A facile method for grafting of bisphenol A imprinted polymer shells onto
Carbondioxide Nanoscience
Waste utilization
Poly lactic acid (PLA) for plastics production
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA’s)
The major uses of GREEN CHEMISTRY
“It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean
up waste after it is formed”
Chemical Process
Classic Route to Ibuprofen
H C l, A cO H , A l W a ste
9 Catalysis
Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents.
10 Design for Degradation
Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they break down into innocuous degradation products and do not persist in the environment.
11 Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention
Analytical methodologies need to be further developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and control prior to the formation of hazardous substances.
2021年第3期矿物选别化 工矿物与加工INDUSTRIAL MINERALS & PROCESSING文章编号:1008-7524(2021 )03-0013-04 DOI :10.16283/j. cnki. hgkwyjg. 2021. 03. 004云南某反浮选脱镁磷精矿再反浮选脱硅降MER 值试验研究"刘文彪",马航2,傅英2,饶峰3,黄文萱彳(1.昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院,云南 昆明650093;2.云南云天化股份有限公司研发中心,云南昆明650228;3•福州大学紫金矿业学院,福建福州350108)摘要:随着钙质胶磷矿资源的不断消耗,入选的胶磷矿中P 2O 5和MgO 含量持续降低,Si 。
?含量持续升高,使用 目前成熟的单一反浮选脱除MgO 工艺生产的磷精矿存在P 2O 5含量降低,Si 。
?杂质和MER 值升高的问题。
为了解 决此问题,以反浮选脱镁磷精矿为原料对研发的酸性条件下再反浮选脱硅捕收剂开展了药剂用量、pH 适应性及浮选低温耐受性试验,结果表明,该脱硅捕收剂具有较好的pH 适应性和低温耐受性,对降低磷精矿Si 。
?含量和MER 值以及提高最终磷精矿品质有明显作用。
关键词:磷精矿;捕收剂;反浮选;脱镁;脱硅;MER中图分类号:TD971 文献标志码:AExperimental study on SiO 2 removal and MER reduction for a phosphate concentrate after MgO removal byreverse flotation in Yunnan ProvinceLiu Wenbiao 1> 2, Ma Hang 2 ?Fu Ying 2, Rao Feng 3,Huang Wenxuan 3(1. Faculty of Land Resource Engineering , Kunming University of Science and Technology?Kunming Yunnan 650093,China ; 2. R & D Center Yunnan Yuntianhua Co. , Ltd. ,Kunming Yunnan 650228,China; 3・ School of Zijin Mining , Fuzhou University, Fuzhou Fujian 350108, China)Abstract : With the lasting consumption of calcareous phosphate resources , the content of P 2 O 5 and MgO in the feedto flotation of phosphate rock is ever decreasing , while SiO 2 content in the feed is increasing. As a result , the phos phate concentrate obtained from the reverse flotation circuit only for removal of MgO is assaying lower and lower P 2O 5, higher and higher SiO 2 and MER. The experiment using the phosphate concentrate obtained from the reverseflotation of the phosphate rock for removal of MgO as the feed to the reverse flotation for removal o£ SiO 2 was carriedout with optimization of operating conditions including dosage of the collector. The results shows that the collectorused for removal of SiO 2 by reverse flotation is of high adaptability to pH in pulp and o£ high efficiency at low tempera ture, which facilitates the reduction of SiO 2 content in the phosphate concentrate and MER value , eventually improve the quality of the final product.Keywords : phosphate concentrate ; collector 5 reverse flotation ; removal o£ MgO ; removal o£ SiO 2 jMER“+•引用格式:刘文彪,马航,傅英,等.云南某反浮选脱镁磷精矿再反浮选脱硅降MER 值试验研究[J].化工矿物与加工,2021,50(3):13-15 + 42. •F-0引言磷矿是磷肥生产不可或缺的重要原料,对粮 食作物的丰产丰收起着至关重要的作用。
沉淀法的英语The Precipitation Method。
The precipitation method is a widely used technique in various scientific fields, including chemistry, material science, and environmental science. It involves the formation of a solid precipitate from a solution by adding a precipitating agent. This method is valuable for the synthesis of new materials, the purification of substances, and the removal of pollutants from wastewater. In this article, we will explore the principles, applications, and advantages of the precipitation method.The principle behind the precipitation method lies in the solubility of different compounds in a solvent. When two solutions containing ions that can react with each other are mixed, the solubility product is exceeded, resulting in the formation of an insoluble compound or precipitate. The precipitate can then be separated from the solution through filtration or centrifugation.One of the key applications of the precipitation method is in the synthesis of new materials. By carefully controlling the reaction conditions, researchers can produce nanoparticles, nanowires, and other nanostructures with specific properties. For example, by varying the concentration and pH of the solutions, the size and morphology of the precipitate can be controlled, leading to materials with different optical, electrical, or catalytic properties.Another important application of the precipitation method is in the purification of substances. Impurities can be selectively removed by precipitating them out of the solution. This is particularly useful in the pharmaceutical industry, where the purity of drugs is of utmost importance. By adding a suitable precipitating agent, impurities can be removed, resulting in a higher purity product.The precipitation method also finds application in environmental science, particularly in the treatment of wastewater. Many pollutants, such as heavy metals and organic compounds, can be removed from wastewater by precipitating them as insolublecompounds. This is an effective and economical method for the removal of pollutants before the treated water is discharged into the environment.One of the advantages of the precipitation method is its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The equipment required for the process is relatively simple and inexpensive, making it accessible to researchers and industries with limited resources. Additionally, the precipitation method can be easily scaled up for large-scale production, making it suitable for industrial applications.However, the precipitation method also has its limitations. One challenge is the control of the size and morphology of the precipitate. The formation of unwanted by-products or the aggregation of particles can occur, affecting the desired properties of the final product. Therefore, careful optimization of the reaction conditions is necessary to achieve the desired results.In conclusion, the precipitation method is a valuable technique in various scientific fields. It allows for the synthesis of new materials, the purification of substances, and the removal of pollutants from wastewater. With its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, it is widely used in research and industrial applications. However, careful control of the reaction conditions is crucial to obtain the desired properties of the precipitate. Further research and development in this area will continue to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the precipitation method.。
靶控输注和恒速输注丙泊酚在小儿麻醉中的比较关注本公众号每天分享一篇最新一期Anesthesia & Analgesia等SCI 杂志的摘要翻译,敬请关注并提出宝贵意见Comparison of target-controlled infusion and manual infusion for propofol anaesthesia in children摘要1背景与目的3结果2方法4结论背景与目的:小儿全凭静脉持续泵注丙泊酚的一项重要考证指标就是延长苏醒时间。
靶控输注组和恒速输注的丙泊酚平均输注速度为16.7mg/kg/h(标准差为4.2)和14.6mg/kg/h(标准差为3.1).靶控输注组的BIS值大于60的时间百分比显著的低于恒速输注组[10.2% (18.4%) vs 23.2% (26.3%), P¼0.016]。
原始文献来源Mu J, Jiang T, Xu X B, et al.Comparison of target-controlled infusion and manual infusion for propofol anaesthesia in children ☆[J].British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2018, 120(5):1049.BACKGROUND:One major criticism of prolonged propofol-based total i.v. anaesthesia (TIVA) in children is the prolonged recovery time. As target-controlled infusion (TCI) obviates the need to manually calculate the infusion rate, the use of TCI may better match clinical requirements, reduce propofol dose, and shorten recovery time.METHODS:Children of ASA grade 1, aged 1e12 yr, were recruited and randomly assigned to TCI or manual infusion.Children in the TCI group had propofol delivered by TCI. Children for manual infusion had a loading dose of 2.5 mg kg1 with subsequent infusion rates of 15, 13, 11, 10, and 9 mg/kg/h. Attending anaesthesiologists adjusted the propofol dosage to keep the Bispectral Index. (BIS) between 40 and 60.RESULTS:Seventy-four children completed the study. The time taken to extubate the trachea after cessation of propofol was 15.1 (5.5) and 16.2 (6.1) min for children who had TCI and manual infusion, respectively (P?.42). The mean propofol infusion rate was 16.7 [standard deviation (SD) 4.2] mg kg1 h1 in the TCI group and 14.6 (3.1) mg kg1 h1 in the manual infusion group (P?.036). The percentage of time when BIS was >60 was significantly lower in the TCI than the manual infusion group [10.2% (18.4%) vs 23.2% (26.3%), P?.016].CONCLUSIONS:Use of TCI led to higher propofol doses but not prolonged recovery time in children compared with manual infusion. It was associated with a greater percentage of time when the BIS was in the desired range and it may bean easier method for titration of propofol administration during anaesthesia or sedation.罂粟花麻醉学文献进展分享联系我们电话:1331*****13。
EDC在有机合成中的应用研究进展喻平;胡泉源;祁小云;杨飞【摘要】1-乙基-(3-二甲基氨基丙基)碳二亚胺盐酸盐(EDC)是一种水溶性的新的碳二亚胺衍生物,可用作缩合剂、交联剂,本文详细综述了EDC在酰胺化、多肽合成、酯化、高分子合成等化学反应中的应用,这些反应具有反应条件温和、产率高、选择性好等优点.【期刊名称】《广州化工》【年(卷),期】2011(039)008【总页数】4页(P9-11,23)【关键词】1-乙基-(3-二甲基氨基丙基)碳二亚胺盐酸盐(EDC);合成;应用【作者】喻平;胡泉源;祁小云;杨飞【作者单位】湖北大学化学化工学院,湖北武汉430062;湖北大学化学化工学院,湖北武汉430062;湖北大学化学化工学院,湖北武汉430062;湖北大学化学化工学院,湖北武汉430062【正文语种】中文近 20年来,碳二亚胺系列缩合剂,如N,N’-二环己基碳二亚胺 (DCC)、N,N’-二异丙基碳二亚胺 (D IC)、1-乙基 -(3-二甲基氨基丙基)碳二亚胺盐酸盐 (EDC)的研究引起广泛兴趣,并因其具有反应条件温和,产率高,选择性好,对环境友好等特点而得到普遍应用[1]。
碳二亚胺作为脱水剂的反应机理如下:首先羧基 1与碳二亚胺反应生成中间体O-酰基异硫脲 2,引入酯基活化羧酸。
2再与胺反应生成目标产物酰胺 3和脲 4。
2可以与另一分子的羧酸反应生成酸酐 5,酸酐与胺反应液得到酰胺 3。
同时,2会重排生成副产物 N-酰基脲 6。
与 DCC相比,D IC为液态,更容易使用;同时产物N,N’-二异丙基脲可溶于有机溶剂,很容易通过溶剂萃取除去,D I C常用在固态合成中,D IC用作 DCC的替代品。
主要介绍了聚合物分子刷的3 种制备方法,即“grafting to”、“grafting through”和“grafting from”,并分析了它们的优劣势。
关键词:高分子刷;“grafting to”方法;“grafting through”方法;“grafting from”方法;应用发展前言:近年来,通过高分子薄膜表面修饰,使材料的润湿性、耐磨性以及生物适应性等得到了改进,该领域成为了又一个研究热点。
目前,聚合物分子刷通常由三种不同的路线得到:1) 通过带有高分子侧链的大单体均聚而得到聚合物分子刷的大单体聚合(Grafting though);2) 将带有活性端基的高分子链接到主链的接枝主链法(Grafting to);4) 从主链上活性中心直接接枝成为聚合物分子刷的主链接枝法(Grafting from)。
A method for separating the granulosa cells
A method for separating the granulosa cells,the basal lamina and the theca of the preovulatory ovarian follicle of thedomestic fowl(Gallus domesticus)A.B.Gilbert,A.J.Evans,M.M.Perry and M.H.DavidsonA.R.C.Poultry Research Centre,King's Buildings,West Mains Road,Edinburgh EH93JS,U.K.The preovulatory follicle of the domestic hen is almost certainly a steroid-producing structure(see Shahabi,Norton&Nalbandov,1975).However,the details of steroidogenesis are unknown because studies are complicated by the presence of steroidogenic cells of two types,the granulosa and the thecal interstitial cells(Text-fig.1).Furthermore,it is difficult to obtain preparations free from large amounts of yolk which interfere with the analytical techniques.A simple method has been developed for separating granulosa cells from the surrounding thecal covering and to obtain them essentially free of yolk.This method also provides a procedure for isolating the basal lamina.The hens used were from various commercially-available strains and were housed in cages or pens: the husbandry practice appeared not to affect the results obtained.Preovulatory follicles were carefully excised from the ovaries of birds under general anaesthesia or killed by an overdose of sodium pentobarbitone(Nembutal:Abbott Laboratories).Best results were obtained with follicles weighing between8and15g.The stalk of the excised follicle was held with forceps so that the clear,avascular stigma was uppermost(Gilbert,1971).A cut,about2cm long, was made with a scalpel approximately along the line of the stigma,though the exact position is not critical.This step must be carried out quickly,with one sweeping stroke,and it should be completed before much escape of yolk occurs.Scissors may be used instead of a scalpel but they were found to be less satisfactory because there was a tendency for a point to penetrate too deeply into the yolk mass. Immediately after it had been cut the follicle was inverted over a suitable dish containing an aqueous medium and the follicular contents(yolk,perivitelline layer,granulosa and basal lamina)(Gilbert, 1971)were allowed to fall into the medium.The choice of medium depended on the purpose for which the granulosa cells were being harvested.If the operation has been done correctly,the entire theca(Text-fig.1,PI.1,Fig.lb)remains held in the forceps,without contamination by yolk or granulosa material,and it can be used for studies of thecal activity.The yolk,covered by the perivitelline layer,the granulosa layer and the basal lamina (Text-fig.1,PL1,Fig.3),settles as an almost undisturbed sphere on the floor of the vessel.The split occurs at a position different from that occurring during ovulation when the granulosa cells and the basal lamina remain with the theca(PI.1,).Removal of the granulosa layer,together with its associated basal lamina and perivitelline layer, from the yolk was carried out under a low-power lens or dissecting microscope with a black back¬ground.The cut ends of the composite membrane surrounding the yolk were located,grasped with fine dissecting forceps and gently pulled away from the yolk thereby everting the membrane over the surface of the yolk:this was made easier by using the yolk as a mass to pull against.Care was taken to protect the yolk from undue disturbance because yolk material dispersed throughout the medium prevented clear observation and caused unnecessary contamination of the preparation.It proved possible to remove the composite membrane in one piece with a very small amount of adherent yolk: when it was necessary to remove larger masses of yolk,the membrane was washed with a stream of medium from a Pasteur pipette.The method provides large sheets of living granulosa cells sandwiched between the basal lamina and the perivitelline layer(PI.1,Figs.2and3);staining with Trypan Blue and Nigrosin revealed very few(<5%)dead cells.ranulosa cells(GOBasal lamina(BUOolemmaYolk¡vitelline layer(PL)ThecaText-fig.1.Simplified diagram of a section through the mid-line of a preovulatory ovarian follicle of the domestic hen.The relative proportions of the layers are not to scale.After the incision has been made the contents of the follicle listed on the right-hand side are allowed to fall under gravity into the dish containing the aqueous medium(see text).The preparation was checked for cleanliness by examining conventionally fixed and sectioned material in the electron microscope.On its outer aspect the basal lamina was completely free of thecal cells,whereas the perivitelline layer was contaminated to a variable extent by oocyte debris consisting of vesicular material,yolk granules and remnants of the oolemma(PL1,Fig.3).The granulosa cells,arranged in a single layer but separated from each other by gaps,were covered with numerous microvilli which,at the cell apices,extended into the meshwork of dense,rod-shaped elements of the perivitelline layer.The basal surfaces of the cells were comparatively smooth and were closely associated with the basal lamina.Details of the structure will be described in a later publication.Isolated granulosa cells were obtained by separating the basal lamina from the perivitelline layer. This is best done under a dissecting microscope with magnifications of about50-100:very fine watch-maker's forceps were used to tease the basal lamina from the granulosa cells,which tended to remain attached to the perivitelline layer.Once separation had started,it was possible to pull the basal lamina away in large sheets,exposing the granulosa cells.These were then washed from the perivitel¬line layer by gentle agitation or a stream of medium from a Pasteur pipette.The granulosa cells were then collected by gentle centrifugation.This technique is being used in several pieces of research,including an investigation of the physical and biochemical properties of the basal lamina and an examination of the detailed structure of the granulosa cells with the electron microscope.Tissue-culture work is being developed for study of yolk-transport mechanisms and steroidogenesis in granulosa cells and thecal interstitial cells.EXPLANATION OF PLATE IFig.1.Conventional histological section of the hen theca stained with Mallory.(a)A normal discharged postovulatory follicle with intact granulosa(GC).(b)Preparation after removal of the granulosa,basal lamina and perivitelline layer,as described in the text.Scale bar=100pm.Fig.2.Preparation of hen granulosa cells with the basal lamina and perivitelline membrane.Most of the cells are apparently alive,though a few dead cells(DC)are visible.Trypan blue,500.Fig.3.Electron micrograph of a section at right angles to the composite membrane fixed after stripping from the oocyte.A granulosa cell is seen sandwiched between the basal lamina(BL)and the perivitelline layer(PL).Scale bar=5pm.PLATE1ReferencesGilbert, A.B.(1971)The ovary.In Physiology and Biochemistry of the Domestic Fowl,Vol.Ill,pp.1163-1208.Eds D.J.Bell&B.M.Freeman.Academic Press,London.Shahabi,N.A.,Norton,H.W.&Nalbandov,A.V.(1975)Steroid levels in follicles and the plasma of hens during the ovulatory cycle.Endocrinology96, 962-968.Received13December 1976。
电芬顿法英文Electrochemical Fenton Process: A Promising Approach for Wastewater TreatmentThe rapid industrialization and urbanization have led to the generation of a vast array of pollutants, posing a significant threat to the environment and human health. Among the various pollutants, organic contaminants have become a major concern due to their persistence, toxicity, and potential for bioaccumulation. Conventional wastewater treatment methods often struggle to effectively remove these recalcitrant organic compounds, necessitating the development of more efficient and sustainable treatment technologies.One such promising approach is the electrochemical Fenton process, which combines the principles of electrochemistry and the Fenton reaction to achieve the degradation of organic pollutants. The Fenton reaction, named after its discoverer Henry John Horstman Fenton, involves the generation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (•OH) through the reaction between hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ferrous ions (Fe2+). These hydroxyl radicals are potent oxidizing agents capable of breaking down a wide range of organiccompounds into less harmful or even harmless substances.The electrochemical Fenton process takes the Fenton reaction a step further by integrating an electrochemical system. In this approach, the ferrous ions required for the Fenton reaction are generated in situ through the electrochemical oxidation of an iron or steel electrode. This eliminates the need for the external addition of ferrous salts, which can lead to the generation of unwanted sludge. Additionally, the electrochemical system allows for the in situ production of hydrogen peroxide, further enhancing the efficiency of the Fenton reaction.The electrochemical Fenton process offers several advantages over traditional wastewater treatment methods. Firstly, it is highly effective in the degradation of a wide range of organic pollutants, including dyes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals. The hydroxyl radicals generated during the process are capable of breaking down complex organic molecules into simpler, less harmful compounds, ultimately leading to the mineralization of the pollutants.Secondly, the electrochemical Fenton process is a relatively simple and cost-effective technology. The in situ generation of the required reagents, such as ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide, eliminates the need for the external addition of costly chemicals, reducing theoverall operational costs. Additionally, the process can be easily integrated into existing wastewater treatment systems, making it a versatile and adaptable solution.Furthermore, the electrochemical Fenton process is considered an environmentally friendly technology. Unlike some conventional treatment methods that may generate hazardous sludge or byproducts, the electrochemical Fenton process typically produces only innocuous end products, such as carbon dioxide and water, minimizing the environmental impact.The implementation of the electrochemical Fenton process in wastewater treatment has been the subject of extensive research and development. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of this technology in treating a wide range of organic pollutants, including dyes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals. The process has been successfully applied at both laboratory and pilot scales, showcasing its potential for large-scale industrial applications.One of the key factors in the successful implementation of the electrochemical Fenton process is the optimization of various operating parameters, such as pH, current density, and the concentration of reactants. Researchers have explored different electrode materials, reactor configurations, and processmodifications to enhance the efficiency and performance of the system.Additionally, the integration of the electrochemical Fenton process with other treatment technologies, such as adsorption, membrane filtration, or biological treatment, has been investigated to further improve the overall treatment efficiency and expand the range of pollutants that can be effectively removed.As the global demand for sustainable and efficient wastewater treatment solutions continues to grow, the electrochemical Fenton process emerges as a promising technology that can contribute to addressing the pressing environmental challenges. With its ability to effectively degrade a wide range of organic contaminants, its cost-effectiveness, and its environmental friendliness, the electrochemical Fenton process holds great potential for widespread adoption in the field of wastewater treatment.。
专利名称:IMPROVED METHOD FOR THEPRODUCTION OF BIPHOSPHITES 发明人:BORGMANN, CORNELIA, DR.申请号:EP02792822.5申请日:20021128公开号:EP1483274A1公开日:20041208专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A method for the production of bisphosphites of the formula i with r, R, R, R = H, aliphatic, alicyclic, aliphatic - alicyclic, heterocyclic, aliphatic - of heterocyclic, aromatic, aromatic - aromatic, aliphatic - aromatic hydrocarbon radical having 1 to 50 carbon atoms, f, cl, br, i, - cf, -Or, -Cor, -Cor, -Sr, -Sorting, -Sorting, -SoR, where r to r an identical or different and are covalently linked to one another can be,R = substituted or unsubstituted, aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon radical having 1 to 25 carbon atoms, with the same or different significance,Q = divalent aliphatic, alicyclic, aliphatic - alicyclic, heterocyclic, aliphatic - of heterocyclic, aromatic, aliphatic - aromatic hydrocarbon radical having 1 to 50 carbon atoms,Z, y = cl, br, iW, x = aliphatic, alicyclic, aliphatic - alicyclic, heterocyclic, aliphatic - heterocyclic, aromatic, aromatic - aromatic, aliphatic - aromatic hydrocarbon radicals having 1 to 50 carbon atoms, are the same or different or covalently can be interlinked with each other, wherein the reaction sequence is carried out,characterized by the,that the reaction steps a), b) and c) in aprotic and non-polar..申请人:OXENO OLEFINCHEMIE GMBH地址:Paul-Baumann-Strasse 1 45772 Marl DE国籍:DE代理机构:Lang, Arne, Dr.更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Weiss等人研究出出院准备度量表之后,选择356例出院患者进行调查,表明出院准备度量表的Cronbach's α系数是0.93[6-7]。
临床实践表明,Lin等人的出院准备度中文版量表Cronbach's α系数是0.89,内容效度指数是0.88,和出院准备度量表的相关性是0.96%[11]。
石蜡乳液法英语专业说法The paraffin emulsion method is a technique widely usedin various industries for its versatility and effectiveness.It involves the dispersion of paraffin in water to create a stable emulsion, which can be applied in numerousapplications such as coatings, adhesives, and even in the pharmaceutical sector.This method is particularly favored for its ability to enhance the properties of materials by incorporating paraffin, which is known for its waterproofing and protective qualities. The process begins with the preparation of an emulsion where paraffin is finely dispersed in water, often with the aid of emulsifiers to maintain stability.The emulsion's consistency and homogeneity are critical,as they determine the final product's performance. The selection of emulsifiers and the process parameters, such as temperature and mixing speed, are meticulously controlled to achieve the desired outcome.In practical applications, the paraffin emulsion can be easily applied to surfaces, providing a protective layer that is resistant to water and other environmental factors. This makes it an ideal choice for outdoor products that require durability and longevity.Moreover, the paraffin emulsion method is environmentallyfriendly, as it minimizes the use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are often associated with traditional solvent-based systems. This aligns with the growing demandfor sustainable and eco-friendly solutions in the market.The versatility of the paraffin emulsion method extends to its adaptability to different formulations and applications. It can be tailored to meet specific requirements, such as varying the thickness of the protective layer or adjusting the hardness of the final product.In conclusion, the paraffin emulsion method stands out as a reliable and efficient technique for imparting desirable properties to various materials. Its widespread use across industries is a testament to its practicality and thebenefits it offers in terms of performance, sustainability, and adaptability.。
foline-ciocalteu method -回复
foline-ciocalteu method -回复Folin-Ciocalteu method is a widely used analytical technique for determining the total phenolic content in various samples. This method utilizes the colorimetric reaction between phenolic compounds and the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent to estimate the concentration of phenolic compounds in a solution. In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step procedure of the Folin-Ciocalteu method and its significance in determining the total phenolic content.Step 1: Preparation of SamplesBefore starting the analysis, it is essential to prepare the samples properly. Depending on the type of sample, the extraction method may vary. For plant-based samples, a common approach is to extract the phenolic compounds using a suitable solvent, such as methanol or ethanol. The extraction process involves crushing the samples, mixing with the solvent, and allowing the mixture to sit for a specific duration to ensure optimal extraction.Step 2: Preparation of Folin-Ciocalteu ReagentThe next step involves the preparation of the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The reagent is prepared by mixing Folin-Ciocalteu phenolreagent with distilled water in a specific ratio. The exact concentration of the reagent may vary depending on the expected phenolic content and the experimental setup. It is important to prepare the reagent fresh and ensure it is stored properly to maintain its stability.Step 3: Calibration CurveTo quantify the phenolic content accurately, it is crucial to establish a calibration curve using standard solutions. Standard phenolic compounds, such as gallic acid or tannic acid, are commonly used.A series of standard solutions with known concentrations are prepared. The Folin-Ciocalteu reagent is then added to each standard solution, and the absorbance is measured spectrophotometrically at a specific wavelength. This data is then used to plot the calibration curve.Step 4: Reaction with SamplesOnce the calibration curve is prepared, it is time to analyze the samples. A known volume of the sample extract or diluted sample solution is mixed with the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The mixture is then allowed to react for a predetermined period. During this reaction, the phenolic compounds present in the sample react withthe Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, leading to the formation of ablue-colored complex.Step 5: Spectrophotometric AnalysisAfter the reaction, the absorbance of the sample solution is measured at the same wavelength as the standard solutions using a spectrophotometer. The absorbance value obtained is then compared with the calibration curve to determine the phenolic content in the sample solution. The higher the absorbance, the higher the phenolic content in the sample.Step 6: Calculation of Phenolic ContentUsing the calibration curve equation, the absorbance value obtained for the sample can be converted into the phenolic content. The result is usually expressed as milligrams of gallic acid equivalent per gram of sample (mg GAE/g). This allows for the comparison of phenolic content between different samples.The Folin-Ciocalteu method provides a relatively simple andcost-effective way to estimate the phenolic content in various samples. It is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries,as well as in environmental and biological research. The total phenolic content determination has significant implications, as phenolic compounds are known for their antioxidant andhealth-promoting properties. Thus, by utilizing the Folin-Ciocalteu method, researchers can evaluate the phenolic content in various samples and understand their potential benefits.。
刘玲玲,李冰宁,杨梦奇,等. 奶粉中饱和烃与芳香烃矿物油的高灵敏检测方法建立[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(20):298−304.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110159LIU Lingling, LI Bingning, YANG Mengqi, et al. Development of A Highly Sensitive Method for the Determination of Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons (MOSH) and Aromatic Hydrocarbons (MOAH) in Milk Powder[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry,2023, 44(20): 298−304. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022110159· 分析检测 ·奶粉中饱和烃与芳香烃矿物油的高灵敏检测方法建立刘玲玲,李冰宁,杨梦奇,李 婷,武彦文*(北京市科学技术研究院分析测试研究所(北京市理化分析测试中心),北京 100094)摘 要:近年来,奶粉,特别是婴幼儿配方奶粉中的矿物油污染受到公众关注,相关国际监管逐渐升级。
本文依据欧盟的限量规定和分析要求,改进和优化了样品前处理方法,依次采用皂化法、正己烷提取、硅胶净化、环氧化反应方法,最后利用高效液相色谱-气相色谱联用技术(HPLC-GC )建立了奶粉中饱和烃矿物油(MOSH )和芳香烃矿物油(MOAH )的高灵敏检测方法。
结果表明,该方法的定量限(LOQ )达到0.5 mg/kg ,回收率为81.1%~112.0%(RSD=0.3%~3.8%),满足欧洲联合研究中心(JRC )的方法要求。
frisch's method
frisch's methodFrisch's method refers to a technique used in economics, particularly in the field of macroeconomics, to estimatethe natural rate of unemployment. The natural rate of unemployment is the rate of unemployment that exists when the labor market is in equilibrium, with the economy operating at full potential. Frisch's method is named after the Norwegian economist Ragnar Frisch, who was a Nobel laureate in Economics.The method involves analyzing the relationship between unemployment and other macroeconomic variables, such as inflation, labor force participation, and productivity. It aims to determine the underlying, or natural, rate of unemployment that is not influenced by temporary factors or cyclical fluctuations in the economy.One aspect of Frisch's method involves usingstatistical techniques to filter out short-termfluctuations in unemployment data and identify the long-term trend. This can involve applying time series analysis and econometric modeling to the data.Another aspect of Frisch's method involves considering the impact of structural changes in the economy on the natural rate of unemployment. This includes factors such as technological advancements, changes in labor market institutions, and shifts in the demographic composition of the workforce.Furthermore, Frisch's method takes into account the concept of hysteresis, which suggests that the level of unemployment at any given time can influence the future path of unemployment. In other words, prolonged periods of high unemployment can have lasting effects on the natural rate of unemployment.It's important to note that while Frisch's method provides a framework for estimating the natural rate of unemployment, it is not without its limitations. The method relies on various assumptions about the behavior of economic variables and the structure of the labor market,and the estimates it produces are subject to uncertainty.In conclusion, Frisch's method is a valuable tool in macroeconomic analysis for understanding the natural rateof unemployment. By considering a range of economic factors and employing statistical techniques, it helps economists and policymakers gain insights into the underlying dynamics of the labor market. However, like any economic methodology, it should be used with caution and in conjunction withother indicators and models to form a comprehensive understanding of the economy.。
/10.1021/cr3000412 | Chem. Rev. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Chemical Reviews vapor deposition (CVD) growth,6−12 and chemical, electrochemical, thermal, or photocatalytic reduction of graphene oxide (GO; in this review, GO represents graphene oxide, whereas graphite oxide is written in full) and fluorographene.15−18 The specific approaches involve, for example, reduction of other graphene derivatives like graphene fluoride toward single graphene nanoplatelets. The developed methods of graphene preparation allowed observation of unique properties including a half-integer quantum Hall effect for both electrons and holes even at room temperature,19−22 extraordinarily high carrier mobility, and single-molecule detection.23 Graphene also exhibits other superior characteristics of electronic, mechanical, optical, and transport nature. These include ambipolar field effect,22 superlative mechanical strength,24 large specific surface area,25 high transparency,9,26 and high thermal conductivity.27 Thanks to these extraordinary and superior properties, graphene has already revealed a great number of potential applications with possible uses in touch screens, capacitors, spintronic devices, fuel cells, batteries, sensors, transparent conductive films, high-frequency circuits, toxic material removal, and flexible electronics.9,28−32 Once biofunctionalized with biomolecules (proteins, peptides, etc.), the graphene-based nanostructures may open a gateway to new fi elds in biotechnology.33 Recently, graphene has been found to be a promising component in the development of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensors due to its quenching capability toward various organic dyes and quantum dots,34−36 as well as fast DNA sequencing.37 Despite the great application potential, it is worth mentioning that graphene itself possesses zero band gap as well as inertness to reaction, which weakens the competitive strength of graphene in the field of semiconductors and sensors. This is one of the reasons for the huge increase in the number of research projects aimed at functionalization of graphene including reactions of graphene (and its derivatives) with organic and inorganic molecules, chemical modification of the large graphene surface, and the general description of various covalent and noncovalent interactions with graphene.38−45 Band gap opening of graphene by doping, intercalation, and striping would be useful for functional nanoelectronic devices.46,47 This comprehensive review represents the first complex work covering all modes and methods of graphene functionalization including their classification. The complementary discussion of both experimental and theoretical aspects of graphene functionalization and interaction is presented. The functionalization modes related to chemistry of graphene derivatives (GO, graphane, fluorographene) represent a significant part of the review, which thus considerably exceeds the chemistry of pristine graphene. As a result we comprehensively discuss both covalent functionalization based on binding of organic functionalities like free radicals and dienophiles on pristine graphene (section 2.1) and attachment through the chemistry of oxygen groups of GO, that is, methods starting from GO (section 2.2). The covalent attachment of hydrogen and halogens and, generally, the chemistry of graphane and fluorographene is described in section 2.3. Section 3 reports noncovalent functionalization and interactions, which do not disrupt the extended π-conjugation on the graphene surface, unlike covalent functionalization. A significant part of this section is devoted to the theory of graphene−ligand noncovalent interactions, while various interaction modes (π interactions) are analyzed from both theoretical
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Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 6704–6710Contents lists available at ScienceDirectApplied SurfaceSciencej o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /a p s u scA facile method for grafting of bisphenol A imprinted polymer shells onto poly(divinylbenzene)microspheres through precipitation polymerizationYongxiang Wang a ,b ,c ,Qiuming Liu a ,Fei Rong a ,c ,Degang Fu a ,b ,c ,∗aState Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,ChinabSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China cSuzhou Key laboratory of Environment and Biosafety,Suzhou 215123,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 17September 2010Received in revised form 10February 2011Accepted 21February 2011Available online 26 February 2011Keywords:Core–shell structures GraftingMolecular imprinting Bisphenol APrecipitation polymerizationa b s t r a c tCore–shell structured polymers are usually prepared by “grafting to”or “grafting from”techniques,wherein polymer supports were first modified by vinyl bonds or initiators.Success can be immediate,but more often a learning curve needs to be traversed.In this paper,direct grafting bisphenol A imprinted polymer onto poly(divinylbenzene)microspheres through precipitation polymerization is introduced.The obtained microspheres were characterized by SEM,TEM,FTIR and BET.Firstly,mono-disperse poly(divinylbenzene)microspheres of 3m in size were prepared by precipitation polymerization.The solvent for grafting was then optimized and it was found that the mixtures of toluene and acetonitrile (30/70,v/v)were ideal choice from the image and structure analysis of the shells.Shells of different thick-ness (270–840nm),depending on the concentrations of monomers in the precursor,were then directly grafted to the microspheres by a reactive,entropic capture mechanism.The recognition ability of the microspheres was evaluated by solid-phase extraction and clear selectivity showed toward bisphenol A.The leak of bisphenol A was not found after extraction and thus these core–shell structured imprinted polymers are believed to have potential applications in trace analysis area.© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMolecular imprinting is a commonly used method for prepar-ing synthetic polymers with predetermined molecular recognition properties and is attracting widespread interest [1–4],especially in solid-phase extraction (SPE)[5–9],chromatographic separations [10,11],sensors [2],and catalysis [12].To optimize the production and performance of MIP particles,suspension [13,14],disper-sion [5]and seeded polymerization [15,16]have been developed.Despite of undoubted value,optimization of reliable experimental protocols can be lengthy,the general applicability is questionable,and residual emulsifier or stabilizer on the surfaces of the par-ticles potentially compromises selective rebinding of molecules to the imprinted material.As an alternative approach,precipita-tion polymerization is a general method for producing high-quality imprinted spherical particles.However,it has proved difficult to produce large imprinted monodisperse microspheres that are suitable for SPE and HPLC.It has been found that matching the sol-ubility parameter of the developing polymer network to that of the porogenic solvent(s)is particularly important,especially when∗Corresponding author at:State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics,Southeast Uni-versity,Nanjing 210096,China.Tel.:+862583793091;fax:+862583793091.E-mail address:fudegang@ (D.Fu).simultaneous control of polymer morphology is also desirable.The criterion is usually met for copolymerization of divinylbenzene (DVB)in mixtures of acetonitrile and toluene [17].The group of Stöver has done extensive research on precipitation polymeriza-tion of DVB [18–21],the size of the obtained particle could be tuned upward 10m by careful optimization [21].Uniform molec-ularly imprinted microspheres and nanoparticles were prepared by Yoshimatsu et al.through precipitation polymerization [22],varying the composition of the cross-linking monomer allowed the particle size of the MIP beads to be altered in the range of 130–2.4m.Narrow particle size distribution (9.5±0.5m)MIP was obtained using an antiepileptic drug,carbamazepine as tem-plate molecule and DVB as crosslinking agent by Beltran et al.[23].For application in SPE,especially challenged by trace analysis,a common drawback for all the methods introduced above is the problem of incomplete template removal or template bleeding,which can occur even after exhaustive washing by different sol-vents or buffers and this greatly impedes the application of MIP,especially for trace analysis when the template is also the targeted molecule(s)[24].This considerably affects the quality of data gen-erated.To solve this problem,target analogues were usually used as templates [25].Recently,several research groups have begun to explore alternative approaches for the development of molec-ular imprinting nanotechniques.Nanosized,imprinted materials are expected to improve the binding capacity,binding kinetics,0169-4332/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2011.02.105Y.Wang et al./Applied Surface Science257 (2011) 6704–67106705site accessibility of imprinted materials and all of templates can be completely removed from the highly cross-linked matrix[26].Core–shell structured particles with nanosized imprinted poly-mers shells can be expected to tackle the problem of incomplete template removal or template bleeding from average imprinted polymers.These particles are usually prepared by“grafting to”or“grafting from”techniques,wherein polymer supports were first modified by vinyl bonds or initiators[27,28].In this paper, we report a simple,effective and reproducible approach of preparing core–shell structures by grafting nanoscale molecularly imprinted polymer onto DVB-based microspheres through precip-itation polymerization without modifying the polymer supports. The as-prepared microspheres presented selective recognition of bisphenol A(BPA)and the leak of BPA was not found after 0.1g microspheres packed in columns were washed by10mL methanol/acetic acid(9/1,v/v)continuously,thus these core–shell structured imprinted polymer are believed to have potential appli-cations in trace analysis area.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsAll the reagents were used as received.Azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN)and acrylamide(AA)were purchased from Experimen-tal Reagents,Ltd.(Shanghai,China).Divinylbenzene80(DVB-80) were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich(St.Louis,USA).Phenol was purchased from Lingfeng Reagents Co.Ltd.(Shanghai,China). Diethystilbestrol(DES)and bisphenol A(BPA)were kindly provided by School of Public Health from Southeast University.Acetonitrile and methanol for HPLC were purchased from Fisher Scientific(New Jersey,USA).Water for HPLC was obtained from a Heal Force ultrapure water unit(Shanghai,China).2.2.Synthesis of BPA imprinted polymer grafted core–shellsThe investigated samples are core–shell structures,they have been fabricated by the route as described in detail elsewhere[20]. The modified steps were the monomer loadings and DVB,relative to the solvent,were4vol%and1–2vol%for the core and the shell portion preparations,respectively.Conditions for preparation of imprinted and control core–shells are listed in Table1.For preparation of core,typically,2mL DVB-80were added into a100mLflask containing50mL neat acetonitrile and AIBN(2wt% to DVB-80).After ultrasonic treatment and removal of oxygen by purging of nitrogen for5min,respectively,the precursor was sealed and heated at50◦C for2h and70◦C for24h.The micro-spheres were collected by ultrafiltration and washed by acetone,toluene and acetyl alcohol successively.Then they were dried in a vacuum oven at60◦C over night.For preparation of imprinted polymer core–shells,typically, 0.3mL DVB-80were added into a50mLflask containing30mL sol-vent,100mg poly(DVB-80)micro-spheres,101.3mg AA,54.8mg BPA and AIBN(2wt%to total of DVB-80and AA).The solvent for grafting was then optimized and different ratios of toluene to ace-tonitrile(0/100,15/85,25/75,30/70,35/65,40/60,v/v)were tried. The precursor was sealed and heated at50◦C for2h and60or 70◦C for24h.The core–shell micro-spheres were then collected by ultrafiltration and washed by acetone,toluene and acetyl alco-hol successively.Then they were dried in a vacuum oven at60◦C over night.2.3.CharacterizationThe structure and morphology of the obtained core–shell structured particles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)(Nicolet6700),scanning electron microscopy(SEM)(ZEISS ULTRA plus system),transmission elec-tron microscopy(TEM)(JEM-2100)and automated gas adsorption system(ASAP2020M+C).Solid-phase extraction(SPE)was carried out on a VacMaster (Uppsala,Sweden)vacuum manifold,which was equipped with a vacuum pump and a10-well platform.100mg dry core–shell par-ticles prepared were packed between two frits in1mL SPE columns and washed by∼10mL methanol/acetic acid(9/1,v/v)continuously until no BPA was found in the eluent.Acetonitrile solution con-taining0.2mM phenol,0.1mM BPA and0.1mM DES was prepared for loading.After activated by5mL methanol and1mL acetoni-trile,each column was loaded1mL solution mentioned above.The columns were washed by0,1or2mL acetonitrile before eluted by 0.5mL×2mL methanol and analyzed by HPLC directly.Theflow rate of the solvent/solution was maintained at about1mL min−1.All chromatographic evaluations were performed using a Shimadzu LC-20A(Kyoto,Japan)instrument equipped with a qua-ternary pump,a manual sampler,a diode array detector,and an LCsolution workstation.3.Results and discussionJeffrey et al.have uncovered the growth mechanism of poly(divinylbenzene)microspheres in precipitation polymeriza-tion,which indicated that polymerization of divinylbenzene inTable1Conditions for preparation of imprinted and control core–shells.Name AA(mg)DVB(mL)Toluene Con.(vol%)a BPA(mg)Amount of cores(mg)Porogen amount(mL)T(◦C)Poly(DVB-80)020005070 SPM0T%202.50.60109.51003070 SPM15T%202.50.615109.51003070 SPN15T%202.50.61501003070 SPM25T%202.50.625109.51003070 SPN25T%202.50.62501003070 SPM30T%202.50.630109.51003070 SPN30T%202.5063001003070 SPN35T%202.5063501003070 SPN40T%202.5064001003070 SPN1%101.30.33054.81003060 SPM1.5%101.30.33001003060 SPN1.5%159.00.453082.21003060 SPM2%159.00.453001003060 SPN2%202.50.630109.51003060 SPN1%202.50.63001003060 SPM1.5%101.30.33054.81003060a Solvent for preparation of polymer grafted microspheres was mixtures of toluene and acetonitrile(0/100,15/85,25/75,30/70,v/v).6706Y.Wang et al./Applied Surface Science257 (2011) 6704–6710Fig.1.Representative SEM image of poly(DVB-80)particles.acetonitrile occurs by an entropic precipitation mechanism where soluble oligomeric species are captured from solution by reaction with vinyl groups on the particle surface [19].For preparation of core–shell structures,polymer supports of poly(DVB-80)micro-spheres were synthesized by precipitation polymerization in this study.Fig.1illustrates the SEM images of these uniformly sized,mono-disperse poly(DVB-80)core particles with sizes around 3m.As for precipitation polymerization,matching the solubility parameter of the developing polymer network to that of the porogenic solvent(s)is particularly important,especially when simultaneous control of polymer morphology is also desirable.Mix-tures of toluene and acetonitrile (25/75,v/v)were usually utilized for synthesis of big sized poly(DVB-80)or other functional poly-mer microspheres mainly composed of DVB [17–23],since near theta solvents such as acetonitrile and mixtures of acetonitrile and toluene are required for distinct poly(DVB-80)microspheres.In this study,different ratios of toluene to acetonitrile were tried for optimization.Fig.2illustrates the overall results of core–shell structures pro-duced in different solvents at 70◦C.It can be found that when the concentration of toluene in the solvent was low (0or 15%),secondary particles formed inevitably for either imprinted or con-trol core–shell structured polymers,which should be attributed to the solubility parameter of acetonitrile.This solvent was not in favor for the formation of large sized beads.When the concen-tration of toluene in the solvent was high (30%)the imprinted core–shell structured beads as-prepared were large,the unifor-mity and monodispersity of the beads were also well maintained,which should be attributed to the solubility parameter of toluene which contributed to the formation of large sized beads.Although monodispersity of the beads was well maintained,the unifor-mity of control core–shell structured polymer beads were not so well maintained in the same conditions.The differencebetweenFig.2.Representative SEM image of core–shell particles (insets are TEM images of the corresponding particles).(a)SPM 0T%,(b)SPM 15T%,(c)SPM 25T%,(d)SPM 30T%,(e)SPN 15T%,(f)SPN 25T%,(g)SPN 30T%,(e)SPN 35T%and (i)SPN 40T%.Y.Wang et al./Applied Surface Science257 (2011) 6704–67106707Fig.3.Pore size distributions for poly(DVB-80)particles and core–shell particles. imprinted and control core–shell structures is interesting when the concentration of toluene in the solvent was30%and this should only be caused by the template(BPA).It can be speculated that BPA bridged the grafting“gap”between the shells and polymer supports through molecular interactions between BPA molecules and aromatic rings of DVB molecules or poly(DVB-80).When the concentration of toluene in the solvent was higher(30%or40%), particles agglomerated and macro-gel type polymer was obtained.The solvent also played an important part on the eventual pore volume,pore size distribution,and specific surface area of the parti-cles.Results are shown in Fig.3and Table1.It can be found that pore size,pore volume and specific surface area of the obtained particles increase with the ascending concentration of toluene in the solvent. The total pore volumes and surface areas of imprinted core–shell structured polymer spheres were up to0.43cm3/g and655m2/g, respectively when concentration of toluene in the solvent was30% in preparation.Table2Size and pore structures of BPA-imprinted(SPM)and control(SPN)polymer core–shells.Name Size(m)Surfacearea(m2/g)Pore volume(cm3/g)Pore size(nm)Poly(DVB-80) 2.61376.19970.185441 1.97173 SPM0T% 2.41353.71630.143946 1.62781 SPM15T% 3.58398.23220.203222 2.04124 SPN15T% 2.52520.79470.282934 2.17309 SPM25T% 4.52538.52140.299893 2.22753 SPN25T% 2.69560.97520.300550 2.14306 SPM30T% 5.50655.41960.438412 2.67561 SPN30T% 2.41590.46600.3508922.37705Fig.5.Shell thickness of imprinted polymer grafted core–shell(SPM)and con-trol polymer grafted core–shell(SPN)depended on the monomers loading in the precursor.Heating temperature:60◦C.From the optimization above,mixtures of toluene and acetoni-trile(30/70,v/v)seem ideal solvent for grafting BPA imprinted polymer to the poly(DVB-80)supports.Therefore,we prepared BPA imprinted polymer shells next were all in this solvent.In ordertoFig.4.Representative SEM image of core–shell particles of different thickness prepared in mixtures of toluene and acetonitrile(30/70,v/v)(insets are TEM images of the corresponding particles).(a)SPM1%,(d)SPN1%,(b)SPM1.5%,(e)SPN1.5%,(c)SPM2%,(f)SPN2%.6708Y.Wang et al./Applied Surface Science257 (2011) 6704–6710Fig.6.Particle size distributions for poly(DVB-80)particles and the subsequent core–shell particles.study the role of temperature on the synthesis of the core–shell structures,60◦C was tried instead of 70◦C in the later grafting of BPA imprinted polymer.Fig.3demonstrates the imprinted and control shells of different thickness depend on the monomers load-ing in the precursor.The uniformity,mono-dispersity of the beads were better maintained at 60◦C compared with 70◦C.When the precursor solution was heated at 60◦C,the polymerization took place between the vinyl end groups of poly(DVB-80)particles and AA/DVB monomers at a slow rate in the beginning,a thin layer of oligmers started to form at the surface of the polymer supports and the resulting polymer preferentially nucleated and grew on the sur-face of poly(DVB-80)particles with polymer oligomers,leading to the formation of uniform BPA-MIP shells [26].Whereas,the poly-merization took place between the vinyl end groups of poly(DVB-80)particles and AA/DVB monomers and self-agglomerating of oligomers in solution were both at a fast rate in the beginning when the precursor solution was heated at 70◦C,this resulted in grafting and secondary particle initiation at the same time (Table 2).The shell thickness depended on the monomer loading in the precursor,the relationship between thickness of the shells and DVB-80concentration (from 1vol%to 2vol%)in the precursor is shown in Figs.4and 5.Obviously,we can also control the thickness of the shell by tuning the time of polymerization.Fig.6demon-strates the diameter distribution of the polymer supports and the core–shell structures of different shell thickness prepared at 60◦C.It is clearly showed that the uniformity and mono-dispersity of the beads were well maintained after grafting,and they seem no obvious secondary initiation.The BPA templates in the shell can be fully removed by defined volume of methanol/acetic acid (9/1,v/v)even when the thickness was ∼800nm through determina-Y.Wang et al./Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 6704–67106709Fig.7.FT-IR spectra of (a)poly(DVB-80),(b)SPM 1%,(c)SPN 1%,(d)SPM 1.5%,(e)SPN 1.5%,(f)SPM 2%and (g)SPN 2%.tion of the eluent in the end of extraction,this may be due to the extraordinarily large pore volumes and surface areas of imprinted core–shell structured polymer spheres compared with average imprinted polymers.In order to find whether or not AA was incorporated in the shell during grafting process,these core–shell structures were characterized by FTIR.The core–shell structures of different thick-ness displayed the relatively strong band of carbonylic groups at 1682cm −1,as indicated with arrows in Fig.7.For solid-phase extraction,imprinted and control core–shells were prepared at 60◦C and DVB-80in the precursor was 2vol%in grafting process.Imprinting effects of the core–shell structured polymers were assessed by solid-phase extraction (SPE)of mixtures of 0.2mM phenol,0.1mM BPA and 0.1mM DES from acetonitrile.DES and phenol were structure analogues of BPA and used for com-parison.Results demonstrated in Fig.8shows a clear imprinting effect toward BPA when different volume of acetonitrile was uti-lized as solvent in washing step,while phenol was not found in the elution solution when either 1or 2mL of acetonitrile was utilized in washingstep.Fig.8.Extraction recoveries for DES,BPA and phenol on SPM 2%and SPN 2%using a washing step of (left)0mL,(middle)1mL and (right)2mL acetonitrile.4.ConclusionCompared by conventional “grafting to”or “grafting from”tech-niques,the method introduced in this paper is simple and direct.The structure and morphology of the obtained core–shell struc-tured particles are also desirable.It deserves studied for grafting functional polymer of different thickness to different sized sup-ports.The role of solvent played on the process of polymerization is worth detailed investigating considering different monomers are used.The method introduced here will be further studied in other monomer and crosslinker systems.AcknowledgementsSupport from the National Science Foundation of China (no.30670522),the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (863Program)of China (no.2006AA10Z436)and Social Developing Pro-gram of Jiangsu Province (BE2008643)are acknowledged.References[1]G.Wulff,Molecular imprinting in crosslinked materials with the aid of molec-ular templates-A way towards artificial antibodies,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.34(1995)1812–1832.[2]K.Haupt,K.Mosbach,Molecularly imprinted polymers and their use inbiomimetic 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