Application of TG–FTIR to the determination
[1]A cargo exception would appear onA. a Bill of Lading.B. the cargo manifest.C. the-Export Declaration.D. a Letter of Indemnity.Key: A 一个货物例外条款将出现在提货单上[2]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is aA: Polluter B. Emitter C. Spiller. D. OilerKey : A (光盘)船舶排放有害物质进入空气或溢出流入海中的石油是污染源[3]Antiseptics are used principally toA. speed-healingB. prevent infectionC. reduce inflammation.D. increase blood circulationKey: B (光盘)消毒剂主要用于防止感染[4]Any partial loss or damage shall be pro rata on the basis of such declared value.A. adjustedB. arrangedC. determinedD. fixedKey : A (光盘)任何部分的损伤或损害应根据这类声明的价值被按比例核算。
[5]At the time of ,you will be credited with two days' extra basic salary.A: paying-off B. signing off C. sending off D. going offKey: B 在签署解雇合同时,你将得到两天额外的基本工资。
参阅《劳务输出合同》第9条[6]Beams are cambered toA. increase their strengthB. provide drainage from the decksC. relievedeck stress D. All of the aboveKey: B 甲板横梁被制成弧型是方便甲板排水。
USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)
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LIMITED COPYRIGHT LICENSE: The USB 3.0 Promoters grant a conditional copyright license under the copyrights embodied in the USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification to use and reproduce the Specification for the sole purpose of, and solely to the extent necessary for, evaluating whether to implement the Specification in products that would comply with the specification.
• Selected applications • „on-line“ process monitoring
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Fourier-Transform-Infraredspectroscopy
Albrecht Rager
Combinations realised with IR
• PART I • I.0I • I.II - FT-IR) • I.III • I.IV • I.V
2500 2000 1500 Wavenumber cm-1
GC – FT-IR sensitivity
1/1 Transmittance Transmittance [%]
GC – FT-IR sensitivity
Pressure / atm.
~ ~ fluid solid Triple Point vapour - 57 31 Temperature / °C
Fluid Tc (°C) Pc(atm.) ρc (g/ml) 31.3 36.5 132.5 196.6 152.0 45.5 16.6 111.8 25.9 72.9 72.5 112.5 33.3 37.5 37.1 58.4 40.7 46.9 0.47 0.45 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.74 1.10 0.56 0.52
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Application Bulletin 137 6 e - 电容量水含量测定法(基于卡尔·菲淡斯)
Application Bulletin 137/6 eCoulometric water content determination according to Karl FischerBranchAll branchesKeywordsTitration; Karl Fischer titration; coulometric; KFC; watercontent determination; ASTM E 1064SummaryThis Application Bulletin gives an overview of the coulometricwater content determination according to Karl Fischer.Amongst others, it describes the handling of electrodes,samples, and water standards. The described proceduresand parameters comply with the ASTM E 1064.IntroductionCoulometric water content determination is primarily used forthe determination of small amounts of water. Metrohm KFCoulometers work in a determination range of 10 µg –200 mg water. However, larger amounts of water (> 10 mg)require a lot of time and/or may exceed the water capacity ofthe KF reagent, which could lead to incorrect results.Instead of a buret, the electric current is used to generate theiodine needed for the Karl Fischer reaction. The currentreleases a stoichiometrically corresponding amount of iodinefrom the iodide-containing reagent.Faraday’s law applies and can be used to calculate the watercontent of the sample.m= M ×Qz ×F(1)m Mass of converted substance in gM Molar mass in g/molQ Measured amount of charge in Asz Number of exchanged electrons (equivalence number, charge number)F Faraday constant, 1 F = 96485 coulomb/mol(1 coulomb = 1 C = 1 ampere second = 1 As) Example for iodine: 2 I--2 e-→ I2126.9 g iodine is released by 96485 A in 1 s – or 1.315 mg iodine is generated by 100 mA in 10 s.Requirements for coulometric titrations are the following: •The process must take place with 100% current efficiency.•No side reactions must occur.•Oxidation or reduction must lead to a defined oxidation state.Metrohm KF Coulometers meet these requirements with commercially available reagents. The instruments work according to the galvanostatic principle, i.e. with a constant current.The same chemical processes as in a volumetric KF titration take place, i.e., 1 mol H2O consumes 1 mol of I2. As the iodine is generated electrolytically from the iodide in the KF reagent, the coulometric water content determination is an absolute method and a titer determination is not necessary. In order to generate iodine at the anode of the generator electrode, Metrohm KF Coulometers work with variable current strengths and pulse lengths. For generator electrodes with diaphragms following current strengths are used: 100, 200 and 400 mA. For cells without diaphragms a constant current of 400 mA is applied. Higher current strengths have not been able to establish themselves – side reactions occur and heat is produced. Working with variable pulse lengths allows precise «iodine addition» even in the region of the endpoint.The instrument measures the time and current flow that is required to reach the titration endpoint. The product of time and current Q is directly proportional to the amount of iodine generated and therefore to the amount of water determined (see formula 1).The endpoint is indicated voltammetrically by applying an alternating current of constant strength to a double Pt wire-electrode. This results in a voltage difference between the Pt wires. The voltage drastically decreases in the presence of minimal quantities of free iodine. This fact is used to determine the endpoint of the titration.Instruments•Titrator with a mode for coulometric Karl Fischer titrationElectrodesDouble Pt wire-electrode (indicator electrode forcoulometric Karl Fischer titration)Generator electrode with or without diaphragmReagentsSpecial coulometric KF reagents are available from various manufacturers (e.g. Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, …). The reagents have been optimized for the use with generator electrodes with and without diaphragms and also for special applications (e.g. water content determination in ketones). Additionally, liquid water standards are available. These standards can be used to check the system (recovery of added water, see formula 2).Filling the generator electrodeIt is assumed that the generator electrode is dry and has been assembled according to the Instructions for Use.Generator electrode without diaphragm:Handling the 6.0345.100 Generator electrode without diaphragm is simple. It only needs one reagent and is quickly ready for use (no moisture deposits in the diaphragm!). Only reagents that are specially intended for use with generator electrodes without a diaphragm must be used. About 100 mL of the chosen reagent is filled into the titration cell and the ground joint opening is closed with the stopper.Generator electrode with diaphragm:Reagents for coulometric water determination with generator electrodes with diaphragms consist of an anode solution (anolyte), which is filled into the titration cell and a cathode solution (catholyte) which is filled into the generator electrode.About 100 mL anolyte is filled into the titration cell (anode chamber) and about 5 mL catholyte into the generator electrode with diaphragm (cathode chamber). We recommend that you use an injection syringe for filling in the catholyte. The filling level should be about the same or 2-3 mm lower than that in the anode chamber. ParametersTable 1: Method parameter for a coulometric KF titrationParameter Setting General I(pol) 10 µAGenerator current* 400 mA Control parameter EP at 50 mVDynamics 70 mVMax. rate maximumµg/minMin. rate 15 µg/minStop criterion rel. driftRelative stop drift 5 µg/min Conditioning Start drift 10 µg/min*For a generator electrode with a diaphragm the parameter Generator current is set to «auto»If ketone reagents are used, then the endpoint, start and stop drift must be adjusted, as the ketone reagents suppress the side reactions, but do not prevent them completely.Table 2: Control and titration parameter for ketone reagentsParameter Setting General I(pol) 10 µAGenerator current* auto mA Control parameter EP at 20 mVDynamics 70 mVMax. rate maximumµg/minMin. rate 15 µg/minStop criterion rel. driftRelative stop drift 20 µg/min Conditioning Start drift 60 µg/min*For a generator electrode with a diaphragm, the parameter Generator current is set to «auto»Conditioning and driftThe titration cell must first be dried before the determinations can be started. The conditioning is started to remove water contained in the reagent and water on the surfaces of the equipment (titration cell, electrodes, …). The water content determination of the sample should only be started once a low and stable drift is reached.A constant drift equal or lower than 4 μg/min is acceptable. Lower values are certainly possible. If higher, stable values occur then the results are normally still good as the drift can be compensated.When working with an oven, a drift equal or lower than 10 μg/min is acceptable. The drift depends on the gas flow (the smaller the gas flow the lower the drift).Sample additionGenerally the coulometric titration cell should never be opened to add samples. The influence of the humid air entering the titration cell would falsify the results.Liquid samplesLiquid samples are added with the aid of a syringe. Either a syringe with a long needle is used with the needle being immersed beneath the surface of the reagent during injection. Alternatively a short needle can be used, with the last drop being drawn back into the needle. The best way of determining the actual sample weight is by weighing the syringe before and after injection.Volatile or low-viscosity samples should be refrigerated before the sample is taken, in order to prevent handling losses. In contrast, the syringe itself should not be directly refrigerated as this could cause the formation of condensate. For the same reason aspirating air into a syringe which has been cooled by taking up a refrigerated sample should be avoided.Highly viscous samples can be warmed to lower their viscosity; the syringe must also be warmed. The same goal (lower viscosity) can be reached by dilution with a suitable solvent. In this case the water content of the solvent must be determined and deducted as a blank value correction.With samples containing a lot of water, care must be taken that the needle is not introduced into the measuring cell through the septum before the determination has been started, otherwise the drift and therefore the result of the analysis could be falsified.With samples containing only traces of water the syringe must be thoroughly dried beforehand. If possible the syringe should be rinsed with the sample solution by taking up the sample solution several times and then discarding it.Solid samplesWhenever possible solid samples should be extracted or dissolved in a suitable solvent and the resulting solution injected. A blank value correction should be made for the solvent.If no suitable solvent can be found for a solid sample, or if the sample reacts with the Karl Fischer solution, a drying oven should be used. Sample sizeThe sample size should be small so that as many samples as possible can be titrated in the same electrolyte solution and the titration time is kept short. However, take care that the sample contains approximately 50 μg H2O. The following table provides guidelines for the sample weight.Table 3: Water to be determined and water content withcorresponding sample sizeWater content ofsampleSample size H2O to bedetermined 100000 ppm = 10% 50 mg 5000 µg10000 ppm = 1% 10 – 100 mg 100- 1000 µg1000 ppm = 0.1% 0.1 – 1 g 100- 1000 µg100 ppm = 0.01% 1 g 100 µg10 ppm = 0.001% 5 g 50 µgTips and tricksReagent exchangeIn the following cases, the electrolyte solutions should be exchanged:•When the titration vessel is too full.•When the capacity of the reagent is exhausted.•If the drift is too high and shaking the cell does not result in any improvement.•If a two-phase mixture is formed in the titration vessel.In this case only the sample phase can be aspirated off. •If during the determination the error message "check generator electr." appears.For the generator electrode, with diaphragm the catholyte should be exchanged approximately once a week. Extended use may cause darkening of the catholyte and yellow precipitation in the cathode compartment. An unpleasant smell also indicates the need for catholyte exchange. Indicator electrodeA new indicator electrode may require a certain running-in period for the formation of the surface. This may cause unusually long titration times and measurement results which are too high. These phenomena vanish after a short period of use. In order to speed up the running-in of a new indicator electrode the Coulometer can be conditioned overnight, for example.A polluted indicator electrode can be carefully cleaned with an abrasive cleansing agent (aluminum oxide (6.2802.000 Polishing Set) or toothpaste). After cleaning it should be rinsed with ethanol.The two Pt wires of the indicator electrode should be as parallel to one another as possible. Check on insertion. CleaningThe electrolyte solution can normally be exchanged without any special cleaning of the parts. If cleaning is necessary then care should be taken that the Pt grid of the generator electrode is not damaged.Generator electrode with diaphragm•Resinous deposits on the diaphragm → Hang the generator electrode vertically from a support rod, fillwith conc. HNO3 and allow standing overnight. Thenrinse with water followed by methanol/ethanol*. •Pollutants containing oil → Clean with a solvent (e.g.hexane) and then rinse with methanol/ethanol*.•Salt-like deposits → Clean with water and then rinse with methanol/ethanol*.Cleaning (rinsing) the diaphragm → Fill the cathode compartment of the generator electrode withmethanol/ethanol* and allow the filling to drain out. Repeat the process 2-3 times. This process should also be carried out when the electrode has been cleaned as described above.Generator electrode without diaphragm:•Pollutants containing oil → Clean with a solvent (e.g.hexane) and then rinse with methanol/ethanol*.•Salt-like deposits → Clean with water and then rinse with methanol/ethanol*.*Please make sure the ethanol does not contain any ketone additives.Dry all parts thoroughly after cleaning. A hot-air blower can be used for this. If the parts are dried in a drying oven take care that the temperature does not exceed 70 °C (plastic components!).Checking the instrumentCommercial, certified water standard solutions with a water content of 1.00 ± 0.003 mg/g and/or 0.10 ± 0.005 mg/g should be used for checking the instrument as a fully integrated measuring system.Table 4: Recommended sample sizes:Liquid standard 1.0 mg/g 0.2 – 2.0 gLiquid standard 0.1 mg/g 0.5 – 5.0 g Handling of the liquid water standard1 Open the ampoule containing the standard asrecommended by the manufacturer.2 Aspirate approximately 1 mL of the standard into thesyringe and then eject the standard into the waste.3 Aspirate the remaining content of the ampoule intothe needle (in case air is aspirated, eject the air outof the syringe).4 Remove excess liquid from the outside of the needlewith a paper tissue.5 Place the needle on a balance and tare the balance.6 Then start the determination and inject a suitableamount of standard (see table 1 to 3) through theseptum into the titration vessel. Do not inject thewhole content of the syringe! Please take care thatthe standard is injected into the reagent and not atthe electrode or the wall of the titration vessel. Thisleads to unreproducible results.7 After injecting the standard, place the syringe againon the balance.8 Enter the injected sample weight in the software. Repeat step 4 to 8 at least three times. If the complete content of an ampoule has been injected, the needle can be filled with fresh standard (same batch). In this case the needle does not need to be rinsed again. Start directly with step 4.There are two possibilities to add liquid standard. It can be injected with the tip of the needle above the reagent level. In this case the last drop must be aspirated back into the syringe. Otherwise it is wiped off at the septum and might not be determined although the weight of it is taken into account. If the needle is long enough, it can be immersed in the reagent directly. In this case there is no last drop and the needle can be pulled out of the titration vessel without aspirating back any liquid.TroubleshootingDrift too high•Depots containing water in the titration vessel → shake titration vessel.•Reagent exhausted or contaminated → exchange. •Moisture penetrating into titration vessel:∙Molecular sieve exhausted?∙Septum pierced?∙Seals not OK?∙Ground joint sleeves not smooth? •Generator electrode diaphragm polluted or moist. •Sample matrix consumes iodine. Change reagent more often.•When working with Oven/Oven Sample Processor: ∙Molecular sieve of Oven/Oven SampleProcessor exhausted?∙Gas flow too high?∙Allow to run overnight.∙Screw seals tight?Drift unstable•Poor stirring → Stir so, that mixing is efficient, but without the formation of air bubbles.•Reset the control parameters to standard values. Result too high•Titration vessel not properly conditioned → shake and wait until drift has stabilized.•With the generator electrode without diaphragm → set generator current to 400 mA.•Sample contains substances which can be oxidized. •Set stop drift higher.•Drift correction too small, e.g. with unstable drift or with manual drift correction.Result too low•Drift correction too large, i.e. the drift was too high at the start or unstable drift.•Stop drift too high.•Minimal titration rate too low.•Sample releases iodine.Results are widely scattered•Inhomogeneous sample? Poor reproducibility of sample addition?•Drift unstable. Titration times too long•Wait until drift during conditioning becomes stable. •Amount of water too large•Set stop drift higher.•Set control range smaller.•Set maximal titration rate higher.Literature•Metrohm Monograph water determination by Karl Fischer Titration. 8.026.5003 – 2003-09 •HYDRANAL Multi Media Guide, Sigma-Aldrich •HYDRANAL Manual, Eugen Scholz, Reagents for Karl Fischer Titration, Sigma-Aldrich•Merck Apura Analytical Application Notes Finder: Karl Fischer (Merck Webpage)Metrohm Application Bulletins•AB 141 Analysis of edible fats and oils•AB 209 Coulometric water determination according to Karl Fischer in insulating oils as well as in hydrocarbons and their derivates•AB 280 Automatic water content determination using gas extraction•AB 357 Determination of water in gases and liquefied gases with the 875 KF Gas Analyzer•AB 421 Automated coulometric Karl Fischer titrationAuthorCompetence Center TitrationMetrohm International Headquarters。
分析仪器相关英文简称Analytical Instrumentation Related Acronyms1. GC: Gas Chromatography2. HPLC: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography3. FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy4. UV-Vis: Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy5. AA: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy6. ICP-MS: Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass SpectrometryICP-MS is an analytical technique used to determine the concentration of elements in a sample. It involves ionizing the sample using an inductively coupled plasma and then analyzing the resulting ions using a mass spectrometer. It is highly sensitive and widely used in environmental, food, and pharmaceutical analysis.7. AAS: Atomic Absorption SpectrometryAAS is a technique used to determine the concentration of elements in a sample by measuring the absorption of light at specific wavelengths. It is similar to AA spectroscopy but typically utilizes a flame or a graphite furnace as a vaporization and atomization source.8. XRD: X-Ray DiffractionXRD is a technique used to analyze the crystal structure of a material by measuring how X-rays are diffracted by the atomic lattice. It provides information about the arrangement of atoms in a solid, allowing the identification and characterization of crystalline materials.9. NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy10. MS: Mass Spectrometry11. SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy12. TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy13. AFM: Atomic Force Microscopy。
傅里叶红外光谱仪英文傅里叶红外光谱仪英文IntroductionFourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a powerful analytical technique used to identify the chemical composition of a sample based on its molecular vibrations. FTIR spectrometers have various ranges, including mid-infrared (MIR), near-infrared (NIR), and far-infrared (FIR). In this article, we will focus on the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer in the mid-infrared range, also known as FTIR-MIR.InstrumentationFTIR-MIR spectrometers consist of a light source, a sample compartment, a detector, and an interferometer. The interferometer is the heart of the FTIR instrument, as it converts the sample's spectral signal from a time domain to a frequency domain. The signal is then detected by a detector and processed through a computer. The main components of the MIR-FTIR spectrometer include:1. Light source: Typically, a high-intensity, high-resolution infrared source is used, such as a Globar or a mercury-cadmium-telluride (MCT) detector.2. Sample compartment: This is where the sample is placed for analysis. Samples can be in the form of liquids, solids, gases, or films.3. Interferometer: This is the key component of the FTIR-MIR spectrometer.There are several types of interferometers, including Michelson and Fourier transform.4. Detector: The detector is used to detect the spectral signal from the interferometer and generate an electrical signal that is then processed and displayed on the computer.ApplicationsFTIR-MIR spectrometers are widely used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, chemistry, polymers, food, and environmental analysis. This technique is used to identify and characterize chemical compounds, determine the purity of samples, identify unknown compounds, and monitor chemical reactions. FTIR-MIR can also be used to detect and quantify gases and pollutants in the atmosphere.AdvantagesFTIR-MIR spectrometers have several advantages over other analytical techniques, including:1. Non-destructive analysis: FTIR-MIR analysis does not destroy the sample, allowing for further analysis if necessary.2. Fast analysis: The analysis time for FTIR-MIR is usually less than a minute, making it a quick and efficient technique for sample analysis.3. High sensitivity: FTIR-MIR spectrometers can detect trace amounts of compounds, making it possible to identify small impurities in a sample.4. Versatility: FTIR-MIR can be used to analyze a wide range of sample types, including liquids, solids, gases, and films.ConclusionFourier transform infrared spectrometry is a powerful analytical technique that can provide valuable information in various industries. With its non-destructive analysis, fast analysis time, high sensitivity, and versatility, FTIR-MIR spectrometers are essential tools for chemical analysis and pollution monitoring.。
用热 分析 一 外 光 谱 联 用 技 术(G R 研 究 了 P /I 的热 降 解 过 程 , 讨 了 G C 的阻 燃 机 理 。研 究 表 明 , 同含 磷 化 合 物 插 层 红 T一 ) EG C 探 I 不 G C阻 燃 聚 乙烯 的 氧指 数 有 显 著 差 别 , 中 以 多 聚磷 酸 铵 一 I I 其 G C的 阻燃 效果 较 好 , 指 数较 高 。 G R研 究 结 果 表 明 . I 氧 T一 G C并 未 显 著 影 响 P 的 热 降 解 方 式 , 由于 G C体 积 膨 胀 所 发 生 的 氧 化 还 原 反 应 导 致 部 分 P E 但 I E热 降 解 提 前 并 发 生 热 氧 化 降 解 . 进 了 促
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Technical Standardization Committee of SAIC Motor Technical Center
SMTC 3 800 001—2010
前 言 .......................................................................... IV 通用电器零部件测试标准...................................................................................................................5 1 范围和目的.......................................................................................................................................5 1 Scope and application of purpose ..........................................................................................5 2 总体信息和缩略词...........................................................................................................................5 2 General Information, Abbreviation ......
这一决定的结果是研究中心的首席执行官DonArnone和剑桥桥大学物理学系的教授Michael Pepper先生于2001年成立了Teraview公司一作为研究中心的子公司。
TPI imaga 2000是第一个商品化太赫成像系统,该系统经优化用于成品片剂及其核心完整性和性能的无破坏检测。
作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2012, 38(3): 505-513 /zwxb/ ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail: xbzw@DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.00505红外光谱技术在淀粉粒有序结构分析中的应用满建民1蔡灿辉1严秋香2胡茂志2刘巧泉1,*韦存虚1,*1扬州大学教育部植物功能基因组学重点实验室 / 江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室, 江苏扬州 225009; 2扬州大学测试中心, 江苏扬州 225009摘要: 傅里叶变换红外光谱技术(FTIR)可用于研究淀粉粒的有序结构, 包括透射模式和衰减全反射模式2种。
本文探讨不同去卷积设置条件对FTIR波谱的影响, 并分析FTIR在淀粉粒有序结构分析中的应用。
研究结果表明, 不同去卷积设置对FTIR波谱和相关峰强度影响较大, 以半峰宽19 cm-1和增强因子1.9的设置对FTIR原始波谱去卷积,获得的结果较好。
天然淀粉晶体类型不同, 其FTIR波谱有差异, 表现在马铃薯和山药淀粉的衰减全反射FTIR波谱相似, 与水稻淀粉明显不同; 水稻和马铃薯淀粉透射FTIR波谱相似, 与山药淀粉明显不同。
淀粉中的水分含量影响衰减全反射FTIR波谱, 当水分含量超过60%时, 对波谱分析结果基本没有影响。
酸水解优先降解淀粉粒无定形区的结构成分, 提高淀粉粒的有序度。
淀粉葡糖苷酶水解淀粉对淀粉粒外部区域的有序度影响不大, 但明显提高整个淀粉粒的有序度。
关键词:傅里叶变换红外光谱; 淀粉粒; 有序结构; 波谱去卷积Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy in the Analysis of Ordered Structure of Starch GrainMAN Jian-Min1, CAI Can-Hui1, YAN Qiu-Xiang2, HU Mao-Zhi2, LIU Qiao-Quan1,*, and WEI Cun-Xu1,*1 Key Laboratories of Plant Functional Genomics of the Ministry of Education and Crop Genetics and Physiology of the Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China;2 Testing Center, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, ChinaAbstract: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is used to study the ordered structure of starch grain, which has two modes: transmittance and attenuated total reflectance (ATR). In this paper, the different deconvolution parameters of spectra were applied to compare their effects on FTIR spectra in studying the ordered structure of starch grain. The results indicated that the different deconvolution parameters had significant effects on FTIR spectra and the intensities of relative peaks. The peak half-width of 19 cm-1 and the resolution enhancement factor of 1.9 were ideal deconvolution parameters of spectra to obtain the better results. Native starches had A, B, and C three types of crystalline, their FTIR spectra showed some differences. Potato and Chinese yam starches had similar ATR-FTIR spectra, which were different from that of rice starch. However, rice and potato starches had similar transmittance-FTIR spectra, which were different from that of Chinese yam starch. The water content of sam-ple affected the spectra of ATR-FTIR, but this effect was not detected when water content exceeded 60%. The ATR-FTIR spectra showed that the hydrolysis of amorphous structure in starch grain was faster than that of ordered structure during acid treatment. The ordered degree of structure in starch grain increased with increasing time of acid hydrolysis. The amyloglucosidase hydrolysis had no significant effect on the ordered degree of structure at the outside of starch grain by the ATR-FTIR spectra, but the ordered degree of structure of whole starch grain significantly increased with enzyme hydrolysis according to the transmittance-FTIR spectra. The amylose content is an important physicochemical property in determining the starch quality. Rice starches with dif-ferent amylose contents showed the similar ATR-FTIR spectra. These results would be very useful for the application of FTIR to the analysis of ordered structure of starch grain.Keywords: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Starch grain; Ordered structure; Deconvolution of spectrum本研究由国家自然科学基金项目(31071342)和江苏省作物学优势学科项目资助。
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USABC Manual (2)
SAND99-0497Unlimited ReleasePrinted July 1999United States Advanced Battery ConsortiumElectrochemical Storage SystemAbuse Test Procedure ManualTerry UnkelhaeuserLithium Battery Research and Development DepartmentDavid SmallwoodSTS Certification Environments DepartmentSandia National LaboratoriesAlbuquerque, New Mexico 87185United States Advanced Battery ConsortiumUSABC/SNL CRADA No. SC961447AbstractThe series of tests described in this procedure manual are intended to simulate actual use and abuse conditions and potential internally initiated failures that may be experienced in electrochemical storage systems. These tests were derived from Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, user input, and historical abuse testing. The tests, designed to pro-vide a common framework for various electrochemical storage systems, have been adopted by the Society of Auto-motive Engineers as recommended practice in SAE J2464. The primary purpose of the tests is to gather response information to external/internal inputs. Some tests and/or measurements may not be required for some electrochemical storage system technologies and designs if it is demonstrated that a test is not applicable and the measurements yield no useful information.The outcome of testing shall be documented for use by potential integrators of the tested properties. It is not the intent of this procedure to apply acceptance criteria; each application has its own unique requirements and ancillary support systems. Integrators shall make their own determination as to what measures are to be taken to ensure a sound application of these technologies.Electrochemical Storage System Foreword Abuse Test Procedure Manualiv ForewordA team composed of the United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories personnel prepared this USABC electrochemical storage system (ECSS) Abuse Test Procedures Manual. It is based on the expertise and methods developed primarily at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). The specific procedures were devel-oped to characterize the performance of a particular ECSS relative to the USABC long-term battery requirements. This abuse manual is the result of an effort ongoing since 1973. Many people contributed to this effort during that time. Special acknowledgment is given to Jeff Braithwaite who was instrumental in the early definition of the electri-cal abuse tests. The authors of this document are Terry Unkelhaeuser and David Smallwood of SNL. These proce-dures have been adopted by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) as recommended practice in SAE J2464. Comments regarding this document should be directed to Terry Unkelhaeuser, SNL (505-845-8801).ECSS Abuse Test Procedure Working Group ContributorsUSABC Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)Helen CostJohn DunningsTien Duong (DOE)Mike EskraHarold HaskinsBernie HeinrichKen Heitner (DOE)Ted MillerRobert MinckRussell MoyJames PassNaum PinskyBruce RauheSusan Rogers (DOE)Bill SchankRay Sutula (DOE)Robert SwaroopTom TartamellaSandia National LaboratoriesJeff BraithwaiteDan DoughtyDavid SmallwoodTerry UnkelhaeuserIdaho National Engineering and Environmental LaboratoryGary HuntElectrochemical Storage SystemAbuse Test Procedure Manual ContentsContents1. General Information.........................................................................................................................................................1-12. Mechanical Abuse Tests.................................................................................................................................................2-12.1Mechanical Shock Tests (module level or above)...........................................................................................2-12.1.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................2-12.1.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................2-12.2Drop Test (pack level only).................................................................................................................................2-22.2.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................2-22.2.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................2-22.3Penetration Test (cell level or above).................................................................................................................2-22.3.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................2-22.3.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................2-32.4Roll-over Test (module level or above)..............................................................................................................2-32.4.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................2-32.4.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................2-32.5Immersion Test (module level or above)............................................................................................................2-32.5.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................2-32.5.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................2-32.6Crush Test (cell level or above)..........................................................................................................................2-42.6.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................2-42.6.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................2-43. Thermal Abuse Tests.......................................................................................................................................................3-13.1Radiant Heat Test (cell level or above)..............................................................................................................3-13.1.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................3-13.1.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................3-13.2Thermal Stability Test (cell level or above).......................................................................................................3-13.2.1Cell Test Description............................................................................................................................3- Data....................................................................................................................3-23.2.2Module Test Description.....................................................................................................................3- Data....................................................................................................................3-23.3Compromise of Thermal Insulation (module level or above)..........................................................................3-23.3.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................3-23.3.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................3-23.4Overheat/Thermal Runaway Test (module level or above)............................................................................3-23.4.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................3-23.4.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................3-23.5Thermal Shock Cycling (cell level or above).....................................................................................................3-33.5.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................3-33.5.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................3-33.6Elevated Temperature Storage Test (cell level or above)................................................................................3-33.6.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................3-33.6.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................3-33.7Extreme-Cold Temperature Test (cell level or above)......................................................................................3-33.7.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................3-33.7.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................3-44. E lectrical Abuse Tests.....................................................................................................................................................4-14.1Short Circuit Test (cell level or above)...............................................................................................................4-14.1.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................4-14.1.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................4-14.2Partial Short Circuit Test (module level or above)............................................................................................4-1vElectrochemical Storage System Contents Abuse Test Procedure Manualvi4.2.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................4-14.2.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................4-1 4.3Overcharge Test (cell level or above)................................................................................................................4-24.3.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................4-24.3.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................4-2 4.4Overdischarge Test (cell level or above)...........................................................................................................4-24.4.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................4-24.4.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................4-2 4.5AC Exposure (pack level only)............................................................................................................................4-24.5.1Test Description....................................................................................................................................4-24.5.2Measured Data......................................................................................................................................4-25. ECSS Vibration Testing..................................................................................................................................................5-15.1Purpose...................................................................................................................................................................5-15.2Prerequisites...........................................................................................................................................................5-15.3Test Equipment......................................................................................................................................................5-25.4Determination of Test Conditions and Test Termination...............................................................................5-25.5Procedure Steps for Swept Sine Wave Vibration Testing.............................................................................5-25.6Procedure Steps for Random Vibration Testing...............................................................................................5-35.7Safety Considerations for Testing......................................................................................................................5-65.8Data Acquisition and Reporting.........................................................................................................................5-66. Recommended Test Sequences......................................................................................................................................6-17. References.........................................................................................................................................................................7-1Figures2-1.Illustration of shock parameter definitions....................................................................................................................2-2 2-2.Drop test platen.................................................................................................................................................................2-2 2-3.Crush test platen...............................................................................................................................................................2-4 5-1.Vertical and longitudinal vibration spectra expressed in G2/Hz.................................................................................5-5Tables2-1. Parameters for Mechanical Shock Test..........................................................................................................................2-2 2-2. Test Specifications............................................................................................................................................................2-3 3-1. Results of Temperature on Varying SOC.......................................................................................................................3-3 3-2. Charge and Discharge Rates of ECSS............................................................................................................................3-4 4-1. Shorting Specifications for Module and Pack..............................................................................................................4-1 5-1. Frequency and G-Values for Vertical Axis.....................................................................................................................5-2 5-2. Frequency and G-Values for Longitudinal Axis...........................................................................................................5-2 5-3. Vibration Schedule for Random Vibration Test............................................................................................................5-4 5-4. Break Points for Random Spectra Scaled to Specified rms Level...............................................................................5-5 6-1.Recommended Test Sequences......................................................................................................................................6-2Electrochemical Storage SystemAbuse Test Procedure Manual Acronyms and DefinitionsAcronyms and DefinitionsARC Accelerated Rate CalorimeterBTP battery test procedureDOD depth of dischargeDOE Department of EnergyDST dynamic stress testECSS electrochemical storage systems. A device for storing electrical energy in chemical form, for use in mobile or stationary applications.EPA Environmental Protection AgencyEPRG-2Emergency Response Planning Guidelines, Level 2. The maximum airborne concentration levels be-low which most all individuals could be exposed to for up to one hour without experiencing or devel-oping irreversible or other serious health effects or symptoms which could impair an individual’sability to take protective action. This guideline is taken from the American Industrial Hygiene Asso-ciation. Other world standards with similar intent may be substituted.EV electric vehicleFully Charged:100% SOC. The state of an ECSS after a full charge cycle as specified by the ECSS manufacturer. For purposes of this document, an ECSS is considered Fully Charged within 4 hours of the end of thecharge cycle provided that the SOC is not expected to fall below 95%.INEEL Idaho National Engineering and Environmental LaboratorySAE Society of Automotive EngineersSNL Sandia National LaboratoriesSOC state of chargeUSABC United States Advanced Battery ConsortiumviiElectrochemical Storage System Acronyms and Definitions Abuse Test Procedure ManualIntentionally Left BlankviiiElectrochemical Storage System Abuse Test Procedure Manual1. General Information1-11. General Information The series of tests described in this report are i n -tended to simulate actual use and abuse conditionsand internally initiated failures that may be experi-enced in electrochemical storage systems (ECSS).These tests were derived from Failure Mode and E f-fect Analysis, user input, and historical abuse testing.The tests are to provide a common framework for various ECSS technologies. The primary purpose of testing is to gather response information to exter-nal/internal inputs. Some tests and/or measurements may not be required for some ECSS technologies and designs if it is demonstrated that a test is not applica-ble, and the measurements yield no useful informa-tion.It is not the intent of this procedure to apply accep-tance criteria; each application has its own unique requirements and ancillary support systems. Integra-tors shall make their own determination as to what measures are to be taken to ensure a sound applica-tion of these technologies.There are three levels to the testing. The lowest level tests are for relatively common events where the ECSS is expected to remain essentially intact. The vehicle in which the ECSS was mounted might incur damage, but the ECSS should be salvageable and would be reused after minor repairs. (The ECSS repre-sents a substantial investment and should not be damaged by relatively common events.) For less common, but more serious mid-level events, the ECSS may become inoperable but should not expose h u-mans to known health risks.The highest level tests are for destructive situations where the ECSS is expected to become inoperable.The ECSS cannot be reasonably protected from s e-vere events. While these events are relatively rare,credible scenarios exist that can lead to these damage levels.The response of the ECSS to testing may provide useful design information. All tests should be con-ducted at the lowest level of assembly for which meaningful data can be gathered. This may be the cell or module level in some cases and a complete ECSS at the pack level for other cases. The assembly level required will be a function of the ECSS technology,the ECSS design, and the specific test. The requiredassembly level could also be a function of the design cycle. For example, cell tests should be run very early in a program, module tests run as modules become available, and tests run at the system or subsystem level later in the design cycle, as required. (Recom-mended test sequences and levels are defined in Sec-tion 6.0.)The release of hazardous substances should be measured and referenced to the ERPG-2 levels.ERPG-2 refers to the Emergency Response Planning Guidelines, Level 2, from the American Industrial Hy-giene Association.1 ERPG-2 levels are the maximum airborne concentration levels below which most indi-viduals could be exposed for up to one hour without experiencing or developing serious or irreversible health effects or symptoms. Tests should be con-ducted in a closed volume of appropriate size to a c-commodate the test article and provide adequate air space to ensure a “normal” atmosphere. Any r e -leased gas concentration in that volume shall be nor-malized to a 1-m 3 volume for quantitative analysis. If it is not practical to perform any test in a closed vol-ume because of test article size, it is permissible to perform said test out of doors, provided that wind speed is ≤3 mph. A minimum of three hazardous sub-stances monitors, spaced equally around the unit,should be placed as close to the test as is reasonable and moved as close to the ECSS as is practical after the test. Hazardous substance monitors shall be se-lected with respect to anticipated release products. If it is reasonable to expect that a specific technology will not vent during a particular test, or gas collected will not be significantly different from that previously collected, gas collection and analysis will not be r e-quired.The flammability of any expelled materials must also be determined. The lower limit of flammability in air is used for flammable gases and liquids. For example, the lower limit of flammability in air for H 2 is 4%. For sub-stances not considered hazardous, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) reportable release limits are used for reference. A release means any spilling,leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, dis-charging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment.Electrochemical Storage System 1. General InformationAbuse Test Procedure Manual1-2Initial testing will most likely be with a new ECSS,since systems or subsystems that have seen only part of their useful life will be unavailable. Future efforts may include an ECSS or subsystem that is well into, or near the end of, its useful life. Permutations of state of charge (SOC), system age, and temperature should be implemented at the integrator’s/developer’s discre-tion based on the most susceptible condition of the technology.Abuse testing will be performed to characterize the ECSS response to undesirable conditions or environ-ments associated with carelessness, poorly informed/trained users or mechanics, failure of specific ECSS control and support hardware, and transportation/handling incidents involving the ECSS. Some tests are not applicable to all candidate ECSS technologies.The required number of batteries to be subjected totesting will depend on actual performance (e.g., a si n-gle ECSS may be capable of passing all but the final crush test, whereas for other technologies, as many as three to four batteries may be required). It is a c-ceptable to use a new ECSS for each test. The electri-cal and mechanical abuse tests will also cause failure of some ECSS. The purpose is to help quantify the mitigation efforts, that must be taken for a particular ECSS in place, and with thermal control systems run-ning, unless specifically stated otherwise. All test articles will be observed for a time period of at least one hour, or until such time that the test article is safe to handle after each test, unless specifically stated otherwise.Electrochemical Storage System Abuse Test Procedure Manual2. Mechanical Abuse Tests2-12. Mechanical Abuse Tests The mounting and support of the ECSS shall be assimilar to the manufacturer’s recommended electric vehicle (EV) installation requirements for mechanical shock and vibration tests as possible. If the support structure has any resonance below 50 Hz, the input will be determined by the average of the acceleration at each of the major support points. The test article should first be tested in the axes that will cause the most potential damage. Other axes should then be tested at the discretion of the developer or user.2.1 Mechanical Shock Tests(module level or above)2.1.1 Test DescriptionThe low-level shock test is a robustness test, that the ECSS is expected to survive without any damage i n-curred. Mid-level shocks are more severe; the ECSS may be inoperable after such testing.The shocks are specified in terms of velocity change and maximum duration. Shock duration is defined as the time between the first and last time the shock pulse crosses the 10% peak level, as illustrated in Figure 2-1. Maximum duration will place lower limits on the peak acceleration, which must be proven dur-ing the test. For example, for the low-level test, the lowest acceleration would be achieved if the accelera-tion was an ideal square wave of about 12.5 g. The minimum peak acceleration is specified at about twicethis level, which recognizes that the ideal square wave cannot be achieved in a real design. A simple pulse shape (like a half-sine or a haversine) is expected to be used for the test, but the pulse shape is not speci-fied to allow as much flexibility as possible in the testing laboratory. Advanced techniques, which try to simulate actual deceleration time histories more accurately, are not excluded. It is in the interest of ECSS manufacturers to keep the pulse duration as long as possible and still meet the specification.However, if the ECSS is robust, tests may exceed the peak acceleration, reduce the duration, reduce the test complexity, and hence, reduce the test cost. Test parameters are shown in Table 2- Measured Data1. Acceleration input to ECSS case, with a minimumof 2 kHz bandwidth.2. Measurements of the ECSS deformation after thetest.3. Temperature of the ECSS case as a function oftime.4. Potential and impedance of the ECSS case withrespect to the positive and negative terminals be-fore and after the test.5. Still photographs of the test setup and the ECSSbefore and after the test.Minimum accelerationfor x ms(100%) Peak level 10% peak levelElectrochemical Storage System 2. Mechanical Abuse TestsAbuse Test Procedure Manual2-2Figure 2-1. Illustration of shock parameter definitions.Table 2-1. Parameters for Mechanical Shock TestLevel ∆ Velocity (m/s)Duration (m/s)Minimum Acceleration Acceptable PulseForm Low 6.7≤5520 G for 11 m/s 25 G 30 m/s half-sine Mid-111.1≤6530 G for 16 m/s 35 G 51 m/s half-sine Mid-213.3≤11020 G for 22 m/s25 G 60 m/s half-sine6. High speed motion pictures of test, ≥ 400 framesper second.7. Air concentrations of hazardous gases, liquids,and solids shall be collected and analyzed as a function of time.2.2 Drop Test (pack levelonly)2.2.1 Test DescriptionThis is a destructive free drop from 10 m (33 ft) onto a centrally located, cylindrical steel object (e.g., a tele-phone pole) having a radius of 150 mm (Figure 2-2).The ECSS shall impact across the radius of the cylin-drical object, but not on the end of the cylindrical object. A horizontal impact with an equivalent veloc-ity change is acceptable. The test should be run with wind speed of ≤3 mph, or in an enclosed facility. A minimum of three hazardous substance monitors,equally spaced around the unit, should be placed as close as reasonable to the test and moved as close as practical to the ECSS after the test. The ECSS should be observed for a minimum of one hour after the test.Figure 2-2. Drop test platen.2.2.2 Measured Data1. Acceleration input to ECSS case, with a minimumof 10 kHz bandwidth.2. Measurements of the ECSS deformation after thetest.3. Temperature of the ECSS case as a function oftime.4. Potential and impedance of the ECSS case withrespect to the positive and negative terminals be-fore and after the test.5. Still photographs of the test setup and the ECSSbefore and after the test.6. High-speed motion pictures of test, ≥ 400 framesper second.7. Air concentrations of hazardous gases, liquids,and solids shall be collected and analyzed as a function of time.2.3 Penetration Test (celllevel or above)2.3.1 Test DescriptionThe test article will be penetrated with a mild steel (conductive) pointed rod, which will be electrically insulated from the test fixture. The rate of penetration。
Through the synthesis of high modulus, high Tg, and degradable epoxy resin, this article studies its properties. After introducing the research background and research objectives, the synthesis method, performance testing, structure characterization, degradation performance, and application prospects are elaborated. The experimental results show that the synthesized epoxy resin has excellent mechanical properties and thermal stability, as well as good degradation performance, with broad application prospects. The conclusion summarizes the research results of this article and looks forward to future research directions, providing reference for the research of high-performance epoxy resins.【关键词】高模量、高Tg、可降解、环氧树脂、合成、性能研究、结构表征、降解性能、应用前景、总结、展望未来研究方向1. 引言1.1 研究背景高模量环氧树脂可以提高材料的刚度和强度,增加材料的耐热性和耐磨性,从而扩大了其应用范围。
第25卷 第4期2002年10月煤炭转化CO A L CO NV ERSIONV ol.25 N o.4O ct.2002用TG-FTIR考察煤燃烧过程中石灰石固硫影响因素邹学权1) 刘 毅1) 武建军2) 摘 要 大量燃煤伴随而来的环境问题是SO2污染及酸雨,用钙基固硫剂固硫可以降低SO2污染,改善大气环境质量,是一种投资少,见效快的实用技术.用碳酸钙作为吸收剂,考察了煤燃烧过程中固硫的影响因素.实验表明,用石灰石固硫的最佳工况条件是温度为1000℃左右,钙硫比为3∶1.关键词 热重-红外,固硫,燃烧,石灰石中图分类号 X701.30 引 言煤炭是我国的主要能源,目前已探明的储量为1145亿t,预计到2050年煤炭需求达30亿t~40亿t,因此我国以煤为主的能源结构在相当长的时间内不会改变,我国煤炭利用的主要方式上直接燃烧,由于煤中硫分的存在,起燃烧过程中生成的SO2对环境造成的污染问题越来越受到人们的重视.我国各主要污染源的统计表明,燃煤排出的SO2占其总量的80%以上,为了减少燃煤过程SO2的排放,各国能源工作者一直致力于开发新型高效脱硫技术的研究.燃烧炉内石灰石颗粒脱硫技术,因具有投资少,简便易行等优点,愈来愈引起研究者的极大兴趣.石灰石(主要成分是CaCO3)作为固硫剂,在干燥状态下,它能与SO2很好地反应,它反应的主要途径是自身分解生成CaO(即生石灰),生石灰作为固硫剂,性质很活泼,很容易与SO2发生反应.反应机理如下:Ca CO3CaO(s)+CO2(g)CaO(s)+SO2(g)+1/2O2Ca SO4(s)石灰石脱硫效果受诸条件的影响,本文以热重-红外(TG-FTIR)联用手段,考察温度和Ca/S对脱硫效果的影响.1 实验部分1.1 仪器与试剂 N ET ZSC H409C型热重分析仪;N ICOLET560型傅立叶变换红外光谱仪以及相应的TG-FT IR接口;分析纯碳酸钙;四川地区高硫煤.1.2 实验方法把高硫煤制成粒度小于0.2mm的分析煤样,按不同Ca/S比加入一定量的碳酸钙,混合均匀,然后取一定量的混合煤样放入热重分析仪中,用模拟空气气氛(N2流量为80L/min,O2流量为20L/ min)进行燃烧,燃烧生成的气体经T G-FTIR接口进入红外光谱仪进行定性分析.固硫率的计算是把混合煤样放入马弗炉中在相应温度下燃烧,灰渣用自动定硫仪定硫以确定被固定硫分质量,进而确定固硫率.2 结果与讨论本实验采用的四川高硫煤的工业分析和形态硫分析结果,见表 1.表1 原料煤工业分析与形态硫分析数据Ta ble1 Pro ximate a nalysis and sulfur fo rm analysis o f co alProximate analysis/%,ad Sulfur form analysis/%,ad M V A S t S p S o S s0.9013.3516.46 3.14 2.100.940.10中国矿业大学“211工程”建设项目子课题. 1)硕士生;2)副教授,中国矿业大学化工学院,221008 徐州收稿日期:2001-07-222.1 燃烧温度对固硫的影响钙硫比为2情况下,煤粉燃烧过程中硫析出情况的热重曲线见图 1.煤燃烧过程中硫分的析出跟图1 煤燃烧中SO 2析出的热重曲线Fig .1 T G Curv es of SO 2r elease during co al combustio n煤中形态硫的含量有密切关系.一般来说,脂肪硫的析出温度为300℃~320℃,硫铁矿硫的析出温度为400℃~450℃,噻吩硫的析出温度为480℃~590℃,硫酸盐硫为1100℃以上.从与热重联用的红外谱图(见图2)上可以看到有较强的SO 2析出峰.在420℃时应该主要是煤中黄铁矿硫的氧化析出.碳酸钙受热分解的热重曲线见图3,从曲线上可以看到,所用碳酸钙在670℃左右开始缓慢分解,在800℃左右分解率达到最大,由于没有分解的碳酸钙对SO 2没有固定作用,因而煤燃烧放出的SO 2直接以气体形式排出,没有形成硫酸钙形式固定下来,从而影响了固硫效果.图2 420℃时煤燃烧析出物质的红外谱图Fig .2 F T IR curv es o f the r eleased ma tter during coa l co mbustio n at 420℃ 在温度在1150℃左右,由于生成的硫酸钙要发生分解反应,可从红外谱图中见到有微弱的SO 2析出峰(见图4).从指导生产角度来说,当用碳酸钙作为固硫剂固硫时,应该控制炉温范围;温度太低,碳酸钙没有分解生成活性的氧化钙;温度太高,生成的硫酸钙要热分解从而又形成SO 2析出,影响了固图3 Ca CO 3分解的热重曲线Fig .3 T G curv es o f the decom po se o f CaCO3图4 420℃时红外光谱的匹配图Fig .4 The matching fig ure of F T IR curves a t 420℃硫效果.综合两方面因素考虑,石灰石最佳的固硫温度在1000℃左右.一般来讲,单纯用碳酸钙固硫效果比较差,现在许多地方都使用氢氧化钙或向碳酸钙中添加添加剂从而改善其低温固硫性能.2.2 钙硫比对固硫效果的影响不同钙硫比条件下煤燃烧的热重曲线见第41页图 5.从右端看,最下面的曲线是纯煤粉的燃烧热重曲线,从下到上依次钙硫比为1,2,3,3.5,也就是说,钙硫比越大,失重的百分比就越小,即固硫效果越好,这一点可以从固硫率的计算上看出.固硫率数值见第41页表 2.由于用碳酸钙固硫效果不好,所40 煤 炭 转 化 2002年以固硫率数值偏低.图5 不同钙硫比条件下的热重曲线Fig .5 T G curv es in conditio n o f differe nt ratio o f Ca and S表2 不同C a /S 下的固硫率T able 2 Efficency of sulfur fix ation in conditio n of different ra tio of Ca and SCa /S Sulfur fix ation /%1 5.71216.99324.30 3.525.46 固硫率随Ca /S 增大而提高(见图6),在低的图6 不同Ca /S 下固硫率的变化曲线Fig.6 Curve o f the v a rie ty o f sulfur fix ation in co mditio n o f differe nt ratio o f Ca a nd SCa /S 比时,脱硫效率增加较快,随着Ca /S 比不断增大,脱硫效率的增加速率减缓.在本实验中,当钙硫比为3时,脱硫效率的增加速率就开始减缓,所以可认为最佳的Ca /S 比为3左右.工业实际中考虑到生产成本和炉内的结渣问题一般不会选择太大的Ca /S 比.同时从图7可以看出,随Ca /S 增大,煤的燃烧热效应降低,因而太大的Ca /S 比也不利于煤的燃烧放热.图7 不同钙硫比条件下的差热曲线Fig.7 D SC in co ndition of differ ent radio Ca and S3 结 论(1)温度对石灰石固硫影响作用较大,温度太低,石灰石未发生分解反应,没有固硫作用,温度太高,生成的硫酸钙会受热分解,从而影响固硫效果.石灰石固硫最佳反应温度为1000℃.(2)Ca /S 是影响石灰石固硫作用的又一重要因素.固硫率随Ca /S 增大而提高,在低的Ca /S 比时,脱硫效率增加较快,随着Ca /S 比不断增大,脱硫效率的增加速率减缓.本实验中最佳的钙硫比为3左右.参 考 文 献[1] 陆永琪.钙基固硫剂固硫机理的研究:[博士学位论文].北京:清华大学,1992[2] Davini P .An Inves tigation of th e Influ ence of Sodium Chloride on the Desulfu rization Properties of Limes tone .Fuel ,1992,71:831[3] 彭 辉.煤燃烧炉内石灰石脱硫反应机理的分析.煤化工,1998,21(1):36-39(下转第53页)41第4期 邹学权等 用T G -FT I R 考察煤燃烧过程中石灰石固硫影响因素 [7] 美国康涅狄格州燃烧工程有限公司.内循环流化床(ICFB)燃烧系统.中国专利,CN1142261A.1997-02-05[8] 王政民.有纵向旋流分离器的内循环流化床燃烧炉.中国专利,CN2336195Y.1999-09-01[9] 盛宏至,黎 军,魏小林等.燃烧高水分煤低热值燃料的内旋流流化床燃烧技术研究.燃烧科学与技术,1997,3(3):309-315[10] 郝金华.非均匀布风内旋流流化床埋管传热特性的实验研究:[学位论文].北京:中国科学院力学研究所,1996[11] 田文栋.内旋流流化床特种燃烧锅炉实验研究:[学位论文].北京:中国科学院力学研究所,1997[12] 田文栋,魏小林,盛宏至.内旋流流化床燃烧系统设计研究.热能动力工程,1999,14(5):15-19[13] 田文栋,魏小林,吴东垠等.内旋流流化床颗粒运动的研究.热能动力工程.2000,15(1):9-11[14] 赵明举,叶峻岭,谢克昌等.一种气体分布板.中国专利,01202747.2.2001-01-03STUDY OF UN-UNIFORM DISTRIBUTOR OF IN TERNALLYCIRCULATING FLUIDIZED BEDZhao Mingju Cao Qing Song Qiyue*and Xie Kechang(State Key Laboratory of C1Chemistry and Technology,Shanx i Key Lab of Coal Science and Technology,Taiyuan University of Technology,030024Taiyuan;*Taiyuan Coal Gasif ication(Group)Corparation Ltd.030024Taiyuan)ABSTRACT A new ty pe distributor of internally circula ting fluidized bed(ICFB)was de-velo ped based on previous researcher s wo rk.It has tw o zones:o ne loca tes in the central zo ne of distributor with a far pitch o f ho les(low er opening ra tio),fo rming a m ov ing bed,a nd ano ther lo-ca tes in the margin zo ne of distributo r with a near pitch o f ho les(hig her opening ratio),forming a fluidized bed.The tw o zones share the sam e wind-box.The distributo r w as studied in a transpa r-ent fluidized bed apparatus.An inter nal circulatio n w as o bserv ed.KEY WORDS interna lly circulating fluidized bed,ICFB,distributor(上接第41页)STUDY ON IN FLUENCING FACTORS OF S ULFUR CAPTUREDURING COAL COMBUSTION WHEN USING LIMESTO N EAS S ORBENT BY TG A N D FTIRZou Xuequan Liu Yi and Wu Jianjun(Chemical College of China Unversity of Mining and Technology,221008X uzhou)ABSTRACT The hug e coal co mbustio n has resulted in the serio us po llution of SO2emission and acid rain.Sulfur retentio n using calcium sorbent can reduce the po llutio n o f SO2,improv e the quality of air evironm ent.It is a low in v estm ent a nd efficient technique.The influencing factors of the fix atio n of sulfur during coal combustion by using CaCO3as so rbent hav e been studied in this paper.The results show the optim um test co nditio ns are that the tem perature is1000℃and the Ca/S molar ratio is3∶1.KEY WORDS TG-FTIR,sulfur fix atio n,combustion,limesto ne 53第4期 赵明举等 不均匀布风的内循环流化床特性研究 。
化工鉴定报告英语Chemical Identification ReportDate:Subject: Chemical Identification ReportIntroduction:This report presents the results of a chemical identification analysis conducted on a sample provided. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the composition and properties of the unknown chemical substance.Methodology:The following analytical techniques were used to identify and characterize the unknown chemical substance:1. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR): An FTIR analysis was conducted to identify the functional groups present in the sample. It involved measuring the absorption and transmission of infrared light by the sample.2. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS): GC-MS was employed to separate, identify, and quantify the various components of the sample. Gas chromatography was used to separate the mixture into individual components, which were then subjected to mass spectrometry for identification.Results and Discussion:1. FTIR analysis revealed the presence of functional groups characteristic of carboxylic acids. This suggests that the unknown substance is likely a carboxylic acid or contains carboxylic acid functional groups.2. GC-MS analysis identified the main component of the sample as acetic acid, with a peak area of 85%. Acetic acid is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor. This finding corroborates the results obtained from the FTIR analysis.Conclusion:Based on the results obtained from the FTIR and GC-MS analyses, it can be concluded that the unknown chemical substance provided is acetic acid. Acetic acid is commonly used in various industries, including food production, pharmaceuticals, and textiles.It is important to note that this identification report is based on the analysis conducted on the provided sample. Further investigations and confirmatory tests may be required to accurately determine the purity and concentration of the acetic acid sample.Appendices:1. FTIR Spectra of the Unknown Substance2. GC-MS Chromatogram of the Unknown SubstancePlease feel free to contact us if you have any further questions orrequire additional information. Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title/Position][Your Organization]。
C.A.T Manager和eCert:根据C.A.T4测量设备че
C.A.T AccessoriesC.A.T ManagerThis Windows ®upload data logs (eC.A.T4 and gC.A.T4), retrieve calibrationcertificates and carry out eCert using a USB link to a PC. C.A.T Manager can disable or enable C.A.T4 features such as depth estimation and warnings. User-editable fields enable plant/fleet codes and other details to be stored on eC.A.T4 units, simplifying records and traceability. C.A.T Manager is available as a free download from the Radiodetection website or alternatively can be purchased on a CD.Part No: 97/CATMANAGEReCert™eCert is part of C.A.T Managersoftware application and allows users to confirm and extend the calibration of a C.A.T4 remotely using a USB link toa PC running C.A.T Manager. A successful eCert will generate a certificate of calibration which may be viewed or printed.Part No: 10/ECERTGenny AccessoriesGenny ClampThis clamp is used to apply a Genny signal to a specific cable or pipe. This is particularly useful where direct connectionis not possible, or on live cables when these cannot bede-energized. Available in 2' (50mm), 4' (100mm), 5' (130mm) and 8.5' (215mm) diameters.Part No: 10/GENNY-CLAMP-XX (XX= 2, 50, 4, 100, 5, 130, 8.5, 215)Extension RodThe 25" (630mm) length, non-conductive, nylon extension rod is used to extend the reach of the Genny clamp. Multiple rods can be connected together to extend the reach further. Part No: 10/TX-CLAMP-EXTRODEarth Extension LeadThis 33' (10m) lead, wound on a convenient spool, is used to extend the direct connection lead earth return connector, when a local earth point cannot be reached or is not suitable.Part No: 10/TX-EARTHLEADCompatible with C.A.T4™/C.A.TPart No: 26/F4ME16M4Direct Connection LeadThis is used for applying a Genny signal directly on to utilities.Part No: 17/GG1376E5Genny Connection KitThis kit includes the most common Genny connection accessories: direct connection lead, earth extension lead, earth stake and high-strength neodymium magnet. Part No: 10/GENNY-KITLive Plug Connector (LPC)This accessory is used to easily apply a Genny signal to a street distribution cable using a standard mains socket. It is available with either a UK or EU style mains plug or a ROW style that comes without a plug fitted. Maximum operating voltage 254Vrms and CAT II rated.Part No: 10/GG1540-LPCPart No: 10/GG1540-LPC-EUR Part No: 10/GG1540-LPC-ROWLive Cable Connector (LCC)This accessory is used to apply the Genny signal to live cables. The Live Cable Connector may only be used by suitably qualified personnel. Maximum operating 440Vrms and CAT III rated.Part No: 10/GENNY-LCCTransport accessoriesSoft Carry BagThis soft bag can hold a C.A.T, Genny and their accessories.Part No: 10/CAT/GEN2UCopyright © 2018 Radiodetection Ltd. All rights reserved. Radiodetection is a subsidiary of SPX Corporation. Radiodetection, C.A.T and Genny are trademarks ofRadiodetection Ltd. Due to a policy of continued development, we reserve the right to alter or amend any published specification without notice. This document may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, modified or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Radiodetection Ltd.90/ACC-CAT-ENG/07Radiodetection Ltd. (UK)WesternDrive,BristolBS140AF,UK.Tel:+44(0)*****************************Radiodetection 28 T owerRoad,Raymond,Maine04071,USA.Tel:+1(207)6558525TollFree:+1(877)**************************T o find your local office, please visit:Accessories for tracing non-conductive utilitiesFlexiTraceThe FlexiTrace reel holds 164' (50m) or 260' (80m) of small diameter rod. The rod can be energized by a Radiodetection Genny and inserted into pipes as small as 12mm. It is used with a Radiodetection C.A.T to find and trace non-metallic ducts and pipes. Available in English, Dutch, French or German language variants.Part No: 10/TRACE50-XX or 10/TRACE80-XX (XX= D, F, GB, NL)FlexrodA flexible fiberglass rod used for propelling Radiodetection sondes through pipes to trace the path and locate blockages. Available in various diameters and lengths. Choose from flexible 0.2" (4.5mm) diameter rods for tight bends up to 0.4" (9mm) for longer pushes, and lengths from 164' (50m) to 500' (150m).Part No: 10/FLEXRODF50-4.5Part No: 10/FLEXRODF80-4.5Part No: 10/FLEXRODF50-7Part No: 10/FLEXRODF100-7Part No: 10/FLEXRODF150-7Part No: 10/FLEXRODF60-9Part No: 10/FLEXRODF120-9SondesSondes are self-contained, battery operated devices that are used for tracing ducts/pipes and for locating blockages. They transmit at 33kHz (unless stated) and are normally fitted to a duct rod for inserting and pushing along ducts/pipes or, for smaller diameter sondes, ‘jetted’. For full details on the range of Radiodetection sondes and associated accessories contact Radiodetection or view the sonde user guide available on the Radiodetection website.S6 MicrosondeMeasuring 0.25" x 3.5" (6.4mm x 88mm). Locatable to 6.5' (2m). Supplied as a kit to include sonde, flexible adaptor, 2 batteries and case.Part No: 10/SONDE-MICRO-33Pack of 10 batteries: 10/SONDE-MICRO-BATPACKS9 MinisondeMeasuring 0.35" x 5.4" (9mm x 138mm). Locatable to 13' (4m). Supplied as a kit to include sonde, 2 batteries and case.Part No: 10/SONDE-MINI-33Pack of 10 batteries: 10/SONDE-MINI-BATPACKS13 Super Small SondeMeasuring 0.5" x 2.7" (12.7mm x 68mm) with plain end cap.Locatable to 8.2' (2.5m). Supplied as a kit to include sonde, 10mm threaded end cap, plain end cap with eyelet, 2 batteries and case. Part No: 10/SONDE-S13-33Pack of 10 batteries: 10/SONDE-S13-BATPACKS18 Small SondeMeasuring 0.70" x 3.22" (18mm x 82mm). Locatable to 13' (4m). Supplied with 10mm threaded end cap and 2 batteries.Part No: 10/SONDE-S18A-33Pack of 10 batteries: 10/S18-BATTERYPACKStandard SondeMeasuring 1.53" x 4.13" (39mm x 105mm). Locatable to 16" (5m).33kHz Part No: 10/SONDE-STD-33Sewer SondeMeasuring 2.51" x 6.61"(64mm x 168mm). Locatable to 26' (8m).Part No: 10/SONDE-SEWER-33Super SondeMeasuring 2.51" x 12.51" (64mm x 318mm).Locatable to 49.2' (15m).Part No: 10/SONDE-SUPER-33Range of sonde accessoriesRadiodetection has a wide range of accessories for sonde products including connectors for connecting onto rods/drain pipes with various size fittings. Please see the sonde userguide on the Radiodetection website or contact Radiodetection for more information.C.A.T Power Accessories and SparesD Cell BatteriesAlkaline Battery (D-Cell).Part No: 04/MN1300Set of two rechargeable NiMH batteries (D-Cell 5000mAh).Part No: 04/2DNIMHUniversal charger (AAA to D-cell).Part No: 26/UNICHARGER。
Specifications & Performance Claims WHAMBS5This system conforms to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 for the specific performance claims as verified and substantiated by test data.This filter improves the taste and odor and reduces many chemical contaminants in drinking water. The faucet indi-cator monitors the length of time the filter has been installed and will flash amber continuously, indicating the filters and battery need to be replaced.This system has been tested according to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 for the reduction of the substances listed below. The concentration of the indicated substances in water entering the system was reduced to a concentration less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system, as specified in NSF/ANSI 42 and 53. The testing was performed using spiked tap water at a flow rate of 0.74 GPM (2.8 L/min.), pH of 7.5 ±0.5, pressure of 60 PSIG, and temperature of 68 ±5°F.IMPORTANT NOTICE:Read this performance data and compare the capabilities of this unit with your actual water treatment needs. It is recommended that, before purchasing a water treatment unit, you have your water supply tested to determine your actual water treatment needs. This filter system is designed to be used for the reduction of the performance claims listed below. Do not use for the treatment of water that is visually contaminated (cloudy) or has an obvious contamination source, such as contamination by raw sewage. Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disinfected water that may contain filterable cysts. While testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual performance of the system may vary based on local water conditions. Some or all of the contaminants reduced by this unit may not be in your water supply. See elsewhere in this manual for instruc-tions on filter cartridge replacement, system installation, operating procedures, and warranty. The mainte-nance instructions must be followed for the product to perform as indicated below.NOTE: See labels on the water treatment system for additional information.Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level as required under the Safe Drinking Water Act.kMicrograms per liter, which is equivalent to parts per billion (PPB).lNSF minimum percent reduction requirement. Acceptance level for this substance is based on percent reduction, rather than maximum effluent concentration.mThe EPA has not determined a maximum contaminant level for this chemical.nParticulate Class I, reported in particles per milliliter.oChloroform was used as a surrogate for the reduction of chemicals specified in the Organic Chemicals Reduced by Chloroform Surrogate Testing table (on the following page).34Influent challenge levels are average influent concentrations determined in surrogate qualification testing.k Micrograms per liter, which is equivalent to parts per billion (PPB).l Maximum product water level was not observed, but set at the detection limit of the analysis.m Maximum product water level set at a value determined in surrogate qualification testing.nChemical reduction percent and maximum product water level calculated at chloroform 95% breakthrough point,as determined in surrogate qualification testing.o The surrogate test results for Heptachlor Epoxide demonstrated a 98% reduction. These data were used to cal-culate an upper occurrence concentration, which would produce a maximum product water level at the MCL.p Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level as required under the Safe Drinking Water Act.Performance Claims (continued)Cyst, virus and bacteria reduction tested by BioVir Labs, in accordance with the US EPA and State of California Department of Public Health test protocol.。
ATR-FTIR 法测定汽油中碳酸二甲酯的质量分数
ATR-FTIR 法测定汽油中碳酸二甲酯的质量分数杨艳红;段卫宇;张斌【摘要】ATR-FTIR was used to determine the content of dimethyl carbonate in gasoline.Quantitative analysis was performed based on Lambert-Bill principle.The results show good linearity with the content of dimethyl carbonate in the range of 0.5%~10.0%,whereas the detection limit was 0.1 5% and the spiked recover rate were 101.4%~1 18.4% with the relative standard deviations less than 1%.The method proves to be simple,accurate,fast,reproducible and also cost-effective.%利用液体衰减全反射-傅里叶变换红外光谱法(ATR-FTIR)快速测定汽油中碳酸二甲酯的质量分数,并且利用朗伯-比尔定律对其进行定量分析。
【期刊名称】《辽宁石油化工大学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】4页(P6-9)【关键词】液体衰减全发射-傅里叶变换红外光谱法;朗伯-比尔定律;汽油;碳酸二甲酯;快速检测方法【作者】杨艳红;段卫宇;张斌【作者单位】国家石油产品质量监督检验中心沈阳,辽宁沈阳 110032;国家石油产品质量监督检验中心沈阳,辽宁沈阳 110032;国家石油产品质量监督检验中心沈阳,辽宁沈阳 110032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TE626.21;TQ245液体衰减全反射-傅里叶变换红外光谱法(ATR-FTIR)是近年来发展速度快、应用范围广的一门红外光谱技术。
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Application of TG–FTIR to the determination of organic oxygenand its speciation in the Argonne premium coal samplesJ.A.MacPhee *,J.-P.Charland,L.GirouxCANMET Energy Technology Centre-Ottawa,1Haanel Drive,Ottawa,Ontario,Canada K1A 1M1Received 1April 2005;accepted 1October 2005AbstractDuring rapid pyrolysis of coal,TG–FTIR (thermogravimetry –Fourier transform infrared)technique can be effectively used to simultaneously detect and measure the three main O-containing gases,namely H 2O,CO and CO 2.Their sum corresponds to the quantitative amount of oxygen in the coal and is,in general,inherently more accurate than the F by-difference _values.In this paper,we first attempt to relate the F by-difference _values for %O reported for the Argonne premium coal samples (lignite to bituminous rank)(Argonne Users Handbook)to those determined from a TG–FTIR examination of the pyrolysis gases evolved.Another objective of the work is to relate the pyrolysis gases (H 2O,CO and CO 2)evolved to oxygen-containing functional groups found in coals as well as the evolution of these functional groups as a function of rank.Correlations are also developed between the TG–FTIR oxygen values and other parameters determined for the Argonne Premium Coals.In particular,comparisons of our results using TG–FTIR with analyses carried out by other workers on functional group analysis of acidic groups are considered.D 2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Argonne premium coals;Oxygen content;TG –FTIR;Oxygen functional groups1.IntroductionKnowledge of the amount of organic oxygen in a coal sample is important for many reasons.In coal conversion processes,it has a bearing on the process parameters necessary to obtain high conversion and determines the difficulty of upgrading liquid products to stabilized chemical entities.For coking coals,it may indicate undesirable weathering that will have a negative impact on coke bustion techniques are commonly used in the analysis of coal and organic compounds in general for the determination of elemental hydrogen,carbon and nitrogen according to ASTM D3176-89[1].For oxygen,the method in common practice involves the determination F by-difference _from directly determined values for moisture,ash,sulfur,hydrogen,carbon and nitrogen.In spite of the inherent errors of this approach,which may be significant,it must be recognized that,in many cases,oxygen values obtained F by-difference _are adequate;for others,such as studies of coal weathering,more accurate values are required.We have shown recently [2]that the nature of oxygen functional groups is important in assessing the degree of oxidation of a coal.In many cases it is impossible to know whether a particular coal has suffered oxidation purely from the F by-difference _oxygen value because the overall oxygen content of the sample has not changed in a manner that is detectable by this approach.Some years ago,a pyrolysis technique was developed for the direct determination of oxygen using the Perkin Elmer 240Microanalyser [3].This technique was based on earlier work,which showed that all of the organic oxygen in coal could be liberated by pyrolysis as H 2O,CO and CO 2.Culmo showed that the passage of the pyrolysis gases over hot activated carbon converts all the oxygen to CO.Subsequent passage of the CO over cupric oxide forms CO 2,which can be identified quantitatively by a suitable detector.The pyrolysis technique has been developed by other groups as well [4,5].For a number of years,we have used this technique routinely in our work on coal oxidation where small changes in oxygen content are important [6,7].However,although we have found this technique both useful and reliable,it does not provide information about the chemical speciation of0378-3820/$-see front matter D 2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2005.10.004*Corresponding author.E-mail (J.A.MacPhee).Fuel Processing Technology 87(2006)335–341oxygen in coal.This has led us to consider the use of thermogravimetry coupled to gas analysis by infrared spectroscopy (TG–FTIR)to measure organic oxygen in coal directly.Although this technique,developed by Solomon et al.[8],has been extensively used by our group [9–11]and others,it appears not to have been considered for this particular purpose.In this work,we report the application of TG–FTIR under pyrolysis conditions to measure total organic oxygen and examine oxygen speciation in the Argonne premium coal samples.2.ExperimentalThe technique has been described elsewhere in some detail [9].Here follows a brief description.TG–FTIR —as mentioned above,the TG–FTIR technique has been developed and used extensively by Solomon et al.[8].In the current configuration of the system,a Bomem TG/Plus TGA/FTIR spectrometer consisting of a DuPont 951TGA,multipass gas cell,Michelson 110FTIR and microcomputer was used.The system can simultaneously control furnace tempera-ture,record weight loss and capture IR spectra for up to 20evolving species in real time.Typically,a 25–35mg sample was continuously weighed in the TG/Plus system while heated using the following temper-ature program:a drying step at 150-C followed by pyrolysis in helium with a temperature ramp from 150to 900-C at 30-C/min.Gases and volatiles were entrained in a gas cell by a helium stream where the rate and amount of the IR-active species were quantitatively measured.During the thermal ramp program,infrared spectra are collected every 30s.On-line analysis and post process manipulations of the data were performed by the TG/Plus and SpectraCalc software packages.In general,the spectra obtained from the coal samples showed absorption bands for tars,CH 4,C 2H 4,NH 3,CO,CO 2,COS,SO 2and H 2O.The TG/Plus quantitative analysisprogramT,°CT ,°CW t %/m i nabTime, minW t %/m i nFig.1.Illinois #6coal:(a)evolution of H 2O,CO,CO 2and thermocouple temperature vs.time;(b)evolution of H 2O,CO and CO 2vs.temperature.J.A.Macphee et al./Fuel Processing Technology 87(2006)335–341336employs a database of calibrated IR spectra of gases/volatiles to obtain their relative amounts.All proximate and ultimate analyses were carried out according to ASTM D3176-89[1].3.Results and discussionPlots of the H 2O,CO and CO 2evolved during pyrolysis are used to estimate the total organic oxygen in a coal sample.Typical plots for Illinois #6and Beulah-Zap are given in Figs.1a,b and 2a,b ,respectively.Integration of these curves yield the wt.%of the various oxygen containing gases evolved from the coal from which the contribution to the total oxygen content is calculated.In Fig.1b,there is a sharp peak in the CO 2evolution curve at 765-C that corresponds to calcite decomposition in the Illinois #6coal [8,12].The shape of the water evolution curves for Illinois #6and Beulah-Zap is important in the present context.The curve for the former indicates no water evolution below¨300-C and is a fairly simple bell-shaped curve consisting of two or more major components,whereas the curve for the latter indicates small yet important amounts ofwaterT, °CT , °CW t %/m i nabTime, minW t %/m i nFig.2.Beulah-Zap lignite:(a)evolution of H 2O,CO,CO 2and thermocouple temperature vs.time;(b)evolution of H 2O,CO and CO 2vs.temperature.Table 1Analysis of Beulah-Zap and Wyodak coals (CETC-Ottawa)(wt.%,as analysed)Analysis Coal Beulah-Zap Wyodak Proximate Moisture 17.1716.39Ash7.977.42VM+FC74.8676.19Ultimate C 53.8856.40H 3.50 4.01N 0.830.89S0.670.57O (F by-difference _)15.98(12.32a )14.32(11.68a )aArgonne Users Handbook.J.A.Macphee et al./Fuel Processing Technology 87(2006)335–341337evolution at surprisingly low temperatures,starting at ¨120-C.How we interpret this phenomenon,this low-temperature water,is of some significance to this work and to the analysis of lignites in general.The question of whether this water is bulk water or pyrolysis water has to be considered since it determines whether this water originates as organic oxygen or not.We will indicate our interpretation of this below in some detail.In previous work that considered bituminous and sub-bituminous coals [7,9,10]but not lignites,the estimation of total oxygen via TG–FTIR was rather straightforward with total oxygen values close to our in-house by-difference values.In the present work,six of the eight Argonne samples behaved as expected but difficulties were encountered with Wyodak (sub-bituminous)and Beulah-Zap (lignite).For the latter two coals,the TG–FTIR values were several percentage points higher than the dry F by-difference _values reported in the Argonne Users Handbook,V orres [12].To address this problem,we first had Wyodak and Beulah-Zap analysed by our own characterization laboratory.Prior to analysis,the two coals were dried at ambient temperature overnight.We found that pre-drying of the sample (under nitrogen)was necessary to obtain reliable sample weights for analysis since both samples in their pristine state from the vialshad ¨30%moisture.Allowing the moisture to stabilize at ambient conditions made the analysis much simpler.Results are reported in Table 1where some differences with the previously reported results are noted.In particular,the carbon values from our laboratory are ¨1%lower that the reported values making the O F by-difference _values higher by the same amount.These new values were still lower than the %O values determined by TG–FTIR.In an attempt to explain this occurrence,the TG–FTIR behaviour of Beulah-Zap pre-dried at 75-C and 105-C for 24h in a nitrogen atmosphere was examined.The water evolution curves for the un-dried and pre-dried coals are shown in Fig.3.It is clear that even at 75-C the water evolution peak at ¨150-C is drastically reduced,suggesting that this is bulk water which is not removed in conventional drying at 105-C and consequently should not be considered as contributing to the overall organic oxygen of the sample.As a consequence of this finding,the water evolution peaks for both Beulah-Zap and Wyodak were integrated manually so as to eliminate this low-temperature contribution to the overall water evolution.The work of Bartholomew et al.[13]on measurements of surface and pore properties of Argonne National Laboratory and Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center coals found thatT, °CW t %/m i nFig.3.Beulah-Zap lignite —effect of heat treatment on H 2O evolution vs.temperature.Table 2Argonne premium coals —TG –FTIR data CoalRank H 2O(wt.%;db a )CO(wt.%;db)CO 2(wt.%;db)O(wt.%;db)H 2O(mmol/g;db)CO(mmol/g;db)CO 2(mmol/g;db)O(mmol/g;db)Pocahontas #3lvb 1.15 1.990.70 2.670.640.710.16 1.67Upper Freeport mvb 3.12 2.09 1.14 4.83 1.740.750.26 3.02Pittsburgh #8hvAb 4.09 2.70 1.42 6.25 2.270.970.32 3.91Lewis-Stockton hvAb 4.65 3.05 1.39 6.92 2.58 1.090.32 4.33Illinois #6hvCb 5.58 3.69 1.828.48 3.10 1.320.41 5.30Blind Canyon hvBb 6.00 4.67 2.009.47 3.33 1.670.45 5.92Wyodak subb C 9.978.42 5.5317.73 5.54 3.01 1.2611.08Beulah-Zaplig A11.239.007.4120.566.243.221.6812.85aDry basis.J.A.Macphee et al./Fuel Processing Technology 87(2006)335–341338most of the internal surface area of Wyodak and Beulah-Zap coals consists of micropores having diameters less than 1nm.Also,the low pore volumes reported by Bartholomew et al.[13]for these coals lends support to our attribution of the shoulder peak of the H 2O evolution profile of Beulah-Zap in Fig.3to bulk water.In light of what has been stated above concerning the data treatment,the amounts of H 2O,CO and CO 2and the corresponding total organic oxygen evolved from the Argonne Premium Coals using TG–FTIR are given in Table 2.The total organic oxygen values obtained for the Argonne coals by TG–FTIR and F by-difference _are given in Table 3for comparison purposes.These values are plotted in Fig.4where the least squares line is constrained to pass through zero.It should be mentioned that the total organic oxygen measured via TG–FTIR and presented in this paper refers strictly to organic oxygen,although four of the eight Argonne coals,namely Pocahontas #3,Illinois #6,Blind Canyon and Beulah-Zap,were found to contain inorganic oxygen from the decomposition of calcite and also siderite in the case of Pocahontas #3.The fraction of inorganic oxygen present in these four coals was obtained through CO 2profile resolution and was based both on the evolution temperature for CO 2from decomposition of pure siderite and calcite via TG–FTIR [9,10].In other words,the amount of organic CO 2listed in Table 2for the Argonne coals identified ascontaining carbonates was obtained by subtracting the inorganic CO 2contribution from the total CO 2measured.3.1.Oxygen distribution as a function of rankThe contributions from H 2O,CO and CO 2to organic oxygen in the coals are shown in Table 4and graphically in Fig.5.As expected,there is a general monotonic increase in all quantities with decreasing carbon content.Extensive work on oxygen functional analysis has been reported and discussed in Van Krevelen [14].The shapes of curves of functional group content versus carbon content provided in that reference are concave downward while those shown in Fig.5are all concave upward.The results cited in Van Krevelen are from a variety of sources and make use of a variety of chemical techniques.Van Krevelen points out that,except for peat and brown coal,the sum of the functional group oxygen and the total oxygen in the coal are in agreement.Consequently,it is doubtful that ‘‘unreactive’’oxygen really exists.In the present work,it has been shown that all the oxygen in the coal sample is expelled during pyrolysis and measured by the amounts of the three gases,H 2O,CO and CO 2.The normalized organic oxygen content occurring in the three O-containing pyrolysis gases is given in Table 5where it is seen,with the exception of Pocahontas #3,the highest rank coal in the series,that there is a remarkable similarity of the various contributions as noted previously [9,10].Table 3Comparison of oxygen concentrations —Argonne and TG –FTIR CoalOArgonne (wt.%;db)TG –FTIR (wt.%;db)Pocahontas #3 2.36a 2.67Upper Freeport 4.84a 4.83Pittsburgh #8 6.74a 6.25Lewis-Stockton 7.79a 6.92Illinois #68.65a 8.48Blind Canyon 10.79a 9.47Wyodak 17.13b 17.73Beulah-Zap19.29b20.56a Argonne Users Handbook.bDetermined at CANMET Energy TechnologyCentre-Ottawa.O (Argonne, by difference), wt% (db)O (T G -F T I R ), w t % (d b )parison of the TG –FTIR organic O (wt.%,db)with the Argonne by-difference values.Table 4Argonne premium coals —contributions to overall O content,wt.%(db)CoalO (H 2O)O (CO)O (CO 2)O total (FTIR)Pocahontas #3 1.02 1.140.51 2.67Upper Freeport 2.79 1.200.84 4.83Pittsburgh #8 3.66 1.55 1.04 6.25Lewis-Stockton 4.15 1.75 1.02 6.92Illinois #6 5.01 2.13 1.348.48Blind Canyon 5.34 2.67 1.469.47Wyodak 8.88 4.82 4.0317.73Beulah-Zap10.005.165.4020.56C (Argonne), wt% (dmmf)O (T G -F T I R ), w t % (d b )Fig.5.O (TG–FTIR)vs.C (Argonne).J.A.Macphee et al./Fuel Processing Technology 87(2006)335–3413393.2.Oxygen speciationThe concentrations of –OH and –CO 2H functional groups occurring in the Argonne Premium Coals have been measured by Aida et al.[15]using a chemical method.His method involves the reaction of carboxyl functional groups in coal with n -Bu 4NBH 3in pyridine.The amount of hydrogen evolved is assumed to be equivalent to the carboxyl concentration in the coal.Carboxylate groups are not detected by this method but,after acid washing,the total carboxyl content was measured to yield carboxyl and carboxylate amounts in the original coal.The underlying assumption is that this reagent (n -Bu 4NBH 3)reacts only with carboxyl groups and not with phenolic –OH groups.Corroborating evidence from solid-state 13C NMR supports the assumption.A further reagent,LiBH 3in pyridine,which reacts with both carboxyl and phenolic –OH generating hydrogen,was used to measure the concentrations of these two functional groups together.The concentration of phenolic –OH is then calculated from the difference between total acidic groups and the total carboxyl group concentrations.A direct comparison between the pyrolysis data of our work and Aida’s functional group analysis is therefore possible.We first consider the relationship between pyrolysis CO 2and total carboxyl plus carboxylate measured chemically by this author shown in Fig.6.It is evident that the pyrolysis CO 2is equivalent to the –CO 2H(M)measured by Aida.From a chemical point of view,this is reasonable since it is difficult to envisage the production of CO 2from any other functional group as pointed out by Schafer [4]for Australian brown coal decomposition.Fig.6therefore constitutes a validation of boththe Aida and the pyrolysis (TG–FTIR)approaches to the measurement of carboxyl groups in coal.It is worth pointing out that the curves for the evolution of CO 2as a function of temperature are not simple,indicating more than one compo-nent.It is possible that carboxyl and carboxylate decompose to produce CO 2in different temperature ranges and that the relevant information may be extracted from the pyrolysis curves by deconvolution.This point will be examined in future work.The situation for acidic –OH groups is somewhat different.A plot of pyrolysis H 2O as a function of –OH groups from Aida’s work indicates that there is more water evolved than can be accounted for by his estimation of phenolic –OH groups (Fig.7).There exists a large body of work on phenolic –OH groups in coal estimated by a variety of techniques that was reviewed recently [16].This author sums up the literature data on phenolic –OH groups by means of the following equation:ln O ph ÀÁ¼130:3909þ96:124ln c C ðÞÀ134:133c C r ¼0:859ðÞwhere c C is the fractional carbon content on a dry,ash-free basis.A comparison of phenolic –OH content generated by the above equation and the experimental work of Aida for the Argonne coals indicates that the latter are somewhat lower than the ‘‘consensus’’values assembled by Gagarin [16].Some ofTable 5Argonne premium coals —normalised organic O wt.%CoalO (H 2O)O (CO)O (CO 2)Pocahontas #3384319Upper Freeport 582517Pittsburgh #8582517Lewis-Stockton 602515Illinois #6592516Blind Canyon 572815Wyodak 502723Beulah-Zap492526COOH+COOM (Aida), mmol/g (db)C O 2 (T G -F T I R ), m m o l /g (d b )Fig.6.CO 2(TG –FTIR)vs.COOH+COOM functionality (Aida et al.[15]).Ar-OH (Aida), mmol/g (db)H 2O (T G -F T I R ), m m o l /g (d b )Fig.7.H 2O (TG –FTIR)vs.Ar –OH functionality (Aida et al.[15]).Ar-OH (van Krevelen), mmol/g (db)H 2O (T G -F T I R ), m m o l /g (d b )Fig.8.H 2O (TG–FTIR)vs.Ar–OH functionality (Van Krevelen [14]).J.A.Macphee et al./Fuel Processing Technology 87(2006)335–341340the work dates from Van Krevelen’s group in the1950s [17,14].It involved measurement of phenolic–OH groups by acetylation with acetic anhydride in pyridine for a relatively wide range of coal rank.From that work,it is possible to estimate the phenolic–OH content for the Argonne coals from the appropriate carbon content.A comparison of the pyrolysis H2O content of the Argonne coals with the phenolic–OH from van Krevelen’s work is given in Fig.8.The correlation between these two values is excellent and,perhaps what is more significant,the slope is close to unity and the intercept of the least squares line is close to zero.This leaves us with the intriguing conclusion that the pyrolysis water originates mainly as phenolic–OH,although it is difficult to see how this can be the case since it is likely that the reaction mechanisms producing pyrolysis water are complex.4.Observations and conclusions1.TG–FTIR can be reliably used for the determination of theorganic oxygen content of coals in general as indicated by the results reported here for Argonne premium coals.2.Low rank coals contain water that is difficult to remove at105-C.3.The normalized amounts of oxygen found in the gaseousspecies H2O,CO and CO2remain remarkably constant with changes in rank.4.Pyrolysis CO2corresponds to the CO2H(M)functionalgroup in coal.5.The quantity of pyrolysis H2O is accounted for almostentirely by–OH functional groups(using the experimental results of Van Krevelen)indicating this functional group as its principal source.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank the Canadian Carbonization Research Association for support of this work.References[1]ASTM Standards,V olume05.06,Gaseous Fuels;Coal and Coke,ASTMInternational,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,W.Conshohocken, PA19428-2959,USA,2004.[2]J.A.MacPhee,L.Giroux,J.-P.Charland,J.F.Gransden,J.T.Price,Detection of natural oxidation of coking coal by TG–FTIR—mechanistic implication,Fuel83(2004)1855–1860.[3]R.Culmo,Microdetermination of oxygen in organic compounds with anautomatic elemental analyzer,Microchimica Acta(1968)811–815. 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