


文 中 卡列尼娜 一篇 的结尾有一首名 为 R e a p e r s 的诗 。
哈莱姆文艺复兴的重要人物。 他的父亲是自人, 母亲是黑自
混血 奴隶 。 自人 的外表和 部分黑人血统以及复杂 的教育经历
造 就了图莫独特 的身份观 。 “ 与其他 的非裔 美 国作家 不 同, 他 不承 认 自己是黑人作家 。他要追 求的是一种新 的 ‘ 美 国 人 ’的身份 ,一种 多种 族的美 国人身份 。”} J 甘蔗 一书

象征着人类对精神世界 、客观世界和人类社会 的掌控 ; “ 黑 人收割者”( b l a c k r e a p e r s ) 已经超越 了字面意义 本身 , 象征着 行使掌控权 的所有人类 ;“ 镰刀 ” ( s c y t h e s )、“ 黑马” ( b l a c k h o r s e s ) 和 “ 割草 机”( mo we r )  ̄ ] 1 象征着人们行使 掌控权 时所 使用的那些没有感知力和 人性 的工具 ; “ 田鼠”( t h e i f e l d r a t )
中图分类号 : l 1 0 6 文献标 识码 :A 文章编号 :1 6 7 3 — 2 2 1 9( 2 0 1 4 )0 2 — 0 0 6 7 — 0 3

基思 ・ 图莫是美 国 2 0世纪上半期 的著名诗人 、小说家、
景诗和抒情诗越来越 流行 。但在诗歌的赏析和研究中 , 我们 更应注意到无论 哪种诗歌 都是艺术 的一种 , 是以人为 “ 透视 点”对 自然 的摹仿 。这 当中不免有人对 自然的梳 理和加工 , 而其基本真实性却没有被抹杀 。在 甘蔗 这部 由多种文本 碎片构成 的作 品中, 诗 歌以它超乎寻常的真实性为整部作 品 所获得 的巨大成功做 出了不可磨灭 的贡献。



他 们 的 先进 技 术手 段 和 研 究思路 非 常值 得 我 们 学 习和 借 鉴 . 建 议 加 强 与 美 国在 甘 蔗研 究 领 域 的 交流 与 合 作 . 以提 高
云 南 的甘 蔗 科 研 效 率 , 实现 甘 蔗 生 产 的 高 效 可持 续发 展 。 关 键词 : 美国; 种质资源 ; 生产 现 状 ; 研 究方向
2 美国农业部甘蔗研究所简介及其科研动 向
美 国农 业部 的甘 蔗育 种研究 工作 始 于 1 9 1 9年 。1 9 2 4年 美 国甘蔗联 盟 向美 国农业部 捐 赠土地 . 在路 易斯 安那州 的荷 马建 立甘 蔗研 究实验 室 。 1 9 2 8年 , 实 验室 的研究 重 点从甘 蔗病 理学 转 向育 种学 。 为确保 备选 品种 能够得 到 充分测 试 以满足 路州 蔗糖 产业发 展 的需要 , 美 国农业 部 、 路 易斯 安那 州州立 大学 农业试 验 站 和美 国
2 0 1 2年 3月赴 美 国农业 部南 方研 究 中心 甘 蔗研究 所 ( U S D A — S R U) 进 行访 问学 习 , 对美 国甘 蔗种 质 资源 保存 和美 国农业 部 甘蔗研 究所 科研 动 向等做 了较全 面 的 了解
l 美 国甘 蔗 生 产 现 状
美 国是 世 界上少 数几 个 同时生 产甘 蔗糖 和甜菜 糖 的国家 之一 由于美 国国土 南北纵 向跨 度大 , 仅南 部地 区 的气 候 条件 能够满 足甘 蔗生 长 的需求 . 加之 各州政 府对 产业 结构 的调 整 . 现仅 有 4个州 在进 行甘 蔗种 植 与 蔗糖加 工 , 分别 是夏威 夷州 、 德 克萨斯 州 、 路 易斯 安那 州 和佛 罗 里达 州 。 2 0 1 0 -2 0 1 1 榨季 , 美 国甘 蔗种植 面积



doi :10.13570/ki.scc.2015.03.023甘蔗多酚类物质研究进展唐云仙,杨丽涛1,2*,杨柳2,廖芬2,李杨瑞1,2(1.广西大学农学院/亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,南宁530005;2.广西农业科学院/中国农业科学院甘蔗研究中心/农业部广西甘蔗生物技术与遗传改良重点实验室/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室,南宁530007)摘要:综述了甘蔗多酚类物质的成分、分布、代谢、降低酚害途径及遗传改良调节PPO 等的研究进展。

关键词:甘蔗;多酚;褐变;遗传改良;研究进展中图分类号:S566.1文献标识码:B 文章编号:1007-2624(2015)03-0062-03植物多酚是广泛存在于植物体内(果实、皮、根和叶中)的多羟基酚类化合物的总称,又称鞣质、单宁[1]。







甘蔗中含有的多酚类化合物是在酶的作用下自然形成的肉桂酸和黄酮类的前身衍生出来的,其分子结构包含了一个独特的共振电子体系,该结构具有一个重要特征是pH 敏感性[3]。





【关键词】甘蔗;甘蔗制品;风味物质【中图分类号】S566【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1008-1151(2019)04-0036-03Research Progress on Flavoring Substances of Sugarcane and its ProductsAbstract: Sugarcane is an important sugar crop in China. It contains not only abundant sugar, water and nutrients, but also special aromatic flavor. Its products, such as sugar tablets and wine, also retain or react to produce new unique aromatic flavor. These flavors can bring pleasure to consumers and increase their desire to consume and buy. This paper focuses on the research progress of flavor substances in sugarcane and sugarcane products, providing some ideas and research basis for the processing and comprehensive utilization of sugarcane.Key words: sugarcane; sugarcane products; flavoring substance1 引言甘蔗是多年生草本植物,有着独特的芳香气味。


在此认识基础上,台湾于1925年首次试制成功小批量蔗渣纸,随 后在1938年建成第一家日产60吨化学蔗渣浆厂;两年后,又投产 了日产100吨化学蔗渣浆的纸厂。这以后,一些产糖国家逐渐开始 用蔗渣造纸,1959年首次在古巴投产的潘地亚连续蒸煮器就是以 蔗渣为原料的。据统计,到1990年全世界已有96家蔗渣制浆造纸 厂,,年产蔗渣浆约250万吨,占当时全世界产浆总量的1.4% 。
10.3 用蚁酸和甘蔗渣反应引入羧基。制得蚁酸纤维,用来吸附 Cd和Pb。
很早就有人研究如何利用甘蔗渣这一丰富的原料资源造纸,但均 因蔗渣浆制成的纸张过于脆弱,而宣告失败。后经长期探索,终 于了解到,影响纸质脆弱的主要因素是蔗渣中的蔗髓,将蔗髓除 去后的蔗渣是完全可以制成合格纸张的。
碳酸法:清净效果优于亚硫酸法,产品质量较好。但清净耗用物料较多,成 本较高,且滤泥处理比较困难。碳酸法工艺流程比亚硫酸法复杂,操作技术 要求较高。
甘蔗渣是制糖工业的主要副产品,是一种重要的可再生 生物质资源。
甘蔗渣的成分以纤维素,半纤维素以及木质素为主,蛋 白、淀粉和可溶性糖含量较少。甘蔗渣一般含干物质 90%~92%,粗蛋白质2.0%,粗纤维44%~46%,粗脂肪0.7%, 无氮浸出物42%,粗灰分2%~3%。与作物秸秆相比,甘蔗 渣的农药残留量很低,但其木质化程度高。
8.2、以甘蔗渣为底物生产乳酸,最佳的工艺条件是经 过木质素的提取后,硫酸和盐酸的混合下在90~120℃ 的条件下反应1~5h。在这项研究中发现其最佳的催化条 件是加0.5%的HCl在100℃时反应5h。其水解的产物, 葡萄糖,1.50;木糖,22.59;阿拉伯糖,1.29;醋酸, 0.15;糠醛,1.19;为了提高乳酸的产量,在其水解液 里加入木糖和酵母提取液,发酵的主要产品为乳酸, 10.85;醋酸,7.87;甲酸,6.04;乙醇,5.24。



Ⅱ. 翻译实践内容:Passage 1:Pessimistic Outlook Does Harm to Your HealthBy Anna RoufosA growing amount of research shows a pessimistic outlook can take a huge toll on your health. This may be because pessimists are not as good as optimists at handling stress, which taxes the immune system and causes other health problems, such as high blood pressure. Optimists go into situations with more confidence, so events seem less threatening and stressful. And in situations where stress is unavoidable, positive thinkers also have stronger coping methods. Looking at the bright side may also lead to a longer life. Researchers have found that those who were pessimists had a 19 percent increased risk of death. Studies of HIV patients also have found that the health of optimists doesn't decline as rapidly.Fortunately, even a confirmed negativist can change. To start, experts recommend using a trick called creative accounting. Keep a mental checklist of all the good things that happen to you. Simply focusing on the positive can boost your mood. You can also try to avoid upward comparison. There will always be someone prettier and wealthier, but constantly compare yourself to them will leave your feeling down and envious.Finally, recognize how your mood affects your outlook. Optimists know that if they are in good spirits, their day-to-day experiences and interactions are more positive. So see if you can muster a smile. The result might be a happier-and healthier-you.Passage 2:The Bounty of the SeaJacques CoustauDuring the past thirty years, I have observed and studied the oceans closely, and with my own two eyes I have seen them sicken. Certain reefs that teemed with fish only ten years ago are now almost lifeless. The ocean bottom has been raped by trawlers. Priceless wetlands have been destroyed by landfill. And everywhere are sticky globs of oil, plastic refuse, and unseen clouds of poisonous effluents. Often, when I describe the symptoms of the oceans' sickness, I hear remarks like "they're only fish" or "they're only whales" or "they're only birds". But I assure you that our destinies are linked with theirs in the most profound and fundamental manner. For if the oceans should die -- by which I mean that all life in the sea would finally cease -- this would signal the end not only for marine life but for all other animals and plants of this earth, including man.With life departed, the ocean would become, in effect, one enormous cesspool. Billions of decaying bodies, large and small, would create such an insupportable stench that man would be forced to leave all the coastal regions. But far worse would follow.The ocean acts as the earth's buffer. It maintains a fine balance between the many salts and gases which make life possible. But dead seas would have no buffering effect. The carbon dioxide content of theatmosphere would start on a steady and remorseless climb, and when it reached a certain level a "greenhouse effect" would be created. The heat that normally radiates outward from the earth to space would be blocked by the CO2, and sea level temperatures would dramatically increase.One catastrophic effect of this heat would be melting of the icecaps at both the North and South Poles. As a result, the ocean would rise by 100 feet or more, enough to flood almost all the world's major cities. These rising waters would drive one-third of the earth's billions inland, creating famine, fighting, chaos, and disease on a scale almost impossible to imagine.Meanwhile, the surface of the ocean would have scrummed over with a thick film of decayed matter, and would no longer be able to give water freely to the skies through evaporation. Rain would become a rarity, creating global drought and even more famine.But the final act is yet to come. The wretched remnant of the human race would now be packed cheek by jowl on the remaining highlands, bewildered, starving, struggling to survive from hour to hour. Then would be visited upon them the final plague, anoxia (lack of Oxygen).This would be caused by the extinction of plankton algae and the reduction of land vegetation,the two sources that supply the oxygen you are now breathing.And so man would finally die,slowly gasping out his life on somebarren hill.He would have survived the oceans by perhaps thirty years.And his heirs would be bacteria and a few scavenger insects.注释:1. salt:A chemical compound formed by replacing all or part of the hydrogen ions of an acid with metal ions or electropositive radicals. 盐类:由金属离子或正电原子团替代酸中所有或部分的氢离子而得到的化合物2. scrum A filmy layer of extraneous or impure matter that forms on or rises to the surface of a liquid or body of water 浮渣:在水体表面形成或浮到水面上的一薄层浮垢或渣滓3. The refuse or dross of molten metals.4. anoxia (lack of Oxygen) [医]缺氧症5. plankton algae 浮游藻类6. scavenger insects 食腐昆虫背景介绍:本文作者雅克·库斯托(1910—1997),系法国著名生物学家和海洋学家,1974年发起库斯托协会,致力于保护海洋生命。



甘蔗数据库研究文献引文与热点分析李玉峰,程贤凤,孔 宇,王静慧(百色学院农业与食品工程学院,广西百色533000) 摘要:运用CiteSpace软件分析了中国知网甘蔗相关文献,提取1992~2019年甘蔗相关文献3785条,利用CiteSpace文献分析软件分析了甘蔗文献数量随时间变化趋势、统计了甘蔗研究资助项目情况、甘蔗研究机构共现和关键词共现。










CiteSpace在文献共现聚类的时候,将时间因素加入到绘制图谱中,这样可以绘制文献共现随时间的变化趋势图,进而反映文献分析指标的时间序列图谱,便于寻找探索学科领域的演化关收稿日期:2020 09 17基金项目:2020年度广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目(2020KY19024)作者简介:李玉峰(1974 ),男,蒙古族,内蒙古兴安盟人,博士,副教授。



无根的稻草人——评《甘蔗》中黑人的心理挣扎作者:董红云来源:《名作欣赏·学术版》 2018年第10期摘要:深受美国作家舍伍德·安德森影响的哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的著名黑人作家基恩·图默,在他的成名作《甘蔗》中描述了20世纪初奴隶制度结束后黑人的心理状态。


关键词:《甘蔗》基恩·图默黑人心理挣扎基恩·图默(Jean Toomer,1894— 1967)是美国哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的著名黑人作家。




1921 年,他大学毕业后来到了佐治亚州乡村,成了一所黑人学校的负责人。



这本书在当时得到了著名作家和评论家褒贬不一的评论,流通量不大,直到20 世纪60 年代族裔文学的兴起,人们才又发掘出这部经典之作。












关键词甘蔗;多倍体;染色体;原位杂交技术中图分类号 TQ352 文献标识码 AAbstract Sugarcane is an euploid allopolyploidy with complex genetic background, its cytological study was thus considered to be challenging. In these years,significant progresses for the cytology of sugarcane have been made based on the rapid development of molecular marker technology and in situ hybridization. Here, to provide the reference for cytological study in high polyploidy plant, we reviewed the germplasm resources, karyotype, chromosome behavior,and in situ hybridization technique for sugarcane.Key words Sugarcane; Olyploidy; Chromosome; In situ hybridizationdoi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2016.07.030甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)属是禾本科甘蔗亚族中10个属之一,与蔗茅属(Erianthus)、芒属(Miscanthus)、河八王属(Narenga)组成“甘蔗属复合体(Saccharum Complex)”。



关于甘蔗的调研报告怎么写甘蔗学名为 Saccharum officinarum,是一种热带和亚热带地区常见的经济作物。





二、甘蔗的生物特性与生态环境1. 生物特性:甘蔗为多年生草本植物,根系发达,茎秆粗壮,高度可达4-5米。




2. 生态环境:甘蔗喜欢温暖湿润的气候,较适宜的生长温度为20-30摄氏度。



三、甘蔗的栽培与生产甘蔗的栽培主要需要进行以下几个步骤:1. 种植选择:选择适合当地气候和土壤条件的甘蔗品种。

2. 地面准备:深翻土壤,除草,施肥等。

3. 种植:将甘蔗的茎秧直接插入地面,保持适当的间距和深度。

4. 管理:保持适宜的土壤湿度,进行及时的病虫害防治,修剪甘蔗茎秆等。

5. 收获:待甘蔗茎秆长到一定程度后,根据甘蔗的用途进行收获,如提取糖汁或酿造酒精等。

四、甘蔗的应用与经济价值甘蔗由于其丰富的糖分含量,被广泛应用于多个领域,主要包括:1. 制糖工业:将甘蔗提取的糖汁进行加工和精制,制成砂糖、赤砂糖、白糖等多种糖制品。

2. 发酵工业:将甘蔗糖汁酿造成酒精、醋等发酵产物。

3. 生物质能源:甘蔗茎秆中的纤维素和半纤维素可用于制备生物质能源,如生物柴油、生物乙醇等。

4. 饲料加工:甘蔗茎秆富含纤维素,可用作饲料加工。


然而,也面临着一些问题,如:1. 病虫害防治:甘蔗易受到多种病虫害的侵害,严重影响产量和品质。



甘蔗糖市场综合分析报告:供求情况、趋势及竞争分析Currently, the global sugarcane market is witnessing a broad spectrum of dynamics affecting the supply and demand of sugarcane and its derivatives, particularly sugar. The comprehensive analysis of the sugarcane market includes evaluating the supply and demand situation, trends, and competitive landscape.On the supply side, major sugarcane-producing countries such as Brazil, India, China, Thailand, and Pakistan dominate the market, contributing substantially to the global supply. Factors influencing supply include weather conditions, government policies, and technological advancements in the agriculture sector. Brazil, as the world's largest sugarcane producer, plays a pivotal role in determining global supply levels.Furthermore, the demand for sugarcane and its by-products, namely sugar, is primarily driven by the food and beverage industry and the increasing demand for biofuels. The food and beverage industry accounts for the largest share of sugar consumption, while the biofuel industry's demand for ethanol, derived from sugarcane, has been on the rise due to environmental concerns and the pushfor sustainable energy sources.In recent years, the sugarcane market has witnessed several notable trends. One significant trend is the shift towards sustainable and organic farming practices. Consumers are increasingly seeking products that are organic, non-GMO, and sustainably produced, leading to an increased demand for sugarcane products meeting these criteria. Additionally, the market has seen a surge in technological advancements in sugarcane cultivation and processing methods, aimed at improving yields and reducing environmental impact.Competitive analysis in the sugarcane market involves evaluating the strategies of key players, including sugar millers, traders, and manufacturers. As the demand for sustainable and ethically sourced sugar increases, companies are focusing on certifications such as Fair Trade and Bonsucro to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Moreover, the competition in the sugarcane market is influenced by trade policies, global sugar prices, and the diversification of products derived from sugarcane, such as molasses and bagasse.The current outlook for the sugarcane market is impacted by a myriad of factors, including climate change, shifting consumer preferences, and government regulations related to sugar production and trade. The market is expected to witness continued growth, driven by the expanding food and beverage industry and the increasing adoption of biofuels. However, challenges such as fluctuating weather patterns and the need for sustainable farming practices may pose significant hurdles for market players.现今,全球甘蔗市场正在经历一系列影响甘蔗及其衍生产品,尤其是糖的供求的动态。



甘蔗抗虫转基因研究进展邓智年;魏源文;潘有强;郭文锋;何海波;曹辉庆;罗海斌;郭元元;李杨瑞【摘要】Sugarcane is the world's most important sugar producing crop. However, during recent years, sugarcane quality and yield were heavily influenced by serious insect pest attack. In order to combat this insect pest attack, insect resistant transgenic sugarcane breeding, an effective insect pest prevention method, was adopted by many sugarcane breeding faculties. In recent years, larger sugarcane producing faculties in the United States, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Cuba, Thailand, India, Singapore, and China began to carry out insect resistant transgenic sugarcane breeding researches; the researches mainly concentrated on screening transgenic sugarcane materials with iff gene, GNA gene, and PI gene. Through these already conducted researches, a batch of transgenic sugarcane materials was obtained viz., CrylA (b)transgenic plants anti stem borer and Chilo infuscatellus, GNA transgenic sugarcane plants anti aphid, PI transgenic sugarcane plants anti white moth, GNA and Pi II transgenic sugarcane clones G87 and UP87 inhibiting grub larval growth, and 600 accessions of crylC* transgenic sugarcane clones. On the other hand, the physiology, insect resistance, and agronomic traits of Bt transgenic sugarcane plants were also researched. Since researches on insect-resistant transgenic sugarcane began only recently, insect-resistant gene sources and knowledge on the intellectual property protection rights were restricted, resuting in relatively slow research progress, so excellent insect-resistant transgenic sugarcane varieties have not yet been bred. In the future, various factors affecting gene expression, such as the integration, genetic expression characteristics, methylation modification of exogenous gene in generation of transgenic sugarcane clones, etc., should be furtherly studied in order to enhance the inheritance and expression stability of exogenous gene in sugarcane clones. Moreover, the transgenic sugarcane resistance mechanism was also comprehensively analyzed in order to select stable hereditary and excellent resistance sugarcane varieties to provide theoretical bas and germplasm resources for breeding sugarcane varieties.%甘蔗是世界最重要的糖料作物,但日益严重的虫害给甘蔗产量及品质造成了重大损失.目前甘蔗抗虫转基因育种已成为甘蔗抗虫育种最有效的途径之一.近年来,美国、澳大利亚、巴西、南非、古巴、泰国、印度、新加坡、中国及一些国际大型公司等都相继开展了甘蔗抗虫转基因研究,主要集中于转Bt基因、GNA基因、PI基因等甘蔗材料的筛选,并获得一批抗蔗茎螟的CryIA(b)转化植株、抗Chilo infuscatellus的转Cry1Ab基因甘蔗植株、抗绵蚜的转CNA基因甘蔗植株、抗甘蔗白螟的转PI基因甘蔗植株、抑制蛴螬幼虫生长的转PiⅡ和GNA基因甘蔗无性系G87、UP87及600多份转cry1C*基因甘蔗无性系,部分学者还对转Bt基因甘蔗植株的生理、抗虫性和农艺性状进行了研究.由于抗虫转基因甘蔗研究起步晚,受抗虫基因来源及知识产权保护等方面的限制,其研究进展缓慢,目前尚未培育出优良的甘蔗抗虫品种并推广种植.今后需对外源基因在转基因甘蔗无性后代中的整合、遗传表达特性及甲基化修饰等影响表达的各种因素进行综合研究,提高外源基因在甘蔗无性繁殖中遗传和表达的稳定性;此外,还需对抗虫转基因甘蔗的抗虫机理进行系统、深入的研究,为筛选出优良的、稳定遗传的抗虫甘蔗品种并在生产中推广应用提供理论依据和育种材料.【期刊名称】《南方农业学报》【年(卷),期】2012(043)010【总页数】5页(P1452-1456)【关键词】甘蔗;抗虫育种;转基因甘蔗;进展【作者】邓智年;魏源文;潘有强;郭文锋;何海波;曹辉庆;罗海斌;郭元元;李杨瑞【作者单位】广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007;广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室,南宁530007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S566.10 引言甘蔗(Saccharum of ficinarumL.)属于单子叶植物禾本科甘蔗属,为一年生或多年生宿根热带、亚热带草本植物。





Renewable energy is sweet.可再生能源可以是甜的。

Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean over 700 miles from the coast of Madagascar, is working to get rid of fossil fuels by replacing them with sugar.毛里求斯是印度洋上的一个岛国,距离马达加斯加海岸700多英里。


The island has historically relied on imported petroleum as fuel but is finding that their main cash-crop is providing a reliable, more economical option.该国一直依赖进口石油作为燃料,但现在发现他们的主要经济作物提供了一种可靠、更经济的选择。

Once a sugar cane stalk has been squeezed of all the juice used in sugar production, a pile of dry, pulpy sticks and stalks remain. These leftovers known as bagasse are then burned to generate power, and already accounts for 14 percent of the islands energy needs.甘蔗茎杆榨干用于制糖的所有汁液后,就会留下一堆干烂的茎渣。


[7] 量的 /6E , 占我国产糖量的 56E 以上, 同时, 甘蔗也是生
遗传转化方法 甘蔗遗传转化的方法有: 电穿孔法、 基因枪法和农杆菌
产糖醛、 葡聚糖和绿色能源乙醇的原料, 一些天然的药用化 合物也来自甘蔗
介导法。电穿孔法是以原生质体和完整细胞为受体, 原生质
术在甘蔗上应用的瓶颈, 因为甘蔗的组织培养技术及其离体 再生系统极其成熟, 并且, 对于几乎所有的甘蔗基因型都是 普遍适用的, 加上甘蔗是无性繁殖的作物, 因而, 特别适用于 利用基因工程技术培育转基因甘蔗。现在, 已明确任何来源 的基因均可加以修饰以便在植物中表达, 这使基因工程成为 甘蔗改良的一种强有力的辅助手段, 包括把优越的有用基因 (如抗病虫基因) 导入甘蔗; 把已知的有害基因灭活 (如灭活 使纤维含量高的木质化基因) ; 分子启动仅在某种状态所需 的基因 (如高产而不开花的商业品种在需要时, 启动开花诱 导基因以便作为亲本) ; 改变现有基因, 修饰表达的模式或表 达产物 (如改变酶的表达模式, 减少蔗糖从贮藏组织中再转 移出来或改变酶的性质以促进蔗糖合成) 。因此, 转基因甘 蔗将可能重塑甘蔗产业, 拓展工业的领域。
[$-, $M, NJ] 白化苗 , 因而, "D>! 基因并非明智的选择; ED> 基因
筛选农杆菌菌株, 以及 处理农杆菌以诱导 ’() 基因的表达、 从特定的发育时期等途径寻找、 诱导或富集感受态细胞等, 以提高农杆菌转化的效率, 其关键在于对感受态细胞形成机 理的认识。 !"! 表达载体构建所需的启动子和选择标记 目的基因在受体细胞中的稳定整合和表达, 需借助植物 表达载体来实现。启动子是决定外源基因在受体植物中表 达与否的关键因子, 目前在双子叶植物中广泛采用的强组成 型启动子 *+,’&-. 在基因工程甘蔗上表达调控强度远低于 水稻 #/0(1$ 基因启动子、 234 基因启动子和玉米 56($ 基因启 动子



一一一一一一一一中外文学文化研究本栏目责任编辑:王力The Cain Allusion in Jean Toomer ’s CaneZENG Jin-li,NANGONG Mei-fang(Beijing Forestry University School of Foreign Languages,Beijing 100083,China)Abstract:Published in 1923,Cane ,the representative work of Jean Toomer has been widely studied by critics.Among which,one of perspectives is to analyze the biblical metaphors in the novel.A closer reading of the book shows that the Cain allusion is an unifying theme,for the author once refers Cane as Cain,and most of the characters in the novel are blacks who are believed to be descendant of Cain because of the color of their skin as well as the same suffering of isolation and alienation.Here a study of the Cain allusion in the novel is presented with focus on Karintha ’s story in the first part of Cane .Key words:jean toomer;cane;cain;karintha中图分类号:I106文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5039(2015)06-0144-02吉恩·图默《甘蔗》中的该隐之喻——以《卡瑞恩塔》为例曾巾力,南宫梅芳(北京林业大学外语学院,北京100083)摘要:吉恩·图默的代表作《甘蔗》自1923年发表以来,就成为了评论家们积极研究的对象,其中一个重要的角度是对书中所蕴含的圣经隐喻进行分析。



贵港市甘蔗生产效率及其影响因素分析宾丽慧;刘纯阳【摘要】The production efficiency of sugar cane in Guigang was calculated using DEA model, and the factors that influence efficiency of sugarcane production was further analyzed using Tobit model. The results showed that: only 32.3% sugarcane growers' production efficiency reached DEA effective in Guigang, 67.7% was under DEA efficient level. These factors have positive influence on the productivity of sugar cane including the education level of growers, labor force in sugarcane production, whether to participate in cooperative, whether a model household, other incomes of the family, and sugarcane planting area. However, the age of household affected negatively on sugar cane production efficiency. Based on this situation, some suggestions to strengthen the training of sugarcane production technology were put forward.%采用问卷调查的形式对贵港市蔗农的甘蔗种植行为展开调查,并以调查结果为数据采用DEA模型测算贵港市蔗农的甘蔗生产效率,同时运用Tobit模型进一步对影响甘蔗生产效率的因素进行分析.结果显示:贵港市仅32.3%的甘蔗种植户的甘蔗生产效率达到DEA有效,67.7%的甘蔗种植户的甘蔗生产效率没有达到DEA有效水平;影响农户甘蔗生产效率的因素中,户主受教育程度、投入甘蔗生产的劳动力人数、是否参加合作社、是否示范户、家庭其他收入、甘蔗种蔗面积等因素对蔗农甘蔗生产效率有正向影响,而户主年龄与蔗农甘蔗生产效率存在着反向关系.基于这个现状,提出了强化甘蔗生产技术培训等建议.【期刊名称】《湖南农业科学》【年(卷),期】2017(000)011【总页数】5页(P105-109)【关键词】甘蔗;生产效率;影响因素;问卷调查;贵港【作者】宾丽慧;刘纯阳【作者单位】湖南农业大学商学院,湖南长沙 410128;玉林市农业科学院,广西玉林 537000;湖南农业大学商学院,湖南长沙 410128【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F326.12贵港市甘蔗产业发展历史悠久,2015年该市就已成为广西甘蔗生产的主要区域之一,甘蔗种植面积为22 134 hm2,年产蔗量达241.72万t;2016年该市甘蔗种植面积达22 934 hm2,比2015年增加800 hm2。












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