Unprecedented fire, earthquake, hail, smoke, and brimstone, locusts, death, great heat and war, waters became wormwood, creatures in the sea died, these are mentioned in Revelation. These tribulations had been warning: "hold fast, and repent". but they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their shalt suffer, and repented not of their deeds as Prophecy told. The Lamb and Saints had overcame the beast, to judge sin and destroy sinners on "Judgement Day". Mankind will be saved in a brave new world. 《启示录》中提到了规模空前的火灾、地震、冰雹、烟雾和 硫磺、蝗虫、瘟疫、异常的高温与战争,水变质,海中生物 的大量死亡等。本来这些灾难是惩戒人们不可作恶,要他们 马上悔改的,但《启示录》中也预见到了:许多人不但不悔 改,反而因为自己受到的灾难与痛苦而更加怨恨和亵渎神灵。 当然,最终羔羊和圣徒们战胜了邪灵怪兽,所有的罪人都会 经历“最后的审判”而受到彻底毁灭性的惩罚。人类从此进 入一个空前美好的太平盛世。
•That’s all
What are Natural Disasters?
英语值日报告As the English monitor, I am responsible for reporting on the daily activities and observations in our English class. Today, I would like to share with you the highlights of our English class and the progress we have made.Firstly, our English class started with a review of the previous lesson. We revisited the vocabulary and grammar structures that we had learned before. This helped to reinforce our understanding and retention of the material. The teacher also encouraged us to ask questions and clarify any doubts we had, which created a supportive and interactive learning environment.Following the review, we moved on to the main lesson of the day, which focused on reading comprehension. We read a short passage together as a class, and then the teacher asked us to work in pairs to discuss and analyze the text. This activity not only improved our reading skills, but also enhanced our ability to express our thoughts and opinions in English.After the reading comprehension exercise, we had a speaking practice session. The teacher assigned different topics to each pair of students, and we were given time to prepare and then present our ideas to the class. This activity helped us to improve our speaking skills and gain confidence in expressing ourselves in English.In addition to these activities, the teacher also incorporated games and group activities to make the class more engaging and enjoyable. For example, we played a vocabulary game where we had to match words with their definitions, and we also worked in groups to create dialogues using the new vocabulary we had learned.Overall, I believe that our English class was very productive and enjoyable. The teacher's interactive teaching style and the variety of activities helped to keep the class dynamic and engaging. I also noticed that my classmates were more active and participative in today's class, which shows that everyone is making progress in their English language skills.In conclusion, I am confident that our English class is making great strides in improving our language abilities. I look forward to the continued growth and success of our class, and I am excited to see the further progress we will make in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read my report on today's English class.。
它们会变成现实吗? 至于你信不信, 你不起 眼,但对于保护环境却有着重 要的意义。
这只是一个小例子, 低碳出行,以自行车 我们可以做的还有 代替汽车,健康又环 很多。 保,和乐而不为?
拒 丢 绝 掉 节 爱 塑 垃 约 料 圾 护 用 袋 , 节 树 水 , 举 约 人 木 使 手 用 人 用 之 电 有 环 劳 责 保 袋
以爱心呵护自然,用行动传播绿色, 让谣言灰飞烟灭,大家一起行动吧!
长江大学文理学院 国贸5104 易诗月
Is this prophecy true ?
专家:“2012为世界末日”说法毫无科学依据,无须恐慌。 电影《2012》在全球上映后,上海天文台已接到众多市民来电,纷纷咨询 “2012是否为世界末日?”在昨天上海天文台和上海市天文学会主办的科普讲坛上, 上海天文台天体物理研究室研究员陈力教授否定了这一论调,称“这是毫无科学依 据的说法”。据他介绍,最近一次小行星可能威胁地球的时间在2042年,但市民对 此也无须恐慌。 “‘世界末日’的说法并不罕见。”陈力介绍说,上世纪90年代,诺查丹玛斯 关于世界末日的预言甚嚣尘上,他预言1999年太阳系八大行星组成了“十字架”, 人类将会有大劫难。但是事实证明,这个说法只是流言。玛雅人的“2012世界末日 论”同样是个流言,玛雅人把2012年认为是一个历法轮回的结束,性质和2000年对 现代人的意义差不多,目前没有任何科学依据表明2012年是世界末日。 不过,小行星撞地球确实可能让地球遭到重大打击。据陈力介绍,最近天文学 家发现有一颗小行星对地球存在潜在威胁,2042年,这颗小行星距离地球仅3万多 公里,正好与地球“擦肩而过”。如果这颗小行星真的要撞上地球呢?陈力表示, 目前人类的科技水平已完全能做到发射空间飞船到达数亿公里外的遥远空间,因此 消除威胁的办法并不难找,比如发射氢弹在小天体附近爆炸,改变它的运行轨道; 利用太阳能使小天体表面物质气化,减少它的质量,从而改变轨道;还有一种设想 很“浪漫”,给小天体装“帆”,利用太阳风改变它的轨道。 天文学家可以肯定的是,地球的真正威胁来自50亿年之后,届时太阳将成为一 个红巨星吞没地球,但是到那时人类还是否存在,就不得而知了。
Wenchuan 8.0earthquake
Foreign transit site while waiting for the bus is interesting
国外的公交 站点~让你 在等公交的 时候也别有 一番风味
水下纽约 “英国汇丰 银行做了一 件有趣的事 情,他们在 游泳池底部 贴了一张巨 幅纽约空中 俯视图,看 起来像是纽 约陷入了海 底,以此提 醒人们关注 因气候变化 而引起的海 平面上升等 问题。
连接丹麦 瑞典的跨 海大桥 (或隧道) 一半在海 面一半在 海面以下, 为了方便 船只通行!
Join Denmark Sweden‘s cross-sea bridge (or tunnel) half in sea and half in below, in order to
convenient for
世界上最疯狂 刺激的过山车----美国俄亥俄 州--死亡地狱 过山车,高度 40层楼高 (128米)
Guangzhou heng bao square there is a new open restaurants, with each stage a ipad order 广州恒宝广场有 间新开食肆,用 ipad点菜,每张 台一部
The global creative scouring
This is a new alarm clock, but it needs you inside into a note will begin work -and, of course, to ensure effect, you should better inside 100 dollar . then, when the alarm went off, if you don‘t to fast speed to stop it, it will begin to shear ground this note... Time is money, ,you should remember this sentence before you go to sleep
2012,what and why and how
ViewZone asked me to write a story about the Mayan Calendar. There is a common belief that the calendar holds a prophecy that the world will end in 2012. I knew very little about the whole topic when I began doing the research. I like to think I had an open mind. My investigation began with mainstream archaeology and expert interpretations of the calendar. But it soon took a turn that made my hair literally stand on end. I am now convinced that these prophecies are true.To understand what is likely to happen to Earth and its people, you will need to remain calm and try to follow the facts. It's not as simple as some people describe. It requires an understanding of some fairly complicated science, but I think I can explain this in a way that you will easily understand.The Calendar -- A DescrptionFirst, the Mayan calendar is also sometimes called the Aztec Calendar. This calendar is recorded as a carving on the Aztec "sun stone," currently on exhibit in the National Museum of Anthropology and History located within Chapultepec Park, Mexico City. There's a lot we could say about this carved stone but most of those details are irrelevant to the "end times."Our modern calendar, called the Gregorian Calendar, has days, weeks, months and years. In the Mayan Calendar it's more complex. In fact, it's really three calendars at the same time.First there's a religious calendar that takes 260 days to complete a full religious cycle. There are 20 "weeks" made up of 13 days. Each week has a special name, a graphic logo and unique meaning associated with it. This reminds me of the Chinese years which cycle through "the year of the rat" and "the year of the monkey," etc., each with it's special image and meaning.Graphic logos for each of the 20 religious weeks.Next there is the solar calendar. This has 365 days, like our modern calendar. It's divided in 18 months of20 days each. At the end of the cycle there's five special days considered to be unlucky because they don't belong to any month. Each of the months has a special name, graphic logo and some special significance, similar to the icons for the weeks in the religious calendar.So it is possible, for any specific date, the calculate the religious week and the solar month and to predict the influences that might be guiding fate. But that's not really what's involved with the prophecy of 2012. To understand that we must look at the third calendar, called the long count.While the first two cycles could be thought of as cogs or gears (see below) revolving through time, the long count is a linear number of days, starting from the first day, "1," and counting through each day to the present. Any day in history can be recorded using the long count and, with some simple mathematics, the corresponding religious week and solar month can also be found.In writing this article, I thought about creating a javascript program that would do this calculation. My friend, Gene Matlock, then told me that when he was in Mexico, he found a place that sold wooden, mechanical calculators with gears that did just that. He said that Mexicans sometimes used these mechanical calendars to foretell the future or to find auspicious times for special events like marriage or births. Anyway, although it might be nice to know the religious and solar significance, it's the long count that foretells Doomsday.Cog or "gears" can be used to compute the religious and solar cycles for any date.The days of the long count are numbered with an unusual system. Instead of writing numbers as we do, from right to left with each place being a multiple of 10 (i.e. 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1), the Mayans had only 5 places.The first place recorded a number from 0 to 20. To the left, the second place could have a range from 0 to 17; the third from 0 to 19; the fourth from 0 to 19 and the last from 0 to 12. The numbers were written from right to left, like our system, separated by a dot. Instead of multiples of 10, the first place had a multiple of 1 (like our system); the second place a multiple of 20; the third a multiple of 360; the fourth a multiple of 7200 and the fifth a multiple of 144000.So a long count number, for example, could be written as and would be calculated as follows: (4 x 144000) + (12 x 7200) + (5 x 360) + (9 x 20) + (0 x 1) or a long count of 664,380.It's not too difficult to realize that the maximum number which can be recorded this way would be, although some researchers like to write it as This amounts to a long count number of 1,872,000 days or 5125.36 years of our modern calculations. Obviously, the calendar is very old!Over the years, archaeologists have found carved monuments that recorded the long count for known dates in Mayan history. Once a date was fixed in time, it was easy to determine "day 1" as August 11th, 3114 BC. And it was also easy to calculate the date at which the calendar would end -- December 21st, 2012.Trust me, just because the calendar ends doesn't prove that time, or theworld, or life will end. We need to look carefully at December 21, 2012and try to understand why the Mayans never calculated a date beyondthis point in time. To do this we must move from Archaeology to thescience of Astronomy and Astrophysics.It's all about the SunIt's ironic (or maybe not) that the Mayan Calendar is often called the "sunstone." While the calendar does have "solar" days, acknowledging the 365days it takes for Earth to rotate around the Sun, it is also true that the Sunplays a key role in the final day of the "long count." To understand what will happen to the Sun on December 21, 2012, we need to review some scientific terms like "ecliptic," "barycenter," and "sunspots." These are important in the discussion that follows. We'll start with the most difficult one first.Terms we will encounter...What is the Barycenter?You've no doubt heard that Earth revolves around the sun. Well, actually, that's not quite true!Have you heard the term "center of gravity"? It's a technical-sounding term for something pretty simple. It's the exact center of all the material (that is, mass) that makes up the object. For example, if you have a straight stick, like a ruler or yardstick, there's a place at the middle where you can balance it on your finger. That's its center of gravity.But the center of gravity may or may not be the point that is exactly in the middle, distance-wise, of the object. Some parts of the object may be heavier (denser) than others. If you have something like a sledge hammer that is heavier on one end than the other, the center of gravity will be much closer to the heavy end than the lighter end.To get an idea of where the center of gravity is, rest the ends of any object like the ruler or a pencil on one finger from each hand. Slowly move your fingers together without dropping the object. Your fingers will meet underneath the object's center of gravity. You can balance the object on one finger at that special place.The actual center of gravity could be close to the surface or deep inside, depending on whether the object is flat like a ruler or a dinner plate, or "three-dimensional," like a box or a ball. And if you let the object spin (like when you throw it), it will try to spin about that point.In the case of the Earth and the sun, both bodies actually revolve, or spin, around the very center of the mass (similar to center of gravity) between them. This point is called the "barycenter." Earth and the sun are "connected" by the gravity pulling them together. It's just like the light end and heavy end of the sledge hammer. Compared to the size of the sun, Earth is about like a flea on a cat! So the center of mass between the Earth and the sun is almost--but not quite--the very center of the sun.In the case of a planet the size of Jupiter, which is 318 times as massive as Earth, the barycenter of Jupiter and the sun is a bit further from the sun's center. So, as Jupiter revolves around the sun, the sun itself is actually revolving around this slightly off-center point, located just outside its center. Thus, a planet the size of Jupiter will make the sun (or any star) appear to wobble a tiny bit. This picture shows you that the center of mass and barycenter can be slightly different points. It isn't meant to be very accurate!We can take advantage of this bit of knowledge and look for large planets in other solar systems by learning to detect this type of tiny wobble in the star's position.For now, let's forget all the small planets and focus on Jupiter. It makes one complete trip around the Sun every 11.861773 years. There's a new theory put forth by Dr. Rollin Gillespie which shows that Jupiter, and to a smaller degree the other less massive planets, may trigger the 11 year cycle of sunspots and solar flares.CONTINUEDFor now, let's forget all the small planets and focus on Jupiter. It makesone complete trip around the Sun every 11.861773 years. There's anew theory put forth by Dr. Rollin Gillespie which shows that Jupiter,and to a smaller degree the other less massive planets, may trigger the11 year cycle of sunspots and solar flares.Here's how it works.The barycenter is not a single point in the Sun. Because the Sun is arotating gaseous sphere, the barycenter forms a vertical, cylindrical"sleeve" that is partially inside and outside the main solar body. All ofthe planets have such a "sleeve," one inside the other, depending ontheir relative mass and the location of their barycenters. The particularsleeve representing the mass of Jupiter intersects the solar surface at35.9 degrees North and South. This is precisely where sunspot and flareactivity begin and end during each 11 year cycle.The new cycle has already begun with the recent observation of a solarspot with reverse polarity. But some surprising activity on March 27,2008, showed some huge eruptions with M-class radiation at about the equatorial region of the Sun. [ See Solar Map]. These surprising eruptions suggests a barycenter of disturbance from an object even more massive than Jupiter, placing the "sleeve" outside the Sun. Could this be the beginning of the Galaxy's effects (keep reading to learn more about this) on our Sun?Scientists have noted that when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned on the same side of the Sun, the solar maximum (the period when we have the most sunspots and flares) is at its weakest; when they are on opposite sides of the Sun the solar maximum is at its strongest. The positions of these two planets on December 21, 2012 are ideal for extreme solar activity.Above: Position of Jupiter and Saturn on 12/21/2012.We recently learned that we had overlooked an even more significant alignment that we are presenting here for the first time [Above]. There is a straight-line alignment from Jupiter, the Earth, the Sun and (most significantly) the Galactic Center (a black hole). This alignment happens on December 20th, 2012 -- just a fewhours before the actual "doomsday."These cylinders are usually quite orderly because the planets adhere to a narrow plane, called the ecliptic which resembles a thin plate extending from the equator of the Sun. The planets hang out here because (in simple terms) this is the zone where the gravitation of the system is the strongest. (see below)The planets orbit the Sun in a narrow plane called the ecliptic.But nature is never perfect. The Sun rotates at a slight angle (7.25 degrees), much as our Earth does. As it wobbles, it tilts the sleeves, causing them to clash with eachother and eventually disrupt the surface. Having the barycenters of the to most massive planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in maximum misalignment is especiallydisruptive. This disturbance, to put it simply, works its way to the surface and erupts in sun spots and solar flares or CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections).The last solar cycle was at its maximum in 2001. Each active solar cyclehas a period when the flares are strongest, usually happening near thesolar equator, called the "solar maximum." This is significant because thenext "solar maximum" event will coincide with December 21, 2012. Butwait -- there's much more!Solar flares are pieces of the sun which leap into space, dischargingradiation and strong electrical currents that travel outward into space.They often fall back to the surface of the Sun. Sometimes, a very strongflare, called a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), actually leaves the Sun andthis deadly mass shoots out from the Sun towards the planets like a bullet.Usually these CME's don't hit anything but occasionally they hit a planetlike Earth. Some believe a powerful CME once hit Mars.Most solar flares are small. But even a small flare can be dangerous. In1989 a flare hit the North American continent and fried electric lines,zapped power grids in the US and Canada, and created large powerbackouts. Flares can also effect our moods and physical health. In theory, a large flare impacting the Earth could zap the ionosphere (there goes all the satellites, cellphones, GPS...) and irradiate the surface, killing every living organism that it touched.Solar flares and sun spots have an average cycle of 11.120412 years (estimated from one "solar maximum" to the next). Right now, 2009, we are just entering the active period of cycle number 24, after an unusually long period of quiet solar activity. This quiet period led some people at NASA to conclude that cycle 24 would be a very quiet cycle -- contradicting the earlier predictions they made for an extremely violent cycle. Now they have redacted their call for a quiet cycle since the activity has again commenced. The scientists who study the Sun have also recently announced that they have measured the solar currents, deep inside the Sun, which correspond the Dr. Gillespie's barycenter currents. But to date they have not been able to agree what causes these deep currents of solar material.The small discrepancy between theaverage 11.120412 year solar cycle andthe 11.861773 year period of Jupiter isclose enough to be significant butsuggests that something else is alsoinfluencing solar disturbances. Sure, itcould be attributed to the variouspositions of the other less massiveplanets, but it could also be somethingeven more significant -- the Milky Way.The Galactic Alignment ofDecember 21, 2012The Perfect StormOur solar system is part of a huge disc shaped collection of stars and planets called the Milky Way. We're located somewhere on the edge of the disc, slightly on top of the narrow disc. But very soon we'll be moving to the bottom of the disc. This change, from top to bottom, begins on December 21, 2012.Yes, that's right. On the same day when our Sun is at it's solar maximum, something will happen that's never happened for thousands of eons of time -- the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, called the "Galactic Equator" of the Milky Way! [see star chart].If you imagine our solar system as a bunch of peas on a plate, with a huge meatball in the center, imagine the Milky Way as a city-size pizza with the "Guiness World Book Record Meatball" in its center!Prior to December 2012 we have been drifting on the top of the pizza, never really able to see the bottom. The plate and pizza are not parallel. They are moving at different angles. We've been drifting down, down, down... and on December 21st, 2012, we will be exactly level with the crust -- forming an "x" at the Galactic Equator where galactic gravity is the strongest. After 2012, if we are still here, we will be passing through the bottom zone, viewing the Milky Way pizza from the South.Yes, there's even more!By some amazing coincidence, not only will we be intersecting with the Galactic Equator, but we will be doing this precisely aligned with the center of the Galaxy where there is maximum mass! More mass means more gravity. More gravity means more influence from those barycenters in our Sun. That means exponential increases in solar disruptions -- all coinciding on the same day! Whew![Above: The Hercules Cluster of galaxies. This group of galaxies is held together by the gravitational attraction or "pull" of each individual galaxy on the others in the group. This demonstrates the enormous gravity contained in a galaxy, such as our own Milky Way.]IMPORTANT NOTE: Many people do not understand the alignment of the solar system's ecliptic with the Galaxy's equator. This is because the phenomenon called "the precession" is described as the shifting of background stars due to the "wobble" of planet Earth. In fact, it is not only the planet that wobbles but the entire solar system that wobbles. Many web sites try to debunk the alignment by claiming that it is just the Earth that will be aligned with the Galactic center and equator. They fail to recognize recent discoveries that show that all of the planets move with Earth and the Sun against the background stars -- including one star: Sirius. Some astronomers suggest that Sirius may, therefore, be part of our solar system.An apology and acknowledgementOK. This has been a "light weight" description of what's going to happen. It has been simplified to the point where some scholars and scientists could argue about my presentation. But the main facts are true. The date, December 21, 2012, is a special day. It represents the maximum possibleinfluences for solar flares that the universe can provide. Undoubtedly theMayans, or the civilization that influenced them, somehow knew aboutthese things.Over the last decade, I have written a variety of stories about such thingsas underground cities and government actions that could only make senseif there were no future. I cannot help but think that maybe they, like theMayans, know about these things. I'd specifically like to suggest thatreaders take another look at the underground complex at Yamantau thatthe Russians are building. Could this be a haven for surviving a solar blast?And the "doomsday seed bank" that's being filled deep inside an Arcticisland. And what about past events? Did the Hopi go underground tosurvive a similar event thousands of years earlier? Should we be going underground also?It's also important to stress that December 21, 2012 is only the "solar maximum" but that the gravitational effects of the Galaxy have already started to assert their influence on the Sun. The drift towards alignment with the galactic equator is relatively slow and, in truth, has already started. But the precise culmination of this, plus the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn all make 12/21/12 an onimous date.I especially want to thank Dr. Rollin Gillespie, a man with whom I corresponded for ten years and who first developed the idea that planetary multi-body systems could be at play in the causation of solar flares. More of his work can be read on a special page on Viewzone. I would also direct your attention to the following two news reports of the discovery of gamma rays coinciding with the Galactic equator (through which we will be shortly passing) and the alarming report that our planet's magentic shield (guarding against, among other things, gamma radiation) has been damaged.You may want to continue reading the second part of this article for more details on what to expect.Please let's have your input on this important issue. It's only three years away. Who knows, perhaps the influences of these disruptions will begin well before the solar and Galactic maximum is reached. We may not have that much time left. Here are some additional links to stories that may help understand the possibilities facing our planet and us.Part 2 - The Previous Doomsday of 12,950 BC: what was it like?Here are some other articles on this subject that you will find very interesting:We're Not From Milky Way Galaxy - evidence our system is part of a dwarf galaxy that is being "eaten" by the Milky Way.Will the Mayan Prophecy Really Happen? - an interesting view from Gene Matlock.Sidereal Time and ESP -- exploring the psychic connection of our Galaxy's center.Part 2 - The Previous Doomsday of 12,950 BC: what was it like?Since I wrote the doomsday article I have received lots of e-mails, mostly asking me if it is really true and whatthey should do.I know I had a difficult time coping with this topic, both emotionally andspiritually. I can't say that I have perfected the right "attitude" aboutwhat the future holds. To be honest, I think I always held back fromaccepting the facts. I had hope. But this new evidence forces me to openmy eyes and soul to setting my life in order. I hope it will do the same foryou.Although "doomsday" is frequently linked with the Mayan calendar, thisis just coincidental. December 21, 2012 is a significant day in astronomybecause of a number of important events that will impact our Sun. Itwould be a "doomsday" even if we never knew about the Mayan calendar.Yet, the more we understand this ancient civilization and appreciatetheir knowledge of astronomy, we must assume they knew this date tobe auspicious. So let's just talk about astronomy here. There's a lot of information. I'll try to make it easy to understand.Glazed donuts on the MoonLet's begin back in the 1960s with the Apollo 11 manned landing on the moon. On one of their EVA's (extra-vehicular activities), the astronauts photographed and took samples from some small craters, about 20cm to 1.5 meters across. When they examined the floors of these craters they noticed what looked like glazed donuts. These were actually chunks of moon dirt that were coated by glass.The glazed areas are clearly concentrated toward the top surfaces of protuberances, although they exist also on some sides. Points and edges appear to be strongly favored for the glazing process. In some cases, droplets appear to have run down an inclined surface for a few millimeters and congealed there. [1]Hardly anyone in the general public was made aware of this discovery and, even if they were, thay could hardly have realized the significance.But in 1969, an article in Science by T. Gold [1] proposed a theory of how they were made. Glass, as we know, is made from melting sand. It occurs natually near sources of high temperature, such as volcanos and meteor impacts. The atom bomb tests in New Mexico's White Sands area produced a small "lake" of glass at ground zero. So it was never a question about the lunar glass also having been created by something very hot.The fact that the glaze was confined to small patches, 0.5 to 10mm, suggested to scientists that the surface had been zapped rather than slow-cooked. And the likely source of this zap was our Sun. Gold estimated that the solar luminosity would have had to increase by 100 times what it is normally, for a duration of from 10 to 100 seconds.Also, because of the lack of debris or dirt covering this glass, it must have occurred within the last 30,000 years. This made Gold propose that the Sun -- our Sun -- does this every 10,000 years or more. He suggested that future research should look for a "trigger" event -- possibly a large comet or asteroid impacting the surface of the Sun. He estimated this would only have to be 100km and weigh 3 x 1021 grams.Decades passed and this theory didn't receive much attention.Then, as it often does, the theory got a fresh look by a genius,Dr. Paul LaViolette. He was not satisfied with the source of theglass being caused by a solar blast, mainly because the outputwould have had to be on the scale of a nova, not just a flare. Heenvisioned another possibility.LaVioletteenvisioned alarge solarflare or coronal mass ejection (CME) that would becomemagnetically entrapped in the Earth's magnetosphere [2].The magnetosphere would then hold on to this fireball ofradiation like a magnetic thermos bottle, allowing theMoon and Earth to be exposed for a duration of time longenough to really "flash bake" their surfaces.Critics quickly denounced LaViolette's theory citingevidence of "cosmic dust" and rare elements in the lunarglass and concluding that the heat source was from ameteor impact. [3]But LaViolette proposed that this cosmic dust was likely present on the surface of the Moon during the time it was melted into the glass. In fact, he proposed that the entire solar system was full of this cosmic dust at the time of this solar eruption. He was vindicated when polar ice cores showed unusual cosmic dust deposits at srata marking the end of the last ice age [4]. This time period, about 12,950 BCE, approximates the current age of the Moon glass. So where did all this cosmic dust come from?Like Earth, our entire solar system has its own atmosphere, called the heliopause. This "bubble" surrounds the Sun and planets as it travels through galactic space. Like our earth's magnetosphere, the movement of the heliopause creates a rounded "head" and a narrowing "tail." Actually, it's more egg shaped (see above). Until recently, astronomers believed that our solar system was a region relatively free from cosmic dust. The cosmic dust and frozen material of space were kept outside this protective bubble.This was confirmed when the IRAS and Ulysses spacecrafts showed infrared images of the solar system, surrounded by whispy clouds of cosmic dust that increase in density just beyond Saturn.So if the cosmic dust is surrounding the heliopause, what would make it suddenly enter the heliopause and how would this coincide with huge solar flares? LaViolette envisioned something disrupting the heliopause from the outside, impacting it and drawing cosmic dust inside with it and energizing the Sun. The energy of such an impact would be immense. The most logical place to look for such enormous energy was the Milky Way Galaxy.The smoking gunExamining the shape of the cosmic dust clouds, the IRAS satellite team reported that the cloud was tilted relative to the solar system's ecliptic -- the narrow plane containing our planets. LaViolette realized that thisodd alignment tracked back to the Galactic center. This was quickly verified by NASA's Ulysses spacecraft and New Zealand's AMOR space radar observatory. Whatever caused the last ice age to end, the Sun to flare up and caused the glass to form on the Moon, came from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The plot was getting more interesting.Astronomers have known about intense radiation from space since the 1970s. Multiple bursts of powerful gamma rays were routinely detected and believed to originate from stars in the Milky Way. Assuming this energy originated locally, astronomers concluded this type of gamma ray burst was insignificant and harmless. Then, in December 1997, they had the technology and good luck to catch a strong gamma ray burst and track it. The source was not inside the Milky Way Galaxy. It was from a distant galaxy billions of light years away.A review of other bursts showed that their assumptions hadbeen wrong. All of the gamma ray bursts they were observingwere from other galaxies far, far away. The amount of energycoming from objects so distant was a real shock. No one hadever imagined such powerful bursts could be generated bygalactic centers. The thought of a burst coming from our ownMilky Way galactic center was abysmal. A burst of the sameintensity as the 1997 event, originating from inside the MilkyWay, would deliver 100,000 time the lethal dose of radiation,killing every life form that was exposed. Could that really happento us?This question was answered on August 27th, 1998 when anunusual 5 minute gamma ray pulse was located just 20,000 lightyears away in the constellation of Aquila. This may sound like ahuge distance, but to astronomers this is just "next door." TheMilky Way Galaxy, for example, is just 100,000 light years fromend to end.The 1998 event was close enough and strong enough to ionizeEarth's upper atmosphere, damage a couple of spacecraft anddisrupt global communication. Since then astronomers place gamma ray bursts from the Glaxy's core at the top of the list of things we don't want to happen.Before Aquila, scientists just feared exploding stars -- novas and supernovas. Now things are different. It's like living in a ghetto and fearing drive-by shootings and random bullets. Then one day you learn that there's a nuclear bomb down the street, waiting to explode.Not in my galaxy!Ironically, all of these facts are incorporated in LaViolette's "superwave" theory. Heconcludes that there are cyclical and frequent explosions from the Galaxy's core.These waves of radiation advance outward to the edges of the Galaxy, impactingeverything and causing stars to erupt in their path. He believes this is what hashappened many times to our own solar system -- the most recent superwave ofradiation being 14,950 years ago. He envisions the shock wave -- or superwave --dragging cosmic dust along with it as it enters the heliopause and energizes ourSun.Ice core samples support this view. Evidence of the effects from cosmic dust show。
英语报告及演讲]Message on 2012 International Mother Earth Day(中英对照)
Secretary-General’s Message on International Mother Earth Day国际地球母亲日致辞New Y ork, 22 April 20122012年4月22日纽约The annual observance of International Mother Earth Day honours our one and only planet and the place of human beings in it. It is also meant as a call to action against human disregard for nature’s life-supporting resources and ecosystems.每年纪念国际地球母亲日是要表达对我们独一无二的星球和人类居住之地的尊重。
In less than two months, the world will gather in Rio de Janeiro for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. The first Earth Summit in 1992 gave us important legally binding conventions, the far-reaching Agenda 21 blueprint, and the conceptual breakthrough of sustainable development. Rio+20 offers us a timely chance for a similar change in course–for a much-needed paradigm shift and a recommitment to implementation.再过不到两个月,世界将聚焦里约热内卢,那里会召开联合国可持续发展大会。
In addition,there are a large amount of natural disasters warn us the coming of 2012
The environmental Nhomakorabearoblems
desertification of land(土地沙化) and air pollution
December 21, 2012
Earth ,sun, center of the Milky Way (银河系中心) will run in a straight line
The sun will rise from the black hole of galaxy, Earth magnetism will reverse.(太阳将从银河系的黑洞升起,
Today is May 10, 2012
If the world only
225 days left ,
how would you do
1.The long calendar dating will end
2.Polarization reversal
3.Overlapping objects
4.Mystery planet hit Earth
The authenticity (真实性)of the mayan prophecy
The five times of the earth holocaust(毁灭) 'hɔləkɔ:st]
--First : MATLACTILART(马特拉克堤利) ,The flood covered the ground --Second: EHECATI(伊厄科特尔 ),It end up with high wind --Third: TLEYQUIYAHUILLO (托雷奎雅维) the fire come from the sky --Forth: TZONTLILIC (宗德里里克)It end up with the Earthquake --Fifth: It may happen on 12,21,2012 ,After the sun set ,We will go through a period of darkness, Earth will be complete destroyed.
Clip 3
The "You've got mail" slogan from You've Got Mail
Sharing of English learning methods
Listening training techniques
Active listening
Concentrate fully on the audio material and try to understand the main ideas and details Take notes or highlight key points to aid retention
Class division situation
All students were present and functional for class
Students demonstrated appropriate behavior and respect for classes and teachers
Interactive session
English word guiding game
Rules and regulations
Explain the rules and regulations of the game to ensure that all participants understand how to play
To highlight key areas of focus and improvement for the upcoming year
To enhance active participation and collaboration among students, teachers, and parents in promoting English language proficiency
The end
Thank you for listening
['kætə,klɪzəm] in 2012? ---Quite possibly.
So whether we should do something to protect our
fragile earth?
The answer is
And what can we do ?
• For example • Use less disposable tableware(一次性餐
Last question
• Do you want to buy a Noah‘s Ark (诺亚方舟) ticket if you have enough money?
Why பைடு நூலகம்re there 2012 saying?
One of the reasons is that in recent years meteorological disasters(气象灾害)occurred continuously.
Good afternoon everyone
What are you most hate or fear of digital (数字)?
Maybe some pessimists ['pesimist] (悲观主
义者)would say
Today is December 2, 2011
• No.2 Solar ['səulə] storm (太阳风暴)
• No.3 Magnetic
[mæɡ'netik] Pole Shift(两极交换)
Now if you feel worried or afraid?
Beautiful flower represents hope, and beautiful, and we should insist to walk the life of this journey, we not only see the pessimistic side, in fact,
Flood, earthquake, volcano eruption, continental plates move, tsunami, typhoon, and finally the pole shift
will occur before, in 2013... ..." However, we need not to fear or sorrow away.6 Nhomakorabea.
Because of the people of disaster consciousness,
there is a lot about the disaster products, for example, disaster movie"2012", the internet
game" Maya prophecy"," Maya" and other books
Even if our future uncertain and unpredictable, but we want to believe, this world will always exist, and will become better and better.
The end of the world is nothing to fear, and we need to work together to create a beautiful home
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This is the tool that we go to the world
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Energy SPAR
The body of monster contains the energy SPAR(能量晶石)
People can get the stone to evolve
Zombie (丧尸)
Enter a full of monster world (进入一个充满怪物的世界)
human beings enter another world by felling into the tiankeng. But the world is full of many terrible monsters. (人类因为陷入天坑而进 入另一个世界,这个世界 充满了可怕的怪物。)
The doomsday
Do you still remember the disaster film 2012?The realistic effects(逼真的特效 ) and evidence –based analysis (有凭有据的分析)in the film made many people worried about the doomsday would come in 2012.
We do not know what it will be in the future, we must grasp the time. Meanwhile, whether 2012 will be end of the world or not, we should cherish what we spent every day .
There are five main ideas about doomsday
1.Mayan prophecy玛雅预言 2.Poles reverse两极倒转
3.Objects overlap天体重叠
4.The asteroid colliding with Earth行星撞地球
5.Solar storm太阳风暴袭击
Are you ready to face the doomsday ? (面对世界末
Thank you
Besides that …
Doomsday virus (末日病毒)
The virus causes 60 percent of people in the world become the zombie, and we must kill them to survive (这种病毒使得全球60% 的人类变成了丧尸,我 们想要活下去就必须杀 了他们。)
If you kill monsters, get the energy SPAR. You can come through energetic SPAR evolution. Make yourself get stonger
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery, But today is a present.