friends season3 1-10
老友记friends 英文presentation

They had a baby
Monica Geller
neat freak, Monica is fond of cleaning. She is picky(挑剔的; 吹毛求疵的).
possessive (占有
A stickler for neatness
a very funny and devoted actor
Now,let's review some precious moments
'I miss hanging out with you'
'Honey, this will help.'
'Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it!'
Wired Strange Cool Music Friendly
Joey Tribbiani
innocent, kind hearted , straight forward, stubborn sometimes.
my favourite protagonist!
On October 1, 2002, the ninth season first set the nobody proposal attracted 33.5 million viewers, which is the highest ratings record.
Emmy Awards (the highest television awards)

谢谢 但我不想再拿你的钱了 我可以养活自己 -还有什么 说吧 -好吧 好 这是电费 -用个电要这么多钱啊 -对 那其他的帐单之后再看吧 《老友记》第六季第六集 最后一夜
So is Joey going to have to give up the apartment? No, I hope not! I tried to offer him money, but he wouldn't take it. Well, how much do you think he needs? I figure that $1,500 would cover him for a few months,
《老友记 第六季 第 6-10 集 Friends》英中字幕 制作:沈金河 目录
第 6 集............................................................................................................................. 2 第 7 集............................................................................................................................12 第 8 集............................................................................................................................22 第 9 集............................................................................................................................32 第 10 集 ..........................................................................................................................43

老友记» 第三季14集Season 3, Episode 14: The One with Phoebe's Ex-Partner [Scene: Central Perk, the gang, except Rachel, is watching a new singer.]except: 除了watch: 看singer: 歌手-Singer: (singing)'cause every time I see your face, I can't help but fall from grace. I know.....'cause: [口语] =because sing: 唱歌every time: 每次fall from grace: [口语]失宠;失掉(当权者的)信任因为每次我看见你的脸,就情不自禁地失态。
-Joey: Wow! This girl is good.这女的很棒。
-Phoebe: Oh-ho yeah! A song with rhyming words. Oo, I never thought of that 歌曲rhyme: 使押韵think of: 思考,考虑before: 之前是啊,歌词押韵,我以前倒没想过。
-Chandler: I like her.我喜欢她。
-Phoebe: (to Chandler) Why? Because she can sing and play guitar and do both at the same time? play: 弹奏guitar: 吉他both: 两者都为什么?因为她会唱歌弹吉他,还可边弹边唱吗?-Chandler: Well, that’s pretty much all I’m looking for from these people.pretty much: 几乎,非常接近look for: 期待,指望这正是我对表演艺人的期待。
新世纪大学英语综合教程3 unit3 答案

Electronic Teaching PortfolioBook ThreeUnit Three: FriendshipPart I Get StartedSection A Discussion▇Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.1Do you have any good friends? What do you usually do with your friends when you are together?2What kind of people do you like to make friends with?3Do you think friendship is a necessity in life? Why or why not?▆Answers for reference:1Hints: playing games, listening to music, going shopping, seeing movies, chatting on the Internet, exchanging gossips, …2Hints:a)Birds of a feather flock together;b)kindness, diligence, intelligence, humor; ready to render help; share the same hobbies, …3Just as fish cannot live without water, we cannot live without friends. Without friends, life would be boring and barren.a) Friends are companions who share both our joys and sadness.b) Friends are mirrors through which we can see our own strengths and weaknesses.c) Friends are tolerant towards us and help us make progress.d) In times of difficulty, friends give us support and encouragement.Section B Quotes▇Study the following quotes about adversity. Which quote do you like best? Why?George Washington⊙True friendship is a plant of slow growth.— George WashingtonInterpretation:Just like plants, friendship needs nurturing. Plants follow the life cycle of seeds, shoots and flowers before they bear fruits. True friendship grows in more or less the same way. It takes time to mature.George Washington (1732-1799): the first President of the US. Washington was commander-in-chief of the colonial army during the American Revolutionary War. After the war he was elected President of the United States twice, but refused to remain in the position for a third time.Benjamin Franklin◎Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.—Benjamin FranklinInterpretation:Friends and friendships may have great influence on our lives and may last as long as we live. So we should be careful when choosing a friend and should be even more careful when we decide to end the friendship. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790): a US politician, writer, and scientist. He was involved in writing two historically significant documents, the Declaration of Independence (《独立宣言》) and the Constitution of the United States (《美国宪法》). He is famous for proving that lightning is a form of electricity by doing a scientific test in which he flew a kite during a storm, and he invented the lightning conductor. He is also well known for his literary works such as Poor Richard’s Almanac(《穷理查德年鉴》1732-1757;亦译作《格言历书》、《穷理查历书》) and Autobiography (《自传》1790).Samuel Johnson◎ A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.—Samuel JohnsonInterpretation:It is important to maintain friendships. Long-standing friendships should be constantly strengthened and developed; otherwise they may fade or even be lost forever.Samuel Johnson (1709-1784): a British critic and dictionary writer. He is famous for his Dictionary ofthe English Language (1755), the first comprehensive dictionary of the English language ever published.He was considered an excellent conversationalist (善于辞令的人). His intelligent, amusing, and interesting words are still widely quoted today.Charles Caleb Colton◎True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.—Charles Caleb ColtonInterpretation:Friendship is compared to health. One often fails to see the value of health until it is lost. The same is true of friendships.Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832): an English clergyman and author. He wrote a large body of writings in his short life, which ended with suicide after an illness. His aphorisms (格言,警句) about friendship, integrity (正直, 诚实), wealth, and knowledge are often cited even to this day.Section C Watching and Discussion▇Forrest Gump is a 1994 American film starred Tom Hanks. The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a slow-witted yet athletically talented man who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States between 1944 and 1982.Watch the following video clip about young Forrest and Jenny and do the tasks that follow.1Answer the following questions.1)What is “the sweetest voice” Forrest Gump heard? Why was it the sweetest voice?Answers: Jenny’s voice. Jenny was friendly to Forrest.2)What did they usually do together as friends?Answers: They were always together, learning from each other and being happy.2The film Forrest Gump has become a classic. How will you describe the friendship between Forrest, a dumb boy, and Jenny, a beautiful girl?Hints:Jenny is friendly and Forrest honest and sincere, both eager for loving friends, and both eager to please the other.▇Script:(I don’t recall what I got for my first Christmas, and I don’t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic, but I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.)Jenny: You can sit here if you want.(I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel. )Jenny:Well, are you going to sit down or aren’t you?Jenny: What’s wrong with your legs?Forrest: Nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy.(I just sat next to her on that bus and had a conversation all the way to school.)Forrest:My back’s crooked like a question mark.(Next to Mama, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions.)Jenny: Are you stupid or something?Forrest:Mama says, “Stupid is as stupid does.”Jenny:I’m Jenny.Forrest:I’m Forrest, Forrest Gump.(From that day on, we were always together. Jenny and me was like peas and carrots. She taught me how to climb.)Jenny: Come on, Forrest, you can do it.(I showed her how to dangle. She helped me learn how to read, and I showed her how to swing. Sometimes, we’d just sit out and wait for the stars.)Forrest:Mama’s going to worry about me.Jenny: Just stay a little longer.(For some reason, Jenny did never wanna to go home.)Forrest: OK, Je nny, I’l l stay.(She was my most special friend.)Part II Listen and RespondSection B Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas▇Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the information contained in the listening passage.1When do people come into your life “for a reason”?A)When they know you well.B)When you need them in life.C)When you can support their career.D)When they are willing to listen to your troubles.2Who will end the friendship with the person that is in your life for a reason?A)The person himself.B)You.C)Neither you nor the person.D)Both you and the person.3What does a “friend for a season” mean?A)Someone who is good at making you laugh.B)Someone who teaches you how to have fun.C)Someone who will stay in your life for a short time.D)Someone who comes into your life only for fun.4What is a lifetime friend?A)Someone who always helps you out of difficulties.B)Someone who understands you better than anyone else.C)Someone who has experienced hardships with you.D)Someone who together with you makes up a single soul in two bodies.5What is the passage mainly about?A)Three different stages of friendship.B)Three different types of friendship in our life.C)Three different ways of getting along with people.D)Three different lessons on how to be good to your friends.▇Key:1 B2 A3 C4 D5 BSection C Task Two: Zooming In on the Details▇Listen to the passage again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.1People come into our life for a ______________, for a ______________ or for a ______________.2When you __________ why people come into your life, you will know exactly what to do.3When someone is in your life for a reason, it is usually to __________ you have expressed outwardly or ______________. They have come to help you out of a difficulty, or to provide you with____________and __________.4When people come into your life for a season, they may bring you ____________________ or make you ____________.5Lifetime friendships are based on ___________ and between you and your friend. Lifetime friendships teach you lifetime ______________ and you should learn to ______________ them.▇Answers:1People come into our life for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime.2When you figure out why people come into your life, you will know exactly what to do.3When someone is in your life for a reason, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to help you out of a difficulty, or to provide you with guidance and support.4When people come into your life for a season, they may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.5Lifetime friendships are based on trust and understanding between you and your friend. Lifetime friendships teach you lifetime lessons and you should learn to accept them.▇Script:A Reason, a Season and a LifetimeWe meet thousands of people in our life. Some come into our life for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you will know exactly what to do.When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed inwardly or outwardly. They have come to help you out of a difficulty, or to provide you with guidance and support.Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at a certain time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die; sometimes they just walk away; and sometimes they force you to do something that you do not like.When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is time for you to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy, but only for a season.LIFETIME friendships are based on trust and understanding between you and your friend. Together, you have gone through good times as well as bad times. Lifetime friendships teach you lifetime lessons. And your job is to accept the lessons and love the people who teach you how to be good. So, what is a lifetime friend? It is a single soul in two bodies.Part III Read and ExploreText ASection A Discovering the Main IdeasExercise 1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1Why do people tend to have a thin understanding of friendship?2What are the three kinds of friendship according to Aristotle?3What does Cicero emphasize in his definition of friendship?4What is meant by “virtuous friends” according to the classical view?▇Answers for reference:1It is because there is a lack of socially acknowledged criteria for what makes a person a friend.2They are friendship based on utility, friendship based on pleasure and friendship based on goodness.3He emphasizes the element of virtue in friendship.4Virtuous friends possess moral excellence and share a commitment to the good.Exercise 2 Text A can be divided into four parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Section B In-Depth StudyFriendship is an eternal (永恒的) theme (主题) in human history. A life without friendship is hard to imagine. But what is friendship? Read the following text and see if you can gain some new insights into the true meaning of friendship.What is Friendship?Michele E. Doyle & Mark K. Smith1 When we approach the notion of friendship, our first problem is that there is a lack of firmly agreed and socially acknowledged criteria for what makes a person a friend. In one setting, we may describe someone as a friend; in another, the label may seem less appropriate. Therefore, people tend to have a very thin understanding of what friendship really means. To help us understand what friendship really means, we need to review some classical views of friendship.2 One classical view of friendship is provided by Aristotle, the famous ancient Greek philosopher. Aristotle distinguishes between what he believes to be genuine friendships and two other forms: one based on mutual usefulness, the other on pleasure. So, according to Aristotle, we may find three kinds of friendship:3Friendship based on utility. Utility is an impermanent thing: it changes according to circumstances. When the ground for friendship disappears, the friendship also breaks up because that is what keeps it alive. Friendships of this kind seem to occur most frequently between the elderly, because at their age what they want is not pleasure but utility. Friendships based on utility are also frequently found among those in middle or early life who are pursuing their own advantage. Such persons do not spend much time together, because sometimes they do not even like one another, and therefore feel no need of such an association unless they are mutually useful. They take pleasure in each other’s company only in so far as they have hopes of advantage from it.4Friendship based on pleasure. Friendship between the young is thought to be grounded on pleasure, because the lives of the young are regulated by their feelings, and their chief interests are in their own pleasure and the opportunity of the moment. As they grow up, however, their tastes change too, so that they are quick to make and to break friendships. That is why they fall in and out of friendship quickly, changing their attitude often, even within the same day. But the young do like to spend the day and live together, because that is how they realize the object of their friendship.5Friendship based on goodness. Perfect friendship is based on goodness.Only the friendship of those who are good, and similar in their goodness, is perfect. And it is those who desire the good of their friends for the friends’ sake that are the truest friends, because each loves the other for what he is, and not for any incidental quality. The conduct of good men is the same or similar. It is between good men that both love and friendship are chiefly found and in the highest form. Such friendships are rare because men of this kind are few and they need time and intimacy; for as the saying goes, true friends must go through trials and tribulations together. And no two persons can accept each other and become friends until each has proved to the other that he is worthy of love, and so won his trust. The wish for friendship may develop rapidly, but true friendship does not.6 Another classical view of friendship can be found in the writings of Cicero, an ancient Roman statesman and orator. His writings on ethics, the philosophy of religion and natural law have been influential. According to Cicero, true friendship is only possible between good men. He further defines “the good” as “those whose actions and lives leave no question as to their honor, purity, equity, and liberality; who are free from greed, lust, and violence; and who have the courage of their convictions.” The friendship between good men, based onvirtue, does offer material benefits, but it does not seek them. Moreover, just as in friendships and relationships, those who possess any superiority must regard themselves as equals of those who are less fortunate, so these latter must not be annoyed at being surpassed in genius, fortune, or rank.7 Thus, we may see that the traditional idea of friendship is made up of three components: Friends must enjoy each other’s company; they must be useful to one another; and they must share a commitment to the good. According to the classical views, virtuous friends are bound together, as they recognize each other’s moral excellence. To perceive a friend, therefore, is in a manner to perceive oneself; and to know a friend is in a manner to know oneself. Each can be said to provide a mirror in which the other may see himself. The moral excellence of friendship, thus, involves a high level of development and expression of the altruistic emotions of sympathy, concern and care. Friendship of this kind necessarily involves conversations about well-being and of what might be involved in living the good life.▇课文参考译文友谊的真谛米歇尔·E·多伊尔马克·K·史密斯1 我们探讨友谊这个概念时,遇到的第一个问题是,没有一致赞同并获社会公认的认定(某人为)朋友的标准。
friends season3 1-05

305 菲比的弟弟小福兰克怎么回事,森林惹到你了? 我们一直说需要信件柜所以我就动工了,然后呢我决定更进上一层楼你要盖邮局?不是,是一个娱乐专用柜内含信件柜最多一天干完你的裤子还真贴啊这是我的旧工作裤“亚曼范伦铁”牌的刚才电锯有点失控菲此,你弟出现了吗?还没,不过他很爱迟到你不是只见过他一次?是啊这样讲有姊姊的派头“法兰克老是迟到”别急,他会来的我知道,我只是很紧张我妈死了,我不和我姊说话奶奶最近都在睡觉这是我拥有家人的最后机会你真好,还陪我等是阿甘叫我来的,杯子不能拿出来还有谁觉得大卫考柏菲可爱?没有,不过他告诉我他觉得你很帅珍妮丝喜欢他喜欢到把他放进她的名人性爱名单里她的什么?我们说好每人可以挑五个名人上床另一个人不准生气这是健全男女关系的要素诚实、尊重、与名人上床你的名单有谁?金贝辛格辛蒂克劳馥、荷莉贝瑞雅丝敏布丽丝和罗杰兔的老婆洁西卡你知道她是卡通人物而且和你不同挂吧?我知道,我是看看我能不能让她的眼珠掉出来摩妮卡,你会选谁?我得先交男朋友,才能列名单只是好玩嘛,瑞秋,你呢?不晓得,应该是克里斯欧唐纳小约翰甘乃迪丹尼尔戴路易斯、史汀和帕克史蒂文生蜘蛛人?哈第兄弟神探是彼得帕克谢谢(其实瑞秋才是对的)你呢?你会选谁?这种事需要深思熟虑我会先把可能人选分门别类怪人各位,这是法兰克我同父异母的弟弟就是他们这是罗斯这是摩妮卡这是瑞秋我去点咖啡你们怎么做得了事?我们是没做什么事你们有什么计划吗?有,我们要好好的联络感情我们会去时代广场买几个忍者娃娃我朋友赖瑞托我拍妓女的照片我们在纽约都白住了抱歉,我钻到你了?没有,你没有钻到我那是电钻你要是钻到我,我就死了别激动你要不要这个柜子嘛?我不要这个柜子你不早说,我又不会心电感应没有啤酒了,我要去对面好!你穿这样要去哪里?1982年?对了,我在装潢建材店看到名牌瓷砖在特价你可以重铺浴室地板我的浴室地板怎么了?没什么,只是又旧又暗没有这回事你把篮子移开…就能看到瓷砖原来的颜色这样我怎么住!怎么办?别激动,拿着瓷砖一撬就掉,我弄给你看我没想到你要撬它你看看,黏得多死啊撬也撬不完,我看你别管了怎么能不管你在我的旧地板上撬了个洞这样就好了挺好的塞进你的屁股里会更好我知道我要问什么了你会卷舌头吗?因为我会,但是我妈不会我想那一定是爸的遗传等一下,你是说这样? 对,你也会你没有卷啊好吧所以是我妈会,我不会我们这一点不一样你的生日是哪一天?2月16日我认识一个18日的人蛮近的你的生日呢?10月25日跟万圣节同一个月你在家里喜欢做什么?烧东西好,我已经挑了三个三个什么?可以上床的名人天哪,你还真慎重很难挑好吗?我只剩两个空缺你筛选出谁了?伊丽莎白赫莉大美女心胸宽大苏珊莎兰登她太热衷政治了她可能会叫你先捐四个罐头还有伊莎贝拉罗塞里尼很辣、很性感但是太国际化了她不会跑来美国的所以呢?所以你得掌握胜算挑一个会一直在国内的人对啊,你之所以钓不到她是地理因素你说的“烧”就是烧这是艺术吗?要烧艺术也可以可以借个电话吗?当然,你要打给你妈?不是,我想拿来烧现在不行我要去睡了,烟熏得我头痛晚安,老弟晚安拿去以防万一太好了那是什么空手道?什么都不是那是他自创的你们处得怎样?蛮烂的我以为他会更有兄弟的感觉就像你和罗斯,亲密融洽现在是很亲,但是以前我们又吵又打,又拉又扯然后裙子就会被扯到头上来我们还学舌去烦对方怎么学舌?我在问你啊我在问你啊我没空跟你闹你放弃得真快有看到乔伊吗?怎么了?就是这个其实是我不好,沙发就是用来放亮光漆的把瓷砖拿给我怎么回事?他在帮我重铺地板泥水匠给我起来!你要有始有终!灰姑娘,去钉柜子;灰姑娘,去铺瓷砖大章鱼天哪,我都忘了不能找别人吗?但是我有客人没关系,我去对不起,我得去工作我的一个熟客坚持要让我做你在做什么工作?我是按摩师我帮客人按摩你在按摩院工作?我们不那样叫,不过没错好劲爆我完全不知道好吧我过一会儿就回来除非你想跟我去你是说去看吗?不是,你也可以接受服务而且是免费招待不然要姊姊干什么?我并没有这么想不…我不会亲自招呼你那样很奇怪我会请其他小姐来做;我帮客人按摩真好玩嘿,激动吗?摩妮卡和瑞秋也在那里工作吗? 好漂亮之前的地板好像一场噩梦你想进去干什么?嘘嘘如何?再见好,我选好了这是最后名单对啊,好正式对,这是钱德用他的电脑印的谁拿去护贝的?是我拿来我看看乌玛舒曼、薇诺娜瑞德伊莉莎白赫莉蜜雪儿菲佛桃乐丝汉弥尔?(溜冰名将)你知道她只有在冰上才会一直转吧?“舒活之家”怎么了?她扭断了我的手他摸我的屁股是她先摸我的那是我的工作什么意思?我可以上你,却不能摸你?你不能上她你以为我是妓女?不,我知道你是按摩师;很好,我又不是警察你去请威佛先生等5分钟好我不喜欢你你以为我是干那行的?天哪我不是干那行的你不是干那行的?不是你怎么会这么想?不知道,这里是纽约嘛我是说…我不知道随便,好一个完美的周末完美的句点等一下你说得没错,真的很完美我居然把它搞砸了你觉得很完美?也许称不上完美但很酷我们相处很愉快你觉得哪一次特别愉快?就是卷舌头的事还有我告诉你我喜欢什么,讨厌什么我喜欢烧东西,不喜欢不能烧的东西对,好我有话都能对你说因为你是我姊姊是那样结果我却摸你朋友惹你生气我也没有气到跳脚你有跳一、两下我真的很抱歉算了我觉得现在这一刻最棒了现在?拜托,我们去了时代广场买到忍者娃娃,我差点被妓女扭断手她不是妓女我跟朋友吹嘘时,她就是数到三一,二为什么不直接到二?为什么二?这样比较快要不是你噜唆,早就数到三了好,但是以后…这个柜子很重,好吗一,二所以要数到二吗?乔伊,干得好哇好大可能是量尺有问题可能所有的量尺都有问题还好嘛,你的挡一点点我的挡一点点我有更好的主意干脆不要挡我的,都去挡你的先说一声,那边油漆未干我跟你确认一下是咖啡因减半、中大杯少许榛果糖浆无脂无沫、加热的咖啡,对吧?太好了变态谢谢一杯咖啡外带是伊莎贝拉罗塞里尼不会吧?天哪该死!我居然把她删掉怎么?不然你会行动吗?搞不好骗人你不认为我会行动?你花了十年承认你喜欢我是吗?你最好庆幸这份名单已经护贝了这样吧,你放马过去就当她是候补人选好,帮我拿。
译林版初中英语八年级上册Unit7 Seasons 单元检测AB卷(有参考答案)

译林版初中英语八年级上册Unit7 Seasons 单元检测AB卷译林版初中英语八年级上册Unit7 Seasons 单元检测A卷一:默写下列单词。
(共20小题;每小题1,计20分)1.有雾的___________2.有雨的_____________3.阵雨_____________4.记忆_____________5.溪流_______________6.堆_______________7.收获_____________8.庄家_______________9.糟糕的___________ 10.光亮的__________ 11.雪球______________ 12.突然的__________ 13.引起____________ 14.打仗______________ 15.深的___________ 16.陆地____________ 17.仍,投___________ 18.雪人___________ 19.sleep ___________ (形容词) 20.snowman __________ (复数)二:默写下列短语。
(共15小题;每小题1,计15分)1.收割庄稼___________________2.充满雪___________________________3.忘记生长___________________4.飞向远方_________________________5.变成棕色__________________6.寻找温暖睛朗的日子_______________7.完美的一天_________________8.为我做早饭_______________________9.发高烧______________________ 10.糟糕的一天______________________ 11.降到零度以下________________ 12.有点冷和干燥____________________ 13.喜欢打雪仗__________________ 14.互相扔雪球_____________________ 15.堆雪人______________________三:完成句子。

RACHEL: Oh honey, I'm so proud of you, Min. BARRY: (entering) Min. Oh Rach, you're still here, at our wedding, they were packing up the chopped liver about now. RACHEL: Yeah, I love that story. Um, I got a question for you guys. Why do people keep is saying that is good to see me up and about? MINDY: Well uh, after you ran out on your wedding, Barry's parents told people that you were sort of....insane. RACHEL: Insane! MINDY: ...from the syphilis. RACHEL: What?! BARRY: Yeah, what are they gonna say you didn't love me anymore. Come on. [Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Phoebe, Chandler, and Joey are there, Joey is on the phone.] JOEY: Angela? Joey Tribiani. Listen, what are ya doing tonight. I know your seeing that guy I was thinking maybe you could bring
新视野大学英语(第三版)视 听说1网课答案

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说1Unit 1Sharing1.2(1)busy(2)friends(3)university(4)social life1.3a-c-e-d-b-f1.4(1)danced(2)view of(3)fun(4)drink(5)west(6)delicious meal(7)house(8)TVListening2.1(1)1962(2)4th(3)1990(4)19962.2(1)teacher(2)cleaned houses(3)lost(4)visited(5)work(6)his wife(7)in his own words Viewing2.1a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b2.2(1)home(2)country(3)relatives(4)foreigner(5)speak(6)passed on(7)heat(8)sea(9)happinessRole-playing2.2(1)It was great(2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful 2.31 3 5 7 10 Presenting1.1(1)a small town(2)1993(3)2008(4)2003(5)seven1.21 4 5 7 8 9 10Conversations一 BABDD二 DBCD三 DDBA Passage 2(1)programmes (2)very(3)decisions(4)doing laundry (5)Obviously(6)choices(7)ruining(8)get used to (9)opportunities (10)step back News report一 BC二 DCUnit testPart ICADDAPart IICDABCPart IIICBABDPart IV(1)achievements (2)specialised (3)vast(4)professional (5)educated(6)was familiar(7)extensively(8)elegantly(9)a great deal(10)BesidesUnit 2 Sharing1.2(1)a month(2)Not very often(3)once or twice(4)a week(5)every month(6)every fortnight1.3(1)romantic(2)great(3)recommend(4)action(5)collection(6)real life(7)scenes(8)fantastic1.4c-d-a-bListening2.1C2.2(1)blonde(2)blue(3)dark(4)masculine2.32.4(1)tall(2)masculine face (3)black hair (4)dark brown (5)red hair(6)grey(7)slim(8)blonde hair (9)lovely Viewing2.12.2(1)garden(2)baby and wife(3)traditional values(4)likes(5)being togetherRole-playing2.1(1)feel like(2)What do you recommend (3)how about(4)What's it about(5)Who's in it(6)Do you think(7)Why don't we2.2Presenting(1)a free concert (2)evening(3)City Park(4)boyfriend(5)a picnic(6)stage(7)lay(8)fantastic1.2BABABA Conversations一 DBCAD二 DCBC三 ABAC Passage 2(1)comic(2)traffic(3)constantly (4)available(5)took part in (6)attracted(7)audience(8)free of charge (9)put forward (10)embrace News report一 AC二 CDUnit testPart IDACBAPart IIACACDPart IIICAADDPart IV(1)too much(2)warning(3)affected by(4)back(5)drive people to suicide(6)pointed out(7)recent(8)commit(9)prevention(10)it's timeUnit 3 Sharing1.2(1)living(2)much(3)interesting places(4)something(5)experience(6)feel about1.3a-d-b-g-h-f-e-c1.4(1)exciting(2)amazing concert(3)incredible(4)the theatre(5)the best place (6)different(7)compared to (8)play football (9)interesting things (10)the best thing (11)tickets(12)culture Listening2.1a-d-h-e-b-g-c-f2.2(1)Australia(2)outback(3)go further(4)frightened(5)Don't move (6)the dogs(7)frightening Viewing2.12.2(1)biggest island (2)nervous(3)women(4)1500(5)money(6)overwhelmedRole-playing 2.1(1)It's(2)there(3)leave a message (4)call(5)speak(6)moment(7)ring(8)number(9)this(10)picking up Presenting1.11.2Conversations 一 CCBDA二 BCAD三 CABCPassage 2(1)mountainous (2)frightened(3)took place(4)vanish(5)occurred(6)massive(7)caught(8)keep us away from (9)grateful(10)in advance News report一 CA二 DCUnit testPart ICBAADPart IICADBAPart IIIABCDDPart IV(1)apply for(2)commitment(3)opportunity(4)restaurant(5)developed(6)working practices (7)attending(8)add(9)personal qualities(10)a positive additionUnit 4 Sharing1.21.3(1)fresh air(2)avoid holes(3)think about(4)dream(5)looking out(6)an accident1.4c-e-f-d-a-b1.5c-a-b-d-f-eListening2.2(1)1962(2)1948(3)leave(4)public transport (5)in and drove(6)private(7)build(8)good condition (9)engineering problem (10)too heavy(11)strong(12)difficult to fly (13)traffic problems Viewing2.1AAABA2.22.3(1)airport managers (2)relax(3)pass the time (4)midnight(5)their flight(6)three hundred (7)319(8)500Role-playing 2.1(1)tied up(2)customer(3)20(4)coffee(5)delayed(6)cow(7)stations2.2BABABB2.3Presenting2.1(1)a vegetarian meal (2)meat(3)his order(4)business class (5)cold(6)the person in charge 2.2ABBBAABA Conversations一 CBDDA二 CBDD三 CADAPassage 2(1)Gradually(2)enabled(3)vehicles(4)dates back to(5)As a result(6)thoroughly(7)capacity(8)turn(9)automobiles(10)thanks toNews report一 D D二 D B CUnit testPart IBBDADPart IICDACPart IIICBDACPart IV(1)motor(2)sufferer(3)range from(4)results from(5)relies on(6)confused(7)still(8)folk(9)avoid(10)wingUnit 5 Sharing1.21.3Answers: 1 4 5 7 10 1.4(1)relaxing(2)fantastic(3)lovely(4)Amazing(5)thoroughly enjoyed (6)Lovely(7) fantastic Listening2.2(1)comfortable(2)Plane(3)faster(4)In a hotel(5)comfortable(6)In an apartment (7)expensive(8)sightseeing(9)sightseeing(10)interesting(11)In summer(12)better(13)hot weather(14)In spring(15)crowded(16)a restaurant(17)quieter(18)a restaurant(19)quieter(20)A month Viewing2.1c-a-f-d-e-b2.2(1)widest(2)cuts through(3)football(4)his career(5)famous(6)1800s(7)apparently(8) 80(9) fantastic meat (10) vegetables(11)family and friends (12)wonderful moments Role-playing2.12 4 5 82.2(1)Could I have (2)can we have (3)that(4)French(5)I'd like(6)The same Conversations一 ADACC二 DCDC三 DBAC Passage 2(1)celebrate(2)provide us with (3)sticking to (4)challenges (5)anticipating (6)portions(7)stuff(8)take hold of (9)effective(10)strategies News report一 B D二 A DUnit testPart ICCDAAPart IIBBBDPart IIIBCABDPart IV(1)hang(2)remains(3)symbol(4)performed(5)held on(6)represent(7)sweets(8)the holiday season(9)appeared to(10)spread toUnit 6 Sharing1.2(1)exercise(2)full-time(3)running1.31 51.4Answers: c-e-f-a-d-g-b1.5(1)a sweet tooth(2)sweet(3)coffee(4)chocolate(5)Eating late(6)regularly(7)too much(8)fast food(9)far too many (10)cake Listening2.1(1)eating problems (2)replace normal (3)food pills(4)taste different (5)its flavor(6)become common 2.22Viewing2.1CACDD2.2Role-playing 2.2d-b-f-e-a-c2.3(1)tea and coffee (2)one small cup (3)painkillers(4)three times a day (5)Foot pain(6)worry about Presenting(1)feel relaxed (2)much exercise (3)sporting hero (4)walk a day1.21 2 4 6 Conversations一 CBDBD二 CBAA三 BDBA Passage 2(1)pressures(2)disappear(3)compromise (4)alcohol(5)intense(6)interferes with (7)undermine (8)pay attention to (9)suffers from (10)competitive News report一 DD二 CAUnit testPart IAACDBPart IIACBBAPart IIICCDDDPart IV(1)perfectly(2)sewing(3)distant(4)suffer from(5)at arm's length(6)cloudy(7)judging(8)slightly(9)background(10)eye viewsUnit 7 Sharing1.21.3Answers: b-f-a-d-e-c1.3(1)Snakes(2)the end(3)hate(4)scared of(5)afraid of (6)horses(7)frighten (8)scares(9)memories (10)sharks (11)unknown Listening2.1(1)three(2)water(3)animals (4)the weather. Viewing2.1CCAA2.2(1)beautiful (2)magical (3)lovely(4)fantastic (5)happy(6)astonishing Role-playing 2.1BAA2.2e-a-c-b-d-f-g2.3BAAABB Presenting1.1(1)Fish River Canyon (2)amazingly quiet1.212358 Conversations一 CABDD二 DCDA三 CCACPassage 2(1)participated in(2)access to(3)tremendous(4)currently(5)incredible(6)accompany(7)remarkable(8)amazing(9)catching a glimpse of (10)looking forward to News report一 BB二 CAUnit testPart IDCBBDPart IIABDDPart IIICBADCPart IV(1)dial(2)keeper(3)smart(4)figure out(5)chemically(6)rank high on(7)intelligence(8)recognize(9)descriptive(10)make decisionsUnit 8 Sharing1.2d-c-a-e-b-f1.3BBABBA1.4Listening2.1(1)food(2)rubber(3)1891(4)concentrate (5)the mobile phone (6)1973(7)countries(8)light(9)2001(10 5002.21 4 5 6 7 Viewing2.1(1)early 30s(2)6 billion(3)computer science students (4)tour guide(5)in the group(6)searching the Internet (7)2000(8)successful business(9)fastest growing(10)most profitable2.2Role-playing2.1CBABC2.2Presenting(1)footballers(2)fire fighters(3)doctors(4)teachers1.2b-e-c-d-a-f Conversations一 BDCBD二 BCAD三 CDBDPassage 2(1)evidence(2)enhance(3)interviewed(4)rated(5)took into account (6)forecast(7)emerged(8)was related to (9)adapt themselves to (10)originalNews report一 ACA二 DCDUnit testPart ICDABCPart IICCBDAPart IIICBDACPart IV(1)accessible(2)opens a checking account (3)regularly(4)orders(5)exchange(6)bank account(7)return(8)interest(9)instead of(10)valuable。

《Friends》精选歌集下载-第1季1.Billy Don't Be A Hero - Bo Donaldson这首歌并没有出现在片子中,只是Ross的一段台词涉及到了,《Friends》读书笔记中也曾提到过,这是一首著名的反战歌曲,歌中有一句是“Billy,don't be a hero,come back,make me your wife。
”在剧中,乔伊劝罗斯忘记前妻再找新的女友,罗斯反问乔伊“Do the words'Billy,don't be a hero''mean anything to u?”这里罗斯把找新女友比喻成上战场。
2.Sky Blue And Black -Jackson Browne这应该是《Friends》第一首插曲了吧?失婚的Ross和逃婚的Rachel看着窗外的黑夜时所响起的歌曲。
3.My Guy - Shirelles出现在第十一集,Monica和Phoebe害一个帅哥被车撞了,她们照顾他的时候的背景歌曲。
4.The Odd Couple属于电视节目主题曲,音乐一旦想起你就会马上知道,剧中并没有播放原曲,不过却是六人用口技演奏的,出现在第十二集的开头。
5.I Dream of Jeannie出现场景同上,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被Chandle喊停了。
6.Bridge Over The River Kwai全球著名的口哨音乐——桂河大桥,第十八集开始的时候,大家帮Rachel准备履历表的时候合吹的。
7. The lion sleeps tonight还是第十八集,还记得Marcel最喜欢的那首歌吗?这首歌的版本也有好几个,《Friends》用的就是这首来自祖鲁歌手Soloman Linda的版本。
8.YOU'RE A BIG BOY NOW - JOHN SEBASTIAN第二十一集,Marcel被送上飞机的时候所响起的歌。

In the sixth episode of Friends Season 3, titled "The One with the Flashback," the gang takes a trip down memory lane and revisits some key moments from the past. The episode is set in the year that Ross and Carol got married and features a number of flashbacks to important events from that time.As the gang reflects on their younger selves, they realize just how much they have changed over the years. Chandler in particular is taken aback by his awkward and nerdy past, which includes a stint in advertising and a terrible mustache.Meanwhile, Phoebe is dealing with the aftermath of a breakup, as her boyfriend Tony has left her for another woman. She tries to put on a brave face, but her friends can tell that she is struggling. In an effort to help her move on, they set her up on a series of disastrous blind dates.Rachel and Ross's romantic tension continues, with Rachel struggling to resist Ross's charms. However, a series of unfortunate events (including Ross getting high on marijuana and accidentally revealing his feelings for Rachel) leads to a fight between the two of them."The One with the Flashback" is a fun and nostalgic episode that showcases the early days of the Friends gang. It features some hilarious moments and cringe-worthy fashion choices, and gives fans a glimpse into the characters' pasts.。

《Friends》精选歌集下载-第1季1.Billy Don't Be A Hero - Bo Donaldson这首歌并没有出现在片子中,只是Ross的一段台词涉及到了,《Friends》读书笔记中也曾提到过,这是一首著名的反战歌曲,歌中有一句是“Billy,don't be a hero,come back,make me your wife。
”在剧中,乔伊劝罗斯忘记前妻再找新的女友,罗斯反问乔伊“Do the words'Billy,don't be a hero''mean anything to u?”这里罗斯把找新女友比喻成上战场。
2.Sky Blue And Black -Jackson Browne这应该是《Friends》第一首插曲了吧?失婚的Ross和逃婚的Rachel看着窗外的黑夜时所响起的歌曲。
3.My Guy - Shirelles出现在第十一集,Monica和Phoebe害一个帅哥被车撞了,她们照顾他的时候的背景歌曲。
4.The Odd Couple属于电视节目主题曲,音乐一旦想起你就会马上知道,剧中并没有播放原曲,不过却是六人用口技演奏的,出现在第十二集的开头。
5.I Dream of Jeannie出现场景同上,只不过Ross刚起了个头就被Chandle喊停了。
6.Bridge Over The River Kwai全球著名的口哨音乐——桂河大桥,第十八集开始的时候,大家帮Rachel准备履历表的时候合吹的。
7. The lion sleeps tonight还是第十八集,还记得Marcel最喜欢的那首歌吗?这首歌的版本也有好几个,《Friends》用的就是这首来自祖鲁歌手Soloman Linda的版本。
8.YOU'RE A BIG BOY NOW - JOHN SEBASTIAN第二十一集,Marcel被送上飞机的时候所响起的歌。

In the fifth episode of Friends Season 3, titled "The One with Frank Jr.," the gang welcomes Phoebe's estranged younger brother, Frank Jr., into their lives. Frank Jr. is portrayed by Giovanni Ribisi, who delivers a standout performance as the quirky and lovable character.Phoebe is thrilled to reconnect with her brother, but she soon learns that Frank Jr. is not exactly the responsible and mature adult she was hoping for. He reveals that he has dropped out of school and has been traveling the country with his girlfriend, Alice, in a mobile home.As Phoebe tries to get Frank Jr. back on track, Alice reveals that she wants to have a baby, but she is unable to conceive due to a medical condition. Phoebe offers to be their surrogate, which leads to some hilarious yet heartwarming scenes as she deals with the realities of pregnancy and the challenges of carrying a child for her brother.Meanwhile, Monica is struggling to impress her new boss, who seems to have it out for her. She goes to extreme lengths to get on his good side, but her efforts go awry when she accidentally shaves a part of his head.Ross and Rachel continue to navigate their romantic tension, with Ross asking Rachel to be his girlfriend. However, their relationship hits a bump when Rachel runs into an old flame, Mark, and Ross becomes jealous."The One with Frank Jr." is an entertaining and emotional episode that explores the complexities of family dynamics and relationships. It features some standout performances from the cast, particularly Ribisi as the charming and eccentric Frank Jr.。
唐顿庄园第一季 英文字幕 Downton Abbey Season one (3)

唐顿庄园S1-3Dialogue: There you are, Mr Bates. It's in. Came this morning.Dialogue: They said it would, which isn't quite the same thing.Dialogue: Hello.Dialogue: I could have posted that for you.Dialogue: Well, I prefer to do it myself.Dialogue: I'll wait outside.Dialogue: Lovely.Dialogue: What are you doing?Dialogue: If you must know, I'm trying to find some spaceDialogue: on top of the cupboard to make life easier.Dialogue: So, what's in it, then?Dialogue: What?Dialogue: The bleeding great packing case that weighs a tonne, that's what. Dialogue: - Can't you just leave it? - No, I can't.Dialogue: And you'll tell me right now.Dialogue: - Anything interesting? - Not particularly.Dialogue: It's from Evelyn Napier.Dialogue: You met him withDialogue: the Delderfields last November, at Doncaster races.Dialogue: - Is that Lord Branksome's boy? - It is.Dialogue: Do you like him?Dialogue: - I don't dislike him. - And what's he writing about?Dialogue: Nothing much, he's out with the York and Ainsty next week. Dialogue: The meet is at Downton. He'll want some tea when he's up here. Dialogue: Where's he staying? With friends?Dialogue: He says he's found a pub that caters for hunting.Dialogue: Well, we can improve on that.Dialogue: He must come here. He can send the horses up early if he wants. Dialogue: He'll know why you're asking him.Dialogue: I can't think what you mean.Dialogue: His mother's a friend of mine. She'll be pleased at the idea. Dialogue: Not very pleased, she's dead.Dialogue: All the more reason, then.Dialogue: You can write a note, too, and put it in with mine.Dialogue: Should I tell him about your friendship with his late mother? Dialogue: I am sure you, of all people, can compose a letterDialogue: to a young man without any help from me.Dialogue: How much did it cost?Dialogue: Every penny I'd saved. Almost.Dialogue: And is this the mystery lover?Dialogue: I've been taking a correspondence course in typing and shorthand. Dialogue: That's what was in the envelopes.Dialogue: - Are you any good? - Yes.Dialogue: I am, actually.Dialogue: Her Ladyship wants the fawn skirt Lady Mary never wears. Dialogue: The seamstress is going toDialogue: fit it to Lady Sybil, but I can't find it.Dialogue: I'll come in a minute.Dialogue: - They're waiting now. - One minute.Dialogue: I'm just changing my cap and apron.Dialogue: Have you told anyone? What did your parents say?Dialogue: I can't tell them till I've got a job.Dialogue: Dad will think I'm a foolDialogue: to leave a good place and Mum will say I'm getting above myself, Dialogue: - but I don't believe that. - Nor do I.Dialogue: It's not of my doing. It's all Mary's own work.Dialogue: But I think we should encourage it.Dialogue: Branksome's a dull dog, but I don't suppose that matters. Dialogue: Did you know his wife had died?Dialogue: He only ever talks about racing.Dialogue: Cora is right.Dialogue: Mary won't take Matthew Crawley,Dialogue: so we'd better get her settledDialogue: before the bloom is quite gone off the rose.Dialogue: Is the family an old one?Dialogue: Older than yours, I imagine.Dialogue: - Old enough. - And there's plenty of money.Dialogue: - Oh, really? - Hmm.Dialogue: Mama, you've already looked him up in the stud books Dialogue: and made enquiries about the fortune, don't pretend otherwise. Dialogue: Are you afraid someoneDialogue: will think you're American if you speak openly?Dialogue: I doubt it'll come to that.Dialogue: - Shall I ring for tea? - No, not for me.Dialogue: I'm meeting Cripps at five. I'll see you at dinner.Dialogue: You don't seem very pleased.Dialogue: I'm pleased.Dialogue: - It's not brilliant, but I'm pleased. - So?Dialogue: I don't want Robert to use a marriageDialogue: as an excuse to stop fighting for Mary's inheritance. Dialogue: It won't make any difference.Dialogue: I don't think he has the slightest intention of fighting as it is. Dialogue: The price of saving DowntonDialogue: is to accept Matthew Crawley as his heir.Dialogue: What about you?Dialogue: I don't dislike Matthew.Dialogue: In fact, I rather admire him.Dialogue: Is that sufficient reason to give him your money? Dialogue: - Of course not. - Then there's nothing more to be said. Dialogue: Are we going to have tea or not?Dialogue: Hello.Dialogue: I'd offer you a lift if I could.Dialogue: It was you I was coming to see.Dialogue: Well, then, your timing is matchless. I've just got off the train. Dialogue: The other day, at dinner,Dialogue: Cousin Isobel was sayingDialogue: you wanted to see some of the local churches.Dialogue: She's right. I do.Dialogue: I want to know more aboutDialogue: the county generally, if I'm to live here.Dialogue: Well, I thought I might show you a few of the nearer ones. Dialogue: We could take a picnic and make an outing of it. Dialogue: - That's very kind. - Nonsense. I'll enjoy it.Dialogue: It's too long since I've played the tourist.Dialogue: Well, it would have to be a Saturday.Dialogue: The churches work on Sunday and I work all the weekdays. Dialogue: Then Saturday it is.Dialogue: I'll get Lynch to sort out the governess cartDialogue: and I'll pick you up at about :.Dialogue: - How does it work? - Well, it's easy.Dialogue: You just press the letters and they print on the paper. Dialogue: Get back, please.Dialogue: They were trying to hide it, so I knew it was wrong. Dialogue: Where's Gwen now?Dialogue: Doing the dining room with Anna, they'll be finishing. Dialogue: Then I'll wait.Dialogue: With all due respect, Mr Carson, Gwen is under my jurisdiction. Dialogue: Indeed she is, Mrs Hughes,Dialogue: and I have no intention of usurping your authority.Dialogue: I merely want to get to the bottom of it.Dialogue: Why shouldn't Gwen have a typewriter, if she wants one? Dialogue: Mind your own business.Dialogue: - What's that doing here? - Ah, Gwen. Come in.Dialogue: Why is that down here? Who's been in my room?Dialogue: They had no right.Dialogue: See here. In the first place,Dialogue: none of the rooms in this house belong to you.Dialogue: And in the second, I am in charge of your welfareDialogue: and that gives me every right.Dialogue: This is you, isn't it?Dialogue: All we want is to know what Gwen wants with a typewriterDialogue: and why she feels the need to keep it secret? Dialogue: She wants to keep it private, not secret.Dialogue: - There's a difference. - Amen.Dialogue: I've done nothing to be ashamed of.Dialogue: I've bought a typewriterDialogue: and I've taken a postal course in shorthand.Dialogue: I'm not aware that either of these actions is illegal. Dialogue: Will you tell us why, preferably without any more cheek? Dialogue: Because I want to leave service. I want to be a secretary. Dialogue: You want to leave service?Dialogue: What's wrong with being in service?Dialogue: Nothing's wrong with it.Dialogue: And there's nothing wrong with mending roads, neither, Dialogue: but it's not what I want to do.Dialogue: I should remind you that there are plenty of young girls Dialogue: who will be glad of a position in this house.Dialogue: And when I hand in my notice I shall be happy Dialogue: to think one of them will be taking my place.Dialogue: What makes you think we'll wait till then?Dialogue: Are you hiring and sacking now, Miss O'Brien? Dialogue: I thought that lay withDialogue: Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes.Dialogue: Enough of this. I'm going to ring the dressing gong Dialogue: and we'll have no more talk of this tonight.Dialogue: Can I have my machine back now?Dialogue: Very well, but I wish I were sure you know what you're doing. Dialogue: Daisy, what's happened to you?Dialogue: I said you could go for a drink of water,Dialogue: not a trip up the Nile.Dialogue: Which churches will you show him?Dialogue: I can't decide.Dialogue: Kirby, possibly, or perhaps Easingwold.Dialogue: You don't think you're being a bit obvious?Dialogue: Coming from you, that's rich.Dialogue: There was a letter from Mr Napier in the evening post. Dialogue: - Oh. Did he accept? - Not yet.Dialogue: Perhaps he thought it was too obvious.Dialogue: Apparently, he's bringing a friend with him.Dialogue: An attache at the Turkish Embassy. A Mr Kemal Pamuk. Dialogue: He's the son of one of the Sultan's ministersDialogue: and he's here for the Albanian talks.Dialogue: - What's that? - To create an independent Albania. Dialogue: Don't you read the papers?Dialogue: I'm too busy living a life.Dialogue: Since Turkey's signature is vital,Dialogue: Mr Napier's been given the jobDialogue: of keeping him happy until the conference begins.Dialogue: And he's eager to try an English hunt.Dialogue: I shall invite this Mr Pamuk to stay here as well.Dialogue: Who knows,Dialogue: a little hospitality in an English houseDialogue: may make all the difference to the outcome.Dialogue: And Mary, you will ride out with him.Dialogue: Oh, Mama, must I?Dialogue: My boots are at the mendersDialogue: and I haven't ridden for weeks.Dialogue: Anna? Please see that Lady Mary is fully equipped to go hunting. Dialogue: Yes, Your Ladyship.Dialogue: Yes?Dialogue: I saw this advertisement for a limp corrector.Dialogue: Yes?Dialogue: What does it do, exactly?Dialogue: It corrects limps.Dialogue: Does it work?Dialogue: Well, as I make it and I advertise it,Dialogue: is it likely I'd say no?Dialogue: Could I see one?Dialogue: Here we are.Dialogue: You adjust this to the right height to minimise the limp. Dialogue: You tighten these, gradually, as tight as you can stand, Dialogue: and as the legs straighten the foot lowers to the floor. Dialogue: Can't say it's going to be easy.Dialogue: And you can't slack.Dialogue: Every day, all day,Dialogue: if you mean business.Dialogue: All right.Dialogue: How much?Dialogue: She asks if we can both dine on Saturday?Dialogue: There are two young men staying,Dialogue: so you won't be so out numbered for once.Dialogue: What men?Dialogue: A Turkish diplomatDialogue: called something I can't readDialogue: and "Lord Branksome's charming son",Dialogue: who's to be flung at Mary, presumably.Dialogue: When it comes to Cousin Mary,Dialogue: she's quite capable of doing her own flinging, I assure you. Dialogue: Ah, open the door, can you?Dialogue: I couldn't find her breeches anywhere,Dialogue: so I asked Mr BatesDialogue: and he looked among His Lordship's riding clothes Dialogue: and there they were.Dialogue: I only hope to god I've got everything.Dialogue: Hat, I'll do here.Dialogue: Gloves and crop are in the hall.Dialogue: Gwen?Dialogue: Whatever's the matter?Dialogue: Hey, come on, sit down.Dialogue: What's up?Dialogue: Oh, I'm just being silly.Dialogue: You should get that brushed.Dialogue: He won't be up for another half an hour. Now, what is it? Dialogue: Well, I suppose I've just realised that it's not going to happen. Dialogue: - What isn't? - Oh, none of it.Dialogue: I'm not going to be a secretary.Dialogue: I'm not going to leave service.Dialogue: I doubt I'll leave here before I'm .Dialogue: What's all this?Dialogue: You saw their faces.Dialogue: And they're right. Oh, look at me.Dialogue: I'm the daughter of a farmhand, I'm lucky to be a maid. Dialogue: I was born with nothing and I'll die with nothing. Dialogue: Don't talk like that.Dialogue: You can change your life if you want to.Dialogue: Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself, Dialogue: but you can change it completely, I know. Dialogue: Mr Bates?Dialogue: Are you all right?Dialogue: Take her upstairs, dry her off.Dialogue: Come on, Gwen, hey?Dialogue: Mr Bates, what's the matter?Dialogue: Nothing. Not a thing. I'm fine.Dialogue: Let me help you.Dialogue: I'm perfectly all right, thank you, Mrs Hughes. Dialogue: Are you sure? You're as white as a sheet. Dialogue: That's my wonderful complexion,Dialogue: inherited from my Irish mother.Dialogue: Take it. Take it, don't dawdle.Dialogue: Ah, thank you.Dialogue: - Can you see them, My Lady? - Not yet.Dialogue: Oh, wait a minute. Here's Mr Napier.Dialogue: I was beginning to give up on you.Dialogue: We're moving off.Dialogue: We were fools not to accept your mother's invitation Dialogue: and send the horses down early.Dialogue: As it is, my groom only got here an hour or two ago. Dialogue: My mount's as jumpy as a deb at her first ball.Dialogue: What about Mr Pamuk?Dialogue: I gather if he takes a tumble,Dialogue: you'll be endangering world peace.Dialogue: Don't worry about Kemal. He knows what he's doing on a horse. Dialogue: Oh, well, where is he?Dialogue: Fussing. He's rather a dandy.Dialogue: And I can see him now. A funny little foreignerDialogue: with a wide, toothy grin and hair reeking of pomade. Dialogue: I wouldn't quite say that. Here he is now.Dialogue: Lady Mary Crawley, I presume?Dialogue: - You presume right. - Sorry to be so dishevelled.Dialogue: We've been on a train since dawnDialogue: and we had to change in a shed.Dialogue: You don't look dishevelled to me.Dialogue: Lynch, you don't have to stay with me.Dialogue: But His Lordship asked me to.Dialogue: It's a waste of your day.Dialogue: Help Mr Napier's men get their things back to the house. Dialogue: - His Lordship said... - Don't worry. I'll look after her. Dialogue: We'll make it our business to keep her from harm, I promise. Dialogue: I hope the day is living up to your expectations? Dialogue: It is exceeding them in every way.Dialogue: And where's Mr Napier?Dialogue: He's gone over the bridge, look.Dialogue: And what about you, will you follow himDialogue: or will you come over the jump with me?Dialogue: I was never much one for going round by the road. Dialogue: Stay by me and we'll take it together.Dialogue: I wish we could talk a little more about you.Dialogue: What was it like, growing up in Manchester?Dialogue: Does it say anything about the side aisles?Dialogue: "The side aisles were added in the th CenturyDialogue: by Bishop Richard De Warren."Dialogue: Yes, you can see that in the treatment of the stone. Dialogue: It's wonderful to think of all those men and women Dialogue: worshipping together through the centuries, isn't it? Dialogue: Dreaming and hoping.Dialogue: Much as we do, I suppose.Dialogue: Was the screen a Cromwell casualty?Dialogue: I dare say.Dialogue: Wonder how Mary's getting on?Dialogue: All right, I should think.Dialogue: - Why? - I just wondered.Dialogue: Will she stay with the hunt the whole day?Dialogue: Oh, you know Mary. She likes to be in at the kill. Dialogue: Where shall we go next?Dialogue: - Not home? - Oh, not yet.Dialogue: We've time for one more at least before we lose the light. Dialogue: I underestimated your enthusiasm.Dialogue: Come on.Dialogue: Is that one mine?Dialogue: Home is the hunter, home from the hill.Dialogue: Heavens, you have been in the wars.Dialogue: Papa, this is Mr. Pamuk.Dialogue: My father, Lord Grantham.Dialogue: - How do you do, My Lord? - Did you have a good day? Dialogue: - Couldn't have been better. - This is Thomas, sir. Dialogue: He will be looking after you.Dialogue: - You remember Mr. Napier. - Of course. How are you? Dialogue: So kind of you to have us, Lady Grantham.Dialogue: And this is Mr. Pamuk.Dialogue: - How do you do? - My Lady.Dialogue: - Well, what would you like? - Just baths. We're worn out. Dialogue: Your cases are upstairs, sir. If you'd like to follow me. Dialogue: Yes.Dialogue: Well, I hope Mary hasn't left you too exhausted, Mr. Napier? Dialogue: No.Dialogue: He doesn't look Turkish at all.Dialogue: Well, he doesn't look likeDialogue: any Englishman I've ever met, worse luck.Dialogue: I think he's beautiful.Dialogue: Is there some crisis of which I am unaware?Dialogue: - No, Mr. Carson. - I cannot think of another reason Dialogue: - why you should congregate here. - No, Mr. Carson. Dialogue: Have you seen our visitor? Quite a treat for the ladies. Dialogue: Indeed, My Lord.Dialogue: - Are they settled in all right? - I believe so.Dialogue: Mr. Napier's valet seems a competent fellow,Dialogue: and Thomas knows what he's doing.Dialogue: Why doesn't the gorgeous Turk have his own chap? Dialogue: Apparently his man speaks no English,Dialogue: so Mr. Pamuk decided to leave him in London.Dialogue: Probably very wise. I hope Thomas doesn't mind.Dialogue: You know Thomas, My Lord. He has to have a grumble, Dialogue: but I gather he cheered up when he saw the gentleman. Dialogue: - Bates, is anything wrong? - Nothing at all, My Lord. Dialogue: - Is that strap too tight? - Hmm.Dialogue: Shall I adjust it, sir?Dialogue: Now, I'm relying on youDialogue: to see that I go downstairs properly dressed. Dialogue: Don't worry, sir.Dialogue: I've got sharp eyes for anything out of order. Dialogue: Then I put myself entirely in your hands.Dialogue: You do right, sir.Dialogue: I should love to visit Turkey.Dialogue: Yes, it's a wonderful country.Dialogue: My man always does this, can you?Dialogue: I'm very attracted to the Turkish culture.Dialogue: Then I hope your chance will come to sample it. Dialogue: I hope so, too.Dialogue: You forget yourself.Dialogue: I'm sorry, sir. I...Dialogue: That will teach you to believeDialogue: what the English say about foreigners.Dialogue: I ought to report you.Dialogue: - I think you must have... - I mistook nothing.Dialogue: But I will make you an offer.Dialogue: Later tonight, I may need some helpDialogue: with the geography of the house.Dialogue: - The geography? - Yes.Dialogue: I'm not sure yet, but I may wish to pay someone a visit. Dialogue: If that is the case, you will help meDialogue: and I will say nothing of your behaviour.Dialogue: I don't understand. Why would she want to be a secretary? Dialogue: - She wants a different life. - But why?Dialogue: I should far prefer to be a maid in a large and pleasant house Dialogue: than work from dawn till dusk in a cramped and gloomy office. Dialogue: - Don't you agree, Carson? - I do, My Lady.Dialogue: Why are we talking about this? What does it matter?Dialogue: It matters that the people that live and work here are content. Dialogue: Of course. We should be helping Gwen if that's what she wants. Dialogue: I agree. Surely, we must all encourage those less fortunate Dialogue: to improve their lot where they can.Dialogue: Not if it isn't in their best interests.Dialogue: Isn't the maid a better judge of that than we are?Dialogue: What do say, Mr. Pamuk? Should our housemaid be kept enslaved Dialogue: or forced out into the world?Dialogue: Why are you English so curious about other people's lives? Dialogue: If she wishes to leave and the law permits it, then let her go. Dialogue: Perhaps the law should not permit it, for the common good. Dialogue: So you hanker for the days of serfdom?Dialogue: I hanker for a simpler world.Dialogue: - Is that a crime? - I, too, dream of the simpler world. Dialogue: As long as we can keep our trains and our dentistry. Dialogue: I wish I shared your enthusiasm. Our dentist is horrid. Dialogue: Well, why go to him, then?Dialogue: Oh, he treated all of us when we were children. Dialogue: You know how the English are about these things. Dialogue: Well, the next time you feel a twinge,Dialogue: you must come to Istanbul.Dialogue: Wouldn't the journey be painful?Dialogue: Sometimes we must endure a little painDialogue: in order to achieve satisfaction.Dialogue: Lady Mary rode very well today.Dialogue: Why did you send Lynch back?Dialogue: I had my champions to left and right. It was enough. Dialogue: Did you enjoy the hunt today, Mr Napier?Dialogue: Mary said you had a tremendous run.Dialogue: It was like something out of a Trollope novel.Dialogue: What about you, Mr Pamuk. Was your day successful? Dialogue: Oh, yes, Lady Grantham.Dialogue: I can hardly remember a better one.Dialogue: Mary has more suitors tonight than the Princess Aurora. Dialogue: But will she judge them sensibly?Dialogue: No one's sensible at her age.Dialogue: Nor should they be. That's our role.Dialogue: Well, if you will excuse me. Thank you.Dialogue: Was it fun to be back in the saddle?Dialogue: Yes. Although I'll pay for it tomorrow.Dialogue: Would you ever come out with me?Dialogue: Or aren't we friends enough for that?Dialogue: Oh, I think it might be...Dialogue: That run reminded me of a day last month up in Cheshire. Dialogue: - We came down the side of a hill... - Excuse me. Dialogue: It seems we must brush up on our powers of fascination. Dialogue: I was a fool to bring him here.Dialogue: - Don't you like him? - I like him very much.Dialogue: But so does everyone else, unfortunately.Dialogue: Excuse me.Dialogue: Hope I didn't wear you out today.Dialogue: Oh, not at all. I enjoyed it.Dialogue: We must do it again.Dialogue: Next time, let's take my mother.Dialogue: She was so jealous, she made me promise she could come with us. Dialogue: Of course. How nice that would be.Dialogue: What is it?Dialogue: Is this picture really a Della Francesca?Dialogue: I think so...Dialogue: The second Earl brought back several paintings from his... Dialogue: - Mr Pamuk! - Let me come to you tonight, please.Dialogue: I can't think what I have said that has led you to believe... Dialogue: Please, I don't know when we'll meet again.Dialogue: So, let it be tonight.Dialogue: Mr Pamuk,Dialogue: I will not repeat your words to my father,Dialogue: since I should hate to see you cast out into the darkness. Dialogue: But can we agree to consider them unsaid?Dialogue: Now, if you'll excuse me, I shall rejoin my mother and sisters. Dialogue: You must be mad.Dialogue: I am. I am in the grip of madness.Dialogue: Please leave at once or I'II...Dialogue: Or you'll what?Dialogue: I'll scream.Dialogue: No, you won't.Dialogue: I'll ring the bell, then.Dialogue: And who's on duty now? The hall boy?Dialogue: Will you really let him findDialogue: a man in your bedroom? What a story.Dialogue: Do you have any idea what you're asking?Dialogue: I'd be ruined if they even knew we'd had this conversation, Dialogue: - let alone if... - What?Dialogue: Don't worry. You can still be a virgin for your husband. Dialogue: Heavens! Is this a proposal?Dialogue: Alas, no. I don't think our union would please your family. Dialogue: - I'm afraid not. - Nor mine.Dialogue: But a little imagination.Dialogue: You wouldn't be the first.Dialogue: You and my parents have something in common. Dialogue: Oh?Dialogue: You believe I'm much more of a rebel than I am. Dialogue: Now, please go.Dialogue: I am not what you think I am.Dialogue: If it's my mistake, if I've led you on.Dialogue: I'm sorry, but I'm not.Dialogue: You are just what I think you are.Dialogue: No. I have never done anything.Dialogue: Of course not. One look at you would tell me that. Dialogue: Oh, my darling.Dialogue: Won't it hurt?Dialogue: Is it safe?Dialogue: Trust me.Dialogue: He's dead. I think he's dead.Dialogue: No, I'm sure he's dead.Dialogue: But how?Dialogue: We were together and... he's dead.Dialogue: In your room?Dialogue: We've got to get him back to his own bed.Dialogue: But how? It's in the bachelor's corridor,Dialogue: miles from my room.Dialogue: Well, could we manage him between us?Dialogue: He weighs a tonne. I can hardly shift him at all.Dialogue: We need at least one other. What about Bates?Dialogue: He couldn't lift him.Dialogue: William can't keep a secret.Dialogue: And Thomas wouldn't try to.Dialogue: We've got to do something.Dialogue: Then who else has as much to lose as you if it ever gets out?Dialogue: Not Papa.Dialogue: Please don't say Papa. I couldn't bear the way he'd look at me. Dialogue: No. Not His Lordship.Dialogue: - What happened to him? - I don't know.Dialogue: Heart attack, I suppose or a stroke or...Dialogue: He was aliveDialogue: and suddenly he cried out and then he was dead.Dialogue: But why was he here at all?Dialogue: Did he force himself on you?Dialogue: Well, we can talk about that later.Dialogue: Now, we must decide what to do for the best.Dialogue: There's only one thing we can do.Dialogue: I couldn't. It's not possible.Dialogue: If you don't, we will figure in a scandal of such magnitude Dialogue: it would never be forgotten until long after we're both dead. Dialogue: I'll be ruined, Mama.Dialogue: Ruined and notorious, a laughingstock, a social pariah. Dialogue: Is that what you want for your eldest daughter?Dialogue: Is it what you want for the family?Dialogue: We must cover him up.Dialogue: Hurry, the servants will be up soon.Dialogue: We've got time.Dialogue: - Mama. - Sorry.Dialogue: I can't make his eyes stay shut.Dialogue: Leave that and come away.Dialogue: He was so beautiful.Dialogue: Your Ladyship's right.Dialogue: We must get back to our rooms.Dialogue: I feel now that I can neverDialogue: forgive what you have put me through this night. Dialogue: I hope in time I will come to be more merciful. Dialogue: But I doubt it.Dialogue: You won't tell Papa?Dialogue: Since it would probably kill him,Dialogue: and certainly ruin his life, I will not.Dialogue: But I keep the secret for his sake,Dialogue: not for yours.Dialogue: Yes, Mama.Dialogue: Anna.Dialogue: I will not insult you by asking thatDialogue: you also conceal Lady Mary's shame. Dialogue: Let us go.Dialogue: I imagine you've heard what's happened? Dialogue: Yes.Dialogue: Terrible thing. Awful.Dialogue: Ghastly for your parents.Dialogue: I don't suppose I shall ever make it up to them.Dialogue: Well, it wasn't you fault.Dialogue: Well, I brought him here.Dialogue: If it isn't my fault, whose is it?Dialogue: I was wondering if you might show me the gardens before I go? Dialogue: We could get some fresh air.Dialogue: I won't, if you'll forgive me.Dialogue: I ought to stay and help Mama.Dialogue: Of course.Dialogue: I am so sorry about all this.Dialogue: I've told your father I'll deal with the embassy.Dialogue: There won't be any more annoyance for you.Dialogue: Thank you.Dialogue: Actually, he was a terribly nice fellow.Dialogue: I wish you could have known him better.Dialogue: I took him on as a duty,Dialogue: but I liked him more and more the longer I knew him. Dialogue: Perhaps you saw his qualities for yourself.Dialogue: Which obviously, you did.Dialogue: I had an uncle who went like that.。

In the 1st episode of Friends Season 3, titled "The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy," Ross and Rachel's relationship takes a dramatic turn. Over the summer, Ross has been unable to contact Rachel, and when she returns from a trip to Greece with her new boyfriend, she finds herself torn between her old flame and her new relationship.At the same time, Monica is excited about her new apartment, but quickly discovers that she has a noisy neighbor, played by Julia Roberts. Chandler, meanwhile, is attempting to break up with his girlfriend, but when he tries to do so, she tells him that she loves him.Joey, on the other hand, has a new job as a tour guide at the Museum of Natural History, where he meets a beautiful new co-worker named Kate. He immediately develops a crush on her, but is too afraid to ask her out.As the episode progresses, Ross becomes increasingly desperate to win Rachel back, and comes up with a plan to re-enact her childhood fantasy of dressing up as Princess Leia. Meanwhile, Monica's feud with her neighbor escalates to the point where she threatens to kill her with a fork."The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy" is an episode that touches on themes of love, communication, and personal growth. It highlights the challenges that arise when relationships are tested, and emphasizes the importance of honesty and compromise in navigating those challenges.。

In the eighth episode of Friends Season 3, titled "The One with the Giant Poking Device," the gang finds out about a hidden closet in Monica and Chandler's apartment. Curiosity gets the better of them, and they can't resist exploring it.As they open the closet, they find a secret storage space filled with various items, including a giant poking device. Ross becomes obsessed with the poking device and decides to use it on their apartment neighbors, who are always making loud noises.Meanwhile, Monica and Chandler are worried about their relationship becoming predictable and dull. To spice things up, they agree to sneak into a fancy restaurant using a reservation of one of Monica's clients who can't make it. However, things quickly spiral out of control when they bump into some of Monica's clients at the restaurant.Phoebe, on the other hand, is struggling with her position as Rachel's assistant at work. She feels unfulfilled and wants to pursue her own dreams. With the support of her friends, Phoebe decides to quit her job and follow her passion for music."The One with the Giant Poking Device" is a hilarious episode filled with comical situations as the Friends gang explores the hidden closet and deals with the consequences of their actions. Ross' obsession with the poking device, Monica and Chandler's misadventures with the reservation, and Phoebe's leap of faith all contribute to a memorable and entertaining episode.。

In the fourth episode of Friends Season 3, titled "The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel," the gang continues to navigate their personal and professional lives with various challenges and obstacles.Rachel starts a new job at Bloomingdale's and quickly impresses her boss with her fashion expertise. However, she soon realizes that the job may not be what she thought it was, and begins to struggle with the idea of staying or leaving.Ross is faced with a tough decision when his estranged wife, Carol, goes into labor and asks him to be there for the birth. Ross grapples with his feelings and ultimately decides to be there for Carol, leading to some touching moments between them.Chandler and Joey, inspired by a news segment on TV, decide to build a foosball table. This proves to be a difficult task, and they must navigate their conflicting ideas and frustrations as they work on the project.Meanwhile, Phoebe breaks up with her boyfriend, Roger, after he reveals his plans to go to Minsk and work for the International Space Agency. She struggles with the decision and turns to Chandler for advice. Their conversation leads to a metaphorical discussion about life being a tunnel, with the friends trying to discern whether they are at the beginning, middle, or end of their individual tunnels.Monica, still dealing with the tension between her and her new roommate, tries to establish some boundaries and assert herself. However, she finds herself in a compromising situation when her roommate walks in on her with a male friend. "The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel" is a poignant yet humorous episode that explores the characters' personal growth and relationships. It showcases the importance of their friendships and the challenges they face as they navigate through life's ups and downs.。

In the second episode of Friends Season 3, titled "The One Where No One's Ready," Ross is getting ready to give a big speech at a paleontology event, but the rest of the gang is incredibly slow and uncooperative in getting ready to accompany him. This leads to a series of comedic mishaps and escalating tensions.Rachel, in particular, is having a wardrobe crisis and spends most of the episode unable to decide what to wear. This frustrates Ross, who becomes increasingly agitated as time ticks away. Meanwhile, Joey and Chandler engage in a heated battle over who gets to sit in the comfortable chair, resulting in a hilarious struggle for dominance.Monica is obsessed with keeping everything perfect for Ross' big night and freaks out when she discovers a message on her answering machine from Richard, her ex-boyfriend. She obsesses over whether or not to call him back, seeking advice from everyone else in the apartment.On the other hand, Phoebe is caught in the middle of some prank phone calls, with a suitor who doesn't seem to take "no" for an answer. She tries to reason with him, but her unconventional tactics only seem to make matters worse.Throughout the episode, the gang's petty conflicts and insecurities reach a boiling point, culminating in a memorable scene where Ross explodes in frustration. The episode explores themes of self-doubt, communication breakdowns, and the challenges of maintaining friendships amidst chaos."The One Where No One's Ready" is a fast-paced and hilarious episode that showcases the dynamic between the friends and the tensions that can arise when under pressure. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder that even in challenging situations, the bonds of friendship can prevail.。

In the third episode of Friends Season 3, titled "The One with the Jam," the group finds themselves facing different challenges and conflicts. Monica brings home some homemade jam from her good friend Richard, which everyone quickly becomes obsessed with. The jam becomes a central point of contention and leads to humorous conversations and debates as each friend tries to stake their claim over it.Ross, still dealing with the aftermath of his breakup with Rachel, tries to navigate his feelings and seeks advice from his friends. Chandler and Joey offer their usual comedic perspectives, trying to cheer him up with their mischievous antics. Meanwhile, Rachel is determined to move on and explore new romantic possibilities. She receives attention from a handsome customer at Central Perk and contemplates the idea of going on a date with him.Phoebe, as always the quirky and lovable character, becomes intrigued by the idea of music royalties after learning that her mother may have written a famous song. She embarks on a mission to find out more, leading to some unexpected and humorous encounters along the way.In the midst of all this, Monica grows increasingly frustrated with her new roommate, Phoebe's ex-singing partner, who seemingly takes over her apartment and disregards her boundaries. This tension between them escalates throughout the episode. Additionally, Chandler struggles with commitment issues when Janice, his on-and-off again girlfriend, starts pressuring him for a more serious relationship."The One with the Jam" is a light-hearted and comedic episode that revolves around the group's personal dilemmas and their eccentric interactions. It showcases the strength of their friendships and their ability to find humor even in the most trivial of situations.。

一年级三个小朋友秋收苹果的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Applepicking Adventure with Lily and JackHi, my name is Emma and I'm in first grade. I want to tell you all about the fun time I had last weekend when my friends Lily and Jack came over to pick apples with me at my house. We had the best adventure!It was a sunny and crisp fall day. The leaves on the trees in my backyard were turning pretty shades of red, yellow and orange. My mom said the weather would be perfect for picking the ripe apples growing on our big apple tree. I was so excited because I just love apples - they are my very favorite fruit.Lily and Jack arrived right after breakfast. We ran straight out to the backyard to look at the apple tree. It was covered in big, juicy red apples just waiting to be picked. "Wow, look at all those apples!" exclaimed Jack. Lily jumped up and down clapping her hands. "Let's pick them, let's pick them!" she cheered.First we had to get our apple picking gear ready. My dad got three small baskets for us to put our apples in as we picked them.He also grabbed the long pole with the basket on the end to reach the apples at the very top of the tree that were too high for us. My mom made sure we had on our sturdy shoes and brought out her camera to take pictures of our big adventure.Once we were all set, we headed over to the apple tree. Lily, Jack and I decided to pick the low-hanging apples first that we could reach by hand. I showed them how to gently twist and pull the stem to get the apples off the tree without getting the apples bruised. We picked one at a time, carefully placing each apple into our little baskets.Jack found the ripest, reddest apples on a branch right at his eye level. "Mmm, these ones look and smell so good!" he said as he filled his basket. Lily had to stand up on her tiptoes to grab some hanging down lower on the tree. I found a bunch of apples on a branch that was a little too high for me, so I asked my dad for help. He used the long pole to grab those ones for me.After about an hour of picking, our little baskets were getting really heavy and full. We decided to take a break and headed inside for a snack. My mom had sliced up one of the apples we picked into wedges along with a few other fruits and some graham crackers. We sat at the kitchen table, snacking onthe fresh apple slices straight from our backyard tree. They were crisp, juicy and perfectly sweet!"These are the most delicious apples I've ever tasted!" Lily said between bites. Jack and I nodded our heads in agreement, our mouths too full of apple to respond. Once we had refueled on our healthy snack, we felt re-energized to head back outside to finish picking the rest of the apples.This time, we asked my dad to use the pole to knock down some of the apples from the higher branches for us. We danced around, catching the apples as they fell from up high in the tree. Some landed rig篇2The Big Apple AdventureIt was a crisp fall day and the leaves were just starting to turn brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow. My friends Lily and Jack and I could barely sit still during our reading lesson because we were just too excited - it was the day we were finally going to pick apples at the orchard!After what felt like an eternity, the school bell finally rang for recess. We raced out to the playground to meet our parents who had volunteered to take us on our big adventure. Lily's momsmiled at us and said, "Who's ready to become an apple picking expert?""Me! Me! Me!" we shouted, jumping up and down. Jack's dad chuckled and told us to hop into their van. The three of us piled into the backseat, squirming with anticipation the whole ride over.When we arrived at the orchard, I couldn't believe my eyes. Endless rows of trees stretched out as far as I could see, their branches sagging under the weight of ripe red and green apples.A friendly woman at the entrance handed each of us a small basket and explained the rules - we could pick as many apples as we wanted, but we had to be very gentle and careful with the trees."Got it!" Jack exclaimed. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the nearest row of trees. "C'mon, let's go get the biggest apples ever!"Lily skipped along behind us, humming a happy tune. We wandered between the trees, marveling at how many apples hung from the branches above us. They looked absolutely delicious, like gems glistening in the autumn sunlight. Jack reached up and plucked a bright red apple from a low-hanging branch."This one's mine!" he declared, holding it up with pride. He polished it on his shirt and took a huge bite, his cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk as he chewed. "Mmmm, so yummy!"Lily and I couldn't help but giggle at the silly sight. We spent the next hour roaming up and down the rows, filling our baskets to the brim. I found the biggest, reddest apple I had ever seen hanging near the top of one tree. I stretched up on my tiptoes but I just couldn't quite reach it. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands hoist me up from behind."Need some help there, little guy?" Lily's dad said with a wink. With his extra boost, I was able to grab the prizewinning apple. "Wahoo! Got it!"When our baskets were finally overflowing, we regrouped with our parents at the checkout. They paid the friendly apple farmers while we wandered over to the petting zoo area, crunching on our freshly picked snacks along the way. We spent a few minutes feeding carrots to the deer, goats, and bunnies before getting called back to篇3Apple Picking AdventureThis fall, my friends Tommy, Sarah, and I had the best time ever going apple picking! It was a beautiful sunny day in late September when my mom said we could go to the apple orchard.I was so excited because I love apples - they're my favorite fruit. Tommy and Sarah said they were excited too. We could hardly wait!When we got to the orchard, it was huge! There were rows and rows of apple trees as far as I could see. The trees were tall and the branches were just loaded down with bright red, yellow, and green apples. I had never seen so many apples in my whole life! The nice farmer who owned the orchard gave each of us a small basket to put our apples in. He showed us which trees had the sweetest apples and which ones were a little more tart. Then he let us go pick whatever apples we wanted.Tommy, Sarah, and I ran up and down the rows, searching for the perfect apples. Whenever I saw a really pretty one, I'd stretch up on my tippy-toes to reach it. Sometimes I was still too short, so Tommy or Sarah would help boost me up. Once I got a good one, I'd give it a little twist and it would pop right off into my basket. The basket started getting heavy really fast! Sarah picked some yellow apples that were huge. Tommy found a tree with tiny red apples that looked like big cherries.After a little while, we started getting tired from all the walking and picking. We decided to take a break and sat down under one of the big trees to snack on some apples we had picked. I got one of the green tart ones - it was so crispy and juicy! The juice from the apple ran down my chin and made my hands all sticky, but it was delicious. Tommy's little red apple was super sweet, almost like candy. Sarah said her yellow one tasted sort of like honey. Yum!We were having such a fun time that we didn't want our adventure to end. So we walked over to the pumpkin patch next to the apple orchard. There were hundreds of big, orange pumpkins sitting on the ground waiting to be picked. Me and my friends each found a perfect one to take home and carve for Halloween. Sarah's pumpkin was tall and sort of skinny. Tommy's was short and fat. I picked one that was just the right size to make a nice jack-o-lantern.After resting for a bit, we headed back to the apple trees again. We played a game where we tried to pick apples from the very top branches without using a ladder. We had to jump up and down and leap really high to reach some of them! Tommy was the winner at that game because he's the tallest. I came insecond place with Sarah coming in third. It was fun but also tiring work.Finally, our baskets were completely full and we couldn't pick any more apples. My arms were so sore from carrying the heavy basket everywhere. On the way out of the orchard, the farmer had a big apple cider press where we got to take turns squeezing the apples down into fresh, sweet cider. We each got to take home a jug of cider too. What a delicious treat after all our hard work!In the car on the way home, the three of us were talking about all the yummy things we could make with our apples - apple pie, applesauce, apple crisps, baked apples, caramel apples.I couldn't wait to get started baking! My mom said we'd make an apple pie that night for dessert. I've never tasted any pie better than a pie made with freshly picked apples.What an awesome fall day at the apple orchard! Going apple picking with my best friends Tommy and Sarah was so much fun. We got to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather, running around the orchard, picking crisp juicy apples right off the trees, and taking home loads of fruit to enjoy all season long. I can't wait to go back next year! It's definitely going to become one of my favorite fall traditions. Maybe you could come along with ussometime too? The more the merrier when it comes to an apple picking party!。

Season 3 Book 43Narrator: It is a lovely, sunny day.Peppa is playing with her friends. Peppa: It's Freddy Fox.Freddy: Hello, everyone!All: Hello, Freddy!Danny: Come on! Let's circle to the big hill. All: Yeah!1Daddy: Good morning, Mr. Fox!Mr. Fox: It's afternoon, Mr. Pig! Daddy: Afternoon? Already?My watch must have stopped.Mr. Fox: My shop sells watches and clocks. Let me see what I've got in a van.2Mr. Fox: One grandfather clock! Daddy: It's a bit big!Mr. Fox: Good, isn't it?It actually comes in a set of three. Daddy: Oh.3Peppa: Who's got the loudest bell? Freddy: I haven't got a bell.Peppa: Oh!Freddy: But my dad will have one in the back of his van.4Mr. Fox: Three clocks are much better than one.Freddy: Dad, have you got a bicycle bell, please?Mr. Fox: How many do you want, son? Freddy: I only want one.Mr. Fox: I took them in boxes of two.5Narrator: Freddy Fox now has two bicycle bells.Freddy: Brilliant! Thanks, dad! Freddy: Dad gave me two bells.All: Wow!6Danny: What else has your dad got in his van? Freddy: He's got everything!All: Wow!Peppa: What shall we play now?Suzy: Let's have a bicycle race!Peppa: With a big, shiny cup for the winner. Suzy: But where can me get a cup? Peppa: Yes, where can we get a cup? Freddy: I'll see what I can do.7Mr. Fox: The best thing about having your own cement mixer is that…Freddy: Dad, have you got a big shiny winner's cup for our bicycle race, please? Mr. Fox: How important a race is it? Freddy: It's very important.8Mr. Fox: Will this do?Freddy: Well, thanks, dad. It's gold!Mr. Fox: Yes, it's plastic gold!9Freddy: One winner's cup is made of plastic gold!All: Wow!Suzy: Your daddy's van really has got everything!Freddy: Yep!Pedro: Let's race to Peppa's house! Peppa: Ready Steady Go!10Mr. Fox: Press this button and it just disappears!Mummy and Daddy: Woo…Ah!Mr. Fox: And if you push this button, you can play CDs!11Narrator: The friends have all finished together.Mr. Fox: Everyone is a winner! Pedro: But we've only got one cup. Mr. Fox: My van has a winner's cup for everyone!All: Hooray!12Peppa: Mr. Fox, is there anything you don't have in your van?Mr. Fox: T ry me!Pedro: Have you got a banjo?Mr. Fox: Four or five-string.Suzy: You won't have a tree in your van? Mr. Fox: Apple or pear?Danny: I bet you haven't got a rocket in there.13Mr. Fox: Box is a foil.Peppa: What's about a chicken?Mr. Fox: One chicken!Peppa: Mr. Fox's van is magic! Pedro: It's a super van!Mr. Fox: Yes, it's.Come on Freddy, we'd better get home! Mr. Fox and Freddy: Goodbye, everyone! All: Bye!14Peppa: Have you got a bouncy castle?Mr. Fox: Yep!Suzy: A garden shed?Mr. Fox: Yep! I've got everything!Oh, I've got no petrol.Narrator: Mr. Fox has everything in his van except petrol.Oh I need to get to the petrol station.1516Daddy: I would tow you, but I haven't got a tow rope.Mr. Fox: Oh, I have got plenty of them.I do them in packs of five.Peppa: Can we come along, too?Daddy: Why not.Narrator: Daddy Pig is towing Mr. Fox's van to the petrol station.Read More Peppa Pig books at37 Miss Rabbit's Day Off38 The Secret Club39 Grampy Rabbit's Boatyard40 Shake, Rattle and Bang41 Champion Daddy Pig42 Chatterbox43 Mr. Fox's Van44 Chloe's Big FriendsTHE MORE YOU READ THE MORE YOU KNOW。
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310 瑞秋辞职我不知道…啊?照狗的年纪来算…你认为史奴比还能飞这个玩意儿吗?瑞秋?什么事?记得你刚来的时候有另外一个服务生训练你吗? 当然,要我训练新人吗?问得好其实是泰瑞要你再受训一次什么时候都可以你相信这种事吗?相信共是两盒蛋白杏仁饼干我代表美国棕鸟向你致敬承认吧,你不会反手击球对不起,小鬼我反手击球很厉窖像个女人一样掩面大叫…不叫反手击球我的叫声…像海军好,看我示范冠军选手的三个P 力量准头架式你害一个小女孩的腿骨折?我知道,我很难过,行吗?报上说有个小女孩昨晚在芝麻街道遭重击你昨晚十点左右人在哪里?我要去看她我想带点东西给她她会喜欢什么?凯蒂猫娃娃?走路的能力?我得回去接受再训练了好,再见,各位小心,小朋友,他来了我得去卖圣诞树了卖得开心点等等,不要去我忘了我现在完全反对这件事什么?反对我有工作?不,我反对无辜的树木在青春正盛的时候被砍下…尸体被装饰得怪模怪样…挂上一堆金箔和闪灯…你昨晚睡得好吗?我拖着树走来走去累得要命你完全搞错了那些树生来就是要当圣诞树的为人们带来欢乐是实现他们生存的目的真的?没错对,这些树也很高兴…因为对大多数的树来说这是他们…见识纽约的唯一机会送完饮料之后,把盘子…甘瑟,拜托我在这里做了两年半我知道空盘子要放在那里放在这里怎么样?这倒是个好主意离马克杯比较近你应该要其他的服务生照办她们本来就是这么放的所以她们管这里叫盘子区我听到她们说这个我还以为是她们参加的俱乐部对不起没关系甜心你一定很高兴吧?你爸爸说你可以不用上学也不必再去卖饼干了我很想去卖饼干卖最多饼干的人可以免费参加太空营坐上真正的太空梭你很喜欢太空的东西,是吧?我爸爸说如果我帮他清洁公寓的时间和我做太空梦的时间一样多他就可以去泰姬玛哈陵了要清洁很多间公寓才有钱去印度不,是大西洋城的泰姬玛哈陵爸爸喜欢吃角子老虎他说可以把祖母留给我的大学学费再增加一倍那就祝爸爸好运吧要卖多少盒饼干才能获胜?去年的冠军卖了475盒我到目前为止卖了75盒还有四百盒应该不难,一盒多少钱?五块钱奖是什么?十段变速脚踏车,但我宁可要爸爸不能变卖的东西这也对帮我一个忙好吗?好的,莎拉,你说一句就行了你帮我把窗帘拉起来好吗?太空人会上电视新闻我们没有电视,对面的小姐…说她会把她的电视推到窗口让我看什么事?嗨,我是卖棕鸟饼干的你不是棕鸟队员我可以从窥视孔看到你嗨,我是棕鸟的荣誉队员这是什么意思?是说我可以卖饼干但不能在别人家过夜我可以按钮拨119报警快走拜托…我是为了一个贫穷的小女孩…她最大的心愿就是参加太空营我要按钮了警察马上就来了好…我马上走我还看得到你好啦!你在这里干嘛?我把你的话想了很久我发觉也许我是有点太苛刻了对,可是…菲比,记住它们只是在实现他们的圣诞·,宿命没错那棵看起来好像很空虚那是老树了他只是把树拿到后面罢了你们把老树放在后面?真是年龄歧视这样才有地方放新鲜的树那老的怎么办?拿去切碎我感觉好像不怎么快乐似的“中央咖啡厅”这些是圣诞人物的形状圣诞老人鲁道夫,和耶稣宝宝我要一盒奶油馅的耶稣宝宝一盒?这可是为了帮助一个想参加太空营的小女孩呢我算你五盒,你呢?好吧,你有没有椰子口味的神? 没有,但犹太教的分支蜡烛有椰子口味我算你八盒,一晚一盒摩妮卡?我要一盒薄荷口味的一盒就好了我参加棕鸟之后就胖了记得吗?爸爸买光了我的饼干,我全都吃掉了不,摩妮卡,爸爸不得不买下每一盒饼干…是因为你把饼干吃光了可是这次一定不会这样了我给你算三盒薄荷两盒鲁道夫吧?不要好啦,你知道你很想吃不要这样这样吧,第一盒算我送的老天,我得走了来嘛,好孩子都吃这种饼干待会儿新的服务生来了我会告诉你为什么不能…把蜘蛛困在马克杯底下就算了我痛恨这工作,还要努力改进我的人生算是完了这不是暂时性的工作而已吗? 你的目标是打入时装界对,我还在朝目标前进你是怎么前进的?两年前寄寄履历表吗?我还传达了…好点子如果你问我只要你还保有这份工作就没有找新工作的动机你需要的是恐惧恐惧?他说得对辞掉这份工作,才有动机追求你心目中理想的工作你为何还在做你讨厌的工作? 干嘛不辞职来产生恐惧因为我太害怕了我不知道,我愿意不计一切为设计师或采购人工作我不想到了30岁还在这里工作对,那要比28岁还在这里工作惨多了瑞秋,提醒我跟你复习哪壶是低因咖啡,哪壶不是看把手看不出来吗?想得美好了,甘瑟,你知道吗?我是个很差劲的服务生你知道这是为什么吗?因为我不在乎我不在乎哪壶是普通咖啡哪壶是低因咖啡我不在乎盘子区在哪里我就是不在乎这不是我想做的工作所以我想我不该再做下去了我正式提出辞呈什么?甘瑟,我辞职这表示以后喝咖啡要付钱了吗?好,1 22 21 8干嘛?我拼出了“傻蛋”再给我一盒薄荷口味的,好吗? 薄荷饼干在哪里?没有了,都卖光了什么?摩妮卡我不能再让你吃下去了再两盒就好这也没什么,我很好你得帮我再弄两盒看看你自己你脖子上还有饼干你卖了几盒?你看417盒老天,你怎么办到的?前两天晚上我离开博物馆的时候天文馆正在放雷射佛洛依德我随随便便就卖了五十盒这时我想到成功的关键就是吸大麻后的“饥饿感”所以我开始在午夜时分到纽约大学的宿舍去我把饼干论箱卖他们叫我“饼干佬”放下手边的事,我需要人帮我塞信封、舔邮票…谁帮你写履历表的?我用我的电脑写的你还真用了够大号的黑体字对,“咖啡厅的服务生”和“啦啦队队长”占不了多少空间真有趣你好有趣,钱德你有趣极了知道还有哪件事也很有趣吗?我说错了什么吗?我不知道不是你在我毫无后路的时候…叫我辞职的吗?别激动,事情会顺利的不,不会的明天是我最后一天上班而我到现在还毫无进展你知道吗?我要打电话给甘瑟说我不辞职了你不能向恐惧投降你和你愚蠢的恐惧我痛恨你的恐惧我要把你和你的恐惧…嘿,我有好消息快跑,乔伊,逃命去吧干嘛?瑞秋,听好了你听过福图那塔时装没有? 我老爸在那里做水电工听说那里要找人要他帮你安排面试吗?天哪,我要,太好了你好可爱,乔伊现在告诉你们好消息刚才那个不是好消息?除非你们觉得此这个消息更好雪花罐!要我装饰窗户吗?看起来有圣诞的感觉圣诞饼干?好,这是一棵道格拉斯枞树这个比较贵一点,但也比较香看起来不错,我买了等等,不要不要买那棵不,你可以买这棵棕色的树这树都快死了所以非买不可让它完成它的圣诞宿命不然他们就会把拿去切碎告诉他对,无法完成圣诞宿命的树就要拿去切碎我还是再看看吧你不能再这样搞下去了我是赚佣金的我来挑一棵圣诞树别看了,就买这棵这是我去年丢掉的树吗?算了,大家都想买绿树对不起,我也不想这么情绪化过节就是让人很难受亲爱的,这是因为你母亲在圣诞节前后过世吗? 我还没想到那件事呢嗨,你卖了多少?我不告诉你你是害莎拉断腿的坏人嘿,那是意外,好吗?你是个大斗蛋什么叫斗蛋?照镜子就看到了,斗蛋我不用照镜子我看你就行了好,各位小女孩…和大男人我们看看大家的总成绩黛比321盒饼干,很好还不够好278盒对不起,亲爱的但还是不错对斗蛋来说是不错你呢,伊莉莎白?871盒乱盖棕鸟修女做得好下一个是谁?嗨嗨替莎拉代打的…罗斯盖勒872盒不过看样子你自己买了一大堆饼干那是因为我的医生说我有…很严重的…果仁糖…不足…把事情的经过告诉我们棕鸟罗斯我输了,有个小女孩把制服借给19岁的姊姊她到美国轮船尼米兹号…卖掉了两千多盒面试怎么样?我搞砸了连我自己都不会请我过来,甜心听我说…找到工作之前要应霉一千次…这种情形应该不会发生这是最糟糕的圣诞节也许你应该留在咖啡厅不行了,太迟了泰瑞已经请了那个女孩你们看看她她还有当服务生的经验昨天晚上,她还·,教大家把…餐巾…摺成…她说的是“天鹅”看到酒醉的圣诞老人撒尿我的圣诞节可真快乐我的天圣诞快乐你们救了他们老天,你们太棒了好像是“生不如死的圣诞树之夜”对,我就是你开玩笑…谢谢,我爱你当然啦大家都喜欢听人家开玩笑我找到工作了太好了上帝保佑我们大家来,这是我最后一次端咖啡来用心品尝吧我该告诉她我点的是咖啡吗?不要说对不起,各位?这是我在这里工作的最后一夜…我只想说…我在这里交了一些好朋友…现在是向前走的时候了我无意冒犯各位留在这里的人但你们不知道我多庆幸可以在这一刻说…我再也不必冲咖啡了…老卡普兰先生喜欢喝浓咖啡所以一包不够,要用两包注意听好了,这里很需要技巧有些人的滤纸只用一次我很遗憾你不能参加太空营我希望这个或许能帮我补偿你,好吗?接下来是…莎拉图多的私人特制太空营你不必这么做的别客气,来吧准备倒数好,发射我是外星人…不,小行星来了。