Chapter 6-1




• 最典型的方法是计算统计平均,因为是平均,总有一局部 码的性能优于平均值而另一局部劣于平均值。因此只要求 出统计平均,就可断言必然存在着一些优秀的编码,其性 能优于平均值。
• 用这种方法不能得知最优码是如何具体编出来的,却能得 知最优码可以好到什么程度,并进而推导出有扰离散信道 的编码定理,对指导编码技术具有特别重要的理论价值。
Chapter 6 信道编码
q NM
q NM
Pe Pe ({c}m )P({c}m ) qNM Pe ({c}m )
• 必定存在某些码集 Pe ({c}m ) Pe
• 某些码集 Pe ({c}m ) Pe
• 假设Pe 0 ,就必然存在一批码集Pe ({c}m ) 0
• 由于基底不是唯一的,所以G也就不是唯一的。 • 不同的基底有可能生成同一码集,但因编码涉及
码集和映射两个因素,码集一样而映射方法不同 也不能说是同样的码。
Chapter 6 信道编码
(n,k)码的任何生成矩阵都可以通过行运算 〔以及列置换〕简化成“系统形式〞 。
Chapter 6 信道编码
6.2 纠错编译码的根本原理与分析
• 纠错编码的根本思路 • 译码方法-最优译码与最大似然译码
Chapter 6 信道编码
Pe e NE(R)
• R不变,信道容量大者其 可靠性函数E(R)也大;
• C不变,码率减小时其可 靠性函数E(R)增大


P35-3 1.d 2.f 3.i 4.b 5.g 6.c 7.j 8.e 9.h 10.a
P35-4 2.slowly 3.typical 4.extreme 5.temperatures 6.storms 7.floods 8.rain 9.damage 10.worse
1 food 4.universal 5.tacos and burrios 6.diabetes 7.low-carb diet plex carbohydrates products 10.dairy
5) Some examples of directions from residents of the American Midwest are “Take this road here. Go straight north for two miles,” or, “Keep to the left around the curve. Then merge with Local Route 12 .”
w 7.public 8.restaurants 9.habits
Chapter 5
Part 1
5) A. family in the past
1. biometeorologists 2.atmosphere 3.rain,snow,humidity, air pressure 5.strokes 6. sudden stopping of the heart 7.flu 8.lungs 9. emotional conditions and feelings 10. Seasonal Affective Disorder, long periods of darkness

Chapter 6-1 芳烃

Chapter 6-1 芳烃

混酸 60℃
CH3 NO2 混酸 NO2
混酸 30℃
2,4,6-三硝基甲苯 (TNT)
氯 苯 硝 化 比 苯 难
主 要 得 邻、对 位 产 物
硝 化 反 应 历 程
先 加 成
后 消 除
凯 库 勒 结 构 式: 1. 满足碳原子 四价 2.合理地解释了 一取代苯环只 有一个化合物
1、三个双键不易 加 成和不易氧化
2、单双键相间 但键长完全相等 3、邻位取代产物 只有一种
卤化反应由NO2+进攻苯环而引起, 先加成,后消除,是亲电取代反应!
混酸通常指浓硝酸和硫酸以1:2比例 混合得到的,硫酸的作用是脱水产生 NO2+
1.请查一下苯酚的硝化 反应; 2. 思考一下为什么未列 出苯胺
(3)磺 化 反 应 (E+ = SO3 )
? 怎样利用这一亲电取代反应构建碳碳键
使用C+ (Cδ+)的E+ 已经学习 碳正离子
思考:到目前为止我们学习哪些反应是经过 碳正离子历程的? 碳正离子重要性质是什么? 产生碳正离子有哪些的反应?
使用C+ (Cδ+)的E+


使用C+ (Cδ+)的E+

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 6 -

Chapter 6诵读Kisses for Dad给爸爸的吻John works hard but he is still poor. He is very sad all day. One day when he comes home from work, he sees his daughter in the living room. She is playing with a roll of colourful wrapping paper. John gets angry.约翰工作很努力,但他仍然很穷。





“Where is the paper from?” John asks.“纸是从哪儿来的?””约翰问。

“I bought it with my pocket money,” the girl answers.“我用我的零花钱买的,”女孩回答。

“You won't get money from me any more!” John says and goes int o his room.“你不会再从我这里得到钱了!”约翰说着走进了他的房间。

A few days later, it’s Christmas Day. The girl brings a little box in colourful paper to her father and says, “Dad, this is for you.”几天后就是圣诞节了。


”The father is surprised to see the colourful box. He feels sorry for his anger that day. He touches the girl's head and opens the box. He becomes angry again when he finds nothing inside.父亲惊讶地看到了这个五颜六色的盒子。



electrical schematic
fiberglass pole
full face shield
insulation resistance
loss of insulation
power down
6.1 General Trouble Diagnosis Procedure and Safety Equipments 一般故障诊断程序和安全设备
6.1 General Trouble Diagnosis Procedure and Safety Equipments 一般故障诊断程序和安全设备
6.1.1 Safety Equipments
All electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles use high-voltage circuits that if touched with an unprotected hand could cause serious burns or even death*1. Highvoltage cables are identified by color of the plastic conduit and include blue or yellow (42 volts), or orange (144 to 600 volts or higher). The safety equipments must be used in the servicing and repairing the HV circuits. These equipments include:

6-1 气象灾害 洪涝和干旱课件(34张PPT)

6-1 气象灾害 洪涝和干旱课件(34张PPT)
1、干旱 因长时间无降水或降水异常偏少造 成的空气干燥、土壤缺水的现象
2、旱灾 当干旱持续时间长较长,影响 人类的生活和生产
亚洲 大洋洲
2.干旱灾害的分布(世界) Distribution of drought disaster
• 非洲、亚洲和大洋洲的内陆地区是世界上旱灾频繁发生的地区
• 其中非洲的旱灾最严重
2.干旱灾害的分布 (我国) Distribution of drought disaster
我国东部季风区易发生旱灾; 华北、华南、西南和江淮是旱灾多 发区
为什么华北地区旱灾发生最 频繁、影响最严重?
“春雨贵如油” 春旱
——F-C and d-reduction
5.洪涝灾害的对策 The harm of flood disaster
建分洪、泄洪区 裁弯取直、修建水库、修筑堤坝 恢复植被、疏浚河道 退田还湖还河
建立健全防灾减灾法律法规 增强防灾减灾意识 加强监测预报
• 主要分布于亚热带季风区、亚热带
—— Climatic factors
• 从地形因素看,沿河、沿海地势低 洼地区常受洪涝威胁
—— Topographical factors
3.我国洪涝灾害的分布 Distribution of flood disaster
·西南地区 夏季受西南季风干热风和 高温天气影响,形成四季均可发生的旱灾
3.干旱灾害的危害 The harm of drought disaster

6-1 磁场 毕-萨定律(1)

6-1 磁场 毕-萨定律(1)

1、掌握磁感应强度的概念 2、能用毕奥--萨伐尔定律计算简单电流的磁场分布
3、理解和掌握高斯定理,能用安培环路定理计算一 定对称分布电流的磁场分布
4、掌握洛仑兹公式,能用安培力公式和磁力矩公式 计算磁场中电流受力和力矩的简单问题
§1 磁场的物理概念 (Physical concept of Magnetic Field)
解开电磁之间相互联系的划时代的 试验是奥斯特电流磁效应的发现
法拉第提出了磁场和 磁感应线的概念
安培定量的解释了载流导线之间 的磁相互作用, 得到了安培定律, 并且提出了分子环流假说,很好 的解释了磁性的成因。在磁学中 做出了重大贡献。
任何物质的分子中都存在分子电流, 这些分子电流形成圆电流,相当于一 个基元磁体(小磁铁)。
对星际磁场的探测也在进行中,左图是我国北京天文 台建造的太阳磁场望远镜,用于检测太阳磁场 。右图 是乘“阿波罗12号”飞船登上月球的宇航员和三分量 月磁场测量设备的照片。
在生物磁学方面应用最成功的是核磁共振层析成像又称核磁 共振CT(CT,计算机化层析术computerized tomography)。这是 利用核磁共振的方法和计算机的处理技术等来得到人体、生 物体和物体内部一定剖面的一种原子核素,也即这种核素的 化学元素的浓度分布图像。左图为核磁共振成像机 ,右图 是脑瘤病人头部的CT成像和X射线成像
历史的回顾(Review of history)
中华民族很早就认识到了磁现象,指南针是中国古 代四大发明之一,古代中国在磁的发现、发明和应用在 许多方面都居于世界首位,可以说中国是磁的故乡。


二. 任意光栅的屏函数及其傅里叶级数展开
严格空间周期性函数的衍射屏 (透射式或反射式) 光栅
一 周期性 T (x d) T (x)
正弦光栅 黑白光栅
维 衍 射
尺寸D 有限
D , or

(1) 正弦余弦式
x a
1 0
x x
a 2
傅 二维矩形函数
里 叶
x a
y b
1 0
xa,y b 22

圆函数 circ(
x2 y2 1 )
x2 y2 a
0 其它各处
换 对
1cos(2f0 x ) g( x )
x L 2 L
x 2
高斯函数 g(x) exp(ax2 )
一幅图像是一种光的强度和颜色按空间的分布,这种 分布的特征可用空间频率表明。把图象看作是由各种 方向、各种间距的线条组成。
2. 空间频谱(spatial frequency spectrum)
简谐振动是最简单的周期性运动,几个简谐运动可合 成一个较复杂的周期性运动。 傅里叶分析:已知一周期性运动,求组成它的各个简 谐运动频率及相应振幅的方法。 所得的频率及相应振幅的集合为该周期性运动的频谱。
阿贝成像原理 Abbe imaging principle
空间频谱滤波 spatial frequency filtering 光全息术 holography
CH 6-1



Chapter 6 Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior1) Business buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of organizations that buy all of the following EXCEPT ________.A) products for use in production of other productsB) services for use in production of other servicesC) products purchased to resell to othersD) products purchased to rent to othersE) products purchased for personal consumptionAnswer: EDiff: 1 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-12) In one way or another, most large companies sell to ________.A) consumersB) other organizationsC) employeesD) not-for-profit companiesE) the service sectorAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-13) Which of the following is NOT a way that business and consumer markets differ?A) market structure and demandB) nature of the buying unitC) satisfaction of needs through purchasesD) types of decisionsE) decision processesAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-14) There are many sets of ________ purchases made for each set of ________ purchases.A) consumer; businessB) tangible; intangibleC) service; productD) business; consumerE) product; serviceAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-15) Which of the following is true about business marketers in comparison to consumer marketers?A) They deal with far fewer but far larger buyers.B) They deal with far more but far small buyers.C) They deal with a more elastic market.D) They deal with fewer demands in fluctuation.E) They deal with the same decision buying process.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-16) In a typical organization, buying activity consists of two major parts: the buying ________ and the buying ________.A) committee; timeB) time; reorder pointC) economic order quantity; reorder pointD) center; decision processE) deciders; influencersAnswer: DDiff: 3 Page Ref: 172Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-27) The buying center and the buying decision process are affected by all of the following factors EXCEPT ________.A) internal organization factorsB) interpersonal factorsC) individual factorsD) external environmental factorsE) self-concept factorsAnswer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 172Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-28) The decision-making unit of a buying organization is called the ________.A) business buyerB) buying centerC) buying systemD) business-to-business marketE) supplier-development centerAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-29) A ________ consists of the actual users of products, those who control buying information, those who influence the decisions, those who do the actual buying, and those who make the buying decisions.A) supplier development teamB) cross-functional teamC) buying centerD) quality management centerE) partnership management teamAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-210) A(n) ________ controls the flow of information to others in the buying center.A) userB) influencerC) buyerD) gatekeeperE) deciderAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 174AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-211) A buying center is not a fixed, formally identified, unit within an organization, but rather a set of ________ assumed by different people for different purchases.A) budgetary limitsB) informal job titlesC) buying rolesD) status rolesE) marketing positionsAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-212) Which of the following is NOT included in the decision-making unit of a buying organization?A) individuals who use the product or serviceB) individuals who influence the buying decisionC) individuals who make the buying decisionD) individuals who supply the productE) individuals who control buying informationAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-213) The major influences on the buying process at General Aeronautics include company policies and systems, technological change, and economic developments. The types of influences on the buying process in this scenario are most accurately categorized as ________ and ________.A) individual; environmentalB) organizational; interpersonalC) individual; organizationalD) environmental; interpersonalE) organizational; environmentalAnswer: EDiff: 3 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-214) Which of the following types of factors influencing members of a buying center are typically the most difficult for marketers to assess?A) economicB) technologicalC) interpersonalD) organizationalE) politicalAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-215) Policies, procedures, and systems are all examples of ________ influences on business buyer behavior.A) environmentalB) authoritativeC) interpersonalD) organizationalE) culturalAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-216) Status, empathy, and persuasiveness are all examples of ________ influences on business buyer behavior.A) environmentalB) individualC) interpersonalD) organizationalE) culturalAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-217) The first step of the business buying process is ________.A) general need descriptionB) alternative evaluationsC) problem recognitionD) order-routine specificationE) performance reviewAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 177Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-318) A buyer would be most likely to review trade directories in which stage of the business buying process?A) problem recognitionB) general need descriptionC) product specificationD) supplier searchE) supplier selectionAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 177Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-319) In which stage of the business buying process is a supplier's task to make sure that the supplier is giving the buyer the expected satisfaction?A) problem recognitionB) performance reviewC) supplier searchD) supplier selectionE) order-routine specificationAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 179Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-320) B-to-B e-procurement yields many benefits. These include all of the following EXCEPT ________.A) reduced transaction costsB) more efficient purchasing for both buyers and sellersC) elimination of inventory problemsD) reduced order processing costsE) elimination of much of the paperwork associated with traditional ordering proceduresAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-321) The leading barrier to expanding electronic links with customers and partners online is ________.A) costB) lack of trained personnelC) concern over securityD) lack of knowledgeE) lack of evidence of efficiencies gained through e-procurementAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-322) Government organizations tend to favor ________ suppliers over ________ suppliers.A) local; domesticB) unionized; nonunionizedC) foreign; domesticD) domestic; foreignE) nonunionized; unionizedAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 182AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 6-423) The main differences between business and consumer markets include market structure and demand, the nature of the buying unit, and the types of decisions.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-124) One set of business purchases is made for each set of consumer purchases.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-125) A business marketer normally deals with far fewer buyers than the consumer marketer does. Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-126) Buyers have different buying styles influenced by interpersonal factors such as age, income, education, professional identification, and attitudes toward risk.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-227) According to the stages of the business buying process, after completing a general need description,a business buyer should next invite qualified suppliers to submit proposals.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 177Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-328) Proposals should be marketing documents and not just technical documents.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 178AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-329) Suppliers are more likely to stay price competitive when the purchasing company uses single sourcing than when it uses multiple sourcing.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 178AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 6-330) When conducting a performance review, the seller monitors different factors than those monitored by the buyer to make sure that the seller is giving the expected satisfaction.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 179Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-331) E-procurement typically reduces drudgery and paperwork, thereby freeing purchasing personnel tofocus on more strategic issues.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-332) The benefits of e-procurement include access to new suppliers, lower purchasing costs, and more time-efficient order processing and delivery.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-333) Unfortunately, most governments do not provide would-be suppliers with detailed guides describing how to sell to the government.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 183Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-434) It is rare that noneconomic factors play a role in government buying.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 183Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-435) Explain the advantages of systems selling.Answer: Many business buyers prefer to buy a packaged solution to problem from a single seller instead of buying separate products and services from different sellers and then integrating them. The sale often goes to the firm that provides the most complete system that meets the customer's needs. Systems selling, also called solutions selling, is a key business marketing strategy for winning and holding accounts, as it fosters an interdependent relationship between the seller and buyer.Diff: 1 Page Ref: 173AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 6-2。

设备维修chapter 6-1

设备维修chapter 6-1

分析零件的工作条件,确定对堆焊合金的要求; 按一般规律列出几种可供选择的合金; 分析待选合金与母材之间的焊接性,并制定初步的堆焊工艺; 进行堆焊试验。堆焊后式样要在模拟工况条件下运行; 综合考虑堆焊金属的性能、使用寿命和成本,最后选定堆焊合金。


6.3 堆焊
China University of Mining and Technology

概念:堆焊是用焊接方法在机械零件表面堆敷一层具有一定性能金 属材料的工艺过程。 目的:不是连接零件,而是使零件表面获得具有耐磨、耐热、耐蚀 等特殊性能的熔敷金属层,或是为了恢复或增加零件的尺寸。 Applications:

China University of Mining and TechnologyFra bibliotek成分:



合金粉末和焊条, 堆焊合金作为外皮,内部装填铁合金、纯金属粉末等制成管状焊 丝或粉末焊带,

制造新零件 堆焊工艺可以在零件表面形成与母材完全不同但与母材牢固结合的 金属堆焊层,母材和堆焊层可以分别满足零件不同的技术要求,充分发 挥了材料的工作能力,使零件获得很好的综合使用性能。 修复旧零件

工具、模具、轧辊、轴类零件以及汽车、农机、工程机械中的易损 零件均大量采用堆焊工艺修复。



6.1.1 单晶体的塑性变形
晶体塑性的好坏,不仅取决于滑移系的多少,还与滑 移面上原子的密排程度和滑移方向的数目等因素有关。 例如体心立方金属α-Fe,与面心立方金属的滑移系 同样多,都为12个。但它的滑移方向没有面心立方金
属多,同时滑移面间距离较小,原子间结合力较大, 必须在较大的应力作用下才能开始滑移,所以它的塑 性要比铝、铜等面心立方金属差。
图6-6 拉伸时晶体发生转动的示意图
6.1.1 单晶体的塑性变形
5.多系滑移与交滑移 多滑移:若有多组滑移系相对于外力轴的方向相同, 分切应力同时达到临界值,滑移一开始就可以在两个 或多个滑移系同时进行。 交滑移:在晶体中,还会发生两个或两个以上滑移面 沿着同一个滑移方向同时或交替进行滑移的现象。
图6-2 滑移带形成示意图
2.滑移系 金属中的滑移是沿着一定的晶面和一定的晶向进行的, 这些晶面称为滑移面,晶向称为滑移方向。
6.1.1 单晶体的塑性变形
滑移面通常是晶体中原子排列最密的晶面,而滑移方 向则是原子排列最密的晶向。这是因为密排面之间的 距离最大,面与面之间的结合力较小,滑移的阻力小, 故易滑动。而沿密排方向原子密度大,原子每次需要 移动的间距小,阻力也小。 一个滑移面和该面上的一个滑移方向组成一个滑移系。 每个滑移系表示晶体进行滑移时可能采取的一个空间 取向。 晶体中的滑移系越多,滑移过程中可能采取的空间取 向便越多,滑移越容易进行,故这种晶体的塑性便越 好。密排六方晶体由于滑移系数目太少,故塑性较差。
图6-4 镁单晶拉伸的屈服应力与晶体取向的关系


5. In cycloalkenes the double bond carbons are assigned ring locations #1 and #2. Which of the two is #1 may be determined by the nearest substituent rule.
Chapter 6 Alkenes 烯烃类
6-1 IUPAC Rules for Alkene and Cycloalkene Nomenclature 6-2 Alkene Stereoisomers
6-2-1 Configurational Stereoisomers of Alkenes 6-2-2 Nomenclature of Alkene Stereoisomers 6-3 Reactions of Alkenes 6-3-1 Addition Reactions of Alkenes
2. If two substituents have the same immediate substituent atom, move to the next atom (away from the double bond) until a difference is found.
For example, CH3– < C2H5– < ClCH2– < BrCH2– < CH3O–.
Assign priorities to double bond substituents by looking at the atoms attached directly to the double bond carbons.


• • • • • Find-S Candidate elimination algorithms Neural network Inductive bias of decision tree Minimum Description Length principle
Prior probability and posterior probability
• P(h) denote the initial probability that hypothesis h holds, before we have observed the training data. P(h) is called the prior probability of h
Machine Learning
Chapter 6 Bayesian Learning
Dr. Ding Yuxin
• Bayesian reasoning provides a probabilistic approach to inference. It is based on the assumption that the quantities of interest are governed by probability distribution and that optimal decisions can be made by reasoning about these probability together with observed data • It provides a quantitative approach to weighting the evidence supporting alternative hypotheses • It provides the basis for learning algorithms that directly manipulate probabilities as well as the framework for analyzing the operation of other algorithms



Francis & Ibbotson
Chapter 6: The Global Stock Market
Brokerage Services
– Sales people (earning a commission) employed by dealers – Have no money invested in the dealer’s security inventory – Help create markets by buying and selling from employer’s inventory
The Global Stock Market
Chapter 6
Slides by: Pamela L. Hall, Western Washington University
Francis & Ibbotson Chapter 6: The Global Stock Market
Types of Trading Orders
Scale order
– Requires buying or selling part of the order at each price as market prices change
Fill or kill (FOK) order
Cumbersome and not all brokers accept them
Brokerage Services
Types of stock brokerage services
– Full-service
Examples Take buy and sell orders –Merrill Lynch Extend margin credit to customers –Goldman Sachs Hold clients’ securities in safe keeping –PaineWebber Collect cash dividends –Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Provide free investment research –Salomon Smith Barney Perform ‘hand-holding’ services

机械设计基础(第七版)陈云飞 卢玉明主编课后答案

机械设计基础(第七版)陈云飞 卢玉明主编课后答案










即机构的从动件出现卡死或运动不确定的现象的那个位置称为死点位置(从动件的传动角 =0°)。







5学原理》(微观)第五版测试题库(06)曼昆经济学原理第五版测试题库(微观)Chapter 6Supply, Demand, and Government PoliciesTRUE/FALSE1. Economic policies often have effects that their architects did not intend or anticipate.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-0NAT: Analytic LOC: The study of economics and definitions of economicsTOP: Public policy MSC: Definitional2. Rent-control laws dictate a minimum rent that landlords may charge tenants.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 6-0NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent controlMSC: Definitional3. Minimum-wage laws dictate the lowest wage that firms may pay workers.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-0NAT: Analytic LOC: Labor markets TOP: Minimum wageMSC: Definitional4. Price controls are usually enacted when policymakers believe that the market price of a good or service isunfair to buyers or sellers.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-0NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price controls MSC: Definitional5. Price controls can generate inequities.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-0NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price controls MSC: Definitional6. Policymakers use taxes to raise revenue for public purposes and to influence market outcomes.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-0NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: TaxesMSC: Definitional7. If a good or service is sold in a competitive market free of government regulation, then the price of the good or service adjusts to balance supply and demand.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: PricesMSC: Definitional8. At the equilibrium price, the quantity that buyers want to buy exactly equals the quantity that sellers want tosell.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: PricesMSC: Definitional9. A price ceiling is a legal minimum on the price at which a good or service can be sold.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Definitional10. A price ceiling set above the equilibrium price is not binding.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive371372 Chapter 6/Supply, Demand, and Government Policies11. If a price ceiling is not binding, then it will have no effect on the market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive12. To be binding, a price ceiling must be set above the equilibrium price.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive13. A price ceiling set below the equilibrium price is binding.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive14. A price ceiling set below the equilibrium price causes quantity demanded to exceed quantity supplied. ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings | Shortages MSC: Interpretive15. A price ceiling set above the equilibrium price causes quantity demanded to exceed quantity supplied. ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive16. A binding price ceiling causes quantity demanded to be less than quantity supplied.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings | Shortages MSC: Interpretive17. A price ceiling set below the equilibrium price causes a shortage in the market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings | Shortages MSC: Interpretive18. A price ceiling set above the equilibrium price causes a surplus in the market.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive19. A binding price ceiling causes a shortage in the market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings | Shortages MSC: Interpretive20. When a binding price ceiling is imposed on a market fora good, some people who want to buy the goodcannot do so.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings | Shortages MSC: Interpretive21. Long lines and discrimination are examples of rationing methods that may naturally develop in response to a binding price ceiling.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive22. Price ceilings are typically imposed to benefit buyers.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: InterpretiveChapter 6/Supply, Demand, and Government Policies 373 23. Binding price ceilings benefit consumers because they allow consumers to buy all the goods they demand at alower price.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive24. All buyers benefit from a binding price ceiling.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive25. A binding price ceiling may not help all consumers, but it does not hurt any consumers.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive26. When the government imposes a binding price ceiling ona competitive market, a surplus of the good arises,and sellers must ration the scarce goods among the large number of potential buyers.ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings | ShortagesMSC: Definitional27. The rationing mechanisms that develop under binding price ceilings are usually inefficient.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings | EfficiencyMSC: Interpretive28. Price is the rationing mechanism in a free, competitive market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: PricesMSC: Interpretive29. Prices are inefficient rationing devices.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Prices | EfficiencyMSC: Interpretive30. When free markets ration goods with prices, it is both efficient and impersonal.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Prices | EfficiencyMSC: Interpretive31. When a free market for a good reaches equilibrium, anyone who is willing and able to pay the market price can buy the good.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: PricesMSC: Interpretive32. If a price ceiling of $2 per gallon is imposed on gasoline, and the market equilibrium price is $1.50, then theprice ceiling is a binding constraint on the market.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Applicative33. If a price ceiling of $1.50 per gallon is imposed on gasoline, and the market equilibrium price is $2, then theprice ceiling is a binding constraint on the market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Applicative374 Chapter 6/Supply, Demand, and Government Policies34. A price ceiling caused the gasoline shortage of 1973 in the United States.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price ceilings MSC: Interpretive35. One common example of a price ceiling is rent control.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent controlMSC: Definitional36. The goal of rent control is to help the poor by making housing more affordable.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent controlMSC: Definitional37. Economists argue that rent control is a highly efficient way to help the poor raise their standard of living. ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: The study of economics and definitions of economicsTOP: Economists | Rent control MSC: Interpretive38. Because supply and demand are inelastic in the short run, the initial shortage caused by rent control is large. ANS: F DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent control | Elasticity MSC: Definitional39. The primary effect of rent control in the short run is to reduce rents.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent controlMSC: Definitional40. The housing shortages caused by rent control are larger in the long run than in the short run because both the supply of housing and the demand for housing are more elastic in the long run.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent control | ElasticityMSC: Interpretive41. The effects of rent control in the long run include lower rents and lower-quality housing.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent controlMSC: Interpretive42. Rent control may lead to lower rents for those who find housing, but the quality of the housing may also belower.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent controlMSC: Interpretive43. In a free market, the price of housing adjusts to eliminate the shortages that give rise to undesirable landlordbehavior.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Rent controlMSC: Definitional44. A price floor is a legal minimum on the price at which a good or service can be sold.ANS: T DIF: 1 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: DefinitionalChapter 6/Supply, Demand, and Government Policies 375 45.A price floor set above the equilibrium price is not binding.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: Interpretive46. If a price floor is not binding, then it will have no effect on the market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: Interpretive47. To be binding, a price floor must be set above the equilibrium price.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: Interpretive48. A price floor set below the equilibrium price is binding.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: Interpretive49. A price floor set below the equilibrium price causes quantity supplied to exceed quantity demanded.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: Interpretive50. A price floor set above the equilibrium price causesquantity supplied to exceed quantity demanded.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floors | SurplusesMSC: Interpretive51. A binding price floor causes quantity supplied to be less than quantity demanded.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floors | SurplusesMSC: Interpretive52. A price floor set below the equilibrium price causes a surplus in the market.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: Interpretive53. A price floor set above the equilibrium price causes a surplus in the market.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floors | SurplusesMSC: Interpretive54. A binding price floor causes a shortage in the market.ANS: F DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floors | SurplusesMSC: Interpretive55. When a binding price floor is imposed on a market for a good, some people who want to sell the good cannot do so.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floors | SurplusesMSC: Interpretive56. Discrimination is an example of a rationing mechanism that may naturally develop in response to a bindingprice floor.ANS: T DIF: 2 REF: 6-1NAT: Analytic LOC: Supply and demand TOP: Price floorsMSC: Interpretive。



Chapter 6: The Standard Trade Model1.The concept “terms of trade” meansA.the amount of exports sold by a country.B.the price conditions bargained for in international markets.C.the price of a country's exports divided by the price of its imports.D.the quantities of imports received in free trade.E.None of the above.2. A country cannot produce a mix of products with a higher value than whereA.the isovalue line intersects the production possibility frontier.B.the isovalue line is tangent to the production possibility frontier.C.the isovalue line is above the production possibility frontier.D.the isovalue line is below the production possibility frontier.E.the isovalue line is tangent with the indifference curve.3.Tastes of individuals are represented byA.the production possibility frontier.B.the isovalue line.C.the indifference curve.D.the production function.E.None of the above.4.If P C / P F were to increase in the international marketplace, thenA.all countries would be better off.B.the terms of trade of cloth exporters improve.C.the terms of trade of food exporters improve.D.the terms of trade of all countries improve.E.None of the above5.If P C / P F were to increase,A.the cloth exporter would increase the quantity of cloth exports.B.the cloth exporter would increase the quantity of cloth produced.C.the food exporter would increase the quantity of food exports.D.Both A and C.E.None of the above.6.If P C / P F were to increase, relative quantity of cloth supplied and demanded relative quantity of cloth supplied and demanded relative quantity of cloth supplied relative quantity of cloth demanded decreases .E.None of the above.7.When the production possibility frontier shifts out relatively more in one direction,we haveA.biased growth.B.unbiased growth.C.immiserizing growth.D.balanced growth.E.imbalanced growth.8.Export-biased growth in Country H willA.improve the terms of trade of Country H.B.trigger anti-bias regulations of the WTO.C.worsen the terms of trade of Country F (the trade partner).D.improve the terms of trade of Country F.E.decrease economic welfare in Country H.9.Immiserizing growth isA.likely to occur if the exporting country is poor.B.likely to occur if the exporting country is rich.C.likely to occur when terms of trade change.D.likely to occur if relative supplies are elastic.E.None of the above.10.If the U.S. Agency for International Development transfers funds to poorcountries in Sub-Saharan Africa, this mustA.worsen the U.S. terms of trade.B.improve the U.S. terms of trade.C.worsen the terms of trade of the African aid recipients.D.improve the terms of trade of the African aid recipients.E.None of the above.11.If the poor AID recipient countries have a higher marginal propensity to consumeeach and every product than does the United States, then such aid willA.worsen the U.S. terms of trade.B.improve the U.S. terms of trade.C.leave the world terms of trade unaffected.D.worsen the terms of trade of both donor and recipient countries.E.None of the above.12.If a large country imposes a tariff on its imported good, this will tend toA.have no effect on terms of trade.B.improve the terms of trade of all countries.C.improve the terms of trade of the United States.D.cause a deterioration of U.S. terms of trade.E.raise the world price of the good imported by the United States.13.A country will be able to consume a bundle which is not attainable solely fromdomestic production only ifA.the world terms of trade differ from its domestic relative costs.B.the country specializes in one product.C.the country avoids international trade.D.the world terms of trade equal the domestic relative costs.E.None of the above.14.Terms of trade refers toA.what goods are imported.B.what goods are exported.C.the volume of trade.D.the prices at which trade occurs.E.None of the above.15.If points a and b are both on the production possibility frontier of a country, thenA.consumers are indifferent between the two bundles.B.producers are indifferent between the two any point in time, the country could produce both.D.Both cost the same.E.The country could produce either of the two bundles.16.If the economy is producing at point a on its production possibility frontier, thenA.all of the country's workers are specialized in one product.B.all of the county's capital is used for one product.C.all of the county's workers are employed.D.all of its capital is used, but not efficiently.E.None of the above.17.If at point A on the production possibility frontier, and the communityindifference curve cuts through point a from northwest to southeast, then theoptimal autarky production bundle point the right of point the left of point the northeast of point the southwest of point A.18.A bundle indicated by a point to the northeast of the production possibility frontierisA.unattainable at a point in time.B.unattainable at a point in time without international trade.C.unattainable at a point in time without domestic trade.D.unattainable as a consumption point.E.None of the above.19.If two countries with diminishing returns and different marginal rates ofsubstitution between two products were to engage in trade, thenA.the shapes of their respective production possibility frontiers wouldchange.B.the marginal rates of substitution of both would become equal.C.the larger of the two countries would dominate their trade.D.the country with relatively elastic supplies would export more.E.None of the above.20.If a country began exporting product A and importing product B, then, ascompared to the autarky (no-trade) situation, the marginal cost of product AwillA.increase.B.decrease.C.shift outward.D.shift inward.E.None of the above.21.If, beginning from a free trade equilibrium, the terms of trade improve for acountry, then it willA.increase production of its import competing good.B.increase consumption of its export good.C.increase the quantity of its imports.D.experience an export-biased shift in its production possibility frontier.E.None of the above.22.An increase in a country's net commodity terms of trade will alwaysA.increase the country's economic welfare.B.increase the country's real income.C.increase the country's quantity of exports.D.increase the country's production of its import competing good.E.None of the above.23.After WWI, Germany was forced to make large reparations - transfers of realincome- to France. If the marginal propensity to consume was equal in both countries, and if France's demand was biased toward food (relative toGermany's demand pattern) then we would expect to findA.the world's relative price for food remains unchanged.B.the world's relative price for food increase.C.the world's relative price for food decrease.D.the world relative price for both food and non-food rise.E.None of the above.24.If we add to Question 23 that France exported manufactures, whereas Germanyexported food, then the reparations from Germany to France wouldA.improve France's international terms of trade.B.cause France' terms of trade to deteriorate.C.cause both France' and Germany's terms of trade to deteriorate.D.cause both France' and Germany's terms of trade to improve.E.None of the above.25.If a country lent money to another, this mustA.lower the terms of trade of the recipient country.B.lower the terms of trade of both countries.C.improve the terms of trade of the recipient country.D.improve the terms of trade of the donor countryE.None of the above.26.During the 19th Century, economic growth of the major trading countries wasbiased toward manufactures and away from food. The less developedcountries of that time were net exporters of food. From this information, we would expect to have observedA.falling terms of trade for the less developed countries.B.improving (rising) terms of trade for the less developed change at all in the terms of trade of the less developed countries.D. a decrease in the relative price of food.E.None of the above.27.Immiserizing growth could occur toA. a poor country experiencing export-biased economic growth.B. a poor country experiencing import-biased economic growth.C. a poor country experiencing growth in its non-traded sector.D. a poor country experiencing capital-intensive biased growth.E.None of the above.28.A large country experiencing import-biased economic growth will tend toexperienceA.positive terms of trade.B.deteriorating terms of trade.C.improving terms of trade.D.immiserizing terms of trade.E.None of the above.29.In the period preceding the recent Financial Crisis in Asia, the South East Asiancountries were receiving large inflows of financial capital. Following JohnMaynard Keynes' theory, this should have causedA. a glut in their banking asset improvement in their terms of trade.C.deterioration in their terms of trade.D. a fluctuation upward and then downward in their terms of trade.E.None of the above.30.If Slovenia is a small country in world trade terms, then if it imposes a large seriesof tariffs on many of its imports, this wouldA.have no effect on its terms of trade.B.improve its terms of trade.C.deteriorate its terms of trade.D.decrease its marginal propensity to consume.E.None of the above.31.If Slovenia is a large country in world trade, then if it imposes a large set of tariffson many of its imports, this wouldA.have no effect on its terms of trade.B.improve its terms of trade.C.deteriorate its terms of trade.D.decrease its marginal propensity to consume.E.None of the above.32.If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it imposes a large set oftariffs on its imports, this mustA.cause retaliation on the part of its trade partners.B.harm Slovenia's real income.C.improve Slovenia's real income.D.improve the real income of its trade partners.E.None of the above.33.If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set ofsubsidies for its exports, this mustA.have no effect on its terms of trade.B.improve its terms of trade.C.deteriorate its terms of trade.D.decrease its marginal propensity to consume.E.None of the above.34.If Slovenia were a large country in world trade, then if it instituted a large set ofsubsidies for its exports, this mustA.cause retaliation on the part of its trade partners.B.harm Slovenia's real income.C.improve Slovenia's real income.D.improve the real income of its trade partners.E.None of the above.35.If the United States exports skilled-labor intensive products and services, then weshould expect unions representing skilled labor toA.lobby in favor of tariffs.B.lobby against the imposition of indifferent to the issue of tariffs.D.lobby in favor of improved terms of trade.E.Not enough information.36.If the United States exports skilled-labor intensive products and services, then weshould expect unions representing unskilled labor toA.lobby in favor of tariffs.B.lobby against the imposition of indifferent to the issue of tariffs.D.lobby in favor of improved terms of trade.E.Not enough information.37.If a there are no international loans or capital flows, then if a country's terms oftrade improve, we would find thatA.the value of its exports exceeds the value of its imports.B.the value of its exports becomes less than that of its imports.C.the value of its exports exactly equals that of its imports.D.the quantity of its exports equals that of its imports.E.None of the above.Essay Questions1.Other things being equal, a rise in a country's terms of trade increases itswelfare. What would happen if we relax the ceteris paribus assumption, and allow for the law of demand to operate internationally?2.If a country's growth is biased in favor of its import, this should unequivocallyimprove its terms of trade and its economic welfare. Discuss.3.It is impossible for economic growth in a small country to lower that country'seconomic welfare, regardless of the bias of the growth. Explain.4.At the conclusion of World War I, Germany, as a punishment, was obliged tomake a large transfer to France in the form of reparations. Is it possible thatthe actual reparations may have improved Germany's economic welfare?5.An export subsidy has the opposite effect on terms of trade to the effect of animport tariff. Domestically a tariff will raise the price of the import good,deteriorating the domestic terms of trade. A production subsidy for the export product will lower the local price of the export good, lowering the domesticterms of trade for the country. Hence the export subsidy and the import tariff have the same effect. This analysis seems to contradict the first sentence inthis paragraph. Discuss this paradox.Quantitative/Graphing Problems1.Albania refused to engage in international trade for ideological reasons. Tomaximize its economic welfare it would choose to produce at which point inthe diagram above? Suppose the P A/P B at point a was equal to 1. Given thisinformation, in which good (A or B) does Albania enjoy a comparativeadvantage?Now that the Cold War is over, Albania is interested in obtaining economicwelfare gains from trade. The relevant international relative price isP A/P B =2. Albania would therefore choose to produce at which point (a, b,or c)?Given this additional information, in which good does Albania enjoy acomparative advantage?2.Now, suppose that the relative price of A is actually not higher than Albania'sautarkic level of 1, but quite the opposite (e.g. P A/P B = 0.5). Would Albania still be able to gain from trade? If so, where would be its production point?Given the information in this question, where is Albania's comparativeadvantage?3.Suppose, as a result of various dynamic factors associated with exposure tointernational competition, Albania's economy grew, and is now represented by the rightmost production possibility frontier in the Figure above. If its pointof production with trade was point c, would you consider this growth to beexport-biased or import biased? If Albania were a large country with respect to the world trade of A and B, how would this growth affect Albania's terms of trade? Its real income?4.Suppose, as a result of various dynamic factors associated with exposure tointernational competition, Albania's economy grew, and is now represented by the rightmost production possibility frontier in the Figure above. If its pointof production with trade was point b, would you consider this growth to beexport-biased or import biased? If Albania were a large country with respect to the world trade of A and B, how would this growth affect Albania's terms of trade? Its real income? What if Albania were a small country?5. Suppose Albania is exporting product B, and experienced economic growthbiased in favor of product B as seen in the Figure above. We are also toldthat Albania's new consumption point is at point d. Would you still considerthe economic growth, which took place biased in favor of B? If Albaniawere a large country how would this growth affect its terms of trade?一、选择题1、“在一个贸易快速增长的国家中,新资本的迅速积累会使该国进口更多的自然资源。

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Approaches to compensation
In the following sections, we will assume that the process has been improved as much as possible and that the G(s) representing the process is unalterable. First, we shall consider the addition of a so-called phase-lead compensation network and describe the design of the network by frequency response techniques.
Compensation & Compensator
The alteration or adjustment of a control system in order to provide a suitable performance is called compensation. The compensating device may be electric, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or some other type of device or network and is often called a compensator. A compensator is an additional component or circuit that is inserted into a control system to compensate for a deficient performance.
If we wish a system to have a percent overshoot less than 20% and ess = 0.1 , we obtain a conflicting requirement on the gain, K.
σ % = 20% → K = 1.18
ess = 0.1 → K = 10
ωnt p = 3.3 → ζ = 0.31
K s (Ts + 1)
2 ωn G(s) = s ( s + 2ζω n )
1 1 ζ = 2 TK
σ % = e πζ /
ess = 1 K

× 100%
ω n = K/T
(for a step input)
(for a unit ramp input)
R(s )
GC (s )
G (s )
Y (s )
H (s )
Compensation & Compensator
Similarly, the other compensation schemes are called feedback, output, and input compensation.
Phase-lead Compensation Network
Consider the first-order compensator with the transfer function
Gc ( s ) =
αTs + 1
Ts + 1
(α > 1)
The design problem then becomes the selection of parameters, α and T, in order to provide a suitable performance.
A feedback control system that provides an optimal performance without any necessary adjustments is rare indeed. It is necessary to compromise among the many conflicting and demanding specifications. We have to adjust the system parameters to provide a suitable and acceptable performance when it is not possible to obtain all the desired optimal specifications.
= ∠Gc ( jω ) = tan 1 αTω tan 1 Tω
The maximum value of the phase lead occurs at frequency
ωm =
The maximum phase lead is
If we wish a system to have a percent overshoot less than 20% and ω nTp = 3.3 , we obtain a conflicting requirement on the system damping ratio, ζ .
σ % = 20% → ζ = 0.46
In Chapter 4, we have illustrated a method of parameter design by using the root locus method. Furthermore, in Chapter 5, we developed suitable measures of performance in terms of the frequency variable and utilized them to adjust parameters.
Typical frequency domain indices
Crossover frequency: ω c Phase margin: γ Gain margin: h
0 ∠G
20 lg G
Peak value : Mm The bandwidth: ωb The resonant frequency: ω r
Approaches to Compensation
Quite often, in practice, the best and easiest way to improve the performance of a control system is to alter, if possible, the process itself. However, the process is often unalterable or has been altered as much as possible and still results in unsatisfactory performance. Then the addition of compensation networks become useful for improving the performance of the system.
R (s ) G (s ) Y (s )
R (s)
G (s )
Y (s )
GC (s )
GC (s )
H (s )
H (s )
R (s )
GC (s)
G (s)
Y (s )
H (s )
Compound compensation
R (s ) GC (s )
G (s )
Y (s)
H (s )
Gn (s )
Performance specifications
Typical time domain indices: Overshoot: σ %
y (t )
Settling time: t s Peak time: e (or Open loop gain) Steady state error:ss
0.707 M (0)
Typical complex domain indices
These indices are represented by the location of the dominant poles
σ% =e
ts =
1ζ 2
× 100%
1 T ζω n
N (s )
R (s)
GC (s ) G (s )
Y (s)
Approaches to Compensation
For frequency response methods, we are concerned with altering the system so that the frequency response of the compensated system will satisfy the system specifications. Alternatively the design of a control system can be accomplished in the s-plane by root locus methods. For the case of the s-plane, the designer wishes to alter and reshape the root locus so that the roots of the system will lie in the desired position in the s-plane.