main body of standard (20110803)




第二部分:机械,电气和个人安全装置 第二部分:机械,
2.21 2.22 2.23 2.30 2.31 2.40 2.41 2.50 便携式电气设备 接地保护装置 (E/L) : 使用及检查 常规电气装置和危险区域的电气装置 手工具: 例如: 手工具: 例如:锤, 凿和手推车 人类工程学 个人防护装备(PPE) 个人防护装备(PPE) 听力保护 告示及标记: 电气, 机械, 防护设备,交通, 告示及标记: 电气, 机械, 防护设备,交通, 安全
第四部分: 第四部分:安健环事故记录及调查
4.11 4.12 4.13 4.22 4.23 安健环事故记录 安健环事故内部调查 安健环统计 安健环风险资金 安健环事故回顾
第五部分: 第五部分:机构管理
5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.30 5.32 5.33 5.39 5.40 5.41 5.42 安健环意识和提高 安健环成绩显示板 安健环建议方案 安健环参考资源 安健环年度报告 安健环培训 医疗服务 安健环方面的挑选与安置 环境监测 安健环代表检查与采取行动 一年二次自我审核 安健环方面的设计规范: 生产, 安健环方面的设计规范: 生产, 采购 和工程控制 – 新厂房与改造
NOSA(概述) NOSA(概述) – 发展到非洲其他国家,欧洲,美洲和澳洲、亚洲等50多个国家6000 发展到非洲其他国家,欧洲,美洲和澳洲、亚洲等50多个国家 多个国家6000 余家企业。 余家企业。
非洲 南美 北美 欧洲 亚洲 中东 远东/太平洋地区 远东 太平洋地区 澳洲 安哥拉, 波兹瓦纳, 加纳, 肯尼亚, 莱索托, 马拉威, 纳米比亚, 安哥拉 波兹瓦纳 加纳 肯尼亚 莱索托 马拉威 纳米比亚 南非, 斯瓦吉兰, 坦桑尼亚, 赞比亚, 南非 斯瓦吉兰 坦桑尼亚 赞比亚 津巴布韦 哥伦比亚, 巴西 智利 秘鲁 阿根廷 哥伦比亚 巴西, 智利, 秘鲁, 加拿大 英格兰, 德国, 葡萄牙, 英格兰 德国 葡萄牙 瑞典 孟加拉, 印度, 孟加拉 印度 巴基斯坦 埃及, 沙特阿拉伯, 土耳其, 埃及 沙特阿拉伯 土耳其 阿拉伯联合酋长国 中国, 香港, 新加坡, 台湾 澳大利亚, 斐济, 印度尼西亚, 马来西亚, 澳大利亚 斐济 印度尼西亚 马来西亚 新西兰, 新西兰 巴布亚新几内亚

Simple support for design by contract in C

Simple support for design by contract in C

Simple Support for Design by Contract in C++Pedro GuerreiroDepartamento de InformáticaFaculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaUniversidade Nova de LisboaCopyright noticeThis paper will be published in Qiaoyun Li, Richard Riehle, Gilda Pour and Bertrand Meyer (editors), Proceedings TOOLS 39, IEEE 2001. The material is © 2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redis-tribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Simple Support for Design by Contract in C++Pedro GuerreiroDepartamento de InformáticaFaculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaUniversidade Nova de LisboaAbstractDesign by contract can be seen as an advanced software engineering technique for build-ing quality software in a professional environment or as a fundamental programming con-cept, useful even for elementary programming. If design by contract is an afterthought, so-phisticated tool support, with macros, preprocessors or patterns is acceptable. If it is to be used from the very first programs, it must not be yet another difficult obstacle to the noviceprogrammer. This point of view seems to recommend Eiffel as the sole vehicle for the early introduction of design by contract. However, compromises are possible, if your organization mandates C++, for example. For design by contract in C++ we use a class template, Assertions<T>, which is inherited by the classes we are specifying. This class handles pre-conditions, postconditions and class invariants, and supports the “old” notation. The asser-tions themselves are not difficult to implement, but the “old” notation, which is necessary inorder to compare the value of an attribute in a postcondition with its value at an earlier stage in the function, raises interesting issues. In most common situations, using the assertions is straightforward. There are, however, more rare cases involving inheritance and recursion that must be handled with a discipline.1. IntroductionOne programming language has native support for design by contract [7, 10]. That’s Eiffel. If we want to write software with the design by contract approach, but for some reason we cannot afford the original tool, then we must somehow mimic the preconditions, postcondi-tions and invariants as provided by Eiffel in the language imposed upon us. Actually, that has already been done for many languages. One example is the iContract system for Java, which uses formal comments that can be handled by a preprocessor, and generates executable in-structions to be used for catching bugs while the program is being developed [6]. The JMSAssert system uses the same technique [9]. Another example, also for Java, is the jCon-tractor library [5]. With jContractor, we write the preconditions and postconditions for each method as separate functions with special names, and then let the system do the instrumenta-tion of the methods automatically, using Java reflection. For C++, we have the Nana library, which defines a set of macros working together with a given debugger [8]. And there is our own previous work, in which assertions are functions from a class Assertions, which is inher-ited by the classes we want to develop using design by contract [3].We are aware of similar efforts to introduce design by contract in other languages, namely, Perl, Python, Common Lisp, and Smalltalk [2, 12, 4, 1].Probably the only reasonable support for design by contract is one that is thought out from the beginning, and which grows “naturally” from the specification language. The add-on tech-niques are laudable, but they are a compromise, sometimes an ugly compromise.Some of the systems we mentioned are industrial strength systems, longing to be useful for developing production software. Our goal is more modest. We want a system capable of quickly introducing design by contract to a C++ audience, with no need to install libraries, or understanding complex architectures, involving new preprocessors or intricate debuggers. Typically, these audiences are composed of C++ programmers who learned the language on their own, starting from C, and who are now trying to catch up with object technology.Basically, we need the full set of Eiffel assertions, and these assertions should be executa-ble, raising exceptions when they fail. We must be able to turn off some or all of the asser-tions, when doing a release build. We cannot forsake the “old” notation, which enables us to compare in a modifier function the final value of an object or of an attribute with its initial value. And we want our solution to be object-oriented, in the sense that we feel free to use multiple inheritance, container classes, iterators, template classes, C++’s standard template library (STL), but no low-level gadgets such as pointers moving around between functions, complicated macros or obscure compilation options.After this introduction to the problem, we establish set of recommendations on C++ style, some of which may seem rather unorthodox, but which are necessary to make our system us-able. We then present class template Assertions<T>, focusing on preconditions, postcondi-tions and invariants. This class has functions that emulate the “old” notation, which can be used for storing the initial values of integer attributes and of the target object. We illustrate the usage of Assertions<T> with the development of a class for strings, which we first spec-ify and then implement. We then investigate some problems raised by inheritance, which lead us to a refinement of the class. Handling recursive functions, however, forces us to a major modification.2. C++ Style, unconventionalUsually, a C++ class comes in two files: the header file and the definition file. Where should we write the assertions: in the header file, because assertions are specification? Or in the definition file, since they are executable? Or in both, running the risk of inconsistency (and duplicating work)? We recommend, instead, that we forsake the traditional style, and do away with the definition file, using only the header file, as if all functions were defined inline, very much like Java and Eiffel do.This is such a drastic change from the C++ normality that it risks killing the endeavor at the outset. On the other hand, maintaining two files for each class is so awkward, that sooner or later a C++ development environment will come up that hides that from us, allowing us to concentrate on our classes, without having to worry about where they are stored.All data members in a class are private. If they were not, they could be modified without control, and that would ruin design by contract. In fact, as far as design by contract goes, we could tolerate protected data members, because the assertions of a class apply to functions in derived classes as well. However, for most practical purposes the binary private/public model of data hiding serves well, and we never found the absolute need to use protected data mem-bers in our programs [13]. We are aware, of course, that many existing class libraries use pro-tected members a lot.Function members, other than the constructor and destructor are either selectors (i.e., const functions returning a value) or modifiers (i.e., non-const void functions). Class arguments in a function are passed by const reference. This means that the only way to change an object is to explicitly call a modifier on it. In response to such a call, the object may change directly its data members of a basic type, or call further modifiers on its data members of a class type. No function will modify an object other than its target object. This is very strict rule, and later in the theory we relax it a little, allowing class arguments that are iterators or containers to be modified, in some circumstances.The rule is not only strict; it is controversial. The easier alternative would be not to have it. If this were the case, we would accept a member function in a class A that modifies its target object and also modifies its argument of class B. But then we are left with no clear reason why this function is in class A with an argument of class B, and not in class B, with an argu-ment of class A. Having a function that does not modify its object but modifies its argument of class would also be possible, but likely a bad design decision, because the function should be a modifier in class B, with a constant argument of class A. It is interesting that while most people would readily agree that selector should only return information about its target, it is more difficult to accept that a modifier should also modify only its target.3. AssertionsClass template Assertions<T> provides the functions required for emulating preconditions, postconditions, class invariant, and the “old” notation, for use in the parameter class T. For brevity, we omit support for arbitrary conditions, loop invariants and variants. (That part hasn’t changed much since [3]).Preconditions and postconditions are simple functions that merely raise an exception when their Boolean argument is false. There is one function for preconditions, named Require, and two for postconditions, named Ensure and Satisfy. Ensure is used with modifiers and ex-presses a condition on the object that has just been modified, possibly relating it to its original value. Satisfy is used with selectors, and expresses a condition on the result of the function. (We will see different uses of Satisfy later.) This is different from what happens in Eiffel where the distinction is not made. The three functions have a second argument, of type std::string, which will be appended to the message generated by the exception.We acknowledge that the distinction between Ensure and Satisfy is somewhat of a burden, but not an unreasonable one, because it stresses the basic distinction between modifiers and selectors.All assertion functions are made available to the classes we want to specify or check by in-heritance. Therefore, calls to Require, Ensure or Satisfy are made on behalf of the current in-stance. Note that these are virtual functions, not static functions as in some assertion systems for Java [15, 14].Class template Assertions<T> also declares a default Invariant function, returning true. The idea is that the derived classes will redefine the invariant according to their requirements. The invariant needs to be checked only after construction and after a modifier is called. Thus, the evaluation of the invariant should be made by function Ensure, but it is not necessary for function Satisfy.Functions Require, Ensure, Satisfy and Invariant are const functions, which guarantees that they do not cause side effects on the object. Furthermore, the first three have Boolean arguments, which when computed for class objects cannot produce side effects either. Note that the expression of the Boolean argument cannot syntactically include calls to modifiers, and only modifiers can change the state of an object of a class type. Thus, it is unlikely to cause a side effect with class Assertions<T> by mistake. (Of course, this is C++, and you can always deliberately cause side effects if you really want to.)For supporting the “old” notation we introduce two data members in class Assertion<T>: oldAttributes, of type std::map<const std::string, int>, for storing the old values of various attributes, and oldObjects, of type std::map<const std::string, T*> for storing clones of the current instance [11]. Each attribute is identified by a static tag, and, in the absence of recur-sion, it is enough not to repeat the labels in the class. The same applies to objects.When we want to observe the initial value of an attribute in the postcondition of a modifier function, we must explicitly call function Observe, with an identifying tag, in order to store the initial value of that attribute, before it is modified. Later, we can fetch it using a functionAttribute, using the tag as the key. A similar technique is used for storing the initial value of the target object, and then fetching it, but the functions are now called Remember and Old. We considered overloading the function names in order to simplify the usage, but in the end we decided not to, in the benefit of clarity. In fact, functions Observe and Attribute are re-dundant, because if we remember the object with function Remember, we can have access to the initial values of all attributes. On the other hand, in most cases, modifiers only change the value of an attribute, and it would be excessive to store the full object.In order to be able to switch on or off the preconditions for all objects of the class, we in-troduce two static Boolean data members: PreconditionsEnabled and PostconditionsEnabled, and functions to set and reset these variables.Finally, class template Assertions<T> provides its own exception type as an internal class.Here it is, programmed using the recommended style, i.e., with all functions defined inside the class declaration:template <class T>class Assertions: public Clonable {public:class Exception: public exception {public:Exception(const std::string& label):exception (("Assertion violation: " + label + ".").c_str()){};};private:static bool PreconditionsEnabled;static bool PostconditionsEnabled;std::map<const std::string, int> oldAttributes;std::map<const std::string, const T*> oldObjects;public:virtual void Observe(const std::string& tag, int x){oldAttributes[tag] = x;}virtual void Remember(const std::string& tag){delete oldObjects[tag];oldObjects[tag] = dynamic_cast<const T*>(Clone());}virtual int Attribute(const std::string& tag){return oldAttributes[tag];}virtual const T& Old(const std::string& tag){return dynamic_cast<const T&>(*oldObjects[tag]);}virtual bool Invariant() const{return true;}virtual void Require(bool b, const std::string& label) const{if (PreconditionsEnabled && !b)throw Assertions::Exception("Require " + label);}virtual void Ensure(bool b, const std::string& label) const{if (PostconditionsEnabled && !Invariant())throw Assertions::Exception("Invariant " + label);if (PostconditionsEnabled && !b)throw Assertions::Exception("Ensure " + label);}virtual void Satisfy(bool b, const std::string& label) const{if (PostconditionsEnabled && !b)throw Assertions::Exception("Satisfy " + label);}};For brevity, we omit the static functions that handle the static members.Class template Assertions<T> derives from an abstract class Clonable, which only pro-vides the interface for the Clone function, a pure virtual function that has to be defined in each non-abstract derived class.Note that the invariant is systematically checked by function Ensure but not by function Satisfy or by function Require. In the general case, invariants must also be checked in pre-conditions. However, our convention that all class arguments are passed by const reference avoids the indirect invariant effect [10], through which an operation on an object may invali-date an invariant in another. In our case, the only way to change the value of an object is by calling a modifier on that object. Therefore, invariants need to be checked only upon exit from modifiers and constructors.This does not solve the indirect invariant effect: it merely postpones it. Still, a lot of design by contract can be done within our current framework. When the time will come to allow dy-namic aliasing through references in constructors or non-const pointer arguments in functions, we will have to be more careful in specifying postconditions in functions that may modify objects other than their target, and also in functions that modify their target only, but for which the target is involved in invariants of other objects. For example, consider the “round trip” situation described in [10], pages 403-406, in which a class A has a forward link to class B, which has a backward link to class A. The invariant states the if an object x of class A is forwardly linked to an object y of class B, then y is backwardly linked to x. The problem arises when y decides to clear its link to x, or replace it with another. This operation destroys the invariant of x, although x is not involved in it. In this case, we would have to be more careful in specifying the operation: the postcondition should express that the object originally linked to y, if there was one, is now linked to nothing. Quite clearly, the responsibility of maintaining the invariant of x lies now not only on x but also on y. An alternative design would be making the operation available only to class A. Then, when y wants to clear its link to x, it will have to ask x to do so, and in this case x will bear alone the responsibility of main-taining the invariant.This situation of a round trip invariant, in which the invariant for a class A involves objects of class B that may be modified by operations outside class A, occurs typically when class B is a container of objects of class A, and each A object must know its container (or its containers, in case there can be more than one). Class B has modifiers Put(A&) and Prune(A&), and selec-tors IsFull() and Has(const A&). Class A has modifiers Enter(B&), Leave(B&) and selector IsIn(const B&). Note that functions Put, Prune, Enter and Leave modify their arguments, this going against the “don’t modify arguments” rule. However, writing y.Put(x) is equivalent to writing x.Enter(y), and y.Prune(x) is equivalent to x.Leave(y). Which pair of functions should we keep? For this purpose, we relax the rule to “don’t modify arguments, unless they are containers”. Thus, we keep Enter and Leave, in class A and drop Put and Remove from class B. However, Put and Remove are still necessary to actually insert and delete the element in the container. But now they become private functions with const reference arguments, Put(const A&) and Prune(const A&), available to class A. (In C++, we can use friend func-tions for this.) As a matter of fact, it seems that these functions should not be available in class B at all, although they are defined there, but this kind of information hiding is not sup-ported by the popular object-oriented programming languages.4. Class StringTAs an example, let us develop a class StringT to represent simple strings, with modifiers to add a character at the end (Put) or at a given position (PutAt), to select a substring (Select), to erase a substring (Erase), and selectors for the capacity (Capacity), the length (Count), the character at a given position (At), for checking if it is empty (Empty), and for checking if it is full (Full). We start by specifying the class using preconditions, postconditions and invariants.In order to use the resources of class Assertions<T>, class StringT inherits from Assertions<StringT>:class StringT: public Assertions<StringT> {// …};This is an unusual pattern: we could almost say that class StringT inherits from itself.The invariant for this class expresses relations that hold among various selectors:virtual bool Invariant() const{return Capacity() >= 0&& 0 <= Count() && Count() <= Capacity()&& Empty() == (Count() == 0)&& Full() == (Count() == Capacity());}Let us specify the explicit constructor that creates an empty string with a given capacity:explicit StringT(int capacity){Require(capacity >= 0, "Capacity must be non-negative");Ensure(Empty(), "Empty after construction");Ensure(Capacity() == capacity, "Capacity OK");}As a second example, let us observe selector Empty, which is simple but instructive:virtual bool Empty() const{bool result;Satisfy(result == (Count() == 0), "Empty");return result;}This specification illustrates a new style rule: in all selectors there shall be a local variable result, declared of the type of the function, on which the result of the function is computed. There shall be exactly one return statement, of the form return result, and this is the last statement in the function (coming after the postconditions). This rule emulates the technique used in Eiffel, and also in Delphi Pascal, to denote the result of a function. It has several ad-vantages, one of which is precisely that we have a direct means to refer to the result of the function in the postconditions [10].When we access a character in a string, specified by its index, we must make sure the in-dex is valid:virtual char At(int x) const{Require(ValidIndex(x), "Index is must be valid");char result;return result;}Function ValidIndex was invented for specification purposes, but it is just another member function:virtual bool ValidIndex(int x) const{bool result;Satisfy(result == (0 <= x && x < Count()), "Index is valid");return result;}Function PutAt, which copies a character to a given position, also requires a valid index:virtual void PutAt(char c, int x){Require (c != 0, "not a terminator at PutAt");Require(ValidIndex(x), "Index must be valid at Put");Ensure(At(x) == c, "Put at right position");}There is also function is ValidRange, which indicates when a range of indexes is valid, to be used when dealing with substrings:virtual bool ValidRange(int x, int y) const{bool result;Satisfy(result == (result = 0 <= x && x <= Count()&& -1 <= y && y < Count()&& y - x >= -1), "Range is valid");return result;}Function Select removes all characters except those between indicated positions:virtual void Select(int startPos, int endPos){Require(ValidRange(startPos, endPos), "Range must be valid ");Ensure(Count() == endPos - startPos + 1, "Selected");}We must observe that the postcondition lacks information: somehow, we should be able to express that the remaining characters were in the original string, in corresponding positions. For that we need a universal quantifier, but that is an issue we do not address in this work.A slightly more elaborate example is function Erase, which removes the characters be-tween those positions:virtual void Erase(int startPos, int endPos){Require(ValidRange(startPos, endPos), "Range must be valid");Observe("Count at Erase", Count());Ensure(Count() == Attribute("Count at Erase") - (endPos - startPos + 1), "Erased");}In this example, the value of the attribute Count() is stored with function Observe for later use in the postcondition. However, just like for function Select, we would like to be more in-formative in the postcondition.As an example of storing the target object, consider function Put, which adds a character at the end of a string, on the precondition that the string is not full (and that the character is not the null character):virtual void Put(char c){Require (c != 0, "not a terminator at Put");Require (!Full(), "not Full at Put");Remember("Object at Put");Observe("Count at Put", Count());Ensure(!Empty(), "Not empty after Put");Ensure(At(Count() - 1) == c, "Put at last position");Ensure(Count() == Attribute("Count at Put") + 1, "Count() incremented");Ensure(StartsBy(Old("Object at Put")), "Existing chars untouched");}Function StartsBy appearing in the last postconditions is a new function, which returns true when the argument is a prefix of the target object.Note that all the specifications can be compiled. Of course, the generated code is useless.We would now refine the specification in order to obtain an implementation.5. InheritanceIn order to investigate what happens to preconditions and postconditions under inheritance, let us consider a new class StringTC, derived from StringT. The new class has an additional data member that keeps the count of the characters in the string:class StringTC: public StringT {private:int count;// …};We must redefine the modifiers, whenever they do not update the count automatically. Let us observe function Put, because it is the simplest:virtual void Put(char c){StringT::Put(c);count++;Ensure(true, "Put in StringTC");}Function Put first calls the base function, as usual in these situations. Is this OK? Within the base call, the precondition will be evaluated, and this does not cause problems, because the precondition for the derived class must be the same. In fact, applying design by contract, the precondition for a redefined function may be more liberal, but not less liberal, than the original [10]. However, in our system we have no direct way of weakening the precondition, and so, the precondition must be the same. Note that we have no explicit Require in the rede-fined function. If we had, we would be strengthening the preconditions, against the rules of design by contract.After the base class function is called, its postconditions are evaluated. These preconditions may involve polymorphically functions from the derived class. That’s exactly what happens here. The first postcondition is:Ensure(!Empty(), "Not empty after Put");It invokes function Empty, which is defined in the base class and not redefined, and would give the right result (false) if it passed its own postcondition. However, its postcondition is: Satisfy(result == (Count() == 0), "Empty");The evaluation of the argument invokes function Count, on behalf of the target object, which is from class StringTC. Thus, it is the function from the derived class that is called. This function returns zero, because data member count has not been incremented yet. As a result, the postcondition fails, and an exception is raised.This situation may happen whenever the inherited modifier returns leaving the object par-tially modified, and its postconditions refer polymorphically to functions of the derived class, which should not be called yet, because the derived class modifier has not terminated. It would be necessary to postpone the evaluation of the postconditions of the inherited function until the end of the other, but that cannot be done in our system. Alternatively, we must guar-antee that the postconditions are called for the base class object only, not for the full object, so that no functions from the derived class are invoked. The solution is to create a temporary copy of the object, guaranteed to be of the base class, and evaluate the postconditions using this object. Since this is for specification purposes, we want to do it with resources from class template Assertions<T>. First we add a data member baseObject of type T* to the class, and its “getter” and “setter” functions:class Assertions: public Clonable {// …const T* baseObject;public:virtual const T& BaseObject() const{return *baseObject;。



FORM III-CCertificate of Manufacture and test of Boiler Mountings and Fittings(REGULATION 269)Name of part ......................................................... Maker’s name and address ............................................. Intended working .......................................................(lb./sq.inch) Hydraulic test .......................................................(lb./sq. inch) Main dimensions...................................................... Drawing Nos.......................................................... Identification Marks................................................. Chemical composition................................................. Physical test results................................................. tensile strength..................................................... transverse bend test.................................................. Elongation........................................................... Certified that the particulars entered herein by us are correct.The part has been designed and constructed to comply with the Indian Boiler Regulations for a working pressure of ____________ and satisfactorily withstood a hydraulic test using water or kerosene or any other suitable liquid to a pressure ____________ on the __________ day of _______________ in the presence of our responsible representative whose signature is appended hereunder:Maker Representative MAKERS________________(Name and signature)We have satisfied ourselves and the valve/fitting has been constructed and tested in accordance with the requirements of the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950. We further certify that the particulars entered herein are correct.Place_________ Name and signature of theInspecting Officer whowitnessed the tests.Date_____________. Name and signature of theInspecting AuthorityStrike out which is not applicable.Note: In the case of valve chest made and tested by well known Foundries or Forges recognised by the Central Boilers Board in the manner as laid down in regulations 4A to 4H, particulars regarding the material as certified by them, in any form, shall be noted in the appropriate columns or paragraphs in the certificates and in case of certificates from Well Known Foundries or Forges is produced, such certificate may be accepted in lieu of the certificate from Inspecting Authority in so far as it relates to the testing of material specified in the Form.。



FAT Procedure工厂验收试验流程END USER : 最终用户 DOC NO. : PURCHASER : 购买者P.O. NO :REQ.NO : 申请PROJECT : 工程项目PROJECT NO : J8100(项目号)DOCUMENT/DATA SHEET: FAT procedure 文件、数据手册See attached proceduresPrepared By编制 Checked by校对 Approved by批准1.0 Scope 范围This procedure covers the requirements and conditions for the Factory Acceptancetest of Gas Compression Package (Tag No.) for Project.这个过程涉及燃气压缩机组工厂验收测试所必须的要求和条件( 项目号)1.1 Reference Documents 参考文献A. Piping & Instrument Diagram (FL3/MG3‐DWG‐PRO‐0801‐8001 to 8007)管道仪表图B. G.A. Drawing – Gas Compression Package (FL3/MG3‐DWG‐GEN‐0801‐9022) G.A..图纸‐燃气压缩机橇C. G.A. Drawing – Gas Cooler Package (FL3/MG3‐DWG‐GEN‐0801‐9022)G.A.图纸—燃气空冷器橇D. Local Control Panel Layout (KCP03‐18‐LCP‐01~11)就地控制仪表面板布局E. Local Control Panel Wiring Diagram就地控制面板接线图F. Control Logic Flow Chart控制流程图G. Engine/Compressor /Cooler Operation Manual发动机/压缩机/冷却器操作手册H. Site Safety Instruction Manual现场安全使用手册1.2 The objective for the test is to ensure that the performance of the equipment and assembled parts on the completed packages meet the requirement as specified in Client’s specification and to check any deviations.测试的目的是确保设备和整体机组上的安装部件与用户说明书上的要求相一致,在误差范围内。

ASME B16.48-2005钢制管线盲板(英文版)

ASME B16.48-2005钢制管线盲板(英文版)

Line Blanks A N A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L S T A N D A R DLine BlanksA N A M E R I C A N N A T I O N A L S T A N D A R DThree Park Avenue • New York, NY 10016Date of Issuance:January16,2006The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in2010.There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard issued to this edition.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards.The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate.The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry,academia, regulatory agencies,and the public-at-large.ASME does not“approve,”“rate,”or“endorse”any item,construction,proprietary device,or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent,nor assume any such ers of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,is entirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s)or person(s)affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies,which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue,New York,NY10016-5990Copyright©2006byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword (iv)Committee Roster (v)1Scope (1)2Pressure-Temperature Ratings (1)3Design (2)4Dimensions (2)5Materials (3)6Marking (3)7Paddle Blank and Spacer Identification (3)8Testing (3)Figure1Line Blanks (2)Tables1Dimensions of Class150Raised Face Figure-8Blanks (4)2Dimensions of Class300Raised Face Figure-8Blanks (5)3Dimensions of Class600Raised Face Figure-8Blanks (6)4Dimensions of Class900Raised Face Figure-8Blanks (7)5Dimensions of Class1500Raised Face Figure-8Blanks (8)6Dimensions of Class2500Raised Face Figure-8Blanks (9)7Dimensions of Class150Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (10)8Dimensions of Class300Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (11)9Dimensions of Class600Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (12)10Dimensions of Class900Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (13)11Dimensions of Class1500Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (14)12Dimensions of Class2500Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (15)13Dimensions of Class150Male Oval Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (16)14Dimensions of Class300Male Oval Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (17)15Dimensions of Class600Male Oval Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (18)16Dimensions of Class900Male Oval Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (19)17Dimensions of Class1500Male Oval Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (20)18Dimensions of Class2500Male Oval Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks (21)Nonmandatory AppendicesA Dimensional Data for Line Blanks in U.S.Customary Units (22)B References (41)C Quality System Program (42)iiiFOREWORDIn July1993,the ASME B16Committee gave to its Subcommittee C the assignment to convert the API590Steel Line Blanks Standard into an ASME standard.The American Petroleum Institute no longer publishes the API590Standard.These line blanks were designed in accordance with the rules of the ASME B31.3-2002edition. Materials and relevant footnotes have been added following the ASME format.Significant additions made to this2005edition include reference to the use of all materials listed in B16.5Table1-A plus Metric units.The added materials of construction include additions to classes of alloy steels,stainless steels,and nickel alloys.This edition has also been metricated over previous editions to include both U.S.Customary units(in parenthesis)and Metric units in the text,Metric units in dimensional tables in the body,and U.S.Customary units in dimensional tables in Nonmandatory Annex A.All requests for interpretations or suggestions for revisions should be sent to the Secretary, B16Committee,The American Society of Mechanical Engineers,Three Park Avenue,New York, NY10016-5990.The B16Committee operates under procedures accredited by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI).Following approval by the Standards Committee and ASME,this revision to the1997edition was approved as an American National Standard by ANSI on September19, 2005with the designation ASME B16.48-2005.ivASME B16COMMITTEE Standardization of Valves,Flanges,Fittings,and Gaskets(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)OFFICERSW.N.McLean,Chair R.A.Schmidt,Vice Chair C.Artibee,SecretaryCOMMITTEE PERSONNELR.W.Barnes,Anric Enterprises,Inc.W.B.Bedesem,ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co.M.A.Clark,Nibco,Inc.C.E.Floren,Mueller Co.D.R.Frikken,Becht Engineering Co.G.G.Grills,U.S.Coast Guard A.Hamilton,ABS Americas M.L.Henderson,Forgital USA G.A.Jolly,Vogt Valves/Flowserve M.Katcher,Haynes International R.Koester,Honorary MemberSUBCOMMITTEE CD.R.Frikken,Chair,Becht Engineering Co.C.Artibee,Secretary,The American Society of Mechanical EngineersV.C.Bhasin,Sigmatech G.D.Conlee,Consultant W.C.Farrell,Jr.,Consultant M.L.Henderson,Coffer Corp.R.E.Johnson,Flowline DivisionvW.N.McLean,Newco ValvesT.A.McMahon,Fisher Controls International,Inc.M.L.Nayyar,Bechtel Power Corp.J.D.Page,U.S.Regulatory CommissionP .A.Reddington,The American Society of Mechanical Engineers R.A.Schmidt,Trinity-ladishH.R.Sonderegger,Anvil International,Inc.W.M.Stephan,Flexitallic LPT.F.Stroud,Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association R.E.White,Richard E.White &Associates PC D.A.Williams,Southern Company ServicesR.Koester,Honorary Member W.N.McLean,Newco ValvesM.L.Nayyar,Bechtel Power Corp.R.A.Schmidt,Trinity-ladish D.L.Shira,Taylor ForgeJ.C.Thompson,Milwaukee Valve L.A.Willis,Dow Chemical Co.viASME B16.48-2005 LINE BLANKS1SCOPE1.1GeneralThis Standard covers pressure-temperature ratings, materials,dimensions,tolerances,marking,and testing for operating line blanks in sizes NPS1⁄2through NPS24 for installation between ASME B16.5flanges in the150, 300,600,900,1500,and2500pressure classes.1.2Definitions1.2.1Figure-8Blank.A figure-8blank(also called a spectacle blank)is a pressure-retaining plate with one solid end and one open end connected with a web or tie bar(see Fig.1).1.2.2Paddle Blank.A paddle blank is similar to the solid end of a figure-8blank.It has a plain radial handle.It is generally used in conjunction with a paddle spacerin large sizes.1.2.3Paddle Spacer.A paddle spacer is similar to the open end of a figure-8blank.It has a plain radial handle.It is generally used in conjunction with a paddle blank.1.3ReferencesCodes,standards,and specifications,containing pro-visions to the extent referenced herein,constitute requirements of this Standard.These reference docu-ments are listed in Nonmandatory Appendix B.1.4Quality SystemsNonmandatory requirements relating to the product manufacturer’s Quality System Program are describedin Nonmandatory Appendix C.1.5Relevant UnitsThis Standard states values in both Metric and U.S.Customary units.These systems of units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the U.S.Customary units are shown in parenthesis or sepa-rate tables.Refer to Nonmandatory Appendix A.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore,it is required that each system of units be used independently of the bining values from the two systems constitutes nonconformance with the Stan-dard.Nonmandatory Appendix A provides dimensionsin U.S.Customary units.1.6ConventionFor the purpose of determining conformance with this Standard,the convention for fixing significant digits1where limits and maximum and minimum values are specified,shall be rounded as defined in ASTM Practice E29.This requires that an observed or calcu-lated value shall be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand digit used for expressing the limit. Decimal values and tolerances do not imply a particular method of measurement.1.7SizeNPS,followed by a dimensionless number,is the des-ignation for nominal blank size.NPS is related to the reference nominal diameter,DN,as defined in ISO6708. The relationship is typically as follows:NPS DN1⁄2153⁄42012511⁄43211⁄24025021⁄2653804100NOTE:For NPS≥4,the related DN is DN p25(NPS).1.8Service ConditionsCriteria for selection of materials suitable for particu-lar fluid service are not wihtin the scope of this Standard.2PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS2.1Pressure ClassesLine blanks covered by this Standard are for the fol-lowing pressure classes:150,300,600,900,1500,and 2500as listed in ASME B16.5.2.2Pressure-Temperature Ratings2.2.1Ratings.Ratings are the maximum allowable working gage pressure at the temperature shown in Tables2and F-2of ASME B16.5for the appropriate material and pressure class.For intermediate tempera-tures,linear interpolation between temperatures withina pressure class is permitted by ASME B16. Pressure Testing.Line blanks may be subjected to system tests at a pressure not to exceed 1.5times the38°C(100°F)rating rounded off to the next higher1bar(25psi)increment.Testing at any higher pressure is the responsibility of the user,taking intoASME B16.48-2005LINE BLANKSFigure-8 BlankPaddle BlankPaddle SpacerFig.1Line Blanksaccount the requirements of the applicable code or regulation.2.2.3Mixed Material Joints.Should either the two flanges or the line blank in a flanged line blank assembly not have the same pressure-temperature rating,the rat-ing of the assembled joint at any temperature shall be the lower of the flange or line blank rating at that temper-ature.3DESIGN3.1HandleThe handle or web(tie bar)may be integral or attached to the line blank or spacer.The web and its attachment shall be capable of supporting the weight of the blank or spacer in all orientations without permanent defor-mation to the web.3.2Edge PreparationFinished surfaces shall be free of projections that would interfere with gasket seating.3.3Facing3.3.1Raised Face Joint Blanks.The gasket seating surface finish and dimensions for raised face line blanks shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.A raised face may be specified at the option of the purchaser.The height of the raised faces shall be in addition to the2thicknesses,t,listed in Tables1through6(Tables A-1 through A-6in Nonmandatory Appendix A).3.3.2Female Ring-Joint Blanks.Female ring-joint grooves shall be shaped with the groove side wall sur-face finish not exceeding1.6␮m(63␮in.)Ra roughness. The finish of the gasket contact faces shall be judged by visual comparison with Ra standards(see ASME B46.1) and not by instruments having stylus tracers and elec-tronic amplification.3.3.3Male Ring-Joint Blanks.The gasket shape(ring) for male ring-joint blanks shall not exceed1.6␮m (63␮in.)Ra roughness.The finish of the gasket contact faces shall be judged by visual comparison with Ra stan-dards(see ASME B46.1)and not by instruments having stylus tracers and electronic amplification.4DIMENSIONS4.1GeneralDimensions shall be in accordance with Tables1 through18(Tables A-1through A-18of Nonmandatory Appendix A).4.2Tolerances4.2.1Facing Tolerances.Tolerances for facings shall be in accordance with ASME B16. Tolerances.Thickness tolerances are NPS18and smaller−zero+3.0mm(0.12in.)NPS20and larger−zero+4.8mm(0.19in.)4.3Openings(a)For NPS1⁄2,NPS3⁄4,and NPS1blanks in all raised face classes,the inside diameter is equal to standard weight welding neck flange bore.(b)For NPS11⁄4and larger blanks in Classes150and 300raised face,the inside diameter is equal to the pipe outside diameter.(c)For NPS11⁄4and larger blanks in Classes600and 900raised face,the inside diameter is equal to Schedule10S welding neck flange bore.(d)For Class1500raised face blanks,the inside diam-eter is equal to Schedule40welding neck flange bore.(e)For Class2500raised face blanks,the inside diame-ter is equal to Schedule40through NPS6,Schedule60 for NPS8and NPS10,and Schedule80for NPS12. (f)For all ring-joint blanks,the inside diameter is equal to the pipe outside diameter.(g)Dimensions are based upon concentric installation of spiral wound gaskets with inner rings as required by ASME B16.20and conform to the maximum permitted bore of ASME B16.5welding neck flanges described in Table16of ASME B16.20.LINE BLANKS ASME B16.48-20054.4Facing FinishFacing finish shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5, para. for line blanks shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5,Table1-A,and shall include material restrictions cited in notes to Tables2or F-2of ASME B16.5.Recommended bolting materials for flange-blank assemblies are listed in ASME B16.5, Table1-B.Criteria for the selection of materials are not within the scope of this Standard.6MARKING6.1General(a)Line blanks shall be marked as follows:(1)Manufacturer’s name or trademark(2)Material,specification,and grade or class(3)Pressure class(4)B16(5)Size(NPS)(6)Ring number(if applicable)(b)Where space does not permit all of the above markings,they may be omitted in the reverse order given in 6.1(a).3(c)The B16designation may be applied only when the line blank has been manufactured in full confor-mance with this Standard.6.2Marking MethodThe marking shall be applied by steel stamping on the web(tie bar)or handle.Where space is limited, marking may be stamped on the outside edge of the blind portion of blanks.7PADDLE BLANK AND SPACER IDENTIFICATION 7.1Paddle HandlesIn order to differentiate between an installed paddle spacer and a paddle blank,it is required that there be an externally visible distinction between the two as required by paras.7.2and7.3.7.2Paddle Blank HandlesHandles for paddle blanks shall be solid with no openings.7.3Paddle Spacer HandlesHandles for paddle spacers shall have a single through indicator hole located near the end of the handle.The hole diameter shall not be less than12mm(1⁄2in.).8TESTINGLine blanks are not required to be pressure tested.Table1Dimensions of Class150Raised Face Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄2164560 3.0383⁄4215470 3.038 1276480 3.03811⁄4427390 6.43811⁄24883100 6.438 261102120 6.45121⁄273107140 6.451 389133150 6.46431⁄21021591759.764 41141721909.764 51411942159.776 616821924012.776 821927630012.776 1027333736015.7102 1232440643019.1102 1435644847519.1108 1640651146022.4108 1845754658025.4114 2050860363528.4121 2461071475031.8140GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-1in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.(3)Refer to para.3.3.1.Table2Dimensions of Class300Raised Face Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄2165165 6.4383⁄4216480 6.438 1277090 6.43811⁄44279100 6.43811⁄24892115 6.438 2611081259.75121⁄2731271509.751 3891461709.76431⁄210216218512.764 411417820012.764 514121323515.776 616824827015.776 821930533022.476 1027335938525.4102 1232441945028.4102 1435648351531.8108 1640653657038.1108 1845759463041.1114 2050865168544.5121 2461077281050.8140GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-2in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.(3)Refer to para.3.3.1.Table3Dimensions of Class600Raised Face Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄2165165 6.4383⁄4216480 6.438 1277090 6.45711⁄437791009.75711⁄243921159.767 2551081259.75721⁄26712715012.767 38314617012.76731⁄29615918515.776 410819121515.776 513523826519.186 616226429022.486 821231835028.495 1026539743035.1105 1231545449041.1105 1434648952544.5114 1639756260550.8124 1844861065553.8133 2049767972563.5133 2459778784073.2152GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-3in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.(3)Refer to para.3.3.1.Table4Dimensions of Class900Raised Face Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄2166080 6.4383⁄4216790 6.441 12776100 6.45711⁄437861109.75711⁄243951259.767 25514016512.75721⁄26716219012.767 38316519015.767 410820323519.176 513524428022.486 616228632025.486 821235639535.195 1026543247041.1105 1231549553547.8105 1434651856053.8114 1639757261560.5124 1844863568566.5133 2049769675073.2133 2459783590088.9152GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-4in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.(3)Refer to para.3.3.1.Table5Dimensions of Class1500Raised Face Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄2166180 6.4383⁄42167909.741 127761009.76411⁄435861109.76411⁄2419512512.770 25314016512.77021⁄26316219015.776 37817220519.176 410220624022.489 512825129028.489 615427932035.189 820334939541.1102 1025543248050.8114 1230351857060.5114 1433357563566.5127 1638163870576.2133 1842970277585.9146 2047875283095.3152 24575899990111.3178GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-5in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.(3)Refer to para.3.3.1.Table6Dimensions of Class2500Raised Face Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄21667909.7383⁄42173959.741 127831109.76411⁄43510213012.76411⁄24111414515.770 25314317015.77021⁄26316519519.176 37819423022.476 410223227528.489 512827632535.189 615431437041.189 819838444053.8102 1024847354066.5114 1228954662079.2114GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-6in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.(3)Refer to para.3.3.1.Table7Dimensions of Class1500Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm 134648019.15111⁄442739019.15111⁄2488310019.157 26110212019.15721⁄27312114022.457 38913315022.45731⁄210215417522.464 411417219022.464 514119421525.470 616821924025.483 821927330028.495 1027333036031.8102 1232440643035.1121 1435642647535.1127 1640648354038.1127 1845754658041.1127 2050859763541.1127 2461071175047.8152 GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-7in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)Female ring-joint groove dimensions shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.(3)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.Table8Dimensions of Class300Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄221516515.7383⁄427648019.145 134709019.15111⁄4427910022.45111⁄2489011522.457 26110812525.45721⁄27312715028.457 38914617028.45731⁄210215918528.464 411417520031.864 514121023535.170 616824127035.183 821930233041.195 1027335638544.5102 1232441345050.8121 1435645751553.8127 1640650857057.2127 1845757563060.5127 2050863568569.9127 2461074981079.2152GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-8in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)Female ring-joint groove dimensions shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.(3)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.Table9Dimensions of Class600Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄221516519.1383⁄427648022.445 134709022.45111⁄4427910022.45111⁄2489011522.457 26110812528.45721⁄27312715031.857 38914617031.85731⁄210215918535.164 411417521535.164 514121026538.170 616824129044.583 821930235050.895 1027335643057.2102 1232441349063.5121 1435645752566.5127 1640650860573.2127 1845757565579.2127 2050863572588.9127 24610749840104.6152GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-9in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)Female ring-joint groove dimensions shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.(3)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.Table10Dimensions of Class900Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8Blanks Inside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W, NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄221618022.4383⁄427679022.445 1347110022.45111⁄4428111025.45111⁄2489212525.464 26112416531.85121⁄27313719035.167 38915519035.167 411418123541.173 514121628044.573 616824131547.873 821930839557.280 1027336247063.5121 1232441953573.2121 1435646756082.6121 1640652461591.9127 18457594685101.6133 20508648750111.3127 24610772900133.4140 GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-10 in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)Female ring-joint groove dimensions shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.(3)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.ASME B16.48-2005LINEBLANKSTable11Dimensions of Class1500Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8BlanksInside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W,NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄221618022.4383⁄427679025.445 1347110025.45411⁄4428111025.45411⁄2489212528.457 26112416535.15421⁄27313719038.157 38916820544.573 411419424047.876 514122929053.876 616824831560.579 821931839573.286 1027337148082.5133 12324438570101.6133 14356489635111.3140 16406546705124.0146 18457613775133.0152 20508673830142.7165 24610794990168.1178 GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-11 in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)Female ring-joint groove dimensions shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.(3)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.LINE BLANKS ASMEB16.48-2005Table12Dimensions of Class2500Female Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8BlanksInside Outside CenterlineDiameter,B,Diameter,O,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W,NPS mm mm mm mm mm1⁄221659025.4383⁄427739528.445 1348311028.45411⁄44210213035.15411⁄24811414538.161 26113317041.15721⁄27314919547.861 38916823050.876 411420327063.583 514124132573.289 616827937082.695 821934044098.695 10273425540117.391 12324495620133.4152GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-12 in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)Female ring-joint groove dimensions shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5.(3)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.ASME B16.48-2005LINE BLANKSTable13Dimensions of Class150Male Oval Ring-Joint Facing Figure-8BlanksInside CenterlineDiameter,B,Dimension,A,Thickness,t,Web Width,W,NPS mm mm mm mm13480 6.45111⁄44290 6.45111⁄248100 6.457261120 6.45721⁄2731409.7573891509.75731⁄21021759.76441141909.764514121512.776616824012.783821930015.7951027336219.11021232443222.41211435647622.41271640654025.41271845757828.41272050863528.41272461074935.1152GENERAL NOTE:Dimensions are in millimeters.For inch dimensions,refer to corresponding Table A-13in Nonmandatory Appendix A.NOTES:(1)Hole size(where required due to bolt spacing)shall be the same as the flange bolt hole and locatedsuch that it will not interfere with bolting between two flanges.(2)Oval ring-joint dimensions shall be in accordance with ASME B16.20,except T h p T+t,where T isthe ring height specified in ASME B16.20.(3)The thickness of the web(or tie bar)dimension,W t,shall be as determined by para.3.1.。

SANS10400-S_dss 南非标准

SANS10400-S_dss 南非标准

DRAFT SOUTH AFRICAN STANDARD (DSS):PUBLIC ENQUIRY STAGEDocument number SANS 10400-SReference 7114/10400-S/SPDate of circulation 2010-05-11 Closing date 2010-07-13Number and title:SANS 10400-S: THE APPLICATION OF THE NATIONAL BUILDING REGULATIONS — PART S: FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIESRemarks:PLEASE NOTE:•The technical committee, SABS TC 59: Construction Standards responsible for the preparation of this standard has reached consensus that the attached document should become a South Africanstandard. It is now made available by way of public enquiry to all interested and affected parties forpublic comment, and to the technical committee members for record purposes. Any comments shouldbe sent by the indicated closing date, either by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail toSABS Standards DivisionAttention: Compliance and Development departmentPrivate Bag X191Pretoria0001Fax No.: (012) 344-1568 (for attention: dsscomments) comment on the draft must contain in its heading the number of the clause/subclause to which itrefers. A comment shall be well motivated and, where applicable, contain the proposed amended text.•The public enquiry stage will be repeated if the technical committee agrees to significant technical changes to the document as a result of public comment. Less urgent technical comments will beconsidered at the time of the next amendment.THIS DOCUMENT IS A DRAFT CIRCULATED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT. IT MAY NOT BE REFERRED TO AS ASOUTH AFRICAN STANDARD UNTIL PUBLISHED AS SUCH.IN ADDITION TO THEIR EVALUATION AS BEING ACCEPTABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, COMMERCIAL AND USER PURPOSES, DRAFT SOUTH AFRICAN STANDARDS MAY ON OCCASION HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE LIGHT OF THEIR POTENTIAL TO BECOME STANDARDS TO WHICH REFERENCE MAY BE MADE IN LAW.AZ96.10 2008/08/08 sabs ptaISBN 978-0-626-SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3Published by SABS Standards DivisionTel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344© SABSSANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3Table of changesChange No. Date ScopeAcknowledgementThe SABS Standards Division wishes to acknowledge the work of the National Environmental AccessPart A:Part B:Part F:Part J:Part K: Walls.Part L: Roofs.Part M: Stairways.Part N: Glazing.Foreword (concluded)Part O: Lighting and ventilation.Part P: Drainage.Part Q: Non-water-borne means of sanitary disposal. Part R: Stormwater disposal.Part S: Facilities for persons with disabilities.Part T: Fire protection.Part V: Space heating.SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 31ContentsPageAcknowledgementForeword1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................2 Normative references .............................................................................................................34SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3This page is intentionally left blank2SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3The application of the National Building RegulationsPart S:SANS 10400-A, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part A: General principles and requirements.SANS 10400-M, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part M: Stairways.SANS 10400-P, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part P: Drainage.SANS 10400-T, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part T: Fire protection.3SANS 10400-S:2010 Edition 343 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this document, the definitions given in SANS 10400-A (some of which are repeated for convenience) and the following apply. 3.1 accessapproach, entry or exit 3.2accessiblecharacteristic of a building, that can be reached, entered and used3. who isa) registered in terms of the Architectural Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 44 of 2000), as either a P rofessional Architect or a Professional Architectural Technologist, and has suitable contextual k nowledge and experience to undertake a rational design or rational assessment in terms of the r equirements of part S of the Regulations; orb) generally recognized as having the necessary experience and qualifications to undertake a r ational assessment and advise a Professional Architect or Professional Architectural Technologist registered in terms of the Architectural Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 44 of 2000), on a rational designSANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3 in terms of the requirements of part S of the Regulations.3.9deemed-to-satisfy requirementnon-mandatory requirement, the compliance with which ensures compliance with a functional regulation53.10easy-to-usedescriptive of a fixture or fitting that has been designed and fitted in such a way that persons with disabilities are able to use it safely, comfortably and conveniently, both in terms of the mechanism used for its operation and the force required to operate it3.11emergency routethat part of an escape route which provides fire protection to the occupants of any building and which leads to an escape door3. than generally accepted optimum performance in a human ability, which might be a temporary or permanent condition3.20impairmentindicative of any one impaired ability3.21kerb cutlink between a road traffic surface and an elevated or lowered pedestrian pavement3.22landinglevel platform or part of a floor structure at the end of a flight of stairs or a ramp3.23main entranceentrance that leads directly to3.243.25a)3.26NOTE3.27including all external and internal routes and spaces in common usage, and the entrances and exits within these routes and spaces3.28person with disabilitiesperson who has long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, might hinder his full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others3.29rampinternal or external walkway with a slope greater than 1:20 in the direction of travel3.30rational assessmentassessment by a competent person of the adequacy of the performance of a solution in relation to requirements including as necessary, a process of reasoning, calculation and consideration of accepted analytical principles, based on a combination of deductions from available information, research and data, appropriate testing and service experience3.313.323.33space3.34storeyc)andt h e r 3.353.36tactilethat can be perceived by using the sense of touch3.37transfer spacespace required by a wheelchair user to transfer to or from a vehicle, toilet or seat3.38turning spacecirculation space in which a wheelchair can turn through 360°3.39wheelchair-accessible toilettoilet designed to include use by wheelchair users4 RequirementsNOTE The requirements of this part of SANS 10400 form part of SANS 10400-D, SANS 10400-M and2)p4. requirements of SANS 1186-1 and shall have a symbol height of not less than 110 mm.4.2.3 Facilities that are not in accordance with the requirements of this part of SANS 10400 shall not bear the international symbol.NOTE The symbol is the property of the International Standards Office and its use can only be sanctioned where the minimum requirements of the National Building Regulations have been complied with.4.2.4 Clear legible signs shall indicate the direction and name of an accessible facility and shall incorporate the international symbol. The height of the lettering shall not be less than 50 mm.Where the viewing distance is greater than 10 m, the height of the lettering should be increased accordingly (see table 1).Table 1 — Height of lettering in relation to viewing distancevision. at least one parking space per 50 parking spaces (or part thereof) and at least 20 % of the parkingspaces at rehabilitation and medical facilities shall be provided for parking of vehicles used by persons with disabilities;b) the parking spaces provided for vehicles used by persons with disabilities shall be of a suitablelength, shall be at least of the dimensions shown in figure 2, and shall be situated on and accessed from a surface that is not steeper than 1:50;c) any parking space provided for vehicles used by persons with disabilities shall be located within 50 mof an accessible entrance.d) any parking space provided for vehicles used by persons with disabilities shall be clearly demarcatedas being intended for the use of persons with disabilities only.Entry to parking areas should allow for the entry of vehicles suitable for use by wheelchair users, and which have a hoist to carry the wheelchair on top of the car. The height clearance to accommodate this should be at least 2,4 m.4.3.2 Parking spaces shall be identified by a vertical sign incorporating the international symbol for access by persons with disabilities, in accordance with 4.2. The international symbol shall also be clearly painted on the road surface (see figure 2) and it shall be 1 000 mm × 600 mm. At least one accessible route shall be provided within the boundary of the site from all public transportation stops, accessible parking spaces, passenger loading zones and public streets and pavements to the accessible building entrance which they serve and the facilities inside the building. There shall be a means of access suitable for use by persons with disabilities from the outside of the building to the ground storey. The clear width of the walking surfaces shall not be less than 900 mm and shall not be reduced by protruding objects. If the clear width is less than 1,5 m, an accessible route shall be provided with passing spaces of 1,5 m by 1,5 m (minimum) at intervals not exceeding 5,0 m, or an intersection of two walking surfaces which provide a T-shaped space. Each accessible entrance to a building shall have at least one door or doorway in accordance with the requirements of Revolving doors, revolving gates and turnstiles shall not form part of an accessible route. 4.4.2 Wheelchair turning space4. A dished channel shall not be constructed within the boundaries of a path. A drainage grating that is within the boundaries of a path shall be set flush with the surface of the path. Such grating shall be placed so that its longitudinal elements are perpendicular to the main walking direction, and the gap between them shall not exceed 13 mm. Where identified parking for persons with disabilities is provided, a kerb cut that has a slip-resistant finish shall be provided immediately adjacent to the bay (see figure 3).NOTE 1 Kerb cuts should be provided where required, and in conjunction with pedestrian crossings, taxi and bus ranks and parking garages.NOTE 2 The recommended surface between a pavement and roadway is a ramp fitted with tactile guidance surface indicators. This provides a safe and trafficable surface for wheelchair users, and a detectable surface to indicate to persons with visual impairments that they are leaving a pedestrian footpath and entering a traffic roadway.NOTE 3 SANS 784 provides guidance on the design of kerb ramps at pedestrian crossings.x4.5.1 Floor and ground surfaces which form an integral part of an accessible route shall be stable, firm and slip resistant (see SANS 784).4.5.2 Carpet, carpet tiles or other floor finishes shall be securely attached and level across all types of pile. Pile height of carpets shall not exceed 3 mm.4.5.3 Openings in the floor finish or ground surface shall not exceed 13 mm in diameter and, where the opening is elongated, the long dimension shall be placed perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel.4.5.4 The vertical change in level between two floor surfaces shall not exceed 5 mm.4.5.5Where a surface is cambered for drainage purposes, the camber shall not exceed 1:50 (see figure 4).4.5.6 Cobbles (whether fixed or loose), gravel sand and other raised or loose finishes shall not form part of an accessible route. 6 — Clear width of leading leaf4.6.1.3 Minimum access dimensions to enable wheelchair users to make 90° turns, shall be as shown in figure Sliding doors may be installed in places where a hinged door would hinder circulation or manoeuvrability. Where revolving doors, turnstiles or other barriers are installed, an alternative means of access shall be installed.NOTE 1 Doors are a hindrance and their use should be avoided. Where doors cannot be avoided, for example, in a route used for emergency egress, doors should be held open on magnetic closers, or should require a force that is safe, comfortable and convenient for persons with disabilities to operate.NOTE 2 Frequently used doors, such as main entrance self-closing doors, should preferably open automatically and be equipped with a fail safe system that enables the door to open under emergency conditionsDimensions in millimetres4.6.2.1level. Round door knobs do not provide an adequate grip for persons with impaired dexterity and shall be avoided. All doors shall be openable with one hand. All door handles shall be horizontally aligned. Door furniture with sharp protruding edges is hazardous and shall not be used.4.7 RampsNOTE 1 Ramps might be required for use by persons without disabilities, for example, persons pushing trolleys who require ramps as an alternative to stepped access.NOTE 2 Ramps should only be provided where level access cannot be achieved. Where a ramp is provided, stepped access should normally accompany it for persons with ambulant disabilities who find ramps difficult to use.4.7.1 Any ramp or series of ramps shall provide a safe, comfortable and convenient route for wheelchair users.4.7.2 Any ramp provided in terms of this part of SANS 10400 shallc)f)g) The camber or banking on walkways and ramps shall not exceed 1:50, as shown in figure A raised kerb not less than 75 mm high, measured vertically above the surface of the ramp, shall be provided on exposed sides of a ramp.4.7.6 At any point where the clear height of the area below the soffit is less than 2,1 m, and it is not enclosed, the means of limiting inadvertent access to such area shall be indicated.4.8 Stairways4.8.1 Stairways shall comply with the requirements of SANS 10400-M, SANS 10400-T and the following requirements:a) the width of any stairway, measured to an enclosing wall or balustrade, shall be at least 900 mm;b) a landing that serves two flights of stairs in the same straight line shall be of length at least1 100 mm;c) the rise of each tread step shall be of the same height and shall not exceed 175 mm; where the stairway is wider than 2,4 m, it shall be provided at no more than 2,4 m intervals; andi) handrails shall be supported centrally from below with not less than 50 mm between the underside ofthe handrail and the top of the support.j) where a stairway is wider than 2,4 m, a handrail shall be provided at no more than 2,4 m intervals. NOTE Handrails that extend at the top and bottom of a stairway are a tactile aid for persons with visual impairments, and a balancing aid for ambulant persons with disabilities.Dimensions in millimetresa) have a minimum internal dimension of 1,1 m in width and 1,4 m in depth, clear of surface finishes,b) have a doorway with an unobstructed width of not less than 800 mm,c) be fitted with horizontal handrails the full length of the side of the lift car sides at a height of between850 mm and 1 000 m above the floor level of the lift,d) have a mirror on the top half of the rear wall equal to the width of the lift to enable wheelchair users toback out of the lift where the lift has internal dimensions less than 1,5 m in width and 2,0 m in depth,e) have a clear circulation space of not less than 1,5 m × 1,5 m at the entrance of the lift on each floor,f) have audible and visual warnings in the lift lobby and lift car to indicate the lift car approaching, thearrival of the lift, the lift doors opening, the lift doors closing, the floor requested and at which floor the lift stops;i)means.combined total of more than 20 toilets and urinals are required to serve the total population, not less than two toilets for every 20 toilets shall be provided for the use of persons with disabilities; and c) persons with disabilities shall not be required to travel, from any point in such building accessible tosuch person, a distance of more than 45 m on the same floor, or 35 m where horizontal and vertical distances are combined, in order to reach a compartment that contains a toilet accessible to them, regardless of the number of toilets available.NOTE Persons with disabilities should not have to travel further than persons without disabilities to get to a toiletfacility that is accessible to them (see annex B).4.11.2 In a wheelchair-accessible toilet,a) the door of the compartment that contains the toilet facilities shall open outwards unless a 1,2 mdiameter area that is clear of all fittings, fixtures and the line of the door swing is provided. It shall be fitted with a grab-handle on the inside and an easy-to-use locking device. The door leaf shall be openable from the outside by the use of a suitable device in the case of an emergency, and such leaf shall be fitted with a suitable means of indicating whether the compartment is occupied;b) the minimum finished wall-to-wall dimensions of the compartment shall be not less than1,8 m × 1,8 m;c)d)e)f)g)h)i)1)j)k)l)m) grab rails suitable for use by persons with disabilities shall be provided at the side and back of the toilet. The tube of any grab rail shall have an outside diameter between 32 mm and 38 mm. The back and side grab rail may be an integral unit.4.11.3 Any bath or shower cubicle provided for the use of persons with disabilities shall be so designed that a wheelchair user should be able to roll into such cubicle without being obstructed by a kerb or change of level.NOTE Annex E provides further guidance on the design and layout of toilet facilities.4.12 Auditoriums and halls4.12.1 Where any building contains one or more auditoriums or halls fitted with fixed seating, floor space accessible to any person in a wheelchair shall be set aside for the accommodation of wheelchairs in such auditoriums or halls. Such space shalla) be situated adjacent, or in close proximity, to an exit door and shall be so arranged that a wheelchairwill not obstruct any aisle or exit door, andb) be of a size sufficient to accommodate1)2)3) in millimetresc)4.15.2 Night lights shall be provided in external circulation areas, internal circulation areas and bathrooms, where these facilities are used after dark.NOTE Contrasting colours and levels of luminance should be used to assist persons with visual and intellectual impairments.Annex A(normative)National Building RegulationsPart S: Facilities for Persons with DisabilitiesDefinitionsadequateadequatesitestoreya) the ground storey is taken as the storey in which there is an entrance to the building from the level ofthe adjoining ground or, if there is more than one such storey, the lower or lowest of these,b) a basement is taken to be any part of the building which is below the level of the ground storey,c) an upper storey is taken to be any storey of the building which is above the level of the groundstorey, andd) the height expressed in storeys is taken to be that number of storeys which includes all storeys otherthan a basementsuitablecapable of fulfilling or having fulfilled the intended function, or fit for its intended purposeRegulationsS1 Application(1) Facilities that accommodate persons with disabilities shall be provided in any building except theA20(1) :th eanda n yw i t ha n ybuilding and such auditorium or hall shall, in relation to its seating capacity, be provided withsufficient open space to accommodate a reasonable number of people who use wheelchairsor other assistive devices.Where parking for more than 50 motor vehicles is provided in or in connection with any (2)building having a means of access contemplated in subregulation (1), adequate parking spaceshall be provided for the parking of motor vehicles used by persons with disabilities and asuitable means of access shall be provided from the parking area, whether such parking areabe inside or outside such building, to the ground storey of such building.(3) Where, in terms of regulation P1, toilet facilities are required and the building is one requiringfacilities for persons with disabilities in terms of regulation S1, an adequate number of such facilities shall be suitable for use by persons with disabilities: Provided that toilet facilities shall not be required in any such building classified as H3 in terms of regulation A20.S3 Deemed-to-Satisfy RequirementsThe requirements of regulation S2 shall be deemed to be satisfied where –(a) the facilities provided are in accordance with SANS 10400-S(b)Annex B(informative)Access needs of persons with disabilities in the contextof the South African legislative frameworkB.1 IntroductionDuring the latter half of 1990, the approach to disability shifted from regarding the provision of access for persons with disabilities as an act of kindness, towards the recognition that the creation of environmental barriers is a violation of the civil rights of persons with disabilities.Equality (Section 9)(3) T he state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or moregrounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth.(4) N o person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more groundsin terms of subsection (3). National legislation must be enacted to prevent or prohibit unfair discrimination.Human Dignity (Section 10)Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected. Environment (Section 24)Everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being.B.3.2 The Employment Equity ActThe stated purpose of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998) is to(b)(a)(b)(c)The●●adapting existing equipment or acquiring new equipment● re-organizing workstationsB.3.3 The Occupational Health and Safety ActThe Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993) affects all employers, persons in employment, and persons not in employment but who are affected by the employer's undertakings. This includes persons with disabilities visiting the workplace as well as employees with disabilities.An employer's responsibilities in terms of section 8(1) are toprovide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of his employees.An employer or self-employed person shall, in terms of section 9(1)(c)(a) race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age,disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth; or(b) any other ground where discrimination based on that other ground –(i) causes or perpetuates systemic disadvantage;(ii) undermines human dignity; or(iii) adversely affects the equal enjoyment of a person’s rights and freedoms in a serious manner that is comparable to discrimination on a ground in paragraph (a).Section 13 states thatif the complainant makes out a prima facie case of discrimination:(a) the respondent must prove, on the facts before the court, that the discrimination did not take placeas alleged; or(b) the respondent must prove that the conduct is not based on one or more of the prohibited grounds.Annex C(informative)Access needs of persons with different disabilitiesC.1 IntroductionThe individual anthropometric and ergonomic requirements of persons with disabilities vary enormously. Designers of buildings and local authorities who are responsible for approving alternative proposals should appreciate the environmental impact for, or access needs of, persons with commonly accepted categories of disability.risers.The features required by persons with visual impairments benefit the general safety of the total building population.C.2.3 OrientationThe built environment can either create confusion or facilitate orientation. External pathways can be designed to lead directly to the front entrance of a building, and a logical layout can be provided so that it is easy for someone with impaired sight to learn and remember.C.2.4 Visual informationBy creating clarity in the built environment, a level of safety that helps to minimize the risk of injury to persons with visual impairments can be achieved.An object should be so designed that if it is knocked over by a person, he will not injure himself. Rounded objects rather than sharp-cornered objects should be used.Glare introduces debilitating effects to a person with a visual impairment. To avoid glare, attention should be paid to the location of windows, the location and level of artificial light, the location of mirrors, and the specification of reflective surfaces, fixtures and fittings.persons with intellectual impairments, experience difficulties with cognition and perception. Learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, also have an environmental problem element.C.3.2 NavigationProblems with perception can result in an increased likelihood of tripping and falling, and an increased tendency to bump into objects. Navigational factors that impact on persons with visual impairments therefore apply equally here (see C.2.2).C.3.3 OrientationDifficulties with perception or cognition can lead to problems with orientation. The factors affecting persons with visual impairments apply equally here (see C.2.3).C.3.4 ComprehensionThe use of symbols to aid comprehension, either to reinforce written information, or as its own universal language, is recognized internationally.Information on controls in the built environment should be easy to understand and the use of identicalPersons who are completely deaf are still sensitive to vibrations. This can be used positively, for example, with the use of acoustic flooring.Deaf persons will find very noisy environments uncomfortable due to the reverberations that they sense.C.4.4 Safety and clarity in the visual environmentPersons with impaired hearing or who are completely deaf are not able to use their hearing to warn them of danger. Therefore the visual and tactile environment should be enhanced for their safety.The factors that create clarity in the environment for persons with visual impairments, also create a safer environment for persons with hearing impairments, and assist with lip-reading and the observation of sign language interpreters.Persons with impaired hearing are likely to be more reliant on their sight to compensate for their hearing loss. Therefore effective lines of sight should be maintained. For example, persons with a hearing impairment should be positioned so that they can see a door during a meeting, or when sitting at theirsensation in their lower limbs, and can be burnt on pipework from taps, or from the heat from the underside of a metal sink.Persons with certain cognitive impairments might not react to burning, thus causing themselves injury. Protection from hot surfaces, but also a control on the maximum temperature of hot water should be considered.Persons with certain neurological conditions cannot feel when they have come into contact with a sharp object; therefore object design is important.。



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Weco Hammer Unions
Weco Hammer Unions
Destroy 2" 602 & 1002 Weco unions or old Guiberson Unions found in your operation. When there is uncertainty …



ICS国家标准分类号总表(中英文对照,包括三级分类)01GENERALITIES综合、术语学、标准化、文献术语学(原则和协调配合)01.020Terminology(词汇01.040Vocabularies01.040.01Generalities综合、术语学、标准化、文献(词汇)社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织与管理、行政、运输(词汇) 01.040.03Sociology. S数学、自然科学(词汇)01.040.07Mathematics.医药卫生技术(词汇)01.040.11Health care环保、保健与安全(词汇)01.040.13Environment计量学和测量、物理现象(词汇)01.040.17Metrology an试验(词汇)01.040.19Testing(Voca机械系统和通用件(词汇)01.040.21Mechanical s流体系统和通用件(词汇)01.040.23Fluid system机械制造(词汇)01.040.25Manufacturin能源和热传导工程(词汇)01.040.27Energy and h电气工程(词汇)01.040.29Electrical e电子学(词汇)01.040.31Electronics(电信、音频和视频技术(词汇) 01.040.33Telecommunic信息技术、办公机械设备(词汇) 01.040.35Information01.040.37Image techno成像技术(词汇)精密机械、珠宝(词汇)01.040.39Precision me 01.040.43Road vehicle道路车辆工程(词汇)铁路工程(词汇)01.040.45Railway engi造船和海上建筑物(词汇) 01.040.47Shipbuilding航空器和航天器技术(词汇) 01.040.49Aircraft and材料储运设备(词汇)01.040.53Materials ha货物的包装和调运(词汇) 01.040.55Packaging an纺织和皮革技术(词汇)01.040.59Textile and服装工业(词汇)01.040.61Clothing ind农业(词汇)01.040.65Agriculture(食品技术(词汇)01.040.67Food technol化工技术(词汇)01.040.71Chemical tec采矿和矿产品(词汇)01.040.73Mining and m01.040.75Petroleum an石油及有关技术(词汇)冶金(词汇)01.040.77Metallurgy(V木材加工(词汇)01.040.79Wood technol玻璃和陶瓷工业(词汇)01.040.81Glass and ce橡胶和塑料工业(词汇)01.040.83Rubber and p造纸技术(词汇)01.040.85Paper techno01.040.87Paint and co涂料和颜料工业(词汇)建筑材料和建筑物(词汇)01.040.91Construction土木工程(词汇)01.040.93Civil engine军事工程(词汇)01.040.95Military eng家用和商用设备、体育、文娱(词汇) 01.040.97Domestic and量和单位01.060Quantities a颜色编码01.070Colour codin01.075Character sy字符符号图形符号01.080Graphical sy图形符号综合01.080.01Graphical sy01.080.10Public infor公共信息符号专用设备用图形符号01.080.20Graphical sy机械工程和建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图和相关的技术产品文件用图形符号 01.080.30Graphical sy电气工程和电子工程制图、示意图、图表和相关技术产品文件用图形符号 01.080.40Graphical sy信息技术和电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.50Graphical sy其他图形符号01.080.99Other graphi01.100Technical dr技术制图技术制图综合01.100.01Technical dr机械工程制图01.100.20Mechanical e01.100.25Electrical a电气和电子工程制图信息技术和电信领域用技术制图01.100.27Technical dr工程建设制图01.100.30Construction制图设备01.100.40Drawing equi其他制图标准01.100.99Other standa技术产品文件01.110Technical pr标准化总则01.120Standardizat信息学、出版01.140Information文字字体与文字转写01.140.10Writing and信息学01.140.20Information行政管理、商业和工业文件01.140.30Documents in01.140.40Publishing出版社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输03SOCIOLOGY. S社会学、人口统计学03.020Sociology. D劳动、就业03.040Labour. Empl金融、银行、货币体系、保险03.060Finances. Ba03.080Services服务服务综合03.080.01Services in工业服务03.080.10Industrial s公司(企业)的服务03.080.20Services for消费者服务03.080.30Services for03.080.99Other servic其他服务公司(企业)的组织与管理03.100Company orga公司(企业)的组织与管理综合03.100.01Company orga03.100.10Purchasing.订购、收购、仓库管理贸易、商业活动、市场营销03.100.20Trade. Comme劳动资源管理03.100.30Management o研究与开发03.100.40Research and生产、生产管理03.100.50Production.03.100.60Accountancy会计有关公司(企业)组织管理的其他标准03.100.99Other standa03.120Quality质量质量综合03.120.01Quality in g质量管理和质量保证03.120.10Quality mana产品认证和机构认证、合格评定03.120.20Product and03.120.30Application统计方法的应用有关质量的其他标准03.120.99Other standa专利、知识产权03.140Patents. Int03.160Law. Adminis法律、行政管理03.180Education教育娱乐、旅游03.200Leisure. Tou03.220Transport运输运输综合03.220.01Transport in道路运输03.220.20Road transpo铁路运输03.220.30Transport by水路运输03.220.40Transport by航空运输03.220.50Air transpor其他运输形式03.220.99Other forms03.240Postal servi邮政服务数学、自然科学07MATHEMATICS.07.020Mathematics数学07.030Physics. Che物理学、化学天文学、大地测量学、地理学 07.040Astronomy. G 地质学、气象学、水文学 07.060Geology. Met 07.080Biology. Bot生物学、植物学、动物学微生物学07.100Microbiology微生物学综合07.100.01Microbiology医学微生物学07.100.10Medical micr水微生物学07.100.20Microbiology食品微生物学07.100.30Food microbi有关微生物学的其他标准 07.100.99Other standa 医药卫生技术11HEALTH CARE医学科学和保健装置综合 11.020Medical Scie医疗设备11.040Medical equi医疗设备综合11.040.01Medical equi麻醉、呼吸和复苏设备11.040.10Anaesthetic,输血、输液和注射设备11.040.20Transfusion,11.040.30Surgical ins外科器械和材料外科植入物、假体和矫形 11.040.40Implants for 射线照相设备11.040.50Radiographic诊断设备11.040.55Diagnostic e治疗设备11.040.60Therapy equi眼科设备11.040.70Ophthalmic e其他医疗设备11.040.99Other medica11.060Dentistry牙科11.060.01Dentistry in牙科综合牙科材料11.060.10Dental mater牙科设备11.060.20Dental equip消毒和灭菌11.080Sterilizatio消毒和灭菌综合11.080.01Sterilizatio消毒设备11.080.10Sterilizing11.080.20Disinfectant消毒剂和防腐剂封装消毒11.080.30sterilized p有关消毒和灭菌的其他标准 11.080.99Other standa实验室医学11.100Laboratory m制药学11.120Pharmaceutic制药学综合11.120.01Pharmaceutic 11.120.10Medicaments药物医用材料11.120.20Medical mate有关制药学的其他标准11.120.99Other standa医院设备11.140Hospital equ11.160First aid急救残疾人用设备11.180Aids for dis人口控制、避孕器具11.200Birth contro兽医学11.220Veterinary m环保、保健与安全13ENVIRONMENT.13.020Environmenta环境保护环境和环境保护综合13.020.01Environment环境管理13.020.10Environmenta 13.020.20Environmenta环境经济环境影响评定13.020.30Environmenta污染、污染控制和保护13.020.40Pollution, p环境分类13.020.50Ecolabelling产品寿命周期13.020.60Product life环境规划13.020.70Environmenta有关环境的其他标准13.020.99Other standa13.030Wastes废物13.030.01Wastes in ge废物综合固态废物13.030.10Solid wastes13.030.20Liquid waste液态废物、污水特殊废物13.030.30Special wast废物处置和处理设备与装置 13.030.40Installation 13.030.50Recycling回收有关废物的其他标准13.030.99Other standa13.040Air quality空气质量空气质量综合13.040.01Air quality环境空气13.040.20Ambient atmo工作场所空气13.040.30Workplace at 13.040.40Stationary s 固定源排放限值移动源排放限值13.040.50Transport ex 有关空气质量的其他标准13.040.99Other standa 水质13.060Water qualit水质综合13.060.01Water qualit 天然水资源13.060.10Water of nat 13.060.20Drinking wat 饮用水工业用水13.060.25Water for in 污水13.060.30Sewage water 13.060.50Examination 水的化学物质检验水的物理性质检验13.060.60Examination 水的生物性质检验13.060.70Examination 有关水质的其他标准13.060.99Other standa 土质、土壤学13.080Soil quality土质和土壤学综合13.080.01Soil quality土壤的化学特性13.080.10Chemical cha土壤的物理性质13.080.20Physical pro土壤的生物性质13.080.30Biological p土壤的水文性质13.080.40Hydrological13.080.99Other standa有关土质的其他标准职业安全、工业卫生13.100Occupational机械安全13.110Safety of ma13.120Domestic saf家用品安全噪声(与人有关的)13.140Noise with r振动和冲击(与人有关的) 13.160Vibration an13.180Ergonomics人类工效学事故和灾害控制13.200Accident and消防13.220Protection a消防综合13.220.01Protection a13.220.10Fire-fightin灭火防火13.220.20Fire-protect材料和制品的阻燃性和燃烧性能 13.220.40Ignitability 13.220.50Fire-resista建筑材料和构件的阻燃性有关消防的其他标准13.220.99Other standa防爆13.230Explosion pr超压防护13.240Protection a电击防护13.260Protection a辐射防护13.280Radiation pr危险品防护13.300Protection a犯罪行为防范13.310Protection a预警和报警系统13.320Alarm and wa13.340Protective e防护设备防护设备综合13.340.01Protective e防护服装13.340.10Protective c13.340.20Head protect头部防护设备呼吸保护装置13.340.30Respiratory防护手套13.340.40Protective g防护鞋袜13.340.50Protective f其他防护设备13.340.99Other protec计量学和测量、物理现象17METROLOGY AN计量学和测量综合17.020Metrology an长度和角度测量17.040Linear and a长度和角度测量综合17.040.01Linear and a公差与配合17.040.10Limits and f表面特征17.040.20Properties o测量仪器仪表17.040.30Measuring in有关长度和角度测量的其他标准 17.040.99Other standa 体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量 17.060Measurement时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量 17.080Measurement 17.100Measurement力、重力和压力的测量流体流量的测量17.120Measurement17.120.01Measurement流体流量的测量综合封闭管道中流量的测量17.120.10Flow in clos明渠中流量的测量17.120.20Flow in open声学和声学测量17.140Acoustics an声学测量和噪声抑制综合17.140.01Acoustics me机器和设备的噪声17.140.20Noise emitte运输工具的噪声17.140.30Noise emitte电声学17.140.50Electroacous有关声学的其他标准17.140.99Other standa振动、冲击和振动测量17.160Vibrations,17.180Optics and o光学和光学测量光学和光学测量综合17.180.01Optics and o颜色和光的测量17.180.20Colours and光学测量仪器17.180.30Optical meas有关光学和光学测量的其他标准 17.180.99Other standa 热力学和温度测量17.200Thermodynami热力学综合17.200.01Thermodynami 热、量热学17.200.10Heat. Calori温度测量仪器仪表17.200.20Temperature- 有关热力学的其他标准17.200.99Other standa 电学、磁学、电和磁的测量17.220Electricity.电学、磁学一般特性17.220.01Electricity.电和磁量值的测量17.220.20Measurement 17.220.99Other standa 有关电学和磁学的其他标准辐射测量17.240Radiation me19TESTING试验试验条件和规程综合19.020Test conditi环境试验19.040Environmenta机械试验19.060Mechanical t 19.080Electrical a电工和电子试验无损检测19.100Non-destruct 19.120Particle siz粒度分析、筛分机械系统和通用件21MECHANICAL S机器、装置、设备的特性和设计 21.020Characterist 21.040Screw thread螺纹螺纹综合21.040.01Screw thread米制螺纹21.040.10Metric screw英制螺纹21.040.20Inch screw t特殊螺纹21.040.30Special scre21.060Fasteners紧固件紧固件综合21.060.01Fasteners in螺栓、螺钉、螺柱21.060.10Bolts, screw21.060.20Nuts螺母垫圈、锁紧件21.060.30Washers, loc21.060.40Rivets铆钉21.060.50Pins, nails销、钉环、套管、管接头、承插 21.060.60Rings, bushe 卡箍和U形环21.060.70Clamps and s其他紧固件21.060.99Other fasten铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件 21.080Hinges, eyel21.100Bearings轴承21.100.01Bearings in轴承综合滑动轴承21.100.10Plain bearin21.100.20Rolling bear滚动轴承轴和联轴器21.120Shafts and c轴和联轴器综合21.120.01Shafts and c21.120.10Shafts轴21.120.20Couplings联轴器、离合器、磨擦器键和键槽、花键21.120.30Keys and key平衡和平衡机21.120.40Balancing an21.120.99Other standa有关轴和联轴器的其他标准密封件、密封装置21.140Seals, gland21.160Springs弹簧机箱、外壳、其他机械部件 21.180Housings, en 21.200Gears齿轮及齿轮传动21.220Flexible dri挠性传动和传送挠性传动和传送综合21.220.01Flexible dri21.220.10Belt drives带传动及其零件缆索或绳索传动及其零件 21.220.20Cable or rop 链传动及其零件21.220.30Chain drives21.220.99Other flexib其它挠性传动和传送旋转-往复式机构及其部件 21.240Rotary-recip 润滑系统21.260Lubrication23FLUID SYSTEM流体系统和通用件流体存储装置23.020Fluid storag流体存储装置综合23.020.01Fluid storag固定容器和罐23.020.10Stationary c车载槽罐和容器23.020.20Vessels and压力容器、气瓶23.020.30Pressure ves23.020.40Cryogenic ve低温容器其他流体存储装置23.020.99Other fluid管道部件和管道23.040Pipeline com管道部件和管道综合23.040.01Pipeline com铁管和钢管23.040.10Iron and ste有色金属管23.040.15Non-ferrous塑料管23.040.20Plastics pip金属配件23.040.40Metal fittin塑料配件23.040.45Plastics fit23.040.50Pipes and fi其他材料的管和配件法兰、管接头及其连接件 23.040.60Flanges, cou 软管和软管组件23.040.70Hoses and ho管和软管组件的密封23.040.80Seals for pi其他管道部件23.040.99Other pipeli23.060Valves阀门阀门综合23.060.01Valves in ge23.060.10Globe valves球阀球闸阀和旋塞阀23.060.20Ball and plu23.060.30Gate valves闸阀压力调节器23.060.40Pressure reg23.060.50Check valves止回阀其他阀门23.060.99Other valves23.080Pumps泵23.100Fluid power流体动力系统流体动力系统综合23.100.01Fluid power泵和马达23.100.10Pumps and mo23.100.20Cylinders缸管道和管接头23.100.40Piping and c控制部件23.100.50Control comp过滤器、密封垫和流体杂质 23.100.60Filters, sea 其他流体系统部件23.100.99Other fluid通风机、风扇、空调器 23.120Ventilators.压缩机和气动机械23.140Compressors真空技术23.160Vacuum techn机械制造25MANUFACTURIN制造成型过程25.020Manufacturin工业自动化系统25.040Industrial a工业自动化系统综合25.040.01Industrial a机械加工中心25.040.10Machining ce数控机床25.040.20Numerically25.040.30Industrial r工业机器人、机械手工业过程的测量与控制 25.040.40Industrial p其他工业自动化系统25.040.99Other indust机床装置25.060Machine tool机床装置综合25.060.01Machine tool组合单元和其他装置25.060.10Modular unit分度和刀具/工件夹持装置 25.060.20Dividing and 其他机床装置25.060.99Other machin25.080Machine tool机床机床综合25.080.01Machine tool25.080.10Lathes车床镗床和铣床25.080.20Boring and m刨床25.080.25Planing mach拉床25.080.30Broaching ma25.080.40Drilling mac钻床磨床和抛光机25.080.50Grinding and锯床25.080.60Sawing machi其他机床25.080.99Other machin切削工具25.100Cutting tool切削工具综合25.100.01Cutting tool车刀25.100.10Turning tool铣刀25.100.20Milling tool刨床、拉床用刀具25.100.25Tools for pl钻头、锪钻、铰刀25.100.30Drills, coun25.100.40Saws锯丝锥和板牙25.100.50Taps and thr 25.100.60Files锉刀25.100.70Abrasives磨料磨具其他切削刀具25.100.99Other cuttin无屑加工设备25.120Chipless wor无屑加工设备综合25.120.01Chipless wor 25.120.10Forging equi锻压设备、冲压机、剪切机轧制、挤压和拉制设备 25.120.20Rolling, ext模制设备和铸造设备25.120.30Moulding equ25.120.40Electrochemi电化学加工机床其他无屑加工设备25.120.99Other chiple手持工具25.140Hand-held to手持工具综合25.140.01Hand-held to气动工具25.140.10Pneumatic to电动工具25.140.20Electric too25.140.30Hand-operate手动工具其他手持工具25.140.99Other hand-h焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.160Welding, bra焊接、钎焊和低温焊综合 25.160.01Welding, bra 焊接工艺25.160.10Welding proc焊接消耗品25.160.20Welding cons焊接设备25.160.30Welding equi焊接接头25.160.40Welded joint 钎焊和低温焊25.160.50Brazing and 工业炉25.180Industrial f工业炉综合25.180.01Industrial f 电炉25.180.10Electric fur 燃油炉25.180.20Fuel furnace 25.200Heat treatme 热处理表面处理和涂覆25.220Surface trea表面处理和涂覆综合25.220.01Surface trea 25.220.10Surface prep 表面预处理表面处理25.220.20Surface trea 金属镀层25.220.40Metallic coa 25.220.50Enamels搪瓷有机涂层25.220.60Organic coat 其他处理和涂覆25.220.99Other treatm 能源和热传导工程27ENERGY AND H能源和热传导工程综合 27.010Energy and h 内燃机27.020Internal com燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机 27.040Gas and stea 燃烧器、锅炉27.060Burners. Boi燃烧器、锅炉综合27.060.01Burners and27.060.10Liquid and s液体和固体燃料燃烧器气体燃料燃烧器27.060.20Gas fuel bur27.060.30Boilers and锅炉和热交换器27.070Fuel cells燃料电池27.080Heat pumps热泵电站综合27.100Power statio核能工程27.120Nuclear ener核能综合27.120.01Nuclear ener反应堆工程27.120.10Reactor engi27.120.20Nuclear powe核电站、安全裂变物质27.120.30Fissile mate有关核能的其他标准27.120.99Other standa27.140Hydraulic en水力工程太阳能工程27.160Solar energy风力发电系统和其他能源 27.180Wind turbine 制冷技术27.200Refrigeratin热回收、绝热27.220Heat recover电气工程29ELECTRICAL E电气工程综合29.020Electrical e磁性材料29.030Magnetic mat绝缘材料29.035Insulating m绝缘材料综合29.035.01Insulating m纸和纸板绝缘材料29.035.10Paper and bo塑料和橡胶绝缘材料29.035.20Plastics and陶瓷和玻璃绝缘材料29.035.30Ceramic and29.035.50Mica based m云母基材料涂层织物29.035.60Varnished fa其他绝缘材料29.035.99Other insula绝缘流体29.040Insulating f绝缘流体综合29.040.01Insulating f绝缘油29.040.10Insulating o绝缘气体29.040.20Insulating g其他绝缘流体29.040.99Other insula 29.045Semiconducti半导体材料导体材料29.050Conducting m 29.060Electrical w电线和电缆电线和电缆综合29.060.01Electrical w 29.060.10Wires电线29.060.20Cables电缆29.080Insulation绝缘电绝缘综合29.080.01Electrical i 29.080.10Insulators绝缘子29.080.20Bushings套管绝缘系统29.080.30Insulation s 29.080.99Other standa 有关绝缘的其他标准电工设备元件29.100Components f电工设备元件综合29.100.01Components f29.100.10Magnetic com磁性元件电工和机电元件29.100.20Electrical a电工设备用其他元件29.100.99Other compon电工器件29.120Electrical a电工器件综合29.120.01Electrical a导线管29.120.10Conduits for连接装置29.120.20Connecting d插头、插座、联接器29.120.30Plugs, socke29.120.40Switches开关熔断器和其他过载保护装置 29.120.50Fuses and ot 29.120.70Relays继电器其他电工器件29.120.99Other electr开关装置和控制器综合 29.130.01Switchgear a高压开关装置和控制器 29.130.10High voltage 29.130.20Low voltage低压开关装置和控制器其他开关装置和控制器 29.130.99Other switch29.140Lamps and re电灯及有关装置电灯综合29.140.01Lamps in gen灯头和灯座29.140.10Lamp caps an白炽灯29.140.20Incandescent荧光灯、放电灯29.140.30Fluorescent29.140.40Luminaires照明设备照明安装系统29.140.50Lighting ins29.140.99Other standa有关灯的其他标准旋转电机29.160Rotating mac旋转电机综合29.160.01Rotating mac29.160.10Components f旋转电机部件29.160.20Generators发电机29.160.30Motors电动机发电机组29.160.40Generating s有关旋转电机的其他标准29.160.99Other standa变压器、电抗器29.180Transformers整流器、转换器、稳压电源 29.200Rectifiers.29.220Galvanic cel电池和蓄电池电池和蓄电池综合29.220.01Galvanic cel原电池和蓄电池29.220.10Primary cell酸性副电池及蓄电池29.220.20Acid seconda碱性副电池及蓄电池29.220.30Alkaline sec其他电池和蓄电池29.220.99Other cells输电网和配电网29.240Power transm输电网和配电网综合29.240.01Power transm变电站、电涌放电器29.240.10Substations.输电线路和配电线路29.240.20Power transm电力系统用控制设备29.240.30Control equi其他有关输电网和配电网的设备 29.240.99Other equipm 特殊工作条件用电气设备29.260Electrical e29.260.01Electrical e特殊工作条件用电气设备综合户外用电气设备29.260.10Electrical i易爆环境用电气设备29.260.20Electrical a特殊工作条件用其他电气设备 29.260.99Other electr 电力牵引设备29.280Electric tra31ELECTRONICS电子学电子元件综合31.020Electronic c31.040Resistors电阻器电阻器综合31.040.01Resistors in固定电阻器31.040.10Fixed resist电位器、可变电阻器31.040.20Protentiomet31.040.30Thermistors热敏电阻器其他电阻器31.040.99Other resist31.060Capacitors电容器电容器综合31.060.01Capacitors i31.060.10Fixed capaci固定电容器陶瓷电容器和云母电容器31.060.20Ceramic and纸介电容器和塑料膜电容器 31.060.30Paper and pl 钽电解电容器31.060.40Tantalum ele铝电解电容器31.060.50Aluminium el可变电容器31.060.60Variable cap电力电容器31.060.70Power capaci其他电容器31.060.99Other capaci半导体器件31.080Semiconducto半导体器件综合31.080.01Semiconducto 31.080.10Diodes二极管31.080.20Thyristors晶体闸流管31.080.30Transistors三极管其他半导体器件31.080.99Other semico31.100Electronic t电子管电子显示器件31.120Electronic d压电器件和介质器件31.140Piezoelectri滤波器31.160Electric fil印制电路和印制电路板31.180Printed circ电子器件组件31.190Electric com集成电路、微电子学31.200Integrated c电子电信设备用机电零部件31.220Electromecha31.220.01Electromecha 机电零部件综合插头和插座装置、连接器31.220.10Plug-and-soc 31.220.20Switches开关其他机电零部件31.220.99Other electr 电子设备用机械构件31.240Mechanical s光电子学、激光设备31.260Optoelectron33TELECOMMUNIC电信、音频和视频技术电信综合33.020Telecommunic电信业务、应用33.030Telecommunic 33.040Telecommunic电信系统电信系统综合33.040.01Telecommunic 传输系统33.040.20Transmission 交换和信令系统33.040.30Switching an 电话网络33.040.35Telephone ne 数据通信网络33.040.40Data communi 线路、连接和电路33.040.50Lines, conne其他电话、电报和电信系统用设备33.040.99Other equipm电信终端设备33.050Telecommunic电信终端设备综合33.050.01Telecommunic33.050.10Telephone eq电话设备寻呼设备33.050.20Paging equip用户电报、可视图文、传真设备33.050.30Equipment fo33.050.99Other teleco其他电信终端设备无线通信33.060Radiocommuni无线通信综合33.060.01Radiocommuni接收和发射设备33.060.20Receiving an无线中继和固定卫星通信系统33.060.30Radio relay电缆分配系统33.060.40Cabled distr33.060.60Mobile servi移动业务、地面无线中继线路移动业务、寻呼系统33.060.65Mobile servi移动业务、数字增强无绳电信系统(DECT) 33.060.70Mobileservi33.060.75Mobile servi移动业务、卫星移动业务、移动通信用全球系统(GSM) 33.060.80Mobile servi 其他无线通信设备33.060.99Other equipm综合业务数字网(ISDN)33.080Integrated S电磁兼容性(EMC)33.100Electromagne电磁兼容性综合33.100.01Electromagne33.100.10Emission发射33.100.20Immunity抗扰性有关电磁兼容性的其他方面33.100.99Other aspect电信设备用部件和附件33.120Components a33.120.01Components a部件和附件综合同轴电缆、波导33.120.10Coaxial cabl导线和对称电缆33.120.20Wires and sy射频连接器33.120.30R.F. connect33.120.40Aerials天线33.120.99Other compon其他部件和附件电信专用测量设备33.140Special meas33.160audio, video音频、视频和视听工程音频、视频和视听系统综合 33.160.01audio, video 33.160.10Amplifiers放大器无线电接收机33.160.20Radio receiv33.160.25Television r电视接收机音频系统33.160.30Audio system视频系统33.160.40Video system33.160.50Accessories附件多媒体系统和电话会议设备 33.160.60Multimedia s 其他音频、视频和视听设备 33.160.99Other audio, 电视播放和无线电广播 33.170Television a光纤通信33.180Fibre optic光纤系统综合33.180.01Fibre optic光纤和光缆33.180.10Fiber and ca光纤连接器33.180.20Fiber optic光放大器33.180.30Optic amplif其他光纤设备33.180.99Other fiber遥控、遥测、遥感33.200Telecontrol.信息技术、办公机械设备 35INFORMATION 35.020Information信息技术(IT)综合字符集和信息编码35.040Character se信息技术用语言35.060Languages us软件开发和系统文件35.080Software dev开放系统互连(OSI)35.100Open systems开放系统互连(OSI)综合 35.100.01Open systems 35.100.05Multilayer a多层应用物理层35.100.10Physical lay数据链路层35.100.20Data link la35.100.30Network laye网络层运输层35.100.40Transport la会话层35.100.50Session laye表示层35.100.60Presentation应用层35.100.70Application35.110Networking网络计算机图形技术35.140Computer gra35.160Microprocess微处理机系统IT终端和其他外围设备 35.180IT Terminal 接口和互连设备35.200Interface an35.220Data storage数据存储设备数据存储设备综合35.220.01Data storage纸卡和纸带35.220.10Paper cards磁存储设备综合35.220.20Magnetic sto磁盘35.220.21Magnetic dis磁带35.220.22Magnetic tap盒式磁带和磁带盒35.220.23Cassettes an光学存储设备35.220.30Optical stor其他数据存储装置35.220.99Other data s信息技术应用35.240Applications信息技术应用综合35.240.01Applications计算机辅助设计(CAD)35.240.10Computer-aid识别卡和有关装置35.240.15Identificati35.240.20IT applicati信息技术在办公中的应用信息技术在信息、文献和出版中的应用 35.240.30IT applicati 信息技术在银行中的应用35.240.40IT applicati35.240.50IT applicati信息技术在工业上的应用信息技术在运输和贸易中的应用35.240.60IT applicati信息技术在自然科学中的应用35.240.70IT applicati信息技术(IT)在保健技术中的应用 35.240.80IT applicati信息技术在其他领域中的应用35.240.99IT applicati办公机械35.260Office machi37IMAGE TECHNO成像技术光学设备37.020Optical equi37.040Photography摄影技术摄影技术综合37.040.01Photography37.040.10Photographic摄影设备、投影仪相纸、胶卷和暗盒37.040.20Photographic射线照相胶片37.040.25Radiographic 37.040.30Photographic 摄影用药品有关摄影技术的其他标准37.040.99Other standa 电影37.060Cinematograp 37.060.01Cinematograp 电影综合电影设备37.060.10Motion pictu 电影胶片、暗盒37.060.20Motion pictu 有关电影的其他标准37.060.99Other standa 文献成象技术37.080Document ima 印制技术37.100Graphic tech 37.100.01Graphic tech 印制技术综合印刷、复制设备37.100.10Reproduction 印制材料37.100.20Materials fo 37.100.99Other standa 有关印刷技术的其他标准精密机械、珠宝39PRECISION ME精密机械39.020Precision me 39.040Horology钟表学钟表学综合39.040.01Horology in 39.040.10Watches手表39.040.20Clocks钟其他计时仪器39.040.99Other time-m 39.060Jewellery珠宝道路车辆工程43ROAD VEHICLE道路车辆综合43.020Road vehicle道路车辆装置43.040Road vehicle道路车辆装置综合43.040.01Road vehicle 电气和电子设备43.040.10Electrical a照明、信号和报警设备43.040.20Lighting sig 指示和控制装置43.040.30Indicating a 制动系统43.040.40Braking syst 传动装置、悬挂装置43.040.50Transmission 车身及车身附件43.040.60Bodies and b43.040.70Couplings联轴器43.040.99Other road v其他道路车辆装置道路车辆内燃机43.060Internal com43.060.01Internal com道路车辆内燃机综合气缸体和内部组件43.060.10Engine block增压冲气、进气/排气管路系统 43.060.20Pressure cha 43.060.30Cooling syst冷却系统、润滑系统燃油系统43.060.40Fuel systems电气设备、控制系统43.060.50Electrical e其他内燃机装置和组件43.060.99Other compon商用车辆43.080Commercial v商用车辆综合43.080.01Commercial v卡车和挂车43.080.10Trucks and t43.080.20Buses客车其他商用车辆43.080.99Other commer旅行客车、篷车和轻型挂车 43.100Passenger ca电车43.120Electric roa摩托车和机动自行车43.140Motorcycles43.150cycles自行车专用汽车43.160Special purp43.180Diagnostic,检查、维修和试验设备铁路工程45RAILWAY ENGI铁路工程综合45.020Railway engi45.040Materials an铁路工程材料和零件铁路车辆45.060Railway roll铁路车辆综合45.060.01Railway roll机车45.060.10Tractive sto车辆45.060.20Trailing sto钢轨和线路构件45.080Rails and ra架空索道设备45.100Cableway equ铁路/架空索道建筑和维护设备 45.120Equipment fo 造船和海上建筑物47SHIPBUILDING船舶和海上建筑物综合47.020Shipbuilding47.020.01General stan造船和海上建筑通用标准造船用材料和零件47.020.05Materials an船体及其构件47.020.10Hulls and th船用发动机和推进系统47.020.20Marine engin管路系统47.020.30Piping syste起重设备和货物搬运设备47.020.40Lifting and甲板设备和装置47.020.50Deck equipme船用电气设备47.020.60Electrical e47.020.70Navigation a导航和控制设备起居舱室47.020.80Accommodatio47.020.85Cargo spaces货舱船用通风、空气调节和供热系统 47.020.90Marine venti 有关造船和海上建筑的其他标准 47.020.99Other standa 远洋轮47.040Seagoing ves内河船47.060Inland navig47.080Small craft小型船航空器和航天器工程49AIRCRAFT AND航空器与航天器综合49.020Aircraft and航空航天制造用材料49.025Materials fo航空航天制造用材料综合49.025.01Materials fo黑色金属合金综合49.025.05Ferrous allo49.025.10Steels钢49.025.15Non-ferrous有色金属合金综合49.025.20Aluminium铝49.025.30Titanium钛橡胶和塑料49.025.40Rubber and p 49.025.50Adhesives粘合剂49.025.60Textiles织物49.025.99Other materi其他材料航空航天制造用紧固件49.030Fasteners fo紧固件综合49.030.01Fasteners in螺纹49.030.10Screw thread螺栓、螺钉、螺柱49.030.20Bolts, screw49.030.30Nuts螺母49.030.40Pins, nails销钉、铁钉垫圈和其他锁紧元件49.030.50Washers and49.030.60Rivets铆钉其他紧固件49.030.99Other fasten航空航天用零部件49.035Components f有关航空航天制造用涂覆与有关工艺 49.040Coatings and 结构和结构元件49.045Structure an航空航天发动机和推进系统49.050Aerospace en49.060Aerospace el航空航天用电气设备与系统航空航天用流体系统和零部件49.080Aerospace fl机上设备和仪器49.090On-board equ客运设备和座舱设备49.095Passenger an地面服务和维修设备49.100Ground servi货运设备49.120Cargo equipm航天系统和操作装置49.140Space system材料储运设备53MATERIALS HA起重设备53.020Lifting equi起重设备综合53.020.01Lifting appl 53.020.20Cranes起重机起重设备附件53.020.30Accessories其他起重设备53.020.99Other liftin连续搬运设备53.040Continuous h连续搬运设备综合53.040.01Continuous h 53.040.10Conveyors输送机输送机零部件53.040.20Components f 53.040.30Pneumatic tr气动运输及其零部件其他连续搬运设备53.040.99Other contin工业车辆53.060Industrial t53.080Storage equi储藏设备土方机械53.100Earth-moving手工搬运工具53.120Equipment fo货物的包装和调运55PACKAGING AN货物的包装和调运综合55.020Packaging an包装材料和辅助物55.040Packaging ma卷轴、线轴55.060Spools, Bobb55.080Sacks. Bags麻袋、袋子55.100Bottles. Pot瓶、罐、瓮罐、听、管55.120Cans. Tins.55.130Aerosol cont雾化剂罐粗腰桶、桶、罐等55.140Barrels. Dru箱、盒、板条箱55.160Cases. Boxes货运调运55.180Freight dist货运调运综合55.180.01Freight dist通用集装箱55.180.10General purp通用托盘55.180.20General purp空运集装箱、托盘和网55.180.30Air mode con满装和整装运输包55.180.40Complete, fi有关货物调运的其他标准 55.180.99Other standa 55.200Packaging ma包装机械。

Drilling Pump F-1300 F-1600 泥浆泵英文说明书

Drilling Pump F-1300 F-1600 泥浆泵英文说明书

F-1300/1600 Drilling Pump INSTRUCTION MANUALAH130101-00SM/ AH160101-00SMMay, 2006Contents PREFACE (II)E OF NEW MUD PUMP (1)1.1.T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATION AND P ERFORMANCE P ARAMETER (1)1.2.I NSTALLATION OF N EW P UMP (3)1.3.S UCTION S YSTEM R EQUIREMENTS (6)1.4.T HE P REPARATION OF P OWER E ND (7)1.5.S PRAY P UMP A SSEMBLY (8)1.6.T HE ASSEMBLY OF F LUID E ND P ARTS (11)1.7.D AMPENER A SSEMBLY (15)2.1.S AFETY V ALVE (16)2.LUBRICATION (17)3.1M INIMUM O PERATING S PEEDS (17)3.2C ONTROLLED F LOW S PLASH S YSTEM (17)3.3P RESSURE L UBRICATION S YSTEM (18)2.4M AINTENANCE OF L UBRICATION S YSTEM (20)3.MAINTENANCE (21)3.1P OWER E ND (21)3.2R OLLER B EARINGS (22)3.3P INION S HAFT A SSEMBLY (23)3.4C RANKSHAFT A SSEMBLY (F IG .18) (23)3.5I NSTALLING C RANKSHAFT A SSEMBLY IN F RAME (26)3.6I NSTALLING OF C ROSSHEAD G UIDES (27)3.7I NSTALLING OF C ROSSHEAD (28)3.8C HECKING C ROSSHEAD A LIGNMENT (29)3.9F LUID E ND M AINTENANCE (29)3.10W ELDING AND R EPAIRS (32)3.11R EPAIR TO V ALVE P OT C OVER B ORE (32)3.12C HANGE OF D AMPENER B LADDER (33)3.13A PPRIXUNATE W EIGHTS OF P UMP A SSEMBLIES (33)4.MAINTENANCE OF PUMP (34)4.1D AILY M AINTENANCE (34)4.2W EEKLY M AINTENANCE (34)4.3M ONTHLY M AINTENANCE (34)4.4Y EARLY M AINTENANCE (34)4.5C ARES SHOULD BE T AKEN FOR THE F OLLOWING IN M AINTENANCE (35)5.TROUBLESHOOTING (36)5.1T ROUBLE OF F LUID E ND (36)5.2T ROUBLE OF P OWER E ND (36)6.STORAGE (39)7.EXPLAINS FOR ORDER (39)PREFACEF-1300/1600 drilling mud pump’s instruction manual is a complete data and provided for customers. The plait writes what these data's purpose is for giving the customer is accurate but clear data and main operation theme, but these data is a must for operating and maintaining. This manual supply for the operator of drilling pump, site maintains personnel and technical service that are completely familiar with artesian well pump.It is not intended, nor would it be possible in such limited space, to cover every possible condition, which may be encountered. But the customer can usually acquire the good but satisfied machine operation method and dependable safety precautions measure from this manual.F-1300 drilling mud pump is similar to F-1600 drilling mud pump with outline dimension, framework and fluid power end; just bearings of power end and gears pair are different. So we introduce these two pumps at the same time for the convenience of customer.All specifications and data are in accordance with Engineering designs specification and should be strictly adhered to in all maintain and repair operations.If this manual have something not perfect, plead the customer bring up the precious opinion with suggest, in order to have a second edition complement and revise.F-1300/1600 Drilling mud pump is one of the most important craft equipments inpetroleum drilling well. It is used for transporting drilling fluid with high viscosity, heavy density and high sand contented to well bottom and in order to cool off the drill bit, flush the well bottom, crush the rock, when returning from well bottom take out the rock debris.The design and manufacture of this drilling pump is in compliance with API Spec 7K 《Rotary drilling equipment specification 》. All the wearing part of fluid end (valve, valve seat, linear etc) can be interchanged with same specification parts manufactured according to API specification.1. Use of new mud pump1.1. Technical Specification and Performance Parameter1.1.1. Technical SpecificationModelF -1300 F -1600 Type Triplex single acting piston/plunger pump Max. CylinderDiameter mm 180 180Rated Power kW 960 1180 Rated stroke spm 120 120 Stroke length mm 305 305 Gear ratio 4.206 4.206Valve cavity API 7#API 7#Weight kg 24572 249711.1.2. Performance DataF-1300/1600 Drilling Mud Pump’s performance data see table 1. 1.1.3. Overall DimensionF-1300/1600 Drilling Mud Pump’s Overall dimension see Fig.1.Table 1 F-1300/1600 Drilling Mud Pump’s performance data tableCylinder size (mm )Rated pressure (MPa )Φ180Φ170Φ160Φ150Φ140Φ130F-1300 18.5 20.7 23.4 26.6 30.5 34.3F-1600 22.7 25.5 28.8 32.7 34.3 34.3 Rated powerF-1300 F-1600S trokes per minkW (HP)kW (HP) Flow capacity ( L/S )1301036 (1408) 1275 (1733) 50.42 44.97 39.8335.01 30.50 26.30120 956 (1300)1176 (1600)46.54 41.51 36.7732.32 28.15 24.27110876 (1192) 1078 (1467) 42.66 38.05 33.7129.62 25.81 22.25100 797 (1083) 980 (1333) 38.78 34.59 30.6426.93 23.46 20.2390 717 (975) 882 (1200) 34.90 31.13 27.5824.24 21.11 18.2110.3878 0.34590.30640.2693 0.23460.2023Note:1.Based on 100% volumetric efficiency and 90% mechanical efficiency.2.Recommended strokes and Input power when mud pump are continually under the pump must be level and adequate to support the weight and operating forces exerted by the pump.the entire length, or at a minimum, at the points indicated in Fig.2,is usually sufficient .The boards should be a 300mm wider than the width of the pump skid runners. Wet or marshy locations may require a more stable foundation.1.2.3. Permanent InstallationsOn permanent installations such as barge, platform, structural base, or concrete slab, where pump skids are bolted down, it is essential that the skids be properly shimmed to prevent possibility of twisting or distorting the power frame. The pump skids must sit solid on all shim points with bolts loose.On barge installations, the pump skids are generally bolted down to T-beams running parallel and in line with the pump skids. Install shims at points shown in Fig, 2 and 3 and observe caution of proper shimming to prevent twist or distortion. The shims on all installations should extend the full width of the skid beam flanges and have a minimum length of 12″(305mm) .On installations where the power unit or electric motor is mounted integrally with the pump skids, the preferred installation would be to set the pump package on the T-beam skids and provide retention blocks rather than bolts to hold it in place. This will allow the pump to “float” and minimize the transfer of barge deck or platform distortion into the frame.Fig. 31.2.4. Installations of Driving DeviceThe drive between the mud pumps and the power source, whether V-belts or multi-width chains, should be installed with the greatest care to assure maximum operating life with minimum of unexpected or undesirable shutdowns due to drive failures.When installing the drive sheave of sprocket, make sure all grease or rust preventative is removed from the shaft and the bore of the drive. Remove all burrs or rough spots from the shaft, key, and keyway. Fit key to the keyways in both the shaft and drive and install key into shaft keyway.Coat pinion shaft with a light coating of anti-seize compound or light oil and install the drive sheave or sprocket hub. Tighten hub bolts as indicated below:When a wrench or length of pipe is used to increase leverage in tightening draw-up bolts, it is imperative to adhere to the wrench torque values given in the chart below. This adherence is important, because in mounting the hub, the tightening force on the bolts is multiplied many timesby the wedging action of the tapered surface. This action compresses the hub for a snug fit on the shaft. If the bolt-tightening forces are extreme, bursting pressure is created in the hub of the mounted pulley; this pressure may cause the pulley to crack. The hub bolts should always be tightened alternately and progressively.Wrench Torque N.m Wrench Length mm Wrench pull N810 900 900 Note:N=0.1kgf1.2.4.1. V-Belt Drivesa)Check sheaves groove conditionBefore installing the v-belts, check sheave grooves for wear. Worn or rounded grooves will destroy V-belts rapidly. The sidewalls must be straight. Sheave grooves must be free of dirt, rust or other extrusions, which could damage the V-belts.b)Adjust V-belt for proper tensionAdjust the belt tension by moving the sheaves apart until all of the sag has just been eliminated from the tight side of the belt and some of the belts on the slack side. Then increase the given center distance. For example: on 2540mm(100″) Center distance, after adjusted center distance then increase additional 13mm(1/2″). On 3180mm(150″)center distance, after adjusted center distance then increase additional 19.5mm(3/4″).DO NOT OBTAIN BELT TENSION BY PICKING UP END OF PUMP AND ALLOWING BELTS TO TIGHTEN UNDER WEIGHT OF PUMP AS END IS BEING LOWERED TO THE GROUND. Chain Drivea) InstallationProper installation and maintenance of the sprocket and chain drives are essential if good service life is to be obtained. Since many factors, such as chain width, center distances, speeds, and loads must be considered when determining the allowable tolerance for sprocket alignment; no good “rule of thumb” can be applied. The chain alignment must simply be held as nearly perfect as possible. A more precise alignment can be made by stretching two steel wires (piano wire) along one face of the two sprockets, one above and one below the centerline, and moving one of the sprockets until the wires touch at four points. This will determine that the centerlines of the drives are parallel and the faces of the sprockets are square.b) Drive chain lubricationThe pump drive chain lubrication system on the majority of F series of pumps is an independent system having its own oil pump, reservoir and drive. Fill chain case to the indicated level with a non-detergent oil. Lubricant brand is as follows:Ambient temperature above 32º F(0ºC) SAE-30/N100Ambient temperature above 32º F(0ºC) SAE-20/N68For temperatures below 0ºF, consult a reputable lubrication dealer for recommendations.The usage's lubricant should match to lubricate relevant specification or lubrication manual established according to the specification.Since this is an independent system, it will require the same maintenance or service attention employed on any other piece of machinery, including:z Daily check of oil level.z Daily check on condition of oil.z Frequent check on oil pressure. (5-15psi) (0.352-1.06kg .cm2).z Volume of oil being applied to chain.z Condition of nozzles in spray tube.z Condition of oil pump drive (V-belts or chain)NOTE: 1. Oil pressure may be adjusted with the pressure relief adjusting screw on the rear of the pump housing.2. Pressure drops may also indicate suction and discharge filter screens need cleaning.1.3. Suction System RequirementsIndividual installation conditions will dictate the design of the suction system. The suction of the F-series pumps must have a positive head (pressure) for satisfactory performance. The optimum suction manifold pressure is 20~30 psi (0.14~0. 21Mpa) for maximum volumetric efficiency and expendable parts life. A 5 x 6 centrifugal pump with 40h.p 1150-rpm electric motor best supplies this head pressure. This type of drive requires a device to automatically start and stop the centrifugal pump motor simultaneously with the triplex pump. On DC electric powered a signal can usually be supplied from the DC control panel to energize a magnetic starter when the mud pump clutch airline will provide a set of contacts for energizing the magnetic starter when clutch is engaged.The suction lines should be piped with valve arrangements so the charging pump can be by-passed so operation can be continued in event of charging pump failure or for maintenance. Operation without a charging pump can be improved by replacing the suction valve spring with a weaker spring.Suction dampener is a very effective aid for complete filling of the liners and dampening pulsations in the suction line, which results in a smoother flow in the discharge line.CAUTION:Do not pipe the return line from the shear relief valve back into the suction system as a relief valve operation will cause a sudden pressure rise in the system vastly greater than the system pressure ratings, resulting in damage to manifold, suction dampener and centrifugal pump.1.4. The Preparation of Power EndF-series mud pump has been completely assembled and test operated before being shipped to the field. Unless otherwise instructed, the lubrication is drained from the power end. Before operating the pump, the following must be performed or checked.end) position on the crosshead extension rod, with lip toward power end. Replace the pressure spring in the seal lip and slide the seal into position in the stuffing box.SEE NOTE BELOWb) Install the O-ring (12) into Oil Seal ring (7). Insert O-ring (12) and oil seal ring (7)over rod and slide it into stuffing box bore.c) Install the O-ring (8)in groove in stuffing box bore.d) Installation procedure of left right double lip seal in the Fig.4 is the same as step a).CAUTION: The double lip seal can be used in the inner, or power end, power end, position to replace the single lip seal, but DO NOT use the single lip seal in the outer position.e) Install the locking spring (9)CAUTION: must be taken to assure the pressure spring (5) does not slip out of the groove in the oil seal lip, as severe scoring of the crosshead extension rod can occur. Coating extension rod with a light oil to facilitate installation of the packing assembly.1.5. Spray Pump AssemblySpray pump assembly consists of spray pump, water tank and spray nozzle etc. it is used for flushing and cooling piston and linear during pump operated.Proper attention must be paid at all times to assure adequate cooling fluid is being applied to the piston and liner assembly. Stoppage of the cooling fluid will result in almost instant failure of theFig 6Fig. 7⑴Oil level indicator (2)Plug (3)Spray pump (4)Regulating valve (5)Water tank1.6. The assembly of Fluid End PartsA cross-section through the fluid end for F-1300/1600 is shown in Fig, 8. With reference to Fig 8, clean and assemble the fluid end parts in the following manner:Note: All of the parts in this fluid end assembly are designed with metal to metal seating to alleviate friction wear from breathing action encountered in modern high pressure pump operation. For this reason it is essential that all parts be clean and free of rust, nicks and burrs before being assembled.1.6.1. Valves and SeatsRemove all three discharge valve pot covers (1), and the three cylinder heads (2) and plugs (10), and thoroughly clean all machined surfaces in the fluid end with a good cleaning solvent.Make sure all valve seat bores are VERY CLEAN AND DRY (free of dirt, grease, anti-rust compound, etc).THOROUGHLY CLEAN AND DRY the valve seats and installs suction and discharge valve seats into the valve pot bores. Drive seats firmly into place with a bar and hammer to ensure contact closely. Install valves and springs and the other parts.1.6.2. LinersInstalls wear plate seal (1) in counter bore of fluid end (see Fig. 8). Slide wear plate (2) over studs until it seats against fluid end. Slide liner flange (3) over studs with the starting thread at the 5 o’clock position and tighten bolts to470~510ft.lbs (640~690N.m) torque.6781091118121320151416171234519holding piston rod centered at the rear of the liner. Drive the piston into the liner with adriving tool or a piece of hardwood and sledgehammer. Use caution as the piston rod approaches the crosshead extension rod that the dowel on the end of the piston rod is not damaged. The piston rod must be supported and the dowel guided into the pilot bore.1.6.4. Piston Rod ClampsThe piston rod clamps are machined as one piece and then sawed in half. The two pieces are with matching numbers on each half and connected by chain. The two pieces with the same matching numbers should always be kept together as a set. Install the clamp around the rod end flanges. Tighten bolt to the following torque values: 330N.m ( before the clamps are installed, mud apron (19) should be installed on the end of crosshead rod.When rods and rod clamp are new a gap in excess of 5.5mm could be present between the two halves of the clamp, This is satisfactory provided the faces of the rods are seating metal to metal. As wear occurs, the halves will pull closer together. Clamping action will be lost when a gap no longer exists. At this time clamps must be replaced. Install splash plate on rear of liner.1.6.5. Lower valve Guide and Cylinder HeadInsert the lower valve guide (13) through the alignment ring and position the guide over the valve stem. Start the lock plate (14) and draw it down, compressing the valve spring and seating the valve guide in the tapered slot. Insert allocation disc (12) into pump head hole and Install head seal (15) on cylinder head plug (16). Coat seal and O.D. of plug with light oil. Screw a 1 M length of pipe into the threaded opening on the plug. Using the pipe to balance the plug slide it straight into the fluid end opening. Apply a liberal coat of grease to the cylinder head threads and screw the cylinder head (17) in against the plug (16). Tighten cylinder head with wrench provided and sledge hammer.Fluid leakage through the weep hole will indicate a defective seal or loose cylinder head. Should on time Replace seal or tighten cylinder head. DO NOT plug weep hole as this can result in severe damage to cylinder head threads, thread rings, etc, in event of a liner seal failure.1.6.6. Valve CoverInstall valve cover (18) into bore, and after liberal application of grease or tool joint compound to the gasket and thread area, tighten the valve covers into place, using a sledge hammer and bar.1.6.7. Discharge ManifoldA 5"(127mm)5000psi flange connection is provided on the discharge manifold. Remove flange and protect gasket area before welding (customer's option) to the discharge piping. Tighten discharge flange connection bolts to 1625-2165 N.m (1200~1600ft.lbs.)Torque. To insure uniform make-up of the ring joint connection, tighten flange bolt nuts in a cross-criss order. If a blind flange is installed on the opposite end of the discharge manifold, check flange bolts and tighten to same specification as noted above.1.6.8. Suction Manifold FlangeThe suction flange has a standard thread connection 12" (305mm)and is custom made to match the companion flange on the pump suction manifold. An O-ring seal seals off the connection. Thoroughly clean O-ring groove and face of flanges before making up connection. Tighten flange bolts to 490~665N.m.1.6.9. Accessory ManifoldAn accessory manifold Fig available for installation on the discharge manifold opposite the discharge end, The manifold will accommodate a KB-75 pulsation dampener (1) and provides a 3"NPT and a 2″NPT side outlet connections for such items as a shear relief valve (3)and a pressure gauge (2).Note: when pressure gauge connection is R 1 1/2″, a transition joint should be used.The shear relief valve (3) is installed on the discharge manifold for the purpose of protecting the pump from excessively high-pressure overloads. The relief valve must be installed so that is will be directly exposed to the mud. DO NOT PUT ANY TYPE OF SHUT OFF VALAE between the relief valve and the manifold. Pipe the discharge side of the relief valve directly into the mud pit with as few turns in the line as possible. If the turn must be made, the elbow should be over120º. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED for the discharge side of the relief valve to be piped into the suction line of the pump.The mounting for KB-75 pulsation dampener (1) is a flange with R-39 ring gasket. Before installing dampener, thoroughly clean ring groove and ring, and after setting dampener into place, tighten the nut (8)to 1020N.M torque. to insure uniform make-up, tighten nuts in a criss-cross order.Precharge dampener before starting up pump. Precharge pressure should not be more than maximum of 4.5Mpa. Dampener should be charged with nitrogen or air. Do not charge with inflammable and explosive gas such as oxygen and hydrogen etc. (with reference this instruction manual“dampener”)dampener, usually make pressure of pump and Precharge pressure of bladder to keep the suggestion proportion. (Precharge pressure should not be more than 2/3 of the pump discharge pressure, or a maximum of 4.5Mpa.)1.7.1. Installation (see Fig.10)The lifting lug installed on the shield of pressure gauge ○8is used for lifting dampener assembly. Before assembly thoroughly clean gasket ring ○1 and groove of mating flange and coat with grease.Lifting the dampener to the corresponding position of mud pump discharge line, rotate nut (R4) to 1085N.m (800ft.lbs) torque. Assure the connection part is flat and aligned by alternantly tightening the nuts.1.7.2. gas charginga set of gas charging device is attendant when equipment leave factory(gas charging hose assembly of dampener)please Operate as following procedure: (See Fig. 11)a) Remove shield of pressure gauge of dampener, rotate valve cover of exhaust about1/4-1/2 turn to release the air pressure existed in pressure gauge area, then remove the exhaust valve.c)Connect hose to the nitrogen cylinder valve and charge valve of dampener.d)Open the charge valve of dampener.12(1)Connector (2)Retainer Ring (3)Piston Assy. (4)Body (5Piston Rod (6)Bumper (7)Pin (8)Spring (9)Safety Cap (10)Shear Bar (11)Shear Pin (12)Warning Plate (13)Shear Bar Pin (14)Retainer Ring (15)Name Plate (16)Cotter Pin 4×26 (17)NutM4 (18)Capscrew M4×16 (19)BoleM10×110 (20)Nut M10(21)Capscrew M3×8JA-3shear pin safety valve constructer refers to Fig 12.When the pump charging pressure exceeds the rating pressure under a given liner, the piston moves up until attach the shear bar and power it raise up, and finally the bar breaks the shear pin and high pressure mud flow quickly.Change the position of shear pin can adjust the release pressure value. The operation is simple and reliable.Each classification work pressure is marked on the shear bar. When adjust the pressure, just to do is put the shear pin in the relevant hole according to the given pressure.Note: There must be only one shear pin in the shear bar one time! Adjust the pressure with the liner changes.(Refer to Section 1.1.2)。

server 2008 70--640考试文档 (可打印)

server 2008 70--640考试文档 (可打印)

2008 server 640考试试题Exam AQUESTION 1Your network contains an Active Directory domain. The relevant servers in the domain are configured as shown in the following table:You need to ensure that all device certificate requests use the MD5 hash algorithm. What should you do?A.On Server2, run the Certutil tool.B.On Server1, update the CEP Encryption certificate template.C.On Server1, update the Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline Request) template.D.On Server3, set the value of theHKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\MS CEP\ HashAlgorithm\HashAlgorithm registry key.Answer: DSection: Configuring AD DNSQUESTION 2.Your network contains an Active Directory domain.You have a server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. Server1 is an enterprise root certification authority (CA). You have a client computer named Computer1 that runs Windows 7. You enable automatic certificate enrollment for all client computers that run Windows 7.You need to verify that the Windows 7 client computers can automatically enroll for certificates. Which command should you run on Computer1?A.certreq.exe –retrieveB.certreq.exe –submitC.certutil.exe –getkeyD.certutil.exe -pulseAnswer: DSection: Configuring AD Certificate ServicesQUESTION 3.Your network contains two Active Directory forests named and . The functional level of both forests is Windows Server 2008 R2. Each forest contains one domain. Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) is configured in the forest to allow users from both forests to automatically enroll user certificates.You need to ensure that all users in the forest have a user certificate from the certification authority (CA).What should you configure in the domain?A.From the Default Domain Controllers Policy, modify the Enterprise Trust settings.B.From the Default Domain Controllers Policy, modify the Trusted Publishers settings.C.From the Default Domain Policy, modify the Certificate Enrollment policy.D.From the Default Domain Policy, modify the Trusted Root Certification Authority settings. Answer: CSection: Configuring AD Certificate ServicesQUESTION 4.You have a server named Server1 that has the following Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) role services installed:-Enterprise root certification authority (CA)-Certificate Enrollment Web Service-Certificate Enrollment Policy Web ServiceYou create a new certificate template.External users report that the new template is unavailable when they request a new certificate.You verify that all other templates are available to the external users.You need to ensure that the external users can request certificates by using the new template. What should you do on Server1?A.Run iisreset.exe /restart.B.Run gpupdate.exe /force.C.Run certutil.exe -dspublish.D.Restart the Active Directory Certificate Services service.Answer: ASection: Configuring AD Certificate ServicesQUESTION 5.Your network contains an enterprise root certification authority (CA). You need to ensure that a certificate issued by the CA is valid. What should you do?A.Run syskey.exe and use the Update option.B.Run sigverif.exe and use the Advanced option.C.Run certutil.exe and specify the -verify parameter.D.Run certreq.exe and specify the -retrieve parameter.Answer: CSection: Configuring AD Certificate ServicesQUESTION 6.You have an enterprise subordinate certification authority (CA). The CA issues smart card logon certificates.Users are required to log on to the domain by using a smart card. Your company's corporate security policy states that when an employee resigns, his ability to log on to the network must be immediately revoked.An employee resigns. You need to immediately prevent the employee from logging on to the domain. What should you do? A.Revoke the employee's smart card certificate.B.Disable the employee's Active Directory account.C.Publish a new delta certificate revocation list (CRL).D.Reset the password for the employee's Active Directory account.Answer: BSection: Configuring AD Certificate ServicesQUESTION 7.You add an Online Responder to an Online Responder Array. You need to ensure that the new Online Responder resolves synchronization conflicts for all members of the Array. What should you do?A.From Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responderto 1.B.From Network Load Balancing Manager, set the priority ID of the new Online Responderto 32.C.From the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select Set as Array Controller.D.From the Online Responder Management Console, select the new Online Responder, and then select Synchronize Members with Array Controller.Answer: CSection: Configuring AD Certificate ServicesQUESTION 8.Your network contains a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. The server is configured as an enterprise root certification authority (CA).You have a Web site that uses x.509 certificates for authentication. The Web site is configured to use a many-to-one mapping. You revoke a certificate issued to an external partner. You need to prevent the external partner from accessing the Web site.What should you do?A.Run certutil.exe -crl.B.Run certutil.exe-delkey.C.From Active Directory Users and Computers, modify the membership of the IIS_IUSRS group.D.From Active Directory Users and Computers, modify the Contact object for the external partner.Answer: AQUESTION 9.Your company, Contoso, Ltd., has a main office and a branch office. The offices are connected by a WAN link. Contoso has an Active Directory forest that contains a single domain named .The domain contains one domain controller named DC1 that is located in the main office. DC1 is configured as a DNS server for the DNS zone. This zone is configured as a standard primary zone. You install a new domain controller named DC2 in the branch office. You install DNS on DC2. You need to ensure that the DNS service can update records and resolve DNS queriesin the event that a WAN link fails. What should you do?A.Create a new stub zone named on DC2.B.Configure the DNS server on DC2 to forward requests to DC1.C.Create a new secondary zone named on DC2.D.Convert the zone on DC1 to an Active Directory-integrated zone. Answer: DQUESTION 10.Your company has two domain controllers that are configured as internal DNS servers. All zones on the DNS servers are Active Directory-integrated zones. The zones allow all dynamic updates. You discover that the zone has multiple entries for the host names of computers that do not exist. You need to configure the zone to automatically remove expired records. What should you do?A.Enable only secure updates on the zone.B.Enable scavenging and configure the refresh interval on the zone.C.From the Start of Authority tab, decrease the default refresh interval on the zone.D.From the Start of Authority tab, increase the default expiration interval on the zone.Answer: BQUESTION 11.Your company has a main office and a branch office. The company has a single-domain Active Directory forest.The main office has two domain controllers named DC1 and DC2 that run Windows Server 2008 R2. The branch office has a Windows Server 2008 R2 read-only domain controller (RODC) named DC3. All domain controllers hold the DNS Server server role and are configured as Active Directory- integrated zones. The DNS zones only allow secure updates.You need to enable dynamic DNS updates on DC3. What should you do?A.Run the Ntdsutil.exe DS Behavior commands on DC3.B.Run the Dnscmd.exe /ZoneResetType command on DC3.C.Reinstall Active Directory Domain Services on DC3 as a writable domain controller.D.Create a custom application directory partition on DC1. Configure the partition to store Active Directory-integrated zones. Answer: CQUESTION 12.Your company has a main office and five branch offices that are connected by WAN links. The company has an Active Directory domain named . Each branch office has a member server configured as a DNS server. All branch office DNS servers host a secondary zone for .You need to configure the zone to resolve client queries for at least four days in the event that a WAN link fails. What should you do?A.Configure the Expires after option for the zone to 4 days.B.Configure the Retry interval option for the zone to 4 days.C.Configure the Refresh interval option for the zone to 4 days.D.Configure the Minimum (default) TTL option for the zone to 4 days. Answer: AQUESTION 13.Your company has an Active Directory domain named . The company network has two DNS servers named DNS1 and DNS2.The DNS servers are configured as shown in the following table:Domain users, who are configured to use DNS2 as the preferred DNS server, are unable to connect to Internet Web sites.You need to enable Internet name resolution for all client computers.What should you do?A.Create a copy of the .(root) zone on DNS1.B.Update the list of root hints servers on DNS2.C.Update the Cache.dns file on DNS2. Configure conditional forwarding on DNS1.D.Delete the .(root) zone from DNS2. Configure conditional forwarding on DNS2. Answer: DQUESTION 14.Your company has an Active Directory domain named . FS1 is a member server in .You add a second network interface card,NIC2, to FS1 and connect NIC2 to a subnet that contains computers in a DNS domain named . has a DHCP server and a DNS server.Users in are unable to resolve FS1 by using DNS. You need to ensure that FS1 has an A record in the DNS zone. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?(Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A.Configure the DHCP server in with the scope option 044 WINS/NBNS Servers.B.Configure the DHCP server in by setting the scope option 015 DNS Domain Name to the domain name .C.Configure NIC2 by configuring the Append these DNS suffixes (in order): option.D.Configure NIC2 by configuring the Use this connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration option.E.Configure the DHCP server in by setting the scope option 015 DNS Domain Name to the domain name . Answer: BDQUESTION 15.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains two domains. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. All domain controllers are configured as DNS servers. You have a standard primary zone for that is stored on a member server.You need to ensure that all domain controllerscan resolve names from the zone. What should you do?A.On the member server, create a stub zone.B.On the member server, create a NS record for each domain controller.C.On one domain controller, create a conditional forwarder. Configure the conditional forwarder to replicate to all DNS servers in the forest.D.On one domain controller, create a conditional forwarder. Configure the conditional forwarder to replicate to all DNS servers in the domain.Answer: CQUESTION 16.You have a domain controller that runs Windows Server 2008 R2 and is configured as a DNS server.You need to record all inbound DNS queries to the server.What should you configure in the DNS Manager console?A.Enable debug logging.B.Enable automatic testing for simple queries.C.Enable automatic testing for recursive queries.D.Configure event logging to log errors and warnings.Answer: AQUESTION 17.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest named . All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. All domain controllers are configured as DNS servers. The DNS zone is stored in the ForestDnsZones Active Directory application partition.You have a member server that contains a standard primary DNS zone for.You need to ensure that all domain controllers can resolve names for . What should you do?A.Create a NS record in the zone.B.Create a delegation in the zone.C.Create a standard secondary zone on a Global Catalog server.D.Modify the properties of the SOA record in the zone.Answer: BQUESTION 18.Your network contains an Active Directory forest. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2 and are configured as DNS servers. You have an ActiveDirectory-integrated zone for . You have a UNIX-based DNS server.You need to configure your Windows Server 2008 R2 environment to allow zone transfers of the zone to the UNIX-based DNS server.What should you do in the DNS Manager console?A.Disable recursion.B.Create a stub zone.C.Create a secondary zone.D.Enable BIND secondaries.Answer: DQUESTION 19.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains one domain named .All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2 and are configured as DNS servers. You have two Active Directory-integrated zones: and . You need to ensure a user is able to modify records in the zone. You must prevent the user from modifying the SOA record in the zone.What should you do?A.From the DNS Manager console, modify thepermissions of the zone.B.From the DNS Manager console, modify the permissions of the zone.C.From the Active Directory Users and Computers console, run the Delegation of Control Wizard.D.From the Active Directory Users and Computers console, modify the permissions of the Domain Controllers organizational unit (OU).Answer: AQUESTION 20.Contoso, Ltd. has an Active Directory domain named . Fabrikam, Inc. has an Active Directory domain named.Fabrikam's security policy prohibits the transfer of internal DNS zone data outside the Fabrikam network.You need to ensure that the Contoso users are able to resolve names from the domain. What should you do?A.Create a new stub zone for the domain.B.Configure conditional forwarding for the domain.C.Create a standard secondary zone for the domain.D.Create an Active Directory-integrated zone for the domain. Answer: BExam BQUESTION 1.Your company has an Active Directory domain named . The domain has two domain controllers named DC1 and DC2. Both domain controllers have the DNS Server server role installed.You install a new DNS server named on the perimeter network. You configure DC1 to forward all unresolved name requests to .You discover that the DNS forwarding option is unavailable on DC2. You need to configure DNS forwarding on the DC2 server to point to the server. Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A.Clear the DNS cache on DC2.B.Delete the Root zone on DC2.C.Configure conditional forwarding on DC2.D.Configure the Listen On address on DC2. Answer: BCQUESTION 2.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains one domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2 and are configured as DNS servers. You have an Active Directory- integrated zone.You have two Active Directory sites. Each site contains five domain controllers.You add a new NS record to the zone.You need to ensure that all domain controllers immediately receive the new NS record. What should you do?A.From the DNS Manager console, reload the zone.B.From the Services snap-in, restart the DNS Server service.C.From the command prompt, run repadmin /syncall.D.From the DNS Manager console, increase the version number of the SOA record. Answer: CQUESTION 3.You have a domain controller named DC1 that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. DC1 is configured as a DNS server for . You install the DNS Server server role on a member server named Server1 and then you create a standard secondary zone for . You configure DC1 as themaster server for the zone.You need to ensure that Server1 receives zone updates from DC1.What should you do?A.On Server1, add a conditional forwarder.B.On DC1, modify the permissions of zone.C.On DC1, modify the zone transfer settings for the zone.D.Add the Server1 computer account to the DNSUpdateProxy group.Answer: CQUESTION 4Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2 and are configured as DNS servers.A domain controller named DC1 has a standard primary zone for . A domain controller named DC2 has a standard secondary zone for .You need to ensure that the replication of the zone is encrypted. You must not lose any zone data.What should you do?A.On both servers, modify the interface that the DNS server listens on.B.Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated zone. Delete the secondary zone.C.Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated stub zone. Delete the secondary zone.D.Configure the zone transfer settings of the standard primary zone. Modify the Master Servers lists on the secondary zone. Answer: BQUESTION 5.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The domain contains 10 domain controllers. The domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2 and are configured as DNS servers.You plan to create a new ActiveDirectory-integrated zone.You need to ensure that the new zone is only replicated to four of your domain controllers. What should you do first?A.Create a new delegation in the ForestDnsZones application directory partition.B.Create a new delegation in the DomainDnsZones application directory partition.C.From the command prompt, run dnscmd and specify the /enlistdirectorypartition parameter.D.From the command prompt, run dnscmd and specify the /createdirectorypartition parameter.Answer: DQUESTION 6.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. You have a domain controller and a member server that run Windows Server 2008 R2. Both servers are configured as DNS servers. Client computers run either Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows 7. You have a standard primary zone on the domain controller. The member server hosts a secondary copy of the zone.You need to ensure that only authenticated users are allowed to update host (A) records in the DNS zone.What should you do first?A.On the member server, add a conditional forwarder.B.On the member server, install Active Directory Domain Services.C.Add all computer accounts to the DNSUpdateProxy group.D.Convert the standard primary zone to an Active Directory-integrated zone. Answer: DQUESTION 7.Your company has an Active Directory domain. The main office has a DNS server named DNS1 that is configured with Active Directory-integrated DNS. The branch office has a DNS server named DNS2 that contains a secondary copy of the zone from DNS1. The two offices are connected with an unreliable WAN link.You add a new server to the main office. Five minutes after adding the server, a user from the branch office reports that he is unable to connect to the new server. You need to ensure that the user is able to connect to the new server.What should you do?A.Clear the cache on DNS2.B.Reload the zone on DNS1.C.Refresh the zone on DNS2.D.Export the zone from DNS1 and import the zone to DNS2.Answer: CQUESTION 8You need to deploy a read-only domain controller (RODC) that runs Windows Server 2008 R2.What is the minimal forest functional level that you should use?A.Windows Server 2008 R2B.Windows Server 2008C.Windows Server 2003D.Windows 2000Answer: CQUESTION 9Your company has a single Active Directory domain named . All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2. The domain functional level is Windows 2000 native and the forest functional level is Windows 2000.You need to ensure the UPN suffix for is available for user accounts. What should you do first?A.Raise the forest functional level to Windows Server 2003 or higher.B.Raise the domain functional level to Windows Server 2003 or higher.C.Add the new UPN suffix to the forest.D.Change the Primary DNS Suffix option in the Default Domain Controllers Group Policy Object (GPO) to .Answer: CQUESTION 10.Your company, A. Datum Corporation, has a single Active Directory domain named . The domain has two domain controllers that run Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. The domain controllers also run DNS servers.The DNS zone is configured as an Active Directory-integrated zone with the Dynamic updates setting configured to Secure only. A new corporate security policy requires that the DNS zone must be updated only by domain controllers or member servers.You need to configure the zone to meet the new security policy requirement.Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A.Remove the Authenticated Users account from the Security tab of the DNS zone properties. B.Assign the SELF Account Deny on Write permission on the Security tab of the DNS zone properties. C.Assign the server computer accounts the Allow on Write All Properties permission on the Security tab of the DNS zone properties.D.Assign the server computer accounts the Allow on Create All Child Objects permission on the Security tab of the DNS zone properties. Answer: ADQUESTION 11.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains only Windows Server 2008 domain controllers.You need to prepare the Active Directory domain to install Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controllers.Which two tasks should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A.Run the adprep /forestprep command.B.Run the adprep /domainprep command.C.Raise the forest functional level to Windows Server 2008.D.Raise the domain functional level to Windows Server 2008.Answer: ABQUESTION 12.Your company has a single Active Directory domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2003.You install Windows Server 2008 R2 on a server.You need to add the new server as a domain controller in your domain.What should you do first?A.On the new server, run dcpromo /adv.B.On the new server, run dcpromo/createdcaccount.C.On a domain controller run adprep/rodcprep.D.On a domain controller, run adprep/forestprep.Answer: DQUESTION 13 .Your company has two Active Directory forests as shown in the following table:The forests are connected by using atwo-way forest trust. Each trust direction is configured with forest-wide authentication. The new security policy of the company prohibits users from the domain to access resources in the domain.You need to configure the forest trust to meet the new security policy requirement.What should you do?A.Delete the outgoing forest trust in the domain.B.Delete the incoming forest trust in the domain.C.Change the properties of the existing incoming forest trust in the domain from Forest-wide authentication to Selective authentication.D.Change the properties of the existing outgoing forest trust in the domain to exclude * from the Name Suffix Routing trust properties. Answer: DQUESTION 14.You have an existing Active Directory site named Site1. You create a new Active Directory site and name it Site2.You need to configure Active Directory replication between Site1 and Site2. You install a new domain controller. You create the site link between Site1 and Site2.What should you do next?e the Active Directory Sites and Servicesconsole to configure a new site link bridgeobject.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to decrease the site link cost between Site1 and Site2.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to assign a new IP subnet to Site2. Move the new domain controller object to Site2.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to configure the new domain controller as a preferred bridgehead server for Site1.Answer: CQUESTION 15.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2003.You upgrade all domain controllers to Windows Server 2008 R2.You need to ensure that the Sysvol share replicates by using DFS Replication (DFS-R). What should you do?A.From the command prompt, run netdom/reset.B.From the command prompt, run dfsutil/addroot:sysvol.C.Raise the functional level of the domain to Windows Server 2008 R2.D.From the command prompt, run dcpromo /unattend:unattendfile.xml.Answer: CQUESTION 16.Your company has a branch office that is configured as a separate Active Directory site and has an Active Directory domain controller. The Active Directory site requires a local Global Catalog server to support a new application.You need to configure the domain controller as a Global Catalog server.Which tool should you use?A.The Dcpromo.exe utilityB.The Server Manager consoleC.The Computer Management consoleD.The Active Directory Sites and Services consoleE.The Active Directory Domains and Trusts consoleAnswer: DQUESTION 17.Your company has a main office and 10 branch offices. Each branch office has an Active Directory site that contains one domain controller. Only domain controllers in the main office are configured as Global Catalog servers.You need to deactivate the Universal Group Membership Caching option on the domain controllers in the branch offices.At which level should you deactivate the Universal Group Membership Caching option?A.SiteB.ServerC.DomainD.Connection objectAnswer: AQUESTION 18.Your company has an Active Directory forest. Not all domain controllers in the forest are configured as Global Catalog Servers. Your domain structure contains one root domain and one child domain.You modify the folder permissions on a file server that is in the child domain. You discover that some Access Control entries start with S-1-5-21... and that no account name is listed.You need to list the account names.What should you do?A.Move the RID master role in the child domain to a domain controller that holds the Global Catalog.B.Modify the schema to enable replication of the friendlynames attribute to the GlobalCatalog.C.Move the RID master role in the child domain to a domain controller that does not hold the Global Catalog.D.Move the infrastructure master role in the child domain to a domain controller that does not hold the Global Catalog.Answer: DQUESTION 19.Your company has an Active Directory domain.You log on to the domain controller. The Active Directory Schema snap-in is not available in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).You need to access the Active Directory Schema snap-in.What should you do?A.Register Schmmgmt.dll.B.Log off and log on again by using an account that is a member of the Schema Admins group.e the Ntdsutil.exe command to connect to the schema master operations master and open the schema for writing.D.Add the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD/LDS) role to the domain controller by using Server Manager. Answer: AQUESTION 20Your company has two domain controllers named DC1 and DC2. DC1 hosts all domain and forest operations master roles.DC1 fails.You need to rebuild DC1 by reinstalling the operating system. You also need to rollback all operations master roles to their original state. You perform a metadata cleanup and remove all references of DC1.Which three actions should you perform next?(To answer, move the appropriate actions from the list of actions to the answer area and arrange them in the correct order.)Answer:Exam CQUESTION 1.You are decommissioning one of the domain controllers in a child domain. You need to transfer all domain operations master roles within the child domain to a newly installed domain controller in the same child domain. Which three domain operations master roles should you transfer?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose three.)A.RID masterB.PDC emulatorC.Schema masterD.Infrastructure masterE.Domain naming masterAnswer: ABDQUESTION 2.Your company has an Active Directory domain. The company has two domain controllers named DC1 and DC2. DC1 holds the schema master role.DC1 fails. You log on to Active Directory by using the administrator account. You are not able to transfer the schema master role.You need to ensure that DC2 holds the。



Test4actual ,100%Accurate Answers Answers!!!!!!Help you pass any IT exam!Microsoft 70-640TS:Windows Server 2008Active Directory,ConfiguringQ&A v5.171.Your company has a main office and a branch office You deploy a read-only domain controller (RODC)that runs Microsoft Windows Server2008to the branch office You need to ensure that users at the branch office are able to log on to the domain by using the RODC What should you do?A.Add another RODC to the branch officeB.Configure a new bridgehead server in the main officeC.Configure the Password Replication Policy on the RODCD.Decrease the replication interval for all connection objects by using the Actrve Directory Sites and Services consoleAnswer:C2.Your company has an Actrve Directory forest that runs at the functional level of Windows Server 2008You implement Actrve Directory Rights Management Services(AD RMS)You install Microsoft SOL Server2005When you attempt to open the AD RMS administration Web site,you recerve the following error message:"SOL Server does not exist or access denied"You need to open the AD RMS administration Web site Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Restart liSB.Install Message OueuingC.Start the MSSOLSVC serviceD.Manualy delete the Service Connection Point in AD OS and restart AD RMSAnswer:A C3.Your company has a server that runs an instance of Actrve Directory Lightweight Directory Service(AD LDS)You need to create new organizational units in the AD LDS application directory partition What should you do?e the Actrve Directory Users and Computers snap-in to create the organizational units on the AD LDS application directory partitione the ADSI Edit snap-in to create the organizational units on the AD LDS application directory partitione the dsadd OU<OrganizationaIUnilDN>command to create the organizational unitse the dsmod OU<OrganizationaIUnilDN>command to create the organizational units Answer:B4.Your company has an Actrve Directory forest that contains a single domain The domain member server has an Active Directory Federation Services(AD FS)role installed You need to configure AD FS to ensure that AD FS tokens contain information from the Actrve Directory domain What should you do?A.Add and configure a new account store.B.Add and configure a new account partner.C.Add and configure a new resource partner.D.Add and configure a Claims-aware applicationAnswer:A5.You have a domain controller that runs Windows Server2008and is configured as a DNS serverYou need to record all inbound DNS queries to the server.What should you configure in the DNS Manager console?A.Enable debug logging.B.Enable automatic testing for simple queries.C.Enable automatic testing for recursrve queries.D.Configure event logging to log errors and warnings.Answer:A6.Your company has a main office and a branch office The company has a single-domain Active Directory forest.The main office has two domain controllers named DC1and DC2that run Windows Server2008The branch office has a Windows Server2008read-only domain controller (RODC)named DC3AlI domain controllers hold the DNS Server role and are configured as Active Directory-integrated zones.The DNS zones only allow secure updates.You need to enable dynamic DNS updates on DC3.What should you do?A.Run the Ntdsutil.exe>DS Behavior commands on DC3.B.Run the Dnscmd.exe/ZoneResetType command on DC3.C.Reinstall Actrve Directory Domain Services on DC3as a writable domain controller.D.Create a custom application directory partition on DC1Configure the partition to store Actrve Directory-integrated zones.Answer:C7.You have a single Active Directory domain.AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2008 and are configured as DNS servers.The domain contains one Active Directory-integrated DNS zone.You need to ensure that outdated DNS records are automatically removed from the DNS zone. What should you do?A.From the properties of the zone,enable scavenging.B.From the properties of the zone,disable dynamic updates.C.From the properties of the zone,modify the TTL of the SOA record.D.From the command prompt,run ipconfig/flushdns.Answer:A8.Your company has a DNS server that has10Active Directory Cintegrated zones.You need to provide copies of the zone files of the DNS server to the security department.What should you do?A.Run the dnscmd/Zonelnfo command.B.Run the ipconfig/registerdns command.C.Run the dnscmd/ZoneExport command.D.Run the ntdsutil>Partition Management>List commands.Answer:C9.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains one domain named AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2008and are configured as DNS servers You have two Actrve Directory-integrated zones: and You need to ensure a user is able to modify records in the zone.You must prevent the user from modifying the SOA record in the zone What should you do?A.From the DNS Manager console,modify the permissions of the zone.B.From the DNS Manager console,modify the permissions of the zone.C.From the Actrve Directory Users and Computers console,run the Delegation of Control Wizard.D.From the Actrve Directory Users and Computers console,modify the permissions of the Domain Controllers organizational unit(OU).Answer:A10.You have a domain controller named DC1that runs Windows Server2008.DC1is configured asa DNS Server for .You install the DNS Server role on a member server named Server1and then you create a standard secondary zone for .You configure DC1as the master server for the zone.You need to ensure that Server1recerves zone updates from DC1.What should you do?A.On Server1,add a conditional forwarder.B.On DC1,modify the permissions of zone.C.On DC1,modify the zone transfer settings for the zone.D.Add the Server1computer account to the DNSUpdateProxy group.Answer:C11.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains one domain.AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2008and are configured as DNS servers.You have an Actrve Directory-integrated zone.You have two Actrve Directory sites.Each site contains five domain controllers.You add a new NS record to the zone.You need to ensure that all domain controllers immediately receive the new NS record.What should you do?A.From the DNS Manager console,reload the zone.B.From the Services snap-in,restart the DNS Server service.C.From the command prompt,run repadmin/syncall.D.From the DNS Manager console,increase the version number of the SOA record.Answer:C12.Your company has a branch office that is configured as a separate Active Directory site and has an Actrve Directory domain controller.The Active Directory site requires a local Global Catalog server to support a new application.You need to configure the domain controller as a Global Catalog server.Which tool should you use?A.The Dcpromo.exe utilityB.The Server Manager consoleC.The Computer Management consoleD.The Actrve Directory Sites and Services consoleE.The Actrve Directory Domains and Trusts consoleAnswer:D13.Your company has an Active Directory domain named .The domain has two domain controllers named DC1and DC2.Both domain controllers have the DNS server role installed.You install a new DNS server named on the perimeter network.You configureDC1to forward all unresorved name requests to .You discover that the DNS forwarding option is unavailable on DC2.You need to configure DNS forwarding on the DC2server to point to the server. Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution.Choose two.)A.Clear the DNS cache on DC2.B.Delete the Root zone on DC2.C.Configure conditional forwarding on DC2.D.Configure the Listen On address on DC2.Answer:B C14.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains only Windows Server2003domain controllers.You need to prepare the Active Directory domain to install Windows Server2008 domain controllers.Which two tasks should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Run the adprep!forestprep command.B.Run the adprep/domainprep command.C.Raise the forest functional level to Windows Server2008.D.Raise the domain functional level to Windows Server2008.Answer:A B15.Your company has a main office and three branch offices.Each office is configured as a separate Active Directory site that has its own domain controller.You disable an account that has administratrve rights.You need to immediately replicate the disabled account information to all sites.What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?(Each correct answer presents a complete solution.Choose two.)e Dsmod.exe to configure all domain controllers as global catalog servers.e Repadmin.exe to force replication between the site connection objectsC.From the Active Directory Sites and Services console,select the existing connection objects and force replication.D.From the Actrve Directory Sites and Services console,configure all domain controllers as global catalog servers.Answer:B C16.Your company has an Active Directory domain.The company has two domain controllers named DC1and DC2.DC1holds the Schema Master role DC1fails You log on to Actrve Directory by using the administrator account.You are not able to transfer the Schema Master operations role. You need to ensure that DC2holds the Schema Master role.What should you do?A.Register the Schmmgmt.dll.Start the Active Directory Schema snap-in.B.Configure DC2as a bridgehead serverC.On DC2,seize the Schema Master roleD.Log off and log on again to Active Directory by using an account that is a member of the Schema Administrators group.Start the Actrve Directory Schema snap-in.Answer:C17.You have an existing Active Directory site named Site1.You create a new Actrve Directory site and name it Site2.You need to configure Active Directory replication between Site1and Site2.You install a new domain controller.You create the site link between Site1and Site2.What should you do next?e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to configure a new site link bridge object.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to decrease the site link cost between Site1 and Site2.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to assign a new IP subnet to Site2.Move the new domain controller object to Site2.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to configure the new domain controller as a preferredbridgehead server for Site1.Answer:C18.Your company,Contoso,Ltd,has offices in North America and Europe.Contoso has an Active Directory forest that has three domains.You need to reduce the time required to authenticate users from the domain when they access resources in the domain.What should you do?A.Decrease the replication interval for all Connection objects.B.Decrease the replication interval for the DEFAULTIPSITELINK site link.C.Set up a one-way shortcut trust from to .D.Set up a one-way shortcut trust from to .Answer:C19.Your company has an Active Directory domain.You log on to the domain controller.The Active Directory Schema snap-in is not available in the Microsoft Management Console(MMC).You need to access the Actrve Directory Schema snap-in.What should you do?A.Register Schmmgml.dll.B.Log off and log on again by using an account that is a member of the Schema Administrators group.e the Ntdsutil.exe command to connect to the Schema Master operations master and open the schema for writing.D.Add the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services(AD LDS)role to the domain controller by using Server Manager.Answer:A20.Your company has an Active Directory domain named .The company network has two DNS servers named DNS1and DNS2.The DNS servers are configured as shown in the following table.Domain users,who are configured to use DNS2as the preferred DNS server,are unable to connect to Internet Web sites.You need to enable Internet name resolution for all client computers.What should you do?A.Create a copy of the.(root)zone on DNS1.B.Update the list of root hints servers on DNS2.C.Update the Cache.dns file on DNS2Configure conditional forwarding on DNS1.D.Delete the.(root)zone from DNS2.Configure conditionnal forwarding on DNS2.Answer:D21.Your company has a single Active Directory domain.AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2003You install Windows Server2008on a server.You need to add the new server as a domain controller in your domain.What should you do first?A.On the new server,run dcpromo/adv.B.On the new server,run dcpromo/createdcaccount.C.On a domain controller run adprep/rodcprep.D.On a domain controller,run adprep/forestprep.Answer:D22.Your company has an Active Directory domain.AlI servers run Windows Server2008.Your company uses an Enterprise Root certificate authority(CA).You need to ensure that revoked certificate information is highly available.What should you do?A.Implement an Online Certificate Status Protocol(OCSP)responder by using Network Load Balancing.B.Implement an Online Certificate Status Protocol(OCSP)responder by using an Internet Security and Acceleration Server array.C.Publish the trusted certificate authorities list to the domain by using a Group Policy Object (GPO).D.Create a new Group Policy Object(GPO)that allows users to trust peer certificates.Link the GPO to the domain.Answer:A23.You have a Windows Server2008Enterprise Root CA.Security policy prevents port443and port80from being opened on domain controllers and on the issuing CA.You need to allow users to request certificates from a Web interface.You install the AD CS role.What should you do next?A.Configure the Online Responder Role Service on a member server.B.Configure the Online Responder Role Service on a domain controller.C.Configure the Certification Authority Web Enrollment Role Service on a member server.D.Configure the Certification Authority Web Enrollment Role Service on a domain controller. Answer:C24.Your company uses a Windows2008Enterprise certificate authority(CA)to issue certificates.You need to implement key archival.What should you do?A.Archive the private key on the server.B.Apply the Hisecdc security template to the domain controllers.C.Configure the certificate for automatic enrollment for the computers that store encrypted files.D.Install an Enterprise Subordinate CA and issue a user certificate to users of the encrypted files. Answer:A25.Your company has an Active Directory domain.You plan to install the Active Directory Certificate Service(AD CS)role on a member server that runs Windows Server2008.You need to ensure that members of the Account Operators group are able to issue smartcard credentials.They should not be able to revoke certificates.Which three actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose three.)A.Install the AD CS role and configure it as an Enterprise Root CA.B.Install the AD CS role and configure it as a Standalone CA.C.Restrict enrollment agents for the Smartcard logon certificate to the Account Operator group.D.Restrict certificate managers for the Smartcard logon certificate to the Account Operator group.E.Create a Smartcard logon certificate.F.Create an Enrollment Agent certificate.Answer:A C E26.Your company has a server that runs Windows Server2008.Certification Services is configured as a stand-alone Certification Authority(CA)on the server.You need to audit changes to the CA configuration settings and the CA security settings.Which two tasks should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution.Choose two.)A.Configure auditing in the Certification Services snap-in.B.Enable auditing of successful and failed attempts to change permissions on files in the %SYSTEM32%\CertSrv directory.C.Enable auditing of successful and failed attempts to write to files in the%SYSTEM32%\CertLog directory.D.Enable the Audit object access setting in the Local Security Policy for the Certification Services server.Answer:A D27.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains multiple domain controllers.The domain controllers run Windows Server2008.You need to perform an an authoritative restore of a deleted orgainzational unit and its child objects.Which four actions should you perform in sequence?(To answer,move the appropriate four actions from the list of actions to the answer area,and arrange them in the correct order.)28.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain All domain controllers run WIndows Server2008.You need to capture all replication errors from all domain controllers to a central localion What should you do?A.configure event log subscriptions.B.Start the System Performance data collector set.C.start the Active Directory Diagnostics data collector set.D.Install Network Monitor and create a new a new capture.Answer:A29.You need to remove the Active Directory Domain Services role from a domain controller named DC1.What should you do?A.Run the netdom remove DC1commandB.Run the nltest/remove_server:DC1commandC.Run the Dcpromo utility.Remove the Active Directory Domain Services role.D.Reset the Domain Controller computer account by using the Active Directory Users and Computers utility.Answer:C30.Your company has an Active Directory domain that runs Windows Server2008The Sales OU contains an OU for Computers,an OU for Groups,and an OU for Users You perform nightly backups.An administrator deletes the Groups OU You need to restore the Groups OU without affecting users and computers in the Sales OU What should you do?A.Perform an authoritative restore of the Sales OU.B.Perform an authoritative restore of the Groups OU.C.Perform a non-authoritative restore of the Groups OU.D.Perform a non-authoritative restore of the Sales OU.Answer:B31.You need to identify all failed logon attempts on the domain controllers.What should you do?A.Run Event Viewer.B.View the Netlogon.log file.C.Run the Security and Configuration Wizard.D.View the Security tab on the domain controller computer object.Answer:A32.Your company has a domain controller that runs Windows Server2008.The server is a backup server.The server has a single500-GB hard disk that has three partitions for the operating system, applications,and data.You perform daily backups of the server.The hard disk fails.You replace the hard disk with a new hard disk of the same capacity.You restart the computer on the installation media.You select the Repair your computer option.You need to restore the operating system and all files.What should you do?A.Select the Startup repair option.B.Select the System restore option.C.Run the Rollback utility at the command prompt.D.Run the Wbadmin utility at the command prompt.Answer:D33.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain.The functional level of the forest is Windows Server2008.You need to create multiple password policies for users in your domain. What should you do?A.From the Schema snap-in,create multiple class schema objects.B.From the ADSI Edit snap-in,create multiple Password Setting objects.C.From the Security Configuration Wizard,create multiple security policies.D.From the Group Policy Management snap-in,create multiple Group Policy objects.Answer:B34.Your company has an Active Directory forest.Each branch office has an organizational unit anda child organizational unit named Sales.The Sales organizational unit contains all users and computers of the sales department.You need to install an Office2007application only on the computers in the Sales organizational unit.You create a GPO named SalesApp GPO.What should you do next?A.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the domain.B.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.C.Configure the GPO to publish the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.D.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.Answer:D35.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains Windows Server2008domain controllers and DNS servers.All client computers run Windows XP.You need to use your client computers to edit domain-based GPOs by using the ADMX files that are stored in the ADMX central store.What should you do?A.Add your account to the Domain Admins group.B.Upgrade your client computers to Windows Vista Framework3.0on your client computerD.Create a folder on the Primary Domain Controller(PDC)emulator for the domain in the PolicyDefinitions path.Copy the ADMX files to the PolicyDefinitions folder.Answer:B36.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain.All domain controllers run Windows Server2008The Audit account management policy setting and Audit directory services access setting are enabled for the entire domain.You need to ensure that changes made to Active Directory objects can be logged.The logged changes must include the old and new values of any attributes What should you do?A.Enable the Audit account management policy in the Default Domain Controller Policy.B.Run auditpol.exe and then configure the Security settings of the Domain Controllers OU.C.Run auditpol.exe and then enable the Audit directory service access setting in the Default Domain policy.D.From the Default Domain Controllers policy,enable the Audit directory service access setting and enable directory service changes.Answer:B37.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains eight linked Group Policy Objects (GPOs).One of these GPOs publishes applications to user objects.A user reports that the application is not available for installation.You need to identify whether the GPO has been applied What should you do?A.Run the Group Policy Results utility for the user.B.Run the Group Policy Results utility for the computer.C.Run the GPRESULT/SCOPE COMPUTER command at the command prompt.D.Run the GPRESULT/S<system name>/Z command at the command prompt.Answer:A38.Your company has an Active Directory domain.A user attempts to log on to a computer that was turned off for twelve weeks.The administrator receives an error message that authentication has failed.You need to ensure that the user is able to log on to the computer.What should you do?A.Run the netdom TRUST/reset command.B.Run the netsh command with the set and machine options.C.Run the Active Directory Users and Computers console to disable,and then enable the computer account.D.Reset the computer account.Disjoin the computer from the domain,and then rejoin the computer to the domain.Answer:D39.Your company hires10new employees.You want the new employees to connect to the main office through a VPN connection.You create new user accounts and grant the new employees the Allow Read and Allow Execute permissions to shared resources in the main office.The new employees are unable to access shared resources in the main office.You need to ensure that usersare able to establish a VPN connection to the main office What should you do?A.Grant the new employees the Allow Full control permission.B.Grant the new employees the Allow Access Dial-in permission.C.Add the new employees to the Remote Desktop Users security group.D.Add the new employees to the Windows Authorization Access security group.Answer:B40.Your company has an Active Directory domain.A user attempts to log on to the domain from a client computer and receives the following message:"This user account has expired Ask your administrator to reactivate the account."You need to ensure that the user is able to log on to the domain.What should you do?A.Modify the properties of the user account to set the account to never expire.B.Modify the properties of the user account to extend the Logon Hours setting.C.Modify the properties of the user account to set the password to never expire.D.Modify the default domain policy to decrease the account lockout duration.Answer:A41.All consultants belong to a global group named TempWorkers.You place three file servers in a new organizational unit named SecureServers.The three file servers contain confidential data located in shared folders.You need to record any failed attempts made by the consultants to access the confidential data.Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Create and link a new GPO to the SecureServers organizational unit Configure the Audit privilege use Failure audit policy setting.B.Create and link a new GPO to the SecureServers organizational unit Configure the Audit object access Failure audit policy setting.C.Create and link a new GPO to the SecureServers organizational unit Configure the Deny access to this computer from the network user rights setting for the TempWorkers global group.D.On each shared folder on the three file servers,add the three servers to the Auditing tab Configure the Failed Full control setting in the Auditing Entry dialog.E.On each shared folder on the three file servers,add the TempWorkers global group to the Auditing tab Configure the Failed Full control setting in the Auditing Entry dialog box.Answer:B E42.Your company has an organizational unit named Production.The Production organizational unit has a child organizational unit named R&D You create a GPO named Software Deployment and link it to the Production organizational unit.You create a shadow group for the R&D organizational unit.You need to deploy an application to users in the Production organizational unit.You also need to ensure that the application is not deployed to users in the R&D organizational unit.What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?(Each correct answer presents a complete solution Choose two.)A.Configure the Enforce setting on the software deployment GPO.B.Configure the Block Inheritance setting on the R&D organizational unit.C.Configure the Block Inheritance setting on the Production organizational unit.D.Configure security filtering on the Software Deployment GPO to Deny Apply group policy forthe R&D security group.Answer:B D43.Your company has an Active Directory forest.The company has three locations.Each location has an organizational unit and a child organizational unit named Sales.The Sales organizational unit contains all users and computers of the sales department.The company plans to deploy a Microsoft Office2007application on all computers within the three.Sales organizational units. You need to ensure that the Office2007application is installed only on the computers in the Sales organizational units.What should you do?A.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the domain.B.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.C.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to publish the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.D.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.Answer:D44.Your company has a main office and a branch office that are configured as a single Active Directory forest.The functional level of the Active Directory forest is Windows Server2003.There are four Windows Server2003domain controllers in the main office.You need to ensure that you are able to deploy a read-only domain controller(RODC)at the branch office.Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Run the adpreplrodcprep command.B.Raise the functional level of the forest to Windows Server2008.C.Raise the functional level of the domain to Windows Server2008.D.Deploy a Windows Server2008domain controller at the main office.Answer:A D45.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains a single domain.The domain member server has an Active Directory Federation Services(AD FS)role installed.You need to configure AD FS to ensure that AD FS tokens contain information from the Active Directory domain What should you do?A.Add and configure a new account store.B.Add and configure a new account partner.C.Add and configure a new resource partner.D.Add and configure a Claims-aware application.Answer:A46.A server named DC1has the Active Directory Domain Services(AD DS)role and the Active。



3.1.11Special requirements or any supplementary require-ments selected,or both.4.General Requirements4.1Material furnished to this specification shall conform tothe applicable requirements of the current edition of Specifi-cation A 999/A 999M,unless otherwise provided herein.5.Materials and Manufacture5.1Pipe may be either hot finished or cold drawn with thefinishing treatment as required in P2and P12—The steel shall be made by coarse-grain melting practice.Specific limits,if any,on grain size ordeoxidation practice shall be a matter of agreement betweenthe manufacturer and purchaser.5.3Heat Treatment :5.3.1All pipe of grades shown in Table 1except P5c,P91,P92,and P122as provided in 5.3.2,shall be reheated andfurnished in the full-annealed,isothermal annealed,or normal-ized and tempered condition.If furnished in the normalized and tempered condition,the minimum tempering temperature for Grades P5,P5b,P9,P21,and P22shall be 1250°F [675°C],the minimum tempering temperature for Grades P1,P2,P11,P12,and P 15shall be 1200°F [650°C].N OTE 3—It is recommended that the temperature for tempering should be at least 100°F [50°C]above the intended service temperature;conse-quently,the purchaser should advise the manufacturer if the service temperature is to be over 1100°F [600°C].5.3.2Pipe of Grades P1,P2,and P12,either hot finished or cold drawn,may be given a final heat treatment at 1200°F [650°C]to 1300°F [705°C]instead of heat treatments specified in pipe of Grades P5c shall be given a final heat treatment in the range from 1325°F [715°C]to 1375°F [745°C].N OTE 4—Certain of the ferritic steels covered by this specification willharden if cooled rapidly from above their critical temperature.Some willTABLE 1Chemical Requirements Grade UNSDesigna-tion A Composition,%CarbonMan-ganese Phos-phorus,max Sulfur,max Silicon Chromium Molybde-num Others P1K115220.10–0.200.30–0.800.0250.0250.10–0.50...0.44–0.65...P2K115470.10–0.200.30–0.610.0250.0250.10–0.300.50–0.810.44–0.65...P5K415450.15max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...P5b K515450.15max0.30–0.600.0250.025 1.00–2.00 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...P5c K412450.12max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...B P9S504000.15max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.25–1.008.00–10.000.90–1.10...P11K115970.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50–1.00 1.00–1.500.44–0.65...P12K115620.05–0.150.30–0.610.0250.0250.50max 0.80–1.250.44–0.65...P15K115780.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.025 1.15–1.65...0.44–0.65...P21K315450.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 2.65–3.350.80–1.06...P22K215900.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 1.90–2.600.87–1.13...P91K915600.08–0.120.30–0.600.0200.0100.20–0.508.00–9.500.85–1.05V 0.18–0.25N0.030–0.070Ni 0.40maxAl 0.04maxCb0.06–0.10P92K924600.07–0.130.30–0.600.0200.0100.50max 8.50–9.500.30–0.60V 0.15–0.25N 0.03–0.07Ni 0.40maxAl 0.04maxCb0.04–0.09W 1.5–2.00B0.001–0.006P122K929300.07–0.140.70max 0.0200.0100.50max 10.00–12.500.25–0.60V 0.15–0.30W 1.50–2.50Cu0.30–1.70Cb0.04–0.10B0.0005–0.005N0.040–0.100Ni 0.50maxAl 0.040max ANew designation established in accordance with Practice E 527and SAE J1086,Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS).B Grade P 5c shall have a titanium content of not less than 4timesthe carbon content and not more than 0.70%;or a columbium content of 8to 10times the carbon content.air harden,that is,become hardened to an undesirable degree when cooled in air from high temperatures.Therefore,operations involving heating such steels above their critical temperatures,such as welding,flanging, and hot bending,should be followed by suitable heat treatment.5.3.4Grade T92shall be normalized at1900°F[1040°C] minimum and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.3.5Grade P122shall be normalized at1900°F[1040°C] minimum,and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.4Except when Supplementary Requirement S7is speci-fied by the purchaser,Grade P91shall be normalized at1900°F [1040°C]minimum,and tempered at1350°F[730°C]mini-mum as afinal heat treatment.Alternatively,liquid quenching and tempering is allowed for thicknesses above3in.when mutually agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.In this case the pipe shall be quenched from1900°F [1040°C]minimum and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum asfinal heat treatment.6.Chemical Composition6.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table1.7.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance7.1The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient number of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable assurance that they have been properly evaluated with respect to depth. Exploration of all surface imperfections is not required but may be necessary to ensure compliance with7.27.2Surface imperfections that penetrate more than121⁄2% of the nominal wall thickness or encroach on the minimum wall thickness shall be considered defects.Pipe with such defects shall be given one of the following dispositions:7.2.1The defect may be removed by grinding provided that the remaining wall thickness is within specified limits.7.2.2Repaired in accordance with the repair welding pro-visions of7. section of pipe containing the defect may be cut off within the limits of requirements on length.7.2.4Rejected.7.3To provide a workmanlikefinish and basis for evaluat-ing conformance with7.2,the pipe manufacturer shall remove by grinding the following:7.3.1Mechanical marks,abrasions(Note5)and pits,any of which imperfections are deeper than1⁄16in.[1.6mm].N OTE5—Marks and abrasions are defined as cable marks,dinges,guide marks,roll marks,ball scratches,scores,die marks,and the like.7.3.2Visual imperfections,commonly referred to as scabs, seams,laps,tears,or slivers,found by exploration in accor-dance with7.1to be deeper than5%of the nominal wall thickness.7.4At the purchaser’s discretion,pipe shall be subject to rejection if surface imperfections acceptable under7.2are not scattered,but appear over a large area in excess of what is considered a workmanlikefinish.Disposition of such pipe shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.7.5When imperfections or defects are removed by grinding,a smooth curved surface shall be maintained,and the wall thickness shall not be decreased below that permitted by this specification.The outside diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount so removed.7.5.1Wall thickness measurements shall be made with a mechanical caliper or with a properly calibrated nondestructive testing device of appropriate accuracy.In case of dispute,the measurement determined by use of the mechanical caliper shall govern.7.6Weld repair shall be permitted only subject to the approval of the purchaser and in accordance with Specification A999/A999M.7.7Thefinished pipe shall be reasonably straight.8.Product Analysis8.1At the request of the purchaser,an analysis of two pipes from each lot shall be made by the manufacturer.A lot(Note6) of pipe shall consist of the following:NPS DesignatorUnder2400or fraction thereof2to5200or fraction thereof6and over100or fraction thereofN OTE6—A lot shall consist of the number of lengths specified in8.1of the same size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel.8.2The results of these analyses shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative,and shall conform to the requirements specified in Table1.8.3For grade P91the carbon content may vary for the product analysis by−0.01%and+0.02%from the specified range as per Table1.8.4If the analysis of one of the tests specified in8.1does not conform to the requirements specified in6.1,an analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or lot may be made,and all billets or pipe conforming to the requirements shall be accepted.9.Tensile and Hardness Requirements9.1The tensile properties of the material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table2.9.2Table3lists elongation requirements.9.3Pipe of Grade P122shall have a hardness not exceeding 250HB/265HV[25HRC].TABLE2Tensile RequirementsIdentification Symbol P1,P2P12P91P92P122All Others Tensile strength,min:ksi MPa553806041585585906209062060415Yield strength,min:ksi MPa3020532220604156444058400302059.4Table4gives the computed minimum elongation values for each1⁄32-in.[0.8mm]decrease in wall thickness.Where the wall thickness lies between two values above,the minimum elongation value is determined by the following formula:Direction of Test Equation BLongitudinal,all grades except P91 and P122E=48t+15.00 [E=1.87t+15.00]Transverse E=32t+10.00[E=1.25t+10.00] Longitudinal,P91and P122E=32t+10.00[E=1.25t+10.00] where:E=elongation in2in.or50mm,%,andt=actual thickness of specimens,in.[mm].10.Permissible Variations in Diameter10.1Variations in outside diameter shall not exceed those specified in Table5.11.Hydrostatic Test11.1Each length of pipe shall be subjected to the hydro-static test,except as provided for in11.2or11.3.11.2Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order,each length of pipe shall,at the option of the manufacturer,be subjected to the nondestructive electric test as shown in Section 12in lieu of the hydrostatic test.11.3When specified by the purchaser,pipe shall be fur-nished without hydrostatic test and without nondestructive examination.11.4When specified by the purchaser,pipe shall be fur-nished with both the hydrostatic test and a nondestructive examination having been performed.12.Nondestructive Examination12.1When selected by the manufacturer or when specified in the order,as an alternative to the hydrostatic test(11.2),or when secified in the purchase order in addition to the hydro-static test(11.4),each pipe shall be examined by a nondestruc-tive examination method in accordance with Practice E213, Practice E309or Practice E570.The range of pipe sizes that may be examined by each method shall be subject to the limitations in the scope of the respective practices.12.2The following information is for the benefit of the user of this specification:12.2.1The reference standards defined in12.8are conve-nient standards for standardization of nondestructive examina-tion equipment.The dimensions of these standards should not be construed as the minimum size imperfection detectable by such equipment.12.2.2Ultrasonic examination can be performed to detect both longitudinally and transversely oriented discontinuities.It should be recognized that different techniques should be employed to detect differently oriented imperfections.The examination may not detect short,deep imperfections.12.2.3The eddy current examination referenced in this specification has the capability to detect significant disconti-nuities,especially of the short abrupt type.12.2.4Theflux leakage examination referred to in this specification is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant longitudinally or transversely oriented disconti-nuities.It should be recognized that different techniques should be employed to detect differently oriented imperfections. 12.2.5The hydrostatic test of Section11has the capability tofind imperfections of a size that permit the testfluid to leak through the pipe wall so that it may be either visually seen or detected by a loss offluid pressure.This test may not detect very tight,through-wall imperfections,or imperfections that extend into the wall without complete penetration.12.2.6A purchaser interested in ascertaining the nature (type,size,location,and orientation)of discontinuities that canTABLE3Elongation RequirementsElongationRequirements,All gradesexcept P91and P92P91and P122Longi-tudi-nal Trans-verseLongi-tudi-nalTrans-verseElongation in2in.or50mm,(or4D),min,%:Basic minimum elongationfor wall5⁄16in.[8mm]andover in thickness,strip tests,and for all small sizes testedin full section302020...When standard round2-in.or50-mm gage length orproportionally smaller sizespecimen with the gagelength equal to4D(4timesthe diameter)is used22142013For strip tests a deductionfor each1⁄32-in.[0.8mm]decrease in wall thicknessbelow in.[8mm]from thebasic minimum elongation ofthe following percentagepoints shall be made1.50A 1.00A 1.00A...A Table4gives the calculated minimum values.TABLE4Computed Minimum Elongation ValuesWall Thickness Elongation in2in.or50mm,min,% All grades except P91and Longi-tudinalTransverseLongi-tudinal5⁄16(0.312)83020.020 9⁄32(0.281)7.22919.019 1⁄4(0.250) 6.42718.018 7⁄32(0.219) 5.626 (17)3⁄16(0.188) 4.824 (16)5⁄32(0.156)422 (15)1⁄8(0.125) 3.221 (14)3⁄32(0.094) 2.420 (13)1⁄16(0.062) 1.618...12TABLE5Variations in Outside Diameter Permissible Variationsin Outside DiameterNPS Designator Over in.mm1⁄8to11⁄2,incl.1⁄64(0.015)0.401⁄64(0.015)0.40 Over11⁄2to4,incl.1⁄32(0.031)0.791⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over4to8,incl.1⁄16(0.062) 1.591⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over8to12,incl.3⁄32(0.093) 2.381⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over1261%be detected in the specific application of these examinations should discuss this with the manufacturer of the tubular products.12.3Time of Examination—Nondestructive examination for specification acceptance shall be performed after all me-chanical processing,heat treatments and straightening opera-tions.This requirement does not preclude additional testing at earlier stages in the processing.12.4Surface Conditions:12.4.1All surfaces shall be clean and free of scale,dirt, grease,paint,or other foreign material that could interfere with interpretation of test results.The methods used for cleaning and preparing the surfaces for examination shall not be detrimental to the base metal or the surfacefinish.12.4.2Excessive surface roughness or deep scratches can produce signals that interfere with the test(see12.10.2.3). 12.5Extent of Examination:12.5.1The relative motion of the pipe and the transducer(s), coil(s),or sensor(s)shall be such that the entire pipe surface is scanned,except for end effects as noted in12. existence of end effects is recognized,and the extent of such effects shall be determined by the manufacturer, and,if requested,shall be reported to the purchaser.Other nondestructive tests may be applied to the end areas,subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 12.6Operator Qualifications—The test unit operator shall be certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A,or an equivalent, recognized and documented standard.12.7Test Conditions:12.7.1For examination by the ultrasonic method,the mini-mum nominal transducer frequency shall be2.25MHz. 12.7.2For eddy current testing,the excitation coil fre-quency shall be10kHz,or less.12.8Reference Standards:12.8.1Reference standards of convenient length shall be prepared from a length of pipe of the same grade,size(NPS or outside diameter and schedule or wall thickness),surfacefinish and heat treatment condition as the pipe to be examined. 12.8.2For ultrasonic testing,the reference notches shall be any one of the three common notch shapes shown in Practice E213,at the option of the manufacturer.The depth of the notch shall not exceed121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater.The length of the notch shall be at least twice the diameter of the transducer(s).The width of the notch shall not exceed the depth.12.8.3For eddy current testing,the reference standard shall contain,at the option of the manufacturer,any one of the following discontinuities: Hole—The reference standard shall contain three or more holes,equally spaced circumferentially around the pipe and longitudinally separated by a sufficient distance to allow distinct identification of the signal from each hole.The holes shall be drilled radially and completely through the pipe wall,with care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while drilling.The hole diameter shall vary with NPS as follows: NPS Designator Hole Diameter1⁄20.039in.(1mm)above1⁄2to11⁄40.055in.(1.4mm)above11⁄4to20.071in.(1.8mm)above2to50.087in.(2.2mm)above50.106in.(2.7mm) Tangential Notch—Using a round tool orfile with a1⁄4in.(6.4mm)diameter,a notch shall befiled or milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitu-dinal axis of the pipe.Said notch shall have a depth not exceeding121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater. Notch—A notch0.031in.or less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to the tube axis on the outside surface of the pipe,to have a depth not exceeding121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater.The length of the notch shall be compatible with the testing method. 12.8.4Forflux leakage testing,the longitudinal reference notches shall be straight-sided notches machined in a radial plane parallel to the pipe axis.For wall thickness less than1⁄2 in.(12.7mm),outside and inside notches shall be used;for wall thicknesses equal to or greater than1⁄2in.,only an outside notch shall be used.Notch depth shall not exceed121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness or0.004in.(0.1mm), whichever is greater.Notch length shall not exceed1in.(25.4 mm),and the width shall not exceed the depth.Outside and inside notches shall have sufficient separation to allow distinct identification of the signal from each notch.12.8.5More or smaller reference discontinuities,or both, may be used by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.9Standardization Procedure:12.9.1The test apparatus shall be standardized at the beginning and end of each series of pipes of the same size (NPS or diameter and schedule or wall thickness),grade and heat treatment condition,and at intervals not exceeding4h during the examination of such pipe.More frequent standard-izations may be performed at the manufacturer’s option or may be required upon agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.9.2The test apparatus shall also be standardized after any change in test system settings,change of operator,equip-ment repair,or interruption due to power loss,shutdown or operator breaks.12.9.3The reference standard shall be passed through the test apparatus at same speed and test system settings as the pipe to be tested.12.9.4The signal-to-noise ratio for the reference standard shall be2.5to1or greater and the reference signal amplitude for each discontinuity shall be at least50%of full scale of the display.12.9.5If upon any standardization,the reference signal amplitude has decreased by25%(2db),the test apparatus shall be considered out of standardization.The test system settings may be changed,or the transducer(s),coil(s)or sensor(s)adjusted,and the unit restandardized,but all pipe tested since the last acceptable standardization must be re-tested.12.10Evaluation of Imperfections:12.10.1Pipes producing a signal equal to or greater thanthesignal produced by the reference standard shall be positively identified and they shall be separated from the acceptable pipes.The area producing the signal may be reexamined. 12.10.2Such pipes shall be subject to one of the following three dispositions: pipes may be rejected without further exami-nation,at the discretion of the manufacturer. pipes shall be rejected,but may be repaired, if the test signal was produced by imperfections which cannot be identified,or was produced by cracks or crack-like imper-fections.These pipes may be repaired by grinding(in accor-dance with7.2.1),welding(in accordance with7.6)or section-ing(in accordance with7.2.3).To be accepted,a repaired pipe must pass the same nondestructive examination by which it was rejected,and it must meet the remaining wall thickness requirements of this specification. pipes may be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of Section7,if the test signals were produced by visual imperfections such as those listed below:(a)Scratches,(b)Surface roughness,(c)Dings,(d)Straightener marks,(e)Cutting chips,(f)Steel die stamps,(g)Stop marks,or(h)Pipe reducer ripple.13.Mechanical Tests Required13.1Transverse or Longitudinal Tension Test and Flatten-ing Test,Hardness Test,or Bend Test—For material heat treated in a batch-type furnace,tests shall be made on5%of the pipe from each treated lot(Note7).For small lots,at least 1pipe shall be tested.For material heat treated by the continuous process,tests shall be made on a sufficient number of pipe to constitute5%of the lot(Note7),but in no case less than2pipe.N OTE7—The term“lot”applies to all pipe of the same nominal size and wall thickness(or schedule)which is produced from the same heat of steel and subjected to the samefinishing treatment in a continuous furnace;whenfinal heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace,the lot shall include only that pipe which is heat treated in the same furnace charge.13.2Hardness Test:13.2.1For pipe of Grade P122,Brinell,Vickers,or Rock-well hardness tests shall be made on a specimen from each lot (see Note7).13.3Bend Test:13.3.1For pipe whose diameter exceeds NPS25and whose diameter to wall thickness ratio is7.0or less shall be subjected to the bend test instead of theflattening test.Other pipe whose diameter equals or exceeds NPS10may be given the bend test in place of theflattening test subject to the approval of the purchaser.13.3.2The bend test specimens shall be bent at room temperature through180°without cracking on the outside of the bent portion.The inside diameter of the bend shall be1in. [25mm].13.3.3Test specimens for the bend test specified in13.3 shall be cut from one end of the pipe and,unless otherwise specified,shall be taken in a transverse direction.One test specimen shall be taken as close to the outer surface as possible and another from as close to the inner surface as possible.The specimens shall be either1⁄2by1⁄2in.[12.5by12.5mm]in section or1by1⁄2in.[25by12.5mm]in section with the corners rounded to a radius not over1⁄16in.[1.6mm]and need not exceed6in.[150mm]in length.The side of the samples placed in tension during the bend shall be the side closest to the inner and outer surface of the pipe,respectively.14.Certification14.1In addition to the information required by Specification A999/A999M,the certification shall state whether or not the material was hydrostatically tested.If the material was nonde-structively examined,the certification shall so state and shall show which practice was followed and what reference discon-tinuities were used.In addition,the test method information as given in Table3shall be appended to the specification number and grade shown on the certification.15.Product Marking15.1In addition to the marking prescribed in Specification A999/A999M,the marking shall include the length,an additional symbol“S”,if the pipe conforms to any of the Supplementary Requirements S1to S6,the ANSI schedule number and the heat number or manufacturer’s number by which the heat can be identified.Furthermore,the marking designated in Table6to indicate the test method(s)shall be included.Marking may be by stenciling,stamping,or rolling. Pipe that has been weld repaired in accordance with7.6shall be marked“WR.”ernment Procurement16.1Scale Free Pipe:16.1.1When specified in the contract or order,the following requirements shall be considered in the inquiry contract or order,for agencies of the ernment where scale free pipe or tube is required.These requirements shall take prece-dence if there is a conflict between these requirements and the product specification.16.1.2The requirements of Specification A999/A999M for pipe and Specification A450/A450M for tubes shall be applicable when pipe or tube is ordered to this specification.16.1.3Pipe and tube shall be one of the following grades as specified herein:Grade UNS DesignationP11K11597P22K21590P5K4154516.1.4Part Number: shall be ordered to nominal pipe size and schedule specified in ANSI B36.10TABLE6Test Method Information for Certification and Marking Hydrostatic Nondestructive MarkingYES NO Test PressureNO YES NDENO NO NHYES YES TestPressure/NDEExample:A335/A335M Pipe P-11NPS12Sch40 Specification Number ASTM A335/A335MPipe PGrade P-11NPS12Wall0.37516.1.4.2Specification Number ASTM A335/A335MTube TGrade P-11Ouside Diameter0.250Wall0.03516.1.5Ordering Information—Orders for material under this specification shall include the following in addition to the requirements of Section4: or tube, number, inspection,if required, shear wave test is to be conducted in two opposite circumferential directions,and16.1.5.5Level of preservation and packing required.17.Keywords17.1alloy steel pipe;high temperature service;seamless steel pipe;steel pipe;temperature service applications;highSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSOne or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the purchase order.The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided in the supplementary requirement.Subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer, retest and retreatment provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.S1.Product AnalysisS1.1Product analysis shall be made on each length of pipe. Individual lengths failing to conform to the chemical compo-sition requirements shall be rejected.S2.Transverse Tension TestsS2.1A transverse tension test shall be made on a specimen from one end or both ends of each pipe NPS8and over.If this supplementary requirement is specified,the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified.If a specimen from any length fails to meet the required tensile properties(tensile,yield,and elongation),that length shall be rejected subject to retreatment in accordance with Specification A999/A999M and satisfac-tory retest.S3.Flattening TestS3.1Theflattening test of Specification A999/A999M shall be made on a specimen from one end or both ends of each pipe.Crop ends may be used.If this supplementary require-ment is specified,the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified.If a specimen from any length fails because of lack of ductility prior to satisfactory completion of thefirst step of theflattening test requirement,that pipe shall be rejected subject to retreatment in accordance with Specification A999/ A999M and satisfactory retest.If a specimen from any length of pipe fails because of a lack of soundness that length shall be rejected,unless subsequent retesting indicates that the remain-ing length is sound.The bend test of13.2shall be substituted for theflattening test for pipe whose diameter exceeds NPS25 and whose diameter to wall thickness ratio is7.0or less.S4.Metal Structure and Etching TestsS4.1The steel shall be homogeneous as shown by etching tests conducted in accordance with the appropriate portions of Method E381.Etching tests shall be made on a cross section from one end or both ends of each pipe and shall show sound and reasonably uniform material free from injurious lamina-tions,cracks,and similar objectionable defects.If this supple-mentary requirement is specified,the number of tests per pipe required shall also be specified.If a specimen from any length shows objectionable defects,the length shall be rejected, subject to removal of the defective end and subsequent retests indicating the remainder of the length to be sound and reasonably uniform material.N OTE S1—Pending development of etching methods applicable to the product covered by this specification,it is recommended that the Recom-mended Practice for a Standard Macro Etch Test for Routine Inspection of Iron and Steel,described in the Metals Handbook,Am.Soc.for Metals, 1948edition,p.389,be followed.S5.PhotomicrographsS5.1When requested by the purchaser and so stated in the order,the manufacturer shall furnish one photomicrograph at 100diameters from a specimen of pipe in the as-finished condition for each individual size and wall thickness from each heat,for pipe NPS3and over.Such photomicrographs shall be suitably identified as to pipe size,wall thickness,and heat.No photomicrographs for the individual pieces purchased shall be required except as specified in Supplementary Requirement S6. Such photomicrographs are for information only,to show the actual metal structure of the pipe asfinished.S6.Photomicrographs for Individual PiecesS6.1In addition to the photomicrographs required in accor-dance with Supplementary Requirement S5,the purchaser may specify that photomicrographs shall be furnished from each end of one or more pipes from each lot of pipe NPS3and larger in the as-finished condition.The purchaser shall state in the order the number of pipes to be tested from each lot.When photomicrographs are required on each length,the photomi-crographs from each lot of pipe in the as-finished condition which may be required under Supplementary Requirement S5 may be omitted.All photo-micrographs required shallbe。

10B21Baosteel standard

10B21Baosteel standard

Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. Interim technical supplyconditions10B21 cold heading steel wire rod BZJ 550-20041 .ScopeThis standard specifies the 10B21 cold heading steel wire rod of the size, shape, weight and tolerance, technical requirements, inspection and testing, packaging, labeling and quality certificates.This standard applies to the production of Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. for the manufacture of bolts, nuts, screws and other fasteners and automotive, electrical machinery parts with no twisting of cold heading steel wire rods controlled cooling.2 . Normative references.The terms of the following documents by the standard reference in the provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to reach an agreement based on this standard to study whether the latest version of these documents . For undated references, the latest version applies to this standard.GB/T 222 Samples for chemical analysis of steel and finished chemical composition sampling tolerances.Q/BQB 500 bar packing, marking and quality certification of the general provisions Q/BQB 501 Rod size, shape, weight and tolerances3.size, shape, weight and tolerances3.1Rod diameter and roundness tolerances should meet the requirements in Table 1. Weight rod should be consistent with Q / BQB 501 requirementstable 1Diametermm tolerancemmOut of roundnessmm5.0~10.0 +0.40-0.20≤0.3610.5~14.5 +0.50-0.30≤0.4815.0~18.0 +0.60-0.20≤0.6019.0~26.0 ±0.50 ≤0.603.2 Agreement by both supply and demand, rod size, shape, weight and tolerances can also press Q / BQB 501 requirements.4 Technical Requirements4.1 Designation and chemical composition4.1.1 Designation and chemical composition of steel (melting components) shall comply with the provisions of Table 2table 2chemical component%TrademarkC Si Mn P S B10B21 0.18~0.23 ≤0.10 0.70~1.00≤0.030 ≤0.035 ≥0.0005Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. 2004-08-02 Posted 2004-08-09 Implementation BZJ 550-20044.1.2 Chemical composition of the finished rod deviation should be allowed consistent with GB / T 222 requirements.4.2 Smelting MethodBy the oxygen converter or electric furnace steel smelting, For no specified party, the smelting method determined by the supplier.4.3 Delivery statusRod delivery in h ot state4.4 Cold forgingRod should do cold forging test, test samples shall not have cracks on the side of the crack and fracture. Height ratio of Sample after cold forging and before cold forging:Advanced level……1/4Higher level……1/3Ordinary Level……1/2Advanced, higher levels of cold heading should be specified in the contract4.5 DecarburizationRod side of the total decarburization layer (ferrite interlayer) depth of not greater than the nominal diameter rod of 1.0%.4.6 S urface quality4.6.1 Rod surface should be smooth, without cracks, folds, scars, the ears, etc. on the use of harmful defects. Indentation and allow local bump, pits, scratches, Ma face, hairline, but the depth or height (counting from the actual size) not greater than 0.10mm.4.6.2 Cut defect of Rod harmful head and tail partial, the section shall not have shrinkage, delamination and inclusion.4.6.3 Oxide scalethe surface oxide scale weight no larger than 10kg / t, if the supplier has to ensure that in the process, may for examination.4.7 Special requirementsAccording to the demand side requirements, the agreement between supply and demand, can be mechanical properties, non-metallic inclusions, grain size, microstructure examination or other items, index agreement by both parties.5. Inspection and testInspection and testing should be consistent with Q / BQB 517 requirements.6. Packaging, marking and quality certificationRod packing, marking and quality certification should be consistent with Q / BQB 500 requirements.。

ISO 15112-2011.8049

ISO 15112-2011.8049

© ISO 2011
ISO 15112:2011(E)
© ISO 2011 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerland
© ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
ISO 15112:2011(E)
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................



[联邦法规][Title 21, Volume 2] [标题21,第2卷] [Revised as of April 1, 2008] [日期为2008年4月1日][CITE: 21CFR111] [引用:21CFR111]TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS 标题21 -食品和药物CHAPTER I--FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION 第一章-食品和药物管理局DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 部卫生与公众服务SUBCHAPTER B--FOOD FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION 子章节B 组-人类食用的食物PART 111 第111 CURRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE IN MANUFACTURING, PACKAGING, LABELING, OR HOLDING OPERATIONS FOR DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS 现行良好操作规范在制造,包装,标签,或对食品补充剂控股作业Subpart A--General Provisions 子部分-一般规定Sec. 秒。

111.1 Who is subject to this part? 111.1谁是受这部分?(a) Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this section, you are subject tothis part if you manufacture, package, label, or hold a dietary supplement, including: (一)除提供段(二本节),你必须遵守,如果你这部分的制造,包装,标签,或持有饮食的补充,其中包括:(1) A dietary supplement you manufacture but that is packaged or labeled by another person; and (1)膳食补充剂,但你制造的包装物或由他人标记;及(2) A dietary supplement imported or offered for import in any State or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (2)膳食补充剂进口或在任何国家或美国境内的进口提供,哥伦比亚特区,或波多黎各联邦。



SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD 南非国家标准Identification colour marking颜色识别标记Part 2: Identification of hazards and equipment in work situations 第二部分:工作环境中的危险和设备识别SA NS 10140-2:2008Edition版本 2.3Table of changes更改表Acknowledgement致谢Standards South Africa wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance derived from publications of the following organizations:南非标准得到以下机构的帮助,在此表示谢意:British Standards Institution英国标准协会International Organization for Standardization国际标准组织Foreword序言This South African standard was approved by National Committee StanSA TC 5120.16, Industrial safety colours, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. 该南非标准经过国家委员会StanSA TC 5120.16, Industrialsafety colours工业安全色的批准,符合南非标准程序,与WTO/TBT协议的附录3一致。

This document was published in April 2008. This document supersedes SABS 0140-2:1978(first revision). 该文件于2008年4月份出版。

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YZB医疗器械注册产品标准YZB/ACOTEC 001-2011 标测电极导管及延长电缆2011-03-16发布2011-03-16实施北京先瑞达医疗科技有限公司发布前言本标准适用于北京先瑞达医疗科技有限公司生产的标测电极导管及延长电缆,该产品用于在电生理研究中记录心内电生理信号和进行心脏刺激。

本标准主要参考了YY 0285.1-2004 《一次性使用无菌血管内导管第1部分:通用要求》和GB9706.1-2007《医用电气设备第一部分:安全通用要求》进行编写。













GB/T14233.1-2008 医用输液、输血、注射器具检验方法第1部分:化学分析方法GB/T14233.2-2005 医用输液、输血、注射器具检验方法第2部分:生物试验方法GB/T16886.1-2001 医疗器械生物学评价第1部分: 评价与试验GB/T16886.4-2003 医疗器械生物学评价第4部分:与血液相互作用试验选择GB/T16886.5-2003 医疗器械生物学评价第5部分:体外细胞毒性试验GB/T16886.10-2005 医疗器械生物学评价第10部分:刺激与致敏试验GB/T16886.11-1997 医疗器械生物学评价第11部分:全身毒性试验YY0285.1-2004 一次性使用无菌血管内导管第1部分:通用要求GB 9706.1-2007 医用电气设备第一部分: 安全通用要求YY/T 0313-1998 医用高分子制品包装、标志、运输和贮存《中国药典》2010版3分类和标记3.1产品名称:标测电极导管及延长电缆3.2产品分类::按医疗器械产品分类目录,导管属血管内导管(代码为6877-1),管理类别为Ⅲ类。


3.3.2延长电缆型号:延长电缆按为标测导管使用过程中与多导电生理记录仪的连接线,不进入人体,按其连接器的类型分为5类,具体参数规范性附录B中延长电缆型号列表3.4产品结构示意图:见图1和图2.图1:标测电极导管示意图图2:延长电缆示意图3.5产品材料:见表23.6 产品有效期:3年 3.7 灭菌方式:环氧乙烷灭菌 3.8 产品编号的说明 3.8.1导管编号- - - ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦① 指产品系列 ②导管近端外径 ③导管远端外径,如无,则表明远端外径与近端外径相同 ④ 电极数量 ⑤导管弯型 ⑥电极间距 ⑦导管有效长度端电极环电极相应弯型标识管连接器杆体3.8.2 延长电缆编号L ① - ② T J/ ③ - 180L指延长电缆;①指配合使用导管电极数;②指插座的孔数; TJ指单槽插座; 180指电缆长度4要求4.1物理性能4.1.1 外观4.1.1.1导管外观:应清洁无杂质,不应有加工和表面缺陷。 电极外观:表面应清洁,无毛刺等肉眼可见表面及加工缺陷。

4.1.2尺寸要求4.1.2.1导管的有效长度和直径:见附录B,符合相关尺寸要求,允差为±5%。端电极和环电极长度:见附录B,符合相关尺寸要求,允差为±10%。 延长电缆长度:符合表1中的相关要求,允差为±50mm。














4.3 生物相容性4.3.1无菌:导管应无菌。延长电缆应无菌4.3.2导管热原:导管应无热原反应。



4.3.5导管皮内刺激: 导管应无皮内刺激。

4.3.6导管急性全身毒性: 导管应无急性全身毒性。

4.3.7 导管血液相容性:血栓:与阴性对照相比,应无明显差异。凝血:通过部分凝血激化酶时间(PTT)试验,与阴性对照相比,应无明显差异。溶血:溶血率应小于5%。



4.4.3电气安全性能:应符合GB 9706.1-2007的相关要求。


5.1.2尺寸要求5.1.2.1导管的有效长度和直径:用通用和专用量具测量,结果应符合4.1.2.1的要求。端电极和环电极长度:用通用和专用量具测量,结果应符合4.1.2.2的要求。 延长电缆长度:用通用和专用量具测量,结果应符合4.1.2.4的要求。





5.1.7耐腐蚀性:按照YY 0285.1 附录A规定的试验方法进行,应符合4.1.7的要求。



5.2化学性能试验检验液的制备参照GB/T 14233.1表1方法2描述进行,同时制备空白对照液。






5.2.6紫外吸光度:按GB/T 14233.1 5.7的规定的方法,在250nm~320nm波长范围内进行试验,应符合4.2.6的要求5.3生物相容性试验5.3.1无菌:按照《中国药典》2010版中无菌试验的试验方法进行试验,导管应无菌。按照《中国药典》2010版中无菌试验的试验方法进行试验,延长电缆应无菌。



制备浸提液,取试验液按照GB/T 16886.5的试验方法规定进行试验,结果应符合4.3.3的要求。





