low-temperature silver pastes for HJ
收稿日期:2014-06-07 通讯作者:刘文平 基金项目:广西科学研究与技术开发计划(科技成果转化与推广计划)资助项目(No. 桂科转 1298009-15) ;广西科学研究与技术开发计划(科 技创新能力与条件建设计划)资助项目(No. 桂科能 1270010) 作者简介:刘文平(1986-) ,男,广西桂林人,工程师,主要从事纳米金属粉体的制备及应用,E-mail: 092101207@ 。
Sintering process of nano-silver powders in the application in low temperature silver pastes
LIU Wenping1,2, QIN Haiqing1,2, LIN Feng1,2, LEI Xiaoxu1,2, ZHANG Zhenjun1,2
1.1 纳米银粉的制备与表征 使用南京工业大学生产的高真空三枪直流电弧 等离子体蒸发金属纳米粉体连续制备设备在阴极电 流 450 A,充气压强 0.04 MPa,氢氩体积比 1/6 的工 艺参数下制备纳米银粉。采用日本理学电机工业株 式会社生产的 D/max-2500V/PC X 射线衍射装置对 纳米银粉的结构进行测试,测试条件为铜靶 K单色 辐射,扫描功率:40 kV×300 mA,扫描速率(连续 扫描) :8°/min,扫描范围:20°~100°,利用 Jade 软 件对结构测试数据进行分析。取少量制备好的纳米 银粉粘接在导电胶上,采用荷兰飞利浦公司的 FEI Quanta 200 FEG 场发射环境扫描电子显微镜观察纳 米银粉的颗粒大小、形貌以及团聚情况。
第 33 卷 第 9 期
刘文平等:纳米银熔点显著降低,通过将纳米 Au、 Ag、Ni、Cu 颗粒分散在有机载体中制备成导电墨水 和导电浆料,采用压印烧结的方式可以制造各种柔 性电子线路产品。其中导电墨水黏度小,固含量低, 在制作成电子线路时往往需要经过重复多层布线烧 结才能形成良好的导电通道,而导电浆料具有更高 的黏度和固含量,单层印制成的导电线路通过烧结 就能形成很好的导电通道[7-8]。目前通过压印导电浆 料在耐高温的陶瓷基材上制作电子线路产品的方法 已经取得了应用,但是还需进一步研究适合应用于 柔性高分子基材的低温烧结导电浆料。 银具有高导电性,且相对于金价格便宜,在空 气中比铜、镍稳定,其制备成的银浆可以在大气环 境条件下烧结,银浆现已成为目前导电浆料研发的 主体[9-10]。Seo 等[11]对银粉粒径大于 150 nm 的银浆 的烧结温度进行了研究,结果发现在 300 ℃以上烧 结时,所得样品导电效果良好,但是相对于柔性高 分子基材来说,其烧结温度仍然较高。纳米颗粒尺 寸越小,浆料的烧结温度越低,但体积收缩也越厉 害,对线路导电性的不利影响就越大,通过将不同 粒径的纳米颗粒复合应用,可以大大降低浆料的体 积收缩,改善其形成膜层的导电性[12]。但目前关于 300 ℃以下烧结工艺对低温纳米银浆形成的膜层导 电性的影响的研究报道较少。笔者以直流电弧等离 子蒸发凝聚法制备了一种同时含有不同大小纳米颗 粒的银粉,并以其作为导电功能相制备了低温银浆, 通过研究 300 ℃以下不同烧结工艺对导电膜层表面 形态、微观结构和导电性的影响,进一步分析了其 导电性变化的机理,获得了合适的烧结工艺,以期 在高分子柔性基材获得导电性良好的电子线路。
do you distinguish steel from cast iron? How do you distinguish low alloy steel from high alloy steel?
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The earth contains a large number of metals which are useful to man. One of the most important of these is iron. Modern industry needs considerable quantities of this metal, either in the form of iron or in the form of steel.
Mechanical Engineering materials
Organic polymer materials Inorganic non-metallic materials
plastic rubber Synthetic Fibers Traditional ceramics Special Ceramics Metal Matrix Composites
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The ore becomes molten, and its oxides combine with carbon from the coke. The non-metallic constituents of the ore combine with the limestone to form a liquid slag. This floats on top of the molten iron, and passed out of the furnace through a tap. The metal which remains is pig iron.
中华人民共和国电子行业标准SJ/T 10668-1995 表面组装技术术语Terminology for surface mount techhology1. 主题内容与适用范围1.1主题内容本标准规定了表面组装技术中常用术语,包括一般术语,元器件术语,工艺、设备与材料术语,检验与其他术语共四个部分。
2. —般术语2.1 表面组装元器件surface mounted components/surface mounted devices(SMC/SMD)外形为矩形片状、圆柱形或异形,其焊端或引脚制作在同一平面内,并适用于表面组装的电子元器件。
2.2 表面组装技术surface mount technology(SMT)无需对印制板⑴钻插装孔,直接将表面组装元器件贴、焊⑵到印制板表面规定位置上的装联技术。
2.3 表面组装组件surface mounted assemblys(SMA)采用表面组装技术完成装联的印制板组装件。
同义词表面安装组件2.4 再流焊reflow soldering通过重新熔化预先分配到印制板焊盘上的膏状软钎焊料,实现表面组装元器件焊端或引脚与印制板焊盘之间机械与电气连接的软钎焊。
2.5 波峰焊wave soldering将熔化的软钎焊料,经电动泵或电磁泵喷流成设计要求的焊料波峰,使预先装有电子元器件的印制板通过焊料波峰,实现元器件焊端或引脚与印制板焊盘之间机械与电气连接的软钎焊。
SPI Conductive Silver PaintMore useful informationThe SPI #5001-AB and Array #5002-AB SilverPaint Product (the sameproduct in two differentsize bottles) is a highlyconcentrated suspension(43% �3% silver solids)of specially prepared andtightly controlled highpurity silver powdercombined with a highlyeffective organic suspending and binder system.The product is formulated to produce electrically conductive paths, patterns or films over nonconductive surfaces. The product is also designed for strictly room temperature air drying applications since for the most part, samples being mounted for SEM can not tolerate higher temperatures. The product is sufficiently versatile that it can be dried at elevated temperatures as well, especially for those using the product in UHV (e.g. ultra high vacuum) systems. More often than not, the substrate composition dictates the limit to the possibilities for drying (curing) temperatures.We are often times asked about drying "rate". Of course the real question being ask is how long does one have to wait before inserting their specimen into the column and vacuum system of their SEM. And, like with so many other things, there is no unambiguous answer. Drying time is a function of the solvent system, the method of application (dictated by viscosity), and the binder to solvent ratio.We are also asked about the suitability of this product for application tovarious types of surfaces. It can be applied to various types of organic as well as inorganic substrates, mainly for the purpose of "painting on" a silver conductor line that serves as a surface electrode. It furthermore is formulated for brush or automatic bonding applications or it can be thinned for spray application. Some typical applications outside of the the SEM laboratory include printed circuit board repair, shielding paint,platingbase and capacitor electrode formation.The thinner SPI #5004-AB has been formulated to give optimum results for use with the two SPI silver paint products. Only this recommended thinner should be used for optimum results.Other potentially useful information about the SPI Silver Paint products,#5001 and #5002:%Silver Solids 43% 3%Viscosity1 280-400 cpsCure temperatures 1 hour at 60°CTypical Cured Properties2:Sheet resistivity3Resistivity: < 60 mohms/sq./mil----------------------------1 As measured by Brookfield LVT, Spindle #2, at 30 rpm, 25 °C 1 °C2 Dried at 80 °C for 10 minutes then cured at 100 °C for 15 minutes3 The value given is for "sheet" resistivity, which is a way of measuring the ability of a layer of material, such as a layer of a paint coating,to conduct charge away, or dissipate it, on a surface. The term iswidely used in the specification of materials for ESD protection, andwe are using it for the rather specialized use of charge dissipationin scanning electron microscopy. The "per square" term is really"per square centimeter per square centimeter" or "per square inch per square inch", and the units cancel each other out, but convention is touse the unit "per square" to remind us that area is an important consideration. Since the larger the area of the layer of coating being measured, the larger the cross sectional area through which the chargeis being dissipated, the "per square" term really does make sense. The best parallel is that thermal expansion is measured in "dimensionless" units like "centimeters per centimeter", and eventually we get used tothe idea that you can plug in any length and temperature change and get the dimensional change in the same units in which you entered the length. In this case, the resistivity of a layer of silver paint one mil(0.001"/25祄) thick is less than 60 milliohms, whatever the areaof the measurement.Processing ProceduresMixing: This product has excellent resistance to "hard pack settling" and is relatively easy to redisperse after long term storage. The preferred methodof remixing is by slow rolling on a jar rolling machine for several hours before use. The material may also be shaken in a high speed paint shaker machine for 5-10 minutes, but must be allowed to stand for some time in order for entrapped air bubbles to escape. These two approaches are primarily for customers of bulk silver suspension and would be overkill for the small bottle 0.5 and 1.0 troy oz products. For the resuspension of the product in the small bottles, a simple laboratory ultrasonic shaker can be used for a few minutes to return the suspension to its "ready to use" state. Painting: The paint is ready to use as received for brush application. It may need slight thinning after prolonged storage due to solvent evaporation. Do not over-thin the paint. Use small portions of the SPI recommended thinner until the desired viscosity is obtained.Drying: The paint was formulated to be air dried to a tack-free state within 30 minutes. Adequate conductivity and adhesion are achieved after 24 hours in air at 25 °C. Adhesion may be improved if necessary and the cure accelerated by force drying at 100-150 °C for 15-30 minutes.Storage: The SPI Silver Paint should be stored in sealed containers away from heat or flames. In the large one gallon size bottles, it has a shelf life of 3 months at a storage temperature of 25 °C. Once in the small glass containers, with the special brush applicator tops, however, the heat seal is applied in a way that the shelf life can be described in terms of years rather than months. Five years or even more can be expected provided storage is as described above.Disclaimer statement: SPI Supplies and Structure Probe, Inc. provide this information in good faith and it is based upon data believed to be reliable. However, we make no warranties, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy and assume no reliability arising out of its use by others or any patent infringement resulting from its use.。
低温稳定化处理箱 英语
低温稳定化处理箱英语Low-Temperature Stabilization Treatment Chamber.The low-temperature stabilization treatment chamber is an essential piece of equipment in various industries, including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and materials science. It provides a controlled environment where samples can be exposed to low temperatures for prolonged periods, ensuring stability and preservation of their properties.Working Principles.The chamber works by maintaining a constant low temperature using refrigeration systems, heaters, and temperature sensors. The refrigeration system cools the chamber, while the heaters are used to maintain the desired temperature. Temperature sensors monitor the internal temperature and adjust the refrigeration and heating systems accordingly.Applications.1. Biotechnology: In biotechnology, low-temperature stabilization chambers are used to preserve cells, tissues, and other biological samples. By maintaining a low temperature, the chambers slow down biological processes, such as decay and metabolism, ensuring the integrity of the samples.2. Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceutical companies rely on low-temperature chambers to store drugs and vaccines. These chambers ensure that the drugs retain their potency and effectiveness by preventing degradation at higher temperatures.3. Materials Science: In materials science, low-temperature chambers are used to study the properties of materials at low temperatures. This helps researchers understand how materials behave in extreme conditions, such as those found in space or deep-sea environments.Advantages.Temperature Control: The chambers provide precise temperature control, ensuring consistent conditions for experiments and samples.Stability: By maintaining a constant low temperature, the chambers ensure stability and prevent sample degradation.Versatility: These chambers can be used in various industries and applications, making them highly versatile.Ease of Use: Modern chambers are equipped with user-friendly interfaces and advanced controls, making them easy to operate.Disadvantages.High Cost: Low-temperature stabilization chambers can be expensive, especially for small businesses and research institutions.Energy Consumption: Maintaining a constant low temperature requires a significant amount of energy, leading to increased operational costs.Maintenance Requirements: Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure the chambers operate efficiently and maintain temperature stability.Conclusion.Low-temperature stabilization treatment chambers play a crucial role in various industries, providing a controlled environment for sample preservation and research. While they have several advantages, such as precise temperature control and stability, they also have some disadvantages, such as high cost and energy consumption. However, with their widespread use in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and materials science, these chambers have become essential tools for researchers and industry professionals.Future developments in low-temperature stabilization chambers could focus on improving energy efficiency,reducing operational costs, and enhancing temperature control accuracy. With ongoing research and advancements in refrigeration and temperature control technologies, we can expect these chambers to become more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable in the coming years.。
[1] 测试范围汽车是一个由数以万计零部件组成的机电混合复杂系统,GRGT能帮助汽车整车厂及零部件厂商快速提升零部件性能,满足您对产品品质和安全的高要求,服务涵盖汽车零部件的环境可靠性测试、电学性能测试、功能测试、EMC测试、材料测试、绿色环保测试及化学法规符合性服务项目。
环境可靠性测试高温储存(可带表面红外加热)High Temperature Test(can with IR)低温储存Low Temperature Test湿热交变(可带表面红外加热)Hemperature & Humidity Test (canwith IR)凝露测试Condensation Test低气压测试Low Pressure Test温度冲击测试Thermal Shock Test防尘防水测试Dust & Water Resistant Test盐雾测试Salt Spray Test耐气体腐蚀gas Corrosion Resistant Test耐化学试剂Chemical Resistant Test振动测试(随机、正弦、扫频等)Vibration Test (Random/Sine /Sweep)机械冲击测试Mechanical Shock Test碰撞测试Bump Test跌落测试Drop Test三综合测试(温湿度+振动)Compositive Environment Test(Temperature & Humidity &Vibration) 高加速测试HALT & HASS插拔力检测Operation Force Test刚度测试Rigidity Test按键动作耐久测试Button Operation Durability插拔耐久测试Connection DurabilityCD机动作耐久测试CD Player Operation Durability电学性能测试电源特性测试Resistance to Power Supply Voltages电源缓升缓降测试Resistance to Slow Decrease andIncrease Power of Supply Voltages电压特性测试Re-initialization Test电压异常测试Resistance to Non Usual Power SupplyVoltages线路(短路至地/电源)短路测试Resistance to Ground and PositiveSupply Voltages Short Circuit 感性负载电源连接测试Resistance of InductiveLoad Connected Circuits电源微中断测试Resistance to Power Supply Micro-interruptions(UPDATED)启动测试Resistance to Starting Profile电源电压特性测试Power Supply Voltage CharacteristicsTest浮地测试Floating Ground Test感应噪声抗扰度Induction Noise Resistance Test抛负载测试Load Dump Test过压测试Overvoltage Test点火脉冲测试Ignition Pulse Test反极性测试Reversed Polarity Test工作电压Working Voltage工作电流Working Current绝缘电阻测试Insulation Resistance Test耐电强度测试Electric Strength Test温升测试Temperature Rise Test功能测试按客户要求进行功能测试Function Test as Requirement ofClientEMC测试RE辐射骚扰Radiated Emission CE传导骚扰Conducted Emission BCI大电流注入Bulk CurrentInjectionRI电波暗室法辐射抗扰度RI 瞬态传导骚扰Transient,Conducted Emissions瞬态传导抗扰度ConductedImmunity静电放电抗扰度ESD脉冲波测试Resistance to on Board Power SystemVoltage Ripples高电压注入抗扰度测试Immunity to InjectionHigh Voltage脉冲抗扰度测试Resistance to Impulsive Transient音频磁场辐射抗扰度测试Immunity to AudioFrequency Magnetic Field手持式收发机抗扰度测试Resistance to HandyTransmitters脉冲波抗扰度测试ImmunityAgainst High Frequency Surge (Burst Wave Form)高周波抗扰度测试ImmunityAgainst High Frequency Surge (Impulse Wave Form) 低周波测试LowFrequency Surge Resistance(Induced Load Surge)汽车电子暗室场均匀性Anechoic ChamberField Validation汽车电子暗室有效性CISPR1391CD RadioDisturbance Characteristics CISPR1391CD 屏蔽室屏蔽效能Shielding Room Shieding Effective暗室电压驻波比VSWR磁场骚扰测试Measurement of Magnetic FieldRadiated Emissions宽带辐射抗扰度测试Broadband AntennaNearby Test辐射天线靠近抗扰度Radio EquipmentAntenna Nearby Test移动手机天线靠近测试Mobile PhoneAntenna Nearby Test材料测试物理性能测试尺寸测量Dimension Measurement密度Density硬度Hardness拉伸性能Tensile Property冲击性能Impact Property弯曲测试Bend Test熔融指数Melt Index维卡软化点VEKA Softening Point低温脆化Low Temperature Brittleness抗化学试剂测试Chemical Resistant附着力Adhesion Test涂镀层厚度Thickness of Coating And Film铅笔硬度Pencil Hardness色差Chromatism光泽度Gloss耐刮擦测试Scratch Resistant Test耐摩擦测试Rub Resistant Test耐化学试剂Chemical Resistant Test落锤冲击(常温/低温)Drop Ball Impact Test(Room/Low Temperature)落砂磨耗Sand Abrasion Test碎石冲击测试Gravel Resistant Test盐雾测试Salt Spray TestⅡ材料老化测试温湿度测试Temperature & Humidity Test(or with IR)耐水老化Water Resistant Test氙弧灯老化Xenon Arc Aging碳弧灯老化Carbon Arc Aging紫外灯老化Uv Arc Aging卤素灯老化Halogen Lamp AgingⅢ材料分析金属化学成分分析Chemical Composition Analysis forMetal金相测试Metallographic Test·显微断裂分析Microstructure and Fracture Analysis·非金属夹杂物分析Non-metallic Inclusion Analysis·晶粒度Average Grain Size·定量金相学Quantitative Metallography·镀层厚度Thickness of Film & Coating Measure·宏观检测Macroscopical Examination·电路板的镀层厚度Coating Thickness of PCB Board·电路板焊脚质量Welding Quality of Feet金属机械性能测试Metal Material Mechanics Test ·抗压试验Compression Test·剪切试验Shear Test·弯曲试验Bending Test·压扁试验Flattening Test·扩口试验Flaring Test·卷边试验Flange Test·冲击试验Impact Test ·杯突试验Cupping Test硬度测试Hardness Test·洛氏硬度Rockwell Hardness·布氏硬度Brinell Hardness·维氏硬度Vickers Hardness·显微维氏硬度Micro Vickers Hardness·里氏硬度Leeb Hardness高分子材料成分分析ChemicalComposition Analysis for PolymerⅣ材料燃烧测试燃烧测试Flame Resistant汽车内饰材料的燃烧性能测试Flammability Test ofAutomotive Interior Materials绿色环保测试及化学法规符合性服务Ⅰ挥发性有机化合物测试Volatile Organic Compound Test气味测试Odor Test雾化测试Fogging Test甲醛测试Formaldehyde Test汽车材料VOC测试Volatile Organic Compound Test of AutoMaterials汽车部件VOC测试Volatile Organic Compound Test of Auto Parts车内挥发性有机物和醛酮类物质测试Volatile Organic Compounds and CarbonylCompounds Test in Cabin of VehiclesⅡ有害物质测试HazardousSubstances Test报废车辆指令(ELV指令)End-of Life Vehicle Test汽车禁用物质测试Test for Prohibited Substances on Automobiles Reach高度关注物质(SVHC)测试Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC)Test 汽车涂料检测Automobile Coatings TestⅢ其他测试OtherTest石棉、多环芳烃、邻苯二甲酸酯、偶氮染料、重金属等Asbestos, PAHs,Phthalates, AZO Dye, Heavy Metals Test etc。
通过工艺优化最终可得到平均粒径为0.7μm、振实密度为4.0 g/mL、分散性良好的球形或类球形银粉。
%The highly dispersive ultra-fine spherical silver powder for solar cells was prepared by liquid phase reduction method using cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) as the dispersant, ascorbic acid as the reducing agent reducing AgNO3 solution. The particle size and dispersion can be regulated by adjusting the amount of CTAB, pH, Ag+ concentration as well as reaction medium. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to characterize the prepared silver particles. The results show that the combination between CTAB and Ag+ as well as the excellent steric hindrance effect are good for the dispersion of silver powder during the reaction. Silver powder with average particle size of 0.7μm, tap density of 4.0 g/mL can be obtained by the process optimal. The density of the front electrode of polycrystalline solar cells made by silver pastes prepared silverpowder is high, and the photoelectric transformation efficiency reaches 17.6%.【期刊名称】《中国有色金属学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】6页(P987-992)【关键词】太阳电池;高分散;微细银粉;化学还原【作者】刘晓刚;甘卫平;杨超;林涛;黎应芬【作者单位】中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF123.7+2金属银具有优异的导电性和较强的抗氧化能力,在电子行业有着广泛的应用。
Certificate of the Non-Use Hazardous Substances for Halogen-Free ProductPlease fill in below information 請填寫以下資訊: Date 日期: / / Vendor code 供應商代號: Company name 公司名稱: Company Representative 公司代表人:Company Representative Title 公司代表人職稱:Please Mark ■ or □v Warranty Application 請於適用保證範圍標示■或□v : □ All “Products” we sold to 所有我方售予之“產品”□Part number 料號:Vender PN 供應商料號:Model name 機種名稱: (OEM/ODM/EMS vendor fill out ONLY 外包商填寫專用)To Pegatron Corp., Unihan Corp ., and their affiliates (collectively “Pegatron/Unihan Group”):We hereby represent and warrant that the products and components (“Products”) we sold to Pegatron/Unihan Group do not contain the level 1 hazardous substances listed in the then current Pegatron/Unihan SPT-00001 document* and Halogen substances listed in current Pegatron/Unihan SPT-00002 document, as well as shall comply with all requirements listed in the then current Pegatron/Unihan GP2-00017 and GP3-00019 documents , including but not limited to design, modification, purchasing, and manufacturing management, as well as the confirming and judging of the test, which the Pegatron/Unihan Group reserves the right to modify these documents at any time. The aforementioned Products include :[1] Products and all materials of the Products; [2] packaging materials; and [3] all materials used in design, manufacturing and reworking processes. In addition, the information of hazardous substances classified at level 3 should be disclosed when these substances are intentionally used in the said Products.此致和碩聯合科技(股)公司/永碩聯合國際(股)公司及其關係企業(“和聯/永碩集團”):我們特此代表並保證所有售予和聯/永碩集團之產品及零組件(“產品”),皆不含有當時和聯/永碩SPT-00001文件中所列的一級有害物質*及當時和聯/永碩SPT-00002所列的鹵素物質,並且遵守當時和聯/永碩GP2-00017以及GP3-00019文件中所列之各項要求,包括但不限於設計、變更、採購、生產管理及確認測定及判定,上述文件和聯/永碩集團保留隨時修改的權利。
2.1 银粉振实密度对银浆干燥速率的影响 银粉是银浆的主体功能结构,影响银浆电阻、
成有效导电通路多,被广泛应用于低温银浆中[11]。 通过不同球磨工艺、以不同粒径的不规则类球形银 粉为原料,制备振实密度 1.0~2.2 g/cm3 的片状银粉。 实验中银含量为 48%,载体中热塑性聚氨酯含量为 18%,实验数据如表 1 所列。
有机载体制备:溶剂为 DBE 和异佛尔酮,树脂 为热塑性聚氨酯。
触变剂预处理:触变剂加入 DBE 中,行星式重 力搅拌机高速分散。
按配方比例称取银粉、有机载体和预处理触变 剂,行星式重力搅拌机高速分散,三辊研磨机研磨 分散至细度小于 5 μm,得到导电银浆。 1.4 性能测试 1.4.1 溶剂挥发速率测定
为提高低温银浆的快速固化性能,本文利用触 变剂分散于银浆中形成微小颗粒及膨胀性的特点, 通过增加溶剂挥发通道,促进溶剂挥发;选用粘接 性好、无需固化剂的热塑性聚氨酯为粘接相,减少
收稿日期:2020-06-17 第一作者:幸七四,男,工程师,研究方向:贵金属电子浆料。E-mail:xqs@
g 有机膨润土(0.25%) 158
137 -15.33
h 改性聚脲(0.25%)
1%) 1320 1140 -15.79
银浆中加入触变剂后,相对于实验 d,实验 g 和 h 电阻值变化率降低,表明银浆中溶剂挥发速率 增快。触变剂加入银浆中能够增加溶剂挥发通道, 促进溶剂挥发,其机理为:触变剂吸附大量溶剂后 膨胀,浆料体积增大;触变剂以超细颗粒形式分散 于银浆中,形成微小骨架结构。实验 i 中加入气相 二氧化硅后,线路电阻升高。这是由于该型号气相 二氧化硅比表面积大(200 g/m2),加入后吸附大量溶 剂,浆料粘度明显升高,银粉分散性变差,导致线 路电阻升高[13]。
不同类别树脂对低温导电银浆性能的影响幸七四;李文琳;黄富春;李章炜【摘要】The low temperature conductive silver pastes were prepared by eight kinds of resins. The influence of different resins on conductivity, adhesion, hardness, bending and vulcanization of silver pastes were studied. Under the same ratio the silver pastes made up of vinyl and acrylic resin had the lowest sheet resistance and that made up of polyester resin and epoxy resin had the best adhesion and the highest hardness. The silver pastes made up of polyurethane had the best resistance to bending and silver were vulcanized to a certain degree.% 以8种类别的树脂为原料制备低温导电银浆,研究不同类别树脂对银浆导电性、附着性、硬度、挠折性和银硫化的影响。
【期刊名称】《贵金属》【年(卷),期】2013(000)002【总页数】4页(P26-29)【关键词】金属材料;树脂;低温导电银浆;性能【作者】幸七四;李文琳;黄富春;李章炜【作者单位】贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106;贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106;贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106;贵研铂业股份有限公司稀贵金属综合利用新技术国家重点实验室,昆明 650106【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG146.3+2电子浆料作为一种功能性印料因其良好的物理性能在电子信息产品中得到广泛的应用,随着电子产品向更轻、更薄、功能性更强大和更环保的方向发展,对其性能也提出更高要求[1]。
粘层温度 常温沥青
粘层温度常温沥青英文回答:The term "stickiness temperature" refers to the temperature at which a bituminous material, such as asphalt, becomes sticky or adhesive. It is an important property to consider in the construction and maintenance of roads and pavements.The stickiness temperature of asphalt is influenced by various factors, including the type and grade of theasphalt binder, the aggregate used in the mixture, and the environmental conditions. Generally, the stickiness temperature of a typical asphalt binder falls within the range of 100-150 degrees Fahrenheit (38-65 degrees Celsius).At temperatures below the stickiness temperature, the asphalt binder is solid and not adhesive. However, as the temperature rises and reaches the stickiness temperature,the binder starts to soften and become sticky. Thisstickiness is crucial for the proper bonding of asphalt layers during construction and the adhesion of asphalt to aggregate particles.It is important to note that the stickiness temperature of asphalt can vary depending on the specific application and requirements. For example, in colder climates, the stickiness temperature may need to be lower to ensure proper workability and compaction of the asphalt mixture. Conversely, in hotter climates, a higher stickiness temperature may be desired to prevent rutting or bleeding of the asphalt pavement.中文回答:粘层温度是指沥青等沥青材料变得粘性或具有粘附性的温度。
低温纳米烧结银浆 分类
低温纳米烧结银浆分类英文回答:Low-Temperature Nanosintering Silver Paste.Low-temperature nanosintering silver paste is a type of silver paste that can be sintered at temperatures below 400°C. This makes it suitable for use in a variety of applications, including:Flexible electronics.Printed electronics.RFID tags.Solar cells.Medical devices.Low-temperature nanosintering silver paste is typically made from silver nanoparticles, which are suspended in a liquid carrier. The nanoparticles are typically coated with a flux, which helps to reduce the sintering temperature.When the silver paste is heated, the nanoparticles sinter together to form a conductive layer. The sintering temperature is typically determined by the size of the nanoparticles and the type of flux used.Low-temperature nanosintering silver paste offers a number of advantages over traditional silver pastes. These advantages include:Lower sintering temperature: This makes it suitablefor use in a wider range of applications.Improved conductivity: The sintered layer has a higher conductivity than traditional silver pastes.Increased flexibility: The sintered layer is more flexible than traditional silver pastes, which makes itsuitable for use in flexible electronics.中文回答:低温纳米烧结银浆。
中温快烧银浆表面亮度的影响因素张志旭;李宏杰;曲海霞;冀亮君;席建全【摘要】Getting dim of the silverlayer is a common problem for the medium and lower temperature rapid sintering silver paste. The effect of the ethocel, glass, additives and silver powder on the brightness of the silver layer was investigated. The ethocel ash and the heavy metal oxides are proved to be an important reason for the red silver. The brightness, colour and density of the silver paste can be improved by using mixed silver powders, adding a compound additive and an oxide, selecting a suitable glass powder along with sintering rapidly. The silver layer so obtained is white and bright in colour and compact. More importantly, the viscosity, printability, sheet resistivity, adhesion all meet the requirements.%银层不亮是中低温烧结银浆经常出现的问题.研究了乙基纤维素、玻璃、添加剂及银粉对烧结银层发红的影响.结果表明,乙基纤维素的灰分和玻璃中的重金属氧化物是导致烧结银层发红的重要原因.优化配方使用混合银粉,加入复合添加剂和氧化剂,选用合适的玻璃粉,所得银浆料快速烧结,银层表面白色光某、致密,其粘度、印刷性能、方阻、附着力等各项指标符合要求.【期刊名称】《贵金属》【年(卷),期】2017(038)001【总页数】5页(P22-26)【关键词】金属材料;银浆;性能;中温快烧;乙基纤维素;玻璃;银粉;添加剂【作者】张志旭;李宏杰;曲海霞;冀亮君;席建全【作者单位】西京电气总公司,西安 710065;西安创联宏晟电子有限公司,西安710065;西安创联宏晟电子有限公司,西安 710065;西安创联宏晟电子有限公司,西安 710065;西安创联宏晟电子有限公司,西安 710065【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM241;TG146.3+2中温银浆主要用于云母电容器[1]、压敏电阻[2]、热敏电阻[3]及烧结温度不能高于600℃的场合,如果银浆的烧结温度高于600℃,器件自身的性能就要下降或材料就要分解。
PCB耐温与无铅标准于2006年7月1日起欧盟开始实施之RoHS立法,尽管欧洲与j本PCB厂商已展开各项Lead Free制程与材料切换,并如火如荼的进行测试。
但进入Lead Free时代,从上游材料、PCB表面处理、组装之焊料、设备等与以往大相迳庭,且大伙儿均无使用的体会值,一旦产生问题,除责任不易归属外,后续衍生丢失订单、天价索赔的问题可能层出不穷,故不可不慎。
Lead Free组装通用的焊料锡银铜合金(SAC),其熔点、熔焊(Reflow)温度、波焊(Wave Soldering)温度分别较锡铅合金高15℃35℃以上,几乎是目前 FR-4板材耐热的极限。
因此,即使通过 IPC规范,并不代表实务面可不能发生问题,使用者仍需依照自身的需求认真研判。
以新版IPC-4101B而言,有几个重要参数:Tg(板材玻璃转化温度):可分一样Tg(110℃150℃),中等Tg(150℃170℃),High Tg(>170℃)以上三大类。
Td(裂解温度):乃以「热重分析法」(Thermal Gravity Analysis)将树脂加热中失重5%(Weight Loss)之温度点定义为Td。
LTCC内电极导电银浆的共烧收缩率调节宋斌; 王亚珍; 黄月文【期刊名称】《《江汉大学学报(自然科学版)》》【年(卷),期】2019(047)004【总页数】6页(P339-344)【关键词】LTCC; 内电极; 银浆; 共烧【作者】宋斌; 王亚珍; 黄月文【作者单位】中科院广州化学有限公司广东广州 510650; 江汉大学化学与环境工程学院湖北武汉 430056【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM241; TG146.32随着5G 商用化的趋近和电动汽车的高速发展,电阻、电容、电感等被动式元件的需求旺盛。
根据智研数据中心预测,阻、容、感被动式元件2019年全球市场规模约为349 亿美元。
被动式元件朝着高集成、高可靠性、小型化和低成本发展,如手机中需要数以千计的微型被动式元件;汽车电子设备中需要高可靠性、且数量是普通燃油汽车2 倍多的电子元器件。
低温共烧陶瓷(low temperature co-firing ceramic,LTCC)技术已成为未来集成化、模组化电子元件的首选,国外以日本村田、TDK 为代表,国内因受限于原材料和专用设备短板,产品的开发至少落后5 ~10年。
目前,LTCC 用银浆,尤其是尺寸较小的0201 和01005 的产品用银浆还依赖于国外进口。
因此,LTCC 用导电银浆国产化十分重要。
以下是该产品的外文翻译:Silver Packaging TranslationPRODUCT NAME: Silver PackagingPRODUCT USE: Packaging material for high-end wines, cosmetics, and other fields.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:Silver Packaging is a high-end packaging material made of high-quality materials, which is mainly used for packaging various high-end wines and cosmetics. The material of the packaging is durable and beautiful, which can perfectly protect the enclosed product.PRODUCT FEATURES:1. High-quality materials: Silver Packaging is made of high-quality materials, which are environmentally friendly and non-toxic, can effectively avoid secondary pollution to the enclosed products.2. Durable: Silver Packaging can effectively protect the enclosed products from damage during transportation and storage.3. Beautiful appearance: Silver Packaging has a silver metallic luster, which is very attractive, high-end, and beautiful, which can enhance the grade of the enclosed products.APPLICATIONS:Silver Packaging can be used in various high-end wine packages, cosmetic packages, and other fields, which can effectively protect the enclosed products and enhance the grade of the products.CONCLUSION:Silver Packaging is a high-end packaging material that can perfectly protect the enclosed products. It is made of high-quality, durable, and high-end metallic materials, which can enhance the grade of the enclosed products.。
*** MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ***1.CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONPRODUCT NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS ABLEBOND® 84-1LMISR4 SILVER-FILLED EPOXY2.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEWWARNING.Suspected of causing genetic defects.EYE IRRITANT.SKIN IRRITANT.SKIN SENSITIZER.Silver Paste Mild OdorEYE Will cause eye irritation. May cause argyria.SKIN CONTACT Irritating to the skin. Repeated and/or prolonged contact may cause skin sensitization.May be absorbed through the skin.INHALATION Irritating and/or toxic vapors may be released at elevated temperatures. Vapor may beirritant to the respiratory tract.INGESTION May cause irritation to mouth, throat, and stomach. May cause nausea and vomiting.POSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSCOMPONENT CAS NUMBER CONCENTRATION(% by weight)Silver7440-22-4>50Epoxy resin (Trade Secret - 10030) TS ref# 10030 10 - 201,4-Butanedioldiglycidyl ether 2425-79-8 5 - 10Amine (Trade Secret - 10039) TS ref# 10039 1 - 54.FIRST-AID MEASURESPAGE 1 OF 6SKIN CONTACT Flush exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water until all chemical is removed.Remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. If symptoms (irritation orblistering) persist obtain medical attention.INHALATION Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, giveartificial respiration. Get medical attention.INGESTION DO NOT attempt to give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Treatsymptomatically and supportively. Get medical attention.5.FIREFIGHTING MEASURESAUTOIGNITION Not availableFLASH POINT Not availableEXTINGUISHING MEDIA CO2; Dry Chemical; FoamSPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES A self contained breathing apparatus and suitable protectiveclothing should be worn in fire conditions.; Cool exposedequipment with water spray.FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS Combustible at high temperatures. Polymerization may take placeat elevated temperatures.HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen andunknown organics.LOWER EXPLOSION LIMIT (%) Not applicableUPPER EXPLOSION LIMIT (%)Not applicable6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESSPILL AND LEAK PROCEDURES May cause allergic skin reaction. Use suitable protective clothing. Scrape up andplace in suitably labeled container for silver recovery. If recovery is not practical,disposal should be in accordance with approved site procedures.For safety and environmental precautions, please review entire Material Safety Data Sheet for necessary information.7.HANDLING AND STORAGESTORAGE TEMPERATURE -40 °Cmay contain product residue;followcontainers HANDLING/STORAGE EmptyMSDS and label warnings even after they have beenemptied.SENSITIVITY TO STATIC ELECTRICITY NoSPECIAL SENSITIVITY Heat.SENSITIVITY TO MECHANICAL IMPACT No8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONCOMPONENT EXPOSURE LIMITSWorkingACGIH OSHA MfgStandard0.01 mg/m3 TWASilver 0.1 mg/m3 TWA (dust andfume).CALIFORNIA OSHACOMPONENT EXPOSURE LIMITSSilver 0.01 mg/m3 PELVENTILATION REQUIREMENTS Vent curing oven to outdoors.EYE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS Wear safety glasses with side shields.GLOVE REQUIREMENTS Employee must wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent contact with thissubstance. The use of chemically resistant gloves is recommended. CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS Employee must wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment to preventany possibility of skin contact with this substance.CHANGE/REMOVAL OF CLOTHING Remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Discard shoes, belts,wallets, and any other contaminated leather items.WASH REQUIREMENTS Wash before eating, drinking, or using toilet facilities.RESPIRATOR REQUIREMENTS NIOSH approved respirator if required. Self-contained breathing apparatus inemergency and non-routine situations.9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPURE SUBSTANCE OR MIXTURE MixturePHYSICAL FORM PasteCOLOR SilverODOR MildODOR THRESHOLD Not availablePH AS IS Not availableOXIDIZING PROPERTIES Not applicableBOILING POINT Not applicableSOLUBILITY IN WATER InsolublePARTITION COEFFICIENT (n-octanol/water) Not applicableSPECIFIC GRAVITY (WATER=1) 3.6EVAPORATION RATE Not availableVAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg) Not applicableVAPOR DENSITY (air = 1) Not applicableVOLATILES Not availableVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS < 5 g/literAUTOIGNITION Not availableFLASH POINT Not available10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITYSTABILITY StableSTABILITY DETAIL Material is stable under recommended storage temperatures andpressures.MATERIALS TO AVOID AminesCONDITIONS TO AVOID Elevated temperaturesHAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and unknownorganics. Thermal decomposition products are hazardous and/ortoxic.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS Hazardous polymerization may occur.11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONROUTE OF ENTRY Skin Contact; Skin Absorption; Inhalation; Eye ContactCARCINOGEN IARC(group)NTP OSHA SubstanceSpecific RegulationCOMPONENTThere is no evidence that thisproduct poses a carcinogenicrisk under normal conditionsof handling and use.CHRONIC (LONG TERM) EFFECTS OF EXPOSUREEFFECTS OF CHRONIC EXPOSURE A component(s) of this product was found to be positive in one ormore mutagenetic assays.Chronic absorption of silver or silver salts may result in Argyria, apigmentation of the eyes, respiratory tract, skin and nails. TARGET ORGANS Skin; Eyes; Respiratory system; Gastrointestinal; Kidneys; Liver;Blood/Hematopoietic; Peripheral nervous systemSKIN SENSITIZATION Sensitizer. May cause allergic reaction.PRODUCT TOXICOLOGYPRODUCT INFORMATION This data sheet is based on a consideration of the properties of theconstituents.COMPONENT ORAL TOXICITY NOTES ON ORAL TOXICITYSilver Ingestion may cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.May cause argyria.Epoxy resin (Trade Secret -10030)Oral LD50: Rat > 2 g/kg Ingestion may cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.1,4-Butanedioldiglycidyl ether Oral LD50: Rat 1.4 g/kg Will cause irritation to mouth, throat, and stomach. Maycause nausea and vomiting.Amine (Trade Secret - 10039) Oral LD50: Rat 640 mg/kgOral LD50: Mouse 250 mg/kgModerately toxic.COMPONENT DERMAL TOXICITY NOTES ON DERMAL TOXICITYSilver May cause slight irritation. May cause argyria. May beabsorbed through the skin.Epoxy resin (Trade Secret - 10030) >400 mg/kg Repeated and/or prolonged contact may cause irritationand skin sensitization.1,4-Butanedioldiglycidyl ether Dermal LD50: Rabbit 1.1 g/kg Irritating to the skin. Repeated and/or prolonged contactmay cause skin sensitization.Amine (Trade Secret - 10039) Dermal LD50: Rabbit > 4000mg/kgNon-toxic.COMPONENT INHALATION TOXICITY NOTES ON INHALATION TOXICITYSilver Dust may cause irritation. Acute inhalation exposure mayresult in metal fume fever, a temporary influenza-likeillness. May cause argyria.Epoxy resin (Trade Secret - 10030) Vapors and/or aerosols which may be formed at elevated temperatures may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract.1,4-Butanedioldiglycidyl ether Unlikely to be hazardous by inhalation because of the lowvapor pressure of the material at ambient temperature.Vapors and/or aerosols which may be formed at elevatedtemperatures may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract.Amine (Trade Secret - 10039) Respiratory irritant.COMPONENT NOTES ON EYE IRRITATIONSilver Particulates may scratch eye surfaces and causemechanical irritation. May cause argyria.Will cause eye irritation.Epoxy resin (Trade Secret -10030)1,4-Butanedioldiglycidyl ether Will cause eye irritation.Amine (Trade Secret - 10039) Will cause eye irritation.12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONPOTENTIAL EFFECT ON ENVIRONMENT Do not allow to enter drains, sewers or watercourses.MOBILITY InsolublePOTENTIAL TO BIOACCUMULATE Not readily biodegradable.ECOTOXICITY Harmful to aquatic organisms.AQUATIC TOXICITY None Established13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWASTE DISPOSAL METHODS Disposal should be in accordance with local, state or national legislation.EMPTY CONTAINER WARNINGS Empty containers may contain product residue; follow MSDS and label warningseven after they have been emptied.14.TRANSPORTATION INFORMATIONThis section provided for general information only. The shipping description below may not represent requirements for all modes of transportation, packaging, shipping methods or locations outside of the United States.FOR MORE COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY INFORMATION PLEASE REFER TO THE SHIPPING DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING THE SHIPMENT OF THIS PRODUCT.DOT CLASSIFICATION Not RegulatedSUB. HAZARD CLASSThe information provided herein may not include the impact of additional regulatory requirements (eg, for materials meetingthe definition of a hazardous waste under RCRA, hazardous substances under CERCLA, and/of marine pollutants under CWA or other similar federal, state or local laws) or any associated exceptions or exemptions under regulations applicable to the transport of this material.15.REGULATORY INFORMATIONTSCA This product is manufactured in compliance with all provisions ofthe Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. 2601 et. seq.Canadian Domestic Substance List (DSL) Not on InventoryChina (IECSC) On the IECSC Inventory.Korea (KECI) On the KECI Inventory.Philippines (PICCS) On the PICCS Inventory.CAS NUMBERSARA - Section 313 (Superfund Amendments andReauthorization Act of 1986 - 40CFR 372)Silver7440-22-4CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65WARNING: This product contains the following chemicals that are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.Unless a concentration is specified in Section 2 of the MSDS, the below chemical/s are present in trace amounts. COMPONENT CAS NUMBER Toluene 108-88-316.OTHER INFORMATIONHMIS® Hazard RatingsHMIS® ratings are based on a 0-4 rating scale, with 0 representing minimal hazards or risks, and 4 representing significant hazards or risks. Although HMIS® ratings are not required on MSDSs by OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.1200, we choose to provide them as a service to our customers using HMIS®. These ratings are to be used only with a fully implemented HMIS® program. To deal adequately with the safe handling of this material, all the information contained in this MSDS must be considered.NPCA recommends that employers must determine appropriate PPE for the actual conditions under which this product is used in their workplace. For information on PPE codes, consult the HMIS® Implementation Manual.When two ratings are provided for Health, the first represents the material 'as supplied', and the second represents the material 'in use'.*= chronic health hazardHMIS® is a registered trademark of the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA).HazardHealth Flammability Physical*211PREPARED BY: Regulatory AffairsHenkel Electronic MaterialsThe data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. However, Henkel Corporation and its affiliates (“Henkel”) does not assume responsibility for any results obtained by persons over whose methods Henkel has no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability of Henkel’s products or any production methods mentioned herein for a particular purpose, and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use of any Henkel’s products. In light of the foregoing, Henkel specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel’s products. Henkel further disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits.。
horizontal reciprocating cryogenic liquid pump
cryogenic liquid tank
monthly mean of daily minimum temperature
extreme minimum temperature
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱK24
low air pressure low temperature test
low temperature enamel
low temperature flexibility
low temperature test for core
low temperature desolventizing
高热导率纳米银胶的可靠性研究徐达;常青松;杨彦峰【摘要】对无压力低温固化纳米银胶的连接强度、导热性和导电性及其可靠性进行了研究,并与 Au80Sn20焊料及普通导电胶进行对比。
结果表明:纳米银胶连接强度高,平均剪切强度可达28 MPa;导热性能优异,连接层热阻接近Au80Sn20焊料层热阻;在严酷的热应力和机械应力试验后,其连接强度、导热性和导电性保持稳定,没有退化现象产生。
%Thejoining strength, thermal conduction,electric conductivity and long-term reliability of nano-silver adhesivecuredunder low temperaturewithout pressurewere studied, andthencompared with Au80Sn20binderand normal silveradhesive. The results indicate thatthe nano-silver adhesive has highjoiningstrength,withanaverageshear strength ofabout 28MPa, excellentthermal conduction, and itsthermal resistance is close to that of Au80Sn20.The high thermal conduction and joining strengthare not degenerated even after serious thermal and mechanical stress experiments. Therefore, the nano-silveradhesivecuredunder low temperaturewithout pressurehas high reliability as joining layer of high power device.【期刊名称】《电子元件与材料》【年(卷),期】2017(036)002【总页数】3页(P82-84)【关键词】导电胶;纳米银胶;剪切强度;热导率;可靠性;大功率【作者】徐达;常青松;杨彦峰【作者单位】中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所,河北石家庄 050051;中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所,河北石家庄 050051;中国电子科技集团公司第十三研究所,河北石家庄 050051【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM241随着通讯、LED和电力电子等行业的快速发展,电子器件功耗越来越大,导致芯片工作结温不断提高,严重影响电子器件性能和服役寿命[1]。
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Rheological properties and related screen-printing performance of low-temperature silver pastes for a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cellsDongpo Chen •Lei Zhao •Hongwei Diao •Wenbin Zhang •Ge Wang •Wenjing WangReceived:15July 2014/Accepted:1September 2014/Published online:14September 2014ÓSpringer Science+Business Media New York 2014Abstract Four different low-temperature silver pastes were utilized to make metal grids by screen printing for silicon heterojunction solar cells.The rheological behav-iors of the low-temperature silver pastes were characterized by viscosity test,thixotropy test,oscillatory stress sweep test and creep-recovery test.The correlationship between the screen-printing performance and the rheological prop-erties was investigated.It was found that the shear thinning behavior and the thixotropy behavior of the silver pastes were desirable for the screen-printing process.An obvious viscoelastic behavior of the silver paste was also helpful for improving its printability.Further,good recovery and low creep and recovery compliances could minimize the printing defects and the tendencies to bleed out during the screen-printing,and thus increase the aspect ratio of the printed grids.1IntroductionAmorphous/crystalline silicon (a-Si:H/c-Si)heterojunction (SHJ)solar cell,which combines c-Si wafer and a-Si:H thin film technologies,has been attracting more and more attention because of the several following advantages:low temperature process,compatibility with industrialrequirements,excellent surface passivation,and very high efficiency [1,2].Panasonic has recently announced a record conversion efficiency of 24.7%at research level for such solar cell using its heterojunction with instrinsic thin layer (HIT)structure [3].For this solar cell,the front silver grid is usually fabri-cated on transparent conductive oxide (TCO)electrode by screen-printing.However,due to the SHJ solar cell struc-ture is fabricated at low temperature usually lower than 250°C,the low-temperature silver paste is thus necessary for the grid fabrication.Up to now,some studies on low-temperature silver pastes utilized in SHJ solar cells can be found.Jiang et al.[4]pointed out that the proper choice of the paste curing mechanism could significantly boost the paste electrical conductivity,and thermoset system was better than thermoplastic system.Veschetti et al.demon-strated the use of low temperature resin silver paste for the front contact on TCO layer.However,in order to improve the fill factor of SHJ solar cells,the resistivity of such silver paste needed to be lowered further [5].Recently,we also did some primary studies on the electrical performance of the screen-printed silver grid fabricated on ITO layer via low-temperature sintering [6].Besides the electrical performance,in order to obtain high conversion efficiency for the solar cell,the shape of the silver grid should be also controlled.It should have a narrow width and a high height–width aspect ratio.The narrow width can reduce the shadowing effect.And the high height–width aspect ratio can improve the conductance.So the screen printability of the low-temperature silver paste becomes quite important.This feature is determined by the rheological behaviors of the low-temperature silver paste.Some researchers have studied the rheological proper-ties of the usually used high-temperature silver pastes for c-Si solar cells.For examples,Hoornstra et al.pointed outD.Chen ÁL.Zhao (&)ÁH.Diao ÁG.Wang ÁW.Wang Key Laboratory of Solar Thermal Energy and PV Systems of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,Chinae-mail:zhaolei@W.ZhangChaori Solar Energy Science and Technology Co.Ltd.,Shanghai 201406,ChinaJ Mater Sci:Mater Electron (2014)25:5322–5330DOI 10.1007/s10854-014-2308-1that the rotation viscometry could be used as afirst order predictor for the print behavior of the paste,but did not duplicate the shear history of the paste during printing. They utilized the oscillation rheometry to simulate the recovery behavior of some commercially available silver pastes during the screen-printing[7].And Neidert et al.[8] further found a fast recovery could help the silver pastes to achieve grids with good aspect ratio.However,they used few characterization methods.And at the same time,the high-temperature silver pastes they characterized are usu-ally made of micro-sized silver particles with glass frit,which are obviously different from the components of the low-temperature silver pastes we concern here.The low-temperature silver pastes are mainly made of nano-sized particles and without glass frit.So to investigate the rhe-ological properties of the low-temperature silver pastes completely by utilizing various characterization methods will be very helpful for the fabrication of SHJ solar cells.Here,we studied systematically the screen-printing performance of four different kinds of low-temperature silver pastes and their corresponding rheological behaviors. As a result,the correlationship between the printing per-formance and the rheological properties was found.2ExperimentalFour different low-temperature silver pastes(namely paste SM1,SM2,SM3and SM4)were investigated.These pastes are uniformly dispersed mixtures of silver particles and some organic components such as binders and solvents. Table1provides the details of these paste components. Although all the pastes adopt bisphenol A epoxy resin as the binder,its fraction is different.Different organics are utilized as the solvents.And the metal particle size is also different.Such differences are expected to make the pastes show different rheology behaviors[9].The printing trials of the four pastes were carried out with the screen printing parameters shown in Table2.The surface and cross-sectional morphologies of the printed grids were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)(FESEM S4800,Hitachi,Japan).In order to correlate the printing performance of the silver pastes with their rheological properties,several rheological measurements were carried out on Rheometer MCR302(Anton Par Ltd,Germany),including viscosity test,thixotropic test,oscillatory amplitude sweep test,and creep-recovery test.As shown in Fig.1,the parallel plate measuring geometry consists of a25mm diameter stain-less steel upper plate and a40-mm diameter stationary lower plate.The gap width between the parallel plates should be set about ten times the largest particle diameter in order to avoid any anomalous effect due to particle jamming and deformation[10].Taking this into consider-ation,a gap width of0.5mm was chosen for all the rhe-ological measurements here.For the viscosity test,a shear rate ranged from0.1to 1,000.0s-1was used.And for understanding the structural breakdown and recovery of the silver pastes during the screen-printing process[11,12],the thixotropy measure-ment was carried out by a control shear rate(CSR)step test.Three steps were created to simulate the behavior of the silver pastes during the screen-printing process:(1)pre-printing,(2)printing,and(3)post-printing,as shown in Fig.2.During the pre-printing step,the paste was in the rest on screen,but slightly pre-stressed by pre-stirring and flooding.So for this step,a low shear rate of0.1s-1forTable1Particle size and components of the four kinds of low-temperature silver pastesPaste Particle size Main compositionsMetal Binder Solvents Curing agentSM1*100–150nm*87.3%Ag*7.2%Bisphenol A epoxy resin*4.1%C10H20O4*0.4%ModifiedimidazoleSM2*2–8l m*56.6%Ag,*25.5%Cu *3.1%Bisphenol A epoxy resin*7.2%C8H18O3,*6.4%C7H8O*0.3%ModifiedimidazoleSM3*100–200nm*83.4%Ag*2.7%Bisphenol A epoxy resin*4.1%C6H10O4,*9.0%C7H12O4*0.2%ModifiedimidazoleSM4*150–250nm*91.7%Ag*2.9%Bisphenol A epoxy resin*4.9%C8H10O2*0.3%ModifiedimidazoleTable2Screen-printing parametersSnap-off distance(mm) 1.2Squeegee length(mm)180.0Squeegee contact angle(°)70Squeegee pressure(MPa)0.30Scraper pressure(MPa)0.28Counter pressure(MPa)0.10Squeegee velocity(mm s-1)80Scraper velocity(mm s-1)12020s was used.For the printing step,a high shear rate of 1,000.0s -1for 9s was used to simulate the printing pro-cess.For the post-printing step,the shear rate returned back to the initial of 0.1s -1for a long period so that the pastes could recover and regain the structures [13].Further,the oscillatory amplitude sweep test was carried out to identify the viscous and elastic properties of the silver pastes [14].Such test could be also designed to determine the linear viscoelastic region (LVR)of silver pastes where the sample structure remains undamaged,irrespective of the applied shear stress [15].The test was performed by applying sinusoidal varying stress,ranged from 0.1to 500.0Pa,with a constant frequency of 1Hz to the sample,as shown in Fig.3,and measured the induced sinusoidal varying strain.The applied stress and the resultant strain are expressed as:s ¼s 0sin ðx Át Þð1Þc ¼c 0sin ðx Át þd Þð2Þx ¼2p fð3Þwhere,d is the phase shift,f is the frequency,x is the angular velocity,s 0is the stress amplitude,c 0is the max-imum strain and t is the time.The ratio of the applied shearstress to the maximum strain is called the complex modulus (G *),which is an indicator of the resistance to the defor-mation for material,and is defined as:G üs 0c 0ð4ÞThe complex modulus can be divided into elastic and viscous components.The elastic component is calledstorage modulus (G 0),which expresses the ability of the material to store energy.It shows the material stiffness and structuring degree and is defined as:G 0¼s 0c 0 cos ðd Þ¼G Ãcos ðd Þð5ÞThe viscous component is called loss modulus (G 00),which describes the viscous dissipation of energy in the form of heat.It is related to the fluidity of the material and is defined as:G 00¼s 0c 0 sin ðd Þ¼G Ãsin ðd Þð6ÞThe loss factor tan(d )can be expressed as a function of the storage modulus and the loss modulus,which is given by Eq.(7).It gives an indication on material internal structure strength and helps to define viscoelasticity.The larger the loss factor is,the stronger the energy dissipation willbe.Fig.1The rheometer and the schematic diagram of the parallel-plate measurementgeometryFig.2CSR step test with three intervals:constant low/constant high/constant low shear rate,to simulate the pre-printing,printing and post-printingstepsFig.3The applied oscillatory stress profiletan ðd Þ¼G 00Gð7ÞFurther,in order to evaluate the relaxation time of the silver pastes,the creep-recovery test was also carried.Such test is quite useful for monitoring low-shear phenomena such as settling in suspensions,structure build-up,break-down over time and slump under the influence of gravity [16].The creep-recovery test was performed by applying a constant stress (s 0,within the LVR)for a 300s creep period and then no stress for a recovery period of 600s.The induced strain (c )in the sample was recorded,the result of the test was obtained as the compliance (J )of the pastes,which was the ratio of the strain developed in the sample to the applied stress and given by the equation below:J ðt Þ¼c ðt Þ=s 0ð8Þ3Results and discussion3.1Morphologies of the printed gridsFigure 4presents the printed grids after drying at 130°C for 25min for all the four silver pastes.The grids were obtained by using the same screen-printing pattern.Theline width,the line height and the aspect ratio are shown in Fig.5.It can be observed that paste SM2can produce grid with relatively flat surface.However,it has a much lower thickness,a larger line width,and a significantly lower aspect ratio than the other three pastes.Paste SM3is only a little better.These make pastes SM2and SM3not acceptable for use.What is more,it was found that these two pastes could clog the screen mesh easily during the printing process.Paste SM1can produce the grid with obvious rough surface and edges,and the mist formation is also observed,while the aspect ratio of the printed line is larger.The grid printed with paste SM4has little spreading along the edges,and both of the height and the aspect ratio are the largest.So,paste SM4may be the most suitable one for using in SHJ solar cells if only considering the print-ability,which is thought to be correlated with the corre-sponding rheological properties of the paste.3.2Viscosity test of the pastesFigure 6presents the viscosity versus shear rate curves.When the shear rate increases from 0.1to 50.0s -1,all the four pastes display dramatic decrease in the viscosity.AfterFig.4SEM surface micrographs of the different grids printed on ITO substrates from the four kinds of silver pastes:a SM1,b SM2,c SM3,d SM4the region,the viscosity of the pastes decreases gently as the shear rate increases further.The decrease in viscosity with the increasing shear rate is known as shear thinning behavior [17–19].It is a desirable property to enable the silver pastes to flow through the screen mesh easily under the pressing of the squeegee stroke during the screen-printing process.However,the critical shear rate viscosity,which is defined as the minimum shear rate to initiate paste flow,is not observed in our experiment.The reason may be that the critical shear rate of all the pastes is \0.1s -1.Among the four silver pastes,pastes SM3and SM2present larger viscosity than SM 1and SM4in the higher shear rate,which makes them more difficult to transfer through the printing mesh during the printing process.The mesh is especially easy to be logged,even adjusting the printing parameters.This means that obvious shear thin-ning behavior is beneficial for the screen-printing.3.3Thixotropic test of the pastesThixotropy refers to the time-dependent behavior of the paste,in which the paste’s viscosity decreases with thetime of shearing and gradually recovers when the shear is removed.We adopted the shearing rate of 0.1and 1,000.0s -1to simulate the squeegee off and on steps during the printing process respectively.The results are as shown in Fig.7.In general,all of the four silver pastes display the thixotropy behavior.However,the extracted data given in Table 3presents obvious difference.Paste SM2and SM3have a higher viscosity than paste SM1and SM4at the shear rate of 1,000.0s -1.When the shear rate goes back to the initial of 0.1s -1,paste SM2can sub-stantially recover its initial state in a relatively long time of about 134s,and paste SM3can recover about 92%in a relatively short time of about 20s.For SM1,the recovery level is about 41%,and the recovery time is about 51s.While paste SM4can recover very quickly,although its recovery level is only about 13%.The rapid recovery can prevent the grid from deforming,and thus obtain narrower lines and higher aspect ratio.3.4Oscillatory amplitude sweep test of the pastes The measured results of G 0and G 00for the four different silver pastes are presented in Fig.8.All silver pastes present two different regions.At low shear stress,an initial flat region with constant G 0,which is known as LVR,is found.In LVR,the induced strain is proportional to the applied shear stress and the internal structure remains undestroyed,showing the elastic behavior of the silver pastes.It is also observed that the storage modulus G 0is dominant over the loss modulus G 00for all the silver pastes in LVR,indicating that the silver pastes are solid-like structured fluid.Beyond LVR,it is the nonlinear viscoelastic region.In this region,the value of G 0decreases gradually with the increasing applied shear stress.This decrease in the G 0value indicates the break-down of the structure of silver paste,which illustratesthatFig.5Geometrical data of the printed grids achieved with the four different kinds ofpastesFig.6Viscosity as a function of the shear rate for the four different low-temperature silverpastesFig.7Time-dependent viscosity function and structural regeneration of the four kinds of silver pastes during the low (0.1s -1)/high (1,000.0s -1)/low (0.1s -1)shearing rate processesthe paste structure begins to weaken and the paste grad-ually breaks down,resulting in a more liquid-like behavior.When the stress increased up to about180Pa, the G0and G00value of paste SM1,SM3and SM4 decrease rapidly,illustrating that these three pastes are more vulnerable to the structural breakdown,which can be attributed to the separation between the silver particles and the organic components.While there is an increase in the G0and G00value for paste SM2beyond72Pa,which indicates a shear thickening behaviour.Table4shows the range of LVR,G0,G00,G0/G00,the applied shear stress at G0=G00and phase angles d for all the four silver pastes.Paste SM4with an end value of 16Pa shows the largest LVR,followed by SM1,SM3and SM2.The highest value of G0is also produced by SM4, followed by SM1,SM3and SM2.The wider LVR and the higher G0of SM4indicate that the paste has a higher structural resistance towards to the applied stress and it can withstand a broader range of deformation before its struc-ture breaks down.Further analysis of the elastic behavior of the paste was carried out by calculating the ratio of solid-like to liquid-like behavior(G0/G00)within the LVR.The ratio of G0/G00 gives an indication of the interaction strength within the internal structure of the silver pastes.A higher G0/G00ratio indicates that the material is elastic in nature[20].Paste SM4has the highest G0/G00of3.7,followed by SM1with a value of3.3,SM3with a value of1.6and SM2with a value of1.5.The higher ratio indicates that the paste SM4is more elastic and cohesive compared to the pastes SM1, SM2and SM3,which can prevent the paste from bleeding between the screen and the ITO substrate and thus provide a higher resistance to slump.We also analyzed the applied shear stress at the point where the storage modulus was equivalent to the loss modulus(G0=G00)for the four pastes.In the nonlinear viscoelastic region,the values of G0and G00represent the solid and liquid characteristic.The crossover point at which G0=G00gives an indication of how solid or liquid-like the sample is.The lower the value of stress at the crossoverTable3Viscosity(unit:Pa s) and recovery level of the four silver pastes at different shear rates corresponding to the different steps in the printing process(25°C)Sample0.1s-1(beforesqueegee stroke)1,000.0s-1(squeegee stroke)0.1s-1(aftersqueegee stroke)Recovertime(s)Recoverylevel(%) SM198724005141SM26466646134100SM387961,6402092SM41,1962153413Fig.8Storage modulus G0and loss modulus G00as a function of shear stress for the four kinds of Ag pastes:a SM1,b SM2,c SM3,d SM4point is,the more liquid-like the sample should be[21].In addition,the stress at G0=G00can be used as an indicator for assessing the cohesiveness of the pastes.According to the result shown in Table4,paste SM2is the most liquid-like,followed by paste SM3,SM1and SM4,and paste SM2is less cohesive than others.The difference in rheo-logical behavior of the four pastes could be possible due to the formulation of the pastes itself[18].The interaction between the particles and the organic components has a direct effect on theflow behavior of the silver pastes.The phase angle(d)provides a quick way of assessing the viscoelastic behavior of silver pastes.A phase angle close to0°indicates an elastic(solid)behavior and an angle close to90°indicates a viscous(liquid)behavior. Viscoelastic behavior will result in the phase angle between0°and90°[22].For example,a low phase angle may indicate that the paste is very tacky.Alternatively,a high phase angle may indicate that a paste can slump easily.Table4summarizes the information of phase angle as a function of the applied shear stress.SM4and SM1 present the lower phase angle.All the above results show that SM4and SM1have obvious elastic(solid-like)bined with the printing performance shown in Fig.4,we can deduce that such elastic behavior of the silver paste is expected for the screen printing.3.5Creep and recovery test of the pastesThe results of creep compliance J c and recovery compli-ance J r for all the four pastes are shown in Fig.9and Table5.Paste SM2shows the highest J c and J r.And paste SM4presents the lowest ones.A high J c implies that the sample can be easily deformed and the extent of the deformation will depend on the strength of the micro-structure.Figure9and Table5also show that the values of recovery compliance J r are lower than the corresponding ones of J c,which indicates that the samples do not recover to their original structure completely after the removal of the applied stress.The poor recovery can be attributed to the structure breakdown and build-up of the samples.The recovery behaviours of the pastes can be used to study the slump characteristic,and it can be defined as the ratio of (J c-J r)/J c.The bar chart of recovery(%)for all the four pastes is presented in Fig.10.The highest relative recovery is shown by paste SM4with32.1%,followed by paste SM1with8.5%and paste SM3with6.1%.Paste SM2 exhibits the lowest recovery ratio of3.5%.The good recovery and the lowest compliances indicate that paste SM4has obvious elastic properties,which will be helpful to reduce the clogging and to prevent from oo-zing out through the valleys among pyramids on the sub-strate during the printing process.This should be one reason for the grid made from paste SM4to have the smallest width and the highest aspect ratio.On the con-trary,paste SM2with the poor recovery and the highest compliances gives the grid the largest width and the lowest aspect ratio.And at the same time,it was found that the screen mesh openings were clogged more easily by paste SM2,thus leading to the appearance of breakpoints and virtual prints.Such similar results have been found for solder pastes by others.Bao et al.[23]found that solder pastes with lower compliances(J c and J r)and highTable4Results from the oscillatory amplitude sweep testsSample G0(Pa)G00(Pa)G0/G00G0=G00(Pa)LVR range(Pa)dSM1404,142123,543 3.3245–95–69 SM229,77519,650 1.530–230–79 SM3125,25078,000 1.6185–827–78SM41,120,500303,000 3.7275–165–87Fig.9Measured creep compliance J c and recovery compliance J r for the four kinds of Ag pastesTable5Creep compliance J c,recovery compliance J r and recovery ratio for the four kinds of pastesSample J c(Pa-1)J r(Pa-1)(J c-J r)(Pa-1)(J c-J r)/J c (%)SM17.98910-57.30910-5 6.80910-68.5 SM2 1.15910-2 1.11910-2 4.00910-4 3.5 SM3 6.36910-4 5.97910-4 3.90910-5 6.1 SM4 3.83910-6 2.60910-6 1.23910-632.1recovery were preferred to minimize print defects,e.g. smear and insufficiency.Duraira et al.[24]found that the pastes with lower compliances would have fewer tenden-cies to bleed out underneath the stencil during printing process and therefore reduce the tendency for the paste to be smeared.So the creep and recovery test shows that to make excellent grid by screen printing,the low-tempera-ture silver paste should have low compliances(J c and J r). 4ConclusionBy comparatively investigating the rheological properties and the corresponding screen-printing performance of four different low-temperature silver pastes with viscosity test, thixotropy test,oscillatory stress sweep test and creep-recovery test,it is found that a good quality paste for printing the grid withfine grids and high aspect ratio should have an optimum shear thinning property to allow it flow through the printing mesh,and a suitable thixotropic nature for leveling but without slumping after printing, Further,an obvious viscoelastic behavior can prevent the paste bleeding between the screen and the substrate.A high recovery ratio and a low compliance can also avoid the paste bleeding and smearing during the printing process. Such correlationship between the screen-printing perfor-mance and the rheological properties of the low-tempera-ture silver paste can be referred to improve the electrode grid fabrication for silicon heterojunction solar cells.The comparative study presents clearly that the rheo-logical properties of the low-temperature silver pastes are related to their components.Poor thixotropic and visco-elastic properties of paste SM2show that metal particles with large size can inhibit the recovery of the paste after printing.Nano-scale metal particles are helpful to improve the paste rheological properties.Further,although paste SM4has the highest metal concentration,it presents the best printability,which indicates that the organic solvent plays another important role on the paste rheological properties.In other words,appropriate organic solvents can give the paste good rheological properties for printing,and thus allow the paste to adopt high metal concentration, which will be very beneficial to enhance the conductance of the printed grids.Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the863high technology research program of China under Grant2011AA050502 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61274061.References1.M.Tanaka,M.Taguchi,T.Matsuyama,T.Sawada,S.Tsuda,S.Nakano,H.Hanafusa,Y.Kuwano,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.31,3518 (1992)2.R.M.Swanson,in Proceedings of the31th Photovoltaic Spe-cialists Conference(PVSC)(Lake Buena Vista,USA,2005), p.8893.M.Taguchi, A.Yano,S.Tohoda,K.Matsuyama,IEEE J.Photovolt.4,96(2014)4.H.Jiang,W.Shi,A.Shaikh,E.Graddy,in Proceedings of the37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference(PVSC)(Wash-ington State Convention Center,2011),p.14565.Y.Veschetti,J.C.Muller,J.Damon-Lacoste,P.R.i Cabarrocas,A.S.Gudovskikh,J.P.Kleider,P.J.Ribeyron, E.Rolland,inProceedings of the31th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC)(Lake Buena Vista,USA,2005),p.11316.D.P.Chen,L.Zhao,H.W.Diao,W.B.Zhang,G.Wang,W.J.Wang,J.Mater.Sci.Mater.Electron.25,2657(2014)7.J.Hoornstra,A.Weeber,H.de Moor,W.Sinke,in Proceedingsof the14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference(EU PVSEC)(Barcelona,Spain,1997),p.8238.M.Neidert,W.Zhang,D.Zhang,A.Kipka,in Proceedings of the33th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference(PVSC)(San Diego,California,2008),p.19.G.J.Jackson,R.Durairaj,N.N.Ekere,in Proceedings of27thIEEE/SEMI International Electronic Manufacturing Technology Symposium(the Fairmont Hotel,San Jose,2002),p.22310.H.A.Barnes,J.Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech.70,1(1995)11.R.Faddoul,N.Reverdy-Bruas,J.Bourel,J.Mater.Sci.Mater.Electron.23,1415(2012)12.S.Burnside,S.Winkel,K.Brooks,V.Shklover,et al.J.Mater.Sci.Mater.Electron.11,355(2000)13.R.Faddoul,N.Reverdy-Bruas,A.Blayo,Mater.Sci.Eng.B177,1053(2012)14.M.Pospischil,J.Specht,M.Konig,M.Horteis,C.Mohr,F.Clement,D.Biro,IEEE J.Photovolt.4,498(2014)15.S.Mallik,J.Thieme,R.Bauer,N.N.Ekere,A.Seman,R.Bhatti,R.Durairaj,in Proceedings of the11th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference(Tang Cheng Hotel,Xi’an,China,2009), p.86916.T.A.Nguty,N.N.Ekere,A.Adebayo,in Proceedings of the24thIEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technol-ogy Symposium(Austin,Texas,USA,1999),p.30417.S.Mallik,Doctoral dissertation,University of Greenwich,200918.R.Durairaj,S.Ramesh,S.Mallik,A.Seman,N.Ekere,Mater.Des.10,3812(2009)19.C.N.Chen,C.T.Huang,W.J.Tseng,M.H.Wei,Appl.Surf.Sci.257,650(2010) Fig.10Recovery behaviours of the four kinds of Ag pastes。