Performance of a Large-size model test-drawdown of water level
2.0 范围
公司自行开发LCD Monitor 成品/半成品或外购相关产品,有关特性、兼容性、安全性、可靠性…等测试均属之。
3.0 内容
测试标准内容,包含测试项目名称(Item)、测试条件(Test Condition)、判定标准(Criteria),等三项标准。
3.2 测试项目区分为六类,由A ~ F
3.2.1 A类:General 一般测试项目
3.2.2 B类:Performance 功能特性测试
3.2.3 C类:Environmental 环境测试
3.2.4 D类:Reliability 信赖性测试
3.2.5 E类:安全性测试
3.2.6 F类:幅射防护安全测试
4.0 相关资料
5.0 参考数据
5.1 机种Internal Specification
5.2 机种External Specification。
高性能氦气检漏仪 ASM 182系列 ASM 192系列手册说明书
HIGH PERFORMANCELEAK DETECTORSASM 182 SERIES / ASM192 SERIESC18.02The ASM 182 series and ASM 192 series: a unique helium leak detection concept delivering high performance, offered in a compact or console version.The most powerful leak detectors on the market to meet demanding applications needsTHE ASM 182/192 SERIES :THE SOLUTIONS FOR ALL YOUR NEEDSPERFORMANCE• High helium leak detection sensitivi-ty: /s• Fast response time thanks to the very large helium pumping speed (up to 20 l/s)• High roughing capacity up to 50 m 3/h (30 cfm)• Fast recovery time.RELIABILITY• Repeatability of the test • Ease of maintenanceFLEXIBILITY• Customized solutions:- Dry or conventional versions- Compact model: ASM 182 series for limited footprint requirements- Console model: ASM 192 series for large chamber leak test requirements.RUGGED DESIGN• Alcatel modular design, using robust components, provides exceptional reliability in the most severe industrial applications or environments.• Automatic protection integrates all safety controls to enable the instrument to withstand accidental air-inrushes and severe shocks due to the transportation or power failures or incorrect operations.• Modular design provides easy access to internal components.C18.03 Always ahead of the competition interm of innovation, Alcatel strategyhas always been to offer ourcustomers the widest range of leakdetectors equipped with the latesttechnology.The new ASM 182/192 seriesdeliver a perfect combinationof performance with unique featuresand user-friendliness, thanks to:- high sensitivity cell with dualfilaments- latest electronic generation- new operator interface.An innovative concept offering the best solutionto a wide range of applicationsThe Adixen ASM 182/192 seriesprovide flexible solutions to meet allyour leak detection needs.- Easily integration in a production lineto leak test parts 24 hours a day.- Detecting leaks as small as the/s range.- Leak testing of volumes over1,000 liters without any auxiliarypumping system.- Leak testing parts of various volumeswith a stand alone leak detector.- Pinpointing very small leaks in largeinstallations.- Having the convenience of a worksurface (ASM 192 series).- Having access to a powerfulpumping package to pump downlarge chambers (ASM 192 series).SemiconductorProcess chambers, load locks,vacuum system maintenance, gaspanel and lines, mass flowcontrollers...Automotive IndustryAir conditioning compressors,evaporators and lines, ABS valves andlines, air bags inflators and ignitors,fuel injectors, heat exchangers…Medical and PharmaceuticalCatheters, blood filters, pacemakers,hermetically sealed packaging, blisterpacks...Aeronautics/AerospaceTest of satellites, fuel tanks, windowseal systems, engine injection valves,pumps, hydraulic components,oxygen lines…Nuclear Physics/Research & DevelopmentParticle accelerator vacuum and beamlines, cryogenic lines vessels, vacuumvalves and components, vacuumsystems and instruments, acceleratorsand containers...Refrigeration/Air conditioningCompressors, evaporators, heatexchangers, lines, dryers, completesystems…InstrumentationRGA, gas analyzers, lasers,instrumentation analyzers, electronicmicroscopes…Chemical and MechanicalReservoirs and storage vessels,distillation columns, filters, vaporgenerators, transfer lines, ovens,controlled environments, vacuumsystems, storage tanks, heat exchangers,freeze dryers fire extinguishers…ElectricalLightbulb and tube manufacturing,photo-multiplier tubes, high voltagerelays, circuit breakers and transformers,underground cables and distributionsystems, maintenance of power plants…ApplicationsC18.04All the Alcatel’s detectors share the same advantagesFast roughing capacityUp to 50 m 3capaticy:• 2 well proven technologies:detection applications, the vane pump.drag pump).and the free (8 hours shift).High sensitivity•The integration of Adixen’s 180 degrees analyzer andwith a direct flow test mode (5.10-12detectable leak).•sensitivity.•automatic calibration.•enhances the up-time of the analyzer cell.C18.05 Control panel and remote control incorporating state of the art electronicsAuto-calibration•Auto-calibration with built-in tempe-rature compensated calibrated leakand age compensation.•Auto-calibration during the start-upsequence and the ability to activateit periodically.• All pertinent information related tothe auto-calibration process and itssettings.• The helium signal is displayed intwo different ways: bargraphdisplay to highlight the fastevolution of the signal and digitaldisplay to get high resolution anda direct readout.• Variable pitch audio alarmproportional to the Helium signalamplitude for easy location ofleaks, available in any test mode.• The advanced floating auto-zerofunction allows the operator toconveniently improve the sensitivityof the detector when the heliumsignal measurement becomes moredifficult due to a high backgroundlevel.• The advanced floating auto-zerois based on a specific algorithmwhich eliminates the display oferroneous results and guaranteesthe detection of any size leak.• All these functions are directlyaccessible by depressing onesingle switch.• A very helpful function to increasethe sensitivity of the test in inboardas well as outboard leak testmodes.A very comprehensive remote controlis offered as an accessory forthe ASM 182 series and availableas standard for the ASM 192 series.Color GraphDisplay•Touch screen panel•Dynamicinternal lay-out•Record anddownload functionorC18.06Conventional versionsThe Adixen ASM 182 T/192 T/192 T2leak detectors are based on the same design with identical vacuum modules and electronics. They both deliver high performance in terms of roughing capacity, helium pumping speed and high sentivitity resulting in short cycle times. The state of the art electronics offers 4 levels of operator interface and a unique voice synthesizer to meet any operator’s needs. These leak detectors are extremely flexible and easy to operate. They can be used to leak test components, systems as well as complete installations.ASM 192 T / ASM 192 T2The console series comes in different versions.•With a single turbo pump, single roughing/backing pump forthe leak test of different size parts in a production environment.• With two rotary vane pumps dou-bling its roughing capacity (40 m 3/h - 30 cfm)• With two rotary vane pumps doubling its roughing capacity(40 m 3/h - 30 cfm)and with a turbo booster pump. This version is ideally designed to leak test large volume chamber, over 1,000 liters, without the need for an auxiliary pumping package.ASM 182 TThe most powerful compact leak detector on the market and most popular in the industry for mass production of small parts. Ideally designed for easy integration in production lines, this unit can also be used for small production of parts as well as the leak test of large volumes.Equipped with a 20 m 3/h (15 cfm) roughing/backing pump, a 130 l/s hybrid turbo pump and the Adixen 180 degrees magnetic deflection massspectrometer, the ASM 182 T delivers unmatched performance, repeatabilityand reliability where and when you need it most.C18.07 Dry versionsASM 182 TD+Compactness has always beensynonymous with limited performanceand poor lay out of components.Adixen has challenged this belief.Using its unique frictionless multistagedry pump model ACP 28, Adixendesigned an unmatched conceptdelivering high performance in a welllayout system.The ASM 182 TD+ is a self-containedunit which can be installed on a cartfor easy manoeuvrability.ASM 192 TD+ / ASM 192 T2D+Console versions with extended pumping capability.• Up to 50 m3/h (30 cfm) roughing capacity.Unmatched oil free dual roughing pumps operating in parallel at highpressure for contamination free leak detection of volume up to 1,000 literswithout auxiliary pump required.• Fast response time : 4,4 l/s or 20 l/s thanks to the booster turbo molecularpump of 100 l/s.• Qualitative high pressure leak test (ASM 192 T2D+).Adixen specifically designed a new internal vacuum layout allowingqualitative leak test pressure of 200 mbar (150 Torr).• Quantitative high pressure leak test (ASM 192 T2D+).The new high cross over test pressure of 30 mbar (22,5 Torr) speeds upthe large leak test measurement process.C18.08OptionsTest chambersHigh production leak testing of various sealed parts items can be speeded up by optimizing dead volumes.To meet this requirement, three test chambers are available:• Hemispherical test chamber ∅ 72 mm (2.3/4”), Depth 31 mm (1.1/4”).• Cylindrical test chamber ∅ 85 mm (3.11/32”), Depth 68 mm (2.3/4”).• Cylindrical test chamber ∅160 mm (6.1/4”), Depth 100 mm (4”).These chambers are provided with automatic cycle start.3 massesIn addition to the Helium (H4),Helium (H3) and Hydrogen can also be detected.The 180 degrees magnetic deflection analyzer cell delivers an exceptional selectivity between masses.Metal sealsThe leak detector comes with elastomer seals. For specificrequirements, such as high sensitivity or when using the leak detector in a high helium environment, the unit can be equipped with metal seals to prevent helium background due to permeation through the elastomer seals.Power requirements: 30 A / 115 V(only ASM 192 series - Single phase power supply)For large roughing capacityand for low voltage power supply, a 30 A / 115 V (or lower) option is offered.This option allows the leak detector to operate properly in extremely lowvoltage conditions.The multi-color remote control offers the choice from 3 different measurement units :• mbar.l/s and mbar.• Pa.m 3/s and hPa. • Torr.l/s and Torr.4 different languages are available for the operator convenience(L.C.D. display and voice synthesizer messages):English - French - German - Japanese.Measurement unitsLanguageStainless steel cart equipped with four large full swivel wheels with brakes.CartUser friendly color touch screen graphic display, with colorful screen and graphs delivers two modes of operation basic and advanced to meet any customer needs.New tactil interface operatorC18.09Helium spray gunLong distance sniffer probeDescriptionAccessories*For accessories, see “Accessories for helium leak detectors”.Description PART NUMBERRemote control(not included in the ASM 182 series)C18.10Technical specificationsSniffing modeMeasurement range in sniffing mode1.10-7to 1 mbar.l/sHelium signal response time with 5 m / 16 ft long tube probe< 0.3 sIntegrated functionsAuto-calibration (with built-in temperature compensated calibrated leak)Auto-zero (with floating zero method to ensure that the signal never goes negative)Automatic signal correction (external calibration or manually adjustable correction factor)Full automation of test cycle including:- cycle sequence- memorization of the last test - test result display Audio managementAudio alarm with variable pitch (up to 90 dBA) / Vocal synthesizerConsoleConsoleASM 192 T ASM 192 T2ASM 182 T Models CompactVersions(*): according to AVS 2.1 and ISO 3530 standards.(*) Measurement range5.10-12to 10-1mbar.l/s1 or2 x 20 m 3/h1 or2 x 20 m 3/h Standard Roughing System20 m 3/h (15 cfm)(1 or 2 x 15 cfm)(1 or 2 x 15 cfm)oil sealed pump oil sealed pumpoil sealed pump+ 100 l/s TMPHigh vacuum pump130 l/s 130 l/s 130 l/s Hybrid pump Hybrid pump Hybrid pumpHelium pumping speed at inlet port (l/s)4.4 4.420Cross-over pressure at inlet (mbar) (for gross leak test mode)666Response time on calibrated leak at inlet port < 0.5 sDiscrete l/O and full blown RS 232Included in standard versionSurrounding featuresPower consumption (kVA) - Single phase 1.2 1.2 or 1.8 2.0Width (mm / inch)594 / 23.4594 / 23.4594 / 23.4Depth (mm / inch)461 / 18.1692 / 27.8692 / 27.8Height (mm / inch)456 / 18869 / 34.2869 / 34.2Weight (kg / lbs)80 / 176125 / 175 or 155 / 341155 / 341Inlet port size (DN)404050C18.11Sniffing modeMeasurement range in sniffing mode 1.10-7to 1 mbar.l/sHelium signal response time with 5 m / 16 ft long probe< 0.3 sSurrounding featuresPower consumption (kVA) - Single phase 1.2 1.2 or 1.8 2.0Width (mm / inch)594 / 23.4594 / 23.4594 / 23.4 Depth (mm / inch)461 / 18.1692 / 27.2692 / 27.2 Height (mm / inch)456 / 18869 / 34.2869 / 34.2 Weight (kg / lbs)88 / 193157 / 345 or157 / 345 or190 / 418190 / 418 Inlet port size (DN)404050 Technical specificationsIntegrated functionsAuto-calibration (with built-in temperature compensated calibrated leak)Auto-zero (with floating zero method to ensure that the signal never goes negative)Automatic signal correction (external calibration or manually adjustable correction factor)Full automation of test cycle including:- cycle sequence- memorization of the last test- test result displayAudio managementAudio alarm with variable pitch (up to 90 dBA) / Vocal synthesizerConsole ConsoleASM 192 TD+ASM 192 T2 D+ASM 182 TD+ModelsCompactVersions(*): according to AVS 2.1 and ISO 3530 standards.(*) Measurement range 5.10-12to 10-1mbar.l/s1 or2 x 25 m3/h1 or2 x 25 m3/h Standard Roughing System25 m3/h (15 cfm)(1 or 2 x 15 cfm)(1 or 2 x 15 cfm)dry pumpdry pumpdry pump+ 100 l/s TMP High vacuum pump130 l/s130 l/s130 l/sHybrid pump Hybrid pump Hybrid pump Helium pumping speed at inlet port (l/s) 4.4 4.420Cross-over pressure at inlet (mbar) (for large leak test mode)6630 Response time on calibrated leak at inlet port< 0.5 sDiscrete l/O and full blown RS 232Included in standard versionC18.12ASM 182 TFor exampleYou need …=ASM 182 T D2Helium 0Elastomer seals R Tactil T LM chamber 3English B 110/130 V 7USA 1C18.13For exampleYou need …=ASM 192 T D4Helium0Elastomer seals RRoughing 40 m3/h RLM chamber3Torr.l/s TEnglish B110/130 V7USA 15 A1* Power requirement for voltage: no lower than 110 V for roughing system 40 m3/h (30 cfm)** If voltage lower than 110 V, choose cable type 8 (USA 30 A).C18.14ASM 182 TD+For exampleYou need …=ASM 182 TD+D1Helium 0Metal seals M Tactil T Standard S SM chamber 1UCT C English B 200/240 V 8UK 3C18.15For exampleYou need …=ASM 192 T2D+D3Helium0Elastomer seals RRoughing 50 m3/h TLM chamber3Torr.l/s TEnglish B110/130 V7USA 15 A1* Power requirement for voltage: no lower than 110 V for roughing system 40 m3/h (30 cfm)** If voltage lower than 110 V, choose cable type 8 (USA 30 A).CHINAAlcatel Vacuum Technology Shanghai Tel:(86) 21 5027 0628Fax:(86) 21 3895 3815FRANCEAlcatel Vacuum Technology France Tel:33 (0) 4 50 65 77 77 Fax:33 (0) 4 50 65 77 89 GERMANYAlcatel Hochvakuum Technik GmbH Tel:(49) 9342 96 10 0Fax:(49) 9342 96 10 30ITALYAlcatel Vacuum Systems S.p.a. Tel:(39) 039 686 3855Fax:(39) 039 667 125JAPANAlcatel JapanTel:(81) 44 797 5920Fax:(81) 44 797 5932KOREAAlcatel Vacuum Technology KoreaTel:(82) 2 409 6277Fax:(82) 2 409 6279NETHERLANDSAlcatel Vacuum TechnologyNetherlandsTel:(31) 306 35 13 60Fax:(31) 306 35 12 21SINGAPOREAlcatel Singapore Pte LtdTel:(65) 6254 0828Fax:(65) 6254 7018TAIWANAlcatel Vacuum Technology TaiwanTel:(886) 3 5599 230Fax:(886) 3 5599 231UNI TED KI NGDOMAlcatel Vacuum Technology (U.K.)Tel:(44) 1 506 418 000Fax:(44) 1 506 418 002USAAlcatel Vacuum ProductsTel:(1) 781 331 4200Fax:(1) 781 331 4230priornotice-Realization:。
外文翻译Auto TransmissionFirst, an overview of automotive transmission and the development trendAutomobile available more than a century, especially from the mass production of motor vehicles and the automotive industry since the development of large, Car has been the economic development of the world for mankind to enter the modern life and have had a tremendous impact on the immeasurable, The progress of human society has made indelible contributions to the great, epoch-making set off arevolution. From From the vehicle as a power plant using internal combustion engine to start, auto transmission has become an important component. Is Generation is widely used in automotive reciprocating piston internal combustion engine with a small size, light weight, reliable operation and the use of The advantages of convenience, but its torque and speed range of smaller changes, and complex condition requires the use of motor vehicles Traction and the speed can be considerable changes in the scope. Therefore, its performance and vehicle dynamics and economy of There are large inter-contradictions, which contradictions of modern automotive internal combustion engine by itself is insoluble. Because Here, in the automotive power train set up the transmission and main reducer in order to achieve the purpose of deceleration by moment. Speed The main function of performance: ⑴ change gear ratio of motor vehicles, and expand the wheel drive torque and rotational speed of the Fan Wai, in order to adapt to constantly changing driving cycle, while the engine in the most favorable conditions within the scope of work; ⑵no change in the direction of engine rotation, under the premise of the realization of cars driving back; ⑶the realization of the free, temporary Interruption of power transmission, in order to be able to start the engine, idling, etc.. V ariable-speed drive transmission by the manipulation of institutions and agencies. Change the transmission ratio by way of transmission is divided into There are class-type, non-stage and multi-purpose three. Have class most widely used transmission. It uses gear drive, with a number of transmission ratio setting. Stepless transmission Continuously V ariable Transmission (CVT) transmission ratio of a certain The framework of multi-level changes may be unlimited, there is a common type of power and torque (dynamic fluid-type) and so on. Continuously V ariable Transmission Transmission development is the ultimate goal, because only it can make the most economical engine in working condition Can provide the best vehicle fuel economy and optimal power in order to provide the most comfortable By the feeling. Today's CVT is a typical representative of the CVTand IVT, however as a result of the reliability of Poor, non-durable materials and high cost issues, development is not very good. Comprehensive refers to transmission torque converter and the mechanical components have the level of transmission variable hydraulic mechanical Speed, the transmission ratio can be between the maximum and minimum range of a few discontinuous change for no class, but its Significantly lower transmission efficiency than the efficiency of gear drives. 2 By manipulation, transmission control type can be divided into mandatory, automatic and semi-automatic control to manipulate three - Species . Mandatory on the driver to manipulate the direct transmission gear shift control for the majority of motor vehicles used Also known as Manual Transmission Manual Transmission (MT). Automatic transmission control selection of the transmission ratio (transmission) is carried out automatically. Just add the driver to manipulate Speed pedal, you can control the speed, also known as Automatic Transmission Automatic Transmission (A T). It is According to the speed and load (throttle pedal travel) for two-parameter control, stall in accordance with the above two Parameters to automatically take-off and landing.A T and MT in common is that they are level transmission, but A T According to the speed of the speed shift automatically, you can eliminate the manual transmission "setback" of the shift feel. However, A T also have many drawbacks, such as body complex, mechanical efficiency is not high, high cost, reliability and control Sensitivity remains to be increasing . AMT (Automated Mechanical Transmission) is in the traditional dry clutch and manual transmission gear based on the transformation of form, mainly to change the part of the manual gearshift control. That is, the overall structure of the MT cases the same switch to electronically controlled automatic transmission to achieve. Semi-automatic control, there are two forms of transmission. A number of stalls is a common automatic control, and the remaining stalls manipulated by the driver; the other is pre-style, that is, pre-selected pilot stalls, the clutch pedal in the down or release the accelerator pedal, the for retirement or an electromagnetic device to shift the hydraulic device. In recent years, with advances in vehicle technology and road traffic density increased, the performance requirements of the transmission is also getting higher and higher. A large number of automotive engineers in improving the performance of automobile transmission study a great deal of effort devoted to the rapid transmission of technology development, such as A T, AMT, DCT, CVT and the emergence of IVT.2003 Hyundai A T, AMT, DCT, CVT forum reached a consensus on the following:in the next Development, MT will continue to be the most widely used automotive transmission, AMT will increase the proportion of the application, A T also Will occupy a large market share, CVT's use of certain limitations, can only be due to a number of small displacement Car, DCT (dual clutch transmission) will also be the budding growth. From 2003 to now, vehicle speed Thedevelopment of devices and the forum basically the consensus reached by consensus. By comparing the analysis, the traditional mechanical transmission is still the most widely used vehicle change Speed. Although it has many shortcomings, such as shifting the impact of large, bulky, cumbersome to manipulate and so on; however, it also There are many advantages, such as high transmission efficiency, reliable operation, long life, manufacturing processes mature and low cost. Therefore, if we can improve the mechanical transmission of the above-mentioned shortcomings, it still has great room for development.Second, Manual Transmission Fault DiagnosisManual transmission at the beginning of the fault diagnosis prior toFailure to confirm from other parts is not: to check the tire And wheels, to confirm the normal tire pressure, and the wheel is flat V alue of; to confirm instead of noise and vibration from the engine. Clutch , And steering and suspension, etc..(A), skip file1. PhenomenonV ehicle acceleration, deceleration, climbing or severe vehicle vibration, the gear lever neutral position automatically jump.2. Reasons① self-locking device of the ball did not enter the grooves or linked file does not meet the full-gear tooth meshing long;② self-locking device worn groove ball or serious, self-locking spring is too soft or broken fatigue;③ gear along the direction of tooth wear as a long cone-shaped;④ one or two too松旷shaft bearing, so that one or two three-axis and the crankshaft axis of the heart or different transmission and clutch shell shell bonding plane of the vertical axis the relative change in the crankshaft;⑤ Second Gear axis often axial or radial gap is too large;⑥ the axis of axial or radial gap is too large.3. Fault diagnosis and troubleshootingJump to file stalls Unascertained: After taking heat the entire vehicle, increase the use of continuous, slow approach to road test each file is determined.Will jump to the gear lever hanging file stalls the engine off, transmission cover removed carefully to observe the mating dance gear case file.① engagement does not meet the length, then the resulting fault;② to reach a total length of engagement, should continue to check;③ check mating wear parts: wear into a cone, then failure may be caused by;④ check b-axis of the gear profile and the axis of the axial and radial clearance, clearance is too large, then failure may be caused by;⑤ check self-locking devices, locking devices, if only a very small dynamic resistance, and even feel the ball is not plugged groove (the transmission cover caught in the vice, the hand-shaking shift stroke), the fault for the bad performance of self-locking ; Otherwise, the fault for the clutch and gearbox shell bonding plane and the vertical axis of the crankshaft caused by changes.(B), arbitrary files1. PhenomenonTechnical condition in the clutch normal circumstances, transmission at the same time put up or two files linked to the need to stall, the results linked to other stalls.2. Reasons① interlocking device failure: if the fork shaft, pin or interlocking interlocking ball too much wear and tear, etc.;② the bottom of the arc gear face wear and tear is too large or fork axis of the allocated blocks wear groove is too large;③ball pin gear lever broken or the ball-hole, ball松旷wear too. In short arbitrary file transmission is mainly due to institutional failure manipulation.3. Fault diagnosis and troubleshooting① linked to the need to stall, the results linked to the other stalls: rocking gear lever, to check their point of view before, if in excess of the normal range, while the lower end of failure by the gear lever ball pin and the positioning groove ball with or松旷, the ball is too large holes caused by wear and tear. Swung shift 360 °, compared with a broken pin.② If the pendulum angle to normal, still not on, or linked to more than picking file, then the lower end of failure by the gear lever away from the limitations arising from the groove in (due to break away from the bottom of the arc-shaped guide groove face wear and tear or wear).③ At the same time linked to the two files: the fault caused by the interlocking device failure.(C), the difficulties linked to files1. PhenomenonClutch technical condition, but can not be linked smoothly linked file into the stalls, often percussive sound gear.2. Reasons① synchronizer failure;② Bending fork shaft, locking the spring strong, ball injury, etc.;③ a shaft or a spline shaft bending injury;④ inadequate or excessive gear oil, gear oil does not meet the specifications.3. Fault diagnosis and troubleshooting①Synchronizer check whether the fall to pieces, cone ring is conical spiral groove wear, whether worn slider, spring is too soft, such as elastic.② If the Synchronizer normal, check whether the bending of a shaft, spline wear is severe.③ check whether the mobile axis normal fork.(D), abnormal sound transmission1. PhenomenonTransmission refers to transmission work abnormal sound when the sound is not normal.2. Reasons1) abnormal sound gearGear wear off very thin gap is too large, the impact of running in; bad tooth meshing, such as the repair did not replace the gear pairs. New and old gear with the gear mesh can not be correct; tooth metal fatigue spalling or damage to individual teeth broken; gear and the spline shaft with松旷, or the axial gear clearance is too large; axis caused by bending or bearing松旷space to change gears.2) Bearing ringSerious bearing wear; Bearing (outer) ring with the journal blocks (holes) with the loose; Ball Bearing Ma break-up or a point of ablation.3) ring made for other reasonsSuch as the transmission within缺油, lubricants have been thin, too thick or quality deterioration; transmission into the foreign body inside; some loose bolts fastening; odometer or the odometer shaft ring gear, such as fat.3. Troubleshooting①transmission issued metal dry friction sound, which is缺油and the poor quality of oil. Refueling and inspection should be the quality of oil, if necessary, replacement.② for moving into a file if the sound obvious, namely, the profile of gear tooth wear; If the occurrence of cyclical noise, while damage to individual teeth.③when the ring gap, and riding the clutch pedal under the noise disappeared after the general axis is a before and after the bearing or regular engagement ring gear; if any files are changed into the ring, after more than two-axis bearing ring.④transmission occurs when a sudden impact the work of sound, most of the tooth was broken and should be removed timely transmission inspection cover to prevent mechanicaldamage.⑤moving, only for transmission of a file into the ring gear made in the above-mentioned good premise, it should check with improper gear mesh, if necessary, should be re-assembling a pair of new gear. In addition, it may be synchronizer gear wear or damage should be repaired or replaced depending on the circumstances.⑥ when shifting gear ring made of impact, it may be the clutch or the clutch pedal can not be separated from stroke is incorrect, damaged synchronizer, excessive idling, gear improperly adjusted or tight-oriented, such as Bush. In such cases, to check whether the separation of the clutch, and then adjust the idle speed or the gear lever, respectively, the location, inspection-oriented with the bearing bushing and separation tightness.If excluded from the above examinations, the transmission is still made ring, should check the shaft bearings and shaft hole with the situation, bearing the state of their own technology, etc.; as well, and then view the odometer shaft and ring gear is made and, if necessary, be repaired or replacement.(E), transmission oil1. PhenomenonAround the transmission gear lubricants, transmission gear box to reduce the fuel can be judged as lubricant leakage.2. Reasons and troubleshooting① improper oil selection, resulting in excessive foam, or the volume too much oil, when in need of replacement or adjust the lubricant oil;② side cover is too loose, damaged gaskets, oil seal damage, damage to seals and oil seals should be replaced with new items;③ release and transmission oil tank and side cover fixed bolts loosening, tightening torque should be required;④ broken gear-housing shell or extended wear and tear caused by oil spills, must be replaced;⑤ odometer broken loose gear limit device must be locked or replaced; gear oil seal oil seal oil should be replaced.Third, the maintenance manual gearboxSantana is now as an example:Santana used to manually synchronize the entire, multi-stage gear transmission, there are four forward one block and reverse gear. Block are forward-lock synchronizer ring inertial, body-wide shift synchronizer nested engagement with a reasonable structure, the layout of a compact, reliable, long life and so on. However, if the use and maintenance is not the right way to do so, failure mayoccur at any time.The proper use of Synchronizer:1, the use of addition and subtraction block off both feet. Block addition and subtraction, if the clutch with one foot, then the speed at the time of addition and subtraction block must be correct, the timing should be appropriate and, if necessary, to addition and subtraction can be blocked off both feet, so that addition and subtraction method can reduce the block with Gear speed difference between the circumference, thereby reducing wear and tear Synchronizer to extend the life of Synchronizer.2, prohibited the use of tap-shift gear lever when the method (that is, a push of the operation of a song). Hand should always hold down the shift, this can greatly reduce the synchronizer sliding lock Moreton Central time and reduce wear and tear.3, no state in the gap off the use of force挂挡synchronizer start the engine. Moment of inertia as a great engine, the friction torque Synchronizer also small, so the time synchronization process is very long, so that lock ring temperature increased sharply, it is easy to burn synchronizer.4, is strictly prohibited by synchronizer clutch instead of the initial (that is, the use of non-use of the clutch friction synchronizer start挂挡role), control speed and braking.The correct use of lubricants:Santana at the factory, the transmission has been added to the quality of lubricating oil, under normal circumstances, the level of the transmission lubrication need to be checked. However, when normal travel 100,000 kilometers 10,000 kilometers -20 after the first lubricating oil must be replaced. Santana grade lubricants used in transmission as follows: Gear Oil API-GLA (MIL-L2105), SAE80 or SAE80W-90 grade汽车变速器一、汽车变速器概述及发展趋势汽车问世百余年来,特别是从汽车的大批量生产及汽车工业的大发展以来,汽车己为世界经济的发展、为人类进入现代生活,产生了无法估量的巨大影响,为人类社会的进步作出了不可磨灭的巨大贡献,掀起了一场划时代的革命。
cv大模型训练流程英文回答:CV Large Model Training Pipeline.1. Data Collection and Preprocessing.Gather a massive dataset of labeled and unlabeled images representing the target domain.Preprocess the images to ensure consistency in size, format, and annotation.Apply data augmentation techniques to increase the diversity of the dataset.2. Model Architecture Selection.Choose a deep learning architecture specifically designed for computer vision tasks, such as CNNs,Transformers, or Vision Transformers.Consider the computational resources available and the target task requirements.3. Training Setup.Define the training hyperparameters, including batch size, learning rate, optimizer, loss function, and regularization methods.Set up a distributed training environment if necessary to scale the training process.Utilize cloud computing platforms for efficient resource allocation.4. Pretraining (Optional)。
Vol. 41, No. 2航 天 器 环 境 工 程第 41 卷第 2 期244SPACECRAFT ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING2024 年 4 月https:// E-mail: ***************Tel: (010)68116407, 68116408, 68116544航天器典型产品性能试验数据标准化管理体系刘佳琳,唐小军*,穆 城,严振刚,田 欣,回天力(北京卫星制造厂有限公司,北京 100086)摘要:文章基于航天器产品高可靠性要求和小子样的特点,依照产品顶层研制测试需求为主题模板,提出了一套全新的试验数据标准化管理模型,具体可细分为数据置信度管理模型、小子样产品数据筛选模型和性能数据管理模型;并以航天器供配电二次电源产品为应用对象,实现了二次电源产品的性能试验数据标准模型的建立,将现有非结构化测试数据进行了汇总,统一了量纲,可为产品的批产化横向对比和代系发展纵向对比,以及数据的后续利用提供高效可靠的试验数据信息。
关键词:产品性能试验;标准化数据存储;数据管理模型;数据筛选;数据置信度评估中图分类号:V416; TP274文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-1379(2024)02-0244-07 DOI: 10.12126/see.2023065Standardized management system for performance test data oftypical spacecraft productsLIU Jialin, TANG Xiaojun*, MU Cheng, YAN Zhengang, TIAN Xin, HUI Tianli(Beijing Spacecraft Manufactory Co., Ltd., Beijing 100086, China)Abstract: Based on the high reliability requirements of spacecraft products and characteristics of small samples, and according to the top-level development and testing requirements of products as the theme template, a set of novel standardized models for test data management were proposed. They include data confidence management model, small sample product data screening model, as well as performance data management model. The secondary power supply product of spacecraft was taken as the application object to establish the standardized models for performance test data. The previous fragmented test data were summarized and the dimensions were unified. The proposed study can be used for horizontal comparison of batch production and vertical comparison of generation development for spacecraft, so as to offer reliable information for the subsequent use of test data.Keywords: product performance test; standardized data storage; data management model; data screening; data confidence evaluation收稿日期:2023-05-09;修回日期:2024-04-01基金项目:北京市科技新星计划项目(编号:2022095)引用格式:刘佳琳, 唐小军, 穆城, 等. 航天器典型产品性能试验数据标准化管理体系[J]. 航天器环境工程, 2024, 41(2): 244-250LIU J L, TANG X J, MU C, et al. Standardized management system for performance test data of typical spacecraft products[J]. Spacecraft Environment Engineering, 2024, 41(2): 244-2500 引言为满足我国载人航天和商业航天等新任务的需求,以及日益增多的航天产品生产计划,加快航天产品生产线的数字化转型成为必然。
超参数变化量 英语
超参数变化量英语"Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimizing Model Performance through Parameter Variation"Hyperparameter tuning is a critical step in the process of training machine learning models. The performance of a model is heavily dependent on the values of hyperparameters, which are parameters that are set before the learning process begins. These hyperparameters can significantly impact the model's ability to generalize to new data and make accurate predictions.In the process of hyperparameter tuning, the values of these parameters are varied in order to find the optimal combination that maximizes the model's performance. This variation is known as the "hyperparameter change quantity"or "hyperparameter variation amount." By systematically adjusting the hyperparameters and observing the impact on the model's performance, data scientists can fine-tune the model to achieve the best possible results.The hyperparameter change quantity can have a significant impact on the efficiency of the tuning process.A small change in the hyperparameter values may not yield noticeable improvements in model performance, while a large change could result in overfitting or underfitting. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully determine the appropriate range and step size for varying each hyperparameter.There are various techniques for hyperparameter tuning, such as grid search, random search, and Bayesian optimization. Each of these methods involves adjusting the hyperparameters by a certain amount and evaluating the model's performance after each change. The goal is to identify the hyperparameter values that result in the highest accuracy, precision, recall, or other metrics relevant to the specific problem domain.In conclusion, the hyperparameter change quantity plays a vital role in the process of hyperparameter tuning. By systematically varying the hyperparameters and observingthe impact on the model's performance, data scientists can optimize the model to achieve superior results. This iterative process of fine-tuning the hyperparameters is essential for building robust and accurate machine learning models.。
实验室放大研究的英文表述Laboratory Scale-up Studies.Laboratory scale-up studies are a crucial part of the research and development process, bridging the gap between small-scale experiments and industrial-scale production. These studies aim to assess the feasibility and scalability of processes, products, or systems under realistic conditions, while considering factors such as cost, time, and safety.The process of scaling up involves increasing the size and complexity of a system while maintaining its fundamental characteristics and performance. This is a challenging task, as it requires careful consideration of various factors such as equipment size, process parameters, material properties, and heat and mass transfer rates.One of the main objectives of laboratory scale-up studies is to determine the optimal operating conditionsfor a process or system. This involves identifying the critical parameters that affect performance and stability, and optimizing them to achieve the desired output. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, scale-up studies are conducted to determine the best temperature, pressure, and reaction time for the synthesis of a drug.Another important aspect of laboratory scale-up studies is the validation of process models. These models are developed based on small-scale experimental data and used to predict the behavior of the system at larger scales. Validation involves comparing the predictions of the model with actual experimental results obtained at different scales. This helps to identify any discrepancies and improve the accuracy of the model.In addition to process optimization and model validation, laboratory scale-up studies also involve the assessment of scalability. Scalability refers to theability of a process or system to be easily expanded or reduced in size without significant changes in its performance. To assess scalability, researchers compare theperformance of the system at different scales and identify any challenges or limitations that may arise during the scale-up process.Laboratory scale-up studies also play a crucial role in risk assessment and safety evaluation. As the scale of a process or system increases, the potential for accidents or failures also increases. By conducting scale-up studies, researchers can identify potential hazards and develop safety measures to mitigate these risks.To conduct effective laboratory scale-up studies, it is essential to have a well-designed experimental setup that allows for accurate measurement and control of process parameters. This includes selecting appropriate equipment and instrumentation, as well as developing standardized operating procedures. Additionally, it is important to have a team of experienced researchers who understand the underlying principles of the process or system and can make informed decisions based on the experimental data.In summary, laboratory scale-up studies are essentialfor evaluating the feasibility and scalability of processes, products, or systems. These studies help to identifyoptimal operating conditions, validate process models, assess scalability, and evaluate safety. By conducting rigorous and well-designed scale-up studies, researcherscan ensure that their research findings translate into successful industrial applications.。
Brushless DC Motor SystemsIn recent years the number of drive systems available to designers has increased considerably. The advent and increasing use of stepper motors, inverter-fed ac machines,switched reluctance motors and brushless machines have all addressed particular applications and in some cases these application areas overlap. The correct choice of a drive system for a particular application depends not only upon the speed and torque requirements but also on performance, response, complexity and cost constraints.The brushless DC motor (BDCM) system is emerging as one of the most useful drive options for a wide range of applications ranging from small, low power fans and disc drives, through medium size domestic appliance motors and up to larger industrial and aviational robotic and servo drives.This section will review the theory and operation of brushless DC motors and describe some of the considerations to be made when designing BDCM drive systems using PowerMOS devices as the main inverter switches.BackgroundThe principal advantage of a conventional DC machinecompared to an AC machine is the ease with which a DC motor can be controlled to give variable speed operation, including direction reversal and regenerative braking capability. The main disadvantage of a DC machine is that the carbon brushes of a DC motor generate dust and also require maintenance and eventual replacement. The RFI generated by the brushgear of a DC motor can be quite large and, in certain environments, the sparks themselves can be unwelcome or hazardous. The brushless DC motor was developed to achieve the performance of a conventionalDC machine without the problems associated with its brushes. The principal advantages of the BDCM system are:• Long life and high reliability• High efficiency• Operation at high speeds and over a wide speed range • Peak torque capability from standstill up to high speeds • Simple rugged rotor construction•Operation in vacuum or in explosive or hazardous environments• Elimination of RFI due to brush commutationDC motor configurationsIn a conventional DC motor the field energy is provided byeither a permanent magnet or a field winding. Both of these arrangements involve quite large, bulky arrangements for the field. In the case of wound field DC motors this is due to large number of turns needed to generate the required electromagnetic field in the airgap of the machine. In the case of permanent magnet DC machines the low energy density of traditional permanent magnet materials means that large magnets are required in order to give reasonable airgap fluxes and avoid demagnetisation. If either of these two options are used with the field excitation on the rotor of the machine then the inertia and weight of the rotor make the machine impractical in terms of its size and dynamic Response.AconventionalDCmachine has alarge number of armature coils on the rotor. Each coil is connected to one segment of a commutator ring. The brushes, mounted on the stator, connect successive commutator segments, and hence armature coils, to the externalDCcircuitas the motormoves forward. This is necessary to maintain maximum motor torque at all times. The brush/commutator assembly is, in effect, a rotating mechanical changeover switch which controls the direction and flow of current into the armature windings.In a BDCM the switching of current to the armature coils is carried out statically and electronically rather than mechanically. The power switches are arranged in an inverter bridge configuration in order to achieve bidirectional current flow in the armature coils, i.e. two power switches per coil. It is not possible to have a large number of armature coils, as is the case for a conventional DC motor because this would require a large number of switching devices and hence be difficult to control and expensive.An acceptable compromise is to have only three armature coils and hence six power switches. Reducing the number of armature coils means that the motor is more prone to developing ripple torque in addition to the required DC torque. This problem can be eliminated by good design of the motor. The armature of a three coil brushless DC machine in fact looks similar to the stator of a three phase AC machine and the term ’phase’ is more commonly used to describe these three separate coils.The development of brushless DC machines has made possible by developments in two other technologies: namely those of permanent magnet materials and power semiconductor switches.Permanent magnet materialsTraditional permanent magnet materials, such as AlNiCo magnets and ferrite magnets, are limited either by their low remanence giving rise to a low airgap flux density in electrical machines, or by their susceptibility to demagnetisation in the presence of high electric fields. However in recent years several new permanent magnet materials have been developed which have much higher remanent flux densities, and hence airgap flux densities, and high coercivities, making them resistant to demagnetisation under normal operating conditions. Amongst these materials, called ’rare earth’ magnets, Samarium Cobalt (SmCo5 and Sm2Co17) and Neodymium- -Iron-Boron (Nd-Fe-B) are the most common. These materials, although still quite expensive, give vastly superior performance as the field excitation for a brushless Machine.Due to the increased energy density of rare earth magnets the amount of magnet material required by the application is greatly reduced. The magnet volume using rare earths is small enough that it is feasible to have the permanent magnet field on the rotor of the machine instead of on thestator. The gives a low inertia, high torque motor capable of high performance operation. This resulting motor design, with the armature on the stator and the field on the rotor and shown in Fig.1, can be considered as a conventional DC motor turned ’inside out.’Power electronic switchesFor the ’inside out’ BDCM is it still necessary to switch the armature current into successive armature coils as the rotor advances. As the coils are now on the stator of the machine the need for a commutator and brushgear assembly has disappeared. The development of high voltage and high current power switches, initially thyristors, bipolar power transistors and Darlingtons, but more recently MOSFETs, FREDFETs, SensorFETs and IGBTs, has meant that motors of quite large powers can be controlled electronically, giving a feasible BDCM system. The question of appropriate device selection for brushless DC drives will be considered later.System description (Fig.2)DC power supplyThe fixedDCvoltage is derived from either a battery supply, low voltage power supply or from a rectified mains input. The input voltage may be 12V or 24V as used in many automotive applications, 12V-48V for applications such as disc drives or tape drives, or 150V-550V for single-phase or three-phase mains-fed applications such as domestic appliances or industrial servo drives or machine tools. InverterThe inverter bridge is the main power conversion stage and it is the switching sequence of the power devices which controls the direction, speed and torque delivered by the motor. The power switches can be either bipolar devices or, more commonly, PowerMOS devices. Mixed device inverters, for example systems using pnp Darlingtons as the high side power switches andMOSFETsas the low sideswitches, are also possible. The freewheel diodes in each inverter leg may be internal to the main power switches as in the case of FREDFETs or may be separate discrete devices in the case of standard MOSFETs or IGBTs. Detailed considerations of inverter design, gate drive design and layout have been considered in separate articles.The inverter switching speed may be in the range 3kHz to 20kHz and above. For many applications operation at ultrasonic switching speeds (>15-20kHz) is required in order to reduce system noise and vibration, reduce the amplitude of the switching frequency currents and to eliminate switching harmonic pulsations in the motor. Because of the high switching speed capability of PowerMOS devices they are often the most suitable device for BDCM inverters.The first choice for the inverter devices might appear to be one with an N-channel MOSFET for the bottom device ineach inverter leg and a P-channel device in the top half of each leg. The disadvantage of P-channel devices is that they require around three times more silicon area than equivalent N-channel MOSFETsto achieve the same value of RDS(ON). This makes P-channel devices uncompetitively expensive for many applications. However, using N-channel devices for both the top and bottom switches in an inverter leg means that some sort of floating drive is required for the upper device. Transformer coupled or optically coupled gate driver stages are required, or alternatively, circuits such as the bootstrap circuit shown in Fig.3 can be used to provide the drive for the top device. In the circuit of Fig.3 the bootstrap capacitor is charged up via the diode Devery time the bottom MOSFET is on. When this device turns off the capacitor remains charged up to the gate supply voltage as D is now reverse biassed. When a turn-on pulse is applied for the upper MOSFET the bootstrap capacitor provides the necessary gate source voltage to turn the device on.MotorA two pole BDCM with the field magnets mounted on the surface of the rotor and with a conventional statorassembly was shown in Fig.1. Machines having higher numbers of poles are often used depending upon the application requirements for motor size, rotor speed and inverter frequency. Alternative motor designs, such as disc motors or interior magnet rotor machines, are also used for some applications. The motor phases are usually connected in a star configuration as shown in Fig.2. Rotor position sensors are required in order to control the switching sequence of the inverter devices. The usual arrangement has three Hall effect sensors, separated by either 60° or 120°, mounted on the stator surface close to the airgap of the machine. As the rotor advances the switching signals from these Hall Effect latches are decoded into rotor position information in order to determine the inverter firing pattern. In order to minimise torque ripple the emf induced in each motor phase winding must be constant during all instants in time when that phase is conducting current. Any variation in a motor phase emf whilst it is energised results in a corresponding variation in the torque developed by that phase. The so-called ’trapezoidal emf’motor, shown in Fig.4, has a constant induced emf for 120°and so is a practical motor design which gives optimumperformance in a BDCM system.ControllerTheinverter is controlled in order to limit the device currents, and hence control the motor torque, and to set the direction and speed of rotation of the motor. The average ouput torque is determined by the average current in each phase when energised. As the motor current is equal to the DC link current (Fig.2) then the output torque is proportional to the DC input current, as in a conventional DC motor. The motor speed is synchronous with the applied voltage waveforms and so is controlled by setting the frequency of the inverter switching sequence. Rotor position feedback signal are derived from the Hall effect devices as discussed earlier or from optotransducers with a slotted disc arrangement mounted on the rotor shaft. It is also possible to sense rotor position by monitoring the emfs in the motor phase windings but this is somewhat more complex. In some applications the Hall effect sensor outputs can be used to provide a signal which is proportional to the motor speed. This signal can be used in a closed loop controller if required.The controller also requires a current feedback signal. Usually this is taken from the DC link of the inverter as shown in the Fig.2. The current is controlled using either PWM techniques or hysteresis type of control. A current reference command is compared with the current feedback signal and then used to determine the switching signal to the main power devices. Additional controller functions include undervoltage protection, thermal protection and current ripple limit controls, error amplifier inputs for incorporation in closed loop servos and microprocessor compatible inputs.Several IC manufacturers offer dedicated ICs providing allthe functions for PWMcontrol of brushless DC motors. The Philips version of the NE5570 CMOS controller is one such device which can be used for three phase BDCM systems using a serial data input command from a microprocessor controller. This device contains the PWM comparator and oscillator, dynamic current loop controller and output pre-drivers suitable for a MOSFET power stage. Its operation is described more fully in Philips Application Note AN1281.Brushless DC motor operationThe operation of a BDCM system can be explained with reference to Fig.5. At any instant in time the rotor position is known by the output states of the three airgap mounted Hall effect devices.Theoutput state of oneHall effect device switches for every 60° of rotation, thus defining six conduction zones as shown in the figure. The switching of the inverter devices is arranged to give symmetrical 120°intervals of positive and negative constant current in each motor phase winding. The position of the sensors and controller logic ensures that the applied currents are in phase with the motor emfs in order to give maximum motor torque at all times.Referring to Figures 2 and 5, during the first 60°conduction zone switches S1 and S4 are on and the current flows through the ’A’ and ’B’ phase windings. The ’C’ phase is inactive during this interval. At the end of this 60° conduction zone one of the Hall effect devices changes state and so switchS4 turns offand S6 turns on.Theswitching sequence continues as the motor advances. At any instant in time two motor phases are energised and one motor phase is off. Themotor phase current waveforms are described as being ’quasi-square’ in shape. The motor windings are energised for two thirds of the total time and the maximum switch duty cycle ratio is one third.The other function of the controller is to maintain the motor phase currents at their desired constant value for each 120° interval that a particular phase is energised. The precise method of current limiting depends upon the controller algorithm. In order to limit the current to its desired value either one or both of the conducting devices are switched off thus allowing the motor current to freewheel through the bridge leg diodes. The current is limited by controlling the switch duty cycle to ensure that device current ratings and the motor current rating are notexceeded, especially during start-up conditions or low speed operation. The amount of current ripple is controlled by the switching frequency of a PWM waveform or by the width of a hysteresis band.Power Semiconductor switches forBrushless DC motorsPhilips Semiconductors produce a range of power semiconductor devices suitable for use in BDCM systems. The include transistors, MOSFETs, FREDFETs, Logic Level MOSFETs (L2FETs) and IGBTs. These devices are available in a variety of current and voltage ratings and a range of packages, to suit individual applications.FREDFETsFor higher voltage applications the FREDFET is an appropriate device for the inverter switches in a brushless DC drive. The FREDFET is a PowerMOS device where the characteristics of the MOSFET intrinsic diode have been upgraded to those of a discrete fast recovery diode. Thus the FREDFET is ideally suited to bridge circuits such as that shown in Fig.2 where the recovery properties of the bridge diodes significantly affect the switching performance of the circuit. Fig.6 shows a conventionalMOSFET inverter bridge circuit, where the MOSFETs intrinsic diode is disabled by a series Schottky diode. A discrete antiparallel FRED carries the motor freewheeling current. Using the FREDFET reduces the component count and circuit layout complexity considerably.L2FETsFor many lower voltage applications logic level FETs (L2FETs) can be used to interface the power circuit with standard TTL or CMOS drive circuits without the need for level shifting stages. L2FETs require gate source voltage of only 5V to be fully turned on and typically have VGS(th) = 1-2V. Using Philips L2FETs in BDCM applications such as tape or disc drives where the MOSFETs are driven directly by a controller IC produces an efficient overall designwith the minimum of gate drive components.IGBTsIGBTs are especially suited to higher power applications wherethe conduction losses of aMOSFETbegin to become prohibitive. The IGBT is a power transistor which uses a combination of both bipolar and MOS technologies to give a device which has low on-state losses and is easy to drive. The IGBT is finding applications in mains-fed domestic and industrial drive markets. By careful design of the device characteristics the switching losses of an IGBT can be minimised without adversely affecting the conduction losses of the device too severely. Operation of BDCM inverters is possible at switching speeds of up to 20kHz using IGBTs.Device selectionThe first selection criterion for an inverter device is the voltage rating. Philips PowerMOS devices have excellent avalanche ruggedness capability and so are able to survive transient overvoltages which may occur in the inverter circuit. This gives the circuit designer the freedom to choose appropriately rated devices for the application without suffering from the extra device conduction losseswhich occur when using higher voltage grade devices. In noisy environments or where sustained overvoltages occur then some external protection circuitry will usually be required.For low voltage and automotive applications 60V devices may be adequate. For mains-fed applications then the DC link voltage is fixed by the external mains supply. A 240V supply will, depending on the DC link filtering arrangement, give a link voltage of around 330V. Using 450V or 500V MOSFETs will allow sufficient margin for transient overvoltages to be well within the device capability. The current rating of a device is determined by the worst case conditions that the device will experience. These will occur during start-up, overload or stall conditions and should be limited by the BDCM controller. Short circuit protection must be provided by using appropriate fusing or overcurrent trip circuitry.In addition to the normal motor currents the inverter devices will experience additional currents due to diode reverse recovery effects. The magnitude of these overcurrents will depend on the properties of the freewheel diodes and on the switching rates used in the circuit.Turn-on overcurrents can often be greater than twice the normal load current.The peak to average current capability of MOSFETs is very good (typically 3 to 4) and so they are able to carry overcurrents for short periods of time without damage. For high power applications PowerMOS devices can easily be parallelled to give the required current ratings providing the circuit is suitably arranged in order to ensure good current sharing under both dynamic and static conditions. ConclusionsThe brushless DC motor has already become an important drive configuration for many applications across a wide range of powers and speeds. The ease of control and excellent performance of the brushless DC motors will ensure that the number of applications using them will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. The Philips range of PowerMOS devices which includes MOSFETs, FREDFETs, L2FETs and IGBTs are particularly suited for use in inverter circuits for motor controllers due to their low loss characteristics, excellent switching performance and ruggedness.。
英文原文Research on Voltage Space-vector Control System of Synchronous Motor Vector control of field oriented control, the basic idea is: through coordinate transformation control method for simulation of DC motor to control the permanent magnet synchronous motor. Three-phase symmetrical windings in three-phase AC can produce a rotating magnetic motive force, two phase symmetrical windings into two symmetric alternating current can produce the same rotating magnet ometive force; therefore the three-phase symmetric winding can be replaced with two phase symmetrical windings equivalent independent of each other, equivalent principle is the constant magnetomotive force produced before and after transformation, transformation and total power constant.In oil field, the power factor was reduced and the reactive power consumption was increased because of the usage of the large number of asynchronous motor, and resulting in a huge waste of energy, which reduced the integrated cost-effective of field. The permanent magnet synchronous motor possess all the advantages of synchronous motor and it has high efficiency and higher power factor. For the advantages of permanent magnet synchronous,it will bring good energy saving results if it is used in pumping unit. As a result,the study on permanent magnet synchronous motor control system is important.In this paper the theory of vector control system on PMSM is first deeply studied,and the idea of coordinate transformation is used to build the mathematical model of PMSM. An in-depth theoretical analysis of voltage space vector control algorithm is done. Secondly,based on the mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor and SVPWM theory,the model of PMSM vector control system is established by of Matlab/Simulink. The simulation result shows the possibility of using the control system.In the paper, the software and hardware of PMSM vector control system is designed core-based TI Company’s motor control DSP chip TMS320LF2407A. Hardware ncludes the main circuit,control circuit and its peripheral circuits;software contains the main program and SVPWM interrupt subroutine,it achieves the implementation of the dual closed-loop current. At last,the motor experiments are carried on under the laboratory,the experimental results verify the correctness of the hardware and control program.Permanent magnet synchronous motor with the advantages of simple structure,high efficiency,wide speed range,widely used in machining,aerospace and electric traction fields,this paper introduces the structure,control strategy of permanent magnet synchronous motor and its vector torque control research present situation and direction.Based on space vector principle,the three kind of coordinate systems as well as the transformation of them which usually used in motor’s speed control system areintroduced,then,the mathematic models on different coordinate systems are derived,be based on that,the principle of traditional direct torque control system as well as the direct torque control system based on SVPWM are analyzed detailed,meanwhile,the realization process of SVPWM algorithm is derived.Finally,the simulation model of convientional DTC Control system are established in MATLAB/Simulink.Control of permanent magnet synchronous motor mainly in the following1.1 vector controlThe core idea of vector control of three-phase current,voltage,the flux of the motor by coordinate transformation into the rotor flux oriented phase reference coordinate system, control idea according to DC motor, control motor torque.The advantages of the field oriented vector control is good torque response,precise speed control,zero speed can achieve full load.However,the vector control system needs to determine the rotor flux,to coordinate transformation,a large amount of calculation,but also consider the effect of changes in the rotor of the motor parameters,which makes the system more complex,this is the vector control deficiencies.1.2 direct torque controlIt is based on stator flux orientation,implementation of direct control of stator flux and torque.The control is based on the idea of amplitude real-time detection of motor torque and flux are given,and the torque and flux linkage value comparison,the torque and flux adjusting the appropriate stator voltage space vector selection table switch calculated directly from an offline,power switch and control of inverter state.Direct torque control does not need the vector coordinate transformation complex,the motor model is simplified,no pulse width modulation signal generator,control has the advantages of simple structure,motor parameter changes,can obtain good dynamic performance.But there are also some shortcomings,such as the inverter switching frequency is not fixed,large torque ripple current to realize digital control requires high sampling frequency.1.3 direct torque control based on space vector modulation(SVM-DTC)The SVM-DTC control is the vector control and direct torque control together,its theory foundation and DTC control theory,is based on torque angle control.According to the change of torque angle and flux vector position,get the flux of the next cycle position,which can be the reference voltage vector is required,then the reference voltage vector modulation,PWM wave inverter driving.The SVM-DTC control,the flux changes to determine the next position,so the accurate estimation of flux has great effect on the control system,and the flux estimation depends on motor parameters are stable.In addition,the electromagnetic torque and torque angle is a nonlinear relationship,but in the practical application is approximately linear,using PIregulation,performance so that the PI parameters can also affect the system.The model reference adaptive control(MRAS)The model system requirements of the control system with a model for the adaptive control,the output response model is ideal,this model is called the reference model.The system always tries to make dynamic consistency can bedynamic reference model and the adjustable model in operation.By comparing the output of reference model and actual process,and through the adaptive controller to adjust some parameters of the adjustable model or generate anauxiliary input,so that the output error between actual output and the reference model as small as possible.In practical application,usually used for speed estimation,to realize the speed sensor less operation.Therefore,the model reference adaptive depends mainly on the accuracy of the adjustable model,the stable operation of the system plays a decisive role in.In addition,the adaptive control law parameters tuning is a difficult problem,the control accuracy of the control system has a great impact.1.5The state observer based controlControl based on state observer is developed based on the modern control theory,observer based on the mathematical model of permanent magnet synchronous motor,used for each observation control system and the state,thus extracting speed control.It is also dependent on the accuracy of the motor model,the appearance of large error will run at low speed or increasing temperature leads to the variation of motor parameters,so as to bring large deviation to control.intelligent controlThe use of intelligent algorithms,intelligent control of the control system, such as fuzzy control,neural network control,self-tuning parameters and so on,through one or several times after the trial operation, automatic parameter tuning out,to realize the optimization control.Intelligent control has many advantages,especially in the motor is multi variable,nonlinear control system,however,control and its performance depends on the control object,that is to say not every control system can achieve good control,which require sexperience.At the same time,the large amount of computation,but also has certain requirements for the controller.Synchronous Motor because of having power factor higher run – time efficiency higher , stability good, the revolving speed settles to wait a merit, is extensively been applied to industrial production amid. The starting fault that acquaints with synchronous motor, and debugging in time, all have important meaning to the motor and the production systems . By way of energy in time, accurate debugging and transaction fault, have the familiar faultprogress of the synchronous motor in detail analytical!2 Familiar fault2.1 The synchro motor after switching on electricity the incapability startsThe synchro motor after starting the incapability run - time generally has the reason of severals as follows:(1)Power supply voltage over low.Because at the square of voltage, the starting torque direct proportion of synchro motor's the voltage of power supply over make low the starting torque of synchro motor significantly the droop is lower than load troque, can not start thus and want to raise vs this power supply voltage to enlarge the starting torque of dynamo.(2)The fault of motor. Check motor settle, the rotor winding had no short circuit, open circtui, open soldering and link bad etc. fault, these the faults will make the dynamo can not start to create starting of rating of intensity of magnetic field, make thus the dynamo can not start;Checking the motor bearing has already had no failure, the port cap has have no loose, if bearing failure port shroud loose, result in bearing's down sinking, mutually rub with stator iron core, result in thus dynamo's canning not start, vs settle the rotor fault can be shaken table with the low tension, gradually click to check to seek a fault condition and adopt homologous treatment;The countersgaft accepts and carries to shroud a loose condition and all wants a pan car before driving each time and sees motor rotor whether slewing is vivid, if bearing or shaft kiowatt damage and replace in time.(3)The control device breaks down.This kind of faults are mostly the d.c. output voltage of the windings of Li magnetic belt to adjust not appropriate or don't output, result in the stator current of motor over big, cause the motor conduct electricity the run make or the losing of dynamo magnetic belt run - time.Should check whether output voltage current and its waveform that the Li magnetic belt equips is normal at this time, the Rong breaks whether the machine Rong breaks, the contact is bad;Whether circuit board plug-in puts prison or alignment;Check loop resistance, put out whether crystal gate tube of magnet burns out or brokes through.(4)Mechanical trouble. Such as be dragged along a dynamic machinery to block, result in motor incapability's starting, the rotor that moves motor in response to the pan at this time sees whether the slewing is vivid, machinery burden whether existence fault2.2The synchro motor incapability leads long into synchronization.Synchro motor in common use law of nonsynchronous starting,throw in Li magnetic belt when the motor rotor revolving speed hits synchronous revolving speed of 95%, make it leads long into synchronization. The synchro motor incapability leads long into synchronous reason as follows:(1)The Li magnetic belt winding short circuit.Because the winding of Li magnetic belt, existence short circuit breaks down, as a result makes motor able to stabilize run - time but incapability and lead long into synchronization while being lower than synchronous revolving speed. Check to seek the Li magnetic belt winding short circuit, can open into low - tension(about the 30 Vs) in the rotor derivation on - line, put on the magnetic poles surface with a hand work steel saw, pursue inspection magnetic poles, if vibrating is violent, explain the magnetic poles to have no short circuit on steel saw of the magnetic poles' surface, if the vibrating of saw blade micro or don't flap, explain the magnetic poles short circuit. After unloading the magnetic poles, check the fault to click,is short-circuit degree, adopt local to mend or re- round to make.(2) Power supply voltage over low. Power supply voltage over low, result in the strong Li link of the device of Li magnetic belt incapability working, make the motor incapability lead long into synchronization thus, the concrete way is to raise power supply voltage appropriately.(3) The fault of Li magnetic belt device. Such as throw Li over speedy(namely throw in Li magnetic belt, motor rotor revolving speed over low), will make the motor can not lead long into synchronization, should check to throw if the Li link exists fault at this time. If Li magnetic belt device fault, the output's current is lower than a rating value, cause the electricity magnetic troque of dynamo over small but can not lead long into synchronization, at this time in response to scrutiny Li magnetic belt device of throw Li link and phase - shifting link, waveform use oscillo graph to check to throw Li link and phase - shifting link, should also check and put out magnetic belt link and put out crystal gate of magnetic belt whether tube discovers a question as usual, handle in time, if the incapability handles in time, by way of the energy quickly restore capacity, should replace to provide for use circuit board.2.3 Brush and compress tightly spring and gather to give or get an electric shock ring fault.The brush leads short and compresses tightly spring press scarcity and make brush and gather to give or get an electric shock ring of indirectly touch badly, thus generate spark or arc electric, arc electric or spark to on the other hand and easily spark short circuit, will make arc electric burn on the other hand shorter, spark open circtui thus, result in Li magnetic belt device only the Li magnetoelectricity press but have no Li magnetoelectricity streaming;Compress tightly spring ageing lapse, make brush and gather to give or get an electric shock ring of indirectly touch badly, effect the starting of motor thus;Gather to give or get an electric shock a ring surface to there is grease stain and scar or slot scar, will make brush and gather to give or get an electric shock ring of indirectly touch badly, generate spark, spark further burn gather to give or get an electric shock ring, will also make gnd short-circuit, the spark effects the starting of motor thus.For gather to give or get an electric shock ring superficial grease stain, can wipeto clean with the acetone; For thin trace, use many fettle shagging rings of sandpapers surface, is ring surface roughness to hit R1.6 ums, if the slot scar obviously needs to get on the car bed transform, truning, enter amount of knife to take every time 1 mm as proper, in the 1-1.5 ms/s, the truning speed control's roughness hits of the ums of R1.5-1.8 and becomes bad anti to finally polish with the sandpaper 2-3 times over the 0.05 mms.2.4 The damper winding breaks down.The damper winding of synchro motor rotor is provided for synchro motor starting to use and wipe - out run - time at the same time amid spark because of loading to change of out of step osc.Start the damper winding in the process to incise the magnetic field of stator revolution but induced very big starting current in the synchro motor, so the big current by all means will result in damping hair thermal expansion, under the normal condition because of starting time short, the damper winding starting is behind soon will cool off, but block up revolution in the motor, lack phase, start the super - in time to length ways wait a condition down, if don't shut down in time, will result in the damping take off soldering to split etc. condition.The damper winding is weaker link in the synchro motor parts, the damper winding familiar fault has:The damping takes off soldering and split, the damping ring discharges wildfire, damping ring the strain is serious.These faults will effect the starting of synchro motor. The damping takes off soldering and chooses silver actinium welding rod and adopts oxyacetylene welding to weld, the dynamo after taking out the core heats into rotor 200 Celsius degrees set rotor vertical in the oven, after taking out and adopt 750 Celsius degrees to or soly weld temperature, damping and the blind side of of damping ring complete solderings are full, clear a soldering dirt again, ;For split of the damping , after dismantling original damping, choose the material of material homology and adopt the above-mentioned method to weld after packing good damping.Damping ring the wildfire is mainly what damping ring indirectly touches bad or get in touch with area isn't enough to result in. Damping ring the strain seriously is mainly a damping to fix anticoincidence in the slot, the damping plugs into damping ring while welding hole falsely, appear additional stress after welding, at plus damping ring intensity not enough to, treatment is loose open all connectivity bolts of damping rings, vs strain anti big of damping ring, after oxyacetylene welding heating adjust with the exclusive use fixture even, vs strain serious replace a new damping of ring.3 ConclusionWhen the synchro motor appears fault, cautiously analytical possible reason, gradually expel, look into related data when it's necessary, absorb experience, propose corrective actions.Analytical the dynamo fault not only need to have firm theory knowledge and experience of prolific maintenance repairs, but also need to aim at concrete fault, deepconsideration, brave creative, the dynamo after ensuring to break down removal can stabilize run - time over a long period of time.中文翻译永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统〔中文对照〕矢量控制亦称磁场定向控制,其基本思路是:通过坐标变换实现模拟直流电机的控制方法来对永磁同步电机进行控制。
大模型训练 推理 精调 sft 名词解释
大模型训练推理精调 sft 名词解释大模型训练(Large-scale model training):指使用大规模数据集和计算资源对深度学习模型进行训练的过程。
Large-scale model training: The process of training deep learning models using large-scale datasets and computational resources. Large-scale model training often requires longer training time and higher computational power, aiming to improve the model's performance and generalization ability.推理(Inference):指在训练完成的模型上使用新的输入数据进行预测或推断的过程。
Inference: The process of using new input data on a trained model for prediction or inference. The inference process does not involve adjusting the model parameters butrather uses the pretrained model to make predictions or classifications on new data.精调(Fine-tuning):指在一个已经训练好的模型基础上,通过进一步训练模型的一部分参数,以适应新的任务或数据集。
Multiple Choice Questions1. Trading activity by mutual funds just prior to quarterly reporting dates is known asA) insider trading.B) program trading.C) passive security selection.D) window dressing.E) none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Mutual funds must disclose portfolio composition quarterly, and trading activity that immediately precedes the reporting date is referred to as "window dressing". Thespeculation is that window dressing involves changes in portfolio composition, which gives the appearance of successful stock selection.2. The comparison universe is __________.A) a concept found only in astronomyB) the set of all mutual funds in the worldC) the set of all mutual funds in the U. S.D) a set of mutual funds with similar risk characteristics to your mutual fundE) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: A mutual fund manager is evaluated against the performance of managers of funds of similar risk characteristics.3. __________ did not develop a popular method for risk-adjusted performanceevaluation of mutual funds.A) Eugene FamaB) Michael JensenC) William SharpeD) Jack TreynorE) A and BAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: Michael Jensen, William Sharpe, and Jack Treynor developed popular models for mutual fund performance evaluation.4. Henriksson (1984) found that, on average, betas of funds __________ during marketadvancesA) increased very significantlyB) increased slightlyC) decreased slightlyD) decreased very significantlyE) did not changeAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Portfolio betas should have a large value if the market is expected to perform well and a small value if the market is not expected to perform well; thus, these results reflect the poor timing ability of mutual fund managers.5. Most professionally managed equity funds generally __________.A) outperform the S&P 500 index on both raw and risk-adjusted return measuresB) underperform the S&P 500 index on both raw and risk-adjusted return measuresC) outperform the S&P 500 index on raw return measures and underperform the S&P500 index on risk-adjusted return measuresD) underperform the S&P 500 index on raw return measures and outperform the S&P500 index on risk-adjusted return measuresE) match the performance of the S&P 500 index on both raw and risk-adjusted returnmeasuresAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Most mutual funds do not consistently, over time, outperform the S&P 500 index on the basis of either raw or risk-adjusted return measures.6. Suppose two portfolios have the same average return, the same standard deviation ofreturns, but portfolio A has a higher beta than portfolio B. According to the Sharpemeasure, the performance of portfolio A __________.A) is better than the performance of portfolio BB) is the same as the performance of portfolio BC) is poorer than the performance of portfolio BD) cannot be measured as there is no data on the alpha of the portfolioE) none of the above is true.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The Sharpe index is a measure of average portfolio returns (in excess of the risk free return) per unit of total risk (as measured by standard deviation).7. Consider the Sharpe and Treynor performance measures. When a pension fund is largeand has many managers, the __________ measure is better for evaluating individualmanagers while the __________ measure is better for evaluating the manager of a small fund with only one manager responsible for all investments.A) Sharpe, SharpeB) Sharpe, TreynorC) Treynor, SharpeD) Treynor, TreynorE) Both measures are equally good in both cases.Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The Treynor measure is the superior measure if the portfolio is a small portion of many portfolios combined into a large investment fund. The Sharpe measure is superiorif the portfolio represents the investor's total risky investment position.8. Suppose you purchase 100 shares of GM stock at the beginning of year 1, and purchaseanother 100 shares at the end of year 1. You sell all 200 shares at the end of year 2.Assume that the price of GM stock is $50 at the beginning of year 1, $55 at the end of year 1, and $65 at the end of year 2. Assume no dividends were paid on GM stock.Your dollar-weighted return on the stock will be __________; your time-weightedreturn on the stock.A) higher thanB) the same asC) less thanD) exactly proportional toE) more information is necessary to answer this questionAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: In the dollar-weighted return, the stock's performance in the second year, when 200 shares are held, has a greater influence on the overall dollar-weighted return. Thetime-weighted return ignores the number of shares held.9. Suppose the risk-free return is 4%. The beta of a managed portfolio is 1.2, the alpha is1%, and the average return is 14%. Based on Jensen's measure of portfolio performance, you would calculate the return on the market portfolio asA) 11.5%B) 14%C) 15%D) 16%E) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: DifficultRationale: 1% = 14% - [4% + 1.2(x - 4%)]; x = 11.5%.10. Suppose the risk-free return is 3%. The beta of a managed portfolio is 1.75, the alpha is0%, and the average return is 16%. Based on Jensen's measure of portfolio performance, you would calculate the return on the market portfolio asA) 12.3%B) 10.4%C) 15.1%D) 16.7%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: DifficultRationale: 0% = 16% - [3% + 1.75(x - 3%)]; x = 10.4%.11. Suppose the risk-free return is 6%. The beta of a managed portfolio is 1.5, the alpha is3%, and the average return is 18%. Based on Jensen's measure of portfolio performance, you would calculate the return on the market portfolio asA) 12%B) 14%C) 15%D) 16%E) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: DifficultRationale: 3% = 18% - [6% + 1.5(x - 6%)]; x = 12%.12. Suppose a particular investment earns an arithmetic return of 10% in year 1, 20% inyear 2 and 30% in year 3. The geometric average return for the year period will be__________.A) greater than the arithmetic average returnB) equal to the arithmetic average returnC) less than the arithmetic average returnD) equal to the market returnE) cannot tell from the information givenAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The geometric mean will always be less than the arithmetic mean unless the returns in all periods are equal (in which case the two means will be equal).13. Suppose you buy 100 shares of Abolishing Dividend Corporation at the beginning ofyear 1 for $80. Abolishing Dividend Corporation pays no dividends. The stock price at the end of year 1 is $100, the price $120 at the end of year 2, and the price is $150 at the end of year 3. The stock price declines to $100 at the end of year 4, and you sell your 100 shares. For the four years, your geometric average return isA) 0.0%B) 1.0%C) 5.7%D) 9.2%E) 34.5%Answer: C Difficulty: DifficultRationale: [(1.25)(1.20)(1.25)(0.6667)]1/4 - 1.0 = 5.7%14. You want to evaluate three mutual funds using the information ratio measure forperformance evaluation. The risk-free return during the sample period is 6%, and the average return on the market portfolio is 19%. The average returns, residual standard deviations, and betas for the three funds are given below.The fund with the highest information ratio measure is __________.A) Fund AB) Fund BC) Fund CD) Funds A and B are tied for highestE) Funds A and C are tied for highestAnswer: B Difficulty: DifficultRationale:Information ratio = αP/σ(e P); A: αP = 20 - 6 - .8(19 - 6) = 3.6; 3.6/4 = 0.9; B: αP = 21 -6 - 1(19 - 6) = 2.0; 2/1.25 = 1.6; C: αP = 23 - 6 - 1.2(19 - 6) = 1.4; 1.4/1.20 = 1.16. 15. You want to evaluate three mutual funds using the Sharpe measure for performanceevaluation. The risk-free return during the sample period is 6%. The average returns, standard deviations and betas for the three funds are given below, as is the data for the S&P 500 index.The fund with the highest Sharpe measure is __________.A) Fund AB) Fund BC) Fund CD) Funds A and B are tied for highestE) Funds A and C are tied for highestAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: (24% - 6%)/30% = 0.60; B: (12% - 6%)/10% = 0.60; C: (22% - 6%)/20% = 0.80;S&P 500: (18% - 6%)/16% = 0.75.16. You want to evaluate three mutual funds using the Sharpe measure for performanceevaluation. The risk-free return during the sample period is 4%. The average returns, standard deviations and betas for the three funds are given below, as is the data for the S&P 500 index.The fund with the highest Sharpe measure is __________.A) Fund AB) Fund BC) Fund CD) Funds A and B are tied for highestE) Funds A and C are tied for highestAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: (18% - 4%)/38% = 0.368; B: (15% - 4%)/27% = 0.407; C: (11% - 4%)/24% =0.292; S&P 500: (10% - 4%)/22% = 0.273.17. You want to evaluate three mutual funds using the Sharpe measure for performanceevaluation. The risk-free return during the sample period is 5%. The average returns, standard deviations and betas for the three funds are given below, as is the data for the S&P 500 index.The investment with the highest Sharpe measure is __________.A) Fund AB) Fund BC) Fund CD) the indexE) Funds A and C are tied for highestAnswer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: (23% - 5%)/30% = 0.60; B: (20% - 5%)/19% = 0.789; C: (19% - 5%)/17% =0.824; S&P 500: (18% - 5%)/15% = 0.867.18. You want to evaluate three mutual funds using the Treynor measure for performanceevaluation. The risk-free return during the sample period is 6%. The average returns, standard deviations, and betas for the three funds are given below, in addition toinformation regarding the S&P 500 index.The fund with the highest Treynor measure is __________.A) Fund AB) Fund BC) Fund CD) Funds A and B are tied for highestE) Funds A and C are tied for highestAnswer: A Difficulty: DifficultRationale: A: (13% - 6%)/0.5 = 14; B: (19% - 6%)/1.0 = 13; C: (25% - 6%)/1.5 = 12.7; S&P 500: (18% - 6%)/1.0 = 12.19. You want to evaluate three mutual funds using the Jensen measure for performanceevaluation. The risk-free return during the sample period is 6%, and the average return on the market portfolio is 18%. The average returns, standard deviations, and betas for the three funds are given below.The fund with the highest Jensen measure is __________.A) Fund AB) Fund BC) Fund CD) Funds A and B are tied for highestE) Funds A and C are tied for highestAnswer: C Difficulty: DifficultRationale: A: 17.6% -[6% + 1.2(18% - 6%)] = - 2.8%; B: 17.5% - [6% + 1.0(18% - 6%)] = - 0.5;C: 17.4% - [6% + 0.8(18% - 6%)] = + 1.8.20. Suppose you purchase one share of the stock of Volatile Engineering Corporation at thebeginning of year 1 for $36. At the end of year 1, you receive a $2 dividend, and buyone more share for $30. At the end of year 2, you receive total dividends of $4 (i.e., $2 for each share), and sell the shares for $36.45 each. The time-weighted return on your investment is ________.A) -1.75%B) 4.08%C) 8.53%D) 11.46%E) 12.35%Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Year 1: ($30 + $2 - $36)/$36 = - 11.11%; Year 2: ($36.45 + $2 - $30)/$30 = 28.17%;Average: 8.53%.21. Suppose you purchase one share of the stock of Volatile Engineering Corporation at thebeginning of year 1 for $36. At the end of year 1, you receive a $2 dividend, and buy one more share for $30. At the end of year 2, you receive total dividends of $4 (i.e., $2 for each share), and sell the shares for $36.45 each. The dollar-weighted return on your investment is _______.A) -1.75%B) 4.08%C) 8.53%D) 8.00%E) 12.35%Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $36 + $30/(1 + r) = $2/(1 + r) + $4/(1 + r)2 + $72.90/(1 + r)2; r = 12.35%.22. Suppose you purchase one share of the stock of Cereal Correlation Company at thebeginning of year 1 for $50. At the end of year 1, you receive a $1 dividend, and buy one more share for $72. At the end of year 2, you receive total dividends of $2 (i.e., $1 for each share), and sell the shares for $67.20 each. The time-weighted return on your investment is __________.A) 10.00%B) 8.78%C) 19.71%D) 20.36%E) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Year 1: ($72 + $1 - $50)/$50 = 46%; Year 2: ($67.20 + $1 - $72)/$72 = -5.28%;Average: 20.36%.23. Suppose you purchase one share of the stock of Cereal Correlation Company at thebeginning of year 1 for $50. At the end of year 1, you receive a $1 dividend, and buy one more share for $72. At the end of year 2, you receive total dividends of $2 (i.e., $1 for each share), and sell the shares for $67.20 each. The dollar-weighted return on your investment is __________.A) 10.00%B) 8.78%C) 19.71D) 20.36%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $50 + $72 /(1 + r) = $1/(1 + r) + $2/(1 + r)2 + $134.40/(1 + r)2; r = 8.78%.24. Suppose you own two stocks, A and B. In year 1, stock A earns a 2% return and stock Bearns a 9% return. In year 2, stock A earns an 18% return and stock B earns an 11%return. __________ has the higher arithmetic average return.A) stock AB) stock BC) the two stocks have the same arithmetic average returnD) at least three periods are needed to calculate the arithmetic average returnE) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: (2% + 18%)/2 = 10%; B: (9% + 11%)/2 = 10%.25. Suppose you own two stocks, A and B. In year 1, stock A earns a 2% return and stock Bearns a 9% return. In year 2, stock A earns an 18% return and stock B earns an 11%return. Which stock has the higher geometric average return?A) stock AB) stock BC) the two stocks have the same geometric average returnD) at least three periods are needed to calculate the geometric average return.E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A: [(1.02)(1.18)]1/2 - 1 = 9.71%; B: [(1.09)(1.11)]1/2 - 1 = 10.00%.Use the following to answer questions 26-29:The following data are available relating to the performance of Sooner Stock Fund and the market portfolio:26. What is the Sharpe measure of performance evaluation for Sooner Stock Fund?A) 1.33%B) 4.00%C) 8.67%D) 38.6%E) 37.14%Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (20% - 3%)/44% = 0.386, or 38.6%.27. What is the Treynor measure of performance evaluation for Sooner Stock Fund?A) 1.33%B) 4.00%C) 8.67%D) 9.44%E) 37.14%Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (20% - 3%)/1.8 = 9.44%.28. Calculate the Jensen measure of performance evaluation for Sooner Stock Fund.A) 2.6%B) 4.00%C) 8.67%D) 31.43%E) 37.14%Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale:αP = 20% - [3% + 1.8(11% - 3%)] = 2.6%.29. Calculate the information ratio for Sooner Stock Fund.A) 1.53B) 1.30C) 8.67D) 31.43E) 37.14Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale:αP = 20% - [3% + 1.8(11% - 3%)] = 2.6%, 2.6% / 2.00% = 1.3.Use the following to answer questions 30-33:The following data are available relating to the performance of Monarch Stock Fund and the market portfolio:30. What is the information ratio measure of performance evaluation for Monarch StockFund?A) 1.00%B) 280.00%C) 44.00%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: αP = 16% - [4% +1.15(12% - 4%)] = 2.8%; αP/σ(e P) = 2.8%/1% = 2.8, or280%.31. Calculate Sharpe's measure of performance for Monarch Stock Fund.A) 1.00%B) 46.00%C) 44.00%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (16 - 4)/ 26 = .4632.Calculate Treynor's measure of performance for Monarch Stock Fund.A) 10.40%B) 8.80%C) 44.00%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (16 - 4)/1.15 = 10.433. Calculate Jensen's measure of performance for Monarch Stock Fund.A) 1.00%B) 2.80%C) 44.00%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 16 - [4 + 1.15 (12 - 4)] = 2.80%Use the following to answer questions 34-37:The following data are available relating to the performance of Seminole Fund and the market portfolio:34. If you wanted to evaluate the Seminole Fund using the M2 measure, what percent of theadjusted portfolio would need to be invested in T-Bills?A) -36% (borrow)B) 50%C) 8%D) 36%E) 73%Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 22/30 = .733335. Calculate the M2 measure for the Seminole Fund.A) 4.0%B) 20.0%C) 2.86%D) 0.8%E) 40.0%Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 22/30 = .7333; 1 - .7333 = .2667; M2 = [.7333 (18) + .2667 (6)] - 14 = 0.8%.36. If the Seminole Fund is actively managed, fairly priced, and will be mixed with themarket index portfolio, calculate the value of the measure that should be used forevaluation.A) 4.0%B) 20.0%C) 2.86%D) 0.8%E) 40%Answer: E Difficulty: DifficultRationale: The Sharpe ratio is the correct measure to use in this case. (18 - 6) / 30 = 40% 37. If the Seminole Fund is actively managed and will be mixed with the market indexportfolio, but you suspect it may be mispriced, calculate the value of the measure that should be used for evaluation.A) 4.0%C) 2.86%D) 0.8%E) 40%Answer: B Difficulty: DifficultRationale: The information ratio is the correct measure to use in this case. AP=18% - [6%+1.4*(14%-6%)] = 0.8%, Information Ratio= 0.8%/4.0%=.20= 20%Use the following to answer questions 38-41:The following data are available relating to the performance of Wildcat Fund and the market portfolio:38. What is the information ratio measure of performance evaluation for Wildcat Fund?A) 1.00%B) 8.80%C) 44.00%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale:αP = 18% - [7% +1.25(15% - 7%)] = 1%; αP/σ(e P) = 1%/2% = 0.50, or 50.00%.39. Calculate Sharpe's measure of performance for Wildcat Fund.A) 1.00%B) 8.80%C) 44.00%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (18 - 7)/ 25 = .4440. Calculate Treynor's measure of performance for Wildcat Fund.A) 1.00%B) 8.80%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (18 - 7)/1.25 = 8.841. Calculate Jensen's measure of performance for Wildcat Fund.A) 1.00%B) 8.80%C) 44.00%D) 50.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 18 - [7 + 1.25 (15 - 7)] = 1.00%Use the following to answer questions 42-45:The following data are available relating to the performance of Long Horn Stock Fund and the market portfolio:42. What is the Sharpe measure of performance evaluation for Long Horn Stock Fund?A) 1.33%B) 4.00%C) 8.67%D) 31.43%E) 37.14%Answer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (19% - 6%)/35% = 0.3714, or 37.14%.43. What is the Treynor measure of performance evaluation for Long Horn Stock Fund?A) 1.33%B) 4.00%C) 8.67%D) 31.43%Answer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: (19% - 6%)/1.5 = 8.67%.44. Calculate the Jensen measure of performance evaluation for Long Horn Stock Fund.A) 1.33%B) 4.00%C) 8.67%D) 31.43%E) 37.14%Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: αP = 19% - [6% + 1.5(12% - 6%)] = 4.00%.45. Calculate the information ratio for Long Horn Stock Fund.A) 1.33B) 4.00C) 8.67D) 31.43E) 37.14Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale:αP = 19% - [6% + 1.5(12% - 6%)] = 4.00%, 4.00% / 3.00% = 1.33.Use the following to answer questions 46-48:In a particular year, Razorback Mutual Fund earned a return of 1% by making the following investments in asset classes:46. The total excess return on the Razorback Fund's managed portfolio was __________.A) -1.80%B) -1.00%C) 0.80%D) 1.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: 1% - 2% = -1%.47. The contribution of asset allocation across markets to the Razorback Fund's total excessreturn was __________.A) -1.80%B) -1.00%C) 0.80%D) 1.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: DifficultRationale: See table below.48. The contribution of selection within markets to the Razorback Fund's total excess returnwas __________.A) -1.80%B) -1.00%C) 0.80%D) 1.00%E) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: DifficultRationale: See table below.Use the following to answer questions 49-51:In a particular year, Aggie Mutual Fund earned a return of 15% by making the following investments in the following asset classes49. The total excess return on the Aggie managed portfolio was __________.A) 1%B) 3%C) 4%D) 5%E) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: 15% - 10% = 5%.50. The contribution of asset allocation across markets to the total excess return wasA) 1%B) 3%C) 4%D) 5%E) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: DifficultRationale: See table below.51. The contribution of selection within markets to total excess return wasA) 1%B) 3%C) 4%D) 5%E) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: DifficultRationale: See table below.52. In measuring the comparative performance of different fund managers, the preferredmethod of calculating rate of return is __________.A) internal rate of returnB) arithmetic averageC) dollar-weightedD) time-weightedE) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: For the investor, the internal rate of return (or dollar-weighted rate of return) is the preferred measure because if the investor chooses to invest heavily in one investment vehicle that performs extremely well, an increased return results, which is reflected in A (or C). However, the mutual fund manager does not usually make the decision as to the amount to invest in a particular vehicle; therefore, the time-weighted rate of return isusually used to evaluate these managers. Arithmetic average is a good measure forestimating future returns (if expectations are unchanged).53. The __________ measures the reward to volatility trade-off by dividing the averageportfolio excess return by the standard deviation of returns.A) Sharpe measureB) Treynor measureC) Jensen measureD) information ratioE) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: The Sharpe measure is a measure of excess average portfolio returns over time per unit of total risk of the portfolio returns (standard deviation).54. A pension fund that begins with $500,000 earns 15% the first year and 10% the secondyear. At the beginning of the second year, the sponsor contributes another $300,000.The dollar-weighted and time-weighted rates of return, respectively, wereA) 11.7% and 12.5%B) 12.1% and 12.5%C) 12.5% and 11.7%D) 12.5% and 12.1%E) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $500,000 + $300,000/(1 + r) = $75,000/(1 + r) + $880,000/(1 + r)2; r = 12.059%; (15+ 10)/2 = 12.5%55. The Value Line Index is an equally weighted geometric average of the returns of about1,700 firms. The value of an index based on the geometric average returns of 3 stocks where the returns on the 3 stocks during a given period were 32%, 5%, and -10%,respectively, is __________.A) 4.3%B) 7.6%C) 9.0%D) 13.4%E) 5.0%Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: [(1.32)(1.05)(0.90)]1/3 - 1.0 = 7.6%.56. Risk-adjusted mutual fund performance measures have decreased in popularity becauseA) in nearly efficient markets it is extremely difficult for portfolio managers tooutperform the market.B) the measures usually result in negative performance results for the portfoliomanagers.C) the high rates of return earned by the mutual funds in recent years have made themeasures useless.D) A and B.E) none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: C is not true because the overall market has performed extremely well in the recent years of mutual fund growth and positive performance. In fact, the funds have grown and performed well because of the sustained market rally, and still do not show superior performance when compared to the market.57. The Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen portfolio performance measures are derived from theCAPM,A) therefore, it does not matter which measure is used to evaluate a portfolio manager.B) however, the Sharpe and Treynor measures use different risk measures, thereforethe measures vary as to whether or not they are appropriate, depending on theinvestment scenario.C) therefore, all measure the same attributes.D) A and B.E) none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The Sharpe measure uses standard deviation, or total risk, as the risk measure; the Treynor measure uses beta, or systematic risk, as the risk measure.58. The Jensen portfolio evaluation measureA) is a measure of return per unit of risk, as measured by standard deviation.B) is an absolute measure of return over and above that predicted by the CAPM.C) is a measure of return per unit of risk, as measured by beta.D) A and B.E) B and C.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: A is the Sharpe measure, C is the Treynor measure.59. The M-squared measureA) considers only the return when evaluating mutual funds.B) considers the risk-adjusted return when evaluating mutual funds.C) considers only the total risk when evaluating mutual funds.D) considers only the market risk when evaluating mutual funds.E) none of the above.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: The M-squared measure adjusts the fund by hypothetically borrowing or lending until the total portfolio matches the risk level of an index, then ranks the fund on thebasis of this risk-adjusted return. .60. The dollar-weighted return on a portfolio is equivalent toA) the time-weighted return.B) the geometric average return.C) the arithmetic average return.D) the portfolio's internal rate of return.E) none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: The dollar-weighted return on a portfolio is equivalent to finding the internal rate of return on the cash flows to the portfolio.61. A portfolio manager's ranking within a comparison universe may not provide a goodmeasure of performance becauseA) portfolio returns may not be calculated in the same way.B) portfolio durations can vary across managers.C) if managers follow a particular style or subgroup, portfolios may not be comparable.D) both B and C.E) all of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Returns are typically time-weighted for all portfolios and broad risk classes or styles are grouped together, but particular subgroups and differences in duration are typically not considered.62. The geometric average rate of return is based on。
木与建筑工程大直径顶升自密实钢管混凝土柱试验研究王志强1,2王琛1,2李林1,2(1.中铁三局集团建筑安装工程有限公司山西太原030006;2.中铁三局集团有限公司山西太原030001)摘 要:钢管混凝土柱的浇筑质量直接影响该组合结构能否充分发挥其承载性能。
关键词:钢管混凝土柱自密实混凝土模型试验脱空缺陷中图分类号: TU398.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2022)09(c)-0252-05 Experimental Study on Large-Diameter JackingSelf-Compacting CFT ColumnsWANG Zhiqiang1,2WANG Chen1,2LI Lin1,2( 1.China Railway Third Bureau Group Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd.,Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, 030006 China;2.China Railway Third Bureau Group Co., Ltd.,Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, 030001 China )Abstract: The pouring quality of the CFT column directly influences whether the composite structure can give full play to its bearing capacity. Based on a practical project, the preparation process of C60 self-compacting con-crete and the key technology of pumping and jacking self-compacting concrete were studied by carrying out the original size model test of 1000mm×1000mm×8170mm CFT column. The cutting test results show that there isno void defect around the horizontal diaphragm in the steel tube column, the compactness between the concrete and the steel tube is good, and the synergistic bearing performance of the two is fully exerted, providing basic data and experience for engineering promotion and application.Key Words: CFST column; Self-compacting concrete; Model test; Void defect钢管混凝土结构是指在钢管中填充混凝土而形成,且钢管及其核心混凝土能共同承受外荷载作用的组合结构构件。
a survey of large language model
a survey of large language modelLarge language models are becoming increasingly popular in the field of natural language processing (NLP), as they can generate human-like text and improve the performance of various NLP tasks. A large language model is a neural network that can take a large amount of textual input data and learn to generate new text that matches the style and tone of the source text. These models can be used for a variety of applications such as chatbots, language translation, and text summarization.One of the most well-known large language models is GPT-3 developed by OpenAI, which has 175 billion parameters and can generate a wide range of text, from poetry to news articles. GPT-3 has received a lot of attention in the media due to its impressive language generation capabilities. Other large language models include BERT developed by Google and RoBERTa developed by Facebook, which have been used for tasks such as sentiment analysis and question answering.Despite their popularity, large language models also face several challenges. One challenge is their high computational requirements, as they require significant computational resources to train and run. Another challengeis the potential bias present in the training data, which can result in biased language generation. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential misuse of large language models for propaganda or other malicious purposes.In conclusion, large language models have shown impressive capabilities in generating human-like text andimproving the performance of various NLP tasks. While they do face challenges such as high computational requirements and potential bias, the benefits they offer in the field of NLP cannot be ignored. As such, it is crucial to continue researching and developing large language models with a focus on ethical considerations and responsible usage.。
特征蒸馏代码实现As a teacher, you may have encountered the challenge of finding effective ways to teach complex concepts to your students. Feature distillation is an approach that can help you address this issue by simplifying and transferring the knowledge contained in a large, complex model to a smaller, more manageable one. 作为一名教师,您可能遇到了如何向学生有效教授复杂概念的挑战。
Feature distillation works by distilling the knowledge from a larger, more complex model (the teacher model) into a smaller, more efficient model (the student model). This is done by training the student model to mimic the outputs of the teacher model using a process called distillation. 特征蒸馏通过将来自较大、更复杂的模型(教师模型)的知识蒸馏到较小、更高效的模型(学生模型)中来实现。
One of the main benefits of feature distillation is that it can help improve the efficiency and speed of neural networks. By distilling theknowledge from a large, complex model into a smaller one, feature distillation can help reduce the computational resources required to run the model, making it faster and more efficient. 特征蒸馏的主要优势之一是它可以帮助提高神经网络的效率和速度。
大模型pretrain方法Pretraining large models has become a popular method in natural language processing and computer vision. 大模型的预训练已成为自然语言处理和计算机视觉中流行的方法之一。
Pretraining involves training a model on a large dataset in an unsupervised or self-supervised manner before fine-tuning it on a specific task. 预训练涉及在一个大型数据集上以无监督或自监督的方式对模型进行训练,然后在特定任务上进行微调。
This approach has been shown to improve the performance of models on downstream tasks by providing them with a better initialization point. 通过提供更好的初始化点,这种方法已被证明可以提高模型在下游任务上的性能。
By learning from a large and diverse dataset, the model can capture a wide range of features and patterns, making it more adaptable and effective in various tasks. 通过从大型和多样化的数据集中学习,模型可以捕获各种特征和模式,使其在各种任务中更加适应和有效。
One of the key advantages of pretraining large models is the ability to leverage the vast amount of unlabeled data available on the internet. 预训练大型模型的一个关键优势是能够利用互联网上大量的无标签数据。
Designation:C 535–03e 1Standard Test Method forResistance to Degradation of Large-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 535;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e 1N OTE —Section 8.1was corrected editorially July 2003.1.Scope*1.1This test method covers testing sizes of coarse aggregate larger than 19mm (3⁄4in.)for resistance to degradation using the Los Angeles testing machine (Note 1).N OTE 1—A procedure for testing coarse aggregate smaller than 37.5mm (11⁄2in.)is covered in Test Method C 131.1.2This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.3The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The inch-pound values given in parentheses are for information only.2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:C 125Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates 2C 131Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine 2C 136Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates 2C 670Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for Test Methods for Construction Materials 2C 702Practice for Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size 2D 75Practice for Sampling Aggregates 3E 11Specification for Wire Cloth and Sieves for Testing Purposes 43.Terminology3.1For definitions of terms used in this test method,refer to Terminology C 125.4.Summary of Test Method4.1This test is a measure of degradation of mineral aggre-gates of standard gradings resulting from a combination of actions including abrasion or attrition,impact,and grinding in a rotating steel drum containing 12steel spheres.As the drum rotates,a shelf plate picks up the sample and the steel spheres,carrying them around until they are dropped to the opposite side of the drum,creating an impact-crushing effect.The contents then roll within the drum with an abrading and grinding action until the shelf plate picks up the sample and the steel spheres,and the cycle is repeated.After the prescribed number of revolutions,the contents are removed from the drum and the aggregate portion is sieved to measure the degradation as percent loss.5.Significance and Use5.1The test has been widely used as an indicator of the relative quality or competence of various sources of aggregate having similar mineral compositions.The results do not automatically permit valid comparisons to be made between sources distinctly different in origin,composition,or structure.Assign specification limits with extreme care in consideration of available aggregate types and their performance history in specific end uses.6.Apparatus6.1The Los Angeles Machine shall conform to the require-ments of Test Method C 131.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C09.20on Normal Weight Aggregates.Current edition approved March 10,2003.Published April 2003.Originally approved in st previous edition approved in 2001as C 535-01.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 04.02.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 04.03.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 14.02.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.6.1.1The operation and maintenance of the machine shall be as prescribed in Test Method C 131.6.2Sieves ,conforming to Specification E 11.6.3Balance —A balance or scale accurate within 0.1%of test load over the range required for this test6.4Charge —The charge (Note 2)shall consist of 12steel spheres averaging approximately 47mm (127⁄32in.)in diam-eter,each having a mass between 390and 445g,and having a total mass of 5000625g.N OTE 2—Steel ball bearings 46.0mm (113⁄16in.)and 47.6mm (17⁄8in.)in diameter,having a mass approximately 400and 440g each,respectively,are readily available.Steel spheres 46.8mm (127⁄32in.)in diameter having a mass approximately 420g may also be obtainable.The charge may consist of a mixture of these sizes conforming to the total mass tolerance of 6.4.7.Sampling7.1Obtain the field sample in accordance with Practice D 75and reduce to an adequate sample size in accordance with Practice C 702.8.Test Sample Preparation8.1Wash the reduced sample and oven dry at 11065°C (23069°F)to substantially constant mass,separate into individual size fractions,and recombine to the grading of Table 1most nearly corresponding to the range of sizes in the aggregate as furnished for the work.Record the mass of the sample prior to test to the nearest 1g.9.Procedure9.1Place the test sample and charge in the Los Angeles testing machine and rotate the machine at 30to 33r/min for 1000revolutions (Note 3).After the prescribed number of revolutions,discharge the material from the machine and make a preliminary separation of the sample on a sieve coarser than the 1.70-mm (No.12)sieve.Sieve the finer portion on a 1.70-mm sieve in a manner conforming to Test Method C 136.Wash the material coarser than the 1.70-mm sieve and oven dry at 11065°C (23069°F)to substantially constant mass,and determine the mass to the nearest 1g .9.1.1If the aggregate is essentially free of adherent coatings and dust,the requirement for washing after the test is optional.However,in the case of referee testing,the washing procedure shall be performed.Elimination of washing after test will seldom reduce the measured loss by more than about 0.2%of the original sample mass.N OTE 3—Valuable information concerning the uniformity of the sample under test may be obtained by determining the loss after 200revolutions.This loss should be determined by dry sieving the material on the 1.70-mm (No.12)sieve without washing.The ratio of the loss after 200revolutions to the loss after 1000revolutions should not greatly exceed 0.20for material of uniform hardness.When this determination is made,take care to avoid losing any part of the sample;return the entire sample,including the dust of fracture,to the testing machine for the final 800revolutions required to complete the test.10.Calculation10.1Calculate the loss (the difference between the original mass and the final mass of the test sample)as a percentage of the original mass of the test sample (Note 4).N OTE 4—The percent loss determined by this method has no known consistent relationship to the percent loss for the same material when tested by Test Method C 131.11.Report11.1Report the following information:11.2Identification of the aggregate as to source,type,and nominal size,and11.3Grading designation from Table 1used for the test,and 11.4Loss by abrasion and impact of the sample expressed to the nearest 1%by mass.12.Precision12.1Precision —The precision of this test method has not been determined.It is expected to be comparable to that of Test Method C 131.12.2Bias —No statement is being made about the bias of this Test Method since there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias of this procedure.13.Keywords13.1abrasion;aggregate (coarse;large size);degradation;impact;Los Angeles machineTABLE 1Gradings of Test SamplesSieve Size,mm (in.)(Square Openings)Mass of Indicated Sizes,gPassing Retained on Grading12375(3)63(21⁄2)2500650......63(21⁄2)50(2)2500650......50(2)37.5(11⁄2)50006505000650...37.5(11⁄2)25.0(1) (5000625)500062525.0(1)19.0(3⁄4)......5000625Total1000061001000067510000650APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1.MAINTENANCE OF SHELFX1.1The shelf of the Los Angeles machine is subject to severe surface wear and impact.With use,the working surface of the shelf is peened by the balls and tends to develop a ridge of metal parallel to and about32mm(11⁄4in.)from the junction of the shelf and the inner surface of the cylinder.If the shelf is made from a section of rolled angle,not only may this ridge develop but the shelf itself may be bent longitudinally or transversely from its proper position.X1.2The shelf should be inspected periodically to deter-mine that it is not bent either lengthwise or from its normal radial position with respect to the cylinder.If either condition is found,the shelf should be repaired or replaced before further tests are made.The influence on the test result of the ridge developed by peening of the working face of the shelf is not known.However,for uniform test conditions,it is recom-mended that the ridge be ground off if its height exceeds0.1in. (2mm).SUMMARY OF CHANGESThis section identifies the location of changes to this test method that have been incorporated since the last issue.(1)Revised1.3.(2)Revised Note2.(3)Revised8.1.(4)Revised9.1.(5)Revised9.1.1.(6)Revised Note3.(7)Revised X1.1.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().。
CHAPTER TENDiscussion Questions1.What is the bullwhip effect and how does it relate to lack of coordination in asupply chain?The bullwhip effect refers to the increase in fluctuation of orders along the length of the supply chain as orders move from retailers to wholesalers to manufacturers to suppliers. The bullwhip effect relates directly to the lack of coordination(demand information flows) within the supply chain. Each supply chain member has a different idea of what demand is, and the demand estimates are grosslydistorted and exaggerated as the supply chain partner is distanced from thecustomer.2.What is the impact of lack of coordination on the performance of a supply chain?The impact of lack of coordination is degradation of responsiveness and anincrease in cost for all supply chain members. As the bullwhip effect rears its ugly head, supply chain partners find themselves with excessive inventory followed by stockouts and backorders. The fluctuations in inventory result in increasedholding costs and lost sales, which in turn spike transportation and materialhandling costs. Ultimately, the struggle with cost and responsiveness hurts the relationships among supply chain partners as they seek to explain their lack of performance.3.In what way can improper incentives lead to a lack of coordination in a supplychain? What countermeasures can be used to offset this effect?Incentive obstacles occur in situations when different participants in the supply chain are motivated by self-interest.Incentives that focus only on the local impact of an action result in decisionsbeing made that achieve a local optimum but are unable to achieve a global(supply chain) optimum. All supply chain partners must agree on globalperformance measures and structure rewards such that members are appropriately motivated to focus on the overall performance of the supply chain.Sales force incentives also are responsible for counterproductive supply chain behavior. Commissions that are based on a single short time frame can be gamed by the sales force to maximize commission but these actions inadvertentlyincrease demand variability and exert pressure on the supply chain. Commissions should be structured to provide incentives to consistently sell large volumes of product over a broad time frame to the sell-through point.Sales force incentives based on “sell-in” rather than “sell-thru” lead to product being pushed in the supply chain, thus increasing forward buying. If possible, it is best to offer incentives based on sell-thru or even sell-out (sales to end consumers) because such incentives eliminate all incentives for forward buying.4.What problems result if each stage of a supply chain views its demand as theorders placed by the downstream stage? How should firms within a supply chain communicate to facilitate coordination?If each stage of a supply chain views its demand as the orders placed by theirdownstream counterpart, the bullwhip effect is realized by the supply chain(especially when lead times are long). Each member develops a forecast that is based on something other than the true customer demand and hilarity ensues.Supply chain members should share point-of-sale (POS) data (or at a minimum their own sales data) so that all members are aware of the true customer demand for product. The beauty of data sharing requirements is that only aggregate POS data must be shared to mitigate the bullwhip effect; there is no need to sharedetailed POS data.5.What factors lead to a batching of orders within a supply chain? How does thisaffect coordination? What actions can minimize large batches and improvecoordination?Order batching is caused by a number of different factors. One mechanism is the price structure of TL and LTL shipment quantities; there is incentive to wait awhile to make sure that a TL shipment is achieved. A customer’s natural tendency to wait for a milestone, either real or perceived, can also cause batching.Customers may wait until Friday, Monday, the last or first day of the month, etc., just because that’s when they always have or because that event reminds them to order. Order batching also occurs because customers are aware of an impending price reduction and want to take advantage of it. Batching adversely affectssupply chain coordination because the supply chain will be starved for flow, then overwhelmed with demand.A supply chain can reconfigure their transportation and distribution system toallow for shipments to multiple customers on a single truck to achieve TLquantities. The chain can also assign (or encourage) days for placing orders and move from lot-size based to volume based quantity discounts (or abandondiscounts and promotions altogether).6.How do trade promotions and price fluctuations affect coordination in a supplychain? What pricing and promotion policies can facilitate coordination?Trade promotions and price fluctuations make supply chain coordination more difficult. Customers seek to purchase goods for less and engage in forward buying which creates spikes in demand that may exceed capacity. All parties wouldbenefit if the supply chain used everyday low pricing (EDLP) to mitigate forward buying and allow procurement, production, and logistics to function at a steadier pace. If price incentives must be offered, the chain is better served byimplementing a volume-based quantity discount plan instead of a lot size based quantity discount, that is, providing incentives to purchase large quantities over a long period of time, perhaps a year. Forward buying can also be reduced ifpromotions are linked to sell-thru rather than the quantity purchased by a retailer.7.How is the building of strategic partnerships and trust valuable within a supplychain?Cooperation and trust within the supply chain help improve performance for the following reasons:•When stages trust each other, they are more likely to take the other party’s objectives into consideration when making decisions, thereby facilitatingwin–win situations.•Action-oriented managerial levers to achieve coordination become easier to implement and the supply chain becomes more agile.•An increase in supply chain productivity results, either by elimination of duplicated effort or by allocating effort to the appropriate stage.•Detailed sales and production information is shared; this allows the supply chain to coordinate production and distribution decisions.8.What are the different CPFR scenarios and how do they benefit supply chainpartners?Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) is defined as a business practice that combines the intelligence of multiple partners in theplanning and fulfillment of customer demand. In order to be successful, the two parties must have synchronized their data and established standards forexchanging the information. The four scenarios that sellers and buyers cancollaborate along include:•Retail event collaboration—the identification of specific SKUs that will be involved in sales promotions and sharing of information regarding thetiming, duration, pricing, advertising, and display tactics to be deployed.The benefit of retail event collaborations is a reduction in stockouts,excess inventory, and unplanned logistics costs.•DC replenishment collaboration—the forecasting of DC withdrawals or demand from the DC to the manufacturer is converted to a stream oforders that are locked in over a specified time horizon. A successful DC replenishment collaboration reduces production costs at the manufacturer and inventory and stockouts at the retailer.•Store replenishment collaboration—the forecasting of store-level orders that are committed over a specific time horizon. Such a collaborationresults in greater visibility of sales for the manufacturer, improvedreplenishment accuracy and product availability, and reduced inventories. •Collaborative assortment planning—the forecasting (collaborative interpretation) of industry trends, macroeconomic factors, and customer tastes for seasonal goods. This forecast is converted into a plannedpurchase order at the style/color/size level that is used to produce sample products for a fashion event before final merchandising decisions aremade. The manufacturer benefits from this collaboration by having more lead time to purchase raw materials and plan capacity.•。
外文文献翻译译文一、外文原文:原文:DETERMINANTS OF INCENTIVE INTENSITY IN GROUPBASED REWARDSTHEORY AND HYPOTHESESAgency Theory and Incentive IntensityA fundamental argument in the agency theory literature and in much of the compensation literature is that the incentive intensity of rewards—often measured as the variable portion of pay—enhances employee contributions to performance. Incentive-intensive pay increases effort and may increase the talent level of those attracted to a compensation plan. Higher incentive intensity increases the marginal gains in income that employees receive from increased effort. If increased effort has physical or psychological costs, agents will choose levels of effort whereby the marginal gain from effort equals its marginal cost. Therefore, when pay plans are more incentive-intensive, employees reach higher levels of effort before deciding that these increases fail to compensate for their personal costs. Research in a variety of fields confirms this relationship between incentive intensity and effort (e.g., Ehrenberg & Bognanno, 1990; Landau & Leventhal, 1976; Zenger, 1992).Higher incentive intensity may also help companies lure and keep talented workers (Lazear, 1986; Rynes, 1987; Zenger, 1994). Given the randomness of measured performance, as incentive intensity rises, so does the uncertainty of an individual's pay. The higher the incentive intensity, the more likely it is that only the very best performers (those who have the highest probability of generating strong measured performance) will find it efficient to assume the risk of an incentive-intensive contract.As suggested in empirical studies, employees with lower ability—those unlikely to generate high performance—will prefer contracts that place less emphasis on performance (Cable & Judge, 1994; U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1988;Zenger, 1994).Incentive' intensity in group rewards should function much like incentive intensity in individual rewards: higher levels should motivate effort, lure talent, and thereby enhance performance. As Kruse argued in regard to profit-sharing plans, "The size of the profit share in relation to other employee compensation should clearly be an important factor in the impact of profit sharing upon workplace relations and performance.A profit share that, forexample, averages less than 1 percent of employee compensation is unlikely to be taken seriously by employees as an incentive for increased effort, monitoring, and cooperation with workers" (1993:81). By escalating the incentive intensity of group rewards (the incentive portion of pay), managers enhance the individual benefit from increased group effort and promote desirable self-selection. Although group incentive pay is less attractive to top talent than individual incentive pay (see Cable & Judge, 1994; Weiss, 1987), top talent should prefer highly incentive-intensive group pay to weakly incentive-intensive group pay. Kruse (1993) provided some empirical evidence of a relationship between incentive intensity and performance in group rewards. Thus, our motivation for exploring the determinants of incentive intensity stemmed from the underlying assumption that higher incentive intensity triggers higher effort, lures superior talent, and generally yields higher performance levels.Costs of Increasing Incentive IntensityThe rather low incentive intensity characteristic of rewards in many firms suggests significant impediments to raising incentive intensity. Agency theorists point to four impediments. First, incentive intensityis constrained by agents' inability to control performance measures (Lai & Srinivasan, 1993; Milgrom & Roberts, 1992; Weitzman, 1980). If agents cannot control performance measures, then imposing high levels of incentive intensity imposes substantial uncertainty on employees and provides rather modest motivational benefits.Second, incentive intensity is constrained by the inaccuracy of performance measures, or the weakness of the link between true and measured performance (Holmstrom & Milgrom, 1991; Milgrom & Roberts, 1992). If measured performance is only weakly correlated with true performance, aggressively rewarding measured performance may encourage agents to neglect unmeasured performance dimensions, thereby lowering true performance.Third, some agency theorists and scholars outside economics have argued that processes of pay comparison constrain incentive intensity within organizations (Lazear, 1989; Milgrom & Roberts, 1988; Pfeffer & Langton, 1993; Zenger, 1992). Higher incentive intensity generates greater variance in pay and magnifies the negative effects of comparison processes (Lazear, 1989; Pfeffer & Langton, 1993). Employees reduce their effort, leave a firm, or even sabotage its activities when they perceive pay differences as inequitable(Adams, 1965; Deutsch, 1985). Lowering incentive intensity reduces pay variance and thus diminishes the effects of these comparisons.Fourth, incentive intensity is constrained by "intertemporal" problems of incentive ratcheting and output restriction. Managers have an incentive to strategically alter incentive structures, adjusting payouts downward (or performance hurdles upward) once employees reveal their capacity to perform (Gibbons, 1987; Miller, 1992). Recognizing this managerial incentive, employees have an incentive to restrict output in anticipation of downward ratcheting of payouts should they reveal theircapacity for hard work (Mathewson, 1931; Whyte,1955). Such concerns may prompt the reduction or elimination of incentive intensity in rewards. Determinants of Incentive Intensity in Group-Based RewardsAlthough group rewards partially circumvent the impediments to incentive intensity detailed above, designers of group pay plans nonetheless confrontsimilar impediments.Control of performance measures. A primary advantage of group rewards is the capacity to link participants' pay to a performance measure over which they have rather complete control. However, this control is collective, with each individual having only a limited capacity to control the outcome. Consistent with agency theory, this inability to individually control observable performance measures encourages lower levels of incentive intensity(Lai & Srinivasan, 1993; Milgrom & Roberts, 1992;Weitzman, 1980).A group's size strongly infiuences its members' capacity to individually control their group's performance and subsequent individual pay. Clearly, a group member has more direct control over the performance of a small group than over that of a large group. Thus, to make a large portion of individual pay contingent on a large group's performance attaches pay to a measure over which any given employee has little control. Consequently, when groups are large, incentive intensity will be lower, refiecting low ability to control measured performance.The direct incentives triggered by group rewards may dissipate rather rapidly as groups increase in size. However, group rewards trigger mutual monitoring and "concertive" control (Barker, 1993); employees monitor and encourage their peers' performance and tightly screen new applicants (Welbourne,Balkin, & Gomez-Mejia, 1993). Such mutual monitoring or concertive control may extend the effectiveness of group rewards to size levels at which direct financial performance incentives are quite minimal.The effectiveness of mutual monitoring should, nonetheless, remain closely linked to group size and the level of performance measurement. Mutual monitoring should be most prevalent within small group plans where the contributions of specific colleagues more powerfully affect individual pay. Therefore, a greater capacity to control performance both directly and indirectly enables plan designers to escalate incentive intensity in small groups while imposing more modest levels of uncertainty.The effects of group size on incentive intensity,however, may diminish with size. Thus, although increasing a group from 10 to 20 members has a large effect on members' direct and indirect control of performance measures, increasing from 1,000 to1,010 members has rather limited bearing on such control. Hence,Hypothesis 1. Increases in group size have a negative, but diminishing, effect on the incentive intensity of group-based pay plans.The capacity to control group performance measures may also be influenced by the organizational level at which performance is measured, in part because organizational level is closely related to unit size. Our focus was on employee incentive plans, rather than managerial incentive plans. With the latter excluded, plans with lower-level measures,such as work team performance, are clearly more easily controlled by individual group members than plans that measure performance at higher organizational levels (such as divisions). Thus, Hypothesis 2. Group-based pay plans linked to performance measures at a lower organizational level will have greater incentive intensity than plans linked to performance measures at a higher organizational level.The composition of a group may also influence group members' capacity to control performance measures and thereby the optimal level of incentive intensity. Arguably, employees in managerial positions have greaterinfluence over individual performance than employees in lower-level positions (Baiman, Larker, & Rajan, 1993; Gerhart & Milkovich,1990). Managers and professionals have the authority to infiuence a broader set of performance determining decisions than do lower-level employees. Similar arguments can be made for professional employees having greater control over organizational outcomes than nonprofessional, nonmanagerial employees. Consistent witb agency theory reasoning, such increased control over outcomes should enable an increase in incentive intensity (Baiman et al., 1993). Empirical studies of managerial pay plans by Gerhart and Milkovich (1990) and Bushman, Indejejikian, and Smith (1994) have confirmed a positive relationship between incentive intensity and hierarchical level. Our focus was on employee-level pay plans, but many such plans also encompass management personnel. Hence, where managers and professionals comprise a significant percentage of plan participants, the enhanced ability of those groups to control performance should trigger the use of more incentive-intensive rewards. Thus, Hypothesis 3. Group incentive plans attached to groups in which a high proportion of participants are managers and professionals will have higher levels of incentive intensity than group incentive plans attached to groups in which a low proportion of participants are managers and professionals. Measurement accuracy and measurement complexity.The incentive intensity of group rewards should also depend on the complexity and accuracy of group performance measurement. If critical dimensions of performance are neglected, then aggressively rewarding measured performance yields dysfunctional outcomes. As discussed in writing on both agency theory and organizational behavior, performance measurement is particularly problematic when employees are assigned multiple tasks or when a single task has multiple performance dimensions (Holmstrom & Milgrom, 1991; Kerr,1975). Individuals respond to what is measured and rewarded andneglect other dimensions of performance(Kerr, 1975). As Holmstrom and Milgrom(1991) noted, simply adding measures to address the full spectrum of performance dimensions does not ensure optimal attention to all dimensions. Variability in the accuracy with which differing performance dimensions are evaluated, or variability in their ability to be controlled, creates incentives for employees to attend selectively to those dimensions more easily measured or controlled. Incentive intensity should, thus, be lower when jobs have dimensions or tasks that are difficult to measure. Doing otherwise only encourages allocations of effort that are less than optimal for a firm.Productivity and output volume are primary performance measures in many organizations. However, as has been argued in the total quality management literature, a focus on these primary performance indicators often leads to neglect of quality (Deming, 1993; Ishikawa, 1985). Although occasionally quality is quite easily measured, typically it is a performance dimension that is more difficult to accurately measure and control than other performance dimensions such as cost, output volume, or profitability. Consequently, when employees confront incentives that compensate attention both to quality and to other more accurately measured and more easily controlled performance attributes, they rationally neglect quality. Therefore, when quality is an important performance dimension, firms limit incentive intensity to increase attention to quality (Holmstrom & Milgrom,1991; Laffont & Tirole, 1989). Not surprisingly.leaders in the quality movement have recommended the avoidance of performance-based rewards (Deming, 1993; Ishikawa, 1985: 26-27].Thus, Hypothesis 4. Group incentive plans that reward quality will have lower incentive intensity than plans that do not measure and reward quality.Numerous performance measures in a group pay plan may further indicatecomplex and difficult performance measurement. Having numerous performance measures implies a broad range of important performance dimensions, some of which are potentially problematic to measure. Adding performance measures to a group incentive plan may focus attention on dimensions that would otherwise be neglected, but such additions cannot trigger optimal allocations of effort, as previously discussed. Escalating incentive intensity in work settings with such complex measurement may heighten neglect of those dimensions that are difficult or impossible to measure. Thus, in response to measurement complexity, plan designers may restrict incentive intensity to limit misallocation of effort. Hence, Hypothesis 5. Group incentive plans with a large number of performance measures will have lower incentive intensity than group incentive plans with few performance measures.Comparison processes and firm size.Groupbased pay plans are implemented within a broad organizational setting—a setting in which employees actively engage in processes of social comparison around the topic of pay. Agency theorists, such as Lazear (1989) and Milgrom and Roberts (1988), and psychologists and sociologists, such as Deutsch (1985) and Pfeffer and Langton (1993), have noted the potential desirability of pay equality as a means of promoting harmony and avoiding costly pay comparisons. Highly exaggerated self-perceptions (Meyer, 1975) ensure that pay differences are viewed as inequitable. Given individuals' costly responses to perceived inequity—such as departure and reduced effort (Adams, 1965; Deutsch, 1985)—firms choose to reduce performance-based variance in individual pay (Lazear, 1989; Zenger, 1992,1994).TODD R.ZENGER,C.R.MARSHALL.Determinants of incentive intensity in groupbased rewards[J].Academy of Management Joumal.2000, Vol. 43. No.2. 149-163.二、翻译文章译文:在组奖励中的激励强度的决定因素理论和假设代理理论和激励强度在代理理论文学和文学补偿多少中的一个基本论点是,奖励的激励强度经常是衡量薪酬,提高员工的贡献业绩的表现。
PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (25 minutes, 20 points) Section A (1 point each)1. A. He fixed the tape recorder.B. Although old, he is still working.C. His love for music surprised the two speakers.D. He picked up the tape recorder from the garbage can.2. A. He can't imagine what his friends have got for him.B. He always knows what Mary will say.C. He is anxious to see Mary's reaction to the gift.D. He is too busy to wait.3. A. His car broke down.B. He is usually late.C. He never leaves his house before 9:00.D. He might be late because of the bad traffic.4. A. No, because the man will have guests.B. No, because the man has seen the movie.C. No, because the man will go out.D. No, because the man wants to see the movie alone.5. A. She will continue with her diet.B. She can't afford expensive food.C. She might die any day.D. She is overweight.6. A. He should be thinking about something more important.B. He has enough money for a car.C. He spends money like water.D. He can't afford a car.7. A. People have different tastes.B. Each of them owns a restaurant.C. The woman should tell him her own opinion.D. Many customers like the restaurant.8. A. She has already seen it.B. She enjoys the movie.C. She regrets missing the movie.D. She doesn't care for the movie.9. A. Setting the table.B. Polishing silver.C. Sewing napkins.D. Putting the food away.Section B ( 1 point each)Mini-talk One10. A. A residential college.B. A family house,C. A university,D. An office block.11. A. It is the same as the old Smith House.B. It has become smaller.C. It has become larger.D. It is the same as it was in the 1840s.12. A. Wing 2-3rd Floor - Room 4.B. West - 2nd Floor - Room 34.C. West Wing 2 - 3rd Floor - Room 4.D. West Wing - 2nd Floor - Room 34.Mini-talk Two13. A. Smoking rooms.B. A gymnasium.C. Assembly roomsD. Dining rooms.14. A. April 10, 1912.B. April 11. 1912.C. April 13, 1912.D. April 14, 1912.15. A. There were not enough lifeboats.B. The water was cold.C. There was too much panic.D. People were disorganized.Section C ( 1 point each)The Film-making Process: Six steps16. Step 1: ____________________________17. Step 2:____________________________18. Step 3:____________________________19. Step 4:____________________________20. Step 5:____________________________Step 6: Composing the musicPART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points)Section A (0.5 point each)21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive for path-breaking innovation will eventually dry up.A. investmentB. resourceC. inspirationD. stimulus22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despite the appalling working conditions.A. bewilderingB. exasperatingC. dismayingD. upsetting23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting and photography.A. all at onceB. by and byC. to some extentD. on the whole24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about the consequences.A. optimisticB. anxiousC. uncertainD. scared25.26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery.A. arisen fromB. contributed toC. patched upD. participated in27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurors prevailed.A. resignedB. compromisedC. persistedD. dominated28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jefferson contended that the country should remain chiefly agricultural.A. inclinedB. struggledC. arguedD. competed29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company.A. on occasionB. at presentC. by nowD. for sure30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifying victims' families.A. brieflyB. quicklyC. accuratelyD. earnestlySection B (0.5 point each)31. New York probably has the largest number of different language _________ in the world.A. neighborhoodsB. communitiesC. clustersD. assemblies32. Nuclear wastes are considered to _____ a threat to human health and marine life.A. composeB. imposeC. exposeD. pose33. Some states in the US have set _____ standards concerning math and science tests.A. energeticB. vigorousC. rigorousD. grave34. This school promised to make classes smaller and offer more individualized ___________.A. presentationB. instructionC. convictionD. obligation35. Because of ______ ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along with each other.A. incomprehensibleB. incomparableC. inconceivableD. incompatible36. As __________ China and other emerging export powers, efforts to strengthen anti-corruption activities are gaining momentum.A. in the light ofB. in the event ofC. in the case ofD. in the course of37. According to an Australian research, moderate drinkers ________ better thinkers than heavy drinkers or those who never drink.A. end upB. take upC. put upD. turn up38. Strangely enough, an old man ______ me and introduced himself, who turned out to be a friend of my father’s.A. stood up toB. walked up toC. lived up toD. added up to39. Many children often _____ why airplanes can fly like birds while we humans cannot.A. assumeB. anticipateC. assureD. wonder40. The FDA was created to _______ the safety of products, review applications and grant approvals.A. manipulateB. adjustC. regulateD. managePART III CLOZE TEST (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each)Tall people earn considerably more money throughout their lives than their shorter co-workers, with each inch adding about US$789 a year in pay, according to a new study. "Height 41 career success," says Timothy Judge, a University of Florida professor of management, who led the study. "These findings are troubling since, with a few 42 , such as professional basketball, no one could argue that height is something essential required for job 43 ," Judge points out.Judge analyzed results of four large-scale studies in the US and Britain that followed thousands of people from childhood to adulthood, examining details of their work and personal lives. "If you take this 44 the course of a 30-year career, we're talking about literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings 45 that a tall person enjoys," Judge said.Greater height boosted both subjective ratings of work performance--a supervisor's 46 of how effective someone is-- and 47 measures of performance--such as sales volume. Being tall may boost self-confidence, improving performance. Other people may also give higher 48 and greater respect to a tall person, giving them an edge in negotiating states, he says.The commanding influence of height may be a remainder of our evolutionary 49 . Maybe from a time when humans lived among animals and size was 50 power and strength used when making "fight or run" decisions.41. A. makes out B. works in C. takes on D. matters for42. A. cases B. exceptions C. examples D. problems43. A. performance B. operation C. condition D. environment44. A. on B. with C. over D. to45. A. deficiency B. advantage C. loss D. necessity46. A. imagination B. decision C. judge D. evaluation47. A. relative B. absolute C. objective D. initiative48. A. state B. status C. situation D. statue49. A. origins B. sources C. courses D. organizations50. A. a time in B. a hold on C. a work at D. a sign ofPART IV READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each)Passage OneAt the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), a student loaded his class notes into a handheld e-mail device and tried to read them during an exam: a classmate turned him in. At the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) students photographed test questions with their cellphone cameras and transmitted them toclassmates. The university put in place a new examination-supervision system. "If they'd spend as much time studying, they'd all be A students," says Ron Yasbin, dean of the College of Sciences of UNLV.With a variety of electronic devices, American students find it easier to cheat. And college officials find themselves in a new game of cat and mouse. They are trying to fight would-be cheats in the exam season by cutting off Internet access from laptops, demanding the surrender of cellphones before tests or simply requiring that exams be taken with pens and paper."It is annoying. My hand-writing is so bad," said Ryan Dapremont, 21 who just finished his third year at Pepperdine University in California. He had to take his exams on paper. Dapremont said technology has made cheating easier, but plagiarism (剽窃) in writing papers was probably the biggest problem. Students can lift other people's writings off the Internet without attributing them.Still, some students said they thought cheating these days was more a product of the mindset, not the tools at hand. "Some people put too much emphasis on where they're going to go in the future, and all they're thinking about is graduate school and the next step," said Lindsay Nicholas, a third-year student at UCLA. She added that pressure to succeed "sometimes clouds everything and makes people do things that they shouldn't do."Some professors said they tried to write exams for which it was hard to cheat, posing questions that outside resources would not help answer. Many officials said that they rely on campus honor codes. They said the most important thing was to teach students not to cheat in the first place.51. One student at UCLA was found cheating ________________.A. when he was loading his class notes into a handheld e-mail deviceB. when he was trying to tell the answers to his classmatesC. after the university put in place a new examination-supervision systemD. after his classmate reported his cheating to the authority52. According to Ron Yasbin, all the cheating students _____________.A. should be severely punished for their dishonestyB. didn't have much time to study before the examC. could get the highest grades if they had studied hard enoughD. could be excused because they were not familiar with the new system53. To win the new game of cat and mouse in examinations, the college officials have to______________.A. use many high-tech devicesB. cut off Internet access on campusC. turn to the oral exanimation formsD. cut off the use of high-tech devices54. According to Ryan Dapremont, ______________.A. examinations taken with pens and paper were useless in fighting cheatingB. his examination paper was under-graded because of his bad hand-writingC. cheating was more serious in writing papers than in examinationsD. it was more difficult for him to lift other people's writings off the Internet55. Which of the following is probably the most Significant measure to fight cheating?A. Putting less emphasis on where the students are going to go in the future.B. Letting students know that honesty is more important.C. Writing examinations for which it is hard to cheat.D. Setting up more strict campus honor codes.56. The best title of the passage might be_____________.A. Cheating Has Gone High-techB. Game of Cat and MouseC. A New Examination-supervision SystemD. Measures to Fight Against DishonestyPassage TwoTop marathon runners tend to be lean and light, star swimmers are long thighs with huge feet and gold medal weightlifters are solid blocks of muscle with short arms and legs. So, does your physical shape--and the way your body works--fit you for a particular sport? Or does your body develop a certain way because of your chosen sport?"It's about 55:45, genes to the environment," says Mike Rennie, professor of clinical physiology at Britain's University of Nottingham Medical School. Rennie cites the case of identical twins from Germany, one of whom was a long-distance athlete, the other a powerful sportsman, so, "They look quite different, despite being identical twins."Someone who's 1.5-meters tall has little chance of becoming an elite basketball player. Still, being over two meters tall won't automatically push you to Olympic gold. "Unless you have tactical sense where needed, unless you have access to good equipment, medical care and the psychological conditions, and unless you are able to drive yourself through pain, all the physical strength will be in vain," said Craig Sharp, professor of sports science at Britain's Brunel University.Jonathan Robinson, an applied sports scientist at the University of Bath's sports development department, in southwest England, points to the importance of technique. "In swimming only 5-10 per cent of the propelling force comes from the legs, so technique is vital."Having the right physique for the right sport is a good starting point. Seventeen years ago, the Australian Institute of Sport started a national Talent Search Program, which searched schools for 14-16-year-olds with the potential to be elite athletes. One of their first finds was Megan Still, world champion rower. In 1987, Still had never picked up an oar in her life. But she had almost the perfect physique for a rower. After intensive training, she won gold in women's rowing in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.Other countries have followed the Australian example. Now the explosion of genetic knowledge has meant that there is now a search, not just for appropriate physique but also for "performance genes."57. It can be concluded from the passage that__________.A. physical strength is more important for sportspersons' successB. training conditions are more important for sportspersons' successC. genes are more important for sportspersons' successD. psychological conditions are more important for sportspersons' success58. The case of identical twins from Germany shows that_________.A. environment can help determine people's body shapeB. genes are the decisive factors for people's body shapeC. identical twins are likely to enjoy different sportsD. identical twins may have different genes for different sports59. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Craig Sharp as a required quality for a sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal?A. The physical strength.B. The right training conditions.C. The talent for the sports.D. The endurance for pains.60. Seventeen years ago Megan Still was chosen for rowing because____________.A. she had the talent for rowingB. her body shape was right for a rowerC. she had the performance genesD. she was a skillful rower61. The word "elite" in Paragraph 5 means ________ .A. the most wealthyB. the most skilledC. the most industriousD. the most intelligent62. The elite athletes of the future may come from people who naturally possess___________.A. the best body shapes and an iron purposeB. the extremes of the right physique and strong willsC. the right psychological conditions and sports talentsD. the right physique and genes for sportsPassage ThreeFor years, a network of citizens' groups and scientific bodies has been claiming that science of global warming is inconclusive. But who funded them?Exxon's involvement is well known. ExxonMobil is the world's most profitable corporation. It makes most of its money from oil, and has more to lose than any other company from efforts to tackle climate change. To safeguard its profits, ExxonMobil needs to sow doubt about whether serious action needs to be taken on climate change. But there are difficulties: it must confront a scientific consensus as strong as that which maintains that smoking causes lung cancer or that HIV causes Aids. So what's its strategy?The website , using data found in the company's official documents, lists 124 organizations that have taken money from the company or work closely with those that have. These organizations take a consistent line on climate change: that the science is contradictory, the scientists are split, environmentalists are liars or lunatics, and if governments took action to prevent global warming, they would be endangering the global economy for no good reason. The findings these organizations dislike are labeled "junk science". The findings they welcome are labeled "sound science".This is not to claim that all the science these groups champion is bogus. On the whole, they use selection, not invention. They will find one contradictory study - such as the discovery of tropospheric (对流层的) cooling - and promote it relentlessly. They will continue to do so long after it has been disproved by further work. So, for example, John Christy, the author of the troposphere paper, admitted in August 2005 that his figures were incorrect, yet his initial findings are still being circulated and championed by many of these groups, as a quick internet search will show you.While they have been most effective in the United States, the impacts of the climate-change deniers sponsored by Exxon have been felt all over the world. By dominating the media debate on climate change during seven or eight critical years in which urgent international talks should have been taking place, by constantly seeding doubt about the science just as it should have been most persuasive, they have justified the money their sponsors have spent on them many times over.63. Which of the following has NOT been done by the organizations to establish their position on climate change'?A. Damaging the reputation of environmentalists.B. Emphasizing the lack of consensus among scientists.C. Stressing the unnecessary harm to tile global economy.D. Protecting the scientific discoveries from being misused.64. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "bogus' (in Paragraph 4)?A. Reasonable.B. Fake.C. Limitless.D. Inconsistent.65. John Christy is mentioned to show_______________.A. how closely these organizations work with scientistsB. how these organizations select scientific findings for their own purposeC. how important correct data are for scientists to make sound discoveriesD. how one man's mistake may set back the progress of science66. The organizations sponsored by Exxon ___________.A. have lived up to their promisesB. have almost caused worldwide chaosC. have failed to achieve their original goalD. have misunderstood the request of the sponsor67. The passage is mainly focused on____________.A. Exxon's involvement in scientific scandalsB. Exxon's contributions to the issue of climate changeC. Exxon's role in delaying solutions to global warmingD. Exxon's efforts to promote more scientific discoveries68. What is the author's tone in presenting the passage?A. Factual.B. Praiseful.C. Biased.D. Encouraging.Passage FourWhere anyone reaching the age of 60 was considered to be near death's door at the turn of the 20th century, it is barely old enough for retirement at the turn of the 21st century. And scientists are still not holding back. They say that as new anti-ageing treatments become available, our species will get even older. While few would arguethat living longer is an attractive idea, the rapid increase in the number of years begs a question: Can our health expectancy be as close as possible to our life expectancy?Predictions for future health expectancy have changed over the past few decades. In the 1980s, life expectancy was increasing but the best data suggested that for every increased year of life expectancy, a greater fraction was disabled life expectancy. What we would see was a piling up of chronic illness and related disability which medical science couldn't prevent.But that world view changed suddenly in the early 1990s with the publication of a study by researchers at Duke University, who had been following the health of 20,000 people for almost a decade. They showed that disability among the elderly was not only dropping, but it was doing so at an ever-increasing rate.Arian Richardson, director of the Barshop Institute for Ageing and Longevity research, predicts that understanding the mechanisms behind calorie restriction and other genetic reasons behind ageing could be used within the next two decades to give people several extra healthy years of life. Restrict how much an animal eats, for example, and it will live longer. In lab experiments, rats on calorie-restricted diets were found to be physiologically younger, got diseases later in life and, at any rate, had less severe cases. "From the models that have been looked at, the increase in lifespan is usually in the range of 15-30% maximum," says Richardson. Cutting calories is thought to trigger a switch in an animal's behaviour from normal to a state of stasis in which growth and ageing are temporarily put on hold. When food becomes available again, the animal's behaviour switches back.Richardson says that thinking about stopping ageing is a "little bit silly" at the moment but doesn't dismiss it altogether, arguing that none of the illnesses related to ageing should be inevitable. Start with a high-quality body (and that means eating your greens, not smoking and doing lots of exercise in your younger days) and you can keep it going for longer with high quality maintenance. "It'll be like the difference between a Rolls-Royce and a cheap car."69. It can be seen from the first paragraph that people have doubts on whether _____________.A. is possible to live a longer healthy and lifeB. humans can live as long as scientists predictC. living longer is still considered a good ideaD. new anti-ageing treatments are safe for humans70. In the 1980s, the data on people's health expectancy_______________.A. gave an optimistic predictionB. showed an unclear futureC. led to a pessimistic perceptionD. turned out to be a mixed blessing71. In the lab experiment on rats,_____________.A. food restriction is not the only factor proved to have workedB. responses to food restriction vary from animal to animalC. the animals' lifespan increases with the amount of food eatenD.different amounts of food cause a change in the animals' behavior72. Richardson believes that_________.A. it is impossible for humans to stop ageingB. it is worthless to talk about stopping ageingC. stopping ageing is a dream that may come trueD. illness is the biggest obstacle to stopping ageing73. Rolls-Royce is used to convey the idea that_______________.A. quality life is out of reach for most peopleB. quality life can slow down the process of agingC. how long one can live depends on the genes one carriesD. the more money one invests in health, the healthier one will be.74. The most suitable title for the passage is “___________”.A. Problems of An Ageing SocietyB. Health Care for the ElderlyC. Eating Healthier, Living LongerD.The Future of Old AgePassage FiveIn dealing with a student who is acting aggressively toward his classmates, you want to send a strong message that aggressive behavior will not be tolerated in your classroom. In addition, you want to help him develop more appropriate ways of settling disputes with his peers.If two elementary school students are engaged in a fight, use a strong loud voice to stop it. If that doesn't work, you might say something odd ("Look up! The ceiling is falling!") to divert their attention. If they still don't stop and you can't separate them, send a student to the office to get help. If a crowd of children is gathering, insist that they move away or sit down, perhaps clapping your hands to get their attention: After the incident is over, meet with the combatants together so they can give you their versions of what happened and you can help them resolve any lingering problems. Also notify the parents.Speak in a firm, no-nonsense manner to stop a student's aggressive behavior: use physical restraint as a last resort. When responding to the student, pay attention to your verbal as well as non-verbal language. Even if he is yelling at you, stay calm. Allow him to express what he is upset about without interrupting him and then acknowledge his feelings. Avoid crossing your arms, pointing a finger or making threats: any of those actions could intensify his anger and stiffen his resistance.You might conclude that a student's aggressive behavior warrants separating him from the rest of the class, either to send him a strong message that what he did merits a serious consequence or to protect the other students. You can do that by giving him a time out in class or by sending him to the office.Although he might expect you to react punitively, surprise him by reacting supportively. Express your confidence that he can resolve problems without being hurtful to his peers. Tell him that you think he must be upset about something to lose control as he did and you want to understand what might be bothering him. If he does open up to you, listen attentively without interrupting. Speaking m a calm voice, tell him that you understand why he was upset, but stress that he has to find a way to express his anger with words rather than with his hands. You don't want to force an aggressive student to say he is sorry because that might fuel his anger, however, you do want to strongly encourage him to make amends with the student he hit. If he is willing to do that, it will help soothe hurt feelings and avoid future conflicts.75. What is the purpose of saying something odd when seeing students in a fight?A. To please the students.B. To surprise the students.C. To get the students' attention.D. To distract the students' attention.76. What is to be done about a student's aggressive behavior?A. Respond calmly but finny.B. Tell the student's parents immediately.C. Ask other students for help to stop the action.D. Have the student go to see the principal.77. What is NOT encouraged to do toward an aggressive student?A. Use physical restraint.B. Give the student a time out.C. Point at the student or make threats.D. Talk with the student privately.78. What does the word "'punitively" (in Paragraph 5) probably mean?A. Surprisingly.B. Depressingly.C. Involving persuasion.D. Involving punishment.79. What might be the last step to help all aggressive student?A. Encourage the student to be nice to the student he hit.B. Ask the student to promise he'll never do it again.C. Force the student to apologize for his behavior.D. Persuade the student to open up to you.80. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Problems in Classrooms.B. Dealing with Student Aggression.C. Aggressive Behavior in Classrooms.D. Settling a Student Fight.PART V TRANSLATION (30 minutes, 20 points)Section A (15 minutes, 10 points)One of the unintended consequences of the flattening world is that it puts different societies and cultures in much greater direct contact with one another. It connects people to people much faster than people and cultures can often prepare themselves. Some cultures thrive on the sudden opportunities for collaboration that this global intimacy makes possible. Others are frustrated, and even humiliated by this close contact, which, among other things, makes it easy for people to see where they stand in the world in relation to everyone else. All of this helps to account for the emergence of one of the most devastating forces today - the suicide bombers and other terrorist organizations which have no regard for human lives and which it is in our best interest to wipe out.Section B (15 minutes, 10 points)该法案旨在对美国中小学进行教育改革并使所有儿童有机会得到高质量的教育。
测试报告 英文
测试报告英文Test ReportIntroduction:This report provides a summary of the testing activities carried out on the XYZ software. The purpose of the testing was to ensure the software's functionality, reliability, and performance.Testing Objectives:1. To verify if the software functions as expected.2. To identify and report any bugs or issues encountered during testing.3. To assess the software's reliability and stability.4. To evaluate the software's performance under different conditions.Testing Methodology:The testing was conducted using a combination of black box and white box testing techniques. The black box testing involved analyzing the software's inputs and outputs without considering its internal structure. The white box testing, on the other hand, focused on testing the internal structure of the software.Test Cases:A total of 50 test cases were developed to test various aspects of the software. These test cases covered functional testing, usability testing, and performance testing. They were designed to simulate different user scenarios and test the software's ability to handle different inputs and produce accurate and reliable outputs.Test Results:Out of the 50 test cases, 45 passed successfully, while 5 failed. The failures were mainly due to unexpected errors and crashes encountered during testing. These issues were reported to the development team for further investigation and rectification. Issues Found:1. Inconsistent performance: The software exhibited inconsistent performance when processing large amounts of data. This led to delays and occasional crashes.2. Input validation issues: The software failed to properly validate user inputs in some cases, leading to incorrect outputs and unexpected behaviors.3. Compatibility issues: The software was found to have compatibility issues with certain operating systems, resulting in crashes or failure to start.Recommendations:1. Improve performance: The development team should optimize the software to ensure consistent and reliable performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.2. Strengthen input validation: The software should thoroughly validate user inputs to prevent any unexpected behaviors or incorrect outputs.3. Enhance compatibility: The development team should address the compatibility issues with different operating systems and ensure the software works flawlessly on all supported platforms. Conclusion:Overall, the testing of the XYZ software revealed a few issues thatneed to be addressed. However, it also demonstrated that the software is largely functional, reliable, and performs well under normal circumstances. By addressing the identified issues and implementing the recommended improvements, the software can be further enhanced to meet user expectations and deliver a better user experience.。
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Performance of a large-scale slope model subjected to rising and lowering water levelsG.W.Jia a ,Tony L.T.Zhan a ,⁎,Y.M.Chen a ,D.G.Fredlund a ,ba MOE Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,310027,China bGolder Associates Ltd,1721-8th Street East,Saskatoon,SK.,Canada S7H 0T4a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 22June 2008Received in revised form 2March 2009Accepted 15March 2009Available online 25March 2009Keywords:Large-scale model test Water level changes Sandy siltSlope stability Failure modeMany slope failures have been observed to occur during times of water level fluctuations.This paper presents a large-scale model test simulating the performance of a sandy silty soil slope subjected to water level rise and drawdown.The slope model is 15m long,6m high and 5m wide,and the sloping part has an inclination of 1:1and a height of 4m.A water level control system was developed to allow the simulation of the rise and sudden drawdown of the water level.Pore-water pressures (negative and positive),total earth pressures,the slip surface and the landslide process were recorded during the simulation process.Data gathered under controlled laboratory conditions was useful for the veri fication of analytical and numerical modelling methods.Pore-water pressure inside the slope showed a signi ficant delay relative to the drawdown of the water level outside the slope.The failure mode that developed during rapid drawdown was of the multiple retrogressive rotational type.The results provide an improved understanding of the physical behaviour and failure mode of a saturated –unsaturated soil slope subjected to water level fluctuations.©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe focus of most slope instability studies is directed at an evaluation of the shear strength of the soil and the internal pore-water pressures at the time of failure.However,there is a class of slope instability problems where failure is induced by changes in the slope boundary conditions.A situation of particular interest involves the raising or lowering of the water level immediately adjacent to a slope.This class of slope instability problems often involves the modelling of the unsaturated soil portion near to ground surface as well as in filtration associated with rainfall.There are numerous approaches that can be followed when studying this class of slope instability problems.Numerical simulation of changes in the boundary conditions as well as the pore-water pressure changes in the saturated and unsaturated soils can contribute to an understanding of the trigger mechanisms leading to failure.Physical modelling using a 1g physical model or a multi-gravity model in a centrifuge can also assist in understanding conditions leading to slope instability.The primary objective of this paper is to describe a large-scale,1g physical model and observe the slope behaviour when the water level adjacent to the slope is changed.This paper presents details of the 1g model test as well as an analysis of the test results.The pore-water pressures (negative and positive),total earth pressures and the landslide process were recorded during the raising of the water levelas well as during the drawdown process.The results provide an improved understanding of the behaviour and failure mechanism of an unsaturated soil slope subjected to external water level changes.This paper also provides background on a number of case histories that fall under the category of slope instability induced by fluctuations of the water level adjacent to the slope.2.Example slope instability case histories associated with changing boundary conditionsThe slopes adjacent to reservoirs and rivers often experience instability as a result of fluctuations in water levels adjacent to the slope.There have been numerous reports of slope failure associated with water level fluctuations (Morgenstern,1963;Lane,1967;Nakamura,1990;Liao et al.,2005).The rapid drawdown of the water level adjacent to a slope may occur when the river level drops following a flood stage.The water level in a reservoir or a canal can drop suddenly due to a breach in a dyke,a sea level rise or a storm tide.Jones et al.(1961)investigated landslides that occurred in the vicinity of Roosevelt Lake in United States from 1941to 1953.It was found that about 30%of the landslides occurred as a result of drawing down the water level in the reservoir.Nakamura (1990)reported that about 60%of the landslides around reservoirs in Japan occurred under draw-down conditions.Raising the water level in rivers,lakes,reservoirs,and canals can also trigger landslides.The initial filling of the Panama Canal was cited by Lane (1967)as an example where landslides on cut slopes were triggered by the initial raising of the water level.There have beenEngineering Geology 106(2009)92–103⁎Corresponding author.E-mail address:zhanlt@ (T.L.T.Zhan).0013-7952/$–see front matter ©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.03.003Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEngineering Geologyj o u rn a l h o m e p a g e :w ww.e l s evi e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e n g g e onumerous slope failures associated with water levelfluctuations during the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir in China.These landslides have also resulted in fatalities and great economic losses. One example of a major landslide along the Three Gorges Reservoir is the Qianjiangping landslide which involved a mass movement of 2.4×107m3(Liao et al.,2005).The behaviour of slopes subjected to the water levelfluctuations has increasingly become a subject of scientific attention and research.2.1.Numerical modelling of changing boundary conditionsNumerical modelling using thefinite element method has been extensively used to study complex problem such as changing water levels adjacent to a slope.Most studies have investigated the influence of a sudden drawdown on the stability of slopes(Griffiths and Lane, 1999;Lane and Griffiths,2000;Rinaldi et al.,2004;Zhang et al.,2005; Luo et al.,2005,Zhan et al.,2006).Numerical studies have investigated the influence of such factors as slope geometry,soil properties,the rate of water level rise and water level drawdown. Numerical modelling studies are not overly costly to undertake.These studies have provided improved insight into slope performance and the failure mechanisms associated with the water levelfluctuations.It is difficult,however,for these numerical studies to reliably simulate all details of the failure mode and mechanism.2.2.Physical model tests for changing boundary conditionsPhysical model experiments provide an improved insight into failure modes and mechanisms associated with changes in water level adjacent to a slope.These studies are costly to perform and few such studies have been undertaken.Small-scale1g tests have been conducted by Zhang et al.(2004),and Hu et al.(2005).Zhang et al. (2004)investigated the behaviour of a layered soil slope under water levelfluctuations.It was observed that the soil mass developed tension cracks on the surface of the slope during water level fluctuations.These cracks became wider and led to the development of a main sliding block.Hu et al.(2005)conducted three small-scale 1g physical model experiments on a model table to investigate the potential deformation features and failure mechanism associated with the Zhaoshuling landslide along the Three Gorges Reservoir(China). The study was undertaken for conditions of reservoir impoundment and water levelfluctuation.The experimental results indicated that for a landslide to occur,the failure mechanism must be of the“pull-type”where the lowering the water level tends to pull on the lower portion of the slope.Small-scale1g model tests have provided a general indication of slope behaviour related to water level lowering adjacent to a slope. The reduced scale models may not provide a complete understanding of the response that might occur for similar larger scale systems.It is possible to install more instrumentation internal to a large-scale model than a small-scale model,thereby providing an improved understanding of changes in pore-water pressures and related movements.There are also significant differences in stress level between small-scale and large-scale tests.Concern over stress level differences has led to the use of centrifuge model tests where the stress conditions can be scaled.A number of centrifuge model tests have been conducted by other researchers.Xu et al.(2005)used centrifuge model tests to investigate instability associated with levees placed on soft foundation soils during rapid drawdown.A well-defined overall slip surface was observed to pass through the toe of the slope.Several tension cracks appeared at the crest of the slope but no slide block formed.Naoki et al.(2004)conducted centrifuge model tests with soils of differing coefficients of permeability.The rate of water reservoir level lowering was used to study seepageflow during drawdown.Sliding failures on the upstream slope were observed.A near-circular type slip surface developed when failure occurred in response to a sudden drawdown of the water level adjacent to the slope.Test results showed that the residual pore-water pressures during rapid drawdown directly led to mass movements of the upstream slope.Centrifuge model tests have a deficiency related to grain size effects and side boundary effects. Large-scale and also full-scale model tests have an advantage when studying the performance of slopes during water levelfluctuations.Several full-scale studies have also been reported in the literature. Rinaldi et al.(2004)installed a series of tensiometers and piezometers in a bank along the Sieve River,in Tuscany,Italy.The riverbank was monitored for4years to investigate pore-water pressure changes in the soil in response toflow events.It was concluded that relatively small changes in positive pore-water pressures reduced the effective stresses and annulled the shear strength contribution from matric suction.A sudden loss in confining pressure provided by the river during the initial drawdown was responsible for triggering mass movement.Luo et al.(2005)investigated the deformation character-istics of reservoir-triggered landslides.The Shiliushubao landslide along the Three Gorges Reservoir was simulated using a large-scale test system.3.Scale effects and significance of large-scale model testsThere are significant scale effects between laboratory models and natural slopes.The scale effects occur primarily as a result of differences in stress level between the model slopes and the natural rge-scale model tests are advantageous when investigating the mechanisms of slope failure.The larger the size of the model,the smaller the difference in stress level between the slope model and the natural slope.The large-scale model tests conducted as part of this study had geometric dimensions(15m by6m by5m)quite similar to some small natural slope failures adjacent to a river or an embank-ment.The slope model used a large quantity of soil making it easy to install instrumentation to observe soil behaviour.The material properties,initial state,and boundary conditions were well controlled. The large-scale model tests are costly to perform but are useful in meeting special needs required for the verification of soil behaviour and the validation of numerical models.The results of the large-scale experiments in this study can be compared with the calculated factors of safety for slope stability.Positive and negative pore-water pressures can be measured and confirmed through numerical simulation.The large-scale experiments provide insight into failure mechanisms and failure modes.These studies also enable the verification of constitu-tive models for soils.In particular,unsaturated soil constitutive models require further validation as they are put into engineering practice.4.Test facility for1g physical modellingThe test facility and general arrangement of the slope model box are illustrated in Fig.1.The main element of the test facility is the massive steel model box.The model box has inside dimensions of 15.0m×5.0m in plan view and is6m deep.The side walls of the model box consist of5mm thick steel plate which is braced to provide lateral rigidity to the sidewalls.One sidewall has5rows of20mm thick acrylic windows to enable visual observation of deformations and movement along the failure surface(Figs.12and17).The two longer sidewalls of the model box are smooth and rigid to simulate plane strain conditions.Teflon lubricant was used as an interface along the sides of the model box to reduce friction to a minimum.A concrete base slab provided a rigid foundation for the soil model box.A water level control system was designed to regulate the rise and drawdown of water in the slope model.The water level control system is illustrated in Fig.2.The water level control system consisted of a movable water storage tank,a main supply tube and a network of branch tubes with water exit points(Fig.2).The water storage tank93G.W.Jia et al./Engineering Geology106(2009)92–103was equipped with a constant-head control device.The water storage tank can be elevated or lowered to any level through the use of a manual hoist.A network of branch tubes was designed to distribute water throughout the bottom of the slope model.The spacing of the water exit points along each branch tube was 200mm.The network of branch tubes was embedded in a layer of coarse sand with a thickness of about 200mm to provide uniformity of the water pressure distribution.A layer of geotextile material was placed on the top surface of the coarse sand layer.Changes in water level inside the model slope were controlled by injecting water into the sand layer or drawing water out of the sand layer through a control valve.A valve was placed on the sidewall adjacent to the toe of the slope at an elevation of 2m and was used to draw water from the storage tank during the simulation of drawdown conditions.The valve could also be used to control the rate of the drawdown process.4.1.Properties of the soil used in the 1g slope modelThe soil used in this slope model experiment is sandy silt which was obtained from a deep excavation near the Qiantang River in Hangzhou,China.The particle size distribution was measured in a hydrometer test and the results are shown in Fig.3.The soil consists of 12%sand,80%silt and less than 5%clay size particles.The speci fic gravity of the soil was 2.69.The maximum dry density from a standard compaction test was 1570kg/m 3and the corresponding optimum water content was 18%.The drying and wetting soil –water characteristic curves for the sandy silt were obtained using a volumetric pressure plate extractor and the results are shown in Fig.4.The air-entry value of the sandy silt (on the desorption curve)is approximately 20kPa.The saturated hydraulic conductivity,k s of the sandy silt ranged from 4.2×10−6m/s to 6.4×10−6m/s,with an average value of 5.3×10−6m/s.The shear strength of the silt was measured using conventional isotropic consolidated,undrained triaxial compression tests.The tests show that the cohesion and internal friction angle of the sandy silt are 1kPa and 30°,respectively.The stress-strain curves for the sandy silt are shown in Fig.5.5.Preparation of the 1g model slopeThe large-scale slope model was prepared in the steel model box.The geometry of the model slope is shown in Fig.1.The slope model consisted of a homogeneous soil slope that was 6m thick on the upslope portion and 2m thick on the down-slope portion.The slope model angle was 45°and the net model slope height was 4m.The distance back of the crest was 5m.The distance outside the toe of the slope was 6m.The overview of the slope model after construction is shown in Fig.6.Approximately 300m 3of soils was required to construct the slope model.The “raining ”method appeared to be impractical for the placement of the slope soil in this situation and therefore a belt-type conveyor and a clamshell bucket were used to transport the soil to the slope model box.The sandy silt was dropped from the clamshell bucket at a constant height of about 3m above the soil surface.A tape 3m long was suspended from the bucket hinge.The operator could opentheFig.2.Three-dimensional view of the model setup and the water level controlsystem.Fig.3.Particle distribution curve for the sandysilt.Fig.4.Soil –water characteristic curve for the sandysilt.Fig.1.General arrangement of the 1g slope model test facility.94G.W.Jia et al./Engineering Geology 106(2009)92–103bucket when the tape just touched the soil surface.The clamshell bucket was attached to a movable overhead crane.The height of the bucket was controlled by the crane operator.The maximum scooping capacity of the clamshell bucket is about 0.75m 3.After placement,the soil slope was manually trimmed to form the desired geometry.The (gravimetric)water content of the sandy silt ranged from 10%to 26%(i.e.,close to optimum water content 18%).No additional compaction effort was applied to the soil after it was dropped from the bucket.The matric suction of the soil is known to primarily be a function of placement water content (Fredlund and Rahardjo,1993)and therefore compaction should not signi ficantly affect the initial matric suction value.The initial matric suctions were measured in the range of 20to 40kPa.The fill material at the completion of constructing the slope model was in a relatively loose state,particularly the soil layers near the slope surface.Fig.7shows a pro file of the density for each soil lift.The density was measured through borehole sampling after completing the construction of the slope model.The dry density ranged from 1.26to 1.43g/cm 3,which is lower than the maximum dry density corresponding to standard compaction test (1.57g/cm 3).These results indicate that the fill material was relatively loose and somewhat non-uniform.A cone penetrometer was used to perform a site investigation on the soil slope.A constant penetration rate of 20mm/s was used and the results are shown in Fig.8.The diameter of the cone was 35.7mm,Fig.6.Overview of the slope model afterconstruction.Fig.7.Pro file of dry density with depth in the soilmodel.Fig.8.Results of cone penetration tests at differentlocations.Fig.5.Stress –strain curves for the sandy silt.95G.W.Jia et al./Engineering Geology 106(2009)92–103giving a cross-sectional area of 1000mm 2.The length of the friction sleeve was 57mm and the cone apex angle was 60°.The cone penetration test results indicate that the soil density varies with depth.This observation is consistent with the dry density soil pro file.The slope model was covered with a plastic sheet to reduce moisture loss from the soil due to evaporation after completion of construction.The slope remained covered for 2months before the experimental program was started.The higher elevations in the slope showed higher matric suctions at the start of the test.6.Instrumentation in the 1g soil modelSeveral types of instrumentation were installed to monitor the behaviour of the slope model.The instruments included jet-fill tensiometers,vibrating earth pressure cells,vibrating-wire piezo-meters,tiltmeters,and LVDTs.The layout and locations of the instruments are schematically shown in Fig.9.Details of the instrumentation program are summarized in Table 1.Tensiometer tips were installed along the rear sidewall of the tank to measure changes in matric suction.A total of five jet-fill tensiometers were installed along one section at elevations of 1.35m,2.85m,3.35m,4.85m,and 5.85m.The arrangement of the tensiometers along the slope model is shown in Fig.9.Two pairs of earth pressure cells were installed at the 2m elevation of the slope model.The intent was to measure the vertical and horizontal total stresses in two orthogonal directions and the changes generated during water level rise and drawdown.Each Geokon earth pressure cell consisted of two circular stainless steel plates welded together along the perimeter,creating a narrow cavity that was filled with a low compressibility fluid (glycol).A length of steel tubing connected the cavity to the transducer housing which contained a semiconductor strain gauge pressure transducer.The cells had a diameter of 230mm and an aspect ratio of 18(i.e.,ratio of diameter to thickness).The cells were custom built to ensure adequate sensitivityunder low earth pressure conditions.An installation procedure similar to that used by Zhan et al.(2007)was adopted.When the slope model was constructed to 2m elevation,4earth pressure cells were installed.For the vertically placed cells which measure the horizontal stress,a 250mm deep slot was excavated for the vertical flat plate of the pressure cell.After the cell was installed,sandy silt soil was used to fill the narrow clearance between the sidewall of the slot and the pressure cell to ensure satisfactory contact.For the horizontally placed cells which measure the vertical stress,a 50mm deep pit was excavated for the horizontal flat plate of the pressure cell.After the cell was installed,sandy silt soil was used to re fill the slot.After placement of each cell,sandy silt was hand tamped to ensure satisfactory soil-cell contact.Piezometers were placed in pairs at different elevations provid-ing intentional redundancy to the measured pore-waterpressureyout of instruments in the slope model (dimensions are in meters).Table 1Summary of instrumentation installed in the slope model.Measurement Type ofinstruments Quantity Measuring range Source/referenceSoil suction Jet filltensiometer 5b 90kPa Soilmoisture Equipment Corp,Santa Barbara,USA Pore-water pressure Vibrating-wire piezometer 60–170kPaGeokon Inc,USAHorizontal stress Vibrating-wire earth pressure cell20–350kPa Geokon Inc,USAVertical stressVibrating-wire earth pressure cell20–700kPa Geokon Inc,USASlopeinclination Tiltmeter2±50°Applied mechanics Corporation,Canada Vertical displacement LVDT 46in.Schaevitz,USADisplacement Pin marker 40N/A Flux Flowmeter1N/A96G.W.Jia et al./Engineering Geology 106(2009)92–103results.There was also the possibility that a particular piezometer might fail during the experiment.It was also rationalized that more than one pore-water pressure measurement at the same elevation would provide information on the non-homogeneity of the soil.Buried pin markers were placed on the side of the slope model adjacent to the acrylic glass window.These pins were used to measure soil movement within the soil mass and to identify the location of the internal slip surfaces.Movement within the soil mass of the slope model was monitored using the 10mm diameter acrylic polyvinyl (PVC)marker rods.The rods were 150mm long and were placed in the soil mass with the long axis in the plane strain direction.Each instrument was calibrated prior to installation.All the instruments located inside the slope model were installed during soil placement.Apart from the tensiometers and the pin markers,all other electrical instruments were connected to a data-logger for automatic recording of data.Each electronic instrument was logged at 10min intervals.However,during the raising and lowering of the water level the logging interval was 10s.7.Test program for the large-scale model testThe experimental program focused mainly on the performance of the slope model when the water level was raised and lowered.The primary purpose of the experiment was to investigate the effect of the rate at which the water was raised and the rate at which the water was drawn down.The failure mode associated with the water drawdown level was of particular relevance.The first stage of the test program evaluated the ability of the constant-head water storage tank to simulate the rising of the underground water level.Fig.10shows the staged elevation history of the water level in the constant-head water storage tank (0–192h).The water level program consisted of 6elevation steps with each elevation increment being 1m.Each water level elevation was held for a period of 24h.The water levels inside and outside the large-scale slope model were monitored during this time.The second stage involved opening the water level control valve to drain water from the tank.In other words,the water level outside the slope model was drawn down from 5.6m to 3m in elevation within 152min.The sudden drawdown stage was started after the final water level step had been sustained for 72h.In the second stage ,the valve of the water storage tank was closed.The water level outside the slope model is shown in Fig.10.The drawdown rate was about 1m/h.8.Presentation and discussion of test results and observationsInitial readings were taken on the instrumentation after the slope model was constructed.The water level in the constant water storage tank was then raised.8.1.Response of slope model to a rise in water levelThe water level in the constant water storage tank was raised in 1m steps.The hydraulic head in the tank was greater than the hydraulic head in the slope model.Consequently,water flowed into the slope model and the wetting front produced an increase of the water level in the model slope.This process was meant to simulate a rise in the groundwater level.Two phenomena were observed while raising the water level.First,the crest of the slope model settled.Fig.11shows the surface settlements monitored using 4linear variable displacement transdu-cers (LVDTs)installed along the crest of the slope.Settlement along the crest ranged from 150to about 350mm.The total height of the slope was 6m,therefore the volumetric strain of the soil mass ranged from 2.5to 5.8%.The observed settlements are likely attributable to wetting-induced collapse of the unsaturated loose silt.Others have observed similar wetting-induced collapse phenomena.For example,Tadepalli et al.(1992)performed wetting tests on Mississippi silt having a dry density of 1.32g/cm 3and observed a volumetric strain of about 1.1%.Second,the loose fill under the sloping surface collapsed gradually as the water level rose (Fig.12).The wetting-induced collapse resulted in a reduction in the shear strength of the loose sandy silt.The reduction in shear strength was related to a reduction in the initial matric suctions (i.e.,in the order of 5.8to 29kPa)to values of zero corresponding to saturated conditions (see Fig.13).The initial slope angle of 45°was reduced to approximately 33°as the water level rose to near the crest of the slope model.A final slope angle of 33°was observed through the perspex windows along the side of the slope model.A comparison of the slope geometry before and after the water level rising is shown in Fig.19.Fig.12(d)shows an overview of the slope model when the water level rose to near the crest of the slope (i.e.,5.6m).8.2.Matric suction response to the rising water levelFig.13shows the matric suction values measured in five tensiometers in response to raising the water level.The fiveFig.10.Change of water level in the water storage tank and outside the slopemodel.Fig.11.Measured settlement during the rising water process.97G.W.Jia et al./Engineering Geology 106(2009)92–10398G.W.Jia et al./Engineering Geology106(2009)92–103Fig.12.Appearance of the model slope when raising the water level.tensiometers(T1–T5)were located at the following elevations,1.35m, 2.85m,3.35m,4.85m,and5.85m.The line joining the solid circular symbols in Fig.13represents the water level measured inside the slope.The water level is derived from tensiometers.The measurements of matric suction on the tensi-ometers that went to zero indicate that water level reached the ceramic tip of the tensiometer according to the adsorption curve of the soil–water characteristic curve.The water level measurements show the time required for saturation to occur.Prior to raising the water level,the measured initial matric suctions ranged from5.8to29kPa (Fig.13).The higher matric suction values were near the top of the slope.Allfive tensiometers showed similar behaviour as the water level was raised.Each tensiometer showed that the initial matric suction was maintained until water rose to the soil near the tensiometer.Once water reached the tensiometer,the matric suction decreased quite rapidly and eventually reduced to0kPa.It appears that the tensiometers at locations 1.35m, 2.85m, 3.35m, 4.85m,and 5.85m required about8h,56h,78h,120h,and190h,respectively,to reach saturated conditions.Fig.14illustrates the variation in water level and wetting front with time within the model slope.The wetting front was observed as the point at which the tensiometer reading started to change.The distance between the water level and the wetting front is called the “height of wetting front”.The height of the wetting front ranged from 0.35m to0.75m and appeared to be related to the matric suction in the soil.The higher the initial matric suction,the lower the height of the wetting front.It can be observed that the initial water content significantly influenced the height of wetting front.8.3.Pore-water pressures in response to raising the water levelPore-water pressures measured from the5piezometers are shown in Fig.15(Note:one of the installed piezometers failed).The pore-water pressures measured in the piezometers at different elevations increased slowly with time in response to changes in water level in the constant-head water storage tank.Piezometers P-1,P-2,P-3,P-4,and P-5were installed at elevations 0m,0m,2m,2.0m,and2.5m,respectively.Once the valve was opened to allow water toflow into the slope,piezometer P-1started to respond.When the hydraulic head difference between the water storage tank and piezometers in the slope became low,the rate of pore-water pressure change also became low,and vice versa.Piezo-meter P-4located at an elevation of2m began to respond to the water level differential24h after the commencement of the experiment.The water level inside the slope was then at2m.These results are consistent with the pore-water pressure measurements obtained from P-4.As compared with the water level change in the water storage tank, a delay was observed for the pore-water pressure response measured by all the piezometers,even for piezometers P-1and P-2located at the top of the coarse sand layer(Fig.15).The delay in the pore-water pressure measurement is likely due to entrapped air in the cavity around the piezometers.Fig.15also shows that there is a difference between the water level in the storage tank and the water level interpreted from the measured pore-water pressures.The difference was up to0.6m when192h elapsed after the commencement of the experiment.When the water level in the storage tank is at the elevation of6.1m,the water level interpreted from the measurements of pore-water pressures is at the elevation of5.5m,and the water level interpreted from the responses of tensiometers is at the elevation of 5.8m.8.4.Earth pressures measured in response to raising the water levelFig.16shows the total stresses measured on the4vibrating-wire earth pressure cells(EPCs)installed in the slope model.Changes in total stress are in response to raising the water levels.All earth pressure cells were installed at an elevation of2m.Pressure cells EP-1(H)and EP-2(H)measured total stress changes acting in the horizontal direction whereas EP-1(V)and EP-2(V) recorded total stress pressures acting in the vertical direction.Thetwo Fig.13.Measured matric suction during the water level risingprocess.Fig.14.Development of piezometric water level and the wetting front with time inside the modelslope.Fig.15.Measured pore-water pressures during the raising of the water level.99G.W.Jia et al./Engineering Geology106(2009)92–103。