International Economics II国际经济学




• 国际贸易理论的发展 • 国际金融理论的发展
国际贸易理论的发展 (1)
• • • 1.重商主义者以其错误的财富观为基础,推论出“奖出限入”的贸易政策。 2.1776年,亚当· 斯密(Adam Smith)在《国富论》(The Welth of Nations)中,系统阐述了分工 和自由经济的观点,批判了重商主义的财富观和贸易观,提出了国际贸易的绝对优势理论(Theory of Absolute Advantage)。 3.1817年,大卫· 李嘉图(David Ricardo)在《政治经济学及赋税原理》(The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation)一书中,进一步发展了亚当· 斯密的理论,正确地提出和论证了国 际贸易的比较优势原理(Law of Comparative Advantage),确立了其后贸易理论发展的方向。后 来的学者都将国际贸易研究的重点放在比较优势原理上,不断探索决定比较优势的各种因素。 4.穆勒(l)、马歇尔(Alfred Marshall)和艾奇沃思(F.Y.Edgeworth)等,集中研究了 贸易条件的决定问题。 5.1919年,赫克歇尔(E.F.Heckscher)在《对外贸易对收入分配的影响》(The Effect of Foreign Trade on the Distribution of Income)一文中,首先论述了各国要素禀赋构成与贸易形态之间的关系, 以及贸易对各国收入分配的影响,提出了要素禀赋差异是决定国际分工和贸易的基础的观点。其后, 他的学生俄林(Bertil Ohlin)在1933年出版的《区际贸易与国际贸易》(Interregional and International Trade)一书中,进一步阐述和发挥了赫克歇尔的要素禀赋理论。因而后来人们又称要 素禀赋理论为赫克歇尔——俄林理论(Heckscher-Ohlin Theory,简称H—O理论)。 6.1936年,哈伯勒(G.Haberler)在《国际贸易理论》(Theory of International Trade)一书中, 用机会成本理论(Opportunity Cost Theory)解释了比较优势原理,在贸易理论的模型化方面作出 了实质性的贡献。此外,勒纳(A.P.Lerner)、里昂惕夫(W.Leontief)、米德(J.E.Meade)、 萨缪尔逊(P.A.Samuelson)等人将一般均衡分析的新古典模型与赫克歇尔和俄林的要素禀赋理论 融为一体,最终形成了国际贸易理论的标准模型。可以说,这一标准化的贸易模型,就是新古典学派 一般均衡理论在国际贸易研究中的具体应用。 7.1951年,里昂惕夫首次运用投入产出方法对H—O理论进行了经验检验,发现美国作为世界上资 本最丰富的国家,其出口部门是劳动密集型的,而进口替代部门则是资本密集型的,这就与H—O理 论预测的贸易模式相反,这就是著名的“里昂惕夫之谜”(The Leontief Paradox)。 8.20世纪70年代末80年代初,以克鲁格曼(P.R.Krugman)和赫尔普曼(E.Helpman)为代表的 一批经济学家,提出了所谓“新贸易理论”(New Trade Theory)。新贸易理论认为,除要素禀赋 差异外,规模经济亦是国际贸易的原因和贸易利益的另一个独立决定因素。






1. 《经济学原理》(Principles of Economics)《经济学原理》是由美国经济学家尤金·弗里德曼(Eugene F. Fama)和罗伯特·J·希勒(Robert J. Shiller)合著的一本经济学教材。





2. 《货币金融学》(Monetary Economics)《货币金融学》是由美国经济学家费雪(Irving Fisher)撰写的一本经济学著作。




3. 《发展经济学》(Development Economics)《发展经济学》是由美国经济学家阿马蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen)和杰弗里·D·萨克斯(Jeffrey D. Sachs)合著的一本经济学著作。







国际经济与贸易专业介绍篇1统计信息(数据统计截止日期:20xx年12月30日)1、该专业20xx年全国普通高校毕业生规模:85000-90000人2、该专业20xx年全国普通高校毕业生性别比例:男37%:女63%3、该专业20xx年全国高考招生文理科比例:文科59%:理科40%:文理综合1%4、该专业近几年全国就业率区间:20xx(85%-90%)20xx (85%-90%)5、该专业全国报考硕士较集中的专业:工商管理、国际贸易学、产业经济学、金融学国际经济与贸易专业是由国际贸易、国际金融、国际投资理论及相关实务所组成的综合性学科。








国际经济学 英文

国际经济学 英文

国际经济学英文English:International economics is the study of how countries interact with each other in terms of trade, finance, and international investment. It examines the impact of international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund, on global economic development, and the role of governments in shaping international economic policies. International economics also explores the effects of globalization, exchange rate fluctuations, and trade agreements on national economies, as well as the implications of economic integration and cooperation among countries. This field of study helps to understand the complexities of cross-border transactions and the interconnectedness of different economies, and provides insights into the potential benefits and challenges of international economic interactions.中文翻译:国际经济学是研究国家在贸易、金融和国际投资方面如何相互联系的学科。



*CHAPTER 2(Core Chapter)COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGEANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS1. The mercantilists believed that the way for a nation to become rich and powerful was toexport more than it imported. The resulting export surplus would then be settled by an inflow of gold and silver and the more gold and silver a nation had, the richer and more powerful it was. Thus, the government had to do all in its power to stimulate th e nation’s exports and discourage and restrict imports. However, since all nations could not simultaneously have an export surplus and the amount of gold and silver was fixed at any particular point in time, one nation could gain only at the expense of other nations. The mercantilists thus preached economic nationalism, believing that national interests were basically in conflict.Adam Smith, on the other hand, believed that free trade would make all nations better off.All of this is relevant today because many of the arguments made in favor of restricting international trade to protect domestic jobs are very similar to the mercantilists arguments made three or four centuries ago. That is why we can say that “mercantilism is alive and well in the twenty-fi rst century”. Thus we have to be prepared to answer anddemonstrate that these arguments are basically wrong.2. According to Adam Smith, the basis for trade was absolute advantage, or one country beingmore productive or efficient in the production of some commodities and other countries being more productive in the production of other commodities.The gains from trade arise as each country specialized in the production of the commodities in which it had an absolute advantage and importing those commodities in which the nation had an absolute disadvantage.Adam Smith believed in free trade and laissez-faire, or as little government interference with the economic system as possible. There were to be only a few exceptions to this policy of laissez-faire and free trade. One of these was the protection of industries important for national defense.3. Ricardo’s law of comparative advantage is superior to Smith’s theory of absolute advantagein that it showed that even if a nation is less efficient than or has an absolute disadvantage in the production of all commodities with respect to the other nations, there is still a basis forbeneficial trade for all nations.The gains from trade arise from the increased production of all commodities that arises when each country specializes in the production of and exports the commoditiesof its comparative advantage and imports the other commodities.A nation that is less efficient than others will be able to export the commodities of itscomparative advantage by having its wages and other costs sufficiently lower than in othernations so as to make the commodities of its comparative advantage cheaper in terms of the same currency with respect to the other nations.4. a. In case A, the United States has an absolute and a comparative advantage in wheat andthe United Kingdom in cloth. In case B, the United States has an absolute advantage (so that the United Kingdom has an absolute disadvantage) in both commodities. In case C, theUnited States has an absolute advantage in wheat but has neither an absolute advantage nor disadvantage in cloth. In case D, the United States has an absolute advantage over theUnited Kingdom in both commodities.b. In case A, the United States has a comparative advantage in wheat and the UnitedKingdom in cloth. In case B, the United States has a comparative advantage in wheat and the United Kingdom in cloth. In case C, the United States has a comparative advantage in wheat and the United Kingdom in cloth. In case D, the United States and the United Kingdom havea comparative advantage in neither commodities.5. a. The United States gains 1C.b. The United Kingdom gains 4C.c. 3C < 4W < 8C.d. The United States would gain 3C while the United Kingdom would gain 2C.6. a. The cost in terms of labor content of producing wheat is 1/4 in the United States and 1 inthe United Kingdom, while the cost in terms of labor content of producing cloth is 1/3 in the United States and 1/2 in the United Kingdom.b. In the United States, Pw=$1.50 and Pc=$2.00.c. In the United Kingdom, Pw=£1.00 and Pc=£0.50.7. The United States has a comparative disadvantage in the production of textiles. Restrictingtextile imports would keep U.S. workers from eventually moving into industries in which the United States has a comparative advantage and in which wages are higher.8. Ricardo’s explanation of the law of comparative is unacceptable because it is based on thelabor theory of value, which is not an acceptable theory of value.The explanation of the law of comparative advantage can be based on the opportunity cost doctrine, which is an acceptable theory of value.9. The production possibilities frontier reflects the opportunity costs of producing bothcommodities in the nation.The production possibilities frontier under constant costs is a (negatively sloped) straight line.The absolute slope of the production possibilities frontier reflects or gives the price of the commodity plotted along the horizontal axis in relation to the commodity plotted along the vertical axis.10. a. See Figure 1.1.b. In the United States Pw/Pc=3/4, while in the United Kingdom, Pw/Pc=2.c. In the United States Pc/Pw=4/3, while in the United Kingdom Pc/Pw=1/2.d. See Figure 1.2.The autarky points are A and A' in the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively.The points of production with trade are B and B' in the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively.The points of consumption are E and E' in the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively. The gains from trade are shown by E > A for the U.S. and E' > A' for the U.K.ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS1. a. Increasing opportunity costs arise because resources or factors of production are nothomogeneous (i.e., all units of the same factor are not identical or of the same quality) and not used in the same fixed proportion or intensity in the production of all commodities.This means that as the nation produces more of a commodity; it must utilize resources that become progressively less efficient or less suited for the production of that commodity. As a result, the nation must give up more and more of the second commodity to release justenough resources to produce each additional unit of the first commodity (i.e., it facesincreasing costs).b. In the real world, the production frontiers of different nations will usually differ becauseof differences in factor endowments and technology.2. a. See Figure3.1.b. The slope of the transformationcurve increases as the nationproduces more of X and decreasesas the nation produces more of Y.These reflect increasingopportunity costs as the nationproduces more of X or Y.3. a. See Figures 3.2a and 3.2b.b. Nation 1 has a comparative advantage in X and Nation 2 in Y.c. If the relative commodity price line in autarky has equal slope in both nations. This is rare.4. a. See Figures 3.3a and 3.3 b. Points B and B’ are the production points in Nations 1 and 2,respectively, with specialization and trade and E and E’ are the consumption points.b. Nation 1 gains by the amount by which community indifference curve III (point E) isabove indifference curve I (point A). Nation 2 gains to the extent that community indifference curve III’ (point E’) is above indifference curve I’ (point A).5. a. The equilibrium-relative commodity price in isolation is the relative price that prevailsin the nation without trade or in autarky.b. The equilibrium-relative commodity price in isolation for the commodity plotted alongthe horizontal axis is given by the (absolute) slope of the tangent of the production frontier and the community indifference curve at the point of production and consumption in thenation in isolation.c. The nation with the lower equilibrium relative commodity price in isolation or autarkyhas a comparative advantage in the commodity measured along the commodity axis and a comparative disadvantage in the commodity measured along the vertical axis.6. a. Nation 1 is better off at point E’ than at point A’ because point E’ is on higher communityindifference curve III than at point A, which is on lower community indifference curve I.b. Nation 1 consumes less of commodity Y at point E’ (40Y) than at point A’ (60Y) becauseP Y/P X is much higher at point E’ (P B’ =1) than at point A’ (P A’ =1/4, the inverse of P X/P Y=4).7. a. The reason for incomplete specialization under increasing costs is that as each nationspecializes in the production of the commodity of its comparative advantage, the relative commodity price in each nation moves toward each other (i.e., become less unequal) until they are identical in both nations. At that point, it does not pay for either nation to continue to expand the production of the commodity of its initial comparative advantage. This occurs before either nation has completely specialized in production.b. Under constant costs, each nation specializes completely in production of thecommodity of its comparative advantage (i.e., produces only that commodity). The reason is that since it pays for the nation to obtain some of the commodity of its comparativedisadvantage from the other nation, then it pays for the nation to get all of the commodity of its comparative disadvantage from the other nation (i.e., to specialize completely in the production of the commodity of its comparative advantage).8. See Figure 3.5 (Please disregard Figure 3.4, which shows how to derive the demand andsupply curve for commodity X for Nation 1 and Nation 2 that are used to show how theequilibrium relative commodity price is determined with trade – a topic that is covered inAppendix A3.1.Nations 1 and 2 have identical production frontiers (shown by a single curve) but different tastes (indifference curves). In isolation, Nation 1 produces and consumes at point A and Nation 2 at point A’. Since P A < P A’, Nation 1 has a comparative advantage in X and Nation2 in Y.With trade, Nation 1 specializes in the production of X and produces at B, while Nation 2 specializes in Y and produces at B’ (which coincides with B). By exchanging BC = C’E’ of X for CE = C’B of Y with each other (see trade triangles BCE and B’C’E’), Nation 1 ends up consuming at E on indifference curve III (higher than indifference curve I at point A) and Nation 2 consumes at on indifference curve III’ (higher than indifference curve I’ at po int A’).9. a. If the terms of trade of a nation improved from 100 to 110 over a given period of time, theterms of trade of the trade partner would deteriorate by about 9 percent over the same period of time [(100-110)/110 = -0.09 =0.9%].b. A deterioration in the terms of trade of the trade partner can be said to be unfavorable to thetrade partner because the trade partner must pay a higher price for its imports in terms of its exports.c. This does not necessarily mean that the welfare of the trade partner has decreased becausethe deterioration in its terms of trade may have resulted from an increase in productivity that is shared with the other nation.10. It is true that Mexico's wages are much lower than U.S. wages (they are about one fifth of theaverage wage in the United States), but labor productivity is much higher in the United Statesand so labor costs are not necessarily higher than in Mexico. In any event, trade can still be based on comparative advantage.*CHAPTER 4(Core Chapter)THE HECKSCHER-OHLIN AND OTHER TRADE THEORIES ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS1. a. The Heckscher–Ohlin (H-0) theorem postulates that a nation will export thosecommodi ties whose production requires the intensive use of the nation’s relativelyabundant and cheap factor and import the commodities whose production requires theintensive use of the nation’s relatively scarce and expensive factor. In short, the relatively labor-rich nation exports relatively labor-intensive commodities and imports the relatively capital-intensive commodities.b. Heckscher and Ohlin identify the relative difference in factor endowments amongnations as the basic determinant of comparative advantage and international trade.c. The H-O Theory represents an extension of the standard trade model because itexplains the basis for comparative advantage (classical economists, such as Ricardo hadassumed it) and examines the effect of international trade on factor prices and incomedistribution (which classical economists had left unanswered).2. See Figure 4.1.3. a. The factor–price equalization theorem postulates that international trade will bringabout the equalization of the returns to homogeneous or identical factors across nations.b. The Stopler-Samuelson theorem postulates that free international trade reduces the realincome of the nation’s relatively scarce factor and increases the real income of the nation’s relatively abundant factor.c. The specific-factors model postulates that the opening of trade (1) benefits the specificfactor used in the production of t he nation’s export commodity, (2) harms the specific factor used in the production of the nation’s import-competing industry, and (3) leads to anambiguous effect (i.e., it may benefit or harm) the mobile factor.d. Trade acts as a substitute for the international mobility of factors of production in itseffect on factor prices. With perfect mobility, labor would migrate from the low-wagenation to the high-wage nation until wages in the two nations are equalized. Similarly,capital would move from the low-interest to the high-interest nation until the rate ofinterest was equalized in the two nations.4. a. The Leontief paradox refers to the original Leontief’s finding that U.S. importsubstitutes were more K-intensive than U.S. exports. This was the opposite of what the H-O theorem postulated.b. The Leontief paradox was resolved by including human capital into the calculationsand excluding industries based on natural resources. Recent research using data on many sectors, for many countries, over many years, and considering that countries couldspecialize in a particular subset or group of commodities that were best suited to theirspecific factor endowments, provides strong support for the H-O theorem.c. The Hecksher-Olhin theory remains the centerpiece of modern trade theory for explaininginternational trade today. To be sure, there are other forces (such as economies of scale,product differentiation, and technological differences across countries) that provide additional reasons and explanations for some international trade not explained by the basic H-O model.These other trade theories complement the basic H-O model in explaining the pattern ofinternational trade in the world today.5. International trade with developing economies, especially newly industrializing economies(NIEs), contributed in two ways to increased wage inequalities between skilled and unskilled workers in the United States during the past two decades. Directly, by reducing the demand for unskilled workers as a result of increased U.S. imports of labor-intensive manufactures and, indirectly, by speeding up the introduction of labor-saving innovations, which furtherreduced the U.S. demand for unskilled workers. International trade, however, was only asmall cause of increased wage inequalities in the United States. The most important causewas technological change.6. a. Economies of scale refer to the production situation where output grows proportionatelymore than the increase in inputs or factors of production. For example, output may morethan double with a doubling of inputs.b. Even if two nations were identical in every respect, there is still a basis for mutuallybeneficial trade based on economies of scale. When each nation specializes in theproduction of one commodity, the combined total world output of both commodities will be greater than without specialization when economies of scale are present. With trade, each nation then shares in these gains.c. The new international economies of scale refers to the increase in productivity resultingfrom firms purchasing parts and components from nations where they are made cheaper and better, and by establishing production facilities abroad.7. a. Product differentiation refers to products that are similar, but not identical.Intra-industry trade refers to trade in differentiated products, as opposed to inter-industry trade in completely different products.b. Intra-industry trade arises in order to take advantage of important economies of scale inproduction. That is, with intra-industry trade each firm or plant in industrial countries can specialize in the production of only one, or at most a few, varieties and styles of the same product rather than many different varieties and styles of a product and achieve economies of scale.c. With few varieties and styles, more specialized and faster machinery can be developedfor a continuous operation and a longer production run. The nation then imports othervarieties and styles from other nations. Intra-industry trade benefits consumers because of the wider range of choices (i.e., the greater variety of differentiated products) available at the lower prices made possible by economies of scale in production.*CHAPTER 5(Core Chapter)TRADE RESTRICTIONS: TARIFFSANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS1. a. See Figure 5.1.b. Consumption is 70X, production is 50X and imports are 20X.c. The consumption effect is –30X, the production effect is +30X, the trade effect is –60X,and the revenue effect is $30 (see Figure 5.1).2. a. The consumer surplus is $250 without and $l22.50 with the tariff (see Figure 5.1).b. Of the increase in the revenue of producers with the tariff (as compared with theirrevenues under free trade), $22.50 represents the increase in production costs and another $22.50 represents the increase in rent or producer surplus (see Figure 5.1).c. The dollar value or the protection cost of the tariff is $45 (see Figure 5.1).3.The dollar value or the protection cost of the tariff is $45 (see Figure 5.2).4.The dollar value or the protection cost of the tariff is $45 (see Figure5.3).5. The optimum tariff is the tariff that maximizes the net benefit resulting from theimprovement in the nation’s terms of trade against the negative effect resulting fromreduction in the volume of trade.6. a. When a nation imposes an optimum tariff, the trad e partner’s welfare declines becauseof the lower volume of trade and the deterioration in its terms of trade.b. The trade partner is likely to retaliate and in the end both nations are likely to losebecause of the reduction in the volume of trade.7. Even when the trade partner does not retaliate when one nation imposes the optimum tariff,the gains of the tariff-imposing nation are less than the losses of the trade partner, so thatthe world as a whole is worse off than under free trade. It is in this sense that free trademaximizes world welfare.8. a. The nominal tariff is calculated on the market price of the product or service. The rateof effective protection, on the other hand, is calculated on the value added in the nation. It is equal to the value of the price of the commodity or service minus the value of theimported inputs used in the production of the commodity or service.b. The nominal tariff is important to consumers because it determines by how much theprice of the imported commodity increases. The rate of effective protection is important for domestic producers because it determines the actual rate of protection provided by thetariff to domestic processing.9. a. Rates of effective protection in industrial nations are generally much higher than thecorresponding nominal rates and increase with the degree of processing.b. The tariff structure of developed nations is of great concern for developing nationsbecause it discourages manufacturing production in developing nations.10. If a nation reduces the nominal tariff on the importation of the raw materials required toproduce a commodity but does not reduce the tariff on the importation of the finalcommodity produced with the imported raw material, then the effective tariff rates willincrease relative to the nominal tariff rate on the commodity.*CHAPTER 6(Core Chapter)NONTARIFF TRADE BARRIERS ANDTHE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF PROTECTIONISMANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS1. a. An import quota will increase the price of the product to domestic consumers, reducethe domestic consumption of the good, increase domestic production, and result in aprotection or deadweight loss to the economy.b. The effects of an import quota are identical to those of an equivalent import tariff,except that with a quota the government does not collect a tariff revenue (unless it auctions off import quotas to the highest bidder). The import quota is also more restrictive than an equivalent import tariff because foreign producers cannot increase their exports bylowering their prices.2.By penciling in D”X in Figure 1, we can see that the effects of the import quota are:P x=$2.00 and consumption is 60X, of which 40X are produced domestically and 20X areimported; by auctioning off import licenses, the revenue effect would be $20.3.The effects of an export quota of 20X are identical to those of an import quota of 20X or a100 percent import tariff on commodity X, except that the revenue effect is collected by the exporters, rather than by the domestic importers or their government.7. a. The infant-industry argument postulates that temporary protection may be justified inorder to allow a developing nation to develop an industry in which it has a potentialcomparative advantage. Temporary trade protection is then justified to establish and protect the domestic industr y during its “infancy” until it can grow and meet foreign competition.For this argument to be valid, however, protection must be temporary and the return in the grown-up industry must be sufficiently high to also offset the higher prices paid bydomestic consumers of the commodity during the period of infancy.b. The infant-industry argument must be qualified in several important ways to beacceptable. First, this argument is more justified for developing nations (where capitalmarkets may not function properly) than for industrial nations. Second, it is usuallydifficult to identify which industry or potential industry qualifies for this treatment, andexperience has shown that protection, once given, is difficult to remove. Third, and most important, what trade protection (say in the form of an import tariff) can do, an equivalent production subsidy to the infant industry can do better.8. a. According to strategic industrial trade policy a nation can create a comparativeadvantage (through temporary trade protection, subsidies, tax benefits, and cooperativegovernment–industry programs) in a high-technology field deemed crucial to future growth in the nation.b. There are also serious difficulties in carrying strategic industrial and trade policies.First, it is extremely difficult to pick winners (i.e., choose the industries that will contribute significantly to growth in the future). Second, if most leading nations undertake strategictrade policies at the same time, their efforts are largely neutralized. Third, when a country does achieve substantial success with a strategic trade policy, this comes at the expense of other countries (i.e., it is a beggar-thy-neighbor policy), which are, therefore, likely to retaliate. Faced with all these practical difficulties, even supporters of strategic trade policy grudgingly acknowledge that free trade is still the best policy, after all.*CHAPTER 7(Core Chapter)ECONOMIC INTEGRATIONANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS1.If Nation A imposes a 100 percent ad valorem tariff on imports of commodity X fromNation B and Nation C, Nation A will produce commodity X domestically because thedomestic price of commodity X is $10 as compared with the tariff-inclusive price of $16 if Nation A imported commodity X from Nation B and $12 if Nation A imported commodity X from nation C.2. a. If Nation A forms a customs union with Nation B, Nation A will import commodity Xfrom Nation B at the price of $8 instead of producing it itself at $10 or importing it fromNation C at the tariff-inclusive price of $12.b. The formation by Nation A of a customs union with Nation B leads to trade creationonly because Nation A replaces the domestic production of commodity X at Px=$10 with tariff-free imports of commodity X from Nation B at Px=$8.3.If Nation A imposes a 50 percent ad valorem tariff on imports of commodity X fromNation B and Nation C, Nation A will import commodity X from nation C at thetariff-inclusive price of $9 instead of producing commodity X itself or importing it from Nation B at the tariff-inclusive price of $12.4. a. If Nation A forms a customs union with Nation B, Nation A will import commodity Xfrom Nation B at the price of $8 instead of importing it from Nation C at the tariff-inclusive price of $9.b. The formation by Nation A of a customs union with Nation B leads not only to tradecreation but also to trade diversion because it replaces lower-cost imports of commodity X of $6 (from the point of view of Nation A as a whole) with higher priced imports ofCommodity X from Nation B at $8.Specifically, Nation A's importers do not import commodity X from Nation C because the tariff-inclusive price of commodity X from Nation C is $9 as compared with the no-tariff price of $8 for imports of commodity X from Nation B. However, since the government of Nation A collects the $3 tariff per unit on imports of commodity X fromNation C, the net effective price for imports of commodity X from Nation C is really $6 for Nation A as a whole.5. a. See Figure 7.1.b. The net gain from the trade-diverting customs union shown in Figure 1 is given byC'JJ'+B'HH'-MJ'H'N. As contrasted with the case in Figure 7-1 in the text, however, the sum of the areas of the two triangles (measuring gains) is here greater than the area therectangle (measuring the loss). Thus, the nation would now gain from the formation of acustom union. Had we drawn the figure on graph paper, we would have been able tomeasure the net gain in monetary terms also.6. A customs union that leads to both trade creation and trade diversion is more likely to leadto a net positive welfare gain of the nation joining the union (1) the smaller is the relative inefficiency of the union member in relation to the non-union member and (2) the higher is the level of the tariff imposed by the customs union on the non-union member.7.The dynamic benefits resulting from the formation of a customs union are (1) increasedcompetition, (2) economies of scale, (3) stimulus to investment, and (4) better utilization of economic resources. These are likely to be much more significant than the static benefits.8.See Figure 7.2. The formation of the customs union has no effect.。

International Economic Issues(国际经济学)

International Economic Issues(国际经济学)

Balance of Payments
Accounting record of all financial transactions between one country and “rest of world” Reflects country’s trade in goods, services and financial assets Reflects both private transactions (individuals and businesses) and official transactions (government)
Imports Goods Services Income Payments Unilateral Transfers Current Account Balance
. The Trade Balance Over Time - Selected Countries
Capital Account

Balance of Payments
Current Account Capital Account Financial Account Statistical Discrepancy Sum of credits must equal sum of debits (except for statistical discrepancy)
Current Account

Unilateral Transfers: Includes items (in both directions) such as:
– Government grants abroad (foreign aid) – Private remittances – Private foundation grants abroad



《国际经济学》课程教学大纲课程编号:课程英文名称:International Economics课程类别:专业基础课课程性质:必修课学分:3 总学时:54 理论学时:54实验学时:0 开课对象:国际经济与贸易本专科开课分院、系:外语外贸学院一、课程的性质、目的和任务国际经济学是高等学校经济管理类专业的一门重要的专业基础课。













International Economics chap 02(克鲁格曼国际经济学英文版)

International Economics chap 02(克鲁格曼国际经济学英文版)
International Economics
Theory and Policy (Ninth Edition) Paul R. Krugman 黄卫平 彭刚
Chapter 2 Specific Factors and Income Distribution
Understand how a mobile factor will Respond to price changes by mபைடு நூலகம்ving Across sectors?
1 2
Labor Input in cloth, Lc
1 2
Production Possibility Frontier, PPF
BB(slope= -PC/ PF ,the minus relative 3 price of cloth)
Output of cloth, Qc
Production function for cloth
The same: MPLF×PF=w= MPLC×PC, or -MPLF/MLPC= -PC/ PF
Wage rate, w
10% PC increase
10% w increase
Labor used in cloth, LC
Price, wages and labor allocation-an equal-proportional change in prices
The main reasons that international trade has strong effects on the distribution of income are: 1. A short-run consequence of trade 2. A long-run consequence of trade



International Economics, 8e (Krugman) II Chapter 12 National Income Accounting and the Balance of Payments1) A country's gross national product (GNP) isA) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.B) the value of all intermediate goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.C) the value of all final goods produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.D) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market.E) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production, excluding land, and sold on the market in a given time period.Answer: A2)The CA is equal toA) Y - (C - I + G).B) Y + (C + I + G).C) Y - (C + I + G).D) Y - (C + I - G).E) None of the above.Answer: A3)For open economies,A) S = I.B) S = I + CA.C) S = I - CA.D) S > I + CA.E) S < I + CA.Answer: B4)A U.S. citizen buys a newly issued share of stock in England, paying for his order with a check, which the British company deposits in its own U.S. bank account in New York. How is this transaction accounted for in the balance of payments?A) financial account, U.S. asset exportB) current account, U.S. service importC) current account, British good exportD) financial account, British asset importE) financial account, U.S. asset importAnswer: A5) The earnings of a Spanish factory with British ownersareA) counted in Spain's GDP.B) are part of Britain's GNP.C) are counted in Britain's GDP.D) are part of Spain's GNP.E) Only A and B.Answer: E6)"The Balance of payments is always balanced." Discuss.Answer: True. Every international transaction automatically enters the balance of payments twice, once as a credit and once as a debit.Current account + financial account + capital account = 07) "The balance of payments accounts seldom balance in practice." Discuss.Answer: True. The main reasons are due to the fact that data collected or received from different sources may differ in coverage, accuracy, and timing. In addition, data on services are not reliable as well as data from the financial account. Moreover, accurate measurements of international interest and dividend receipts areparticularly difficult.8)Fill in the following table:Answer:Chapter 13 Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market: An Asset Approach1)How many British pounds would it cost to buy a pair of American designer jeans costing $45 if the exchange rate is 1.80 dollars per British pound?A) 10 British poundsB) 25 British poundsC) 20 British poundsD) 30 British poundsE) 40 British poundsAnswer: B2) An appreciation of a country's currency,A) decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.B) raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.C) lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.D) raises the relative price of its exports and lowers therelative price of its imports.E) None of the above.Answer: D3) Which major actor is at the center of the foreign exchange market?A) corporationsB) central banksC) commercial banksD) non-bank financial institutionsE) None of the above.Answer: C4) What is the expected dollar rate of return on euro deposits with today's exchange rate at $1.10 per euro, next year's expected exchange rate at $1.166 per euro, the dollar interest rate at 10%, and the euro interest rate at 5%?A) 10%B) 11%C) -1%D) 0%E) None of the above.Answer: B5) What is the expected dollar rate of return on dollar deposits with today's exchange rate at $1.10 per euro, next year's expected exchange rate at $1.165 per euro, the dollar interest rate at 10%, and the euro interest rate at 5%?A) 10%B) 11%C) -1%D) 0%E) None of the above.Answer: A6)If the dollar interest rate is 10 percent, the euro interest rate is 6 percent, and the expected return on dollar depreciation against the euro is 4 percent, thenA) an investor should invest only in dollars.B) an investor should invest only in euros.C) an investor should be indifferent between dollars and euros.D) It is impossible to tell given the information.E) All of the above.Answer: C7)Discuss the effects of a rise in the interest rate paid byeuro deposits on the exchange rate.Answer: There are two effects to consider. If we make the unrealistic assumption that the expected exchange rate will not change, then a rise in the interest rate paid by Euro deposits causes the dollar to depreciate. However, if the expected exchange rate were to rise, then the current exchange rate would also rise. (See figure 13-6 from the text.)8) Calculate the interest rate in the euro zone if interest parity condition holds, for the following 15 cases: Answer:Chapter 14 Money, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates1)Money includesA) currency.B) checking deposits held by households and firms.C) deposits in the foreign exchange markets.D) Both A and B.E) A, B, and C.Answer: D2)The aggregate money demand depends onA) the interest rate.B) the price level.C) real national income.D) All of the above.E) Only A and C.Answer: D3)Using a figure describing both the U.S. money market and the foreign exchange market, analyze the effects of a temporary increase in the European money supply on the dollar/euro exchange rate.Answer: An increase in the European money supply will reduce the interest rate on the euro and thus will cause the schedule of the expected euro return expresses in dollars to shift down, causing a reduction in the dollar/euro exchange rate, i.e., an appreciation of the U.S. Dollar. The euro depreciates against the dollar. The U.S. money demand and money supply are not going to be affected, and thus the interest rate in the U.S. will remain the same.4) A permanent increase in a country's money supplyA) causes a more than proportional increase in its price level.B) causes a less than proportional increase in its pricelevel.C) causes a proportional increase in its price level.D) leaves its price level constant in long-run equilibrium.E) None of the above.Answer: C5)After a permanent increase in the money supply, A) the exchange rate overshoots in the short run.B)the exchange rate overshoots in the long run.C) the exchange rate smoothly depreciates in the short run.D) the exchange rate smoothly appreciates in the short run.E) None of the above.Answer: A6)"Although the price levels appear to display short-run stickiness in many countries, a change in the money supply creates immediate demand and cost pressures that eventually lead to future increase in the price level." Discuss.Answer: The statement is true. The pressures come from three main sources: excess demand for output and labor; inflationary expectations; and, raw material prices.7)The long run effects of money supply change:A) ambiguous effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the opposite direction.B)proportional effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction.C) no effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction.D) no effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, no change in the price level's long-run value.E) ambiguous effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, A disproportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction.Answer: CChapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run1)Under Purchasing Power Parity,A) E$/E = PUS/PE.B) E$/E = PE/PES.C) E$/E = PUS + PE.D) E$/E = PUS - PE.E) None of the above.Answer: A2)Assuming relative PPP, fill in the table below: Answer:3) Under PPP (and by the Fisher Effect), all else equal,A) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause a more-than proportional rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer in order to accommodate for the higher inflation.B) a fall in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer.C) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer.D) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause a less than proportional rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer to accommodate the rise in expected inflation.E) None of the above.Answer: C4)Describe the chain of events leading to exchange rate determination for the following cases:(a) An Increase in U.S. money supply(d) Increase in growth rate of U.S. money supply(c) Increase in world relative demand for U.S. products(d) Increase in relative U.S. output supplyAnswer: Chain of events leading to exchange rate determination:E= ∈/$q× (P us/P E)∈/$Increase in U.S. money supply: Pus rises in proportion to the money supply; q remains the same. All dollar prices will rise (including dollar price of euro).Increase in growth rate of U.S. money supply: Inflation rate, dollar interest rate, Pus, E, rises in proportion to Pus.Increase in world relative demand for U.S. products: E falls, and q does as well.Increase in relative U.S. output supply: Dollar depreciates, lowers relative price ofU.S. output, rise in q, effect on E is not clear since q and Pus work in opposite directions.5)Which of the following statements is the mostaccurate?A) Relative PPP is not a reasonable approximation to the data.B) Relative PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data but often performs poorly.C) Relative PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data.D) PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data.E) PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data but usually performs poorly.Answer: B6) Interest rate differences between countries depend onA) differences in expected inflation, but not on expected changes in the real exchange rate.B) differences in expected changes in the real exchange rate, but not on expected inflation.C) neither differences in expected inflation, nor on expected changes in the real exchange rate.D) differences in expected inflation and nothing else.E) differences in expected inflation, and on expected changes in the real exchange rate.Answer: E8) What is the real exchange rate between the dollar and the euro equal to?Answer:Let,∙Real dollar/euro exchange rate =q∈/$∙Nominal exchange rate =E∈/$∙Price of an unchanging basket in US = Pus∙Price of an unchanging basket in Europe = PEThen,q= (∈/$E× P E)/Pus∈/$A rise in the real dollar/euro exchange rate is called a real depreciation of the dollar against the euro, a fall in purchasing power of the dollar.A fall in the real dollar/euro exchange rate is called a real appreciation of the dollar against the euro, a rise in purchasing power of the dollar.Chapter 16 Output and the Exchange Rate in the Short Run1)A country's domestic currency's real exchange rate, q, is best described byA) the price of similar goods in the same market.B) the price of the domestic basket in terms of the foreignone.C) the price of a domestic basket.D) the price of the foreign basket in terms of the domestic basket.E) the price of different goods baskets in the same market.Answer: D2)Fill in the following table:Answer:3) How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand?A) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by moreB) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↓implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by moreC) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↑implies AD ↑, and Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑D) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by lessE) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↓implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by lessAnswer: A4)The aggregate demand for home input can be written as a function of:I. Real exchange rate.II. Government spending.III. D isposable income.A) I onlyB) III onlyC) I and IIID) II and IIIE) I, II, and IIIAnswer: E5) In the short-run, any rise in the real exchange rate, EP /P, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intactAnswer: B6) In the short-run, any fall in EP/P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intactAnswer: D7) In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.Answer: A8)If the economy starts in long-run equilibrium, a permanent fiscal expansion will causeA) an increase in exchange rate, E.B) a decrease in exchange rate, E.C) an increase in output, Y.D) a decrease in output, Y.E) shifting of the AA curve up and to the right. Answer: BChapter 17 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention1) A central bank's international reserves includeA) any gold that it owns.B) any silver that it owns.C) any gold that it owns and foreign and domestic assets.D) any silver that it owns and foreign and domestic assets.E) only foreign and domestic assets.Answer: C2)A balance sheet for the central bank of Pecunia is shown below:Central Bank Balance SheetAssets LiabilitiesForeign assets $1,000 Deposits held by private banks $500Domestic assets $1,500 Currency in circulation $2,000Please write the new balance sheet if the bank sells $100 worth of foreign bonds for domestic currency. Answer:Central Bank Balance SheetAssets LiabilitiesForeign assets $900 Deposits held by private banks $500Domestic assets $1,500 Currency in circulation $1,9003)If the central bank does not purchase foreign assets when output increases but instead holds the money stock constant, can it still keep the exchange rate fixed at Eo? Please explain with the aid of a figure.Answer:No, the rise in output leads to an excess demand for money. If the central bank does not increase supply to meet this demand, the domestic interest rate would rise above the foreign rate, R*. This higher rate of return (and given expectations in the foreign exchange market) would cause the exchange rate to fall below Eo.4)Under fixed exchange rate, in general,A) the domestic and foreign interest rates are equal, R = R .B) R = R+ (Ee - E)/E.C) There is no relation between the fixed exchange rate and the interest rates both foreign and domestic.D) E is equal to one.E) None of the above.Answer: A5) A balance of payments crisis is best described asA) a sharp change in interest rates sparked by a change in expectations about the level of imports.B) a sharp change in foreign reserves sparked by a change in expectations about the future exchange rate.C) a sharp change in interest rates sparked by a change in expectations about the level of exports.D) a sharp change in foreign reserves sparked by a change in expectations about the level of imports.E) None of the above.Answer: B6) Use a figure to illustrate the ineffectiveness of monetary policy to spur on an economy under a fixed exchange rate.Answer:The initial equilibrium rests at point 1. If the central bank wishes to use monetary policy to increase output from Y1 to Y2, then they might buy domestic assets and shift the AA curve outward. However, the central bank must maintain a fixed exchange rate E0, so would have to sell foreign assets for domestic currency, returning the economy to point 1.7)Use a figure to explain the potential effectiveness of fiscal policy to spur on the economy under a fixed exchange rate.Answer:With an aim toward increasing output, the government could use fiscal policy to shift the DD curve outward. The central bank will have to take steps to maintain a fixed exchange rate E0, among the options is buying foreign assets with money, to shift the AA schedule outward until the equilibrium at point 3 is reached。


[复习思考题] 1.What's international economics? 2. What's the relationship between international trade and international money?
(1)Examining by labor demand curve (2)Examining by production possibility curve (3)Relative demand and relative supply (ⅳ)Relative Prices and the Distribution of Income Ⅱ.International Trade in the Specific Factors Model (ⅰ)Resources and Relative Supply 1.Assumption 2.Change in resource and relative supply 3.RS for 2 countries (ⅱ)Trade and Relative Prices (ⅲ)The Pattern of Trade 1.Budget constraint 2.The pattern of Trade (ⅳ)Income Distribution and the Gains From Trade 1.The effects of trade on particular groups In general, trade benefits the factor that is specific to the export sector of each country but hurts the factor specific to the import-competing sectors, with ambiguous effects on mobile factors.

International Economics II国际经济学

International Economics II国际经济学

International Economics, 8e (Krugman) IIChapter 12 National Income Accounting and the Balance of Payments1) A country's gross national product (GNP) isA) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.B) the value of all intermediate goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.C) the value of all final goods produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.D) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market.E) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production, excluding land, and sold on the market in a given time period.Answer: A2)The CA is equal toA) Y - (C - I + G).B) Y + (C + I + G).C) Y - (C + I + G).D) Y - (C + I - G).E) None of the above.Answer: A3)For open economies,A) S = I.B) S = I + CA.C) S = I - CA.D) S > I + CA.E) S < I + CA.Answer: B4)A U.S. citizen buys a newly issued share of stock in England, paying for his order with a check, which the British company deposits in its own U.S. bank account in New York. How is this transaction accounted for in the balance of payments?A) financial account, U.S. asset exportB) current account, U.S. service importC) current account, British good exportD) financial account, British asset importE) financial account, U.S. asset importAnswer: A5) The earnings of a Spanish factory with British owners areA) counted in Spain's GDP.B) are part of Britain's GNP.C) are counted in Britain's GDP.D) are part of Spain's GNP.E) Only A and B.Answer: E6)"The Balance of payments is always balanced." Discuss.Answer: True. Every international transaction automatically enters the balance of payments twice, once as a credit and once as a debit.Current account + financial account + capital account = 07) "The balance of payments accounts seldom balance in practice." Discuss. Answer: True. The main reasons are due to the fact that data collected or received from different sources may differ in coverage, accuracy, and timing. In addition, data on services are not reliable as well as data from the financial account. Moreover, accurate measurements of international interest and dividend receipts are particularly difficult.8)Fill in the following table:Answer:Chapter 13 Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market: An Asset Approach1)How many British pounds would it cost to buy a pair of American designer jeans costing $45 if the exchange rate is 1.80 dollars per British pound?A) 10 British poundsB) 25 British poundsC) 20 British poundsD) 30 British poundsE) 40 British poundsAnswer: B2) An appreciation of a country's currency,A) decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.B) raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.C) lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.D) raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.E) None of the above.Answer: D3) Which major actor is at the center of the foreign exchange market?A) corporationsB) central banksC) commercial banksD) non-bank financial institutionsE) None of the above.Answer: C4) What is the expected dollar rate of return on euro deposits with today's exchange rate at $1.10 per euro, next year's expected exchange rate at $1.166 per euro, the dollar interest rate at 10%, and the euro interest rate at 5%?A) 10%B) 11%C) -1%D) 0%E) None of the above.Answer: B5) What is the expected dollar rate of return on dollar deposits with today's exchange rate at $1.10 per euro, next year's expected exchange rate at $1.165 per euro, the dollar interest rate at 10%, and the euro interest rate at 5%?A) 10%B) 11%C) -1%D) 0%E) None of the above.Answer: A6)If the dollar interest rate is 10 percent, the euro interest rate is 6 percent, and the expected return on dollar depreciation against the euro is 4 percent, thenA) an investor should invest only in dollars.B) an investor should invest only in euros.C) an investor should be indifferent between dollars and euros.D) It is impossible to tell given the information.E) All of the above.Answer: C7)Discuss the effects of a rise in the interest rate paid by euro deposits on the exchange rate.Answer: There are two effects to consider. If we make the unrealistic assumption that the expected exchange rate will not change, then a rise in the interest rate paid by Euro deposits causes the dollar to depreciate. However, if the expected exchange rate were to rise, then the current exchange rate would also rise. (See figure 13-6 from the text.)8) Calculate the interest rate in the euro zone if interest parity condition holds, for the following 15 cases:Answer:Chapter 14 Money, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates 1)Money includesA) currency.B) checking deposits held by households and firms.C) deposits in the foreign exchange markets.D) Both A and B.E) A, B, and C.Answer: D2)The aggregate money demand depends onA) the interest rate.B) the price level.C) real national income.D) All of the above.E) Only A and C.Answer: D3)Using a figure describing both the U.S. money market and the foreign exchange market, analyze the effects of a temporary increase in the European money supply on the dollar/euro exchange rate.Answer: An increase in the European money supply will reduce the interest rate on the euro and thus will cause the schedule of the expected euro return expresses in dollars to shift down, causing a reduction in the dollar/euro exchange rate, i.e., an appreciation of the U.S. Dollar. The euro depreciates against the dollar. The U.S. money demand and money supply are not going to be affected, and thus the interest rate in the U.S. will remain the same.4) A permanent increase in a country's money supplyA) causes a more than proportional increase in its price level.B) causes a less than proportional increase in its price level.C) causes a proportional increase in its price level.D) leaves its price level constant in long-run equilibrium.E) None of the above.Answer: C5)After a permanent increase in the money supply,A) the exchange rate overshoots in the short run.B)the exchange rate overshoots in the long run.C) the exchange rate smoothly depreciates in the short run.D) the exchange rate smoothly appreciates in the short run.E) None of the above.Answer: A6)"Although the price levels appear to display short-run stickiness in many countries, a change in the money supply creates immediate demand and cost pressures that eventually lead to future increase in the price level." Discuss.Answer: The statement is true. The pressures come from three main sources: excess demand for output and labor; inflationary expectations; and, raw material prices.7)The long run effects of money supply change:A) ambiguous effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the opposite direction.B)proportional effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction.C) no effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction.D) no effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, no change in the price level's long-run value.E) ambiguous effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, A disproportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction. Answer: CChapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run1)Under Purchasing Power Parity,A) E$/E = PUS/PE.B) E$/E = PE/PES.C) E$/E = PUS + PE.D) E$/E = PUS - PE.E) None of the above.Answer: A2)Assuming relative PPP, fill in the table below:Answer:3) Under PPP (and by the Fisher Effect), all else equal,A) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause a more-than proportional rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer in order to accommodate for the higher inflation.B) a fall in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer.C) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer.D) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause a less than proportional rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer to accommodate the rise in expected inflation.E) None of the above.Answer: C4)Describe the chain of events leading to exchange rate determination for the following cases:(a) An Increase in U.S. money supply(d) Increase in growth rate of U.S. money supply(c) Increase in world relative demand for U.S. products(d) Increase in relative U.S. output supplyAnswer: Chain of events leading to exchange rate determination:∈/$E = ∈/$q × (P us /P E )Increase in U.S. money supply: Pus rises in proportion to the money supply; qremains the same. All dollar prices will rise (including dollar price of euro).Increase in growth rate of U.S. money supply: Inflation rate, dollar interest rate, Pus, E, rises in proportion to Pus.Increase in world relative demand for U.S. products: E falls, and q does as well. Increase in relative U.S. output supply: Dollar depreciates, lowers relative price of U.S. output, rise in q, effect on E is not clear since q and Pus work in opposite directions.5)Which of the following statements is the most accurate? A) Relative PPP is not a reasonable approximation to the data.B) Relative PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data but often performs poorly.C) Relative PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data. D) PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data.E) PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data but usually performs poorly.Answer: B6) Interest rate differences between countries depend onA) differences in expected inflation, but not on expected changes in the real exchange rate.B) differences in expected changes in the real exchange rate, but not on expected inflation.C) neither differences in expected inflation, nor on expected changes in the real exchange rate.D) differences in expected inflation and nothing else.E) differences in expected inflation, and on expected changes in the real exchange rate.Answer: E8) What is the real exchange rate between the dollar and the euro equal to? Answer: Let,∙ Real dollar/euro exchange rate = ∈/$q ∙Nominal exchange rate = ∈/$E∙ Price of an unchanging basket in US = Pus ∙ Price of an unchanging basket in Europe = PEThen,∈/$q= (∈/$E× P E)/PusA rise in the real dollar/euro exchange rate is called a real depreciation of the dollar against the euro, a fall in purchasing power of the dollar.A fall in the real dollar/euro exchange rate is called a real appreciation of the dollar against the euro, a rise in purchasing power of the dollar.Chapter 16 Output and the Exchange Rate in the Short Run1)A country's domestic currency's real exchange rate, q, is best described byA) the price of similar goods in the same market.B) the price of the domestic basket in terms of the foreign one.C) the price of a domestic basket.D) the price of the foreign basket in terms of the domestic basket.E) the price of different goods baskets in the same market.Answer: D2)Fill in the following table:Answer:3) How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand?A) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by moreB) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↓implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by moreC) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↑implies AD ↑, and Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑D) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by lessE) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↓implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by lessAnswer: A4)The aggregate demand for home input can be written as a function of:I. Real exchange rate.II. Government spending.III. Disposable income.A) I onlyB) III onlyC) I and IIID) II and IIIE) I, II, and IIIAnswer: E5) In the short-run, any rise in the real exchange rate, EP/P, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact Answer: B6) In the short-run, any fall in EP/P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact Answer: D7) In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency. Answer: A8)If the economy starts in long-run equilibrium, a permanent fiscal expansion will causeA) an increase in exchange rate, E.B) a decrease in exchange rate, E.C) an increase in output, Y.D) a decrease in output, Y.E) shifting of the AA curve up and to the right.Answer: BChapter 17 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention1) A central bank's international reserves includeA) any gold that it owns.B) any silver that it owns.C) any gold that it owns and foreign and domestic assets.D) any silver that it owns and foreign and domestic assets.E) only foreign and domestic assets.Answer: C2)A balance sheet for the central bank of Pecunia is shown below:Central Bank Balance SheetAssets LiabilitiesForeign assets $1,000 Deposits held by private banks $500Domestic assets $1,500 Currency in circulation $2,000Please write the new balance sheet if the bank sells $100 worth of foreign bonds for domestic currency.Answer:Central Bank Balance SheetAssets LiabilitiesForeign assets $900 Deposits held by private banks $500Domestic assets $1,500 Currency in circulation $1,9003)If the central bank does not purchase foreign assets when output increases but instead holds the money stock constant, can it still keep the exchange rate fixed at Eo? Please explain with the aid of a figure.Answer:No, the rise in output leads to an excess demand for money. If the central bank does not increase supply to meet this demand, the domestic interest rate would rise above the foreign rate, R*. This higher rate of return (and given expectations in the foreign exchange market) would cause the exchange rate to fall below Eo.4)Under fixed exchange rate, in general,A) the domestic and foreign interest rates are equal, R = R.B) R = R+ (Ee - E)/E.C) There is no relation between the fixed exchange rate and the interest rates both foreign and domestic.D) E is equal to one.E) None of the above.Answer: A5) A balance of payments crisis is best described asA) a sharp change in interest rates sparked by a change in expectations about the level of imports.B) a sharp change in foreign reserves sparked by a change in expectations about the future exchange rate.C) a sharp change in interest rates sparked by a change in expectations about the level of exports.D) a sharp change in foreign reserves sparked by a change in expectations about the level of imports.E) None of the above.Answer: B6) Use a figure to illustrate the ineffectiveness of monetary policy to spur on an economy under a fixed exchange rate.Answer:The initial equilibrium rests at point 1. If the central bank wishes to use monetary policy to increase output from Y1 to Y2, then they might buy domestic assets and shift the AA curve outward. However, the central bank must maintain a fixed exchange rate E0, so would have to sell foreign assets for domestic currency, returning the economy to point 1.7)Use a figure to explain the potential effectiveness of fiscal policy to spur on the economy under a fixed exchange rate.Answer:With an aim toward increasing output, the government could use fiscal policy to shift the DD curve outward. The central bank will have to take steps to maintain a fixed exchange rate E0, among the options is buying foreign assets with money, to shift the AA schedule outward until the equilibrium at point 3 is reached。



《国际经济学》课程教学大纲课程代码:ABGS0404课程中文名称:国际经济学课程英文名称:International Economics课程类型:必修课程学分数:3课程学时数:48授课对象:国际经济与贸易本课程的前导课程:微观经济学、宏观经济学、财政与金融一、课程简介《国际经济学》是高等学校经济类专业的核心课和专业基础课。

















以下是一些与国际经济与贸易相关的学术文献:1.《国际经济学》(International Economics):这是一本经典的国际经济学教科书,由保罗·克鲁格曼和莫里斯·奥布里恩合著。


2.《世界贸易组织与国际贸易法》(The World Trade Organization and International Trade Law):这本书由约翰·亨特和布莱克·琼斯合著,涵盖了世界贸易组织的历史、机构、规则和争端解决机制等方面的内容。


3.《国际投资法与仲裁》(International Investment Law and Arbitration):这本书由安德烈亚斯·洛维尼和克里斯托弗·斯科特合著,讨论了国际投资法和仲裁的重要性和实践。


4.《国际货币体系:历史、理论和政策》(International Monetary Systems: History, Theory and Policy):这本书由安德鲁·沃尔特和安德鲁·杨合著,讨论了国际货币体系的历史、理论和政策。


5.《全球化与发展:理论、政策和实践》(Globalization and Development: Theory, Policy and Practice):这本书由尤金·卡彭特和拉尔夫·达兹合著,讨论了全球化对发展的影响和挑战。





• 有三种类型的新贸易理论模型: • 由克鲁格曼和赫尔普曼等人在垄断竞争模型基础上提出的新贸易理论模型。 • 由布兰德(A.Brander)和斯潘瑟(B.J.Spencer)在寡头垄断模型基础上提
出的新贸易理论模型,该模型不仅阐述了规模经济在国际贸易中的决定作用, 而且还指出了在同质产品条件下,因厂商的非合作行为也会产生产业内贸易。 “相互倾销”便是其中的一个特例。在寡头垄断市场上,围绕着垄断利润, 不仅厂商之间,而且政府之间也可能发生争夺垄断利润的博弈行为。因此, 该理论模型具有重要的政策含义。20世纪80年代中期,引发众多争论的战略 性贸易政策便是基于这一思想提出的。 • 由埃塞尔(W.Ethiar)最早提出的外部经济模型。该理论模型不仅指出外部 规模经济在国际贸易中的重要性,更重要的是,该模型还指出了国际分工格 局对贸易利益不平衡性的影响,即不同的国际分工格局对参与贸易的各方的 经济发展有不同的影响。 • 新贸易理论的出现,并不意味着它替代了传统的要素禀赋理论。从解释对象 上看,两种理论分别解释不同的贸易现象。新贸易理论主要解释产生在发达 国家之间的产业内贸易现象;而传统的要素禀赋理论则主要解释发达国家与 发展中国家之间的产业间贸易(Inter-industry Trade)。从理论基础上看, 新贸易理论以规模经济和不完全竞争为前提,强调产业和企业的市场结构和 竞争性差异;传统的要素禀赋理论则以规模收益不变和完全竞争为前提,强 调国家之间在要素禀赋上的差异性。两派的观点不仅不是相互替代的关系, 相反实际上表现出一种互补性,两者共同丰富和完善了贸易理论。
• 2.国际经济关系发生在具有独立主权的不同经济实体之 间,与之相联系,就产生了不同的疆界和不同的货币。
• 不同疆界的存在,产生了对贸易的关税和非关税限制,而 这在一国内是不存在的;不同的货币通过汇率随时间的变 动,产生了相对价格随时间变动的复杂性,而这在一国之 内同样是不存在的。

















3rd wave: 1980-present
▪ Growth of emerging markets ▪ international capital movements regain importance
Economic interdependence
Exports of goods and services as percent of Gross Domestic Product, 2001
Ch 16 Exchange-Rate Systems
Ch 17 Macroeconomic Policy in an Open Economy
Ch18 International Banking: Reserves, Debt and Risk
International Economics
By Robert J. Carbaugh 9th Edition
Economic interdependence
Interdependence: Impact
Overall standard of living is higher
▪ Access to raw materials & energy not availo goods & components made less expensively elsewhere
International Economics
By Robert J. Carbaugh 9th Edition
Ch 1 The International Economy Ch 2 Foundations of Modern
Trade Theory
Ch 3 International Equilibrium
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International Economics, 8e (Krugman) IIChapter 12 National Income Accounting and the Balance of Payments1) A country's gross national product (GNP) isA) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.B) the value of all intermediate goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.C) the value of all final goods produced by its factors of production and sold on the market in a given time period.D) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production and sold on the market.E) the value of all final goods and services produced by its factors of production, excluding land, and sold on the market in a given time period.Answer: A2)The CA is equal toA) Y - (C - I + G).B) Y + (C + I + G).C) Y - (C + I + G).D) Y - (C + I - G).E) None of the above.Answer: A3)For open economies,A) S = I.B) S = I + CA.C) S = I - CA.D) S > I + CA.E) S < I + CA.Answer: B4)A U.S. citizen buys a newly issued share of stock in England, paying for his order with a check, which the British company deposits in its own U.S. bank account in New York. How is this transaction accounted for in the balance of payments?A) financial account, U.S. asset exportB) current account, U.S. service importC) current account, British good exportD) financial account, British asset importE) financial account, U.S. asset importAnswer: A5) The earnings of a Spanish factory with British owners areA) counted in Spain's GDP.B) are part of Britain's GNP.C) are counted in Britain's GDP.D) are part of Spain's GNP.E) Only A and B.Answer: E6)"The Balance of payments is always balanced." Discuss.Answer: True. Every international transaction automatically enters the balance of payments twice, once as a credit and once as a debit.Current account + financial account + capital account = 07) "The balance of payments accounts seldom balance in practice." Discuss. Answer: True. The main reasons are due to the fact that data collected or received from different sources may differ in coverage, accuracy, and timing. In addition, data on services are not reliable as well as data from the financial account. Moreover, accurate measurements of international interest and dividend receipts are particularly difficult.8)Fill in the following table:Answer:Chapter 13 Exchange Rates and the Foreign Exchange Market: An Asset Approach1)How many British pounds would it cost to buy a pair of American designer jeans costing $45 if the exchange rate is 1.80 dollars per British pound?A) 10 British poundsB) 25 British poundsC) 20 British poundsD) 30 British poundsE) 40 British poundsAnswer: B2) An appreciation of a country's currency,A) decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.B) raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.C) lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.D) raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.E) None of the above.Answer: D3) Which major actor is at the center of the foreign exchange market?A) corporationsB) central banksC) commercial banksD) non-bank financial institutionsE) None of the above.Answer: C4) What is the expected dollar rate of return on euro deposits with today's exchange rate at $1.10 per euro, next year's expected exchange rate at $1.166 per euro, the dollar interest rate at 10%, and the euro interest rate at 5%?A) 10%B) 11%C) -1%D) 0%E) None of the above.Answer: B5) What is the expected dollar rate of return on dollar deposits with today's exchange rate at $1.10 per euro, next year's expected exchange rate at $1.165 per euro, the dollar interest rate at 10%, and the euro interest rate at 5%?A) 10%B) 11%C) -1%D) 0%E) None of the above.Answer: A6)If the dollar interest rate is 10 percent, the euro interest rate is 6 percent, and the expected return on dollar depreciation against the euro is 4 percent, thenA) an investor should invest only in dollars.B) an investor should invest only in euros.C) an investor should be indifferent between dollars and euros.D) It is impossible to tell given the information.E) All of the above.Answer: C7)Discuss the effects of a rise in the interest rate paid by euro deposits on the exchange rate.Answer: There are two effects to consider. If we make the unrealistic assumption that the expected exchange rate will not change, then a rise in the interest rate paid by Euro deposits causes the dollar to depreciate. However, if the expected exchange rate were to rise, then the current exchange rate would also rise. (See figure 13-6 from the text.)8) Calculate the interest rate in the euro zone if interest parity condition holds, for the following 15 cases:Answer:Chapter 14 Money, Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates 1)Money includesA) currency.B) checking deposits held by households and firms.C) deposits in the foreign exchange markets.D) Both A and B.E) A, B, and C.Answer: D2)The aggregate money demand depends onA) the interest rate.B) the price level.C) real national income.D) All of the above.E) Only A and C.Answer: D3)Using a figure describing both the U.S. money market and the foreign exchange market, analyze the effects of a temporary increase in the European money supply on the dollar/euro exchange rate.Answer: An increase in the European money supply will reduce the interest rate on the euro and thus will cause the schedule of the expected euro return expresses in dollars to shift down, causing a reduction in the dollar/euro exchange rate, i.e., an appreciation of the U.S. Dollar. The euro depreciates against the dollar. The U.S. money demand and money supply are not going to be affected, and thus the interest rate in the U.S. will remain the same.4) A permanent increase in a country's money supplyA) causes a more than proportional increase in its price level.B) causes a less than proportional increase in its price level.C) causes a proportional increase in its price level.D) leaves its price level constant in long-run equilibrium.E) None of the above.Answer: C5)After a permanent increase in the money supply,A) the exchange rate overshoots in the short run.B)the exchange rate overshoots in the long run.C) the exchange rate smoothly depreciates in the short run.D) the exchange rate smoothly appreciates in the short run.E) None of the above.Answer: A6)"Although the price levels appear to display short-run stickiness in many countries, a change in the money supply creates immediate demand and cost pressures that eventually lead to future increase in the price level." Discuss.Answer: The statement is true. The pressures come from three main sources: excess demand for output and labor; inflationary expectations; and, raw material prices.7)The long run effects of money supply change:A) ambiguous effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the opposite direction.B)proportional effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction.C) no effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, a proportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction.D) no effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, no change in the price level's long-run value.E) ambiguous effect on the long-run values of the interest rate or real output, A disproportional change in the price level's long-run value in the same direction. Answer: CChapter 15 Price Levels and the Exchange Rate in the Long Run1)Under Purchasing Power Parity,A) E$/E = PUS/PE.B) E$/E = PE/PES.C) E$/E = PUS + PE.D) E$/E = PUS - PE.E) None of the above.Answer: A2)Assuming relative PPP, fill in the table below:Answer:3) Under PPP (and by the Fisher Effect), all else equal,A) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause a more-than proportional rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer in order to accommodate for the higher inflation.B) a fall in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer.C) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause an equal rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer.D) a rise in a country's expected inflation rate will eventually cause a less than proportional rise in the interest rate that deposits of its currency offer to accommodate the rise in expected inflation.E) None of the above.Answer: C4)Describe the chain of events leading to exchange rate determination for the following cases:(a) An Increase in U.S. money supply(d) Increase in growth rate of U.S. money supply(c) Increase in world relative demand for U.S. products(d) Increase in relative U.S. output supplyAnswer: Chain of events leading to exchange rate determination:∈/$E = ∈/$q × (P us /P E )Increase in U.S. money supply: Pus rises in proportion to the money supply; q remains the same. All dollar prices will rise (including dollar price of euro).Increase in growth rate of U.S. money supply: Inflation rate, dollar interest rate, Pus, E, rises in proportion to Pus.Increase in world relative demand for U.S. products: E falls, and q does as well. Increase in relative U.S. output supply: Dollar depreciates, lowers relative price of U.S. output, rise in q, effect on E is not clear since q and Pus work in opposite directions.5)Which of the following statements is the most accurate?A) Relative PPP is not a reasonable approximation to the data.B) Relative PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data but often performs poorly.C) Relative PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data.D) PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data.E) PPP is sometimes a reasonable approximation to the data but usually performs poorly.Answer: B6) Interest rate differences between countries depend onA) differences in expected inflation, but not on expected changes in the real exchange rate.B) differences in expected changes in the real exchange rate, but not on expected inflation.C) neither differences in expected inflation, nor on expected changes in the real exchange rate.D) differences in expected inflation and nothing else.E) differences in expected inflation, and on expected changes in the real exchange rate.Answer: E8) What is the real exchange rate between the dollar and the euro equal to? Answer:Let,∙Real dollar/euro exchange rate = ∈/$q ∙ Nominal exchange rate = ∈/$E∙Price of an unchanging basket in US = Pus ∙Price of an unchanging basket in Europe = PEThen,∈/$q= (∈/$E× P E)/PusA rise in the real dollar/euro exchange rate is called a real depreciation of the dollar against the euro, a fall in purchasing power of the dollar.A fall in the real dollar/euro exchange rate is called a real appreciation of the dollar against the euro, a rise in purchasing power of the dollar.Chapter 16 Output and the Exchange Rate in the Short Run1)A country's domestic currency's real exchange rate, q, is best described byA) the price of similar goods in the same market.B) the price of the domestic basket in terms of the foreign one.C) the price of a domestic basket.D) the price of the foreign basket in terms of the domestic basket.E) the price of different goods baskets in the same market.Answer: D2)Fill in the following table:Answer:3) How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand?A) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by moreB) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↓implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by moreC) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↑implies AD ↑, and Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑D) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↑implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by lessE) Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies Im ↓implies CA ↓implies AD ↓, but Y ↑implies Yd ↑implies C ↑implies AD ↑by lessAnswer: A4)The aggregate demand for home input can be written as a function of:I. Real exchange rate.II. Government spending.III. Disposable income.A) I onlyB) III onlyC) I and IIID) II and IIIE) I, II, and IIIAnswer: E5) In the short-run, any rise in the real exchange rate, EP/P, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact Answer: B6) In the short-run, any fall in EP/P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact Answer: D7) In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency. Answer: A8)If the economy starts in long-run equilibrium, a permanent fiscal expansion will causeA) an increase in exchange rate, E.B) a decrease in exchange rate, E.C) an increase in output, Y.D) a decrease in output, Y.E) shifting of the AA curve up and to the right.Answer: BChapter 17 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention1) A central bank's international reserves includeA) any gold that it owns.B) any silver that it owns.C) any gold that it owns and foreign and domestic assets.D) any silver that it owns and foreign and domestic assets.E) only foreign and domestic assets.Answer: C2)A balance sheet for the central bank of Pecunia is shown below:Central Bank Balance SheetAssets LiabilitiesForeign assets $1,000 Deposits held by private banks $500Domestic assets $1,500 Currency in circulation $2,000Please write the new balance sheet if the bank sells $100 worth of foreign bonds for domestic currency.Answer:Central Bank Balance SheetAssets LiabilitiesForeign assets $900 Deposits held by private banks $500Domestic assets $1,500 Currency in circulation $1,9003)If the central bank does not purchase foreign assets when output increases but instead holds the money stock constant, can it still keep the exchange rate fixed at Eo? Please explain with the aid of a figure.Answer:No, the rise in output leads to an excess demand for money. If the central bank does not increase supply to meet this demand, the domestic interest rate would rise above the foreign rate, R*. This higher rate of return (and given expectations in the foreign exchange market) would cause the exchange rate to fall below Eo.4)Under fixed exchange rate, in general,A) the domestic and foreign interest rates are equal, R = R.B) R = R+ (Ee - E)/E.C) There is no relation between the fixed exchange rate and the interest rates both foreign and domestic.D) E is equal to one.E) None of the above.Answer: A5) A balance of payments crisis is best described asA) a sharp change in interest rates sparked by a change in expectations about the level of imports.B) a sharp change in foreign reserves sparked by a change in expectations about the future exchange rate.C) a sharp change in interest rates sparked by a change in expectations about the level of exports.D) a sharp change in foreign reserves sparked by a change in expectations about the level of imports.E) None of the above.Answer: B6) Use a figure to illustrate the ineffectiveness of monetary policy to spur on an economy under a fixed exchange rate.Answer:The initial equilibrium rests at point 1. If the central bank wishes to use monetary policy to increase output from Y1 to Y2, then they might buy domestic assets and shift the AA curve outward. However, the central bank must maintain a fixed exchange rate E0, so would have to sell foreign assets for domestic currency, returning the economy to point 1.7)Use a figure to explain the potential effectiveness of fiscal policy to spur on the economy under a fixed exchange rate.Answer:With an aim toward increasing output, the government could use fiscal policy to shift the DD curve outward. The central bank will have to take steps to maintain a fixed exchange rate E0, among the options is buying foreign assets with money, to shift the AA schedule outward until the equilibrium at point 3 is reached。
