





关键词:惠特曼 ;《草叶集》 ;生态批评一、有关惠特曼和《草叶集》的相关概述沃尔特·惠特曼(1819-1892)是美国历史上最为出名的诗人和人文主义学者之一,他创造了诗歌的自由体,对于后来的诗歌创作有着深远的影响。








外国文学史学期论文题目一叶草,一部新声的集合——惠特曼《草叶集》赏析班级汉语言文学(专升本)132 姓名丁臻楠学号 ************ 2013年12月1日目录一、浪漫主义春风下的草叶——作品创作背景 (1)(一)创作大背景 (1)(二)作者创作 (1)二、草叶的精神——作品分析 (2)(一)“草叶”主题——自我、创造、民主 (2)(二)艺术特点 (5)三、永远的草叶——作品贡献 (6)四、结语 (6)一、浪漫主义春风下的草叶——作品创作背景(一)创作大背景作者生活在19世纪的欧洲。















《草叶集》海诗的生态分析背景分析Analysis of Ecosophy in Marine Poems inLeaves of GrassByxxxSupervised byProf. xxxxxx xxth, 2020 College of Foreign Languages and CulturesChengdu University of Technology Analysis of Ecosophy in Marine Poems inLeaves of GrassStudent: xxx Class: xxx Supervisor: Prof. xxxAbstractWalt Whitman is a famous romantic poet in the history of American Literature. The leaves of grass is his representative poetry collection.The leaves of grass is rich in contents, which are all inclusive. This paper attempts to reinterpret this classic poetry collection from the unique perspective of “ecological wisdom T”. Through careful reading of a large number of its poems, and combining with the theory of “ecological wisdom T”, it makes a profound analysis of the contents of the poems, and interprets the ecological views in the poems, aiming to provide some ideas and Enlightenment for the current situation of the ecological crisis.This paper consists of three parts. First of all, this paper introduces the basic knowledge, including the author, leaves of grass, ecological point of view, etc; Then, starting with the verses of leaves of grass, combining with the theory of "ecological wisdom T";and through interpreting leaves of grass's ecological ideas by ecological thoughts marine poems in leaves of grass and Whitman's EcoTopia in leaves of grass, a t last, coming to a conclusion that human beings should often feel the spiritual comfort of nature in the embrace of nature, and absorb the wisdom of survival from nature, and finally coexist with nature for a long time and develop together.Key words: leaves of grass,ecological wisdom, nature, human beings.《草叶集》海诗的生态分析学生:xxx班级:xxx导师:xxx教授摘要沃尔特·惠特曼是美国文学史上著名的浪漫主义诗人。





《草叶集》是惠特曼思想的集大成之作,它包括《铭文》《亚当的子孙》《 芦笛》《候鸟》《海流》《在路上》《鼓声哒哒》《纪念林肯总统》《秋天的溪流》《神圣死亡的低语》《从正午到星光灿烂的夜晚》《离别之歌》等篇章。












目录中文标题、中文摘要、关键词----------------------------------------------------------------3前言------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 一、歌唱自我——自我抒情诗---------------------------------------------------------4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------二、歌颂民主——民族政治诗---------------------------------------------------------51、草叶的民主意义----------------------------------------------------------------------------6-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2、歌颂自由与平等-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63、歌唱黑奴的解放----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4、对国内和欧洲革命的支持---------------------------------------------------------------8----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5、对林肯总统的歌颂----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6、劳动创造理想未来---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 三、歌颂生命——生命之歌------------------------------------------------------121、草叶象征无穷的生命---------------------------------------------------------------------122、歌颂大自然---------------------------------------------------------------------------------13结束语------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 参考文献----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 致谢辞-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15浅析惠特曼《草叶集》的主题思想摘要:惠特曼是一个有强烈的民族意识和时代意识的作家。



















丹妙药 ” 通过这件 “ 。 艺术工具” 诗人 看到了人类 , 与大 自 然沟通的桥梁 , 发现了人与 自然建立一种亲 密关系的必要性 和重要性。 83 , 17 年 诗人身体左侧
样具有那种茂盛 、 强壮 、 渴盼扩张也能够扩张的
生命精神和灵魂升腾。 在惠特曼看来 , 万物竞荣 、 生机勃勃 的自然 , 其生态气象中蕴含和呈现了无穷 的精神力景 , 以此成为生成于 自然的人 的精神源 并 泉。 诗人的每一首关于 自然的诗歌向我们表明,自 然作为象形符号向人展示它的精神, 以自己的生态 秩序和生命精神向人启迪生存 的智慧 , 使人在精神 上得到提升, 是健康 的精神生态的表现。
《 草叶集 》 的主题之 就 是热爱 自然 、 尊重 自 然 把 自然看成 是人的精神支柱 。 诗人写 道 :“ 拂 开大草原的草 , 吸着它那特殊的香味, 我向它索要 /
精神上相应 的讯息 , 索要人们 的最丰饶而亲密的 / 伴侣关系……” 0 …¨ 在惠特曼的诗中, 草叶” “ 是生 命力的象征 , 是诗人心 目中的 自我人格的表现 ;惠 特曼心 目中的人 , 与大 自然 、 与大地血 肉相连 , 互 为一体 。 诗人在富有精神力量 的长诗《 向世界致敬 》 的开头写道:“ 拉着我的手啊, 华尔特 ・ / 惠特曼 ! 无尽 的链条 , 一环勾着一环 , 每一个都应着全体 , / 每一个都与全体分享着大地。 _ J 在这首 以 l 个 ” ll ¨ 5 “ 我听见 ” 5 个 “ 和 0 我看见 ” 比的诗中, 排 诗人的视 野遍及整个世界 , 这种生命夸张的精神 , 就是那“ 大 草原 的草” 的化身。 国内有学者认为, 惠特曼的 “ 这 种精神 , 较之东方古代那种 ‘ 窥情风景之上 , 钻貌 草木之 中’ 的优雅细腻 , 具有迥然不同的力度和气 势o [3 惠特曼 曾说:“ "21 1 0 灵感或精神进入一切事物 , 进入岩石 , 就能过一块岩石 的生活, 进入大海 , 就 能觉得 自己是大海……进入一只动物 , 就觉得 自己 是一匹马 , 一尾鱼 , 或一只鸟……”3 LJ诗人进入 了 g


美 国 歌手 , 他 的 跟 随 者 正 与 他 一 起 歌 唱 自己 的祖 国 , 歌 唱 民主 , 歌 唱 自我 。
惠特曼 的《 草 叶集 》 , 这 部 以 自然 界 最 平 凡 、 最 普
相信 1 9世 纪 的 美 国 经 历 着 最 优 越 的 时 间 与 空 间 。 独立 战争 结 束后 , 美 国 的领土 急剧 扩 张 , 移 民潮 水 般 涌人 , 经 济迅 速膨 胀 , 积 累 了巨 大 的物 质 财 富 , 呈 现
美 国生活 。

土 生 土 长 的 美 国 诗 人
瓦 尔 特 ・惠 特 曼 , “ 一 个美 国人 , 一个 粗 人 , 一 个
宇 宙 ”, 是美 国历 史 上 最伟 大 的诗 人 , 被 公 认 为 美 国
的“ 诗 歌之父 ” 。 惠 特 曼 出 生 在 美 国 纽 约 长 岛 亨 廷 顿
( 兰州文理学 院 外语学 院 , 甘 肃 兰 州 7 3 0 0 0 0 )
摘 要 : 瓦 尔 特 ・惠 特 曼 被 公 认 为 美 国 的 “ 诗 歌 之 父” 。 惠 特 曼 时代 , 美 国在 文 学 、 思 想 与 意 识 形 态
上 仍 然 依 附 于 欧 洲 传 统 ,深 受 维 多 利 亚 时 代 价 值 观 的 影 响 , 但 惠 特 曼却 敢 于 向 传 统 发 出挑 战 , 强 调
特 ・惠 特 曼 , 也是 1 9世 纪 的 美 国 大 众 。 在 惠 特 曼 看
来 , 美 国 这 个 值 得 称 颂 的 国 家 就 是 由 这 样 无 数 个 我
孕育 而 成 。

广大 的普 通 人及 其 个 性 。正 是抱 着 这 样 的信 念 , 他
为读 者描 绘 了一 幅世 间众 生 图 , 充 分展 示 了 1 9世 纪


















诗人惠特曼的简介沃尔特·惠特曼(英语:Walt Whitman,1819年5月31日-1892年3月26日),美国诗人、散文家、新闻工作者及人文主义者。

















19世纪40年代是惠特曼长期工作的第一个收获期:1841年他出版了一些短篇故事,一年后他在纽约出版了小说《富兰克林·埃文斯》(Franklin Evans)。





关键词:沃尔特·惠特曼《草叶集》美国诗人中图分类号:i106.2 文献标识码:a1819年,美国19世纪浪漫诗人沃尔特·惠特曼出生于纽约州长岛的一个贫穷农家,贫穷的家境只供惠特曼念了六年书,就让他进入下层社会独立谋生。











诗赏惠特曼《草叶集》505I believe in you my soul, the other I ammust not abase itself to you,And you must not be abased to the other.Loafe with me on the grass, loose the stopfrom your throat, Not words, not music or rhyme I want, notcustom or lecture, noteven the best,Only the lull I like, the hum of yourvalved voice.I mind how once we lay such a transparentsummer morning,How you settled your head athwart my hipsand gently turn'd over upon me,And parted the shirt from my bosom-bone,and plunged your tongueto my bare-stript heart,And reach'd till you felt my beard, andreach'd till you held my feet.Swiftly arose and spread around me thepeace and knowledge that passall the argument of the earth,And I know that the hand of God is thepromise of my own, And I know that the spirit of God is thebrother of my own, And that all the men ever born are also mybrothers, and the womenmy sisters and lovers,And that a kelson of the creation is love,And limitless are leaves stiff or droopingin the fields,And brown ants in the little wells beneaththem,And mossy scabs of the worm fence, heap'dstones, elder, mullein andpoke-weed.我相信你,我的灵魂,但我绝不使别人向你屈尊,你也不应该对别人自低身份。




















博尔赫斯:不朽的惠特曼的《草叶集》沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman,1819年5月31日-1892年3月26日),出生于纽约州长岛,美国著名诗人、人文主义者,创造了诗歌的自由体(Free Verse),其代表作品是诗集《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass)。




















Influences upon him
• 1. influence from the Enlightenment

• (as embodied in Jefferson and Pain), ideals of the rights and dignity of the individual , toleration, humanitarianism(人道主义), cosmopolitanism(世界主义) and idealism)
• “The greatest poet breathes into the world the grandeur and life of universe.” (Whitman)

• 2) poetry is organic, natural.
• Art should be based organically on nature , poetry grows out of nature; a poem is alive and passionate like the spirit of a plant/animal from nature (Emerson)
Themes of “Song of Myself ”
• 2.ideals of equality and democracy • It celebrates the dignity, self-reliant
spirit and joy of common man; it reveals a world of equality.
• 6. cosmic evolution • 7. the beauty of death as part of the cycle



诗赏惠特曼《草叶集》472Houses and rooms are full of perfumes, theshelves are crowded withperfumes,I breathe the fragrance myself and know itand like it,The distillation would intoxicate me also,but I shall not let it.The atmosphere is not a perfume, it has notaste of thedistillation, it is odorless,It is for my mouth forever, I am in lovewith it,I will go to the bank by the wood andbecome undisguised and naked,I am mad for it to be in contact with me.The smoke of my own breath,Echoes, ripples, buzz'd whispers,love-root, silk-thread, crotch and vine,My respiration and inspiration, the beatingof my heart, the passingof blood and air through my lungs,The sniff of green leaves and dry leaves,and of the shore and dark-color'd sea-rocks, and of hay in thebarn,The sound of the belch'd words of my voiceloos'd to the eddies ofthe wind,A few light kisses, a few embraces, areaching around of arms,The play of shine and shade on the trees asthe supple boughs wag,The delight alone or in the rush of thestreets, or along the fieldsand hill-sides,The feeling of health, the full-noon trill,the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun.Have you reckon'd a thousand acres much?have you reckon'd the earth much?Have you practis'd so long to learn toread?Have you felt so proud to get at themeaning of poems?Stop this day and night with me and youshall possess the origin ofall poems,You shall possess the good of the earth andsun, (there are millionsof suns left,)You shall no longer take things at secondor third hand, nor look throughthe eyes of the dead, nor feed on thespectres in books,You shall not look through my eyes either,nor take things from me,You shall listen to all sides and filterthem from your self.2屋宇和房间里充满了芳香,框架上也充满了芳香,我自己呼吸到这种芳香,我知道它,我欢喜它,这种芬芳的气息,要使我沉醉,但我不让自己沉醉。



Fallen cold and dead. Oh Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up -for you the flag is flung -for you the bugle trills, For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores crowding, For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here, Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck
Oh Captain!My Captain Oh Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; But Oh heart! heart! heart! Oh the bleeding drops of red!
1841年他出版了一些短篇故事。一年后他在 纽约出版了小说《富兰克林·埃文斯》。 1855年,也是他父亲去世的那年。第一版的 草叶集由惠特曼自己付费出版一年后,草叶 集的第二版,连同爱默生的祝贺信一同出版 1881年的第七版草叶集出版,不断上升的知 名度使这版诗集得以畅销。 1885年 为纪念林肯逝世20周年,作诗《献给 那个被钉在十字架上的人》,后收入《草叶 集》。 1892年3月26日惠特曼逝世,他被安葬在哈 利公墓,在他自己设计的墓碑下面。




大家肯定知道惠特曼是谁——美国19世纪著名诗人,人文主义者,他创造了诗歌的自由体(Free Verse),被誉为“美国现代诗歌之父”。













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惠特曼的草叶生态区Whitman' s Ecotopia in Leaves of Grass4.1 Eulogy of NatureWhitman is a poet who not only sings for the nature, but also for the city. He is infatuated with the beauty of nature. At the same time, he edits modern civilized products such as locomotives, cables, etc. He cultivated his emotions on the slopes of the new world and in the process of poetry creation. A unique view of nature and the development of the ideal way of being on earth.There is always a magic power in nature that carves out all kinds of amazing scenes. People can't help but admire her charm of enlightening the world at the same time. The four seasons of the year sing the praises of life. Spring is pregnant with the beauty of sowing hope, everything recovers, the song of birds blows away the bleary sleep curtain of the earth; it is full of vitality, flowers and plants show their heads to decorate the earth, in this perfect spring, with the hope and vitality of life restart. Summer contains the passion and vitality of life. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, all singing the praises of life, writing the regret of youth. Autumn spreads the beauty of harvest. Fruitful, people's laughter makes the year's efforts more worthwhile. And that winter contains pure and peaceful beauty. Snow capped, silver wrapped, the noisy and pompous world into another peaceful country.4.1.1 Meaning of “Leaves of Grass”The “Leaves of Grass” has a very important position in the history of Americanpoetry and even the entire literature. It is a world-renowned masterpiece, and it has created a new era of American national poetry. Even for English poetry as a whole, its influence can be describ ed by the word “revolution”. When the poetry of Longfellow et al. Is still following the European tradition from content to form, the author has made bold innovations in the form of poetry, created a “free verse” form of poetry, broke the traditional poetic rhythm, and broken the sentence. As the basis of the rhythm, the rhythm is free and unrestrained, the ocean is wild and unrestrained, and it has the momentum and the all-inclusive capacity.Acura democracy and freedom are the main themes of The Blade of Grass. In “Song of Freedom”, the poet solemnly declared: “I utter the most primitive password, and I send a signal of democracy.” In “Knock! Knock it! War Drums!” In this poem, the poet fully reflects the fighting spirit of the federal military and civilians in order to smash slavery and fight for democracy: “Don't negotiate, don't stop, because of others' advice, ignore the cowardly, ignore the crying or praying People; ah, the bugle is blowing so loudly.” In“For You, Democracy”, the poet wrote:“Come, I want to create a nation where the sun shines on ... For you, democracy Oh, I sing these songs in a trembling voice. ”The poet sees the United States as “ the land of democracy.”Human equality is also a concern of the Blade of Grass. In Beginnock, the poet enthusiastically wrote, “Ah. Such a theme is equal! This sacred Pinger noun!”According to the poet, in this world, nations are large and small, regardless of race, They should all be equal. “I am a member of many nations. There is no difference between the largest and the smallest.” “All men born are my brothers, all women are my sisters, and my lover.”“Leaves of Grass” also praises life and praises ordinary workers. There are two poems in “Modern Times”: “There is nothing more godly in the universe th an humanbeings. How majestic and how beautiful.” In “Song of Myself”, the poet generally expressed the image of ordinary Americans. At the beginning of the poem. The poet wrote: “I praise myself for being self-sufficient, and you should also bear what I a ssume, because every atom that belongs to me also belongs to you.” The poet regards himself as an ordinary member of the people. Acclaimed these ordinary people with enthusiasm. It is a typical feature of Romanticism to use rich imagination in his works. Whitman's imagination has its own unique features. For example, the illusion of the gunner describes the illusion of the gunner in a war, which is a scene of fierce fighting: “I hear the sound of different missiles, the short burst of rifle warheads, I see the shell explosion, resulting in clouds, and I hear the sharp sound of the cannon bullets passing by.”Since it's in the battlefield, it's bound to bleed, but the gunner said “I don't pay attention”. Even though there was a lot of noise around, the gunner heard the sound of good news accurately. The poem greatly inspired morale and called on the soldiers to drain the last drop of blood for the country. “The ox tamer”depicts a ox tamer who is good at taming bulls.“Without a bullwhip, he would jump up and down to the angry field of the little cattle fearlessly, stare at him, and the angry cattle would shake his head high and raise it.”The ox tamer is a real master. Although he is “reticent and ignorant of words”, the poet only admires and praises him. When the last lilac blooms in the courtyards, the whole chapter uses symbolic techniques to connect the lilac with President Lincoln.4.1.2 Beauty of NatureThere are a great number of lines in Whitman’S poems illustrating the beamy of nature.In the poem “I Saw in Louisiana a Live-0ak Growing”.he writes:“I saw in Louisiana a live—oak growing,All alone stood it and the moss hung down from the branches,Without any companion it grew there uttering joyous leaves of dark green,And its look, rude, unbending. lusty,made me think of myself,... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...For all that,and thouth the live—oak glistens there in Louisiana solitary in a wide fiat space,Uttering joyous leaves all its life without a friend a lover near.”In the poem “I Saw in Louisiana a Live-0ak Growing”, Whitman is not only moved by its beauty as a tree, but also by its brave and calm quality. It bravely faces any difficulties in life and enjoys happiness with a calm mind, so it shines brilliantly in the poet's eyes. The oak was impressive, and he took one of its twigs with him for a long time to feel as much as he could.ow very well I could not.” From the description of a small tree, the beauty of nature is vividly reflected.In addition, animals often appear in his poems. He wrote for birds, insects and all the animals he met in his life. "It is not because the tortoise is nothing else that the ox is not worth shaking off its chains or stopping in the shade of the tree. / and Jay in the forest has studied its range, but its vibrato is very good for me. In the poem about animals, a special spider caught his attention. In “A Noiseless Patient Spider”. he wrote: “a silent patient spider / I mark where it is isolated in Cape Lille / mark how to explore the vast empty environment / it launches.” Filaments, filaments, filaments, pulled from itself / never honed them, never tired to speed them up . In Whitman's eyes, there are countless poems touching animals, which are usually symbols of free exploration and calm.In a word, Whitman loves everything in nature. He writes for an oak—tree, forthe leaves, for the river, for the ocean, for colorful flowers, ..., for everthing in nature.4.2 Whitman' s Views on Ecological ExistenceWhitman perfectly combines nature with city or culture. From time to time in his poems, he weaves nature into culture, or weaves nature into culture. He realized the close relationship between the two. However, with the process of industrialization and urbanization in modern society, people began to be accustomed to using high technology and science to solve all the problems that undoubtedly separated people from nature and alienated people from nature. However, as food, clothes and sheds, nature has always played a unique role in the whole process of human civilization. People can't live without nature, just like fish can't live without water. he believes that returning to nature and realizing the harmonious relationship between civilization and nature.4.2.1 Going Back to NatureWhitman wanders in the new world, exhausted in body and mind, writing, climbing mountains and mountains, crossing rivers and rivers, wandering in grasslands and forests, wandering on the sea. In his eyes, there are some things in nature that are beautiful or charming to him. First of all, charm comes from the beauty of nature. As a child, Whitman has a special experience of close contact with nature and frequent observation of natural changes, so he can communicate with nature and perceive the beauty of nature with his keen senses. Therefore, as a poet, Whitman enjoys the profundity and profundity of nature more deeply than any other poet. He expresses his appreciation for almost everything in nature, from beautiful scenery to seasonal changes, changes in the ocean, and the living conditions of creatures in nature. He devotes himself to nature and changes his love for nature into immortalityPsalm. So he implies that nature is something beneficial to human beings; in his poems, the encouragement of returning to nature is repeated everywhere.At the same time, in the process of observing and observing nature, he thought about many important things in life and culture. It seems that all things in nature and poetic imagination are integrated into his poetry. For poet, nature is not only the place where he said to understand the profound philosophy of life, but also a source that can understand the philosophy of life, which is released in his mind Enlightening, the poet has millions of writing themes. Although nature is mysterious, poet is willing to explore its secrets and appreciate its glory. He often invites anyone to join him to enjoy the beautiful scenery and communicate with nature. In a sense, he represents everyone in his poetry.such as Whitman said, “Whoever you ale come travel with me!\Traveling with me you find what never tires!”, 'The press of my foot to the earth springs a hundred affections\Of men that live among cattle or taste of the ocean or woods.”In Whitman’s poem, he is always combined with nature, just like dust or grass, but he is still with human beings, because human beings cannot survive without nature. Nature is good for human body and mind. It embodies Whitman's call for modern people to return to nature. He agrees with nature so that people can easily forget everything. Troubles from human society, by doing so, the troubled mind will be comforted by the magic of nature.4.2.2 Advocacy of the Natural Way of ExistenceIn addition to his praise of the natural beauty, Whitman also pays close attention to the psychological state of human beings. From the spiritual dimension of human existence, he can deeply understand many poems in “Leaves of Grass”.Under the background of the crisis of the spiritual world in the 21st century, it isof far-reaching significance to explore these problems. In recent years, great changes have taken place around us. On the one hand, with the development of science and technology, productivity has been improved, and the efficiency of enterprises has been improved. At the same time, it is also constantly improving, causing serious environmental deterioration and ecological crisis. On the other hand, human beings are gradually away from it Nature, on the surface of the booming industrial and commercial world, some things begin to destroy and threaten nature and its residents. Various kinds of pollution and environmental degradation have brought different crises in different fields, which are rooted in human's greedy outlook on life and material. Driven by greedy desire, human seems to lose their sense, thus breaking the balance between the material world and the spiritual world, It leads to mental problems ranging from suicide to insanity.As for the spiritual or spiritual problems of human beings, Whitman wisely provided human beings with his idea of living in a natural way on earth. Of course, his inspiration for the balanced state of mind still comes from nature. When he travels around, he meditates at the same time so that he has people on earth, and one of the most prominent principles of such philosophy is that the natural way absorbs a large number of philosophies of life or existence.As he said:“I think I could turn and live with animals,they are so placid and self-contain’d,I stand and look at them long and long.... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...No one kneels to another,nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,No one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.”In this poem, he wrote praises for animals and plants. They are always satisfiedwith what they have and where they are. They bravely accept the happiness and hardship in life. It seems that they know the general order of nature, usually keep a calm state of mind and never worry about anything. What modern people do in society is in sharp contrast to this philosophy of existence.In short, Whitman does not support people to live in a tense state of mind, but advocates a natural way of life. In his opinion, people should do what they are good at, keep a peaceful attitude and live a life of self satisfaction, instead of greedily pursuing many material things.。
