SWD-100型称重显示控制器使用手册目录一、简介 1二、显示模块使用说明 1三、数据采集模块使用说明7四、通讯协议说明8五、主要参数14一、简介SWD-100型称重显示控制器,是三一重工自主研制,适用于搅拌站的称量控制系统。
三、规格型号:型号Model 工作电压Voltage马达功率Power净重/毛重 KgN.W/G.wSWD-900AC 220 V 500 W 100 kg 检测载带宽度mmDetection of carriertape width检测速度mThe detection speed机器尺寸mmEquipment size 8~16 mm 大于200米 /小时 L1400*W610*H1500四、本机特点:●载带检测机适用于SMT多种载带,带宽从8mm到16mm的载带都可以轻松检测;●性能稳定:采用优质工业相机和光源,成相稳定,抗干扰能力强,检测速度快,每小时可检测载带大于200米。
2、待检测载带上料:3、穿载带:4、启动设备:4.1启动电源开关;4.2启动电脑开关(位于设备左侧);4.3启动显示器开关;4.4启动光源开关,调节亮度旋扭至较大值;5、软件操作:5.1进入windows XP操作系统桌面(未设开机密码,客户可自行设置并牢记),打开桌面上的载带检测软件;5.2进入到载带检测软件页面后,单击产品载入:5.3进入产品载入页面:5.4运行载带检测软件,载带检测开始作业:5.5载带检测软件介绍:检测过程中,如果出现载带不良,系统会停留在问题界面,并在问题信息反馈界面里显示出不良的类型,且三色灯会显示红色报警灯,以提醒作业员。
SC-SWDX 通过手机网络自动遥控水泵启停水位查询故障报警系统 说明书
控制流程图及说明1、水位到上限A 停泵、水位到下限B 开泵。
无线设备主要技术指标◆收发机供电电压:交流220V;◆功率消耗:接收从机最大3W;发射主机最大3W;◆重量:约0.35KG◆开关量输入:有上限、上上限、下限、下下限四路开关量输入;◆开关量输出:输出常开二路、常闭二路,触点容量250V/5A可选;◆无线通讯频段:GSM/CDMA频段,无需申请频点,载频频率范围900-1800M可选定;◆调制方式:GFSK高抗干扰能力和低误码率;◆工作温度:-45-+80℃;◆外形尺寸:12.5cm x8cm x3cm((L*W*H),铁壳SC-SWDX-R接收机接线端子与水泵启停接线示意图:-2-安装使用说明:先把SC-SWDX-R接收机后面四个固定脚旋转垂直,固定在防水防潮防热放冻配电柜里,再把室外天线与SC-SWDX-R接收机顶部的天线座(ANT)拧紧,按SC-SWDX-R标签与水泵接线示意图与水泵手控按钮连(标签与SC-SWDX-R底部接线端子方向顺序排列一致),SC-SWDX-R启动两端子与水泵手控启动钮并联接,停止两端子与水泵手控停止钮串联接,接通AC220V电源接电源,打开下边电源开关(︱)向下为开,电源绿色指示灯亮,收到发射机信号时绿色指示快闪亮,表示收信正常,控制的对应水泵启停。
电梯停电应急装置说明书一. 概述本公司根据《电梯制造与安全规范》(GB758-2003,EQUEN81-1:1998)的部分内容设计出SWD-EPS系列电梯应急救援设备,能迅速准确解救出被困人员。
主要技术参数(1)输入电压:三相380 V;(2)蓄电池组:12 V 17AH/24 AH× 4;(3)可驱动电梯的功率:≤ 38KW (特殊规格或 > 38KW 另予注明)。
二. 工作原理SWD-EPS系列电梯应急装置工作原理如图1所示:1)电源检测当三相交流电源正常供电时,电梯应急装置内的电源检测回路给出交流输入电源正常的信号,该装置的蓄电池组通过充电回路自动浮充,使之保持额定工作电平状态。
第一章SWD-F20串行控制系统功能介绍A、基本功能列表B、特殊功能列表C、安全保护功能列表D、可选功能列表第二章SWD-F20串行控制系统构成与部件介绍系统结构框图(图2-1)系统(de)结构框图如图2-1所示.本系统以微机主控单元SWD-F20为控制核心.该主控单元采用串行通讯技术通过CAN 总线或485HVG 总线与轿厢操纵盘及厅外呼梯单元进行数据交换,对井道、安全回路等信息采用并行信号采集方式.微机通过对采集到(de)信息数据进行逻辑分析及运算后,输出相应(de)控制信号和应答来对变频器、门电机及抱闸等进行控制.使电梯(de)逻辑功能、故障诊断等功能得以实现.各楼层外呼图 2-1SWD-F 系列串行控制系统产品类别及型号及列表系统主要部件性能指标性能特点◆主控制器采用性能稳定(de)32位高速ARM7CPU,运算速度更快;◆ CAN总线串行通讯,4层板表贴工艺;◆由标准RS485通信模式升级成485HVG模式,专门适用于干扰强、距离远(de)场合;◆采用24V(de)通信总线大大增强了抗干扰能力,整个通信总线无需屏蔽电缆;◆支持并联、群控、远程监控、智能刷卡管理;适用范围◆电梯集选,两台并联,三至八台群控;◆速度范围s;◆适用楼层:最高64层;◆客梯、货梯、医用电梯、住宅梯等等;◆适用于不同变频器及不同(de)门机系统;◆适用于各种有齿曳引机和无齿轮永磁同步曳引机;参照标准GB7588-2003电梯制造与安装安全规范电源规格电压:DC24V ±电流:(楼层≤10层);6A(楼层>10层)工作温度元器件工作温度-40℃~+80℃(液晶操作器除外)系统主要部件介绍主控电脑板SWD-F20SWD-F20是整套控制系统(de)核心部分,所有控制功能都是通过它来实现(de).A. 外观及安装尺寸图(图2-4-1-A)图2-4-1B.布局结构图(图2-4-1-B):1、插件规格(1)CN1、CN2、CN3、CN4为多脚插座,额定电压:250V;额定电流:12A;每排20点;脚距:5mm .(2)X1~X28为输入信号端口对应(de)LED指示灯(3)JP1为5组三脚跳线,用普通编码器时上两行跳接;用差分编码器时下两行跳接.(4)JP2为8位DIP开关,开关定义如下表:(5)IDC1为系统总线接口,用于系统调试.IDC2为系统总线接口,用于接液晶操作器.(6)K1~K6为调试用按键,列表如下图所示:(7)SW2和SW3为扭掷开关.上行正常门禁止下行SW2 SW32、接口定义及规格如下:3、CN3~CN4为主控单元输出信号接口.列表如下:轿厢通讯板SWD-F21SWD-F21是轿内(de)指令部分,包括开门、关门、满载、超载及层选等等. 32层以下通用,超过32层增加一块扩展板贯通门任意设定节能定时熄灯控制满载、超载到站钟控制开、关门及限位等更节省随行电缆1.外观及布局如图2-4-2所示:图2-4-2 2. 接口定义规格列表如下:3、说明(1)内选及应答楼层轿厢通讯板SWD-F21除基本输入输出接口外,还带有满载、超载、开关门命令及贯通门(de)设定等,自带32层内选按钮及应答接口,再加一块可以扩展至64层.(2)轿内显示轿内显示可通过SWD-F22 外呼通讯及显示板实现.当外呼通讯及显示板用做轿内显示时,CN1与F21(de)CN2相连,且楼层地址设为零(设置方法请参阅SWD-F22外呼通讯及显示板(de)地址设置部分)4、接插件规格(1)CN1、CN2、 CN3、CN4、CN5为多脚插件,额定电压:250V;额定电流:12A;CN1、CN2每排4点;CN3、CN4、CN5每排8点;脚距:5mm .(2)1~32为带护套单排插针,是轿厢内选指示灯及按钮接口.其中1、2脚为指示灯;“1”为24V负,“2”为24V正.3、4脚为按钮信号.外呼通讯及显示板SWD-F22外呼控制器置于各楼层,用于采集各楼层(de)呼梯信号,显示电梯(de)运行方向和楼层.置于基站(de)外呼板,还可以采集锁梯和消防信号.外呼控制器采用直流24V电源,主控板采用开关电源,使系统可靠性更高,工作更稳定.图2-4-31.布局如图2-4-3所示:2.接口定义及说明(1)CN1为串行通讯接口.列表如下(2)外呼通讯及显示板SWD-F22现在主要有两种见图2-4-4:一种是SWD-F22(竖显),另一种是SWD-F22A(横显).CN3、CN4为上、下呼按钮及其指示灯接口:CN3 CN42、接插件规格(1)CN1为多脚插件,额定电压:250V;额定电流:12A;CN1、CN2每排4点;脚距:5mm .(2)CN2、CN3、CN4为带护套单排插针,是外呼指示灯及按钮接口.3、楼层地址与基站(de)设置CN2为消防开关、电锁开关接口其中:F1、F2脚为消防开关;L1、L2脚为锁梯开关.JP1、JP2为终端电阻跳线,只在最底层(de)外呼板上跳接.JP3为层站地址设置跳线,2、3脚跳接时,可通过上、下呼梯按钮设置层站地址.无跳接时为正常显示.注:设置完楼层后必须在断电前将2、3脚跳线取掉,否则所设(de)楼层地址无效.4、外呼通讯及显示板SWD-F22(de)型号规格图2-4-4第三章SWD-F20串行控制系统典型原理图概述由于客户选择使用(de)系统配置以及所选用(de)变频器等部件型号各有不同,故本手册仅列出SWD-F20串行控制系统与安川G7配置(de)原理图,仅供参考.其他多种不同配置(de)具体应用方案请参阅随机图纸或与我们联系.典型配置原理图电源回路门机回路系统布线图第四章 SWD-F20串行控制系统参数设置概述为了给系统调试、维护、监视等操作提供方便(de)人机交流界面,在主控电脑板SWD-F20上,设有液晶操作器DKF-LM3033.调试、维护、监视人员可以通过液晶操作器实现对整个电梯控制系统运行参数(de)设置以及系统运行状态和主要输入输出信号(de)观测.液晶操作器下方设置了五个按键,其外观排列及定义如下:图4-1-2监控菜单(de)介绍与操作方法按>再按∧、∨键,可以进入监控菜单界面.监控包括:输入端口监控、外呼通信监控、内呼登记监控、上下呼梯监控、轿厢输入监控、VVVF 端口监控等,具体操作如下:① 在正常模式下,按>键,可进入呼梯控制菜单界面;Menu② 按∧、∨键,可选择输入端口监控、外呼通信监控、内呼登记监控、上下呼梯监控、轿厢输入监控、VVVF 端口监控,或者按>键1下选择输入端口监控、按>键2下选择外呼通信监控按>键3下选择内呼登记监控、按>键4下选择上呼登记监控 按>键5下选择下呼登记监控、按>键6下选择轿厢输入监控 按>键7下选择VVVF 端口监控 选择好以后,按Enter 键可以进入; ◇输入端口监控6 检修运行 32 100 内部监控 输入端口监控01 02 03 X04此输入口有输入信◇外呼通信监控◇内呼通信监控◇VVVFVVVF③ 按Menu 键返回其他菜单.呼梯控制菜单(de)介绍与操作方法维修或调试人员可以通过此功能进行呼梯,具体操作如下:① 在正常模式下,按Menu 键,可进入呼梯控制菜单界面.Menu② 按>键可以设置十位,按∧可以设置个位,设置完以后按Enter 确认.端口号 含义VI 1VI 2变频器正常VI 3 速度一致VI 4 零速VO 1上行VO 2 下行VO 3多段速3 VO 4 多段速2 VO 5多段速1VO 6 复位VO 7 BB 基极封锁VO 86 检修运行 32 100 内部6 呼梯控制 00 层数③ 按Menu 键返回其他菜单. 故障记录菜单(de)介绍与操作方法当电梯运行中发生(de)故障时,系统通过判断进行识别并记录下来,最多可以记录32条.主要包括故障查看和故障清除:在正常模式下故障(de)显示如图(4-2-2)所示:图4-2-2 注:电梯在运行中发生故障后,在当前日期和当前时间位置显示当前故障名称,待故障排除后,按Enter 键消除,如不能消除,则表示该故障一直存在. ■故障查看① 在正常模式下按Menu 键2下,进入故障记录菜单如图(4-2-2-1)所示:Enter图4-2-2-1② 按Enter 键进入下图(4-2-2-2)所示(de)故障查看菜单,在故障查看菜单里显示如图(4-2-2-2)6 检修运行 32 100 内部 故障显示故障记录 >1:故障查看图4-2-2-2③ 按Menu 键返回其他菜单. ■故障清除① 在正常模式下按Menu 键2下,进入故障记录菜单,再按∨键选择“2:故障清除”如图(4-2-2-3)所示:Enter图4-2-2-3② 按Enter 键进入故障清除菜单如图(4-2-2-4)所示,再按Enter 键确认或按Menu 键取消.Enter 或Menu图4-2-2-4③ 按Menu 键返回其他菜单.列表如下:N1 F6 E2–A4 故障顺电梯当时所处故障代故障发生日故障名故障发生时故障记录 1:故障查看故障清除 确认:ENTER■故障代码表■故障复位方法:参数修改菜单(de)介绍与具体操作参数修改菜单(de)流程图参数修改菜单具体定义说明: (1)电梯参数菜单(2)服务参数菜单(3)时间参数菜单(4)速度参数菜单(5)群控参数菜单(6)保护参数菜单(7)脉冲参数菜单(8)系统参数菜单◆“A”参数——电梯参数A2——电梯额定速度(根据实际电梯速度来设置,具体设置如下:)注:对于只需一个速度运行(de)电梯,可将电梯速度设为1m/s; (1m/s≥电梯速度)对于需要两个速度运行(de)电梯,可将电梯速度设为s(1m/s≤电梯速度≤s)对于需要三个速度运行(de)电梯,可将电梯速度设为ss≤电梯速度) A3——平层板长度(根据实际平层板长度来设置,注:200≤平层板长度≤400)A5——平层开关数目(根据实际平层开关数目来设置)◆“B”参数——服务参数B1——候梯基站(自动返回(de)楼层,此参数设为00则无自动返基站功能)◆“C”参数——时间参数C1——抱闸启动延时C2——抱闸释放时间C3——关门等待时间1(开门保持时间为:关门等待时间1+关门等待时间2 (de)总和)C4——关门等待时间2(重开门保持时间)C5——平层开关延时(模拟量控制时起作用)C6——返回基站时间(若两梯并联,将此参数设为200)C7——门机停止时间控制(开/关门到位后,门机停止时间,设为999时关门总有输出)。
SWD 仿真模式概念简述一、SWD 和传统的调试方式区别1. SWD 模式比 JTAG 在高速模式下面更加可靠。
在大数据量的情况下面JTAG 下载程序会失败, 但是 SWD 发生的几率会小很多。
基本使用 JTAG 仿真模式的情况下是可以直接使用 SWD 模式的, 只要你的仿真器支持。
2. 在大家 GPIO 刚好缺一个的时候, 可以使用 SWD 仿真, 这种模式支持更少的引脚。
3. 在大家板子的体积有限的时候推荐使用 SWD 模式, 它需要的引脚少, 当然需要的 PCB 空间就小啦!比如你可以选择一个很小的 2.54 间距的 5 芯端子做仿真接口。
二、仿真器对 SWD 模式支持情况1. 市面上的常用仿真器对 SWD 模式支持情况(1) JLINKV6 支持 SWD 仿真模式,速度较慢。
(2) JLINKV7 比较好的支持 SWD 仿真模式, 速度有了明显的提高,速度是JLINKV6 的 6 倍。
(3) JLINKV8 非常好的支持 SWD 仿真模式, 速度可以到 10M。
(4) ULINK1 不支持 SWD 模式。
(5) 盗版 ULINK2 非常好的支持 SWD 模式,速度可以达到 10M。
(6) 正版 ULINK2 非常好的支持 SWD 模式,速度可以达到 10M。
然后在KEIL JLINK DEBUG界面里更改接口为SWJLINK的第1脚是电压测量脚,他在下载前会测量目标板上的电压,如果低就不让下载,我们的控制器的SWD编程口不带3.3V脚,所以要直接在JLINK上接3.3V,欺骗一下JLINK如出现下面错误,请将JLINK V7 的JTAG 1脚的电压检测端与3.3V端子(默认是JTAG的第2脚) 用杜邦线短接,山寨的LINK的JTAG插座不一定和标准的一样,所以第2脚不一定有3.3V,最好用万用表量一下JTAG插座上哪个脚是3.3V,一般JLINK PCB上也有3.3V接线柱,也可以用导线将2者相连。
Eaton Moeller 系列 DIL-SWD SWD 联接器模块 118561 商品说明书
Eaton 118561Eaton Moeller® series DIL-SWD Function element, contactor,SmartWire-DT, DIL/MSC, manual/autoGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series DIL-SWD SWDcontactor module118561401508116831672 mm38 mm45 mm0.037 kgUL 508IEC/EN 60947ULEN 50178CECSA File No.: 2324643CSA Class No.: 3211-07UL File No.: E29184IEC/EN 61131-2UL Category Control No.: NKCR CSA-C22.2 No. 14-05IEC/EN 60947-4-1CSA DIL-SWD-32-002Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeFieldbus connection over separate bus coupler possibleDisplay of Contactor switching position, status of the digital inputs 1 and 2, 1-0-A switch positionFor connecting the contactors to SmartWire-DT Contactor actuationOwn supplySpring clamp connectionAddress allocation via Rotary switchControl mode ≤ 2.8 m, Connection auxiliary contact 40 mA, SmartWire-DT network3 mA210.5 AII2SmartWire-DT slaveOther bus systemsSWD contactor modulesDC1 g, 8.4 - 150 Hz, according to IEC/EN 61131-2, Vibrations 3,5 mm, 5 - 8.4 Hz, according to IEC/EN 61131-2, Vibrations 50 mm Drop height, Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-310.3 m -25 °C 60 °C -30 °C 70 °CFeaturesFunctionsFitted with:Electric connection type Operating mode Cable lengthCurrent consumption Input current at signal 1 Number of inputs (digital) Number of outputs (digital) Output current Overvoltage category Pollution degreeProduct category ProtocolTypeVoltage typeConstant accelerationConstant amplitudeDrop and toppleHeight of fall (IEC/EN 60068-2-32) - max Ambient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - maxAs DILM7 to DILM3815 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 9 Impacts Condensation: prevent with appropriate measures 5 - 95 % (non-condensing, IEC/EN 60068-2-30) 5 - 95 % (non-condensing, IEC/EN 60068-2-30)8 kV, according to IEC 61131-2, level 3, ESD4 kV, according to IEC/EN 61131-2, Level 2, ESD3 V/m at 1.4 - 2 GHz (according to IEC/EN 61131-2:2008)10 V/m at 80 - 1000 MHz (according to IEC/EN 61131-2:2008) 1 V/m at 2.0 - 2.7 GHz (according to IEC/EN 61131-2:2008)10 V (IEC/EN 61131-2:2008, Level 3)Class A (EN 55011)0.2 - 1.5 mm² (24 - 16 AWG), solid 0.25 - 1.5 mm², flexible with ferrule15 V DC (auxiliary contact)0 VAC0 VAC15 VDC15 VDC125 mA (for DILM 7-9)188 mA (for DILM 12-15)500 mA (for DILM 17-38)3 W for DILM 7-9 (Pick-up power)4.5 W for DILM 12-15 (Sealing power) 12 W for DILM 17-38 (Pick-up power)3 W for DILM 7-9 (Sealing power)4.5 W for DILM 12-15 (Pick-up power) 0.5 W for DILM 17-38 (Sealing power)Address set automaticallyYesSWD: Plug, 8-polePush in terminals, Auxiliary contactExternal device plug SWD4-8SF2-5, SmartWire-DTStatus indication of SmartWire-DT network: Green and orange LEDMounting position Shock resistance Environmental conditions Relative humidity Relative humidityAir dischargeContact discharge Electromagnetic fields Radiated RFIRadio interference class Terminal capacityRated operational voltageSupply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - min Supply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - max Supply voltage at DC - min Supply voltage at DC - maxPick-up current Power consumption Sealing current AddressingConnection to SmartWire-DT Connection typeLED indicator188 mA, SmartWire-DT network for DILM 12-1521 mA, SmartWire-DT network for DILM 17-38125 mA, SmartWire-DT network for DILM 7-9SmartWire-DT slave, SmartWire-DT network2NoneNoneConnection auxiliary contact: no 0 W0 W0 AMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.StationNumber of auxiliary contactsExplosion safety category for dust Explosion safety category for gas Potential isolation Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesMeets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.SmartWire-DT CatalogProduct Range Catalog Switching and protecting motors Switching and protecting motors - catalogDA-DC-00004245.pdfDA-DC-00004246.pdfDA-DC-00004109.pdfDA-DC-00004204.pdfDA-DC-00004108.pdfDA-DC-00004244.pdfDA-DC-00003912.pdfDA-DC-00004910.pdfDA-DC-00004880.pdfDA-DC-00004913.pdfDA-DC-00004878.pdfDA-DC-00004912.pdfDA-DC-00004911.pdfDA-DC-00004879.pdfDA-DC-00004937.pdfDA-DC-00004881.pdfeaton-modular-plc-swd-dil-swd-function-element-dimensions.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-function-dil-swd-function-element-3d-drawing-002.epsDA-CE-ETN.DIL-SWD-32-002IL03402036ZWIN-WIN with push-in technologyMN05006001Z_ENMN05006002Z_EN10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical function CataloguesCertification reports Declarations of conformityDrawingseCAD modelInstallation instructions Installation videos Manuals and user guides mCAD modelEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaDA-CS-dil_swd_32 DA-CD-dil_swd_32。
4.2 液晶操作器的外观及说明
4.3 监控菜单的介绍与操作方法
4.4 呼梯控制菜单的介绍与操作方法
4.5 故障记录菜单的介绍与操作方法
4.6 【参数修改】菜单的介绍与操作
4.6.1 【参数修改】菜单的流程图
4.6.2 【参数修改】菜单的具体定义与说明
■同步电梯安川 L7B 变频器参数参考值表
■同步电梯富士 Lift 变频器参数参考值表
SWD-F50 系列电梯微机控制器
第一章 SWD-F50 串行控制系统功能介绍
1 自动运行
(2)手动提前关门(有开门输出未到延时 (1)将控制柜、轿厢、轿顶正常/检修开关旋
停车撤销 内选
(2)若电梯有负载检测装置,轻载时内选可 选多个,就近停车清所有内选。
FU3 设为 0 时,有消号功能, 设为 1 时,无消号功能。
调试维修 显示电梯运行的状态、方向、所处楼层、
10 门禁运行
将系统设置为门禁状态后,电梯在门区不 需将系统的可再次走车。
一、引脚定义Test Clock Input (TCK) -----强制要求1TCK在IEEE1149.1标准里是强制要求的。
Test Mode Selection Input (TMS) -----强制要求2TMS信号在TCK的上升沿有效。
Test Data Input (TDI) -----强制要求3TDI在IEEE1149.1标准里是强制要求的。
Test Data Output (TDO) -----强制要求4TDO在IEEE1149.1标准里是强制要求的。
Test Reset Input (TRST) ----可选项1这个信号接口在IEEE 1149.1标准里是可选的,并不是强制要求的。
因为通过TMS也可以对TAP Controll进行复位(初始化)。
(VTREF) -----强制要求5接口信号电平参考电压一般直接连接Vsupply。
这个可以用来确定ARM的JTAG接口使用的逻辑电平(比如3.3V还是5.0V?)Return Test Clock ( RTCK) ----可选项2可选项,由目标端反馈给仿真器的时钟信号,用来同步TCK 信号的产生,不使用时直接接地。
mirle swd伺服驱动器说明书
mirle swd伺服驱动器说明书
输入信号:热电偶KESJTF2热电阻Pt100 Cu50基本误差:输入满量程的士0.5%±1个字
控制输出:继电器触点AC250V 3A(阻值)
过零触发脉冲:光偶可控硅输出1A 60ov
读取操作的速度取决于闪存设备的速度以及SWD 接口的带宽。
Rockwell PLC与EU5C-SWD-EIP-MODTCP Ethernet网关的应用说明说明
Reading Motor Current from a DC1/DE1on Smartwire via Ethernet/IPThe motor current is not included in the cyclic data from a DC1 Variable Frequency Drive or from the DE1 Variable Speed Starter on Smartwire. This application note will demonstrate how to read the motor current from these devices with explicit messages via Ethernet/IP and a Rockwell PLC with the EU5C-SWD-EIP-MODTCP Ethernet gateway when they are connected to a Smartwire network.Connecting the DC1/DE1 to a Smartwire NetworkFirst, the DE1/DC1 must be connected to a Smartwire network where the network master is the EU5C-SWD-EIP-MODTCP Ethernet gateway. For this example, a DC1 Variable Frequency Drive is connected to a Smartwire network with 3 XTcontactors (DIL-SWD-32-002), an LED (M22-SWD-K11LED-G) and a pushbutton (M22-SWD-K11) as shown below. Reading motor current from a DE1 is identical to reading it from a DC1.Smartwire Assist software is used to setup and configure the network and the devices. It is also used to determine the I/O assembly numbers and data lengths for each. In addition, it also has the capability of creating a CSV file containing the I/O tags for each Smartwire device that can be imported into RSLogix5000 and aliased to the generic I/O tags created by the programming software for third-party Ethernet/IP devices.Below is a screen shot of the Smartwire network used for this applicationApplication Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 20172 EATON CORPORATION example.Note that the DC1 Drive (DX-NET-SWD3) is node 4 on the Smartwire network. This information will be needed when using Message instructions in RSLogix5000 to read the motor current via Acyclic/Explicit messages. The Ethernet GatewaySelect the EIPSWD gateway and view its various tabs.Under the Device Information tab for the gateway is where the information concerning I/O assembly numbers and I/O data lengths are stored. For thisexample, the following assemblies and data lengths have been generated.Application Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 2017EATON CORPORATION 3This is the data that must be entered for the Generic Ethernet Device inRSLogix5000 when adding this device to the Ethernet/IP network. Since there are an almost infinite amount of possible Smartwire network combinations, an eds file is not used with the Smartwire Ethernet Gateway.Under the Device Parameters tab, be sure the Ethernet/IP Mode is selected. This is the default.Under the Ethernet Parameters tab is where its IP address, subnet mask and gateway address are configured. For this example, the following are used.The IP address for the 1756-EN2T Ethernet/IP scanner is each individual Smartwire device to view the I/O data showing the actual RSLogix5000 generic I/O address for each parameter. “EIPSWD” is used for the name when entering the gateway into RSLogix5000 and is also the name for eachgeneric I/O tag. For example, the I/O tags for the DC1 drive are shown below.Application Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 20174 EATON CORPORATION Also note the Profile that has been selected for this application example for theDC1 drive shown below. This is under the Device Parameters tab.Application Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 2017EATON CORPORATION 5Adding the EU5C-SWD-EIP-MODTCP Ethernet gateway to the Ethernet/IP Network in RSLogix5000For this example a 1756-L71 controller and 1756-EN2T Ethernet/IP scanner are used.In RSLogix5000, after adding the 1756-EN2T to the Controller Organizer under the backplane, right click on Ethernet and select New Module. From the large list of Ethernet/IP slave devices, near the bottom is “Generic Ethernet Device” as shown under the Description column. Select it, then the create button and the followingwindow will open.Application Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 20176 EATON CORPORATION The information for this window has already been provided as follows. Be sure toselect “Data-SINT” (bytes) for the Comm Format.Application Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 2017EATON CORPORATION 7Click OK, then enter an RPI time on the Connection Tab and click OK again. Generic I/O tags will be created with the name “EIPSWD” in the Controller tag area.Creating the CSV tag file in SWD-Assist and Importing it into RSLogix5000 In the SWD-Assist software, once the network is finalized and when in the offline mode, select the Ethernet gateway. Then under the Project drop down menu select “Export Ethernet/IP Configuration…”. You will be prompted for a name for the CSV file. Give it a name and save it to your hard drive. This name does not matter. The name for the tags in the file (EIPSWD) and the name given the gateway in RSLogix5000 (EIPSWD) must match for the tags to be properlyimported and aliased to the generic I/O tags. Import this tag file into RSLogix5000, under Tools/Import/Tags and Logic Comments… There will now be descriptive I/O tags for each device on the Smartwire network in RSLogix5000 in the ControllerTags area. They may be used to monitor and control each device because theyApplication Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 20178 EATON CORPORATION have been aliased to the generic tags.Monitoring Motor Current and other ParametersAs noted earlier, motor current is not included in the cyclic Input data for the DC1 or DE1 on Smartwire. Only control bits and setpoint/speed reference along with status bits and actual speed are included. So any other data such as motor current must be read using explicit messages with imbedded Smartwire commands. This paper will demonstrate how to accomplish this and provide a sample RSLogix5000 program.Note: The RSLogix5000 program was developed using version 24. The program may need to be converted when importing into other versions of the software or if a different controller is used. The software will prompt the user for this. Reading Motor Current or Any Other Supported ParameterThere are 8 total message instructions required in RSLogix5000 to monitor motor current from each DE1 or DC1. They must be executed in the order shown below each time the motor current is to be updated.Application Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 2017EATON CORPORATION 9The description for the parameters of the message instructions are as follows: Class: 65Instance: 4 for this example. This is the Smartwire node address of the device (DC1).Attribute: Node Index Object. Note the values used for each Message instruction are in the sample program and shown below for each Message Instruction. 1. A Set Attribute Single message, writing one byte of data is to be sent first, perthe screen shot below. The value of the 1 byte of data is 47 decimal.Application Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 201710 EATON CORPORATION 2. Another Set Attribute Single message, sending 1 byte of data containing thelength of the subsequent Smartwire command. The length is 10 bytes.3. Another Set Attribute Single sending 36 bytes, containing a 10 byte Smartwire command. The message is below, followed by the command data.Command written to the DC1 drive for this example, to set it up to read the motor current in a subsequent message read. Refer to page 77 in publicationMN04012009Z for a complete description of each value.The PNU Index number is from the DE1/DC1 Smartwire manual. Note which is the high byte and which is the low byte. The program provided with this applicationnote uses the SWPB and COP instructions to take care of this byte order, so PNU Index numbers and where necessary, subindex numbers can be entered as an integer (decimal) value. The program also puts the 2 bytes of data returned into an integer value that properly displays the actual value returned. In the case of motor current, the program puts the data into an integer and also takes care of scaling. The motor current is scaled by a factor of 10.In the command shown above to read motor current, the PNU Index value high byte is 1 and the low byte is -8. When these values are put into an integer word in the correct order, the value is 504 decimal, which is the PNU Index number for Motor Current as shown in the DE1/DC1 Smartwire user manual, page 59 as shown below.4. This message reads the Error code. This value will be 0 unless a problem occurs. The message instruction is shown below.5. This is a message read or Get Attribute Single to read the Index value to verify it is 47 decimal. The message instruction is shown below.6. This message read or Get Attribute single reads the message length to verify it is 10 bytes. The message instruction is shown below.7. This message read or Get Attribute single reads the command reply, which is 10 bytes long as follows. The message instruction is shown below.8. This message reads the Error code. This value will be 0 unless a problem occurs. The message instruction is shown below.The result of the Message read that is requesting the Motor Current (PNU Index 504) or any other parameter (PNU Index number) is shown in the RD_Data_Result in the attached program. This tag includes the command header information as well as the raw data for the requested PNU Index number.The 10 byte reply is shown below. Refer to page 78 in publication MN04012009Zfor a complete description of each value.Motor CurrentIn the screen shot above, the motor current was requested (PNU Index 504). The motor current is in tags 6 and 7 above, where 7 is the low byte. The value of 13 is scaled by a factor of 10. The actual motor current in this case is 1.3 amps. In the attached program, there is a Motor_Current_Amps tag which is a Real tag that contains the motor current with the 2 bytes put together in the correct order and the scaling applied. The result for this example is 1.3 amps.Reading 16 bit Integer ValuesWhen reading 16 bit integer values such as Motor Voltage (PNU Index number 501, subindex 0), the data is received in bytes 6 and 7 as shown above. Bytes 8 and 9 are not used. In all cases, for 16 bit integer values, bit 7 is the low byte and bit 8 the high byte. The sample program provides the data responses for 16 bit integer data values in tag: PNU_Actual_Data_INT.Reading 32 bit Double Integer ValuesWhen reading 32 bit double integer values, such as t-Run (the drives total operating time in hours, minutes, seconds – PNU Index number 821, subindex 0), bytes 6 and 7 comprise the high word and bytes 8 and 9 comprise the low word. Byte 7 is the low byte of the high word and byte 6 the low byte. In addition, byte 9is the low byte of the low word and byte 8 the high byte. The sample program provides the data responses for 32 bit double integer data values in tag:PNU_Actual_Data_DINT.The Sample Program DescriptionThe attached sample program does not use the descriptive tag file for the cyclic I/O data. It simply writes to the control word and the speed reference word to operate the DC1 drive and motor. The motor used is an unloaded 1.3 HP motor that draws 1.3 amps at 100% speed (60Hz). The program operates as follows:1. At power up or when put into the Run mode, it immediately sends a 047E to the drive. This is a Stop command.2. After a 2 second delay, it then sends a 047F command to instruct the DC1 drive to Run along with a value of 4000 hex or 16384 decimal for the speed reference to instruct the drive to run the motor at 100% speed or 60Hz.3. The 8 message instructions described above are there to read any PNU Index value supported by the product (DE1 or DC1). The PNU number can be inserted in decimal into the Tag: PNU_Index. The Sub Index number for a specific PNU Index number may be entered into tag: PNU_Subindex. Examples are PNU Index number 504 for Motor Current and 501 for Motor Voltage. The Subindex for these two values are 0.4. The program executes the 8 message instructions every 10 seconds and during each cycle it executes the 8 message instructions 1 second apart.5. If Motor Current is being read, the Motor_Current_Amps tag should be used to view the current in amps. If any other PNU Index value is read, the data should beApplication Note APDLR Ethernet/IP NetworkEffective June, 2017EATON CORPORATION 21viewed using tag PNU-Actual_Data_INT for a 16 bit integer value and tag PNU_Actual_Data_DINT for a 32 bit double integer value. The motor current is scaled and the result in the PNU_Actual_Data tag for it is the raw value. The value for the current in tag Motor_Current_Amps has been divided by 10, the scale factor so the result in the Real (floating point) tag is in amps.Application Note DE1/DC1 Effective October, 2017ReferencesDC1/DE1 Smartwire User Manual, Publication MN04012009Z-ENDC1 variable frequency drive: MN04020003Z-ENDE1 variable speed starter: MN040011ENAdditional HelpIn the US or Canada: please contact the Technical Resource Center at 1-877-ETN-CAREor 1-877-326-2273 option 2. Or, email to: All other supporting documentation is located on the Eaton web site at /drivesEaton1000 Eaton BoulevardCleveland, OH 44122 USA© 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. AP040061ENJanuary 2017Eaton is a registered trademarkof Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners。
swd标准顺序软件开发生命周期(Software Development Life Cycle,简称SDLC)是指软件开发过程中各个阶段的顺序和活动。
为了统一和规范软件开发过程,增加开发效率和质量,SWD(Software Development)标准顺序应运而生。
需求分析阶段包括以下主要活动:1. 与用户沟通:开发团队与用户进行充分的交流和沟通,以了解用户需求的细节和特点。
2. 需求收集和整理:收集来自用户的需求,并将其整理成清晰、可理解的文档,明确需求的功能、界面等方面。
3. 需求验证:对用户提出的需求进行验证,确保需求的准确性和完整性。
在设计与规划阶段,开发团队要进行以下几个关键活动:1. 系统架构设计:设计软件的整体架构,确定各个模块之间的关系和相互作用。
2. 模块设计:根据系统架构,将软件功能划分为多个独立、可重用的模块,并设计每个模块的功能和接口。
3. 数据库设计:确定软件所需的数据库结构和数据处理逻辑,保证数据的安全性和可靠性。
4. 技术选型和规划:选择合适的开发平台、工具和技术,制定开发计划和时程安排。
主要活动包括:1. 编码:根据需求和设计文档,编写软件代码,并严格遵守编码规范和标准。
2. 单元测试:对编写的代码进行单元测试,测试各个模块的功能是否符合设计要求。
3. 集成测试:将各个模块进行组合,进行集成测试,确保模块间的协作和数据的正确流动。
4. 系统测试:对整个系统进行全面测试,验证软件是否满足用户需求和预期效果。
SWD协议学习ARM调试原理【调试接⼝框图】【SWD时序】【SWD主机】调试接⼝框图ARM-M0《ARM Cortex-M0.pdf》⼿册上提到的调试框图如下:《debug_interface_v6_0_architecture_specification_IHI0074A.pd》提到的调试框图如下:由此可知DAP中分为了AP和DP再看m3内核框图:从这⾥可以看到AP是在芯⽚中的,⽽SWDP是在外⾯的(SWD仿真器)。
-SWDIO 为双向Data⼝,主机到⽬标的数据传送。
-SWDCLK 为时钟⼝,主机驱动。
⾸先参考《ARM Debug Interface V5》(注:该⽂档已有更新版本,并且对V5版本做了勘误),对⼀些相关的协议相关说明有了较浅的认识。
Trn-Trn:即Line turn-round,当总线上的数据传输⽅向发送改变时(⽐如由Host->Target变为Target->Host),需要插⼊Trn,Trn为⼀个CLK时序,关于对于Trn的理解⾃⼰也有些疑问。
Idle cycles:在⼀个总线完成后,可以⽴即进⼊下⼀个总线操作或者是勒令总线进⼊Idle 状态,此时可以插⼊Idle cycle。
SWD协议学习 (2)
SWD协议学习协议名称:SWD协议学习一、背景介绍SWD(Serial Wire Debug)是一种用于调试和编程嵌入式系统的协议。
三、协议内容1. SWD协议概述1.1 SWD协议的定义和作用1.2 SWD协议的优势和适合范围1.3 SWD协议与其他调试协议的比较2. SWD协议基本原理2.1 SWD接口和引脚定义2.2 SWD通信流程和时序2.3 SWD命令和响应的格式3. SWD协议的使用方法3.1 SWD协议的初始化和配置3.2 SWD协议的数据读写操作3.3 SWD协议的调试功能4. SWD协议的应用案例4.1 基于SWD协议的嵌入式系统调试4.2 基于SWD协议的固件烧录和更新4.3 基于SWD协议的硬件调试和性能优化5. SWD协议的规范和标准5.1 SWD协议的版本和更新历史5.2 SWD协议的相关标准和规范四、协议实施1. 协议学习材料为了匡助读者更好地学习SWD协议,我们提供了以下学习材料: - SWD协议详细说明文档- SWD协议相关案例分析- SWD协议学习视频教程2. 协议学习方法为了更好地掌握SWD协议,我们建议读者采取以下学习方法:- 阅读SWD协议详细说明文档,了解协议的基本概念和原理;- 进行SWD协议相关案例分析,掌握协议的具体应用;- 观看SWD协议学习视频教程,加深对协议的理解和应用能力。
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美国光线保护公司 Salt Water Disposal (SWD) 站点电缆接地指南说明书
Salt Water Disposal (SWD) Site Bonding GuideFor Lightning ProtectionSeptember 2013Typical SWD site with oil, gunbarrel, sand and salt water tanksIMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING THIS DOCUMENTThis guide was developed through compiling information based on our experience. We have not independently tested, evaluated or verified the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in this guide other than directly with respect to the products we design and install.IntroductionElectrical storms create a charge on an SWD site. This induced charge includes the surface of the earth, fiberglass tanks, steel tanks, and other structures and operating systems at the site. When there is a nearby lightning strike to the earth, which can occur over 100 meters from the site, the charge that was induced on the earth is discharged to the point of lightning termination in a matter of microseconds. The surrounding structures and tanks may discharge at a slower rate than the earth and other bonded and grounded conductive surfaces. This difference in discharge rate, especially between isolated metallic bodies and other bonded and grounded conductive surfaces, will result in a difference in electrical potential. As the built up charge on an isolated metallic body seeks a path to the point of lightning termination, the charge flow across bodies or structures with different electrical potentials can create an arc or spark which could lead to a tank explosion and fire.In order to reduce the potential of an arc or spark within the containment wall tank area, all isolated metallic bodies on top of fiberglass tanks should be bonded and connected to the unified ground system. The ground system should have the most efficient earth interface possible, including both a low resistance and low impedance. This may be achieved by utilizing a chemically charged grounding electrode, such as the Chem-Rod™, in order to account for the high-frequency transient nature of the lightning event.In our experience, no two salt water disposal sites are identical, and proper bonding and grounding will vary from site to site. This guide is intended to illustrate isolated metallic bodies of a typical salt water disposal site that should be bonded and grounded, but does not necessarily show all of the required or recommended bonding and grounding for any particular salt water disposal site. The user of this guide should consult with a qualified engineer familiar with the particular salt water disposal site for which an LEC system will be installed, and that qualified engineer should assure that all isolated metallic bodies have been properly bonded and ground to avoid and arc or spark.Buyer has been informed that LEC has limited experience, knowledge, and expertise in the requirements for adequately “bonding”the equipment and machinery to which LEC’s products, services, systems or solutions will be affixed. Accordingly, Buyer agrees that it shall not be entitled to rely on information, guidelines, or other materials relating to bonding which LEC has provided to Buyer. Further, Buyer agrees that LEC shall not be responsible for, and waives and releases any right it might otherwise have to assert a claim for, any damage, loss or expense resulting, in whole or in part, from any incomplete, or nonexistent, or insufficient bonding on any of Buyer’s machinery or equipment. LEC strongly advises Buyer to consult its own expert regarding bonding.While not specifically addressed in this document, we recommend that active lightning protection equipment utilizing charge transfer technology and surge suppression devices (SPDs) be installed in order to provide a comprehensive lightning protection system. This may include DAS (for total strike prevention) and/or SBIs, SBTs or SDATs for varying degrees of risk reduction. This may also include Data Line Protectors (DLPs) for low voltage signal lines, as well as the Facility Guard (FG) or Transient Limiter (TLX) for higher voltage electrical service entrances, transformers, distribution panels, pumps, etc. Further, this document does not cover the necessity of a static drain device that is immersed in the product housed inside a fiberglass tank or insulated steel tank. These products are intended to transfer the electrical charge that is induced on the stored liquids to the earth grounding systems. In high soil resistivity environments, chemical ground electrodes may also be appropriate.Top of Tank BondingAll isolated metallic bodies on top of fiberglass tanks should be bonded together and tied to thecommon ground system. This includes bonding the metallic thief hatch flange to the catwalk, as well as the thief hatch flange to the thief hatch lid. The catwalk should be continuously conductive and bonded at both ends to the common ground system. Bonds from isolated metallic pipe fittings, valves, meters, and plugs may be tied to the thief hatch flange or directly to the catwalk. Alternately, metallic plugs may be removed and replaced with non-conductive plugs if feasible to do so. For example:Top of typical fiberglass salt water tankBOND BOND BOND BONDTop of Tank Bonding (continued)Top of typical fiberglass gunbarrel tankTop of typical fiberglass salt water or gunbarrel tankBOND BOND BONDBottom of Tank BondingAll isolated metallic piping at the bottom of fiberglass tanks should be bonded to the common ground system. This may include the short section of metal inlet pipe connected directly to the fiberglass tank, as well as any other inlet or outlet metal pipe sections such as those used for tank blow-out. Additionally, all isolated metallic flanges and couplings, such as those separated by short sections of non-conductive fiberglass or poly pipe, should be bonded together and tied to the common ground system. For example:Inlet/Outlet piping at bottom of typical fiberglass tankBottom of typical fiberglass tankPhase IIRecommended Bonding within Containment Wall may include:To further reduce the risk of unintended arcing or sparking within the containment wall and tank area, all isolated metallic bodies within 3 feet of a bonded or grounded metallic body or bonding or grounding wire should also be bonded and grounded. Typical locations for this recommended bonding are illustrated below:Isolated metallic objects within containment wallRecommended Bonding within Containment Wall (continued)Isolated metallic objects within containment wallIsolated metallic objects within containment wall。
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SWD 仿真模式概念简述
一、SWD 和传统的调试方式区别
1. SWD 模式比 JTAG 在高速模式下面更加可靠。
在大数据量的情况下面JTAG 下载程序会失败, 但是 SWD 发生的几率会小很多。
基本使用 JTAG 仿真模式的情况下是可以直接使用 SWD 模式的, 只要你的仿真器支持。
2. 在大家 GPIO 刚好缺一个的时候, 可以使用 SWD 仿真, 这种模式支持更少的引脚。
3. 在大家板子的体积有限的时候推荐使用 SWD 模式, 它需要的引脚少, 当然需要的 PCB 空间就小啦!比如你可以选择一个很小的 2.54 间距的 5 芯端子做仿真接口。
二、仿真器对SWD 模式支持情况
1. 市面上的常用仿真器对 SWD 模式支持情况
(1) JLINKV6 支持SWD 仿真模式,速度较慢。
(2) JLINKV7 比较好的支持 SWD 仿真模式, 速度有了明显的提高,速度是JLINKV6 的 6 倍。
(3) JLINKV8 非常好的支持SWD 仿真模式, 速度可以到10M。
(4) ULINK1 不支持SWD 模式。
(5) 盗版ULINK2 非常好的支持SWD 模式,速度可以达到10M。
(6) 正版 ULINK2 非常好的支持 SWD 模式,速度可以达到 10M。
如出现下面错误,请将JLINK V7 的JTAG 1脚的电压检测端与3.3V端子(默认是JTAG的第2脚) 用杜邦线短接,山寨的LINK的JTAG插座不一定和标准的一样,所以第2脚不一定有3.3V,最好用万用表量一下JTAG插座上哪个脚是3.3V,一般JLINK PCB上也有3.3V接线柱,也可以用导线将2者相连。
使用本店的JLINK (xLink ARM-OB STM32)可不用进行本设置。
一、Jlink ARM-OB STM32简介
Jlink ARM-OB STM32 是SEGGER 公司为开发板定制的板载Jlink调试方案。
除了不能测试目标板电压外,此Jlink 与正式版功能几乎一致
受Ourdev论坛minux 网友一篇文章启发,参考minux 网友贡献的资料,笔者制作了此文所提的Jlink 简化版,经过将近半年的测试,其不但工作稳定,而且携带方便,故此与大家分享。
2仅支持SW 两线调试;
5直接与电脑USB 接口连接,无需USB 线缆;
7仅需要三脚XH2.54 连接器,大大节约PCB面积;
8与JTAG 相比,仅需两根线(TMS / TCK),可节约若干条IO 口。
此Jlink经过精简,使用三脚XH2.54 连接器,完成SWD 接口的物理连接,经过半年多测试,即使连接线达40cm 的情况下,此Jlink 依然能可靠下载和调试。
图二原理图三、在Keil MDK 中使用Jlink
本节介绍在Keil MDK 4.14中使用Jlink 下载、调试流程,目标CPU 为STM32F103VC,。
首先,我们安装Keil MDK 开发环境和Jlink软件。
①打开KEIL MDK 开发环境,并点击如图:
②在硬盘合适的位置,建立一个工程并保存,本文命名为LED,然后跳出CPU 选择,我们选择STMicroelectronics 公司的STM32F103VC,如图所示:
③弹出对话框,加入Startup 文件,选择“是(Y)”,如图所示:
④把附件内的main.c 和stm32f10x_reg.h文件拷贝到工程文件夹内,并把main.c 加入到工程中,如图所示:
⑥正确无误后,我们来设置工程属性,以便可以通过Jlink 下载、调试。
首先进入工程属性设置,我们可以通过如图所示方法,进入工程属性页面,也可以通过Project 菜单下的Options for Target ……菜单进入属性设置。
⑦进入属性设置页面后,我们选择Debug Tab选项,然后选择Use Cortex-M/R J-LINK/J-Trace,然后点击Settings选项。
⑧调试端口我们选择SW模式,复位模式选择Atuodetect模式,如果此时Jlink连接了上电后的CPU,则能在SW Device栏检测到CPU ,如图所示。
⑨然后进入Utilities 页面,并选择Cortex-M/R J-LINK/J-Trace,然后点击Settings,如图所示:
⑩然后勾选上如图设置,并按Add 按钮添加变成对象,如图所示:
点击Add 后,并按OK 退出设置菜单,回到工程界面。
⑪如果仅仅需要下载程序,则只需要点击按钮,如果需要调试,则可以点击Debug 菜单下Start/Stop Debug session 来进入、退出Debug 模式。
至此,我们完成了用Keil MDK 建立一个新工程,并通过Jlink下载、调试。
四、在IAR EWARM 中使用Jlink
本节使用IAR EWARM 5.41,并配合Jlink 完成下载、调试工作,目标CPU 为STM32F103VC。
在IAR EWARM 中使用Jlink 与Keil MDK中大同小异,具体方法如下。
①首先安装IAR EWARM 5.41 开发环境,并安装安装目录下的Jlink驱动包,完成后,打开IAR EWARM 图标,并建立一个新的工作区,如图所示。
②然后点击Project 菜单下的Create New Project…,我们选择一个空工程(Empty project),如图所示,点击OK 确认操作,并存盘为led.eww 工程。
③把附件内的main.c 和stm32f10x_reg.h文件拷贝到工程文件夹内,并把main.c 加入到工程中,如图所示:
⑤进入后,我们通过General Options,来选择CPU,如图所示:
然后选择Debugger选项,并在Setup tab里选择J-Link/J-Trace,
⑥进入Download tab,并按下图设置选项。
⑦Download 设置完成后,我们进入J-link/J-Trace 选项,并选择SWD调试接口,如图所示。
然后按OK 结束设置。
也就是说,如果目标板电压为3.3V,那么这里也必须给1号针提供3.3V 电压,才能保证正常输出。
由上图可知,20针JTAG的2号针可以提供VCC供电,而当我打开J-Link Commander输入power on时,却发现2号针输出的是5V电压,如法通过直接短路1、2号针来解决问题。