c. keep his or her safety inventory at the same level.d. increase his or her cycle inventory.e. decrease his or her cycle inventory.Answer: bDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Discuss the role of safety inventory in the supply chain and the trade-offsinvolved.Answer: The primary role of safety inventory is providing product availability forcustomers when demand and supply are uncertain. The trade-off that a supplychain manager must consider when planning safety inventory involve productavailability and inventory holding costs. On one hand, raising the level of safetyinventory increases product availability and thus the margin captured fromcustomer purchases. On the other hand, raising the level of safety inventoryincreases inventory holding costs. This issue is particularly significant inindustries where product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility but can reallyhurt if new products come on the market and demand for the product in inventory dries up. The inventory on hand then becomes worthless.In tod ay’s business environment, firms experience great pressure to improveproduct availability while increasing product variety through customization. As aresult, markets have become increasingly heterogeneous and demand forindividual products is very unstable and difficult to forecast. Both the increasedvariety and the increased pressure for availability push firmsto increase the level of safety inventory they hold.At the same time, product life cycles have shrunk. This increases the risk to firms of carrying too much inventory. Thus, a key to the success of any supply chain isto figure out ways to decrease the level of safety inventory carried without hurting the level of product availability.Difficulty: Hard2. Discuss the various measures of product availability.Answer: Product availability reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out ofavailable inventory. A stockout results if a customer order arrives when product is not available. There are several ways to measure product availability. Allavailability measures are defined on average over a given time frame, which can range from hours to a year.Product fill rate (fr) is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product in inventory. It is equivalent to the probability that product demand is suppliedfrom available inventory.Order fill rate is the fraction of orders that are filled from available inventory. In amulti-product scenario, an order is filled from inventory only if all products in theorder can be supplied from the available inventory. Order fill rates tend to belower than product fill rates because all products must be in stock for an order to be filled.Cycle service level(CSL) is the fraction of replenishment cycles that end with all the customer demand being met. A replenishment cycle is the interval betweentwo successive replenishment deliveries. The CSL is equal to the probability ofnot having a stockout in a replenishment cycle. Observe that a CSL of 60 percent will typically result in a much higher fill rate.The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is not significant in asingle product situation. When a firm is selling multiple products, however, thisdifference may be significant. For example, if most orders include 10 or moredifferent products that are to be shipped, an out-of-stock situation of one product results in the order not being filled from stock. The firm in this case may have apoor order fill rate even though it has good product fill rates. Tracking order fillrates is important when customers place a high value on the entire order beingfilled simultaneously.Difficulty: Moderate3. Describe the two types of ordering policies and the impact each has on safetyinventory.Answer: A replenishment policy consists of decisions regarding when to reorderand how much to reorder. These decisions determine the cycle and safetyinventories along with the fr and the CSL. There are several forms thatreplenishment policies may take. We restrict attention to two instances:1. Continuous review: Inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a lotsize Q is placed when the inventory declines to the reorder point (ROP). The time between orders may fluctuate given variable demand. When using a continuousreview policy, a manager has to account only for the uncertainty of demandduring the lead time (L).2. Periodic review: Inventory status is checked at regular periodic intervals andan order is placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold. In thiscase, the time between orders is fixed. The size of each order, however, canfluctuate given variable demand. Periodic review replenishment policies requiremore safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same lead time andlevel of product availability, because the safety inventory has to cover fordemand uncertainty over the lead time and the review interval (L + T). Periodicreview policies are simpler to implement for retailers because they do not require that the retailer have the capability of continuously monitoring inventory. Giventhat higher uncertainty must be accounted for, periodic review policies will requirea higher level of safety inventory.Difficulty: Moderate4. Explain the impact of supplier lead time on safety。



商务英语综合教程3答案【篇一:商务英语综合教程3】ss=txt>一、基本信息课程编号: 024222007课程名称:体验商务英语综合教程3英文名称:intermediate business english course book课程性质: 专业基础课总学时:72学时学分:4学分适用对象:商务英语专业本科3年级学生先修课程:综合英语二、编写说明(一)课程的性质《体验商务英语综合教程》是为商务英语专业学生开设的一门专业基础课。










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罗斯《公司理财》(第11版) 笔记和课后习题详解
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 作者介绍
02 内容摘要 04 目录分析 06 精彩摘录
经典 书
习题 复习
本书是罗斯的《公司理财》(第11版)(机械工业出版社)的学习辅导电子书。本书遵循该教材的章目编排, 包括8篇,共分31章,每章由两部分组成:第一部分为复习笔记;第二部分为课(章)后习题详解。本书具有以 下几个方面的特点:(1)浓缩内容精华,整理名校笔记。本书每章的复习笔记对本章的重难点进行了整理,并参 考了国内名校名师讲授罗斯的《公司理财》的课堂笔记,因此,本书的内容几乎浓缩了经典教材的知识精华。(2) 选编考研真题,强化知识考点。部分考研涉及到的重点章节,选编经典真题,并对相关重要知识点进行了延伸和 归纳。(3)解析课后习题,提供详尽答案。国内外教材一般没有提供课(章)后习题答案或者答案很简单,本书 参考国外教材的英文答案和相关资料对每章的习题进行了详细的分析。(4)补充相关要点,强化专业知识。一般 来说,国外英文教材的中译本不太符合中国学生的思维习惯,有些语言的表述不清或条理性不强而给学习带来了 不便,因此,对每章复习笔记的一些重要知识点和一些习题的解答,我们在不违背原书原意的基础上结合其他相 关经典教材进行了必要的整理和分析。
12.1复习笔记 12.2课后习题详解
13.1复习笔记 13.2课后习题详解



Chapter 11Managing Uncertainty in the Supply Chain: Safety InventoryTrue/False1. Safety inventory is inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand thatexceeds the amount forecasted for a given period.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Raising the level of safety inventory increases product availability and thus themargin captured from customer purchases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility when newproducts come on the market.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate4. The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined by the uncertainty of bothdemand and supply and the desired level of cycle inventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate5. As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safetyinventories increases.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate6. As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of safetyinventory decreases.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. Lead time is the gap between when an order is placed and when it is received.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy8. The coefficient of variation measures the size of the relative certainty of cycleinventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy9. Product availability reflects a firm’s ability to fill a customer order out of availableinventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate10. Order fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product ininventory.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate11. Product fill rate is the fraction of product demand that is satisfied from product ininventory.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. The distinction between product fill rate and order fill rate is significant in a singleproduct situation.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard13. Tracking order fill rates is important when customers place a high value on theentire order being filled simultaneously.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy14. With continuous review, inventory is continuously tracked and an order for a lotsize Q is placed at regular intervals of time.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard15. With periodic review, inventory status is checked at regular intervals and an orderis placed to raise the inventory level to a specified threshold.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard16. The expected shortage per replenishment cycle(ESC) is the average units ofdemand that are satisfied from inventory in stock per replenishment cycle.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard17. A shortage occurs in a replenishment cycle only if the demand during the leadtime exceeds the ROP.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate18. The required safety inventory grows rapidly with a decrease in the desiredproduct availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy19. In most supply chains, the key to reducing the underlying forecast uncertainty isto link all forecasts throughout the supply chain to customer demand data.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate20. A reduction in supply can help dramatically reduce safety inventory requiredwithout hurting product availability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate21. Aggregation reduces the standard deviation of demand only if demand acrossthe regions being aggregated is not perfectly positively correlated.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate22. The lower the coefficient of variation of an item, the greater the reduction insafety inventories as a result of centralization.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Hard23. Manufacturer-driven substitution increases overall profitability for themanufacturer by allowing some aggregation of demand, which reduces theinventory requirements for the same level of availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate24. Periodic review policies require more safety inventory than continuous reviewpolicies for the same level of product availability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy25. When using a continuous review policy, a manager has to account for theuncertainty of demand during the lead time and the review interval.Answer: FalseDifficulty: EasyEssay/Problems1. Discuss the role of safety inventory in the supply chain and the trade-offsinvolved.Answer: The primary role of safety inventory is providing product availability for customers when demand and supply are uncertain. The trade-off that a supply chain manager must consider when planning safety inventory involve productavailability and inventory holding costs. On one hand, raising the level of safetyinventory increases product availability and thus the margin captured fromcustomer purchases. On the other hand, raising the level of safety inventoryincreases inventory holding costs. This issue is particularly significant inindustries where product life cycles are short and demand is very volatile.Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility but can reallyhurt if new products come on the market and demand for the product in inventory dries up. The inventory on hand then becomes worthless.In today’s business environment, firms experience great pressure to improveproduct availability while increasing product variety through customization. As aresult, markets have become increasingly heterogeneous and demand forindividual products is very unstable and difficult to forecast. Both the increasedvariety and the increased pressure for availability push firms to increase the level of safety inventory they hold.At the same time, product life cycles have shrunk. This increases the risk to firms of carrying too much inventory. Thus, a key to the success of any supply chain is to figure out ways to decrease the level of safety inventory carried without hurting the level of product availability.Difficulty: Hard答:主要作用是提供安全库存产品供应顾客时,供给和需求是不确定的。



Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Environmental Uncertainty and Complexity
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Exhibit 2-2: Components of External Environment
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
How Do Employees Learn Culture?
Stories - Narratives of significant events or people, e.g. organization founders, rule breaking, reaction to past mistakes etc.
©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
What Is Organizational Culture?
Organizational Culture - The shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act.

ch09Designing and Managing Products(营销管理,菲利普·科特勒教材)

ch09Designing and Managing Products(营销管理,菲利普·科特勒教材)

Core Competency Review
• Supporting products offer a competitive advantage only if they are properly planned and implemented
• They must meet or exceed customer expectations to have a positive effect
Chapter Objectives
• Define the term product, including the core, facilitating, supporting, and augmented product
• Explain the elements with which one needs to be concerned when designing a product
Marketing Marketing for Hospitality for Hospitality and Tourism, and Tourism, 4th edition 4th edition Kotler, Kotler,Bowen, Bowen,and andMakens Makens
©2006 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Marketing Marketing for Hospitality for Hospitality and Tourism, and Tourism, 4th edition 4th edition Kotler, Kotler,Bowen, Bowen,and andMakens Makens



Contemporary Organizational Designs (cont.)
• Project Structure - an organizational structure in which employees continuously work on projects • Boundaryless Organization - an organization whose design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure
Exhibit 11-1: Contemporary Organizational Designs (cont.)
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Publishing as Prentice Hall
Management, Eleventh Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Publishing as Prentice Hall



Guidance for IndustryPart11,Electronic Records;Electronic Signatures —Scope and ApplicationAugust2003Pharmaceutical CGMPsFDA工业指南联邦法规11部分电子记录和电子签名—范围和应用2003年8月药物CGMPsTABLE OF CONTENTS目录I.Introduction (2)II.Background (3)III.Discussion (5)A.Overall Approach to Part11Requirements (5)B.Details of Approach-Scope of Part11 (6)1.Narrow Interpretation of Scope (6)2.Definition of Part11Records (7)C.Approach to Specific Part11Requirements (9)1.Validation (9)2.Audit Trail (9)3.Legacy Systems (10)4.Copies of Records (11)5.Record Retention (12)IV.REFERENCES (13)This guidance represents the Food and Drug Administration's(FDA's)current thinking on this topic.It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public.You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations.If you want to discuss an alternative approach,contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing this guidance.If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff,call the appropriate number listed on the title page of this guidance.I.IntroductionThis guidance is intended to describe the Food and Drug Administration's(FDA’s)current thinking regarding the scope and application of part11of Title 21of the Code of Federal Regulations;Electronic Records;Electronic Signatures(21CFR Part11).This document provides guidance to persons who,in fulfillment of a requirement in a statute or another part of FDA's regulations to maintain records or submit information to FDA,have chosen to maintain the records or submit designated information electronically and,as a result,have become subject to part11.Part11applies to records in electronic form that are created,modified,maintained,archived, retrieved,or transmitted under any records requirements set forth in Agency regulations.Part11 also applies to electronic records submitted to the Agency under the Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act(the Act)and the Public Health Service Act(the PHS Act),even if such records are not specifically identified in Agency regulations(§11.1).The underlying requirements set forth in the Act,PHS Act, and FDA regulations(other than part11)are referred to in this guidance document as predicate rules.As an outgrowth of its current good manufacturing practice(CGMP)initiative for human and animal drugs and biologics,FDA is re-examining part11as it applies to all FDA regulated products.We anticipate initiating rulemaking to change part11as a result of that re-examination.This guidance explains that we 本指南代表了FDA在此领域的当前思路,它不赋予任何人任何权利,也并非用于约束FDA或公众。

亚马逊质量评分标准FQA (中英文版本)

亚马逊质量评分标准FQA (中英文版本)

3.3 (工厂是否有相应的流程规定在确定产品要求前先和客户充分沟通,沟通开发过程中的产品标准,表现,安全,可靠性等)
Does factory's product development plan for product's construction / functions, required materials /
The controlled documents should include external standard documents, and technical documents like
spec., drawing, BOM, standard samples, etc..
Does factory have right knowledge, experiences and competent engineers / technicians to develop
3.1 the type of products being sourced? (工厂是否有正确的知识,经验和能胜任的工程师/技术员去开发客户需要的产品)
Quality Management System Audit Checklist(质量体系审核清单)
Weight Factor (from 1 to 5, for
Put a "x" in 1 of "score columns" for each question, and provide necessary comments. (标识"X"在其中的一个框内, 并提供必要的阐述意见, 得分为2分及以下的问题一定要写意见)



工商管理英语(以下内容均为text A的课后题答案)Unit1一、调整,整理coordinate关系,关联Relationship处理,操作,操纵manipulate为。

配备职员;任职于staff决策,决定decisionStrategy策略Contract合同Supervisory监督performance性能profit利润executive directors执行董事top manager高级经理human capital人力资本internal auditors 内审员branch manager 分公司经理二、1. A manager's job is complex and multidimensional, and requires a range of skills经理的工作是复杂和多维的,需要一系列的技能2. Conceptual skills are needed by all managers but are especially important for managers at the t op.所有管理者都需要概念技能,但对高层管理者尤为重要3. One of the most important goals that organizations and their members try to achieve is to prov ide some kind of good or service that customers desire.组织及其成员努力实现的最重要的目标之一是提供客户所期望的某种商品或服务4. The outcome of leadership is highly motivated and committed organizational members.领导的结果是高度激励和忠诚的组织成员5. The controlling function allows managers to evaluate how well they themselves are performing the other three functions of management and to take corrective action.控制功能允许管理人员评估他们自己执行管理的其他三个功能的情况,并采取纠正措施6. In reality, being a manager often involves acting emotionally and relying on gut feelings.在现实中,作为一名经理常常需要感情用事,依靠直觉7. Organizations increase their efficiency when they reduce the quantity of resources they use to produce goods or services.当组织减少用于生产产品或服务的资源数量时,它们就提高了效率8. Today, companies can win or lose the competitive race depending on their speed-how fast they can bring new products to market-or their flexibility-how easily they can change the way they pe rform their activities to respond to the actions of their competitors.今天,公司在竞争中的成败取决于他们的速度——他们将新产品推向市场的速度有多快——或者他们的灵活性——他们改变自己活动的方式以应对竞争对手的行动有多容易9. Managers use conceptual, human, and technical skills to perform the four management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in all organizations.管理人员使用概念、人力和技术技能来执行所有组织规划、组织、领导和控制的四个管理职能10.Quick, immediate reactions to situations rather than deliberate thought and reflection are an important aspect of managerial action迅速、立即对局势作出反应而不是蓄意的思考和反思是管理行动的一个重要方面三、Organization performance is a measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use resources to satisfy customers and achieve organizational goals. Organizational performance increases in direct proportion to increases in efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency is a measure of how well or how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. Effectiveness is a measure of the appropriateness of the goals that managers have selected for the organization to pursue, and of the degree to which the organization achieves those goals.组织绩效是衡量管理者如何高效、有效地利用资源满足客户和实现组织目标的指标。



国开(电大)本科《管理英语4》形考任务(单元自测1至8)试题及答案题目1:— ______________________________— No, sorry, I didn't know the rule about punching in.A. Are you late this morning, Wendy?B.Didn't you punch out this morning, Wendy?C.Didn't you punch in this morning, Wendy?标准答案:Didn't you punch in this morning, Wendy?题目2:— I suppose there'll be a lot of arguments.— __________________:A. I should imagine so.B. No problem.C.That's a good idea.标准答案:I should imagine so.题目3:Leave the reference books behind, __________ youwon't be able to think independently.A. or;B.and;C.so标准答案:or题目4:I am ________________your early coming.:A. looking forward to;B. looking forward;C. look forward to标准答案:looking forward to题目5:He will write to me as soon as he ________ home.:A. will have returnedB.returnsC.will return标准答案:returns题目6:二、阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容,完成相应的选择题。



小学上册英语第6单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I saw a _____ (小猫) playing with a ball of yarn.2.Which insect produces honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. MosquitoC3. A _______ is a chemical process that produces food.4.In summer, I play with my ________ (玩具名) outside. It’s so much ________ (形容词) than being indoors!5.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing?A. GuitarB. DrumsC. PianoD. ViolinC6.What is the opposite of 'happy'?A. JoyfulB. SadC. ExcitedD. AngryB7.The fish swims in the ______. (water)8.I love to cuddle with my toy ____ at night. (玩具名称)9.What is the name of the star at the center of our solar system?A. MoonB. SunC. EarthD. MarsB10.Which of these is not a vegetable?A. CarrotB. TomatoC. AppleD. Spinach11.The _____ (小鸟) made a nest in our backyard. It has three eggs. 小鸟在我们后院筑了一个巢,它有三个蛋。



小学上册英语第6单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the practice of managing forests?A. ForestryB. ArboricultureC. HorticultureD. AgricultureA Forestry2.What is the primary function of the heart?A. Pump bloodB. Digest foodC. Filter wasteD. Regulate temperatureA3.We will go to the ________ (水族馆) next month.4.The atmosphere is made up of different ______.5.The ____ is known for its shiny shell and can be found on beaches.6.What is the name of the famous battle fought during the American Civil War?A. GettysburgB. WaterlooC. AgincourtD. Normandy7.The freezing point of water is _______ degrees Celsius.8.My favorite place is the _______ (海滩).9.My brother is a __________ student. (优秀)10.What do we call the large body of saltwater that separates continents?A. OceanB. SeaC. GulfD. BayA11.My dad loves __________ (户外活动) like hiking.12.What do we call a person who studies prehistoric life?A. PaleontologistB. ArchaeologistC. HistorianD. AnthropologistA13. A _______ (鸭子) paddles around in the water.14.My mother is a _____ (教师) who loves her job.15.What is the color of an orange?A. YellowB. GreenC. OrangeD. BlueC16.The ancient Romans were known for their _______ and roads.17.We have ___ (art/music) class soon.18. A _______ is a type of solution where particles are evenly distributed.19.My ______ loves to explore new technologies.20.We can _____ (进行) community gardening projects to help nature.21.What do we call the process by which plants make their food?A. DigestionB. TranspirationC. PhotosynthesisD. FermentationC22.What is the name of the first person to walk on the moon?A. Buzz AldrinB. Neil ArmstrongC. John GlennD. Yuri GagarinB23.The Earth orbits the sun in an _______ shape.24.The chemical formula for ethylene is ______.25.The study of matter and its changes is called _______.26.My grandma enjoys knitting ____ (sweaters).27.What do you call a snowman?A. FrostyB. SnowyC. IcyD. ChillyA28.The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is ______.29.__________ are substances that can donate protons in a reaction.30.There are many __________ (岛屿) in the ocean.31.The __________ is a large city in China known for its skyline. (上海)32.The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is ______.33.The __________ is a famous river that flows through London. (泰晤士河)34.What is the opposite of slow?A. FastB. QuickC. SwiftD. Rapid35. A constellation is a group of stars that form a recognizable ______.36.I believe that learning from our mistakes helps us __________.37.My teacher is __________ (关心学生).38.The _____ (风) can carry seeds far away.39.What is your favorite __________?40.I like to ________ my family.41.Acid rain is caused by pollution from ______.42.How many days are in a year?A. 365B. 366C. 364D. 36043.How many letters are in the word "school"?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight44.My sister is a great __________ (学习者).45.The teacher is _____ the lesson. (explaining)46.What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar system?A. Olympus MonsB. Mount EverestC. Mauna KeaD. Kilauea47.They are ___ (singing/playing) together.48.I love learning about space. One interesting fact is __________.49.The chemical symbol for nickel is _______.50.The main use of acetic acid is in _____.51.I like to go to the beach and collect ________ (贝壳). Each one is unique and ________ (美丽).52.An animal that can live in water and on land is an ______.53.What do we call a person who fixes pipes?A. ElectricianB. MechanicC. PlumberD. CarpenterC54.My favorite toy is not just fun; it also helps me to be more ________ (形容词) and think creatively.55.Planting flowers can enhance ______ (社区) beauty.56.The _______ (蚊子) can be annoying.57.What sound does a dog make?A. MeowB. BarkC. MooD. Quack58.My cat is very _______ (好奇) and explores everything.59.The _____ (小猫) plays with yarn.60.The _____ (开花) of cherry blossoms is celebrated annually.61.Chemical equations show the ______ of reactions.62. Carta was signed in _______. (1215年) The Magn63.What is the name of the fairy tale character who kissed a frog?A. Snow WhiteB. Sleeping BeautyC. The Princess and the FrogD. Cinderella64.What do we use to cut paper?A. GlueB. TapeC. ScissorsD. RulerC65.I want to learn how to ________ (做手工艺).66. A solution that can conduct electricity is called an ______ solution.67.I like to ______ (关注) environmental issues.68.What is the capital of Uruguay?A. MontevideoB. Colonia del SacramentoC. SaltoD. PaysandúA69.The ________ was a crucial treaty that facilitated trade.70.My friend has a pet _______ (我的朋友有一只宠物_______).71.The __________ was a key moment in the fight for civil rights. (马丁·路德·金的演讲)72.What do we call the act of telling a story?A. NarrationB. DescriptionC. ExplanationD. IllustrationA Narration73.She is studying for her ___. (test)74.What is the name of the famous music festival held in California?A. CoachellaB. LollapaloozaC. GlastonburyD. BonnarooA75.The _______ (猫头鹰) hunts at night.76.What do we call a tool used for writing?A. BrushB. PencilC. EraserD. Ruler77.I love my new ________ that's shaped like a dinosaur.78.Each ________ (季节) brings new plant life.79.What do you call a baby alligator?A. HatchlingB. PupC. KitD. Calf80.I want to learn how to ________ (导演电影).81.ipation Proclamation freed slaves in the __________ (南方). The Eman82.What is the name of the famous superhero who is also a scientist?A. The HulkB. Iron ManC. ThorD. Captain AmericaB83.The discovery of fire was crucial for early ______ (人类) survival.84. A ________ (园艺) enthusiast loves planting.85. A solution that conducts electricity well is called a(n) _______ solution.86. (War) of 1812 was fought between the USA and Britain. The ____87. A rabbit has powerful ______ (后腿) for jumping.88.An endothermic reaction absorbs ______.89. A hamster's habitat needs to be kept ______ (干净).90.Which animal is known for its wisdom?A. OwlB. EagleC. ParrotD. CrowA91.The fish swims in the ______. (water)92.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. VenusC. MarsD. Neptune93.This boy, ______ (这个男孩), is learning to code.94.What do you call a person who takes care of sick people?A. NurseB. DoctorC. PharmacistD. Therapist95.I love watching _______ (海豚) at the aquarium.96.The boy has a new ________.97.What do you call a place with many animals?A. SchoolB. ZooC. FarmD. Museum98.The __________ is a region known for its societal structures.99.I see a ___ in the sky. (bird)100.The process of heat being absorbed is called _______.。



小学上册英语第二单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ______ of a wave is the distance between two peaks.2.The _______ has deep roots in the ground.3.What do we call the act of managing finances?A. BudgetingB. AccountingC. InvestingD. PlanningA4. A lion is a majestic _______ that roams its territory with pride.5.My brother is very ________.6.What do you call a baby eagle?A. EagletB. ChickC. HatchlingD. Fledgling7. A mineral's luster describes how it ______ light.8.My grandma loves her ______.9.The flamingo stands on one _______ (脚).10.The __________ is a region known for its farming communities.11.The cheetah is the _________ animal on land. (最快)12.My brother is a great ________ (运动员).13.The _____ (狐狸) is clever and quick on its feet.14.Many plants need _____ (肥料) to grow strong.15. A ______ (兔子) can be very fast and nimble.16.You can find _______ in a garden or park.17.The capital of Slovakia is ________ (布拉迪斯拉发).18.The bear has a keen sense of _______.19.Heat can speed up ________ reactions.20.What do you call the daily weather forecast?A. ClimateB. TemperatureC. MeteorologyD. ForecastD21.I enjoy planting _____ in my flower beds.22.The law of definite proportions states that a chemical compound contains the same ______.23. A finch is a small ______ (鸟).24.She has a _____ (狗).25.I can ________ (analyze) data effectively.26.My friend’s sister, ______ (我朋友的妹妹), loves to dance.27.What do you call a young lion?A. CubB. PupC. KitD. CalfA28.The chemical symbol for sodium is ______.29.The _____ (小鹦鹉) imitates sounds and dances. 小鹦鹉模仿声音并跳舞。

SCM Chapter 11

SCM Chapter 11
Cycle inventory
Safety inventory
Time 2020/2/7
The role of safety inventory in a supply chain

存 量

ss 2时020间/2/7
The role of safety inventory in a supply chain
Safety inventory is the average inventory remaining when the replenishment lot arrives.
Supply Chain Management
School of Management Science and Engineering Fu Yun
Chapter 11
安全库存是为了减少需求和(或)供给的不 确定性所设置的库存量,目的是为了提高产 品的供给能力,减少缺货给企业带来的利润 上和对客户服务能力上的损失。
The role of safety inventory in a supply chain Determining appropriateentory Impact of supply uncertainty on safety inventory Impact of aggregation on safety inventory Impact of replenishment policies on safety



温州2024年11版小学五年级上册英语第一单元测验试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、(选择题)总分:45分(2分/题)1、Which one is used to tell time?A) ClockB) CalendarC) BookD) Phone2、What do you call the container for water?A) BottleB) CupC) GlassD) All of the above3、What is the English translation of "农场"?A. OrchardB. FarmC. GardenD. Field4、What is the opposite of "difficult"?A) EasyB) HardC) ChallengingD) Complex5、What is the last month of the year?A) NovemberB) DecemberC) JanuaryD) October6、What is the English word for "长颈鹿"?A) GiraffeB) ElephantD) Antelope7、What is the English word for "老师"?A) StudentB) TeacherC) DoctorD) Parent8、How many sides does a triangle have?A) 2B) 3C) 4D) 59、What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A) BlueB) GreenC) RedD) Yellow10、How do you say "对不起" in English?A) SorryB) PleaseC) Thank youD) Hello11、What do we call the small parts of a flower that are often colorful?我们称花朵中通常是多彩的小部分为?A. PetalsB. SepalsC. StamenD. Pistil12、How many continents are there on Earth?a) Fiveb) Sixc) Seven13、What is the name of the month after June?a) Julyb) Augustc) May14、What do you call a person who helps sick people?A) TeacherC) ChefD) Driver15、What is the opposite of "young"?中文解释:"年轻"的反义词是什么?A) OldB) MatureC) Adult16、What is the shape of a basketball?A) SquareB) RectangularC) OvalD) Round17、What is a common animal found on farms?A) LionB) SheepC) TigerD) Whale18、What is the main ingredient in salad?A) LettuceB) RiceC) PastaD) Bread19、What do you call the part of the plant that grows underground?A) StemB) LeafC) RootD) Flower20、What is the opposite of "fast"?A) QuickB) SlowC) SpeedyD) Rapid二、(听力题)总分:40分(1分/题)1、听力填空题:The ______ is a type of animal that lives in the Arctic.2、听力填空题:The birds ___ (chirp) in the morning.3、Which planet is closest to the Sun?A) EarthB) MercuryC) VenusD) Mars4、听力填空题:She ___ (not/understand) the question.5、听力默写填空:I put my _____ (hat) on my head.6、What do you call a cold dessert made of cream?A) CakeB) Ice creamC) PieD) Pudding7、听力填空题:I ___ (take) a shower every morning.8、What do we put on a sandwich?A) ButterB) SoapC) WaterD) Sugar9、听力填空题:We ___ (visit) the new restaurant last week.10、What is the common name for the large cat with spots?A) LionB) TigerC) LeopardD) Panther11、听力填空题:I ___ (help) my sister with her homework.12、What do you call a person who writes stories?A) ArtistB) AuthorC) ActorD) Musician13、What do you call the place where you go to borrow books?A) SchoolB) LibraryC) Grocery storeD) Park14、What do you call the material used to create fabric?A) CottonB) PaperC) MetalD) Wood15、听力填空题:He ___ (wash) his car last weekend.16、听力填空题:He ___ (not/know) how to ride a skateboard.17、听力默写填空:The _____ (stars) twinkle in the sky.18、How many sides does a triangle have?A) FourB) ThreeC) FiveD) Six19、听录音,打“√”。


Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Decentralization in Organizations
Benefits of Decentralization
低层管理人员更易于把 低层管理人员更易于把 握优质决策信息 握优质决策信息 低层管理人员能更快地 低层管理人员能更快地 回应顾客要求 回应顾客要求 低层管理人员能够从决 低层管理人员能够从决 策制定过程中吸取经验 策制定过程中吸取经验 决策制定权导致了工作 决策制定权导致了工作 满意度的提升 满意度的提升 高管将集中精力于企业 高管将集中精力于企业 战略发展 战略发展
What is Regal Company’s ROI?
ROI = Margin Turnover
Net operating income Sales
Sales Average operating assets
Increasing ROI – An Example
ROI = Margin Turnover
Decentralization in Organizations
低层管理人员决策制定时 低层管理人员决策制定时 缺乏全局观念 缺乏全局观念 管理层之间缺乏合作,各 管理层之间缺乏合作,各 自为政 自为政
Disadvantages of Decentralization
低层管理人员目标可能与 低层管理人员目标可能与 企业总目标相矛盾 企业总目标相矛盾 企业内部创新理念难于普及 企业内部创新理念难于普及
Mfg. costs Commissions Salaries Other
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第11单元Managing products, Services, and Brands管理产品,服务和品牌1.解释产品生命周期2.识别营销管理人员如何管理产品生命周期3.认识了解品牌和品牌战略的重要性4.描述包装和标签的产品营销作用5.4P是怎么运用在服务中的※Product life cycle 产品生命周期Stage 1: Introduction 导入期/ 引入期Characteristics: 特征During due to large investment costs in production development.在引入期发生在一个产品是首次推出,它的目标市场。


Marketing Objective or Marketing Emphasis: 营销目标/ 营销重点Create consumer awareness; Stimulate trial创造消费者的认知;刺激/鼓励试用Product: 产品Only one product item; restrict the product diversity to ensure product quality只有一个具体的产品项目;限制产品多样化发展以确保产品质量。

Price Either high price or low price 价格1)Skimming strategy 撇脂---high price --- Initial price 定较高的初始价格Used to recover the costs of development as well as take advantage of the price insentivity of early buyer(利用于早期消费者对价格不明感)2) Penetration strategy 渗透---low price 逐步降价,定较低的价格Since high price attracts competiors because they see the opportunity for profits.To discourage competitive entry, a company can price low for unit volumn(sales). Promotion: inform, educate 促销: 告知和教育(引导)Companies often spend heavily on advertising and other promotional tools to build product awareness among consumers.1)Simulate primary demand 主要需求---the desire forrather2)selective demand 选择性需求Place(Distribution): limitedGain distribution can be a challenge because distributors may be refuse to carry a new product. (Risk, Sales or Profits)(中间商零售商)Stage 2: Growth 成长期Repeat PurchasersCharacteristics:Rapid increase in sales and profits. More competitors enter into the market.Sales grow at an increasing rate becayse new people try or use the products. Repeat purchasers tried the products, were satisfied, and bought again. (销售额增长的很快,利润也在增长)Profit peaks. 顶峰Failure to achieve repeat purchasers means an early death for a product.Marketing Objective or Marketing Emphasis:产品差异性,争夺市场份额Differentiate the company’s products to competitors’ (product diffe rentiation) Product: more versions 产品多样化—版本多improved version or new features are added to the original design. (Product divesity or Proliferation)Price: fair price (deal) , gain market share 价格合理,争夺市场份额Use penetration strategy (low price) to increase salesPromotion: Stress points of differences 强调产品差异性Advertising focus on selective demand (brand, product benefits).Place(Distribution): More outlets 渠道增加---Gain as much distributors for the product as possible.Stage 3: Maturity 成熟期Characteristics:(速度增长放慢)A slowing of total sales for the product class (product line).Weaker competitors begin to leave the market.Most consumers who would buy the product are either repeat purchasers of the item or have tried and abandoned it.(利润开始下滑,因为竞争激烈,价格竞争)Sales increase at a decreasing rate as fewer new buyers enter the market. The cost of gaining new buyers increases.Profit declines because there is fierece price competition among many sellers. Marketing Objective or Marketing Emphasis: 产品差异性,稳住市场份额Hold market share through further product differentiation and to find new buyer. Product: Product classes, full product lines, product mixPrice: Defend market share, decrease ( profit) 价格更为合理Promotion: Reminder oriented 提醒Place(Distribution): Maximium outlets 渠道最大化Stage 4: Decline 衰退期Deletion HarvestingCharacteristics:Sales and profits begin to drop due to changes in the marketing environment. Technologies innovation often precedes as newer technologies replace older ones.(新的技术代替了老的产品)1)Deletion: production deletion, or dropping a product from the company’s productline, is the most drastic strategy and is not taken lightly since there is a residualcore of loyal consumers.2)Harvesting: when a company continues to offer the product but reduces marketingcosts.Product: best seller(最佳生产商)Price: proftiablePromotion: minimal(小)Place(Distribution): fewer outlets 销售网点小•Some Dimensions of the Product Life CycleLength of the Product Life Cycle 产品生命期长度(工业品的生命周期)Shape of the Product Life Cycle缩短生命期长度(娱乐媒体)Generalized Life CycleFashion Product潮流型产品High-Learning Product高度学习型产品(微波炉洗碗机)Fad 狂热型产品Low-Learning Product 低度学习型产品不需要学习(剃须刀电动牙刷)•Some Dimensions of the Product Life CycleThe Life Cycle and ConsumersDiffusion of InnovationInnovators创新者Late Majority晚期多期接受者Early Adopters早期接受者Laggards落后者Early Majorit早期多数接受者Managing the product life cycle产品生命周期管理Modify the product修改产品(潘婷)Modify the market 修改市场Finding new users寻找新用户(小朋友VDO的游戏)Increasing use 增加新用户(蒙牛早餐奶)Creating new use situations创建新的使用情况(黄油配牛奶)Repositioning the product 产品重新定位Reacting to a competitor’s p osition面对一个竞争对手的立场Reaching a new market达到一个新的市场Catching a rising trend 接住一个上升的趋势Changing the value offered 所提供的值更改Trading upTrading downBRANDING AND BRAND MANAGEMENT 品牌和品牌管理BrandingBrand name Logotype or Logo标识•Brand Personality and Brand Equity品牌个性和品牌价值Brand Personality将品牌名称和个性化特征相关联起来(可口可乐和百事Dr Pepper)Brand Equity 这个品牌超出产值,附加值(如商店贴标签)Picking a Good Brand Name 选择品牌名字Suggest the Product Benefits推荐的产品优势Be Memorable, Distinctive, and Positive给人留下深刻印象,独特的,积极向上Fit the Company or Product Image适合公司或产品形象Have No Legal or Regulatory Restrictions没有任何法律或监管限制Be Simple and Emotional简单与情感International: Be Non meaningful国际:为非有意义介绍产品好记(与众不同积极)符合公司形象Branding Strategies 品牌战略Multiproduct Branding (Family/Corporate)多产品统一品牌(家庭/公司)一个公司所有的产品只给一个品牌的名字(松下三星索尼)优点:1.将对产品的喜爱到其他的产品(一荣俱荣)2.节约广告成本风险:1.一损俱损Line Extension线延线Sub branding子品牌Brand Extension品牌延伸Product mixProduct line ①②③品牌延伸线①②③产品延伸线Product itemBranding Strategies 品牌战略Multibranding 多品牌*(来区分每一件产品)(Loreal)Private Branding (Private Labeling/Reseller)民营品牌(私人标签/经销商)零售商中间商(屈臣氏)Mixed Branding混合品牌拥有自己的品牌同时也代别人生产CREATING CUSTOMER VALUE THROUGH PACKAGINGAND LABELING通过创造顾客价值和产品标签包装Packaging包装(container包装物label 标签)Label标签Communication Benefits广播的优点Functional Benefits功能性利益Storing储存convenience方便consumer protection消费者保护利益Perceptual Benefits感知的好处原产国能形成感知(英国的茶法国的香水)MANAGING THE MARKETING OF SERVICES服务营销管理Product (Service)•产品(服务)Exclusivity•独家•Outsource --- to buy a product or have it made byan outside supplier rather thandoing it oneself •外包---购买产品或将作出外部供应商,而不是做自己Branding品牌Capacity Management容量管理PricingOff-Peak Pricing非繁忙时间定价Place (Distribution)PromotionWhat is the difference between a line extension and a brand extension?A: line extension--- using a current brand name to enter a new market segment in its product class.brand extension--- using a current brand name to enter a completely different product class.产品线延伸与品牌延伸之间有什么的区别?答:产品线延伸---使用目前的品牌名称,在其产品进入一类新的市场领域。
