Exact Travelling Wave Solutions of generalized zakharov Equation with arbitry



An n. of D iff. Eqs . 24:3(2008) , 317-325
Rui Weiguo, Long Yao, He Bin
In th is pap e r, we c onside r a ge ne raliz ed Camassa-H olm e quation (see [1,2,6,7]) u t − u x xt + ωu x + 3 uu x = γ (2 u x u xx + uu xx x ) , (1 . 1)
( D ep t. o f Ma th ., Ho ngh e U niversit y, Me ngzi 6 61 1 00 , Yun nan )
A bs tra ct
In t his pa per, w e stud y som e g eneralized C a ma ssa -H olm equa tion . T hroug h the a nalysis of t he ph ase-po rtrait s, t he exist ence o f solit a ry w ave , cusp wave, pe rio dic w ave , period ic cusp wave and co m pact o ns w ere discu ssed. In so m e c ert ain pa ra me tric co ndition s, m a ny exact so lut ions t o t he a bo ve travelling wa ves w ere g iven. Furth erm ore, the 3D a nd 2 D pictures of t he a bo ve t rave lling wa ve so lut ions a re d ra wn using M aple softw are. Key wo rds t ra velling wa ve so lut io n; Ca m assa-H o lm equa tio n; ela st ic ro d m o del 20 00 M athem atic s Sub jec t C lassific ation 3 7 K40 ; 37 K5 0



257ISSN: 1749-3889 ( print ) 1749-3897 (online)BimonthlyVol.7 (2009) No.3JuneEngland, UK ***************************.uk International Journal ofN o n l i n e a r S c i e n c e Edited by International Committee for Nonlinear Science, WAUPublished by World Academic Union (World Academic Press)CONTENTS259.New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for Some Nonlinear Evolution EquationsA. Hendi268.A New Hierarchy of Generalized Fisher Equations and Its Bi- Hamiltonian StructuresLu Sun274.New Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Variants of the RLW, the PHI-four and Boussinesq Equations Based on Modified Extended Direct Algebraic MethodA. A. Soliman, H. A. Abdo283. Monotone Methods in Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value ProblemG.A.Afrouzi, Z.Naghizadeh, S.Mahdavi290. Influence of Solvents Polarity on NLO Properties of Fluorone Dye Ahmad Y. Nooraldeen1, M. Palanichant, P. K. Palanisamy301.Projective Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with Different Dimensions via Backstepping DesignXuerong Shi, Zhongxian Wang307.Adaptive Control and Synchronization of a Four-Dimensional Energy Resources System of JiangSu ProvinceLin Jia , Huanchao Tang312.Optimal Control of the Viscous KdV-Burgers Equation Using an Equivalent Index MethodAnna Gao, Chunyu Shen,Xinghua Fan319.Adaptive Control of Generalized Viscous Burgers’ Equation Xiaoyan Deng, Wenxia Chen, Jianmei Zhang327. Wavelet Density Degree of a Class of Wiener Processes Xuewen Xia, Ting Dai332.Niches’ Similarity Degree Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Niches’ Model Jing Hua, Yimin Li340.Full Process Nonlinear Analysis the Fatigue Behavior of the Crane Beam Strengthened with CFRPHuaming Zhu, Peigang Gu, Jinlong Wang, Qiyin Shi345.The Infinite Propagation Speed and the Limit Behavior for the B-family Equation with Dispersive TermXiuming Li353.The Classification of all Single Traveling Wave Solutions to Fornberg-Whitham EquationChunxiang Feng, Changxing Wu360.New Jacobi Elliptic Functions Solutions for the Higher-orderNonlinear Schrodinger EquationBaojian Hong, Dianchen Lu368.A Counterexample on Gap Property of Bi-Lipschitz Constants Ying Xiong, Lifeng Xi371.A Method for Recovering the Shape for Inverse Scattering Problem of Acoustic WavesLihua Cheng, Tieyan Lian, Ping Li379.An Approach of Image Hiding and Encryption Based on a New Hyper-chaotic SystemHongxing Yao, Meng Li258International Journal of Nonlinear Science (IJNS)BibliographicISSN: 1749-3889 (print), 1749-3897 (online), BimonthlyEdited by International Editorial Committee of Nonlinear Science, WAUPublished by World Academic Union (World Academic Press)Publisher Contact:Academic House, 113 Mill LaneWavertree Technology Park, Liverpool L13 4AH, England, UKEmail:******************.uk,*********************************URL: www. 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%We employ bifurcation method of dynamical systems to investigate exact traveling wave solutions of a nonlinear evolution equation. We obtain some exact explicit expressions of solitary wave solutions and some new exact periodic wave solutions in parameter forms of Jacobian elliptic function. We point out that the solitary waves are limits of the periodic waves in some sense,the results infer that the periodic waves degenerate solitary waves in some conditions.【期刊名称】《广州航海高等专科学校学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)004【总页数】4页(P43-46)【关键词】分支方法;周期波;孤立波【作者】郑珊【作者单位】广州航海学院基础部,广东广州510000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O130 引言随着海洋知识不断发展,流体力学和水动力学的研究与波浪数学模型与波动方程的研究紧密联系.当波浪受地形或建筑影响,产生浅水变形等现象,浅水波的非线性波动方程就成为一种重要的研究模型.关于非线性浅水波的Boussinseq波动方程[1]及其解的情况成为本文研究的重点对象.考虑如下Boussinseq波动方程[1]其中α,β,γ是常数.对方程(1)作行波变换得:其中c表示波速常数.将方程(2)带入(1),得:方程(2)的导数是关于变量ξ的导数,对(3)关于ξ积分两次,取第一次积分常数为0,第二次积分常数为 g,得:将方程(4)转变成平面系统系统(5)的首次积分为:其中h表示积分常数.本文的内容安排如下,在第二部分描绘系统(5)的分支相图,画出同宿轨和周期轨线,第三部分根据轨线求出孤立波解和周期波解,第四部分给出孤立波解和周期波解之间的关系,最后对本文小结.1 平面系统(5)的分支相图记Δ=(c2+α)2+4βg,当Δ >0时,系统(5)有两个奇点(Φ1,0)和(Φ2,0),其中Φ1=,它们的哈密顿量分别记为h1=H(Φ1,0)和h2=H(Φ2,0).根据微分方程定性理论[2-4],系统(5)有同宿轨和周期轨,如图1 所示.图1 系统在一定参数条件下的分支相图2 方程的周期波解在本节,模为m的Jacob ran椭圆函数sn(l,m)记作snl.设f(Φ)=,则f(Φ)满足如下引理.引理1 若相轨上点的哈密顿量h=H(Φ,0)满足h1<h<h2或h2<h<h1,则函数f(Φ)必有3个不同的实的零点.证明仅证的情况,当时与此类似.在上述条件下,经计算可得:因此,f(Φ1)·f(Φ2)=4(h-h1)(h-h2)<0.又f(Φ)满足f(-∞)>0,f(Φ1)<0,f(Φ2)>0,f(+∞)<0,而且f'(Φ)=Φ2)在区间(-∞,Φ1),(Φ1,Φ2),(Φ2,+∞)是单调的.由连续函数的零点定理,f(Φ)必存在3个不同的零点位于上述3个不同的区间,引理得证.设c1<c2<c3是f(Φ)的3个不同的实的零点,引理1说明(6)与Φ 轴有 3个交点(c1,0),(c2,0)和(c3,0).因而(6)可改写成如下形式:其中c1<Φ1<c2<Φ2<c3.当将(8)代入并沿着周期轨积分,得:时,由(7)可得周期轨的表达式为:由文献[5]中公式(236)得:其中由(9)可解得周期波解为Φ=c3-(c3-,即 u1(x,t)=c3-(c3-c2)sn2,其中sn的模是m1=类似的,当将(10)代入时,周期轨的表达式为:并沿着周期轨积分,得:相应的周期波解的表达式为:其中sn的模是m2=3 方程的精确孤立波解本节利用椭圆函数的性质,当模m→1时,sn→tanh[1],可由周期波解得孤立波解.定理1 设ui(i=1,2)是方程(1)的周期波解,mi(i=1,2)是对应解中椭圆函数sn的模.则如下结论成立.(1)在g=0且的条件下,当mi(i=1,2)→1时,由ui(i=1,2)可以得到孤立波解u3(x,t)=(2)在g=0且的条件下,当mi(i=1,2)→1时,由ui(i=1,2)可以得到孤立波解u4(x,t)=(3)在g≠0且的条件下,当m1→1时,由u1可以得到孤立波解 u5(x,t)=(4)在g≠0且的条件下,当m2→1时,由u2可以得到孤立波解 u6(x,t)=证明 (1)当 m1= 时,c1=c2,sn→tanh,又 g=0,经计算得,c1=c2=0,c3=将 c1,c2,c3 代入 u1,得:当m2→1且g=0时,c2=c3=0,c1= 将 c1,c2,c3 代入 u2(x,t),得 u2=u1.类似地,可以证明(2)成立.对于(3),在g≠0的她条件下,当m1=→1时,c1=c2,sn→tanh,经计算得:c1=c2=将c1,c2,c3代入 u1(x,t)得:类似地,可以证明(4)成立.4 小结本文运用动力系统分支方法,首先得到了方程(1)的椭圆函数形式的周期波解,然后由椭圆函数的性质,由周期波解推导出孤立波解,从这两种的关系可以看出,孤立波解可以看作是周期波解的极限形式.参考文献:[1] ABDOU M A.Exact periodic wave solutions to some nonlinear evolution equations[J].International Journal of Nonlinear Science,2008(6):145-153.[2] CHOW S N,HALE J K.Method of Bifurcation Theory [M].Berlin:Springer,1981.[3] LI J B,LIU Z R.Smooth and non-smooth traveling waves in a nonlinearly dispersive equation[J].Applied Mathematical Modeling,2000(25):41-56.[4] LI J B,LIU Z R.Travelling wave solutions for a class of nonlinear dispersive equations[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics,2002(23):397-418.[5] BYRD P F,FRIEDMAN M D.Handbook of elliptic integrals for engineers and scientists[M].Berlin:Springer,1971.。



cosh ( k) ) , r = 1, a0 = a1 = 0,
b1 = ±
( (
co sh ( k) 1 + cosh
- 1) ( k) )
c = 4 sin ( p) sinh ( k) / ( 1 + cosh ( k) ) ;
( 5) q = 2 ( 1 + cosh ( k) - 2cos( p) ) /
第 4期 朱加民 :非线性离散薛定谔方程的显式精确解
到了方程的精确解 。
1 双曲函数方法简述
为方便对改进的双曲函数方法的论述 ,以 ( 2
+ 1)维非线性差分微分方程为例 。设非线性差
分微分方程 (DDE)为
Δ( un + p1 ( x, t) , un + p2 ( x, t) , …,
+ co sh ( k) ) , a0 = 0, a1 = a1 ,
b1 = ±
( co sh ( k) - 1) (1 + cosh ( k) )
r= ±
( a21
+ cosh ( k) + a21 cosh ( k) ( cosh ( k) - 1
) ,
c = 4 sin ( p) sinh ( k) / ( 1 + cosh ( k) ) 。
( cosh2 ( k) - 1) cosh ( k)
+ 2 sin
( p) sinh co sh ( k)
( k)
ei (
( cosh2 ( k) - co s( p) cosh2 ( k)



孤立子理论在自然科学的众多领域中扮演着非常 重要的角色。一方面它在量子场论、粒子物理、凝聚态 物理、流体物理、等离子体物理和非线性光学等物理学 的各个分支及数学、生物学、化学、通信等各自然科学 领域得到了广泛的应用; 另一方面它极大地促进了一些 传统数学理论的发展, 为非线性偏微分方程提供了求解 显示解的方法。 孤立子理论中构造非线性偏微分方程精 确解的方法有齐次平衡法、Tanh 函数法、反散射方法、 双线性变换法、李群法和达布变换法等等 布变换法是寻找孤子解的一种有力工具
f12 f 22
x M
(7) (8)
t N

Tx TM T * det T P( )
1 , 2
1 , 2
是 Lax 对(2)和(3)的两个基本解。假定
要:Boussinesq-Burgers 方程是孤立子理论中的一个重要的方程,在物理学中有许多应用。本文构造出
Boussinesq-Burgers 方程的一个新的达布变换。利用这个达布变换,在符号计算软件 Maple 的帮助下,可以得到 该方程新的孤子解。 关键词:Boussinesq-Burgers 方程;达布变换;符号计算软件;孤子解 中图分类号: O175.29 A 文献标识码: 文章编号:1009-9115(2015)02-0010-03 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-9115.2015.02.003
容易验证 f11 和 f 22 是 T * 表示 T 的伴随矩阵。 的 3 次多项式, f12 和 f 21 是 的 2 次多项式, 所以(16)可以 并且可以证明 1 和 2 是 f ij (i, j 1, 2) 的根。 写成



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In recent years, technology has revolutionized the way we travel, leading to significant changes in the tourism industry. This essay explores the various ways in which technology has transformed travel experiences and shaped our interactions with the world.1. Enhanced Accessibility。

One of the most notable impacts of technology on travel is the enhanced accessibility it provides. The widespread availability of online booking platforms and travel appshas made it easier for individuals to plan and organize their trips. Gone are the days of relying solely on travel agents or guidebooks; now, travelers can research destinations, compare prices, and make reservations with just a few clicks.2. Improved Navigation。






关键词:零点分布;周期解;衰减解;扭结解中图分类号:O13文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2015)35-0167-02常微分方程求解是高等数学教学过程中一项重要的任务。



在高等数学的教材中,没有出现下列形式的微分方程d 2y dx 2=ay 3+by 2+cy (1)其中a ,b ,c 是任意常数。


方程(1)两边乘以y ′后积分得到:y ′2=a 2y 4+2b 3y 3+cy 2+c 0(2)整理后得到:y ′2=a 2y 2(y 2+4b 3a y+2a c )+c 0(3)为了进一步分析方程(3),我们要借助于一些对微分方y 2x =F (x )已有的结果[4]:(a )若F (x )在y=m 处有一个简单零点,即F (m )=0,F ′(m )≠0,则解在x →x 0时有y (x )=m+14(x-x 0)2F '(m )+O ((x-x 0)4), 其中y 在x=x 0处取极值m 。

(b )若F (y )在y=m 处有一个二重零点,即F (m )=0,F ′(m )=0,F ″(m )≠0,则解在x →∞时有y (x )-m=ηexp (-x F ″(m ) 姨),且当x →∞时y →m 。

利用上述结果,我们很容易得到以下结论:若满足F (y )>0和y 1<y<y 2,则微分方程y 2x =F (x )有下列形式的解(图1):作者简介:殷久利,男,江苏句容人,博士,副教授,主要从事动力系统研究。



一类四阶偏微分方程的对称约化、精确解和守恒律张丽香;刘汉泽;辛祥鹏【摘要】利用李群分析研究了一类变系数四阶偏微分方程,求出方程的李点对称,把偏微分方程约化为常微分方程,然后结合(G'/G)展开法及椭圆函数展开法,对约化后的常微分方程求其精确解,从而得到原方程的精确解.进一步,给出这类变系数偏微分方程的守恒律.%The partial differential equation with constant coefficients can merely approximately reflect the law of motion ofsubstances.Relatively the partial differential equation with variable coefficients can reflect the complex movement of substances more accurately.Therefore,it is more important to study the partial differential equations with variable coefficients.This paper investigates a class of variable coefficient partial differential equations.By using Lie symmetry analysis,the symmetries of the equations are obtained,Then the partial differential equations are reduced to ordinary differentialequations.Moreover,we combine with (G'/G) expansion method and elliptic function expansion,so exact solutions to the original equation are obtained.Furthermore,the conservation laws of this kind of variable coefficient differential equations are given.【期刊名称】《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(000)006【总页数】13页(P50-62)【关键词】变系数方程;李群分析;精确解;守恒律【作者】张丽香;刘汉泽;辛祥鹏【作者单位】聊城大学数学科学学院,山东聊城252059;聊城大学数学科学学院,山东聊城252059;聊城大学数学科学学院,山东聊城252059【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.2由于非线性偏微分方程能够描述物理、生物、化学和医学等领域中的复杂现象,而且越来越多的数学、物理和工程问题要转化为非线性偏微分方程的求解问题.因此,研究偏微分方程有重要的意义.而非线性偏微分方程的精确解可以更好地解释某些物理现象.经过多年研究,人们已经提出许多行之有效的方法,比如经典李群方法[1-3],Hirota双线性方法[4-5],修正的CK直接约化方法[6-7],齐次平衡方法[8-10]等.其中李群方法是研究微分方程的有力工具之一,寻找方程的李点对称,由已知解生成新解,从而建立新解和旧解之间的联系.而且这种方法不仅适用于常系数方程和方程组,而且适用于变系数方程.考虑以下变系数四阶偏微分方程其中u=u(x,t),α(t)为t的函数,β为任意常数,p=1,2,3,···.此类方程尤其在研究弹性梁的弯曲状况和解的稳定性中有重要的意义[11].本文由以下几部分组成:第1节求出方程(1)的李点对称;第2节,以p=3为例对方程(1)进行约化;第3节,结合(G′/G)展开法[12-14],幂级数展开法[15-16],构造辅助方程[17-18]等方法,对约化后的常微分方程求其精确解,进而得到原方程的精确解;第4节,给出方程(1)的伴随方程和守恒律[19-21];第5节,作简要总结.设方程(1)的单参数向量场为其中ξ(x,t,u),τ(x,t,u),ϕ(x,t,u)为待定函数.若向量场(2)为方程(1)的李点对称,则下面根据α(t)的取法不同讨论(5),得到方程(1)的生成元.情况(i)当,即α(t)=k(k为非零常数),则生成元为情况(ii)(1)当4tα′(t)+3α(t)=0时,即α(t)=(k为非零常数),则生成元为(2)当4tα′(t)+3α(t)/=0时,有下列几种子情况.(a)α′(t)=kpα(t),即α(t)=lekpt(k为非零常数),则生成元为(b)4tα′(t)+3α(t)=kα′(t),即α(t)=l(4t− k)(k,l为非零常数),则生成元为(c)4tα′(t)+3α(t)=kpα(t),即α(t)=lt(k,l为非零常数),则生成元为(d)C1=C2=C4=0,即α(t)为关于t的任意函数.前文中我们已经求出了方程(1)的李点对称,下面以p=3为例,对方程(1)进行约化. 当α′(t)=0时,即α(t)=k(k为非零常数),方程(1)退化为常系数四阶偏微分方程(a)对于向量场,对应的群不变解为u=将其代入方程(12),得约化方程为其中f′=df/dξ.(b)对于向量场V=V2+cV3=∂t+c∂x,对应的群不变解为u=f(ξ),其中ξ=x−ct,将其代入方程(12),得约化方程为其中f′=df/dξ.(1)当4tα′(t)+3α(t)=0时,即α(t)=(k为非零常数),方程(1)变为对于向量场V1=4t∂t+x∂x,对应的群不变解为u=f(ξ),其中ξ=,将其代入方程(15),得约化方程为其中f′=df/dξ.(2)当4tα′(t)+3α(t)/=0时,有下列几种子情况.(a)α′(t)=kpα(t),即α(t)=lekpt(k为非零常数),方程(1)变为对于向量场V1=∂t−ku∂u,对应的群不变解为u=f(ξ)e−kt,其中ξ=x,将其代入方程(17),得约化方程为其中f′=df/dξ.(b)4tα′(t)+3α(t)=kα′(t),即(k,l为非零常数),方程(1)变为对于向量场V1=(4t− k)∂t+x∂x,对应的群不变解为u=f(ξ),其中将其代入方程(19),得约化方程为其中f′=df/dξ.约化后的方程(20)和方程(16)形式相同.(c)4tα′(t)+3α(t)=kpα(t),即(k,l为非零常数),方程(1)变为对于向量场V1=4t∂t+x∂x−k∂u,对应的群不变解为其中将其代入方程(21),得约化方程为其中f′=df/dξ.(d)C1=C2=C4=0即α(t)为关于t的任意的函数.方程(1)的群不变解为u=f(t),将其代入方程(1)得f′(t)=0.易得方程(1)的精确解为u=C,其中C为任意常数.前文中,我们通过讨论α(t)的不同情况,已经得到了约化方程.本节中,我们结合椭圆函数展开法、(G′/G)展开法及幂级数展开法等对约化后的方程(13)、(14)、(16)和(18)求其精确解,进而得到方程(1)的精确解,包括精确幂级数展开解,椭圆函数展开解及三角函数解等.对方程(13)积分一次,得其中A0是积分常数.假设方程(23)有以下形式的解由齐次平衡原理得m=1,故方程(24)有以下形式的解,且其中φ是Riccati方程的已知解其中A=A(ξ),B=B(ξ),C=C(ξ).把式(25)、(26)代入方程(23)中,比较φi(i=0,1,2,3,4)的同次幂系数得其中C1,C2均为任意常数,B=B(ξ),C=C(ξ).当λ2−4µ<0时,方程(23)的精确解为其中C1,C2 均为任意常数,B=B(ξ),C=C(ξ).对方程(14)积分一次得其中B0为积分常数.假设方程(27)有如下形式的解由齐次平衡原理得m=1.故方程(27)有如下形式的解其中k1,k0为待定常数,φ(ξ)是Riccati方程的已知解,且其中A,B,C是常数.把式(29)、(30)代入方程(27)中,收集φi(i=0,1,2,3,4)的各项系数,并且令各项系数为零,得到关于k1,k0的代数方程组,解方程组得故方程(27)的解为对于方程(14)的解借助Maple软件,u4(x,t)的图像如图1所示.对于方程(14)的解u5(x,t)的图像如图2所示.对于方程(14)的解u6(x,t)的图像如图3所示.对于方程(14)的解u7(x,t)的图像如图4所示.假设方程(16)有如下形式的幂级数展开解把式(31)代入方程(16)中,得比较式(32)中的系数,可得:当n=0时,C4=其中C0,C1,C2,C3为任意常数.由(33)式可得故方程(16)的解为因此得原方程(15)的精确幂级数展开解为其中C0,C1,C2,C3为任意常数,Cn+4由(33)式确定.假设方程(18)有如下形式的解其中G=G(ξ),且满足二阶线性常微分方程由式(34)和(35)得把式(34)–(38)代入方程(18),平衡最高阶导数项f(4)和最高阶非线性项f3f′的次数,得m=1,故方程(18)有如下形式的解把式(35)–(39)代入方程(18)中,且令式中的各项系数为零,得到关于α0,α1的超定方程组,解方程组得当λ2−4µ>0时,方程(18)的精确解为故方程(17)的精确解为故方程(17)的精确解为当λ2−4µ=0时,方程(18)的精确解为故原方程(17)的精确解为其中C1,C2均为常数.在这一部分,我们将给出方程(1)的伴随方程和守恒律.方程(1)的伴随方程为设v=ψ(x,t,u),且ψ(x,t,u)/=0.根据Ibragimov给出的定义其中F=ut+α(t)upux+βuxxxx=0.把式(40)、(41)入方程(1),得比较ux,ut,u2x,···的系数得,ψ=ρ,其中ρ为非零常数.利用Ibragimov给出的结论,守恒向量为根据Ibragimov给出的结论,给出向量场的通式那么方程(1)的守恒律由下式决定向量场C=(C1,C2)由下式决定以下面情况(i)和情况(ii)为例,可分别求出显式守恒律.情况(i)考虑方程(12),对于向量场有W=−(u+4tut+xux),情况(ii)考虑方程(17),对于向量场有W=−(ku+ut),以上守恒向量C=(C1,C2)包含了伴随方程(40)的任意解ρ,因此给出了方程的无穷多个守恒律.本文运用李群分析研究了一类变系数四阶偏微分方程,把复杂的偏微分方程约化成常微分方程,通过求常微分方程的精确解,得到原方程的精确解,包括三角函数解,幂级数展开解,椭圆函数解等.进而可以建立新解和旧解之间的关系,能更好地解释复杂的物理现象.李群是研究微分方程的有力工具之一,无论是研究常系数偏微分方程还是变系数偏微分方程,都具有广泛的应用.另外,我们给出了四阶变系数方程的伴随方程和显式守恒律.(责任编辑:林磊)【相关文献】[1] 田畴.李群及其在微分方程中的应用[M].北京:科学出版社,2001.[2] OLVER P.Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations[M].NewYork:Springer,1993.[3] BLUMAN G,ANCO S.Symmetry and Integration Methods for DifferentialEquations[M].New York:Springer-Verlag,2002.[4]HIROTA R,SATSUMA J.A variety of nonlinear network equations generated form the B¨acklund transformation for the Tota lattice[J].Suppl Prog Theor Phys,1976,59:64-100. 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关键词:mKdV方程孤立子行波解1 引言近年来,大量非线性发展方程,如KdV方程,mKdV方程,Burgers方程,Boussinesq方程,ZK方程等被广泛地研究。



要说明的是,在下面的计算中我们引入如下定义的q型双曲函数(q为常数,且)3 结论本文所讨论的非线性方程Eq.(1)尽管此前已被研究过,但我们仍然希望能找到新的方法去获得它的确切解。



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第二章 动力系统和奇点........................................................................ 4
2.1 动力系统.................................................................................................................. 4
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高科技出行方式英语作文初中生In today's fast-paced world, technology has revolutionized the way we travel. From electric scooters to self-driving cars, there are now a variety of high-tech transportation options available to us. These advanced modes of transportation not only make our journeys more convenient and efficient, but also help reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainability.One of the most popular high-tech travel options is the electric scooter. These compact and eco-friendly vehicles are perfect for short trips around the city. With their lightweight design and electric motor, electric scooters allow riders to zip through traffic and navigate crowded streets with ease. Many cities have also implemented electric scooter sharing programs, making it even more convenient for people to use this mode of transportation.Another cutting-edge travel option is the self-driving car. These autonomous vehicles use sensors and artificial intelligence to navigate the roads without human intervention. Self-driving cars offer a safe and efficient way to travel, as they can react quickly to changing road conditions and avoid accidents. In addition, self-driving cars have the potential to reduce traffic congestion and improve overall transportation efficiency.In recent years, electric bikes have also gained popularity as a high-tech travel option. These pedal-assist bikes use an electric motor to help riders travel longer distances with less effort. Electric bikes are a great alternative to traditional bicycles, as they allow riders to reach their destinations faster and with less physical exertion. Many cities are now investing in electric bike infrastructure, such as dedicated bike lanes and charging stations, to encourage more people to use this eco-friendly mode of transportation.In conclusion, high-tech travel options have transformed the way we get around. From electric scooters to self-driving cars, these advanced modes of transportation offer convenience, efficiency, and sustainability. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative travel options to emerge in the future. Embracing thesehigh-tech travel solutions can help us reduce our environmental impact and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.。


The results show that the equation exist a new double compacton solutions. The new compacton solutions are different from the famous Rosenau-Hyman compacton solutions, because they are derived by a singular elliptic curve tangenting to the homoclinic orbits rather than the singular straight line in the phase space. In Chapter 6, we study the relasionship of the parabola singular curves and the singular traveling wave. The deformed Hunter-Zheng equation is specifically studied and corresponding travelling wave system possing the parabola singular curves is well derived. This is the first time that this type of equations has been found. Futher studying the periodic curves tangent to the parabola singular curves, we obtain the new singular periodic wave and analyze its dynamical behaviors. In Chapter 7, we summarize the work of the paper and put forward the research work in the future. Keywords: peakon solutions; compacton solutions; cuspon solutions; pseudo-cuspon solutions;periodic wave solutions



PKP-方程的精确周期孤子解和双周期解李自田【摘要】应用同宿测试方法研究并获得了PKP-方程的新的精确周期孤子解和双周期解,同时得出了该方程在点p2=4处具有衰减性.从平衡点的左侧到右侧,方程的解从周期孤子解衰变为双周期解.【期刊名称】《山西大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2010(033)002【总页数】3页(P166-168)【关键词】周期孤子解;双周期;同宿测试法;衰减【作者】李自田【作者单位】曲靖师范学院,数学与信息科学学院,云南,曲靖,655011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.23在过去的二十年里,在非线性发展方程广泛出现的应用领域引起了数学和物理工作者的普遍关注,许多学者在这一领域进行了卓有成效的研究.特别是在精确解的寻求和获得方面开辟和发展了许多方法.诸如, F-扩展法[1];齐次平衡法[2]以及逆散射法[3]等.在本文中,我们将研究如下形式的PKP-方程:其中u:Rx×Ry×Rt→R.并且:取自“+”和“-”被分别称为PKP-I方程和PKP-II方程.众所周知,该模型属于潘勒卫不可积类型.但通过应用潘勒卫扩展变换,我们可将该方程转换为双线性方程,进而通过对双线性方程的研究,可找出并获得该方程的解.最近以来,该方程在诸多方面获得了较广泛的研究[3-6].许多学者在这些方面取得了很大的进展.文献[5]通过应用F-扩展函数的方法研究并获得了用椭圆函数表示的一系列周期波解;在文献[6]中,文章的作者给出了该系统的N-孤子解,并得出了该系统可简化为Melnikov-方程和KP-方程的特殊类型的结论.本文通过对双线形方程的研究,应用文献[7]发展起来的方法,即同宿测试法,获得了该方程的新的周期解和双孤子解,其中的一些方法的应用和结论在解决其他同类型的问题中将具有十分深远的意义.首先,我们考虑PKP-I方程:引入变换:将(3)代入方程(2),则方程(2)可化为:随后,我们采用下面的变换:将变换(5)代入方程(4),则我们得到如下形式的双线性方程:这里,算子“D”定义为:引入测试函数:其中b1,b2,Ω,τ,p是实数.将(7)式代入方程(6),通过计算,我们得到如下的关系式:从而,将(8)代入(7)并代入(5),我们得到方程的周期孤子解:显然,我们要求条件:以便使式(8)中的Ω2>0,从而确保Ω能取到实数.把ζ=x+t代入(9)中,并令b2=1.从而,我们得到下列形式的周期孤子解:考察如下形式的PKP-II方程:应用和上面使用的相同的变换以及处理PKP-I方程所用的类似的方法,我们有双线性方程:设:将(13)代入方程(12)并应用符号计算系统,我们获得了方程(11)的精确解:其中系数满足:同理,要求条件:p2>4,从而使得(15)中Ω的满足Ω2>0.类似地,我们取b2=1.则PKP-II方程的精确解具有如下表达式:考虑变换:(ζ,y)→(ζ,iy)将它代入(9)并令τ=0.我们得到了一个新解,它是一个双周期解:比较方程(2)和方程(11),我们不难发现,只要我们应用时间和空间的变换(ζ,y)→(ζ,iy),方程(2)可以转换为方程(11),反之亦然.这样,我们获得了PKP-I方程的双周期解: 其中:p2-4>0.注意到,(18)是PKP-I方程的奇性周期解.为了避免奇性,我们令cos(Ωy)>0和cosp(x+t)>0.此外,同理可得PKP-II方程的双周期解:其中,要求条件:p2-4<0.依据讨论,我们得出结论:p2=4是PKP-I方程和PKP-II方程的唯一周期分歧点.在p2=4的两侧, PKP-I方程和PKP-II方程的解的性质发生了改变.当平衡点p2从4的一侧变到另一侧,周期孤子解衰变为双周期解.【相关文献】[1] ZHANG Hui-qun.New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations,Part II[J].Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,2008,37:1328-1334.[2] ZHOU Yu-bin,WNAG Ming-liang,MIAO Tian-de.The Periodic Wave Solutions and Solitary Wave Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations[J].Phys Lett A,2004,323(1-2):77-88.[3] ABLOWITZ M J,CLARKSON P A.Solitons,Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Inverse Scattering Transform[M]. Cambridge University Press,1990:8-17[4] CARIELLO F,TABOR M.Painleve Expansions for Non-integrable Evolution Equations[J].Physica D:Nonlinear Phenomena,1989,39(1):77-94.[5] AKHMEDIEV N,ANKIEWICZ A.Solitons,Nonlinear Pulses and Beams[M].Chapman and Hall,London,1997:124-127.[6] ZHOU Yu-bin,WANG Ming-liang.Periodic Wave Solutions to a Coupled Kdv Equations with Variable Coefficients[J]. Phys Lett A,2003,308(1):31-36.[7] DAI Zheng-de,LI Shao-ling,ZHU Ai-jun.Singular Periodic Soliton Solutions and Resonance for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation[J].Chaos,Solitons andFractals,2007,34(4):1148.。



(2+1)维 Bq 方程为:
将方程(3-1)等价代换成导数表达式,则方程(3-1)化为以 下的常微分方程
将方程(3-2)两边关于 ξ 积分两次,且令积分常数为零,则 得到如下式子
平衡方程(3-3)中的 U" 项与 U2 项,有 M + 2 = 2M,可知 M =
利用推广的 Tanh 函数法求(2+1)维 Bq 方程
(云南工程职业学院,云南 安宁 650304)
摘 要:本文利用推广的 Tanh 函数展开法对(2+1)维 Bq 方程进行讨论,借助 Maple 的符号运算功能,得到了这个方程的一些 精确行波解 .
关键词:推广的 Tanh 函数展开法;(2+1)维 Bq 方程;精确行波解
的基础上提出了推广的 Tanh 函数展开法[6-8]. 2 两类非线性方程的现状
(2+1)维 Boussinesq(Bq)方程:
它们是两个重要的非线性方程,在科学领域里被广泛运用 于物理学和工程学。关于方程(1-1),文献[9]用 Ansatz 函数展 开法得到其周期孤立波解,关于方程(1-2),文献[10]用双线性 微分法分别求得了当 δ = 1 和 δ = -1 时的 KP 方程(KP-Ⅰ和 KPⅡ)的周期孤立波解 . 本文将利用文献[6]中推广的 Tanh 函数 法,得到文献[9]中的(2+1)维 Bq 方程和文献[10]中的 KP 方程 的精确行波解 .
linear Evolution Equation by Using the First Integral Method [J].Commun Nonlinear Sci Number Simular,2009,V14:1810-



Travelling is a rewarding and enriching experience that offers a myriad of benefits. It allows individuals to step out of their comfort zones,explore new cultures,and gain a broader perspective on life.Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay about travel:1.Introduction to Travel:Begin your essay by introducing the concept of travel and its significance.You might mention how travel has evolved over the centuries,from the Silk Road to modernday air travel.2.Cultural Exchange:Discuss the importance of cultural exchange in travel.Describe how immersing oneself in a different culture can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the worlds diversity.3.Personal Growth:Elaborate on how travel can contribute to personal growth.Travel often pushes individuals to adapt to new environments,learn new languages,and develop problemsolving skills.cational Value:Highlight the educational aspects of travel.Its not just about visiting famous landmarks its also about learning history,geography,and the social dynamics of different regions.5.Economic Impact:Consider the economic benefits of travel,both for the traveler and the visited regions.Tourism can boost local economies,create jobs,and promote international trade.6.Environmental Considerations:Address the environmental impact of travel.Discuss sustainable tourism practices and the importance of preserving natural and cultural heritage sites.7.Technological Advancements:Reflect on how technology has transformed the travel experience.From booking flights online to using apps for navigation and translation, technology has made travel more accessible and convenient.8.Challenges and Solutions:Acknowledge the challenges that travelers may face,such as language barriers,cultural misunderstandings,or safety concerns.Propose solutions or strategies for overcoming these obstacles.9.Memories and Stories:Convey the emotional aspect of travel.Share how travel experiences can create lasting memories and stories that enrich ones life.10.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of your essay and reiterate why travel is a valuable and transformative experience.Encourage readers to consider the benefits of travel and perhaps inspire them to embark on their own journeys.Remember to use descriptive language and personal anecdotes to make your essay engaging and relatable.Additionally,providing examples from your own travels or from wellknown travel literature can add depth and credibility to your writing.。



5阶色散方程的对称和精确解李康【摘要】对于5阶色散方程,利用李群理论求出了它的对称,基于求得的对称与原方程相容,求出了5阶色散方程的一些精确解,包括暗孤子解、周期解等.【期刊名称】《聊城大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(027)003【总页数】4页(P46-49)【关键词】5阶色散方程;对称;精确解【作者】李康【作者单位】聊城大学数学科学学院,山东聊城252059【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.2近些年来,为了求解非线性数学物理方程精确解,描绘了大量的行之有效的求解方法,如修正的CK直接方法、经典和非经典李群方法、扩展的G′/G方法、广义代数方法等等[1-5].但由于求解非线性方程较复杂,技巧强,因此所描绘的求解方法没有普适性,只能针对具体方程试探性的借助各种方法的结合来寻求某些非线性发展方程的特解.色散方程是近代物理学提出的一类区别于经典的扩散方程和对流方程的典型的数学物理方程.本文考虑5阶色散方程[6]其中α,β是任意非零常数.文献[7]通过试探方程法,得到了5阶色散方程的某些精确解.本文借助李群理论求出方程(1)的对称,然后利用这些对称及tanh函数变换法,(G′/G)-展开法[8-10]以及借助Riccati辅助方程[11]求出(1)的某些精确解.假设方程(1)的对称σ满足方程且方程(2)有下述形式的解其中a(x,t),b(x,t),c(x,t),d(x,t)是关于x,t的待定函数.函数u满足5阶色散方程.将(1)式带入(3)式,可得将(4)式带入(2)式,合并整理,并令独立项的u及它的导数项的系数为零,解得故5阶色散方程的对称为其中Ci(k=1,2,3,4)为任意常数.从(5)可知道,方程(1)的对称构成一个4维李代数.为了利用方程(5)求解方程(1),将方程(1)与(5)联立得到方程组下面分情况讨论方程(6)和(7)的公共解,即可得到方程(1)的精确解情况 1 当C2=1,C1=C3=C4=0时,对应方程(7)的解为u=f(x),由此导出方程(6)对应的常微分方程下面利用G′/G展开方法求解方程(8).通过平衡(8)式中的最高阶导数项和非线性项,可得(8)式应有满足下式的解其中ai(i=0,1,2)为待定常数,G=G(ξ)满足二阶线性常微分方程其中λ,γ是任意常数.将(9)式代入(8)式,并利用(10)式,令(G′/G)的同次幂项的系数为零,可得a0=a0,a1=-,a2=-,因此(9)式可表示为将(10)式的解代入(11)式可得5阶色散方程的三种形式的行波解:当λ2-4γ>0时,u1=-(λ2-4γ)()2++a0.当λ2-4γ<0时,u2=-(4γ-λ2)()2++a0.当λ2-4γ=0时,u3 = - + + a0 ,其中D1,D2,a0是任意常数.情况 2 当C2=C4=1,C1=C3=0时,对应方程(7)的解为u=f(ξ),其中ζ=-x+t,由此导出方程(6)对应的常微分方程1) 利用tanh变换法求解方程(12).通过平衡(12)式中的最高阶导数项和非线性项,可得(12)式应有满足下式的解其中ai(i=0,1,2)为待定常数,v(ξ)=tanh(kξ),=k(1-v2),k是任意常数.将(13)式代入(12)式,令v的同次幂项的系数等于零,可得a0=a0,a1=0,a2=-,因此(13)式可表示为f=a0-v(ξ)2,故5阶色散方程的解为u=a0-tanh(kξ)2,其中ξ=-x+t,a0,k是任意常数.2) 借助Riccati辅助方程求解方程(12).通过平衡(12)式中的最高阶导数项和非线性项,可得(12)式应有满足下式的解其中ai(i=0,1,2)为待定常数,φ满足(15)式Riccati方程.将(14)(15)式代入(12)式,令v的同次幂项的系数等于零,可得a2=-,a1=-,a0=a0,故f=a0-φ(ξ)-φ(ξ)2. (1) 当A=,B=0,C=-时,φ1=cothξ±cschξ,φ2=tanhξ±isechξ,φ3=,φ4=,则原方程的解为u1=a0-(cothξ±cschξ)2,u2=a0-(tanhξ±isechξ)2,u3=a0-,u4=a0-.(2) 当A=C=,B=0时,φ5=tanξ±secξ,φ6=cscξ-cotξ,φ7=,则原方程的解为(3) 当A=C=-,B=0时,φ8=cotξ±cscξ,φ9=secξ-tanξ,φ10=,则原方程的解为(4) 当A=1,B=0,C=-1时,φ11=tanξ,φ12=cotξ,则原方程的解为(5) 当A=1,C=-4,B=0时,φ13=, 则原方程的解为(6) 当A=1,B=0,C=4时,φ14=, 则原方程的解为(7) 当A=-1,B=0,C=-4时,φ15=, 则原方程的解为(8) 当A=1,B=-2,C=2时,φ16=, 则原方程的解为(9) 当A=1,B=2,C=2时,φ17=, 则原方程的解为(10) 当A=-1,B=2,C=-2时,φ18=, 则原方程的解为(11) 当A=-1,B=-2,C=-2时,φ19=, 则原方程的解为其中ξ=-x+t,a0为任意常数.情况 3 当C4=1,C1=C2=C3=0时,方程仅有平凡的常数解u=p, p为常数.情况 4 当C1=1,C2=C3=C4=0.时,对应方程(7)的解为u=,其中ξ=,由此导出方程(6)对应的常微分方程f′-125αξ3f′-250αξ2f′2-130αξf′f-50αξ2ff″-12αf2-3125βξ5f‴″-43750βξ4f″″-172500βξ3f‴-207000βξ2f″-54720βξf′-720βf=0.如果求出上述方程的解,则可得到方程(1)的新的精确解.本文利用李群方法对5阶色散方程进行约化,先求出5阶色散方程的对称,然后结合tanh函数变换法及(G′/G)的方法,求出5阶色散方程的精确解.应用这种方法可求出许多非线性偏微分方程组的精确解,表明这种方法是实用有效的.【相关文献】[1] 陈美.耦合的Ramani方程组的对称约化和精确解[J].聊城大学学报:自然科学版,2011,24(3):1-4.[2] 张琳琳,辛祥鹏.(2+1)维修正的KP方程的精确解[J].聊城大学学报:自然科学版,2009,22(3):9-13.[3] 董仲舟,王玲.(2+1)维Boussinesq方程的对称、约化、群不变解及守恒律[J].聊城大学学报:自然科学版,2007,20(1):21-24.[4] 陈美,刘希强.Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky方程组的对称、精确解和守恒律[J].纯粹数学与应用数学,2011,27(1):533-539.[5] 李宁.两类非线性发展方程的精确解[J].聊城大学学报:自然科学版,2012,25(2):1-5.[6] Z B Li. Exact solitary wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equation, In: Math-ematics Mechanization and Application, Eds.X S Gao and D M Wang, England:Academic Press,2000[7] 宋国亮,郑颖.五阶色散方程的精确行波解.大庆石油学院学报,2009,49(33):107-109.[8] 刘子健,刘希强,桑波.非线性发展方程的新精确解[J].西北师范大学学报,2012,48(2):21-36.[9] 王岗伟,张颖元.变系数KdV-Burgers方程的精确解[J].聊城大学学报:自然科学版,2011,24(2):9-12.[10] Wang Mingilang, Li Xiangzheng. The-expansion method and travelling wave solution of nonlinear evolution equation in the mathematical physics[J]. Phy Lett A, 2008,372:417-423.[11] Cheng H T, Zhang H Q. New multiple solution-like to (3+1)-dimensional Burgers equation with variable coefficients [J]. Theor Phys, 2004(42):497-500.。



New Travelling Wave Solutions for Generalized Nizhnik-Novikov- Veselov Equations 作者: 邹科发;李雪臣
作者机构: 许昌学院数学与统计学院,河南许昌461000
出版物刊名: 许昌学院学报
页码: 6-13页
年卷期: 2012年 第2期
主题词: 行波解;广义NNV方程组;孤立波解;修正的G'/G展开法;齐次平衡法

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ISSN 1749-3889 (print), 1749-3897 (online) International Journal of Nonlinear Science Vol.7(2009) No.4,pp.455-461
Exact Travelling Wave Solutions of Generalized Zakharov Equations with Arbitrary Power Nonlinearities
S A El-Wakil 1 ,A R Degheidy 1 ,E M Abulwafa 1 ,M A Madkour 1 ,M T Attia 1 , M A Abdou 1,2 ∗
1 Theoretical
Research Group,Physics Department,Faculty of Science,Mansoura University,35516 Mansoura,Egypt 2 Faculty of Education for Girls,Physics Department,King Kahlid University,Bisha,Saudia Arabia

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: m abdou eg@ Copyright c World Academic Press, World Academic Union IJNS.2009.06.30/248
International Journal of Nonlinear Science,Vol.7(2009),No.4,pp. 455-461
(Received 5 November 2008, accepted 18 April 2009)
Abstract: An extended F-expansion method with a computerized symbolic computation for constructing a new exact travelling wave solutions for generalized Zakharov equations with arbitrary power nonlinearitie.As a result, many exact travelling wave solutions are obtained which include new periodic wave solution,trigonometric function solutions and rational solutions.The method is straightforward and concise,and it can also be applied to other nonlinear evolution equations arising in mathematical physics. It is worthwhile to mention that the method is straightforward and concise, and it can also be applied to other nonlinear evolution equations in physics. Keywords:generalized Zakharov equations;F-expansion method;new travelling wave solutions;solitary wave solutions
The investigation of the travelling wave solutions for nonlinear evolution equations arising in mathematical physics plays an important role in the study of nonlinear physical phenomena.The nonlinear evolution equations are major subjects in physical science, appears in various scientific and engineering fields,such as fluid mechanics,plasma physics,optical fibers,biology,solid state physics, chemical kinematics, chemical physics and ochemistry.In the past several decades,new exact solutions may help to find new phenomena.A variety of powerful methods for obtaining the exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations have been presented [1 − 15]. The application of computer algebra to science has a bright future.In the field of nonlinear science,to find as many and general as possible exact solutions for a nonlinear system is one of the most fundamental and significant study. In the line with the development of computerized symbolic computation,much work has been focused on the various extensions and application of the known algebraic methods to construct the solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. In recent years,numerical analysis [16] has considerably been developed to be used for nonlinear partial equations such as Ginzburg-Landau equation,which is a class of a Schrodinger equation with a nonlinear term [17].This equationitude evolution of instability waves in a large variety of dissipative systems which are close to criticality. Various forms of Ginzburg-Landau equation arise in hydrodynamic instability theory: the development of Tollmien-Schlichting waves in plane Poiseuille flows, the nonlinear growth of convection rolls in the Rayleigh-Bnard problem, and appearance of Taylor vortices in the flow between counter rotating circular cylinders [18, 19], The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 contains the description of the problem of generalized Zakharov equations.In Section 3, we simply provide the mathematical framework of the extended
Formulating the problem
Htt − Hxx = (|u|2m )xx , iut + uxx = Hu + α|u|2m u + β |u|4m u,
Let us first consider the generalized Zakharov equations as [20] (1) (2)
where m > 0,α,β are constants.If m = 1,α = β = 0,Eqs.(1) and (2) reduces to the famous Zakhrov equation as Htt − Hxx = (|u|2 )xx , (3) iut + uxx = Hu Making use the following transformation u(x, t) = v (x, t) 2m ei(kx+wt) Substituting Eq.(5) into Eqs.(1) and (2),we have Htt − Hxx = vxx , 1 v2 − 1] x − 2mk 2 v − 2m[Hv + αv 2 + βv 3 ] = 0 2m v By introducing a complex variation defined as η = µ(x − 2kt),then Eqs.(6) and (7) reduces to i[vt + 2kvx ] − 2mwv + vxx + [ µ2 [4k 2 − 1]H = µ2 v − 2mwv + µ2 v + [ Solving Eq.(6) for H ,we obtain H= Inserting Eq.(9) into (8) yields −2mwv + µ2 v + [ 1 v2 v2 − 1]µ2 − 2mk 2 v − 2m[ 2 + αv 2 + βv 3 ] = 0 2m v 4k − 1 (10) (6) (7)