Henry Fielding



《一七三六年历史纪事》(1737) 《大伟人乔纳森·菲尔德传》(1743) 《汤姆·琼斯》(1749) 《艾米莉亚》(1751) 《里斯本航海日记》(1754)
参考资料 1 亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding的全部作品 .豆瓣电影[引用日期2022-03-31] 2 Birth chart of Henry Fielding - Astrology horoscope .astro-seek[引用日期2023-02-09]
小说第二部分是汤姆和苏索亚在路上的活动。本想出海的汤姆迷路去了伦敦,他与苏索亚多次近在咫尺,但 始终没有遇上。他在客店遇见一伙军人,因与人争吵受伤,遇见以前的塾师巴特里奇,二人同行。路上他们遇见 隐士、乞丐、艺人、律师、吉卜赛人、劫盗、税官等人。这部分占了小说三分之一的篇幅,是小说中最有趣也是 最有意义的部分,描写了社会各阶层人物,表露了对不幸者的同情。
菲 尔 丁 对 小 说 理 论 也 有 很 大 的 贡 献 , 他 首 先 确 定 了 小 说 在 文 学 形 式 中 的 地 位 。 在 《 约 瑟 夫 ·安 德 鲁 传 》 序 言 里,他把自己的小说称为“散文滑稽史诗”,在《汤姆·琼斯》各章绪论中,他阐述了自己的小说理论。他认为小 说最接近史诗,除了没有韵律,有史诗的一切特征:“故事、情节、人物、感想和文体。”他的小说具有滑稽可 笑的特点,但也不同于喜剧,“它的情节所涉及的更宽,包罗的更大,内容包含着的事件范围更广,它所介绍的 人物更是多种多样。”在人物塑造上,他强调“典型”。在情节方面,他强调必然性与偶然性的结合。他特别注 意小说的结构,认为要详略得当。故事引人入胜,要具有内部的统一性。他在小说中确立起全知全能的叙述形式, 令叙述语言与人物语言区别开来,使英国小说不再是简单的叙述而成为一种有意趣的文体。


Henry Fielding (1707-1754)
Henry Fielding: an overview Fielding’s Masterpiece
The story of The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Tom Jones, his character
Once, arriving home from a trip to London, Mr. Allworthy is surprised to find a baby in his bedroom. He adopts the foundling and names him Tom. Shortly afterwards Miss Bridget gets married to a certain Captain Blifil, and gives birth to a boy. Young Blifil’s parents die and the orphan is left in the care of Mr. Allworthy who brings him up together with Tom.
The story of Tom Jones
Mr. Allworthy, rejoiced at this news, reconciles with Tom, and makes him his heir. Sophia forgives Tom his youthful mistakes and squire Western consents to Sophia’s marriage to Tom. All ends happily.

Henry Fielding简介

Henry Fielding简介

• In 1743 his wife died, he remarried his wife’s maid. • He had 4 more children,but three daughters died very young.
• In 1754,Doctor convince him to see a doctor to Portugal. • He wrote the book ‘Journal of a voyage to lisbon’,which has been described as the horrors of traveling.
Novelist, Dramatist satire, picaresque
Henry Fielding
The founder of the English realist novel
Early life
• The son of a army lieutenant (Edmund Fielding ) and a judge’s daughter (Sarah Gould Fielding
• His mother died just before his 11th birthday • A suit for custody was brought by his grandmother
Sarah Fielding
• His younger sister, Sarah, also became a successful writer.
The History of Tom Jones
General idea
• Often known as Tom Jones, a comic novel. • First published on 28 February 1749 in London. • This book gives a comprehensive and all-embracing picture of the life of 18th century in England. • Fielding's greatest book • A very influential English novel.

Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews

Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews

Fielding as a Playwright (1729-1737)

26 plays in 9 years; Regular comedies, farces, burlesques, and dramatic satires; Theory/principle: ―the stage should be a school of morality‖; Satires: to attack all manners of contemporary vices: the corruption of politics, the injustice of the law, the depravity of high society, the triviality of the drama, and the mischief of religious superstition; End: the Licensing Act passed in Parliament in 1737, prohibited the production of any play unless it had received the sanction of the English Gov.
Features and Elements

Q: What are the major features of novel? A prose narrative; fictitious; Write to entertain. Q: What are the elements of the novel? Story, character, plot, theme, setting (time & place), narrative point of view (firstperson, third-person)

7 henry fielding

7 henry fielding

Novel of Incidents
• Novel of Incidents mainly reveals the actions of the characters or events, not the characters. The plots are loose but flowing. The novel focuses on the funny and adventurous events. 揭示人物或事件 的动作。情节松散但流畅。注重有趣的和 冒险的事件。如,Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾 逊· 克鲁索漂流记》
(2) Richardson and Pamela: 理查森和帕梅拉 an epistle[i„pisl] novel书信体
(3) The most outstanding character:
• The most outstanding character is Parson 牧师 Adams亚当斯. He is poor, honest old parson. He is high-minded, simplehearted and ardently热心的 devoted to ideals. He is ready to help the weak and the oppressed. He is a man extraordinary 非凡的knowledge, but he is very forgetful 疏忽,健忘.
III. Some Features of Fielding’s Novels
• (1) Lighter打火机 kind of satire: Humorous satire, which is meant to be instructive and corrective教育性的,矫正的. (2) Grim冷酷的 satire: which is used to lash 冲击讽刺 the cardinal 主要的evils of the corrupt 腐败的ruling classes.



乡绅:渥尔维斯 (汤姆的养父)
乡绅的姐姐:布莱格特 布莱格特的丈夫:布利菲尔 男婴:汤姆 (主人公)
乡绅的外甥:小布利菲尔 邻居乡绅的女儿:索菲娅 索菲娅的父亲:魏斯顿
◆ 《阿米莉亚》(1751 )是菲尔丁的第四部也是最后一部小说, 是他最心爱的。作品出版后反应冷淡,菲尔丁就此不作小说。 小说中批判了社会的不平等,特权人物为所欲为,美德被任意 践踏,法律也帮助富人,穷人处处受压迫和凌辱。 ◆ 菲尔丁对小说理论也有很大的贡献,他首先确定了小说在文学 形式中的地位,在《约瑟夫•安德鲁传》序言里,他把自己的小 说称为“散文滑稽史诗”。在《汤姆•琼斯》各章绪论中,他阐 述了自己的小说理论。他认为小说最接近史诗,除了没有韵律, 有史诗的一切特征:“故事、情节、人物、感想和文体。”他 的小说具有滑稽可笑的特点,但也不同于喜剧,“它的情节所 涉及的更宽,包罗的更大,内容包含着的事件范围更广,它所 介绍的人物更是多种多样。”在人物塑造上,他强调“典型”。 在情节方面,他强调必然性与或然性的结合。他特别注意小说 的结构,认为要详略得不。故事引人入胜,要具有内部的统一 性。他在小说中确立起全知全能的叙述形式,钭叙述语言与人 物语言区别开来,使英国小说不再是简单的叙述而成为一种有 意趣的文体。
《汤姆.琼斯》 全名《弃儿汤姆.琼斯的故事》 (1749 ),是菲尔丁的代表作, 也常被看作英国18 世纪小说的 最杰出巨著。 《汤姆.琼斯》因为它出色的结构 备受称赞。小说篇幅宏大,有 乡村、路上、伦敦三部分,描 绘乡村、城市生活的全景、各 色男女肖像,但线索清晰. 故 事连续、引人入胜。汤姆的身 世之谜成为强烈的悬念,直到 结尾才解开。结尾是出人意料 的,但以前的伏笔又是令人信 服的。小说的语言也清晰、灵 活、机智。

Henry Fielding 亨利 菲尔丁

Henry Fielding 亨利 菲尔丁

Remarkable language
Tom Jones 汤姆∙琼斯
Plot summary
A wealthy gentleman Allworthy finds a baby boy on his bed one ter,he discovers that a maidservant,Jenny Jones,is his mother and the boy is given the name of Tom Jones.Allworthy's sister Bridget marries Captain Blifil and have a son.Allworthy's nephew Blifil and Tom are raised together.But the young Blifil,who is one year younger than Tom,is Tom's enemy.Years later both of them rival over the attention of Sophia Western.Because of Blifil's treachery(背 信弃义),Tom is expelled from the house.
During 1729-1737,worked as a playwright and a theater manager In 1737 when the political censorship of the Licensing Act 《喜剧审查法案》went into effect, his theatrical career came to an end
Writing technique in Tom Jones



其次,礼义之美还体现在执法过程中。中国古代法制强调执法者的道德修养, 要求他们以德治国,而非以罚代刑。同时,中国古代法制也强调社会公德和家庭 伦理,如孝道、悌道等。这些道德规范直接影响了法律的实施和审判。
与中国古代法制强调礼义廉耻相反,其刑罚也具有谦抑特点。在古代中国, 刑罚被认为是最后一道防线,其使用必须遵循一定的伦理原则。
在《一个和八个》中,郭小川通过讲述一个被错误地判定为反革命的八路军 战士的英勇事迹,表达了对革命英雄主义的崇敬和对战斗精神的赞美。这首诗充 满了强烈的革命英雄主义和战斗气息,展现了郭小川作为一位革命诗人的坚定信 仰和崇高追求。
总的来说,郭小川的三首叙事长诗不仅展现了革命伦理与个体伦理的复调表 达,也呈现了诗人自身的命运抉择。他作为一位知识分子,具有强烈的社会责任 感和道德要求,同时也面临着个体与革命、理想与现实的矛盾冲突。这种矛盾冲 突既体现在他的诗歌创作中,也决定了他的人生道路选择。
在家庭方面,张洁的作品突出了家庭的纽带和责任。在《爱,需要学习》中, 主人公经历了夫妻关系的种种波折,最终明白了家庭责任的重要。《爱的涟漪》 中的主人公则通过不断的努力,消除了家人之间的矛盾,维系了家庭的和谐。
事业方面,张洁的作品强调了事业的独立性和自我实现的价值。《敲门》中 的主人公通过不懈的努力,实现了自己的事业理想。《心之舞》则展示了主人公 在事业与家庭之间的挣扎和选择,突显了事业对于个人成长的重要性。
首先,让我们来看郭小川的《白雪的赞歌》。在这首诗中,诗人通过塑造一 位医生形象,展现了革命时期知识分子的内心世界和情感矛盾。这位医生是那个 时代许多知识分子的典型,他性格柔弱,还不是员,但他的诚实敬业、同情和帮 助他人以及投身革命战场都体现了他的社会责任感和道德要求。他理智地离开, 最终成全了革命者的爱情的坚贞。



Fielding’s masterpiece, with the fame of being the best constructed novel in English literature.
Tom Jones (1749)
A love story between Tom and Sophia.
A comprehensive, all-embracing picture (panorama 全景图)of the life of the mid-18th century England, …, together with full-blooded characters, in brilliant, witty and highly artistic language, a masterpiece of English literature.
strong, healthy
extraordinary learning
The Character of Parson Adams
While the agreeable young _J_o_s_e_p_h_may be the centre of the plot, _____ is the
most outstanding character in Joseph
g as a Playwright
Construct effective situations;
conduct natural and vivid dialogues; II. Last
develop his gift of satire.
Fielding as a Playwright
Fielding’s dramatic theory and practice were in conformity with (一致) the theory of “a return to nature” and the principle that the stage should be “a school of morality” in the Enlightenment period.



作者简介亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding,1707-1754)英国第一个伟大的小说家,英国小说得以定型的奠基人。






















• "Tom Jones" plot organization performance in the author's highly art. "Tom Jones" although plot complex numerous, but the author, characters, delicate, hierarchy in layout in an orderly way. In the story, character, increasing the plot appears compact. • 《汤姆· 琼斯》在情节的组织方面 表现了作者的高度的艺术技巧。《 汤姆· 琼斯》虽然情节复杂,人物 众多,但作者布局精巧,层次井然, 有条丌紊。在故事的发展中,人物 出现越多,情节越趋紧凑。
Novel appreciation
• Novels in addition to Jones and SuFei ya successively runaways plot as the center, describes all kinds of sporting events outside, also describes some incidental story and characters. If the pitiless 1691Christians in the mountains of the recluse, pessimistic, gypsy life ,the relationship between the couples, the low man's relationship with Neville court family father to contradictions etc. Gail These stories and characters and the main plot constitute an organic whole. • 小说中除了以琼斯和苏菲娅先后离家出走的情节为中 心,描写形形色色的冒险事件外,也描叙了一些附带 的故事和人物。如教友会教徒的铁石心肠,山中隐士 的悲观厌世,吉卜赛人的生活,菲茨派屈里克夫妇的 关系,本勒夫人的家庭和奈庭盖尔父子的矛盾等等。 这些故事和人物都不主要的情节构成一个有机的整体。

罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)-章节题库-第7章 18世纪(1688~1798)【圣才出品】

罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)-章节题库-第7章 18世纪(1688~1798)【圣才出品】

第7章18世纪(1688~1798)一、填空题1. Henry Fielding has been regarded as “_____”, for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.(吉林大学2007研)【答案】Father of the English Novel【解析】亨利·菲尔丁被誉为“英国小说之父”。

2. Author: _____ Title: _____.(南京大学2007研)At other times, the like battles have been fought between the Yahoos of several neighborhoods, without any visible cause: those of one district watching all opportunities to surprise the next, before they are prepared. But if they find their project has miscarried, they return home, and, for want of enemies, engage in what I call a civil war among themselves.【答案】Jonathan Swift; Gullive r’s Travels【解析】题中文段节选自乔纳森的《格列佛游记》。


3. Xury and Friday are characters in the novel entitled _____ written by _____.(大连外国语大学2008研)【答案】Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe【解析】“Xury”和“Friday”是笛福的代表作《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的人物。

英国文学 Henry Fielding

英国文学 Henry Fielding

II. His Novels
1. Joseph Andrews 1742
It is Fielding's first novel. He wrote this novel with the intention of ridiculing
Richardson' s novel Pamela. He chose Joseph Andrews, Pamela's brother, to be the hero of the novel. The situation is contrived by reversing the situation in Pamela. The book turns out quickly a great novel of the open road, a ―comic epic in prose‖, whose subject is ―the true ridiculous‖ in human nature. The comic epic is designed to furnish instruction as well as entertainment. Fielding believed in the educational function of the novel.

Plot of Joseph Andrews
Employed as a servant in the household of Sir
Thomas Booby, the innocent Joseph is in love with Fanny Goodwill, one of the housemaids. However, he is plagued by the unwanted attentions of Lady Booby. When he refuses the advances of his employer, Joseph is beaten by her minions and left for dead before being rescued by a passing coach. He finally reunites with his friend Parson Adams, who has just saved Fanny from attack. As the farcical plot accelerates, the virtuous trio gets into a surprising number of scrapes, narrowly avoids being jailed for crimes they didn't commit, and is unwittingly lured to a Black Mass organized by an evil nobleman. Meanwhile, Lady Booby, scheming to ensure that the marriage of the young couple never occurs, has Fanny framed and arrested for robbery. This film is not rated.

Henry Fielding

Henry Fielding

The features of Fielding's novels
1.The story was told directly by the author, which enables the author to develop his narrative in the fullest,freest,clearest and most straight forward manner,and also affords him opportunity of giving,at suitable,personal explanations. 2.Satire abounds everywhere in his works.Some are light,humorous and instructive,while the others are grim(尖刻), severe,scathing(冷酷无情). 3.Fieding believed in the educational function of the novel.Sometimes Fielding himself gives comments,which help us to appreciate the deeper meaning. 4.His style is easy,unlabored and familiar,but extremely vivid and vigorous,and his sentences are logical and rhythmical.
Henry Fielding's Plays
1. 他写作、改编了不下25部不同类型的戏剧,多数是小歌剧 形式的闹剧或风俗、阴谋喜剧,最重要的是讽刺剧《巴斯 昆》(1736)和《历史记事》(1737)。 《巴斯昆》上演历久不衰,前半部讽刺选举中的贿赂舞弊, 后半部讽刺牧师、律师、医师等行当的腐败情形。 《历史记事》,借用当时记述国内外大事的年鉴的名称,写 发生在1736年社会、政治、戏剧方面的情况。在政治场景 中五个政治家商议征税的事,他们决定向无知征税,因为 大多数有钱人是无知的。剧中有场戏影射当政首相罗伯 特· 沃波尔用搜刮来的钱财贿赂反对派。这部政治讽刺剧 大大激怒了罗伯特· 沃波尔,1737年5月,政府通过“剧院 检查法案”,封闭大批剧院,菲尔丁不得不结束戏ves of his works



Henry began writing plays again, many of them ridiculing the society and politics of the time. Probably his best play, completed in 1731, was 'The Tragedy of Tragedies; or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great'. It was a spoof of heroic stage plays that took themselves too seriously.
Fielding’s Novels
(1) Joseph Andrews 《约瑟夫˙安德鲁斯的经历》(1742) (2) Jonathan Wild the Great 《大伟人乔纳森˙魏尔德》(1743) (3) Tom Jones 《汤姆˙琼斯》(1749) (4)Amelia 《阿米丽亚》(1751)

His early life

He was the son of General Edmund Fielding, His mother, Sarah Gould Fielding, was the daughter of a judge on the King's Bench who had been reappointed to the Queen's Bench His mother died just before his 11th birthday. His father having married again.

Fielding as a Playwright

英国文学 Henry Fielding

英国文学 Henry Fielding
What is the importance of the inclusion of supernatural powers in this text? How does Fielding achieve the comic effect? What way of narration does Fielding adopt in the writing of this novel? Is there anything special about his way of narration?
Henry Fielding is generally considered “father of the realistic novel”. How do the following texts support this opinion? What do you know about epic? Tom Jones is often called a “comic epic in prose”. What details in Text A support this opinion?
the bourgeois or middle class rose in their social position ready to take the responsibility of educating people through all public press a rapid growth in readers in the large middle class interest in more realistic matters in their lives



Brief Introduction about the author
In 1752 he returned to political writing as publisher of the periodical The Covent Garden Journal. However, illness forced him to relinquish his post as magistrate in 1753.
Achievement in English novel
Fielding adopted “ the third-person
narration,” in which the author
the the
His language is easy, unlabored (自然的, 流利的)and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous. His sentences are always distinguished by logic and rhythm, and his structure carefully planned towards an inevitable ending. His works are also noted for lively, dramatic dialogues and other theatrical devices such as suspense, coincidence and unexpectedness.
Achievement in English novel
菲尔丁被认作是“英国小说之父”,因为他对现代 小说形式建立的贡献。他是在理论和实践上第一个 开始的十八世纪的所有小说家,特别是写了“散文 体喜剧史诗”,给了现代小说以结构和方式。在他 之前,小说相关的故事理查德逊的《帕梅拉》为代 表的书信形式(一系列的信件),或者是或者是通 过主要人物的讲述,例如笛福的《鲁宾逊漂流记》 的传奇式流浪冒险的形式。但是菲尔丁采纳“第三 人称叙述“,在这里面作者变为“无所不知的神” 。他所有的人物都思考思想,因此他能够不仅展现 他们外部的行为,而且也展现他们头脑的内部作品 。在他的故事中,他试图保持古典作品的史诗形式 ,但是同时对像他的现实展现。他的语言是容易的 ,流利的和熟悉的,但是极度灵活和有力的。他的 句子是以罗技和韵律为标记,他的结构仔细地指向 必然的结尾。他的作品也是以灵活的,戏剧的对话 和其他的例如悬念,一致而出乎意外。

Henry fielding

Henry fielding

is surprised to find a baby in his bedroom. He adopts the
foundling and names him Tom. Shortly afterwards Miss Bridget gets married to a certain Captain Blifil, and gives birth to Blifil . Before long, young Blifil' s parents die and the orphan is left in the care of M.r. Allworthy who
In 1734
In 1737
in 1739
In 1734
In 1737
in 1739
In 1742
In 1734
In 1737
in 1739
In 1742
In 1748
In 1734
In 1737
in 1739
high-minded, simple-hearted, ardently devoted; poor, honest, old;
Parson Adams
absent-minded but good pure, truthful, upright, a peculiar beauty
Remain dignity.
In 1742
In 1748
In 1749
In 1734 Text
In 1737
in 1739
In 1742
In 1748
In 1749
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British Literature Before 1800
The Novel Genre and Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones
The Emergence of New Literary Modes
• A great poet named Matthew Arnold called the 18th century “an age of prose,” and he stated a great fact: great prose dominates the age. • Until the 1740s, poetry tended to set the standards of literature, but the growth of new kinds of prose took the initiative away from verse. • Novelists became better known than poets; no writers of the mid-18th century were more admired than Daniel Defoe or Henry Fielding. • Intellectual prose, criticism and essays also flourished during this time.
The First English Novel
These works of literature have each been claimed as the first novel in English:
Thomas Malory, Le Morte d'Arthur, (written circa 1470, published 1485). John Lyly, Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578) John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress (1678). Aphra Behn, Oroonoko (1688). Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (1719). Samuel Richardson, Pamela (1740).
The Novel
• Name some conventions of the novel. EX: A convention of poetry would be that it is written in verse or that it often rhymes (has a rhyme scheme)
The Beginning of the Novel
• The modern novel came into its own in the 1740s. • Of course, prose fiction had existed since ancient times, and narrative traditions underscore the Bible and other religious texts. • In addition, John Bunyan’s allegories are other early prose works, BUT the novel as it exists today was born in the 1740s. • Previous attempts often blended history and fiction. Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko is an excellent example of this. In the early 18th century, writers often mixed fact and fiction, and the master of this genre was Daniel Defoe.
Moving into the Mid-Eighteenth Century
• Shift from the “Novel of Incident” (epitomized by Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe) to the “Novel of Character” (epitomized by Richardson’s Pamela) • Fielding’s Tom Jones demonstrates this literary shift best.
Henry Fielding
• Along with Samuel Richardson, Fielding is also credited by some as the originator of the novel. • The novel is a fictional prose work with a relatively long and often complex plot, usually divided into chapters, in which the story traditionally develops through the thoughts and actions of its characters. (not around the central storyline)
The Beginning of the Novel
• Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe became the most important of fictional novels which claimed to be true. • A middle-class writer, Defoe did not seek upper class readers. Instead, he aimed at shopkeepers, apprentices and servants, a readership hungry for indecent stories. • However, Defoe’s Crusoe goes beyond being merely a narrative. Crusoe is given an enforced unity of action by its focus on the problem of surviving on an uninhabited island. Crusoe presents so convincing a central character, set in so solid and detailed realized a world, that Defoe is credited with writing the first novel of incident. • The “Novel of Incident” is interested in what the protagonist will do next and on how the story will turn out.
Common Novel Conventions
• Magnitude and extended narrative permit
– A greater variety of characters – Greater complication of plot (or plots) – More sustained exploration of character and motives – Written in Prose
Henry Fielding
• In the English-speaking world, the term "picaresque" has referred more to a literary technique or model than to the precise genre that the Spanish call picaresco. • The English-language term can simply refer to an episodic recounting of the adventures of an anti-hero on the road.
Henry Fielding - Style
• In his works, Fielding criticized the social relations of Enห้องสมุดไป่ตู้land. He hated hypocrisy.
• Fielding’s work displayed the 18th century love of satire.
Henry Fielding
• Henry Fielding proved his mastery of the picaresque form in Joseph Andrews (1742), The Life of Jonathan Wild the Great (1743) and The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749), but, as Fielding himself wrote, these novels were written in imitation of the manner of Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, not in imitation of the picaresque novel.
Henry Fielding
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling p240 • Tom Jones is a picaresque novel. • The picaresque novel (Spanish: "picaresca", from "pícaro", for "rogue" or "rascal") is a popular subgenre of prose fiction which is usually satirical and depicts in realistic and often humorous detail the adventures of a roguish hero of low social class who lives by his or her wits in a corrupt society. This style of novel originated in Spain and flourished in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries and continues to influence modern literature.