


132021.01·试验研究 | Experimental research0 引言犬瘟热是一种急性、热性、高度接触性传染病,影响世界各地的食肉动物。


CDV 转换宿主的能力让人们产生对几种濒危野生动物物种造成的灭绝威胁的担忧。

文中收集过去10年的综述,了解有关野生动物中CDV 感染的文献,探讨犬瘟热宿主特异性和细胞受体参与其发病机制的研究。

1 病毒特性在分类学上CDV 为副粘病毒科麻疹病毒属成员,与小反刍兽瘟疫病毒、海豹瘟热病毒同属麻疹病毒属,其分子生物学特性和抗原性相似且与麻疹病毒属亲缘关系最近[1]。

CDV 病毒粒子直径为110~550 nm ,多数为130~330 nm ,多呈球形状,大小不一,也有更大的畸形粒子和长丝状的病毒粒子[2],分子量为6×103 KDa 。

CDV 病毒为有囊膜、单股、负链的RNA 病毒,病毒基因组由15 690个核苷酸组成,3’端和5’端分别为前导序列55个核苷酸和尾随序列38个核苷酸。

犬瘟热病毒从3’端到5’端非重叠方式表达6个结构蛋白,依次是核衣壳蛋白、磷蛋白、基质蛋白、融合蛋白、血凝素蛋白以及大蛋白,此外,在P 基因内还编码C 和V 这2个非结构蛋白。

2 流行病学宿主范围最初被描述为家养犬的一种传染病,但越来越被称为全球多宿主病原体,感染范围广泛。


这些灵长类动物的感染引起人们对CDV 潜在的人畜共患病风险的担忧。

然而,还没有已知的CDV 感染人类的报告。

CD 具有高度传染性,通过接触或雾化的口腔、呼吸和眼部液体及含有病原体的渗出物,易在易感宿主之间传播。



大熊猫粪便样品中犬瘟热病毒的检测张焕容;徐桂丽;刘颂蕊;侯蓉【摘要】根据GenBank中登录的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)N基因序列,设计合成l对特异性引物,以犬瘟热病毒疫苗中提取的RNA为阳性模板建立了快速检测CDV的RT-PCR方法,结果显示,所建立的CDV RT-PCR扩增得到与理论设计值大小一致的456 bp的特异性片段,对犬细小病毒(PPV)、猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV)、牛轮状病毒(BRV)、牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)、大肠杆菌(E.coli)和新城疫病毒(NDV)的扩增结果均为阴性;最低可检出约1.53×102拷贝/μL的核酸;重复性试验结果表明,该方法检测重复性好.此方法对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的37份眼观正常的大熊猫粪便样品检测,未检测出犬瘟热病毒,与胶体金试纸卡检测结果一致.【期刊名称】《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(043)003【总页数】5页(P237-241)【关键词】犬瘟热病毒;RT-PCR;大熊猫【作者】张焕容;徐桂丽;刘颂蕊;侯蓉【作者单位】西南民族大学生命科学与技术学院,四川成都610041;西南民族大学生命科学与技术学院,四川成都610041;成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,四川成都610081;成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,四川成都610081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S852.6犬瘟热病毒(Canine distemper virus,CDV)感染多种动物引起的一种急性、高度接触性传染病,称为犬瘟热(Canine distemper,CD)[1].该病呈世界性分布,不仅感染犬科动物中的犬、狼、狐狸等[2-3],还能感染鼬科动物,例如黄鼬、貂、雪貂等及浣熊科和猫科等多种动物[4-6].发病率和死亡率在不同科动物间,以及同科动物不同种之间存在较大的差异,其中以雪貂的易感性最高,发病率高达100%[7-8].随着自然环境的改变及动物和病毒自身的进化,CDV自然感染的宿主范围也在不断扩大,给大熊猫这一濒危珍稀动物的生存带来了极大的威胁.分子生物学的RT-PCR方法已成为目前检测CDV常用的方法,但即使完全相同的方法在不同实验室检测的灵敏度会有一定的差异.2015年初,陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心圈养大熊猫因感染犬瘟热病毒导致死亡,因此,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地委托西南民族大学动物医学实验室对其大熊猫粪便样品进行了CDV的检测.本研究同时还采用了CDV胶体金试纸条对送检的粪便样品进行了检测,为寻找合适的大熊猫CDV检测方法进行了探索.1.1 大熊猫粪便样品及参考菌毒株37份大熊猫新鲜粪便样品采自成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,采样时取刚排出的新鲜粪便的中段,立即放入干冰,并保证用干冰运输至实验室,至实验室后-80℃保存待检;犬瘟热疫苗(Canine Distemper Vaccine,MERIAL,RM2170R1)由成都大熊猫繁育研究基地提供;犬细小病毒(CPV)、猪伪狂犬病毒(PRV)、牛轮状病毒(BRV)、牛病毒性腹泻粘膜病病毒(BVDV)、大肠杆菌(E.coli)、新城疫病毒(NDV)均由西南民族大学动物医学实验室分离保存.1.2 主要试剂Trizol购自Invitrogen公司;反转录试剂盒和pMD19-T载体购自大连宝生物工程有限公司;DNA分子量标准均购自天根生化科技(北京)有限公司;胶回收试剂盒与质粒提取试剂盒均购自美国OMEGA公司;感受态细胞E.coli.DH5ɑ、EX-Taq DNA聚合酶和dNTP均购自TaKaRa公司;犬瘟热病毒胶体金检测试纸卡购自上海快灵公司.1.3 CDV RT-PCR方法的建立1.3.1 引物设计与合成根据GenBank中登录CDV基因序列,利用Primer 5.0软件设计1对特异性引物,上游引物:5′-CGAGTCTTTGAGATAGGGTT-3′,下游引物:5′-CCTCCAAAGGGTTCCCATGA-3′.1.3.2 RNA的提取与扩增将犬瘟热病毒疫苗、参考菌毒株和待检大熊猫粪便样品用DEPC水稀释后提取总RNA.将提取的总RNA反转录合成cDNA并置-20℃保存备用.以上述cDNA为模板进行PCR反应.PCR反应总体系为25 μL,其中10×PCR Buffer 2.5 μL,EX-Taq DNA聚合酶(5 U/μL)0.15 μL,上、下游引物各0.5 μL,cDNA 2.0 μL,2.5 mmol/L dNTP 2 μL,超纯水调整总体积至25 μL.产物经1.5%琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察. PCR反应程序如下:94℃预变性4 min;94℃变性30 s、54℃退火30 s、72℃延伸40 s,共40个循环;72℃延伸8 min.1.3.3 PCR产物的纯化与克隆按常规方法纯化PCR产物和克隆,克隆阳性菌落增菌后送公司测序.1.3.4 PCR特异性试验分别取BRV、BVDV和NDV的反转录产物及E. coli、PRV、CPV抽提的DNA作为模板进行PCR扩增.1.3.5 PCR敏感性试验101~105倍系列稀释的包含CDV目的基因片段的质粒模板经PCR扩增,确定PCR方法的敏感性.1.3.6 PCR重复性及稳定性试验对CDV阳性和阴性核酸用建立的PCR检测方法分别批内和批间重复检测3次.1.4 大熊猫粪便样品的RT-PCR检测将成都大熊猫繁育研究基地送检的37份粪便样品cDNA用建立的PCR方法进行检测.1.5 大熊猫粪便样品的胶体金检测卡检测按上海快灵公司的CDV胶体金检测卡说明书要求,对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地送检的37份粪便样品进行检测.2.1 CDV cDNA的PCR扩增结果运用设计的特异性引物从犬瘟热疫苗提取的总RNA反转录获得的cDNA中经PCR扩增出了大约500 bp的片段,与预期扩增片段大小一致(图1).2.2 扩增产物克隆及测序鉴定结果扩增的目的片段回收后克隆于pMD19-T载体获得的阳性克隆经质粒PCR鉴定,结果扩增出约500 bp的特异性条带.阳性质粒序列测定结果与GenBank中收录的犬瘟热序列同源性为100%.2.3 PCR方法的特异性分别取BRV、BVDV和NDV的RNA反转录产物cDNA进行PCR,提取E.coli、PRV、CPV的DNA以及CDV阳性质粒进行PCR,结果只有CDV阳性质粒能够扩增出目的条带,其他病毒均未扩增出条带(图2).2.4 PCR方法的敏感性该PCR方法最低检出量为1.53×102拷贝/μL的质粒DNA(图3).2.5 PCR方法的重复性用建立的PCR方法对CDV阳性和阴性核酸经过3次批内和批间重复检测,检测结果均一致,表明本研究建立的方法是稳定可靠的.2.6 两种方法对大熊猫粪便样品的检测结果37份采自成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的大熊猫粪便样品经CDV RT-PCR方法和胶体金检测卡检测,结果两种方法对37份样品的检测结果均为阴性.CDV属于负链RNA病毒、单股不分节段,其基因组呈线性排列,约由15690个核苷酸组成,其主要蛋白质有核衣壳蛋白(N)、磷蛋白(P)、大蛋白(L)、基质膜蛋白(M)、融合蛋白(F)、血凝蛋白(H)[9-11],其中N蛋白基因是CDV结构蛋白基因中保守性最强的免疫原性蛋白[12-14],是诱导机体保护性免疫反应的主要抗原[15].Pascal等研究表明,CDV N蛋白能刺激机体产生较强的抗体反应,发挥体液免疫功能[16].常用的CDV的检测方法主要有血清中和试验(SN)、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)、免疫荧光技术(IF)、胶体金试纸条法及分子生物学检测等[17].其中SN虽然可分离的CDV进行更准确的鉴定,敏感、特异、且稳定,但存在所需时间较长,操作麻烦等缺点;ELISA方法虽可肉眼判断结果,但方法本身的检测结果易出现假阳性和假阴性;IF方法主要用于病毒抗原检测,具有抗原抗体反应的特异性和荧光染色技术的快速敏感性,但其阳性检出率受待检样品种类的影响较大;胶体金试纸条法是基于单克隆抗体建立的诊断技术,使用方便、造价低廉,但其敏感性略低[18].分子生物学的RT-PCR方法已成为目前检测CDV常用的方法.本文建立的CDV RT-PCR检测方法对副黏病毒科的NDV及其他细菌或病毒株进行特异性检测结果表明所建立的CDV RT-PCR检测方法特异性好;最小核酸检测量为1.53×102copies/μL,灵敏高.该方法与商品化的基于CDV特异性单克隆抗体的胶体金检测卡对大熊猫粪便样品检测结果一致.本研究建立的CDV RT-PCR检测方法,可以对CDV进行特异、灵敏、快速的检测,与商品化的基于CDV特异性单克隆抗体的胶体金检测卡对比,检测结果可靠,为大熊猫CDV的分子流行病学调查和该病的诊断提供了可靠的方法.【相关文献】[1]KE GUAN-MING,HO CHIN-HSIANG,CHIANG MENG-JUNG,et al.Phylodynamic analysis of the canine distemper virus hemagglutinin gene[J].BMC Veterinary Research,2015,11(1):1-15.[2]GILBERT M,SOUTYRINA S V,SERYODKIN I V,et al.Canine distemper virus as a threat to wild tigers in Russia and across their range [J].Integrative Zoology,2015,10(4):329-343.[3]CUNNINGHAM,SHINDLE,ALLISON,et al.Canine distemper epizootic in everglades mink[J].Journal of wildlife Diseases,2009,45(4): 1150-1157.[4]GORDON C H,BANYARD A C,HUSSEIN A,et al.Canine distemper in Endangered Ethiopian Wolves[J].Emerging Infectious Diseases,2015,21(5):824-832.[5]VIANA M,CLEAVELAND S,MATTHIOPOULOS J,et al.Dynamics of a morbillivirus at the domestic-wildlife interface:Canine distemper virus in domestic dogs andlions[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America,2015,112(5):1464-1469.[6]DEEM S L,SPELMAN L H,YATES R A,et al.Canine distemper in terrestrial carnivores:a review[J].Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine,2000,31(4):441-451.[7]LÖFFLER S,LOTTSPEICH F,LANZA F,et al.CD9,a tetraspan transmembrane protein,renders cells susceptible to canine distemper virus [J].Virology Journal,1997,71(1):42-49.[8]张淼,刘清彪,刘宗架,等.犬瘟热病原学研究进展[J].中国畜牧兽医,2009,36(11):162-165.[9]赵建军,闫喜军,吴威.犬瘟热病毒基因变异及其细胞受体研究进展[J].微生物学报,2008,48(7):986-991.[10]张海瑞,翟军军,才学鹏.麻疹病毒属病毒非结构蛋白结构及功能研究进展[J].中国预防兽医学报,2015,33(7):577-580.[11]KAMEO Y,NAGAO Y,NISHIO Y,et al.Epizootic canine distemper virus infection among wild mammals[J].Veterinary Microbiology,2012,154(3):222-229.[12]GUO LING,YANG SHAO-LIN,WANG CHENG-DONG,et al.Phylogenetic analysis of the haemagglutinin gene of canine distemper virus strains detected from giant panda and raccoon dogs in China[J].Virology Journal,2013,10(1):1-7.[13]翟军军,才学鹏.犬瘟热病毒核衣壳蛋白分子生物学研究进展[J].中国预防兽医学报,2009,31(9):745-748.[14]GAO WA,YANG JING,CHEN ZHEN-WEN.Study advance in molecular biology of canine distemper virus[J].Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine,2004,14(4):241-244.[15]秦立得,蒋伟,王喜军,等.犬瘟热病毒融合蛋白、血凝蛋白、基质蛋白和核衣壳蛋白基因DNA联合免疫的研究[J].中国预防兽医学报,2015,37(7):549-552.[16]CHERPILLOD P,BECK K,ZURBRIGGEN A,et al.Sequence analysis and expression of the attachment and fusion protein of canine distemper virus wild-type strainA75/17[J].Journal of Virology,1999,73 (3):2263-2269.[17]庄金秋,梅建国,沈志强.犬瘟热病毒实验室检测方法研究进展[J].畜牧与兽医,2012,44(8):90-94.[18]苏凤艳,李哲,刘千辉,等.犬瘟热诊断技术的研究进展[J].中国畜牧兽医,2015,42(5):1318-1324.。



Veterinary clinical science | 兽医临床科学86 ·2020.070 引言犬瘟热是由犬瘟热病毒引起,该类病毒是一种带有急性的可通过接触传播传染且易于引起败血性病症的病毒,患病宠物通常会有发热和其他急性病状,甚至会引起肺炎和神经症状。




1 感染症状犬瘟热病毒和犬细小病毒会导致犬瘟热病和犬细小病,2种病对于犬科动物的危害较大。




2 治疗方案既然通过各种诊断已经确诊宠物的犬瘟热与犬细小病毒混合交叉感染,因此要对症下药,根据诊断结果制定相应的方案进行治疗[2]。





第2阶段的治疗,首先,在皮下进行犬瘟热单克隆抗体的注射及胸腺素ω,αINF 的注射对犬瘟热进行特异性治疗;再进行静脉输液。



·研究论文·Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases中国动物传染病学报摘 要:为了解犬细小病毒的临床流行及变异情况,本研究于河南省方城县采集了8份疑似CPV 感染犬粪便样品,经过PCR 检测、CRFK 细胞增殖培养、透射电镜观察和病毒滴度测定后,对其VP2基因进行序列分析。

结果表明5株分离株为犬细小病毒,病毒滴度分别为10-4.22/0.1 mL (China-HN-01株)、10-3.56/0.1 mL (China-HN-02株)、10-3.78/0.1 mL (China-HN-05株)、10-4.47/0.1 mL (China-HN-06株)、10-4.4/0.1 mL (China-HN-07株)。

VP2基因序列比对和遗传进化树分析结果显示,4株分离株基因型为New CPV-2a ,1株分离株基因型为CPV-2c ,5株分离株与疫苗株的同源性为97.8%~98.7%,与国内外参考毒株的同源性为94.0%~99.0%,4株New CPV-2a 基因型毒株与四川的Canine/China/24/2017株亲缘关系最近,CPV-2c 基因型毒株与蒙古国5-MGL 分离株位于同一分支,与我国河南地区的3株CPV-2c 毒株亲缘关系较远。

对河南方城地区CPV 毒株的分析,为研究CPV 变异株在河南地区的传播和宠物疫病防控提供了理论依据。

关键词:犬细小病毒;分离;VP2基因;进化分析中图分类号:S852.65文献标志码: A文章编号:1674-6422(2023)03-0054-08Isolation and Sequence Analysis of VP2 Gene of Canine Parvovirus from Fangcheng, HenanLIN Yuting 1,2, ZHAI Qi 2, ZHAI Shaolun 2, LYU Dianhong 2, ZHOU Xiurong 2, JIA Chunling 2, HUO Wei 2,WEN Xiaohui 2, Wei Wenkang 1,2,3(1. College of Animal Science & Technology, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; 2. Institute of Animal Health, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Key Laboratory of Livestock Disease Prevention of Guangdong Province, Scientific Observation and Experiment Station of Veterinary Drugs and Diagnostic Techniques of Guangdong Province, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guangzhou 510640, China; 3. Agro-biological Gene Research Center, Guangdong Academy of AgriculturalSciences, Guangzhou 510640, China)收稿日期:2021-01-11基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2016YFD0501000);广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设专项资金(2019KJ119);广东省农业科学院学科团队建设(201634TD);广东省农业科学院院长基金(202024)作者简介:林瑜婷,女,硕士研究生,预防兽医学专业;翟颀,男,助理研究员,主要从事动物疫病诊断技术研究 通信作者:温肖会,E-mail:*******************;魏文康,E-mail:**************犬细小病毒河南方城株分离及VP2基因序列分析林瑜婷1,2,翟 颀2,翟少伦2,吕殿红2,周秀蓉2,贾春玲2,霍 玮2,温肖会2,魏文康1,2,3(1.仲恺农业工程学院动物科技学院,广州510225;2.广东省农业科学院动物卫生研究所 广东省畜禽疫病防治研究重点实验室 农业农村部兽用药物与诊断技术广东科学观测实验站,广州510640;3.广东省农业科学院农业生物基因研究中心,广州510640)2023,31(3):54-61Abstract: In order to investigate the prevalence and variation of Canine parvovirus, 8 fecal samples were collected from dogs suspected of CPV infection from Fangcheng county, Henan province. Five CPV isolates were obtained based on PCR amplifi cation, growth on CRFK cells, transmission electron microscopy and virus titration. The TCID 50 titers of these isolates were 10-4.22/0.1 mL (China-HN-01 strain), 10-3.56/0.1 mL (China-HN-02 strain), 10-3.78/0.1 mL (China-HN-05 strain), 10-4.47/0.1 mL (China-HN-06 strain) and 10-4.4/0.1 mL· 55 ·林瑜婷等:犬细小病毒河南方城株分离及VP2基因序列分析第31卷第3期犬细小病毒病是由细小病毒科(Parvoviridae)细小病毒属(Parvovirus )的犬细小病毒(Canine parvovirus, CPV)感染犬只引起的致命性传染病[1],该病常以出血性肠炎、白细胞含量显著减少、腥臭血便和严重脱水等为主要临床特征,部分表现为突然死亡的急性心肌炎型[2]。



第38卷第2期东 北 林 业 大 学 学 报Vol.38No.2 2010年2月JOURNAL OF NORT HE AST F ORESTRY UN I V ERSI TY Feb.2010犬瘟热病毒水貂株的分离与鉴定1)苏凤艳 魏吉祥 王卓聪 王春雨 王全凯(吉林农业大学,长春,130118) 摘 要 从疑似犬瘟热病死水貂的肝脏中分离出1株病毒,并进行了系统的鉴定。

结果表明:该毒株接种于Ver o传代细胞后,出现了典型而有规律的病变;其病毒理化特性与犬瘟热病毒相同;致细胞病变作用可被兔抗C DV阳性血清阻断;间接免疫荧光试验表明接种病毒的BHK-21细胞出现特异性的亮绿色荧光,而正常细胞则未见绿色荧光;对提取接种病料后的Ver o细胞培养物中的总RNA进行RT-PCR扩增,得到了324bp和1053bp的目的片段,证明该毒株为C DV。

关键词 水貂,犬瘟热,分离鉴定分类号 S852.65Isol a ti on and I den ti f i ca ti on of Can i n e D istem per V i rus fro m M i n k/Su Fengyan,W ei J ixiang,W ang Zhuocong,W angChunyu,W ang Quankai(College of Chinese MedicinalM aterials,J ilin AgriculturalUniversity,Changchun130118,P.R.China)//Journal of Northeast Forestry University.-2010,38(2).-79~82A strain of canine diste mper virus(C DV)was is olated and identified syste m ically fr om the liver of a dead m ink sus2pected of having canine diste mper.Results indicated that typ ical and disci p linary pathol ogical changes appeared on Ver ocells after being inoculated with the treated pathol ogical material,and the physical and che m ical characteristics of the is o2lated virus were si m ilar t o those of CDV.The cyt opathogenic effect was interdicted by rabbit anti2CDV positive seru m.I n2direct i m munofluorescent assay showed that idi osyncratic bright green fluorescence appeared on BHK221cells inoculatedwith CDV,but not in the nor mal BHK221cells.The t otal RNA extracted fr om Ver o cell culture inoculated with the viruswere a mp lified by reverse transcri p ti on2poly merase chain reacti on(RT2PCR),and t w o objective seg ments(324bp and1053bp)were obtained.Thus,the is olated virus strain was p r oved t o be CDV.Keywords M ink;Canine diste mper virus;Is olati on and identificati on 犬瘟热(canine diste mper,C D)系由副黏病毒科、麻疹病毒属的犬瘟热病毒(canine distemper virus,CDV)引起的一种急性、高传染性、高死亡率的疾病,主要侵害易感动物的呼吸系统、消化系统和神经系统。

Detection of canine distemper virus by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in the urine

Detection of canine distemper virus by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in the urine

Detection of canine distemper virus by reversetranscriptase-polymerase chain reaction in the urine of dogswith clinical signs of distemper encephalitisT.B.Saito a ,A.A.Alfieri a,*,S.R.Wosiacki a ,F.J.Negra ˜o a ,H.S.A.Morais b ,A.F.Alfieri aaLaborato´rio de Virologia Animal,Departamento de Medicina Veterina ´ria Preventiva,Centro de Cie ˆncias Agra ´rias,Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL),Campus Universita´rio,Caixa Postal 6001,CEP:86.051-990,Londrina,PR,Brazil bDepartment of Medical Science,School of Veterinary Medicine,University of Wisconsin,Madison,USAAccepted 4March 2005AbstractIn a prospective study we evaluated the use of the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)in urine samples to diagnose canine distemper virus in dogs with progressive neurological disease.A fragment of the nucleoprotein gene of canine dis-temper virus was amplified from the urine of 22distemper dogs.The body fluids and leukocytes of 12asymptomatic dogs were RT-PCR negative.RT-PCR of urine samples was more sensitive than serum and leukocytes and at least as sensitive as cerebrospinal fluid to screen for distemper in dogs with neurological signs and extraneural systemic signs.Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Dogs;Canine distemper;Canine distemper virus;Urine;RT-PCRCanine distemper virus (CDV)is a Morbillivirus that causes a highly contagious and frequently lethal disease with a wide variety of systemic and neurological clinical signs in dogs worldwide.Encephalomyelitis is a com-mon cause of death in dogs and approximately 15%of all inflammatory central nervous system (CNS)diseases of dogs are caused by CDV (Appel and Summers,1995).This percentage is even higher in highly endemic areas (Tudury et al.,1997).The variability of signs in distemper dogs makes clinical diagnosis difficult and myoclonus appears to be the only neurological sign highly suggestive of distemper infection.Routine labo-ratory tests are usually not helpful (Tudury et al.,1997;Greene and Apple,1998):a vaccine-induced anti-body response may interfere with the interpretation of serological testing,and other tests for virus either have low sensitivity or are not practical in living animals.Recently,the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)has been introduced as a diagnostic tool for canine distemper (Frisk et al.,1999;Von Messling et al.,1999;Rzezutka and Mizak,2002).This technique is very sensitive,but its sensitivity varies with sample source,viral nucleic acid extraction method and choice of primers.RT-PCR of mononuclear cells ampli-fied CDV RNA in 53%of tested dogs in an earlier study (Shin et al.,1995).In naturally occurring cases of dis-temper,CDV RNA was detected in the serum of 86%(25/29)and in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)or whole blood in 88%(14/16)of the dogs (Frisk et al.,1999).We recently reported the use of RT-PCR to detect CDV RNA in the urine of dogs with clinical signs of distemper (Gebara et al.,2004b ).Urine is easier to0034-5288/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2005.03.002*Corresponding author.Tel.:+55433714485;fax:+554333714714/3714485.E-mail (A.A.Alfieri)./locate/rvscResearch in Veterinary Science 80(2006)116–119collect than CSF and could be useful in the antemortem diagnosis of distemper.Accordingly,we evaluated RT-PCR of urine for diagnosis of naturally occurring distemper in dogs with neurological disease.Twenty-two dogs which had not been routinely vacci-nated against CDV and with progressive neurological disease that were admitted to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital,Universidade Estadual de Londrina,Lond-rina,Parana´,Brazil from July to December2002were entered into the study.Their clinical signs included at least one of the following:myoclonus,seizures or ataxia of head and limbs.All dogs had a history of gastrointes-tinal and/or respiratory signs and were diagnosed as having distemper by positive amplification of the ex-pected size cDNA fragment of the CDV nucleoprotein gene by RT-PCR in a CSF sample,or by a positive RT-PCR in serum and leukocytes.Samples of blood, collected into an EDTA-treated tube,and urine col-lected by cystocentesis or during urination,were ob-tained from each dog during thefirst examination. CSF was collected under general anesthesia from the cis-terna magna within48h.Eight owners did not consent to the collection of CSF.Half of the blood volume that was obtained was treated with EDTA as an anticoagu-lant and the leukocytes were obtained by centrifugation at1000·g in a1.08g/ml Percoll(SigmaÒ,USA)gradi-ent.The remainder of the blood was allowed to clot to obtain serum.The same clinical samples were collected from12asymptomatic dogs and were used as negative control in RT-PCR.The samples were immediately pro-cessed for RNA extraction or were stored for a maxi-mum48h atÀ20°C.The owners decided on euthanasia for seven of the distemper dogs that arrived at the hospital with serious and progressive neurological clinical signs.From these, CNS samples were collected at necropsy for histopathol-ogy.The CNS fragments werefixed in10%neutral-buf-fered formalin,embedded in paraffin,sectioned at5l m and stained with hematoxylin and eosin(HE)using rou-tine methods.The histopathological changes in the CNS consisted of demyelination,perivascular mononuclear cell infiltration,glial reaction and perimeningeal mono-nuclear infiltrate.Thesefindings occurred in different combinations.The histopathological features are com-patible with CDV encephalomyelitis(Vandevelde and Zurbriggen,1995;Gebara et al.,2004a).RNA was extracted from volumes of300l l of CSF, serum,leukocytes or urine using silica/guanidine isothi-ocyanate(Boom et al.,1990).The RNA was eluted at 56°C in40l l of ultrapure sterile water treated with 1l l(26units/l l)of RNAse inhibitor(RNAguard–Pharmacia Biotech,USA),and was stored atÀ20°C until used.Aliquots of ultrapure sterile water were in-cluded as negative controls in all of the RNA extraction procedures.Madin Darby canine kidney(MDCK)cells infected with CDV of the Rockborn strain were used as CDV positive control samples for the RT-PCR technique.The primers CDV1(+)[50-aca gga ttg ctg agg acc tat-30,nt.769-789]and CDV2(À)[50-caa gat aac cat gta cgg tgc-30,nt.1055-1035],designed from the sequence that encodes the CDV nucleoprotein(NC_001921accession number GenBank)(Frisk et al.,1999)were synthesized by Invitrogen e Life Technology(Brazil).For reverse transcription,9l l of RNA was added to0.4pmol of CDV1primer that was denatured at70°C for10min and immediately transferred to an ice bath.The RT-MIX solution consisted of0.125mM of each100mM dNTP Set(Invitrogen e Life Technology,USA), 1·First-Strand Buffer,0.01M of DTT,200U of M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase(Invitrogen e Life Technol-ogy,USA)and ultrapure sterile water to afinal volume of20l l.After homogenization,the solution was incu-bated at37°C for1h and then at70°C for10min. For the PCR reaction2l l of cDNA from the reverse transcription was added to the PCR-MIX that consisted of a solution containing0.4pmol of each primer(CDV1 and CDV2),0.2mM of each dNTP,1·PCR Buffer, 1.5mM of MgCl2,2.5U Taq DNA polymerase,recom-binant(Invitrogen e Life Technology,Brazil)and ultra-pure sterile water to obtain afinal volume of50l l.All reactions,from nucleic acid extraction to PCR,were performed with negative controls(ultrapure sterile water).Amplification was performed using a thermocy-cler(PTC-200,MJ Research Co.Water Town,MA, USA)with the following thermocycle profile:one step of1min at94°C;40cycles of1min at94°C,2min at 59°C,1min at72°C;and afinal extension step of 7min at72°C.The amplified product was stored at 4°C.The specificity of the amplicons was assessed by restriction analysis with Hin f I enzyme(10U/l l-Invitro-gen e Life Technology,USA)according to the manufac-turerÕs instructions.The PCR products and restriction fragments were analysed by electrophoresis in2%aga-rose gels in TBE buffer8.4(89mM Tris,89mM H3BO3,2mM EDTA).The gels were stained with ethi-dium bromide(0.5l g/ml),visualized under UV light and photographed with KODAKÒElectrophoresis Documentation and Analysis System290(KODAKÒ, NY,USA).CDV was diagnosed by positive RT-PCR of the urine of all22dogs(Table1),in which a cDNA fragment of the expected size(287bp)was amplified(Fig.1).In addition,eight of the dogs were RT-PCR positive in CSF,three in CSF,serum and leukocytes,two in CSF and leukocytes and nine in serum and leukocytes.Of the latter nine dogs,CSF was negative in one dog and not available for the remaining eight ck of amplification of CDV in the CSF does not exclude dis-temper,because CDV is not always present in the CSF even when distemper encephalitis is confirmed by immu-nohistochemistry(Frisk et al.,1999).There was noT.B.Saito et al./Research in Veterinary Science80(2006)116–119117amplification of CDV RNA from serum,leukocytes,CSF or urine samples of the 12dogs without distemper.The dogs diagnosed with distemper were between 5months and 2years of age and the duration of clinical signs varied from 3to 30days.Fifteen of the dogs had myoclonus and seven had neurological and systemic signs compatible with the epithelial phase of canine dis-temper.The high number of distemper cases presenting with myoclonus (15/22)may indicate a bias of selection,as these cases would be more likely to be included in the study because this sign is commonly associated with dis-temper in dogs (Greene and Apple,1998).RT-PCR is currently the best available method to diagnose distemper ante mortem.In this work,the sensitivity of RT-PCR in urine was very similar to thatobtained in CSF with the same primer pair in another study (Frisk et al.,1999).A lower sensitivity in serum and leukocytes in our study may result from the differ-ences in the population studied,since we selected only dogs with neurological signs,whereas about half of the cases studied by Frisk and colleagues did not have such signs.As urine was positive in all our distemper cases,it was a more sensitive sample than serum and leukocytes,and at least as sensitive as CSF,in the diagnosis of dis-temper encephalitis.In another study,urine,blood,sal-iva and nasal swab from five distemper dogs with neurological signs were evaluated by a nested-PCR for CDV diagnosis (Shin et al.,2004).As in the present study,urine was found to be a good clinical sample for detection of CDV nucleoprotein gene once all urine samples were positives.Previously,we were able to amplify CDV RNA in ur-ine (Gebara et al.,2004a,b ).The most important finding in the present study was the presence of viruria in all clinical cases.This may be in contrast to the situation following vaccination.In one study,vaccine virus was detected in the urine of two of four dogs on only the sec-ond day after vaccination,but over a longer period and more frequently in faeces,saliva,tears and nasal secre-tions (Kim et al.,2001).Therefore,recent vaccination would not appear to complicate diagnosis by detection of virus in urine.Urine is easy to obtain in clinical patients making this body fluid a good option to diagnose distemper antemortem in dogs.Urine excretion also appears to be an important route for maintaining virus in the environment.It remains to be seen if dogs that recover from distemper or develop sub-clinical infections may chronically excrete virus in the urine.AcknowledgementsResearch supported by CAPES,CNPq and Funda-c ¸a ˜o Arauca´ria (FAP/PR).A.A.Alfieri is recipient of CNPq fellowship.ReferencesAppel,M.J.G.,Summers,B.A.,1995.Pathogenicity of morbillivirusesfor terrestrial carnivores.Vet.Microbiol.44,187–191.Boom,R.,Sol,C.J.,Salimans,M.M.,Jansen,C.L.,Wertheim-vanDillen,P.M.,Van der Noordaa,J.,1990.Rapid and simple method for purification of nucleic acids.J.Clin.Microbiol.28,495–503.Frisk,A.L.,Konig,M.,Moritz,A.,Baumgartner,W.,1999.Detectionof canine distemper virus nucleoprotein RNA by reverse transcrip-tion-PCR using serum,whole blood,and cerebrospinal fluid from dogs with distemper.J.Clin.Microbiol.37,3634–3643.Gebara,C.M.S.,Wosiacki,S.R.,Negra ˜o,F.J.,Alfieri,A.A.,Alfieri,A.F.,2004a.Leso ˜es histolo ´gicas no sistema nervoso central de ca ˜es com encefalite e diagno ´stico molecular da infecc ¸a ˜o pelo vı´rus da cinomose canina.Arq.Bras.Med.Vet.Zootec.56,168–174.Fig.1.Amplification pattern of a fragment of CDV nucleoprotein gene in body fluids (urine,serum,CSF)and leukocytes from distemper dogs with neurological ne 1,123bp ladder (Invitrogen e Life Technology,USA);lane 2,positive CSF (dog 3);lane 4,leukocytes (dog 7);lane 6,serum (dog 19);lane 8,urine (dog 21);and lane 10,CDV Rockborn strain (positive control).Lanes 3,5,7,9and 11:restriction analysis of the amplified product in the previous lane with Hin f I enzyme of CSF,leukocytes,serum,urine and positive ne 12:negative control (ultrapure sterile water)of RNA extraction.Table 1RT-PCR results for canine distemper virus nucleoprotein gene in CSF,serum,leukocytes and urine of 22dogs with acute progressive neurological signs Clinical signs Number of dogs RT-PCR results CSF Leukocytes Serum Urine Distemper8NA +++1À+++8+ÀÀ+2++À+3++++Subtotal 2213141222Asymptomatic12ÀÀÀÀTotal3413141222CSF,cerebrospinal fluid;NA,not available.118T.B.Saito et al./Research in Veterinary Science 80(2006)116–119Gebara,C.M.S.,Wosiacki,S.R.,Negra˜o,F.J.,Oliveira,D.B.,Beloni, S.N.E.,Alfieri,A.A.,Alfieri,A.F.,2004b.Detecc¸a˜o do gene da nucleoproteı´na do vı´rus da cinomose canina por RT-PCR em urina de ca˜es com sinais clı´nicos de cinomose.Arq.Bras.Med.Vet.Zootec.56,480–487.Greene,C.E.,Apple,M.J.,1998.Canine distemper.In:Greene,C.E.(Ed.),Infectious Disease of the Dog and Cat,second ed.WB Saunders,Philadelphia,pp.9–22.Kim,Y.H.,Cho,K.W.,Youn,H.Y.,Yoo,J.S.,Han,H.R.,2001.Detection of canine distemper virus(CDV)through one step RT-PCR combined nested PCR.J.Vet.Sci.2,59–63.Rzezutka, A.,Mizak, B.,2002.Application of N-PCR for diagnosis of distemper in dogs and fur animals.Vet.Microbiol.88,95–103.Shin,Y.,Mori,T.,Okita,M.,Gemma,T.,Kai,C.,Mikami,T.,1995.Detection of canine distemper virus nucleocapsid protein gene incanine peripheral blood mononuclear cells by RT-PCR.J.Vet.Med.Sci.57,439–445.Shin,Y.J.,Cho,K.O.,Cho,H.S.,Kang,S.K.,Kim,H.J.,Kim,Y.H., Park,H.S.,Park,N.Y.,parison of one-step RT-PCR and a nested PCR for the detection of canine distemper virus in clinical samples.Aust.Vet.J.82,83–86.Tudury,E.A.,Arias,M.V.B.,Bracarense,A.P.F.L.,Megid,J.,Dias Junior,R.F.,1997.Observac¸o˜es clı´nicas e laboratoriais em ca˜es com cinomose nervosa.Ci.Rural.27,229–235.Vandevelde,M.,Zurbriggen,A.,1995.The neurobiology of canine distemper virus infection.Vet.Microbiol.44,193–199.Von Messling,V.,Harder,T.C.,Moennig,V.,Rautenberg,P.,Nolte,I.,Haas,L.,1999.Rapid and sensitive detection of immunoglob-ulin M(IgM)and IgG antibodies against canine distemper virus bya new recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay.J.Clin.Microbiol.37,1049–1056.T.B.Saito et al./Research in Veterinary Science80(2006)116–119119。

新人教版选择性必修一Unit1Period 3 课时跟踪检测

新人教版选择性必修一Unit1Period 3 课时跟踪检测

高中校本教材新高考·新理念·新教材课时跟踪检测(选择性必修一)Unit1 People of Achievement Period 31. A man can be destroyed but not d__________.2. A fund(基金会) will be f________ for the dead men's families.3. In no c____________ should smoking be allowed on the campus.4. It was The Old Man and the Sea that made Ernest Hemmingway one of the world-famous American n_______.5. Only after he was brought to the police station did the young man _______ (承认)he had stolen some purses from other passengers.II.Blank filling.(在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

)1. We have reached the point _______ a change is needed.2. Water is a kind of colorless liquid without _________ we cannot live.3. The place _______ the botanist works is the Chinese Academy of Sciences.4. The researchers tried using the liquid ______ was obtained from the plants to treat malaria.5. The researchers tested the drug in rats ________were infected with canine distemper virus (犬瘟病).6. To those successful deaf dancers, dancing is an activity ______ sight matters more than hearing.7. Research shows that employees _______ obtain satisfaction from their jobs are more productive.8. Research suggests that children _______ parents spilt up are more likely to drop out of high school.9. They have developed a substance ______ attracts and kills mosquitoes infected with the malaria parasite.10. Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases ________ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.III. Transformation Drill (根据A 句,完成B句。



学者对犬瘟热病毒的关注和重视[2 -3] ꎮ 犬瘟热病毒感染细胞通过病毒囊膜上的 H 蛋白
与被感染细胞表面特异性受体相结合ꎬF 蛋白介导膜 融合使得病毒可以顺利进入细胞进行复制ꎮ 因此细胞 是否表达能和 H 蛋白结合的特异性受体是影响细胞 敏感性的关键因素[4] ꎮ 目前已发现犬瘟热病毒有 3 种 受体ꎬ 分 别 为 CD46 ( Complement ̄regulatory protein 46ꎬ
文章编号 2095 - 1736(2019)02 - 007 - 04
Establishment of bovine cell line expressing canine NECTIN4 for canine distemper virus culture
YANG Si ̄ming1ꎬ2 ꎬ CAI Dong ̄yan3 ꎬ SUN Man ̄man1ꎬ2 ꎬ CHEN Xiao1ꎬ2 ꎬ DAI Xiao ̄feng1ꎬ2 ꎬ BAI Zhong ̄hu1ꎬ2
(1. National Engineering Laboratory for Cereal Fermentation Technologyꎬ Jiangnan Universityꎬ Wuxi 214122ꎻ 2. The Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnologyꎬ Ministry of Educationꎬ School of Biotechnologyꎬ Jiangnan Universityꎬ Wuxi 214122ꎻ 3. Oncology Departmentꎬ Affiliated Hospital of Jiangnan Universityꎬ Wuxi 214062ꎬ China)
(1. 江南大学 粮食发酵工艺与技术国家工程实验室ꎬ 无锡 214122ꎻ 2. 江南大学 生物工程学院 工业生物技术教育部重点实验室ꎬ 无锡 214122ꎻ



水貂病毒性肠炎和水貂犬瘟热研究进展作者:朱翔宇,蔡熙姮,白雪,闫喜军,胡博来源:《畜牧兽医科学》 2020年第6期朱翔宇1,2,蔡熙姮1,白雪1,2,闫喜军2,胡博1,2(1.中国农业科学院特产研究所,长春 130112;2.农业农村部经济动物疫病重点实验室,长春 130112)摘要:水貂细小病毒(Mink enteritis virus,MEV)和水貂犬瘟热病毒(Canine distemper virus)是威胁水貂健康的常见病原,分别引起水貂病毒性肠炎和水貂犬瘟热2种传染病,这2种传染病都是急性、高度接触性传染病,虽然接种合格的疫苗是有效的防控手段,但是病毒基因的变异、跨物种间传播、跨地区地域传播以及不同地域病毒之间出现的重组等因素,都可导致免疫失败,病毒一旦在群体间流行并传播,动物感染后仍会出现极高的发病率和死亡率。



关键词:水貂病毒性肠炎;水貂犬瘟热;致病机理;检测方法;免疫预防中图分类号:S865.2文献标识码:Bdoi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-3637.2020.06.001Process in Mink Viral Enteritis and Mink DistemperZhu Xiangyu1,2,Cai Xiheng1,Bai Xue1,2,Yan Xijun2,Hu Bo1,2(1.Institue of Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Science,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Changchun 130112,China;2.Key Laboratory of SpecialAnimal Epidemic Disease,Changchun 130112,China)Abstract:Mink enteritis virus (MEV) and mink canine distemper virus(CDV)are common pathogens that threaten the health of mink,causing mink viral enteritis and mink canine distemper respectively.Both infectious diseases are acute,high-contact infectious diseases.Although qualified vaccination is an effective meansof prevention and control,the continuous mutation of virus genes,inter-species transmission,cross-regional transmission,and mutual recombination of viruses from different regions are the main reasons for the failure of immunity.Once the virus has spread and spread among populations,animal infections will still haveextremely high morbidity and mortality.The impact and harm of mink parvovirus and mink canine distemper virus on fur animal breeding and the protection of wild and rare animals,due attention should be paid to it.This article reviews the etiology,molecular biology and epidemiology,pathogenesis,laboratory diagnostic methods,and vaccine research of MEV and CDV.Key words: mink viral enteritis,mink distemper,pathogenic mechanism,detection method,immune prevention0 引言水貂病毒性肠炎是一种急性、高度接触性,以剧烈腹泻为主要特征的严重危害养貂业的重要传染病之一[1]。



免疫组化病理白片要求1. 简介免疫组化病理学是一种通过使用特定抗体来检测组织切片中特定蛋白质的方法。




2. 处理前准备工作在进行免疫组化实验之前,需要做好以下准备工作:2.1 标本收集与固定标本收集要求尽可能快速,并确保标本的完整性和代表性。



2.2 标本处理与包埋固定后的标本需要进行脱水、透明化和包埋等处理。




2.3 标本切片标本切片是免疫组化实验的关键步骤之一。



3. 抗体选择与染色3.1 抗体选择免疫组化实验使用的抗体应具有高度特异性和灵敏性。


3.2 抗原修复与预处理在进行免疫组化染色之前,需要对标本进行抗原修复和预处理。



3.3 免疫染色免疫染色是免疫组化实验的核心步骤之一。



4. 结果分析与评估完成免疫组化染色后,需要对结果进行分析和评估。




·研究论文·Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases中国动物传染病学报摘 要:狂犬病、犬瘟热和犬细小病毒病是当前危害养犬业的三种重要传染病。

为探讨狂犬病毒(RABV )、犬瘟热病毒(CDV )和犬细小病毒(CPV )灭活制备三联灭活疫苗的可行性,将该3种病毒HEP-Flury 株、LN (10)1株和JL (18)1-Beagle 株分别在BHK-21、Vero/DogSLAM (VDS )和F81细胞培养,经β-丙内酯灭活剂灭活后,分别与三种不同类型免疫佐剂(MONTANIDE GEL 02、ADJ-801(W)、Al(OH)3)配制成三联灭活疫苗。


实验结果显示,不同佐剂的三联灭活疫苗对增强比格犬RABV 、CDV 和CPV 血清抗体应答反应效果不同。

其中ADJ-801(W )佐剂能显著提高针对RABV 、CDV 和CPV 三种病毒的抗体水平,疫苗三次免疫比格犬后血清抗体效价分别为7.4 EU/mL 、1∶50和1∶1024;而Al(OH)3佐剂效果较差,三免后抗体效价分别为4.01 EU/mL 、1∶6和1∶256。

疫苗三次免疫后,分别应用强毒CDV SD (14)7株和CPVJL (18)1-Beagle 株对比格犬进行攻毒实验,实验结果显示,ADJ-801(W )组对SD (14)7和JL (18)1-Beagle 攻毒保护率均为100%,MONTANIDE GEL 02组攻毒保护率均为60%,而Al(OH)3组攻毒保护率均为0,表明ADJ-801(W )佐剂制备的狂犬病、犬瘟热和犬细小病毒病三联灭活疫苗对比格犬提供较好的免疫保护作用。


关键词:狂犬病病毒;犬瘟热病毒;犬细小病毒;灭活疫苗;佐剂中图分类号:S858.292文献标志码: A文章编号:1674-6422(2023)03-0082-09Evaluation of the Effi cacy of Inactivated Triplex Vaccine of Rabies-CanineDistemper-Canine ParvovirusGONG Chengyan 1,2, CHEN Jie 3, PAN Hongjun 1,4, LUO Guoliang 1, LIU Mengjia 5,HU Bo 1, ZHAO Jianjun 2(1. Key Laboratory of Special Animal Epidemic Disease of Ministry of Agricultural rural affairs, Institute of Special Economic Animal and Plant Sciences, CAAS, Changchun 130112, China; 2. College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, China; 3. College of Veterinary Medicine, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China; 4. College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China; 5. Jinan Customs District, Jinan 250200, China)收稿日期:2020-12-27基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0501600);黑龙江八一农垦大学引进人才科研启动计划(XYB201912);国家自然科学基金(31972714)作者简介:龚成燕,女,硕士,主要从事动物病原学研究;陈杰,男,博士,主要从事动物病原学与免疫机制研究通信作者:赵建军,E-mail:********************.cn;胡博,E-mail:****************狂犬病、犬瘟热和犬细小病毒病三联灭活疫苗免疫效果评价龚成燕1,2,陈 杰3,潘虹军1,4,罗国良1,刘梦佳5,胡 博1,赵建军2(1.中国农业科学院特产研究所 农业农村部经济动物疫病重点实验室,长春130112;2.黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科技学院,大庆163319;3.西北农林科技大学,杨凌712100;4.吉林农业大学中药材学院,长春130112;5.济南海关,济南250200)2023,31(3):82-90Abstract: Rabies, canine distemper and canine parvovirus disease are three important contagious diseases, threatening the dog-raising industry. To evaluate the immunogenicity of inactivated triplex Rabies virus (RABV), Canine distemper virus (CDV), Canine parvovirus· 83 ·龚成燕等:狂犬病、犬瘟热和犬细小病毒病三联灭活疫苗免疫效果评价第31卷第3期狂犬病是由弹状病毒科(Rhabdoviridae)狂犬病毒属(Lyssavirus )的狂犬病病毒(Rabies virus, RABV)引起的急性中枢神经系统症状的人兽共患传染病[1]。



犬瘟热病毒分离株N、H、F蛋白基因的变异分析王旭荣;王小辉;张世栋;李世宏;潘虎;严作廷【摘要】通过RT-PCR方法扩增到犬瘟热病毒(canine distemper virus,CDV)分离株GS0812-4的N、H、F蛋白基因,然后克隆入pGEM-T Easy载体并进行序列分析和抗原表位预测分析.结果表明,GS0812-4分离株的N、H、F蛋白基因与其他分离株相应序列的核苷酸同源性分别为93.2%~97.8%、90.3%~97.3%、93.2%~97.8%,其推定的氨基酸同源性分别为96.6%~98.7%、91.3%~97.9%和96.6%~98.7%;GS0812-4分离株N、H、F蛋白基因与疫苗株相应序列的核苷酸同源性分别为93.1%~93.8%、89.4%~90.5%、93.1%~93.8%,其推定的氨基酸同源性分别为96.4%~97.3%、89.3%~91.3%、96.4%~97.3%.由基因系统发育树可知,GS0812-4与疫苗株处于不同的分支,其中与MKY-KM08的亲缘关系最近,但GS0812-4在N、H、F3个基因系统发育树上与其他同一毒株的亲缘关系远近不同.H、F蛋白的抗原表位预测结果表明,GS0812-4与MKY-KM08和疫苗株的抗原表位均有差异.说明GS0812-4是野毒株,与MKY-KM08属于同一基因型,来源于同一毒株,但两毒株间的H蛋白和F蛋白的抗原表位仍有差异.%The nucleoprotein (N), haemgagglutinin protein (H)and fusion protein (F) genes of canine distemper virus (CDV) isolate GS0812-4were obtained by RT-PCR and sequenced after being cloned directly into the pGEM-T Easy. The sequences of N,H and F genes of GS0812-4 were compared with sequences and antigen epitope of other CDV strains in Gen-Bank by BLAST and DNAStar software. The results showed that the N,H and F of GS0812-4 shared 93. 2% to 97. 8% ,90. 3% to 97. 3%,93. 2% to 97.8% of nucleotide homology, and 96. 6% to 98. 7%,91. 3% to 97.9% and 96.6% to 98.7% ofamino acid identity with that of referenced strains, respectively. However, The N, H and F genes of the GS0812-4 shared only 93.1% to 93. 8%,89. 4% to 90. 5% and 93.1% to 93. 8% of nucleotide homology, and 96.4% to 97. 3% ,89. 3% to 91.3% and 96. 4% to 97. 3% of amino acid homology with that of vaccine strains, respectively. Phylogenetic tree showed thatGS0812-4 was different from the vaccine strain of the branch, it had a recent genetic relationship and MKY-KM08. But GS0812-4 compared with other strains of different genetic distance relationships. H, F protein epitope prediction results showed that GS0812-4 epitope was different from and MKY-KM08 and vaccine strains. Results showed that GS0812-4 was the wild strain, and the GS0812-4 strain was MKY-KM08 belonged to the same genotype, derived from the same strain, but there were still differences between epitopes.【期刊名称】《中国畜牧兽医》【年(卷),期】2011(038)008【总页数】7页(P71-77)【关键词】犬瘟热病毒;H蛋白;H蛋白;F蛋白;变异分析【作者】王旭荣;王小辉;张世栋;李世宏;潘虎;严作廷【作者单位】中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所中国农业科学院临床兽医学研究中心,甘肃兰州 730050;中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所中国农业科学院临床兽医学研究中心,甘肃兰州 730050;中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所中国农业科学院临床兽医学研究中心,甘肃兰州 730050;中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所中国农业科学院临床兽医学研究中心,甘肃兰州 730050;中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所中国农业科学院临床兽医学研究中心,甘肃兰州 730050;中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所中国农业科学院临床兽医学研究中心,甘肃兰州 730050【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q78犬瘟热(canine distemper,CD)是由犬瘟热病毒(canine distemper virus,CDV)感染引起的急性高度接触性传染病,在非免疫动物中发病率和致死率很高。









产品组分1.20份CDV Ag 试纸卡2.20份样品稀释液3.20份消毒棉签4.一份产品说明书保存及有效期限室温保存,不可冷冻。













Canine Distemper Virus Rapid Test CardIntroduceCanine distemper is caused by the canine distemper virus (CDV).It is a contagious, incurable, often fatal, multisystemic viral disease that affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems. Infected dogs shed the virus through bodily secretions and excretions, especially respiratory secretions. Young puppies between 3 and 6 months old are most susceptible to infection and disease and are more likely to die than infected adults. PrincipleThe test card is based on immunochromatography of double-antibody sandwich. Testing sample is the eye and conjunctival secretions,nasal fluid.Content1 CDV diagnostic Card: 20 pcs2 Dilution Buffer: 20 pcs3 Swab: 20 pcs4 Instruction: 1 insertProcedure1. Recover the dipstick to room temperature. remove as many of the test devices from the foil pouches as needed for the disposable sample collection swab take a portion of secretion of eye mucus,nasal fluid.insert the collection swab into specimen tube containing the sample diluent.3.Mix the swab until the sample has been dissolved into the sample diluent.Discard the swab and repeat procedure for each sample. Adding 4 drops containing the sample diluent into the sample-well on the card.4. Read results after 10 minutes.ResultsPositive:The test zone and control zone have a pink/purple band visible.This indicates that the presence of canine distemper virus antigens.Negative:Only the control zone has a pink/purple band visible.The sample do not contains canine distemper virus antigens.Void:No color reaction on C line.Positive NegativePrecautions− Handle all biological materials as though capable of transmitting CDV.− Do not eat, drink, smoke or prepare foods, or apply cosmetics within the designated work area.− Do not use components past expiration date.− Optimal results will be obtained by strict adherence to this protocol. Careful washing and pipetting throughout this procedure are necessary to maintain precision and accuracy.− Do not use components past expiration date.− Only for veterinary use.The entire risk as to the performance of these products is assumed by the purchaser. We shall not be liable for indirect,special or consequential damages of any kind resulting from use of the products。



兽医英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of canine distemper?A. FeverB. Loss of appetiteC. Excessive thirstD. Hair loss2. The term "euthanasia" refers to:A. The study of animal diseasesB. The act of putting a suffering animal to restC. The practice of animal husbandryD. The process of animal vaccination3. What is the primary function of a veterinarian?A. To groom petsB. To diagnose and treat animal diseasesC. To breed animals for saleD. To train animals for performance4. Which of the following is a common parasitic disease in cats?A. RabiesB. Feline leukemiaC. HeartwormD. Ringworm5. The abbreviation "IV" in veterinary medicine stands for:A. IntravenousB. In vitroC. International VeterinaryD. Invasive Veterinary6. What is the purpose of a vaccine in veterinary medicine?A. To treat existing diseasesB. To prevent the occurrence of diseasesC. To control the spread of diseasesD. Both B and C7. Which of the following is NOT a method for controlling the population of stray animals?A. Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)B. Adoption campaignsC. HuntingD. Euthanasia8. What does the acronym "BVD" stand for in veterinary medicine?A. Bovine Viral DiarrheaB. Borderline Veterinary DiseaseC. Basic Veterinary DiagnosticsD. Biological Veterinary Disease9. The process of artificially inducing labor in animals is known as:A. OvulationB. ParturitionC. InductionD. Embryonation10. Which of the following is a type of diagnostic imaging used by veterinarians?A. X-rayB. UltrasoundC. ThermographyD. All of the above二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The veterinary medical examination of a pet is often referred to as a _______.2. The _______ is a common method used to prevent heartworm disease in dogs.3. Veterinarians often use a _______ to examine the internal structures of an animal.4. A _______ is a professional who specializes in the health and medical treatment of animals.5. The _______ is a contagious viral disease that affects both dogs and cats.6. In veterinary medicine, the term _______ refers to the surgical removal of an animal's reproductive organs.7. A _______ is a condition where an animal has ingested a foreign object.8. The _______ is a blood test used to determine the presence of antibodies.9. The process of _______ is used to determine the sex of an animal.10. Veterinarians may use _______ to treat wounds and prevent infection.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. What are the key responsibilities of a veterinarian in a small animal clinic?2. Describe the process of a routine vaccination for a pet.3. Explain the importance of spaying and neutering in pet population control.4. What are the benefits of microchipping for pet owners and their pets?四、论述题(共40分)1. Discuss the role of a veterinarian in public health, including the prevention of zoonotic diseases and the promotion of food safety.(20分)2. Elaborate on the ethical considerations a veterinarian must take into account when deciding to perform euthanasia on a suffering animal.(20分)答案:一、选择题1. D. Hair loss2. B. The act of putting a suffering animal to rest3. B. To diagnose and treat animal diseases4. D. Ringworm5. A. Intravenous6. D. Both B and C7. C. Hunting8. A. Bovine Viral Diarrhea9. C. Induction10. D. All of the above二、填空题1. physical examination2. monthly heartworm preventative3. ultrasound4. veterinarian5. rabies6. sterilization7. foreign body ingestion8. serology9. sexing10. antibiotics三、简答题1. Key responsibilities include providing preventive care, diagnosing and treating illnesses, performing surgeries, and maintaining records of animal health.2. Routine vaccination involves selecting appropriate vaccines based on the pet's age, lifestyle, and risk factors, administering the vaccine, and monitoring for any adverse reactions.3. Spaying and neutering help control the pet population, prevent unwanted behaviors, and reduce the risk of certain health problems.4. Microchipping provides a permanent form of identification, aids in the return。



犬瘟热研究进展刘雯;夏志平;靳朝【摘要】犬瘟热是由犬瘟热病毒引起的一种高发传染病,宿主范围包括大部分食肉目动物.犬瘟热病毒可以感染不同器官和组织的上皮细胞、间质细胞、神经内分泌细胞及造血干细胞,引发全身型或神经型的临床过程,并在中枢神经系统和淋巴组织中形成持续感染,免疫抑制和脱髓鞘性脑脊髓炎是代表性的病症,而淋巴细胞介导的细胞毒性作用的缺乏则与病毒在中枢神经系统的持续感染有关.犬瘟热发病机制与病理学的研究对于犬瘟热的免疫预防和临床诊治有重要的意义.【期刊名称】《动物医学进展》【年(卷),期】2010(031)008【总页数】5页(P83-87)【关键词】犬瘟热;发病机制;组织病理学【作者】刘雯;夏志平;靳朝【作者单位】吉林大学畜牧兽医学院,吉林长春,130062;解放军军事医学科学院军事兽医研究所,吉林长春,130062;吉林大学畜牧兽医学院,吉林长春,130062【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S852.659.5;S858.292犬瘟热(Canine distemper,CD)是世界范围内广泛发生的一种病毒性传染病,其病原为犬瘟热病毒(Canine distemper virus,CDV),隶属于副黏病毒科麻疹病毒属,其自然宿主包括大部分的食肉目动物[1]。



感染犬瘟热的犬通常会表现出呼吸道、消化道、皮肤以及其他器官和组织的多种临床症状,其中免疫抑制和脱髓鞘性脑脊髓炎(demyelinating leukoencephalitis,DL)是具有代表性的病症。









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Canine distemper (CD) was decribed for the first time in Europe in 1761 (Mitscherlich, 1938) and the virus etiology was confirmed by Carr6 in 1905 (Fankhauser, 1982). The natural host spectrum of CDV comprises all families of the order Carnivora (Deem et al., 2000). In humans, the participation of CDV in the pathogenesis of Paget's disease of bone (Gordon et al., 1991, Mee et al., 1998, Mee et al., 1999, Helfrich et al., 2000, Ooi et al., 2000) and multiple sclerosis (MS; Cook et al., 1978 and 1987, Vollmer and Waxman, 1991, Hodge and Wolfso, 1997, Hernan et al., 2001) has been speculated but lacks final verification. Canine distemper virus belongs to the genus morbillivirus of the Paramyxoviridae family and is closely related to measles virus (Pringle, 1999). CDV is an enveloped negative stranded virus (Kingsbury, 1990). It contains 6 structural proteins, the nucleocapsid (NP), phospho (P), and the large (L) protein (core proteins) and the membrane (M), hemagglutinin (H), and fusion (F) protein (surface proteins; Hall, 1980, Orvell, 1980, Diallo, 1990). The NP proteins catalyze transcription and replication in the host cell (Kingsbury, 1990). The M protein is involved in virus maturation as it connects the surface glycoproteins with the nucleocapsid (Kingsbury, 1990). The F protein manages the fusion of the virus with the host cell or the infected cell to the neighbour cell (Diallo, 1990). The H protein mediates the attachment of the virus to the host cell by neuraminic acid binding receptors (Hall et al., 1980; Kingsbury, 1990) and determines viral tropism and cytopathogenicity (von Messling et al., 2001). The function of the nonstructural proteins V and C is not clear. Recently, another non-structural protein has been detected that seems to allow virus replication in different species (Wang et al., 1998). CD9, a tetraspan transmembrane protein is associated with CDV induced cell-cell fusion but not virus-cell fusion (Schmid et al., 2000). Signalling lymphocyte activation molecules (SLAMs; CD150) act as cellular receptors for CDV and other morbilliviruses (Tatsuo et al., 2001, Tatsuo and Yanagi, 2002). There is only one serotype but there are several cocirculating genotypes of the virus (Haas et al., 1997). CDV strains display different properties. Some strains are associated with polioencephalitis (Snyder Hill) while others induce demyelinating leukoencephalitis (R252, A75-17; Summers and Appel, 1994).
A biphasic process
Wolfgang Baumg~irtner1 and Susanne Alldinger2 llnstitut fiir Pathologie der Tierdrztlichen Hochschule Hannover, Germany, 21nstitut fiir Veteriniir-Pathologie der Justus-Liebig-Universitiit Giessen, Geesis of Canine Distemper Virus induced demyelination
Forms of canine distemper encephalitis
Canine distemper encephalitis can be classified in different subtypes according to morphological changes and brain areas affected. The type of neuropathological changes depend on the virus strain, age and immune status of the affected animal (Krakowka and Koestner, 1976, Summers et al., 1984a, Pearce-Kelling et al., 1990, Raw et al., 1992). Polioencephalitis is a rare manifestation of CDV infection and is predominantly observed in the cortex and the nuclei of the brain stem, neurons and protoplasmic astrocytes being the mainly affected cell populations (Baumg~irtner et al., 1999). Distemper polioencephalitis includes the subgroups "old dog encephalitis" (Lincoln et al., 1973, Imagawa et al., 1980), inclusion body encephalitis (Nesseler et al., 1997, and 1999), and post-vaccinal encephalitis (Hartley, 1974, Bestetti et al., 1978). In contrast, distemper ieukoencephalitis(DL) is a common finding and has been known for a long time. "Swelling of myelinated nerve fibres" was described by Cerletti in his work "about various forms of encephalitis and myelitis in dogs with canine distemper" as early as 1912. Scherer (1944), a German neuropathologist was among the first to compare DL white matter lesions to acute multiple sclerosis and he is the one who gave the impulse to use canine distemper as a model to study the pathogenesis of human demyelinating diseases (Koestner, 1975, DalCanto and Rabinowitz, 1982). Lesions in DL are mainly found in the cerebellum and less frequently in the cerebral white matter and the spinal cord (Baumg~irtner et al., 1999). Demyelination is consistently observed in fibre tracts in close proximity to the ventricles like the rostral medullary velum, cerebellar peduncles, and optic tracts (Summers and Appel, 1994). Studies tracking the route of CDV invasion and the mode of distribution of the virus in the brain showed ependymal infection and spread of the virus to the subependymal white matter indicating CNS infection along the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathways (Vandevelde et al., 1985a). This finding matches the observation of Higgins et al. (1982a) who found a productive infection of the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle and ependymal cells. In addition, hematogenous spread of CDV in the CNS is mediated by the association of the virus with lymphocytes (Rochborn, 1958, Summers et al., 1979) and plasma (Krakowka et al., 1989) or via infection of endothelial cells and subsequent spread to pericytes and astrocytic processes (Axtehelm, Baumg~irtner, 1989). DL lesions are categorized in acute, subacute noninflammatory, subacute inflammatory, chronic, and sclerotic (Krakowka et al., 1985, Alldinger et al., 1993, Gaedke et al., 1999). Acute lesions are characterized by focal vacuolation and mild astro- and microgliosis.