N2000色谱工作站操作说明书[方案] N2000色谱工作站操作说明书N2000色谱工作站操作说明书前言一、如何快速入门在您使用我们的N2000色谱工作站时,你想快速学会操作该系统时,并不需要每一个章节依次看下去,您可以直接进入到第二章的2(2和2(3节,根据你采用的定量分析方法不同参照第九章、第十章及十一章进行操作。
二、 N2000工作站的结构我们根据生产实际需要将N2000色谱工作站分别设计开发了在线和离线色谱工作站两大块。
前者特点: N2000在线工作站根据进样采集到的实验信息,记录信号并对其进行处理,判别信号并计算和输出实验结果;后者的区别在于它无采样功能,其侧重点在于对数据进行后处理。
创建时间:3/1/2001 2:56 PM 浙江大学智能信息工程研究所第 1 页共 86 页N2000色谱工作站操作说明书目录第一章简介 (6)1(1 N2000 色谱工作站对计算机的要求......................................6 1(2 N2000色谱工作站主要性能与技术指标 (6)1(2(1 整机性能 (6)1(2(2 峰处理能力 (6)1(2(3 谱峰定性鉴别方法.........................................................6 1(2(4 积分参量 (6)1(2(5 定量计算方法 (6)第二章安装与卸载N2000型色谱工作站......................................7 2(1 N2000工作站的安装.........................................................7 2(1(1 硬件的安装 (7)2(1(2 软件的安装 (9)2(2 N2000在线色谱工作站操作步骤…………………………………..13 2(3 N2000工作站标准操作步骤(( (( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((14 第三章N2000型色谱工作站的有关概念 (17)3(1 本工作站需用到的部分色谱专业术语 (17)3(1(1 色谱图的有关概念........................................................17 3(1(2 峰处理参数.. (17)3(2 色谱处理的相关概念........................................................17 3(2(1 数据采集.. (17)3(2(2 积分 (17)3(2(3 定量 (18)3(2(4 校准 (18)3(2(5 报告 (18)3(3 本工作站的特有概念介绍..................................................18 3(3(1 方法.. (18)3(3(2 组分表 (18)3(3(3 谱图DAT文件 (18)3(3(4 ORG文件 (19)3(3(5 MDY文件 (19)3(3(6 实验日志 (19)3(3(7 手动积分事件表........................................................19 3(4 本工作站通用的文件操作方式.. (19)3(4(1 方法的加载 (19)3(4(2 方法的保存 (19)3(4(3 方法的另存 (19)3(4(4 方法的缺省 (19)3(4(5 谱图的打开 (19)3(4(6 谱图的保存 (19)3(5 本工作站通用的谱图操作方式............................................19 3(5(1 谱图的放大 (19)创建时间:3/1/2001 2:56 PM 浙江大学智能信息工程研究所第 2 页共 86 页N2000色谱工作站操作说明书3(5(2 谱图的缩小 (19)3(5(3 谱图的拖动 (19)3(5(4 选择一个色谱峰.........................................................19 3(5(5 选择一个时间段.........................................................19 3(5(6 谱图的全量程显示 (19)3(5(7 谱图的自动显示.........................................................19 3(5(8 范围不变 (19)第四章N2000在线色谱工作站系统介绍 (20)4(1 概述 (20)4(2 主菜单 (20)4(2(1 主菜单 (20)4(2(1(1 方法菜单 (20)4(2(1(2 报告菜单 (23)4(2(1(3 系统设置菜单………………………………………………..24 4(2(1(4 窗口菜单 (25)4(2(1(5 帮助菜单 (25)4(3 工具栏 (26)4(3(1 缺省工具栏 (26)4(3(2 打开工具栏 (26)4(3(3 保存工具栏 (26)4(3(4 另存工具栏 (26)4(3(5 编辑工具栏 (26)4(3(6 1通道工具栏 (26)4(3(7 2通道工具栏 (26)4(3(8 窗口排列工具栏..........................................................26 4(3(9 日志工具栏. (26)4(4 采样通道窗口 (27)4(4(1 实验信息 (27)4(4(2 方法 (27)4(4(2(1 采样控制介绍.........................................................28 4(4(2(2 积分 (28)4(4(2(2(1 积分参量的选择..................................................28 4(4(2(2(2 积分方法的选择..................................................29 4(4(2(2(3 积分参数的选择.. (29)4(4(3 组分表的编辑 (29)4(4(4 谱图显示设置 (33)4(4(5 报告编辑 (33)4(4(6 仪器条件的输入…………………………………………………..37 第五章N2000离线色谱工作站操作说明 (38)5(1 定制报告 (39)5(2 比较谱图 (43)5(2(1 谱图的分开与合并………………………………………………..43 5(2(2 谱图的对齐 (43)创建时间:3/1/2001 2:56 PM 浙江大学智能信息工程研究所第 3 页共 86 页N2000色谱工作站操作说明书5(2(3 谱图的相加减 (44)5(3 手动积分 (44)5(3(1 手动画基线 (45)5(3(2 强制改变峰 (45)5(3(3 移动起/终点 (45)5(3(4 增加/删除分割线.........................................................45 5(3(5 添加峰.. (45)5(3(6 前/后向水平基线..........................................................45 5(3(7 添加/删除负峰. (45)5(4 手动积分事件表 (45)5(5 模似显示 (46)第六章第一次进样示例 (47)6(1 进入工作站 (47)6(2 串行口设置 (47)6(3 通道的选择 (48)6(4 采样控制设置 (48)6(5 进标样 (50)第七章实验方法的编辑...........................................................51 7(1 实验信息的编辑 (51)7(2 方法的选择 (51)7(2(1 采样控制的设置 (52)7(2(2 积分方法及参数的编辑.................................................54 7(2(2(1 积分方法的选择......................................................54 7(2(2(2 积分参数的选择.......................................................54 7(3 组分表的编辑 (55)7(4 谱图显示的编辑 (55)7(5 实验报告的编辑 (55)7(6 仪器条件的设置 (55)第八章校正 (56)8(1 校正原理 (56)8(1(1 校正类型 (56)8(1(2 介绍系统校正............................................................56 8(1(3 建立一个校正方法 (57)8(2 校正方法 (59)8(2(1 采集标样校正 (59)8(2(2 单运行校正 (62)8(2(3 加入标样校正(多点) (63)8(2(4 加入樯样校正(单点) (63)8(4 观察峰校正曲线 (63)8(5 积分参数项 (64)第九章用面积归一法做一个样品………………………………….…..66 第十章在在线色谱工作站中用内标法测试样品 (68)第十一章用面积外标法做一个样品 (75)创建时间:3/1/2001 2:56 PM 浙江大学智能信息工程研究所第 4 页共 86 页N2000色谱工作站操作说明书第十二章 N2000色谱工作站日常维护 (83)第十三章 N2000工作站服务指南 (84)创建时间:3/1/2001 2:56 PM 浙江大学智能信息工程研究所第 5 页共 86 页N2000色谱工作站操作说明书第一章简介谢谢您购买我们的色谱数据工作站,为了保证您的正确操作,请详细阅读这本说明书,其中介绍了工作站的主要性能与技术指标、安装、卸载、调试及操作示例等方面的情况。
GENESIS2000入门教程Padup谷大pad paddn缩小pad reroute扰线路Shave削padlinedown缩线 line/signal线 Layer 层in里面out外面Same layer 同一层spacing 间隙cu铜皮Other layer另一层positive 正negative负 Temp 临时top顶层bot底层Soldermask绿油层silk字符层power 电源导(负片)Vcc 电源层(负片)ground 地层(负片)apply 应用solder 焊锡singnal 线路信号层soldnmask绿油层input 导入component 元器件Close 关闭zoom放大缩小create 创建Reste 重新设置corner 直角step PCB文档Center 中心snap捕捉board板 Route 锣带repair 修理、编辑resize (编辑)放大缩小analysis 分析 Sinde 边、面Advanced高级measuer 测量PTH holeVIA hole 导通孔smd pad 贴片PAD replace替换fill 填充Attribute 属性round 圆square 正方形 rectangle 矩形Select 选择include包含exclude不包含step 工作单元Reshape 改变形状profile 轮廓drill 钻带rout 锣带Actions 操作流程analyis 分析DFM自动修改编辑circuit 线性Identify 识别translate转换job matrix 工作室repair 修补、改正Misc 辅助层dutum point 相对原点corner直角optimization 优化origin零点center 中心global 全部check 检查reference layer 参考层reference selection 参考选择reverse selection 反选snap 对齐invert 正负调换symbol 元素feature 半径histogram元素exist存在angle角度dimensions 标准尺寸panelization拼图fill parameters 填充参数redundancy沉余、清除层英文简写层属性顶层文字Top silkscreenCM1( gtl )silk-scren顶层阻焊Top solder maskSM1 ( gts )solder-mask顶层线路Top layerL1( gtl )signal内层第一层power ground (gnd)PG2 ( l2-pw )power-ground(负片)内层第二层signallayerL3signal (正片)内层第三层signallayerL4signal (正片)内层第四层power ground (vcc)L5( l5-vcc)power-ground(负片)外层底层bottomlayerL6( gbl ) signal底层阻焊bottomsolder maskSM6solder-mask层菜单Display ---------------------- -----当前层显示的颜色Features histogram ---------------- 当前层的图像统计Copy ---------------------- ------- 复制Merge ---------------------- ------ 合并层Unmerge ------------------- ----- 反合并层(将复合层分成正负两层)Optimize lerels ----------- ----- 层优化(当正负层太多时,要优化成最大3层) Fill profile ------------------- 填充profile(轮廓)Register ------------------ ---- 层自动对位matrix------------------ ----层属性表 (新建、改名、删除)copper/exposed area -----------计算铜面积 (自动算出百分几)attribates ------------------ -层属性 (较少用)notes ------------------ ------记事本 (较少用)clip area ------------------ -删除区域 (可自定义,或定义profile)drill tools manager -----------钻孔管理(改孔的属性,大小等)drill filter ------------------钻孔过滤hole sizes------------------钻孔尺寸(在分孔图转钻孔经常用到)create drill map -------------利用钻孔做分孔图(如有槽孔,转出来有变) update verification coupons ---- 更新首尾孔的列表re-read------------------ 重读文件(当文件误删时无法恢复时,可重读) truncate ------------------ 删除整层数据compare ------------------层对比(很有用,可以查看层与层之间改动过的地方)flaten------------------ 翻转(只有在拼版里面才会出现)text reference------------------文字参考create shapelist------------------产生形状列表delete shapelist------------------删除形状列表EDIT菜单undo------------------撤消上一次操作delete------------------删除move------------------移动*copy------------------复制*resize------------------修改图形大小形状*transform------------------旋转、镜像、缩放connections------------------buffer------------------reshape------------------polarity------------------更改层的极性*cerate------------------建立*change------------------更改*attributes------------------属性edit之resizeglobal------------------所有图形元素resizc therrnals and donuts------------------散热盘及同圆contourize&resize------------------表面化及修改尺寸poly line ------------------多边形by factor------------------按照比例edit之movesame layer------------------同层移动other layer------------------移动到另一层streteh parallel lines------------------平行线伸缩orthogonal strrtch------------------平角线伸缩move triplets (fixed angele)------------------角度不变地移线(ALT+D)move triplets (fixed length)------------------长度不变地移线(ALT+J)move&to panel------------------把STEP中的图形移动到其它的STEP中edit 之copysame layer------------------同层移动other layer------------------移动到另一层step&repeatsame layer------------------同层移动other layer------------------同层排版edit之reshapechange symbolsame ------------------更改图形break------------------打散break to Islands/holes------------------打散特殊图形arc to lines------------------弧转线line to pad------------------线转padcontourize------------------创建铜面部件(不常用)>drawn to surface------------------ 线变surfaceclean holes------------------清理空洞cleansurface------------------清理surfacefill------------------填充(可以将surface以线填充)design to rout ------------------设计到rout(做锣带常用,最佳值432)substitue ------------------替代(常用,分孔图转钻孔)cutting data------------------填充成surface (常用来填充CAD数据)olarityrc direction------------------封闭区域edit之polarity(图像性质)positive------------------图像为正negative------------------图像为负invert------------------正负转换edit之ceate(建立)step------------------新建一个stepsymbol------------------新建一个symbolprofile------------------新建一个profileedit之change(更改)change text------------------更改字符串pads to slots------------------pad 变成slots (槽)ACTIONS菜单check lists------------------检查清单re-read ERFS------------------重读erf文件netlist analyzer------------------网络分析netlist optimization------------------网络优化output------------------输出clear selete&highlight------------------取消选择或高亮reverse seleteion---------------参考选择(很重要,有TOUCH(接触)COVERED(完全接触))script action------------------设置脚本名称selete drawn------------------选择线(一般用来选大铜皮)convert netlist to layers------------------转化网络到层notes------------------文本contour operations------------------bom view------------------surface操作OPTION菜单seletion------------------选择attributes------------------属性graphic control------------------显示图形控制snap------------------抓取measuer------------------测量工具fill parameters------------------填充参数line parameters------------------线参数colors------------------显示颜色设置components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查board-drill checks------------------查找钻孔层与补偿削铣层中潜在的工艺性缺陷signal layer checks------------------线路层检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查drill summary------------------生成padstack中的孔的统计数字,查找padtack中的最小焊环quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的SMD定位和封装的统计报告orbotechAOI checks------------------rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------yield improvement------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------DFM之Cleanuplegnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议不用construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADdrawn to outline ------------------以线或轮廓来代替线绘区域减少层中的部件数量DFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)DFM之sliversliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的组件之间的slivertangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化tangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查board-drill checks------------------查找钻孔层与补偿削铣层中潜在的工艺性缺陷signal layer checks------------------线路层检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查drill summary------------------生成padstack中的孔的统计数字,查找padtack中的最小焊环quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的SMD定位和封装的统计报告orbotechAOI checks------------------microvia checks------------------ 提供HDI设计的高效钻孔分析rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------yield improvement------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------legnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议不用construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADdrawn to outline ------------------以线或轮廓来代替线绘区域减少层中的部件数量DFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)DFM之sliversliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的组件之间的slivertangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------tangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------clean holes------------------清理空洞cleansurface------------------清理surfacefill------------------填充(可以将surface以线填充)design to rout ------------------设计到rout(做锣带常用,最佳值432)substitue ------------------替代(常用,分孔图转钻孔)edit之polarity(图像性质)positive------------------图像为正negative------------------图像为负invert------------------正负转换edit之ceate(建立)step------------------新建一个stepsymbol------------------新建一个symbolprofile------------------新建一个profileedit之change(更改)change text------------------更改字符串pads to slots------------------pad 变成slots (槽)space tracks evenly------------------自动平均线隙(很重要)ACTIONS菜单check lists------------------检查清单re-read ERFS------------------重读erf文件netlist analyzer------------------网络分析netlist optimization------------------网络优化output------------------输出clear selete&highlight------------------取消选择或高亮reverse seleteion---------------参考选择(很重要,有TOUCH(接触)COVERED(完全接触))script action------------------设置脚本名称selete drawn------------------选择线(一般用来选大铜皮)convert netlist to layers------------------转化网络到层notes------------------文本contour operations------------------bom view------------------surface操作OPTION菜单seletion------------------选择attributes------------------属性graphic control------------------显示图形控制snap------------------抓取measuer------------------测量工具fill parameters------------------填充参数line parameters------------------线参数colors------------------显示颜色设置components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查drill summary------------------生成padstack中的孔的统计数字,查找padtack中的最小焊环quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的SMD定位和封装的统计报告orbotechAOI checks------------------microvia checks------------------ 提供HDI设计的高效钻孔分析rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------yield improvement------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------DFM之Cleanuplegnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议不用construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADdrawn to outline ------------------以线或轮廓来代替线绘区域减少层中的部件数量DFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)sliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的组件之间的slivertangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------tangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查board-drill checks------------------查找钻孔层与补偿削铣层中潜在的工艺性缺陷signal layer checks------------------线路层检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查drill summary------------------生成padstack中的孔的统计数字,查找padtack中的最小焊环quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的SMD定位和封装的统计报告orbotechAOI checks------------------microvia checks------------------ 提供HDI设计的高效钻孔分析rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------DFM之Cleanuplegnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议不用construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADdrawn to outline ------------------以线或轮廓来代替线绘区域减少层中的部件数量DFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)DFM之sliversliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的组件之间的slivertangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------tangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------compare ------------------层对比(很有用,可以查看层与层之间改动过的地方)flaten------------------ 翻转(只有在拼版里面才会出现)create shapelist------------------产生形状列表delete shapelist------------------删除形状列表EDIT菜单undo------------------撤消上一次操作delete------------------删除move------------------移动*copy------------------复制*resize------------------修改图形大小形状*transform------------------旋转、镜像、缩放connections------------------buffer------------------reshape------------------polarity------------------更改层的极性*cerate------------------建立*change------------------更改*attributes------------------属性edit之resizeglobal------------------所有图形元素surfaces------------------沿着表面resizc therrnals and donuts------------------散热盘及同圆contourize&resize------------------表面化及修改尺寸poly line ------------------多边形by factor------------------按照比例edit之movesame layer------------------同层移动other layer------------------移动到另一层streteh parallel lines------------------平行线伸缩orthogonal strrtch------------------平角线伸缩move triplets (fixed angele)------------------角度不变地移线(ALT+D)move triplets (fixed length)------------------长度不变地移线(ALT+J)move&to panel------------------把STEP中的图形移动到其它的STEP中edit 之copysame layer------------------同层移动other layer------------------移动到另一层step&repeatsame layer------------------同层移动other layer------------------同层排版edit之reshapechange symbolsame ------------------更改图形break------------------打散break to Islands/holes------------------打散特殊图形arc to lines------------------弧转线line to pad------------------线转padcontourize------------------创建铜面部件(不常用)clean holes------------------清理空洞cleansurface------------------清理surfacefill------------------填充(可以将surface以线填充)design to rout ------------------设计到rout(做锣带常用,最佳值432)substitue ------------------替代(常用,分孔图转钻孔)cutting data------------------填充成surface (常用来填充CAD数据)olarityrc direction------------------封闭区域edit之polarity(图像性质)positive------------------图像为正negative------------------图像为负invert------------------正负转换edit之ceate(建立)step------------------新建一个stepsymbol------------------新建一个symbolprofile------------------新建一个profileedit之change(更改)change text------------------更改字符串pads to slots------------------pad 变成slots (槽)space tracks evenly------------------自动平均线隙(很重要)ACTIONS菜单check lists------------------检查清单re-read ERFS------------------重读erf文件netlist analyzer------------------网络分析netlist optimization------------------网络优化output------------------输出clear selete&highlight------------------取消选择或高亮reverse seleteion---------------参考选择(很重要,有TOUCH(接触)COVERED(完全接触))script action------------------设置脚本名称selete drawn------------------选择线(一般用来选大铜皮)convert netlist to layers------------------转化网络到层notes------------------文本contour operations------------------bom view------------------surface操作OPTION菜单seletion------------------选择attributes------------------属性graphic control------------------显示图形控制snap------------------抓取measuer------------------测量工具fill parameters------------------填充参数colors------------------显示颜色设置components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查board-drill checks------------------查找钻孔层与补偿削铣层中潜在的工艺性缺陷signal layer checks------------------线路层检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查drill summary------------------生成padstack中的孔的统计数字,查找padtack中的最小焊环quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的SMD定位和封装的统计报告orbotechAOI checks------------------microvia checks------------------ 提供HDI设计的高效钻孔分析rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------yield improvement------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------DFM之Cleanuplegnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议不用construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADDFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)DFM之sliversliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的组件之间的slivertangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------tangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查board-drill checks------------------查找钻孔层与补偿削铣层中潜在的工艺性缺陷signal layer checks------------------线路层检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查drill summary------------------生成padstack中的孔的统计数字,查找padtack中的最小焊环quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的orbotechAOI checks------------------microvia checks------------------ 提供HDI设计的高效钻孔分析rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------yield improvement------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------DFM之Cleanuplegnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议不用construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADdrawn to outline ------------------以线或轮廓来代替线绘区域减少层中的部件数量DFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)DFM之sliversliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的组件之间的slivertangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化tangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------clean holes------------------清理空洞cleansurface------------------清理surfacefill------------------填充(可以将surface以线填充)design to rout ------------------设计到rout(做锣带常用,最佳值432)substitue ------------------替代(常用,分孔图转钻孔)cutting data------------------填充成surface (常用来填充CAD数据)olarityrc direction------------------封闭区域edit之polarity(图像性质)positive------------------图像为正negative------------------图像为负invert------------------正负转换edit之ceate(建立)step------------------新建一个stepsymbol------------------新建一个symbolprofile------------------新建一个profileedit之change(更改)change text------------------更改字符串pads to slots------------------pad 变成slots (槽)space tracks evenly------------------自动平均线隙(很重要)ACTIONS菜单check lists------------------检查清单re-read ERFS------------------重读erf文件netlist analyzer------------------网络分析netlist optimization------------------网络优化output------------------输出clear selete&highlight------------------取消选择或高亮reverse seleteion---------------参考选择(很重要,有TOUCH(接触)COVERED(完全接触))script action------------------设置脚本名称selete drawn------------------选择线(一般用来选大铜皮)convert netlist to layers------------------转化网络到层notes------------------文本contour operations------------------bom view------------------surface操作seletion------------------选择attributes------------------属性graphic control------------------显示图形控制snap------------------抓取measuer------------------测量工具fill parameters------------------填充参数line parameters------------------线参数colors------------------显示颜色设置components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查board-drill checks------------------查找钻孔层与补偿削铣层中潜在的工艺性缺陷signal layer checks------------------线路层检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查drill summary------------------生成padstack中的孔的统计数字,查找padtack中的最小焊环quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的SMD定位和封装的统计报告orbotechAOI checks------------------microvia checks------------------ 提供HDI设计的高效钻孔分析rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------yield improvement------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------DFM之Cleanuplegnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADdrawn to outline ------------------以线或轮廓来代替线绘区域减少层中的部件数量DFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)DFM之sliversliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的组件之间的slivertangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------tangency elimination------------------DFM之optimizationsignal layer opt ------------------线路层优化line width opt------------------components------------------零件ANALYSIS菜单surface analyzer------------------查找铜面部件中的问题drill checks------------------钻孔检查board-drill checks------------------查找钻孔层与补偿削铣层中潜在的工艺性缺陷signal layer checks------------------线路层检查power/ground checks------------------内层检查solder mask check------------------阻焊检查silk screen checks ------------------字符层检查profile checks------------------profile检查quote analysis------------------smd summary------------------对外层铜箔层执行操作,生成有关被检验层中的SMD定位和封装的统计报告orbotechAOI checks------------------microvia checks------------------ 提供HDI设计的高效钻孔分析rout layer checks------------------pads for drill------------------列出每种类型钻孔的焊盘尺寸以及焊盘的数量DFM菜单cleanup------------------redundancy cleaunp------------------repair------------------sliver------------------optimization------------------yield improvement------------------advanced------------------custom------------------legacy------------------dft------------------DFM之Cleanuplegnd detection------------------文本检测construct pads (auto)------------------自动转padconstruct pads (auto,all angles)------------------自动转pad(无论角度大小)建议不用construct pads (ref)------------------手动转pad (参照erf)DFM之redundancy cleanupaaredundant line removal------------------删除重线nfp removal------------------------------删重孔、删独立PADdrawn to outline ------------------以线或轮廓来代替线绘区域减少层中的部件数量DFM之repairpad snapping------------------整体PAD对齐pinhole elimination------------------除残铜补沙眼neck down repair------------------修补未完全被其它线或焊盘覆盖的圆端或方端产生的颈锁断开(即修补未连接上的线)DFM之sliversliver´ angles------------------修补潜在加工缺陷的锐角sliver&peelablerepair------------------查找修补信号层、地电层和阻焊层中的sliverlegend sliver fill------------------用于填充具有.nomenclature属性集的。
适用范围: N2000色谱工作站。
责任: N2000色谱工作站操作人员按本规程操作,检验室主任监督本规程的执行。
程序:1. 配置。
1.1 硬件 CPU奔腾II 内存64MB并配备一个光驱的计算机,并加一个色谱工作站数据采集卡及打印机。
1.2 软件在中文Windows98环境下运行,由N2000软件组成。
2. 开机及系统设置。
2.1 打开显示器及计算机主机的开关,计算机自检完毕后,进入桌面屏幕。
2.2 双点击N2000在线色谱工作站,待工作站运行后,出现“打开通道1”或“打开通道2”画面,在1或2或两者旁边点击,打上一个“√”,再单击“OK”即可以进入N2000型在线色谱工作站。
2.3 出现“实验信息”方法,数据采集的按钮。
2.3.1 单击实验信息,可以用中文或英文输入实验标题、实验人姓名、实验单位、实验简介。
2.3.2 单击“方法”,进入编辑实验方法,屏幕下方出现采集控制、积分、组分表谱图显示,报告编辑,仪器条件6个按钮。单击“采集控制”,在屏幕上可以输入采样结束时间,文件保存方式,如是自动方式,并在文件前缀的空白处输入一个有特征性的文字,便于以后色谱文件的管理,还可选择标样保存路径,样品保存路径,采样结束是否要自动积分及采样结束后是否自动打印报告,完毕后,单击“采用”按钮。单击“积分”,在屏幕上可以选择积分参量(面积或高度),积分方法(归一法内标法,外标法等。
THOMMEN 2000中文说明书
操作说明书1、说明在国际市场上,微型THOMMEN 2000高度计-气压计是最好的仪器之一。
现在你拥有一台THOMMEN 2000,就应该很好的使用它。
THOMMEN 2000除了能被放在口袋或用绳子挂在脖子上,还可以借助支架放在书桌或桌面上,也可以贴到墙上或你的汽车仪表板上(见第4部分—附件)。
任何一款THOMMEN 2000被带到海拔1500m(50000英尺)的地方,其所有功能都不会损坏。
THOMMEN 2000的刻度不仅用气压单位而且也用高度单位校准过,所以在它上面能直接读海拔。
THOMMEN 2000是经过温度补偿的,换句话说,在温度变化而气压没有变化的情况下,读数不会发生变化。
3、操作使用THOMMEN 2000时涉及到仅有的步骤是通过旋转暴露在仪器顶部和底部的锯齿状调整环,调节海拔和气压环境瞬间变化。
程序编写 6 刀具/工件测量 5 机床运行 4 开机与回零 3 系统简介 2 加工一个零件 1版本号:v2.0.2 NUT铣床操作手册模拟仿真/图形轨迹 7目录1 加工一个零件 (5)2 系统简介 (7)2.1 界面介绍 (7)2.2 操作面板介绍 (8)2.3 系统状态介绍 (15)3 开机与回零 (16)3。
1 开机 (16)3.2 回零 (16)3.2。
1 单轴回零163。
2.2 全部回零174 机床运行 (18)4。
1 手动运行 (18)4。
1.1 手动转动主轴184。
1.2 手动连续移动进给轴194.1。
3 手动增量移动进给轴194.1.4 手脉移动进给轴 (19)4。
2 MDA运行 (20)4。
3 执行程序 (21)4。
1 正常执行程序214.3.2 段跳跃 (22)4.3。
3 条件停225 刀具/工件测量 (23)5。
1 刀具测量 (23)5。
2 工件测量 (25)5.2。
1 通用测量 (26)5.2。
2 矩形中心测量 (27)5.2.3 圆形中心测量 (28)5。
4左下角测量295.3 刀偏表 (30)5。
4 零偏表 (32)6 程序编写 (34)6.1 编辑当前程序 (34)6.2 新建程序 (36)6。
3 编写程序与保存 (38)6.4 程序检验 (38)6。
1 语法检查386。
1、点 放大按扭,或者在图谱上双击 2、按住鼠标左键选择需要放大的区域,选择的区域 为红色显示 3、松开鼠标,点一下右键,此时选择的区域就已经 放大了 4、若想继续放大,可以继续按住鼠标左键选择某一 区域,然后点右键 5、若要查看全谱,再次点击右键即可 6、若点右键无法显示全谱,可以试试双击右键 7、中途退出‘放大’操作请按回车
3、自定义峰值显示,主要命令 “DP”
1、键入“DP”命令后,出现十字光标,将光标移动到想要标 示的峰上,点击鼠标左键,重复操作可以对每一个想要标示 的峰进行标示。 2、在某个峰上点右键,可以看到该峰的强度值,还可以修改 化学位移是否置顶显示 3、可以在此命令状态下,对某个峰值按住鼠标左键(此时数 字框变成蓝色),对其进行任意拖动,放在你想要的位置。 4、‘K’:删除离鼠标最近的峰值 5、‘U’、‘D’、‘L’、 ‘R’:对鼠标最近的峰进行上下左右 拖动 6、用 “Ctrl+P” 命令决定是否显示峰值。
1、输入命令 “ID”,如图所示,左边出现滚动条,拉动滚 动条可以调整积分线的大小,使积分线处于软件屏幕内。
2、输入命令Z,左边又出现一个滚动条,拖动此滚动条可 以调整积分线的高低,调整完毕后回车退出此滚动条,注 意回车只能按一次。
单击鼠标左键出现红色光标线,移动到积分的起点,第二 次单击左键,此时出现绿色光标线,移动到积分的终点, 第三次单击左键,即完成对某一峰的积分工作。重复操作 即可对每个峰进行积分工作。按L可以删除最后一个积分
用鼠标点 ,然后按住鼠标左键不放,左 右拉动,直到相位调整到满意为止,若一次 调整不好,还可以松开鼠标后再次按住鼠标 左右拖动。 命令方式:“PH” , 一般结合 “ZP” 命令 应用
Sun N2000 Series入门指南说明书
Sun™ N2000 Series Release 2.0 —入门指南Sun Microsystems, Inc.文件号码 819-0708-102004 年 10 月,修订版 A请将对本文档的意见提交至:/hwdocs/feedback请回收版权所有 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. 保留所有权利。
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- 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 -
6.5 F4 组 6.6 F5 组 6.7 F6 组 6.8 F7 组 6.9 F8 组 6.10F9 组 6.11FA组 6.12FB组 6.13FC组 6.14FF组 6.15FP组
输入功能参数 输出功能参数 扶梯基本参数 辅助功能参数 辅助管理参数 保护功能参数 通讯参数 扶梯专用功能设置 新增功能参数 厂家参数(保留) 用户参数
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Instron Wilson Rockwell Series 2000硬度测试仪操作说明说明书
INSTRON WILSON ROCKWELL SERIES 2000 HARDNESS TESTER“Stanley”OperatingInstructionsW I L S O N R O C K W E L L S E R I E S2000H A R D N E S S T E S T E RT able of ContentsIntroduction 11S A F E T Y A N D S A M P L EP R E P A R A T I O NSafety Hazards and Precautions 1Sample Preparation 12B A C K G R O U N DBackground Information 2Rockwell Hardness Testing 2Durometer Hardness Testing 4References 43O P E R A T I O NInstrument Operation 5Helpful Hints 5Scale Selection 6IntroductionThe Instron Series 2000 Rockwell Hardness Tester is a state-of-the-art, load-cell stylehardness tester that features a closed loop electronic control system, fast and easyoperation, and automatic conversions of hardness scales and hardness values. Safety and Sample PreparationSafety Hazards and PrecautionsStanley (the Rockwell hardness tester) is a relatively safe machine. Try to resist hardness testingyour body parts or the body parts of bystanders. Always wear eye protection when using theRockwell hardness tester.Sample PreparationSpecimen Geometry. Avoid irregular shapes. Hardness test specimens should have parallel top and bottom surfaces.•Cylindrical specimens are fine, but you’ll need to add a cylindrical correction factor to your readings; the machine can be set up to do this automatically.•Tubular specimens may be tested as long as the tube diameter, wall thickness, and hardness are sufficient to prevent the tube from springing or crushing during the test.•Curved plates should be tested with the convex side down (against the anvil) to prevent elastic deformation and spring back of the plate.Surface Condition. The testing surface should be clean and relatively smooth. Thanks to theautomatic application of the 10 kgf “minor load” prior to the test load, thin surface layers (oxide, lacquer, etc.) and light machining marks will not dramatically affect the results of hardness tests on the regular (non-superficial) scales.Thickness. Hardness indentations create a region of deformed material around the visibleindentation, and depending on the material, this deformed region may be rather large. If your test specimen is too thin, you may become a victim of the “Anvil Effect.” The Anvil Effect is anerroneously high hardness reading that results from the plastically deformed region around your hardness indentation actually running into the hard support anvil. A general rule-of-thumb fortest specimen thickness is 10x the indentation depth. Of course, the Rockwell hardness testdoesn’t provide the user with indentation depth information, so this is a worthless rule-of-thumb.Better approaches are to use the Hardness vs. Minimum Thickness Chart 55 (see poster) as aguide for minimum thickness or to perform a hardness test and examine the bottom surface ofyour specimen for any signs of deformation.NOTE: The following text is adapted from the Introduction to Hardness Testing section of ASM Handbook, Volume 8 Mechanical Testing and Evaluation.The term hardness, as it is used in industry, may be defined as the ability of a material to resist permanent indentation or deformation when in contact with an indenter under load. Generally a hardness test consists of pressing an indenter of known geometry and mechanical properties into the test material. The hardness of the material is quantified using one of a variety of scales that directly or indirectly indicate the contact pressure involved in deforming the test surface. Since the indenter is pressed into the material during testing, hardness is also viewed as the ability of a material to resist compressive loads. However, do not mistake hardness for compressive strength, since it is a result of many different material properties, some of which involve the way in which the material was manufactured. While hardness tests are not always exactly repeatable, the average of a series of tests should provide an accurate reading for any given material.There are four primary types of indentation hardness testing: Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, and Knoop. The Brinell and Rockwell tests are considered macroindentation hardness tests – they create a sizable indentation in the material, and test over a greater area. The Vickers and Knoop tests are considered microindentation hardness tests – their indentations are hardly noticeable, and are generally analyzed through a microscope. In the Brinell, Vickers, and Knoop tests, hardness value is the load supported by unit area of the indentation, expressed in kilograms per square millimeter (kgf/mm2). In the Rockwell tests, the depth of indentation at a prescribed load is determined and converted to a hardness number (without measurement units), which is inversely related to the depth.Durometer is another common type of hardness test. The durometer is a hand-sized instrument that measures the indentation hardness of rubber and plastic products. The tester is manually applied to the test specimen, and the hardness reading is observed on a dial or digital indicator. Durometer hardness is the resistance of the material being tested to the penetration of the indenter as the result of a variable force applied to the indenter by a spring. An infinitely hard material would yield a durometer hardness of 100, because there would be zero penetration. Durometer selection depends on the material being tested. Several types of durometers are available, and durometer hardness testing is described in ASTM D 2240, “Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness.”The importance of material hardness is very industry dependent. In general, high hardness corresponds to high strength and and low ductility. Each of these features can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. It may be desirable to have a hard material, such as diamond, that will resist surface scratches. On the other hand, very hard materials generally fracture easily and without deformation, and may perform poorly under impact loads. Further, harder materials are generally much more difficult to machine. Thus, from structural design or manufacturing standpoints, materials with low hardness may be preferred.Figure 1. A diagram of the Rockwell hardness test. Photo from ASM Handbooks Online, Volume 8.Macroindentation Hardness T esting – Rockwell Hardness T estingRockwell hardness testing differs from Brinell testing in that the Rockwell hardness number isbased on the difference of indenter depth from two load applications. Initially a minor load is applied, and a zero datum is established. A major load is then applied for a specified period of time, causing an additional penetration depth beyond the zero datum point previously established by the minor load. After the specified dwell time for the major load, it is removed while still keeping the minor load applied. As shown in Figure 1, the resulting Rockwell number represents the difference in depth from the zero datum position as a result of the application of the major load. The entire procedure requires only 5 to 10 s.One interesting aspect of the Rockwell hardness test is the multitude of scales by which hardness is measured (Figure 2). Over time, many different types of indenters have been used for Rockwell tests on many different types of materials. While it is slightly convenient that different tools have been developed for a broad range of purposes, each indenter demands its own unique scale. For information on the appropriate indenter to use for a specific material, consult the ASM Handbook Online, Volume 8 for hardness testing.Since the Rockwell test uses its own scale, it is best used as a relative measurement between materials. However, to get a sense of how Rockwell values compare to those of other hardness tests, you may consult Figure 2 or reference hardness conversion tables. A reference table that compares Rockwell to Vickers, Brinell, and Knoop hardness is posted in the materials science lab (AC 413).Macroindentation Hardness T esting - Durometer Hardness T estingWhile Rockwell tests work very well on metals, other hardnesstests that are much better suited for non-metal materials. One such test is the durometer test, which is commonly used for polymeric materials. In the durometer test, hardness is based on the force required to create a dent of a specific depth. The durometer test is probably the easiest of the hardness tests – simply press the durometer into the material until its bottom surface is flush with the surface of the material. Wait three seconds to accommodate the viscoelastic response of the polymer, and then read the hardness directly from the durometer scale. That’s it!There are many different durometer scales, but the Shore A and Shore D scales span a non-overlapping range of hardness that works excellently in conjunction with the Rockwell tests (Figure 2), and also happen to be the two that we have in the lab. Use the type A durometer for softer materials, and the type Ddurometer for harder materials. Since there is really no need for a token diagram in this section, please accept this graphical illustration of a badger instead.References• ASM Handbook Online, Volume 8 Æ Hardness Testing • Askeland: Sections 6.7 for hardness testing • ASTM E18, E38Figure 2. A Comparison betweenthree of the most commonmacroindentation hardness tests. Image adopted from:/~dt m24/IT283/hardness_2.htmlBadger illustration from/badger.jpgW I L S O N R O C K W E L L S E R I E S2000H A R D N E S S T E S T E R3 Operation1.Turn on the machine by pressing the power button on the control console.2.Select a scale by pressing the arrow button next to scale on the display. Consult the RockwellHardness poster or Rockwell Scale Application Guide (see below) for the appropriate scale.3.Select an anvil (the supporting piece) appropriate for your specimen geometry.4.Check if your indenter tip is the proper one for the selected scale. If necessary, change theindenter tip, as follows:•Raise the testing head assembly (if necessary) with the up/down arrow button.•Remove the indenter tip by pulling straight down on the indenter tip (you don’t need to loosen the knurled knob).•Locate the proper indenter. Indenters may be found in the containers on the left side of the tester.•Align the flat side of the new indenter tip to where the knob is and push in (do not turn the knurled knob).5.Control the indenter tip location with the arrow buttons on the front of the instrument.When sample is aligned under indenter tip, press the green start button to begin testing.6.Record your reading, find a new location, and repeat the testing procedure.Helpful Hints1.Your hardness reading should fall within the 20-100 range. If the measured hardness is out ofthis range, you should switch to a different scale.2.When changing the scale the display shows which indenter tip should be in the machine,check to make sure the display matches the actual indenter.3.If a certain scale must be used, as with thin samples, the machine can convert your readings toanother scale. Press the arrow next to convert in the scale and select the desired scale.4.For the most accurate results, take several measurements and average them.5.Don’t perform hardness tests too close to the edge of your specimen. Outer edges maydeform and result in an incorrect “soft” reading. A general rule-of-thumb is to stay at least 2indenter diameters away from edges.6.Don’t perform hardness tests too close to previous indentations. Most metals will hardenwhen deformed at room temperature, and testing too close to previous indentations willprovide an erroneously high reading.W I L S O N R O C K W E L L S E R I E S2000H A R D N E S S T E S T E RScale SelectionRockwell Scale Application GuideScale Symbol IndenterMajorLoad kgfTypical Applications of ScalesHRA Brale®Diamond 60 Cemented carbides, thin steel and shallow case hardenedsteelHRB 1/16" ball 100 Copper alloys, soft steels, aluminum alloys, malleable ironHRC Brale®Diamond 150 Steel, hard cast irons, pearlitic malleable iron, titanium, deep case hardened steel and other materials harder thanB100HRD Brale®Diamond 100 Thin steel and medium case hardened steel and pearlitic malleable ironHRE 1/16" ball 100 Cast iron, aluminum and magnesium alloys, bearing metals HRF 1/16" ball 60 Annealed copper alloys, thin soft sheet metalsHRG 1/16" ball 150 Phosphor bronze, beryllium copper, malleable irons. Upperlimit G92 to avoid possible flattening of ballHRH 1/8" ball 60 Aluminum, zinc, leadHRK HRL HRM HRP HRR HRS HRV 1/8" ball1/4" ball1/4" ball1/4" ball1/2" ball1/2" ball1/2" ball1506010015060100150Bearing metals and other very soft or thin materials,including plastics (See ASTM D785). Use smallest ball andheaviest load that do not give anvil effect.Rockwell superficial scales are used to test materials too thin for the regular scales. Generally Brale® Diamond Indenters are used for hard materials while Ball Indenters are used on soft materials. (Allsuperficial scales use a 3 kgf minor load.)HR15N HR30N HR45NBrale®Diamond15 kg30 kg45 kg•Cemented carbides, thin steel and shallow casehardened steel•Steel, hard cast irons, pearlitic malleable iron,titanium, deep case hardened steel and othermaterials harder than B100•Thin steel and medium case hardened steel andpearlitic malleable ironHR15T HR30T HR45T 1/16" ball 15 kg30 kg45 kg•Copper alloys, soft steels, aluminum alloys, malleableiron•Annealed copper alloys, thin soft sheet metals•Phosphor bronze, beryllium copper, malleable irons.Upper limit G92 to avoid possible flattening of ballHR15W HR30W HR45W 1/8" ball 15 kg30 kg45 kgHR15X HR30X HR45X 1/4" ball 15 kg30 kg45 kg•Cast iron, aluminum and magnesium alloys, bearingmetals•Aluminum, zinc, lead•Steel, hard cast irons, pearlitic malleable(All regular scales use a 10 kgf minor load)。
WP2000系统使用维护手册威泵WP2000电控燃油喷射系统用户手册(初稿)适用机型: 6B220 30成都威特电喷有限公司2007年7月WP2000系统使用维护手册 共1页 第1页目 录1系统简介2WP2000系统3WP2000总成4电控单元(ECU)5线束部件6传感器7高压油管及喷油器8系统相位9油量特性编码输入10控制程序和MAP的再版刷新11维护与保养12故障诊断1 系统简介 1) 概述威泵2000 (WP2000)电控柴油喷射系统是成都威特公司为适应国家排放法规,满足中小型柴油发动机对排放、动力性、经济性等方面的需求而自主开发的柴油机电控燃油喷射系统。
系统通过ECU 传感器监测发动机的工作状态,对柴油机各种运行工况进行实时判别、喷油定时、喷油量的精确控制,能显著提高柴油机的动力性、经济性和降低噪声。
本系统适用于单缸功率为20kW~40kW 的柴油机。
2) WP2000组成WP2000系统由以下部件组成:部件名称数量WIT 代号备 注型号(指排放)WP2000总成 1 WP2110135S6A1 WP2000 ECU 电控单元 1 ECU0601 ECU2.0 ECU-001线束部件 1 TX0601 台架试验线束各车型有专用线束部件型号凸轮轴转速传感器1 MG4S 曲轴转速传感器 1 MG4S中冷后压力/温度传感器1 YWG1S 压力及温度传感器冷却水温传感器 1 WG1S 传感器燃油温度传感器1WG1S表13)WP2000在发动机上的安装1.2.1 安装特点1) 安装方式与P7100机械泵类似,与齿轮室之间采用法兰面轴向定位(法兰端面与 齿轮室端面帖合)、轴承盖径向定位,法兰面四个螺栓锁紧,同时尾部托架辅助支承的方式。
Slant Fin Base Line 2000产品说明书
Base/Line 2000 includes these important features:• Flared element tubes facilitate joining sections.• Heavy gauge front cover and reinforced brackets give enclosure exceptional strength.• Ample space above each heating element for a return line using standard copper fittings.• 13⁄4" floor-to-front cover opening promotes good air circulation for effective convection heating.• Fully modulating, pivot mounted damper helps control individual room temperatures.• Neat fitting accessories that stay in place help maintain beautiful appearance.Renowned Slant/Fin element provides high-performance heatingBase/Line 2000 is made with the premium quality Slant/Fin E-Series 3/4" or 1/2" copper/aluminum heating element. The exclusive double bent aluminum fins pack extra heating surface in a slim enclosure. Interconnecting fin design lets fins reinforce each other while preventing vibration noises. Self-adjusting velvet-smooth plastic expansion cradles eliminate noisy metal-to-metal contact with bracket and enclosure.Base/Line 2000 is made by Slant/Fin in the industry’s most advanced baseboard manufacturing facility. You can count on consistent high quality piece to piece and job to job.Choice of element size broadens range of applications.®• 73⁄8" height• Choice of 3/4" or 1/2" heating element • 600 Btu/ft. output*• Pre-cut lengths from 2' to 10'.• Nu-White baked enamel finishBase/Line 2000, the competitive baseboard from Slant/Fin,is ideal for heating in tract housing, apartments and renova-tions. It provides gentle full room convection heating that blocks chilling drafts at the outside walls. Its attractive design and Nu-White baked enamel finish look good in any room.“Contractor-friendly” for trouble-free installationBase/Line 2000 is manufactured with contractor-friendly features for quick, trouble free installation,without annoying callbacks. Each length of baseboard is fully assembled, ready for box-to-wall installation*Operating at 180° water temp.Hot Water Baseboard Radiationsupport bracket accomodates returntubing above the heating element using standard fittings.HINGED END CAP No. BL-LECH-LEFT No. BL-RECH-RIGHT4" wide with piano-hinged door. Allows 3" adjustment.NON-HINGED WALL TRIMNo. BL-WT-4—4"2" SPLICE PLATE One piece splice plate included free with every baseboard unit 5' and over.OUTSIDE CORNER No. BL-OC-90—90°No. BL-OC-135—135°43⁄4"wide (2" at top),one-piece unit.INSIDE CORNER No. BL-IC-90—90°No. BL-IC-135—135°33⁄4" wide at top (25⁄16" for 135°).FILLER SLEEVE No. BL-FS-7—7"No. BL-FS-14—12"One piece filler sleeve covers gaps from 1" to 6" or 1" to 10".Base/Line 2000 hot water baseboard radiation accessories:Please specify part number and name when ordering.NON-HINGED END CAPNo. BL- LECN-LEFT No. BL-RECN-RIGHT 2" solid metal43⁄32"133⁄64"723⁄64"245⁄64"139⁄64"123⁄64"231⁄32"111⁄16"VALVE COVER No. BL-LVC-LEFT No. BL-RVC-RIGHT 8" wide with piano-hinged door.Dimensional and installation data:Baseboard and all hinged accessories serve either flush or recessed installation.† End cap width: Non-hinged, 2". Hinged, 4" .2"33⁄4"4"12" or 7"4"Ratings:Base/Line 2000 Series Hot water ratings, BTU/HR per linear ft. with 65°F entering air .©Slant/Fin 2018 • Printed in U.S.A. 718 • Publication No. BL-10U.S.A.Slant/Fin Corporation • 100 Forest Drive Greenvale, NY 11548 • CanadaSlant/Fin LTD/LTEE • 400 Ambassador Drive,Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2 J3 • 905-677-8400www.slantfin.caLook for ourHydronic Explorer appon iTunes, Google Play and at (Works on iPad, iPhone & Android devices)NOTE:Ratings are for element installed as per drawing shown in “Dimensional Data”window (open “Dimensional Data” window to view) with damper open, with expansion cradles. Ratings are based on active finned length (5" to 6" less than overall length)and include 15% heating effect factor. Ratings are also based on 3/4" (BL-75) or 1/2"(BL-50) nominal copper tubing with 2-5/8" x 2-1/8" x .009" aluminum fins, bent to 2-19/64" x 2-1/8" or 2-5/16" x 2-1/8", spaced 56.35 per linear foot (BL-75) or 55 per linear foot (BL-50) (unpainted). Use 4 gpm ratings only when flow is known to be equal to or greater than 4 gpm; otherwise, 1 gpm ratings must be used.Brackets per length:Complete assembly and enclosure only。
Somerset Industries CDR-2000前端面包机操作手册说明书
CDR-2000Front Operated Dough RollerOPERATIONS MANUALSOMERSET INDUSTRIES137 PHOENIX AVE • LOWELL, MA 01852 • USA • +1-978-667-3355 Email: *******************Web: MACHINE INSTALLATIONCut off the Fastener wrapped around the machine andthe base. Lift the machine straight up out of thewooden base. Install the machine in its final positionor temporarily secure it to a solid surface. Wipe offany dirt that may have accumulated during shipping.(Use a soft cloth) Check the nameplate for correctvoltage and frequency. Plug the machine to the properpower source that matches the nameplate requirements.For the machine to operate verify:1.All scrapers are installed & secured properly.2.The safety cover is closed & secured with two thumbscrews.3.The emergency stop (E-Stop) is in RESET. (Turn clockwise to verify)Press the green button (start) switch and the machine will start.MACHINE SET UPThe thickness of the final product is determined by the gap between therollers. Machines leaving the factory are adjusted as follows:The top roll dial is aligned w ith the number 4.The bottom roll dial is aligned w ith the number 2.If these numbers are not correct or your product requires other adjustments, please make adjustments as follows:•Loosen the bottom clamping knob•Move the handle such that the dial points close to your desired line.•Tighten the clamping knobYou may adjust both handles in any direction to produce the final product thickness you require. Please note that the dial numbers are for reference only. With very little practice, the rollers can be adjusted so that a perfectly round piece of dough can be made with no waste.Make sure the safety cover is closed and secured by the two thumbscrews when operating the machine.!! Machine w i ll not operate w h en saf e ty cover is open or not secure !!!! Check that Emergency Stop is not pressed in !!DOUGH P REP A RATIONFor best results, the dough to be rolled should be at room temperature.The size and shape of the dough ball affects the size and shape of the finished crust. Forround crusts, take a round piece of dough and flatten it slightly.Dust the dough pieces with flour before putting them in the machine.OP E RATING P ROCEDUREThe dough comes through the first pair of rollers, oblong in shape, and from the second set ofrollers round in shape.The rollers are easily adjustable to any thickness of pizza dough or crust you may need.For example, if making a 10” diameter of dough, set the top roller adjustment so that thedough comes out 10” long, and set the bottom roller adjustment so that it stretches to 10” inthe other direction. The machine has the most success by setting the dough thickness on thehandles using a 2 to 1 ratio of the top and bottom roll settings. This set up will give you themost success for getting a perfectly round piece of doughIf dough does not slide easily on the discharge trays, dust the trays with flour.If the dough tears or the machine makes a thumping sound, this indicates that the dough is toothick to go through that particular setting of the rollers, which means your roller adjustmenthas to be opened more, or the dough is too cold and stiff and may require a longer rest periodbefore use.OP E RATIONLOAD THE DOUGH INTO THE CHUTEThe dough is rolledthrough the first set ofrollers, turn theelongated piece of dough¼ of a turn,and at the same timepush it back to wards thesecond set of rollers.The rounded piece of doughcomes out on the discharge tray.!!WARNING!!Never operate the machinewithout the guards, safetycover, or scrapers in place!Keep your hands andfingers away from thechute!Never force the doughdown into the chute withyour hands!!!WARNING!!TIP: If your application requires an elongated piece of dough, Do not rotate the dough for thesecond pass.!!WARNING!!∙Never operate the machine without the guards, safety cover, or scrapers in place!∙Keep your hands and fingers away from the chute!∙Never force the dough down into the chute with your hands!∙If the dough gets stuck:1.Press the red switch to stop the machine.2.Open the safety cover.3.Remove the dough∙Use the EMERGENCY STOP (E-STOP) only for emergencies∙Never use oil or grease on any of the mechanical parts of the machine!!WARNING!!CLEANING∙After all the Scrapers are removed:1.Clean the rolls with a clean cloth▪DO NOT USE WATER WITH THE CLOTH▪APPLY A THIN FILM OF COOKING OIL WITH A CLOTH2.Brush or wipe the sides of the machine and the trays3.Clean all the scrapers and verify they are not worn4.All beveled edges should be smooth and not knicked.5.Install the scrapers in the opposite order of removal.6.Close the safety cover and secure it with the two thumb screws.7.Press the green start switch when the machine is ready to use.♦Equipment food-contact surfaces should be clean to sight and touch.♦Equipment food-contact surfaces should be sanitized.!! CAUTION !!THIS MACHINE IS MAINTENANCE FREE.NEVER USE OIL OR GREASE ON ANY OF THE MECHANICAL PARTS OFTHE MACHINE.ALL MECHANICAL PARTS ARE PERMANENT SELF LUBRICATED.Removing & Installing scrapers!! CAUTION !!DISCONNECT THE POWER CORD OF THE MACHINE BEFOREOpen the safety cover by loosening the two thumb screws.Scraper # 1All scrapers are readily removable.#1 is l ocated behind the rollers in the back of the m achine.Thi s scraper shoul d si t on top of the scraper pins and point between the middle and bottom r olls.When springs are l atched, thebeveled si de of the scraper will push up against the middle roll .Scraper # 2 & 3Scraper # 4#2 & #3 attach to one another. The #2 scraper l ies on top of the scraper pins and the beveled edge pushes towards the top roll .The springs from the #2 scraper attach to the #3 Scraper f orcing the sl ots in the shaf t to go inside the scraper pins. The #3 bevel ed edge pushes against the middle roll and acts as a guard also.#4 i s l ocated under the di scharge tray a nd presses up against the bottom roll.The sl ots on the scraper rest on top of the scraper pins pushing the pl asti c blade against the bottom roll .The springs l atch onto thesl otted pins under the scraper pins.Quick Tips & Troubleshooting∙Never use the emergency stop as an on and off switch. The emergency stop is to be used only in emergency situations.∙Clean the rolls with a dry cloth. (NEVER USE WATER)∙Install the scrapers in the opposite order of their removal.∙Close the safety cover and secure it with the 2 thumb screws.∙Turn the power ON, and the machine is ready to use.∙If the machine does not start:1.Check if the AC Power is available2.Is the plug connected?3.Make sure the cover is down securely4.All scrapers are installed properlyIf rolls ever start to squeal due to dryness, remove and clean the scraper blades thoroughly and rub the beveled edge with cooking oil, like vegetable or canola. This technique will remove the squealing sound you get from friction between the roller and the dry scraper.!! CAUTION !!THIS MACHINE IS MAINTENANCE FREE.NEVER USE OIL OR GREASE ON ANY OF THE MECHANICAL PARTS OFTHE MACHINE.ALL MECHANICAL PARTS ARE PERMANENT SELF LUBRICATED.。
Condor UBS-2000 Ultimate Bike Stand 用户说明书
CONDOR® UBS-2000 ULTIMATE BIKE STAND USER INSTRUCTION MANUALSTOP! WARNING: READ THIS FIRST!First read and understand the instruction manual and product labels for important safety, set-up and troubleshooting information. If you have problems setting up or using the Condor® UBS-2000 Ultimate Bike Stand, contact customer service at (815) 754-7418 or contact us via email @ . The Condor® UBS-2000 Ultimate Bike Stand is not intended for use by children.Assembly Instructions : Remove all parts from shipping box. Check the parts below to make sure you have all the parts needed to assemble your Condor® UBS-2000 before beginning. In the unlikely event that you find a part damaged or missing, please call customer service @ #1-815-754-7418.Component PhotoItemComponent DescriptionQTYB UBS-2000 1C Foot Lever Pivot Arm with attached hardware(1 shoulder bolt, 2 Yellow washers, 1 Friction Nylatron washer, 1 locking washer, 1 high torqueself locking nut)1G 3/16” Alan Wrench 1Instructions:You will need the following tools for assembly:(1) 1/2” open ended wrenching the attached Instructions, attach the Foot Lever Pivot Arm to the Base Plate. Be sure to followinstructions carefully.2.Once you have correctly assembled your Condor® UBS-2000, place the unit on the ground and lay it in a flatposition to verify that the unit has been assembled correctly. The UBS-2000 should be able to lay flat asdepicted in Figure 1.3.Roll the bike forward over the unit until the rear tire is positioned on the back of the base plate as shown inFigure 2.4.Hold the bike securely upright with your left hand on the handlebar and your right hand on the rear of the bikefrom a secure location. Raise the side lever from the lower position to the upper position using your right foot as shown in Figures 3 and 4. Continue holding the bike steady while pushing back and down with your footon the foot lever to raise the platform up to the underside of the motorcycle’s frame as shown in Figure 5.**Note: It might take several attempts to become familiar with the optimallocation of the motorcycle with respect to the unit prior to lifting the bike off theground. **5.Once the platform is firmly pressed against the underside of the bike, double check (while making sure thatthe bike is held securely upright) that the bike is centered and properly positioned in middle of the raisingplatform. While continuing to hold the bike securely upright, push the foot lever back and down whilepulling back and guiding the bike into the upright position as shown in Figure 6.6.Once the bike has been raised with the lever positioned back and down to the ground, locate the quick releasepin attached to the unit as shown in Figure 7. Secure the unit in its upright position by inserting the pin intothe hole as shown in Figure 8.7.To lower the motorcycle off of the stand, first you must remove the quick release pin. Next, take hold of bothhandle bars and simply push the motorcycle forward. The stand will collapse and the bike will be able to rollforward over the unit as shown in Figures 9 & 10.Figure 1 Figure 2Figure 3Figure 4Figure 5Figure 6Figure 7Figure 8Figure 9Figure 10CAUTION:Always make sure that all fasteners are tight and ball bearings are in place prior to use. Understand the limitations of this product and do not exceed these limitations. Always make sure that the unit’s are at there optimum settings for the size of the motorcycle before use. Be sure to read and understand user instructions for the UBS-2000 Ultimate Bike Stand. If instructions are not clear, additional information is available at or call (800) 461-1344. Technical Components Development & Design is not responsible for any damage incurred by exceeding this product’s limitations in structure and/or functionality.One Year Limited Warranty:This UBS-2000 Ultimate Bike Stand product warranty extends to the original consumer purchaser of the product. All illustrations and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of printing. Technical Components Development & Design, Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in color, material, equipment, options, specifications and models. Models may be shown with optimal equipment. Further information may be obtained by contacting Technical Components Development & Design, Inc. at (815) 754-7418.Return Policy:15 Day return policy applies. Merchandise may be returned within 15 days of purchase. Merchandise must be unused and in its original packaging. Costumer must call Technical Components Development & Design, Inc. for a Return Authorization number. Return freight is at the responsibility and expense of the customers. Credit is given upon inspection of returned goods. A 15% re-stocking fee applies to all returned merchandise.Warranty Duration:This product is warranted to the original consumer purchase for a period of one (1) year from the original purchase date. What is not covered:Our warranty will not cover abnormal wear of parts, damage resulting from negligent use of misuse of the product, use contrary to operating instructions, or disassembly, repair or alteration by any person other than an authorized service station. We shall not be liable for any incidental of consequential damages for breach of by express or implied warranty on products.How your state’s law may apply:Some states do not allow limitations on how long any implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation or incidental or consequential damages. So the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state.Thank you for purchasing the Condor® UBS-2000 Ultimate Bike Stand.Condor®is a trademark of Technical Components Development & Design, Inc.The Condor® UBS-2000 Ultimate Bike Stand is US Patented & International Patent Pending.210 Stephenie Dr.Cortland, IL 60112Phone: (815) 754-7418Fax: (815) 754-7419Website: Foot Lever Arm Assembly Instructions1. Raise hinge member with adhered in-placewasher to attach Foot Lever Arm.2. Remover High torque nut, lock washer and spacer washer from Foot Lever Armhardware.3. Place the Foot Lever Arm into position by inserting the shoulder bolt into the angle arm hole. Be sure to have the hardware stack-up in the order shown above. You should have 1 large yellowwasher on the outside next to the bolt head, the thin Nylatron friction washer between the lever arm and the angle, one yellow washer followed by the lockwasher and locking nut (in that order). Note: besure that the spacer washer remains centeredaround the protruding shoulder of bolt whentightening.4. Tighten nut using the Alan wrench and a ½” wrench. Be sure not to over tighten soas to achieve minimal pivoting resistance and still maintain stability for the Foot Lever Arm actuation. NOTE: If over tighteningoccurs, slightly loosen nut until resistance level is achieved. Note: This is a self locking nut and will require a greater amount of force to tighten than a regular nut.。
Fujitsu软件BS2000 OMNIS-MENU V3.5用户手册说明书
Datasheet Fujitsu Software BS2000 OMNIS -MENU V3.5FUJITSU-PUBLIC Uncontrolled if printed /emeia/bs2000 1 of 3 © Fujitsu 2023Menu -driven operation of applicationsOMNIS-MENU offers a menu-driven interface with which the user can setup and cleardown connections to his applications without detailed knowledge of OMNIS. Switchingbetween applications is made easier by the use of keys.It is also possible to switch directly from OMNIS-MENU to the OMNIS command mode and to use other OMNIS functions.Datasheet Fujitsu Software BS2000 OMNIS -MENU V3.5FUJITSU-PUBLIC Uncontrolled if printed /emeia/bs2000 2 of 3 © Fujitsu 2023Functional description• Creating a user -specific terminalAn individual menu can be defined for each terminal user. This can be used to interwork with various partners.• The communication partners can be all application types supported by OMNIS (UTM, DCAM, TIAM, UCON, etc.). • P keys (or transaction codes) can be defined for dialog control and used to switch between applications.• A password must be defined for each user. This password can (or must) be altered. The modified password can also be used in UTM applications. The password is stored in encrypted form.• Single Sign On with KerberosSingle Sign On (SSO) on basis of the Kerberos authentication protocol is supported for user login to OMNIS -MENU. • Connection setup and cleardown from the required applications:Once the password has been checked the user’s individual working menu is displayed. Here the user can specify which applications he or she wishes to work with. A connection is then set up to the various applications and the relevant pre -dialog is performed.When logging off, the user can either retain all open connections or close them all. Connections can also be cleared down by means of a command. • Switchover functionWhen switching applications, OMNIS -MENU commences at the last screen output of the required application. This last output is displayed for the user, who can then enter data. • Help functionThe help function shows terminal users how to reach the applications specified for them.• Influencing control by application programsOMNIS -MENU is implemented as an OMNIS exit. In OMNIS users can define a number of exits and the order in which they are called. This OMNIS function allows users to exert an influence on the control of OMNIS -MENU. • Multiplex connections (OMNIS -UTM)OMNIS -MENU supports multiplex connections from OMNIS to openUTM via which more than one session can run concurrently. This considerably reduces the resourcerequirements when a large number of terminals are being used.Program description• Generation interfaceThe generation data for OMNIS -MENU are produced interactively using the OMNISMD utility routine. AllOMNIS -MENU configuration data may be modified while the system is running.• For each application, P keys can be defined that are available to the user after switching to this application. When the user logs in to or out from OMNIS -MENU, the P keys can be explicitly deleted in accordance with a global parameter. • Connection of terminalsOMNIS -MENU can be utilized by any number of data display terminals simultaneously. After connecting to OMNIS -MENU, users are shown a menu in which they must enter their name and password. After these entries have been checked users can select the applications they wish to work with.A generation parameter lets you specify whether a user can log in to OMNIS -MENU without restriction, or a user can log in only once. • ControlOMNIS -MENU is implemented as an OMNIS exit. All control functions (e.g. connection setup, monitoring of connections, transfer of messages to the application or terminal) are performed by the OMNIS base system.A K key can be globally defined (in conjunction with a P key) for switching to the OMNIS command mode. • Data protectionFull data protection is ensured. None of the terminals using OMNIS -MENU at the same time can access data associated with another terminal.Users can only work with applications specified for them at generation time. The applications’ data protection functions (e.g. key / lock concept in openUTM) are retained.When defining a password, one of four levels of complexity can be set, together with a minimum length and the period between changes, thereby taking account of increased data protection requirements.When the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts specified at generation is exceeded, the terminal is locked. If there is no activity at the terminal within the time period defined at generation (either globally or on auser -/menu -specific basis), the connection to the terminal is cleared down (the partner connection can optionally be retained).• User interfaceAll masks are available in both English and German. An attractive web interface is available using "WebTransactions for OSD".TopicsDatasheet Fujitsu Software BS2000 OMNIS -MENU V3.5FUJITSU-PUBLIC Uncontrolled if printed /emeia/bs20003 of 3 © Fujitsu 2023Technical detailsTechnical requirements HardwareFujitsu Server BS2000 SE Serie Technical requirements SoftwareFujitsu Software BS2000 OS DX V1.0 or OSD/XC V11.0BFujitsu Software BS2000 OMNIS V8.5 Fujitsu Software BS2000 FHS V8.3 Optional:- Fujitsu Software BS2000 openUTM - Fujitsu Software BS2000 SECOS- 'kerberos -able' terminal emulation, e.g. MT9750Requirements for the userKnowledge of BS2000Operating modeDialog User interface English / GermanInstallation InstallationBy the customer according to the User Guide and Release NoticeDocumentationon the manual server. TrainingSee course offer (German)Conditionswith the conditions for the use of software products.Ordering and delivery information The software product can be obtained from your local Fujitsu regional office.ContactFujitsuBS2000 ServicesEmail: **************************Website: /emeia/bs2000 2023-07-13 EM EN © Fujitsu 2023. All rights reserved. Fujitsu and Fujitsu logo are trademarks of FujitsuLimited registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product, service and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of Fujitsu or other companies. Thisdocument is current as of the initial date of publication and subject to be changed by Fujitsu without notice. This material is provided for information purposes only and Fujitsu assumes no liability related to its use.。
OMEGA CN2000 温度控制器PID三模式调节指南说明书
Temperature ControlTuning a PID (Three Mode) ControllerTuning a temperature controller involves setting the proportional, integral, and derivative values to get the best possible control for a particular process. If the controller does not include anautotune algorithm, or if the autotune algorithm does not provide adequate control for the particular application, then the unit must be tuned using trial and error.The following is a tuning procedure for the OMEGA CN2000 controller. It can be applied to other controllers as well. There are other tuning procedures which can also be used, but they all use a similar trial and error method. Note that if the controller uses a mechanical relay (rather than a solid state relay), a longer cycle time (20 seconds) should be used when starting out.The following definitions may be needed:1) Cycle time - Also known as duty cycle; the total length of time for the controller to complete one on/off cycle. Example: with a 20 second cycle time, an on time of 10 seconds and an off time of 10 seconds represents a 50 percent power output. The controller will cycle on and off while within the proportional band.2) Proportional band - A temperature band expressed in % of full scale or degrees within which the controller‘s proportioning ac-tion takes place. The wider the proportional band, the greater the area around the setpoint in which the proportional action takes place. This is sometimes referred to as gain, which is the reciprocal of proportional band.3) Integral, also known as reset, is a function which adjusts the proportional bandwidth with respect to the setpoint to com-pensate for offset (droop) from setpoint; that is, it adjusts the controlled temperature to setpoint after the system stabilizes.4) Derivative, also known as rate, senses the rate of rise or fall of system temperature and automatically adjusts the proportional band to minimize overshoot or undershoot.A PID (three mode) controller is capable of exceptional con-trol stability when properly tuned and used. The operator can achieve the fastest response time and smallest overshoot by following these instructions carefully. The information for tuning this three mode controller may be different from other controller tuning procedures. Normally a SELF TUNE feature will eliminate the need to use this manual tuning procedure for the primary output; however, adjustments to the SELF TUNE values may be made if desired.After the controller is installed and wired:1. Apply power to the controller.2. Disable the control outputs if possible.3. For time proportional primary output, set the cycle time. Enter the following value:CYCLE TIME 15 SEC (Only appears if output is a time proportional output. A smaller cycle time may be required for systems with an extreme-ly fast response time.)Then select the following parameters:PR BAND 1 ______5% (PB)RESET 1 ________0 R/M (TURNS OFF RESET FUNCTION)RESET 2 ________0 R/MRATE 1 _________0 MIN (TURNS OFF RATE FUNCTION)RATE 2 _________0 MINNOTEOn units with dual three mode outputs, the primary and second-ary tuning parameters are independently set and must be tuned separately. The procedure used in this section is for a HEATING primary output. A similar procedure may be used for a primary COOLING output or a secondary COOLING output.A. TUNING OUTPUTS FOR HEATING CONTROL 1. Enable the OUTPUT(S) and start the process.2. The process should be run at a setpoint that will allow the temperature to stabilize with heat input required.3. With RATE and RESET turned OFF, the temperature will stabilize with a steady state deviation, or droop, between the setpoint and the actual temperature. Carefully note whether or not there are regular cycles or oscillations in this temperature by observing the measurement on the display. (An oscillation may be as long as 30 minutes.) The tuning procedure is easier to follow if you use a recorder to monitor the process temperature.Figure 1. Temperature OscillationsPRIMARY TIMEDivide PB by 2 if you observe this. TIMEThis is close to perfect tuning.TIMEMultiply PB by 2 if you observe this.4. If there are no regular oscillations in the temperature, divide the PB by 2 (see Figure 1). Allow the process to stabilize and check for temperature oscillations. If there are still no oscillations, divide the PB by 2 again. Repeat until cycles or oscillations are obtained. Proceed to Step5.If oscillations are observed immediately, multiply the PB by 2. Observe the resulting temperature for several minutes. If the oscillations continue, increase the PB by factors of 2 until the oscillations stop.5. The PB is now very near its critical setting. Carefully in-crease or decrease the PB setting until cycles or oscillations just appear in the temperature recording.If no oscillations occur in the process temperature even at the minimum PB setting of 1%, skip Steps 6 through 11 below and proceed to paragraph B.6. Read the steady-state deviation, or droop, between setpoint and actual temperature with the “critical” PB setting you have achieved. (Because the temperature is cycling a bit, use the average temperature.)7 Measure the oscillation time, in minutes, between neigh-boring peaks or valleys (see Figure 2). This is most easily accomplished with a chart recorder, but a measurement can be read at one minute intervals to obtain the timing.8. Now, increase the PB setting until the temperature devia-tion, or droop, increases 65%.The desired final temperature deviation can be calculated by multiplying the initial temperature deviation achieved with the CRITICAL PB setting by 1.65 (see Figure 3) or by use of the convenient Nomogram I (see Figure 4). Try several trial-and-error settings of the PB control until the desired final temperature deviation is achieved.9. You have now completed all the measurements necessary to obtain optimum performance from the Controller. Only two more adjustments are required - RATE and RESET.10. U sing the oscillation time measured in Step 7, calculate the value for RESET in repeats per minutes as follows: RESET = 8 x 1 __ __ 5 T OWhere T O = Oscillation Time in Minutes. OR Use Nomogram II (see Figure 5):Enter the value for RESET 1.11. A gain using the oscillation time measured in Step 7, calcu-late the value for RATE in minutes as follows: RESET = T O __ 10Where T O = Oscillation TimeOR Use Nomogram III (see Figure 6)Enter this value for Rate 1.12. I f overshoot occurred, it can be eliminated by decreasing the RESET time. When changes are made in the RESET value, a corresponding change should also be made in the RATE adjustment so that the RATE value is equal to: RATE = 1 ______________ 6 x Reset Valuei.e., if reset = 2 R/M, the RATE = 0.08 min.13. S everal setpoint changes and consequent RESET and RATE time adjustments may be required to obtain the proper balance between “RESPONSE TIME” to a system upset and “SETTLING TIME.” In general, fast response is accompanied by larger overshoot and consequently shorter time for the process to “SETTLE OUT.” Conversely, if the response is slower, the process tends to slide into the final value with little or no overshoot. The requirements of the system dictate which action is desired.14. W hen satisfactory tuning has been achieved, the cycle time should be increased to save contactor life (applies to units with time proportioning outputs only (TPRI)). Increase the cycle time as much as possible without causing oscillations in the measurement due to load cycling.15. P roceed to Section C.TEMPERA TURE CYCLE TIME IN MINUTESCORRECT RESET SETTING IN REPEA TS PER MINUTE0.120100.20.353211230.500.300.2010200.100.05300.030.02100TRMPERA TURE CYCLE TIME IN MINUTESCORRECT RA TE SETTING IN MINUTES5440503032201100.330. 2. Oscillation TimeFigure 3. Calculating Final Temperature Deviation3ϒFigure 4. Nomogram IFigure 6. Nomogram IIIFigure 5. Nomogram IIB. TUNING PROCEDURE WHEN NO OSCILLATIONSARE OBSERVED1. Measure the steady-state deviation, or droop, betweensetpoint and actual temperature with minimum PB setting.2. Increase the PB setting until the temperature deviation(droop) increases 65%. Nomogram I (see Figure 4)provides a convenient method of calculating the desired final temperature deviation.3. Set the RESET 1 to a high value (10 R/M). Set the RATE1 to a corresponding value (0.02 MIN). At this point, themeasurement should stabilize at the setpoint tempera-ture due to reset action.4. Since we were not able to determine a critical oscilla-tion time, the optimum settings of the reset and rateadjustments must be determined by trial and error. After the temperature has stabilized at setpoint, increase the setpoint temperature setting by 10 degrees. Observe the overshoot associated with the rise in actual temperature.Then return the setpoint setting to its original value and again observe the overshoot associated with the actual temperature change.Excessive overshoot implies that the RESET and/orRATE values are set too high. Overdamped response(no overshoot) implies that the RESET and/or RATE val-ues are set too low. Refer to Figure 7. Where improved performance is required, change one tuning parameter at a time and observe its effect on performance whenthe setpoint is changed. Make incremental changes inthe parameters until the performance is optimized.5. When satisfactory tuning has been achieved, the cycletime should be increased to save contactor life (applies to units with time proportioning outputs only (TPRI)). Increase the cycle time as much as possible without causing oscilla-tions in the measurement due to load cycling.C. TUNING THE PRIMARY OUTPUT FOR COOLINGCONTROLThe same procedure is used as for heating. The process should be run at a setpoint that requires cooling control before the temperature will stabilize.D. SIMPLIFIED TUNING PROCEDURE FOR PID CON-TROLLERSThe following procedure is a graphical technique of analyz-ing a process response curve to a step input. It is much easier with a strip chart recorder reading the process vari-able (PV).1. Starting from a cold start (PV at ambient), apply fullpower to the process without the controller in the loop,i.e., with an open loop. Record this starting time.2. After some delay (for heat to reach the sensor), the PVwill start to rise. After more delay, the PV will reach amaximum rate of change (slope). Record the time atwhich this maximum slope occurs and the PV at which it occurs. Record the maximum slope in degrees perminute. Turn off system power.3. Draw a line from the point of maximum slope back to theambient temperature axis to obtain the lumped system time delay Td (see Figure 8). The time delay may alsobe obtained by the equation:Td = time to max. slope-(PV at max. slope - Ambient)/max. slope 4. Apply the following equations to yield the PID param-eters:Pr. Band = Td x max. slope x 100/span = % of spanReset= 0.4 / Td = resets/minuteRate = 0.4 x Td = minutes5. Restart the system and bring the process to setpoint withthe controller in the loop and observe response. If theresponse has too much overshoot, or is oscillating, then the PID parameters can be changed (slightly, one at atime, and observing process response) in the following directions:Widen the proportional band, lower the Reset value, and increase the Rate value.Example: The chart recording in Figure 8 was obtained by applying full power to an oven. The chart scales are 10°F/ cm, and 5 min/cm. The controller range is 100 to 600°F, or a span of 500°F.Maximum slope = 18°F/5 minutes= 3.6˚F/minuteTime delay = Td = approximately 7 minutes.Proportional Band = 7 minutes x3.6°F/minutes x 100/500°F = 5%.Reset = 0.4/7 minutes = 0.06 resets/minuteRate = 0.4 x 7 minutes = 2.8 minuteTuning a PID Controller Cont’dORESET OR RA TE T OO HIGH RESET OR RA TE T OO LOWFigure 7. Setting RESET and/or RATEFigure 8. System Time Delay。
11.消毒结束后,在干燥程序中(DRYING)可随时终止 (STOP),然后请按照步骤4、5取出并打开消毒盒。
12.机器不用时,要将消毒盒放松,将其向外拉出约3厘 米。
13.不是每件器械或橡胶和塑料物品都可以进行蒸汽消毒, 请参照物品制造商的说明书,以确保物品不因蒸汽消毒而 受损。一般可以高温高压的标志:“AUTOCLAVE” 或 1340C/273 F;
4、将卡式灭菌盒插入卡仓: (1)一只手握住卡式盒的手柄
(2)把卡式盒的后部插入机器的卡仓内,在把手放到盒的 前部。
5、执行灭菌程序:在面板上通过按键选择一个灭菌程 序(注意,凡含有内腔的器械不能使用非包裹(N) 灭菌程序)后,按下“开始键”。
时代2000s型 的优点
超速六分钟快速灭菌 即时灭菌即时使用的最佳选择 正压脉冲排气设计,使空气排除更彻底 使用蒸馏水,避免器械变钝和二次生物污染 灭菌效率高,帮您减少对器械的投资 器械在卡式盒内灭菌后,无菌盛载传送至手术地点 符合欧洲标准EN13060的S级要求
时代2000s型 的优点
(2)将食指放于侧边凹处,拇指放于盒下把手相应的位 置
(4)抬高盒盖将其后部插板与底盘的插槽脱离,拿出 已消毒的器械(小心烫伤!) 。
9.关上消毒盒:轻轻关上消毒盒盖直至把手锁住,此时 可以听见空气从盒内排出的声音;如果关上时遇到阻力, 请重新打开消毒盒,检查盒内物品摆放是否过高,除湿金 属片是否放平,盒尾部是否卡锁正确;
ICP DAS ZT-2000 DIO 系列快速入门指南说明书
ZT‐2000 DIO SERIESQuick Start 1What’s in the Shipping Package?The shipping package contains the following items:2Preparing the Device1.Refer the chapter 3. to configure the DIP switch of ZT-2000 I/O device.2.Install the ZT Configuration Utility to configure the ZT-2000 coordinator.CD: \Napdos\ZigBee\ZT_Series\Utility/pub/cd/usbcd/napdos/zigbee/zt_series/utility3.Power Supply: +10 ~ +30 V DCANT‐124‐05 Quick StartZT‐2000 DIO Device+Vs GNDIf any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact your local distributorfor more information. Save the shipping materials and cartons in case you need toship the module in the future.3 Setting up the ZT ‐2000 DIO Device3.1 Introduction to the Configuration ParametersA. “Pan ID” parameter is the group identity for a ZigBee network, and mustthe same for all devices in the same ZigBee network.“Address/Node ID” parameter is the individed identity of a specific the ZigBee module, and must be unique for each device connected the same ZigBee network.B. “RF Channel” parameter indicates the radio frequency channel, and mustbe set to the same value as other modules on the same ZigBee network.Channel0x000x01 …… 0x0F Frequency(MHz) 24052410……2480※ RF channels 0x04, 0x09, 0x0E or 0x0F are recommended because they do not overlap with the Wi-Fi frequencies based.C. Protocol/Application Mode:When implementing custom programs based on different protocols, the following application modes are recommended in order to ensure communicatibleUser Program Protocol ZT-2000 I/OZT-2550 ZT-2570 DCON DCON Transparent Transparent Modbus RTU Modbus RTU TransparentModbus Gateway Transparent Modbus GatewayModbus TCPModbus RTU------Modbus Gateway802.11b/g Channel 802.11b/g Channel 802.11b/g Channel4 Rotation Switch and DIP SwitchThe configuration of ZT-2000 series can be adjusted by using the external rotary switch and the DIP switches. The ZT-2000 device should only be rebooted once the configuration is complete.DIP Switch to the ZT‐2042/ZT‐2043/ZT‐2053/ZT‐2055DIP Switch to the ZT‐2052/ZT‐2060123456789101112 Address LSB(Node ID)Address MSB(Node ID)ProtocolChecksumPan IDONRF Channel Reserved (Node ID) (Node ID)ProtocolChecksumPan IDRF ChannelRotation Switch0 1 2 3…… FNoteAddress SW 01 02 03 …… 0F Node ID SW 0x0001 0x0002 0x003…… 0x000F MSB = 00 1 2 3…… FAddress 10 11 12 13…… 1F Node ID 0x0010 0x0011 0x0012 0x013 ……0x001FMSB = 1※ Once the address of hardware switch is set to 0x00, it mens the address is using software configurations. Refer the more detailed information at Sec. 6.6 of user manual.DIP SwitchNumberItemStatus Explain OFF Valid Address (Node ID) from 0x00 to 0x0F1 Address MSBON Valid Address (Node ID) from 0x10 to 0x1F OFF DCON Protocol2 ProtocolON Modbus RTUProtocol OFF Disabled3 ChecksumON Enabled OFF Pan ID = 0x00004 ZigBee Pan IDON Pan ID = 0x0001 OFF ------5ON 0x08 OFF ------6ON 0x04 OFF ------7ON 0x02 OFF ------8ZigBeeRF Channel ON 0x015 Start‐up ZT‐2000 I/O DeviceAs the ZigBee network is controlled by the ZigBee coordinator, the ZT-2550/ZT-2570 (ZigBee coordinator) must be configured first. Please refert to documents shown below for full details of how to configure these devices.Once configuration of the ZigBee coordinator has been completed. Set the ”Pan ID” and the “RF Channel” values for the ZT-2000 I/O device to the same values as the network, and then reboot the device. The module will automatically start to function on the ZigBee network using the default protocol.※ Documents/pub/cd/usbcd/napdos/zigbee/zt_series/document/zt-255x/ /pub/cd/usbcd/napdos/zigbee/zt_series/document/zt-257x/※ Configuration Utility(Used to configure ZT-2000 I/O device Coordinator) /pub/cd/usbcd/napdos/zigbee/zt_series/utility/6 ExamplesConfigurations of ZT‐2550/ZT‐2570Configurations of ZT-2000 I/O Device12345678910111212345678 ONNumber Item Status Explain1 Address MSB OFF Address/Node ID is 01(Rotation Switch=1)2 Protocol ON Use Modbus RTU Protocol3 Checksum OFF Disabled4 ZigBee Pan ID OFF Pan ID=0x00005 ON 0x086 ON 0x047 ON 0x028ZigBeeRF ChannelOFF ------ZigBee RF Channel = 0x0E7 Communication TestOnce the ZT-2000 I/O device has joined the ZigBee network, the signal quality can be comfirmed by monitoring the status of the ZigBee Net LED indicators. If the LED indicator shows a steady light, communication with the ZT-2000 I/O device has been successfully established for data acquisition and control.ICP DAS also provides the “DCON Utility”, which can be used to simulate DCON/Modbus communication. This software can also be used to verify the device settings and ZigBee I/O functions.※ The DCON Utility can be dowmload from:/pub/cd/8000cd/napdos/driver/dcon_utility/Simulate I/O channel operating via using DCON Utilityunch DCON Utility and select the correct COM Port settings to connect theZigBee Coordinator (ZT-2550/ZT-2570).2.Clicking “Search” button will start searching which ZT-2000 I/O device is in thesame ZigBee network.3.If there is any ZT-2000 I/O devices displayed, double clicking the “modulename” will start the I/O channels operated platform.8 Troubleshooting(1)Technical Support.If you have any difficulties using your ZT-2000 series I/O device, pleasesend a description of the problem to ******************Include the following items in your email:● A description or diagram of the current DIP switch positions.● A copy of the configuration file for the ZT-2000 coordinator. This file can beobtained using the procedure outlined below and should be attached to youremail.a.Set the DIP switch of the ZT-255x device to the [ZBSET] position thenreboot the device. Launch the ZT Configuration Utility and select [Save Log] icon to save the configuration of the ZT-255x as a file.b.After clicking the [Save Log] icon, enter the “File Name” and the “File Path”in the Windows “Save” dialog box. Once the configuration has beensuccessfully saved, the following message will be displayed.(2)LED Indicator Status:LED Indicator Status IntroductionZigBee Router (Slave)Steady Lit The Signal is StrongBlinking (500 ms) The Signal is AvailableBlinking (1s) The Signal is WeakBlinking (2s) The Signal is Unstable or There is no AvailableThe status of module boardSteady Lit The Power is ON and the Module Initialization is CorrectBlinking (200ms) Module Initialization FailureBlinking (1s) Watchdog is Enabled and the status of the I/O channel has been changed to the Safe Value. Reset the module via the power switch or configuration commands.ZigBee PWR(Red LED)Steady Unlit The Power is OFFThe status of DI/DO channelsSteady Lit The DI/DO channel is Enabled ZigBee DI/DOSteady Unlit The DI/DO channel is Disabled。
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给上面左边图 : <Borders> <Show Top Projection> 等
看谱图 : cp (contour) 或 ip
输入命令 ru,选择相应二维宏命令
键入“S”,控制是否显示插 入的文本
DD:双图谱显示,并对其对比和进行加、减操作 先将需要插入的图谱进行一些基本操作(如FT、SR、 PE)之后,键入或选择命令“AL”,打开另一 个需要对 比的图谱,适当处理后,键入命令“DD”,即 可调出上 一图谱。用“AM”编译前一谱图。 AS命令下可以对两个谱图进行加、减等操作。 优点:双谱图显示,可进行加减操作,应用广泛 缺点:无法实现多谱图显示
双重谱图的显示 DD
“AL” 命令
双重谱图的显示 DD
图示运用 “DD”命令 调出上一个 图谱
双重谱图的显示 DD
双重谱图的显示 DD
图示运用 “AM”命 令
双重谱图的显示 DD
图示运用 “AS”命令
双重谱图的显示 DD
在AS命令 状态下的 编译栏命 令,此时 便可以对 两个图谱 进行加减 等操作
在菜单Borders里面选择是否显示一维谱,还可以 用Pick the Top Spectrum来选择其它一维谱。
二维图谱中可以进行如下操作: MH命令来调整峰的强弱 NO命令插入文字 。。。。。。
在某个放大图上右键, 弹出一个对话框。 Delete Insert-删除该 放大图 Axis-可以修改放大图的 标尺显示方式 Choose Font-修改标尺 数字的字体 修改完毕后点OK
键入“DP”命令后,将光标放在所要编译的峰上,点击鼠 标右键,出现编译对话框。Label at Page Top: 决定峰值的 显示是否在谱图的最上面。如果取消对其的选择可以将峰 值放在任何想要放的位置。 Show Info field only:显示用户想要显示的数据或文字, 这些文字可以在下面的label (info Field)栏中编辑
在图谱中找到参考峰,对其放大,然后对准参考峰按 住鼠标左键,出现大的十字形光标。
在不放松鼠标的情况下,按键“O”,出现对话框,在对话 框内输入相应的数值后,若是TMS,则输入数字0,回车
2、峰值显示,主要命令MH, “PP”
多重谱图的显示 BU
将需要对比的谱图进行一般的处理之后,键入或选择命令 “BU”,在此命令状态下将当前谱图转入缓存通道中,回车 退出“BU”后,即可打开第二张谱图,一般处理完毕后,键 入命令“BU”即可对两张图谱进行对比操作,也可以将当前 图谱加入其余的缓存通道内,继续打开第三张图谱。 在“BU”命令条件下可以对每个缓存谱图进行处理。 将所有需要对比的谱图放入相应的缓存内后,可以显示每个 缓存内的图谱,点击在“BU”状态下“View”菜单下的 “Display buffers outside of BU”命令,回车后即可在无BU状 态下,显示所有的缓存谱图。 优点:可显示多谱图,并对其进行处理
1、点 放大按扭,或者在图谱上双击 2、按住鼠标左键选择需要放大的区域,选择的区域 为红色显示 3、松开鼠标,点一下右键,此时选择的区域就已经 放大了 4、若想继续放大,可以继续按住鼠标左键选择某一 区域,然后点右键 5、若要查看全谱,再次点击右键即可 6、若点右键无法显示全谱,可以试试双击右键 7、中途退出‘放大’操作请按回车
输入命令“C”,可以清除所有放大图,按回车退出插入 放大图模式
主要命令 “MO” 和“ NO ”
键入或选择命令 “MO”,会出现 如右图的对话框 I: 插入Windows 图元文件(后 缀名为 wmf) C: 插入剪贴板中预存的图片 A: 将当前谱图显示插入谱图中 (和IS命令等同,图片质量有所 降低)
地址:可能会变) 用户名:导师名字(拼音)
多重谱图的显示,输入命令 BU
把某个缓冲区的图谱“加”到当前图谱中,加减乘除的 操作与此相同,略
1、用宏命令处理 2、手动处理
输入命令 ru,选择相应二维宏命令,如 cosy.mac。
输入命令MH,或者点菜单中的process-conditions,在MH栏 中填数字1,点ok
MH的值相当于一个门槛,高于这个门槛的峰值都会显示, 因此MH的值越小,显示的峰值越多。
3、自定义峰值显示,主要命令 “DP”
键入“DP”命令后,出现十字光标,将光标移动到想要标 示的峰上,点击鼠标左键,重复操作可以对每一个想要标 示的峰进行标示。
一、在图形界面上任意位置双击鼠标左键,或者点击工 具栏中的放大 按扭,将光标移到将要选定区域的起 始位置后,按住鼠标左键,拖动鼠标至区域终点,出现 红色区域,选定后,按键 数字“1”,定义为第一区域。
二、用相同的方法选定第二区域,按“2”,定义为第 二区域。选择完毕后输入 回车(Enter)
设置好LB的值后,在命令行输入EM,命令行的位置如图 所示,也可以输入GM 、LG、TF。输入后可以看到fid信 号变得“光滑”。
鼠标点 按扭,也可以在命令行输入 “FT ”
1、自动相位矫正 2、“PH” 一般结合 “ZP” 命令应用
NUTs 2000使用方法
湖北大学 柴仕淦
核磁数据处理软件有:Nuts、MestRe-C、Gifa, NMRNoteBook, Sparky, NMRpipe等。
NUTS可以处理一维及二维核磁数据,其功能包括付立叶变换、 相位校正、差谱、模拟谱、匀场练习等几乎所有核磁仪器操作 软件的功能, 其演示版可以在/下载; MestRe-C为处理一维核磁数据的免费软件,功能完善。其最 新版本为4.9.9.6,有兴趣者可以在/
3、 “PE” 手动相位调整
在命令行输入自动相位矫正命令,常用命令有: “QP”、“AP” 、 “QA”,三个任选一个即可,若效果不好,可以换另一个命令, 若三个命令都不好用,那就进行手动调整相位
用鼠标点 ,然后按住鼠标左键不放,左 右拉动,直到相位调整到满意为止,若一次 调整不好,还可以松开鼠标后再次按住鼠标 左右拖动。 命令方式:“PH” , 一般结合 “ZP” 命令 应用
3、自定义峰值显示,主要命令 “DP”
1、键入“DP”命令后,出现十字光标,将光标移动到想要标 示的峰上,点击鼠标左键,重复操作可以对每一个想要标示 的峰进行标示。 2、在某个峰上点右键,可以看到该峰的强度值,还可以修改 化学位移是否置顶显示 3、可以在此命令状态下,对某个峰值按住鼠标左键(此时数 字框变成蓝色),对其进行任意拖动,放在你想要的位置。 4、‘K’:删除离鼠标最近的峰值 5、‘U’、‘D’、‘L’、 ‘R’:对鼠标最近的峰进行上下左右 拖动 6、用 “Ctrl+P” 命令决定是否显示峰值。
1、Ga,打开fid文件 2、Ar( set array on)打开array模式 3、bc、ms、 ms、 ft 对F1维进行处理 4、td 从F1维转到F2维 5、ms、ms、zf、ft、sr、mc 对F2维进行处理 6、Ss、 ip (or cp) 显示二维图谱 7、MH 调整门槛高低
地址:可能会变) 用户名:NMR
鼠标点 按扭(快捷命令 “GA”),选择fid文件,点打开
打开时如 果有提示 一律点 “yes”通过
点菜单中的process—conditions,出来一个对话框,一维图谱 一般使用线形窗函数即可,对于氢谱一般把LB设置为0~1, 对于碳谱LB可以设置为1~5,具体因情况而定。
输入命令 “FB”
输入命令 “FB”后,如图所示,用鼠标左键进行选择,让 你认为是基线的部分变成红色,信号峰变为白色。
在 “FB”状态下,用命令“L”对基线进行基线 矫正的计算,命令C为另一种矫正模式,计算 完成后输入命令“A”进行矫正。