Selection rules for Brillouin light scattering from eigenvibrations of a sphere
ENERGY STAR Recommended Practice - Light Source Flicker
ENERGY STAR ® Program RequirementsProduct Specification for Lamps:Light Source FlickerRecommended Practice Rev. December 20151 OVERVIEWThis document provides the recommended practice for evaluating flicker with and without a dimmer. Thistest can be performed concurrently with the ENERGY STAR Light Output on a Dimmer testing.2 APPLICABILITYThis recommended practice applies to all CFL and solid-state lamps covered in the scope of the Lampsspecification that are marketed as dimmable.3 DEFINITIONSUnless otherwise specified, all terms used in this document are consistent with the definitions in theENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria for Lamps.Baseline Light Output: The baseline light output (BLO) refers to the stabilized light output of the UUToperating without a dimmer in the circuit.Maximum Control Position: The setting on the dimmer or control device intended to achieve themaximum light output during operation.Maximum Light Output: The maximum light output (MaxLO) refers to the light output of the lamp whenoperating with a dimmer in the circuit with the control at the maximum position.Minimum Dimming Level Claimed: The minimum light output level of a lamp when operated with adimmer in the circuit, as declared by the lamp manufacturer. Typically expressed as a percentage.Minimum Light Output: The minimum light output (MinLO) refers to the minimum light output when thelamp is operating with a dimmer in the circuit.Unit Under Test: The unit under test (UUT) refers the the specific lamp sample being tested.4 METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS4.1 IES Test Methods and Reference DocumentsA) IES LM-66-14: 2014. IES Approved Method for Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Single-Ended Compact Fluorescent Lamps, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.B) IES LM-79-08: 2008. IES Approved Method for Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.C) IES LM-54-12: 2012. IES Guide to Lamp Seasoning, Illuminating Engineering Society, New York.D) IES RP-16-10: 2010. IES Nomenclature and Definitions for Illuminating Engineering, IlluminatingEngineering Society, New York.5 TEST SETUP5.1 GeneralA) Test Setup and Instrumentation: The test can be performed using an absolute photometry method ora relative photometry method , and the equipment required depends on the method used.1) Equipment required for absolute photometry measurement:a) Power supply and meter that complies with IES LM-79-08 or IES LM-66-14 as applicable.See 5.1.C and 5.1.E.b) Multichannel oscilloscope with data storage capability or similar equipment for comparingoutput readings from a photodetectorc) Appropriate attenuator probe(s), if applicabled) Photodetectore) Integrating sphere2) Equipment required for relative photometry measurement:a) Power supply and meter that complies with IES LM-79-08 or IES LM-66-14 as applicable.See 5.1.C and 5.1.E.b) Multichannel oscilloscope with data storage capability or similar equipment for comparingoutput readings from a photodetectorc) Appropriate attenuator probe(s), if applicabled) Photodetector capable of measuring relative light outpute) Method of ensuring the light measured comes only from the UUT.B) Lamp Seasoning and Preburning: Prior to the first readings, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) shallbe seasoned for 100 hours in accordance with IES LM-54-12. CFLs shall be preburned in accordance with IES LM-66-14. LED lamps shall not be seasoned.C) Input Power for Measurements: The power requirements shall be per IES LM-66-14 or LM-79-08 asapplicable. Note: When selecting a power supply for use with integrated lamps, it is necessary to apply an appropriate power factor when specifying the Volt-Amp rating of the power supply.D) Ambient Temperature: Lamp testing shall take place in an ambient temperature of 25°C ± 5°C. Draftsshall be minimized.E) Power Meter: Power meters shall be capable of measuring to the appropriate requirements of IESLM-66-14 and/or IES LM-79-08 as applicable.F) Environmental Conditions: The test environment shall be clean and free from large amounts of dustand moisture.G) Sample Selection: Samples shall be representative of the manufacturer’s typical product. Thesamples shall be clean and thoroughly inspected before testing. Any flaws or inconsistencies in the lamp samples shall be noted. The sample(s) used for flicker testing shall be the same sample(s) used for the ENERGY STAR Light Output on a Dimmer testing, if applicable, and can be the samesample(s) used for other testing.6 TEST CONDUCT6.1 Guidance for Implementation Flicker Test ProcedureH) Photometric Measurements:1) The photodetector used for photometric measurements shall be a silicon detector corrected toclosely fit the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) spectral luminous efficiency curve (Vߣ).a) Ensure that the measurement equipment receives the appropriate voltage range from thephotodetector, using an amplifier if necessary.2) The oscilloscope measurement period needs to be ≥ 100 ms.3) The oscilloscope sampling rate used needs to be ≥ 2 kHz.I) Lamp Transfer for CFLs: care shall be exercised to maintain lamp orientation and avoid shaking orbumping the lamp during the transfer from seasoning area.J) Low Voltage Lamps:1) Lamps designed for operation on low voltage transformers shall be operated on a compatibletransformer specified or supplied by the lamp manufacturer.2) Electrical measurements shall include characteristics of the lamp.K) Measurements: The following data shall be collected at each measurement point:1) Sampling Rate2) Lamp light output waveform captured over a minimum of 8 periods7 TEST PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS CLAIMING DIMMABILITY7.1 Test Procedure for Flicker at Baseline Light OutputA) Install the lamp in the test environment without a dimmer in the circuit.B) Set power supply to rated voltage and frequency of the device. If a range is specified, test sample atthe midpoint of the range.C) Apply rated voltage/frequency to the device.D) Allow lamp to stabilize per IES LM-66-14 or IES-LM-79-08 as applicable. If lamp has been stabilizedfor measurements previously and the stabilization time recorded, the lamp may be considered stabilized after operating for this period of time.E) Record readings per Clause 6.1.D from measurement equipment to determine lamp’s light outputperiodic frequency.F) Calculate the flicker index, as applicable.Flicker Index = Area 1/ (Area 1+ Area 2)G) Remove power from lamp7.2 Test Procedure for Lamp FlickerA) Install dimmer into the lamp test circuit.B) Apply rated voltage/frequency to the dimmer or control device.C) Adjust dimmer to the maximum control position.D) Allow lamp to stabilize and verify by taking light output measurements every minute until consecutivemeasurements are no more than 0.5% apart, utilizing previously recorded lamp stabilization time or verify by mathematical means that the lamp is stabilized.E) Record light output, electrical parameters, and waveform readings per Clause 6.1.D frommeasurement equipment and record percent flicker and calculate the flicker index. The flicker index is the flicker at the MaxLO.F) Adjust dimmer so that the light output is the lower of:1) (20% of the MaxLO) ± 5%.2) (The minimum dimming level claimed as percentage of the MaxLO) ± 5%.For example: a lamp with a MaxLO of 1,000 lumens and a minimum claimed dimming level of20% should be adjusted to a light output level that is between 190 and 210 lumens.G) Allow lamp to stabilize and verify by taking light output measurements every minute, until consecutivemeasurements are no more than 0.5% apart, utilizing previously recorded lamp stabilization time or verify by mathematical means that the lamp is stabilized.H) Verify that the lamp light output is still within the range in F)1) If not, repeat step F) and G)2) If light output is within range, record light output, electrical parameters, and waveform readingsper Clause 6.1.D from measurement equipment to determine percent flicker and flicker index.The flicker index is the flicker MinLO.I) Repeat steps 7.2.A-H for each dimmer to be tested. A test setup that includes a device that allows hotswitching between dimmers may be utilized to bypass stabilization time.8 TEST REPORTLight Source Flicker report data shall include the following test information and be submitted on the ENERGY STAR Dimming Data Sheet:A) Manufacturer’s name and product identification for the lamp and dimmers testedB) Name and location of testing facilityC) Test dateD) Lamp base orientationE) Test voltage (V)F) Test frequency (Hz)G) Fundamental frequency, percent flicker and flicker index at BLOH) Electrical measurements, light output reading, flicker index and percent flicker at MaxLO for eachdimmer testedI) Electrical measurements, light output reading, flicker index and percent flicker at MinLO for eachdimmer testedJ) Stabilization time and stabilization method usedK) Digitized photometric waveform data and an image of the relative photometric amplitude waveform with a period ≥ 100ms。
• Lighting requirements ............................................ Page 12 3.1 ..... Illuminance page 12 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................
02/2002 Printed in France
Philips Lighting
Guide to the artificial lighting of football pitches
This publication is the result of a joint co-operation with FIFA.
• User requirements ......................................................................... Page 6 2.1 ..... Objectives page 6 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2.2 ..... Competition categories page 7 ...................................................................................................................................................... 2.3 ..... Pitch dimensions page 8 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2.4 ..... Obstacle free zones page 9 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2.5 ..... Unobstructed view of the Pitch page 10 ......................................................................................................................... 2.6 ..... Obtrusive light page 11 .......................................................................................................................................................................................
selection rule(选择定则)
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Selection rules fot two-photon spectroscopy
The selection rules for a two-photon transition correspond to two,sequential, single photon transitions via a “virtual” state.
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2. Electric Dipole Selection Rules in The L-S Coupling
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1542IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,VOL.20,NO.18,SEPTEMBER 15,2008Relative Intensity Noise Suppression forRF Photonic LinksC.W.Nelson,A.Hati,andD.A.Howe ,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—We propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel technique to reduce laser relative intensity noise (RIN).A RIN suppression servo is usually implemented by inserting an intensity modulator in the optical path and controlling measured light intensity with a closed-loop servo system.We utilize the intensity modulator already present in a photonic link to perform the task of RIN suppression as well as encoding the optical signal with the microwave subcarrier.This technique provides suppression of 10to 50dB of laser RIN over a bandwidth of 10MHz.Furthermore,we implement this technique in an optoelectronic oscillator,signif-icantly improving its phase noise performance due to the reduced effect of RIN on the phase noise of the oscillator.Index Terms—Optoelectronic oscillator (OEO),phase noise,photonic link,relative intensity noise (RIN).I.I NTRODUCTIONRECENTLY ,the optoelectronic oscillator has emerged as an excellent low noise source that rivals the best microwave oscillators over broad offset frequencies.These oscillators have the potential to improve the performance of a wide range of applications,such as advanced civilian and military radar,communications systems,and test measure-ment applications.The low noise of the OEO comes from the extremely high quality factor()achieved by use of a long optical fiber as a delay-line resonator [1].A typical OEO,as shown in Fig.1,consists of a laser serving as a source of light,an electro-optic modulator (EOM)to amplitude modulate the light with a microwave signal,the optical fiber delay line,a photodetector (PD)to demodulate the microwave signal,a bandpass filter for mode selection,a phase shifter,and an amplifier to compensate for any losses around the oscillator loop.Appropriate gain and phase conditions inside the loop result in the generation of stable and sustained oscillations.Several factors contribute to the overall noise of the OEO and limit its performance.In addition to the classical noise sources that contribute to the overall output noise of a feedback oscil-lator [2],the OEO contains a photonic link.This link enables low loss transmission through long optical delays and consists of a laser,an EOM,the optical fiber,and a photodetector [3].The laser carrier itself has both intensity and phase noise,which can translate to the subcarrier and thus can also appear at theManuscript received May 13,2008;revised June 16,2008.This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)under the aPROPOS program.The authors are with the National Institute of Standards and Technology,Boulder,CO 80305USA (e-mail:*************************.gov).Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/LPT.2008.928838Fig.1.Basic configuration of an optelectronic oscillator.output of the OEO [4].Laser amplitude,or relative intensity noise (RIN),can become OEO amplitude noise if loop com-ponents are not operating in saturation [5].Laser phase noise can also convert to RIN after traveling through a dispersive fiber delay line [6],[7].The PD contributes flicker noise as well as shot noise [8].At higher optical powers the laser interacts with the fiber and optical components,producing noise from several different scattering and interference effects [9],[10].In this letter,we propose and experimentally demonstrate a technique to reduce RIN in the laser,one of the major sources of noise that degrades the performance of a photonic link.This letter also cites preliminary results on the improved PM noise performance of an OEO obtained with the implementation of this new technique.II.L ASER RIN AND P HOTONIC L INK N OISE M EASUREMENTS In order to measure the noise of a photonic link,a 1-W fiber laser with a 3-kHz linewidth was chosen as the optical source.The laser was configured as a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA)consisting of a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR)er-bium fiber laser and an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA).An operating wavelength of 1550nm was needed to exploit the minimum loss in single mode fiber (SMF).To generate the am-plitude modulated subcarrier on the optical signal,a lithium nio-bate Mach–Zender interferometer with alowof 1.9V at 10GHz and optical insertion loss of 9dB was selected.The phase noise spectrum of the photonic link showed excess noise that exhibited a structure similar to the RIN of the laser.To study this correlation,laser RIN and photonic link noise were measured.The setup of the link phase noise measurement is shown in Fig.2.A residual measurement was not performed;in-stead,a simple heterodyne measurement between two low noise 10-GHz references,using a digital phase noise measurement system,was utilized [11].The link phase noise,shown in Fig.3,indicates excess noise at 8kHz,which correlates well with the laser RIN shown as the upper curve in Fig.4.In this case,theernment work not protected by U.S.copyright.NELSON et al.:RELATIVE INTENSITY NOISE SUPPRESSION FOR RF PHOTONIC LINKS1543Fig. 2.Experimental setup for noise measurement of photonic link.PNMS:phase noise measurementsystem.Fig.3.Phase noise measurement between two low noise 10-GHz oscillators,one being passed through the photonic link.The link noise is dominant above 1kHz,while source noise dominates at frequenciesbelow.Fig.4.Relative intensity noise of 1550-nm laser with and without the RIN suppression servo.Note that the structure around 8kHz is identical to that of the link noise in Fig.3.conversion of laser RIN to RF phase noise in the photonic link is primarily attributed nonlinearities in the photodetector [12].III.W IDEBAND RIN S UPPRESSION S ERVOFor maximum AM modulation efficiency the Mach-Zender modulator needs to be biased so that the average optical powers in its two outputs are equal.To maintain this power balance,aFig.5.Modulator bias and wideband RIN suppression servo.As well as keeping the modulator bias at quadrature,this servo also reduces the RIN of one output,at the expense of increasing the RIN of theother.Fig.6.Improvement in link phase noise after the RIN suppression servo is used.servo can be implemented by detecting the power in both out-puts and adjusting the modulator bias to equalize them.This bias servo can also be made to function as a RIN suppression servo,as shown in Fig.5.A small amount of light is coupled from each arm of the balanced modulator and detected in tran-simpedance-amplified photodiodes.One of these signals is fil-tered with a low cutoff frequency,creating a low noise dc voltage that is proportional only to the dc laser intensity.This reference voltage is then subtracted from the other channel,creating an error voltage that can be integrated to provide the modulator bias voltage.An adjustable offset voltage is summed prior to the integrator to allow for small adjustments of the bias point.At very low offset frequencies,the signal power tracks the ref-erence power,providing the proper AM modulation bias;how-ever,outside the bandwidth of the low-pass filter the circuit acts to suppress RIN.The bandwidth of the integrator is set as high as possible to suppress wideband RIN.The RIN of the laser after suppression is shown as the bottom curve in Fig.4.A bandwidth of about 10MHz,as well as 50dB of RIN suppression at 8kHz,was achieved.The improved link phase noise with the RIN sup-pression servo is shown in Fig.6.IV .E FFECT OF RIN S UPPRESSION ON PM N OISE OF OEO The phase noise of an OEO,operating at 1.25GHz with a fiber length of 6km,was studied in detail.This operating fre-quency allowed for oscillation without the use of a loop mi-crowave amplifier,as shown in Fig.1,thus eliminating its noise1544IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,VOL.20,NO.18,SEPTEMBER 15,2008Fig.7.Setup for OEO phase noise measurement at 1.25GHz.Fig.8.Phase noise of a 1.25-GHz OEO with 6-km-long fiber.Theory is from Leeson’s equation using the photodiode as the dominant flicker source.contribution.In order to measure the phase fluctuations of the OEO without phase locking it to a reference,the output of a low noise 10-GHz oscillator,divided by eight,was used to down-convert the OEO’s output to a beat frequency that can be mea-sured with a digital phase noise system.The phase noise mea-surement configuration is shown in Fig.7.This method allows for very accurate measurements close to the carrier but has a moderately high measurement system noise floor above offset frequencies of a few kilohertz.The OEO phase noise under several operating conditions is shown in Fig.8.The OEO per-formed about 20to 30dB above its theoretically expected level [2]when the laser was operated without frequency modulation.The addition of laser frequency modulation at 6kHz improved the performance by about 15dB.The vast improvement pro-vided by frequency modulation of the laser signal can be at-tributed to suppression of interferometic noise [10],stimulated Brillouin scattering [9],and/or further reduction of RIN [13].Activation of the proposed RIN suppression servo improves the performance of the OEO by 10dB for offset frequencies be-tween 10Hz to 10kHz.Also,theoretically expected perfor-mance is achieved at an offset of 1kHz.Deviations from theexpected values below 1kHz are attributed to vibration and tem-perature fluctuations on the fiber spool.V .C ONCLUSIONWe discuss a novel technique to significantly reduce wide-band laser RIN in photonic links.A second wideband servo is implemented by modifying the existing modulator bias-stabi-lizing servo already present in such a link.The Mach–Zender modulator already being utilized to encode the optical signal can also be used simultaneously to suppress the RIN of the op-tical signal.This eliminates the insertion loss of using a sepa-rate intensity modulator for RIN suppression.A suppression of 10to 50dB of laser RIN over a bandwidth of about 10MHz is achieved with this approach.Implementation of this technique in an optoelectronic oscillator can significantly reduce its phase noise,by reducing the amount of laser RIN that can be converted to RF phase noise by circuit nonlinearities.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to thank L.Maleki of OEWaves,and N.Newbury and L.Hollberg of NIST for useful discussions.R EFERENCES[1]X.S.Yao and L.Maleki,“High frequency optical subcarrier generator,”Electron.Lett.,vol.30,no.18,pp.1525–1526,Sep.1994.[2]D.B.Leeson,“A simple model of feed back oscillator noise spectrum,”Proc.IEEE ,vol.54,no.2,pp.329–330,Feb.1966.[3]C.H.Cox,III,E.I.Ackerman,G.E.Betts,and Prince,“Limits on theperformance of RF-over-fiber links and their impact on device design,”IEEE Trans.Microw.Theory Tech.,vol.54,no.2,pp.906–920,Feb.2006.[4]X.S.Yao and L.Maleki,“Optoelectronic oscillator for photonic sys-tems,”IEEE J.Quantum Electron.,vol.32,no.7,pp.1141–1149,Jul.1996.[5]X.S.Yao and L.Maleki,“Optoelectronic microwave oscillator,”J.Opt.Soc.Amer.B ,vol.13,no.8,pp.1725–1735,Aug.1996.[6]W.K.Marshall,B.Crosignani,and A.Yariv,“Laser phase noise tointensity noise conversion by lowest-order group-velocity dispersion in optical fiber:Exact theory,”Opt.Lett.,vol.25,no.3,pp.165–167,Feb.2000.[7]W.K.Marshall and A.Yariv,“Spectrum of the intensity of modulatednoisy light after propagation in dispersive fiber,”IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.,vol.12,no.3,pp.302–304,Mar.2000.[8]E.Rubiola,E.Salik,Y.Nan,and L.Maleki,“Flicker noise in high-speed p-i-n photodiodes,”IEEE Trans.Microw.Theory Tech.,vol.54,no.2,pt.2,pp.816–820,Feb.2006.[9]R.M.Shelby,M.D.Levenson,and P.W.Bayer,“Guided acousticwave Brillouin scattering,”Phys.Rev.B ,vol.31,no.8,pp.5244–5252,Apr.1985.[10]W.Shieh and L.Maleki ,IEEE Photon.Technol.Lett.,vol.10,no.11,pp.1617–1619,Nov.1998.[11]J.Grove,J.Hein,J.Retta,P.Schweiger,W.Solbrig,and S.R.Stein,“Direct-digital 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5.3Visual distance (see table 1)Could you not see the irregularity by visual distance (see table 1) the part is good.5.4Duration of visual observation for simple parts (workstations)Table 15.5ToolsFor determination of relevant dimensions in visual failure, an appropriate facility has to be used. Alternatively it can be a stencil or a Lence with scale.The given facilities are exact enough for the operation and are allowed for general use. Before using it, you have to check if the fitness is reduced due to soilingb or demage. In such cases the use is not allowed.5.5.1Tools stencilApplication: The stencil is positioned on to the defect to measure ist size.Picture 1:Surface description -Categories Visual distanceDuration Display-window and Label-bead A-Area (Vision surface for customer all time)B-Area (Vision surface for customer temporarily)C-Area (Vision surface which could not be find after installation)0,50 m0,50 m 0,50 m0,50 m 5 seconds 5 seconds 3 seconds3 seconds5.5.2Magnifier with scalePicture 2:5.5.3Support board with surface structurePicture 3:5.6Description of defect and acceptable size of defectTable 2Failure class Comment ExampleDisplay-window and Label-bead A-AreaB-AreaC-AreaDisplay where you can readinformationArea which can be viewed all time bycustomerArea which can be viewed temporarilyby customerArea which can not be viewed bycustomer after installation or renovationDisplay and Label-beadPush-button, Push-collar,Front of casings for all productsall faces which are covered by lid orotherall faces within, those are only visibleduring the installationTable 3GS = Golden sampleIn case of percentages or absolute numbers the visual better result is valid No.Type of defectCategory -failure size in mmDisplay-window and Label-beadA-AreaB-AreaC-Area1Round, lifted or lowered parts on the surfaceSpots in different colour< 0,15< 0,20< 0,25< 0,252Round, lifted or lowered parts on the surfaceSpots in the same colour then the material< 0,15< 0,20< 0,25< 0,253Air bubblesAir bubbles4Deepend spots on the surfaceDent< 0,15< 0,20< 0,25< 0,25< 0,2< 0,25< 0,3< 0,35Exceeding (overlapping / back-Burrpositioned) only if no malfunction< 0,1< 0,1< 0,25< 0,25 6Demage of the surface,Scratchesmeasurable length and width2 x 0,02 1 x 0,05 1 x 0,13 x 0,1 7Slight gap on the surface causedShrinkmarksby deformation of plasticcomponents while cooling down0GS GS GS 8Straight-line surface damages ofShyer lineminimal depth caused byinappropriate handling0GS GS GS 9Dust particles on the parts.DustCondition: have to able cleanedby compresed air--------------------------------Golden sample10Weak visible lineFlow lines /joint lineGS GS GS11The printing of symbols or letters is incorrectSymbols, prints incorrect printings0GS GS GS12Symbols or letters incomplete (e.g. caused by coverdisplacement at the printing process)Symbols, writing incorrectGS GS GS13Label is not placed symmetrically in the expected markingLabeldisplacement-------------------------------14Without commentaryInjection mark。
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1.PURPOSE1.1.The purpose of this procedure is to align the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) calculations of JardenConsumer Solutions (JCS) suppliers to the calculations of Intertek (ITS) in Cortland, New York.2.SCOPE2.1.This procedure provides clarifications to the ANSI Method for Measuring Performance of Portable HouseholdElectric Room Air Cleaners (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006), specifically the ability to remove smoke particulate from the air. This ability is measured by an air cleaner’s Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) for smoke.2.2.This procedure also provid es information to align JCS suppliers’ smoke CADR test conditions, test method,and maintenance procedures with that of ITS.2.3.Excerpts have been taken from the ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 (and highlighted with a boarder).Additional detail has been provided, along with pictures in some cases, to assist in duplicating what isbeing done at ITS in Cortland, New York.3.PROCEDURE3.1.ROOM CONSTRUCTION / EQUIPMENT3.1.1.Test Room “Chamber” Room Construction3. creation and maintenance of the testing environment is as important as the testprocedure. Below are guidelines for construction of the room that the smoke CADR testwill be conducted in. electrical outlet will be on the floor in the middle of the room near where the aircleaner will be placed during testing. outlet should be able to be controlled from outside of the room. to be held within 120VAC +/- 1VAC and 60Hz +/- 1Hz (or per rating labelrated voltage and frequency +/- 1VAC and +/- 1Hz). room should be sealed so that there is minimal air flow into and out of the roomduring testing and preparation for testing. paint used on the walls, ceiling and floor should be washable. Room Layout3.1.2.Test Equipment3.1.2.1.Fans(ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Page 23, Annex A) Fan (Figure 1) is a high volume fan used to mix the room during smokeparticulate (contaminant aerosol) generation. Fan is part of the system used to achieve the required room conditions(humidity, temperature, etc.) for testing. Fan (Figure 1) is a fan capable of producing between 300 and 400 cfm andused for the purpose of maintaining a homogeneous environment within the chamberFigure Stand(ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Page 23, Annex A) table stand (Figure 2) will be used when testing “Table Type” air cleaners as definedin ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 - Page 2, Section 3.1.2.Figure Smoke Generator (Figures 3a and 3b)(ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Page 4) air flow forcing the smoke particulate into the room must be able to be adjusted inorder to control the burn rate of the cigarette. This can be done by increasing the air flowthrough the “Air Inlet” or decreasing the air flow by opening the “Air Bypass Valve”.Figure 3a (Outside Test Room)Figure 3b (Inside Test Room) Spectrometer (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Page 27) device is used for measuring particle size and concentration in the room. It willcalculate the concentration based only on particulate in the size range listed below. Smoke Diluter (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Page 28) device is used for reducing the concentration of cigarette smoke by a known factor toa level suitable for measurement. the aerosol spectrometer is not able to accurately measure the smoke particulateconcentration in the room at all stages of testing, a diluter may be used to reduce theconcentration by a known factor so that the spectrometer can accurately measure thesmoke particulate concentration.puter3. have software that monitors the Test Room conditions and calculates the smokeCADR.3.1.3.Please refer to ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 for all remaining test room construction and equipmentdetails. list with recommended suppliers and model numbers can be found on page the release date of this procedure, Intertek (ITS) Cortland, New York had updated theirequipment. For the best test procedure alignment, ITS recommends the following replacementequipment: Fan: PSC Blower (Model #1TDR9) Equipment: EAS Evaporator coil (Model #FZRP0Z4H06G) Is not used by ITS3. Regulator/Watt Transducer: California Instruments Power Supply (Model#3001IX) Generator: Is not used for smoke CADR testing3. Neutralizer: Is not used for smoke CADR testing3. Particle Counter: Is not used for smoke CADR testing3. Smoke Monitor: TSI (Model #3340) Sensitivity Laser Aerosol Spectrometer Probe: PMS (Model #HSLAS2) Generator: Is not used for smoke CADR testing3. Meter: Yokogawa (Model #WT210)3.2.SET UP3.2.1.Test Room Conditioning3.2.1.1.Temperature – Relative Humidity Reconditioning Loop3. order to achieve the temperature, humidity and particulate concentration test conditionsrequired in Section 4 of the ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 (Page 5), air is filtered andrecycled using the Reconditioning Loop system shown in Figure 4 below.Figure 4ing the Air Conditioning Blower in figure 4, air is drawn through the two Return Air Damperson the floor and up to the Humidifier/Dehumidifier. travels through a series of filters to achieve the particulate concentration level required fortesting and through the air conditioning unit and heater to reach the temperature required. recirculation is stopped when all test conditions are achieved in the Test Room. (Figure 5) are closed to restrict the flow of air through the Reconditioning Loop system.All dampers are closed during testing.Figure Mat3. places a sticky mat outside the Test Room door to minimize contaminants that arebrought into the room. These mats can be purchased at .3.2.2.Cigarette Preparation and Storage (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Annex C) is important to properly store test cigarettes. Improper storage will result in unacceptable burnrates, unacceptable particulate concentration in the test room and invalid tests. purchases the cigarettes for testing from the supplier below3.2.2.3.If it is not possible to obtain the “2R4F” cigarettes from this supplier, TBD brand is recommended.3.2.3.Burn In3.2.3.1.Burn In is the process whereby air purifier test samples are prepared for testing., the filter is removed from the unit., the air purifier is run for 48 hours., the filter is installed back into the air purifier in preparation for testing.3.2.4.Please refer to ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 for all remaining test set up requirements.3.3.TESTING PROCEDURE3.3.1.Natural Decay Measurement (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006- Page 7, Section 5.1) Decay is the natural reduction of particulate in the test room. Natural Decay will allow the calculation of the “Na tural Decay Rat e” in thetest room. rate will later be used to calculate the smoke CADR according to: to every Natural Decay Measurement, the Test Room and all equipment in theTest Room (including the Smoke Generator Outlet tube - Figure 3b) should becleaned with compressed air. Failure to conduct this maintenance at acceptableintervals will result in invalid measurements.Section 4.6.2. is shown below for convenience3. Purifier Test Sample3. “highest air cleaning mode” is the highest fan setting. the air cleaner will be powered off during Natural DecayMeasurement. testing location of the air cleaner is defined by ITS using a rectanglepermanently drawn next to an electrical outlet on the floor (Figure 6).Figure for Air Cleaner Placement (Unless otherwise required by JCS) Tower Air Cleaner: Place on the floor during testing. Tower Air Cleaner: Place on table (Figure 2) during testing. Desktop Air Cleaner: Place on the table during testing. Console Air Cleaners: Place on the floor during testing. The table is placed inside the rectangle on the floor3. Cleaner Orientation3. air cleaners which have air flowing out in a specific direction, this airflow shall NOT be pointed toward the Aerosol Spectrometer. always directs the air flow out 90 degrees away from the particlemonitor (See Figure 7)Figure Operation3. Mixing Fan (Figure 1) the Test Room conditions are being brought closer to thetemperature and humidity targets(described in, turn on theCeiling Mixing Fan and measure the particulate concentration per above. a log file will confirm when the background particulate target androom conditions have been reached. Ceiling Mixing Fan will later be turn off one minute after the initialparticulate concentration is met. Fan (Figure 8) and horizontal orientation of the Recirculation Fan is one of themore critical variables of CADR. If the Recirculation Fan is positionedcorrectly, an air cleaner test sample should have the same smokeCADR on the floor as it would on the Table Stand (within +/-2CADR). Recirculation Fan will be turned on once the smoke generator beginsto input smoke particulate into the room and will remain on throughout thetest. the Recirculation Fan will serve to create a homogeneousenvironment where the smoke particulate is evenly distributed throughoutthe room so that the smoke CADR calculated can be representative of thewhole room, instead an area of high particulate concentration or lowconcentration.Figure test Cigarette should be taken from the short term storage as described in 3.2.2of CO-WI-109 and hung inside the Cigarette Smoke Generator ( of CO-WI-109) and shown in Figure 3a. the test conditions are reached per above, immediately light theCigarette and control its burn rate by adjusting the air flow as described in the required smoke particulate concentration is reached. If done properly, theCigarette should burn for 45 seconds to reach the target concentration. For even cigarette burning, roll the cigarette back and forth between yourfingers while lighting it with a lighter. This will prevent the cigarette from burningmore quickly on one side. the initial concentration is reached, turn off the air supply and close theChamber Valve (Figure 3a) to cut off the supply of smoke into the room. cigarette smoke particulate concentration data will be used to calculate theNatural Decay Rate discussed below. Decay Rate Calculation3. are performed per ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Page 16, Section 8 andAnnex D3. CADR Calculation is performed after Smoke Particulate Removal Measurement.3.3.2.Cigarette Smoke Particulate Removal Measurement (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006- Page 8, Section 5.2) procedure will allow the calculation of the “Total Decay Rate” when operating theair cleaner in the Test Room. rate will later be used to calculate the smoke CADR using the equation from note3. of CO-WI- the cleaning guidelines from test sample should already be in place with the appropriate setting per the Fan Operation guidelines from until the required room conditionsare achieved. follow the procedure details below. cigarette smoke particulate concentration data will be used to calculate the TotalDecay Rate discussed below. Decay Rate Calculation3. are performed per ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 – Section 8, Page 16 andAnnex D. refer to ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006 for all remaining test procedure details.3.3.3.CADR Calculation3.3.3.1.Please refer to ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006, Page 18, Section 8.4. for all CADR calculation details.3.4.MAINTENANCE3.4.1.Purpose3.4.1.1.Maintenance is required to be performed in order to consistently meet the required Test Room testconditions. Failure to conduct this maintenance at acceptable intervals will result in invalid tests.3.4.2.Procedure3.4.2.1.Daily Cleaning (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006- Page 32 Annex C) note only of procedures related to smoke CADR testing. & Calibration Procedures (ANSI/AHAM AC-1-2006- Page 32 Annex C)4.DEFINITIONS4.1.None4.2.5.RECORDS5.1.The following information is required5.1.1.Results of all tests conducted must be provided to JCS and stored for two years.6.RELATED DOCUMENTS6.1.ANSI/AHAM AC-1-20067.APPROVAL1.REVISION HISTORYRevision X - XX/XX/XX –Reviser’s Name – Detailed Explanation of change。
2024年创新《职场人士工作规范》与《日常行为要求》英文版Document Title: 2024 Workplace Code of Conduct and Daily Behavior RequirementsIn 2024, the Workplace Code of Conduct and Daily Behavior Requirements have been innovatively revised to enhance professional standards and promote a positive work environment. The updated guidelines aim to ensure that all employees adhere to ethical practices and demonstrate respect for colleagues.Workplace Code of Conduct:1. Respect: Treat all colleagues with courtesy and respect, regardless of their position or background.2. Integrity: Conduct all work with honesty and integrity, avoiding conflicts of interest and unethical behavior.3. Collaboration: Foster a collaborative work environment by actively engaging with team members and sharing knowledge.4. Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with colleagues and superiors to promote clarity and understanding.5. Professionalism: Uphold professional standards in all interactions and work-related activities, demonstrating a commitment to excellence.Daily Behavior Requirements:1. Punctuality: Arrive on time for work and meetings to demonstrate reliability and respect for others' time.2. Dress Code: Adhere to the company's dress code policy to present a professional image in the workplace.3. Confidentiality: Safeguard sensitive information and respect the confidentiality of company data and client details.4. Personal Hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene standards to createa comfortable and hygienic work environment for all.5. Work Etiquette: Follow proper work etiquette, such as avoiding loud distractions and respecting shared spaces.By adhering to the 2024 Workplace Code of Conduct and Daily Behavior Requirements, employees can contribute to a positive and productive work culture that benefits both individuals and the organization as a whole.。
Selection Guide Fiber Cleaning Tips and Adapters FCLT-U12-MA FCLT-U12X FCLT-U25CleanBlast Tip for SC Bulkheadssupport both PC/UPC and APC polish types with the same tip. Some of the tips are also used in conjunction with a guide, as shown in the images below.Manufacturer: Product Name:VIAVI CLEANBLAST MT BULKHEAD TIP SC SC FCLT-SCX CleanBlast Tip for SC Bulkheads, HardenedE2000CleanBlast Tip for FC BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for LC BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for LC Bulkheads, AngledCleanBlast Tip for MU BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for MPX BulkheadsCleanBlast Tip for MT Ferrule Bulkheads(unconnectorized)SCALE FCLT-MTP CleanBlast Tip for MPO BulkheadsCleanBlast Adapter for MT Ferrule(unconnectorized)Note: Requires FCLT-MTPCleanBlast Tip for MPO Bulkheads, AngledVIAVI CLEANBLAST MT BULKHEAD TIP Manufacturer Part Number: T-MTP-MA Ribbon T-HMFOC-P Ribbon CleanBlast Tip for HMFOC Drop T erminal Ports T-HMFOC-R Ribbon FCLT-HMFOC-R CleanBlast Tip for HMFOC Drop T erminal PortsFCLT-EXBEAM-1CleanBlast Tip for FibrecaST Jr/Sr Expanded Beam SCALE 2:1FBPT-BAP3-125CleanBlast Tip for BAP3 GuidesCleanBlast Tip for BAP4 GuidesFCLT-C130CleanBlast Tip for C130CleanBlast Tip for 29504/14 and 29504/15 T Note: Cleans Both Pins and SocketsCleanBlast Tip for 29504/4 and 29504/5 T Note: Cleans Both Pins and SocketsManufacturer: Product Name: VIAVI CLEANBLAST MT BULKHEAD TIP © 2020 VIAVI Solutions Inc. Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. T-MIL2-A6Mil/Aero Angled 60 DegreesNote: Cleans Both Pins and Sockets T-MIL2-CPA Mil/Aero CleanBlast Tip for Use with Glenair T estCleanBlast Tip for 1.25mm LuxCis T erminiNote: Cleans Both Pins and SocketsCleanBlast Tip for 38999 with MT FerrulesNote: Requires FBPT-MT999 GuidesCleanBlast Tip for Radiall Quadrax Size 8 -CleanBlast Tip for Radiall Quadrax Size 8 -CleanBlast Tip for TFOCA-II Connectors(includes Guide)or call 1-844-Go VIAVI (+1-844-468-4284).。
cec title 24 中对光引擎的要求
cec title 24 中对光引擎的要求California's Title 24, also known as the California Building Standards Code, outlines the energy efficiency requirements for new and renovated buildings in the state. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on improving lighting efficiency through the use of advanced lighting technologies. One of the key aspects of Title 24 is its requirements for lighting systems, including the use of advanced lighting engines.In this article, we will explore the specific requirements of Title 24 for lighting engines, including the definition of a lighting engine, the performance criteria, and the impact of these requirements on the lighting industry.Definition of a Lighting EngineIn the context of Title 24, a lighting engine refers to the core technology that drives the performance of a lighting system. It includes the light source, control electronics, thermal management components, and any other elements that contribute to the overall efficiency and quality of the light output.The performance criteria set by Title 24 for lighting engines are designedto ensure that the lighting systems used in buildings meet certain minimum standards for energy efficiency, light quality, and reliability. These criteria are based on the latest industry standards and best practices, and they are regularly updated to keep pace with technological advancements.Performance CriteriaTitle 24 includes specific performance criteria for lighting engines, which are designed to encourage the use of advanced lighting technologies that offer superior energy efficiency and light quality. Some of the key performance criteria include:1. Energy Efficiency: Lighting engines must meet certain minimum efficacy requirements, which are measured in lumens per watt. This helps to ensure that the lighting systems used in buildings are asenergy-efficient as possible, reducing electricity consumption and operating costs.2. Light Quality: In addition to energy efficiency, Title 24 also sets standards for light quality, including color rendering and color temperature. This is important for creating a comfortable and visuallyappealing environment for building occupants.3. Reliability: Lighting engines must be designed to ensure long-term reliability and durability, with a focus on minimizing maintenance and replacement costs for building owners.These performance criteria are intended to drive the adoption of advanced lighting technologies that offer superior performance compared to traditional lighting systems. By setting clear standards for energy efficiency, light quality, and reliability, Title 24 aims to accelerate the transition to more sustainable and cost-effective lighting solutions.Impact on the Lighting IndustryThe requirements of Title 24 for lighting engines have had a significant impact on the lighting industry in California and beyond. Manufacturers of lighting products have been forced to innovate and develop new technologies that meet the stringent performance criteria set by the code.This has led to the rapid advancement of lighting technologies, with a growing focus on LED and other solid-state lighting solutions that offersuperior energy efficiency and light quality. In response to Title 24 requirements, manufacturers have introduced a wide range of advanced lighting engines that meet or exceed the performance criteria, giving building owners and designers access to a diverse array ofhigh-performance lighting solutions.Furthermore, the requirements of Title 24 have prompted a shift in the way lighting systems are designed and specified for new construction and renovation projects. Designers and engineers must now carefully consider the selection of lighting engines to ensure compliance with the code, driving the adoption of advanced lighting technologies and best practices.Overall, the requirements of Title 24 for lighting engines have played a significant role in driving the adoption of advanced lighting technologies in California and setting a benchmark for energy efficiency and light quality in buildings. As a result, the state has seen a significant reduction in energy consumption and carbon emissions from lighting systems, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly built environment.In conclusion, the requirements of Title 24 for lighting engines set clearstandards for energy efficiency, light quality, and reliability, driving the adoption of advanced lighting technologies in California. This has had a significant impact on the lighting industry, prompting innovation and leading to the rapid advancement of lighting technologies. As a result, buildings in the state are now equipped with more sustainable and cost-effective lighting solutions, contributing to a more environmentally friendly built environment.。
NSF LED 清洁室 LED灯具说明书
NSFConsult installation guide for exact dimensions.A B C D E1x448”11.8”10.8”46.8”47.82x224”23.8”22.8”22.8”23.82x448”23.8”22.8”46.8”47.8”Top ViewDimensionsEnd ViewISO5-8WETLOCHousingPrecision die formed housing, 20 gauge cold rolled steel welded construction. Holes are providedon single piece end plates for chain mounting support to building structure.Door FrameSingle piece precision die formed, 18 gauge cold rolled steel painted to match housing. Stainlesssteel acorn style fasteners and safety cable allow for easy re-lamping.ReflectorThe reflector is high reflectance aluminum for optimum lighting performance and efficiency.Lens & Lens RetentionThe lamp compartment is protected by a clear polycarbonate lens with an option pattern 12overlay. The lens is secured with adjustable Z style brackets with through studs on housingfaceplate. Clear tempered glass lens optional see ordering guide.FinishWhite, polyester powder painted housing.ElectricalLong life LED’s coupled with high efficiency drivers provide quality illumination. Rated to deliveran L80 performance >50,000 hours. The standard driver has a THD of <10%. Standard low-voltage dimming (0-10v, 1%). All electrical components are CSA or UL approved. A ½” EMT holeis provided for wiring connections.Warranty5 year limited warranty. For complete warranty terms visit:/assets/Viscor_LED_Warranty.pdfProduct DescriptionThe CRG series by Certolux is a specification-grade, IC-rated LED luminairewhich provides a cost-effective Cleanroom lighting solution. The model 3522 isdesigned as a lay-in unit in 1x4, 2x2, and 2x4 configurations. The housing flangefacilitates easing sealing to the ceiling grid. It is suitable for ISO Class 5 - 8Cleanrooms. For use in wet locations, insulated ceilings. NSF/ANSI 2 Food Zone,Splash Zone and Non-Food Zone Applications (see ordering key).ApprovalsApproved to CSA and UL standards. UL listed forwet locations, insulated ceilings.Featured Options• Emergency LED Battery Pack• White LED Night Light• NSF Listed (see ordering key)• Radio Frequency FilterOrder Key* Standard Door Frame Material** Not Available as Housing Material *** Standard Housing Material Lens OptionsP56 Lens Clear AcrylicP45 Lens Clear PolycarbonateP15 Prismatic High Impact Acrylic - P12 .140” ThickP06 Lens Clear Glass TemperedP11 Lens .156 Acrylic - P19P13 Lens Prismatic Acrylic - P12 .125” ThickP14 Lens Clear Glass Tempered with Prismatic Acrylic OverlayP16 Lens Prismatic Polycarbonate - P12P82 White Translucent Acrylic .080P73 Lens White Translucent PolycarbonateP43 Prismatic Polycarbonate - P12 .187” ThickP49 Clear Tempered Glass .187” ThickFusing & Breaker OptionsT6 Fuseholder, In-line Single PoleReflector OptionsVF1 Full (95% Reflectance) SpecularWiring OptionsV25 Radio Frequency FilterV39 Night Light - White LEDApproval and Rating OptionsX5 NSF (National Sanitation Foundation)Other options may be available, consult factory. Specifications anddata subject to change without notice.A - 18 Ga. CRS - Painted*E - 18 Ga. SS #304 - PaintedH - 18 Ga. SS #304 - #4 Brushed**L - 18 Ga. SS #316 - PaintedU - 16 Ga. (.050”) Alum - PaintedSize DeliveredLumens Watts1x4260025 520047 780075 10400982x2260025 350033 520047 7800752x4520047 780075 1040098 15000147Lumen & Watts 026L - 2600 035L - 3500 052L - 5200 078L - 7800 104L - 10400 150L - 15000。
OPTOCOUPLER SELECTION GUIDEMicross provides distribution and value added services for all ISOCOM products sold in the USA and India.ISOCOM LIMITED FACILITIES AND CAPABILITIES ISOCOM Limited, based in the North East of England, specialises in custom packaging and hybrid assembly design with clean room manufacturing including wire bonding, die attaching and lid sealing. Our screening facilities and test capabilities include:•ATE and bench test equipment for all component parameters•High temperature handlers•High/Low temperature forcing•Die wafer probing•High magnification inspection station•Acceleration tests to 30,000G•Vibration test to MIL and DESC levels•Solderability tests•Fluorocarbon pressurisation and gross and fine leak tests•Endurance tests and environmental tests, including Temperature Cycling and various Burn-in processes•Particle Impact Noise Detector (PIND) testing•Hermetic Sealing of components•Full production equipment for Hybrid and PCB assemblies•Conceptual design to final production: components and systems•Ceramic and metal product design.We would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help you achieve your custom design requirements. Our contact details are set out below.CONTENTSIndex of Radiation Hard Ceramic Optocouplers 4 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Transistor Optocouplers 6 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed AC Transistor Optocouplers9 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed High-Speed Transistor Optocouplers10 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed High Gain Optocouplers 12 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed High Gain Photon Optocouplers14 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Zero Crossing Triac Optocouplers16 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Linear Optocouplers16 Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Photodiode Optocoupler 17 Hermetic Optocoupler Surface Mount Options 18 Package Dimensions 19 Screening Flow MIL-PRF-19500 21 Screening Flow MIL-PRF-38534 22 Radiation Summary 23RADIATION HARD CERAMIC OPTOCOUPLERSDEVICE4N24 6 4N49 6 4N55 10 6N134 14 6N140A 12 CD500 6 CD501 6 CD650 14 CD651 14 CD750 12 CD850 10 CD5731 12 CH100 6 CH300 6 CH301A 7 CH350 14 CH370 12 CH380 10 CH390 12 CS200 7 CS201 7 CS224 7 CS249 7 CS600 14 CS700 12 CS800 10 CS801 10 CS3031 16 CS3032 16 CS3033 16 CS3041 16 CS3042 16 CS3043 16 CS3061 16 CS3062 16 CS3063 16 CS3081 16 DEVICECS3082 16 CS3083 16 CS5700 13 CSL400 16 CSM100 7 CSM120 9 CSM121 9 CSM141A 13 CSM150 17 CSM151 17 CSM160-2 13 CSM160-4 13 CSM161-2 13 CSM161-4 13 CSM162-2 13 CSM162-4 13 CSM165-2 8 CSM165-4 8 CSM166-4 8 CSM168-2 10 CSM168-4 11 CSM169-2 15 CSM169-4 15 CSM200 8 CSM452 13 CSM1200 7 CSM1224 8 CSM1600 14 CSM1601A 14 CSM1700 13 CSM1800 11 CSM1801 11 CSM2224 8 CSMR40 17 IS49 8 MC600 15 MC800 11SPACE HERITAGEAPPLICATION PARTS USED GLONASS TELECOM SATELLITE CD501/L2S, CSM165-4/L2S GLONASS “K” SATELLITE CD501/L2S GLONASS “M” SATELLITE CSM1200/L2S ALPHA MAGNETIC SPECTROMETER (ISS)CD501/L2S, CS200/L2S, CSM165-4/L2S GALILEO TELECOM SATELLITE CD501/L2S SWIR SPECTROMETER CS600/L2S AEROSPACE DIGITAL COMPUTER (ARGON)CD501/L2S E-STAR (EGYPT-SAT) SATELLITE PROGRAM CD501/L2S MOON RESOURCE SPACE PROGRAM CD501/L2S “SPEECH”CD501/L2S#30 UNIVERSAL SPACE PLATFORM SPACECRAFT CD501/L2S, CD501/L2S#30 OBZOR-O CD501/L2S, CSM165-4/L2S SPACE SYSTEM IONOZOND CSM165-4/L2S ELECTRO-L CSM165-4/L2S PANCAM EXOMARS CS249/L2S SOLAR PROBE PLUS PROGRAM CD650/L2S, CD850/L2S ICON (IONOSPHERIC CONNECTION)CS5700/L2S MOMA EXOMARS CSM100/L2S MICROSATELLITE PROPULSION SYSTEM CSM100/L2S YENISEY A1 (LUCH 4)IS49/L2S ENMAP CS600/L2S, 6N134/L2S ANGOSAT 1CD501/L2Senquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Transistor Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008, with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C(RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F = 10mA) min(%)ContinuousI F max(mA) V F (I F = 10mA) max(V) BV CEO (I C = 1mA) min(V) I CEO (Dark) (V CE = 20V) max(μA)V CE Sat (I F = 10mA, I C = 2mA) max(V)Package Figure No.4N22/4N234N2435050 1.8 100 100 0.3Page 19 Fig.34N497/4N484N49350501.81001000.3Page 19 Fig.3CD500/CD50150501.51001000.22③Page 20 Fig.8CH300350151.530100 ⑥0.25 ①Page 19 Fig.1CH100/CH101150401.8701000.3 ②Please contactIsocomenquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546①I = 2mA, I= 0.2mA②I= 20mA, I= 10mA ③I= 10mA, I = 2.5mA④I = 2mA, I = 1mA ⑤ I = 1mA ⑥V = 10VCeramic Hermetically Sealed Transistor Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C (RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F = 10mA) min(%)ContinuousI Fmax(mA)V F (I F = 10mA) max(V)BV CEO (I C = 1mA) min(V)I CEO (Dark) (V CE = 20V) max(μA)V CE (Sat) (I F = 10mA, I C = 2mA) max(V)Package Figure No.CH301A350151.530100++0.25 ①Page 19 Fig.1CS200/CS201100501.8 70100 0.3 ③ Page 20 Fig.10CS224350501.8 1000.1 0.3 ③ Page 20 Fig.10CS249200501.8701000.22 ②Page 20 Fig.10CSM100/CSM101350 40 1.6 70 100 0.22 ② Page 19 Fig.4CSM1200350 50 1.8 100 100 0.3 ② Page 20 Fig.6enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546①I= 2mA, I= 0.2mA ②I= 20mA, I= 10mA ③I= 10mA, I= 2.5mA④ I= 2mA, I= 1mA ⑤ I = 1mA ⑥V = 10VCeramic Hermetically Sealed Transistor Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C (RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F = 10mA) min(%) Continuous I F max(mA)V F(I F = 10mA) max(V)BV CEO (I C = 1mA) min(V)I CEO (Dark) (V CE = 20V) max(μA)V CE (Sat) (I F = 10mA, I C = 2mA) max (V)Package Figure No.CSM1224350501.8 1000.10.3 ②Page 20 Fig.6CSM165-2350501.6100 0.10.22 ② Page 20 Fig.7CSM165-4350501.6100 0.10.22 ② Page 20 Fig.7CSM166-2/CSM166-4100+101.8 500.10.3 ④ Page 20 Fig.8CSM200350501.4 1000.10.22 ② Page 20 Fig.6CSM2224350501.8 1000.1 0.3 ② Page 20 Fig.6IS4935050 1.8 701000.22 ②Page 20 Fig.6enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Ceramic Hermetically Sealed AC Transistor Optocoupler, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C (RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F =10mA) min(%)BV CEO (I C = 1mA) min(V)V F(I F = 10mA) min(V)Transition Times (R L = 100Ω) PackageFigure No.t r max(μS) t f max(μS)CSM120200 40 1.8 2020Page 19 Fig.4CSM121200 40 1.8 20 20 Page 20 Fig.6enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Ceramic Hermetically Sealed High Speed Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C (RADIATION TESTED)Part No.FunctionalDiagramPackageDetailsCTR (I F = 16mA) min(%)ContinuousI F max(mA)V F(I F = 16mA) max(V)BW (R L = 100Ω) typ(MHz)Propagation Delay Times(R L = 1.9KΩ,V CC = 5V, I F = 16mA) PackageFigure No.t PHL max (μS) t PLH max (μS)4N55920 1.7 3 2.06.0Page 20 Fig.8CD850typ 1720 1.7 3 0.8 0.8 Page 20 Fig.9CH380typ 1720 1.7 3 0.8 0.8 Page 19 Fig.2CS800920 typ 1.45 ❑ 2 typ 0.5 ☐ typ 0.5 ☐ Page 20 Fig.9CS8011520 typ 1.45 ❑ 2 typ 0.5 ☐ typ 0.5 ☐ Page 20 Fig.9CSM168-2920 1.7 3 typ 0.1 typ 0.3 Page 20 Fig.7☐ R L = 8.2kΩ ❑I F = 20mAenquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Ceramic Hermetically Sealed High Speed Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C(RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F = 16mA) min(%)Continuous I F max(mA) V F(I F = 16mA) max(V)BW(R L = 100Ω) typ(MHz)Propagation Delay Times(R L = 1.9KΩ,V CC = 5V, I F = 16mA) PackageFigure No.t PHL max (μS) t PLH max (μS)CSM168-4920 1.7 3 typ 0.1 typ 0.3 Page 20 Fig.7CSM1800/CSM1801typ 1720 1.7 2 0.8 0.8 Page 20 Fig.6CSM1801typ 1720 1.7 2 0.8 0.8 Page 20 Fig.6MC800920 1.7 2 0.8 0.8 Page 20 Fig.7enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Ceramic Hermetically Sealed High Gain Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C(RADIATION TESTED)Part No.FunctionalDiagramPackageDetailsCTR (I F = 1.6mA) min(%)ContinuousI F max(mA)V F(I F = 1.6mA) max(V)Data Rate typ(Kb/s)Propagation Delay Times,(R L = 680Ω, V CC = 5V, I F = 5mA) Package Figure No.t PHL max (μS)t PLH max (μS)6N140A200101.7100 1260Page 20 Fig.8CD5731200101.7100 12 60 Page 20 Fig.9CD750200101.7100 12 60 Page 20 Fig.9CH37020081.9100 12 60 Page 19 Fig.2CH390200101.9100 12 60Please contact ISOCOMCS700200101.7100 10 60 Page 20 Fig.9enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F = 1.6mA) min(%)ContinuousI F max(mA)V F(I F = 1.6mA) max(V)Data Rate typ(Kb/s)V CC = 5V, I F = 5mA) Package Figure No.t PHL max(μS)t PLH max(μS)CS5700300101.7100 1060Page 20 Fig.9CSM141A300101.7700 5 20 Page 20 Fig.6CSM160-2/ CSM161-2/CSM162-2200101.7100 5 60 Page 20 Fig.7CSM160-4/ CSM161-4/CSM162-4200101.7100 5 60 Page 20 Fig.7CSM1700200101.7700 12 60 Page 20 Fig.6CSM452100010 ❒1.4100 12 60 Page 19 Fig.4❒ I F = 10mAenquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F = 10mA) min(%)ContinuousI Fmax(mA)V F(I F = 20mA) max(V)Data Rate typ(Kb/s)V CC = 5V, I F = 13mA) Package Figure No.t PHL max(ns)t PLH max(nS)6N13410020 1.9 10 9090Page 20 Fig.8CD650/CD651100 ♓201.910 100 90 Page 20 Fig.9CH350100 151.910 200 200 Page 19 Fig.2CS600100 ♓201.910 75 75 Page 20 Fig.9CSM1600100 201.910 300 ♦ 1400 ♦ Page 20 Fig.6CSM1601A100 20 1.9 10 300 ♦ 1400 ♦ Page 20 Fig.6♦ R L = 350Ω, V CC = 5V, I F = 7.5mA, CL= 15pF R L = 350Ω, V CC = 5V, I F = 13mA, CL= 15pF ♓ I F = 5mA ❒enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Ceramic Hermetically Sealed High Gain Photon Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operatingtemperature range from -55°C to +125°C(RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsCTR (I F = 10mA) min(%)ContinuousI F max(mA)V F(I F = 20mA) max(V)Data Rate typ(Kb/s)Propagation Delay Times (R L = 510Ω, C L = 15pF, V CC = 5V, I F = 13mA) Package FigureNo.t PHL max(ns) t PLH max(nS)CSM169-210020 1.9 10 200200Page 20 Fig.7CSM169-4100201.910 200 200 Page 20 Fig.7MC600100201.910 300 300 Page 19 Fig.3enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Dual channel versions also available. Please contact us for more information.Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Zero Crossing Triac Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operatingtemperature range from -55°C to +125°CPart No.Functional Diagram Package DetailsV DRM (I DRM = 100nA)min(V)Continuous I F max(mA)V F (I F = 30mA) max(V)I FT(Main Terminal Voltage = 3V) max(mA)dv/dt (C) typ(V/µs)Package Figure No.CS3031/ 32/33250 60 1.8 15 / 10 / 5 2000Page 20 Fig.10CS3041/ 42/43 400 60 1.7 15 / 10 / 5 2000 CS3061/ 62/63 60060 1.5 15 / 10 / 5 1500 CS3081/ 82/83800601.515 / 10 / 51500Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Linear Optocouplers, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C (RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsBV R(I R = 100μA) typ(V)V F(I F = 10mA) max(V)Transfer Gain (I F = 10mA, V R = 15V)Typ()Transition times (R L = 50Ω, I F = 10mA)max(μS) PackageFigure No.t rt fCSL400D200 1.8 1.0 2 2 Page 20 Fig.9CSL400L200 1.8 1.0 2 2 Page 19 Fig.5enquiries, or further information, please contact our sales office at:ISOCOM Limited • 2 Fern Court • Bracken Hill Business Park • Peterlee • County Durham • SR8 2RR • United KingdomEmail:***************.com•Tel:+44(0)1914166546Ceramic Hermetically Sealed MOSFET Optocoupler, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°CPart No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsI F max(mA)R(ON)(I F = 10mA, I O = 500mA,t p ≤ 30ms) V F(I F = 10mA) max(V)I O (OFF) (V F = 0.6V, V O = 90V) max(µA)Turn On/Off times (I F = 10mA, V DD = 28V,I O = 800mA) Package Figure No.A typ(Ω)B typ(Ω)t ON max(ms) t OFF max(ms)CSMR40200.8 0.2 1.7 10 6.0 0.25Page 20 Fig.9Ceramic Hermetically Sealed Photodiode Optocoupler, manufactured to ISO 9001:2008 with an operating temperaturerange from -55°C to +125°C (RADIATION TESTED)Part No.Functional DiagramPackage DetailsI D (V R = 5v, R L = 1MΩ) typ(μA)BV R (I R = 1mA) min(V)Transition Times (R L = 3.3KΩ, I F 10mA)CTR (I F = 10mA, V OUT = 5) typ(%)Package Figure No.t rtyp(nS) t ftyp(nS)CSM150100200 200 200 1.56Page 19 Fig.4CSM1511002002002001.56Page 19 Fig.5DIP PACKAGE OPTIONSOption Description10Surface mountable hermetic optocoupler with leads trimmed for butt joint assembly. This option is available on commercial hi-rel product in 8 and 16 pin DIP0.51 (0.02)M in2.29 (0.09)2.79 (0.11)0.51 (0.02)M a x1.14 (0.045)1.40 (0.055)4.32 (0.17)M a x0.51 (0.2)M in 2.29 (0.09)2.79 (0.11)0.51 (0.02)M a x1.14 (0.045)1.40 (0.055)4.32 (0.17)M a x0.2 (0.008)0.33 (0.013)7.36 (0.29)7.87 (0.31)Fig. 1 8 and 16 pin DIP trimmed for butt joint assembly20 Solder Dip Option30Surface mountable hermetic optocoupler with leads cut and bent for gull wing assembly. This option is available on commercial and hi-rel product in 8 and 16 pin DIP.0.51 (0.02)M in 2.29 (0.9)2.79 (0.11)0.51 (0.02)M a x1.4 (0.055)1.65 (0.065)4.57 (0.18)M a x0.51 (0.02)M in 2.29 (0.09)2.79 (0.11)0.51 (0.02)M a x1.4 (0.055)1.65 (0.065)4.57 (0.18)M a x 9.65 (0.38)9.91 (0.39)0.2 (0.008)0.33 (0.013)4.57 (0.18)M a x5 d egM axFig. 2 8 and 16 pin DIP with leads cut and bent for gull wing assembly60Surface mountable hermetic optocoupler with leads trimmed for butt joint assembly. This option is available on commercial hi-rel product in 8 and 16 pin DIP0.51 (0.02)Min2.29 (0.09)2.79 (0.11)1.14 (0.045)1.25 (0.049)0.2 (0.008)0.33 (0.013)7.36 (0.29)7.87 (0.31)3.81 (0.15)Min0.51 (0.02)Min 2.29 (0.09)2.79 (0.11)1.02 (0.04)Typ3.81 (0.15)MaxFig. 3 8 and 16 pin DIP with leads trimmed for butt joint assemblyPACKAGE DIMENSIONSFigure 1: 4/5 Pin HybridFigure 2: 5 Pin Hybrid ArrayFigure 3: 6 Metal CanFigure 4: 4 Pin LCCFigure 6: 6 Pin LCCFigure 7: 16 Pin Flat PackFigure 8: 16 Pin DIPFigure 9: 8 Pin DIPFigure 10: 6 Pin DIPSCREENING FLOW MIL-PRF-19500SCREENING FLOW MIL-PRF-38534ISOCOM LIMITED RADIATION SUMMARY ON OPTOCOUPLERSTOTAL IONIZATION DOSE TESTED Up to 1 Mrad(si)DISPLACEMENT DAMAGE TESTED 1 MeV X 10¹²NEUTRON TESTED Transistors – 1.00E + 11High Speed – 3.00E + 12High Gain – 3.00E +12High Gain Photon – 1.00E + 13Normalized CTR versus the radiation level for the IS49 Transistor optocouplerMicross provides distribution and value added servicesfor all ISOCOM products sold in the USA and India.。
Self-Doped Ti3+ Enhanced Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Production under Visible Light
Self-Doped Ti3+Enhanced Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Production underVisible LightFan Zuo,Le Wang,Tao Wu,Zhenyu Zhang,Dan Borchardt,and Pingyun Feng* Department of Chemistry,Uni V ersity of California,Ri V erside,California92521Received May5,2010;E-mail:pingyun.feng@Abstract:Through a facile one-step combustion method,partially reduced TiO2has been synthesized.Electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR)spectra confirm the presence of Ti3+in the bulk of an as-prepared sample.The UV-vis spectra show that the Ti3+here extends the photoresponse of TiO2from the UV to the visible light region,which leads to high visible-light photocatalytic activity for the generation of hydrogen gas from water.It is worth noting that the Ti3+sites in the sample are highly stable in air or water under irradiation and the photocatalyst can be repeatedly used without degradation in the activity.Driven by increasing energy needs,decreasing fossil fuel resources, and environmental concerns of nuclear energy,the search for clean and renewable energy is attracting massive research interest.Utilization of solar energy to produce hydrogen gas from water has long been considered the ultimate solution.Since the discovery in1971that TiO2 could act as a photochemical water-splitting catalyst,1over100 photocatalysts have been reported.2Because of its abundance,non-toxicity,and stability,TiO2has been extensively studied.However, for practical applications,pure TiO2is not a good candidate,because it is only active under ultraviolet(UV)irradiation in order to overcome the band gap of3.2eV for anatase phase.Therefore,band gap engineering is required if we want to use TiO2as a water-splitting catalyst under visible light irradiation.Initially,cations such as Al, Nd,Sb,Ag,Ru,V,Cr,Mn,and Fe were used as dopants to introduce states into the TiO2band gap.3However,problems such as thermal instability,increased carrier recombination centers,and the need for an expensive ion-implantation facility pose significant limitations for this strategy.4It was once proposed that doping nitrogen into TiO2is a better choice compared to doping with cations or other anions.4 However,later studies both theoretically and experimentally have raised questions about this N-doping strategy and its suitability as the most efficient method.5Furthermore,the reported activity for the photore-duction of water to hydrogen is quite low.6Reduced TiO2(TiO2-x),which contains the Ti3+or oxygen vacancy, has been demonstrated to exhibit visible light absorption.7It was believed that the introduced localized oxygen vacancy states with energies0.75to1.18eV below the conduction band minimum of TiO2 are lower than the redox potential for hydrogen evolution,which,in combination with the low electron mobility in the bulk region due to this localization,makes the photocatalytic activity of the reduced TiO2 negligible.8However,theoretical calculations show that a high vacancy concentration could induce a vacancy band of electronic states just below the conduction band.3The relevant experiments also prove the improved activity of reduced TiO2under visible light.Therefore,these results demonstrate that it is possible to fabricate visible-light responsive TiO2by introducing Ti3+.The reported methods to produce TiO2-x include heating TiO2under vacuum or reducing conditions(e.g.,H2),chemical vapor deposition,and high energy particle(laser,electron,or Ar+)bombardment.5For practical application,these strategies have a number of limitations such as multiple steps,harsh synthesis conditions,or expensive facilities. Furthermore,the surface oxygen defects are usually not stable enough in air as the Ti3+is easily oxidized and is even susceptible to oxidation by dissolved oxygen in water.9,10Therefore,developing a simple and economic strategy to synthesize a stable reduced TiO2photocatalyst is still a great challenge,which may be one reason why very limited studies have been reported for TiO2-x photocatalyic activity,especially photocatalytic water splitting.Here we report a one-step method to synthesize reduced TiO2, which exhibits extremely high stability and is active for photo-catalytic hydrogen production from water.By combustion of an ethanol solution(10.0g,99.5%ethanol and2.5g,37.1%hydrochloric acid)of titanium(IV)isopropoxide (2.00g,98+%)and2-ethylimidazole(1.80g,98%)at500°C in air and annealing for5h,blue powders(sample)are obtained. During the combustion,the imidazole will react with oxygen and form CO,CO2,NO,NO2,etc.The Ti(IV)could be reduced to Ti(III) by the reducing gas(CO and NO).The powder X-ray diffraction analysis(Figure S1)shows that the as-produced sample is a mixture of anatase phase and rutile phase TiO2.To test for the presence of Ti3+,low temperature electron para-magnetic resonance(EPR)spectra were recorded(Figure1A).The as-synthesized sample gave rise to a very strong EPR signal,while no signal was seen for the commercial Degussa P25(a mixture of anatase and rutile TiO2,Figure S2).Anisotropic powder pattern g-values of g x)g y)1.975and g z)1.944were obtained from a simulation that yielded a near perfectfit to the data.The observed g-values are characteristics of a paramagnetic Ti3+center in a distorted rhombic oxygen ligandfield.11The EPR data also indicate that there is no Ti3+ present on the surface of the sample.It is believed that surface Ti3+ would tend to adsorb atmospheric O2,which would be reduced to O2-Figure1.(A)Experimental(solid line,measured under75K)and simulated (dashed line)EPR spectra for sample.(B)UV-visible diffuse reflectance spectra for commercial anatase TiO2(solid line)and sample(dashline).Published on Web08/05/201010.1021/ja103843d 2010American Chemical Society 118569J.AM.CHEM.SOC.2010,132,11856–11857and shows an EPR signal at g≈2.02.12The absence of such a peak in Figure1A would indicate that only the rhombic Ti3+is present in the bulk,which is a key factor in the observed excellent stability of our sample.Furthermore,P25shows no EPR signal,meaning neither pure anatase nor pure rutile can account for the EPR peaks observed in the sample.From this information we conclude that Ti3+is present in the sample and that only rhombic Ti3+exists in the bulk.Surface analysis of the sample using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) shows no Ti3+peaks and further confirms the conclusion that Ti3+ exists in the bulk.Figure1B shows the UV-visible absorption spectra for the sample and the commercial anatase.The spectrum of the sample shifts to a longer wavelength revealing a decrease in the band gap. Meanwhile,the absorbance in the visible range is enhanced compared to the stoichiometric anatase.This phenomenon is consistent with the assumption that an electronic band is located just below the conduction band of pure TiO2.A theoretical simulation using PWscf package13was executed to support the existence of a Ti3+induced electronic band and to furtherunderstand its likely influence on the band structure of oxygen-deficient TiO2.The calculations,based on a plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory(DFT)approach,were performed on1×1×2and 2×2×1anatase supercell with one O atom removed from each system in order to simulate different concentrations of Ti3+.The plane-wave basis set with an energy cutoff of30Ryd was satisfactory for an ultrasoft pseudopotential with PBE(Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof) exchange correlations to capture the properties of anatase phase. Brillouin-zone integration was computed with k points in a Monkhorst-Pack(10,10,5)grid.We see a miniband rising up closely below the conducting band minimum(Figure S4).It is found that the width of the band is related to the concentration of the Ti3+or oxygen vacancy, since the width increases as the concentration of oxygen vacancy increased from1per32to1per16oxygen atoms.Very similar results have also been reported by Figueras.3The above calculations proved that the Ti3+inside the bulk TiO2is responsible for the band gap narrowing.Furthermore,the presence of the vacancy band has been reported as an extra benefit for light absorption.The high concentration of oxygen vacancy could break the selection rule for indirect transitions, resulting in an enhanced absorption for photon energy below the direct band gap,3which has been observed in our UV-visible spectra. The photocatalytic activity of the sample for water reduction was studied using the system supplied from Trustteck Co.,Inc.After loading 0.300g of sample with1%Pt(0.003g),the photocatalyst was placed into a120mL25%methanol(as a sacrificial agent)aqueous solution in a closed-gas circulation system.A Xe lamp(300W)with a400 nm cut-onfilter was used to ensure that only visible light(>400nm) illuminated the photocatalyst.Figure2shows a typical time course of H2evolution.This photocatalytic reaction exhibits a stable H2release rate of∼15µmol/h/0.300g.Even after illumination for200h,the activity is still maintained with no noticeable decrease observed, demonstrating the excellent stability of the sample.To understand the solar energy conversion efficiency of the sample,the average external quantum efficiency(EQE)in the range of400nm-455nm was measured and found to be0.79%.We further measured the EQE with a420nm band-passfilter,which gave an EQE of0.35%,consistent with the above result.The commercial anatase TiO2has also been studied for comparison.Although it exhibits high activity under UV light,no apparent H2peak appears under visible light(>400nm) illumination for the anatase TiO2,providing strong evidence for extending the photocatalytic activity to the visible light range through our strategy.To exclude the possible influence of the nonmetal dopants such as nitrogen,we replace the2-ethylimidazole with urea and keep other experimental parameters unchanged.The elemental analyses (Table S1)prove the presence of the N in the sample from urea. However,this sample shows almost no H2production activity under visible light illumination(<0.1µmol/h/0.300g).Also,the reported C-doped TiO2visible light water-splitting reaction requires a photoeletrochemical reaction system and voltage bias,14which are not necessary for our Ti3+sample.Therefore,the visible-light photocatalytic activity of our sample is not due to C-or N-doping. In conclusion,we have developed a simple one-step method to synthesize Ti3+-doped TiO2.The as-prepared reduced TiO2exhibits high stability in air and water with light irradiation.Experimental data show good conversion efficiency in the visible light region (>400nm).Both theoretical calculations and experimental results support that it is the introduced Ti3+that accounts for the extension of the photocatalytic activity from the UV to the visible light region. The present study demonstrates a simple and economical method for narrowing the band gap and for the development of a highly active photocatalyst under visible light irradiation. Acknowledgment.We are grateful for support of this work by the NSF(DMR-0907175).Supporting Information Available:The synthetic procedure, facilities information,XRD patterns,more EPR spectra,and elemental analysis.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at .References(1)Fujishima,A.;Honda,K.Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.1971,44,1148.(2)Osterloh,F.E.Chem.Mater.2008,20,35.(3)Justicia,I.;Ordejon,P.;Canto,G.;Mozos,J.L.;Fraxedes,J.;Battiston,G.A.;Gerbasi,R.;Figueras,A.Ad V.Mater.2002,14,1399.(4)Asahi,R.;Morikawa,T.;Ohwaki,T.;Aoki,K.;Taga,Y.Science2001,293,269.(5)Thompson,T.L.;Yates,J.T.Chem.Re V.2006,106,4428.(6)Kim,H.G.;Hwang,D.W.;Lee,J.S.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2004,126,8912.(7)Sasikala,R.;Shirole,A.;Sudarsan,V.;Sakuntala,T.;Sudakar,C.;Naik,R.;Bharadwaj,S.R.Int.J.Hydrogen Energy2009,34,3621.(8)Cronemeyer,D.C.Phys.Re V.1959,113,1222.(9)Teleki,A.;Pratsinis,S.E.Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.2009,11,3742.(10)Komaguchi,K.;Maruoka,T.;Nakano,H.;Imae,I.;Ooyama,Y.;Harima,Y.J.Phys.Chem.C2010,114,124.(11)Khomenko,V.M.;Langer,K.;Rager,H.;Fett,A.Phys.Chem.Miner.1998,25,338.(12)Anpo,M.;Che,M.;Fubini,B.;Garrone,E.;Giamello,E.;Paganini,M.C.Top.Catal.1999,8,189.(13)Baroni,S.;Dal Corso, A.;de Gironcoli,S.;Giannozzi,P.http://.(14)Khan,S.U.M.;Al-Shahry,M.;Ingler,W.B.Science2002,297,2243.JA103843DFigure2.Time course of evolved H2under visible light(>400nm) irradiation.(a)Reaction for4h;(b)evacuate and continue reaction for another4h;(c)illuminate for200h,evacuate system,and continue reaction for4h.(b)Sample;(1)Anatase.J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.132,NO.34,201011857C O M M U N I C A T I O N S。
selectionforecolorSelection for ColorIntroduction:Color is an essential element in design and has a significant impact on how we perceive and interact with visual content. Choosing the right colors for a design project is crucial as it can evoke certain emotions, convey meaning, and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. In this article, we will discuss the importance of color selection and provide some practical tips on how to choose the right colors for various design contexts.1. Understanding Color Theory:Before diving into the process of color selection, it is essential to have a basic understanding of color theory. Color theory encompasses the principles and guidelines that govern the use and combination of colors. It involves understanding primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, as well as concepts such as hue, saturation, and value. Familiarizing yourself with color theory will help you make informed decisions when selecting colors for your design projects.2. Consider the Purpose and Context:When choosing colors, it is crucial to consider the purpose and context of the design. Different colors have different psychological and emotional associations. For example, warm colors like red and orange are often associated with energy and passion, while cool colors like blue and green evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility. Understanding the desired emotions and messages you want to convey through your design will help guide your color selection process. 3. Use Color Harmonies:Color harmonies are combinations of colors that are aesthetically pleasing and visually balanced. Some popular color harmonies include complementary, analogous, and triadic schemes. Complementary colors are those that are opposite each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange. Analogous colors are adjacent to each other on the color wheel, like blue and green. Triadic color schemes involve three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel, such as red, yellow, and blue. Using color harmonies can create visual interest and harmony in your designs.4. Consider Cultural and Symbolic Meanings:Colors can carry cultural and symbolic meanings that vary across different societies and contexts. For example, while white is associated with purity and innocence in Western cultures, it signifies mourning in some Asian cultures. Therefore, it is essential to consider the cultural and symbolic meanings attached to colors when selecting them for your designs. Researching the cultural connotations of colors in your target audience or context can help you avoid unintended misinterpretations.5. Test for Accessibility and Readability:In design, accessibility is crucial to ensure that everyone can perceive and interact with visual content, including individuals with visual impairments. When selecting colors, it is essential to consider their contrast and readability. High contrast between text and background colors is essential for readability, especially for individuals with visual impairments. Tools such as color contrast checkers can help you ensure that your color choices meet accessibility standards.6. Consider Branding and Consistency:If you are designing for a brand or organization, it isimportant to consider their existing branding elements and guidelines. Consistency in color usage helps establish brand recognition and identity. Using colors that align with the brand's established color palette or visual identity guidelines can enhance brand recognition and create a cohesive visual experience across different design materials.Conclusion:Color selection is a critical aspect of design that can significantly impact the effectiveness and visual appeal of a project. By understanding color theory, considering the purpose and context, using color harmonies, being mindful of cultural and symbolic meanings, testing for accessibility, and considering branding and consistency, designers can make informed color choices that enhance the overall design experience. Remember, color selection should be intentional and aligned with the goals and messages of your design project.。
wcag无障碍色彩对比度准则概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述引言部分旨在为读者提供对全文内容的简要概述。
本文将深入介绍WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)无障碍色彩对比度准则,并对其进行概述说明和解释。
1.2 文章结构本文按照以下结构展开讨论:引言部分提供了背景介绍、文章目录以及整体文章结构的说明;接下来,第二部分将详细介绍WCAG无障碍色彩对比度准则的背景和概述;第三部分将提供更详尽的解释,并按照具体要点进行深入探讨。
1.3 目的本文的目的是帮助读者深入理解WCAG无障碍色彩对比度准则,了解其重要性及原因。
以上就是“1. 引言”部分的清晰撰写内容。
2. wcag无障碍色彩对比度准则:2.1 背景介绍:在数字化的时代,访问网站和使用应用程序已成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。
为了确保所有人都能够平等地访问和使用这些产品,WCAG(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)无障碍性指南制定了一系列准则来解决这个问题。
2.2 概述说明:WCAG无障碍色彩对比度准则是其中一个重要的准则。
因此,WCAG 规定了一系列涉及文本和图像对比度要求的指南。
2.3 解释:根据WCAG规范,《无障碍技术指南》定义了两个级别的对比度要求:AA和AAA。
商品信息更新规则 英语
商品信息更新规则英语Commodity Information Update Rules.The rules for updating commodity information arecrucial for ensuring accuracy, consistency, and transparency in business transactions. These rules aim to standardize the process, minimize confusion, and maintain trust among all parties involved. Here, we delve into the key aspects of commodity information update rules.1. Definition and Purpose.Commodity information refers to the data and details related to a product or service offered for sale or trade. Updating this information involves making necessary changes or corrections to reflect the latest details, specifications, prices, availability, and other relevant aspects. The purpose of these rules is to establish a uniform framework for updating commodity information, ensuring that all parties are informed and can rely onaccurate data.2. Types of Updates.Commodity information updates can be categorized into several types:Price Updates: Changes in the cost of the commoditydue to market fluctuations, cost increases, discounts, or promotional offers.Stock Updates: Reflecting the availability of the commodity, including stock-in and stock-out situations.Specification Updates: Changes in the product's features, dimensions, materials, or other technical details.Description Updates: Corrections or enhancements tothe product description, including its uses, benefits, and any additional information.Category Updates: Changes in the product'sclassification or categorization within the business or industry.3. Update Procedures.To ensure consistency and accuracy, the following procedures should be followed for updating commodity information:Data Verification: Before making any updates, it is crucial to verify the accuracy of the new information. This involves cross-checking with suppliers, manufacturers, or other reliable sources.Timely Updates: Information should be updated promptly to reflect any changes as soon as they occur. Delayed updates can lead to confusion and miscommunication.Standardized Format: All updates should be made in a standardized format to ensure consistency across different platforms and channels.Notification System: Establish a system to notify relevant parties, such as customers, suppliers, or distribution channels, about any updates.4. Responsibilities and Authorities.Clear responsibilities and authorities should be defined for commodity information updates:Designated Team or Individual: Assign a designated team or individual responsible for updating commodity information. This individual should have the necessary knowledge and expertise to make accurate updates.Approval Process: Establish an approval process for updates, involving relevant departments or stakeholders. This ensures that updates are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel.Audit and Compliance: Regularly audit the commodity information to ensure compliance with these rules and any applicable regulations.5. Challenges and Solutions.Updating commodity information can pose several challenges, such as:Data Inconsistency: Maintaining consistency across multiple channels and platforms can be challenging. To address this, establish a single source of truth for commodity information and ensure that all updates are made from this centralized location.Timely Updates: Staying up to date with rapidly changing commodity information can be difficult. Implement automated systems or tools to monitor and updateinformation in real-time.Communication Breakdown: Ensuring timely and effective communication among all parties involved can be challenging. Establish clear communication channels and protocols to ensure that all parties are informed and updated about any changes.6. Conclusion.Commodity information update rules play a crucial role in maintaining accuracy, consistency, and transparency in business transactions. By adhering to these rules, businesses can ensure that their commodity information is reliable, trusted, and up to date. Implementing the procedures, responsibilities, and solutions outlined in this article can help businesses effectively manage and update their commodity information.。
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Selection rules for Brillouin light scatteringfrom eigenvibrations of a sphereY. Li, H. S. Lim, S. C. Ng, Z. K. Wang, M. H. Kuok*Department of Physics, National University of Singapore2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117542, SingaporeAbstractSelection rules governing Brillouin light scattering from the vibrational eigenmodes of a homogeneous, free-surface submicron sphere have been derived using group theory. The derivation is for the condition where the sphere diameter is of the order of the excitation light wavelength. Well-resolved spectral data obtained from Brillouin light scattering from submicron silica spheres provide experimental verification of the selection rules.*Corresponding author. Tel: +65 65162604; Fax: +65 67776126; E-mail address: (M. H. Kuok)The acoustic eigenmodes of a homogeneous sphere with a free surface have been studied by Lamb [1] who classified them into two categories, viz. spheroidal and torsional modes, labeled by the angular momentum quantum number l, where l = 0, 1, 2, . . . for spheroidal modes, and l = 1, 2, 3, . . . for torsional modes. The sequence of eigenmodes, in increasing order of energy, is indexed by n (= 1, 2, 3, . . .). Lamb’s theory predicted that the frequencies of the eigenmodes (n, l) scale as 1/d, where d is the sphere diameter. Hence, vibrations of nanometer-size spherical particles are usually investigated by Raman scattering [2-6] while those of micron-size ones by Brillouin light scattering [7-12]. However, it is to be noted that the distinction between Raman scattering and Brillouin light scattering is artificial, as the inelastic light scattering mechanism from eigenvibrations of a sphere is the same. Only the detection technique, which depends mainly on the size of the sphere concerned, is different.Much controversy surrounds the inelastic light scattering selection rules for the vibrational eigenmodes of a sphere. Duval derived the Raman selection rules for the condition in which the sphere diameter d « λ, the wavelength of the excitation light (usually ~ 500 nm) [13]. He predicted that only spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2 are Raman-active while torsional modes are not observable by Raman scattering. The same results were obtained by Montagna and Dusi, and Li et al. from calculations of the Raman coupling coefficients of the acoustic vibrations [14,15]. However the recently derived Raman selection rules of Kanehisa preclude the observation of spheroidal modes and state that only the torsional mode with l = 2 is Raman-active [16]. The Comment, by Goupalov et al. [17], which refuted his model and his subsequent rebuttal [18] have exacerbated the controversy. Interestingly, Tanaka et al. claimed that both spheroidal modes of even l, and torsional modes of odd l are Raman-active [6].No selection rules governing Brillouin light scattering (d ~ λ) from confined acoustic modes in a sphere have, to date, been reported. Consequently, in previous studies, mode assignments of Brillouin spectra of submicron or micron-size silica, polystyrene and CaCO3 spheres were not based on any one consistent set of selection rules [7-12]. In some cases, observed spectral peaks were assigned as spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2, 4, …, [7-10]while in others, as spheroidal modes with l = any arbitrary integer [11,12]. To address this problem, we present a derivation, from group theory, of the Brillouin selection rules and their experimental verification.The selection rules for inelastic light scattering from confined acoustic modes in a homogeneous sphere are now discussed. The elastic displacements u of the modes are given by222()0,t L T V V ∂−∇∇⋅+∇×∇×=u u u (1)where V L and V T are the bulk longitudinal and transverse velocities respectively. The elastic displacements can be categorized into torsional and spheroidal displacements which are given respectively by()t ψ=∇×u r (2)(),s χφ=∇+∇×∇×u r(3) where ψ, χ and φ are the scalar potentials which satisfy the scalar Helmholtz equation, and are expressed in terms of Bessel functions j l and spherical harmonics Y lm in spherical coordinates. The symmetry group of the sphere is the group, of the proper and improper rotations, that is isomorphic to the full rotation group O (3). Their irreducible representations are D g (l ) and D u (l ), where l = 0, 1, 2, 3,…, and g and u denote even parity and odd parity respectively [19]. The spheroidal vibrations transform as the irreducible representations D g (0), D u (1), D g (2),… , while the torsional vibrations as D g (1), D u (2), D g (3),… of O (3) [13].In Raman scattering, the sphere diameter is much shorter than the excitation light wavelength. Hence, the phase of the excitation light within the sphere can be assumed to be constant, and only the electric dipole moment need be considered in the light scattering process. The irreducible representations of the components of the dipole moment ii i e r ∑transform as D u (1). The operator involved in inelastic light scattering is the symmetric polarizability tensor αij (αij = αji ) whose components transform as the irreducible representations resulting from the symmetric product [13]:(1)(1)(0)(2)symmetric [].u u g g D D D D ×=+ (4) Duval thus concluded from Eq. (4) that only spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2 are observable by Raman spectroscopy.However, if the diameter of the sphere is comparable to the incident light wavelength (d ~ λ), the frequencies of the vibrational modes of sphere lie in the gigahertz range, and its modes are thus detectable by Brillouin light scattering. In this case, the assumption that the phase of the incident light within the sphere is constant is no longervalid. In Mie scattering, where the sizes of the particles can be larger than the excitation light wavelength, besides the electric dipole moment, higher-order terms in the electric multipole expansion are also taken into account in the series solution of the scattering theory [20]. Similarly, besides the electric dipole moment, these higher-order terms are also taken into consideration in our derivation of Brillouin selection rules.The components of the electric multipole tensors, of rank k , transform as the irreducible representations D (k ) of the full rotation group O (3) [19]. Thus, for example, the rank 2 multipole tensor, which is the electric quadrupole tensor, has the irreducible representation D (2). As before, the operator involved in the inelastic light scattering is the symmetric polarizability tensor whose components transform as the irreducible representations that are obtained from the symmetric product [21]()()(0)(2)(4)()symmetric []...,k k l g g g g D D D D D D ×=++++ (5) where k = 1, 2, 3, …, and l = 0, 2, 4, …, 2k . Therefore, it follows that for d ~ λ, only the spheroidal modes of a sphere are observable by Brillouin spectroscopy. Unlike Duval’s selection rules for Raman scattering, spheroidal vibrations with l = 0, 2, 4, … are Brillouin active. Torsional modes are not detectable by inelastic light scattering.Brillouin light scattering from six samples of loose matrix-free monodisperse amorphous silica spheres, with diameters ranging from 140 – 800 nm, had been measured in the 180°-backscattering geometry using a 6-pass tandem Fabry-Perot interferometer[8]. The 514.5 nm line of an argon-ion laser was used to excite the spectra. The measured spectra contain well-resolved sharp peaks as can be seen in the representative spectrum of the 360nm-diameter sphere sample displayed in Fig. 1. The variations of the measured frequencies of the eigenmodes of the various spheres with inverse sphere diameter are presented in Fig. 2.These experimental data were used to ascertain the validity of the selection rules derived above based on the following approach. In this approach, the measured frequencies of the two lowest-energy modes, of the six sphere sizes studied, were used in the evaluation of the velocities V L and V T . First, a trial assignment of the observed lowest and second lowest energy modes was made. Second, the parameters V L and V T were determined by least-squares fitting the data to the Lamb theory [1]. This was done byFig. 1. Brillouin spectrum of 360nm-diameter silica spheres. The experimental data are denoted by dots and Brillouin peaks were fitted with Lorentzian functions shown as dashed curves. The assignment of the confined acoustic modes, labeled by (n, l), is based on our selection rules as described in the text.Fig. 2. Dependence of frequencies of confined acoustic modes (n, l) in silica microspheres on inverse sphere diameters (d). Experimental data are denoted by dots. The measurement errors are the size of the dots shown. Solid lines represent theoretical frequencies of spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2, 4,…, calculated based on Lamb’s theory and our selection rules.minimizing the residual th expt 21()Ni i i νν=−∑by varying V L and V T within the reasonableranges of 2000 ≤ V L ≤ 7000 m/s and 1000 ≤ V T ≤ 5000 m/s. Here th ν and expt νare the theoretical and measured frequencies respectively, and N (= 12) the total number of mode frequencies of the two lowest-energy vibrations for the six sphere sizes studied. Third, using the fitted values of V L and V T , the frequencies of the two lowest-energy modes were calculated to check for self-consistency i.e. agreement between the resulting energy ordering and the trial assignments. Finally, the frequencies of the higher-energy modes are computed for the assignments that meet this self-consistency condition.According to our selection rules, only even-l spheroidal modes are observable by inelastic light scattering. Hence, when making the trial assignment, all possible pairs of (n , l ) for n = 1, 2 and l = 0, 2, 4 were considered. This is because our calculations reveal that the two lowest-energy modes do not have n and l higher than these values for V L and V T within the same ranges specified above. It was found that almost all the possible choices of (n , l ) do not satisfy the self-consistency condition. For instance, the trial assignment of (1,0) and (1,4) yields, in order of increasing energy, the sequence (1,2), (1,0), (2,2), (1,4), … in contradiction to the trial assignment.It turns out that only two trial assignments meet this self-consistency requirement. One of them is (1,0) and (1,2) as the respective lowest and second lowest-energy modes. Using the fitted V L and V T based on this assignment, the frequencies of the higher-energy modes with even l were calculated. However this assignment is unacceptable as there is discrepancy between the calculated and measured frequencies of the higher-energy modes. For the other trial assignment of (1,2) and (1,0), the frequencies of the corresponding higher-energy modes with even l were computed in a similar fashion. Results of the calculations are presented in Fig. 2. The (4,4) spheroidal vibration has the highest energy. It should be emphasized that all modes, both measured and theoretical, with lower energies are also displayed. Figure 2 clearly illustrates the good agreement between theory and experiment. Additionally, a one-to-one correspondence exists between them i.e. not only are all observed modes accounted for, but also there is no omission of any theoretical modes nor are there any theoretical modes unaccounted for. Hence, our Brillouin selection rules are experimentally confirmed.The fitted values of V L and V T are 3885 and 2436 m/s respectively. These are reasonable values, as they are expected to be lower compared to V L≈ 5500 and V T≈ 3000 m/s for bulk silica, due to low dimensionality and the possible presence of defects as discussed in Ref. 8. Also, these fitted velocities obtained from the confined eigenmodes are consistent with the respective V L and V T values of 3778 and 2518 m/s measured by Lim et al. in their study of Brillouin light scattering from bulk acoustic waves in 1.45 – 3.95 µm silica spheres [8].In summary, the Brillouin selection rules for a sphere with a diameter of the order of the excitation light wavelength have been derived from group theory. In the derivation, besides the electric dipole moment, higher-order terms in the electric multipole expansion have also been taken into account. It is found that only the spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2, 4, … are observable by Brillouin spectroscopy. Torsional modes are not detectable by inelastic light scattering. Our selection rules, for d ~ λ, allow the observation of confined acoustic modes with even values of l≥ 4, in contrast to Duval’s Raman rules, for d « λ, for which l = 0, 2 only. Our selection rules were experimentally confirmed by spectral data on inelastic (Brillouin) light scattering from silica microspheres.AcknowledgementFunding from the Ministry of Education, Singapore under research grant R-144-000-185-112is gratefully acknowledged.References[1] H. Lamb, Proc. London Math. Soc. 13 (1882) 189.[2] E. Duval, A. Boukenter, B. Champagnon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) 2052.[3] H. K. Yadav, V. Gupta, K. Sreenivas, S. P. Singh, B. Sundarakannan, R. S. Katiyar,Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 085502.[4] M. Fujii, Y. Kanzawa, S. Hayashi, K. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev.B 54 (1996) R8373.[5] M. Ikezawa, T. Okuno, Y. Masumoto, A. A. Lipovskii, Phys. Rev.B 64(2001)R201315.[6] A. Tanaka, S. Onari, T. Arai, Phys. Rev.B 47 (1993) 1237; (E) 56 (1997) 9977.[7] M. H. Kuok, H. S. Lim, S, C. Ng, N. N. Liu, Z. K. 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