魔法门:冠军对决 BS2 环境中文版牌表 2014-02-18
魔法门:冠军对决 BS2 环境中文版牌表(参考 2014-02-18 发布的数据)奥术球十字军守望者瘟疫僵尸碎击兵冰雹风暴霜冻迷宫定命者阿瑞安娜烈火神盾岗楼十字军司库月丝骷髅地精猎手宇宙平衡战斗专注荣耀追寻者雪子心灵之火噩梦大厅散弹神射手月丝纺蛛黑颅战歌手战争时期启蒙之路潮汐斗士高鸣虞死亡烈焰灵魂尖塔十字军教士吸血鬼刺客黑颅地精月升之夜落沙洞暮光召唤者升烈焰爆裂隐世寺院救赎天使亚娜尔绞刑之树狂怒碎击兵大狩猎荣誉之神莲花之声沙兰群体狂暴战争营帐十字军军官狂戾幽魂黑颅氏族军侯最爱之法升之洞悉血角斗士阿卡玛斯熔岩涌流学者税务官娜姆塔茹导引者战争巨象撕裂命运休战自由追寻者卡特灵魂之火罗刹十字军先锋腐毒喷吐者黑颅半人马遗落咒语牺牲祭坛苍穹昭现使莎尔非凡神力石像鬼末日使者瘟疫携带者黑颅撕裂者裂隙回音突然袭击(5版)勇气召唤者扎多克净化之光附魂灯神魔犬亡灵牛头人嗜血双足飞龙连锁念咒泽菲瑞雅之敏捷连锁闪电神圣介入巫师学徒悍魔鼠人清道夫黑颅独眼巨人虚空祭献成名绝杀霹雳闪电无私殉难巫师导师疯魔剑士黑颅破法者秘法直觉营火移形换影守护天使巫师门徒艳魔娜迦良臣黑颅碎击兵记忆流逝望台沙尘风暴治愈光环灯神地狱火魔婴娜迦弄潮师独眼巨人斗士卡珊德拉的帝国奉献奥术学院大气陷阱手到病除魔像守卫地狱火魔犬鲛卫追风者泽菲瑞雅青春之泉断桥归乡之风光龙守护泰坦虚空召唤者水神萨哈兽人真知之树遗落洞窟天父之怒光明圣言黑曜石像鬼地狱火爆鱼雪姬海精灵射手艾尔拉思的休战战术调整雷电武器驱魔大法冥府术士地狱火奴隶泉灵小型气元素进攻姿态许愿祭坛风龙吐息移形换位虚蚀灯神混沌刑魔珊瑚巫女小型火元素积蓄算命冥府诅咒时间跳跃杉提瑞泰坦地狱火疯魔深山雪怪暴怒双足飞龙摩根之激励亚莎祭坛死亡印记时空之门罗刹哨兵混沌先知歌舞伎泰斗黑鹫正义之宠雪中送炭摄魂大法群体驱魔震荡泰坦虚空仲裁者神卫武士吟游诗人伽兰特大清洗虚空之代价月丝束缚次级召还旋舞姬大师黑暗潜伏者运命神巨型火元素拷问大厅建筑师的奇迹痛感共通神隐之术织法者努尔鞭笞魅魔溪流诗人死之子遗忘大厅秘法追寻者哈基姆诅咒束缚虚空波纹上古守卫深渊蠕虫白狐虚空怒灵混沌饕餮惩戒昭现使阿萨拉魅惑大法幽冥诅咒罗刹游击兵命运扭曲者砂山斗士巨型土元素虚空审判刃法斗士麦兰达萎靡不振寒冰之刺帝国守卫重生夜魔砂山看守巨型气元素疯狂沙丘记忆召唤者朱音月丝缠绕地泉喷涌帝国弩兵女妖蛇语美姬蕾娅月凤谢尔戈之门虚无骑士基兰虫群侵袭寒冰武器皇家狮鹫织亡者阿特洛波斯银器灵萨哈游击兵菲利亚斯之礼赠光明追寻者卡珊德拉群体再生坚冰护盾烈日枪骑兵织命蛛后鳄鲛巨型水元素献祭信仰召唤者爱莉娅大地神盾深寒恐惧精锐扈从吸血鬼伯爵飞龙骑手小型光元素赛莉娅军团仁爱将军摩根剧毒球茎凝神贯注恶狼禁卫游魂兰纳尔鹰身女妖冥府术士崛起阿瑞安娜之巢纷争追寻者伽兰特大地束缚化墨成兵恶狼审判官食尸鬼半人马射手幸运日早夭苦痛昭现使克阿扎土龙之拥水龙之刃狮鹫神射手见习巫妖怒眼独眼巨人知识之周赛莉娅遗命疯狂召唤者达米莉娅深根蟠结寒冰护甲狮鹫骑士腐毒拉玛苏旅梦巫亡者之周死亡并非终结伊格内修斯共生树皮狮鹫战牧师大巫妖黑豹战士佣兵之周灵魂收割迷魂追寻者赛莉娅山崩地裂慈悲天使怨魂地精侦察兵铁匠之周挑战大殿死亡昭现使娜姆塔茹蛛母献祭之火十字军指挥官吸血鬼骑士掠梦巫庇护之日雪子的神龛丑恶斗士弗莱什班烈焰飞弹官方的最终发布版本可能还会有数次修改,以上数据仅供参考!。
高一英语旅游景点阅读理解25题1<背景文章>The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It stretches for thousands of miles across the northern part of China. The construction of the Great Wall began in ancient times and continued over many dynasties.The Great Wall was built mainly for military purposes. It was designed to protect the Chinese people from invaders. The wall is made of different materials, including bricks, stones, and earth. It varies in height and width, with some sections being very steep and difficult to climb.The Great Wall is not only a magnificent architectural wonder but also a popular tourist destination. Every year, millions of people from all over the world come to visit the Great Wall and experience its grandeur. Standing on the wall, one can see beautiful landscapes and enjoy the fresh air.In addition to its tourist value, the Great Wall also has great historical significance. It represents the wisdom and perseverance of the Chinese people. It is a symbol of China's long history and rich culture.However, the Great Wall is facing many challenges. Natural disasters and human activities have caused damage to the wall. Therefore, it isimportant to protect the Great Wall and preserve this precious cultural heritage for future generations.1. The Great Wall was mainly built for _______.A. tourismB. decorationC. military purposesD. transportation答案:C。
1.菲胡卢恩(FEHU) 代表物质的追求【代表英文字母F】这是一个带有成就感、满足感的卢恩。
2.乌鲁兹卢恩(URUZ) 掌管「改变」【代表英文字母V和U】它是代表「野牛」的卢恩。
3.苏里萨兹(THURISAZ) 象征:保护和运气【代表英文字TH】它字面上的意义是「恼人的荆棘」;但是它同时也象征「雷神之槌」。
4.恩索兹卢恩(ANSUZ) 【代表英文字母A】它的意义是嘴,通常都表示「说出来的话」、「接受忠告」、或者「获得智慧」。
GREEK Myth2希腊神话
Sop to Cerberus 贿赂原于古代神话故事。
A sop to Cerberus一语直译是“给刻尔柏洛斯的面包片”。
人们用它来比喻“贿赂”,用give a sop to Cerberus一语表示“贿赂看守(官员,刁难者等)”或“施以贿赂”。
A sop to Cerberus也常与be,fling,throw等动词连用。
但此语用到后来,人们往往把后半部略去,直接用sop喻指“贿赂”,尤指“小贿赂”sow dragon‘s teeth 播下不和(或毁灭)的种子此语直译是“播种龙牙”,典出希腊神话。
由于卡德莫斯播种龙牙引起武士的相互厮杀,后人便用sow dragon‘s teeth一语表示“播下(对己对人都不利的)不和(或毁灭)的种子”。
Western mythology is a rich tapestry of stories,characters,and themes that have been passed down through generations.It encompasses a variety of cultures,including Greek,Roman,Norse,and Celtic,each with its own unique set of myths and legends. Here,we will explore some of the key elements of Western mythology and how they have influenced literature,art,and culture.1.Greek Mythology:Greek mythology is perhaps the most wellknown of the Western mythologies.It features a pantheon of gods and goddesses,each with their own distinct personalities and powers.Zeus,the king of the gods,is known for his thunderbolts,while Aphrodite,the goddess of love,is celebrated for her beauty.The stories of Greek mythology often revolve around the struggles and triumphs of both gods and mortals, such as the labors of Hercules or the tragic tale of Orpheus and Eurydice.2.Roman Mythology:Roman mythology was heavily influenced by Greek myths,with many of the same gods and goddesses,but with different names.For example,Zeus is known as Jupiter in Roman mythology.Romans also added their own unique myths,such as the story of Romulus and Remus,the twin brothers who were said to have founded Rome after being raised by a shewolf.3.Norse Mythology:Norse mythology,originating from the Scandinavian region,is known for its epic tales of gods,heroes,and the struggle between good and evil.The Norse gods,including Odin,Thor,and Loki,are central figures in these stories.The concept of Ragnarok,the end of the world and the final battle between the gods and the giants,is a significant theme in Norse mythology.4.Celtic Mythology:Celtic mythology is characterized by its rich oral tradition and stories of heroes,magical creatures,and the Otherworld.The Celts believed in a world intertwined with the natural and supernatural.Stories often involve quests,magical objects,and the Tuatha DéDanann,a race of supernatural beings.5.Heroes and Heroines:A common theme in Western mythology is the heros journey. Heroes like Perseus,Theseus,and Beowulf are celebrated for their bravery and strength. They often face seemingly insurmountable challenges,such as battling monsters or overcoming personal flaws,which they must overcome to achieve greatness.6.Creation Myths:Many Western mythologies include stories about the creation of the world.In Greek mythology,for example,the world was created from Chaos,and the first gods emerged from this primordial state.Similarly,in Norse mythology,the world was formed from the body of the giant Ymir.7.Moral Lessons:Western myths often contain moral lessons or cautionary tales.For instance,the story of Icarus,who flew too close to the sun and fell to his death,serves as a warning against hubris and overconfidence.8.Cultural Impact:The stories of Western mythology have had a profound impact on Western culture.They have influenced literature,with many authors drawing on mythological themes and characters.They have also inspired art,music,and even modernday movies and television shows.9.Modern Interpretations:Today,Western mythology continues to be reinterpreted and adapted in various forms.From the Percy Jackson series to the Marvel Cinematic Universes Thor,these ancient stories are given new life and continue to captivate audiences.10.Study and Research:The study of Western mythology is not just limited to literature and history it also extends to fields like psychology,where scholars explore the psychological significance of myths and their characters,such as the work of Carl Jung on archetypes.In conclusion,Western mythology is a treasure trove of stories that have shaped and continue to influence our understanding of the world,human nature,and the divine. Whether its through the epic tales of gods and heroes or the moral lessons embedded within these narratives,the myths of the West continue to resonate with people across cultures and time periods.。
一.基础篇英语音标对应的字母组合以及对应的单词1.元音:1)[i:]字母组合:ee ea e iethree tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she me compete(开音节)2) [i]发音字母:i y esit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big m issbuildmyth many twenty happydelicious3)[æ] 发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag man4) [e] 字母组合ea e ahead bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell lesson better bed desk hotel yesmany any5) [ε :]字母组合ir ur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursdayberkworld worklearn earth heard6) [ə]字母组合er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader player speaker farmerdoctor actor author tractordelicious seriousfamiliar collar dollar7) [a:] 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plantaunt8) [ʌ] 发音字母u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother brother love aboveblood flood9) [ɔ:]字母组合al or au our ar awsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor stor ewar wardenwaterlaw crawfaultcaught thought bought cough10)[ɔ] 发音字母o ahot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash watch11)[u:] 字母组合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full12)[u] 字母组合oo ou u olook good foot book woodshould couldput full bull pull push bulletwoman wolf13) [ei]发音字母 a ay ea ai ey einame cake late gate planeAprilEightPlain complain gainplay say may way clay bay14) [ai]发音字母i y uyGuy buybike fine ninefind dielight night highmy try fly eye15)[au] 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse ourflower down now cow how town16) [ε u] 发音字母o ow oahome phonego nocold bold foldhost ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17)[ɔi]字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [iε] 字母组合eer earbeer deerear near dearhere fierce19)[εə]字母组合air therepear bearchair air fairthere where care20) [uε]字母组合our ower hour tour flower shower21)开音节和闭音节(1)开音节1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单节。
Greek myth希腊神话
普洛克儒斯忒斯的床 A Procrustean Bed普洛克儒斯忒斯是一个凶狠的拦路大盗,他被人们称为“铁床匪”。
the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)“达摩克利斯”是希腊神话中暴君迪奥尼修斯的宠臣。
因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发。
Midas touch赚大钱的本领;事事处处能赚钱的本领典出古希腊传说.小亚细亚中西部有一古国叫弗里吉亚(Phrygia),国王迈达斯(Midas)贪恋财富,一心想成为世界上最富有的人.酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)感恩于迈达斯对他以前一位老师的帮助,答应满足迈达斯请求的一切.于是迈达斯祈求神赐予他点物成金的法术.他如愿以偿的得到了点金术之后,到处点金,凡他所出没的东西都变成了金子.然而,变成金子的不仅只是石块,花朵和屋内的陈设,连食物和饮料,乃至他最心爱的小女儿也都变成了金子.最后,他只好祈求神解除他的点金术.酒神便让他到帕克托洛斯(Pactolus)河里去洗澡,以此收回他的魔力,一切才恢复了原样. 根据这一故事,人们便用the Midas touch喻指―赚大钱的本领‖,―事事处处能赚钱的本领‖.该短语常与动词have连用。
生活中常见的GRE词汇夏利(汽车)Charade (charade n.看手势猜字谜游戏)-->bumper n.汽车前后的保险杠,缓冲器 -->bump n.撞击(声), 肿块 v.碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸-->buggy n.<美>童车, <俚>尤指旧汽车, 双轮单座的轻马车 adj.多虫的, 臭虫成灾的,<俚>神经病的嘉年华 Carnival (carnival n.狂欢节, 饮宴狂欢)近音词:carnivore n.食肉动物 --> carnivorous adj.食肉类的maxim: A succinct formulation of a fundamental principle, general truth, or rule of conduct.n.格言, 座右铭Maxim: 美国一个成人杂志.. (由 mafeizi (LuCas) 补充--感谢)blizzard n.暴风雪(BLIZZARD美国暴雪游戏公司)bowdlerize vt.删除(书等的)不妥的文句, 删改, 修订(Thomas Bowdler 他删改并出版了莎士比亚的戏剧)boycott n./vt.联合抵制, 联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交(想必大家都知道这也源自一个人名Boycott)chauvinism n.盲目的爱国心, 沙文主义(红宝上说:源自一人名Chauvin,因其过分爱国主义和对拿破仑的忠诚而闻名) charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子,吹牛者同义词:mountebank , quackbogus adj.<美>假的, 伪造的 n.赝品 (bogus好像是一种制造伪钞的机器)bohemian adj.放荡不羁的;不合习俗的;玩世不恭的 (Bohemian adj.波希米亚的n.吉普赛人)bleachers n.<美>(运动场的)露天看台 (想必大多数人都现场看过球吧)catapult n.弹弓, 飞机弹射器 (这个词让我想起了我的童年)佳能Canon(日本公司)canon n.教会法教规, 教规, (的)正典圣经(简称正经), 真经经典经文,一个作家的真作)--> canonical adj.符合规定的,经典的形近:cannon n.加农炮carnation n.荷兰石竹, 康乃馨, 粉红色 (5月14日Mother's Day才给母亲买了一束康乃馨) 大家有玩魔兽的吗?农民变成民兵就是militia,祭坛就是altar,人族的迫击炮就是mortar,死亡骑士的缠绕就是death coil,注意不要和E.coli.大肠杆菌混淆。
Greek mythology希腊神话课件英文
The sun god, son of Zeus and Leto(莱托) , Luna and Artemis ´s older brother, the Greek god of twelve words, also known as helios(太阳神).God light, medicine, literature, poetry, music etc..
In charge of the sky in Greek mythology , the supreme(最高) god, master of lightning, also known as Thor. The characteis extremely lecherous(好 色).
Zeus 宙斯
Hephaestus 赫菲斯托斯
Son of Zeus and Hera.God of fire. He is the smith and armorer (兵器制造者) of the gods.He is kind and peace loving .He is the only god to be lame(瘸的,跛的) and physically ugly. However, he married the most beautiful goddess- Aphrodite ( 阿弗洛狄德)
Hestia赫斯提亚-灶神 She was the sister of Zeus, One of the three virgin (处女) goddess . In Greek mythology, there is no significant personality. She is a chaste (贞洁的) virgin goddess.
conspiracy truth 信徒用户手册 V2.3 (发布日期2023-03-10)说明书
浪潮英信服务器BIOS用户手册文档版本V2.3 发布日期2023-03-10版权所有© 2021-2023浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司。
Greek Myths
Procrustes’ bed the bed of Procrustes:
• 普洛克路斯特斯的床 • 普罗克拉斯提斯(古希腊传说 普罗克拉斯提斯 古希腊传说 Attica的一个强盗 的一个强盗, 中Attica的一个强盗 他将被 他抓到的人放在一张铁床上, 他抓到的人放在一张铁床上 比床长的人, 比床长的人 被其砍去长出的 部分; 比床短的人, 部分 比床短的人 被其强行拉 长, 后来被提修斯用同样手法 杀掉)一刀切 强权政治, 一刀切, 杀掉 一刀切,强权政治,强 加于人
• the goddess of the home, family and the hearth. • 炉灶 火焰女神 炉灶·火焰女神
• the goddess of • the earth, flowers and plants, food, preservation of marriage and agriculture. • 谷物 大地女神。她有 谷物·大地女神 大地女神。 着温和的态度、 着温和的态度、热情 的笑容,但她很胆小。 的笑容,但她很胆小。
the goddess of wisdom, the arts, inner beauty, education and war. 主管胜利、 主管胜利、智慧和技艺的战 争女神。 争女神。她是从父亲宙斯的 脑袋里诞生的女神, 脑袋里诞生的女神,她少言 寡语,外表很酷, 寡语,外表很酷,拥有很多 女性"fans" "fans"。 女性"fans"。
often associated in modern times with the sun 同时也是音乐,预言, 同时也是音乐,预言, 弓箭,医疗之神。 弓箭,医疗之神。阿 波罗是12 12位神中最英 波罗是12位神中最英 俊的,他快乐、聪明, 俊的,他快乐、聪明, 拥有阳光般明亮的气 质,总是充满了勇气 和力量
Ancient Greek mythology
Demeter/Ceres ( /diˈ ːtər/)得墨忒 mi 尔 Though Demeter is often described simply as the goddess of the harvest(谷物), she presided(负 责) also over the sanctity of marriage(圣洁的婚姻), the sacred law(庄严的法律), and the cycle (轮回) of life and death. Her daughter Persephone (珀尔 塞福涅) was robbed by Hades to be his wife. She had to spent 4 months of the year in the underworld (causing winter), and was allowed to return to Mount Olympus for 8 months in order to be with her mother, Demeter; who, during this time, would be in woe(痛苦) and not be with the Olympians
Athena/Minerva 雅典娜( /əˈ ːnə/) θi Daughter of Zeus. She is the goddess of wisdom, civilization(文明), warfare(战争), strength, strategy(战略), female arts, crafts (女工), justice and skill(公平和技艺). Athena is also a shrewd(聪明的) companion (同伴) of heroes and the goddess of heroic endeavour(英勇).
普通盾牌盾Pelta Lunata - Buckler普通盾牌盾Umbral Disk - Small Shield普通盾牌盾Stormguild - Large Shield普通盾牌盾Steelclash - Kite Shield普通盾牌盾Bverrit Keep - Tower Shield普通盾牌盾The Ward - Gothic Shield普通盾牌盾Wall of the Eyeless - Bone Shield普通盾牌盾Swordback Hold - Spiked Shield扩展盾牌盾Visceratuant - Defender扩展盾牌盾Moser's Blessed Circle - Round Shield 扩展盾牌盾Stormchaser - Scutum扩展盾牌盾Tiamat's Rebuke - Dragon Shield扩展盾牌盾Gerke's Sanctuary - Pavise扩展盾牌盾Radament's Sphere - Ancient Shield扩展盾牌盾Lidless Wall - Grim Shield扩展盾牌盾Lance Guard - Barbed Shield精华盾牌盾Blackoak Shield - Luna精华盾牌盾Stormshield - Monarch精华盾牌盾Medusa's Gaze - Aegis精华盾牌盾Spirit Ward - Ward精华盾牌盾Head Hunter's Glory - Troll Nest精华盾牌盾Spike Thorn - Blade Barrier扩展盾牌盾牌,男巫Homunculus - Hierophant Trophy精华盾牌盾牌,男巫Boneflame - Succubus Skull精华盾牌盾牌,男巫Darkforce Spawn - Bloodlord Skull扩展盾牌盾牌,圣骑士Herald of Zakarum - Gilded Shield精华盾牌盾牌,圣骑士Alma Negra - Sacred Rondache精华盾牌盾牌,圣骑士Dragonscale - Zakarum Shield普通戒指戒指Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - Ring普通戒指戒指Carrion Wind - Ring普通戒指戒指Constricting Ring - Ring普通戒指戒指Dwarf Star - Ring普通戒指戒指Manald Heal - Ring普通戒指戒指Nagelring - Ring普通戒指戒指Nature's Peace - Ring普通戒指戒指Raven Frost - Ring普通戒指戒指The Stone of Jordan - Ring普通戒指戒指Wisp Projector - Ring普通手套手套The Hand of Broc - Leather Gloves普通手套手套Bloodfist - Heavy Gloves普通手套手套Chance Guards - Chain Gloves普通手套手套Magefist - Light Gauntlets普通手套手套Frostburn - Gauntlets扩展手套手套Venom Grip - Demonhide Gloves扩展手套手套Gravepalm - Sharkskin Gloves扩展手套手套Ghoulhide - Heavy Bracers扩展手套手套Lava Gout - Battle Gauntlets扩展手套手套Hellmouth - War Gauntlets精华手套手套Dracul's Grasp - Vampirebone Gloves 精华手套手套Soul Drainer - Vambraces精华手套手套Steelrend - Ogre Gauntlets普通头盔头盔Biggin's Bonnet - Cap普通头盔头盔Tarnhelm - Skull Cap普通头盔头盔Coif of Glory - Helm普通头盔头盔Duskdeep - Full Helm普通头盔头盔Howltusk - Great Helm普通头盔头盔Undead Crown - Crown普通头盔头盔The Face of Horror - Mask普通头盔头盔Wormskull - Bone Helm扩展头盔头盔Peasant Crown - War Hat扩展头盔头盔Rockstopper - Sallet扩展头盔头盔Stealskull - Casque扩展头盔头盔Darksight Helm - Basinet扩展头盔头盔Valkyrie Wing - Winged Helm扩展头盔头盔Crown of Thieves - Grand Crown扩展头盔头盔Blackhorn's Face - Death Mask扩展头盔头盔Vampire Gaze - Grim Helm扩展头盔头盔Kira's Guardian - Tiara精华头盔头盔Harlequin Crest - Shako精华头盔头盔Steel Shade - Armet精华头盔头盔Nightwing's Veil - Spired Helm精华头盔头盔Veil of Steel - Spired Helm精华头盔头盔Crown of Ages - Corona精华头盔头盔Andariel's Visage - Demonhead精华头盔头盔Giant Skull - Bone Visage精华头盔头盔Griffon's Eye - Diadem扩展头盔头盔,德鲁伊Jalal's Mane - Totemic Mask精华头盔头盔,德鲁伊Cerebus' Bite - Blood Spirit精华头盔头盔,德鲁伊Spirit Keeper - Earth Spirit精华头盔头盔,德鲁伊Ravenlore - Sky Spirit扩展头盔头盔,野蛮人Arreat's Face - Slayer Guard精华头盔头盔,野蛮人Wolfhowl - Fury Visor精华头盔头盔,野蛮人Demonhorn's Edge - Destroyer Helm 精华头盔头盔,野蛮人Halaberd's Reign - Conqueror Crown 普通武器匕首Gull - Dagger普通武器匕首The Diggler - Dirk普通武器匕首The Jade Tan Do - Kris普通武器匕首Spectral Shard - Blade扩展武器匕首Spineripper - Poignard扩展武器匕首Heart Carver - Rondel扩展武器匕首Blackbog's Sharp - Cinquedeas扩展武器匕首Stormspike - Stiletto精华武器匕首Wizardspike - Bone Knife精华武器匕首Fleshripper - Fanged Knife精华武器匕首Ghostflame - Legend Spike精华武器标枪Demon's Arch - Balrog Spear精华武器标枪Wraith Flight - Ghost Glaive精华武器标枪Gargoyle's Bite - Winged Harpoon扩展武器标枪,亚马逊Titan's Revenge - Ceremonial Javelin 精华武器标枪,亚马逊Thunderstroke - Matriarchal Javelin 普通武器长柄武器Dimoak's Hew - Bardiche普通武器长柄武器Steelgoad - Voulge普通武器长柄武器Soul Harvest - Scythe普通武器长柄武器The Battlebranch - Poleaxe普通武器长柄武器Woestave - Halberd普通武器长柄武器The Grim Reaper - War Scythe扩展武器长柄武器The Meat Scraper - Lochaber Axe扩展武器长柄武器Blackleach Blade - Blade Bill扩展武器长柄武器Athena's Wrath - Battle Scythe扩展武器长柄武器Pierre Tombale Couant - Partizan扩展武器长柄武器Husoldal Evo - Bec-de-Corbin扩展武器长柄武器Grim's Burning Dead - Grim Scythe精华武器长柄武器Bonehew - Ogre Axe精华武器长柄武器The Reaper's Toll - Thresher精华武器长柄武器Tomb Reaver - Cryptic Axe精华武器长柄武器Stormspire - Giant Thresher普通武器长棍Bane Ash - Short Staff普通武器长棍Serpent Lord - Long Staff普通武器长棍Spire of Lazarus - Gnarled Staff普通武器长棍The Salamander - Battle Staff普通武器长棍The Iron Jang Bong - War Staff扩展武器长棍Razorswitch - Jo Staff扩展武器长棍Ribcracker - Quarterstaff扩展武器长棍Chromatic Ire - Cedar Staff扩展武器长棍Warpspear - Gothic Staff扩展武器长棍Skull Collector - Rune Staff精华武器长棍Ondal's Wisdom - Elder Staff精华武器长棍Mang Song's Lesson - Archon Staff普通武器长矛The Dragon Chang - Spear普通武器长矛Razortine - Trident普通武器长矛Bloodthief - Brandistock普通武器长矛Lance of Yaggai - Spetum普通武器长矛The Tannr Gorerod - Pike扩展武器长矛The Impaler - War Spear扩展武器长矛Kelpie Snare - Fuscina扩展武器长矛Soulfeast Tine - War Fork扩展武器长矛Hone Sundan - Yari扩展武器长矛Spire of Honor - Lance精华武器长矛Arioc's Needle - Hyperion Spear精华武器长矛Viperfork - Mancatcher精华武器长矛Steel Pillar - War Pike扩展武器长矛,亚马逊Lycander's Flank - Ceremonial Pike 精华武器长矛,亚马逊Stoneraven - Matriarchal Spear普通武器钉锤Felloak - Club普通武器钉锤Stoutnail - Spiked Club普通武器钉锤Crushflange - Mace普通武器钉锤Bloodrise - Morning Star普通武器钉锤The General's Tan Do Li Ga - Flail 普通武器钉锤Ironstone - War Hammer普通武器钉锤Bonesnap - Maul普通武器钉锤Steeldriver - Great Maul扩展武器钉锤Dark Clan Crusher - Cudgel扩展武器钉锤Fleshrender - Barbed Club扩展武器钉锤Sureshrill Frost - Flanged Mace扩展武器钉锤Moonfall - Jagged Star扩展武器钉锤Baezil's Vortex - Knout扩展武器钉锤Earthshaker - Battle Hammer扩展武器钉锤Bloodtree Stump - War Club扩展武器钉锤The Gavel of Pain - Martel de Fer精华武器钉锤Nord's Tenderizer - Truncheon精华武器钉锤Demon Limb - Tyrant Club精华武器钉锤Baranar's Star - Devil Star精华武器钉锤Horizon's Tornado - Scourge精华武器钉锤Stormlash - Scourge精华武器钉锤Stone Crusher - Legendary Mallet精华武器钉锤Schaefer's Hammer - Legendary Mallet 精华武器钉锤Windhammer - Ogre Maul精华武器钉锤Earth Shifter - Thunder Maul精华武器钉锤The Cranium Basher - Thunder Maul普通武器法杖Torch of Iro - Wand普通武器法杖Maelstrom - Yew Wand普通武器法杖Gravenspine - Bone Wand普通武器法杖Ume's Lament - Grim Wand扩展武器法杖Suicide Branch - Burnt Wand扩展武器法杖Carin Shard - Petrified Wand扩展武器法杖Arm of King Leoric - Tomb Wand扩展武器法杖Blackhand Key - Grave Wand精华武器法杖Boneshade - Lich Wand精华武器法杖Death's Web - Unearthed Wand普通武器斧The Gnasher - Hand Axe普通武器斧Deathspade - Axe普通武器斧Bladebone - Double Axe普通武器斧Skull Splitter - Military Pick普通武器斧Rakescar - War Axe普通武器斧Axe of Fechmar - Large Axe普通武器斧Goreshovel - Broad Axe普通武器斧The Chieftain - Battle Axe普通武器斧Brainhew - Great Axe普通武器斧Humongous - Giant Axe扩展武器斧Coldkill - Hatchet扩展武器斧Butcher's Pupil - Cleaver扩展武器斧Islestrike - Twin Axe扩展武器斧Pompeii's Wrath - Crowbill扩展武器斧Guardian Naga - Naga扩展武器斧Warlord's Trust - Military Axe扩展武器斧Spellsteel - Bearded Axe扩展武器斧Stormrider - Tabar扩展武器斧Boneslayer Blade - Gothic Axe扩展武器斧The Minotaur - Ancient Axe精华武器斧Razor's Edge - Tomahawk精华武器斧Rune Master - Ettin Axe精华武器斧Cranebeak - War Spike精华武器斧Death Cleaver - Berserker Axe精华武器斧Ethereal Edge - Silver-edged Axe精华武器斧Hellslayer - Decapitator精华武器斧Messerschmidt's Reaver - Champion Axe 精华武器斧Executioner's Justice - Glorious Axe 扩展武器弓,亚马逊Lycander's Aim - Ceremonial Bow精华武器弓,亚马逊Blood Raven's Charge - Matriarchal Bow 普通武器弓弩Pluckeye - Short Bow普通武器弓弩Witherstring - Hunter's Bow普通武器弓弩Raven Claw - Long Bow普通武器弓弩Rogue's Bow - Composite Bow普通武器弓弩Stormstrike - Short Battle Bow普通武器弓弩Wizendraw - Long Battle Bow普通武器弓弩Hellclap - Short War Bow普通武器弓弩Blastbark - Long War Bow普通武器弓弩Leadcrow - Light Crossbow普通武器弓弩Ichorsting - Crossbow普通武器弓弩Hellcast - Heavy Crossbow普通武器弓弩Doomslinger - Repeating Crossbow扩展武器弓弩Skystrike - Edge Bow扩展武器弓弩Riphook - Razor Bow扩展武器弓弩Kuko Shakaku - Cedar Bow扩展武器弓弩Endlesshail - Double Bow扩展武器弓弩Witchwild String - Short Siege Bow扩展武器弓弩Cliffkiller - Large Siege Bow扩展武器弓弩Magewrath - Rune Bow扩展武器弓弩Goldstrike Arch - Gothic Bow扩展武器弓弩Langer Briser - Arbalest扩展武器弓弩Pus Spitter - Siege Crossbow扩展武器弓弩Buriza-Do Kyanon - Ballista扩展武器弓弩Demon Machine - Chu-Ko-Nu精华武器弓弩Eaglehorn - Crusader Bow精华武器弓弩Widowmaker - Ward Bow精华武器弓弩Windforce - Hydra Bow精华武器弓弩Hellrack - Colossus Crossbow精华武器弓弩Gut Siphon - Demon Crossbow普通武器剑Rixot's Keen - Short Sword普通武器剑Blood Crescent - Scimitar普通武器剑Skewer of Krintiz - Sabre普通武器剑Gleamscythe - Falchion普通武器剑Griswold's Edge - Broad Sword普通武器剑Hellplague - Long Sword普通武器剑Culwen's Point - War Sword普通武器剑Shadowfang - Two-Handed Sword普通武器剑Soulflay - Claymore普通武器剑Kinemil's Awl - Giant Sword普通武器剑Blacktongue - Bastard Sword普通武器剑Ripsaw - Flamberge普通武器剑The Patriarch - Great Sword扩展武器剑Bloodletter - Gladius扩展武器剑Coldsteel Eye - Cutlass扩展武器剑Hexfire - Shamshir扩展武器剑Blade of Ali Baba - Tulwar扩展武器剑Ginther's Rift - Dimensional Blade扩展武器剑Headstriker - Battle Sword扩展武器剑Plague Bearer - Rune Sword扩展武器剑The Atlantean - Ancient Sword扩展武器剑Crainte Vomir - Espandon扩展武器剑Bing Sz Wang - Dacian Falx扩展武器剑The Vile Husk - Tusk Sword扩展武器剑Cloudcrack - Gothic Sword扩展武器剑Todesfaelle Flamme - Zweihander扩展武器剑Swordguard - Executioner Sword精华武器剑Djinn Slayer - Ataghan精华武器剑Bloodmoon - Elegant Blade精华武器剑Azurewrath - Phase Blade精华武器剑Lightsabre - Phase Blade精华武器剑Frostwind - Cryptic Sword精华武器剑Flamebellow - Balrog Blade精华武器剑Doombringer - Champion Sword精华武器剑The Grandfather - Colossus Blade扩展武器女巫法球The Oculus - Swirling Crystal精华武器女巫法球Eschuta's Temper - Eldritch Orb精华武器女巫法球Death's Fathom - Dimensional Shard普通武器权杖Knell Striker - Scepter普通武器权杖Rusthandle - Grand Scepter普通武器权杖Stormeye - War Scepter扩展武器权杖Zakarum's Hand - Rune Scepter扩展武器权杖The Fetid Sprinkler - Holy Water Sprinkler 扩展武器权杖Hand of Blessed Light - Divine Scepter精华武器权杖Heaven's Light - Mighty Scepter精华武器权杖The Redeemer - Mighty Scepter精华武器权杖Astreon's Iron Ward - Caduceus扩展武器拳剑,刺客Bartuc's Cut-Throat - Greater Talons 精华武器拳剑,刺客Jade Talon - Wrist Sword精华武器拳剑,刺客Shadow Killer - Battle Cestus精华武器拳剑,刺客Firelizard's Talons - Feral Claws扩展武器投掷武器Deathbit - Battle Dart扩展武器投掷武器The Scalper - Francisca精华武器投掷武器Gimmershred - Flying Axe精华武器投掷武器Warshrike - Winged Knife精华武器投掷武器Lacerator - Winged Axe普通项链项链Atma's Scarab - Amulet普通项链项链Crescent Moon - Amulet普通项链项链Highlord's Wrath - Amulet普通项链项链Mara's Kaleidoscope - Amulet普通项链项链Metalgrid - Amulet普通项链项链Nokozan Relic - Amulet普通项链项链Saracen's Chance - Amulet普通项链项链Seraph's Hymn - Amulet普通项链项链The Cat's Eye - Amulet普通项链项链The Eye of Etlich - Amulet普通项链项链The Mahim-Oak Curio - Amulet普通项链项链The Rising Sun - Amulet普通鞋子鞋子Hotspur - Boots普通鞋子鞋子Gorefoot - Heavy Boots普通鞋子鞋子Treads of Cthon - Chain Boots普通鞋子鞋子Goblin Toe - Light Plated Boots普通鞋子鞋子Tearhaunch - Greaves扩展鞋子鞋子Infernostride - Demonhide Boots扩展鞋子鞋子Waterwalk - Sharkskin Boots扩展鞋子鞋子Silkweave - Mesh Boots扩展鞋子鞋子War Traveler - Battle Boots扩展鞋子鞋子Gore Rider - War Boots精华鞋子鞋子Sandstorm Trek - Scarabshell Boots 精华鞋子鞋子Marrowwalk - Boneweave Boots精华鞋子鞋子Shadow Dancer - Myrmidon Boots普通腰带腰带Lenymo - Sash普通腰带腰带Snakecord - Light Belt普通腰带腰带Nightsmoke - Belt普通腰带腰带Goldwrap - Heavy Belt普通腰带腰带Bladebuckle - Plated Belt扩展腰带腰带String of Ears - Demonhide Sash扩展腰带腰带Razortail - Sharkskin Belt扩展腰带腰带Gloom's Trap - Mesh Belt扩展腰带腰带Snowclash - Battle Belt扩展腰带腰带Thundergod's Vigor - War Belt精华腰带腰带Arachnid Mesh - Spiderweb Sash精华腰带腰带Nosferatu's Coil - Vampirefang Belt精华腰带腰带Verdungo's Hearty Cord - Mithril Coil普通装甲装甲Greyform - Quilted Armor普通装甲装甲Blinkbat's Form - Leather Armor普通装甲装甲The Centurion - Hard Leather Armor普通装甲装甲Twitchthroe - Studded Leather普通装甲装甲Darkglow - Ring Mail普通装甲装甲Hawkmail - Scale Mail普通装甲装甲Sparking Mail - Chain Mail普通装甲装甲Venom Ward - Breast Plate普通装甲装甲Iceblink - Splint Mail普通装甲装甲Boneflesh - Plate Mail普通装甲装甲Rockfleece - Field Plate普通装甲装甲Rattlecage - Gothic Plate普通装甲装甲Goldskin - Full Plate Mail普通装甲装甲Silks of the Victor - Ancient Armor普通装甲装甲Heavenly Garb - Light Plate扩展装甲装甲The Spirit Shroud - Ghost Armor扩展装甲装甲Skin of the Vipermagi - Serpentskin Armor 扩展装甲装甲Skin of the Flayed One - Demonhide Armor 扩展装甲装甲Iron Pelt - Trellised Armor扩展装甲装甲Spirit Forge - Linked Mail扩展装甲装甲Crow Caw - Tigulated Mail扩展装甲装甲Shaftstop - Mesh Armor扩展装甲装甲Duriel's Shell - Cuirass扩展装甲装甲Skullder's Ire - Russet Armor扩展装甲装甲Guardian Angel - Templar Coat扩展装甲装甲Toothrow - Sharktooth Armor扩展装甲装甲Atma's Wail - Embossed Plate扩展装甲装甲Black Hades - Chaos Armor扩展装甲装甲Corpsemourn - Ornate Plate扩展装甲装甲Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Mage Plate精华装甲装甲Ormus' Robes - Dusk Shroud精华装甲装甲The Gladiator's Bane - Wire Fleece精华装甲装甲Arkaine's Valor - Balrog Skin精华装甲装甲Leviathan - Kraken Shell精华装甲装甲Steel Carapace - Shadow Plate精华装甲装甲Templar's Might - Sacred Armor精华装甲装甲Tyrael's Might - Sacred Armor新月小盾 - 盾阴影圆盘 - 小盾牌暴风公会 - 大盾牌作响的金属 - 轻盾贝弗提的纪念 - 塔盾囚房 - 哥德盾牌无眼之墙 - 白骨盾牌剑背之架 - 圆尖刺盾牌维斯尔坦特 - 防御盾摩西祝福之环 - 圆型盾暴风追逐者 - 鳞盾魔龙的非难 - 龙盾基尔克的圣堂 - 大盾罗达门特之球体 - 古代之盾警戒之墙 - 冷酷之盾长枪守卫 - 倒刺护盾黑橡树盾 - 月精灵护盾暴风之盾 - 统治者大盾梅杜莎的凝视 - 塔盾魂系结界 - 保护盾牌猎头人的荣耀 - 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾尖刺根源 - 刀刃刺盾侏儒 - 祭司印记骨焰 - 女妖之骨魔力肇生 - 血王之骨撒卡兰姆使者 - 饰金盾牌阿尔玛·尼格拉 - 神圣轻圆盾龙鳞 - 撒卡兰姆盾牌布尔凯索之戒 - 戒指腐肉之风 - 戒指收缩戒指 - 戒指矮人之星 - 戒指玛那得的治疗 - 戒指拿各的戒指 - 戒指大自然的和平 - 戒指乌鸦之霜 - 戒指乔丹之石 - 戒指鬼火投射者 - 戒指柏克之手 - 皮手套血拳 - 重手套运气守护 - 锁链手套法师之拳 - 轻型铁手套霜燃 - 铁手套剧毒之抓 - 魔皮手套墓穴的抚弄 - 鲨鱼皮套食尸鬼外皮 - 重型手镯熔岩角羊 - 战场手套地狱之嘴 - 巨战手套卓古拉之握 - 吸血鬼骸骨手套吸魂者 - 吸血鬼手套碎钢 - 食人魔铁手套毕格因的软帽 - 帽子塔因头盔 - 骷髅帽光荣布帽 - 头盔黄昏深处 - 高级头盔怒号长牙 - 卓越头盔不死皇冠 - 皇冠恐惧之脸 - 面具温暖骷髅 - 白骨头盔粗野之冠 - 战帽岩石制动者 - 轻便头盔偷取骷髅 - 无颊头盔暗视之盔 - 轻钢盔女神之翼 - 翼盔盗贼皇冠 - 巨皇冠黑角面具 - 死亡面具吸血鬼的凝视 - 残酷头盔奇拉的守护 - 三重冠谐角之冠 - 军帽钢影 - 活动头盔夜翼面纱 - 螺旋头盔钢铁面纱 - 螺旋头盔年纪之冠 - 头冠安达利尔的面貌 - 恶魔头盖骨面具巨骷髅 - 骸骨面罩格利凤之眼 - 权冠加尔的长发 - 图腾面具狼盔地狱之吻 - 血腥之灵灵魂看守者 - 大地之灵乌鸦之王 - 天空之灵亚瑞特的面容 - 杀手防护面甲狼嚎 - 暴怒面甲恶魔号角的边缘 - 毁灭者头盔海拉柏得的国度 - 征服者皇冠面甲海鸥 - 匕首迪格勒 - 长匕首坦杜之玉 - 波形刀妖怪碎片 - 短刀裂脊者 - 锐匕刻心者 - 诗歌匕首黑沼之锋 - 强波刀暴风尖刺 - 小剑巫师之刺 - 骸骨小刀裂肉者 - 齿缘小刀鬼火焰 - 传说尖刺恶魔之王 - 炎魔长矛死灵夜翔 - 鬼魂尖枪石像鬼之噬 - 翼鱼叉泰坦的复仇 - 祭典标枪雷击 - 女族长之标枪迪马克之劈砍 - 大砍刀铁刺棒 - 钩镰枪灵魂采集者 - 镰刀战斗支系 - 长柄战斧烦恼诗集 - 长戟冷酷开膛手 - 巨战镰刀刮肉者 - 罗佳伯斧黑水之刃 - 比尔长刀雅典娜的忿怒 - 战斗镰刀皮尔·通把·考恩特 - 战戟胡索丹·依弗 - 双锋战戟惊怖焰亡灵 - 残酷镰刀破骨 - 食人魔之斧死神的丧钟 - 锐利之斧盗墓者 - 神秘之斧暴风尖塔 - 鲛尾巨斧祸根之灰 - 短棍海蛇之王 - 长棍拉撒罗斯之螺旋 - 多节棍火精灵 - 战斗法杖铁检棒 - 巨战法杖摆动剃刀 - 乔木棒肋骨粉碎者 - 六尺棍五彩的怒气 - 杉木之棍扭曲之矛 - 哥德之棍骷髅收集者 - 符文之棍安戴尔的智慧 - 长老之杖梅格之歌的教训 - 执政官之杖张龙 - 长矛剃刀之叉 - 三叉戟血之偷 - 叉雅该长矛 - 大战戟坦之血杖 - 矛穿刺者 - 巨战长矛水魔陷阱 - 魔鬼之叉噬魂叉 - 巨战之叉宏·森丹 - 三叉长枪荣耀的尖塔 - 长枪爱理欧克之针 - 亥伯龙之矛蝮蛇叉 - 刺人枪铁柱 - 战枪雷山德的侧腹 - 祭典长矛石乌鸦 - 女族长之矛凶猛橡树 - 木棒坚硬的指甲 - 狼牙棒压碎的边缘 - 钉头锤血升 - 流星锤坦-杜-裡-嘎将军 - 连枷钻石 - 巨战铁槌碎骨 - 大木棍铁制大槌 - 卓越巨棍暗族碎灭者 - 棍棒血肉裁决者 - 倒钩槌尖啸冰霜 - 凸缘钉头锤落月 - 锯齿流星锤贝西尔的漩涡 - 铁皮鞭撼地者 - 战斗铁槌血树残株 - 巨战木棍痛苦木槌 - 战槌诺德的蚀肉药 - 战仪杖恶魔爪牙 - 暴君之棒巴拉那之星 - 恶魔流星锤地平线的台风 - 天罚之锤暴风之结 - 天罚之锤碎石者 - 传说之锤史恰佛之槌 - 传说之锤风之槌 - 食人魔之槌大地变形者 - 雷槌碎脑槌 - 雷槌衣洛的火炬 - 法杖漩涡 - 紫杉之杖墓穴之脊 - 骨杖乌米的恸哭 - 残酷之杖自杀支系 - 烧焦之杖凯恩碎片 - 净化之杖李奥瑞克王的武器 - 古墓之杖黑手之钥 - 墓地之杖白骨阴影 - 巫妖法杖死亡之网 - 破隐法杖牙齿 - 手斧死亡之铲 - 斧肩胛骨 - 双刃斧切开骷髅 - 军用锹火钩之伤 - 巨战斧费屈玛之斧 - 巨斧血块之铲 - 阔斧族长 - 战斗斧脑袋 - 卓越之斧巨大无比 - 大斧冷杀 - 小斧屠夫之瞳 - 切肉斧岛击 - 强化双斧庞贝之怒 - 喙钳蛇神守护者 - 纳卡战爵之证 - 军斧钢铁魔咒 - 钩斧暴风骑士 - 战斗斧碎骨者之刃 - 哥德之斧牛头怪 - 古代之斧刀锋边缘 - 战钺符文大师 - 双头斧鹤嘴 - 战刺死亡之刀 - 狂战士斧永恒边界 - 银刃斧地狱毁灭者 - 斩首斧希梅斯特的掠夺 - 豪杰斧刽子手的裁决 - 荣光之斧雷山德的指标 - 祭典之弓血鸟的袭击 - 女族长之弓勇气之眼 - 短弓凋谢之戒 - 猎弓渡鸟之爪 - 长弓罗格之弓 - 组合弓暴风之击 - 短战斗弓凋谢之画 - 长战斗弓作响的地狱 - 短巨战弓爆裂的吠叫 - 长巨战弓引导乌鸦 - 轻十字弓灵液之刺 - 十字弓投掷地狱 - 重十字弓毁灭投石者 - 连射十字弓天击 - 锋锐之弓撕裂之钩 - 剃刀之弓社角久子 - 杉木弓无休止的冰雹 - 双弓狂野之弦 - 短攻城弓岩壁杀手 - 长攻城弓巫师之怒 - 符文之弓金击圆弧 - 哥德弓兰格·布里瑟 - 石弓毒液怪 - 攻城十字弓布理撒·多·凯南 - 弩弓恶魔机器 - 巧工弩鹰号角 - 十字军之弓戮夫刃 - 庇护之弓风之力 - 九头蛇弓地狱拷问 - 巨神十字弓内脏吸管 - 恶魔十字弓瑞克撒特的挽歌 - 短剑血红新月 - 弯刀格林提斯的肉叉 - 军刀闪耀的镰刀 - 弯形大刀格理斯瓦得的锐利 - 阔剑地狱瘟疫 - 长剑库尔温的尖端 - 巨战之剑影之牙 - 双手剑剥皮灵魂 - 双刃大刀金麦尔的锥子 - 大剑黑色之舌 - 巨剑粗齿大锯 - 双手饰剑族长 - 卓越之剑血书 - 罗马短剑冰钢之眼 - 微弯剑六角之火 - 虚伪之刃阿里巴巴之刃 - 圆月弯刀金瑟的裂缝 - 空间之刃击头者 - 战斗剑疾病带原者 - 符文剑亚特拉斯 - 古代之剑克林铁·弗姆 - 斩铁剑兵之王 - 双刃鎌卑劣躯壳 - 长牙剑云裂 - 哥德剑特迪斯法雷·芙法米 - 瑞韩德之剑剑卫 - 死刑之剑魔灵杀手 - 土耳其剑血月 - 优雅之剑青色忿怒 - 幻化之刃光之军刀 - 幻化之刃冰霜之风 - 神秘之剑火焰号叫 - 炎魔之刃末日毁灭者 - 冠军之剑祖父 - 巨神之刃眼球 - 涡流水晶艾斯屈塔的脾气 - 怪异之球死亡深度 - 次元碎片敲击丧钟者 - 权杖腐蚀的把手 - 雄伟权杖暴风眼 - 巨战权杖撒卡兰姆之手 - 符文权杖恶臭散布者 - 圣水喷杖祝福之光之手 - 神属权杖天堂之光 - 强威权杖忏悔者 - 强威权杖爱斯特龙之铁的保护区 - 神使之杖巴特克的猛击 - 巨鹰爪碧玉爪 - 腕剑影杀者 - 斗腰刀火蜥蜴之爪 - 猛禽爪死亡碎片 - 战斗飞镖圆凿 - 法兰飞斧碎片贪婪者 - 飞斧战争之鸟 - 翼刀撕裂者 - 翼斧亚玛特的圣甲虫 - 项链新月 - 项链大君之怒 - 项链马拉的万花筒 - 项链金属网格 - 项链诺科兰遗物 - 项链萨拉森的机会 - 项链炽天使之韵 - 项链猫眼 - 项链艾利屈之眼 - 项链玛哈姆橡木古董 - 项链旭日东升 - 项链热靴刺 - 皮靴血脚 - 重靴凯松的征服 - 锁链靴小妖精脚趾 - 轻型金属靴泪之臀 - 护胫地狱阔步 - 魔皮靴水上飘 - 鲨皮之靴纱织 - 织网之靴战争旅者 - 战场之靴蚀肉骑士 - 巨战之靴沙暴之旅 - 圣甲虫壳靴骨髓行走 - 骸骨靴影舞者 - 极速靴雷尼摩 - 饰带蛇索 - 轻扣带夜烟 - 扣带金色包袱 - 重扣带锋利扣带 - 金属扣带长串之耳 - 魔皮勋带剃刀之尾 - 鲨皮腰带阴影陷阱 - 织网腰带雪之冲突 - 战场腰带雷神之力 - 巨战腰带蜘蛛之网 - 蛛网腰带吸血圣王之圈 - 吸血鬼獠牙腰带维尔登戈的心结 - 秘银腰带薄暮外观 - 布甲眨眼蝙蝠的外观 - 皮甲百夫长 - 硬皮甲抽动的挣扎 - 镶嵌甲扩散黑暗 - 锁环甲鹰甲 - 鳞甲火花之甲 - 锁子甲毒液牢房 - 胸甲冰雪眨眼 - 板甲骨肉 - 铠甲石之毛 - 实战铠甲作响之龙 - 哥德战甲黄金之皮 - 高级战甲胜利者之丝绸 - 古代装甲天堂装束 - 轻型装甲灵魂帷幕 - 鬼魂战甲蛇魔法师之皮 - 海蛇皮甲剥皮者之皮 - 魔皮战甲掷铁 - 攀绕战甲灵魂熔炉 - 连扣战甲鸦鸣 - 提格莱特战甲谢夫特斯坦布 - 织网战甲都瑞尔的壳 - 护胸甲诗寇蒂的愤怒 - 罗瑟战甲守护天使 - 圣堂武士外袍排齿 - 鲨齿战甲亚特玛的哭喊 - 凸纹战甲黑色黑蒂斯 - 混沌战甲尸体的哀伤 - 华丽战甲魁金刚的智慧 - 法师铠甲奥玛斯的长袍 - 灰暮寿衣斗士的祸根 - 线羊毛皮甲阿凯尼的荣耀 - 炎魔皮板甲海王利维亚桑 - 海妖壳甲钢铁铠甲 - 阴影铠甲圣堂武士的力量 - 神圣盔甲泰瑞尔的力量 - 神圣盔甲。
Topic: introduction of Greek myth1.introduction of Greece and Greek culture2. brief introduction Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddess, Heroes and adventures, Trojan War…3. illustrate outline of this course.4. The influence of Greek mythologyInfluence on language, literature, brand names, astronomy1). An Apple of Discord “纠纷的苹果”He throwing us an apple of discord, we soon quarreled again.2). Helen of Troy: a beautiful girl or woman; a beauty who ruins her country, a terrible disasterbrought by sb or sth you like bestShe didn't think of the beautiful umbrella bought the day before should become a Helen of Troy in her family. Because of this she and her husband quarreled for a long time.3). The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细The superpowers are always sending the Trojan horses to many countries in the world. 4). The Heel of Achilles 唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles..5). Shakespeare's “ Venus and Adonis” Shelley’s “Prometheus Unbound”keats’s “Endymion”, “Lamia”, “Hyperion” Yeats: “Leda and Swan”J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” ( a hippogriff, a pho enix, and centaurs).6). Ajax [Gk, a hero in the Trojan War who rescued the body of Achilles] : a brand of cleanerand football team in HollandAmazon. com trademark: [Gk, race of warrior women] : an online shopping siteNike trademark: [Gk Nike Goddess of victory] : a brand of athletic shoe7). astronomy5. the family tree of Greek GodsTopic: Titan gods1. The Creation of the World: Chaos---Gaea---Uranus1.Gaea(盖亚): Earth goddess2. Uranus(乌拉诺斯): God of the Sky2. First generation of Titan Gods and Goddesses:1). Cronus (克洛诺斯)※the ruling Titan of the sky who came to power by overthrowing his Father Uranus.※the god of time: chronology and chronic2). Oceanus (俄刻阿诺斯): god of the river, Tethys 泰希斯(Titaness of the sea). All of his sons became river-gods.3).Hyperion(亥伯龙神): Titan of the sun, Theia提亚(Titaness of sorcery), father of Helius(Helios: "Sun"), Eos ("Dawn"), and Selene ("Moon").4). Coeus (科俄斯): Titan of intellect, Phoebe 菲比(Titaness of the moon), father of Leto and Asteria and the grandfather of Apollo, Artemis and Hecate.5). Themis西弥斯: Titaness of order and justice: the Seasons and the Fates (Moerae)Clotho: spin the thread of life of each child as it was bornLachesis: measure the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rodAtropus: cutter of the thread of life6). Mnemosyne (摩涅莫绪涅)("Memory"): Titaness of memory. By Zeus, she was the mother of nine daughters, known as the Muses.7). Iapetus (伊阿佩托斯): the father of the Titans, Atlas, Prometheus and Epimetheus, Tartarus.3. Second generationSons of Iapetus: Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus,Children of Hyperion: Eos, Helius, SeleneDaughters of Coeus: Leto and Asteria1). Atlas 阿特拉斯: hold up the world on his back.※Hesperides, Pleiades※culture influence2). Prometheus普罗米修斯: wisest Titan of forethought※Prometheus's Punishment※culture influence3). Epimetheus厄庇米修斯and Pandora潘多拉: Pandora’s box4). Helios赫利俄斯: god of the sun, Roman name: Sol※Helios’s love: Clytie, Leucothoe, helianthus※culture influence5). Selene塞勒涅: Goddess of the moon, Roman name: Luna.※culture influence6). Eos伊俄斯: Goddess of dawn. Roman name: Aurora.※Eos’s love: Tithonus, cicada※culture influence7). Leto勒托: mother goddess and goddess of fertility.※Mother of Apollo and Artemis: Hera, Niobe8).Asteria阿斯忒里亚: Titan goddess of the oracles and prophecies of night※mother of Hecate8). Metis美提斯: the Titaness presided over all wisdom and knowledge9). Dione狄俄涅: according to Homer in the Iliad, the mother of Aphrodite。
单词笔记本contemptcontemporary(简写成contemp)tempt 字根,“诱惑”、引申为“尝试”。
temporalcontempt=con+tempt(大家都能试一下,并没有什么困难)tumblehumblestumble贪步会跌倒,含苞是谦虚,死贪步,一定犯错误echonarcissus 希腊神话人物的名字narcissisticnarcissismsiren (源自Siren女海妖)bargain=bar(酒吧)+gain(获得)barrenbarbarianbarbarousbarrierembarrassbarrelprescribeascribeascriptiondescribesubscribecircumscribestockstockingboycottastrology astronomy disastrous disastercatastropheasteroid (astr=aster=stell星)constellationgenius average idiotsheershearfragrantflagrant字根:strain=strict=string 拉紧,捆紧strainrestrainconstrainstaindelicatedeliciousdedicate 奉献,献身(dic=dict说言)indicate 指示,暗示OttawaToronto 第一大城市Montreal 第二大城市Vancouver 第三大城市GaiaUranus (第一位男神)Titan 巨人,泰坦神CronusVictoria (来自胜利女神尼姬Nike=victoria维多利亚)provincevinc=vict征服convince(动)说服,使确信victiminvincibleserpent 蛇terra (Hera女神的罗马名Terra,因为脾气大,因而“恐惧”)terrace 梯田、台阶terrainterrestrialterritoryMediterranean地中海;地中海的freshman–sophomore—junior—seniorinferior—superiorlightalightblightflightplightslightdelightpear梨pare削皮rear培养、栽种,在后面rare稀少的,杰出的fear害怕、恐惧、担心fare经营,票价、费用bear bareroughtoughsteamstreamfreezebreezesneezebribebrideeaseceaselease releasepleasediseasecreaseincrease greaseappeaseberrycherryaliasostricharm—arc—arch由“弓” 到“拱形” 到“主要的”、“首要的”,到“统治”、“首领”,再到“archa e-古代的”monarchanarchanarchistarchaicarchivearchaeologyarduous (来自hard,首字母h不发音)Poseidon (Neptune)Hades(Pluto)plutocratplutocracyplutology三大处女神(女猎神Artemis=Diana、女战神Athena=Minerva、女灶神Hestia=vesta。
In the complex tapestry of human society, the concept of truth and falsehood is a thread that intertwines with every aspect of our lives. The perception of truth varies from person to person, and it is often influenced by cultural, social, and personal factors. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of truth and deception, exploring the implications they have on our understanding of reality and the decisions we make.The quest for truth is as old as humanity itself. Philosophers, scientists, and thinkers have grappled with the question of what constitutes truth. For some, truth is an absolute, a fixed point in an everchanging world. For others, it is relative, subject to interpretation and context. The journey towards understanding truth is a personal one, often marked by moments of revelation and doubt.One cannot discuss truth without considering its counterpart, falsehood. Deception, whether intentional or not, can have profound effects on individuals and societies. A simple lie can shatter trust, while a wellcrafted falsehood can manipulate entire populations. The power of deception is not to be underestimated, as history has shown us time and again.Take, for instance, the case of the Trojan Horse, a tale from ancient Greek mythology that illustrates the cunning use of deception in warfare. The Greeks, unable to breach the walls of Troy, crafted a large wooden horse, hiding soldiers within it. The Trojans, believing the horse to be a gift from the gods, brought it into their city, only to be betrayed by their own trust. This story serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of accepting falsehoods at face value.In the modern world, the line between truth and falsehood can be even more blurred. The advent of digital technology and social media has given rise to an era where misinformation can spread like wildfire. The phenomenon of fake news has become a global concern, with the potential to sway public opinion and influence elections. It is crucial, now more than ever, to cultivate critical thinking skills and discern the veracity of the information we consume.Personal experiences also shape our perception of truth. A poignant example can be drawn from the story of a young man who, after years of believing he was an only child, discovered he had a sibling. This revelation challenged his understanding of family and identity, forcing him to reconcile the truth of his past with the reality of his present. Such experiences underscore the fluidity of truth and the importance of being open to new information.Moreover, the pursuit of truth is not just a cognitive exercise it is an emotional journey. The process of uncovering the truth can be painful, as it often involves confronting uncomfortable realities. However, it is through this process that we grow and evolve, learning to navigate the complexities of life with a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.In conclusion, the interplay between truth and falsehood is a fundamental aspect of the human experience. It is a dance of perception and reality, a constant negotiation between what is known and what is believed. As wenavigate this intricate landscape, it is essential to approach truth with a sense of humility and an openness to new perspectives. By doing so, we can hope to build a more truthful and understanding society, one where the pursuit of truth is not just a philosophical endeavor, but a practical necessity for a harmonious existence.。
六年级英语神话理解单选题60题答案解析版1.In the myth, who is known for his strength?A.ApolloB.HerculesC.Poseidon答案:B。
Hercules 以力量著称。
Apollo 是太阳神,以音乐、诗歌等才能闻名。
Poseidon 是海神,以掌控海洋的能力闻名。
2.Who is the goddess of love in myths?A.AthenaB.VenusC.Hera答案:B。
Venus 是爱与美的女神。
Athena 是智慧女神。
Hera 是天后。
3.In a certain myth, who has wings on his feet?A.MercuryB.DionysusC.Ares答案:A。
Mercury 有带翅膀的脚。
Dionysus 是酒神。
Ares 是战神。
4.Who is the king of the gods in Greek mythology?A.ZeusB.Hades答案:A。
Zeus 是希腊神话中的众神之王。
Hades 是冥王。
Apollo 是太阳神。
5.Who is often depicted with a bow and arrow?A.ArtemisB.DemeterC.Hestia答案:A。
Artemis 常被描绘成拿着弓和箭。
Demeter 是农业女神。
Hestia 是灶神。
6.In a myth, who is the god of war?A.AresB.HermesC.Hephaestus答案:A。
Ares 是战神。
Hermes 是信使神。
Hephaestus 是火神和工匠之神。
7.Who is the goddess of wisdom?A.AphroditeB.AthenaC.Persephone答案:B。
Athena 是智慧女神。
Aphrodite 是爱与美的女神。
Persephone 是冥后。
1.Myth 的定义和含义
2.Myth 的相关词汇和短语
3.Myth 在实际应用中的例子
一、Myth 的定义和含义
Myth 是一个英文单词,其发音为 [mθ],意思是“神话”或“虚构的故事”。
二、Myth 的相关词汇和短语
4.Mythical creature:神话生物,指在神话故事中出现的虚构生物,如独角兽、凤凰等。
5.Mythical place:神话地点,指在神话故事中出现的虚构地点,如希腊神话中的奥林匹斯山、中国的瑶池等。
三、Myth 在实际应用中的例子
myth相关单词摘要:1.Myth 的定义与含义2.Myth 的相关词汇3.Myth 在文化中的体现与作用正文:1.Myth 的定义与含义Myth(神话)是一个源于古希腊语的英文单词,其原意为“故事”或“传说”。
在现代英语中,Myth 通常用来指代那些关于神灵、英雄或其他具有超凡能力的人物的传说故事。
2.Myth 的相关词汇- Legend(传说):类似于Myth,Legend 也是指代那些关于英雄、圣人或其他非凡人物的故事。
不过,Legend 更多地强调故事中人物的真实性,可能基于历史事件或真实人物,但往往加入了一些虚构的元素。
- Fable(寓言):Fable 是一种以动物或其他非人类角色为主角的故事,通常用来传达道德教训。
与Myth 相比,Fable 更简短,情节更简单,主要目的是教育读者。
- Folklore(民间传说):Folklore 是指一个民族或地区内流传的口头传统故事、信仰和习俗等。
- Epic(史诗):Epic 是一种长篇叙事诗,通常描绘了某个民族或国家的英雄事迹。
3.Myth 在文化中的体现与作用Myth 在各个文化和民族中都占有重要地位。
在现代社会,Myth 仍然具有广泛的影响。
同时,心理学、社会学等领域也借助Myth 来探讨人类的心理和行为模式。
有用的中世纪mod中英文名条顿悲歌Mod条顿骑士团cogholkMerchant Cavalry Militia 商队骑马民兵 Mounted Crossbowmen 弩骑兵Peasant Archers 农民弓箭兵Crossbow Militia Hand Gunners 手炮兵Peasants 农民NE Ballista 弩炮NE Catapult 投石车NE Trebuchet 攻城秤车NE Bombard 攻城炮NE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮NE Cannon 加农炮NE Serpentine 蛇炮NE Basilisk 蜥炮Order Militia 骑士团民兵剑士Burgher Pikemen 勃格霍尔长枪兵Sword Brethren 宝剑骑士Order Spearmen 骑士团矛兵Clergymen 条顿教团Dismounted Halbbruder 步行条顿荣誉骑士 Dismounted Ritterbruder 步行条顿精英骑士 Prussian Archers 普鲁士弓箭兵Livonian Auxiliaries 立窝尼亚弩兵 Christ Knights 基督骑士Knechten 克内希腾侍从骑兵Halbbruder 条顿荣誉骑士Ritterbruder 条顿精英骑士TO Bodyguard 将军卫队TO Late Bodyguard 晚期将军卫队Mangonel 重型投石车Merc Burgher Pikemen 雇用勃格霍尔长枪兵 Merc Livonian Auxiliaries 雇用立窝尼亚弩兵 Merc Prussian Archers 雇用普鲁士弓箭兵 Adv Longbowmen 英格兰长弓Adv English Knights 英格兰骑士Adv English Bodyguard 英格兰将军卫队 Adv English Late Bodyguard 英格兰将军卫队 Adv Dismounted English Knights 步行英格兰骑士Adv Feudal Knights 英格兰封建骑士Adv Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行英格兰封建骑士波兰Polish Nobles 波兰贵族骑兵 Polish Knights 波兰骑士 Polish Guard 波兰卫队 Polish Retainers 波兰扈从骑兵 Hussars 胡萨尔骑兵 Polish Shooters 波兰弩骑兵 EE Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 EE Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵Lithuanian Archers 波兰弓箭兵 EE Peasants 农民 Woodsmen 森林斧兵 EE Town Militia 城镇民兵 EE Spear Militia 长矛民兵 EE Spearmen 长矛兵 Dismounted Polish Knights 步行波兰贵族骑兵 Dismounted Polish Nobles 步行波兰骑士 EECannon 加农炮 EE Serpentine 蛇炮 CE Wagon Fort 障碍战车 NE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队 NE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队 Merchant Cavalry Militia 商队骑马民兵 Arquebusiers 火绳枪兵 Hand Gunners 手炮兵 Slav Mercenaries 雇用斯拉夫矛兵 Halberd Militia 长戟民兵 EE Ballista 弩炮 EE Catapult 投石车EE Trebuchet 攻城秤车 EE Bombard 攻城炮EE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮 EE Ribault 管炮立陶宛EE Bodyguard 早期将领卫队EE Late Bodyguard 晚期将领卫队Cuman Horse Archers 库曼骑兵EE Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵EE Peasants 农民EE Town Militia 城镇民兵EE Spear Militia 长矛民兵EE Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮EE Cannon 加农炮EE Serpentine 蛇炮Followers of Perkunas 佩尔孔卫队Sudovian Tribesmen 索多维亚斧兵Estonian Rebels 爱沙尼亚矛兵Samogitian Axemen 萨莫吉希亚斧兵Giltines Chosen 吉尔丁卫队Dismounted Tartar Lancers 步行塔塔尔枪骑兵 Dismounted Szlachta 步行巴祖瑞亚战斧骑兵 Dzukijan Horsemen 祖基亚弓骑兵Baltic Archers 波罗的海弓箭兵 Lettish Crossbowmen 拉脱维亚弩兵Lithuanian Arquebusiers 立陶宛火绳枪兵 Tartar Lancers 塔塔尔枪骑兵Dievas Guard 迪瓦卫队Szlachta 巴祖瑞亚战斧骑兵Chivalric Knights 侠义骑士L Chivalric Knights 侠义骑士Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行侠义骑士 L Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行侠义骑士 L Cavalry Militia 骑马民兵Merc Sudovian Tribesmen 雇用索多维亚斧兵 Merc Samogitian Axemen 雇用萨莫吉希亚斧兵 Merc Baltic Archers 雇用波罗的海弓箭兵丹麦-----------------------------------[type] = [dragon boat] [type] = [longboat] [type] = [Feudal Knights] 封建骑士 [type] = [Chivalric Knights] 侠义骑士 [type] = [Huscarls] 北欧战斧骑兵 [type] = [Armored Clergy] 北欧战地教团 [type] = [NE Bodyguard] 早期将领卫队 [type] = [NE Late Bodyguard] 晚期将领卫队 [type] = [Merchant Cavalry Militia] 商队骑马民兵 [type] = [Scouts] 斥候骑兵[type] = [Mounted Crossbowmen] 弩骑兵 [type] = [Peasant Archers] 平民弓箭兵 [type] = [Crossbowmen] 弩兵[type] = [Crossbow Militia] 持弩民兵 [type] = [Arquebusiers] 火绳枪兵[type] = [Hand Gunners] 手炮兵[type] = [Norse Archers] 北欧弓箭兵[type] = [Peasants] 农民[type] = [Viking Raiders] 维京突袭者 [type] = [Town Militia] 城镇民兵[type] = [Spear Militia] 长矛民兵[type] = [Swordstaff Militia] 剑矛民兵[type] = [Norse Swordsmen] 北欧剑士[type] = [Norse Axemen] 北欧斧兵[type] = [Obudshaer] 奥博德夏戟兵[type] = [Dismounted Feudal Knights] 步行封建骑士 [type] = [Dismounted Chivalric Knights] 步行侠义骑士 [type] = [Dismounted Huscarls] 步行战斧骑兵 [type] = [NE Ballista] 弩炮[type] = [NE Catapult] 投石车[type] = [NE Trebuchet] 攻城秤车[type] = [NE Bombard] 攻城炮[type] = [NE Ribault] 管炮[type] = [NE Cannon] 加农炮[type] = [NE Serpentine] 蛇炮[type] = [Dismounted NE Bodyguard] 将领卫队 [type] = [Sami Axemen] 萨米斧兵[type] = [Gotland Footmen] 哥特兰剑士 [type] = [Svenner] 斯文纳骑兵挪威(貌似选这个国家不能征兵)-----------------------------------[type] = [Feudal Knights] 封建骑士[type] = [Chivalric Knights] 侠义骑士[type] = [Huscarls] 北欧战斧骑兵[type] = [Crossbowmen] 弩兵[type] = [Crossbow Militia] 持弩民兵[type] = [Viking Raiders] 维京突袭者[type] = [Norse Swordsmen] 北欧剑士[type] = [Dismounted Feudal Knights] 步行封建骑士天国王朝拜占庭-------------------------------------------------------------Kataphractoi 铁甲圣骑兵 Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭枪骑兵Latinkon 拉丁骑兵Greek Bodyguard 将领卫队 Greek Militia Cavalry 希腊骑马民兵 Alan Light Cavalry 阿兰轻骑兵 Byzantine Cavalry 拜占庭骑兵 Skythikon 塞西亚骑兵 Vardariotai 瓦达瑞泰骑兵 Cuman Horse Archers 库曼弓骑兵 S Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 S Archer Militia 弓箭民兵 Trebizond Archers 特兰比松弓箭兵 Byzantine Guard Archers 拜占庭近卫弓箭兵 Southern Peasants 农民SE Town Militia 城镇民兵 Byzantine Spearmen 拜占庭矛兵 SE Spear Militia 长矛民兵 Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭剑士 Varangian Guard 瓦兰吉卫队Dismounted Byzantine Lancers 步行拜占庭枪骑兵 Dismounted Latinkon 步行拉丁骑兵 GR Catapult 投石车 GR Trebuchet 攻城秤车 GR Bombard 攻城炮Archontopoulai 阿贡托普莱重骑兵 Greek Firethrower 希腊火喷射兵 Alamanoi 阿拉玛诺剑士 Pronoia Infantry 普罗尼埃钉锤兵 Byzantine Gunners 拜占庭火枪兵 Greek MangonelCountry = jerusalem(耶路撒冷)----------------------------------- [type] = [galley][type] = [war galley][type] = [NE Bodyguard] 早期将领卫队[type] = [Knights Templar] 圣殿骑士[type] = [Mounted Sergeants] 骑马军士[type] = [Turkopoles] 土耳其轻骑兵[type] = [NE Ballista] 弩炮[type] = [NE Catapult] 投石车[type] = [NE Trebuchet] 攻城秤车[type] = [NE Bombard] 攻城炮[type] = [Knights of Jerusalem] 耶路撒冷骑士[type] = [Templar Confrere Knights] 圣殿骑士团荣誉骑士 [type] = [Knights of Tripoli] 的黎波里骑士[type] = [Constable of Jerusalem] 耶路撒冷宫廷总管卫队 [type] = [Marshall of the Templars] 圣殿骑士团主帅卫队 [type] = [Tripolitan Squires] 步行的黎波里侍从骑兵 [type] = [Dismounted Knights Of Jerusalem] 步行耶路撒冷骑士 [type] = [Templar Sergeant] 圣殿骑士团长矛军士 [type] = [Pisan and Geonese sailors] 比萨-热那亚海员 [type] = [Syrian Militia] 叙利亚长矛民兵 [type] = [Frankish Axemen] 法兰克斧兵[type] = [Sodeer Archers] 索迪尔弓箭兵 [type] = [Maronites of Lebanon] 黎巴嫩马龙弓箭兵 [type] = [Templar Crossbowmen] 圣殿骑士团弩兵[type] = [Templar Gunners] 圣殿骑士团火枪兵 [type] = [Great Cross Jerusalem] 耶路撒冷十字战车征服美洲国家 = 西班牙-----------------------------------[type] = [Mailed Knights] 链甲骑士[type] = [Feudal Knights] 封建骑士[type] = [Chivalric Knights] 侠义骑士[type] = [Conquistadores] 征服者骑兵[type] = [Merchant Cavalry Militia] 商队骑马民兵 [type] = [Knights of Santiago] 圣地亚哥骑士 [type] = [Jinetes] 标枪骑兵[type] = [Mounted Crossbowmen] 弩骑兵[type] = [Peasant Archers] 平民弓箭兵[type] = [Peasant Crossbowmen] 平民弩兵[type] = [Crossbowmen] 弩兵[type] = [Pavise Crossbowmen] 巨盾弩兵[type] = [Crossbow Militia] 持弩民兵[type] = [Arquebusiers] 火绳枪兵[type] = [Musketeers] 滑膛枪兵[type] = [Hand Gunners] 手炮兵[type] = [Peasants] 农民[type] = [Javelinmen] 伊比利亚标枪兵[type] = [Almughavars] 阿拉贡突袭兵[type] = [Sword and Buckler Men] 圆盾剑士 [type] = [Swordsmen Militia] 民兵剑士[type] = [Town Militia] 城镇民兵[type] = [Spear Militia] 长矛民兵[type] = [Tercio Pikemen] 西班牙长枪兵[type] = [Pike Militia] 长枪民兵[type] = [Dismounted Feudal Knights] 步行封建骑士 [type] = [Dismounted Conquistadores] 征服者步兵[type] = [NE Ballista] 弩炮 [type] = [NE Catapult] 投石车[type] = [NE Trebuchet] 攻城秤车 [type] = [NE Bombard] 攻城炮[type] = [NE Grand Bombard] 重型攻城炮 [type] = [NE Ribault] 管炮[type] = [NE Culverin] [type] = [NE Basilisk] 蜥炮[type] = [Spanish Dragoons] 西班牙龙骑兵 [type] = [New World Bodyguard] 新大陆将领卫队。
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Five Myths of Active Portfolio Manage-mentMost active managers are skilled. Jonathan B.Berk1This research was supported by agrant from the National ScienceFoundation.1Jonathan B.BerkHaas School of BusinessUniversity of California,Berkeleyand National Bureau of Economic Research Email:berk@P roponents of“efficient markets”argue that it is im-possible to consistently beat the market.In support of their view they point to the evidence that,as a group, active managers do not beat the market and conclude that even these investment professionals do not have the skills necessary to pick stocks or time the market.Yet, if that argument is correct,why do active portfolio man-agers exist at all?Even more puzzling is their level of compensation.One of thefirst principals any student of microeconomics learns is that in a competitive market (and one would be hard pressed to argue that the cap-ital markets are not competitive)people can only earn economic rents if they have a skill in short supply.If active managers cannot pick stocks or time the market, what rare skill do they posses that places them among the highest paid members of society?Even people who allow for the possibility that some managers have skill have been hard pressed tofind evi-dence of this skill in the data.Beyond a year there is little evidence of performance persistence—managers who do well in one year are no more likely to do well the following year.2This fact is widely interpreted as evidence that the performance of the best managers is due entirely to luck rather than skill(and thus not repeatable).The behavior of investors is just as puzzling.3Why do investors continue to invest with active managers in face of this evidence?Yet investors chase returns;a good year induces an inflow of funds and a bad year induces an outflow of funds.Thus,theflow of funds into and out of actively managed mutual funds is sensitive to past fund performance even though there is no strong evidence of persistence.My objective in this paper is to explain these facts and show they are consistent with a rational and competitive2See Carhart(1997)3See Gruber(1996)1financial market.These regularities are not only evidence of the existence of rational,value maximizing,investors, but they are also evidence that the vast majority of man-agers have skill and add considerable value.Consider the followingfive hypotheses:1.the return investors earn in an actively managed fundmeasures the skill level of the manager managing that fund;2.because the average return of all actively managedfunds does not beat the market,the average manager is not skilled and therefore does not add value;3.if a manager is skilled his returns should persist—he should be able to consistently beat the market; light of the evidence that there is little or no per-sistence in actively managed funds’returns,investors who pick funds based on past returns are not behav-ing rationally;and5.because most active managers’compensation doesnot depend on the return they generate,they do not have a performance based compensation contracts.Atfirst glance,allfive hypothesis appear plausible.In fact,I will show that in a model in which rational in-vestors compete with each other for the services of value adding managers,none of them will be true—they are in factfive widely held myths.1A Thought ExperimentIn a recent paper Richard C.Green and I derive a theory of active portfolio management in an economy in which investors and managers are fully rational.4Here,I will summarize that theory and show why it implies that the five hypotheses listed in the introduction are myths. Let’s begin with a thought experiment motivated by the theory in my paper with Green.Imagine an economy with skilled investment managers with differential ability who can generate positive,risk-adjusted,excess returns.4Berk and Green(2004)Managers and investors alike know who these managers are.Assume that managerial ability to generate excess re-turns cannot be effectively employed at an arbitrarily large scale.Eventually,the amount of money under man-agement reaches a size that each additional dollar con-tributed reduces the expected return of the portfolio as a whole.Certainly,this assumption is consistent with the observed decentralization of the professional money management industry.How is the equilibrium determined in this economy? Who gets money to manage?Well,since investors know who the skilled managers are,money willflow to the best managerfirst.Eventually,this manager will receive so much money that it will impact his ability to generate superior returns and his expected return will be driven down to the second best manager’s expected return.At that point investors will be indifferent to investing with either manager and so funds willflow to both managers until their expected returns are driven down to the third best manager.This process will continue until the ex-pected return of investing with any manager is the bench-mark expected return—the return investors can expect to receive by investing in a passive strategy of similar riskiness.At that point investors are indifferent between investing with active managers or just indexing and an equilibrium is achieved.Next consider a more realistic economy in which neither investors nor managers themselves can initially separate good managers from bad.In this case participants will have to use the information available to them to infer managerial ability as best they can.Armed with their inferences,investors will invest to the point where they are indifferent between investing with an active manager or indexing,so the expected return of investing with any active manager must still equal the expected return of in-dexing.As time passes investors update their inferences —differential skill levels among managers become ap-parent from the managers investment performance.The lucky investors who happened to pick the skilled man-agers will earn superior returns.Because of this,other investors will react by increasing their investment with2these managers.Funds will continue toflow to these man-agers so long as investors believe they are capable of pro-ducing superior returns.Fund will stopflowing and the equilibrium restored once these managers have so much money under management they are no longer expected to produce superior returns.At that point investors are indifferent between investing with these managers and in-dexing.Similarly,unlucky investors who invested with the poorly performing managers will withdraw funds until they believe these managers can at least match the bench-mark expected return.That is,at each point in time the expected return from investing with all managers,regard-less of their skill level,is the same as the expected return from indexing.Of course,the higher skilled managers will manage larger portfolios,which allows these managers to extract more economic rents by collecting fees on assets under management.In equilibrium,investors who choose to invest with ac-tive managers cannot expect to receive positive excess returns(after fees)on a risk-adjusted basis.If they did, there would be an excess supply of capital to those man-agers.Every investor in the economy who held assets of equivalent risk would want to sell those assets and in-vest with the active manager instead.Markets can only clear when the expected return to investors in these funds equals the expected return in alternative investment op-portunities.That is,the risk-adjusted expected excess return to investing with a skilled active manager must be zero.Since investors cannot benefit from the manager’s skill, who does?The answer is the managers themselves.By managing a large fund and charging a fee that is pro-portional to the amount of assets under management the manager captures all the economic rents he generates us-ing his skills.Highly skilled managers will manage larger funds,earn more in fees,and extract more rents.2Theory5The thought experiment described above communicates the main point in Berk and Green(2004).When cap-ital is supplied competitively by investors but ability is scarce only participants with the skill in short supply can earn economic rents.Investors who choose to invest with active managers cannot expect to receive positive excess returns on a risk-adjusted basis.If they did,there would be an excess supply of capital to those managers.In-vestors in the economy who held assets of equivalent risk would want to sell and invest with the active manager instead.Markets can only clear when the expected re-turn to investors in actively managed funds equals the expected return in alternative investment opportunities.In any economy with rational,profit maximizing in-vestors who compete with each other,all expected risk-adjusted excess returns must be zero,and realized excess returns must be unpredictable.Consider each hypothesis from the introduction in light of this theory.2.1Myth#1:Return Measures Manage-rial SkillIn what many people term an“efficient market”,investors cannot use public information to beat the market because all investors have access to this information.By using it, investors compete away any benefit and thus the expected return of this strategy is simply the market return(or the whatever return is commensurate with the risk that is undertaken).The identical argument applies to portfolio managers.It is no more plausible for investors to expect to earn excess returns picking portfolio managers than it is for them to believe they can earn excess returns picking individual stocks.If investorsfind a manager who can consistently beat the market,they willflock to invest with this manager. Eventually,the manager will have so much money un-der management he will not be able to deliver superior petition between investors drives the5The theory in this paper is an intuitive summary of the argu-mentsfirst published in Berk and Green(2004).A reader interested in a more formal approach should consult that paper.3managers return down to the return investors could earn by themselves.The result is that all managers(who hold portfolios of the same riskiness)are expected to earn the same return regardless of their skill level.So the return the manager earns is not a measure of the manager’s skill level.2.2Myth#2:The Average ManagerLacks SkillBecause investors must infer the skill level of managers, in some cases they will underestimate it.These man-agers are likely to have higher realized returns than in-vestors expect.Hence,high realized returns are associ-ated with managers whose skill was most underestimated by investors.Similarly,managers whose skill level is over-estimated by investors are likely to have lower excess re-turns.Investors do not know which managers’skill levels are overestimated and which ones are underestimated,so on average,managers must make the market return;other-wise investors could beat the market by simply investing across all managers.This statement is true regardless of the average skill level of active managers.Hence the em-piricalfinding that,on average,active managers cannot beat passive managers does not imply that the average active manager lacks skill.It just means that the capital markets are competitive.2.3Myth#3:Skill Implies PersistenceWhen a manager does well investors rationally infer that it is likely that they have underestimated the manager’s skill level.Hence fundsflow to the manager.So long as investors believe the manager is capable of delivering superior performance,funds will continue toflow in.The flow of funds will only cease once the manager has so much money to manage investors believe,given her skill level, that they are no better offinvesting with the manager than indexing.A similar argument applies if a manager underper-forms.In this case investors infer that they overestimated his ability and so withdraw funds.In some cases thismight mean that the manager will have to shut down the fund,but more likely,as investors withdraw funds,his expected return will increase.If it rises to the expected return of the benchmark,investors will no longer have reason to withdraw funds.Notice,that in both cases the manager is expected to earn his benchmark return.Regardless of prior perfor-mance or skill level,all managers’expected returns going forward are the same—the benchmark expected return. Naturally,realized returns will differ across managers,but these difference must be unpredictable given the informa-tion set at that time,otherwise investment wouldflow to the managers with predictably better returns.Because past returns are in the information set,there can be no persistence in portfolio manager returns.One can think of this argument as a version of weak-form efficiency ap-plied to portfolio managers rather than individual stocks.2.4Myth#4:Investors Chase Past Re-turnsAlthough there should be no persistence in active man-ager returns,investors should still use past returns as a guide to investing their money.In fact,as we saw in the last section,it is precisely because of this behavior that there is no persistence in returns.So the evidence that capitalflows are driven by past performance is not evi-dence of investor irrationality.Investors are not chasing past performance;they are chasing future performance, and in doing so compete away the opportunity of bene-fiting from the skill that produced the historic superior performance.2.5Myth#5:Managers do not havePerformance-Based ContractsIn the portfolio management industry managers are al-most always compensated by a fraction of the total as-sets under management rather than as a function of their performance in excess of their benchmark.Given the em-phasis in most industries on performance-based contracts, it seems puzzling that the contract in the mutual fund industry is rarely performance based.Indeed,there has4even been some call for contracts that reward managers based on the excess return they deliver to their investors.6 As I have already argued,the return is not a measure of the skill level of the manager,so any contract that pays manager as a function of the manager’s return would not reward the higher skilled managers with higher compen-sation.Ceteris paribus,better managers manage larger funds, so the size of the fund is a(noisy)measure of manage-rial skill.A contract that pays a manager in the size of the fund he manages therefore rewards higher skilled managers with more pay.This means that the standard compensation contract that rewards managers based on the size of the fund is already a performance based con-tract.When a manager does well(beats his benchmark), fundsflow in and his compensation rises because he is paid a fraction of the assets under management.Sim-ilarly,when a manager does poorly(underperforms his benchmark)fundsflow out and his compensation falls.3How Skilled are Managers?One of the most important research questions in money management is whether most managers have skill and thus add value.Almost all papers that have investigated this question have used returns to measure skill and thus have all reach the same erroneous conclusion—that man-agerial skill is rare to non-existent.As we have seen,the fact that the average manager fails to beat his benchmark is simply evidence that capital markets are competitive and cannot be used to infer anything about the skill level of managers.A naive view is that to measure skill,one simply needs to measure the manager’s return before fees.The prob-lem with this is that the fee the manager charges for his services is only a small part of the costs of manag-ing money.To achieve high returns management must identify undervalued securities and trade to exploit this knowledge without moving the price adversely.In doing so managers expend resources and pay bid-ask spreads that diminish the return available to pay out to investors.6See,for example,Ambachtsheer(1994)At some point,these costs increase disproportionately in scale,eventually driving the managers’expected returns down to the benchmark.To measure a manger’s skill level,one would need to measure his return absent these costs,clearly something that cannot be done directly.Berk and Green(2004)used an innovative approach to measure skill indirectly.That paper builds a model of the US mutual fund industry in which skill is assumed to be normally distributed with unknown mean and variance. We then searched for values of these(and the other)un-observable parameters so that the output of the model matched the important features of the data:(1)on av-erage the(after fee)return of active managers matched their benchmark,(2)thefive year survival rate of funds matched the actual survival rates and(3)the perfor-mance/flow relation matched the observed relation for2 year old funds.Figure1:Distribution of Management Skill:The vertical line marks the level of the management fee—1.5%. Approximately80%of the area below the curve lies to the right of this line.Thisfigure is reprinted from Berk and Green (2004)Figure1is output of this process—the inferred dis-tribution of the skill in the economy.Skill is defined to5be the alpha a manager adds before incurring the costs associated with running a large portfolio.One can think of this measure as the value added by the manager if he chose not to expand his portfolio but instead restricted the size of the portfolio to maximize the return;this is the highest return a manager could generate.The verti-cal line is the management fee used in the parametrization —1.5%.If we define a manager who adds value as any manager whose alpha exceeds the fee charged,then the fraction of managers who add value is the area to the right of the vertical line.This amounts to80%of the distribu-tion—that is,when skill is measured correctly,the data is consistent with the vast majority of active managers adding value.Even more surprising is the magnitude of what the av-erage manager adds.The mean of the distribution in Figure1is6.5%.Given a management fee of1.5%,this means that the data is consistent with the average man-ager adding an alpha of5%.Of course,investors them-selves never see petition between them increases the size of the fund and drives the alpha to zero.Instead the manager himself captures this value through the fee he charges.4ConclusionIn this paper I have argued that much of what we observe about the behavior of actively managed mutual funds is consistent with a world with rational,value maximizing, investors that compete with each other.An important insight is that returns cannot be used to measure man-agerial skill.Because prior studies have generally used return to measure skill,they have come to the erroneous conclusion that active managers add little value.Given their overall levels of compensation,one would expect that in aggregate they should have significant levels of skill and thus add considerable value.I show that when skill is measured correctly,the data is indeed consistent with the existence of relatively many skilled managers who add considerable value but capture this themselves in the fees they charge.ReferencesAmbachtsheer,Keith P.,(1994),“Active Management That Adds Value:Reality or Illusion?,”working paper,Jour-nal of Portfolio Management,21:89-92.Berk,J.B.and R.C.Green(2004),“Mutual Fund Flows and Performance in Rational Markets,”Journal of PoliticalEconomy,forthcoming.Bollen,N.P.B.,and J.A.Busse(2001),“Short-term Persis-tence in Mutual Fund Performance,”Working Paper,University of Utah.Brown,K.,W.Harlow and L.Starks(1996),“Of Tournaments and Temptations:An Analysis of Managerial Incentivesin the Mutual Fund Industry,”Journal of Finance,51:85-100.Brown,S.J.and W.H.Goetzmann,(1995),“Performance Per-sistence,”Journal of Finance,50:679-698.Carhart,M.,(1997),“On Persistence in Mutual Fund Perfor-mance,”Journal of Finance,52:57-82.Gruber,M.J.(1996),“Another Puzzle:The Growth in Ac-tively Managed Mutual Funds,”Journal of Finance,51:783-810.6。