GRE Verbal模拟题 07
GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.Late-eighteenth-century English cultural authorities seemingly concurred that women readers should favor history, seen as edifying, than fiction, which was regarded as frivolous and reductive. Readers of Marry Ann Hanway’s novel Andrew Stewart, or the Northern Wanderer, learning that its heroine delights in David Hume’s and Edward Gibbon’s histories, could conclude that she was more virtuous and intelligent than her sister, who disdains such reading. Likewise, while the na?ve, novel-addicted protagonist of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, Catherine Morland, finds history a chore, the sophisticated, sensible character Eleanor Tilney enjoys it more than she does the Gothic fiction Catherine prefers. Yet in both cases, the praise of history is more double-edged than it might actually appear. Many readers have detected a protofeminist critique of history in Catherine’s protest that she dislikes reading books filled with men “and hardly any women at all.”Hanway, meanwhile, brings a controversial political edge to her heroine’s reading, listing the era’s two most famous religious skeptics among her preferred authors. While Hume’s history was generally seen as being less objectionable as his philosophy, there were widespread doubts about his moral soundness even as a historian by the time that Hanway was writing, and Gibbon’s perceived tendency to celebrate classical paganism sparked controversy from the first appearance of his history of Rome.1.The author’s primary purpose is thatA.the evidence used in support of a particular argument is questionableB.a distinction between two genres of writing has been overlookedC.a particular issue is more complex than it might appearD.two apparently different works share common featuresE.two eighteenth-century authors held significantly different attitudes toward a particular正确答案:A解析:A选项中的a particular argument指的是文化权威们认为“女人应该多读历史”的观点,evidence指的是第二、三句。
GRE(VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.Excessive secrecy tends to(i)______excessive curiosity and thus serves to (ii)______ the very impulses against which it guards.正确答案:C,E解析:tends to和and thus分别表示同义重复。
inhibit 抑制,satisfy使满意,invite招致;deride嘲弄,provoke引发,limit限制。
知识模块:基础填空2.In frigid regions a layer of permafrost under the soil surface prevents water from sinking deep into the soil, and so the water (i)______the land, helping to create bog and (ii)______ conditions.正确答案:C,E解析:and so表示前后同义重复;and表示前后同义重复。
GMAT(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.In an attempt to improve the overall performance of clerical workers, many companies have introduced computerized performance monitoring and control systems(CPMCS)that record and report a worker’s computer-driven activities. However, at least one study has shown that such monitoring may not be having the desired effect. In the study, researchers asked monitored clerical workers and their supervisors how assessments of productivity affected supervisors ‘ ratings of workers’performance. In contrast to unmonitored workers doing the same work, who without exception identified the most important element in their jobs as customer service, the monitored workers and their supervisors all responded that productivity was the critical factor in assigning ratings. This finding suggested that there should have been a strong correlation between a monitored worker’s productivity and the overall rating the worker received. However, measures of the relationship between overall rating and individual elements of performance clearly supported the conclusion that supervisors gave considerable weight to criteria such as attendance,accuracy, and indications of customer satisfaction. It is possible that productivity may be a “hygiene factor, “that is, if it is too low, it will hurt the overall rating. But the evidence suggests that beyond the point at which productivity becomes “good enough” higher productivity perhaps is unlikely to improve a rating.1.According to the passage, before the final results of the study were known, which of the following seemed likely?A.That workers with the highest productivity would also be the most accurate.B.That workers who initially achieved high productivity ratings would continue to do so consistently.C.That the highest performance ratings would be achieved by workers with the highest productivity.D.That the most productive workers would be those whose supervisors claimed to value productivity.E.That supervisors who claimed to value productivity would place equal value on customer satisfaction.正确答案:C解析:从文中推出,在研究最终结果知晓以前,哪一点看起来正确?研究的最终结果在文章最后,即:生产能力若不足,会影响整体评价;但超过“足够”水平后,不能再提高评定级别。
SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or set of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1.Agronomists are increasingly worried about “desert- ification,” the phenomenon that is turning many ofthe world’s ----fields and pastures into----wastelands, unable to support the people living onthem.(A) fertile.. barren(B) productive.. blooming(C) arid.. thriving(D) poorest.. marginal(E) largest.. saturated2. Old beliefs die hard: even when jobs became---the long-standing fear that unemployment couldreturn at a moment’s notice----.(A) vacant.. perished(B) easier.. changed(C) plentiful.. persisted(D) protected.. subsided(E) available.. receded3. Intellectual----and flight from boredom havecaused him to rush pell-mell into situations that less----spirits might hesitate to approach.(A) restlessness.. adventurous(B) agitation.. passive(C) resilience.. quiescent(D) tranquility.. versatile(E) curiosity.. lethargic4. Science advances in----spiral in that each newconceptual scheme----that phenomena explainedby its predecessors and adds to those explanations.(A) a discontinuous.. decries(B) a repetitive.. vitiates(C) a widening.. embraces(D) an anomalous.. captures(E) an explosive.. questions5. Politeness is not a----attribute of humanbehavior, but rather a central virtue, onewhose very existence is increasingly being----by the faddish requirement to “speakone’s mind.”(A) superficial.. threatened(B) pervasive.. undercut(C) worthless.. forestalled(D) precious.. repudiated(E) trivial.. affected6. The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for,hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was----by the perspective.(A) improved (B) aggrandized(C) embellished (D) jeopardized(E) diminished7. Because folk art is neither completely rejected nor accepted as an art form by art historians, their finalevaluations of it necessarily remain----.(A) arbitrary (B) estimable (C) orthodox(D) unspoken (E) equivocalDirections: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.8. REFEREE: FIELD::(A) scientist: results (B) mediator: deadlock(C) gladiator: contest (D) teacher: classroom(E) judge: courtroom9. BLUSH: EMBARRASSMENT::(A) scream: anger (B) smile: pleasure(C) laugh: outrage (D) love: sentimentality(E) whine: indecision10. TANGO: DANCE::(A) arabesque: theme(B) tonality: instrumentation(C) rhyme: pattern (D) stanza: line(E) elegy: poem11. CELL: MEMBRANE::(A) door: jamb (B) yard: sidewalk(C) seed: hull (D) head: halo(E) mountain: clouds12. HYMN: PRAISE::(A) waltz: joy (B) liturgy: rite(C) lullaby: child (D) dirge: grief(E) prayer: congregation13. EMOLLIENT: SOOTHE::(A) dynamo: generate (B) elevation: level(C) precipitation: fall (D) hurricane: track(E) negative: expose14. IMPLACABLE: COMPROMISE::(A) perfidious: conspire(B) irascible: avenge(C) honest: swindle(D) amenable: deceive(E) hasty: prevail15. MISANTHROPE: PEOPLE::(A) patriot: country(B) reactionary: government(C) curmudgeon: children(D) xenophobe: strangers(E) miscreant: dogma16. MILK: EXTRACT::(A) squander: enjoy (B) exploit: utilize(C) research: investigate (D) hire: manage(E) wheedle: flatterMany critics of Eamily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint thatcomments on, if it does not reverse, the first part,(5) where a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation.Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by thenovel’s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complexuse of narrators and time shifts. Granted that thepresence of these elements need not argue an authorialawareness of novelistic construction comparable to that (10) of Henry James, their presence does encourage attemptsto unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. However,any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the nove l’sdiverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing.This is not because such an interpretation necessarily (15) stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpre- tation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet.17. According to the passage, which of the following isa true statement about the first and second parts ofWuthering Heights?(A) The second part has received more attentionfrom critics.(B) The second part has little relation to the firstpart.(C) The second part annuls the force of the firstpart.(D) The second part provides less substantiationfor a “romantic” reading.(E) The second part is better because it is morerealistic.18. Which of the following inferences about HenryJames’s awareness of novelistic construction isbest supported by the passage?(A) James, more than any other novelist, wasaware of the difficulties of novelisticconstruction.(B) James, was very aware of the details of novel-istic construction.(C) James’s awareness of novelistic constructionderived from his reading of Bronte.(D) James’s awareness of novelistic constructionhas led most commentators to see unity inhis individual novels.(E) James’s awareness of novelistic constructionprecluded him from violating the unity ofhis novels.19. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should(A) not try to unite heterogeneous elements in thenovel(B) not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel(C) not argue that the complex use of narrators orof time shifts indicates a sophisticated struc-ture(D) concentrate on those recalcitrant elements ofthe novel that are outside the novel’s mainstructure(E) primarily consider those elements of novelisticconstruction of which the author of the novelwas aware20. The author of the passage suggests which of thefollowing about Hamlet?I.Hamlet has usually attracted critical interpreta-tions that tend to stiffen into theses.II.Hamlet has elements that are not amenableto an all-encompassing critical interpretation.III. Hamlet is less open to an all-encompassingcritical interpretation than is WutheringHeights.IV. Hamlet has not received a critical interpretationthat has been widely accepted by readers.(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and IV only(D) III and IV only (E) I, II, and III onlyThe determination of the sources of copper ore used in the manufacture of copper and bronze artifactsof Bronze Age civilizations would add greatly to ourknowledge of cultural contacts and trade in that era.(5) Researchers have analyzed artifacts and ores for theirconcentrations of elements, but for a variety of reasons,these studies have generally failed to provide evidence ofthe sources of the copper used in the objects. Elementalcomposition can vary within the same copper-ore lode, (10) usually because of varying admixtures of other elements,especially iron, lead, zinc, and arsenic. And high con-centrations of cobalt or zinc, noticed in some artifacts,appear in a variety of copper-ore sources. Moreover,the processing of ores introduced poorly controlled (15) changes in the concentrations of minor and trace ele-ments in the resulting metal. Some elements evaporateduring smelting and roasting; different temperaturesand processes produce different degrees of loss. Finally,flux, which is sometimes added during smelting to (20) remove waste material from the ore, could add quanti-ties of elements to the final product.An elemental property that is unchanged throughthese chemical processes is the isotopic composition of each metallic element in the ore. Isotopic composition, (25) the percentages of the different isotopes of an elementin a given sample of the element, is therefore particularlysuitable as an indicator of the sources of the ore. Ofcourse, for this purpose it is necessary to find an elementwhose isotopic composition is more or less constant (30) throughout a given ore body, but varies from one copperore body to another or, at least, from one geographicregion to another.The ideal choice, when isotopic composition is used to investigate the source of copper ore, would seem to (35) be copper itself. It has been shown that small butmeasurable variations occur naturally in the isotopiccomposition of copper. However, the variations arelarge enough only in rare ores; between samples ofthe common ore minerals of copper, isotopic variations (40) greater than the measurement error have not beenfound. An alternative choice is lead, which occurs inmost copper and bronze artifacts of the Bronze Age inamounts consistent with the lead being derived fromthe copper ores and possibly from the fluxes. The (45) isotopic composition of lead often varies from onesource of common copper ore to another, with varia-tions exceeding the measurement error; and preliminarystudies indicate virtually uniform isotopic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source. While (50) some of the lead found in an artifact may have beenintroduced from flux or when other metals wereadded to the copper ore, lead so added in Bronze Age processing would usually have the same isotopic compo-sition as the lead in the copper ore. Lead isotope studies (55) may thus prove useful for interpreting the archaeo-logical record of the Bronze Age.21. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) discuss the techniques of analyzing leadisotope composition(B) propose a way to determine the origin ofthe copper in certain artifacts(C) resolve a dispute concerning the analysis ofcopper ore(D) describe the deficiencies of a currently usedmethod of chemical analysis of certainmetals(E) offer an interpretation of the archaeologicalrecord of the Bronze Age22. The author first mentions the addition of flux during smelting (lines 18-21) in order to(A) give a reason for the failure of elementalcomposition studies to determine ore sources(B) illustrate differences between various BronzeAge civilizations(C) show the need for using high smeltingtemperatures(D) illustrate the uniformity of lead isotopecomposition(E) explain the success of copper isotopecomposition analysis23. The author suggests which of the following about a Bronze Age artifact containing high concentrationsof cobalt or zinc?(A) It could not be reliably tested for its elementalcomposition.(B) It could not be reliably tested for its copperisotope composition.(C) It could not be reliably tested for its leadisotope composition.(D) It could have been manufactured from orefrom any one of a variety of sources.(E) It could have been produced by the additionof other metals during the processing of thecopper ore.24. According to the passage, possible sources of thelead found in a copper or bronze artifact includewhich of the following?I.The copper ore used to manufacture theartifactII. Flux added during processing of the copper ore III. Other metal added during processing of thecopper ore(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only(D) II and III only (E) I, II , and III25. The author rejects copper as the “ideal choice”mentioned in line 33 because(A) the concentration of copper in BronzeAge artifacts varies(B) elements other than copper may beintroduced during smelting(C) the isotopic composition of copperchanges during smelting(D) among common copper ores, differencesin copper isotope composition are toosmall(E) within a single source of copper ore,copper isotope composition can varysubstantially26. The author makes which of the followingstatements about lead isotope composition?(A) It often varies from one copper-ore sourceto another.(B) It sometimes varies over short distances ina single copper-ore source.(C) It can vary during the testing of artifacts,producing a measurement error.(D) It frequently changes during smelting androasting.(E) It may change when artifacts are buriedfor thousands of years.27. It can be inferred from the passage that the useof flux in processing copper ore can alter thelead isotope composition of the resulting metalEXCEPT when(A) there is a smaller concentration of lead inthe flux than in the copper ore(B) the concentration of lead in the flux isequivalent to that of the lead in the ore(C) some of the lead in the flux evaporatesduring processing(D) any lead in the flux has the same isotopiccomposition as the lead in the ore(E) other metals are added during processingDirections: Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters, followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.Since some of the questions require you to distinguish fine shades of meaning, be sure to consider all the choices before deciding which one is best.28. MUTTER:(A) please oneself (B) resolve conflict(C) speak distinctly (D) digress randomly(E) omit willingly29. TRANSPARENT:(A) indelicate (B) neutral (C) opaque(D) somber (E) tangible30. ENSEMBLE:(A) complement (B) cacophony(C) coordination (D) preface(E) solo31. RETAIN:(A) allocate (B) distract (C) relegate(D) discard (E) misplace32. RADIATE:(A) approach (B) cool (C) absorb(D) tarnish (E) vibrate33. EPICURE:(A) a person ignorant about art(B) a person dedicated to a cause(C) a person motivated by greed(D) a person indifferent to food(E) a person insensitive to emotions34. PREV ARICATION:(A) tact (B) consistency (C) veracity(D) silence (E) proof35. AMORTIZE:(A) loosen (B) denounce(C) sudden ly increase one’s indebtedness(D) wisely cause to flourish(E) grudgingly make provision for36. EMACIATION:(A) invigoration (B) glorification(C) amelioration (D) inundation(E) magnification37. UNALLOYED:(A) destabilized (B) unregulated(C) assimilated (D) adulterated(E) condensed38. MINATORY:(A) reassuring (B) genuine(C) creative (D) obvious (E) awkward。
GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840s. What is most impressive about the book is the intense and painstaking effort made by the author, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life in working class homes. Her method is partly documentary in nature: the novel includes such features as a carefully annotate reproduction of dialect, the exact details of food prices in an account of a tea party, an itemized description of the furniture of the Bartons’living room, and a transcription (again annotated) of the ballad “The Oldham Weaver”. The interest of this record is considerable, even though the method has a slightly distancing effect.As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life as an outside observer and a reporter, and the reader of the novel is always conscious of this fact. But there is genuine imaginative re-creation in her accounts of the walk in Green Heys Fields, of tea at the Bartons’house, and of John Barton and his friend’s discovery of the starving family in the cellar in the chapter “Poverty and Death.”Indeed, for a similarly convincing re-creation of such families’emotions and responses (which are more crucial than the material details on which the mere reporter is apt to concentrate), the English novel had to wait 60 years for the early writing of D. H. Lawrence. If Gaskell never quite conveys the sense of full participation that would completely authenticate this aspect of Mary Bartons, she still brings to these scenes an intuitive recognition of feelings that has its own sufficient conviction.The chapter “Old Aice’s History”brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers. The account of Job Leigh, the weaver and naturalist who is devoted to the study of biology, vividly embodies one kind of response to an urban industrial environment: an affinity for living things that hardens, by its very contrast with its environment, into a kind of crankiness. The early chapters —about factory workers walking out in spring into Green Heys Fields, about Alice Wilson, remembering in her cellar the twig-gathering for brooms in the native village that she will never again see, about job Leigh, intent on his impaled insects—capture the characteristic responses of a generation to the new and crushing experience of industrialism. The other early chapters eloquently portray the development of the instinctive cooperation with each other that was already becoming an important tradition among workers.1.It can be inferred from examples given in the last paragraph of the passagethat which of the following was part of “the new and crushing experience of industrialism”for many members of the English working class in the nineteenth century.A.Extortionate food pricesB.Geographical displacementC.Hazardous working conditionsD.Alienation from fellow workersE.Dissolution of family ties正确答案:B解析:examples指最后一段给出的四个例子,主要讲述了工人从农村到城市经历的环境变化。
gre考试模拟试题及答案GRE考试模拟试题及答案一、词汇部分1. The scientist's innovations in the field of genetics have been pioneering.- A. Traditional- B. Conservative- C. Revolutionary- D. Outdated答案: C2. Despite the dire predictions, the explorer was undaunted and continued his journey.- A. Optimistic- B. Alarming- C. Encouraging- D. Neutral答案: B二、阅读部分Passage 1:In the modern era, the role of technology in education has become increasingly significant. The integration of digitaltools in classrooms has revolutionized the way students learn and interact with educational content.Question 1: What is the main idea of the passage?- A. The history of technology in education.- B. The negative impact of digital tools on students.- C. The positive influence of technology on educational methods.- D. The resistance to the integration of technology in classrooms.答案: CQuestion 2: What is a possible title for this passage?- A. "The Decline of Traditional Education"- B. "The Digital Revolution in Classrooms"- C. "The Challenges of Modern Education"- D. "The Future of Technology-Free Learning"答案: B三、数学部分1. If the sum of three consecutive integers is 69, what is the middle integer?- A. 22- B. 23- C. 24- D. 25解答: 设三个连续整数分别为 \( n-1 \), \( n \), \( n+1 \)。
gre模拟考试题及答案GRE(Graduate Record Examinations)模拟考试题及答案GRE模拟考试题一、词汇题(Vocabulary)1. The professor's lecture was so ________ that the students were captivated by every word.A) mundaneB) enthrallingC) tediousD) inconsequential2. Despite the ________ of his argument, the lawyer was unable to convince the jury.A) cogencyB) fallacyC) redundancyD) triviality答案解析:1. 正确答案:B) enthralling解释:enthralling 意为“迷人的”,符合句子中“学生们被每一句话吸引”的语境。
2. 正确答案:A) cogency解释:cogency 意为“说服力”,尽管律师的论点很有说服力,但未能说服陪审团。
二、阅读理解题(Reading Comprehension)Passage:The Renaissance was a period of great cultural change and achievement in Europe that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century. It marked the transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity, and during this time, there was a renewed interest in science, art, and literature.Question:What was the Renaissance known for?A) The decline of cultural achievementsB) The transition from the Middle Ages to ModernityC) The focus on religious themes in artD) The lack of interest in science and literature答案解析:正确答案:B) The transition from the Middle Ages to Modernity 解释:文章明确指出文艺复兴是从中世纪到现代性的过渡时期,标志着文化的巨大变化和成就。
GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.Biologist know that some marine algae can create clouds by producing the gas dimethyl sulphide (DMS), which reacts with oxygen in air above the sea to form solid particles. These particles provide a surface on which water vapor can condense to form clouds. Lovelock contends that this process is part of global climatic-control system. According to Lovelock, Earth acts like a super organism, with all its biological and physical systems cooperating to keep it healthy. He hypothesized that warmer conditions increase algal activity and DMS output, seeding more clouds, which cool the planet by blocking out the Sun. Then, as the climate cools, algal activity and DMS level decrease and the cycle continues. In response to biologists who question how organisms presumably working for their own selfish ends could have evolved to behave in a way that benefits not only the planet but the organisms as well, cooling benefits the algae, which remain at the ocean surface, because it allows the cooled upper layers of the ocean to sink, and then the circulating water carries nutrients upward from the depths below. Algae may also benefit from nitrogen raining down from clouds they have helped to form.1.According to the passage, which of the following occurs as a result of cooling in the upper layers of the ocean?A.The concentration of oxygen in the air above the ocean’s surface decreases.B.The concentration of DMS in the air above the ocean’s surface increases.C.The nutrient supply at the surface of the ocean is replenished.D.Cloud formation increases over the ocean.E.Marine algae make more efficient use of nutrients.正确答案:C解析:根据第七句,海洋上层降温后,水发生循环,底层的营养会被带到上层。
gre模拟考试题及答案GRE模拟考试题及答案一、词汇题(每题1分,共10分)1. The scientist's discovery was _______ and had the potential to revolutionize the field.A. innovativeB. traditionalC. redundantD. mundane答案:A2. Despite the _______ weather, the hikers continued their journey with determination.A. inclementB. clementC. sereneD. temperate答案:A3. The politician's speech was filled with _______ promises that appealed to the masses.A. hollowB. genuineC. superficialD. profound答案:A4. The artist's work was _______ in its complexity, requiringa deep understanding to appreciate fully.A. simplisticB. intricateC. rudimentaryD. elementary答案:B5. The _______ of the old building was a testament to its historical significance.A. preservationB. demolitionC. renovationD. destruction答案:A6. The _______ of the new policy was met with mixed reactions from the public.A. implementationB. abandonmentC. rejectionD. endorsement答案:A7. The _______ of the ancient ruins provided valuableinsights into the past civilization.A. excavationB. concealmentC. obliterationD. preservation答案:A8. The _______ of the novel was its ability to captivate the reader's imagination.A. allureB. tediumC. mediocrityD. monotony答案:A9. The _______ of the evidence led to the suspect's acquittal.A. absenceB. presenceC. abundanceD. scarcity答案:A10. The _______ of the argument was flawed, leading to an unsatisfactory conclusion.A. logicB. fallacyC. coherenceD. inconsistency答案:B二、阅读理解题(每题2分,共20分)阅读以下短文,回答后面的问题。
GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.Feminist scholars have tended to regard women in the nineteenth-century United States who elected to remain single as champions of women’s autonomy and as critics of marriage as an oppressive institution. Indeed, many nineteenth-century American women who participated in reform movements or who distinguished themselves as writers and professionals were single. Yet this view of single women tends to distort the meaning of their choices. The nineteenth century saw the elevation of marriage for love as a spiritual ideal. Consequently, it became socially acceptable for women not to marry if such an ideal marriage could not be realized with an available suitor. Thus, many women’s choice to remain single reflected not a negative view of marriage but a highly idealistic one.1.The author of the passage implies that many nineteenth-century American women chose to remain single because theyA.believed that marriage required them to give up much of their autonomyB.had attitudes toward marriage that were influenced by contemporary reform movementsC.wanted to take advantage of increasing opportunities to distinguish themselves as professionalsD.doubted that their own marriage would live up to their notion of what a marriage ought to beE.had a negative view of marriage fostered by a change in social attitudes during the nineteenth century正确答案:D解析:根据本文作者的观点,女性认为婚姻是理想化的精神理想,她们之所以保持单身,是因为真爱难觅。
GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷20(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.The senator’s reputation, though (i)________ by false allegations of misconduct, emerged from the ordeal (ii)________.A.shaken…unscathedB.destroyed…intactC.damaged…impairedD.impugned…unclearE.tarnished…sullied正确答案:A解析:空格(i):- 方程等号:by被…,前后句意同义重复。
- 强词和对应:by后面提到渎职行为的虚假指控,因此false allegations指向空格(i),取同,体现虚假的指控给议员的声誉带来了“不好的影响”,填入一个负向词。
空格(ii):- 方程等号:though尽管,句内取反。
- 强词和对应:空格(i)和空格(ii)根据though取反,因为空格(i)是负向词,所以空格(ii)应该填入一个正向词。
GRE(VERBAL)综合模拟试卷7(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 2.SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.At their best,(i)______book reviews are written in defense of value and in the tacit hope that the author, having had his or her(ii)______pointed out, might secretly agree that the book could be improved.正确答案:B,E解析:The second part of the sentence talks about the author agreeing that the book can be improved after the things named by Blank(ii)are pointed out; therefore, the answer to Blank(ii)must denote something negative whose presence calls for improvement. The only answer choice for Blank(ii)that is negative in meaning is “transgressions,”so it is correct. Book reviews that point out the author s transgressions are negative in nature, so the answer to Blank(i)must be negative in meaning; the only answer choice that meets this condition is “adverse,”so it is correct.Thus the correct answer is adverse(Choice B)and transgressions(Choice E).2.The gaps in existing accounts of the playwrights life are not(i)______, since much of the documentary evidence on which historians have relied is(ii)______.正确答案:A,F解析:The sentence focuses on the relationship between the gaps in existing accounts of a life and the evidence used to produce those accounts. Since “gaps”implies a concern with completeness, the characterization of that evidence that makes the most sense for Blank(ii)is “incomplete.” The other choices, “credible” or “extant,”could explain the accuracy or verifiability of the accounts in question but nothing about the gaps themselves. Once it is determined that “incomplete” is the best choice for characterizing the evidence, it follows that the gaps in the accounts based on that evidence would likely be considerable, so the opposite of considerable, “trifling,” is the correct answer for Blank(i). Thus the correct answer is trifling(Choice A)and incomplete(Choice F).3.That todays students of American culture tend to(i)______classical music is understandable. In our own time, Americas musical high culture has degenerated into a formulaic entertainment divorced from the contemporary moment. Thus, to miss out on what our orchestras are up to is not to(ii)______much. In the late Gilded Age, however, music was widely esteemed as the “queen of the arts.” Classical music wasin its American heyday,(iii)______the culture at large.正确答案:C,D,I解析:The “however”of the next-to-last sentence indicates that the author’s characterization of the relationship between classical music and popular culture during the Gilded Age contrasts with the current state of affairs. Since music was widely esteemed during the Gilded Age, it follows that it is viewed more negatively, or disregarded, during the current era. Of the choices for Blank(i), “ignore” is the only choice that conveys this sentiment; “promote”connotes the opposite, while “reinterpret” suggests a different sort of positive engagement with classical music that is otherwise unmentioned in the passage. The author characterizes the current disconnection between music and culture as understandable, and uses pejorative language(“degenerated,”“formulaic”)to describe current classical music. Of the three choices for Blank(ii), “sacrifice”best conveys this dismissive attitude; “appreciate”would convey that those who forego orchestral concerts are indeed missing something worthwhile, while “malign” overstates the presumed level of feeling and activity of one who simply does not attend concerts. Since the lack of a connection between culture and classical music must contrast with the relationship during the Gilded Age, the answer to Blank(iii)is “centrally embedded in.”Of the other two choices, “generally rejected by”would provide no contrast, while “antagonistic toward”suggests a relationship that would not explain why music was so widely esteemed.Thus the correct answer is ignore(Choice C), sacrifice(Choice D), and centrally embedded in(Choice I).4.The serious study of popular culture by intellectuals is regularly credited with having rendered obsolete a once-dominant view that popular culture is inherently inferior to high art. Yet this alteration of attitudes may be somewhat(i)______.Although it is now academically respectable to analyze popular culture, the fact that many intellectuals feel compelled to rationalize their own(ii)______action movies or mass-market fiction reveals, perhaps unwittingly, their continued(iii)______the old hierarchy of high and low culture.正确答案:C,D,H解析:The sentence discusses a purported change in how popular culture and high art are relatively valued; the author is scrutinizing the notion that the academic study of the former has significantly raised its once lowly status. In the last sentence, Blank(iii)is preceded by the word “continued,”indicating that something about intellectuals’view of the hierarchy of culture has remained unchanged. Since the author states in the first sentence that this hierarchy was once dominant, “investment in”the hierarchy would indicate that sense of continuity. Neither of the other two options is supported by the passage because there is no indication the author believes that intellectuals have a long-held aversion to or misunderstanding of that hierarchy. The “although” that begins the last sentence indicates that the phrase completed by Blank(ii)will contrast the respectability of analyses of popular culture with somethingthat nonetheless reveals a continued allegiance to the hierarchy. A need to explain away a “distaste for” or an “indifference to” action movies or pulp fiction would not indicate any such allegiance, so those choices must be incorrect. However, a need to justify one’s penchant or liking for popular culture would indicate an adherence to the high-low culture hierarchy. Thus “penchant for”is the correct choice for Blank(ii). Finally, since the author is suggesting that the hierarchy given to high and low culture is not obsolete as some claim, it follows that the shift in attitudes is exaggerated; thus, the correct answer to Blank(i)is “overstated.”“Underappreciated”implies the opposite, and “counterproductive” implies a judgment about the value of the hierarchy, whereas the passage is primarily concerned with its existence.Thus the correct answer is overstated(Choice C), penchant for(Choice D), and investment in(Choice H).SECTION 2Directions: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.5.Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which______its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quite the breathtaking structure it originally was.A impair B resist C improve D enhance E restore F compromise正确答案:A,F解析:The sentence suggests that the addition of devices to make the bridge more stable has consequently lessened its previous aesthetic impact as a “breathtaking structure.”The words “restore,”“improve,”and “enhance”do not describe the appropriate qualitative direction of the change caused by the retrofitting as “impair”and “compromise”do. Though “resist”makes some sense when inserted into the blank, it does not produce a sentence with the same meaning as either of these.Thus the correct answer is impair(Choice A)and compromise(Choice F).6.Although cosmic objects have struck Earth since the planet’s very formation, humanity has only recently become aware of these events: two centuries ago the idea that objects orbiting the Sun could collide with Earth was widely______.A ridiculedB doubtedC disseminated D promulgated E marginalized F disbelieved正确答案:B,F解析:The colon introduces an example that explains or demonstrates the former lack of awareness about cosmic collisions with Earth. Because people were not aware of the existence of events of this type, the idea of their possibility would not have been “disseminated”or “promulgated.”Although “ridiculed”and “marginalized”make sense when inserted into the blank, they do not produce sentences with the same meaning, which “doubted”and “disbelieved”do.Thus the correct answer is doubted(Choice B)and disbelieved(Choice F).7.That people______the musical features of birdsongs suggests that despite the vast evolutionary gulf between birds and mammals, songbirds and humans share some common auditory perceptual abilities.A mimicB recognizeC relishD are confounded byE can make outF are puzzled by正确答案:B,E解析:According to the sentence, some human ability or other suggests that humans share a perceptual ability with songbirds. The words that fill the blank must allow for the existence of this ability in humans, which “are confounded by” and “are puzzled by” do not. Although both “mimic” and “relish” make sense when inserted into the blank, they each designate more than just perception, and they both lack another word that would create a sentence similar in meaning.Thus the correct answer is recognize(Choice B)and can make out(Choice E).8.Torpey’s study has turned a seemingly______topic, the passport, into a fascinating one by making an original contribution to the sociology of the state.A ironic B banalC provocativeD witty E insipidF stimulating正确答案:B,E解析:The adjective “seemingly” indicates that the words that fill the blank will contrast with “fascinating.” Of the responses, “banal” and “insipid” are both opposites of “fascinating,”and they yield sentences alike in meaning, so they are the correct response. While “provocative”and “stimulating”are near in meaning, they do not provide any contrast to “fascinating,”so they are incorrect. Neither of the other responses has a near synonym among the choices, nor do they provide any opposition to the characterization of the passport as a fascinating topic.Thus the correct answer is banal(Choice B)and insipid(Choice E).9.Britain is attractive to worldwide advertisers because it is______market, so there is no need to tailor advertisements for different parts of the country.A a globalB an uncomplicated C a vastD a homogeneous E a uniform F an immense正确答案:D,E解析:The sentence describes a country whose different parts share a similarity that does not require differential action(tailoring for different parts)by advertisers. The blank must designate this sameness. While the words “vast” and “immense” produce sentences with the same meaning—and “global” less so—they all describe size, not similarity. Being “uncomplicated”might also attract advertisers, but it suggests a different virtue than similarity, and there is no other word that produces a sentence with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is a homogenous(Choice D)and a uniform(Choice E).10.The band’s long-standing strategy of laying leisurely explorations atop asteady funk beat has proven to be surprisingly______: a concert in Cologne from 1972 sounds as if it could have taken place today.A fortuitous B foresighted C prescient D popular E serendipitous F lucrative正确答案:B,C解析:The colon indicates that the second part of the sentence supports the assertion made in the first part. Since this second part emphasizes the modern sound of the 1972 concert, the blank calls for choices that refer to the similarities between the band’s 1972 sound and music characteristic of more recent times. Both “foresighted” and “prescient” suggest that the band’s musical strategy anticipated the trends of the coming decades, so they are the correct choice. Of the other responses, “fortuitous” and “serendipitous” are similar in meaning, but they do not fit well with the word “surprisingly,”nor with the emphasis on the band’s having a long-term strategy. Neither “popular” nor “lucrative” have a synonym among the other choices; moreover, they too go beyond the sentence’s emphasis on the band’s seemingly timeless style.Thus the correct answer is foresighted(Choice B)and prescient(Choice C).11.Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace that the______of hand-produced goods were now cherished where they once might have been shunned.A advantagesB revivals C benefitsD pretensionsE blemishes F defects正确答案:E,F解析:The sentence suggests a contrast between the quality of factory-produced goods, marked by an absence of imperfections, with that of hand-produced goods, which must possess such imperfections. The words “blemishes” and “defects” are the only ones that connote imperfection. While “advantages”and “benefits”produce sentences with the same meaning, they neither connote imperfection nor make sense as one would not necessarily shun a product with such positive attributes. The word “revivals” also does not connote imperfection, and there is no other word that would produce a sentence with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is blemishes(Choice E)and defects(Choice F).12.Through its state associations, the American Medical Association controlled who could become a physician and dominated______professions like nursing and occupational therapy.A commensurateB proportionate C kindredD affiliated E imperative F voluntary正确答案:C,D解析:The blank calls for words that will describe professions such as nursing and occupational therapy as they relate to physicians. These professions are also in the health-care field; the answer choices “kindred” and “affiliated” both suggest this close relationship and produce completed sentences that are similar in meaning. Of theother choices, both “commensurate”and “proportionate”suggest some sort of comparative measurement between the professions mentioned, something unsupported by the rest of the sentence. Neither “imperative” nor “voluntary” would typically be used to describe “profession”nor does either have a word close in meaning among the other choices with which it could be paired.Thus the correct answer is kindred(Choice C)and affiliated(Choice D).13.In a strong indication of the way the entire party is______the candidate with moderate credentials, the outspokenly conservative former mayor of a major city has promised to raise a substantial amount of money for the candidates campaign.A rallying behind B incensed over C undecided about D mortified over E embarrassed about F coalescing around正确答案:A,F解析:The former mayor s promise to raise funds is used as an example of the party’s attitude or actions toward the candidate. Since raising funds is a way of supporting a candidate, the words filling the blank must be positive rather than negative. Only two of the choices given, “rallying behind” and “coalescing around,”indicate a positive attitude toward the candidate; moreover, they also produce similar meanings, so they are the correct answer. The other four choices indicate negative or indifferent attitudes toward the candidate that would not be exemplified by promises of fund-raising.Thus the correct answer is rallying behind(Choice A)and coalescing around(Choice F).14.Mr. Hirsch says he will aim to preserve the foundations support of______ thinkers, individuals who are going against the trends in a field or an acknowledged set of opinions.A iconoclastic B integrative C doctrinaire D heterodox E dogmatic F synthesizing正确答案:A,D解析:The portion of the sentence following the comma defines the type of thinkers characterized by the words that will fill the blank. The challenge posed by this item, then, is mainly one of vocabulary: the answers must be words that describe individuals who go against the trends in a field or against a set of opinions. “Iconoclastic” and “heterodox” mean exactly that, with both words describing people whose opinions run counter to established norms. Of the other choices, “doctrinaire”and “dogmatic”both mean the opposite—adhering to established principles—while “integrative” and “synthesizing” both refer to a willingness to bring together disparate points of view.Thus the correct answer is iconoclastic(Choice A)and heterodox(Choice D).15.In France cultural subsidies are______: producers of just about any film can get an advance from the government against box-office receipts, even though most such loans are never fully repaid.A ubiquitousB invaluableC sporadicD scantyEquestionableF omnipresent正确答案:A,F解析:The colon signals that the second part of the sentence provides an example of the first part, so the blank must characterize the idea that just about any film(as an instance of subsidized culture)gets an advance. This rules out “sporadic” and “scanty”neither of which suggest the pervasiveness of the subsidies. While “invaluable” and “questionable” may make some sense, they do not produce sentences with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is ubiquitous(Choice A)and omnipresent(Choice F).16.The problem of avoiding duplicate names—such as for Internet domain names or for e-mail accounts—is particularly______when the name has to fit into a format that allows only a finite number of possibilities.A meagerB acute C agreeable D severeE beneficial F productive正确答案:B,D解析:The blank must be filled with a word that describes the challenge of ensuring unique names under certain limitations. Since these limitations add to the difficulty of avoiding duplication, the blank must be filled with choices that reflect the arduousness of this task. To characterize the problem as particularly “acute”or “severe”would do this nicely; both adjectives indicate the added difficulty of the problem under the circumstances described, and the pairing renders sentences with similar meanings. None of the other responses describe the difficulty of the problem that the rest of the sentence emphasizes. Thus the correct answer is acute(Choice B)and severe(Choice D).17.At nearly 450 pages, the novel is______: the author does not often resist the temptation to finish off a chapter, section, or even paragraph with some unnecessary flourish.A instructive B complex C prolix D educational E long-winded F explicit正确答案:C,E解析:The words that fill the blank in must convey that the novel is not merely long but also contains numerous portions deemed unnecessary. While it may be “instructive”and “educational”these do not properly describe the novel’s length. While “complex”and “explicit”may correlate with(though not characterize)length, they do not produce sentences with the same meaning.Thus the correct answer is prolix(Choice C)and long-winded(Choice E).18.If researchers can determine exactly what is wrong with people who suffer from this condition, they may be able to suggest drug therapies or other treatments that could______the effects of the damage.A mitigateB exacerbateC specify D identify E ameliorate F stabilize正确答案:A,E解析:The sentence suggests that more information about a damaging condition will allow researchers to lessen future negative effects. While “specify” and “identify”create sentences with approximately the same meaning, the sentence also suggests that the researchers are seeking to control effects that are already known rather than needing further specificity or identification. Even in this limited context, it is unreasonable that researchers would wish to “exacerbate”or increase the negative effects of damage, and there is no other word that creates a sentence with the same meaning. “Stabilize”implies that the negative effects would simply be controlled, rather than lessened, and likewise there is no other word that produces a sentence with the same meaning. Thus the correct answer is mitigate(Choice A)and ameliorate(Choice E).19.Some analysts worry about consumers’perception that the electronics industry is always on the verge of major breakthroughs; that perception could hurt the industry by making consumers reluctant to buy products they believe will soon be______.A incompatible B devalued C obsoleteD ubiquitous E everywhere F outmoded正确答案:C,F解析:The blank characterizes products that consumers fear will be superseded in quality as a result of industry breakthroughs. While “ubiquitous”and “everywhere”produce sentences with the same meaning, they assume an increase in volume or sales that is not necessarily implied by innovatory breakthroughs. And while “devalued”makes for a coherent sentence, there is no other word that would produce a sentence with the same meaning. Thus the correct answer is obsolete(Choice C)and outmoded(Choice F).20.After people began to make the transition from gathering food to producing food, human societies followed markedly______courses; some adopted herding, others took to tillage, and still others stuck to foraging.A divergent B rural C novel D unfamiliar E disparate F quotidian正确答案:A,E解析:The sentence describes the variable courses of three different societies after the beginning of a transition, and the blank characterizes the differences among these courses. While “rural” and “quotidian” may describe a common quality of each course, they do not emphasize their variability. And while the words “novel”and “unfamiliar” are alike in meaning, they do not fit the context, since one of the paths taken(sticking to foraging)is precisely neither novel nor unfamiliar.Thus the correct answer is divergent(Choice A)and disparate(Choice E).21.In The Simple Soybean, the author is much less restrained in his enthusiasm for the bean’s medical efficacy than he is in his technical writings, but he still cautions against treating soy as a______.A staple B supplement C herald D panacea E cure-allF harbinger正确答案:D,E解析:The blank characterizes the medical efficacy or effectiveness of soy. While the words “herald” and “harbinger” are similar in meaning, they do not characterize medical effectiveness as “panacea”and “cure-all”do. Nor do “staple”and “supplement,”each of which may refer to a medical regime or a dosage but not to efficacyThus the correct answer is panacea(Choice D)and cure-all(Choice E).22.Parkins characterization of the movement as neoscholastic is too______to be accepted without further investigation.A cursory B detailed C perfunctoryD biasedE self-evident F complete正确答案:A,C解析:The blank describes Parkin’s characterization as demanding further investigation. If the characterization is too “complete” or too “self-evident,” there is nothing further to investigate; if it is too “detailed” but not flawed, there is no reason to investigate further. The word “biased”does suggest that further investigation is necessary, but there is no other word that produces a sentence alike in meaning.Thus the correct answer is cursory(Choice A)and perfunctory(Choice C).23.A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their______, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease.A potential B misuse C popularity D efficacy E prevalence F usefulness正确答案:D,F解析:The sentence suggests that vitamin E supplements are ineffective in deterring the disease, and the use of the word “despite”indicates that this ineffectiveness contrasts with how they are widely viewed. The words that fill the blank, then, must mean the opposite of “ineffectiveness.” Among the answer choices, the words that do so are “efficacy” and “usefulness.” Of the other choices, “potential”is tempting, but it does not contrast as directly with “ineffectiveness,” nor does it have a near synonym among the other answers with which it could be paired. “Prevalence”and “popularity” might be initially attractive because the passage suggests that these words might describe the use of vitamin E supplements, but the blank calls for a word that characterizes how they are viewed rather than how they are used.Thus the correct answer is efficacy(Choice D)and usefulness(Choice F).24.Despite her relaxed and flexible style, Ms. de la Fressange is______ businesswoman who knows how to market her brand: herself.A a ruthlessB a creativeC a cannyD an industriousE a shrewdF an effective正确答案:C,E解析:The sentence describes Ms. de la Fressange as a businesswoman but none of the words besides “canny”and “shrewd”provide sentences that are alike in meaning. Thus the correct answer is a canny(Choice C)and a shrewd(Choice E).。
GRE(VERBAL)综合模拟试卷6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 2.SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.1.X-ray examination of a recently discovered painting—judged by some authorities to be a self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh—revealed an underimage of a woman’s face. Either van Gogh or another painter covered the first painting with the portrait now seen on the surface of the canvas. Because the face of the woman in the underimage also appears on canvases van Gogh is known to have painted, the surface painting must be an authentic self-portrait by van Gogh.The conclusion is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed?A.If a canvas already bears a painted image produced by an artist, a second artist who uses the canvas to produce a new painting tends to be influenced by the style of the first artist.B.Many painted canvases that can be reliably attributed to van Gogh contain underimages of subjects that appear on at least one other canvas that van Gogh is known to have painted.C.Any painted canvas incorrectly attributed to van Gogh would not contain an underimage of a subject that appears in authentic paintings by that artist.D.A painted canvas cannot be reliably attributed to an artist unless the authenticity of any underimage that painting might contain can be reliably attributed to the artist.E.A painted canvas cannot be reliably attributed to a particular artist unless a reliable x-ray examination of the painting is performed.正确答案:C解析:The passages argument makes a case for the painting’s being an authentic van Gogh self-portrait; it cites as evidence the fact that the canvas’s painted-over image is that of a woman who appears in other van Gogh paintings. This argument assumes that another artist would not have painted over the original image of the woman, so the correct answer is Choice C. Since the argument does not depend upon the painting’s stylistic elements or upon the commonalities between this and other van Gogh paintings, Choices A and B are incorrect. Choices D and E establish criteria for attribution beyond the passage’s argument, so they are incorrect as well.SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.2.This composer has never courted popularity: her rugged modernism seems to defy rather than to______the audience.正确答案:C解析:The first part of the sentence asserts that the composer has never sought popularity, while the second part of the sentence explains what the composers style does instead. The blank, then, must be filled with a verb that is roughly synonymous with “court popularity.”The choice that best does this is “woo;”its correctness is confirmed by the fact that it also forms the best contrast with “defy.”None of the other choices indicates the desire to be liked by or to win over audiences that a synonym of “court popularity” would require.Thus the correct answer is woo(Choice C).3.The sight of a single actor portraying several characters in the same scene is no longer a shock to the average moviegoer, such special-effects trickery having become so______.正确答案:D解析:The blank calls for a term that would explain why the special effects that once astonished moviegoers no longer do so. “Commonplace” does this by suggesting that the technology has become so familiar that it no longer surprises; therefore, it is the correct answer. None of the other options suggests a change that would result in desensitizing moviegoers to the special effects on-screen.Thus the correct answer is commonplace(Choice D).4.Early studies often concluded that the public was______the propagandistic influence of mass communications, but one recent study indicates that, on the contrary, mass communications seldom produce marked changes in social attitudes or actions.正确答案:C解析:The recent study found that mass communications had negligible effects on the public. Since the recent study’s findings are contrary to those of earlier ones, the earlier studies must have found that the influence of mass communications was significant; thus, the blank must be filled with a word that indicates that the public is swayed by such communications. Of the choices, only “susceptible to” does this. Two of the other choices, “unaware of”and “unimpressed by,”indicate the opposite. “Scornful of” also indicates some resistance to mass communications, as does “coping with,” so those are incorrect as well. Thus the correct answer is susceptible to(Choice C).5.The figure-skating pair’s convincing victory last week was particularly(i)______to their rivals, who were in peak form and complained privately about the judging. That the pair won when their rivals were(ii)______too is alsoimpressive.正确答案:B,D解析:The fact that the winning pair’s rivals were “in peak physical form”suggests that these rivals had a reasonable expectation of victory; the fact that they “complained about the judging” indicates that they regarded the pair’s victory as not completely deserved. These two considerations suggest that the rivals had a negative reaction to the winning pair’s victory; the only answer choice for Blank(i)that matches this meaning is “irksome,”so it is correct. The second sentence reinforces the implication that the rivals were also strongly deserving of victory, and the word “too”suggests that the performances of the winning pair and of their rivals were comparable in quality. This points to “terrific”as the correct answer choice for Blank(ii). Thus the correct answer is irksome(Choice B)and terrific(Choice D).6.In his initial works, the playwright made physical disease(i)______factor in the action; from this, his early critics inferred that he had a predilection for focusing on(ii)______subject matter.正确答案:A,F解析:A writer who has “a predilection for focusing” on a thing makes that thing prominent in his or her work, so the answer to Blank(i)must be synonymous with “prominent”or “significant”; the answer choice that matches this meaning is “pivotal,” so it is correct. The answer to Blank(ii)must be a word that describes the subject matter of physical disease, so the correct choice is “morbid.”Thus the correct answer is a pivotal(Choice A)and morbid(Choice F).7.We have yet to(i)______the assessment of Canada’s biodiversity. Most of the vertebrates have been assessed, but our challenge will be the assessment of invertebrates and plants. This task is(ii)______not only because of the high number of species, but also because of the diversity, each species requiring a different approach.正确答案:B,F解析:The sentence implies that Canada’s invertebrates and plants have not yet been assessed, so the assessment of Canada’s biodiversity is not finished; therefore, the correct answer to Blank(i)is “complete.”The assessment of invertebrates and plants is described as a “challenge,” so the answer to Blank(ii)must be synonymous with “difficult.” The only answer choice that matches this meaning is “daunting,” so it is correct.Thus the correct answer is complete(Choice B)and daunting(Choice F).8.The company’s efforts to improve safety were apparently(i)______, at least according to the company’s own data, which showed that the(ii)______ incidents with the potential to cause a serious accident declined significantly.Nevertheless, independent analysts argue that those statistics are(iii)______.These analysts maintain that the company has consistently underestimated both the probability and the likelyeffects of accidents in the sensitive and poorly understood environment in which the company is operating.正确答案:B,D,G解析:Since the analysts found that the company’s statistics underestimated the potential for accidents, the answer to Blank(iii)must reflect the inaccuracy or inapplicability of those statistics. “Deceptive”is the only choice that does so. Blank(i)must then be answered with a choice that reflects the more positive view of accident prevention mat deceptive statistics might provide. “Frustrated” efforts would imply the opposite, and while “innovative” has positive connotations, the passage is concerned with the effectiveness of safety measures rather than with their novelty. Thus “successful”is the correct choice. Finally, the word for Blank(ii)describes something related to potentially dangerous incidents that would indicate improved safety if it were to decline. If “impediments to” or “attention to” such incidents were to decline, that would likely have the opposite implication. However, fewer such incidents would presumably be a sign of improved safety; thus “frequency of” is the correct response. Thus the correct answer is successful(Choice B), frequency of(Choice D), and deceptive(Choice G).9.Researchers trying to make it possible to trace counterfeit documents to the printer that produced them are(i)______the fact that the rotating drums and mirrors inside laser printers are imperfect devices that leave unique patterns of banding in their output. Although these patterns are(ii)______to the naked eye, they can be(iii)______and analyzed by computer programs that the researchers have spent the past year devising.正确答案:A,D,G解析:The “although” that begins the second sentence suggests that there is a contrast between the way the naked eye perceives the patterns in question and the way computer programs can view them. The answers to Blank(ii)and Blank(iii)must therefore reflect this contrast. “Invisible” and “detected” are the only pairing that does this. Blank(i)calls for a characterization of the relationship between the researchers and the inevitability of imperfections in printing technology. Since the passage asserts that researchers are using computers to analyze these imperfections, “exploiting”is the best choice for Blank(i). “Facing” does not imply the level of engagement detailed in the passage, while “manipulating” suggests that the researchers’ focus might be on changing the imperfections themselves, rather than analyzing them.Thus the correct answer is exploiting(Choice A), invisible(Choice D), and detected(Choice G).10.In her startlingly original writing, she went further than any other twentieth-century author in English(perhaps in any language)in(i)______literary language and form,(ii)______stylistic conventions, and(iii)______a rich and diverse structure of meaning.正确答案:A,D,I解析:The writer’s work is described as startlingly original, and the sentence specifies three ways in which the author achieved this originality. Therefore each blank must be filled with a word that reflects innovative rather than conventional ways of writing. For Blank(i), the choice must be “reinventing,”because neither “canonizing”nor “stabilizing”would indicate a break with traditional forms or language. Blank(ii)must contain a word that describes the writer’s relationship with convention; “undoing”is the only one that reflects originality. Blank(iii)likewise requires a word that conveys the novelty of the writers work. Both “replicating” and “borrowing”suggest a derivative approach to writing, so they are incorrect. “Introducing”implies that the writer’s structure is new; therefore it is the correct choice.Thus the correct answer is reinventing(Choice A), undoing(Choice D), and introducing(Choice I).11.The media once portrayed the governor as anything but ineffective; they now, however, make her out to be the epitome of______.正确答案:A解析:The sentence contrasts the media’s former and current depictions of the governor. Since the governor was once presented as “anything but ineffective,”the media once saw her as extremely competent. It follows that the phrase completed by the blank will have the opposite meaning. To be the epitome of something is to be representative of that trait, so the blank must be filled with a word that implies incompetence. “Brilliance,”“dynamism,” and “punctiliousness” are all positive traits, so they do not work in this context. “Egoism,” while often thought of as a negative trait, does not imply incompetence. That leaves “fecklessness,”whose meaning includes ineffectiveness, making it a very good contrast with the first half of the sentence. Thus, the correct answer is fecklessness(Choice A).12.For most of the first half of the nineteenth century, science at the university was in ______state, despite the presence of numerous luminaries.正确答案:B解析:Since the presence of numerous luminaries, a positive thing, is portrayed as a factor that runs counter to the general state of science at the university, that general state must be negative. Therefore the word that fills the blank must describe a generally negative atmosphere. “Pathetic”certainly does. Of the other answers, “scintillating,”meaning brilliant, is just the opposite of what is called for, while “veracious” is similarly too positive. “Controversial” and “incendiary” both describe an argumentative or explosive environment that would not necessarily be mitigated by the presence of numerous luminaries.Thus the correct answer is a pathetic(Choice B).13.In a recent history of the Renaissance, by showing how the artistic efflorescence of that era was(i)______linked to its commercial vitality, Jardinedemonstrated that the spirit of acquisitiveness may be(ii)______that of cultural creativity.正确答案:B,E解析:The sentence talks about Jardine’s demonstrating a certain general relation between two social phenomena(“spirit of acquisitiveness” and “cultural creativity”)by showing that this relation was held between two particular historical instances of these phenomena(“commercial vitality”and “artistic efflorescence”of the Renaissance). Therefore, the phrase “(i)______linked to”and the answer to Blank(ii)must be identical or very similar in meaning. The only answer choices that are related in this way are “intimately”and “inseparable from”: if two things are “intimately linked,”then they are very plausibly “inseparable from” each other.Thus the correct answer is intimately(Choice B)and inseparable from(Choice E).14.The setting in which the concert took place(i)______: the groups performance was elegant and polished, but the sound, which seeped across the cold, unresonant high school auditorium, was oddly(ii)______, given the energy the players seemed to be putting into it.正确答案:A,E解析:The “but”in the sentence suggests that there is a contrast between the groups overall performance and the quality of the sound; since the former is given a positive description(“elegant and polished”), the description of the latter in Blank(ii)must be negative. Furthermore, the quality of the sound must be in contrast with the apparent energy of the performers. The only answer choice for Blank(ii)that meets these conditions is “tepid,” so it is correct. The sentence as a whole suggests that the setting of the concert had a negative effect on the performance; the answer choice for Blank(i)that best fits this meaning is “exacted a toll,”so it is correct.Answer Choice B for Blank(i), “encouraged nervousness,” is also negative in meaning, but it is incorrect, because the sentence does not talk about the psychological state of the musicians or the audience.Thus the correct answer is exacted a toll(Choice A)and tepid(Choice E).15.The governor has long been obsessed with excising the media from the politician-public relationship. That’s been the unifying aim of all her seemingly disconnected ventures since entering public life: a determination to(i)______, and eventually (ii)______, the media’s hold on political communication.正确答案:B,F解析:Blanks(i)and(ii)must describe what the governor wants to do to “the media’s hold on political communication.” From the first sentence, it is clear that the governor’s goal is to “excise”or eliminate the media as an intermediary between politicians and the public; this must be the meaning of the answer to Blank(ii), which describes the governor’s eventual, or long-term, goal. The only answer choice forBlank(ii)that has this meaning is “end,” so it is correct. The answer to Blank(i)must be a word that denotes the initial phase of a gradual process that ends with the complete elimination of the media’s influence; the answer choice that fits this meaning is “erode,” so it is correct. Thus the correct answer is erode(Choice B)and end(Choice F).16.Female labor was essential to the growth of eighteenth-century European textile industries, yet it remains difficult to(i)______. Despite significant(ii)______in research about women, the role of female labor remains the single most glaring omission in most economic analyses of the history of European industrialization. Women far outnumbered men as workers in the textile industries, yet wage indices and discussions of growth, cost of living, and the like(iii)______about the male labor force.正确答案:A,D,G解析:The second sentence asserts that the role of women is generally left out from most analyses of industrialization. Given this omission, it follows that data about female labor would be hard to come by, making it difficult to measure its growth; therefore “track” is the correct answer for Blank(i). As for the other choices, since the author asserts that the role of female labor has routinely been overlooked, “ignore”cannot be correct. The conjunction “yet” in the first sentence indicates that the phrase containing Blank(i)contrasts with the importance of female labor; since “overestimate”emphasizes this importance, it also cannot be correct. The second sentence places research about female labor during industrialization into the larger context of research about women; the word “despite”that begins the sentence indicates that the latter runs counter to trends in the larger field. Neither “gaps” nor “disinterest” would provide the necessary contrast between the two, since “gaps” in the larger field of research about women would mirror the omission of the role of female labor and “disinterest”would explain such omissions.”Advances”does provide a contrast, and is thus the correct answer. In the sentence containing Blank(iii), “yet” indicates a contrast between the makeup of the workforce and the availability of data about the workforce. Because the author says that women outnumbered men in the workforce, the contrast would likely require data that mostly concerned men. Of the three choices for Blank(iii), “incorporate data only” conveys this sense. The other two options can be ruled out because of the previous sentences assertion that female labor is ignored by economic analyses. With women being excluded from the data, it follows that it is mostly about men; therefore it does not make sense to assert that information about male labor is suppressed or too infrequently discussed.Thus the correct answer is track(Choice A), advances(Choice D), and incorporate data only(Choice G).17.It is a sad but just indictment of some high school history textbooks that they frequently report as(i)______claims that historians hotly debate or that are even completely(ii)______by(iii)______primary sources.正确答案:A,F,I解析:The use of the word “indictment,”meaning a charge of wrongdoing, indicates that the sentence is sharply criticizing the textbooks in question and that the blanks must be completed with words that support this critique. Blank(i)describes how such textbooks characterize historical claims that are hotly debated. Since such claims are in fact controversial, it would not be surprising or inaccurate for textbooks to report them as such, so “controversial” is not correct. Of the other two responses, “sensational” has some merit, suggesting that the textbooks resort to a melodramatic presentation of historical debate; however, “factual” is the better choice, implying as it does gross inaccuracies. That the critique of the textbooks centers upon accuracy rather than tone is confirmed by the rest of the sentence, which deals with the relationship between the textbooks’claims and the primary sources upon which historical scholarship is based. The “even” that precedes Blank(ii)calls for a word that is yet further away from factual than “hotly debated.”Of the choices, only “contradicted”fits this criterion; the other two options are the opposite of what is needed. Finally, Blank(iii)calls for a word that describes the primary sources. Since the critique of the textbooks’ accuracy rests upon their divergence from these sources, the sources themselves must be characterized as authoritative. “Reliable” does exactly that, while “dubious” and “incomplete” suggest the opposite.Thus the correct answer is factual(Choice A), contradicted(Choice F), and reliable(Choice I).18.The reason minimum temperatures are going up more rapidly than maximums may involve cloud cover and evaporative cooling. Clouds tend to keep the days cooler by reflecting sunlight, and the nights warmer by(i)______loss of heat from Earths surface. Greater amounts of moisture in the soil from additional precipitation and cloudiness(ii)______the daytime temperature increases because part of the solar energy is(iii)______the evaporation of that moisture.正确答案:A,F,I解析:The second sentence asserts that clouds make for warmer nights by doing something to the loss of heat from Earth. Since less heat lost means more warmth, a word that means preventing or slowing heat loss is required for Blank(i). “Inhibiting”is therefore the answer. “Exacerbating” has the opposite meaning, while “replicating”makes no sense in this context. Since the first sentence asserts that daytime highs are increasing less rapidly than nighttime lows, Blank(ii)calls for a verb that indicates a moderation in rises in temperature during the day, and “restrain”has this sense. “Augment,”meaning to increase, has the opposite meaning, while “mask”would indicate that measurements are not reflecting actual increases in temperature, an idea not supported by the rest of the passage. The “because” in the last sentence indicates that the second clause explains how daytime temperature increases are restrained; it does so by making reference to solar energy and the evaporation of moisture. Because solar energy is responsible for increases in daytime temperature, the answer to Blank(iii)requires a word that explains how evaporation can lessen or divert thatenergy for other purposes. “Used up in” does this because it indicates that less solar energy is available to warm the Earth’s surface when a portion of it is instead devoted to evaporation. Neither “intensified by”nor “unrelated to”indicate a connection between solar energy and evaporation that would lessen warming.Thus the correct answer is inhibiting(Choice A), restrain(Choice F), and used up in(Choice I).19.In searching for norms in the sense of authoritative standards of what ought to be, rather than in the sense of what is average and thus can be considered normal, normative ethics aims to______.正确答案:D解析:The sentence defines normative ethics by specifying the sense of the “norms”for which it searches. Since these are authoritative ethical standards, the word that fills the blank must describe the act of establishing those standards. The choice that does this is “dictate.”Of the other choices, “predict”suggests that normative ethics merely attempts to describe future behavior rather than establish what guidelines should shape it, while “personalize”suggests a concern with individual circumstances that is not otherwise addressed in the sentence. “Mitigate”(to moderate or alleviate)is likewise incongruent with the rest of the sentence, while “question”does not address normative ethics’concern with establishing rather than questioning norms. Thus the correct answer is dictate(Choice D).20.When she first came to France from Bulgaria, she was hardly the______student she later made herself out to be, since she had access to considerable family wealth.正确答案:C解析:The students considerable family wealth is cited as proof that her later depiction of herself was false; the word that fills the blank describes this later depiction, so it must be an adjective that is incompatible with wealth. “Impecunious,”meaning penniless, is therefore the correct choice. None of the other responses is dependent on wealth—her family’s finances would have no bearing on whether the student was actually naive, precocious(advanced for her age), ambitious, or assiduous(diligent)—so they are incorrect. Thus the correct answer is impecunious(Choice C).21.Researchers have observed chimpanzees feigning injury in order to influence other members of the group, thus showing that the capacity to______is not uniquely human.正确答案:D解析:The words “thus showing” suggest that the capacity that is not unique to humans was demonstrated by the activity the researchers observed. Since that activity —feigning injury to influence others—requires the capacity to transmit falseinformation, “dissemble” is the correct answer. Because there is no indication that the chimpanzees worked together to feign injury, “conspire”is incorrect. None of the other options—“dominate,”“instruct,”or “cooperate”—suggests the pretense involved in feigning an injury, so they are all incorrect.Thus the correct answer is dissemble(Choice D).22.Instant celebrity is often(i)______asset because if there is no(ii)______to interest the public—no stage or screen triumphs, no interesting books, no heroic exploits—people quickly become bored.正确答案:A,F解析:The sentence says that people quickly become bored with those who achieve sudden fame in the absence of the condition named by Blank(ii), implying that instant celebrity often does not last long; among the answer choices for Blank(i)only “a fleeting”matches this meaning, so it is correct. The answer to Blank(ii)must be an umbrella term for things listed in the second part of the sentence as defeaters of boredom: “screen triumphs,”“interesting books,”“heroic exploits.”The answer choice that best matches this meaning is “real achievement,”so it is correct. “Competing attraction” also seems a plausible choice for Blank(ii), but it is incorrect because the sentence does not mention competition between attractions.Thus the correct answer is a fleeting(Choice A)and real achievement(Choice F).。
GRE(VERBAL)强化填空模拟试卷17(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 1Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.1.With its maverick approach to the subject, Shere Hite’s book has been more widely debated than most; the media throughout the country have brought the author’s ____ opinions to the public’s attention.A.controversialB.authoritativeC.popularD.conclusiveE.articulate正确答案:A解析:- 方程等号:分号,同义重复。
- 强词和对应:分号后的the author 指代Shere Hite,分号前面说她的书more widely debated,所以将widely debated 指向空格,根据分号取同,体现作者的观点是“受到广泛讨论的”。
controversial 有争论的,authoritative权威的,popular流行的,conclusive决定性,articulate 表达清晰的。
GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷8(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)The history of the transmission of ancient Roman texts prior to invention of the printing press is reconstructed from evidence both internal and external to the text themselves. Internal evidence is used to reconstruct the relationship of the surviving manuscripts of a Roman text to one another, as represented in a modern stemma codicum: a diagram depicting the genealogical relationship of surviving manuscripts and those the stemma’s editor believes existed at one time. Stemmata are scholars’only road maps to textual connections based on internal evidence, but they may paint a distorted picture of reality because they diagram the relationships of only those manuscripts known or inferred today. If surviving copies are few, the stemma perforce brings into proximity manuscripts that were widely separated in time and place of origin. Conversely, the stemma can also bestow a semblance of separation on manuscripts written within a few months of one another or even in the same room.One type of external evidence that may shed light on the transmission of Roman texts is the availability of a work in the Middle Ages, when many classical texts were circulated. Too often, though, too much is inferred about a particular work’s circulation in the Middle Ages from the number of manuscripts surviving today. When a work survives in a single manuscripts copy, editors call the manuscript, rather glamorously, the “lone survivor”-- implying that all its (presumably rare) companions were destroyed sometime early in the Middle Ages by pillaging barbarians. It is equally possible that the work survived far into the Middle Ages in numerous copies in monastic libraries but went unnoticed due to lack of interest. The number of extant manuscripts, however few, really does not allow scholars to infer how many ancient Latin manuscripts of a work survived to the ninth, the twelfth, or even the fifteenth century.Quotations from a Roman text by a medieval author are another category of external evidence. But does the appearance of a rare word or grammatical construction-- or even a short passage-- really indicate a medieval author’s firsthand knowledge of this or that ancient work, or does such usage instead derive from some intermediate source, such as a grammar book or a popular style manual? Medieval authors do quote extensively from ancient authors, while such quotations provide some evidence of the work’s medieval circulation, as well as define its evolving fortunes and the various uses to which it was put, they may be far less useful in reconstructing the text of an ancient work.Much as scholars want to look for overall patterns and formulate useful generalizations, the transmission of each text is a different story and each manuscript’s history is unique. Scholars must be careful not to draw conclusions that go beyond what evidence can support.1.The passage is primarily concerned with which of the following?A.Tracing certain changes in the methods used to study the transmission of ancient Roman texts.B.Contrasting two types of evidence used in investigating the transmission of ancient Roman texts.C.Outlining certain difficulties associated with studying the transmission of ancient Roman texts.D.Advocating the use of one type of evidence about ancient Roman texts over the use of another type.E.Explaining the development and potential uses and drawbacks of stemmata in the study of ancient Roman texts.正确答案:C解析:本文总体的结构就是提出问题: 研究古罗马文本传播历史;接着给出研究方法;内部证据和外部证据,但是这两种证据在文中都被反驳了。
2020年GRE模拟试题及答案(卷七)Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which _____ its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quitethe breathtaking structure it originally was.A:impairB:resistC:improveD:enhanceE:restoreF:compromise答案:AFAlthough cosmic objects have struck Earth since the planet’s very formation, humanity has only recently become aware of these events: two centuries ago the idea that objects orbiting the Sun could collide with Earth was widely_____ .A:ridiculedB:doubtedC:disseminatedD:promulgatedE:marginalizedF:disbelieved答案:BFThat people _____ the musical features of birdsongs suggests that despite the vast evolutionary gulf between birds and mammals, songbirds and humans share some common auditory perceptual abilities.A:mimicB:recognizeC:relishD:are confounded byE:can make outF:are puzzled by答案:BETorpey’s study has turned a seemingly _____ topic, the passport, into a fascinating one by making an original contribution to the sociology of the state.A:ironicB:banalC:provocativeD:wittyE:insipidF:stimulating答案:BEBritain is attractive to worldwide advertisers because it is _____market, so there is no need to tailor advertisements for different parts ofthe country.A:a globalB:an uncomplicatedC:a vastD:a homogeneousE:a uniformF:an immense答案:DEInstant celebrity is often (i) _____ asset because if there is no (ii) _____ to interest the public—no stage or screen triumphs,no interesting books, no heroic exploits—people quickly become bored.Blank (I)Blank (II)A:a fleeting D:competing attractionB:an incomparable E:continuity of exposureC:an untapped F:real achievement答案:AFAt their best, (i) _____book reviews are written in defense of value and in the tacit hope that the author, having had his or her (ii) _____ pointed out, might secretly agree that the book could be improved.Blank (I)Blank (II)A:abstruse D:strengthsB:adverse E:transgressionsC:hortatory F:assumptions答案:BEThe gaps in existing accounts of the playwright’s life are not (i) _____ , since much of the documentary evidence on which historians have relied is (ii) _____Blank (I)Blank (II)A:trifling D:credibleB:obvious E:extantC:implicit F:incomplete答案:AFThat today’s students of American culture tend to (i) _____ classical music is understandable. In our own time, America’s musical high culture has degenerated into a formulaic entertainment divorced from the contemporary moment. Thus, to miss out on what our orchestras are up to is not to (ii) _____ much. In the late Gilded Age, however, music was widely esteemed as the “queen of the arts.”Classical music was in its American heyday, (iii) _____ the culture at large.Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)A:promote D:sacrifice G:antagonistic towardB:reinterpret E:appreciate H:generally rejected byC:ignore F:malign I:centrally embedded in答案:CDIThe serious study of popular culture by intellectuals is regularly credited with having rendered obsolete aonce-dominant view that popular culture is inherently inferior to high art. Yet this alteration of attitudes may be somewhat (i) _____ . Although it is now academically respectable to analyze popular culture, the fact that many intellectuals feel compelled to rationalize their own (ii) _____ action movies or mass-market fiction reveals,perhaps unwittingly, their continued (iii) _____ the old hierarchy of high and low culture.Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)A:counterproductive D:penchant for G:aversion toB:underappreciated E:distaste for H:investment inC:overstated F:indifference to I:misunderstanding of答案:CDHStem borers are insect pests that often ruin North American corn crops. On some other continents, crop damage by stem borers is controlled by a certain species of wasp. Since these wasps eat nothing but stem borers, importing them into North America will keep crop damage from stem borers under control without endangering other North American insect species.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?(A) Corn is the principal food of stem borers that live on continents other than North America.(B) The wasps are capable of surviving in North America long enough to eat significant numbers of stem borers.(C) No wasp in North America is closely related to the species of wasp that eats stem borers.(D) On continent other than North America, the wasps control stem borers more effectively than does any other pest control measure.(E) Corn crops on continents other than North America are not damaged by any insect pests other than stem borers.答案:BFrom a newspaper editorial:Many people who are addicted to heroin will eventually attempt to overcome their addiction, principally for two reasons:the expense of maintaining a heroin addiction and the fear of arrest. If heroin were legalized and made available cheaply, as some people advocate, neither of these reasons would apply.The considerations above can best serve as part of an argument that(A) legalizing the sale of heroin would cause the price of this drug to go down(B) making it easier for heroin addicts to obtain treatment for their addiction would encourage many heroin addicts to attempt to overcometheir addiction(C) legalizing the sale of heroin would increase the number of crimes committed by heroin addicts to support their addiction(D) making heroin available legally and cheaply would make it less likely that heroin addicts will attempt to overcome their addiction(E) decreasing the severity of penalties for individuals who use heroin would not increase the number of new heroin addicts 答案:DSome recent historians have argued that life in the British colonies in America from approximately 1763 to 1789 was marked by internal conflicts among colonists. Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.The kind of conflict most emphasized by these historians is class conflict. Yet with the Revolutionary War dominating these years, how does one distinguish class conflict within that larger conflict? Certainly not by the side a person supported. Although many of these historians have accepted the earlier assumption that Loyalists represented an upper class, new evidence indicates that Loyalists, like rebels, were drawn from all socioeconomic classes. (It is nonetheless probably true that a larger percentage of the well-to-do joined the Loyalists than joined the rebels.) looking at the rebel side, we find little evidence for thecontention that lower-class rebels were in conflict with upper-class rebels. Indeed, the war effort against Britain tended to suppress class conflicts. Where it did not, the disputing rebels of one or another class usually became Loyalists. Loyalism thus operated as a safety valve to remove socioeconomic discontent that existed among the rebels. Disputes occurred, of course, among those who remained on the rebel side, but the extraordinary social mobility of eighteenth-century American society (with the obvious exception of slaves) usually prevented such disputes from hardening along class lines. Social structure was in fact so fluid-though recent statistics suggest a narrowing of economic opportunity as the latter half of the century progressed-that to talk about social classes at all requires the use of loose economic categories such as rich, poor, and middle class, or eighteenth-century designations like "the better sort." Despite these vague categories, one should not claim unequivocally that hostility between recognizable classes cannot be legitimately observed. Outside of New York, however, there were very few instances of openly expressed class antagonism.Having said this, however, one must add that there is much evidence to support the further claim of recent historians that sectional conflicts were common between 1763 and 1789. The "Paxton Boys" incident and the Regulator movement are representative examples of the widespread, and justified, discontent of western settlers againstcolonial or state governments dominated by eastern interests. Although undertones of class conflict existed beneath such hostility, the opposition was primarily geographical. Sectional conflict-which also existed between North and South-deserves further investigation.In summary, historians must be careful about the kind of conflict they emphasize in eighteenth-century America. Yet those who stress the achievement of a general consensus among the colonists cannot fully understand that consensus without understanding the conflicts that had to be overcome or repressed in order to reach it.The author suggests which of the following about the representativeness of colonial or state governments in America from 1763 to 1789?A.The governments inadequately represented the interests of people in western regions.B.The governments more often represented class interests than sectional interests.C.The governments were less representative than they had been before 1763D.The governments were dominated by the interests of people of an upper socioeconomic class.E.The governments of the northern colonies were less representative than were the governments of the southern colonies.According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about sectional conflicts in America between 1763 and 1789?A.These conflicts were instigated by eastern interests against western settlers.B.These conflicts were the most serious kind of conflict in America.C.The conflicts eventually led to openly expressed class antagonism.D.These conflicts contained an element of class hostility.E.These conflicts were motivated by class conflicts.It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding socioeconomic class and support for the rebel and Loyalist causes during the American Revolutionary War?A.Identifying a person's socioeconomic class is the least accurate method of ascertaining which side that person supported.B.Identifying a person as a member of the rebel or of the Loyalist side does not necessarily reveal that person's particular socioeconomic class.C.Both the rebel and the Loyalist sides contained members of all socioeconomic classes, although there were fewer disputes among socioeconomic classes on the Loyalist side.D.Both the rebel and the Loyalist sides contained members of all socioeconomic classes, although the Loyalist side was made up primarilyof members of the upper classes.E.Both the rebel and the Loyalist sides contained members of all socioeconomic classes, although many upper-class rebels eventually joined the Loyalists.The passage suggests that the author would be likely to agree with which of the following statements about the social structure of eighteenth-century American society?I. It allowed greater economic opportunity than it did social mobility.II. It permitted greater economic opportunity prior to 1750 than after 1750.III. It did not contain rigidly defined socioeconomic divisions.IV. It prevented economic disputes from arising among members of the society.A.I and IV onlyB.II and III onlyC.III and IV onlyD.I, II, and III onlyE.I, II, III, and IVThe author most likely refers to “historians such as Beard and Becker”(lines 5-6) in order toA.isolate the two historians whose work is most representative ofthe viewpoints of Progressive historiansB.emphasize the need to find connections between recent historical writing and the work of earlier historiansC.make a case for the importance of the views of the Progressive historians concerning eighteenth-century American lifeD.suggest that Progressive historians were the first to discover the particular internal conflicts in eighteenth-century American life mentioned in the passageE.point out historians whose views of history anticipated some of the views of the recent historians mentioned in the passageAccording to the passage, Loyalism during the American Revolutionary War served the function ofA.eliminating the disputes that existed among those colonists who supported the rebel causeB.drawing upper, as opposed to lower, socioeconomic classes away from the rebel causeC.tolerating the kinds of socioeconomic discontent that were not allowed to exist on the rebel sideD.channeling conflict that existed within a socioeconomic class into the war effort against the rebel causeE.absorbing members of socioeconomic groups on the rebel side who felt themselves in contention with members of other socioeconomicgroupsThe author considers the contentions made by the recent historians discussed in the passage to beA.potentially verifiableB.partially justifiedC.logically contradictoryD.ingenious but flawedE.capricious and unsupported正确答案:A D B B E E BSince 1953, many experimental attem-pts to synthesize the chemical consti-tuents of life under "primitive Earth condi-tions" have been performed, but none of the these experiments has produced anything approaching complexity of the simplest organism. They have demonstrated, however, that a variety of the complex molecules currently making up living organisms could have been present in the early ocean and atmosphere, with only one limitation: such molecules are synthesized far less readily when oxygen-containing compounds dominate the atmosphere. Therefore some scientists postulate that the Earth's earliest atmosphere, unlike that of today, was dominated by hydrogen, methane, and ammonia.From these studies, scientists have concluded that the surface of the primitive Earth was covered with oceans containing the moleculesfundamental to life. Although, at present, scientists cannot explain how these relatively small molecules combined to produce larger, more complex molecules, some scientists have precipitously ventured hypotheses that attempt to explain the development, from lager molecules, of the earliest self-duplicating organisms.The primary purpose of the passage is toA.point out that theories about how life developed on Earth have changed little since 1953B.warn of increasing levels of hydrogen, methane, and ammonia in the Earth's atmosphereC.describe the development since 1953 of some scientists' understanding of how life began on EarthD.demonstrate that the synthesis of life in the laboratory is too difficult for modern technologyE.describe how primitive atmospheric conditions produced the complex molecules of living organismsIt can be inferred from the passage that “some scientists”assume which of the following concerning “larger, more complex molecules”(line 20)?A.The earliest atmosphere was formed primarily of these molecules.B.Chemical processes involving these molecules proceeded much more slowly under primitive Earth conditions.C.The presence of these molecules would necessarily precede the existence of simple organisms.D.Experimental techniques will never be sufficiently sophisticated to produce in the laboratory simple organisms from these chemical constituents.E.Explanations could easily be developed to explain how simple molecules combined to form these more complex ones.The author's reaction to the attempts that have been made to explain the development of the first self-duplication organisms can best be described as one ofA.enthusiasmB.expectationC.dismayD.skepticismE.antipathyAccording to the passage, which of the following can be inferred about the process by which the chemical constituents of life were synthesized under primitive Earth conditions?A.The synthesis is unlikely to occur under current atmospheric conditions.B.The synthesis is common in modern laboratories.C.The synthesis occurs more readily in the atmosphere than in theocean.D.The synthesis easily produces the most complex organic molecules.E.The synthesis is accelerated by the presence of oxygen-containing compounds.正确答案:C C D AIsadora Duncan's masterly writings on the dance reveal the depth of her determination to create a lyric form of the art which was free of characterization, storytelling, and the theatrical exhibition of skills. She wished to discard the traditional methods and established vocabularies of such dance forms as ballet and to explore the internal sources of human expressiveness. She shunned bodily ornamentation and strove to use only the natural movements of her body, undistorted by acrobatic exaggeration and stimulated only by internal compulsion. In her recitals Duncan danced to the music of Beethoven, Wagner, and Gluck, among others, but, contrary to popular belief, she made no attempt to visualize or to interpret the music; rather, she simply relied on it to provide the inspiration for expressing inner feelings through movement. She did not regard this use of music as ideal, however, believing that she would someday dispense with music entirely. That day never came.The author is primarily concerned with Duncan'sA.masterful lyricism as expressed in her writings on the danceB.concerted efforts to subdue the natural movements of the danceC.belated recognition that she could not actually fulfill all of her ideals for the danceD.basic standards for the dance form that she wished to create and performE.continuous responsiveness to a popular misconception about the nature of her new art formThe author implies that Duncan relied on music in her recitals in order toA.interpret musical works solely by means of natural body movementsB.foster the illusion that music serves as an inspiration for the danceC.inspire the expression of inner feeling when she dancedD.validate the public belief that music inspires the expression of feeling through movementE.counter the public belief that she made no attempt to visualize musicAccording to the passage, Duncan intended to develop an art form that would do all of the following EXCEPTA.avoid the use of standard ballet techniquesB.revitalize an earlier established vocabularyC.draw on internal sources of human expressivenessD.create intended effects without the use of acrobatic exaggerationE.derive inspiration solely from inner feelingsIt can be inferred from the passage that which of the following endeavors is LEAST compatible with Duncan's ideals for the dance?ing music to stimulate the inspiration to danceB.Attempting to free an art form of both characterization and storytellingC.Minimizing the theatrical exhibition of skillsD.Being inspired to express inner feeling through movementE.Creating a lyric art form by drawing on inner personal resources正确答案:D C B AThe recent, apparently successful prediction by mathematical models of an appearance of EI Nino- the warm ocean current that periodically develops along the Pacific coast of South America-has excited researchers. Jacob Bjerknes pointed out over 20 years ago how winds might create either abnormally warm or abnormally cold water in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Nonetheless, until the development of the models no one could explain why conditions should regularly shift from one to the other, as happens in the periodic oscillations between appearances of the warm EI Nino and the cold so-called anti-El Nino. The answer, at least if the current model that links the behavior of the ocean to that of the atmosphere is correct, is to be found in the ocean.It has long been known that during an El Nino, two conditions exist: (1) unusually warm water extends along the eastern Pacific, principally along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru, and (2) winds blow from the west into the warmer air rising over the warm water in the east. These winds tend to create a feedback mechanism by driving the warmer surface water into a "pile" that blocks the normal upwelling of deeper, cold water in the east and further warms the eastern water, thus strengthening the wind still more. The contribution of the model is to show that the winds of an El Nino, which raise sea level in the cast, simultaneously send a signal to the west lowering sea level. According to the model, that signal is generated as a negative Rossby wave, a wave of depressed, or negative, sea level, that moves westward parallel to the equator at 25 to 85 kilometers per day. Taking months to traverse the Pacific, Rossby waves march to the western boundary of the Pacific basin, which is modeled as a smooth wall but in reality consists of quite irregular island chains, such as, the Philippines and Indonesia.When the waves meet the western boundary, they are reflected, and the model predicts that Rossby waves will be broken into numerous coastal Kelvin waves carrying the same negative sea-level signal. These eventually shoot toward the equator, and then head eastward along the equator propelled by the rotation of the Earth at a speed of about 250 kilometers per day. When enough Kelvin waves of sufficient amplitudearrive from the western Pacific, their negative sea-level signal overcomes the feedback mechanism tending to raise the sea level, and they begin to drive the system into the opposite cold mode. This produces a gradual shift in winds, one that will eventually send positive sea-level Rossby waves westward, waves that will eventually return as cold cycle-ending positive Kelvin waves, beginning another warming cycle.Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the validity of the model of El Nino that is presented in the passage?A.During some years El Nino extends significantly farther along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru than during other years.B.During periods of unusually cool temperatures along the eastern Pacific, an El Nino is much colder than normal.C.The normal upwelling of cold water in the eastern Pacific depends much more on the local characteristics of the ocean than on atmospheric conditions.D.The variations in the time it takes Rossby waves to cross the Pacific depend on the power of the winds that the waves encounter.E.The western boundary of the Pacific basin is so irregular that it impedes most coastal Kelvin waves from heading eastward.It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following would result fairly immediately from the cessation of the winds of an El Nino?I. Negative Rossby waves would cease to be generated in the eastern Pacific.II. The sea level in the eastern Pacific would fall.III. The surface water in the eastern Pacific would again be cooled by being mixed with deep water.A.I onlyB.II onlyC.I and II onlyD.I and III onlyE.I, II, and IIIAccording to the model presented in the passage, which of the following normally signals the disappearance of an El Nino?A.The arrival in the eastern Pacific of negative sea-level Kelvin waves.B.A shift in the direction of the winds produced by the start of an anti-El Nino elsewhere in the Pacific.C.The reflection of Kelvin waves after they reach the eastern boundary of the Pacific, along Ecuador and Peru.D.An increase in the speed at which negative Rossby waves cross the Pacific.E.The creation of a reservoir of colder, deep ocean water trapped under the pile of warmer, surface ocean water.The primary function of the passage as a whole is toA.introduce a new explanation of a physical phenomenonB.explain the difference between two related physical phenomenaC.illustrate the limitations of applying mathematics to complicated physical phenomenaD.indicate the direction that research into a particular physical phenomenon should takeE.clarify the differences between an old explanation of a physical phenomenon and a new model of itWhich of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?A.A theory is presented and criticized.B.A model is described and evaluated.C.A result is reported and its importance explained.D.A phenomenon is noted and its significance debated.E.A hypothesis is introduced and contrary evidence presented.According to the passage, which of the following features is characteristic of an El Nino?A.Cold coastal water near PeruB.Winds blowing from the westC.Random occurrenceD.Worldwide effectsE.Short durationThe passage best supports the conclusion that during an anti-El Nino the fastest-moving signal waves areA.negative Rossby waves moving east along the equatorB.positive Rossby waves moving west along the equatorC.negative Kelvin waves moving west along the equatorD.positive Kelvin waves moving west along the equatorE.positive Kelvin waves moving east along the equator正确答案:E E A A C B EPresent-day philosophers usually envision their discipline as an endeavor that has been, since antiquity, distinct from and superior to any particular intellectual discipline, such as theology or science. Such philosoph- ical concerns as the mind-body problem or, more generally, the nature of human knowledge they believe, are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested.The basis for this view, however, lies in a serious misinterpretation of the past, a projection of modern concerns onto past events. The idea of an autonomous discipline called "philosophy," distinct from and sitting in judgment on such pursuits as theology and science turns out, on close examination, to be of quite recent origin. When, in the seventeenth century, Descartes and Hobbes rejected medieval philosophy, they didnot think of themselves, as modern philosophers do, as proposing a new and better philosophy, but rather as furthering "the warfare between science and theology." They were fighting, albeit discreetly, to open the intellectual world to the new science and to liberate intellectual life from ecclesiastical philosophy and envisioned their work as contributing to the growth, not of philosophy, but of research in mathematics and physics. This link between philosophical interests and scientific practice persisted until the nineteenth century, when decline in ecclesiastical power over scholarship and changes in the nature of science provoked the final separation of philosophy from both.The demarcation of philosophy from science was facilitated by the development in the early nineteenth century of a new notion, that philosophy's core interest should be epistemology, the general explanation of what it means to know something. Modern philosophers now trace that notion back at least to Descartes and Spinoza, but it was not explicitly articulated until the late eighteenth century, by Kant, and did not become built into the structure of academic institutions and the standard self-descriptions of philosophy professors until the late nineteenth century. Without the idea of epistemology, the survival of philosophy in an age of modern science is hard to imagine. Metaphysics, philosophy's traditional core-considered as the most general description of how the heavens and the earth are put together-had been renderedalmost completely meaningless by the spectacular progress of physics. Kant, however, by focusing philosophy on the problem of knowledge, managed to replace metaphysics with epistemology, and thus to transform the notion of philosophy as "queen of sciences" into the new notion of philosophy as a separate, foundational discipline. Philosophy became "primary" no longer in the sense of "highest" but in the sense of "underlying." After Kant, philosophers were able to reinterpret seventeenth-and eighteenth-century thinkers as attempting to discover "How is our knowledge possible?" and to project this question back even on the ancients.Which of the following best expresses the author's main point?A.Philosophy's overriding interest in basic human questions is a legacy primarily of the work of Kant.B.Philosophy was deeply involved in the seventeenth-century warfare between science and religion.C.The set of problems of primary importance to philosophers has remained relatively constant since antiquity.D.The status of philosophy as an independent intellectual pursuit is a relatively recent development.E.The role of philosophy in guiding intellectual speculation has gradually been usurped by science.According to the passage, present-day philosophers believe that the。