























一、(24分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中,加点字的读音全部正确的一项是__________A. 榴(liú)莲癖(pǐ)好因为(wèi)饮鸩(zhèn)止渴B. 押解(jiè)剽(piáo)窃莅(wèi)临牵强(qiǎng)附会C.角(jué)色复辟(pì)混(hùn)合情不自禁(jìn)D.嫉(jì)妒唠(láo)叨馄饨(dùn)浩浩汤汤(shāng)2.下列词语中,没有..错别字的一组是__________A.姆指流淌旋律嘘寒问暖B.呕吐发怔精简旁征博引C.蝴蝶痉孪相貌闻名遐尔D.坐阵明信片寒喧鼎力相助3.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,正确的一项是__________①既然政府还没有发出__________,允许做这种事,那就做不得。



A.通知以至装 C. 通告以至包B. 通知以致装 D. 通告以致包4.下列各句中,加点成语使用不正确...的一项是__________A.语文老师歇斯底里....的讲课,赢得了同学们的一致好评。

B. 经过四十年的改革开放,我国的综合国力与日俱增....。



小学毕业语文模拟试卷(七)_ldquo;张_rdquo;在字典里的解释有:①展开,开;②铺排陈设;③看,望;④量词;⑤姓._ldquo;张灯结彩_rdquo;的_ldquo;张_rdquo;是第( )种解释;_ldquo;东张西望_rdquo;的_ldquo;张_rdquo;是第( )种解释.2.比一比,组成词语.(3分)钓( ) 妨( ) 询( )钩( ) 防( ) 讯( )三词语.(共12分)1.将成语补充完整,再把含不好感情色彩的写在横线上.(6分)欣欣向( ) 舍( )为人 ( )气凌人口若( )河好高( )远精兵( )政神机妙( ) 高( )远瞩______________________________________________2.选词填空.(6分)严肃严厉严格夸口夸耀夸奖优异优秀优良因为_hellip;_hellip;所以_hellip;_hellip; 不但_hellip;_hellip;而且_hellip;_hellip;王宏同学处处( )要求自己,( )思想品德好,( )学习成绩好.大家都( )他是一个( )的少先队员.可是他从来不( )自己.四句子.(共12分)1.修改病句(在原句上改).(6分)①小明出席了市里的作文竞赛._______________________②他经常回忆过去有趣的往事._______________________③我们从小就要养成讲卫生懂礼貌.____________________________2.按要求换一种说法.(6分)①澎湃的波涛把海里的泥沙卷到岸边.(换成_ldquo;被_rdquo;字句)___________________________________________②人与山的关系日益密切,怎能不使我们感到亲切舒服呢?(换成陈述句)____________________________________________③爸爸辅导我.我学作文.(把两句话合成一句话)____________________________________________五应用文.(4分)李华同学患重感冒,医生要他休息两天.请以李华的身份向张老师写一张请假条,日期是5月10日.六课内阅读.(共18分)1.判断下面的说法,对的在括号里画_ldquo;_radic;_rdquo;错的画_ldquo;_times;_rdquo;. (4分)①《林海》一课中讲的_ldquo;大兴安岭美得并不空洞_rdquo;,主要是因为大兴安岭有岭林花.( )②《伏尔加河上的纤夫》这幅画是俄国画家列宾的作品.( )④《书的故事》和《在仙台》都是写鲁迅先生关心爱护青年的故事.( )2.按《三衢道中》原诗填空,并按要求答题.(6分)梅子黄时日日( ),小溪( )尽却山行.绿( )不减来时路,( )得黄鹂四五声.这首诗是写三衢道( )时候的景色.诗中的一对反义词是( )和( ).全诗写了诗人山行时( )的心情.3.阅读课文片断,回答问题.(8分)詹天佑亲自带着学生和工人,背着标杆经纬仪在峭壁上定点构图.塞外常常是狂风怒号,黄沙满天,一不小心就有坠入深谷的危险.詹天佑不管条件怎样恶劣,始终坚持在野外工作._hellip;_hellip;遇到困难,他总是想:这是中国人自己修筑的第一条铁路,一定要把它修好.否则,不但那些外国人要讥笑我们,而且会使中国工程师失掉信心.①用_ldquo;_radic;_rdquo;画出带点字的正确读音.(2分)②从这段话中可以看出詹天佑在勘测线路时遇到( )险峻和( )恶劣这两方面的困难.(2分)③在原文中用_ldquo;_____rdquo;线画出詹天佑遇到困难时的想法.(2分)他的想法说明了什么?(2分)____________________________________________七课外阅读(共12分)三个和尚1 一个活泼伶俐的小和尚来到山上的一座庙宇,他勤快地挑水,不但自己够喝,还往菩萨手中的净瓶灌水,瓶里的柳枝活了.不久,来了一个瘦和尚,他与小和尚为了喝水和挑水发生争执,谁也不愿意吃亏.后来又来了一位胖和尚,三个和尚都要喝水,但谁都不愿意挑水,没过两天,水缸露底了,净瓶中的柳枝也因没有水而开始枯萎了.2 一天夜里,三个和尚都在打盹的时候,一支正在燃烧的蜡烛被一只老鼠几口咬断了.半截蜡烛掉在香案上,庙宇起火了.危急之中,三个和尚一齐争先恐后挑水救火.一场大火很快被扑灭了.3 大火过后,三个和尚都明白了一个道理.从此水缸里的水又满了.三个和尚高兴地捧着大碗喝水.菩萨手中净瓶里的柳枝又亭亭而立了.1.用_ldquo;‖_rdquo;线给第一自然段分层(3分),并写出每层的主要意思.(3分)______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________2.联系上下文,解释下面词语的意思.(3分)争先恐后_mdash;_mdash;大火过后,三个和尚明白了一个道理.这个道理是:(在正确的答案后打_radic;)(3分)①大家都不打盹,就不会发生火灾.( )②人多了,就不好办事.( )③只要大家同心协力,共同劳动,就能办好事情.( )八作文.(30分)题目:一个________________________的人提示:①先将题目补充完整(如:受尊敬勤奋好学助人为乐诚实风趣_hellip;_hellip;)②要通过具体事例表现人物的性格特点或思想品质,注意写出真情实感.小学毕业语文模拟试卷(七)答案一 (思索) (问候) (计较)(热望) (委托) (感染)二 1.(Z) (弓) (4) (7)② ③2.(钓鱼) (妨碍) (询问)(鱼钩) (防卫) (审讯)三 1.(荣) (己) (盛) (悬)(骛) (简) (算) (瞻)好高骛远盛气凌人2.(严格) (不但) (而且)(夸奖) (优秀) (夸耀)四 1.①用_ldquo;参加_rdquo;换掉_ldquo;出席_rdquo;② 过去或往(只取一个)③句尾加_ldquo;的习惯_rdquo;.2.①海里的泥沙被澎湃的波涛卷到岸边.②人与山的关系日益密切,不能不使我们感到亲切舒服. (或真使我们感到_hellip;_hellip;)③爸爸辅导我学作文.五应用文张老师:我因患重感冒,不能到校上课,请假两天.您的学生李华5月10日六 1.①(_times;) ②(_radic;) ③(_times;) ④(_times;) 2.(晴) (泛)(阴) (添)(初夏) (晴) (阴)(新鲜喜悦)3.①s4i(_radic;) h2o(_radic;)②(地势) (气候)答:他的想法说明了他具有爱国主义精神.(或他热爱祖国.) 七课外阅读1..‖不久, .‖后来①小和尚挑水喝,还往净瓶里灌水,使净瓶里的柳枝活了.②瘦和尚和小和尚谁也不愿挑水.③三个和尚都不愿挑水,柳枝也枯萎了.2.庙宇起火的危急之中,三个和尚一齐争着向前唯恐落后挑水救火. 3.③(_radic;)八略。



广东省普通高中学业水平模拟卷(七)语文试卷本试卷共 7 页,24 小题,满分 150 分。

考试用时 120 分钟。

一、本大题 11 小题,共 36 分。

(1-10 题每题 3 分,11 题 6 分)阅读下面文字,完成 1~3 题。

我不能想像这样一个人,他认为开棋的时候先走马而不是先走卒对他来说是英勇的壮举,而在象棋指南的某个□角里占上一席可怜的位置就意味着声名不朽,我不能想像,一个聪明人竟然能够在10年、20年、30年、40年之中一而再( )再而三地把他全部的思维能力都献给一种荒诞的事情——想尽一切办法把木头棋子王赶到木板棋盘的角落里,而自己却没有发狂成为疯子。

1.下列填入文中“□”处的字,使用正确的一项是( )A .奇B .犄C .琦D .绮2.下列依次填入文中“( )”处的标点,使用正确的一项是( )A .、—— B. , ——C .、 ,D ., ,3.下列对文中加点字的注音,正确的一项是( )A .z ú y ánB .c ù d ànC .c ù y ánD .z ú d àn4.下列句子中加点的成语运用恰当的一项是( )A.小张同志为人诚实,待人接物坦荡如砥,深得同事们好评。



5.下列各句中没有语病的一句是( )A .由于世界性能源危机,全球能源消耗总量剧增,煤和石油遭到掠夺性开采。


B .现在有些网站可以提供免费的个人主页,你只要将个人信息公开放在指定的位置上.网民们就可以从中了解到你的个人情况。

C .我们要更加积极主动地正视矛盾、化解矛盾。




江苏省淮安市中考模拟试卷(七)英语试题命题:辜从林本卷满分120分,考试时间120分钟第Ⅰ卷(选择题共55分)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( ) 1. — ______ are you going to Guangzhou?—I’m taking the plane.A. WhatB. WhyC. WhenD. How( ) 2. — Mary, is that umbrella ______?—No. It belongs to Jane.A. yourB. yoursC. herD. she( ) 3. — Can I help you, boy?—Yes. There is ______ wrong with my bike.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing( ) 4. —Why are you so happy, Henry?—My old friend David is coming to visit me. We haven’t seen each other ______ five years.A. sinceB. afterC. forD. in( ) 5. —What are you going to do this weekend?—I’m not sure ______. Maybe I am going swimming.A. alsoB. tooC. everD. yet( ) 6. —May I ______ the book from you?—Sorry. I have promised to ______ it to Tom.A. borrow; lendB. keep; lendC. lend; borrowD. keep; borrow( ) 7. — ______ you visit Beijing during your holiday?—No. I ______ to Hong Kong.A. Will; goB. Will; wentC. Did; wentD. Did; go( ) 8. Turn the computer off, Peter! You ______ play games so late any more.A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. have toD. might( ) 9. It began to rain ______ I was walking in the park.A. untilB. becauseC. whileD. although( ) 10. — What’s wrong with you, sir?— My flight ______ ten minutes ago. What should I do?A. took upB. took offC. got onD. got off( ) 11. — What nice coffee!—But I think it will taste ______ with sugar.A. wellB. badC. worseD. better( ) 12. Teachers will hardly use chalk in the future, ______?A. will heB. won’t heC. will theyD. won’t they( ) 13. — Everyone should help save the planet.—Yeah. I’ve stopped ______ plastic bags when shopping.A. to useB. usingC. useD. used( ) 14. — Can you sing this song in English?—Of course I can. It ______ often ______ by us kids.A. is; singingB. does; singC. has; sungD. is; sung( )15. —I hear Miss Wang will go boating with us this Sunday.— ______ We will have a good time.A. Good news!B. Thanks a lot.C. What a pity!D. Don’t mention it.二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。



中医内科学试题及答案1、下列辩证对应正确的是A.风寒头痛——川芎茶调散B.风热头痛——天麻钩藤饮C.血虚头痛——逍遥散D.肾虚头痛——大补元煎E.瘀血头痛——桃红四物汤【答案】A D2、将胸痹的病机归纳为“阳微阴弦”的著作是A.《黄帝内经》B.《难经》C.《中藏经》D.《金匮要略》E.《伤寒论》【答案】D3、呃逆的基本治法是A.疏肝和胃B.降逆止呃C.理气健脾D.理气消噫E.理气和胃【答案】B E4、心悸的诱发因素有A.惊恐B.紧张C.劳倦D.饮酒E.饱食【答案】A B C D E5、患者情感淡漠,不动不语,甚至呆若木鸡,傻笑自语,灵机混乱,面色萎黄,食少便溏,舌淡苔白腻,脉细滑,应该选用何方A.四君子汤B.琥珀养心丹C.二阴煎D.养心汤E.涤痰汤【答案】A E6、眩晕虚证多关乎A.精B.气C.血D.津E.液【答案】A B C7、厥证的主要治疗原则是A.开窍化痰B.回阳救逆C.醒神回厥D.开窍辟秽E.益气回阳【答案】C8、疫毒痢的治疗原则是A.清肠化湿解毒,调气行血B.清热解毒.凉血C.理气止痛止泻D.攻补兼施,先补后泻E.发汗解表清里【答案】A9、关于中风下列说法正确的是A.春秋战国时,称为“偏枯”“仆击”“薄厥”“大厥”B.张仲景始称“中风”C.李东垣认为“痰湿生热”所致D.朱丹溪提出“类中风”E.李中梓将中风重症分闭证和脱证【答案】A B E10、最早提出杀虫补虚的著作是A.《黄帝内经》B.《医学入门》C.《十药神书》D.《丹溪心法》E.《医学正传》【答案】E11、哮病的主要病理因素是A.寒邪B.风邪C.痰邪D.湿邪E.以上都不是【答案】C12、胁痛肝络失养证,若神疲乏力明显者,可加A.太子参B.玄参C.五味子D.女贞子E.麦冬【答案】A13、下列哪些属于肺痿的病因A.久病损肺B.误治津伤C.外感六淫D.情志失调E.药食失宜【答案】A B C D E14、患者肺胀病史20年,咳嗽,痰白泡沫状,少食乏力,自汗怕风,面色少华,腹胀,便溏,舌体胖大,齿痕,舌质淡,苔白,脉细或脉缓或弱。



大学英语四级模拟试卷7Part Ⅰ Writing1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write a composition of at least 120 words on Can Money Buy Happiness?Part Ⅱ Listening ComprehensionSection A2、A. Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B. French forces have entered the town.C. Islamist militants are attacking the airport.D. French forces are going to land at the airport.3、A. To control Kidal airport.B. To protect the capital Bamako.C. To protect the town.D. To fight against Islamist militants.4、A. 20%. B. 70%. C. 80%. D. 17%.5、A. Decreasing the stock for food.B. Adjusting the food production scale.C. Cultivating more lands to grow.D. Encouraging speculation in the food market.6、A. Chances of guessing the correct lotto numbers.B. Rossi's dreams about winning the lotto.C. People's madness for lotto games in Italy.D. Foreigners' visit to Italy for the lotto drawings.7、A. A huge amount of money. B. Free flights to Italy. C. A free tour in Europe.D. Tickets for the lotto games.Section B8、A. A physics exam. B. A lecture they plan to attend.C. An assignment.D. Their favorite poets.9、A. Listen to the woman's talk. B. Study for a test.C. Go to class.D. Prepare his presentation.10、A. In the library. B. In the woman's dormitoryC. In an empty classroom.D. In the dining hall.11、A. The space is big enough. B. There are many students there.C. It is much quieter than other places.D. It is more close.12、A. Garbage.B. Plastic meal-boxes.C. Used batteries.D. Disposable wooden chopsticks.13、A. They are describing a new dustbin.B. They are discussing the protection of environment.C. They are collecting used batteries.D. They are looking forward to attending a lecture.14、A. To make full use of the metals left.B. To protect the forest resources from being destroyed.C. To call for stopping using plastic meal-boxes.D. To awaken people to the environmental problems.15、A. She will attend the lecture.B. She will draw up a program.C. She will join the "Green Movement".D. She is not sure what she will do.Section C16、A. Summer vacation.B. The housing office.C. Resident advisers.D. Check-out procedures.17、A. Register for summer school.B. Repair holes in room walls.C. Remove personal property.D. Call the housing office.18、A. Their summer addresses.B. Any damage to their rooms.C. When they plan to leave.D. Questions for the housing office.19、A. The head of the Alumni Office.B. A doctor.C. A professor of business administration.D. A student from last year's program.20、A. Medical interns.B. Undergraduate students.C. Local business executives.D. Alumni sponsors.21、A. They give money to sponsor the program.B. They write letters of recommendation.C. They provide job opportunities.D. They work for the Alumni Office.22、A. Pot using. B. Wet cloth. C. Sand. D. Temperature.23、A. People who eat spoiled food may get sick.B. Farmers have to throw away spoiled products.C. Farmers have to sell the spoiled products quickly at a low price.D. People need money to dispose of the spoiled food.24、A. By electricity.B. Through an evaporation process.C. Through a freezing process.D. With the help of some special bacteria.25、A. He sold his invention to make money.B. He preferred invention to teaching.C. He was honored with an award for his teaching methods.D. He financed 5000 pot-in-pot systems to help people.Part Ⅲ Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.One in six. Believe it or not, that's the number of Americans who struggle with hunger. To make tomorrow a little better, Feeding America, the nation's largest 26 hunger-relief organization has chosen September as Hunger Action Month. As part of its 30 Ways in 30 Days program, it's asking 27 across the country to help the more than 200 food banks and 61,000 agencies in its network provide low-income individuals and families with the fuel they needto 28 .It's the kind of work that's done every day at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in San Antonio. People who 29 at its front door on the first and third Thursdays of each month aren't looking for God—they're there for something to eat, St. Andrew's runs a food pantry (食品堂) that 30 thecity and several of the 31 towns. Janet Drane is its manager.In the wake of the 32 , the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow. It is 33 that 49 million Americans are unsure of where they will find their next meal. What's most surprising is that 36% of them live in 34 where at least one adult is working. "It used to be that one job was all you needed," says St. Andrew's Drane. "The people we see now have three or four part-time jobs and they're still right on the edge 35 ."A. surviveB. surroundingC. servesD. reviewedE. reportedF. recessionG. householdsH. gatherI. formally J. financially K. domestic L. competitionM. communities N. circling O. accumulateSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Want to Learn Quicker? Use Your BodyA. Ever dealt with a problem? Picked up a new skill? Grasped a difficult concept? The language of learning is full of references to parts of the body outside the brain. Researchers discover that learning is easier, quicker and more long-lasting if lessons involve the body as well as the mind—whether it's gesturing with the arms or moving around a room. Can these insights enhance teaching and learning in the future? And should it inform the way technology is employed in the classroom?B. "In the past, people have argued that as we learn we become more able to think abstractly," says Andrew Manches, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh in the UK. Conventional thinking might suggest that teachers should help children get rid of physical objects and body gestures to prepare them for the adult world. But in truth, the physical world never really leaves our thinking. For example, when we process verbs such as lick, kick and pick, medical scanners show that the parts of our brain that control the muscles in our face, legs and hands, respectively, light up with activity. And even the most abstract of concepts may have grounding in the real world.C. Body and mind—This theory is called embodied cognition(体验认知), and it suggests that what goes on in our minds stems from our actions and interactions with the world around us. It means that encouraging children to think and learn in a purely abstract way might actually make lessons harder for them to understand and remember. Science is beginning to back up the idea that actions really might speak louder than words in the classroom.D. Spencer Kelly, a psychologist at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, has found that people spend three times as much time gesturing when they think it is particularly important that they get a message across, suggesting that even at the subconscious level, we appreciate the communicative value of our body language. Studies show that young children learn more if their teacher uses gestures when explaining a concept.E. Meanwhile, Susan Wagner Cook, a psychologist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, has found that children pick up new concepts more effectively if they are taught to mirror and repeat the gestures their teacher uses, and that lessons involving words and gestures live longer in a student's memory than lessons using words alone.F. There's a place for technology—particularly with the rise of gesture-recognition devices like the Nintendo Wii (任天堂游戏机), Microsoft's Kinect add-on (外设设备) for the Xbox and touchscreen tablet PCs. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, turned two Wii-mote video game controllers into a device that helps children visualize equivalence ratios (等值比)—for instance, understanding how if one plant grows twice as fast as another, the difference between their respective heights will become larger over time. This can be a tricky concept for children to understand. When asked to use their hands to represent the different growth rates, some students will place one hand slightly higher than the other, but then raise both hands at the same speed. The Berkeley team's device gives the children instant feedback, helping them work out when their hand gestures correctly match what would happen as the two plants grow. Afterwards, almost allstudents say that they actually understand why moving their hands at different speeds is the correct response.G. The Kinect sensor, meanwhile, is being used in studies to help children learn to more accurately map numbers onto physical space—a simple skill but one that is fundamental to our understanding of mathematics. Most people know, for instance, to place the number 50 exactly midway along a line marked "0" at one end and "100" at the other. Researchers at Eberhard Karls University in Tuebingen, Germany, found that seven-year-olds can place numbers along such a line more accurately if they physically walk the line on the floor—with their motion captured and analysed by the Kinect sensor-than if they use a mouse to interact with a computer screen representation of the line. Manches has begun exploring whether Kinect offers a way to re-imagine traditional children's blocks(积木). The technology allows children to pick up and manipulate virtual blocks on the screen using the same gestures they would use to play with real blocks—but the virtual blocks can do new things like change colour as they are pulled apart into smaller units, giving children fresh ideas about the way numbers can be broken down.H. In light of all this, it's tempting to conclude that teachers, and their students, should be jumping up and down, or waving their arms about during lessons. Manches, however, advises caution. The trouble is, science has not quite worked out exactly how the relationship between body and mind effects work. "You can't jump into the prediction and intervention stage too early," says Manches.I. This isn't to say there aren't working theories for what's going on, particularly when it comes to understanding why gesturing helps store information more firmly in the mind, says Cook. The lessons we learn at school usually involve declarative memory(陈述性记忆)—these are the facts that we can consciously recall or "declare" at a later date. But some of our memories arenon-declarative—things we can remember without really being able to explain why.J. The classic example is how we never really forget how to ride a bike. Physical movements seem to be particularly suitable fodder(素材) for making non-declarative memories, and so by both speaking and gesturing, we may encourage our brains to make two independent memories of an event, boosting our chances of remembering the event later.K. Even though researchers like Manches and Cook remain reluctant to set out prescriptive guidelines for teachers, their caution is beginning to weaken. "Five years ago I might have said there's potential for real harm in giving teachers instructions from this research," says Cook. Today, she is less worried of the potential to do damage—in part because none of her studies to-date has uncovered any evidence of side effects.36、Based on the theory of embodied cognition, science is starting to pay more attention to the importance of actions in the classroom.37、Researchers find that the involvement of both the mind and the body can make learning easier and quicker.38、The knowledge we get from school often has to do with declarative memories.39、Contrary to conventional thinking, the physical world is closely linked with our thinking.40、Our brain can make two independent memories of an event through language and action.41、Young students can learn more if their teacher uses gestures when explaining a concept.42、Seven-year-olds can put numbers along a certain line more accurately if they actually walk the line.43、Up to now, Cook's studies have not shown any evidence of side effects.44、Manches warns that we should enter prediction and intervention stage when it is the right time.45、A student can remember for a longer time lessons using words and gestures than lessons involving words alone.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneSalt is a principal wicked substance. Salt, sodium chloride(氯化钠), 40 percent of which is sodium(钠), is an element essential to human body. But sodium also boosts blood pressure. It makes the body retain fluids; greater fluid retention increases total blood volume, and this increase raises blood pressure. Where salt is used freely, a large proportion of the population develops chronic high blood pressure, which is a primary factor in heart disease and stroke. Farmers in northern Japan traditionally preserve their food with salt. They consume as much as six teaspoons a day—and 40 percent of them have high blood pressure. Among the Eskimos of Greenland, however, who consume little salt, high blood pressure is almost unheard of.The body of an adult needs only about 200 milligrams of sodium a day—the amount in 500 milligrams, or 1/10 of teaspoon, of salt. But the average American consumes about 12,000 milligrams, or more than two teaspoons, of salt a day—which supplies 24times as much sodium as necessary; Germans consume an average 5,300 milligrams of salt a day. A sharp reduction is recommended by authorities everywhere—to about 8,000milligrams of salt per day for healthy people. For those who already suffer from high blood pressure, the normally suggested maximum is about 2,000 milligrams per day;more drastic restrictions—to about 200 milligrams—are required in special cases.However, if this recommendation is adopted, food will become almost insufferably bland for most Americans and Europeans. So some physicians prescribe as a replacement seasoning potassium chloride (氯化钾), which tastes salty but contains no sodium. Meanwhile, it should also be taken into account that extremely heavy use of potassium unlikely because of its unpleasant taste in large doses—can cause death. Hence, the substitution of one chloride for the other should be undertaken only on the advice of a doctor.46、Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? ______A. The difference between sodium chloride and potassium chloride.B. The function of slat in daily life.C. A comparative study of slat consumption habits in some countries.D. The relationship between salt consumption and high blood pressure.47、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the function and nature of slat? ______A. It is composed of sodium and chloride.B. It helps the body to keep fluid substance.C. Too much salt consumed can lead to high blood pressure.D. It is the direct cause of heart diseases.48、According to the passage, how much sodium do farmers in northern Japan consume each day? ______A. 8000 milligrams.B. 30000 milligrams.C. 12000 milligrams.D. 5000 milligrams.49、What does the underlined word "bland" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to which of the following words? ______A. saltyB. tastelessC. deliciousD. dull50、What is the major reason why some doctors give patients potassium chloride? ______A. It is used as medicine.B. It contains no sodium.C. It makes food tasty.D. Human body can easily absorb potassium chloride.Passage TwoWhat are feelings for? Most non-scientists will find it a strange question. Feelings .justify themselves. They need serve no other purpose in order to exist. On the other hand, many evolutionary biologists, in contrast to animal behaviorists, acknowledge some emotions areprimarily for their survival function. For both animals and humans, fear motivates the avoidance of danger, love is necessary to care for young, and anger prepares one to hold ground. But the fact that a behavior functions to serve survival need not mean that; that is why it is done. Other scientists have attributed the same behavior to conditioning, to learned responses. Certain reflexes and fixed action patterns can occur without feelings or conscious thought. A gull chick pecks at a red spot above it. The parent has a red spot on its bill (喙); the chick pecks the parent's bill. The gull parent feeds its chick when pecked on the bill. The baby gets fed. The interaction need have no emotional content.At the same time, there is no reason why such actions cannot have emotional content. In mammals—including humans—that have given birth, milk is often released automatically when a new baby cries. This is not under voluntary control; it is reflex. Yet this does not mean that feeding a new baby is exclusively reflex and expresses no feeling like love. Humans have feelings about their behavior even if it is conditioned or reflexive. Yet since reflexes exist, and conditioned behavior is widespread, measurable, and observable, most scientists try to explain animal behavior using only these concepts. It is simpler.Preferring to explain behavior in ways that fit scientific methods most easily, scientists have refused to consider any causes for animal behavior other than reflexive and conditioned ones. Scientific orthodoxy (_正统观念) holds that what cannot be readily measured or tested cannot exist, or is unworthy of serious attention. But emotional explanations for animal behavior need not be impossibly complex or unstable. They are just more difficult for the scientific method to verify in the usual ways, cleverer and more sophisticated approaches are called for. Most branches of science are more willing to make successive approximations (近似值) to what may prove ultimately unknowable, rather than ignoring it altogether.51、What do many evolutionary biologists believe?A. Some emotions do not exist.B. Emotions are helpful for people's survival.C. Emotions give meaning and depth to life.D. Only humans have emotions.52、What can we learn from the example of a gull chick pecking the parent's bill?A. Behaviors can be learned and have no emotional content.B. It is the innate characteristic for adults to look after the young.C. It takes time for animals to be conditioned.D. Emotions are very important to survival.53、Why does the author think most scientists explain animal behavior in terms of reflexes and conditioning?A. They are the most essential factors for animals to surviveB. They are important for animals to develop learned and emotional behaviorsC. They are convenient for scientists to explain animals' behaviorD. They will lead to a better understanding of animal emotions54、What should scientists do to study animal emotions?A. They should set up improved and refined skillful experiments.B. They should analyze human emotions.C. They should distinguish what is emotional and what is conditioned.D. They should learn from animal behaviorists.55、What is the author's main purpose of writing this passage?A. To make the point that emotions are worth our attention.B. To explain what reflexive behavior is.C. To compare human emotions with animal emotions.D. To discuss the importance of emotions.Part Ⅳ TranslationDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.56、泰山位于山东省西部。

人教版2020年小升初数学模拟试卷(7) 参考答案与试卷解析

人教版2020年小升初数学模拟试卷(7) 参考答案与试卷解析

人教版2020年小升初数学模拟试卷(七)一.填空题(共10小题,满分24分)1.(3分)三千零五十万四千九百写作,改写成以万为单位,省略万后面的尾数约是万.2.(3分)13千克50克=千克3.1时=时分3.(5分)0.6==30÷=:=% 4.(2分)用150厘米长的铁丝做一个长方形的框架.长与宽的比是3:2,这个长方形的长是厘米,宽是厘米.5.(2分)把一根长3米长的铁丝等分成几段,3次分完,这样的一段是原来铁丝的,两段长米.6.(2分)6和8的最小公倍数是,8和16的最大公因数是.7.(1分)小红画圆时,圆规两脚叉开的距离是3cm,画出的圆直径是cm.8.(1分)一个钟面,时针长5cm,分针比时针长1cm,时针和分针各走一圈,它们扫过的面积相差cm2.9.(4分)0.59的计数单位是,它有个这样的计数单位;3的分数单位是,再添上个这样的计数单位就是最小的合数.10.(1分)我们学过+、﹣、×、÷这四种运算.现在规定“※”是一种新的运算,A※B表示2A+B,如4※3=4×2+3=11,那么4※5※6=.二.判断题(共5小题,满分5分,每小题1分)11.(1分)一个数的倍数一定大于这个数的因数.(判断对错)12.(1分)a和b是非0自然数,如果a=7b,那么a和b的最小公倍数是a.(判断对错)13.(1分)圆的半径扩大到原来的2倍,周长和面积也扩大到原来的2倍(判断对错)14.(1分)如果两个梯形的高相等,它们就一定可以拼成一个平行四边形..(判断对错)15.(1分)把一根底面半径2分米的圆柱截成2段,表面积增加平方分米,这个圆柱的底面周长是分米.三.选择题(共5小题,满分5分,每小题1分)16.(1分)算式72÷8×7可以改写成()A.72÷B.72×C.72×D.72﹣17.(1分)下面的数据,()适合用折线统计图表示.A.本年级各班人数B.一年内气温的变化情况C.女生人数占全校人数的百分之几18.(1分)一根绳子剪成两段,第一段是全长的,第二段是m,哪段长?()A.一样长B.第一段长C.第二段长D.无法确定19.(1分)张师傅生产一个零件用小时,李师傅生产一个相同的零件用小时,张师傅与李师傅的工作效率的比为()A.B.C.2:3 D.3:220.(1分)把一个长为2毫米的零件画在图纸上,在图纸上量得这个零件长2分米,求这幅图纸的比例尺是()A.1:100 B.1:1 C.100:1 D.100四.计算题(共3小题,满分30分,每小题10分)21.(10分)直接写得数2.4÷0.6=77﹣0.7=0.25×0.8=0÷2.6=30÷20%=16×25%=﹣=3﹣﹣=×3= 2.9+1=22.(12分)计算下面各题,能简算的要简算.7.28﹣(1.25+0.28)0.25×38+62÷4()÷[0.75×()]23.(8分)解方程.6(x+3.5)=21.63x﹣54=21.6x﹣0.36x=1.6五.操作题(共3小题,满分16分)24.(4分)德凯小学开展体育活动,小明对五(1)班同学的锻炼情况做了统计,并绘制了下面两幅统计图.(1)五(1)班参加体育锻炼的有人,参加的人数最多.(2)根据条件把条形统计图补充完整.25.(6分)根据要求画图(1)以L为对称轴,画出图形A的另一半,使它成为轴对称图形.(2)图形B是图形D先向右平移3格,然后以O点为中心逆时针旋转90°得到的,请画出图形D.26.(6分)你知道吗?玲玲从家向北偏东30°方向行走400米到达车站,又向东偏南45°方向行走300米到达邮局,最后向东偏北60°方向行走500米到达学校.(1)根据上面的描述,把玲玲上学的路线补充完整.(2)根据路线图,说一说玲玲放学回家时要怎么走?六.填空题(共2小题,满分4分,每小题2分)27.(2分)一台收割机小时收割小麦公顷,这台收割机平均每小时收割小麦公顷,收割1公顷小麦需要小时.28.(2分)有一堆沙子,第一次拉走全部的,第二次拉走全部的30%,第一次比第二次多拉走36吨,第一次拉走多少吨?七.应用题(共6小题,满分26分)29.(4分)甲、乙两人打一份稿件,甲单独要3小时打完,乙单独要2小时打完.如果甲、乙两人合作打这份稿件,需要多少小时打完?30.(4分)榨油厂用300千克花生可以榨出39千克花生油,照这样计算,要榨出104千克油需要多少千克的花生?(用比例知识解)31.(4分)在圆柱体的体积推导过程中,把一个圆柱体平均分成若干等份,然后拼成一个近似的长方体(材料无损耗),拼成的长方体的长是6.28厘米,高是5厘米,这个圆柱体的体积是多少立方厘米?32.(4分)甲、乙两个工程队分别从两端修一条公路.甲队每天修53米,乙队每天修47米,16天修完.这条公路长多少米?33.(4分)有甲、乙两箱苹果,如果从甲箱取出10千克放入乙箱,则两箱相等:若从两箱各取出10千克,这时甲箱余下的比乙箱余下的多5千克,甲、乙两箱各有苹果多少千克?34.(6分)如图是用6个同样的牙膏盒拼成的图形,每个牙膏盒长22cm,宽和高都是4.5cm.(1)这些牙膏盒的体积是多少立方厘米?(2)这个图形的表面积是多少平方厘米?参考答案与试题解析一.填空题(共10小题,满分24分)1.解:三千零五十万四千九百写作:30504900;30504900≈3050万;故答案为:30504900,3050.2.解:(1)13千克50克=13.05千克(2)3.1时=3时6分.故答案为:13.05,3,6.3.解:0.6==30÷50=3:5=60%;故答案为:9,50,3,5,60.4.解:3+2=5150÷2=75(厘米)75×=45(厘米)75×=30(厘米)答:这个长方形的框架长是45厘米、宽是30厘米.故答案为:45,30.5.解:3+1=4(段)1÷4=3×=(米)答:这样的一段是原来铁丝的,两段长米.故答案为:,.6.解:8=2×2×2,6=2×3,最小公倍数是2×2×2×3=24;因为16是8的倍数,所以8和16的最大公因数是8.故答案为:24,8.7.解:3×2=6(厘米)答:画出的圆直径是6厘米.故答案为:6.8.解:5+1=6(厘米)3.14×52=78.5(平方厘米)3.14×62=113.04(平方厘米)113.04﹣78.5=34.54(平方厘米)答:它们扫过的面积相差34.54平方厘米.故答案为:34.54.9.解:0.59的计数单位是0.01,它有59个这样的计数单位;3的分数单位是,再添上2个这样的计数单位就是最小的合数.故答案为:0.01,59,,2.10.解:4※5※6=(4×2+5)※6=13※6=13×2+6=32故答案为:32.二.判断题(共5小题,满分5分,每小题1分)11.解:因为一个数的最大因数是它本身,最小的倍数是它本身,如12的最大因数是12,最小倍数是12,它的最大因数和最小倍数相等;所以一个数的倍数一定大于这个数的因数,说法错误;故答案为:×.12.解:由题意得,自然数a除以自然数b商是7可知a是b的倍数,所以a和b的最小公倍数是a,所以原题说法正确.故答案为:√.13.解:设原来圆的半径为r,则直径为2r,圆的周长为:2πr,圆的面积为:πr2,半径扩大2倍后,圆的半径为2r,圆的直径为4r,圆的周长为:4πr,圆的面积为:(2r)2π=4πr2,周长扩大到原来的:4πr÷2πr=2,面积扩大到原来的:4πr2÷πr2=4.答:周长扩大到原来的2倍,面积则扩大到原来的4倍.故答案为:×.14.解:两个完全一样的梯形,能拼成一个平行四边形.两个高相等的梯形,不一定完全一样,不一定能拼成一个平行四边形.故答案为:×.15.解:3.14×22×2=25.12(平方分米),3.14×2×2=12.56(分米),答:表面积增加25.12平方分米,这个圆柱的底面周长是12.56分米.故答案为:25.12;12.56.三.选择题(共5小题,满分5分,每小题1分)16.解:72÷8×7=9×7=6372÷=72×=6372×=72﹣=71只有选项B的运算结果与原算式相同,即算式72÷8×7可以改写成72×.故选:B.17.解:根据统计图的特点可知:A、本年级各班人数,选用条形统计图更合适;B、一年内气温的变化情况,选用折线统计图更合适;C、女生人数占全校人数的百分之几,选用扇形统计图更合适;故选:B.18.解:根据分成两段,第一段占全长的,则第二段占全长:1﹣=,因为>,所以这两段相比较,第一段长;故选:B.19.解::=2:3;答:张师傅与李师傅的工作效率的比为2:3.故选:C.20.解:2分米:2毫米=200毫米:2毫米=100:1答:这幅图纸的比例尺是100:1.故选:C.四.计算题(共3小题,满分30分,每小题10分)21.解:2.4÷0.6=4 77﹣0.7=76.30.25×0.8=0.20÷2.6=0 30÷20%=15016×25%=4 ﹣=3﹣﹣=2×3= 2.9+1=3.922.解:(1)7.28﹣(1.25+0.28)=7.28﹣0.28﹣1.25=7﹣1.25=5.75(2)0.25×38+62÷4=9.5+15.5=25(3)()÷=()×56=×56﹣×56=40﹣21=19(4)[0.75×()]=[0.75×]=÷=23.解:(1)6(x+3.5)=21.66x+21=21.66x+21﹣21=21.6﹣216x=0.66x÷6=0.6÷6x=0.1(2)3x﹣54=21.63x﹣54+54=21.6+543x=75.63x÷3=75.6÷3x=25.2(3)x﹣0.36x=1.60.64x=1.60.64x÷0.64=1.6÷0.64x=2.5五.操作题(共3小题,满分16分)24.解;(1)20÷40%=50(人)观察扇形统计图发现参加篮球锻炼的人数最多;即:五(1)班参加体育锻炼的有50人,参加篮球的人数最多.(2)足球:50×20%=10(人)其它:50×30%=15(人)乒乓球:50×(1﹣40%﹣30%﹣20%)=50×10%=5(人)统计图如下:故答案为:50,篮球.25.解:(1)、(2)画图如下,26.解:(1)因为图上距离1厘米表示实际距离100米,则400÷100=4(厘米)300÷100=3(厘米)500÷100=5(厘米)所以画出玲玲上学的路线图如下:(2)玲玲放学回家时向西偏南60°方向行走500米到达邮局,再向西偏北45°方向行走300米到达车站,向南偏西30°方向行走400米到达玲玲家.六.填空题(共2小题,满分4分,每小题2分)27.解:==(公顷)1=1×=(小时)答:这台收割机平均每小时收割小麦公顷,收割1公顷小麦需要小时.故答案为:;.28.解:36÷(﹣30%)×=36÷(50%﹣30%)×=36÷0.2×=180×=90(吨)答:第一次拉走90吨.七.应用题(共6小题,满分26分)29.解:1÷(+)=1÷=1×=1.2(小时)答:甲、乙两人合作打这份稿件要1.2小时打完.30.解:设要榨出104千克油需要x千克的花生,39:300=104:x39x=300×10439x=31200x=800答:要榨出104千克油需要800千克的花生.31.解:6.28×2÷3.14÷2=12.56÷3.14÷2=4÷2=2(厘米),3.14×22×5=3.14×4×5=62.8(立方厘米),答:这个圆柱的体积是62.8立方厘米.32.解:(53+47)×16=100×16=1600(米)答:这条公路长1600米.33.解:设乙箱苹果有x千克,则甲箱有(x+10×2)千克.(x﹣10)×=(x+10×2﹣10)×﹣5(x﹣10)×=(x+10)×﹣5x﹣=x+3﹣5x﹣﹣x=x+3﹣5﹣xx﹣=3﹣5x﹣+=3﹣5+x=x÷=÷x=4040+10×2=40+20=60(千克)答:甲箱有60千克苹果,乙筐有40千克苹果.34.解:(1)(22×2)×(4.5×3)×4.5=44×13.5×4.5=2673(立方厘米)答:这些牙膏盒的体积是2673立方厘米;(2)[(22×2)×(4.5×3)+(22×2)×4.5+(4.5×3)×4.5]×2 =(594+198+60.75)×2=852.75×2=1705.5(平方厘米)答:这个图形的表面积是1705.5平方厘米.。



2020年公务员考试公共基础知识模拟试卷及答案(七)一、单项选择题1、对外开放是(C)A.赶超发达资本主义国家的需要B.赶超发展中国家的需要C.我国社会主义现代化建设的需要D.加快发展商品经济的需要2、我国实行对外开放是(A)A长期的基本国策 B一项特殊政策C社会主义初级阶段的一项政策 D一项权宜之计3、实行对外开放的前提是(B)A. 独立自主、自力更生B. 发展对外贸易,引进资金和先进技术C. 公平合理、互惠互利D.实行全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放4、对外开放是对(D)A.社会主义国家开放B.资本主义国家开放C.发展中国家开放D.全世界开放5、我国对外开放的先头阵地是(D)A.经济技术开发区B.沿海开放城市C.保税区D.经济特区6、“改革是中国的第二次革命”是从()A.扫除发展生产力的障碍这个意义上说的B.对社会各个方面要进行根本性变革的意义上说的C.根本上改变束缚我国生产力的经济体制意义上说的D.根本上改变束缚我国生产力的政治体制意义上说的7、社会主义国家改革的性质是( A )A.基本制度的变革B.社会主义政治、经济运行方式的变革C.社会主义制度的自我完善和发展D.社会主义原有体制的修补8、社会主义改革开放是(C)A.社会主义国家的立国之本B.社会主义建设的中心C.社会主义国家的富民之路D.执政党建设的重要内容9、改革、发展、稳定三者是内在统一的,其中发展是( A )A.目的B.动力C.基础D.条件10、我国对外开放政策的基本点是发展( A )A.对外经济关系B.对外政治关系C.对外文化关系D.对外学术关系11、对外开放是一项涉及面十分广泛的基本国策,其基本点是(A)A.发展对外经济关系B.提高人民生活水平C.解放和发展生产力D.独立自主,自力更生12、处理好对外开放和自力更生的关系,应当把立足点放到( A )A.依靠自己的力量B.引进先进技术C.吸引国外资金D.积极参与全球化13、改革是中国的第二次革命。



专业课原理概述部分一、选择题:每题1分,共5分1. 下列哪个字不属于汉字六书中的“指事”?A. 上B. 下C. 本D. 未2. 下列哪个成语出自《论语》?3. 下列哪个朝代不属于“上古三代”?A. 黄帝B. 颛顼C. 帝喾D. 尧4. 下列哪个字是形声字?A. 明B. 早C. 日D. 月5. 下列哪个字是会意字?A. 林B. 休C. 众D. 莫二、判断题:每题1分,共5分1. 《论语》是孔子所著的书籍。

()2. 汉字是表音文字。

()3. 《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集。

()4. “烽火戏诸侯”的故事出自《史记》。

()5. “一曝十寒”这个成语出自《左传》。

()三、填空题:每题1分,共5分1. 《论语》是记录孔子及其弟子言行的书籍,由孔子的弟子及再传弟子所编撰,共______篇。

2. 汉字的形成和发展,大体经历了三个阶段,分别是______、______、______。

3. 《诗经》分为“风”、“雅”、“颂”三个部分,其中“风”是指______。

4. “烽火戏诸侯”的故事出自《史记》中的______。

5. “一曝十寒”这个成语出自《孟子》中的______。

四、简答题:每题2分,共10分1. 简述《论语》的主要内容。

2. 简述汉字的六书。

3. 简述《诗经》的艺术特点。

4. 简述《史记》的作者及主要内容。

5. 简述“一曝十寒”这个成语的含义及出处。

五、应用题:每题2分,共10分1. 请用形声字的方法,构造一个字,并解释其意义。

2. 请用会意字的方法,构造一个字,并解释其意义。

3. 请用指事字的方法,构造一个字,并解释其意义。

4. 请用转注字的方法,构造一个字,并解释其意义。

5. 请用假借字的方法,构造一个字,并解释其意义。

六、分析题:每题5分,共10分1. 请分析《论语》中的“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”这句话的含义。

2. 请分析《诗经》中的“关关雎鸠,在河之洲。



七、实践操作题:每题5分,共10分1. 请用楷书书写《论语》中的一句话。



2024-2025学年统编版语文七年级(上)第一次月考模拟试卷(7)试卷满分:100分考试时间:120分钟日期:2024.10 姓名:班级:得分:一、积累运用(30分)1.(4分)给下列语段填上适合的汉字或拼音。

(1)鸟儿将窠巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆 hóu 咙。


(3)四面都还是严冬的肃杀,而久经 jué别的故多的久经逝去的春天,却就在这天空中荡漾了。

















2024年最新人教版七年级语文(上册)模拟试卷及答案(各版本)(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列加点字注音正确的一项是()。

A. 沉默(mò)B. 担忧(dān)C. 倔强(jiàng)D. 理睬(cǎi)2. 下列词语书写完全正确的一项是()。

A. 眺望B. 萌发C. 豁达D. 谛听3. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是()。

A. “你知道,这道题怎么做吗?”小明问我。

B. “你知道,这道题怎么做吗?”小明问我。

C. “你知道,这道题怎么做吗?”小明问我。

D. “你知道,这道题怎么做吗?”小明问我。

4. 下列词语中,不是比喻的一项是()。

A. 老黄牛B. 铁公鸡C. 狗腿子D. 猫头鹰5. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()。

A. 我昨天去图书馆借了几本书,有小说、散文和诗歌。

B. 我昨天去图书馆借了几本书,有小说、散文和诗歌。

C. 我昨天去图书馆借了几本书,有小说、散文和诗歌。

D. 我昨天去图书馆借了几本书,有小说、散文和诗歌。

6. 下列句子中,表达最准确的一项是()。

A. 我对这个问题的答案很感兴趣。

B. 我对这个问题的答案很感兴趣。

C. 我对这个问题的答案很感兴趣。

D. 我对这个问题的答案很感兴趣。

7. 下列词语中,感情色彩相同的一项是()。

A. 赞美B. 责备C. 嘲笑D. 嘲笑8. 下列句子中,运用了拟人修辞手法的一项是()。

A. 风轻轻地吹过,树叶沙沙作响。

B. 风轻轻地吹过,树叶沙沙作响。

C. 风轻轻地吹过,树叶沙沙作响。

D. 风轻轻地吹过,树叶沙沙作响。

9. 下列词语中,不属于叠词的一项是()。

A. 哗啦啦B. 悄悄地C. 慢慢地D. 快快地10. 下列句子中,没有错别字的一项是()。

A. 我昨天去图书馆借了几本书,有小说、散文和诗歌。

B. 我昨天去图书馆借了几本书,有小说、散文和诗歌。

C. 我昨天去图书馆借了几本书,有小说、散文和诗歌。





























七年级上册数学模拟试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 21B. 23C. 27D. 302. 如果一个三角形的两边长分别是8厘米和15厘米,那么第三边的长度可能是多少?A. 3厘米B. 10厘米C. 23厘米D. 17厘米3. 下列哪个数是偶数?A. 101B. 102C. 103D. 1044. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是10厘米、6厘米和4厘米,那么它的体积是多少?A. 240立方厘米B. 120立方厘米C. 60立方厘米D. 48立方厘米5. 下列哪个分数是最简分数?A. 2/4B. 3/6C. 4/8D. 5/10二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 任何偶数都是2的倍数。

()2. 0是最小的自然数。

()3. 一个三角形的内角和等于180度。

()4. 两个质数相乘,它们的积一定是合数。

()5. 所有的偶数都是正数。

()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 6的倍数有:____、____、____、____、____。

2. 下列各数中,____是最大的质数。

3. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是10厘米、6厘米和4厘米,那么它的表面积是____立方厘米。

4. 如果一个三角形的两个内角分别是30度和60度,那么第三个内角是____度。

5. 下列各数中,____是最小的合数。

四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请列举出前五个质数。

2. 请说明什么是长方体的体积。

3. 请解释什么是三角形的中位线。

4. 请简述分数的基本性质。

5. 请说明什么是因数和倍数。

五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是10厘米、6厘米和4厘米,求它的体积和表面积。

2. 如果一个三角形的两个内角分别是40度和100度,求第三个内角的度数。

3. 请将分数2/3、3/4、4/5、5/6按照大小顺序排列。

4. 请找出100以内的所有质数。

5. 请计算下列各数的因数:12、18、20、24、30。



备战2023年中考牛津译林版英语模拟试卷(七)第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. We should plant more trees because they can keep the soil _____ place.A. toB. withC. inD. on2. A smile costs ________, but it gives so much. So we should learn to smile.A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. everything3. —How can Lucy say had words about me? I thought we were good friends. —Who told you that? True friends need ________.A. distanceB. courageC. trustD. shame4. Our teachers have been with us for nearly three years ________we came to junior high school. We should thank them for what they have done for us.A. untilB. beforeC. sinceD. while5. —________ is the population of China?—It's about 1.4 billion. I think it's becoming ________.A. What; more and moreB. How many; larger and largerC. What; larger and largerD. How much; smaller and smaller6. —Is it usually warm in Suzhou in April?—Yes. But it ________ be rather cold sometimes.A. mustB. shouldC. wouldD. can7. —Where did you go on holiday this summer? America?—You are ______. We went on a 10-day-tour in Canada.A. correctB. clearC. cleverD. close8. Zhouzhuang is not far from Jinxi,so you can visit both in a day.A. suddenlyB. hardlyC. easilyD. luckily9. —________ can you finish the report? —Maybe in three days.A. How soonB. How longC. How farD. How often10. I remembered ____ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the light.A. lockingB. lockedC. to lockD. lock11. —What a mess your room is!—Sorry. I’m going to ________ right now.A. pick it upB. give it upC. tidy it upD. put it up12. It’s said that the result we are interested in ________ as soon as possible.A. announcingB. being announcedC. will be announcedD. will announce13. More and more couples would rather ________ a second baby ________ their first child can feel less lonely.A. have; in order toB. to have; in order toC. have; so thatD. to have; so that14. Could you explain why ________ for me next week’s Reading Festival?A. to recommend the bookB. you recommend this bookC. did you recommend this bookD. do you recommend this book15. —You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you don't.—________. Confidence is really important.A. It's not my cup of teaB. That's not the pointC. I don't think soD. I couldn't agree more第二部分完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)When I was a boy,I didn't have a smartphone. At that time,home computers weren't heard of, and our small television could only get one channel clearly. Yet, I was never 16 .I would ride my bike down the hills to feel the gentle wind on my face when17 arrived. When summer came,I spent most of my free time 18 . I never got sunburned because I was never out of the water long enough. When it was fall,my friends and I would play football for hours. We also liked to jump in the golden and red piles of 19 falling from trees. It was pretty interesting. The first snows of winter didn't stop the fun,either. My brothers and I would have 20 is and hike into the woods to cut down our Christmas tree.Those simple 21 always brought me so much happiness. There was 22 to be bored about because there was always something to do and 23 . Becausethe children of today are spending so much time 24 and so little time living, I feel a bit sorry for them.One thing I am sure of, though,is that even in this technological world,the simple pleasures of life can still make your soul quiet. A hug still 25 your heart.A walk in the woods still calms your mind. There're much more simple pleasures of life to enjoy than staying in the technological world.16. A. tired B. excited C. bored D. sad17. A. holiday B. weekend C. spring D. festival18. A. sailing B. swimming C. hiking D. climbing19. A. fruit B. wood C. leaves D. balls20. A. snowball B. football C. water D. sports21. A. lessons B. pleasures C. kindness D. fun22. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing23. A. learn B. share C. enjoy D. solve24. A. playing B. watching C. working D. resting25. A. breaks B. shakes C. brings D. warms 第三部分阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)AYellow DressBy Janet LeeMary had a yellow dressBought from the department store.It looked as beautiful as the moon,And as bright as the sun.Mary wore all the timeThe yellow dress I felt so right.Every day from day to nightI saw her in the dress so bright."Buy me a yellow dress,"I cried to Mom and Dad,"As beautiful and brightAs the dress the girl living near has!"I cried and cried and cried,Until they said with sad eyes,"We need food for your baby sister,And clothes for your coming brother."Since then I've learnedMary's yellow dressIs better to dream ofThan to ask for.26. From the poem, we know that Mary and the writer may be .A. classmatesB. relativesC. neighborsD. sisters27. Why does the writer say, "Everyday from day to night/I saw her in the dress so bright"?A. The writer lived with Mary.B. The dress had sun shapes on it.C. The writer liked the dress very much.D. The dress was Mary's school uniform.28. What did the writer's parents mean by their words?A. They did not like the yellow dress.B. They did not have money for a dress.C. They already had a dress for her baby sister.D. They would ask Mary where to buy the yellow dress.BWho is the greatest teacher in Chinese history? You can' t think ofanyone else when you hear people read Confucius' 2,500-year-old words:“All study but no thinking makes people puzzled. Allthinking but no study makes people lazy.”September 28th was Confucius' birthday. He was born in the Kingdom of Lu,in today's Shandong Province. He had a hard child. His father died when he was only 3. His mother brought him up, As a child, he had to work to help his mother, butyoung Confucius didn’t give up studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history. At that time,only children from rich families could go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime.Chinese look upon Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. For more than 2 , 500 years,Confucius' ideas have been around in people's everyday lives. Now they have gone far into Western countries and South Asia. People can still hear them today.Why are his ideas so popular? Confucius' most important ideas are kindness and good manners.Confucius said young people should take care of the old. A kind person should care for others. Be strict wish yourself, but be kind to others. As a great teacher, Confucius said that all should go to school if they wanted to learn. People use his ideas to help themselves and society. Now, more than 100 Internet websites are teaching people about Confucius and his ideas.29 .Why do we still remember Confucius today?A. Because he had about 3,000 students in his lifetime.B. Because he lived a poor life in his childhood.C. Because he had wise thoughts.D. Because he started the first public school in Chinese history.30. The underlined word "them" in the fourth paragraph refers to .A. the greatest thinker and teacherB. Confucius' studentsC. people in Western countries and South AsiaD. Confucius' ideas31. Which of the following is NOT Confucius' words?A. People should get education.B. The young should take care of the old.C. Be strict with yourself, but be kind to others.D. All study but no thinking makes people lazy.C“Disneyland Paris? You're not serious!” said Tim.“Yes,I am,”said Jenny. “Someone has donated money to the school for a Student of the Year Award.”Tim,Jenny and William were waiting for morning assembly to start. Everyone around them was talking about the Student of the Year Award.“How many people can go?”“I don't know,” said William,shrugging his shoulders. “Two maybe. Don't worry,Tim,if you win,it's OK for you to take me.”“Not likely,” said Tim.“That's enough talking,”said Mrs. Barrow. Arkwright School's new Head Teacher was standing on the stage in front of them. "Can I have your attention,please." she said. She was a small woman with a very powerful voice. When she spoke,the children fell silent.“I'm sure you have all heard about the new Arkwright School Student of the Year Award. Basically,we want you to think of an activity that will be good for both the school and the local community,” said Mrs. Barrow. “Whoever thinks of the best idea for a project will get our Student of the Year Trophy(奖杯)and a family ticket for four people to Disneyland Paris.”“That's it,” said Tim. “I'm going to be Student of the Year.”“Yes, you and two hundred others,” said William. The children were all talking now and it was very noisy.“And,I haven't finished talking yet, thank you,”said Mrs. Barrow. These children laughed and then they were silent again.“In addition to writing the plan, you actually have to do the project. We want to see results, not just ideas.”One or two children started to talk again. Mrs. Barrow raised her hand.“Some announcements.” she said. “Number One. Don't throw litter around the school and especially not in your classrooms. Some of the teachers are complaining.”“All of the teachers are complaining,” whispered William.“Sssh,” said Jenny.“Number Two. Please pay at the office if you are going ice skating on Saturday.”“Brrr. Too cold,” said William.“William. Shut up !” said Tim.“And,Number Three,one important thing from the police. There have been reports of thefts in the Wrightham area,and one of our students has lost his phone. Possibly someone stole it. So please be careful. Report any suspicious behaviour to your class teacher, to me,or to the police,and please don't try to catch the thief yourself.”“You behave very suspiciously, Tim,” said William. “I think I'll report you.”“Thanks, William,” said Tim. “I'm glad I've got a friend I can depend on!”32. How many people can go to Disneyland Paris if someone wins the Student of the Year Award?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.33. Where might the story happen?A. In the classroom.B. In the music room.C. In the school hall.D. At Disneyland.34. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?A. Tim is happy to have a friend like William.B. William is really a good friend to depend on.C. It is helpful of William to report Tim to the police.D. Tim doesn't really think William can lie depended on.DHistory books tell us that the city of Rome was set up in 152 B. C. It's a fact,however,that by 100 A. D., Rome was the centre of a big empire. It was from Syria in the east to Spain in the west,from Britain in the north to Africa in the south. All or part of 27 of today's countries were included in the Roman Empire. All of their people were ruled by one government, that of Rome. All educated people spoke the same language, Latin. And one of the empire's outposts(前哨) was called Londinium. This unimportant town would later become London,England,and the, centre of another empire.The Roman Empire came to an end about 1 ,500 years ago. Yet in some ways it is still with us. Take the letters you are reading,for example,English,like many other languages,uses the Roman alphabet(字母) while also borrowing many words. The laws of many European countries are based on ancient Roman laws. Roman ruins(废墟)are seen throughout Europe,North Africa, and the Middle East. In some places,Roman roads and water courses are still in use. To this day, a European in North Africa is likely to be called "Roumi"- Roman. Even modern place names are often after Ancient Rome. Both Greece and Germany have the names given by the Romans rather than the names that their own people first called them.35. The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that Roman culture is .A. dead and doneB. still part of the presentC. based completely on languageD. unimportant to history36. What happened first?A. Londinium was an outpost.B. The Roman Empire fell apart.C. London became the centre of an empire.D. The city of Rome was founded.37. Which of the following is NOT true?A. In Europe, 27 countries had the same laws.B. In Europe, people still use Roman names in some places.C. We may see some remaining parts of Roman Empire in North Africa.D. Londinium became the centre of an empire after Roman Empire fell apart.第四部分词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)38. The printer has become one of the most useful _________(机器)in the office.39. Every time I look at the photo, it ________ (使想起) me of the happy moment.40. Neither the driver nor the (乘客) were hurt in the car accident.41. You could see from his face that he was ________(撒谎).42. It might be several months before the problem is ________(解决).43. Let’s plan a surprising party for Mun’s ________(四十) birthday.44. Heart trouble is one of the most serious ________(原因) of death among old people.45. ―There are a lot of ________ of bike riding.―I agree. It's good for the environment and it saves money.46. --Jack, I'd like to have your views about my report.--Your report is _________ all praise.47. -Our project is almost finished, but our manager plans to change the design. -What? Changing the plan at this time is to cut the foot to ________ the shoe. 第五部分句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)48. 随着时间的推移,中国正变得越来越富强。









A.物质文明 B.精神文明 C.政治文明 D.生态文明2016年12月25日,十二届全国人大常委会第二十五次会议表决通过关于在三个省、直辖市开展国家监察体系改革试点工作的决定。


2.这次开展国家监察体系改革试点工作的三个省级行政区是A.北京市、山西省、浙江省B.上海市、山西省、浙江省C.北京市、河北省、江苏省D.上海市、山西省、江苏省3.全国人大开展国家监察体系改革试点工作,这说明全国人大享有A.立法权 B.决定权 C.监督权 D.任免权4.古代中国某位皇帝“设十三刺史,代表中央,巡行郡国,监察地方的诸侯王和郡守县令。

”这位皇帝A.秦始皇 B.汉武帝 C.唐太宗 D.忽必烈5.中共中央、国务院于2017年1月9日在北京举行国家科学技术奖励大会。

获得2016年度国家最高科学技术奖的是A.赵忠贤、屠呦呦 B.赵忠贤、程开甲C.程开甲、屠呦呦 D.程开甲、张存浩读图,回答第6—7题。

6.图中的小河(图中D-A段)的大致流向是A.自西向东 B.自南向北 C.自北向南 D.自东向西7.图中山顶F点的海拔为750米,那么,该图的等高距为A.50米 B.75米C.100米D.125米8.世界古代史上有这样的情形:20岁以上男性公民参加公民大会,共同讨论、解决国家重大问题,如战争与媾和、城邦粮食供应、选举高级官吏、终审法庭诉讼等。



2023年全国百校大联考高考生物模拟试卷(七)1. 信阳毛尖茶是中国十大名茶之一,因其成品紧密如尖故名毛尖。


下列叙述正确的是( )A. 泡茶时各种营养成分以主动运输的方式通过细胞膜B. 茶树细胞叶绿体含有的色素中叶绿素a的含量最高C. 茶叶中的维生素D属于脂质,可以被苏丹Ⅲ染成橙黄色D. 成品茶叶中不含自由水,含有的氨基酸都是必需氨基酸2. 某小组为研究培养液脱气对酵母菌在培养初期产气量的影响,进行甲、乙两组实验,一段时间内结果如图所示,下列相关叙述错误的是( )A. 甲组是脱气后培养组,乙组是不脱气培养组B. 脱气和不脱气培养时酵母菌的呼吸方式相同C. 甲组可先把酵母菌培养液煮沸再冷却,然后加酵母菌D. 肌肉细胞在剧烈运动时的呼吸产物与甲组的产物不同3. 某遗传病由X染色体上的显性基因A控制,但男性不发病。


下列叙述正确的是( )A. 该病在男性和女性中的患病概率相同B. 该女性患者的致病基因均来自其父亲C. 在男性和女性中,该致病基因的基因频率相同D. 该女性患者的女儿不一定患病,儿子一定患病4. 新冠病毒依赖核糖体“移码”的特殊机制来提高病毒蛋白表达水平。


下列有关该现象的叙述错误的是( )A. 核糖体“移码”可以扩展病毒所携带遗传信息的利用率B. 核糖体“移码”前后合成的两条肽链的氨基酸序列不同C. 核糖体“移码”可能会导致RNA上提前出现终止密码子D. 核糖体“移码”会导致RNA上起始密码子位置发生改变5. 高山树线是指天然森林分布的海拔上限,气候变暖使高山树线向更高海拔迁移。






1. 该国可能是( )A. 巴西B. 新加坡C. 西班牙D. 波兰2. 影响该国电力负荷变化的主要原因是( )A. 工业生产规模变化B. 气候周期性变化C. 光伏发电周期变化D.夏季发电处于峰值3. 该国不将光伏发电列为新能源开发主要方向的原因最可能是( )A. 光伏发电成本高B. 电力市场需求小C. 太阳辐射能匮乏D. 电能储存难度高高岭土是一种非金属矿产,世界储量不小,但大多只适合建造陶瓷或填料。





4. 图中山地的基岩( )A. 结构致密坚硬B. 含有丰富化石C. 质地疏松多孔D. 具有层理构造5. 高岭土资源沿雅里河富集的动力主要来自( )A. 生物作用B. 海浪侵蚀、搬运C. 风力侵蚀、搬运D. 流水侵蚀、搬运6. 专家预测,巴西高岭土价格大有上升之势,其原因主要有( )①非可再生资源,形成缓慢②环境恶化,不便输出③矿区地域狭小,储量有限④替代品奇缺,需求大增A. ①②B. ①③C. ②④D. ③④从某种意义上讲,集装箱空箱是港口的重要财产,没有空箱就没有港口的重箱(装有货物的集装箱)。





港口项目1995年1997年2000年2002年重箱吞吐量5467128187空箱吞吐量16274354天津港吞吐量合计7094171241空箱率22.9%28.7%25.1%22.4%重箱吞吐量4666129234空箱吞吐量156********青岛港吞吐量合计61108212341空箱率24.6%35.9%39.2%31.4%7.港口项目1995年1997年2000年2002年重箱吞吐量5467128187空箱吞吐量16274354天津港吞吐量合计7094171241空箱率22.9%28.7%25.1%22.4%重箱吞吐量4666129234空箱吞吐量156********青岛港吞吐量合计61108212341空箱率24.6%35.9%39.2%31.4%与青岛港相比,天津港的主要劣势是( )A. 经济腹地B. 地形条件C. 避风条件D. 水深条件8. 与青岛港相比,1995~2002年天津港空箱率较低的主要原因是( )A. 距国际海运航线较远B. 依托城市发展较慢C. 交通运输建设滞后D. 区域资源开发不足湖泊数量变化与气温、降水密切相关,湖泊新生和消失、扩张和退缩往往同时出现。

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(PF,10%,1)=0.9091 (PF,10%,11)=0.3505
(P/A,10%,9)=5.7590 (P/A,10%,10)=6.1446




