Package‘tm.plugin.europresse’October14,2022Type PackageTitle Import Articles from'Europresse'Using the'tm'Text MiningFrameworkVersion1.4Date2016-08-23Imports utils,NLP,tm(>=0.6),XMLDescription Provides a'tm'Source to create corpora fromarticles exported from the'Europresse'content provider asHTMLfiles.It is able to read both text content and meta-datainformation(including source,date,title,author and pages).License GPL(>=2)URL https:///projects/r-temis/BugReports https:///tracker/?group_id=1437 NeedsCompilation noAuthor Milan Bouchet-Valat[aut,cre]Maintainer Milan Bouchet-Valat<*****************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2016-08-2317:22:18R topics documented:tm.plugin.europresse-package (2)EuropresseSource (3)readEuropresseHTML (4)Index612tm.plugin.europresse-packagetm.plugin.europresse-packageA plug-in for the tm text mining framework to import articles fromEuropresseDescriptionThis package provides a tm Source to create corpora from articles exported from the Europressecontent provider as HTMLfiles.DetailsTypical usage is to create a corpus from HTMLfiles exported from Europresse(here called myEuropresseArticles.html).Frequently,it is necessary to specify the encoding of the texts via link{EuropresseSource}’sencoding argument.#Import corpussource<-EuropresseSource("myEuropresseArticles.html")corpus<-Corpus(source)#See how many articles were importedcorpus#See the contents of the first article and its meta-datainspect(corpus[1])meta(corpus[[1]])See link{EuropresseSource}for more details and real examples.Author(s)Milan Bouchet-Valat<*****************>References/EuropresseSource3 EuropresseSource Europresse SourceDescriptionConstruct a source for an input containing a set of articles exported from Europresse in the HTML format.UsageEuropresseSource(x,encoding="UTF-8")Argumentsx Either a character identifying thefile or a connection.encoding A character giving the encoding of x.Files exported from Europresse often specify an incorrect encoding,in which case you will need tofind out the correctone.DetailsThis function imports the body of the articles,but also sets several meta-data variables on individual documents:•datetimestamp:The publication date.•heading:The title of the article.•origin:The newspaper the article comes from.•section:If available,the part of the newspaper containing the article.•pages:If available,the pages where the article appeared.Please note that it commonly happens that the encoding specified in Europresse HTMLfiles does not correspond to the one actually used in the text:in that case,you will need tofind out the correct encoding and specify it manually.ValueAn object of class EuropresseSource which extends the class Source representing set of articles from Europresse.Author(s)Milan Bouchet-ValatSee AlsoreadEuropresseHTML2for the function actually parsing individual articles.getSources to list available sources.Exampleslibrary(tm)file<-system.file("texts","europresse_test2.html",package="tm.plugin.europresse")corpus<-Corpus(EuropresseSource(file))#See the contents of the documentsinspect(corpus)#See meta-data associated with first articlemeta(corpus[[1]])readEuropresseHTML Read in a Europresse article in the HTML formatDescriptionRead in an article exported from Europresse in the HTML format.UsagereadEuropresseHTML1(elem,language,id)readEuropresseHTML2(elem,language,id)Argumentselem A list with the named element content which must hold the document to be read in.language A character vector giving the text’s language.If set to NA,the language will automatically be set to the value reported in the document(which is usuallycorrect).id A character vector representing a unique identification string for the returned text document.DetailsreadEuropresseHTML1reads documents in the old format,while readEuropresseHTML2reads documents in the new one.EuropresseSource automatically chooses the correct reader based on the structure of thefile.ValueA PlainTextDocument with the contents of the article and the available meta-data set.Author(s)Milan Bouchet-ValatSee AlsogetReaders to list available reader functions.Indexeoi.EuropresseSource(EuropresseSource),3 EuropresseSource,3,4getElem.EuropresseSource(EuropresseSource),3getReaders,5getSources,3readEuropresseHTML,4 readEuropresseHTML1(readEuropresseHTML),4 readEuropresseHTML2,3 readEuropresseHTML2(readEuropresseHTML),4tm.plugin.europresse(tm.plugin.europresse-package),2tm.plugin.europresse-package,26。
ncc模板匹配算法 金字塔 -回复
ncc模板匹配算法金字塔-回复什么是NCC模板匹配算法?NCC模板匹配算法(Normalized Cross-Correlation Template Matching Algorithm)是一种基于图像处理的计算机视觉技术,常用于模板匹配、目标检测和跟踪等应用。
具体来说,NCC模板匹配算法可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 构建金字塔:首先,将原始图像分解成不同分辨率的图像金字塔。
2. 提取模板:选择一个目标物体的样本图像作为模板,并对其进行预处理。
3. 计算相关性得分:对于金字塔中的每个尺度,将模板与图像的子区域进行比较,并计算它们之间的相关性得分。
4. 确定最佳匹配:在每个尺度上,找到相关性得分最高的位置,即表示最佳匹配的位置。
5. 后处理:对于得到的最佳匹配位置,可以进行一些后处理操作,如消除重叠匹配、根据周围像素进行插值或平滑等,以提高匹配结果的准确性和稳定性。
opencv 模板匹配原理,亚像素精度
OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision)是一个开源的计算机视觉库,提供了许多图像处理函数和算法。
1.3常用的匹配度量方法在模板匹配中,常用的匹配度量方法有以下几种:-平方差匹配(Sum of Squared Differences,SSD):计算模板图像与目标图像的每个像素之间的差值的平方和。
-相关系数匹配(Normalized Cross-Correlation,NCC):计算模板与目标图像的亮度差异度量。
-归一化相互匹配(Normalized Mutual Information,NMI):通过信息熵分析来衡量两幅图像之间的相似性。
留学 cv 简约 latex 模板
留学 cv 简约 latex 模板
在申请留学时,一份优秀的 CV 是非常重要的。
使用 LaTeX 进
行排版可以使 CV 更加美观、整洁,并且方便修改和更新。
以下是一份简约的 LaTeX CV 模板,适用于各类留学申请。
1. 文件结构
CV 模板包含了以下文件:
- cv.tex:主文件,包含整个 CV 的结构和内容;
- cv.cls:自定义的 LaTeX 文档类,定义了 CV 的排版格式和
- fonts/:字体文件夹,包含了几种常用字体;
- images/:图片文件夹,可以放置个人照片和其他图片。
2. 使用方法
下载模板后,修改 cv.tex 文件中的个人信息、教育经历、工作经历、项目经验等内容。
可以使用 LaTeX 的各种命令和环境进行排版。
修改完成后,使用 XeLaTeX 编译 cv.tex 文件即可生成 PDF 文件。
3. 注意事项
- 编码问题:使用 XeLaTeX 编译时,需要确保文件编码为 UTF-8; - 字体问题:默认情况下,模板使用的字体是 Source Sans Pro、Roboto 和 FontAwesome。
fonts/ 文件夹中的字体文件复制到系统字体文件夹中;
- 内容问题:CV 内容应该尽量简洁、清晰,并且符合应聘岗位
4. 示例
以下是使用该模板生成的一份示例 CV。
TRACES NT –EU-EXPORTUser’s manual for economic operators, v.1.0October 2021This manual contains all essential information as regards the use of the EXPORT module of TRACES NT for the issuance of EXPORThealth certificates.Table of ContentsPART I –Description of Consignment –to be filled-in by the EO (economic operator) (3)Select the commodity/certificate model (3)Complete Part I (4)Box –I.1. Consignor (5)Box –I.2. IMSOC reference (8)Box –I.2.a Local reference (8)Box –I.3/I.4. Central/Local competent authority (8)Links (8)Box –I.5. Consignee (8)AVO-Appointed Veterinary Office (9)Box –I.7 Country of origin (10)Box –I.8 Region of origin (11)Box –I.9. Country of destination (11)Box –I.10. Region of destination (11)Box –I.11. Place of dispatch (11)Box –I.12. Place of destination (11)Box –I.13. Place of loading (11)Box -I.14 Date and time of departure (11)Date of arrival (12)Transportation duration (12)Box –I.15. Means of transport (12)Box –I.16. Entry point (14)Box –Transporter (17)Box –I.17. Accompanying documents (17)Box –I.18. Transport conditions (21)Box –EU Exit Point (22)Box –I.19. Container No/ Seal No (22)Box –I.20. Certified as or for (22)Box –I.21. For transit through a third country (22)Box –I.22. For transit through Member State(s) (23)Box –I.28. Description of consignment (24)Box –Identification of applicant (26)Submit the EU EXPORT (26)Error message (27)Other options (27)PART I –Description of Consignment –to be filled-in by the EO (economic operator)Select the commodity/certificate modelOn the homepage, click on “Documents” and then on “EU EXPORT”:Click on the green button “+ New EU Export certificate”:Select the certificate model from the list using one of the following options:∙Expand the CN code and select it from the list of models∙Type the name or the CN code or the title of the model∙Filter by speciesClick on “Done”.Note: you can still delete, add or modify the commodity details in the certificate, box I.28Complete Part ITip: Use the shortcut tool on the right-hand side of the certificate in order to navigate easilybetween the boxes.Box –I.1. ConsignorFill in this box using one of the following options:∙Start typing the name of the consignor and select an operator from the drop down list thatpops out.∙Select an operator from the “Favorite operators” list, by clicking on the grey star. To register an operator in your “Favorites”, run an advanced search, find the correct option andtick the star at the left side. This will register this operator as a favourite.Run an advanced search by clicking on the “Advanced…”button and add some filters by clicking on the small “+” button on the right.Note: If the operator you are looking for is not already registered in the system, youcan create a new one by clicking on “+ Create a new Operator”. This button willonly appear once you did an advanced search in order to avoid as much as possibleduplicates in the system.Please note this does not apply for certain approved or registered operators which areto be created/managed by their respective authorities.another consignor,clicking on the “Clear” button.Once the correct operator is selected,the “Name”,“Country” and “ISO Code”of the company are automatically completed. You can see the details of the selected operator by clicking on the three dots:Box –I.2. IMSOC referenceThe IMSOC reference number will be automatically allocated by the system once you save as draft and/or once you submit the EU Export.Box –I.2.a Local referenceIt is possible to add a local reference number to the EU Export. This box is optional.Box –I.3/I.4. Central/Local competent authorityThese boxes will be automatically populated by the system once you fill the box I.11 Place of dispatch.LinksThis box will be filled only in some cases. For example, if the EU EXPORT has been replaced, the link to the replacing certificate will be indicated in this box.Box –I.5. ConsigneeTo fill in this box, follow one of the procedures described for box I.1.Tip: After completing the boxes I.1 and I.5, you can already“Save as Draft” the Part I of the EU Export and complete it later.AVO-Appointed Veterinary OfficeThe operator or the Authority issuing the EXPORT part I can select the Appointed Veterinary Officer who, where applicable, will be in charge of certifying the EXPORT certificate.Select the operator following one of the procedures described for box I.1.Box –I.7 Country of originThe country of origin will be selected automatically based on the country of the place of dispatch in box I.11Box –I.8 Region of originThis box needs to be filled-in, where appropriate, depending on the requirements of the selected model official certificate.Box –I.9. Country of destinationThe country of destination is mandatory. Only the country corresponding to the selected certificate model can be selected.Box –I.10. Region of destinationThis box needs to be filled-in, where appropriate, depending on the requirements of the selected model official certificate.Box –I.11. Place of dispatchIndicate the holding/establishment from which the animals or products come from. To fill in this box, follow one of the procedures described for box I.1.Box –I.12. Place of destinationIndicate the place where the animals or products are being delivered for final unloading. This box is prefilled with the information of the Box I.5 Consignee.To modify the information of this box, follow one of the procedures described for box I.1.Box –I.13. Place of loadingIndicate the place where the animals are loaded or the final place where the products are to be loaded in the means of transport.To fill in this box, follow one of the procedures described for box I.1.Box -I.14 Date and time of departureIndicate the date and, when required, time, when animals or products are scheduled to leave the place of loading.Click on the small calendar icon to choose the date and click on the box to select the exact time (in hours and minutes).Tip: By clicking the small clock icon, you will set the time to the current date and time.Date of arrivalIndicate the estimated date and time of arrival. This box is optional.Transportation durationThis box will be filled automatically once the boxes I.14 departure date time and date of arrival have been filled.Box –I.15. Means of transportClick on “Add means of transport” to select the means of transport by which the animals or products are leaving the country of dispatch. You have the choice between “Railway”, “Road vehicle”, “Airplane” or“Vessel”.Complete the requested fields:If the means of transport is already registered in the system, it will appear in the drop-down list while typing its details.If it is not registered in the system, complete the relevant fields and click on the green button “+ Create”.You can add several means of transport and order them by dragging the items with the double sense arrows on the left.Box –I.16. Entry pointYou have the possibility to indicate either:-The country:-The Authority entity where the animals/goods will enter the country of destination, e.g. Border Control Post,Click on “E dit” and type the name or the Code of the Authority:Or use the Advanced search to search the ad-hoc Authority:-The UN/LOCODE:Click on “UN/LOCODE” and then on “Select”/”Advanced search”:Indicate the name of the person or the operator in charge of the transport. To fill in this box, follow one of the procedures described for box I.1. You can indicate multiple Transporter operators.Box –I.17. Accompanying documentsThis box enables the uploading of relevant documents.“Add Accompanying Document”: choose the type of document from the corresponding drop-down list and enter all relevant information, such as “Number”, “Date” and “Country”.If you wish to upload a file, then click on the “Select file(s)” button.Don’t forget to c lick on“✓Apply”.certificate. Only INTRA certificates issued prior to the EXPORT certificate can be selected:This certificate will be available as a hyperlink in the EXPORT certificate.It is possible to add several Accompanying documents and to order them by dragging and dropping the items with the double sense arrows on the left.Box –I.18. Transport conditionsTick one of the available options. The options may vary according to the selected CN code/Certificate Model.Box –EU Exit PointIndicate the EU exit Point by using one of the procedures described for box I.1.Box –I.19. Container No/ Seal NoWhere applicable, indicate the container number and seal number.Box –I.20. Certified as or forSelect the correct option for the intended use of the consignment. The options displayed depend on the selected Certificate model.Box –I.21. For transit through a third countryIn case of transit through a third country, select the third country from the drop-down menu, then select the Exit point and the Entry point in the EU. You may select more than one country.Box –I.22. For transit through Member State(s)In case of transit through Member State(s), select the relevant Member State(s) from the drop-down list. You may select more than one Member States. The central authorities of the indicated Members States will be able to access the EU EXPORT certificate.Box –I.28. Description of consignmentFill-in the requested information for each box by typing or selecting an option from the drop-down menu. Don’t forget to define the quantity and weight unit.Several other options are also available:∙“+ Add new commodity” or “Modify commodities” will allow you to add a CN code or change the CN code selected.∙The box “certification model” is automatically filled depending on the model you selected when choosing the CN code at the beginning of your EU EXPORT. You can modify the model by clicking on “Change”.∙“Remove” will delete the selected commodity from the certificate.∙“Clear identifications” or “+ Add identifications” will affect the lines of commodities included in the certificate. You can also delete, modify or add 5, 10, 50 or 100 rows byclicking on the small icons on the right side of the box.∙The upload of a CSV or excel file is available:As a first step, you can download the template, then after inserting the relevant data in the excel or CSV file, use the “Import from Excel or Csv file” button to select and upload the file you have created.Another option is to directly insert the data in the open field:More detailed information about the data format is available by clicking on “More info”:Box –Identification of applicantThis box will be automatically filled with the details of the person submitting the EU INTRA. Submit the EU EXPORTWhen the EU EXPORT is filled-in, you may:∙“Save it as draft”to modify it or submit it later. In this case, the certificate will have the status “Draft”. Only economic operators can access a certificate in status “Draft”.∙“Submit for certification”to submit the certificate to the competent authorities in charge of certifying it. After the submission, the certificate will be in status “New”. Economicoperators can still edit the information in certificates in status “New”.The competentauthorities in charge of endorsing the certificate have access to the EU EXPORT to complete the Part II.Error messageIf you filled in any of the boxes incorrectly, or missed a box, an “Error” message will appear. Click on the “expand” sign on the right-hand side of the error message to read the message in more detail. Click on each of the messages to be redirected to the box that requires modification.Do not forget to submit for certification once you have applied the necessary corrections.Other optionsAt the bottom part of the page, you will have the following options:By clicking on the “More” button you can:“Delete”:allows you to delete the EU EXPORT.“Copy as new”:copies most of the fields of the certificate that is currently open to create a new EU EXPORT certificate. The initial EU EXPORT is not altered in any way ifyou decide to perform this action.By clicking on the button “Preview PDF”, the system will display the certificate PDF.By clicking on “Advanced Print Options”, the system will display the language selection window, which enables you to print the certificate PDF in several languages at the same time.。
EmguCV常⽤函数总结1 Emgucv常⽤函数总结:2读取图⽚3 Mat SCr = new Mat(Form1.Path, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LoadImageType.AnyColor);4//根据路径创建指定的灰度图⽚5 Mat scr = new Mat(Form1.Path, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.LoadImageType.Grayscale);6获取灰度//图像类型转换, bgr 转成 gray 类型。
MAT Bw = New MAT7 CvInvoke.CvtColor(SCr, bw, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray);8//相当于⼆值化图 --⿊⽩根据⼤⼩10判断为0还是2559 CvInvoke.Threshold(bw,bw,10,255,Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ThresholdType.BinaryInv);10//获取指定区域图⽚ SCr为mat类型11 Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(10,10,10,10);12 SCr = SCr.ToImage<Bgr, byte>().GetSubRect(rectangle).Mat;13//将Mat类型转换为Image类型14 Image<Bgr, byte> Su = SCr.ToImage<Bgr, byte>();15 Image<Bgr, byte> Img = new Image<Bgr, byte>(new Bitmap(""));//路径声明16 Image<Bgr, byte> Sub = SCr.ToImage<Bgr, byte>().GetSubRect(rectangle);//指定范围17//指定参数获得结构元素18 Mat Struct_element = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ElementShape.Cross, new Size(3, 3), new Point(-1, -1));19//膨胀20 CvInvoke.Dilate(bw, bw, Struct_element, new Point(1,1),3,Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0));21//腐蚀当Struct_element模型创建不合理或者膨胀腐蚀次数较⼤时可能图像会发⽣偏移22 CvInvoke.Erode(bw, bw, Struct_element, new Point(-1, -1), 3,Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0));23//轮廓提取24 VectorOfVectorOfPoint contours = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint();25//筛选后26 CvInvoke.FindContours(bw, contours, null, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RetrType.List, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple);27int ksize = contours.Size;//获取连通区域的个数。
其中,matchTemplate 函数是cv2库中一个非常重要的函数,它可以用于在图像中寻找模板,并返回模板在图像中的位置。
matchTemplate函数的基本语法如下:```python\ncv2.matchTemplate(image, template, method[, result[, mask]])\n```其中,image是输入图像,template是要匹配的模板图像。
下面我们来看一个具体的例子:```python\nimport cv2\nimport numpy as np# 读取输入图像和模板图像\nimage =cv2.imread('image.jpg')\ntemplate =cv2.imread('template.jpg')# 将输入图像和模板图像转换为灰度图\ngray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)\ngray_template =cv2.cvtColor(template, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)# 使用matchTemplate函数进行匹配\nresult =cv2.matchTemplate(gray_image, gray_template,cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)# 获取匹配结果的最大值和最小值\nmin_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)# 绘制矩形框标记匹配位置\ntop_left =max_loc\nbottom_right = (top_left[0] +template.shape[1], top_left[1] +template.shape[0])\ncv2.rectangle(image, top_left, bottom_right, (0, 255, 0), 2)# 显示结果图像\ncv2.imshow('Match Result', image)\ncv2.waitKey(0)\ncv2.destroyAllWindows()\n```在上面的例子中,我们首先读取了输入图像和模板图像,并将它们转换为灰度图。
EmguCV入门指南-中文翻译版 (1)
System.Drawing.Recta ngle
枚举常量映射 Emgu.CV.CvEnum
函数映射 – EMGU.CV.CVINVOKE ..................................................................................................... 2 结构映射 EMGU.CV.STRUCTURE.MXXX.............................................................................................2 枚举常量映射 EMGU.CV.CVENUM ................................................................................................. 2
MATRICES 如何使用........................................................................................................................6 深度作为泛型参数 .................................................................................................................. 6 矩阵深度 .................................................................................................................................. 6 XML 序列化 ..............................................................................................................................7
⼆、效果⼀览第⼀页,标题+作者+⽬录:Latex代码:1. 数模竞赛要求第⼀页是题⽬、摘要和关键词,不能有作者姓名,把导⾔区的\author{\bf ⼩⼩的灰⾊脑细胞}删掉即可。
2. 如果想要显⽰时间,把\date{}删掉即可。
3. 如果不想要⽬录,把\tableofcontents以及摘要部分的\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{摘要}、参考⽂献部分的\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{参考⽂献}这三⾏删掉即可。
4. 如果不想另起⼀页,把\newpage删掉即可。
5. 导⾔区已设置⾃动⾸⾏缩进,段落写完打两个enter(空⼀⾏)即可实现⾸⾏两个字缩进。
第⼆页,摘要和关键词:第三页,第四页,正⽂:这⾥涉及到⽆序编号、有序编号、三线表绘制、普通表格绘制、插⼊图⽚等知识&环境,简单说⼀下:1. ⽆序编号环境itemize,begin和end成对出现,必须搭配\item。
\begin{itemize} % 这是⼀个⽆序枚举\item\item\end{itemize}2. 有序编号环境enumerate,label=(\arabic*)的意思是排出来是(1)(2)这样形式的编号。
\begin{enumerate}[itemsep=0pt, parsep=0pt, label=(\arabic*)] % 这是⼀个带标签的枚举\item\item\item\end{enumerate}3. 画表格我就不说了,模板⾥⾯填空空嘛。
Basler Application Note
1 Introduction
OpenCV is an open-source computer vision library that allows you to perform image processing on Basler Machine Vision cameras. This application note provides information on how to install and use OpenCV in combination with Basler’s pylon Camera Software Suite in Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows operating systems. OpenCV does not support Machine Vision standards such as USB3 Vision, GigE Vision, or IEEE 1394 (FireWire). Therefore, it is not recommended to grab images using OpenCV API functions. Instead, Basler recommends using the pylon Camera Software Suite SDK to grab images and convert them to OpenCV images. This document provides further information on the integration of OpenCV functions for image display, image saving, and video recording into your pylon source code.
First LastContact:Cell Phone: (86)-1XXXXXXXXX Email: Address:Room XX, Apartment XNo.10 Xi Tu Cheng Road, HaiDian District Beijing, 100876, P.R.ChinaResearch InterestsXXXEducationBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Beijing, China Sep. 20XX - Jun. 20XXB.S. in Communications Engineering, School of Information and Communications Engineering (SICE)·Major GPA:X /100·Overall GPA:X /100·Rank:X /XXX (Top X %)Research & Project ExperienceXXX Project Name Sep. 20XX - present Research Assistant X Lab, BUPT ·XX·XXYYY Project Name X - Y Project Member ZZZ, BUPT ·.·.·XXPublications1.XX YY, AA BB, CC DD. "Title" in Proc. of The Int. Conf. on XX, 20XX, pp.XX-YY2.X3.Honors & Awards·XX Prize, XX Contest Jun. 20XX ·XX Prize, XX Contest Jun. 20XX ·YY Prize (top X%), XX Contest Sep. 20XX ·ZZ Scholarship (top X%) for Excellent Students of BUPT 20XX-20XX ·AA Scholarship (top X%) for Excellent Students of BUPT 20XX-20XXRelevant Courses & Technical Skills·Relevant Courses (scored in centesimal system)C++ Programming Fundamentals: xx Data Structures: xxDiscrete Mathematics: xx XX: xxYYYY: xx ……·Programming LanguagesC, C++, XXXXXStandardized Test Scores·GREVerbal XX, Quantitative XX, Analytical Writing YY (Total XX+YY) ·TOEFL iBTReading XX, Listening XX, Speaking XX, Writing XX (Total XX)Tips:1.本CV模板大多条目都是基于表格,对格式要求高的童鞋,可先鼠标移到每个条目的左上角,把表格“所有框线”显示出来看清结构再做修改。
matlab template 方法
MATLAB Template 方法在MATLAB中,Template 方法是一种编程技术,用于创建可重复使用的代码模板。
本文将介绍MATLAB Template 方法的基本概念、使用方法以及优点。
基本概念Template 方法是一种设计模式,旨在将通用的代码结构和算法从具体的实现中分离出来。
在MATLAB中,Template 方法通常由一个抽象类和多个具体子类组成。
使用方法使用MATLAB Template 方法可以遵循以下步骤:1.创建一个抽象类,其中包含一个或多个抽象方法和一个模板方法。
classdef AbstractClass < handlemethods (Abstract)method1(obj)method2(obj)endmethodsfunction templateMethod(obj)obj.method1();obj.method2();endendend2.创建一个或多个具体子类,继承自抽象类,并实现抽象方法。
classdef ConcreteClass < AbstractClassmethodsfunction method1(obj)% 具体实现1endfunction method2(obj)% 具体实现2endendend3.在主程序中,创建具体子类的对象,并调用模板方法。
obj = ConcreteClass();obj.templateMethod();优点使用MATLAB Template 方法有以下几个优点:•提高代码的可读性和可维护性:模板方法将算法的框架和细节分离,使代码更易于理解和修改。
matchtemplate参数详解`matchTemplate` 是OpenCV库中用于图像匹配的函数之一。
以下是`matchTemplate` 函数的一些重要参数的详细解释:```pythoncv2.matchTemplate(image, templ, method, result[, mask])```1. `image`:源图像,即要在其中查找目标的图像。
2. `templ`:要匹配的模板图像,即要在源图像中寻找的小图像。
3. `method`:匹配方法。
常见的方法有:- `cv2.TM_CCOEFF`:相关系数匹配方法。
- `cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED`:归一化的相关系数匹配方法。
- `cv2.TM_CCORR`:相关性匹配方法。
- `cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED`:归一化的相关性匹配方法。
- `cv2.TM_SQDIFF`:平方差匹配方法。
- `cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED`:归一化的平方差匹配方法。
4. `result`:输出的匹配结果图像。
5. `mask`:可选参数,用于指定要进行匹配的区域。
以下是一个简单的例子,演示如何使用`matchTemplate` 函数:```pythonimport cv2import numpy as np# 读取源图像和模板图像img = cv2.imread('source_image.jpg')template = cv2.imread('template_image.jpg')# 使用TM_CCOEFF_NORMED方法进行匹配result = cv2.matchTemplate(img, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)# 获取匹配结果的最大值和最小值及其位置min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)# 如果使用的是平方差匹配方法TM_SQDIFF或归一化的平方差匹配方法TM_SQDIFF_NORMED,选择最小值的位置if cv2.TM_SQDIFF or cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED:top_left = min_locelse:top_left = max_loc# 获取模板图像的宽和高h, w = template.shape[:2]# 画出匹配结果的矩形bottom_right = (top_left[0] + w, top_left[1] + h)cv2.rectangle(img, top_left, bottom_right, 255, 2)# 显示结果cv2.imshow('Matching Result', img)cv2.waitKey(0)cv2.destroyAllWindows()```在这个例子中,我们使用了`cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED` 方法,并在源图像上找到了模板图像的匹配位置,然后在源图像上用矩形标出了这个位置。
它的函数原型如下:```cppvoid matchTemplate(InputArray image, InputArray templ, OutputArray result, int method, InputArray mask = noArray());```下面是参数的具体用法:1. `image`:待搜索的源图像,函数将在该图像中搜索目标模板。
2. `templ`:目标模板图像,需要在源图像中搜索的目标。
3. `result`:输出结果的图像,函数将在该图像中返回匹配结果。
4. `method`:匹配方法,用于指定匹配的方式。
具体方法包括: - `TM_SQDIFF`:平方差匹配法。
- `TM_SQDIFF_NORMED`:归一化平方差匹配法。
- `TM_CCORR`:相关性匹配法。
- `TM_CCORR_NORMED`:归一化相关性匹配法。
- `TM_CCOEFF`:相关系数匹配法。
- `TM_CCOEFF_NORMED`:归一化相关系数匹配法。
5. `mask`:可选参数,用于指定搜索区域的掩码。
以下是一个示例:```cpp#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>using namespace cv;int main(){Mat image = imread("source.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);Mat templ = imread("template.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);Mat result;matchTemplate(image, templ, result, TM_CCORR_NORMED); double minVal, maxVal;Point minLoc, maxLoc;minMaxLoc(result, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc); Point matchLoc = maxLoc;rectangle(image, matchLoc, Point(matchLoc.x + templ.cols, matchLoc.y + templ.rows), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);imshow("Matching", image);waitKey(0);return 0;}```以上代码演示了如何在图像中搜索目标模板,并将匹配结果绘制在图像上。
cvpr latex模板使用方法
cvpr latex模板使用方法CVPR是北美计算机视觉领域的顶级会议,通常需要使用LaTeX来撰写论文。
CVPR提供了官方的LaTeX模板,下面是使用该模板的方法:1. 下载模板文件:CVPR提供了官方的LaTeX模板,可以从CVPR官方网站下载。
2. 编写论文:打开"cvpr.tex"文件,开始撰写你的论文。
3. 引入CVPR模板:在"cvpr.tex"文件的开头,使用以下命令引入CVPR模板:```latex\documentclass[10pt,twocolumn,letterpaper]{article}\usepackage{cvpr}\usepackage{times}\usepackage{epsfig}\usepackage{graphicx}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{amssymb}\cvprfinalcopy % 使用这个命令将文稿标识为最终提交版本\def\cvprPaperID{****} % 论文编号\def\httilde{\mbox{\tt\raisebox{-.5ex}{\symbol{126}}}}\ifcvprfinal\pagestyle{empty}\fi```4. 插入文本和图片:继续在"cvpr.tex"文件中编写论文的正文内容,可以使用常见的LaTeX命令来插入文本和图片。
例如,使用以下命令插入一张图片:```latex\begin{figure}\centering\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{image.jpg}\caption{示例图片}\label{fig:example}\end{figure}```5. 编译论文:完成论文的撰写后,使用LaTeX编译器编译"cvpr.tex"文件。
ncc模板匹配算法 金字塔 -回复
为了解决这些问题,NCC(Normalized Cross-Correlation)模板匹配算法金字塔应运而生。
1.1 归一化互相关运算归一化互相关运算是NCC模板匹配算法的关键。
1.2 互相关运算公式互相关运算可以通过模板和图像的像素值进行计算。
在NCC模板匹配算法中,互相关运算的公式如下所示:NCC(x, y) = 1/n * Σ[(T(i, j) - μ_T) * (I(x + i, y + j) - μ_I)]其中,T(i, j)表示模板图像中坐标为(i, j)的像素值,I(x, y)表示待匹配图像中坐标为(x, y)的像素值。
1.3 归一化互相关运算归一化互相关运算通过计算互相关值之间的相似度,来确保模板匹配算法在不同的尺度下能够得到一致的结果。
具体公式为:NCC(x, y) = Σ[(T(i, j) - μ_T) * (I(x + i, y + j) - μ_I)] / [σ_T * σ_I]第二部分:金字塔的概念及其应用为了解决尺度变化的问题,NCC模板匹配算法引入了金字塔的概念。
在网络计算与通信(NCC,Network Computing and Communication)领域中,模板编辑公式的具体定义可能会因上下文而异。
ue5渲染 源码编译
Unreal Engine 5(UE5)的渲染系统源码编译涉及到多个步骤,下面是一个大致的指南:
1. 获取UE5源代码
首先,你需要从Epic Games的官方网站或者GitHub上获取UE5的源代码。
2. 安装依赖项
编译UE5需要一系列的依赖项,包括CMake、Visual Studio(或其他的C++ IDE)、Python等。
3. 初始化引擎
在UE5的源代码目录下,运行init.bat(Windows)或 (Linux/macOS)来初始化引擎。
4. 配置项目设置
在Visual Studio中,你可以修改项目设置,例如配置你的构建目标(Debug、Release等)和平台(Windows、Linux、macOS等)。
5. 编译引擎
在Visual Studio中,选择“生成”菜单,然后选择“生成解决方案”或者直接按F7来开始编译过程。
6. 运行和测试
7. 调试和优化
如果遇到问题,你可以使用Visual Studio的调试工具来调试你的渲染代码。
如果你遇到任何问题,可以参考Epic Games 提供的官方文档,或者在开发者社区中寻求帮助。
matlab中模板匹配算法 -回复
例如,我们可以读取待匹配图像并将其存储在变量image中,读取模板图像并将其存储在变量template 中。
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