华丽版Pragmatics语用学 (Angela design)




Nice to see you all back againChapter One Introduction1. the origin of pragmatics1) about the term “pragmatics”语用学The term "Pragmatics" was first used by Charles William Morris" Foundations of the Theory of Sign"( 1938) .Semiotics syntax semantics users2) the establishmentPragmatics, as a comparatively new and independent discipline of linguistics, appeared in1970s with the publication of "Journal of Pragmatics" in Hetherlands in1977. Before that time the study of pragmatics was limited in the field of linguistic philosophy.3) The three stages in the development of pragmatics:the first stage is from the late 1930s to late 1940s----Pierce, Morris and Carnap considered pragmatics to be a branch of semiology符号学and all the studies were within the domain of philosophy;The second stage is from the beginning of 1950s to late 1960s----Austin, Searle and Grice made studied on speech act and implicature theory, and their achievements sustained the basic theory of pragmatics. The studies were still within the domain of philosophy then;The third stage is after 1970s----the biggest three events happened and pragmatics became an independent discipline.a) In 1977 Mey and Haberland started the Journal of Pragmatics in Holand.b) In 1983 Levinson and Leech published their respectiveworks Pragmatics and Principle of Pragmatics, which set up the theoretic system of pragmatics.c) the set-up of the International Pragmatics Association in 1986 in Belgium.2. What is PragmaticsSome definitions of Pragmatics:1) Pragmatics is the study of all those aspects of meaning not captured in a semantic theory.2) Pragmatics is the study of the relations betweenlanguage and context that are basic to an account of lang understanding.3) Pragmatics is the study of linguistic acts and the contextsin which they are performed.4) Pragmatics is a theory which seeks to characterise howspeakers use the sentences of a language to effect successful communication.5) Pragmatics is the study of language use and linguistic communication.6) Pragmatics can be defined as the study of howutterances have meanings in situations.What do we find in common in the above definitions of Pragmatics?meaning contextBriefly speaking, pragmatics refers to the study language in use, or the meaning in context, or the use of language in communication, or the relationship between linguistic elements and the contexts or situations in which they are used.Language use----language systemthe distinguishing feature of language use from language system is:“One can mean more than one says”Examples:(1)只可意会,不可言传,言有尽而意无尽,词不达意,不知从何说起。


• Except lying, people flout a maxim to observe it in a further degree. Conversational implicature can only be induced in accordance to CP.
• Maxim of Quality: Try to make your contribution one that true:
– Do not say what you believe to be false. – Do not say something if you lack adequate
• but the imperatives in the CP are descriptive rather than prescriptive.
Violation of the maxims
• However, CP, like unwritten laws, is regulative and can be violated.
conversation, in which implicated messages are frequently involved.
• In daily conversations people do not usually say things but tend to imply them. The word “implicature” is used to refer to the extra meaning that is not explicitly expressed in the utterance. In making a conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate; otherwise, it would not be possible for them to carry on the talk. This general principle is called the cooperative principle : “make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.”


Waiter 2: He’s sitting by the door.
Fresh salad refers to the customer who ordered fresh salad.
Teacher: You can borrow my Shakespeare. Waiter: the ham sandwich left without paying. Nurse: The hernia(疝气)in room 5 wants to talk to the
A: Can I look at your Chomsky?
B: Sure, it’s on the shelf over there.
Chomsky refers to the book written by Chomsky. Waiter 1: Where’s the fresh salad sitting?
• You’ll have to bring
tomorrow Temporal deixis
because she isn’t Person deixis
Spatial deixis
Temporal deixis
here today.
All the deictic expressions have to be interpreted in terms of which person, place or time the speaker has in mind. We make a broad distinction between what is marked as close to the speaker(this, here, now) and what is distant(that, there, then), we can also indicate whether movement is away from the speaker’s location(go) or toward the speakers location(come).

语用学 pragmatics

语用学 pragmatics









语义学主要指狭义的语义学,即逻辑语义学,它研究句子和词语本身的意义,研究命题的真值条件(truth conditions)。

语用学研究言语使用上的意义,研究传递语言信息的适宜条件(felicity conditions)。

语义学揭示的意义是二元关系的句子意义(sentence meaning),解决"Whatdoes Xmean?"的问题。

语用学揭示的是三元关系的说话人意义(Speaker meaning),解决"What did you mean by X?"的问题。







Pragmatics 语用学简介

Pragmatics 语用学简介

6. 2 Violation of CP and Conversational Implicature
• • • Dear Sir, Mr X’s command of English is excellent, and his attendance at tutorials has been regular. Yours,
Lecture 8
Passage 23 Pragmatics • Questions: • 1. What are the definition and purpose of pragmatics? • 2. What are the speech act principles? • 3. What is illocutionary force? And what is implicit and • explicit illocutionary force? • 4. What are the conversational principles? • 5. What decides the appropriateness of speech? • 6. Why are implicit illocutionary force, conversation • principles, and presuppositions important?
9. Over-informativeness and additional information 10. Conversation analysis 11. Pragmatics and foreign language learning 12. Literary pragmatics

pragmatics 语用学

pragmatics 语用学

More Introductory Examples
• • • • • • • Ex. 1 I have a paper to typewrite. Can you type this paper for me? I’m busy now. Can you lend your typewriter to me ? Ex. 2 A bull market in Dianas (U.S. News and World Report, Jan. 12, 1998 124/1) • A bull market is a market in which share prices are rising.
John met Mary yesterday.
Amazingly, he already loves her.
Linguistic context
The knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer
Situational context
刘勰《文心雕龙· 章句》 “人之而言,因字而生句,积句而成章,积章而 成篇。篇之彪炳,章之无疵也;章之明靡,句 无玷也;句之精英,字无妄也。”
Amazingly, he already loves her. Something male and animate has arrived at a state of adoration of something female and animate.
Semantics: what does X mean? Pragmatics: what does the speaker mean by X?

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第一周

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第一周

❖ eg. 1. Susan’s brother was killed t in the tsunami.
❖ 2. Who do you love t?
Overt NPs
❖ 1. Lexical anaphors ❖ The composers admire themselves. ❖ 2. Pronouns ❖ He is Italian enough to understand the culture, and
Eg. 1. Lance Armstrong won the centenar Tor de France. 2. Lance Armstrong the centerary Tour de France won.
❖ Those aspectof meaning that are ascribeed to a sentence in the abstract, that is, a sentence independent of its realization in any concrete form.
❖ Eg. 1. Liszt adored chopin. ❖ 2. Chopin was adored by Liszt. ❖ 3. LISZT ADORED CHOPIN.
1.4 The advantage of studying language via pragmatics
❖ one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their assumptions, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of actions that they are performing when they speak.

Chapter 6 Pragmatics 语用学

Chapter 6 Pragmatics 语用学

Performatives (行事话语)
Instead of stating or describing something, the speaker, when uttering these sentences, is actually doing something, i.e. performing certain acts.
It was originated with the British philosopher John Austin. He thought that some statements were used by the speakers to do something.
He made a distinction between “constatives” aБайду номын сангаасd “performatives”
1.4 Sentence meaning & utterance meaning
Semantics is concerned with word meaning and sentence meaning, meanings predictable from the linguistic knowledge alone.
In contrast, pragmatics studies the meaning intended by the speakers, which can only be inferred with the contextual meaning.
For example, suppose a speaker said:
Another hearer, who was a native speaker might still ask for the further information: Which professor? before he could get the utterance meaning.

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第六周

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第六周

Triangular relation
• Utterer------linguistic forms------addressess
• Speak
• Presuppostion entailment

• Convey meaning • with one sentence •
b=Bill,c=Carol,L=like,M=mother, x and y are variables which may be translated as “someone”, “anyone” or “everyone”
• 1. M (a, b)
• 2. Ex (L (x,b)) • 3. L (b, c) ∧L (c, b) • 4. ~Ax (L (x, c)) • 5. L (a, b)∧~L (a, c) • 6. ~Ex (Ay (L (y,x)))
p q p ∧ q p∨ q p → q p≡ q
• 1.father=PARENT (x, y) ∧MALE (x) • 2.mother= PARENT (x, y) ∧~ MALE (x) • 3.son=CHILD (x, y) ∧ MALE (x) • 4.daughter=CHILD (x, y) ∧~ MALE (x) • 5.take=CAUSE (x, (HAVE (x, y))) • 6.give=CAUSE (x, (~ HAVE (x, y))) • 7. die=BECOME (x, (~ ALIVE (x))) • 8.kill=CAUSE (x, (BECOME (y, (~ ALIVE(y)))))

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第五周

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第五周

6.2.3 Anaphora (照应、回指) (Anaphoric reference)
The process where a word or phrase refers back to another word or phrase which was used earlier in a text or conversation is called anaphora.
Examples of referential and attributive uses
a. There’s a man waiting for you.
b. He wants to marry a woman with lots of money.
a. Premier Chou met the Pope in Rome in 1949.
In technical terms, the second or subsequent expression is the anaphor and the initial expression is the antecedent.
In most of our talk and writing, we have to keep track of who or what we are talking about for more than one sentence at a time, we use anaphoric reference.
It appears between language and culture. That is, there is a convention that certain referring expressions wil be used to identify certain entities on a regular basis.

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第四周

《语用学Pragmatics》课件 第四周
addressee. Inclusive “we”: speaker and addressee included.
(1)1. Debby: Go anywhere today? 2. Dan: Yes, we went down to Como. Up by bus, and back by hydrofoil.
Key points
Person deixis Spatial deixis
Difficult points
Deictic projection Non-deictic usage of the dictic expressions Psychological distance
2.1 Deixis
编码时间:(Coding time, 简称CT) 接收时间:(receiving time, 简称RT) 时间指和空间指的重要区别:CT和RT是一致
的,但在语言活动中,交际双方却永远不可能 处于同一空间位置。
Deictic center
说 ____go______take________>there
Psychological distance
Speaker may also wish to mark somethng that is physically close (for example, a perfume being sniffed by the speaker) s psychologically distant ‘I don’t like that’.
Speakers also seem to be able to project themselves into other locations prior to actually being in those locations:



新版简明英语语言学Chapter6pragmatics语用学Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学知识点:1.*Definition: pragmatics; context2.*sentence meaning vs utterance meaning3.*Austin’s model of speech act theory4.Searle’s classification of speech acts5.*Grice’s Cooperative Principle考核目标:识记:*Definition: pragmatics; context领会:Searle’s classification of speech acts综合应用:sentence meaning vs utterance meaning;Austin’s model of speech act theory;Grice’s Cooperative Principle一、定义1. Pragmatics语用学: Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.语用学研究的是语言使用者是如何使用句子成功进行交际的。



)2. Context 语境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it’s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境这个概念对语言的语用研究来说是必不可少的。














The maxim of Relation:
The maxim of Manner:
4.2.2 The Cooperative Principle
H. Paul Grice: Cooperative Principle (CP): The maxim of Quantity: The maxim of Quality: 1. avoid obscurity
Acting cooperatively, people try to build up their interlocutor’s “positive faces”, while trying to avoid posing threats to their “negative faces”.
4.2.3 Politeness and Virtues


1. 2.
Politeness Principle (PP)

Leech (1983)
4. 5. 6.
Tact Maxim Generosity Maxim Approbation Maxim Modesty Maxim Agreement Maxim Sympathy Maxim
Directive & Commissive Expressive & Assertives Assertives
Positive face:

2. 3. 4. 5.
Face threatening acts:
Negative comments Indifference to hearer’s positive face Apology Accepting compliment Self-mocking, negation and prevarication Confession or taking responsibility



Number No number category : (Piraha, Kawi) Singular-plural: (Chinese, West Dani ) Singular-dual-paucal-plural: (Yimas, Murik, Meryam Mir)
Person 1 2 3
2.1 Deictic vs non-deictic usages
Deictic usage : what the deictic expression refers to depend on the specific context it occurs. non-deictic usage: non-deictic expression is an expression for which you don’t need context to understand it since it doesn’t refer to anything in particular, on the contrary, it is used in a general sense.

a. He came here one hour ago. b. You can’t lose what you never had.= c. One can’t lose what one /he never had. a, which contains deictic expressions, is context dependent. In isolation, the sentence doesn’t convey much information because we have no idea about who came to what place at what time .He, here, and one hour ago being deictic items. While in b, the second-person pronouns are non-deictic expressions. you can be replaced with one.




























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• Speech Act Theory 言语行为理论 • The Cooperative Principle (CP) • The Politeness Principle
• A very important theory in the pragmatic study
• British philosopher John Austin, in the 1950s
A: I have a fourteen year old son. B: Well that’s all right. A: I also have a dog. B: Oh I’m sorry
They study of ‘intended speaker meaning’ is called pragmatics.
The publication of Saussure’s work Course in General Linguistics in the early 20th century marked istics and at the same time laid down the key note for modern linguistic studies.
• This assumption was doubted in that some of the statements were not used to describe or to state, but rather they were used by the speaker to do something.
“My bag is heavy”
• Semantic analysis语义分析: BAG (BEING HEAVY)
• Pragmatic analysis语用分析: the meaning varies with the context in which it is uttered.
Overview of Chapter 6
• A philosophical explanation of the nature of linguistic communication
• In traditional semantics, a statement functions either as a description of something or as a statement of a fact. The description or statement is either true or false – the truth value of the sentences.
• E.g. admit, declare, apologize, congratulate, promise
• Hence, the theory come to be known as the speech act theory, according to which we are performing actions when we are speaking.
i.e. asking someone to close the door, or making complaints, etc.
• The perlocutionary act refers to …
i.e. the hearer gets the speaker’s message of telling him to close the door
Harvey Sacks (1992) invisible meaning
Pragmatics can be generally defined as the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.
• If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes an utterance.
• The meaning of a sentence is abstract, and decontextualized. While the meaning of an utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context.
• Thus, he made a distinction between “con述st事a话ti语ves” and “perfor行m事a话ti语ves”.
• Constatives (述事话语)are statements that either state or describe, and are thus verifiable.
• E.g. Can you ride a bicycle? (is used to ask a question about the ability to do something)
• A speech act in which the communicative intention is not reflected in the linguistic form of the utterance.
• Classical examples of performatives
• A performative verb is one that performs an action by speaking it. [1] Moreover, to be performative, the verb must describe an action which is under the control of the speaker. [2]
Language should be studied as a self-contained, intrinsic
We should investigate the use of language and
extralinguistic factors to
study language.
• Context is essential to the pragmatic study of language.
• It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by both the speaker and the hearer.
• When a direct relationship exists between the structure and communicative function of an utterance, the speech act is referred to as direct speech act.
• All utterance not only mean whatever they literally mean but also perform specific actions. Thus an action performed by the use of an utterance to communicate is called a speech act.
• The locutionary act performed by the speaker is …
His utterance of all the words “you, have, door, open, etc”,
• The illocutionary act performed by the speakers is …
Passer-by: Oh sure, I know where it is. (and walks away)
• A speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. (1) locutionary act: the act of conveying the literal meaning (言内行为) (2) illocutionary act: the act of expressing the speaker’s intention (言外行为) (3) perlocutionary act: the change brought about by saying something (言后行为)
• (2) It is cold in here.
• (3) It was a hot Christmas day so we went down to the beach in the afternoon and had a good time swimming and surfing.
• As has been mentioned before, a sentence is a grammatical concept, and the meaning of a sentence is often studied as the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of predication.
• Performatives (行事话语)are sentences that are not used to state a fact or describe a state, but to perform certain speech acts(言语行为)such as warning, nominating, claiming, promising, apologizing, etc. They can not be verified.