

英业达 Unipower 在线式 UPS D33xx 系列 10-80kVA 用户手册说明书

英业达 Unipower 在线式 UPS D33xx 系列 10-80kVA 用户手册说明书

在线式不间断电源系统On-Line Uninterruptible Power Supply使用手册User ManualUnipower D33XX系列(10-80kVA)目录安装空间 (3)准备安装 (4)检查包装箱 (4)放置 (4)电气系统设置 (6)保护 (6)连接 (7)市电和负载连接 (7)旁路路径隔离连接 (7)远程控制面板和信号 (9)检验连接 (9)开机程序 (10)运行检测 (10)CUSTOMISATION (10)运行模式 (11)方框图 (11)正常运行 (12)电池运行 (12)旁路运行 (12)维修旁路开关SWMB (13)维护 (13)技术规格 (14)系统 (15)整流输入(标准UPS) (15)整流输入 (16)(UPS带谐波抑制滤波器) (16)整流输出 (16)电池 (16)旁路 (16)控制面板功能 (17)概况 (17)报警信息 (18)控制面板 (20)基本菜单 (20)K EY MENU 1,1:LANGUAGES (21)K EY MENU 2"VOLTMETER":VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT (21)注意: (21)K EY MENU 3"KEY",命令 (22)K EY MENU 4:"记录器":历史记录事件 (26)K EY MENU 5:声音报警排除 (27)K EY MENU 6:"时钟":日期/时间 (27)K EY MENU 7"ARROW DOWN":内部编码 (27)K EY MENU 8"ARROW UP":正常 (28)附录 (29)布局 (29)尺寸与重量 (32)注意本说明书介绍UPS之安装与操作。





806新风系统说明书(新风系统)型号:ADA806●产品介绍●安装说明●操作说明●服务手册目录1、使用须知 (3)2、注意事项 (3)3、设计3.1产品介绍 (3)3.2使用场所 (3)3.3工作原理 (3)3.4过滤系统 (4)3.5热交换系统 (4)3.6参考标准 (4)3.7管路设计 (4)3.8产品规格 (5)3.9功能配制 (5)4、安装说明4.1产品支架安装步骤............................................................6-7 4.2产品进、排风管安装步骤...................................................6-7 4.3连接电源负载要求 (8)5 操作说明5.1主机操作说明 (8)5.2遥控器操作说明 (9)5.3遥控器设置注意事项 (9)6、服务和维护指南6.1保养与维护 (10)6.2产品进风、回风滤网清洗 (10)6.3常见故障排除 (10)6.4装箱清单 (10)6.5爆炸图 (11)7、电路参考资料7.1 ADA806接线图 (12)1、使用须知●安装和使用本产品前,请仔细阅读本说明书,错误安装或不当使用会导致产品的损坏或危险事故的发生。














一、产品清单1.无线充电移动电源:一台2.电源适配器:一台B双线Micro、I4接口转诺基亚接口:一条4.说明书:一本5.保修卡、合格证二、无线充电发射器操作步骤1.打开包装取出主机,然后将AC110-240v,5v1.5a的适配器(电源)的USB 端口,插入MIRCO5P数据线,再将MIRCO5P端口插入主机,然后把电源插入市电,此时红灯亮起标准设备已经在正常工作状态。





移动电源培训讲义(PPT 29页)

移动电源培训讲义(PPT 29页)
11200mAh 8400mAh 6600mAh 4400mAh 5200mAh 3400mAh 3400mAh

• 电源适配器/ DC3.5转接线/ Micro USB数据线 • Apple接头/ Nokia DC2.0接头/ PSP接头/ Samsung接头/ Sony Ericsson接头/ Micro接头/ Mini USB接头
yoobao移动电 源
羽博 移动电源 专家 YB-642
• 120×75×25mm • 253g
• 白色 • 钢琴烤漆
• 容量: 11200mAh • 输入:Micro USB DC5V-1A • 输出:双USB DC5.3V-1A DC5.2V-2A

YOOBAO 移动电源手册
中国深圳市锐讯天成科技有 限公司
品质改变生 活
目 录
羽博 移动电源 发展史
移动电源,也叫“外挂电池”、“外置电池”、 “后备电池”、“数码充电伴侣”、“充电棒”、 “充电棍”,移动电源概念是随着目前数码产品 的普及和快速增长而发展起来的,其定义就是方 便易携带的大容量随身电源。目前数码产品功能
羽博 移动电源 发展史



为了您的安全驾驶,在骑自行车、驾驶汽车或摩托车时,请勿使用耳 机。这样做不仅危险,而且是违法的。 在走路,尤其是在过马路时,切勿将耳机音量音量调节过高。否则,会 极其危险。 为了保护您的听力,请勿将耳机的音量调得过高。 医生提示,把耳机的音量调得过高会影响听力。 如果听到回声,请将音量调低或停止使用耳机。

安全说明 ......................................................................................................................................... 基本部件 ......................................................................................................................................... 简介 ................................................................................................................................................ 使用前的准备 .................................................................................................................................. 插入电池 ..................................................



DIGISYNTHETIC PRODIGITAL ECHO KTV /AMPLIFIERDSK800迪声用户手册目录介绍安装方法使用遥控器附加说明本机电压3特点信号连接线前面板各部分名称及其功能后面板各部分名称及其功能4456连接之前系统连接77基本使用方法8无线遥控器各按键名称及其功能电池的安装方法使用遥控器的注意点99910安全使用事项保养规格111212操作本机之前,须先查看本机电压是否适合贵地电压强度.如何选择正确电压本功放有一个电压选择器.操作本机之前,须先查看贵地电压强度是多少,是否适合本机使用.如果不适合,请调整本机背后的电压调整开关(110,120或220,240伏特交流电).本机出厂前,电压被设定在220/240之处.要调整电压选择开关,须先取下电源线,然后将调整开关对准合适的电压强度之处.在拆箱取机时,应检查一下下列附件是否齐全遥控器1(备选)使用说明书1 AAA尺寸电池2介绍本章解说功放的各部分名称及其功能开始使用本机以前,请先详细读本说明书,并保存本说明书以备将来参考之用特点本机具有特强抑制啸叫的功能。

100W+100W 以上大功率,大动能输出。

最大功率可达150W+150W 。


整体设计根据卡拉OK 包房商业使用要求,其音量,音色及效果采用隐藏式调节,保证工作可靠。

220V 强制冷风扇加强本机的散热,满足长时间工作。




信号连接线连接线(梅花)插头当连接RCA(梅花)插头时,必须注意红色插头插入红色插座,而白色插头插入白色插座.-+内置16BIT 数码(4级100音分调整步距)音调调节控制器(音乐结束时自动恢复正常情况)。

各部分名称及其功能风音10A/110V 120V,5A/220V 240V 保险座∼∼音频输入信号大小设置155整机安全接地端子1连接本章解说功放与其它设备的连接方法连接之前音箱线联接1.按箭头方向按下线卡,将导线放入孔内。



wifi移动电源使用说明书i-Fi移动电源路由器一体机快速安装指南- 1 -3G Wi-Fi 移动电源路由器一体机是一款消费类3G 网络产品,该产品集3G 路由、无线路由、ADSL 拨号上网、无线网络存储、移动电源等多功能为一体,让您随时随地畅享无线网络,轻松分享数码设备中的精彩内容。

本产品具备的多项功能分别列举如下:?3G 路由:支持WCDMA / CDMA 2000 /TD-SCDMA 制式的3G 无线上网卡拨号和带宽分享;?无线路由:支持传统有线宽带网络ADSL 拨号、动态网络和静态网络接入;?无线网络存储:支持U 盘、USB 移动硬盘文件读取和共享,以及在线点播;?移动电源:可给iPhone、iPad、Android 智能手机,平板电脑等移动数码设备充电;1、配件清单感谢您购买3G Wi-Fi 移动电源路由器一体机,请确认您的包装中包含以下配件:1、主机* 12、USB 充电线* 13、快速安装指南* 14、合格证* 15、保修卡* 12、面板介绍- 2 -2.1、硬件接口说明硬件接口标识详细功能说明电源开关R 开机,开关在此档位可启动路由器的工作C 充电,开关在此档位可启动移动电源功能,可通过USB 口向外设充电关机,开关在此档位则关闭本机所有功能电量指示按钮按下此按钮,电量指示灯会显示当前电池的电量,电量指示分为4 级。

USB 接口此接口可连接移动、联通、电信制式的3G USB 上网卡;和U 盘,USB移动硬盘,或者连接智能手机、平板电脑、PSP 等数码终端进行充电。

DC 充电接口DC 5V 输入,通过Micro USB 充电线,可给本机进行充电。

充电指示灯对本机进行充电时,该指示灯常亮RJ45 网口WAN 口:在动态IP/静态IP/ PPPoE 模式下,该端口作为WAN 口使用,用来连接宾馆有线网络、LAN 宽带、xDSL Modem/Cable Modem。

恢复出厂设置路由开机状态下长按5 秒钟,然后松开,路由器将恢复到出厂设置。



目录一、概述 (1)二、产品功能 (1)三、性能参数 (3)四、接线定义 (3)4.3.1 门磁、开门按钮、红外监控、紧急事件连线 (9)4.3.2 读卡器与控制器的连接 (10)4.3.3 电锁与2门控制器的连接 (11)4.3.4 控制器报警输出连线 (12)五、系统通讯连线 (13)5.1RS232通讯连接 (13)5.2RS422/RS485通讯总线连接 (14)5.3TCP/IP网络连接 (15)六、控制器地址设置及特殊功能 (16)6.1通讯地址设置 (17)6.2通讯地址设置拨码开关说明 (17)6.3控制器特殊功能 (18)七、产品外观尺寸 (20)八、安装说明 (20)8.1安装步骤 (21)九、包装清单 (21)一、概述以太网双门控制器是我司最新开发的高端创新产品之一,釆用先进的嵌入式100M TCP/IP网络模块及嵌入式微控制器,具有多种通讯接口、超大存储空间、时段管理、支持红外报警、门磁报警、消防联动、防盗、防拆报警、反胁迫、级联、可外接密码键盘阅读器和指纹阅读器、三级防雷保护、美观高档等优点。



序号型号名称1 CHD806D2 智能双门控制器2 CHD806D2-E 以太网智能双门控制器二、产品功能读卡器可连接维根26、32、36、44或磁条读卡器,支持多种卡片技术,兼容Motorola 、HID、EM、Mifare 1等各种品牌读卡器,以及CHD200指纹阅读器。





第 1 页 共 28 页 南京欧帝科技意事项
○ 防止明火、高温和碰撞,请不要置于雨中或潮湿的地方。 ○ 在调试和使用过程中,操作不当可能导致设备损坏。 ○ 此设备可以连续使用。 ○ 请勿在工作中频繁开关机,严禁敲打设备,以上行为都可能使
帝彩 DC-806 液晶图像拼接处理器
南京欧帝科技有限公司 NanJing Odin Technology Co.,LTD
一、 欢迎使用............................................................. 1 二、 注意事项............................................................. 2 三、 安全使用说明......................................................... 2 四、 系统连接安装方式..................................................... 3 五、 常见故障处理......................................................... 5 六、 性能指标............................................................. 6 七、 安装MagicTunning..................................................... 7
处理方法 1、检查电源线是否有损坏, 2、电源是否已接入市电, 3、确认电源已打开, 4、电源开关是否损坏, 5:保险是否熔断, 1、检查拼接软件的端口设置是否正确, 2、检查串口线是否有损坏,与产品和 PC 的接口是否接触良好, 3、检查 PC 的串口是否有问题,可换一台 PC 测试。 1、检查该设备的屏幕地址设置是否正确, 2、对该设备进行单独控制是否成功,





使用说明:适用于mn0510mh、mn0510ma/8g、mn0505mb、mn0505md、mn0505mf、 mn0502mc型号:照明功能长按按键3s以上,led照明开启,再轻按按钮则关闭led照明(mn0502mc除外);对数码产品充电:将充电线接入usb 口,轻按按键,即可给dc5v输入的电子产品充电,充电过程中电量指示灯长量,提示剩余电量。

(mn0502mc:无需按按键,充电过程中无电量显示);对移动电源充电:选择适配器(输出直流电压5v)或电脑usb口,将充电头插入移动电源充电口,即可给移动电源进行充电;电量查询:短按按键,即可查询移动电源剩余电量(mn0502mc不可查询剩余电量,在缺电的情况下会亮红灯,表示需要充电);休眠状态:在无充、放电(既待机状态),无照明时,5分钟后自动进入休眠状态;适用于mn1910me 型号:对移动电源充电:请用输出直流电压15~19v,电流≧2a的适配器对移动电源进行充电,充电时lcd显示充电状态(电量格成流水状跳动)和输出口输出电压。





CTEK UC 800电池充电器用户手册说明书

CTEK UC 800电池充电器用户手册说明书
c) Wear complete eye protection and clothing protection. Avoid touching eyes while working near battery.
d) If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water. ,IDFLGHQWHUVH\HLPPHGLDWHO\ÀRRGH\HZLWKUXQQLQJFROGZDWHUIRUDWOHDVW minutes and get medical attention immediately.
b) Be sure area around battery is well ventilated while battery is being charged. c) Clean battery terminals. Be careful to keep corrosion from coming in contact
US • 3
a) If necessary to remove battery from vehicle to charge, always remove grounded WHUPLQDOIURPEDWWHU\¿UVW0DNHVXUHDOODFFHVVRULHVLQWKHYHKLFOHDUHRIIVRDV not to cause an arc.
WHU\PDQXIDFWXUHU'RQRWRYHU¿OO)RUDEDWWHU\ZLWKRXWUHPRYDEOHFHOOFDSVVXFK as valve regulated lead acid batteries, carefully follow manufacturer’s recharging instruction. e) 6WXG\DOOEDWWHU\PDQXIDFWXUHU¶VVSHFL¿FSUHFDXWLRQVZKLOHFKDUJLQJDQGUHFRPmended rates of charge. f) Determine voltage of battery by referring to car owner’s manual and make sure that WKHRXWSXWYROWDJHVHOHFWRUVZLWFKLVVHWDWFRUUHFWYROWDJH,IFKDUJHUKDVDGMXVWDEOH charge rate, charge battery initially at lowest rate.

PedalPower 电源适配器用户指南说明书

PedalPower 电源适配器用户指南说明书

Power SupplyUse the correct AC outlet to connect the power e a power transformer with a negative external voltageof 9V (± 10%) ≥300mA, otherwise it will cause equipment damage, fire or other problems. When unused or thunderstorms please unplug the power supply.Electrical interferenceWhen using the unit, the radio and the TV may cause interference.Use the unit away from the radio and the TV.Strongly vibrating or shakinPlace the placeDirect sunlight Magnetic fieldDusty or unclean place To prevent deformation, discoloration, and other serious damage, avoid the following:Near heat sourceHigh temperature and humidity Humidity is largeConnectionsBefore connecting the device or disconnecting it, be sure to turn off the power and other equipment, which will help to avoid malfunction and damage to other equipment. Also, make sure that all cables and power cords are disconnected before moving the unit.CleanPlease use a dry, soft cloth to clean the unit. If necessary, wipe witha slightly moist cloth. Do not use rough clean powder, alcohol, paint thinner, wax, solvent, detergent and chemical agents such asimpregnated wipes.Operating Do not use brutal forces to use switches and control elements.Do not allow paper, metal, and other objects to fall into the machine.Be careful not to fall, do not subject it to shock and excessive pressure.FCC certificationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions:that may cause undesired operation.6 effects pedals built into 1 simple unit. Boost, Overdrive, Distortion,modulation, Delay, ReverbFull featured controls for each effectBuilt in precision guitar tunerTap tempo synchronizationIntegrated effects loop for connecting external pedals or 4 cable methodconnection with an amplifierStereo outputsDedicated direct output with speaker simulation for connection to a mixingdesk, computer or headphonesIncludes a carry case for easy transportation ArrayTAP: Press several times for tap tempo. Hold for TunerFootswitch 1: REVERB on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 1 in PRESET mode Footswitch 2: DELAY on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 2 in PRESET modeFootswitch 3: MOD on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 3 in PRESET modeFootswitch 4: DIST on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 4 in PRESET modeFootswitch 5: DRIVE on/off in LIVE mode. Preset 5 in PRESET modeDISPLAY SCREEN: Displays the current operation mode of red truck. Displays thetuner when activatedRedtruck has two different operation modes. LIVE MODE and PRESET MODE To change operation mode, simultaneously press and release TAP + Footswitch 1In this mode Redtruck operates like a traditional pedalboard. Each footswitch will switch it’s respective effects module on and off.In this mode Redtruck operates like a pedalboard loop switcher. Each footswitch will recall a preset combination of which effect modules are on/off.1.Ensure Redtruck is in LIVE MODE2.Activate the effect modules you want to use in your preset3.Press and hold the corresponding footswitch where you wish to save the preset for use in Preset mode4.The Footswitch light will flash 5 times to confirm that the preset has been saved to this footswitch5.After you have saved your presets, put the Redtruck into PRESET MODE and press any footswitch from 1-5 to recall it’s preset.The DISPLAY SCREEN will display <P> when in Preset ModeTo create a preset:Note: Effect parameters can not be stored to the presets. Only the on/off state of each effect module will be stored.The DISPLAY SCREENwill display <L> when in Live ModeRed truck has 6 stompbox style effect modules and a built in precision tuner.1.PURE BOOST: Based on one of MOOER’s most popular and useful micropedals. The Pure boost is an analog circuit which can provide up to +20 Db of clean boost with a natural and dynamic response to the touch.ON/OFF: Switches the boost effect on and offBOOST: Adjusts the over all amount of boostBASS: Adjusts the low frequencies ±15dbTREBLE: Adjusts the high frequencies ±15db2.DRIVE: Based on the MOOER RUMBLE DRIVE, the DRIVE module ofRed truck is a warm and natural analog overdrive circuit. At higher gainit can emulate a vintage amplifier being pushed into breakup. At lower gain settings settings it is perfect for pushing the DIST module for solos or as awarm boost for the guitar.VOLUME: Adjusts the output levelGAIN: Adjusts the amount of overdriveTONE: Adjusts the EQ. Clockwise is brighter, Counter clockwise is darker 3.DIST: A classic British style amplifier distortion with full tone stack,independent gain and level controls. The gain ranges from a slight crunchy breakup to a full and harmonically rich high gain saturation.TREBLE: Adjusts the high frequenciesMID: Adjusts the middle frequenciesBASS: Adjusts the low frequenciesLEVEL: Adjusts the overall output levelMID-BOOST: Boosts and scoops the middle frequenciesGAIN: Adjusts the amount of distortion4.MOD: A digital multi-modulation unit which brings together tremolo, phaser, chorus and flanger.LEVEL: Adjusts the modulation effect mixRATE: Adjusts the modulation effects speedDEPTH: Adjusts the modulation intensityToggle switch: Selects the modulation effect typeRythm Knob: Adjusts the speed of the modulation effect in relation to the tap tempo. (X = random 7s pattern)5.DELAY: A digital delay unit with 3 different kinds of delay. DIGITAL resemblesthe crystal clear delay racks of the 80’s. ECHO resembles the magnetic drum delays of the 60’s. ANALOG resembles a classic BB style delay stompbox.LEVEL: Adjusts the volume of the delays repeatsTIME: Adjusts the delay timeFEEDBACK: Adjusts the number of repeatsToggle switch: Selects the delay typeSub-division knob: Adjusts the delay time in relation to the tap tempo6.REVERB: A true stereo digital reverb unitLEVEL: Adjusts the wet/dry mix of the reverbDECAY: Adjusts the length of the reverbTONE: Adjusts the EQ of the reverbSHIMMER: Adds a high pitched shimmering harmony to the reverb.When fully counter-clockwise the shimmer effect will be off. Rotating thiscontrol clock-wisewill gradually add shimmer to your reverb.MOD DEPTH: Rotate clockwise to add modulation to your reverb and adjust the reverb modulation’s depth. When this control is fully counter-clockwisethe reverb will not have any modulationMOD RATE: Adjusts the speed of reverb modulation effectTUNER: Red Truck has an accurate built-in guitar tuner. Hold down theTAP foot switch to mute your output and activate the tuner. Press the TAPfoot switch once to exit the tuner and un-mute your output.TAP: Press and release this foot switch several times to create a Tap Tempo.Tap tempo can control both the delay time and modulation rate simultaneously or either of these two effect modules independently. The light surrounding the TAP foot switch will illuminate a different colour to indicate what it is controlling. You can change the tap tempo function by pressing a combination of two footswitches simultaneously. See below.DELAY + MOD = Purple (press foot switches 3 + 4)DELAY only = Red(press foot switches 1 + 2)MOD only = Blue (press foot switches 2 + 3)By default the tap tempo will control both the delay time and the modulation rate simultaneously. The TAP foot switch light will illuminate purple to indicate this. Redtruck comes equipped with an integrated, transparent, buffered effects loop. This sits between the DIST and MOD modules in the internal signal chain. The FX LOOP can be used in many different ways, making the Redtruck a true “swiss army knife” of a pedal. Here’s a few of our favourites…..SEND: Can also be considered as DIST outputRETURN: Can also be considered as MOD input-Add your favourite pedal or preamp to the chain -This is an easy way to add an extra pedal into the Redtruck signal chain, right in-between your DIST and MOD.Connect SEND to the input of your favourite pedal. Connect the output of the pedal to the RETURN of Redtruck.We like to use this with our Micro Preamp pedals for the ultimate in portable rigs.- 4 cable method -If your amplifier has it’s own effects loop you can connect the Redtruck using the “4 cable method” which will put the drive modules in front of your amplifiers input and the modulation, delay and reverb modules into your amplifiers effects loop.Connect your guitar to the input of your red truckConnect SEND of the Redtruck to your amplifiers inputConnect your amplifiers “effects send” to the Redtruck RETURNConnect the OUTPUT of Redtruck to the “effects return”of your amplifier- WET DRY SETUP -This is an easy way to setup Redtruck with 2 amplifiers. One amplifier with just the drive signal. The other amplifier with drive signal, modulation, delay and reverb effects. This is a very popular setup method used by professional guitarists to maintain astonishingly clear and articulate tones while still having beautiful atmospheric effects for live shows. To accomplish this setup you will also require an ABY box. We recommend the MOOER ABY mkIIConnect your guitar to the input of RedtruckConnect SEND of the Redtruck to the input of your ABY boxConnect one output of the ABY box to the input of AMP DryConnect the other output of the ABY box to the RETURN of Red truckConnect the OUTPUT of Redtruck to the input of AMP Wet L(see diagram)If you have a 3rd amplifier you can use both stereo outputs of Redtruck to make a WET DRY WET setup taking full advantage of a big, wet, true stereo reverb, whilst maintaining an awesome clear guitar tone.1.INPUTConnect your instrument to this input using a standard 1/4” jack cable2.FX LOOPRefer to the ‘USING THE FX LOOP’ section of this manual for more details 3.CAB SIM OUTPUTConnect to this output using a mono or stereo 1/4”jack cable This provides an output with integrated speaker cabinet simulation for connecting headphones or Direct to your PA system or recording console4.OUTPUTConnect to these outputs using standard 1/4”Jack cablesConnect to L only for mono outputConnect to L and R for true stereo output5.DC IN 9V(±10%)≥300mAConnect your power supply to this inputInput: 1/4’ signal input audio interface (impedance 2M ohms)Output: 1/4 "left and right channel audio interface x2 (impedance 100 ohms) Sampling rate: 44.1KSampling accuracy: 24bitPower supply: DC 9V ≥ 300mA power adapter (negative inside positive) Size: 370 mm (D) X 96 mm (W) X 51 mm (H)Weight: 1200gAttachment:Owner’s Manual ,Carry Case*Disclaimer: Parameter update is subject to change without notice.MOOER AUDIO CO.,LTD Part No:620010668。





3、充电宝给手机充电:将USB数据线的大头接至充电宝的USB 输出接口,另一小头接至手机的输入接口(即充电接口)。



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