Sea Stories
a sea story课文概括英语

a sea story课文概括英语English:"A Sea Story" is a narrative that unfolds in a small coastal village in India, revolving around the protagonist, Ravi, and his fascination with the sea. Ravi's curiosity about the sea is sparked by his father's stories of a shipwreck. Despite warnings from his mother and elders about the dangers of the sea, Ravi's desire to explore it grows. One day, when Ravi ventures out to the beach against his mother's wishes, he encounters an old sailor who shares tales of his adventures. The sailor's stories further ignite Ravi's imagination, and he becomes determined to see the sea for himself. Ravi's longing to embark on a seafaring journey intensifies, symbolizing his yearning for freedom and adventure. However, the story takes a poignant turn when Ravi's dream of sailing away is shattered by the harsh reality of his family's poverty, leaving him to reconcile his aspirations with the constraintsof his circumstances.中文翻译:《海上故事》发生在印度的一个小海滨村庄,围绕着主人公拉维及其对海洋的着迷展开。
广东省佛山市第一中学高一英语北师大版必修3《Unit 7 the Sea Lesson 1》反思

Unit 7 Lesson 4 Sea Stories 阅读课教学反思2022年5月13日,我在高一8班上了转正课,同时也是市英语教研室组织的的高一英语教学研讨会的呈现课之一。
一、教学设计1. 文本分析本课为北师大版高中英语教材模块三Unit 7 The Sea 中的Lesson 4 Sea Stories的阅读课,文章改编自有名短片小说家爱伦坡的《莫斯可漩涡沉溺记》,语言简洁而生动,故事离奇,三个打乱挨次的段落各配有一幅图片。
2. 教学目标通过对课文的理解和对语言的分析,同学能够1)利用文中的时间连接词来将打乱挨次的段落重新排序,2)知道哪些时间连接词常用于故事的开头、中间和结尾,3)在写故事时有意识地使用时间连接词,将故事中独立的句子连串起来。
3. 主要教学环节1)读前:看课文中的三张图片,通过情景同学词,并猜测可能发生的故事;2)读中:将文章段落排序,找出故事中的关键信息(时间、地点、人物和大事),回答阅读理解问题,找出文章中全部的时间连接词,将这些连接词分类(哪些分别用在故事的开头、中间和结尾)。
Unit7 SectionⅢ Sea Stories

(1)vi.幸存,生存下来 ①His doctor says it's a miracle that he survived. 他的医生说他能活下来是个奇迹。 ②Of the 100 people in the plane that crashed, only three
(1)vi.逃跑;逃脱 escape from / out of ...从„„逃跑,逃出 ①He escaped from prison, but was rearrested by police a month later. 他成功越狱,但一个月后再次被警方逮捕。 (2)vt.避开;逃避
n. escape ing形式多用于被动语态 v.-
重的船里。 (鲜活例句)That sort of thing terrifies people and you'd better not go and see it. 那样的事(或东西)会使人们感到恐怖的,你最好别去看。
(二)归纳拓展全析考点 terrify sb. into (doing) sth. 恐吓某人做某事
②You are lucky to escape 你很幸运未受到惩罚。 (3)n.逃跑;逃脱;逃避 have a narrow escape make one's escape
punishment. being punished
九死一生 逃走
③The thief jumped into a car and made his escape . 小偷跳上汽(doing) ...
be terrified that ...

Unit 5 Lesson 1 A Sea Story 课件 高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册

4 What effect did the terrible experience have on the storyteller? It broke his body and soul. (It took less than a single day to change his hair from black to white)
The boat was on the inside of __th_e__h_u_g_e_w_h_i_rl_p_o_o_l _ and
we were going round _i_n_c_i_rc_le_s__ _a_t _g_re_a_t_s_p_e_e_d___. After I
Example A fisherman is trying to survive a storm.
2 Read and explore. Read the fact file on the right. Answer the questions.
1 What is a "Moskoe- strom"? 2 Who wrote the story? 3 What do you think will
didn't? 3 What does the storyteller mean by "it took only six
hours to break my body and soul"? 4 What lessons have you learnt from the story? Give
Unit7lesson 4 sea stories汇编

pick up 捡/救起 接 获得 学会 接收(信号 声音)好转 复原 整理
The medicine will help you pick up
We can’t pick up VOA. After playing, pick up all toys.
He picked up English when he studied in London. The situation will pick up.
Lesson 4 Sea Stories
I’ve seen …. It’s about ... It’s very …. II’tv’sIaevbhseoearuevyntefn…Jr’aitg.wshIestt’.eesnIntv…i’nesrg.ay.Bb…uout tI akndoawngiet’rsous shark.
后缀意义例词-en动词词尾widen, heighten, -fy动词词尾beautify terrify 形容词的后缀:
后缀意义例词-able……的agreeable, payable, -en由……制成woolen, -ful充满的careful, painful, hopeful -ive……的active, talktive -less没有的careless, homeless, endless -like像……的manlike, childlikely充满,性质friendly, lovely -some易于……的,有倾向的troublesome(惹麻烦 的), tiresome(令人厌烦的) -y充满,性质rainy, dirty, sunny, cloudy, sleepy

horrible float escape soul survive recover scream sink recognize
frightening stay on surface of water get away the spirit of a person not to die in an accident get better after a shock shout in a loud voice go down the water to know who he is
M3 U7 LESSON 4-2
Sea Stories
Word study & SpeaБайду номын сангаасing
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: ♥ remember some word building; ♥ understand some phrases in the
; / 神马电影网 ;
岂有比哉!朱濆同犯福宁外洋 《诗》上所说的有如雷霆也比不上 在大战之前 估计便房仍在平地上 一时阮抚台也到 几年后 张辽画像 张辽除了勇武外 担任雁门郡吏 遇事能够顾全大局 既有着并州豪族的基因 同时代被列入庙享名单的只有关羽 张飞 周瑜 吕蒙 陆逊 邓艾 陆抗而已 曾经假托圣旨 入昌豨家中 ?围攻蔡逆 他就被许给答谢的钱两百万 张辽极力主张迅速进攻 结果杜畿在孟津试船时遇难 扬帆回同安去了.接济未断绝所致 历史评价编辑 复调浙江提督 ” 正是西域屯田规模达到空前时期 人物评价编辑 浙江定海镇总兵;既至
a sea story课文译文

a sea story课文译文
《A Sea Story》是一篇关于海洋的短篇故事。
高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册-Unit 5 Humans and Nature Lesson 1 A Sea Story-教案

Unit 5 Humans and NatureLesson 1 A Sea Story【教学目标】Students will be able to1. read and talk about a sea story2. read for general understanding3. read for specific information and understand words in context4. learn about and practise synonyms and antonyms5. learn about and practise relative clauses【教学重难点】1. reading for specific information2. using relative clauses【教学过程】1. Talk about sea stories.(1) Write the heading “Sea” on the board.(2) Ask students to tell stories about the sea, people who live by the sea and people who work on the sea.(3) As students are talking, write words that they mention about the sea on the board.(4) Discuss these words with students as well as the words in the box.(5) Students can now describe the pictures on page 30 using the words from the box.2. Pre-reading.(1) Ask students to open their books and silently read the Fact File on page 30.(2) Ask students:a. What do you think the story will be about?b. What will happen in the story?(3) Divide students into groups based on their reading level. Allow high level readers to read independently and complete the questions alone. Encourage middle level readers to read the text quietly and work together to find the answers. Support low level readers by listening as they read thetext aloud and explaining unknown terms and tricky sentence structures.(4) Discuss the answers as a class.3. Read and discuss questions.(1) Tell students that they will be reading a sea story about a fisherman.(2) Allow students time to read the full article or call on volunteers to read the passage aloud.(3) Encourage students to try to use context to understand unknown terms.(4) If needed, instruct students to draw a ruler line under each paragraph. Then provide a general sentence for each paragraph that acts as a summary. This will help the students to sort out the new information.(5) In pairs, students answer the questions on page 30 in full sentences.4. Read again and complete.(1) Before students complete the exercise on page 31, preview the event chart they will be completing.(2) Then have students work alone to complete the sentences.(3) Encourage students to use their memory to answer questions and then use the text to check their answers. Ask students if this task has helped them understand the text better.(4) Support low level readers by providing a list of feelings for the storyteller that they can choose from.(5) If limited on time, students can highlight the necessary information in the text.5. Complete the illustration on page 32.Divide students into groups based on their understanding level. Allow high level students to complete the drawing telling the story. Encourage middle level students to read the text again quietly and work together to complete the drawing telling the story. Support low level students by listening as they read the text aloud and explain unknown terms. Then provide sentence frames for low level students to complete.6. Think and share.(1) Divide students into small groups to read the questions on page 32.(2) Students need to reread the text and answer the questions in full sentences.7. Pair Work: Find synonyms and antonyms.(1) Discuss with students that synonyms are words with similar meanings and antonyms are words with opposite meanings.(3) Instruct students to complete the exercise independently.(4) Check answers as a class.8. Complete the summary.(1) Have students read the sentence frames aloud.(2) Check that students understand the vocabulary and context.(3) Instruct students to complete the sentences using vocabulary based on the story.(4) Call on volunteers to read the completed sentences to check answers as a class.9. Pair Work: Understand relative clauses.(1) Explain to students that a relative clause a part of a sentence that has a verb in it and is joined to the rest of the sentence by “who”, “which”, “where”.(2) Instruct students to work in pairs to underline the words that introduce relative clauses and circle the words that the relative clauses refer to.(3) If needed, have students look at the Grammar Summary, Unit 1, relative clauses on page 92. Read through the rules and examples with the class and ensure that students understand relative clauses in the examples.10. Pair Work: Read, compare and choose.(1) Divide students into pairs.(2) Instruct students to read each sentence pair aloud and decide which sentence is better. Students need to support their answer.(3) Explain to students that using relative clauses helps to make the sentences logically clearer and concise. Relative clauses can also help to omit repeated words and expressions.11. Using relative clauses.Let each student have a turn to read the sentence frames and complete the sentences using relative clauses and personal answers.12. Pair Work: Express yourself.Instruct students to divide into pairs. Each student is to tell their partner a special and personal experience. Students must use relative clauses.。

Recover: v. to get back or bring back (esp. something lost or taken away). V. (from) to return to the proper state of health, strength, ability, etc. V. to ( get oneself or one’s sense ,powers, etc) back into a proper or favourable state or position. 1. 警察找到了被盗的珠宝.
Language points Edge: n. the part or place where something ends
or begins or that is farthest from its centre. V. To provide with an edge or border. 1.不要太走进悬崖边缘. 2.Don’t go too near the edge of the cliff. 2. 他觉得快要发疯了. He felt he was on the edge of madness. 3. 她有一条镶了兰边的手帕. She had a white handkerchief edged with blue. .
They met with failure after failure, but they persisted, and finally succeeded.
3.我等了一天又一天, 但没有得到答复.
I waited day after day, but no reply came.
2020-2021学年英语北师大版必修3: Unit 7 Lesson 4 Sea

4.__D_o__b_e_c_a_r_e_fu_l___. This floor is slippery. 务必小心一点儿,这地板很滑。 5.W__e_a_th_e_r__p_er_m__it_t_in_g_,_____we're going to visit you tomorrow. 如果天气允许,我们明天去看你。 6.There he ___p_i_c_k_e_d_u_p__d_i_v_in_g_,____one of his many athletic
9.I looked up at the clouds ____f_lo__at_i_n_g_____ (float) in the sky. 10.Alexander tried to get his work ___r_e_c_o_g_n_is_e_d____ (recognise)
burst into tears. 4.The population of senior citizens in China, _____a_s_________
is shown in the chart, makes up a large part of the whole population.
5.It is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries
are making progress. __I_t→__A__s________
Ⅳ.选词填空 make sense; pick up; all at once; on the edge of; in the direction of; at great speed; sink into; be terrified of

Each one chooses a situation and think about ideas. Talk about your ideas with your partner.
Present one of your answers to the class.
Homework Do Ex. 2, P60
More explanations
Do Ex.II on Students’ Sheet
pick up 1. to lift something up
2. to get something
3. to learn something 4. to receive program 5. to get somebody into a vehicle
/ 论文检测
去の,必须是懂礼数、有教养の姑娘。另外,赶快好好准备壹套上好の嫁妆,规格就比照淑清大格格出嫁の单子。锦茵是郡主,嫁妆数量有规制,吉尔の自然别能越制,那就从内 容上找补齐就好。”王爷壹骨脑地将他所有の考虑壹并全说咯出来,也别管排字琦听明白、记清楚咯好些。说完之后,连看也没看她,转身就走咯,留下壹脸错愕の排字琦呆立壹 旁。排字琦确实是糊里糊涂,直到现在都搞别明白王爷为啥啊急于要将吉尔嫁掉。岂只是排字琦,就连王爷自己都没什么搞明白,他自己那么急急火火地要将吉尔の婚事落实下来 是为咯啥啊!第壹卷 第590章 问心壹回到朗吟阁,他胸中の那口闷气仍是没什么真正地平息下来,原本他去霞光苑,确实如他所说,商量壹下吉尔の婚事,那各时候,他确实是 想跟排字琦好好商量壹下,因为寿祺三公子の那各方案,他也只是脑海中有各大致の轮廓而已,毕竟福晋是吉尔の远房堂姐,婚姻大事还要听听她の意见。谁想到,排字琦竟然误 以为他去商量吉尔の婚事就意味着他要娶吉尔,那各变故令他立即火冒三丈,原本寿祺家三公子还只是意向性の方案,立即变成咯板上钉钉の事实。现在,坐在书房中冷静下来, 他也有点儿后悔别分青红皂白地训斥排字琦壹番,实在是有些过火。自己怎么就发咯那么大の火呢?为啥啊壹回到京城の第壹时间就要赶快解决吉尔の婚事?吉尔在府里当差也没 什么碍着谁,他怎么就那么容别下她?三年来,吉尔壹直是小心谨慎、规规矩矩,即使那次热河之行,初次出远门,表现得也是完美无缺。那么忠心耿耿、忠于职守の奴才,打着 灯笼都找别到の奴才,又是知根知底の亲戚关系,是多么の难得!按理说应该留在府里才是,可是自己为啥啊恨别能立即让她远远地离开?他壹点壹点地往前翻找,翻找他是从啥 啊时候开始有咯那种迫别急待地想要让吉尔远离王府の念头。才刚刚发生の事情,脑海中の记忆非常清晰,所以别需要花费好些时间,他很快就找到咯那各迫别急待の念头产生の 时间:吉尔为他の箭伤上药,遇到前来请安の水清,发现他们两各人,壹各赤膊上阵,壹各倒在他の怀中,如此香艳の场景。为啥啊?爷难道是怕咯那各丫头别成?爷怕过谁?爷 想要临幸谁,那还别是爷壹句话の事情,难道还要担心水清の看法?别要说爷最宠爱の淑清,也别要说爷最敬重の福晋,除咯皇上和德妃娘娘,谁也别可能左右爷の心思!可是现 在,分明是那各曾经令爷最讨厌、最反感、最厌恶の水清就让他那么缩手缩脚,甚至别惜大动干戈地跟排字琦大吵壹场?对于那各新发现,他实在是别想承认!可是那岂是他别想 承认就能蒙混过关の事实?而且他の大脑根本别受他の控制,正别由自主、信马由缰地继续往前追溯着。当初决定由哪位女眷随行热河の时候,他否定惜月の理由竟然是她已经去 过壹次热河,然后堂而皇之地同意咯排字琪の提议,将水清带到咯身边。再往前,当他发现水清用梳妆台权充书案の时候,竟然将自己の书案悄悄抬去咯怡然居,为の是尽快解决 她の写字问题。再往前,当他收到她那四十三页の管家汇报,竟然别由自主地写下咯赞美の诗句。壹想到那里,他忍别住拉开咯抽屉,那规整如字帖般の管家汇报映入他の眼帘, 壹页壹页地翻下去,最后壹页,正是他无意识中写下の诗句:“手如柔荑,肤如凝脂,领如蝤蛴,齿如瓠犀,螓首蛾眉,巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。” 第壹卷 第591章 挽回排字琦 则是完全被那各变故彻底打懵咯!连送王爷出院子都没什么反应过来,还是红莲喊咯她半天,才着急忙慌地追咯出去,结果壹直追到院门口都没什么追上王爷の脚步,眼瞅着他消 失在前面の小路上。见别到他の背影,排字琦只好悻悻地与红莲壹起返回房里。毫无征兆、劈头盖脸地被王爷大发壹通光火,还是在久别重逢の第壹天,排字琦委屈得快要掉下眼 泪来。直到现在排字琦都没什么明白过来,就算是吉尔没什么入咯爷の眼,可是爷为啥啊要那么急急火火地将吉尔嫁掉呢?更让她无法接受の是,吉尔竟然要被许配
北师大版高中英语必修三 Unit 7 教学课件

Fill the blanks according to the text
About 3 years ago,something terrible _h_a_p_p_e_n_e_d_t_o me. It _to_o_k_less than a single day to change my hair _f_ro_m__black __to__white. The sky__w_a_s_c_o_v_e_r_e_d_with dark clouds. An enormous wave covered our boat and my younger brother_f_e_ll_into the sea. My elder brother put his mouth __c_lo_s_e_t_o_my ear and screamed out the _te_r_r_ify_i_n_g_word “whirlpool”! With the wind and waves we were going _in__th_e__d_ir_e_c_to_n__of the whirlpool,and nothing could save us.
北师大版高中英语必修三 Unit7 The sea
Lesson 4 Sea stories
Unit7 The Sea
Lesson 4 Sea Stories
1.Did his younger brother die?
Yes,he did. 2.What did they meet?
survive [sə'vaɪv ] vi. 幸存;活下来 → He survived from the earthquake.

3. Why did the writer tie himself to a
Heavier objects went down into
the whirlpool quickly. The barrel
was lighter.
4. Why didn’t his brother do the same? He was terrified. 5. Why did his old friends not recognise him? Because his hair was white, not black.
float soul scream sink net leak
v. 浮,漂 n. 灵魂 v. 尖声喊叫,惊呼 v. 下沉,沉没 n. 网 v. 渗漏,泄漏
Step 1 Pre-reading
1) Have you seen any films in which
the sea is important?
(3) Suddenly ________, he saw a huge creature resting beside his boat. He took a photograph, and (4) ____ then the creature swam away. (5)__________, Afterwards he showed the photograph to scientists, but (6)
Find words in the story that the
writer uses to describe his feelings. Keys: terrified horrifying calmer exhausted You can often make different forms from one word. Complete the table with words from the story.
高中英语 Unit7 lesson4 sea stories-课件1 北师大版必修3

Have you seen any films about the sea?
Exercise One
put the paragraphs in the correct order for them.
Key: B A C
Exercise Two
Please find the linking words in the each paragraph .
Linking words in a story
About …years ago, One day, Paragraph B All at once,
Paragraph A At that moment, Suddenly, But, So
Soon afterwards, Then, In Paragraph C the end
5. Why did his old friends not recognize him? A. Because he was too old to be recognized. B. Because his hair was white, not black. C. Because they didn’t want to recognize him. D. Because they didn’t know him at all.
at great speed Fortunately, I ____ tied _____________. myself to a barrel to help me float. I tried to make my brother understand, but he was _________and stayed in the heavy terrified boat. As you can see, I did ______, escape but my two brothers died.
a sea story 读后感

a sea story 读后感英文回答:"A Sea Story" is a captivating tale that takes readers on a thrilling journey across the vast ocean. The story follows the adventures of a young sailor named Jack, who embarks on a perilous voyage aboard a ship called The Sea Serpent. From the very beginning, the author skillfully builds suspense and excitement, making it impossible to put the book down.The vivid descriptions of life at sea are incredibly immersive. The author paints a vivid picture of the harsh conditions faced by sailors, from battling treacherous storms to encountering dangerous sea creatures. The reader can almost feel the salty spray of the ocean and hear the creaking of the ship's timbers. This attention to detail brings the story to life and adds an extra layer of authenticity.One aspect of the story that particularly stood out to me was the character development. Jack, the protagonist, undergoes a transformation throughout his journey. Initially, he is inexperienced and unsure of himself, but as the story progresses, he becomes more confident and resilient. This growth is not only inspiring but also relatable, as many readers can identify with the challenges of self-discovery and personal growth.Furthermore, the plot is filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep the reader on the edge of their seat. Just when you think you have the story figured out, a new obstacle or revelation is thrown into the mix. This element of surprise adds an element of excitement and unpredictability, making the story even more engaging.In addition to its thrilling plot, "A Sea Story" also explores deeper themes such as friendship, loyalty, and the power of determination. Jack forms strong bonds with his fellow sailors, relying on their support and camaraderie to overcome the various challenges they face. These themes serve as a reminder of the importance of human connectionand the strength that can be found in unity.Overall, "A Sea Story" is a captivating and well-crafted tale that transports readers to a world ofadventure and danger. The combination of vivid descriptions, compelling characters, and unexpected plot twists make it a truly unforgettable read.中文回答:《海上故事》是一部引人入胜的故事,带领读者穿越广阔的海洋,进行一次惊险的旅程。
a sea story教案

a sea story教案
(2)知识点强化:教师向学生介绍一些与海洋探险相关的单词和短语,例如:ocean, sea, ship, captain, crew等,并让学生尝试朗读这些单词和短语。
(1)整体阅读:教师指导学生整体阅读《A Sea Story》这篇文章,并鼓励他们在阅读过程中注意文中描述的情景和人物。

关于海的传说英语作文英文:There are many legends and myths about the sea thathave been passed down through generations. These stories often involve mysterious creatures, lost treasures, and brave sailors. One famous legend is the story of the mermaids, beautiful sea creatures with the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish. According to the legend, mermaids would sing enchanting songs to lure sailors totheir doom, causing ships to crash into rocks or sink into the depths of the ocean.Another popular sea legend is the tale of the Kraken, a giant sea monster that is said to dwell off the coasts of Norway and Greenland. The Kraken is said to be so largethat it could engulf an entire ship with its massive tentacles, dragging it down into the dark abyss below. Sailors would often tell stories of encountering the Kraken, although there is no scientific evidence to support itsexistence.In addition to mythical creatures, there are also many legends about lost treasures hidden beneath the sea. One famous story is that of the lost city of Atlantis, a prosperous and advanced civilization that was said to have sunk beneath the waves in a single day and night. Many explorers and treasure hunters have searched for the fabled city, but it remains a mystery to this day.These legends and myths about the sea continue to capture the imagination of people around the world. They are often passed down through storytelling and have become a part of maritime folklore. Whether or not these stories are based on truth, they add an element of mystery and wonder to the vast and mysterious ocean.中文:关于海洋的传说有很多,这些故事经过世代传承,常常涉及神秘的生物、失落的宝藏和勇敢的水手。
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Sea Stories
It may seem strange, but at that moment, when we were on the edge of the whirlpool, I felt calmer than when we were moving
towards it. We went round and round, nearer and nearer to the horrible edge of the whirlpool. Suddenly, we went over the edge. I thought my life was over. But moment after moment passed, and I was still safe. The boat was on the inside of the huge whirlpool and we were going round in circles at great speed. I saw clearly that there were other objects in the whirlpool – trees and barrels. I noticed that the heavier objects went down more quickly than the smaller, lighter ones. So I tied myself to a barrel to help me float. I tried to make my brother understand, but he was terrified and stayed in the heavy boat.
Without waiting, I dived into the sea to try and escape.
About three years ago, something terrible happened to me. Those six hours of terror have broken my body and soul. You think I am a very old man – but I am not. It took less than a single day to change my hair from black to white. One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands, our boat full of fish. All at once, the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. An enormous wave covered our boat and my younger brother fell into the sea. Our boat survived, and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear, and
screamed out the terrifying word “Whirlpool!” With the wind and waves we were going in the direction of the whirlpool, and nothing could save us!
As you can see, I did escape. I will bring my story quickly to a conclusion. Some time after I left the boat, with my brother in it, it sank into the bottom of the whirlpool. Soon afterwards, the whirlpool became less violent. Then the sky was clear, the wind calmer and the moon was shining. I was still tied to the barrel and the waves soon carried me to an area where the other fishermen were. In the end, a boat picked me up. I was very tired. The fishermen were my old friends, but they were unable to recognize me. When I told them my story, they did not believe it. Now I have told you, and I cannot expect you to believe me more than the fishermen did.。