Bursty and Hierarchical Structure in Streams_ACM_2002


20世纪物理学 英文版

20世纪物理学 英文版

20世纪物理学英文版The 20th century witnessed significant advancements in the field of physics. Many groundbreaking discoveries and theories emerged during this time, shaping our understanding of the fundamental laws that govern the universe. In this response, I will provide a comprehensive overview of the major developments in physics during the20th century, focusing on key theories, experiments, and notable physicists.One of the most revolutionary theories in physics during the 20th century is Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Einstein's special theory of relativity, published in 1905, introduced the concept that the laws of physics are the same for all observers moving at a constant speed relative to each other. It also proposed that the speed of light is constant and that time, space, and mass are relative to the observer's frame of reference. Later, in 1915, Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, which provided a new understanding of gravityby describing it as the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects.Quantum mechanics, another groundbreaking theory, emerged in the early 20th century. It revolutionized our understanding of the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. Max Planck's work on black-body radiation in 1900 laid the foundation for quantum theory. Later, in 1925, Werner Heisenberg formulated the uncertainty principle, which states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrary precision. Erwin Schrödinger and Paul Dirac contributed to the development of wave mechanics and quantum electrodynamics, respectively.The discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897 paved the way for further exploration of atomic structure. Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experiment in 1911 demonstrated that atoms have a small, dense nucleus attheir center. Niels Bohr proposed the Bohr model of the atom in 1913, which described electrons orbiting the nucleus in discrete energy levels. This model was laterrefined with the development of quantum mechanics.In the field of particle physics, the 20th century witnessed the discovery of several subatomic particles. The electron, proton, and neutron were identified early on, but further research revealed a plethora of other particles. The development of particle accelerators, such as the cyclotron and later the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), allowed scientists to study these particles in greater detail. The discovery of the positron by Carl Anderson in 1932 and the subsequent development of antimatter theory by Paul Dirac were significant milestones in particle physics.The 20th century also saw the birth of nuclear physics. In 1919, Ernest Rutherford successfully transmuted one element into another, demonstrating the first artificial nuclear reaction. This led to the discovery of isotopes and the understanding of nuclear decay. In the 1930s, the concept of nuclear fission was proposed, and its practical application as a source of energy was realized with the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. Later, the peaceful use of nuclear energy for electricitygeneration was explored, leading to the construction of nuclear power plants.Notable physicists who made significant contributions during the 20th century include Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Planck, Marie Curie, Richard Feynman, and many others. Their research and theories have had a profound impact on various scientific disciplines and technological advancements.In conclusion, the 20th century was a remarkable erafor physics, witnessing the emergence of theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics, the exploration of atomic and subatomic particles, and the development of nuclear physics. The contributions of numerous physicists duringthis time have shaped our understanding of the universe and paved the way for further scientific advancements.。



CCP3SURF ACESCIENCENEWSLETTERCollaborative Computational Project3on Surface ScienceNumber26-January2000ISSN1367-370XDaresbury LaboratoryContents1Editorial1 2Scientific Articles2 3SRRTNet-a new global network124High performance computing164.1Cluster-Computing Developments in the UK (16)4.2New HPC Support Mechanisms (22)5Reports on visits256Meetings,Workshops,Conferences296.1Reports on Bursaries (29)6.2Reports from Meetings (32)6.3Upcoming meetings (34)7Abstracts of forthcoming papers37 8Surface Science Related Jobs40 9Members of the working group43 Contributions to the newsletter from all CCP3members are welcome and should be sent to ccp3@eful Links:CCP3Home Page /Activity/CCP3CCP3Program Library /Activity/CCP3+896 SRRTNet /Activity/SRRTNetDLV /Activity/DLVCRYSTAL /Activity/CRYSTALCASTEP /Activity/UKCPMany useful items of software are available from the UK Distributed Computing Support web site,DISCO /Activity/DISCOEditors:Dr.Klaus Doll and Dr.Adrian Wander,Daresbury Laboratory,Daresbury, Warrington,WA44AD,UK1EditorialThe renewal of CCP3,which is due in the summer,is on all our minds,and this edition of the newsletter reminds us of our aims and achievements.Theflagship project supported by the post-doc is at the heart of the CCP–new programs can be developed which would not get offthe ground otherwise.Over the last three years CCP3has been very lucky to have had Klaus Doll working on the development of analytic gradient methods for the CRYSTAL electronic structure package.This will lead to much more efficient structure optimization,of particular benefit to surface scientists where surface relaxation and reconstructions are so important.Klaus’achievements so far are described in thefirst article,and it is most satisfactory that tests on the CO molecule and bulk MgO have proved successful.The next step is to build in symmetry,to achieve greater computational efficiency,and then the new code can be released.As theflagship in the renewal proposal,the working group has chosen the development of methods to study the electronic structure and physical properties of large clusters.These clusters themselves possess surface-like properties, but at the same time it is proposed to study their interaction with surfaces.Such systems are a topic of active research for several of the members of the working group,both theoretical and experimental,and it is expected that their expertise will contribute greatly to the success of the project.Having Adrian Wander as a permanent member of staffat Daresbury supporting CCP3will lead to very welcome support for the synchrotron radiation community in the development of new surface program packages.In this newsletter he describes developments in SRRTNet,originally an American collaboration for providing sup-port for surface scientists using synchrotron radiation,which is likely to develop into an international collaboration based on the CCP model.Adrian is also in discussion with the Daresbury-based X-ray community with a view to developing new codes for the analysis of near-edge spectra in a wider range of systems than can be tackled at the moment,using the improved self-consistent electron potentials available for complex materials.This work would be based at Daresbury,and will form part of the CCP3collaboration.This issue contains short articles on our visitor programme,and by Ally Chan (Nottingham)and Yu Chen(Birmingham)who received student bursaries for participating in ECOSS-18.Please continue to apply for CCP3support!It is interesting to read in the pieces by Ally and Yu what most impressed them at ECOSS–I was struck by Ally’s comment that surface science has broadened to include nanoparticles and nanowires.Just what we thought in our choice offlagship project next time round.John Inglesfield12Scientific ArticlesAnalytical Hartree-Fock gradients for periodic systemsK.Doll,V.R.Saunders,and N.M.HarrisonCLRC,Daresbury Laboratory,Daresbury,Warrington,WA44AD,UKWe report on the progress of the implementation of analytic gradients in the program package CRYSTAL.The algorithm is briefly summarised and tests illustrate that highly accurate analytic gradients of the Hartree-Fock energy can be obtained for molecules and periodic systems.IntroductionComputational materials science has been a fast growingfield in the last years. This is mainly because methods which were developed earlier(density functional theory,molecular dynamics,Hartree-Fock and correlated quantum chemical meth-ods,Monte Carlo schemes,the GW method,etc)can now be applied to demanding realistic systems due to the increase in computational resources(faster CPUs,par-allelisation,cheaper memory and diskspace).CCP3is a collaboration in the area of surfaces and interfaces where progress de-pends on an interaction between experimental and theoretical approaches.There-fore,codes which provide a better theoretical understanding are important.One of the key issues in surface science is the determination of surface structure and adsorption energetics.From the computational point of view,a fast structural optimisation must be possible.Availability of numerical or analytical gradients facil-itatesfinding a minimum energy structure,and availability of analytical gradients can make optimisation algorithms more efficient.As a rule of thumb,analyticalgradients are about N3times more efficient than numerical gradients(with N beingthe number of variables).Also,for future developments such asfinding transition states,gradients are essential.Analytical gradients in quantum chemistry were pioneered by Pulay who did the first implementation for multicentre basis sets[1].In many molecular codes based on quantum chemistry methods,analytical gradients are now implemented and gradient development has become an important task in quantum chemistry[2,3,4,5].Simi-larly,in solid-state codes such as CASTEP,WIEN,or LMTO,analytic gradients are available.Analytic Hartree-Fock gradients have already been implemented in a code for systems periodic in one dimension[6].CRYSTAL[7,8]was born in Turin and is now jointly developed in Turin and Daresbury.CRYSTAL was initially designed to deal with the exact exchange in and to solve the Hartree-Fock equations for real systems.With the modern versions of the code,density-functional2calculations or calculations using Hybrid functionals such as B3LYP with the ad-mixture of exact exchange are also possible.The target of this project,which began in October1997,was the implementation of analytical gradients in CRYSTAL and in autumn1999,thefirst test calculations on periodic systems were performed.In this article,we try to outline the theory and implementation of analytical gra-dients.We try to keep the mathematics at a minimum;a more formal publication is intended in the near future[9].A very comprehensive summary of the theory underpinning CRYSTAL will appear in the future[10].Total energyFirst,we want to briefly summarise how the total energy is obtained.The total energy consists of•kinetic energy of the electrons•nuclear-electron attraction•electron-electron repulsion•nuclear-nuclear repulsionCRYSTAL,similar to molecular codes such as GAMESS-UK,MOLPRO(Stuttgart and Birmingham),GAUSSIAN,TURBOMOLE,etc,solves the single particle Schr¨o dinger equation and a wavefunction is calculated.The wavefunction is based on crystalline orbitalsΨi( r, k)which are linear combinations of Bloch functionsΨi( r, k)= µaµ,i( k)ψµ( r, k)(1) with the Bloch functions constructed fromψµ( r, k)= gφµ( r− Aµ− g)exp(i k g)(2) g are direct lattice vectors, Aµdenotes the coordinate of the nuclei.φµare the basis functions which are Gaussian type orbitals.For example,an s-type function centred at R a=(X a,Y a,Z a)is expressed asφ(α, r− R a,n=0,l=0,m=0)=φµ( r− R a)= Nexp(−α( r− R a)2).In molecular calculations,no mathematical problem arises from any of the interac-tions.In periodic systems,however,there are several divergent terms which have to3be dealt with:for example,in a one dimensional periodic system with lattice con-stant a and n being an index numerating the cells,the electron-electon interaction per unit cell would have contributions like:∞n=1e2na(3)This sum is divergent(similarly in two and three dimensions).Therefore,an indi-vidual treatment of this term is not possible.Instead,all the charges(nuclei and electrons)are partitioned and a scheme based on the Ewald method is used to sum the interactions[11].The Hartree-Fock equations are solved in terms of Bloch functions because the Hamiltonian becomes block-diagonal(i.e.at each k-point the equations are solved independently).The wavefunction coefficients aµ,i are optimised due to this procedure and the total energy can be evaluated.For the computation of gradients,the dependence of the total energy on the nuclear coordinates must be analysed.There are three dependencies of the total energy on the nuclear coordinates:•nuclear-nuclear repulsion and nuclear-electron attraction:obviously,the coor-dinates of the nuclei enter•wavefunction coefficients(or density matrix):we will obtain a different solution with different density matrix when moving the nuclei•basis functions:the basis functions are centred at the position of the nu-clei and therefore moving the nuclei will change integrals over the basis func-tions.These additional terms are called Pulay forces.They are missing when the Hellmann-Feynman theorem is applied and therefore Hellmann-Feynman forces often differ substantially from energy derivative forces in the case of a local basis set(see[1]and references therein).Density matrix derivatives are difficult to evaluate.However,for the solution of the Hartree-Fock equations,this problem can be circumvented and instead a new term is introduced,the so-called energy-weighted density matrix which is easily evaluated [12].However,this is only strictly correct for the exact Hartree-Fock solution. In practice,convergence is achieved up to a certain numerical threshold(e.g.a convergence of10−6E h of the total energy corresponding to27.2114×10−6eV).For very accurate gradient calculations,it may be necessary to make this threshold even lower.The remaining main problem is to generate all the derivatives of the integrals. In a second step,these derivatives have to be mixed with the density matrix.4Evaluation of integralsIn this section we summarise the types of integral which occur.The simplest type is the overlap integral between two basis functions at two centres:Sµν R k R l= φµ( r− R k)φν( r− R l)d3r(4) Obviously we can shift R k to the origin,and suppressing 0in the notation,we obtain:Sµν R i= φµ( r)φν( r− R i)d3r(5) with R i= R l− R k.A kinetic energy integral has the form:Tµν R i= φµ( r)(−12∆ r)φν( r− R i)d3r(6) the nuclear attraction integral has the form:Nµν R i= φµ( r)Z c| r− A c|φν( r− R i)d3r(7) and the electron-electron interaction has the form:Bµν R iτσ R j = φµ( r)φν( r− R i)φτ( r′)φσ( r′− R j)| r− r′|d3rd3r′(8)These integrals are in principle sufficient to deal with molecules.In the case of periodic systems,new types of integrals appear(e.g.multipolar integrals,integrals over the Ewald potential and its derivatives)[11,13,14].The fast evaluation of integrals is one of the main issues in the development of quan-tum chemistry codes.CRYSTAL uses a McMurchie-Davidson algorithm[15].Its idea is to map a product of two Gaussian type orbitals at two centres in an expan-sion of Hermite polynomials at an intermediate centre.This algorithm has proven to efficiently evaluate integrals,although in recent years progress in this specialised field of quantum chemistry has been made(see for example the introduction in[16] or two recent reviews[17,18]).The expansion[15,14]looks like:5φ(α, r− A,n,l,m)φ(β, r− B,n′,l′,m′)= t,u,v E(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v)Λ(γ, r− P,t,u,v)(9)withγ=α+βand P=α A+β Bα+β.Λis a so-called Hermite Gaussian type function Λ(γ, r− P,t,u,v)= ∂∂P x t ∂∂P y u ∂∂P z v exp(−γ( r− P)2)(10)The start value E(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)=exp(−αβ( B− A)2)can be verified by inserting it in equation9.It can be derived from the Gaussian product rule[19,20]:exp(−α( r− A)2)exp(−β( r− B)2)=exp −αβα+β( B− A)2 exp −(α+β) r−α A+β Bα+β 2(11) General values E(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v)are obtained from recursion relations[15, 14].The E-coefficients depend on the distance( B− A),but not on P or r.All the integrals can be expressed in terms of E-coefficients[15,14,11,13].Evaluation of gradients of the integralsOne of the issues of the gradient project is to generalise the algorithms used to generate the energy integrals to obtain the gradients of the integrals.This madea new implementation of recursion relations necessary which are used to obtainthe coefficients G in the expansion of the gradients of the integrals in Hermite polynomials.∂Φ(α, r− A,n,l,m)Φ(β, r− B,n′,l′,m′)∂A x= t,u,v G A x(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v)Λ(γ, r− P,t,u,v)(12)Once the coefficients are known,the integration can be performed.The integrationfor the case of gradients of integrals is similar to the case of integrals for the total energy.The only difference is that,instead of the coefficientsE(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v)which enter the energy expression,the gradient coefficientsG A x(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v),G A y,G A z,G B x,G B y,and G B z6are used.The coefficients G B x can efficiently be obtained together with the coeffi-cients G A x[21].For example,the evaluation of the overlap integral is done as follows:Sµν R i = φµ( r)φν( r− R i)d3r=t,u,v E(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v)Λ(γ, r− P,t,u,v)d3r=E(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,0,0,0)Λ(γ, r− P,0,0,0)d3r=ME(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,0,0,0)From thefirst line to the second,we have used the McMurchie-Davidson scheme, from the second to the third we exploited a property of the Hermite Gaussian type functions:all the integrals of the type Λ(γ, r− P,t,u,v)d3r with t=0or u=0or v=0vanish because of the orthogonality of these functions.The integration(fromthe third to the fourth line)is trivial.M is a normalisation constant. Calculating the gradient is easy once we know the new expansion:∂Sµν R i ∂A x =∂∂A xφµ( r)φν( r− R i)d3r=∂ t,u,v E(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v)Λ(γ, r− P,t,u,v)∂A x d3r=t,u,v G A x(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,t,u,v)Λ(γ, r− P,t,u,v)d3r=G A x(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,0,0,0)Λ(γ, r− P,0,0,0)d3r=MG A x(n,l,m,n′,l′,m′,0,0,0)This way,all the derivatives can be calculated!There are some integrals which involve three centres(for example nuclear attraction)where we exploit translational invariance:∂∂C x =−∂∂A x−∂∂B x(13)because the value of the integral is invariant to a simultaneous uniform translation of the three centres.Four centre integrals can be reduced to a product of two integrals over two centres which makes the calculation of gradients straightforward.As a whole,the calculation of gradients of the integrals is closely related to calcu-lating the integrals itself.This means that most of the subroutines can be used for7the gradient code.One of the main differences is that array dimensions need to be changed-dealing with gradients is similar to increasing the quantum number(a derivative of an s-function is a p-function,and so on).However,the task of adjusting the subroutines should not be underestimated.After obtaining the derivatives of the integrals,we mix them with the density ma-trix just like in the energy calculation.We have to take into account the new term which arose because we did not calculate a density matrix derivative—the energy weighted density matrix.Again,coding this additional term can be done by modi-fying existing subroutines.After this,wefinally obtain the forces on the individual atoms.Results from test calculationsIn this section,we summarise results from test calculations.We have considered the CO molecule which was arranged as a single molecule,as a molecule which is peri-odically reproduced with a periodicity of4˚A in one spatial direction(”polymer”), periodically reproduced with a periodicity of4˚A in two spatial directions(”slab”), and periodically reproduced with a periodicity of4˚A in three spatial directions (”solid”).Because of the large distance of4˚A,the molecules can be considered as nearly independent and the forces are quite similar.Still,the calculation of energy and gradient is completely different and therefore this is an important test of Ewald technique and multipolar expansion.The results are given in table1.The results agree in the best case to at least6digits which is the numerical noise and in the worst case up to4digits.The difference between analytic and numerical gradi-ents in periodic systems mainly originates from an approximation made within the evaluation of the integrals[22]and from the number of k-points which affects the accuracy of the energy-weighted density matrix.In table2,we display results from a MgO solid with one oxygen atom slightly distorted from the symmetrical position.Again,the forces agree well up to5digits with numerical derivatives.Future developments and ConclusionThe present version of the code is able to calculate Hartree-Fock forces for periodic systems up to a precision of4and more digits.There is no extra diskspace needed and the additional memory usage is moderate.This code will certainly be useful for structural optimisation and for future program development towards molecular dynamics or the calculation of response functions.The present version,however,is not yet ready for a release.Instead,the following steps are necessary:Firstly,the usage of symmetry must be implemented.This is of highest importance to make the code fast enough so that it can be used for practical optimisations.We expect8Table1:Force on a CO molecule with a carbon atom located at(0˚A,0˚A,0˚A)and an oxygen atom located at(0.8˚A,0.5˚A,0.4˚A).In the periodic case,the molecule is generated with a periodicity of4˚A.This means,that in one dimension,for example,there would be other molecules with a carbon atom at(n×4˚A,0˚A,0˚A)and an oxygen atom at((n×4+0.8)˚A,0.5˚A,0.4˚A),with n running overall positive and negative integers.Forces are given in E h,with E h=27.2114eVand a0=0.529177˚A.Higher ITOLs means a lower level of approximation in the evaluation of the integrals[22].ITOLs) k-points) numerical force0.3769140.37660(0.37664)0.376310.37566(0.37566) analytical force0.3769130.37663(0.37665)0.376330.37588(0.37578))on the atoms of an MgO solid.The MgO solid was chosen Table2:Forces(in E ha0to have an artificially high lattice constant of6.21˚A to make the calculation faster. Coordinates are given in fractional units,e.g.the second Mg is at0˚A,0.5×6.21˚A,0.5×6.21˚A.A normal fcc lattice would be obtained if the sixth atom(Oxygenat0.53,0,0)was at(0.5,0,0).Moving this atom from its normal position has ledto the nonvanishing forces.Mg( a version of the present code with symmetry will already be fast enough to compete with numerical derivatives.Further developments will be the coding of the bipolar expansion(a method to evaluate the electron-electron repulsion integrals faster),and sp-shells(s and p shells are often chosen to have the same exponentsto make the evaluation of integrals faster).Also,the newly written subroutines arenot yet optimal and they will certainly go through a technical optimisation(moreefficient coding).In later stages,the code should be made applicable to metals (there is an extra term coming from the shape of the Fermi surface[23]which is notyet coded)and to magnetic systems(unrestricted Hartree-Fock gradients).Finally, pseudopotential gradients and density functional gradients should be included. References[1]P.Pulay,Mol.Phys.17,197(1969).[2]P.Pulay,Adv.Chem.Phys.69,241(1987).[3]P.Pulay,in Applications of Electronic Structure Theory,edited by H.F.Schae-fer III,153(Plenum,New York,1977).[4]H.B.Schlegel,Adv.Chem.Phys.67,249(1987).[5]T.Helgaker and P.Jørgensen,Adv.in Quantum Chem.19,183(1988)[6]H.Teramae,T.Yamabe,C.Satoko,A.Imamura,Chem.Phys.Lett.101,149(1983).[7]C.Pisani,R.Dovesi,and C.Roetti,Hartree-Fock Ab Initio Treatment of Crys-talline Systems,edited by G.Berthier et al,Lecture Notes in Chemistry Vol.48(Springer,Berlin,1988).[8]V.R.Saunders,R.Dovesi,C.Roetti,M.Caus`a,N.M.Harrison,R.Orlando,C.M.Zicovich-Wilson crystal98User’s Manual,Theoretical Chemistry Group, University of Torino(1998).[9]K.Doll,V.R.Saunders,N.M.Harrison(in preparation)[10]V.R.Saunders,N.M.Harrison,R.Dovesi,C.Roetti,Electronic StructureTheory:From Molecules to Crystals(in preparation)[11]V.R.Saunders,C.Freyria-Fava,R.Dovesi,L.Salasco,and C.Roetti,Mol.Phys.77,629(1992).[12]S.Bratoˇz,in Calcul des fonctions d’onde mol´e culaire,Colloq.Int.C.N.R.S.82,287(1958).[13]R.Dovesi,C.Pisani,C.Roetti,and V.R.Saunders,Phys.Rev.B28,5781(1983).[14]V.R.Saunders,in Methods in Computational Molecular Physics,edited by G.H.F.Diercksen and S.Wilson,1(Reidel,Dordrecht,Netherlands,1984).[15]L.E.McMurchie and E.R.Davidson,put.Phys.26,218(1978).[16]R.Lindh,Theor.Chim.Acta85,423(1993).[17]T.Helgaker and P.R.Taylor,in Modern Electronic Structure Theory.Part II,World Scientific,Singapore,725(1995)[18]P.M.W.Gill,in Advances in Quantum Chemistry,edited by P.-O.L¨o wdin,141(Academic Press,New York,1994)[19]S.F.Boys,Proc.Roy.Soc.A200,542(1950).[20]R.McWeeny,Nature166,21(1950).[21]T.Helgaker and P.R.Taylor,Theor.Chim.Acta83,177(1992).[22]The integrals Bµν R iτσ R j =Bτσ R jµν R iwhich should have the same value,are notnecessarily evaluated within the same level of approximation—this is nearly inevitable for periodic systems,as enforcing this symmetry would require a much higher computational effort and much more data storage.The derivation of the equations for the analytic gradients,however,relies on these integrals be-ing equivalent.Therefore,the introduced asymmetry will lead to inaccuracies in the gradients.This can be controlled with the ITOL-parameters(tolerances as described in the CRYSTAL manual[8])which control the level of approx-imation.Higher ITOLs lead to a higher accuracy in the forces.However,the defaults appear to give forces with an accuracy up to4digits which should be good enough for most purposes.[23]M.Kertesz,Chem.Phys.Lett.106,443(1984).3SRRTNet-a new global networkFrascati’99-Birth of a NetworkScientific MeetingFrom the23rd to the25th September1999,a workshop on Theory and Computation for Synchrotron Radiation was held at the laboratory in Frascati just outside Rome, Italy.This was the third in an ongoing series of meetings on various aspects of synchrotron radiation,and follows meetings on Theory and Computation for Syn-chrotron Applications held at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley in October 1997and Needs for a Photon Spectroscopy Theory Center held at the Argonne National Laboratory in August1998.This was an excellent meeting,featuring a variety of high quality scientific pre-sentations from both experimental and theoretical participants.Thefirst day was devoted to presentations concentrating on resonant x-ray processes and orbital or-dering effects,particularly in V2O5.The second day then moved on to discussions of photoemission,photoelectron diffraction and holography,and studies of high T c superconductors.This day was concluded with an excellent conference dinner which finished rather late!Thefinal day then concluded with discussions of EXAFS,and x-ray spectroscopies.The overheads used in all the presentations can be viewed on line at http://wwwsis.lnf.infn.it/talkshow/srrtnet99.htmSRRTNet DiscussionsThe Friday programme also included a two hour session devoted to the idea of forming a global network concentrating on theory for synchrotron radiation re-search based research.The session began with a talk from Michel Van Hove of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who outlined the purposes and function of the proposed network.This was then followed by presentations by John Rehr of the University of Washington who highlighted moves to extend the synchrotron radia-tion research theory network(SRRTNet)in North America,by Maurizio Benfatto of the INFN Frascati,who presented the European perspective,by Kenji Makoshi of Himeji Institute of technology who discussed the Japanese efforts and by Adrian Wander of the Daresbury Laboratory who presented CCP3as a possible model of how the network could be run.The concept of establishing a global network was received with enthusiasm from all present.OutcomeGiven the support of the meeting for the concept of global network of this sort,it was decided to extend SRRTNet into the global arena.The aims of the network are:•To provide a central repository for information of relevance to synchrotron radiation research•To develop theoretical methods pertaining to the experiments performed on synchrotron facilities•To provide state of the art and user friendly software for the analysis and interpretation of experiments•To provide training in the use of relevant software through workshops and site visits•To host visiting scientists•To hold periodic workshops for the dissemination of new results and method-ologiesThe directors of the network are Michel Van Hove and John Rehr.As afirst step in the development of the network,Daresbury has agreed to host the web pages, and theoretical groups have been contacted and ask to provide input to this central web hub of what will grow into a globe encompassing network.If you are interested in contributing to the network and missed our e-mail announcement,the invitation letter follows;Dear Colleague,You may know of the recently established Synchrotron Radiation Research Theory Network(SRRTNet).We are contacting you to invite you,and all theorists inter-ested in this topic,to actively participate in the next phase of the network. SRRTNet aims to provide theory for experiments that use synchrotron radiation,by means of a global,web-based network linking theoretical and experimental research groups.The driving philosophy is to promote interactions between theory and exper-iment for mutual benefit,by means of web-based information,workshops,exchange of theoretical methods and computer codes,as well as establishing visiting scientist programs.At the last SRRTNet workshop,conducted at Frascati near Rome in September1999, it was decided to strengthen the global character of this network by establishing a cen-tral,web-based source of information.Daresbury Laboratory is hosting this web site with Dr.Adrian Wander acting as editor.It is anticipated that all synchrotron facilities will provide direct links for their users to this web site,and consequently we expect this site to grow into an essential resource for synchrotron radiation re-searchers.An importantfirst function of the web site will be to provide information about theorists’research interests and links to relevant web pages.The network will be all the more valuable as this coverage becomes complete:it will thus allow theorists and experimentalists alike tofind the best sources of information about the various methods for solving specific scientific problems.The purpose of this message is to ask you to provide such information and links about your group.You may visit the new web site/Activity/SRRTNetand see not only an overview of the network in general,but also the beginnings of such information about specific theoretical groups.The idea is to put a list of your research topics on the SRRTNet web site,while providing links to your own web site for more detailed and up-to-date information. If you prefer,the SRRTNet site can itself host a more complete web page covering your activities.The information we wish to present(or link to)includes as many as possible of the following items:•your topics of scientific activity related to synchrotron radiation(directly or by methodology);•your computer codes,with their capabilities and availability;•your publications,such as abstracts,papers,databases and web-presentations;•how to contact you or your group.。


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causing the research on the Sport Physical Aesthetics low. Correction:Abstract: The research on the Physical Education aesthetics in China was aroused in 20th eighties. ”改成“” The research went down in nineties for the low level of economics and culture and for the immature of the Physical Education
theories in that age, which were hard to support the super development of the Physical Education Aesthetics theories;
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838067.html 3. 李杰. CiteSpace中文指南. /blog-496649-886962.html 4. 李杰,陈超美. (2016) CiteSpace科技文本挖掘及可视化[M]. 首都经济贸易大学出版社. 5. 李杰,(2015)安全科学知识图谱导论[M].化学工业出版社. 6. 李杰等,(2014)安全科学技术信息检索基础[M].首都经济贸易大学出版社. 7. 陈悦,陈超美等 (2014) 引文空间分析原理与应用[M].科学出版社.
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Kleinberg, J. (2002). Bursty and hierarchical structure in streams. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Edmonton,


19. _____ refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number or gender of the noun or pronoun it relates to.(中山大学2017研) 【答案】Agreement 【解析】Agreement or concord is defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another., shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category (or categories).
7. One of the important distinctions in linguistics is _____ and performance. (人大2006研) 【答案】competence 【解析】语言能力指理想的语言使用者关于语言规则的语言知识,语言 应用指语言交际中关于语言规则知识的实际使用。
18. The most serious defect concerns the use of semantic markers like (Human) and (Male), which, more usually called semantic components are elements of an artificial _____.(北京邮电大学2014研) 【答案】metalanguage 【解析】本题考查成分分析的弊端。通过语义特征来进行成分分析的一 大弊端是这些意义特征使用的是人工化的元语言,元语言本身的含义也 需进一步解释。



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基泰尔 固体物理导论 英文版 第八版 introduction

基泰尔 固体物理导论 英文版 第八版 introduction

基泰尔固体物理导论英文版第八版introductionIntroductionSolid-state physics is a critical field of study that delves into the fundamental properties and behaviors of materials in their solid form. The understanding of solid-state phenomena has been instrumental in the development of numerous technological advancements, from semiconductor devices to superconducting materials. The eighth edition of "Bataile's Introduction to Solid-State Physics" provides a comprehensive and up-to-date exploration of this dynamic and ever-evolving discipline.At the heart of solid-state physics lies the study of the crystalline structure of materials and the ways in which atoms and molecules are arranged within these structures. This knowledge is essential for understanding the physical, chemical, and electrical properties of solids, as well as their response to various external stimuli, such as temperature, pressure, and electromagnetic fields.One of the key topics covered in this textbook is the concept oflattice structures. Lattices are the underlying frameworks that define the spatial arrangement of atoms or molecules in a solid material. By understanding the symmetry and periodicity of these lattice structures, researchers can gain valuable insights into the behavior of electrons, phonons (vibrations of the crystal lattice), and other fundamental particles within the material.The book also delves into the electronic properties of solids, exploring the behavior of electrons in the presence of a crystalline structure. This includes the study of energy bands, which describe the allowed energy levels for electrons in a solid, as well as the concept of semiconductors and their applications in modern electronics.Another crucial aspect of solid-state physics is the study of magnetic materials. The textbook examines the various types of magnetic ordering, such as diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, and antiferromagnetism, and how these properties are influenced by the atomic structure and composition of the material.In addition to these core topics, the eighth edition of "Bataile's Introduction to Solid-State Physics" also covers more advanced concepts, such as superconductivity, the quantum Hall effect, and the behavior of materials under extreme conditions, such as high pressure or intense magnetic fields.One of the strengths of this textbook is its clear and concise explanations of complex theoretical concepts, accompanied by numerous illustrations and examples to aid in the reader's understanding. The authors have also included a wealth of problem sets and exercises at the end of each chapter, allowing students to apply the knowledge they have gained and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.Furthermore, the textbook is regularly updated to reflect the latest advancements in the field of solid-state physics, ensuring that readers are exposed to cutting-edge research and emerging technologies. This commitment to staying current with the rapidly evolving field of solid-state physics is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the authors and the publishers.In conclusion, the eighth edition of "Bataile's Introduction to Solid-State Physics" is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and professionals working in the field of materials science, condensed matter physics, and related disciplines. Its comprehensive coverage, clear explanations, and practical applications make it an essential tool for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the fascinating world of solid-state physics.。

The structure of matter and its properties

The structure of matter and its properties

The structure of matter and itspropertiesMatter is what makes up everything in the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest stars. It is the physical substance that occupies space and has mass. Matter is made up of atoms, which are the building blocks of elements. Atoms, in turn, are made up of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons.The structure of matter is an important concept in physics and chemistry. Understanding the structure of matter helps us understand its properties and behavior. The structure of matter can be studied at different levels, ranging from subatomic particles to the macroscopic scale.At the subatomic level, matter is composed of particles such as quarks, leptons, and bosons. These particles interact with one another through fundamental forces such as the strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force, and gravitational force. The strong force holds quarks together to form protons and neutrons, while the weak force is responsible for the decay of subatomic particles.Moving up to the atomic scale, matter is composed of atoms, which are made up of a nucleus (containing protons and neutrons) surrounded by electrons. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element to which the atom belongs. Atoms can also have different isotopes, which have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus.The properties of matter depend on its structure. For example, different elements have different chemical and physical properties because of the differences in their atomic structure. The way in which atoms are arranged in a material also has an impact on its properties. For example, diamond and graphite are both made up of carbon atoms, but they have different structures and properties. Diamond is hard and transparent, while graphite is soft and opaque.The properties of matter can be classified as physical or chemical. Physical properties include characteristics such as density, melting point, boiling point, and conductivity. Chemical properties, on the other hand, refer to the behavior of matter in the presence of other substances, such as its ability to react with other chemicals.The behavior of matter can also be described in terms of its states. Matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas, depending on the temperature and pressure. These states are characterized by differences in the arrangement and motion of atoms or molecules. For example, in a solid, the atoms or molecules are tightly packed and vibrate in place, while in a gas, they are widely spaced and move freely.The nature of matter is also related to its energy content. Matter can have different forms of energy, including kinetic energy (energy of motion), potential energy (energy of position), and thermal energy (energy related to temperature). These different forms of energy can be exchanged between matter and its surroundings, leading to changes in the matter's properties.In conclusion, the structure of matter and its properties are closely intertwined. Understanding the structure of matter allows us to predict and explain its behavior in different circumstances. Matter's properties depend on its structure, energy content, and the environment in which it is located. This knowledge is fundamental to many areas of science, including physics, chemistry, and materials science.。

Dark matter and structure formation a review

Dark matter and structure formation a review

a r X i v :0801.1091v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 7 J a n 2008Dark matter,density perturbations and structure formationA.Del Popolo 1,2,31Bo ˘g azi ¸c i University,Physics Department,80815Bebek,Istanbul,Turkey2Dipartimento di Matematica,Universit`a Statale di Bergamo,via dei Caniana,2,24127,Bergamo,ITALY 3Istanbul Technical University,Ayazaga Campus,Faculty of Science and Letters,34469Maslak/ISTANBUL,TurkeyAbstract —-This paper provides a review of the variants of dark matter which are thought to be fundamental components of the universe and their role in origin and evolution of structures and some new original results concerning improvements to the spherical collapse model.In particular,I show how the spherical collapse model is modified when we take into account dynamical friction and tidal torques.1.INTRODUCTIONThe origin and evolution of large scale structure is today the outstanding problem in cosmology.This is the most fundamental question we can ask about the universe whose solution should help us to better understand problems as the epoch of galaxy formation,the clustering in the galaxy distribution,the amplitude and form of anisotropies in the microwave background radiation.Several has been the ap-proaches and models trying to attack and solve this problem:no one has given a final answer.The leading idea of all structure formation theories is that structures was born from small perturbations in the other-wise uniform distribution of matter in the early Universe,which is supposed to be,in great part,dark (matter not detectable through light emission).With the term Dark Matter cosmologists indicate an hypothetic material component of the universe which does not emit directly electromagnetic radiation (unless it decays in particles having this property ([1],but also see [2])).Dark matter,cannot be revealed directly,but nevertheless it is necessary to postulate its existence in order to explain the discrepancies between the observed dynamical proper-ties of galaxies and clusters of galaxies and the theoretical predictions based upon models of these objects assuming that the only matter present is the visible one.If in the space were present a diffused material component having gravitational mass,but unable to emit electromagnetic radiation in significative quantity,this discrepancy could be eliminated ([3]).The study of Dark Matter has as its finality the explanation of formation of galaxies and in general of cosmic structures.For this reason,in the last decades,the origin of cosmic structures has been “framed”in models in which Dark Matter constitutes the skeleton of cosmic structures and supply the most part of the mass of which the same is made.There are essentially two ways in which matter in the universe can be revealed:by means of radiation,by itself emitted,or by means of its gravitational interaction with baryonic matter which gives rise to cosmic structures.Electromagnetic radiation permits to reveal only baryonic matter.In the second case,we can only tell that we are in presence of matter that interacts by means of gravitation with the luminous mass in the universe.The original hypotheses on Dark Matter go back to measures performed by Oort ([4])of the surface density of matter in the galactic disk,which was obtained through the study of the stars motion in direction orthogonal to the galactic plane.The result obtained by Oort,which was after him named “Oort Limit”,gave a value of ρ=0.15M 0pc −3for the mass density,and a mass,in the region studied,superior to that present in stars.Nowadays,we know that the quoted discrepancy is due to the presence of HI in the solarclusters (a Cluster)and the total mass contained in galaxies of the same clusters.These and other researches from the thirties to now,have confirmed that a great part of the mass in the universe does not emit radiation that can be directly observed.1.1Determination of Ωand Dark MatterThe simplest cosmological model that describes,in a suf-ficient coherent manner,the evolution of the universe,from 10−2s after the initial singularity to now,is the so called Standard Cosmological Model (or Hot Big Bang model).It is based upon the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW)met-ric,which is given by:ds 2=c 2dt 2−a (t )2dr 22g ik R =−8πGa 2˙a 2+k3ρ(4)2¨a a 2+k2 the components of the today universe are galaxies.If weassume that galaxies motion satisfy Weyl([9])postulate,the velocity vector of a galaxy is given by u i=(1,0,0,0),and then the system behaves as a system made of dust forwhich we have p=0.Only two of the three Friedmannequations are independent,because thefirst connectsdensity,ρto the expansion parameter a(t).The characterof the solutions of these equations depends on the valueof the curvature parameter,k,which is also determinedby the initial conditions by means of Eq. 3.The solutionto the equations now written shows that ifρis largerthanρc=3H2ρc .In this case,theconditionΩ=1corresponds to k=0,Ω<1corresponds to k=−1,andΩ>1corresponds to k=1.1The value ofΩcan be calculated in several ways.The most common methods are the dynamical methods,in which the effects of gravity are used,and kinematics methods sensible to the evolution of the scale factor and to the space-time geometry.The results obtained forΩwith these different methods are summarized in the following.Dynamical methods:(a)Rotation curves:The contribution of spiral galaxies to the density in the universe is calculated by using their rotation curves and the third Kepler ing the last it is possible to obtain the mass of a spiral galaxy from the equation:M(r)=v2r/G(6) where v is the velocity of a test particle at a distance r from the center and M(r)is the mass internal to the circular orbit of the particle.In order to determine the mass M is necessary to have knowledge of the term v2in Eq.(6)and this can be done from the study of the rotation curves through the21cm line of HI.Rotation curves of galaxies are characterized by a peak reached at distances of some Kpcs and a behavior typicallyflat for the regions at distance larger than that of the peak.A peculiarity is that the expected Keplerian fall is not observed.This result is consistent with extended haloes containing masses till10times the galactic mass observed in the optical ([10]).The previous result is obtained assuming that the halo mass obtained with this method is distributed in a spherical region so that we can use Eq.(6)and that we neglect the tidal interaction with the neighboring galaxies which tend to produce an expansion of the halo.After M and the luminosity of a series of elliptical galaxies is determined,the contribution to the density of the universeL>ℓwhereℓis the luminosity per unit volume due to galaxies and can be obtained from the galactic luminosity functionφ(L)dL,which describes the number of galaxies per Mpc3and luminosity range L,L+dL.The value that is usually assumed forℓis ℓ=2.4h108L bo Mpc−3.The arguments used lead to a value ofΩg for the luminous parts of spiral galaxies ofΩg≤0.01, while for haloesΩh≥0.03−0.1.The result shows that the halo mass is noteworthy larger than the galactic mass observable in the optical([11]).(b)Virial theorem:In the case of non spiral galaxies and clusters,the mass can be obtained using the virial theorem2T+V=0,withT∼=3c≈Ω0.6λρ(9) ([13]).Then given the overdensityδρρcan be ob-tained from the overdensity of galaxiesδn gρ=δn g3 (d)Kinematic methods:These methods are based upon the use of relations be-tween physical quantities dependent on cosmological param-eters.An example of those relations is the relation luminos-ity distance-redshift:H0d L=z+1F the luminosity distance,L the absolute luminos-ity,and F theflux.By means of the relations luminosity-redshift,angle-redshift,number of objects-redshift,it is possible to determine the parameter of deceleration q0=−¨a0a0=100hkm/Mpcs are the scale factor and the Hubble constant,nowadays).At the same time q0is connected toΩby means of q0=Ω•Growth rate offlparisons of presentday structure withfluctuations at the last scatteringof the cosmic microwave background(CMB)or withhigh redshift objects of the young universe.The methods and current estimates are summarized in Table3.The estimates based on virialized objects typi-cally yield low values ofΩm∼0.2−0.3.The global mea-sures,large-scale structure and cosmicflows typically indi-cate higher valuesofΩm∼0.4−1.Bahcall et al.([17]),showed that the evolution of the number density of rich clusters of galaxies breaks the degen-eracy betweenΩ(the mass density ratio of the universe)and σ8(the normalization of the power spectrum),σ8Ω0.5≃0.5, that follows from the observed present-day abundance of rich clusters.The evolution of high-mass(Coma-like)clus-ters is strong inΩ=1,low-σ8models(such as the standard biased CDM model withσ8≃0.5),where the number den-sity of clusters decreases by a factor of∼103from z=0 to z≃0.5;the same clusters show only mild evolution in low-Ω,high-σ8models,where the decrease is a factor of ∼10.This diagnostic provides a most powerful constraint onΩ.Using observations of clusters to z≃0.5−1,the authors found only mild evolution in the observed cluster abundance,andΩ=0.3±0.1andσ8=0.85±0.15(for Λ=0models;forΩ+Λ=1models,Ω=0.34±0.13). ferreira et al.([18]),proposed an alternative method to estimate v12directly from peculiar velocity samples,which contain redshift-independent distances as well as galaxy red-shifts.In contrast to other dynamical measures which de-termineβ≡Ω0.6σ8,this method can provide an estimate of Ω0.6σ28for a range ofσ8whereΩis the cosmological density parameter,whileσ8is the standard normalization for the power spectrum of densityfluctuations.Melchiorri([19]),used the angular power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background,measured during the North American testflight of the BOOMERANG experiment,to constrain the geometry of the universe.Within the class of Cold Dark Matter models,theyfind that the overall frac-tional energy density of the universe,Ω,is constrained to be0.85≤Ω≤1.25at the68%confidence level. Branchini([20]),compared the density and velocityfields as extracted from the Abell/ACO clusters to the corre-spondingfields recovered by the POTENT method from the Mark III peculiar velocities of galaxies.Quantitative comparisons within a volume containing∼12independent samples yieldβc≡Ω0.6/b c=0.22±0.08,where b c is the cluster biasing parameter at15h−1Mpc.If b c∼4.5,as in-dicated by the cluster correlation function,their result is consistent withΩ∼1.(f)Inflation:It is widely supposed that the very early universe experi-enced an era of inflation(see[21],[22],[13]).By‘inflation’one means that the scale factor has positive acceleration,¨a>0,corresponding to repulsive gravity and3p<−ρ. During inflation aH=˙a is increasing,so that comoving scales are leaving the horizon(Hubble distance)rather than entering it,and it is supposed that at the beginning of in-flation the observable universe was well within the horizon. The inflationary hypothesis is attractive because it holds out the possibility of calculating cosmological quantities, given the Lagrangian describing the fundamental interac-tions.The Standard Model,describing the interactions up to energies of order1T eV,is not viable in this context be-cause it does not permit inflation,but this should not be re-garded as a serious setback because it is universally agreed4mology.The nature of the required extension is not yet known,though it is conceivable that it could become known in the foreseeable future.But even without a specific model of the interactions(ie.,a specific Lagrangian),the inflation-ary hypothesis can still offer guidance about what to expect in cosmology.More dramatically,one can turn around the theory-to-observation sequence,to rule out otherwise rea-sonable models.The importance of inflation is connected to:a)the origin of density perturbations,which could origi-nate during inflation as quantumfluctuations,which be-come classical as they leave the horizon and remain so on re-entry.The original quantumfluctuations are of exactly the same type as those of the electromagneticfield,which give rise to the experimentally observed Casimir effect. b)One of the most dramatic and simple effects is that there is nofine-tuning of the initial value of the density parame-terΩ=8πρ/3m2P l H2.From the Friedmann equation,Ωis given byΩ−1=(K3An argument has been given forΩ0very close to1on the basis of effects on the cmb anisotropy from regions far outside the observable simplest one([21])invokes a scalarfield,termed the infla-tonfield.An alternative([23])is to invoke a modification of Einstein gravity,and combinations of the two mecha-nisms have also been proposed.During inflation however, the proposed modifications of gravity can be abolished by redefining the spacetime metric tensor,so that one recovers the scalarfield case.We focus on it for the moment,but modified gravity models will be included later in our survey of specific models.In comoving coordinates a homogeneous scalarfieldφwith minimal coupling to gravity has the equation of motion¨φ+3H˙φ+V′(φ)=0(13) Its energy density and pressure areρ=V+12˙φ2(15)If such afield dominatesρand p,the inflationary condition 3p<ρis achieved provided that thefield rolls sufficiently slowly,˙φ2<V(16)Practically all of the usually considered models of inflation satisfy three conditions.First,the motion of thefield is overdamped,so that the‘force’V′balances the‘friction term’3H˙φ,˙φ≃−116π V′38π8πV′′5 in which they are satisfied and we are adopting that nomen-clature here.Practically all of the usually considered modelsof inflation satisfy the slow-roll conditions more or less well.It should be noted that thefirst slow-roll condition is ona quite different footing from the other two,being a state-ment about the solution of thefield equation as opposed toa statement about the potential that defines this equation.What we are saying is that in the usually considered modelsone can show that thefirst condition is an attractor solu-tion,in a regime typically characterized by the other twoconditions,and that moreover reasonable initial conditionsonφwill ensure that this solution is achieved well beforethe observable universe leaves the horizon.It is importantto remember that there are strong observational limits forthe parameters previously introduced(e.g.ǫ,η).For ex-ample[27]studied the possible contribution of a stochasticgravitational wave background to the anisotropy of the cos-mic microwave background in cold and mixed dark matter(CDM and MDM)models.This contribution was testedagainst detections of CMB anisotropy at large and inter-mediate angular scales.The bestfit parameters(i.e.thosewhich maximize the likelihood)are(with95%confidence)n S=1.23+0.17−0.15andR(n S)=C T2π2f(n S)=2.4+3.4−2.2(23)wheref(n S)=Γ(3−n S)Γ(3+n SΓ2(4−n S2)(24)The previous constraintfixes the value ofǫas well that ofη2η=n s−1+2ǫ(25) Theyfind that by including the possibility of such back-ground in CMB data analysis it can drastically alter the conclusion on the remaining cosmological parameters.More stringent constraints on some of the previous parameters are given in section1.12.(h)Conclusions:We have seen the possible values ofΩusing different meth-ods.We have to add that Cosmologists are“attracted”by a value ofΩ0=1.This value ofΩis requested by infla-tionary theory.The previous data lead us to the following hypotheses:i)Ω0<0.12;in this case one can suppose that the uni-verse is fundamentally made of baryonic matter(black holes; Jupiters;white dwarfs).ii)Ω0>0.12;in this case in order to have aflat universe,it is necessary a non-baryonic component.Ωb=1is excluded by several reasons(see[28],[13].The remaining possibilities are:1)existence of a smooth component withΩ=0.8.The test of a smooth component can be done with kinematic methods.2)Existence of a cosmological term,absolutely smooth to whom correspond an energy densityρvac=Λsthe number of particles per unit comoving volume and we remember that n is the number density of species and s the entropy density, we obtain a contribution of the species to the actual density of the universe asΩh2=0.28Y(T f)(m6limits([13]).The solution to the problem was proposed by Peccei-Quinn in1977([36])in terms of a spontaneous sym-metry breaking scheme.To this symmetry breaking should be associated a Nambu-Goldstone boson:the axion.Theaxion mass ranges between10−12ev-1Gev.In cosmology there are two ranges of interest:10−6ev≤m a≤10−3ev; 3ev≤m a≤8ev.Axion production in the quoted range can originate due to a series of astrophysical processes([13])and several are the ways these particles can be detected. Nevertheless the effort of researchers expecially in USA, Japan and Italy,axions remain hypothetical particles. They are in any case the most important CDM candidates.In the following,I am going to speak about the basic ideas of structure formation.I shall write about density perturbations,their spectrum and evolution,about correla-tion functions and their time evolution,etc.1.3Origin of structuresObserving our universe,we notice a clear evidence of in-homogeneity when we consider small scales(Mpcs).In clus-ters density reaches values of103times larger than the av-erage density,and in galaxies it has values105larger than the average density([13]).If we consider scales larger than 102Mpcs universe appears isoptric as it is observed in the radio-galaxies counts,in CMBR,in the X background([11]). The isotropy at the decoupling time,t dec,at which matter and radiation decoupled,universe was very homogeneous, as showed by the simple relation:δρT(28)([13])4.The difference between the actual universe and that at decoupling is evident.The transformation between a highly homogeneous universe,at early times,to an highly local non homogeneous one,can be explained supposing that at t dec were present small inhomogeneities which grow up because of the gravitational instability mechanism([37]). Events leading to structure formation can be enumerated as follows:(a)Origin of quantumfluctuations at Planck epoch.(b)Fluctuations enter the horizon and they grow linearly till recombination.(c)Perturbations grow up in a different way for HDM and CDM in the post-recombination phase,till they reach the non-linear phase.(d)Collapse and structure formation.Before t dec inhomogeneities in baryonic components could not grow because photons and baryons were strictly cou-pled.This problem was not present for the CDM compo-nent.Then CDM perturbations started to grow up before those in the baryonic component when universe was mat-ter dominated.The epoch t eq≈4.4∗1010(Ω0h2)−2sec,at which matter and radiation density are almost equal,can be considered as the epoch at which structures started to form.The study of structure formation is fundamentally an initial value problem.Data necessary for starting this study are:1)Value ofΩ0.In CDM models the value chosen for this parameter is1,in conformity with inflationary theory pre-dictions.2)The values ofΩi for the different components in the uni-verse.For example in the case of baryons,nucleosynthesis gives us the limit0.014≤Ωb≤0.15whileΩW IMP S≈0.9.3)The perturbation spectrum and the nature of pertur-bations(adiabatic or isocurvature).The spectrum gener-ally used is that of Harrison-Zeldovich:P(k)=Ak n with n=1.The perturbation more used are adiabatic or curva-ture.This choice is dictated from the comparison between theory and observations of CMBR anisotropy.1.4The spectrum of density perturbationIn order to study the distribution of matter density in the universe it is generally assumed that this distribution is given by the superposition of plane waves independently evolving,at least until they are in the linear regime(this means till the overdensityδ=ρ−ρthe average density in the volume and withρ(r)the density in r,it is possible to define the density contrast as:δ(r)=ρ(r)−l(and similar conditions for the other components)and for the periodicity conditionδ(x,y,L)=δ(x,y,0)(and similar conditions for the other components). Fourier coefficientsδk are complex quantities given by:δk=1σ2)(32)([28]).The quantityσthat is present in Eq.(32)is the variance of the densityfield and is defined as:σ2=<δ2>= k<|δk|2>=1(2π)3 P(k)d3k=17It can be defined as the joint probability of finding an over-density δin two distinct points of space:ξ(r ,t )=<δ(r ,t )δ(r +x ,t )>(35)([38]),where averages are averageson anensemble obtainedfromseveralrealizations ofuniverse.Correlation functioncan be expressed as the joint probability of finding a galaxy in a volume δV 1and another in a volume δV 2separated by a distance r 12:δ2P =n 2V [1+ξ(r 12)]δV 1δV 2(36)where n V is the average number of galaxies per unit volume.The concept of correlation function,given in this terms,can be enlarged to the case of three or more points.Correlation functions have a fundamental role in the study of clustering of matter.If we want to use this function for a complete description of clustering,one needs to know the correlation functions of order larger than two ([39]).By means of correlation functions it is possible to study the evolution of clustering.The correlation functions are,in fact,connected one another by means of an infinite system of equations obtained from moments of Boltzmann equa-tion which constitutes the BBGKY (Bogolyubov-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon)hierarchy ([40]).This hierarchy can be transformed into a closed system of equation using closure conditions.Solving the system one gets information on cor-relation functions.In order to show the relation between perturbation spec-trum and two-points correlation function,we introduce inEq.(35),Eq.(30),recalling that δ∗k =δ(−k )and taking the limit V u →∞,the average in the Eq.(35)can be expressed in terms of the integral:ξ(r )=12π2k 2P (k )sin (kr )b (t p )2T 2(k ;t f )P (k ;t p )(39)where b(t)is the law of grow of perturbations,in the linear regime.In the case of CDM models the transfer function is:T (k )= 1+ ak +(bk )1.5+(ck )2 ν−1S=3ρr−δρmT−δρm8The distribution function f that appears in the previous equations cannot be obtained from observations.It is possi-ble to measure moments of f (density,average velocity,etc.).We want now to obtain the evolution equations for δ.Forthis reason,we start integrating Eq.(44)on p and after using Eq.(43),we get:a 3ρb∂δa 2▽p fd 3p =0(45)If we define velocity as:v =pfd 3p(46)and introduce it in Eq.(45)we get:ρb ∂δa▽(ρv )=0(47)We can now multiply Eq.(44)for p and integrate it on the momentum:∂ma 2∂βp αp βfd 3p +a 3ρ(x ,t )φ,α=0(48)this last in Eq.(45)leaves us with:∂2δa ∂δa2▽[(1+δ)▽φ]+1ma 2fd 3p(50)the equation for the evolution of overdensity becomes:∂2δa ∂δa 2▽[(1+δ)▽φ]+1∂t 2+2˙a ∂t=4πGρb δ(52)This equation in an Einstein-de Sitter universe (Ω=1,Λ=0)has the solutions:δ+=A +(x )t2a 2=82(1−Ω0)(cosh η−1)(55)t (η)=Ω0a 2=823t.(57)Before concluding this section,we want to find an ex-pression for the velocity field in the linear ingthe equation of motion p =ma 2˙x ,d pdt+v ˙a a=Gρb ad 3xδ(x ,t )x −x ′4π∂|x ′−x |(59)([38]).This solution is valid just as that for δin the linear regime.At time t =t 0this regime is valid on scales larger than 8h −1Mpc .1.7Non-linear phaseLinear evolution is valid only if δ<<1or similarly,if the mass variance,σ,is much less than unity.When this condi-tion is no longer verified (e.g.,if we consider scales smaller than 8h −1Mpc),it is necessary to develope a non-linear theory.In regions smaller than 8h −1Mpc galaxies are not a Poisson distribution but they tend to cluster.If one wants to study the properties of galactic structures or clusters of galaxies,it is necessary to introduce a non-linear theory of clustering.A theory of this last item is too complicated to be developed in a purely theoretical fashion.The problem can be faced assuming certain approximations that simpli-fies it ([47])or as often it is done,by using N-Body simu-lations of the interesting system.The approximations are often used to furnish the initial data to simulations.In the simulations,a large number of particles are randomly dis-tributed in a sphere,in the points of a cubic grid,in order to eliminate small scale noise.The initial spectrum is ob-tained perturbing the initial positions by means of a super-position of plane waves having random distributed phases and wave vector ([48]).Obviously,the universe is considered in expansion (or comoving coordinates are used),and then the equation of motion of particles are numerically solved.For what concerns the analytical approximations one of the most used is that of [47].This gives a solution to the prob-lem of the grow of perturbations in an universe with p =0not only in the linear regime but even in the mildly non-linear regime.In this approximation,one supposes to have particles with initial position given in Lagrangian coordi-nates q .The positions of particles,at a given time t,are given by:9 where x indicates the Eulerian coordinates,p(q)describesthe initial densityfluctuations and b(t)describes their growin the linear phase and it satisfies the equation:d2bdtdadt =dbρ ∂q jρ δjk+b(t)∂p k3p(q)= k i k3exp(i kq)(67)([28]),that leads us back to the linear theory.In other words,Ze‘ldovich approximation is able to reproduce the linear theory,and is also able to give a good approximationin regions withδρρ>>ing the expression for p(q),theJacobian in Eq.(64)is a real matrix and symmetric that can be diagonalized.With this p(q)the perturbed density can be written as:ρ(q,t)=(1−b(t)λ1(q))(1−b(t)λ2(q))(1−b(t)λ3(q))(68) whereλ1,λ2,λ3are the three eigenvalues of the Jacobian, describing the expansion and contraction of mass along the principal axes.From the structure of the last equation,we notice that in regions of high density Eq.(68)becomes infinite and the structure of collapse in a pancake,in a filamentary structure or in a node,according to values of eigenvalues.Some N-body simulations([49])tried to ver-ify the prediction of Ze‘ldovich approximation,using initial conditions generated using a spectrum with a cut-offat low frequencies.The results showed a good agreement between theory and simulations,for the initial phases of the evolu-tion(a(t)=3.6).Going on,the approximation is no more valid starting from the time of shell-crossing.After shell-crossing,particles does not oscillate any longer around the structure but they pass through it making it vanish.This problem has been partly solved supposing that particles, before reaching the singularity they sticks the one on the other,due to a dissipative term that simulates gravity and then collects on the forming structure.This model is known as“adesion-model”([50]).Summarizing,Zel’dovich approximation gives a description of the transition between linear and non-linear phase.It 1.8Quasi-linear regimeWe have seen in the previous section that in the case of regions of dimension smaller than8h−1Mpc,the linear theory is no more a good approximation and a new theory is needed or N-body simulations.Non-linear theory is able to calculate quantities as the formation redshift of a given class of objects as galaxies and clusters,the number of bound objects having masses larger than a given one,the average virial velocity and the correlation function.It is possible to get an estimate of the given quantities as that of other not cited,using an intermediate theory between the linear and non-linear theory:the quasi-linear theory. This last is obtained adding to the linear theory a model of gravitational collapse,just as the spherical collapse model.Important results that the theory gives is the bottom-up formation of structures(in the CDM model). Other important results are obtained if we identify density peaks in linear regime with sites of structure formation. Two important papers in the development of this theory are[51]and that of[52].This last paper is an application of the ideas of the quasi-linear theory to the CDM model. The principles of this approach are the following:•Regions of mass larger than M that collapsed can be identified with regions where the density contrast evolved according to linear regime,δ(M,x),has a value larger than a threshold,δc.•After collapse regions does not fragment.The major drawbacks of the theory,as described in[52]are fundamentally the fact that the estimates that can be ob-tained by means of this theory depends on the threshold δc,on the ratio between thefiltering mass and that of ob-jects and from other parameters.Nevertheless,this theory has helped cosmologists in obtaining estimate of important quantities as those previously quoted,and at same time give evidences that leads to exclude very low values for spectrum normalization.1.9Spherical CollapseSpherical symmetry is one of the few cases in which grav-itational collapse can be solved exactly([53];[38]).In fact, as a consequence of Birkhoff’s theorem,a spherical pertur-bation evolves as a FRW Universe with density equal to the mean density inside the perturbation.The simplest spherical perturbation is the top-hat one, i.e.a constant overdensityδinside a sphere of radius R; to avoid a feedback reaction on the background model,the overdensity has to be surrounded by a spherical underdense shell,such to make the total perturbation vanish.The evo-lution of the radius of the perturbation is then given by a Friedmann equation.The evolution of a spherical perturbation depends only on its initial overdensity.In an Einstein-de Sitter background, any spherical overdensity reaches a singularity(collapse)at afinal time:t c=3π3δ(t i) −3/2t i.(69) By that time its linear density contrast reaches the value:3/2。



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常见问题解答 Part 2
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3. Drexel University- College of Computing and Informatics



生物化学的发现英文In the realm of biochemistry, the discovery of DNA's double helix structure stands as a monumental breakthrough.It revolutionized our understanding of genetic informationand paved the way for modern molecular biology.The intricate dance of enzymes and substrates, orchestrating the metabolic pathways within cells, is amarvel of nature's design. Each enzyme, with its unique shape, ensures the specificity and efficiency of biochemical reactions.Another significant revelation in biochemistry is therole of amino acids in protein synthesis. The sequence ofthese building blocks determines the structure and functionof proteins, which are the workhorses of the biological world.The exploration of lipid bilayers and their role in cell membranes has deepened our comprehension of how cellsmaintain their integrity and selectively interact with their environment.The study of biochemistry also unveils the mysteries of cellular energy production. The citric acid cycle andoxidative phosphorylation are processes that convertnutrients into the energy currency of the cell, ATP.Understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease hasbeen greatly advanced by biochemistry. For instance, the identification of the molecular basis of cystic fibrosis has led to more targeted and effective therapies.The emerging field of epigenetics, where biochemistry intersects with genetics, has shed light on how environmental factors can influence gene expression without altering the DNA sequence itself.Finally, the ongoing quest to decode the human proteomeis a testament to the vastness of biochemical knowledge. Each protein's unique function contributes to the symphony of life, and understanding them is key to unlocking the mysteries of health and disease.。



Chinese conversational style is unique and reflects the cultural values and social norms of the country.Here are some key characteristics of Chinese conversation:1.Indirectness:Chinese people often prefer to express their opinions and feelings in an indirect manner.This is to avoid potential conflicts and to maintain harmony in the conversation.2.Politeness and Respect:Showing respect to elders and superiors is a fundamental aspect of Chinese culture.This is reflected in the language used during conversations, where honorifics and polite expressions are common.e of Metaphors and Idioms:Chinese conversations often include the use of metaphors and idioms,which are rich in cultural significance and can convey complex ideas succinctly.4.Contextual Understanding:The Chinese language relies heavily on context to understand the meaning of words and phrases.This can sometimes make conversations challenging for nonnative speakers,as the literal translation may not convey the intended meaning.5.Emphasis on Relationships Guanxi:Building and maintaining relationships is an important part of Chinese society.Conversations often revolve around establishing and strengthening these relationships.6.Avoidance of Direct Rejection:To maintain face,Chinese people may avoid giving a direct no in response to a request.Instead,they might use phrases that imply refusal without directly stating it.7.Nonverbal Communication:Body language,facial expressions,and tone of voice playa significant role in Chinese conversations.Understanding these nonverbal cues can provide deeper insight into the conversation.8.Hierarchical Structure:Conversations often reflect the hierarchical structure of Chinese society,with respect and deference shown to those in higher positions.e of Rhetorical Questions:Rhetorical questions are used not only for emphasis but also as a way to indirectly suggest an opinion or course of action.10.Saving Face:The concept of face is crucial in Chinese culture.Conversations are often conducted in a way that allows all parties to save face,even if disagreements arise.11.Pace and Timing:The pace of a conversation can vary,and there may be pauses or silences that are used to gather thoughts or to subtly communicate a point.e of Humor:Humor is often used to diffuse tension,to build rapport,or to make a point in a nonconfrontational way.Understanding these characteristics can help in navigating and appreciating the nuances of Chinese conversations,which are deeply rooted in the countrys rich history and cultural heritage.。



语言学第四章要点(2011-10-11 21:15:48)说明:本章要点参考了多本教材,其中的X-bar theory, Universal Grammar, merger and move等部分仅供考研的同学参考。


第四章Syntax句法学1.Syntax定义is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language. Sentences are structured according to particular arrangement of words.2、Syntax as a system of rules. as a major component of grammar, syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences3、Sentence structureSubject all language have ways of referring to some entity, such as a person , a place, a thing, an idea, or an event, this referring expression is grammatically called subject. A subject may be a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence that usually precedes the predicate.2.Type of sentence英语的句子中的三种基本类型是什么?Traditionally, three major types of sentences are distinguished. They are simple sentence, coordinate or compound sentence and complex sentence.A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence. For example, ① John reads extensively. the sentences contains a single clause and can stand structurally independent.A coordinate sentence并列句 contains two clauses joined by a linking word called coordinat ing conjunction, such as “and”, “but”, “or”. The two clauses in a coordinate sentence are structurally equal parts of the sentence; neither is subordinate to the other. For example, ③ John is reading a linguistic book, and Mary is preparing for her history exam.A complex sentence contains two or more clauses, one of which is incorporated into the other. The two clauses in a complex sentence have unequal status, one subordinating the other. The incorporated, or subordinate, clause is normally called an embedded clause子句, and the clause into which it is embedded is called a matrix sentence主句. For example, ⑤ Mary told Jane [that John liked linguistics]. In the above examples, the clauses in the square brackets are embedded clauses. Theyare subordinate to the clauses outside the brackets which are called matrix clauses.A complex sentence的特征:Some conclusions can be drawn from the complex sentence.1、an embedded clause functions as a grammatical unit in its matrix clause.2.most embedded clauses require an introductory word called a subordinator, such as “that”,” if ”.3.an embedded clause may not function as a grammatically well-formed sentence if it stands independently as a simple sentence unless it form changes.3、linearly- and hierarchically-structured.(线形结构和层次结构Language is a highly structured system of communication. Sentences are not formed by randomly(随意)combining lexical items, but by following a set of syntactic rules that arrange linguistic elements in a particular order to make a string of words not only meaningful but also linearly- and hierarchically-structured.(线形结构和层次结构)Hierarchical structure: the sentence structure that groups words into structural constituents and shows the syntactic categories of each structural constituent, such as NP and VP.5、Syntactic categories:句法类型1.lexical categories词类 (four major lexical categories and six minor lexical categories)2. Phrasal categories 短语类(lexical items have certain combinational properties that allow them to combine with words of different categories to form phrase. NP VP PP AP)6、Grammatical relations(语法关系) The structural and logical relations of constituents are called grammatical relations. It concerns the way each noun phrase in the sentence relates to the verb. (who does what do whom). Structural vs. logical subject, object. (**)7、Combinational rules组合规则1、Phrase structural rules The combinational pattern in a linear formula may be called a phrase structural rule, or rewrite rule. It allows us to better understand how words and phrases form sentences, and so on.2、Syntactic movement and movement rules Syntactic movement occurs whena constituent in a sentence moves out of its original place to a new position, the sentence involving which cannot be described by phrase structure rules. It was governed by transformational rules, the operationof which may change the syntactic representation of a sentence (句法的表达方式).3、什么是X-标杆理论?X-bar theory is a general and highly abstract schema that collapses all phrasal structure rules into a single format: X″→ (Spec) X (Compl). In this format, Spec stands for specifier while Compl stands for complement. This theory is capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rules and may well capture certain basic properties shared by all phrasal categories, i.e. NP, VP, AP, PP, across the languages of the world.4、Syntactic movement and movement rulesSyntactic movement occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of its original place to a new position, the sentence involving which cannot be described by phrase structure rules. It was governed by transformational rules, the operation of which may change the syntactic representation of a sentence (句法的表达方式).1 NP-movement and WH-movementNP-movement occurs when, for example, a sentence changes from the active voice to the passive voice (postpose, prepose).WH-movement is obligatory in English. It changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.2 Other types of movementAUX-movement (auxiliary)3 D-structure and S-structureThe syntactic component of the grammar:Phrase Structure Rules + the Lexicon (词汇)(generate)―――D-structure (deep structure) ―――Movement Rules ( transform)―――― S-structure (Surface structure) A sentence may not look different when it is at different syntactic levels. Since syntactic movement does not occur to all sentences, the D-structure and S-structure of some sentences look exactly the same at different levels of representation.4 Moreα-a general movement ruleThere is a general movement rule accounting for the syntactic behavior of any constituent movement, called Moveα(or Move Alpha), which means “move any constituent to any place”. The problem is Moveαis too powerful and the grammar should include some conditions which will restrain this power and stimulate tha t only “certain constituents” move to “certain positions”.7、Toward a theory of universal grammarSince early 1980s, Noam Chomsky and other generative linguists proposed and developed a theory of universal grammar (UG) known as the principles and parameters theory. According to Chomsky, UG is a system of linguistic knowledge and a human species-specific gift, which exists in the mind or brain of a normal human being. According to principles-and-parameters framework, UG consists of a set of general conditions, or general principles, that generate phrases and at the same time restrain the power of Moveα, thus preventing this rule from applying in certain cases. UG also contains a set of parameters that allow general principles to operate in certain ways, according to which particular grammar of natural languages vary。



河北能源职业技术学院学报Journal of Hebei Energy College of Vocation and Technology第2期(总79期)2020年6月No.2(Sum.79)Jun.2020利用句法结构转换摆脱翻译腔——以张谷若《大卫•科波菲尔》汉译本中的定语结构转换为例吕文丽(吕梁学院汾阳师范分校,山西吕梁032200 )摘 要:英汉句式结构差异体现为层次差异和线型差异。


关键词:句法结构;转换;翻译腔中图分类号: H315.9 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1671-3974(2020)02-0034-03Eradication of Translationese by Converting Syntax Structure--A Case Study of Attributive Structure Conversion in Chinese Version of David Copperfield by Zhang GuruoLV Wenli(Lvliang University Fenyang Teachers' School Branch, Lvliang Shanxi 032200, China)Abstract: The difference between Chinese and English syntax structures is that English enjoyshierarchical structure while Chinese linear one. Rendered the analysis of translation characteristics ofattributive structure in Chinese version of David Copperfield by Zhang Guruo, this article mainly aims to find the reason for translationese in the syntax structure. On the base, this paper will recommenda strategy to solve the problem. That is to say, breaking the English hierarchical structure and reorganizing the translation as a Chinese linear one is the best way to avoid translationese.Key words: syntax structure; conversion; translationese严复提出“信、达、雅”翻译三原则以后,忠实 流畅成为所有译者努力追求的目标,然而现实译文中 欧化句法、句式普遍存在,导致译本“翻译腔”随处可见。



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Boundary Rings and N=2 Coset Models

Boundary Rings and N=2 Coset Models
† See ref. [24] for some other aspects of D-branes in Kazama-Suzuki models.
We will investigate tensor products of such models and their geometrical and K theoretical significance with respect to sheaves on Grassmannians in a subsequent paper. In the next section we will outline our general ideas for the N = 2 minimal models which are based on SU (2)k /U (1). In particular we will show that the natural algebraic structure underlying the boundary states is given by a “boundary fusion ⋄ ring”. It is isomorphic to the representation ring of Z Zk+2 which figures in the McKay 2 Zk+2 [14]. In the subsequent sections, we will first introduce correspondence for C /Z the N = 2 coset models based on SU (n + 1)k /U (n) and then compute the boundary state intersection index Ia,b ≡ Tra,b [(−1)F ]RR . We will analyze its algebraic structure in some detail, and find connections to previous work on the quantum cohomology of Grassmannians, soliton polytopes, 2d gravity and quiver theory. Specifically we will find a boundary ring that is analogous to the one of the minimal models, essentially given by the fusion ring of U (n). It can be viewed as the path algebra of the underlying quiver. While we will not succeed to find a generalized McKay correspondence [25,26] involving discrete groups, we find a weaker McKay correspondence in that the intersection homology of the resolution of the isolated singularity corresponding to the coset model [27,28] is correctly reproduced by the boundary fusion ring. We will also investigate the spectrum of bound states and find that the present boundary CFT methods generate only a very small subset of all the possible quiver representations. Some technical details will be deferred to appendices. 1.1. Ak+1 minimal models and the McKay quiver for ALE spaces As a warm-up, we will first illustrate our ideas for the N = 2 minimal models of type Ak+1 [16]. In the subsequent sections, we will then discuss the more general class of Kazama-Suzkui coset models. The minimal models are based on the cosets SU (2)k /U (1), or equivalently on SU (k + 1)1 /U (k ). Each formulation has a particular geometrical significance that we will elucidate in the following. Specifically, SU (2)k is naturally tied to ALE Zk+2 . On the other hand [17,18] the structure of the chiral spaces that resolve C2 /Z [1,k] k ring R = {1, x, ..., x } can be most naturally understood in terms of the “level∗ (IPk , IR), where 1” formulation, in that it is isomorphic to the coho Theoretische Physik, ETH-H¨ onggerberg, CH-8093 Z¨ urich, Switzerland

The Embrace of Vulnerability

The Embrace of Vulnerability

**The Embrace of Vulnerability**In the grand tapestry of human existence, vulnerability often emerges as a hidden thread, one that holds within it the potential for profound connection and growth.As Brene Brown has said, "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change." This statement serves as a guiding light as we embark on the exploration of this often misunderstood concept. Consider the artist who bares their soul on the canvas, exposing their innermost emotions and fears. Their vulnerability is not a weakness but a courageous act that gives life to a masterpiece that resonates with the hearts of many.Vulnerability is also at the core of meaningful relationships. When we open up to someone, sharing our deepest secrets and insecurities, we create a bond that is based on authenticity and trust. Take the example of a couple who, in the midst of a difficult conversation, choose to be vulnerable and express their true feelings. This act can lead to greater understanding and a strengthening of their love.Furthermore, vulnerability is essential for personal growth and self-acceptance. It is in moments of acknowledging our flaws and limitations that we can embark on a journey of self-improvement. The story of a person recovering from addiction, admitting their vulnerability and seeking help, showcases the transformative power of embracing this aspect of oneself.In the business world, vulnerability can lead to innovation. Entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks, admit mistakes, and learn from failures often create disruptive and successful enterprises. Steve Jobs, for instance, was not afraid to be vulnerable in his pursuit of creating revolutionary products, leading to Apple's meteoric rise.However, in a society that often values strength and invincibility, vulnerability is frequently seen as a liability. We are conditioned to put up facades and hide our true selves for fear of judgment or rejection. But this only serves to isolate us and prevent us from experiencing true connection and fulfillment.In conclusion, the embrace of vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a courageous act that paves the way for authentic relationships, personal growth, and a more fulfilling life. It is a journey that requires us to let go of our defenses and step into the unknown with an open heart. Let us recognize the beauty and power of vulnerability and allow it to shape our lives in ways we never thought possible.。



M e t a p h o r Y o u c o u l d s a y t h a t I a m a b a n a n a Metaphor But while I don’t believe our roots necessarily define us, I do believe there are racially inflected assumptions wired into our neural circuitry.Artithesis A conspicuous person standing apart from the crowd and yet devoid of any individuality.Metaphor China becomes the destination for our industrial base and the banker controlling our burgeoning debt.Metaphor I feel like I’m jumping the gun a generation or two too early.”Metaphor Who can seriously claim that a Harvard University that was 72 percent Asian would deliver the same grooming for elite status its students had gone there to receive?Metaphor Before having heard from Mao, I had considered myself at worst lightly singed by the last embers of Asian alienation.Oxymoron ??It?was?a?big,?squarish?frame?house?that?had?once?been ?white,?decorated?with?cupolas?and?spires?and?scrolled?balconies?in?t he?heavily?lightsome?style?of?the?seventies,?set?on?what?had?once?be en?our?most?select?street.?PersonificationOnly?Miss?Emily's?house?was?left,?lifting?its?stubborn?and?coquettish ?decay?above?the?cotton?wagons?and?the?gasoline?pumps-an?eyesore?among?eyesores.?Alliteration It?smelled?of?dust?and?disuse--a?close,?dank?smell.? SynecdocheThat?night?the?Board?of?Aldermen?met--three?graybeards?and?one?yo unger?man,?a?member?of?the?rising?generation.Metaphor ??She?carried?her?head?high?enough--even?when?we?belie ved?that?she?was?fallen.?PersonificationThen?we?knew?that?this?was?to?be?expected?too;?as?if?that?quality?of ?her?father?which?had?thwarted?her?woman's?life?so?many?times?had? been?too?virulent?and?too?furious?to?die.??SynecdocheThey?held?the?funeral?on?the?second?day,?with?the?town?coming?to?l ook?at?Miss?Emily?beneath?a?mass?of?bought?flowers,Metaphora?diminishing?road?but,?instead,?a?huge?meadow?which?no?winter?eve r?quite?touches,?divided?from?them?now?by?the?narrow?bottleneck?of ?the?most?recent?decade?of?years.???MetaphorThe?body?had?apparently?once?lain?in?the?attitude?of?an?embrace,?but ?now?the?long?sleep?that?outlasts?love,?that?conquers?even?the?grimac e?of?love,?had?cuckolded?him.?What?was?left?of?him,?Metaphor前/simle后There was a tin mug hanging on the pump, and when I drank from it on a burning day, I thought of black rocks where the water ran sparkling like black diamonds.Metaphor These grew so thick they looked as if they must be rooted on islands, on dry land, but they were actually growing out of river muck, and trapped (trapping)our legs in their snaky roots.Metonymy There was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion.Metaphor前/simle后How all my own territory would be altered, as if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike.Simle My heart was beating in big thumps, like howls happening in my chest.Metaphor She swept me into her life as she had always done, telling me that she had thought she was going to be late because Claire had got a bug in her ear that morning and had to be taken to the hospital to have it flushed out,Metonymy和alliteration And I had moved for the newfangled reason that was approved of mightily but fleetingly and only in some special circles-leaving husband and house and all the things acquired during the marriageMetaphor I was happy with all this-it made me feel as if I had madea true change, a long necessary voyage from the house of marriage. Metaphor And I did more or less the same thing every time I thought of them-I snapped my mind shut.Transfered epithet移就All afternoon while the men were gone I was full of happy energy.Metaphor the water was steel gray, and looked to be rolling, Metaphor something coming, from the direction of the midnight clouds.Metaphor Curtains of rain-not veils but really thick and wildly slapping curtains-were driven ahead of it.Metaphor So close together that we could not look at each other-we could only look down, at the miniature rivers already breaking up the earth around our feet,Metaphor It had a weight to it, a warning-determination edged with apology.Parallelism排比I thought of the moment when he got out of the car. The noise he must have made. The moment when the child’s mother came running out of the house.Metaphor A person who knew-as I did not know, did not come near knowing-exactly what rock bottom was like.MetaphorSolar?radiation-largely?visible?and?ultraviolet?light-is?a?vast?stream?of?energy?that?bathes?the?Earth's?surface,?fluctuating?from?day?to?night ?and?season?to?season.?Metaphor noxious?fumes?of?smog?blanket?every?major?city; Metaphorthe?natural?ecosphere,?the?thin?global?skin?of?air,?water,?and?soil?and ?the?plants?and?animals?that?live?in?it,MetaphorA?free?lunch?is?really?a?debt.?In?the?technosphere,?a?debt?is?an?ackn owledged?but?unmet?Cost-the?mortgage?on?a?factory?building,?for?ex ample.MetaphorIt?is?not?so?much?a?battle?cry?for?one?side?or?the?other,?as?a?design? for?negotiating?an?end?to?this?suicidal?war-for?making?peace?with?the ?planet.Metaphor An imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of republics.Synecdoche It is then argued that the government is inherently incompetent, except as regards weapons design and procurement and the overall management of the Pentagon.Metaphor Belief can be the servant of truth–but even more of convenience.Metaphor It causes us to avoid thinking about death.?It causes a greatmany people to avoid thought of the arms race and the consequent rush toward a highly probable extinction.Metaphor Cut the knot, for there is no way to untie it.Metontmy In the record of this conflict, ideology has attracted some of the strongest intelligences mankind has produced—those whom Sir Isaiah Berlin, termed the “hedgehogs”, who knows one big thing,Metonymy After all, the American mind was conditioned by one of the noblest and most formidable structures of analysis ever devised, Parallel There have been hedgehogs throughout American history who have attempted to endow America with an all-inclusive creed, to translate Americanism into a set of binding propositions, and to construe the national tradition in terms of one or another ultimate law.Parallel The ideologist contends that the mysteries of history can be understood in terms of a clear-cut, absolute, social creed which explains the past and forecasts the future. Ideology thus presupposes a closed universe whose history is determined, whose principles are fixed, whose values and objectives are deducible from a central body of social dogma and often whose central dogma is confided to the custody of an infallible priesthood.Allteration These empirical instincts, the preference for fact over logic, for deed over dogma,Ironic against the notion that all answers to political and socialproblems can be found in the back of some sacred book圣书, against the deterministic interpretation of history, against the closed universe, Personification/metonymy the world is coming to understand that the mixed economy offered the instrumentalities through which one can unite social control with individual freedom.Metaphor But ideology is a drug; no matter how much it is exposed by experience, the craving for it still persists.。

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Bursty and Hierarchical Structure in Streams∗Jon Kleinberg†AbstractA fundamental problem in text data mining is to extract meaningful structure from document streams that arrive continuously over time.E-mail and news articles are two natural examples of such streams,each characterized by topics that appear, grow in intensity for a period of time,and then fade away.The published literature in a particular researchfield can be seen to exhibit similar phenomena over a much longer time scale.Underlying much of the text mining work in this area is the following intuitive premise—that the appearance of a topic in a document stream is signaled by a“burst of activity,”with certain features rising sharply in frequency as the topic emerges.The goal of the present work is to develop a formal approach for modeling such “bursts,”in such a way that they can be robustly and efficiently identified,and can provide an organizational framework for analyzing the underlying content.The ap-proach is based on modeling the stream using an infinite-state automaton,in which bursts appear naturally as state transitions;it can be viewed as drawing an analogy with models from queueing theory for bursty network traffic.The resulting algorithms are highly efficient,and yield a nested representation of the set of bursts that imposes a hierarchical structure on the overall stream.Experiments with e-mail and research paper archives suggest that the resulting structures have a natural meaning in terms of the content that gave rise to them.1IntroductionDocuments can be naturally organized by topic,but in many settings we also experience their arrival over time.E-mail and news articles provide two clear examples of such docu-ment streams:in both cases,the strong temporal ordering of the content is necessary for making sense of it,as particular topics appear,grow in intensity,and then fade away again. Over a much longer time scale,the published literature in a particular researchfield can be meaningfully understood in this way as well,with particular research themes growing and diminishing in visibility across a period of years.Work in the areas of topic detection and tracking[2,3,6,67,68],text mining[39,62,63,64],and visualization[29,47,66]has explored techniques for identifying topics in document streams comprised of news stories, using a combination of content analysis and time-series modeling.Underlying a number of these techniques is the following intuitive premise—that the appearance of a topic in a document stream is signaled by a“burst of activity,”with certain features rising sharply in frequency as the topic emerges.The goal of the present work is to develop a formal approach for modeling such“bursts,”in such a way that they can be robustly and efficiently identified,and can provide an organizational framework for analyzing the underlying content.The approach presented here can be viewed as drawing an analogy with models from queueing theory for bursty network traffic(see e.g.[4,18,35]).In addition, however,the analysis of the underlying burst patterns reveals a latent hierarchical structure that often has a natural meaning in terms of the content of the stream.My initial aim in studying this issue was a very concrete one:I wanted a better organizing principle for the enormous archives of personal e-mail that I was accumulating.Abundant anecdotal evidence,as well as academic research[7,46,65],suggested that my own experience with“e-mail overload”corresponded to a near-universal phenomenon—a consequence of both the rate at which e-mail arrives,and the demands of managing volumes of saved personal correspondence that can easily grow into tens and hundreds of megabytes of pure text content.And at a still larger scale,e-mail has become the raw material for legal proceedings[37]and historical investigation[9,41,48]—with the National Archives,for example,agreeing to accept tens of millions of e-mail messages from the Clinton White House [50].In sum,there are several settings where it is a crucial problem tofind structures that can help in making sense of large volumes of e-mail.An active line of research has applied text indexing and classification to develop e-mail interfaces that organize incoming messages into folders on specific topics,sometimes recom-mending further actions on the part of a user[5,10,14,32,33,42,51,52,54,55,56,59,60]—in effect,this framework seeks to automate a kind offiling system that many users im-plement manually.There has also been work on developing query interfaces to fully-indexed collections of e-mail[8].My interest here is in exploring organizing structures based more explicitly on the role of time in e-mail and other document streams.Indeed,even theflow of a single focused topicis modulated by the rate at which relevant messages or documents arrive,dividing naturally into more localized episodes that correspond to bursts of activity of the type suggested above.For example,my saved e-mail contains over a thousand messages relevant to the topic “grant proposals”—announcements of new funding programs,planning of proposals,and correspondence with co-authors.While one could divide this collection into sub-topics based on message content—certain people,programs,or funding agencies form the topics of some messages but not others—an equally natural and substantially orthogonal organization for this topic would take into account the sequence of episodes reflected in the set of messages —bursts that surround the planning and writing of certain proposals.Indeed,certain sub-topics(e.g.“the process of gathering people together for our large NSF ITR proposal”) may be much more easily characterized by a sudden confluence of message-sending over a particular period of time than by textual features of the messages themselves.One can easily argue that many of the large topics represented in a document stream are naturally punctuated by bursts in this way,with theflow of relevant items intensifying in certain key periods.A general technique for highlighting these bursts thus has the potential to expose a great deal offine-grained structure.Before moving to a more technical overview of the methodology,let me suggest one further perspective on this issue,quite distant from computational concerns.If one were to view a particular folder of e-mail not simply as a document stream but also as something akin to a narrative that unfolds over time,then one immediately brings into play a body of work that deals explicitly with the bursty nature of time in narratives,and the way in which particular events are signaled by a compression of the time-sense.In an early concrete reference to this idea,E.M.Forster,lecturing on the structure of the novel in the1920’s, asserted that...there seems something else in life besides time,something which may conve-niently be called“value,”something which is measured not by minutes or hoursbut by intensity,so that when we look at our past it does not stretch back evenlybut piles up into a few notable pinnacles,and when we look at the future it seemssometimes a wall,sometimes a cloud,sometimes a sun,but never a chronologicalchart[20].This role of time in narratives is developed more explicitly in work of Genette[22,23],Chat-man[12],and others on anisochronies,the non-uniform relationships between the amount of time spanned by a story’s events and the amount of time devoted to these events in the actual telling of the story.Modeling Bursty Streams.Suppose we were presented with a document stream—for concreteness,consider a large folder of e-mail on a single broad topic.How should we go about identifying the main bursts of activity,and how do they help impose additional structure on the stream?The basic point emerging from the discussion above is that suchbursts correspond roughly to points at which the intensity of message arrivals increases sharply,perhaps from once every few weeks or days to once every few hours or minutes. But the rate of arrivals is in general very“rugged”:it does not typically rise smoothly to a crescendo and then fall away,but rather exhibits frequent alternations of rapidflurries and longer pauses in close proximity.Thus,methods that analyze gaps between consecutive message arrivals in too simplistic a way can easily be pulled into identifying large numbers of short spurious bursts,as well as fragmenting long bursts into many smaller ones.Moreover, a simple enumeration of close-together sets of messages is only afirst step toward more intricate structure.The broader goal is thus to extract global structure from a robust kind of data reduction—identifying bursts only when they have sufficient intensity,and in a way that allows a burst to persist smoothly across a fairly non-uniform pattern of message arrivals.My approach here is to model the stream using an infinite-state automaton A,which at any point in time can be in one of an underlying set of states,and emits messages at different rates depending on its state.Specifically,the automaton A has a set of states that correspond to increasingly rapid rates of emission,and the onset of a burst is signaled by a state transition—from a lower state to a higher state.By assigning costs to state transitions, one can control the frequency of such transitions,preventing very short bursts and making it easier to identify long bursts despite transient changes in the rate of the stream.The overall framework is developed in Section2.It draws on the formalism of Markov sources used in modeling bursty network traffic[4,18,35],as well as the formalism of hidden Markov models [53].Using an automaton with states that correspond to higher and higher intensities provides an additional source of analytical leverage—the bursts associated with state transitions form a naturally nested structure,with a long burst of low intensity potentially containing several bursts of higher intensity inside it(and so on,recursively).For a folder of related e-mail messages,we will see in Sections2and3that this can provide a hierarchical decomposition of the temporal order,with long-running episodes intensifying into briefer ones according to a natural tree structure.This tree can thus be viewed as imposing afine-grained organization on the sub-episodes within the message stream.Following this development,Section4focuses on the problem of enumerating all signif-icant bursts in a document stream,ranked by a measure of“weight.”Applied to a case in which the stream is comprised not of e-mail messages but of research paper titles over the past several decades,the set of bursts corresponds roughly to the appearance and disappear-ance of certain terms of interest in the underlying research area.The approach makes sense for many other datasets of an analogousflavor;in Section4,I also discuss an example based on U.S.Presidential State of the Union Addresses from1790to2002.Section5discusses the connections to related work in a range of areas,particularly the striking recent work of Swan,Allan,and Jensen[62,63,64]on overview timelines,which forms the body of research closest to the approach here.Finally,Section6discusses some further applications of themethodology—how burstiness in arrivals can help to identify certain messages as“land-marks”in a large corpus of e-mail;and how the overall framework can be applied to logs of Web usage.2A Weighted Automaton ModelPerhaps the simplest randomized model for generating a sequence of message arrival times is based on an exponential distribution:messages are emitted in a probabilistic manner,so that the gap x in time between messages i and i+1is distributed according to the“memoryless”exponential density function f(x)=αe−αx,for a parameterα>0.(In other words,the probability that the gap exceeds x is equal to e−αx.)The expected value of the gap in this model isα−1,and hence one can refer toαas the rate of message arrivals.Intuitively,a“bursty”model should extend this simple formulation by exhibiting periods of lower rate interleaved with periods of higher rate.A natural way to do this is to construct a model with multiple states,where the rate depends on the current state.Let us start with a basic model that incorporates this idea,and then extend it to the models that will primarily be used in what follows.A two-state model.Arguably the most basic bursty model of this type would be con-structed from a probabilistic automaton A with two states q0and q1,which we can think of as corresponding to“low”and“high.”When A is in state q0,messages are emitted at a slow rate,with gaps x between consecutive messages distributed independently according to a density function f0(x)=α0e−α0x When A is in state q1,messages are emitted at a faster rate,with gaps distributed independently according to f1(x)=α1e−α1x,whereα1>α0. Finally,between messages,A changes state with probability p∈(0,1),remaining in its current state with probability1−p,independently of previous emissions and state changes.Such a model could be used to generate a sequence of messages in the natural way.A begins in state q0.Before each message(including thefirst)is emitted,A changes state with probability p.A message is then emitted,and the gap in time until the next message is determined by the distribution associated with A’s current state.One can apply this generative model tofind a likely state sequence,given a set of mes-sages.Suppose there is a given set of n+1messages,with specified arrival times;this determines a sequence of n inter-arrival gaps x=(x1,x2,...,x n).The development here will use the basic assumption that all gaps x i are strictly positive.We can use the Bayes procedure(as in e.g.[15])to determine the conditional probability of a state sequence ,...,q i n);note that this must be done in terms of the underlying density functions, q=(q i1since the gaps are not drawn from discrete distributions.Each state sequence q induces a density function f q over sequences of gaps,which has the form f q(x1,...,x n)= n t=1f i t(x t). If b denotes the number of state transitions in the sequence q—that is,the number ofindices i t so that q i t =q i t +1—then the (prior)probability of q is equal to( i t =i t +1p )(i t =i t +11−p )=p b (1−p )n −b = pq Pr [q ]f q (x )=11−p b (1−p )nn t =1f i t (x t ),where Z is the normalizing constant q Pr [q ]f q (x ).Finding a state sequence q maximizing this probability is equivalent to finding one that minimizes−ln Pr [q |x ]=b ln 1−pp + n t =1−ln f i t (x t )Finding a state sequence to minimize this cost function is a problem that can be motivated intuitively on its own terms,without recourse to the underlying probabilistic model.The first of the two terms in the expression for c (q |x )favors sequences with a small number of state transitions,while the second term favors state sequences that conform well to the sequence x of gap values.Thus,one expects the optimum to track the global structure of bursts in the gap sequence,while holding to a single state through local periods of non-uniformity.Varying the coefficient on b controls the amount of “inertia”fixing the automaton in its current state.The next step is to extend this simple “high-low”model to one with a richer state set,using a cost model;this will lead to a method that also extracts hierarchical structure from the pattern of bursts.An infinite-state model.Consider a sequence of n +1messages that arrive over a period of time of length T .If the messages were spaced completely evenly over this time interval,then they would arrive with gaps of size ˆg =T/n .Bursts of greater and greater intensity would be associated with gaps smaller and smaller than ˆg .This suggests focusing on an infinite-state automaton whose states correspond to gap sizes that may be arbitrarily small,so as to capture the full range of possible bursts.The development here will use a cost model0132γln n per state 2013tree representation0132burstsb)optimal state sequence a)q q q q 0123q itransition costtransition cost 0emissions at rate -1s ig Figure 1:An infinite-state model for bursty sequences.(a)The infinite-state automaton A ∗s,γ;in state q i ,messages are emitted at a spacing in time that is distributed according to f (x )=αi e −αi x ,where αi =ˆg −1s i .There is a cost to move to states of higher index,but not to states of lower index.(b)Given a sequence of gaps between message arrivals,an optimal state sequence in A ∗s,γis computed.This gives rise to a set of nested bursts :intervals of time in which the optimal state has at least a certain index.The inclusions among the set of bursts can be naturally represented by a tree structure.as in the two-state case,where the underlying goal is to find a state sequence of minimum cost.Thus,consider an automaton with a “base state”q 0that has an associated exponential density function f 0with rate α0=ˆg −1=n/T —consistent with completely uniform message arrivals.For each i >0,there is a state q i with associated exponential density f i having rate αi =ˆg −1s i ,where s >1is a scaling parameter.(i will be referred to as the index of the state q i .)In other words,the infinite sequence of states q 0,q 1,...models inter-arrival gaps that decrease geometrically from ˆg ;there is an expected rate of message arrivals that intensifies for larger and larger values of i .Finally,for every i and j ,there is a cost τ(i,j )associated with a state transition from q i to q j .The framework allows considerable flexibility in formulating the cost function;for the work described here,τ(·,·)is defined so that the cost of moving from a lower-intensity burst state to a higher-intensity one is proportional to the number of intervening states,but there is no cost for the automaton to end a higher-intensityburst and drop down to a lower-intensity one.Specifically,when j>i,moving from q i to q j incurs a cost of(j−i)γln n,whereγ>0is a parameter;and when j<i,the cost is0.See Figure1(a)for a schematic picture.This automaton,with its associated parameters s andγ,will be denoted A∗s,γ.Given a sequence of positive gaps x=(x1,x2,...,x n)between message arrivals,the goal—by analogy with the two-state model above—is tofind a state sequence q=(q i,...,q i n)that1minimizes the cost functionc(q|x)= n−1 t=0τ(i t,i t+1) + n t=1−ln f i t(x t) .(Let i0=0in this expression,so that A∗s,γstarts in state q0.)Since the set of possible q is infinite,one cannot automatically assert that the minimum is even well-defined;but this will be established in Theorem2.1below.As before,minimizing thefirst term is consistent with having few state transitions—and transitions that span only a few distinct states—while minimizing the second term is consistent with passing through states whose rates agree closely with the inter-arrival gaps.Thus,the combined goal is to track the sequence of gaps as well as possible without changing state too much.Observe that the scaling parameter s controls the“resolution”with which the discrete rate values of the states are able to track the real-valued gaps;the parameterγcontrols the ease with which the automaton can change states.In what follows,γwill often be set to a default value of1;we can use A∗s to denote A∗s,1.Computing a minimum-cost state sequence.Given a a sequence of positive gaps x=(x1,x2,...,x n)between message arrivals,consider the algorithmic problem offinding a,...,q i n)in A∗s,γthat minimizes the cost c(q|x);such a sequence state sequence q=(q i1will be called optimal.To establish that the minimum is well-defined,and to provide a means of computing it,it is useful tofirst define a naturalfinite restriction of the automaton:for a natural number k,one simply deletes all states but q0,q1,...,q k−1from A∗s,γ,and denotes the resulting k-state automaton by A k s,γ.Note that the two-state automaton A2s,γis essentially equivalent(by an amortization argument)to the probabilistic two-state model described earlier.It is not hard to show that computing an optimal state sequence in A∗s,γis equivalent to doing so in one of itsfinite restrictions.x i andTheorem2.1Letδ(x)=min ni=1k= 1+log s T+log sδ(x)−1 .(Note thatδ(x)>0,since all gaps are positive.)If q∗is an optimal state sequence in A k s,γ, then it is also an optimal state sequence in A∗s,γ.Proof.Let q∗=(q1,...,q n)be an optimal state sequence in A k s,γ,and let q=(q i1,...,q i n)be an arbitrary state sequence in A∗s,γ.As before,set 0=i0=0,since both sequences start in state q0;for notational purposes,it is useful to define n+1=i n+1=0as well.The goal is to show that c(q∗|x)≤c(q|x).If q does not contain any states of index greater than k−1,this inequality follows from the fact that q∗is an optimal state sequence in A k s,γ.Otherwise,consider the state sequenceq =(q i1,...,q in)where i t=min(i t,k−1).It is straightforward to verify thatn−1t=0τ(i t,i t+1)≤n−1 t=0τ(i t,i t+1).Now,for a particular choice of t between1and n,consider the expression−ln f j(x t)=αj x t−lnαj;what is the value of j for which it is minimized?The function h(α)=αx t−lnαis concave upwards over the interval(0,∞),with a global minimum atα=x−1t.Thus,if j∗is such thatαj∗≤x−1t≤αj∗+1,then the minimum of−ln f j(x t)is achieved at one of j∗or j∗+1;moreover,if j ≥j ≥j∗+1,then−ln f j (x t)≥−ln f j (x).Since k= 1+log s T+log sδ(x)−1 ,one hasαk−1=ˆg−1s k−1=nT·s log s T+log sδ(x)−1=1δ(x)=1In view of the theorem,it is enough to give an algorithm that computes an optimal state sequence in an automaton of the form A k s,γ.This can be done by adapting the standard forward dynamic programming algorithm used for hidden Markov models[53]to the model and cost function defined here:One defines C j(t)to be the minimum cost of a state sequence for the input x1,x2,...,x t that must end with state q j,and then iteratively builds up the values of C j(t)in order of increasing t using the recurrence relation C j(t)=−ln f j(x t)+ min (C (t−1)+τ( ,j))with initial conditions C0(0)=0and C j(0)=∞for j>0.Inall the experiments here,an optimal state sequence in A∗s,γcan be found by restricting to a number of states k that is a very small constant,always at most25.Note that although thefinal computation of an optimal state sequence is carried out by recourse to afinite-state model,working with the infinite model has the advantage that a number of states k is notfixed a priori;rather,it emerges in the course of the computation, and in this way the automaton A∗s,γessentially“conforms”to the particular input instance. 3Hierarchical Structure and E-mail StreamsExtracting hierarchical structure.From an algorithm to compute an optimal state sequence,one can then define the basic representation of a set of bursts,according to a hierarchical structure.For a set of messages generating a sequence of positive inter-arrival gaps x=(x1,x2,...,x n),suppose that an optimal state sequence q=(q i1,q i2,...,q i n)in A∗s,γhas been determined.Following the discussion of the previous section,we can formally define a burst of intensity j to be a maximal interval over which q is in a state of index j or higher.More precisely, it is an interval[t,t ]so that i t,...,i t ≥j but i t−1and i t +1are less than j(or undefined if t−1<0or t +1>n).It follows that bursts exhibit a natural nested structure:a burst of intensity j may contain one or more sub-intervals that are bursts of intensity j+1;these in turn may contain sub-intervals that are bursts of intensity j+2;and so forth.This relationship can be represented by a rooted treeΓ,as follows.There is a node corresponding to each burst;and node v is a child of node u if node u represents a burst B u of intensity j(for some value of j),and node v represents a burst B v of intensity j+1such that B v⊆B u.Note that the root ofΓcorresponds to the single burst of intensity0,which is equal to the whole interval[0,n].Thus,the treeΓcaptures hierarchical structure that is implicit in the underlying stream. Figure1(b)shows the transformation from an optimal state sequence,to a set of nested bursts,to a tree.Hierarchy in an e-mail stream.Let us now return to one of the initial motivations for this model,and consider a stream of e-mail messages.What does the hierarchical structure of bursts look like in this setting?I applied the algorithm to my own collection of saved e-mail,consisting of messages sent and received between June9,1997and August23,2001.(The cut-offdates are chosen here so as to roughly cover four academic years.)First,here is a brief summary of this collection. Every piece of mail I sent or received during this period of time,using my e-mail address,can be viewed as belonging to one of two categories:first,messages consisting of one or more largefiles,such as drafts of papers mailed between co-authors(essentially, e-mail asfile transfer);and second,all other messages.The collection I am considering here consists simply of all messages belonging to the second,much larger category;thus,to arough approximation,it is all the mail I sent and received during this period,unfiltered by content but excluding longfiles.It contains34344messages in UNIX mailbox format, totaling41.7megabytes of ascii text,excluding message headers.1Subsets of the collection can be chosen by selecting all messages that contain a particular string or set of strings;this can be viewed as an analogue of a“folder”of related messages, although messages in the present case are related not because they were manuallyfiled together but because they are the response set to a particular query.Studying the stream induced by such a response set raises two distinct but related questions.First,is it in fact the case that the appearance of messages containing particular words exhibits a“spike,”in some informal sense,in the(temporal)vicinity of significant times such as deadlines,scheduled events,or unexpected developments?And second,do the algorithms developed here provide a means for identifying this phenomenon?In fact such spikes appear to be quite prevalent,and also rich enough that the algo-rithms of the previous section can extract hierarchical structure that in many cases is quite deep.Moreover,the algorithms are efficient enough that computing a representation for the bursts on a query to the full e-mail collection can be done in real-time,using a simple implementation on a standard PC.To give a qualitative sense for the kind of structure one obtains,Figures2and3show the results of computing bursts for two different queries using the automaton A∗2.Figure2shows an analysis of the stream of all messages containing the word“ITR,”which is prominent in my e-mail because it is the name of a large National Science Foundation program for which my colleagues and I wrote two proposals in1999-2000.There are many possible ways to organize this stream of messages,but one general backdrop against which to view the stream is the set of deadlines imposed by the NSF for thefirst run of the rge proposals were submitted in a three-phase process,with deadlines of11/15/99,1/5/00,and 4/17/00for letters of intent,pre-proposals,and full proposals respectively.Small proposals were submitted in a two-phase process,with deadlines of1/5/00and2/14/00for letters of intent and full proposals respectively.I participated in a group writing a proposal of each kind.Turning to thefigure,part(a)is a plot of the raw input to the automaton A∗2,showing the arrival time of each message in the response set.Part(b)shows a nested interval representation of the set of bursts for the optimal state sequence in A∗2;the intervals are annotated with thefirst and last dates of the messages they contain,and the dates of the NSF deadlines are lined up with the intervals that contain them.Note that this is a schematic representation,designed to show the inclusions that give rise to the treeΓ;the lengths and centering of the intervals in the drawing are not significant.Part(c)shows a drawing of the resulting treeΓ.The root corresponds to the single burst of intensity0that is present in any state sequence.One sees that the two children of the root span intervals surrounding the。
