1.Simile xx明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性.标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等.例如:1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud.3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成.例如:1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.I.以容器代替内容,例如:1>.The kettle boils. 水开了.2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说.III.以作者代替作品,例如:VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱.4.Synecdoche 提喻提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般.例如:1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体)他的厂里约有100名工人.2>.He is the of this century.(特殊代一般)他是本世纪的牛顿.3>.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分)这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配.5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉”。
英语中有19种修辞手法,它们分别是:Simile明喻、Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻、Metonymy 借喻,转喻、Synecdoche 提喻、Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉、Personification 拟人、Hyperbole 夸张、Parallelism 排比,平行、Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法、Allegory 讽喻,比方、Irony 反语、Pun 双关、Parody 仿拟、Rhetorical question 修辞疑问、Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶、Paradox 隽语、Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻、Climax 渐进法,层进法、Anticlimax 渐降法。
下面和大家分享一下这19种修辞手法的全部解释和例句,快来学习吧!1.Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比。
标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等。
例如:1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow。
2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud。
3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale。
2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。
例如:1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper。
2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested。
英语中常见的修辞手法 Prepared on 22 November 2020英语中常见的修辞手法1明喻(Simile) simile-简明英汉词典['smli:]n.(使用like或as等词语的)明喻明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。
例如:Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。
)(大学英语第一册第三单元课文B)I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。
)2暗喻(the metaphor)metaphor-简明英汉词典['metf]n.隐喻暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。
例如:I will do anything I can to help him through life's dangerous sea.(我将全力帮助他穿越人生的惊涛骇浪。
)(第二册第三单元课文A)Consider that the same cultural soil producing the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and right of man in the modern world.(想想吧,孕育英语的文化土壤也同样为当今世界培育了自由和人权准则。
英语写作常用修辞手法1.Simile明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性. 标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等.例如: 1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.2>.I wandered lonely as c cloud.3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.2.Metaphor隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成.例如: 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.3>. I study all day as a bee .He has a heart of stone.4>. I study all day as a bee .3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻,换喻借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.I.以容器代替内容,例如: 1>.The kettle boils. 水开了.2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如: Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说.III.以作者代替作品,例如: a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如: I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱.4.Synecdoche提喻提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般.例如: 1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory. 他的厂里约有100名工人. 2>.He is the Newton of this century. 他是本世纪的牛顿. 3>.The fox goes very well with your cap. 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配.5.Personification 拟人拟人是把生命赋予无生命的事物.例如: 1>.The night gently lays her hand at our fevered heads.2>.I was very happy and could hear the birds singing in the woods.6.Irony 反语反语指用相反意义的词来表达意思的作文方式.如在指责过失.错误时,用赞同过失的说法,而在表扬时,则近乎责难的说法.例如: 1>.It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning. 2>"Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. "the waiter said to the beggar..Allegory讽喻,比方这是一种源于希腊文的修辞法,意为"换个方式的说法".它是一种形象的描述,具有双重性,表层含义与真正意味的是两回事.例如: 1>.Make the hay while the sun shines.2>.It's time to turn plough into sword.7.Hyperbole 夸张overstatement understatement夸张是以言过其实的说法表达强调的目的.它可以加强语势,增加表达效果..例如: 1>.I beg a thousand pardons.2>.Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars.3>.When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.8.Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法婉辞法指用委婉,文雅的方法表达粗恶,避讳的话. 例如:1>.He is out visiting the necessary. 他出去方便一下.2>.His relation with his wife has not been fortunate. 他与妻子关系不融洽.3>.Deng Xiaoping passed away in 19979. 移位修饰transferred epithet将本应该用来修饰某一类名词的修饰语用来修饰另一类名词。
常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如:1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。
2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。
3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。
1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets...德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨一样倾泻下来。
2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。
例如:1、The Great Wall was made not only of stones and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.长城不仅是用石头和土建造的,而且是用几百万人的血和肉建成的。
例如:1.The snow was like a white blanket drawn over the field.2.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to he ar him crow.认真观察以上各例,我们会发现它们的特点,由(as)... as, like等引导,这些引导词被称作比喻词(acknowledging word),它们是辨别明喻的最显著的特征,明喻较为直白,比喻物和被比喻物之间相似点较为明显,所以明喻是一种比较好判断的修辞手法。
例如:1.His friend has become a thorn in his side.(他的朋友已变成眼中钉肉中刺。
)2.You are your mother’s glass.(你是你母亲的翻版。
)3.Hope is a good breakfast, but it’s a bad supper.由以上各例可知,暗喻没有引导词,这是明喻和暗喻在形式上的最大区别。
如:He has a heart of stone. He has a heart like stone.很显然,前句是暗喻,后句是明喻。
谈到暗喻,有必要说说它的两种变体(variety):博喻(sustained metaphor)和延喻(extended metaphor),它们是英语比喻中的特殊类型。
比如:There again came out the second flash, with the spring of a serpent and the shout of a fiend, looked green as an emerald, and the reverberation was stunning.(爆发了第二次闪电,她像蛇一样蜿蜒,如魔鬼般嘶叫,像翠玉般碧绿,轰隆隆震耳欲聋。
”二、暗喻(Implicit Metaphor)暗喻是一种通过隐晦的方式进行比喻的修辞手法,不直接明示被比较的事物。
例如:“Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.”八、反问(Rhetorical Question)反问是一种用疑问句的形式表达肯定或否定的修辞手法,常用于强调某一观点或引起读者思考。
例句:Her laughter was music to my ears.(她的笑声如音乐般动听。
例句:The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.(花儿在轻风中跳舞。
例句:He was a real Romeo with the ladies.(他对女士们来说就像真正的罗密欧。
)反问(Rhetorical Question):用问句表达观点或意义,而不需要回答。
例句:Isn't it ironic that the firefighter's house burned down?(消防员的房子烧毁了,这不是讽刺吗?)平行结构(Parallelism):重复使用相同的语法结构,增强语言的韵律和效果。
例句:He came, he saw, he conquered.(他来了,他看到了,他征服了。
例句:I came, I saw, I conquered.(我来了,我看到了,我征服了。
例句:I've told you a million times not to do that!(我已经告诉你一百万次不要那样做了!)比较(Simile):通过使用"like"或"as"等词来比较两个事物,以形象地表达相似之处。
例句:She sings like an angel.(她唱歌如天使一般。
英语中的修辞手法1.明喻(Simile)明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。
例如:●He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushedsintoshis wrinkled face.●The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. (支票跌落到地上,像一只断了翅膀的小鸟。
)●Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。
)I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。
)2.暗喻(Metaphor)暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。
例如:●What will parents do without the electronic baby-sitter (如果没有这位电子保姆,父母该怎么办呢)形象地说明了电视机的保姆功用。
●... while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.(……但是我们中的很多人太容易给别人批评的冷风,而不愿意给自己的同伴赞扬的阳光。
英语语法:英语的19种修辞手法分析英语中有19种修辞手法分别是:Simile明喻、Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻、Metonymy 借喻,转喻、Synecdoche 提喻、Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉、Personification 拟人、Hyperbole 夸张、Parallelism 排比,平行、Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法、Allegory 讽喻,比方、Irony 反语、Pun 双关、Parody 仿拟、Rhetorical question 修辞疑问、Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶、Paradox 隽语、Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻、Climax 渐进法,层进法、Anticlimax 渐降法。
英语的19种修辞手法具体用法:1.Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比。
标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as 等。
例如:1.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow。
2.I wandered lonely as a cloud。
3.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out ofa fairy tale。
2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。
例如:1.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper。
2.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested。
• 2."Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. " The waiter said to the beggar.
• 作者对乞丐说,当然,你只收大钞,所以没零钱啦。
• 12、pun 双关 • 双关就是用一个词在句子中的双重含义、借题发挥、作
the woods. • 我很开心,似乎听到了林中唱歌的鸟儿。
• 7、hyperbole 夸张 • 夸张是以言过其实的说法表达强调的目的。它可以加强语
• • 举个例子
• 1. I beg a thousand pardons. • 我千百次地祈求宽恕
• 2. Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars.
《My heart leaps up我心雀跃》)
• 17、oxymoron 反意法、逆喻 • • 这也是一种矛盾修辞法,用两种不相调和的特征形容一
个事物,以不协调的搭配使读者领悟句中微妙的含义。 • 往往这样的句子写出来具有很震撼的效果。 • • 例如: • 1. No light, but rather darkness visible. • 没有光,但有看得见的黑暗。 •
• 2. If we don't hang together, we shall hang separately.
• 如果我们不团结,就上吊去吧。(注意两个hang意思不 一样)
• 13、parody 仿拟 • 这是一种模仿名言、警句、谚语,改动其中部分词语从
例如:1.The snow was like a white blanket drawn over the field.2.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.认真观察以上各例,我们会发现它们的特点,由(as)... as, like等引导,这些引导词被称作比喻词(acknowledging word),它们是辨别明喻的最显著的特征,明喻较为直白,比喻物和被比喻物之间相似点较为明显,所以明喻是一种比较好判断的修辞手法。
例如:1.His friend has become a thorn in his side.(他的朋友已变成眼中钉肉中刺。
)2.You are your mother’s glass.(你是你母亲的翻版。
)3.Hope is a good bre akfast, but it’s a bad supper.由以上各例可知,暗喻没有引导词,这是明喻和暗喻在形式上的最大区别。
如:He has a heart of stone. He has a heart like stone.很显然,前句是暗喻,后句是明喻。
谈到暗喻,有必要说说它的两种变体(variety):博喻(sustained metaphor)和延喻(extended metaphor),它们是英语比喻中的特殊类型。
比如:There again came out the second flash, with the spring of a serpent and the sho ut of a fiend, looked green as an emerald, and the reverberation was stunning.(爆发了第二次闪电,她像蛇一样蜿蜒,如魔鬼般嘶叫,像翠玉般碧绿,轰隆隆震耳欲聋。
1. 明喻Simile明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比。
说明本体事物“像”喻体事物,在本体和喻体之间存在明显的喻词,例如like, as, as if, as though, as…as…, seem, similar to, such as等等。
举例:(1)He drove as if possessed by the devil.他着魔似地驾车狂奔。
(2)It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。
2. 隐喻/暗喻Metaphor隐喻/暗喻,是根据两个事物的某些共同特征,用一事物去暗示另一事物,本体和喻体间没有明显的比喻词,但常常用be来做连接,也可以将be理解为喻词,有时也会用become, turn into等词,是指在暗中打比方。
举例:(1)He has a heart of stone.他铁石心肠。
(2)Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.3. 拟人Personification所谓拟人,就是把生命赋予无生命的事物,例如将人的特点加于事物之上。
举例:(1)How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth, stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!时间,这个盗窃青春的狡猾的小偷,盗窃了我二十又三年!(把时间比拟成小偷)4. 夸张Hyperbole夸张,就是把事物的特征有意地加以夸大或缩小,即“言过其实”,可以加强语势,达到强调的效果。
英语中常用的修辞手法英语中常用的修辞手法有以下几种:1. Simile(明喻):通过使用“like”或“as”等词将两个不同的事物进行比较,以突出它们的相似之处。
Example: Her eyes were like stars in the night sky.2. Metaphor(隐喻):将一个事物直接比作另一个事物,而不使用“like”或“as”等词。
Example: Life is a journey.3. Personification(拟人):赋予无生命的事物以人类的特征或行为。
Example: The wind whispered through the trees.4. Hyperbole(夸张):故意夸大或夸张某个事物的特征或程度。
Example: I could sleep for a year.5. Parallelism(排比):使用相同或相似的结构、语法或词汇来表达一个想法或主题。
Example: She is smart, talented, and beautiful.6. Alliteration(头韵):重复相同的声音或字母,以增强语言的韵律和节奏。
Example: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.7. Onomatopoeia(拟声):使用与所描述的声音相似的词汇来模拟声音。
Example: The clock tick-tocked in the quiet room.8. Repetition(重复):重复某个词汇或短语以增强语言的效果。
Example: Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a castle.9. Antithesis(对比):将两个相反的想法或概念放在一起进行对比。
Example: Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.这些修辞手法可以帮助作者更生动、形象地表达自己的意思,增强语言的感染力和说服力。
英语的修辞手法英语的修辞手法有很多种,其中一些常见的修辞手法包括:1. 比喻(Metaphor): 指的是用一个事物来比喻另一个事物,从而使语言更加生动、形象。
例如,"She is a lioness in the office." (她是一只办公室中的母狮子。
)2. 拟人(Personification): 指的是将事物或概念拟人化,从而使语言更加生动、形象。
例如,"The mountains were dressed in white and the sky wept tears." (群山披上白色,天空流下泪水。
)3. 排比(Parallelism): 指的是用相似的结构来表达三个或以上的事物,从而使语言更加有力、优美。
例如,"To fish, to hunt, to plant, to harvest, to eat." (钓鱼,打猎,种植,收获,食用。
)4. 夸张(Hyperbole): 指的是用夸张的手法来表达一个事物或概念,从而使语言更加生动、形象。
例如,"She is as fast as lightning." (她快如闪电。
)5. 反问(Rhetorical Question): 指的是用问题的形式来表达一个观点或情感,从而增强语言的力量。
例如,"Isn't life beautiful, floating on the waves of life?" (生活难道不美好吗?在生命的波浪上漂浮。
)6. 讽刺(Satire): 指的是用讽刺的手法来表达对某人或某事的不满或轻蔑,从而引起读者的共鸣。
例如,"The CEO is such a genius that he can even solve the problems of his own company." (CEO如此天才,甚至能解决自己公司的问题。
今天小编为大家介绍20中常见的英文修辞手法,任你挑选,喜欢哪种用哪种~ Simile明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比,这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性。
标志词常用:like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as 等。
例如:1. I wandered lonely as a stray dog.我像一只流浪狗一样孤独地四处漂泊。
2. Einstein likes to put a cloak on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.爱因斯坦喜欢披着斗篷,就好像刚刚从童话故事中走出来。
例如:1. Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.希望是顿美好的早餐,但却是一顿糟糕的晚餐。
2. Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.一些书需要被“浅尝辄止”地阅读,另一些需要被“狼吞虎咽”般地阅读;很少一部分需要被“细嚼慢咽”地阅读。
1. 以容器代替内容,例如:1)The kettle boils.水开了。
2)The room sat silent.全屋人安静地坐着。
2. 以资料、工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please.请听我说。
3. 以作者代替作品,例如:a complete Shakespeare莎士比亚全集4. 以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it.我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱。
以下是英语中常见的30种修辞手法:Alliteration(头韵): 一组词以相同的辅音音素开头。
Assonance(音韵): 一组词以相似的元音音素结尾或出现在词中。
Consonance(谐音): 一组词以相似的辅音音素结尾或出现在词中。
Simile(明喻): 使用"like"或"as"来进行比较,以明确两个不同的事物之间的相似之处。
Metaphor(隐喻): 通过将一个事物或概念直接应用于另一个事物或概念来进行比喻。
Personification(拟人): 赋予非人类事物或抽象概念人类的特征和行为。
Hyperbole(夸张法): 通过夸大和放大来强调一个观点或形容事物。
Understatement(轻描淡写法): 通过故意低估事物的重要性或程度来强调其效果。
Irony(讽刺): 通过语言表达与实际意义相反或冲突的观点。
Paradox(矛盾): 使用自相矛盾的语句来引起读者的思考和注意。
Oxymoron(矛盾修辞法): 将两个相反的词或短语并列使用,形成矛盾的修辞效果。
Euphemism(委婉语): 使用较为委婉的措辞来替代直接或冒犯性的表达。
Repetition(重复): 在文章或诗歌中重复使用相同的词语或短语来强调观点。
Parallelism(排比): 使用类似的语法结构或句式来强调一组观点。
Antithesis(对偶): 在句子或短语中对立地表达两个相反的观点或概念。
Climax(递进): 通过递进的方式将观点或事件按照重要性或程度进行排列。
Juxtaposition(并列): 将两个不同的事物或观点放置在一起,以产生对比或突出效果。
Anaphora(回文): 在连续的句子或短语中重复使用相同的词语或短语。
Epiphora(尾韵): 在句子或短语的结尾重复使用相同的词语或短语。
Allusion(典故): 引用文学、历史或文化中的人物、事件或作品来传达观点或增加文采。
英语 修辞手法
![英语 修辞手法](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7bfe9316ac02de80d4d8d15abe23482fb4da02ab.png)
例如,“He is a lion”(他是一只狮子)就是一个隐喻,用来形容某人勇敢、强大。
例如,“The wind whispered in the trees”(风在树林中低语)就是一个拟人,将风赋予了人的声音。
例如,“I am a leaf in the wind”(我就像风中的一片叶子)就是一个排比,强调自己的无助和脆弱。
例如,“He is not the type to give up easily”(他不是那种轻易放弃的人)就是一个反衬,强调他坚韧不拔的品质。
例如,“S he was so angry, she could have torn the roof off”(她气得能把房顶掀了)就是一个夸张,强调她愤怒的程度。
常见的英语修辞修辞手法(figure of speech)修辞手法是通过修饰、调整语句,运用特定的表达形式以提高语言表达作用的方式和方法。
常见的英语修辞1.simile明喻A simile is a figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly compared, usually in a phrase introduced by like or as.明喻是常用as或like等词将两种不同事物通过比较而连接起来的一种修辞手法。
让我们看几个例子:Good coffee is like friendship: rich and warm and strong.好的咖啡如同友谊,丰厚,温暖,热烈。
Life is rather like opening a tin of sardines. We're all of us looking for the key.人生就像一罐沙丁鱼,我们大家都在找开启的起子。
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen from him to crow.他这人就像一只骄傲的公鸡,以为太阳升起是为了它的啼叫。
2.metaphor暗喻A metaphor is a trope or figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.暗喻是将两种有共同点的不同事物进行隐晦比较的修辞手法。
明喻与暗喻的不同点就在于是否有出现like或者as(像)这一类比喻词,下面这几个句子都是暗喻:Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take action.幽默是生活的减震器,它可以鼓舞人们付诸于行动。
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常见英文修辞手法(Figures of Speech)英文的修辞手法种类繁多,功能多样,但总体说来,采用修辞手法,目的是为了使表达生动、形象,有感染力,给人以美感,即实现许渊冲先生所指的的语言的三美:“音美、形美和意美”。
1. figures of comparison: simile, metaphor. (resemblance of two identities) Simile: a figure involves an expressed comparison, always introduced by “like”, “as”or “as if”.e.g.:a. Hair is all over his head a foot long and hanging from his chin like a kinky mule tail. (Alice Walker: Everyday Use for Your Grandmama)b. Maggie‟s hand is as limp as a fish. (Alice Walker: Everyday Use for Your Grandmama)Metaphor: the substitution of one thing for another because of the resemblance between them. It is an implied comparison without “as” or “like”. Nouns, verbs and adjectives can be used metaphorically.e.g.:a. Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar. (The Middle Eastern Bazaar)b. The dye-market, the pottery-market and the carpenters‟ market lie elsewhere in the maze of the vaulted streets which honeycomb this bazaar. (The Middle Eastern Bazaar)c. Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. (The Trial that Rocked the World)d. H. L. Mencken wrote sulphurous dispatches sitting in his pants with a fan blowing on him…(The Trial that Rocked the World)2. Personification: a figure that endows objects, animals, ideas, or abstractions with human form, character, or sensibility.1)TO inanimate objects(把无生命的物体拟人化)e.g.:a. The thirsty soil drank in the rain.b. The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and brings out surprises of beauty.2) to inanimate living organisms (把有生物拟人化) e.g.a. He (the Fox) muttered as he retreated: “Well! What does it matter! The Grapes are sour!”….( Aesop’s Fables)b. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.(Tagore: Stray Birds)3) To inanimate concepts or ideas (把抽象概念拟人化) e.g.:a. Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can. (谬误经不起失败,但真理却不怕失败)(Tagore: Stray Birds)b. These little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.(这些微思,是绿叶的簌簌之声呀;他们在我的心里,愉快地微语着。
)(Tagore: Stray Birds) 郑振铎译c. In November, a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called Pneumonia, stalked about the colony, touching one here and there with his icy fingers. Over on the east side the ravager strode boldly, smiting his victims by scores. (O. Henry: The Last Leaves )3. Metonymy: the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated1) To substitute sb./ sth. with instrument; e.g.:a.The pen is mightier than the sword.b.He is too fond of the bottle. /The baby was brought up on the bottle.c.The pot has boiled over.2) to substitute sb./ sth. with its own typical features; e.g.:a.The blue eyes walked into the office.b.Led on the gray-hair’d wisdom of the east.c.His aunt wept over him and asked him how he could go and break her old hartso; and finally told him to go on, and ruin himself and bring her gray hairs with sorrow to the grave,for it was no use for her to try any more. ( Tom Sawyer)3) other formsa.On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest livingthinker ceased to think.b.Do you like Beethoven?c.The captain had fallen in possession of a complete Shakespeare.d.Washington has reacted cautiously to the latest peace proposals.4. Synecdoche (: the naming of a part to mean the whole, or the whole to the part, as in “hands”for “men who do manual labor.1) Part for the wholea.Many hands make light work. 人多好办事。
b.Two heads are better than one.2)The whole for the parta.T he world knows his worth.b.The football match was a close contest. In the end, England won.c.This fox goes very well with your cap.3) Material for the producta.The little girl’s piggy bank is full of nickels.b.He is preparing a paper on World population for our next meeting.5. Euphemism (委婉语): the substitution of an offensive expression for one that may be disagreeable, a taboo, etc. e.g.:a.And, it being low water, he went out with the tide. (Charles Dickens: DavidCopperfield) Other euphemistic expression for death: to pass away, to be no more, to be gone, to go west, to fall asleep, to breathe one‟s last, to meet one‟s Maker, to go to the way of all earth, to return to dust, to join the majority, etc.b.He fed his family on bowls of sunshine. (He had nothing to feed his family on.)Other similar expressions: to live on air, to live on illusionsc.西方媒体常用委婉语来掩盖矛盾,粉饰太平:e.g.: “the culturally deprived, theunderprivileged or disadvantaged”for “the poor”; “ethnic neighborhood”for “slums or ghettos”, “industrial action”for “strike”, “disturbance”for “riot”, “in difficulties” for “in debts”, “a man of doubtful taste” for “a man of bad taste”, “a lady of the town” for “a prostitute”, “queer” for “homosexua l”.中文中也不乏类似的例子:“工读学校”--- “青少年罪犯劳教学校”;“待业青年”---“没有工作的或者失业的青年”6. Allusion (引喻):这一修辞手法与汉语引用中的“暗引”相近似,它包括引用典故、谚语、成语、格言和俗语等。