皇家特使全星攻略Royal Envoy


Royal Flush攻略

Royal Flush攻略

女王的开场白/后翼弃兵同花顺战役(Royal Flush)最近重温了AA 发现居然没人写这个攻略就自己写了一下,以便遇到困难(不理解要做什么)的玩家能顺利进行。

第一关Spy 接头内应下了直升机全速赶往任务地点,途中看到先头部队已经挂了,负责掩护的黑鹰被击落。





第二关Base 叛军基地夜战,一开始队长问你要自己干还是指挥全队上。

如果难度设得高建议带队友,但是一开始最好让他们原地待命(先让他们hold fire不然可能暴露)。





































初期数值公主的初期数值:体力4、名誉4、武力4、智力4、资金:2576 初期雇用人数:名誉值+1=雇佣人数+1影响选项:还有一点想哭……→智力+1虽然不喜欢,但也没有办法。

→武力+1当然,真正的较量才刚要开始!→体力+1〔往声音的方向怒视〕→不变〔咳嗽〕→体力-1 名誉+1 资金+384〔什么也不说〕→体力-1 资金+2000即使你们不承认我也没有关系→不变……你到底打算怎么做……→武力-1、智力+1……其他的人,是怎样想的?→名誉+1、武力-1、资金+384领地数值荣华值:文化发展程度社会值:领地内的治安经济值:生产力水准、物资流通协会值:协会的亲密度、领地内的技术普及与福利情报值:谍报能力移动限制蓝方是己方、红色是敌方〔宰相派及黑贵族〕、绿色是中立、黄色是协会领地己方骑士无法通过敌方及中立的领地。



皇室的麻烦[Royal Trouble]图文攻略

皇室的麻烦[Royal Trouble]图文攻略

皇室的麻烦Royal TroubleWalkthrough Menu∙General Tips & Information∙Part One: The Dungeon∙Part Two: Prisoners Again∙Part Three: Not Quite Free∙Part Four: EscapeGeneral Tips & Information∙From the main screen you may manage player profiles (A).∙You may have up to 5 profiles at a time.∙The options menu allows for the adjustment of music and sounds volume (B).∙You may play this game in windowed or full screen mode.∙While you play, the game will automatically make save points throughout the game.∙Revert to one of these points by selecting 'Load Game' and clicking on a picture(C).∙Warning, your game will automatically revert back to the point you choose.∙Select another save point to change again if necessary.∙You have the choice of a brief tutorial once you start the game.∙Inventory items are in the bottom panel (D).∙The bottom right picture shows which character you are playing (E).∙Click on the Hint book for Universal Hint System type nudges (F).∙Inside the hint book you can also see your percentage of progress (G).∙Your cursor will change to indicate what action is available on an item (H).∙The doorway on your cursor indicates you can move to another location.∙The magnifying glass icon indicates that you can take a closer look.∙The hand icon shows you can take an item.∙The gears icon shows that an inventory item is needed.∙The speech bubble indicates you can speak to a character.∙Mini-games are skip-able once the meter fills.Part One: The Dungeon∙Take the POWDER, CORD, and the EMPTY FLASK circled in green.∙Look at the close-up of the pillow and take the DIRTY LENS (A).∙Use the DIRTY LENS on the bowl of water to get the LENS (B).∙Combine the POWDER and the EMPTY FLASK, then add the CORD to make the BOMB (C).∙Place the BOMB on the closed door of the cell (D).∙Use the LENS in the sunray to light the bomb (E).∙Click on the door to exit the cell.∙Open the left drawer and take the SMALL KEY (F).∙Open the right drawer and take the CANDLESTICK (G).∙Take the CANDLE and the PINCERS circled in green.∙Combine the CANDLESTICK and the CANDLE (H).∙Use the CANDLE with CANDLESTICK on the lit candle on the vanity (I).∙Use the LIT CANDLE with CANDLESTICK on the stool (J).∙Click on the stool to move it next to the door.∙Use the PINCERS to take the NAIL from the door (K).∙Use the NAIL on the keyhole for a mini-game.∙Note- there is a metal pin on the left end of the curtain rod.∙You can take this as the princess or as the prince.∙The object of this mini-game is to rotate the wheels and move the lock pieces to their matching niche.∙Click on the right or left control to rotate the 2 circles.∙Click: R-L-R-R.∙Click on the door to exit the cell.∙Once the prince leaves, use the SMALL KEY on the keyhole to the lift (L). ∙Click on the lift to travel up (M).∙Note the crack in the wall (N).∙Make note of the sharp iron bars (O).∙Take the POLE and the IRON BAR circled in yellow. ∙Walk left and enter the princesses' cell (P).∙Use the IRON BAR on the stone to get the BENT BAR (Q).∙Take the SIGNET RING from the hole the stone left (R).∙Click on the left end of the curtain rod, then take the METAL PEG that falls to the ground (S).∙Note- if you already took this item as the princess; don't worry, the prince can get it later.∙Use the POLE to take the CURTAIN (T).∙Click on the door to exit the cell (U).∙Use the CURTAIN on the sharp iron bars to make the LINE (V).∙Combine the LINE and the BENT BAR to make the GRAPPLING HOOK (W). ∙Use the CRAPPLING HOOK on the crack in the wall (X).∙Click on the rope to climb out of the dungeon.∙Give the prisoner the RING for a mini-game.∙The object of this mini-game is to jump pegs until there is only one left.∙You can only move by jumping and the jumps must be horizontal or vertical.∙Make the following jumps: 1 right, 2 right, 3 down, 4 right, 5 up, 6 left twice, and 7 right.∙After the prisoner gives you the WOOD PEGS, take the WHEEL circled in yellow.∙Combine the WOOD PEGS and the WHEEL (A).∙Add the METAL PEG to the WHEEL with WOOD PEGS.∙Note- if the princess took the METAL PEG from her cell, have the prince climb down the shaft and ask the princess for the peg.∙Place the WHEEL on the left side of the mechanism (B).∙Ring the bell to operate the lift (C).∙Exit through the drawbridge door (D).∙Look in the right chest.∙Locate the 6 GEARS and the DRIVE BELT- circled in cyan.∙Open the next chest to the left.∙Find the HAMMER and the NAILS- circled in cyan.∙Click on the rope of the CRANE LIFT (E).∙Find the CROWBAR- circled in yellow.∙Use the CROWBAR on the BARREL (F).∙Use the NAILS on the loose planks from the broken barrel (G).∙Use the HAMMER on the nails- click 8 times.∙Take the PLATFORM and place it into the ropes of the crane lift.∙Use the GEARS and the DRIVE BELT on the crane mechanism (H). ∙Select the platform to exit.∙Select the drawing on the right wall for a mini-game.∙The object is to mark the stones in the bottom wedge to complete the pattern. ∙Click on a section to mark or unmark.∙From the outside to the center, fill in rings 1, 3, 5, and 6.∙Take the KNIFE from the niche in the right wall- circled in yellow.∙Take the STONE with a HOLE in it- circled in yellow.∙Take the IRON ROD from the window bars- circled in yellow.∙Look at the broken fishing rod to find the HOOK.∙Take the ROOTS from the left wall- circled in yellow.∙Use the IRON ROD on the STONE with a HOLE, then add the ROOTS to make the HAMMER (I).∙Use the HAMMER on the window bars 3 times (J).∙Select the window to exit.∙Use the KNIFE to cut the VINES from the wall (K).∙Take the STONE from the pile of pebbles- circled in pink.∙Find the BAMBOO STICK and the PLANK, both circled in pink.∙Combine the VINES, HOOK and BAMBOO STICK to make the FISHING ROD. ∙Throw the STONE at the parrot (L).∙Use the FISHING ROD on the floating PLANK circled in pink.∙Place the 2 PLANKS on the ship (M).Part Two: Prisoners Again∙Click on the two crates to move them under the door (A).∙Take the silver COIN and the CORKSCREW- both circled in yellow.∙Note the rat (B).∙Look at the close-up of each of the bed screws and use the coin to remove each of them (C).∙Take the 2 pieces of the BED and combine them in your inventory, then add the SCREWS (D).∙Use the LADDER just in front of the crates.∙Note the lock on the trap door (E).∙Look at the chest on the floor for a mini-game (F).∙The object of this mini-game is to turn the knobs so that all the tabs are up.∙This puzzle starts randomly, so look for the knob with the tab just to the right and click on it 7 times to open the padlock.∙Take the GOLD COIN from inside the chest.∙Use the CORK SCREW on the trap door lock for a mini-game.∙The object of this mini-game is to rotate the wheels and move the lock pieces to their matching niche.∙Click on of the 4 controls to rotate the 4 circles.∙Click: UL, UR, UL, UR, LL, LR, LR.∙Click on the door to exit the room.∙Look at the handles on the wall, just to the left of the door for a mini-game. ∙The object is to move all the handles to the upright position.∙Each handle affects the handles on its left and right.∙This puzzle is random so your solution will vary.∙Look at the cookbook and turn the pages until you get a PAPER (G).∙Take the CUTLERY, and the FOOD from the table- both circled in yellow. ∙Get the SCRAPPER circled in yellow from the right wall .∙Note the pot of lard (H).∙Look at the close-up of the food lift (Dumbwaiter).∙Place the CUTLERY in the lift and pull the handle (I).∙Read the note that is returned.∙Place the FOOD in the lift and pull the handle.∙Take the PLATE of CRUMBS that is returned.∙Use the PLATE of CRUMBS on the dovecote (J).∙Take the FEATHER that falls.∙Use the scrapper on the SOOT above the fireplace (K).∙Use the SOOT on the flask of oil on the table (L).∙Use the FEATHER on the ink.∙Combine the FEATHER with INK and the PAPER.∙Use the LETTER to LOREEN in the food lift.∙Read the note that returns, then place the NECKLACE in the lift and pull the cord. ∙Again read the note and take the VASE with WATER.∙Use the VASE with WATER on the fire (M).∙Click on the fireplace to exit.∙Take the SMALL CAPSULE, FLOWERS and PAPER- all circled in yellow.∙Note the locked desk drawer (N).∙Read the note on the cabinet (O).∙Knock on the door until the guard arrives (P)..∙Talk to the guard until he will allow you out of the room in return for something that will convince his master that you struggled.∙Give the guard your NECKLACE.∙Outside, talk to the guard until he gives you the SMALL KEY.∙Walk right to return to the room.∙Use the SMALL KEY on the desk drawer for a mini-game.∙Reassemble the code card in this jigsaw style mini-game.∙Left-click to take or place a piece in the grid.∙Walk right to exit the room.∙Give the guard the INCOMPLETE CODE CARD for a mini-game.∙The object is to determine what number is indicated by each symbol.∙Click on a question mark, then select a number.∙Incorrect equations will get a red X, then get wiped clean for another try.∙Look at the dove cote for a mini-game.∙Use the code to enter the correct numbers.∙Look inside the dove cote, then take the PIGEON and the FEATHER (Q). ∙Note the cracks in the wall (R).∙Note the sky (S).∙Take the OLD JAGGED BLADE circled in yellow.∙Walk right to return to the room (T).∙Use the OLD JAGGED BLADE to take the 2 antlers (U).∙Use the FEATHER in the ink pot on the desk (V).∙Combine the PAPER with the INKED FEATHER.∙Combine the LETTER to NATHANIAL and the SMALL CAPSULE, then attach it to the PIGEON (W).∙Walk outside and use the PIGEON with CAPSULE on the sky.∙Take the PIGEON and read the letter from the princess (W). ∙Take the POLE that the pigeon was on.∙Note the dove cote (X).∙Look at the holes in the wall (Y).∙Enter the lower door (Z).∙After talking to the prisoner, take the MOP, BROOM, WRENCH, and MOLDY CHEESE- all circled in yellow.∙Note the cane (A).∙Note the locked kitchen door (B).∙Exit through the upper door.∙Look at the close-up of the dove cote and use the WRENCH on the latch (C).∙Take the KEY and the STICK- both circled in yellow.∙Use the MOP, BROOM, STICK, and POLE on the 4 bottom holes in the wall (D). ∙Enter the lower door, then use the KEY on the kitchen door.∙Enter the kitchen, then go right through the trapdoor to the wine cellar (E).∙Take the remaining gold from the small chest on the floor.∙Use the MOLDY CHEESE to catch the RAT (F).∙Note- the rat moves around the room. Look on the shelves, rafters, or in between the wine casks.∙Exit the wine cellar and the kitchen.∙Give the RAT to the prisoner.∙Once the prisoner give you the MECHANISM PART, return to the kitchen and use it in the pot of lard (G).∙Return and give the LUBRICATED MECHANISM PART to the prisoner.∙The object of this mini-game is to jump pegs until there are 4 or less pegs left.∙You can only move by jumping and the jumps must be horizontal or vertical. ∙Should you fail 3 times in a row, the game will get a little easier.∙Check out our video solution!∙You will automatically receive the CANE.∙Return the the kitchen and put the GOLD into the food lift and pull the handle. ∙Exit the kitchen, then use the upper door.∙Place the CANE in the last hole above the flagpole.∙Climb up to the window.∙Look in the food lift and take the GOLD- circled in cyan in the inset (H).∙Exit the room.∙Give the guard the GOLD and he will give you a rope ladder (I).∙Use the ANTLERS on the 2 holes in the wall (J).∙Hang the ROPE LADDER from the antlers (K).∙Climb down the ladder.Part Three: Not Quite Free∙Walk right to exit the bridge area.∙Take the DECORATED KEY, METAL LATCHES and RAG- all circled in yellow.∙Note the knotted chains (A).∙Climb up the ladder (B).∙Use the DECORATED KEY to unlock the cabinet (C).∙Take the GOOSE FEATHER, SHARPENING STONE, LUXURY PAPER and DAGGER from the cabinet- all circled in yellow in the inset.∙Use the GOOSE FEATHER on the ink (D).∙Use the GOOSE FEATHER with INK on the LUXURY PAPER (E).∙Look at the close-up of the food lift and place the LETTER to NATHANIEL inside and pull the handle (F).∙Exit the close-up of the food lift.∙Talk to the waiter (G).∙Look in the lift and read the note from the princess (H).∙Take the WOODEN SPLINTER, WINE GLASS, and SALT CELLAR- all circled in yellow.∙Use the WINE GLASS on the barrel of wine (I).∙Use the WOODEN SPLINTER on the lit candles on the left wall, then light the candles on the table (J).∙Click on the curtain tie back and it will fall to the ground, then take the CURTAIN TIE BACK (K).∙Give the waiter the GLASS of WINE.∙The waiter will give you his keys.∙Look at the painting on the right wall (L).∙Use the KEYS on the china cabinet for 2 mini-games (M).∙Click on the upper portion of the china cabinet.∙Find the pieces in the cabinet that match the outlines on the right.∙TABLEWARE will go automatically into your inventory.∙Click on the lower portion of the china cabinet.∙Find the silverware in the cabinet that match the outlines on the right. ∙SILVERWARE will go automatically into your inventory.∙Place the TABLEWARE and SILVERWARE on the table.∙Use the KEYS on the cabinet under the lift (N).∙Take the BLUNT SHEARS, EMPTY CARAFE, CLEANING FLUID from the cabinet- circled in yellow in the inset.∙Use the EMPTY CARAFE on the wine barrel, then place it on the table (O).∙Use the SALT CELLAR on the wine stain (P).∙Look at the close-up of the left and send the BLUNT SHEARS, then the CLEANING LIQUID to the princess (Q).∙Exit the close-up of the lift.∙Open the lift and take the CLEANING FLUID.∙Climb down through the trap door.∙Combine the BLUNT SHEARS and the SHARPENING STONE (R). ∙Combine the CLEANING FLUID and the RAG (S).∙Use the DAGGER to take the ROTATING WHEEL (T).∙Note the trap door on the floor- marked in cyan.∙Use the CLEANING RAG on the dirty chains (U).∙Click the rag on the chains until all are clean and silver colored.∙Look at the clean chains and take the METAL LATCHES.∙Use the SHEARS on the chains several times to cut them away from the trap door.∙Open the trap door to learn Nathaniel needs flowers.∙Use the FLOWERS on the trapdoor.∙Click on the loose chain at the lower right corner of the trapdoor.∙After the switch to Nathaniel, take the FLOWERS and place them in the vase on the table.∙The waiter helps the prince climb up to the princess.∙Walk left to the bridge area.∙Place the ROTATING WHEEL on the machinery (V).∙Add both METAL LATCHES to the bottom part of the machine for a mini-game (W).∙The object of this mini-game is to move the metal pieces so they fit into the correctly sized holes.∙This mini-game is random- every time you exit and return, it will be different.∙Click on the piece in the number 2 position flips pieces 1 and 2.∙Click on the piece in the number 3 position flips pieces 1-3.∙Click on the piece in the number 4 position flips pieces 1-4.∙Click on the piece in the number 5 position flips pieces 1-5.∙One solution is shown here.∙Try to turn the rotating wheel, but you are not strong enough.∙Talk to the prince.∙Walk across the bridge to the gate.∙Click on the rotating wheel to bring the bridge back (A).∙Take the BRIDGE ROPE (B).∙Combine the BRIDGE ROPE and the CURTAIN TIE to make the LASSO (C). ∙Walk right to exit the bridge area, then climb up the ladder.∙Exit the room on the right and talk to the guard until he leaves.∙Take the SPEAR the guard left behind- circled in orange.∙Use the LASSO on the top of the left tower (D).∙Click on the rope to move to the second tower.Part Four: Escape∙Take the TUMMY TONIC from the shelf and give to to the alchemist (A).∙Look in the scrying orb to talk to the princess (B).∙Take the TORCH and use it to light the 3 statue's torches (A).∙Return the TORCH to the holder on the pillar.∙Take the ROPE PIECES, STONE, and 3 BANNISTERS- all circled in yellow. ∙Use the STONE on the stair handrail several times until it falls on the floor (B). ∙Use the 3 BANNISTERS on the handrail piece (C).∙Use the ROPE PIECES on the handrail to make a LADDER (D).∙Take the LADDER and place in on the hole in the stairs (E).∙Note the steel hook on the back wall (F).∙Take the TORCH.∙Walk up the stairs.∙Use the TORCH on the angel statue to light the back corner (G). ∙Click on the cobweb, then take the CHAIN (H).∙Note the rusty lock on the trapdoor (I).∙Note the dirty broken mirror (J).∙Climb down the stairs and use the CHAIN on the steel hook.∙Climb down to the next lower level.∙Remove the cobwebs from the base of the right pillar and the bottom of the left chair (K).∙Click on the stairs remains to get WOOD LOGS- circled in yellow.∙Take the KEY from the bottom of the left chair and the CRYSTAL from the base of the right pillar.∙Take the HANDKERCHIEF from the right chair- circled in yellow.∙Take the LADDER and use it on the upper floor (L).∙Go up the ladder then up another level.∙Use the LOGS on the mirror, then take the DIRTY PIECE of mirror.∙Walk down twice to the bottom level.∙Combine the DIRTY MIRROR with the HANDKERCHIEF.∙Look at the door.∙Use the CRYSTAL in the hole over the door (M).∙Use the MIRROR on the upper plate of symbols (N). ∙Press the symbols as they appear in the mirror.∙When correct, the symbol will illuminate.∙Walk through the door.∙Take the 3 laboratory WEIGHTS- all marked in yellow. ∙Talk to the TUBE (O).∙Use the lift to send the LOGS up to the prince (P).∙Talk to the librarian (Q).∙The alchemist will automatically give you the LENS. ∙Walk out to the terrace.∙Note the stone gryphon (R).∙Use the LENS on the telescope for a mini-game (S).。

皇家大使Royal Envoy攻略

皇家大使Royal Envoy攻略

《皇家大使Royal Envoy》英文官方图文攻略I. General InformationWelcome to the Royal Envoy walkthrough on Gamezebo. Royal Envoy is a time management game played on PC created by Playrix. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to how to complete Royal Envoy.You begin by accepting the King’s offer of fixing up homes in Islandshire, a group of islands that will become destroyed by rains if you do not help the inhabitants.Cedric will be your assistant. You can choose to skip or play through the in-game tutorial that he provides.When you start the game, you will be shown the map of Islandshire. You can move the screen to the right b y moving the mouse towards the right edge of the screen. To move back, move the mouse to the left of the screen.On some levels, there will be treasure that you can dig up. The treasures are marked by round grey or white spheres. Below is a screenshot showing the treasure locations.When you click on an item, for example, a treasure or a bridge, the requirements to be able to complete that item will be shown in the bottom right of the screen:When you have markets, a buyer will appear in the market with an offer to purchase your wood. Clicking on t he market will show 3 offers in the bottom right of the screen:The highest value gold offer may not be the best, depending on the goals for each level. Compare the offer v alues to determine the best offer for the level you are on. For example, you may be on a level where you ne ed a lot of wood to build things. You would want to pick the offer where you would get the best price for you r wood. If a merchant was offering $3000 for 100 wood, or $2000 for 50 wood, you would want to choose th e $2000 for 50 wood. However, if you are on a level where you don’t need much wood, but you need a lotof money, then you would want to choose the highest gold value.At the end of each level, your statistics for that level will appear, with a tip:Each level starts when you set a worker or tax collector to take action. At the beginning of each level, take ti me to look at your resources and the layout to determine your course of action for that level.As soon as your workers are finished with a task, they will run to the castle, unless you immediately give the m a new task. When you assign a new task, the next available worker will go to that task if he hasn’t already gone to the castle. This can be critical to your time in levels like Level 37. Pay close attention to the worke rs time on these levels by watching the timer in the circle above their heads. As soon as they complete a tas k, give them the next task that is closest to them.II. TrophiesA. All levels in Palm Island completed within golden time.B. All levels in Rocky Island completed within golden time.C. All levels in Pirate Island completed within golden time.D. All levels in Swamp Island completed within golden time.E. All levels in the Island of the Forest Spirits completed within golden time.F. All levels in the Island of the Golden Sands completed within golden time.G. All levels in the Island of the Mountain Rivers completed within golden time.H. All levels in the Island of the Fruit Forests completed within golden time.I. All levels in the Island of the Mighty Volcano completed within golden time.J. For 200,000 points.K. For 400,000 points.L. For 800,000 points.M. For 1,500,000 points.N. For 3,000,000 points.O. For 5,000,000 points.P. For 7,500,000 points.Q. Legendary City Planner – By achieving all trophies and the highest rank.III. Walkthrough: Levels 1 - 20A. Palm Island:Levels 1-3: No walkthrough needed; these are very easy beginning levels.B. Rocky IslandLevel 4: No walkthrough needed.Level 5Goalsa. 6 houses with 3 starsb. Forge fired1. Hire 5 workers by clicking on the castle and choosing the worker in the bottom right of the screen.2. Clear the debris.3. Build a sawmill.4. Collect rent and keep the sawmill going.5. Improve the houses to 3 stars each.6. Attempt to fire the forge. The first time will not work. For the second try, you will need 300 wood and all 5 workers.Level 6GoalBuild 4 cottages1. Clear debris.2. Hire 1 worker.3. Build a sawmill.4. Demolish 3 cabins.5. Build 4 cottages.Level 7Goalsa. 2 Marketsb. 3 Market tradesc. 7500 gold1. Clear debris.2. Build a market.3. Tear down the cabin and build a market.4. Make market trades and collect rent to reach the 7500 gold goal.It will appear that you will be going to Swamp Island. Tippi the Pirate will ambush you to help fix up the Pirate Island, and will be your companion for the rest of the game.C. Pirate IslandLevel 8Goalsa. 6 homes with gardensb. 30 Happiness1. Demolish cabin.2. Build cottages and upgrade to 3 stars.3. Build gardens around the homes.4. Sell wood at the market and collect rent.5. As soon as you have 10,000 gold, pay Willy the bandit.6. Build the last 2 cottages and gardens.Willy will give you a piece of the treasure map:Level 9Goalsa. 1 sawmillb. 1 marketc. 5 cabins with 3 starsd. 20 Happiness1. Build a sawmill.2. Hire a total of 3 workers.3. Keep the sawmill running.4. Build a market.5. Build cabins.6. Build gardens and upgrade the cabins.Level 10Goalsa. 1 bankb. 50 happinessc. 10,000 gold1. Build 6 cottages and do not upgrade them.2. Build gardens around 5 of the cottages.3. Collect rent.4. As soon as you have 3000 gold, pay Willy. He will then give you the second half of the treasure map:5. Build the bank.6. Collect rent, collect interest from the bank, and sell the rest of the wood at the markets for the best va lue until you have 10,000 gold.Level 11Goalsa. 5 cottages with 3 starsb. Dig up the pirate’s treasure.1. Upgrade the cottages.2. Send 1 worker to start digging up the treasure.3. Collect the rent.4. Pay Willy the bandit as soon as you have 2000 gold.5. Start the sawmill as soon as you have the next 2000 gold.6. Buy 2 more workers.7. Collect rent.8. Collect interest from the bank each time there is 500 gold available.9. Build gardens around the unhappy houses.10. Upgrade the houses to 3 stars each.11. Buy enough workers to fill the slots to be summoned to dig the treasure.Level 12Goalsa. 3 cabins with 3 starsb. 3 cottages with 3 starsc. 60 happiness1. Buy 1 worker.2. Start a sawmill at any location.3. Buy 7 more workers.4. Keep the sawmill going.5. Click on the treasures as you have more workers to dig them up.6. Start building a cottage.7. Keep the sawmill going.8. Build 2 more cottages and 2 cabins.9. Build gardens.10. Upgrade the cottages and cabins.11. As soon as the last 2 upgrades to 3 stars are started, demolish the sawmill. You should have 200+ w ood at this time.12. Build the last cabin.13. Build the garden and upgrade the cabin.D. Swamp IslandLevel 13Goalsa. 25,000 goldb. 50 happiness1. Take 500 gold from the bank and pay the bandit.2. Take 500 gold from the other 2 banks.3. Set the workers to digging up treasure; they will dig up wood.4. Build 5 cottages.5. Build the gardens.6. Upgrade the cottages.7. Collect rent and interest from the bank to reach 25,000 gold.8. Repair cottages as necessary.Level 14Goal6 homes with gardens1. Build a bank.2. Build 2 cottages with gardens and do not upgrade them.3. Sell wood from the market, collect rent and interest from the bank.4. When you are nearing 5000 gold, tear down either the market or the bank, whichever is not currently i n use.5. Pay the bandit just as soon as you have 9000 gold.6. Build a cabin where the bank or market used to be.7. Build 3 more cabins and add gardens.Level 15Goalsa. 2 cottages with 3 starsb. 80 happiness1. Build 5 cottages.2. Run sawmill each time you have 2000 gold to make 200 wood.3. Upgrade two of the cottages 3 times.4. Collect rent and bank interest.5. Buy gardens for all of the houses.6. Build lanterns between the houses.Level 16Goal120 happiness1. Build a sawmill and 2 banks.2. Run sawmill each time you have 2000 gold to make 200 wood.3. Collect rent and bank interest.4. Upgrade the houses.5. As soon as you have 5000 gold, pay Billy the bandit.6. Dig up the treasures.7. Pay Willy the bandit.8. Build 2 cottages.Level 17Goalsa. 3 cabins with 3 starsb. 2 cottages with 3 starsc. Install 5 sidings1. Build 2 cottages and put siding on them.2. Buy workers for a total of 4.3. Run the sawmill each time you have 2000 gold.4. Collect rent and bank interest.5. Build 3 cabins and put up siding.6. Upgrade the cottages and cabins 3 times.Level 18Goalsa. 100 happinessb. Buy balloon1. Buy 4 cottages on the back row, and do not upgrade.2. Buy a bank in the bottom center.3. Upgrade the siding on the houses right away.4. Put 3 lanterns between the houses.5. Put up gardens for all 4 houses.6. Collect rent and bank interest until you have 5300 gold.7. Click on the balloon scale.8. Add 5300 gold to the scale.E. Island of the Forest SpiritsLevel 19Goalsa. 5 cottages with 3 starsb. 2 chaletsc. 30 Happiness1. Put siding on the 3 houses you can get to and upgrade them; collect rent.2. Run the sawmill at 4000 gold to make 400 wood.3. Pay the bandit requiring 2000 gold.4. Put siding on the cottage and dig up treasures.5. Put gardens around 3 of the cottages.6. Upgrade the next cottage.7. Keep collecting rent.8. Run the sawmill at 4000 gold.9. Build the first chalet and put siding on it.10. Pay the bandit requiring 1000 gold.11. Put up siding and upgrade the cottage 3 times.12. Pay the bandit requiring 3000 gold.13. Build the last chalet.Level 20Goalsa. 3 cabins with 3 starsb. 3 chalets with 3 starsc. 30 happiness1. Build the bridge.2. Dig up 2 treasures.3. Put siding on the cottages.4. Build a sawmill in the lower right.5. Build a chalet and put up siding.6. Build 2 more chalets and side them.7. Run the sawmill at 8000 gold to make 800 wood.8. Upgrade the chalets 3 times.9. Demolish the cottages.10. Build cabins and side them.11. Upgrade the cabins 3 times and add gardens.Levels 20 - 40Level 20Goalsa. 3 cabins with 3 starsb. 3 chalets with 3 starsc. 30 happiness1. Build the bridge.2. Dig up 2 treasures.3. Put siding on the cottages.4. Build a sawmill in the lower right.5. Build a chalet and put up siding.6. Build 2 more chalets and side them.7. Run the sawmill at 8000 gold to make 800 wood.8. Upgrade the chalets 3 times.9. Demolish the cottages.10. Build cabins and side them.11. Upgrade the cabins 3 times and add gardens.Level 21Goalsa. 2 banksb. 19 lanterns1. Build 2 banks.2. Build 3 chalets and side them.3. Upgrade the chalets 3 times.4. Run the sawmill when you have 8000 gold to make 800 wood.5. Keep collect rent, and running the sawmill to make 800 wood.6. Install the lanterns as you have the wood to make them.Level 22Goalsa. 30,000 goldb. 50 happinessPay the bandits in this order:a. In front of both of the banksb. In front of the sawmillc. In front of the chalet with 3 starsd. In front of the treasure1. Side the chalet.2. Dig up the treasures.3. Run the sawmill to make 800 wood.4. To get all of the houses upgraded:a. Pay the bandit in front of the next house.b. Side the house.c. Upgrade the house 3 times.d. Build a garden.e. Collect rent and bank interest.5. Repeat 4a. through 4e. until all of the houses are upgraded.6. Collect rent and interest until you have 30,000 gold.Finishing Level 22:Level 23Goal120 HappinessNeeds for this Level:a. 5000 wood for the bridge to the markets.b. 1000 wood for the bridge at the top.c. 35,000 gold for the first bandit.d. 10,000 gold for the second bandit.1. Build a sawmill and start it; keep it running at 800 wood at a time.2. Buy a tax collector.3. Build a chalet and side it; do not upgrade it yet.4. When you have no more gold to make 800 wood, make 400 wood.5. Collect rent again and make 200 wood.At this point, you should have 5100 wood.6. Build the bridge to the market.7. Dig up the treasures.8. Buy 1 more tax collector and 1 more worker.9. Tear down the sawmill and build a bank.10. Upgrade the chalet 3 times.11. Take the highest gold amount at the market offers. These may not be the best value, but you need a lot of gold quickly.12. Collect rent and interest.13. Build the second bridge.14. When you have 35,000 gold, pay the first bandit.15. Dig up the next treasure.16. Sell at the market and collect rent and interest until you have 10,000 gold.17. Pay the second bandit.18. Put siding on the cabins right away.19. Install a fountain and put gardens around the cabins.Level 24Goalsa. 1 marketb. 4 chalets with 3 starsc. All houses have not less than 15 happiness.1. Build a market.2. Run the sawmill to make 800 wood.3. Collect rent and side the chalets.4. Build 2 more chalets and side them.5. Buy another worker.6. Sell wood at the market for the best value.7. Run sawmill each time you have 8000 gold.8. Upgrade the chalets to 3 stars and add gardens.9. Buy more workers to finish the upgrades.10. Put in flower beds.Level 25Goalsa. Build a shipb. 40 Happiness1. Side the houses.2. Collect rent and interest.3. Upgrade the houses 3 times and install gardens.4. Hire workers for a total of 9.5. Keep the sawmill running at each 8000 gold for 800 wood.6. Send 8 workers to build the ship, leaving 1 worker to run the sawmill.Level 26Goalsa. 110 Happinessb. Clear smoke1. Build a bank and 10 cottages and side them. Do not upgrade the cottages.2. Build gardens.3. Collect rent and interest.4. Each time you have 3000 gold, pay each of the first 4 bandits.5. As soon as you have 7000 gold, pay the last bandit.6. Tear down the bank.7. Build a cabin, side it, and install a garden.F. Island of the Golden SandsLevel 27Goalsa. 2 Chalets with 3 starsb. 2 Villas with 3 starsc. 130 Happiness1. Side the houses.2. Build a bank in the top empty space.3. (Optional) Dig up the treasure.4. Collect rent and interest.5. Upgrade the chalets 3 times.6. Run the sawmill to make 800 wood.7. Build a villa and side it.8. Keep collecting rent and interest, and running the sawmill each time you have 8000 gold.9. Upgrade the villa 3 times.10. Fix the bridge (requires 700 wood).11. Build another villa and side it.12. Upgrade the villa 3 times.13. Install a garden by the chalet in the middle.14. Plant 2 flowers between the chalet and the villa.Level 28Goalsa. 4 Flowersb. 60 Happiness1. Build a villa and side it.2. Clear the debris and build a sawmill. Start the sawmill making 800 wood.3. Collect rent and interest.4. Build 2 more villas and side them.5. Install gardens around the villas.6. As soon as the debris is cleared, side the cottage and install a garden.7. Continue running the sawmill to make 800 wood at a time.8. Fix the bridge.9. Build the flowers.10. Demolish the sawmill.Level 29Goalsa. 1 workshopb. 4 villas with 3 starsc. 4 flowerbeds1. Clear the debris that is nearest to the castle.2. Build a workshop next to the castle.3. Collect rent and side the villa.4. Clear debris on both sides of the bridge.5. As soon as the workshop is built, start it and keep it going throughout the level.6. Demolish the market and repair the bridge.7. as soon as the next villa becomes available, side it.8. Collect rent.9. As soon as you have 6000 gold, pay the bandit.10. Side the villa above where the bandit was.11. As soon as you have 600 wood, build another villa.12. Upgrade the villas as soon as you have the wood for the upgrades.13. Build the flowerbeds.Level 30Goalsa. 2 villas with 3 starsb. 120 Happiness1. Tear down the market.2. Start the workshop as soon as the wood is deposited at the castle, and keep it running throughout the level.3. Tear down the 2 cottages.4. Repair and side the cabin.5. As soon as you have 1000 wood, build another workshop in the lower right. Keep both workshops runn ing.6. Buy workers for a total of 6.7. As soon as you have 600 wood, buy a villa and side it.8. Keep making wood.9. Upgrade the villas 3 times.10. Put gardens around the villas and the cabin.11. Put a lantern by the villa at the top right.12. As soon as you have 1500 wood, install a fountain.Level 31Goalsa. 30 Happinessb. 1 Fountain1. Start the workshop and keep it going throughout the level.2. Clean up the 2 house sites.3. Put siding on the houses.4. Collect the rent.5. As soon as you have enough wood, fix the bridge.6. As soon as you have 6000 gold, pay the bandit.7. Build a cabin.8. Install gardens around all of the houses.Level 32Goal2500 Happiness1. Start the workshop and keep it running throughout the level.2. Clean up the house sites.3. Rebuild the bridge.4. Sell wood from the market until you have approximately 10,000 gold.5. Tear down the market.6. Build 10 cabins and side them.7. Collect rent.8. When you have 1500 wood, restore the circus.9. Buy 2 tax collectors.10. Click on the circus and pay for a festival.11. Repeat buying tax collectors and buying festivals until you have 2500 happiness. Level 33Goalsa. 3 Villasb. 300 Happiness1. Start the workshop and keep it running throughout the level.2. Run the sawmill until you no longer have enough money to make wood.3. Fix the bridge.4. Build a villa and side it.5. Build 2 more villas and side them.6. Upgrade the villas once.7. Collect rent and bank interest until you have 25,000 gold.8. Keep the workshop going!9. Pay the bandit.10. Build a cabin and side it.11. Collect rent and bank interest.12. Each time you reach 8000 gold, run the sawmill for 800 wood.13. keep running the sawmill and workshop until you have 4500 wood.14. Build the statue.Level 34Goalsa. 3 cottages with 3 starsb. 2 chalets with 3 starsc. 1 villa with 3 stars1. Build a workshop, start it, and keep it going throughout the level.2. Tear down the cabins.3. Sell some wood at the market.4. When you have 5000 gold, pay the bandit.5. Tear down the cabins.6. Build a villa and side it.7. Build a chalet and side it.8. Build and side cottages as you have the wood.9. When you have 4000+ gold, tear down the workshop and build a sawmill.10. Run the sawmill as you have the gold.11. Upgrade the villa, then the chalets, then the cottages 3 times.F. ISLAND OF THE MOUNTAIN RIVERS Level 35Goalsa. 1 Marketb. 1 Bankc. 1 Workshopd. 6 Chaletse. 50 Happiness1. Build a sawmill next to the castle and run 800 wood.2. Collect rent and side the villas.3. Run the sawmill again as soon as you have 8000 gold.4. Build a workshop above the sawmill.5. Start the workshop and keep it running throughout the level.6. As soon as you have 10,000 gold, pay the bandit and side the chalet.7. As soon as you have 1000 wood, build a bank.8. Keep the workshop going and run the sawmill each time you have 8000 gold.9. Put 2 flowers beside the chalet at the top and install a garden.10. Build 2 chalets in the middle and side them.11. Install gardens by the 2 chalets.12. Tear down the villas, build chalets and side them.13. Install gardens by the new chalets.14. Be sure you have at least 1000 wood.15. Tear down the sawmill and build a market.Level 36Goalsa. 2 cottages with gardensb. 2 chalets with gardensc. 2 villas with gardens1. Clear debris.2. Build a workshop, start it, and keep it running throughout the level.3. When you have 700 wood, repair the bridge.4. Continue making wood. As you have enough wood, complete the following steps.5. Repair the houses and side them.6. Install gardens.7. Fix the middle bridge.8. Repair the houses, side them, and install gardens.9. Pay the bandit.10. Repair and side the cabin.11. Fix the top bridge.12. Repair the houses, side them, and add gardens.Level 37Goalsa. 70,000 goldb. 50 Happiness1. Build a workshop.2. Clear the debris.3. Start the workshop and keep it running.4. Tear down the fountains and the flowers.5. Build a market and sell wood.6. Build a villa, side it, upgrade it, and install a garden.7. Collect rent and sell wood until you have 15,000 gold.8. Pay the bandit.9. You should have another 3000 gold very quickly; pay the second bandit as soon as you have it.10. Side the houses.11. Collect rent.12. Build at least 4 more gardens.13. Sell wood and collect rent until you have the 70,000 gold.Level 38Goalsa. 7 Marketsb. 3 Flowers1. Start clearing debris in front of the castle. The arrows in the screenshot above show the only ones ava ilable to be able to clear at first.2. Work to the left of the castle.3. Open up a building site and the two treasures as quickly as possible. The treasures are circled in the screenshot above.4. As soon as you have 1000 wood, build a workshop and start it. Keep the workshop running throughout the level.5. Keep clearing debris as quickly as possible.6. As soon as you have 300 wood, repair a market.7. Take the 4000 gold offer at the market and build a sawmill.Note: If you take an offer for a lesser amount, then wait for the next offer to be able to build the sawmill, you will not be able to complete the level in gold time.8. Repair the markets as you have the wood.9. Sell wood from all the open market. Don’t forget to keep the workshop and sawmill running.10. Run the sawmill at either 400 or 800 wood, whichever amount you can make the quickest.11. Repair the rest of the markets as you have 300 wood for each.12. As soon as you have another 1000 wood, build a market.13. Build the 3 flowers as soon as you have the wood.14. As soon as you have enough wood processing in either the sawmill or the workshop to have a total of 1000 wood, tear down the sawmill or workshop, whichever one is not processing the wood. Do not sell any more wood at the markets.15. Build the last market.Level 39Goalsa. 6 flowerbedsb. 100 Happinessc. 6 chalets1. Collect rent from all the houses, then side them.2. Buy workers until you have a total of 6.3. Build a sawmill.4. Collect rent.5. Build the flowerbeds.6. Run the sawmill to make 800 wood.7. At the next 8000 gold, run the sawmill again.8. As soo as the rent is collected, start tearing down the houses one at a time.9. Build chalets in the empty spots, side them, and install gardens.10. Run the sawmill again for 400 wood, then tear it down.11. Tear down the rest of the houses, build chalets, side them and build gardens.12. Build a cottage or a cabin where the sawmill was, then side it and build a garden.Level 40Goalsa. 3 chalets with gardensb. 100 Happinessc. 35,000 gold1. Build 2 markets.2. Begin clearing the debris.3. Sell wood for the best value at the markets.4. Clean up the house sites.5. Dig up the treasures.6. When you have 15,000 gold, pay the bandit.7. Start all 3 workshops.8. Continue making and selling wood.9. Build 3 chalets with gardens and side them.10. Build 2 flowers.11. Keep the workshops running.12. Collect rent and sell wood until you have 35,000 gold.Levels 41 - 63Level 41Goalsa. 4 Villasb. 40 Happinessc. Prep 10 Engineers1. Start and run both workshops. Keep them running throughout the level.2. Build a market.3. Sell wood at the market.4. Repair the first bridge.5. Side the Villa and install a garden.6. Repair the next bridge.7. Side the villa and install a garden.8. As soon as you have 5000 gold from selling wood, pay the bandit.9. Collect rent and bank interest, and continue selling wood.10. Buy 2 tax collectors at a time.11. Send 2 tax collectors at a time to the university when you have 5000 gold.12. Continue buying 2 tax collectors, and sending them to the university each time you have 5000 gold, u ntil you have all 10 engineers.13. Fix the 3rd bridge, side the villa and install a garden.14. Tear down one workshop, build a villa, side it, and install a garden.Level 42Goalsa. 2 cottages with 3 starsb. 2 villas with 3 starsc. No homes with less than 30 happiness1. Clear the brush pile and dig up the two treasures.2. Pay the bandits.3. Continue clearing brush and digging treasure as quickly as possible. Don’t let your workers return to the castle; keep them busy clearing and digging.4. Build a sawmill and run it to make 800 wood. After the first 800, run it to make either 400 or 200 wood throughout the rest of the level.5. When you have 2000 wood, fix the bridge.6. Sell wood at the market and keep running the sawmill.7. Build 2 villas and side them.8. Build 2 cottages and side them.9. Collect rent and bank interest, sell wood at the market, and run the sawmill.10. Buy another worker.11. Upgrade the houses to 3 stars.12. Build gardens around all of the houses.13. Put flowers between the houses.Level 43Goalsa. 4 chalets with 3 starsb. 10 lanternsc. 160 Happiness1. Start the sawmill and the workshop.2. Sell wood at the market.3. Buy 1 more worker.4. Build the chalets and side them.5. Improve the chalets and install gardens.6. Keep making and selling wood, and collecting rent.7. As you have 5000 gold at a time, pay the bandits one at a time.8. Build cabins in the remaining sites.9. Build all the lanterns.10. Tear down the sawmill.G. ISLAND OF THE FRUIT FORESTSLevel 44Goalsa. 3 villas with 3 starsb. 2 mansionsc. 40 Happiness1. Build a sawmill and start it.2. Clear the debris.3. Side the 2 villas and collect the rent.4. Pay the first bandit.5. Build the first mansion and side it.6. Clear debris and dig up the treasure.7. Run the sawmill at at least 800 wood.8. Build the second mansion and side it.9. Put flowers between the 2 villas.10. Collect rent, run the sawmill, and upgrade the villas.Level 45Goalsa. 3 mansions with 3 starsb. 2 Marketsc. 280 Happiness1. Start the sawmill and keep it running.2. Build a market.3. Sell wood at the market.4. Build a mansion and side it.5. As soon as you have 2000 wood, build the 2nd market.6. Build the second mansion and side it.7. Fix the bridge when you have 2000 wood.8. Build the 3rd mansion, side it, and install a garden.9. Upgrade the 3 mansions.10. Put a fountain by one mansion, and put flowers by the other one.。
































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6. 学习失败的经验可能你会失败几次,这在隐藏关卡中是常有的事情。



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皇家骑士团 命运之轮 图文攻略

皇家骑士团 命运之轮 图文攻略

Battle1-1.アルモリカ城城门前2010-11-25 21:05:40 上传下载附件(50.03 KB)胜利条件:佣兵バパール击倒敌方配置:Lv1 ウォリアーx3Lv1 アーチャーx2Lv1 ウィザードx1Lv2 パーサーカーx1关卡要点:1、本关卡是本作的第一场正式战斗,所以并不难无难点2、其他队员会对主角进行战斗知识的说明,战斗什么的就交给他们吧,主角打酱油捡捡东西就好^^战斗中可以对视角进行调整,太烦方便了,很不错,方法为按住方块键+上下左右进行调节,如图:2010-11-25 21:21:53 上传下载附件(36.34 KB)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------胜利后,稍加整备,进入第二场战斗,教学战即将结束,大家加油吧^^Battle1-2.アルモリカ城城内2010-11-25 21:25:55 上传下载附件(47.78 KB)胜利条件:骑士アガレス击倒敌方配置:Lv1 ウォリアーx3Lv2 アーチャーx2Lv1 ウィッチx1Lv2 骑士アガレスx1关卡要点:本关仍无难点,骑士们太强大了,一刀下去可不是开玩笑的,主角还是乖乖的捡道具吧,注意法师和弓箭手的攻击,不要冲的太前就行了---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------战斗胜利后,救出公爵阁下,在一起商讨今后的方针,这时候大家可以给自己的团取名了,建立属于我们自己的骑士团吧(我建立了魔导团···),之后圣骑士兰斯洛特一行人会离开队伍了,然后会遇到新人——骑士MM,这是本作新增的人物之一,很漂亮吧2010-11-25 22:01:22 上传下载附件(32.75 KB)2010-11-25 22:01:16 上传下载附件(41.93 KB)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------整备完成后出发做任务了Battle1-3.タインマウスの丘2010-11-26 14:55:45 上传下载附件(40.78 KB)2010-11-26 14:55:46 上传下载附件(50.11 KB)胜利条件:魔术师オルバ击倒敌方配置:Lv1 ウォリアーx3Lv1 アーチャーx2Lv1 ウィッチ×1Lv2 魔术师オルバx1关卡要点:1、游戏一开始,风使就会加入我方,很强力的角色,从一开始到最后都是;直到胜利后风使没战败的话则加入队伍2、此战会介绍命运之轮C.H.A.R.I.O.T.系统。






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1. 教学关没啥好说的2.任务要求:一个木材加工厂五间小屋。


造一木材厂然后小屋加星简单带星4. 任务要求:3500金币。

先清理下面的枯枝路通至二星小屋然后满星左边同理然后升星盖屋 3500G 就到手了带星很容易5.任务要求:六间三星小屋右边那个锻造制造钉。


起手木材厂然后加工木材期间造1工人有木材空地起一间别墅然后拆没星的小屋建别墅以次类推过关的时候时间还有一大把哦7.任务要求:2个市场在市场做3次交易 7500金币。

超简单他给的木材绝对够你做交易用了空地建一个市场拆左边小屋再建一个其它都原样不能加星不然木材就不够了然后一直靠卖木材攒够7500G 通关8.任务要求:6间带花园的房子 30的幸福感. 开始空地建2个市场和下面3个市场一起做交易现有的2间房子先造花园不要加星很重要不然木材不够交易然后攒够1W G 交给海盗左边的路就通了接着就拆上面的二个市场全盖上小屋(不要盖别墅哦)盖花园通关9.任务要求:1个木材厂 1个市场 5间小屋 20的幸福感. 顺序木材厂-1个工人-市场后面就简单了.10.任务要求:1个银行 50幸福感 1W 金币. 开始建4个别墅2个银行靠主城最近的升3星攒3000G交给海盗上面建个木材加工厂拆个市场随便建个小屋全盖花园通关11.任务要求:5个3星别墅挖出上面宝藏. 开始速度主城周围别墅升星用完木材就速度去挖宝藏等有钱就招工人去挖宝藏至少要5个以上才能攒钱给海盗期间把宝藏人补满开始把差星的补齐通关(一定要先挖宝藏不然时间不够)12.任务要求:3个三星小屋 3个三星别墅 60幸福感开始顺序工人(一直招6个)-木材厂(一直加工木材)-4个宝藏 -先盖三星别墅再盖小屋13.任务要求:25000G 50幸福感挖宝藏然后3个市场二个别墅后面就简单了最后拆了三个银行再盖3个小屋都不要星14.任务要求:6个带花园的别墅. 这关开始有迷雾了(后面好多关都有迷雾)开始建3市场一攒够9000交给海盗不要多交易然后拆市场左边有三个空地和一个400木头的宝藏后面不用我说了吧.15.任务要求:2个3星别墅 80的幸福感没啥特别的开始就建二个三星别墅后面就简单了.16.任务要求:120的幸福感. 4个别墅3星攒钱交给海盗迷雾开了造二个小屋就120了下面空地旁边已经造好装饰17.任务要求:3间3星小屋 2间3星别墅 5间加固房屋. 这关开始不再为了房屋坏而发愁了加固后会自行修复还不消耗木材,先建二间三星别墅后面自己搞定吧18.任务要求:100幸福感购买热气球. 才开始玩的时候这关真难那个热汽球的天平要平衡钱不能多也不能少. 开始先在下面三个空地建三个市场然后攒钱给海盗钱够了建木材厂(后面要拆)那个热气球要5300G就平衡了你算好钱钱其它就容易(中间小格建路灯最便宜滴小屋加花园)19.任务要求:5间3星别墅 2间农舍(chalets) 30幸福感. 开始用给的木材把别墅全加星有钱先2000海盗然后1000的其它自己看着办吧.20.任务要求:3间3星小屋 3间3星农舍 30幸福感先建3间3星农舍再拆别墅盖小屋.21.任务要求:2个银行 19个路灯开始3间农舍2间银行然后升星接下来就是等攒钱买木头建路灯22.任务要求:3000G 50幸福感很简单的一关注意下开通道路的顺序就行最好是三星二星农舍和银行先开通,这样钱来的快.23.任务要求:120幸福感开始木材厂加工5000木头修桥期间招募2个税务员(很重要)挖宝藏再盖一个市场这时你不用再加工木材了一直在市场交易35000G 记得修上面的桥 ... 带星通关没问题 24.任务要求:1个市场 4间3星农场所有房子幸福感不能低于15. 这关没啥说的就是市场建完后一切向目标发展25.任务要求:建造轮船 40的幸福感开始再建个银行然后有钱木材厂房子全升3星满员造船....26.任务要求:110幸福感清除所有烟. 主城周围3个市场 1个木材厂其它所有空地盖小屋+花园清完所有烟拆了市场和木材厂盖小屋+花园通关...27.任务要求:2个3星农场 3个三星大别墅(villas) 180幸福感. 开始空地盖二个一星大别墅攒钱给海盗后面就交易攒钱加工木头...完成任务要求28.任务要求:4朵花 60的幸福感 . 下面三个连一起的空地盖三个大别墅然后有钱盖个木材厂攒钱接通市场的路后面一切都简单了29.任务要求:1个车间 4个3星大别墅 4个花台. 开始空地就盖车间(20木材就能加工成200木材,这个一直不要停的加工)然后修桥市场还有个大别墅的路通了那边空地盖木材厂.... 达成目标很快的30.任务要求:2个三星大别墅 120的幸福感. 开始就拆了二个破房子这样就有木材了那个农会收了1次税后也拆了.. 先盖一个木材加工厂。

然后二个大别墅升星最后盖一个喷泉过关31.任务要求:30幸福度 1个喷泉开始加工木材(不要停)攒1000木材离主城近的空地盖市场有钱盖一个木材厂期间招二名工人积累木材向目标进军..32.任务要求:2500幸福感车间加工木材修桥通市场交易盖木材厂攒木材再建个市场然后攒1500木材修马戏团其它空地全修上小屋不要加星不要花园有2500G就请马戏团表演所有小屋/次表演都会加100的幸福感不过要消耗一个税务员合理安排带星过关不是难事.33. 任务要求:3个大别墅 300的幸福感开始车间上面空地盖市场主城旁边二空地盖二个大别墅没啥特别的后面就是攒钱过关34. 任务要求:3间3星小别墅 2间3星农舍 1间大别墅开始主城右边空地盖一间大别墅和市场做交易有钱盖木材厂然后攒木材把大别墅升3星再盖二个三星农舍攒钱清除烟然后拆市场盖三个三星小别墅过关35.任务要求:1个市场 1个银行 1个车间 6个农舍 50的幸福感上面一行空地盖一个木材厂有1000木材中间一行第一个空地盖市场(中间一行是因那个位置离主城近)攒1000在中间一行第二个空地盖个车间(一定要盖了车间才能拆房子因为盖了车间拆房子才有木材回收不然是没的)有木材盖银行然后空地上都盖上农舍这时再拆那三个大别墅最后给海盗买路钱(这上面的海盗真滴太黑心鸟 T_T)36.任务要求: 2个带花园的小别墅 2个带花园的农舍 2个带花园的大别墅修复所有房子这关房子都帮你建好只要修下开始三个空地先盖木材厂然后市场再盖车间先修中间一行的桥后面你就知道了...37.任务要求:7000G 50幸福感讨厌这么多烟啊=。

= 开始空地盖车间盖好后再拆后面的花和喷泉木材来了一切都变得简单二个市场后面不用我说了...(车间里的木材加工不能停哦偶是越来越喜欢车间了^-^)38.任务要求:7个市场 3朵花. 这关没难度这么多市场再盖个木材厂钱是哗哗的......39.任务要求:6个花圃 100的幸福感 6个农舍盖个木材厂攒1000木材离主城近的二个别墅随便找个拆(最好刚收完税的 *-* ) 盖车间等盖完所有花圃你就是拆迁办........40.任务要求:3个带花园的农舍 100的幸福感 35000G . 开始2个市场攒15000G给那个老黑心后面你看着办吧41.任务要求:4个大别墅 40的幸福感培训10个工程师开局盖一个市场木材加工不要停修三个别墅的桥买通银行的路然后有钱就去培训工程师吧(一次2个同时消耗2个税务员)42.任务要求:2个3星小别墅 2个3星大别墅开始挖宝藏有钱就建个木材厂然后交3000买通市场攒2000木材修好桥盖2个3星大别墅买通银行的路最后建3星小别墅通关43.任务要求:4个3星农舍 10个路灯 160的幸福感 4个空地盖4个大别墅升3星钱不成问题了后面简单了44.任务要求:3个3星大别墅 2个豪宅 40和幸福感做为豪宅出现的第一关基本没啥难度先盖豪宅再升大别墅3星因为豪宅收次税有好多钱钱45.任务要求:3个3星豪宅 2个市场 280幸福感主城左右二个空地建二个市场然后面三个空地盖三个3星豪宅然后建花园建好二朵花后再修桥在最后的空地盖个小屋就过关了46.任务要求:4个带花园的大别墅 3个花圃开始加工木材同时招二个工人有木材先修上面那个桥建二个二星大别墅然后修下面的桥也是如此最后修中间的桥攒15000G给海盗修三个小花圃过关47.任务要求:3个银行 10W金 50幸福感开始建一个车间然后拆了上面的9个喷泉(不要拆空地旁边的那个哦)再盖个豪宅右上角盖3个银行然后豪宅升三星收钱等过关吧(注意招税务员不然人手不够浪费时间)48.任务要求:2个喷泉 4朵花 450的幸福感开始一个木材厂 2个工人然后找最近的二个空地盖一个市场和一个车间攒木材盖好喷泉和花园最后盖上小屋和花园过关(记得先拆市场再拆车间)49.任务要求:180的幸福感先打通3星豪宅的路然后一星盖木材厂攒木材修桥然后依次清除烟打开4个市场记得招税务员盖4个喷泉然后房子盖花园过关50.任务要求:2个3星别墅 2个3星豪宅 1座雕像修复6座桥先修豪宅的桥然后银行再市场最后大别墅然后豪宅升3星再别墅最后建雕像过关51.任务要求:3个3星豪宅 6朵花先买通车间的路再拆二个水池(不然没木材回收)然后买通银行的路拆二个别墅同时有木材升豪宅的星后面就很简单了52.任务要求:3个1星大别墅 3个银行 200的幸福感本来都建好了可是为了200的幸福感只有拆了从建先买通二个海盗挡的路然后攒钱盖木材厂木材够了盖个车间先拆银行建好别墅再拆银行最后拆花朵换成喷泉过关53.任务要求:3个3星豪宅 30的幸福感装载1W的木材开始先建一个木材厂然后建3个市场不停的交易木材同时升别墅最后装载上船就通关了54.任务要求:2个3星豪宅 100的幸福感加工好木材先盖一个豪宅同时修好左右二边的桥然后再建一个豪宅逐个升3星攒钱清除烟最后建 4朵花和二个小屋小屋盖花园过关55.任务要求:小屋小别墅农舍各一个 50W金币 430幸福感拆一个车间建成市场交易木材然后买通右边三个车间的路就攒木材修复左边三座桥期间通过交易可以买通下面第一个空地在那建个市场挖那个50W金币的宝藏买通下面2个海盗建上农舍和小别墅完成50W的目标后拆下面那个市场换成小屋全盖花园攒够木材建2个雕像过关56.任务要求:7个带花园的豪宅 5个路灯开局在主城左边建个木材厂木材够了在右边建1个车间后拆二个雕像后面按目标进行很简单57.任务要求:5W金币 5000的木材 10个工人 10个税务员 50的幸福感开始拆了小屋和小别墅就有木材加工和交易了然后木材够了就在下面二个空地建二个市场再拆了那个农舍上面三个空地建3个豪宅期间完成下面4个目标然后就等钱过关了58.任务要求:3个豪宅 60的幸福感这局开始后面好几局主城都被烟笼罩=。
