7HABITS w Dialog




第三代时间管理: 讲求优先顺序的观念,按轻重缓急设定短、 中、长程目标,逐日订定实现目标的计划, 将有限的时间加以分配,争取最高的效率。
优点: • 有责任感,有价值观。 有责任感,有价值观。 能发挥目标的效果。 能发挥目标的效果。 通过每天的规划与安排优先顺序,个人能力得以提高。 通过每天的规划与安排优先顺序,个人能力得以提高。 对时间与自我更具管理技巧。 对时间与自我更具管理技巧。 注意: • 过分强调效率。 过分强调效率。 时间绷得太紧。 时间绷得太紧。 强调个人成就。 强调个人成就。 人与人之间会出现感情危机。 人与人之间会出现感情危机。
产出: 预期产出的结果( 产出 : 预期产出的结果 ( 金鹅蛋或 产品) 产品) 产能: 维护、 保存、 产能 : 维护 、 保存 、 强化能产出预 期结果的资源(鹅或生产能力) 期结果的资源(鹅或生产能力)
习惯7 习惯 不继更新
互赖(我们) 互赖(我们) 习惯5 习惯 知彼解己 公众成功 习惯4 习惯 双赢思维 习惯6 习惯 统合综效
防御的人生 人生
不紧急 紧急 II I
庸俗的人生 人生
• • •
• • • • •
危机 急迫的问题 有期限压力的计划
防患未然 改进产能 建立人际关系 发现新机会 规划,休闲 规划,
• • • • • •
• • • • •
欠缺周详计划 不懂分辨缓急先后 过分注重细节 犹疑不决 不懂得说不 拖延 善忘 不懂授权 欠缺组织 健康欠佳
自觉的) 有形的 ( 自觉的) : • 接听电话 • 打电话 • 会议 • 打扰 • 官僚作风 • 沟通不足 • 办公室政治 • 资源不足 • 阅读文件及邮件 • 交通堵塞


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——高效能人士的 七个习惯
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很早就听说史蒂芬· 科维,听说他所著的世界畅销书《与成功有约》, 《SEVEN HABITS》就是由此书研发的课程。 如果你是个渴望成功的人,如果你是个管理者,接受这门课的培训都将是 个不寻常的体验。很荣幸,我们的销售总监朱志耘先生在2小时内,让我们初 窥了他的神奇。原本两天的内容,2小时的时间太短太短。然而他依然魅力四 射,希望我有限的理解力不会抹杀他的光彩。
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习惯三、要事第一 Put First Things First

"Create a clear, mutual understanding of what needs to be accomplished, focusing on what, not how; results not methods. Spend time. Be patient. Visualize the desired result."
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习惯六、统合综效 Synergize

6. Synergize • "Synergy works; it's a correct principle. It is the crowning achievement of all the previous • habits. It is effectiveness in an interdependent reality-- it is teamwork, team building, the • development of unity and creativity with other human beings." 俗话说"一娘生九等,九等各不同",为了达到1+1+1>3的 综合效益,我们必须尊重人与人之间的差异,用同理 心去交流、去理解。用双赢的思维去处理各种矛盾和 争端。统合综效并不意味着无原则的妥协,而是当冲 突来临时,采用尊重理解的态度,融合双方强的部分, 削弱双方弱的部分,最终达到双赢的综合效果。

7 HABITS(高效能人士的7个习惯)

7 HABITS(高效能人士的7个习惯)

Habit 3 Put First Things First 要事第一
Performance Results:
Execute Strategy
Apply effective delegation skills
Focus on important activities 事务
The timeless principles taught give people the foundation to achieve unheard of levels of effectiveness in their lves at work and at home.
The proof is in the process
The results are real and measurable.
By making people effective, your organization can be effective.
培训的效果是真实而可衡量的 只有员工高效,组织才能高效
These guiding principles set the stage for profound personal growth and engage others on the path to success.
要想取得最佳的绩效,必须先连接个人在组织 能发挥多大的作用。遗憾的是,富兰克林柯维公司 的“执行力调查”(XQ调查)数据显示:仅有 40%的员工认为他们在工作中充分发挥了自己的激 情和才干。
✓ 在生活和工作中都获得更好的成绩 ✓ 发展重要的关系,加强合作,提高产能 ✓ 通过专注于最重要的事务,提高生产力 ✓ 实现健康的工作与生活平衡


circle of concern
Be an “actor” not a “reactor” Focus on your circle of control
Begin with the End in Mind
All things are created twice, first in our mind then in actuality
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
Value the differences Share the goals, share the wealth Look for ways to partner
Sharpen the Saw
You can create your own self first in your mind, then with a plan in actuality
Develop your own personal mission statement
Decide where you need to be first, then put together the action plan
Don’t be too busy sawing that you can never sharpen the saw
Take time for self-renewal
Physical self-renewal Spiritual self-renewal Mental/Intellectual self-renewal Social/emotional self-renewal
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Executives

seven habits【转帖,谢谢别人的总结】

seven habits【转帖,谢谢别人的总结】

seven habits(高效人士的七个习惯)1. Be Proactive2. Begin with the end in mind3. Put the first things first4. Think win-win5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood6. Synergize7. Sharpen the saw这两天除了Research,还参加了香港浸会大学的《the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》(高效能人士的七个习惯)的培训(全英文的,一共三天,每天4个小时)。





实话说,这7个习惯列出来真的没什么大不了:1. Be Proactive2. Begin with the end in mind3. Put the first things first4. Think win-win5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood6. Synergize7. Sharpen the saw你看到了有特殊的感觉么?我是没有的。

不过,I see and I remember, I do and I understand。




注意以下的这几个词:Dependence -- Independence -- Interdependence依赖到独立到相互依赖。



之后,我们受到良好的教育,知道这样是不对滴,那么就提倡“独立”,倡导个人的成功,那么在1、2、3的习惯下,我们知道应该积极,主动,做事有始有终,把握事情的轻重缓急(也就是英语的Not important, Important, Not Urgent, Urgent)。

The 7 Habits--积极主动 Franky

The 7 Habits--积极主动 Franky
主动积极的人面对刺激时会稍微停下,可能是半秒,然后根据自己 的价值观和原则选择回应方式。
●我已无能为力 ●我就是这样一个 人 ●他使我怒不可遏 ●他们不会接受的 ●我被迫…… ●我不能 ●我必须/不得不 ●我控制不了 ●我只能这么做 ●你气死我了 ●如果…… ……
Understand,Then To Be Understood) • 习惯6——统合综效(Synergize) • 习惯7——不断更新(Sharpen The Saw)
习惯1——主动积极(Be Proactive)
内容概要: -明白如何掌控自己的未来 -增加自己在工作、生活中的影响力
The 7 HABITS of
Highly Effective People
• 习惯1——主动积极(Be Proactive) • 习惯2——以始为终(Begin With The End In
Mind) • 习惯3——要事第一(Put First Things First) • 习惯4——双赢思维(Think Win/Win) • 习惯5——知彼解己(Seek First To
谢 谢!
• 专注于你的影响范围
事务分为两类:1.通过选择可影响的(影响圈); 2.虽然关注但无法影响的(关注圈)
主动积极的人关注于他们的影响圈, 而被动消极的人把精力放在关注圈。
根据自主程度的高低,人生的问题可分为三类:个人可直接控制(与自身行 为有关);个人可间接控制(与他人行为有关);无法控制(已成过去或客观环境使 然)。积极主动的人对影响圈中的这三类问题,都有应对之道。



About the AuthorDr.Stephen R.Covey is co-founder/vice-chairman of FranklinCovey Company,a leading global professional services firm.Dr.Covey is perhaps best known as the author of ,which is ranked as a No.1bestseller by the ,having sold more than 13million copies in 36languages throughout the world.He has made teaching principle-centered living and principle-centered leadership his life's work.The 7Habits of Highly Effective People New York Times !!!!In 2002,named one of the top 10most influential management books ever.Dr.Covey also authored the book ,with sales exceeding one million.,co-authored with A.Roger and Rebecca R.Merrill,doubled the first-year hardcover sales of in the same time period.Over two million copies have been sold.Simon &Schuster expressed the opinion,"...is the best-selling time management book ever."Dr.Covey's book was released in October 1997and ranked fourth on the list within three months of its release date.It is the No.1best selling hardcover book on family.His newest books are ,co-authored with Roger Merrill and Dewitt Jones,and Forbes The 7Habits of Highly Effective People Principle-Centered Leadership First Things First The 7Habits of Highly Effective People First Things First The 7Habits of Highly Effective Families New York Times The Nature of Leadership Living the 7Habits:Stories of Courage and Stephen CoveyPublished by BestSummaries,Building 3005Unit 258,4440NW 73rd Ave,Miami,Florida 33166in a NutshellWisdom Do you change the world,or do you change yourself,and the way you view the world?In this book,Stephen Covey talks about powerful lessons in personal change and argues that the personal premise towards the path to effectiveness starts from within.Perception is key to personal change.Change is a catalyst for continuous improvement,and without change,improvement cannot take place.To effect change one must assess personal principles and paradigms that run deeply entrenched within a person.Principles and paradigms govern a person so an honest and careful assessment is called for.The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People presents an “inside-out”approach to effectiveness that is centered on principles and character.“Inside-out”means that the change must start from within,moving through a paradigm shift towards a new level of thinking,feeling,and empowered interdependence reflected through actions.T HE 7H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE P EOPLEAuthor:Publisher:Date of Publication:ISBN:No.of Pages:Stephen Covey1989360pagesSimon &Schuster New York 0-671-66398-4For most people,change is an easy thing as their perception of change is anchored on the superficial so they are prone to easy fixes.Quick fixes,however,do not address the underlying chronic problems.People who want to change a situation must first change themselves.And to change themselves effectively,they must first change their perceptions,inner-values and ethics.Character ethics illustrate the struggles of a person to incorporate principles and habits into his lifestyle.Character is perceived to comprise the deeper principles and foundations of success such as:courage,integrity,justice,and patience.This ethic professes that certain principles,once integrated in the basic character of a person,will allow him to experience the true essence of success and happiness.Personality ethic largely characterized the literature on self-improvement,psychology and personality development in the 1970's.This ethic attributes success to various personality traits such as skills,techniques,and maintaining a positive attitude in human interaction.Paradigms are theoretical and philosophical framework or models that serve as the lens through which people see the world.It affects a person's biases and prejudices.Paradigms are the platform from which people judge other people.They are the source of people's perceptions and interpretations.Stephen Covey talks about paradigm in terms of a map.Paradigms are maps where territories are outlined and boundaries are drawn.A map is not the territory per se but to be able to navigate through a territory one must employ the human tools of behavior and attitude.A person may have the right attitude to go about a territory,but if the person is using the wrong map,then he may not get anywhere near his goal.As long as a person is equipped with the right map,and coupled with proper behavior and right attitude,the goal will always be attained evenKey IdeasChange:Inside OutCharacter vs.Personality EthicsPower of a Paradigmwhen frustrating conditions arise.A paradigm is also subject to change and when this happens,a paradigm shift takes place.It happens because a person gains better insight and sees the bigger scheme of things.A necessary pre-requisite for a paradigm shift is an open mind and a willingness to understand and explore new things,meanings,and symbols in the light of advancement and changing circumstances.To find creative solutions to problems,one must have a higher level of thinking and acknowledge the fact that fundamental problems cannot be solved at a superficial level or with quick fix solutions.This book espouses a new level of thinking that is principle-centered and character based with an “inside-out”approach to gaining effectiveness at both the personal and interpersonal level.In the book,habit is defined as the interspersed area between knowledge,skill and desire.Without any of the three or without a point of intersection,habits cannot be formed.Knowledge pertains to “what to do and the why.”Skill refers to the technical know-how while desire is the spring of motivation within a person,the area that strives to want to do something.Knowledge,skill and desire are three factors that bring about human habits;habits that become “lived”principles and patterns of behavior.The Paradigm ShiftANew Levelof ThinkingADefinitionof HabitThe Personal habits shape human character.Hence,it plays an important factor in life.They constitute and reinforce a person's character through conscious and unconscious patterns of actions or inactions.Once habits become deeply imbedded in a person,they are much harder to change or break.The Seven Habits illustrated in this book takes place within a Maturity Continuum.The continuum is a three-tiered model progressing from dependence to independence to interdependence.is the first phase of each human existence.When an infant is born,his parents nurtures and takes care of him.An infant is totally dependent on his parents and the people around him for his continued growth.As the infant grows to be a child,he becomes more and more independent.He learns to walk,to eat alone,and eventually at the right age,he goes to school and undertakes tasks that will lead to further .The concept of figures more prominently through continued growth and maturity.Interdependence comes with the realization that human relationships must be fostered,that human beings need each others'skills,traits,knowledge,and existence in order to thrive as a community.To summarize the continuum,dependence is “you-oriented”:You should have done this,You didn'tDependence independence interdependence Habits Have ItMaturity Continuum From Dependence to InterdependenceContinuum in a Nutshellarrive,it's Your fault.Independence is “I-oriented”:I am capable of doing it.I can achieve the goal.I am in control.Interdependence is “we-oriented”:we can do it,we can beat the deadline,we can achieve better things together.Since the Maturity Continuum is tiered,one must master the first level first before he can move to the next.Dependent people cannot become interdependent overnight.With proper self-mastery,however,dependent people can become independent before moving on to become interdependent.Habits 1,2,and 3will help a person move from a state of dependence to independence because it involves knowing of the self.The first three habits pertain to “Private Victories,”victories that nurture character growth.A person must first feel worthy and capable of becoming independent before he can become truly independent.This reinforces the inside-out approach to effectiveness.As a person becomes more independent,he can move to Habits 4,5,and 6which are more concerned with “Public Victories,”or the more personality oriented aspects of interpersonal communication.Understanding first six habits is important in order for a person to manage his growth towards effectiveness.Habit 7is an all-encompassing habit;it pertains to all the first six habits in an attempt for a continuous personal improvement that will enable a person to become better.Habit 7pushes a person to new levels of understanding and thinking.Stephen Covey defines effectiveness as one that is in harmony with natural laws.It is,according to him,embodied in his concept of “P/PC Balance.”This concept takes its idea from Aesop's fable of the Goose and the Golden Egg.The story starts with a poor farmer discovering that his goose can lay eggs of pure gold.He gets greedy eventually and decides to kill the goose so he can get all the gold inside.ButThe Continuum and the Seven HabitsThe Seven HabitsAn OverviewEffectiveness and the P/PC Balancewhen he opens up the goose,he finds its insides empty.Now that the goose is dead,there is nowhere to get golden eggs anymore.Covey professes that true effectiveness results from a careful combination of two things:the product (golden eggs)and the producing asset (the goose).Focus on the golden eggs alone will harm the goose while too much focus on the goose without the golden eggs in mind will lead to a bleak future.True effectiveness is a balance of two factors:P is for production of desired outcomes and results (golden eggs)while PC stands for production capability (ability or the golden eggs-producing asset).The P/PC Balance is the framework from which the Seven Habits are formed;it is the main paradigm that will lead readers to live a well-balanced life and increased personal effectiveness.People in organizations must learn to find the P/PC Balance in order to achieve greater organizational effectiveness.The use of physical assets for instance such as machineries and fixtures must be planned along with maintenance and conditioning in order to achieve maximum benefit like increased productivity and effectiveness.Maintenance is just as important to a machine as rest is to human beings.The human assets of the organization customers and employees must also fit in the scheme of the P/PC Balance.Most organizations often fail to give the credit back to the employees.Covey states that the best way to treat employees is to treat them like clients or customers in order to win their hearts.The “shape up or ship out”manner of handling employees only promote bad feelings and does not promote organizational effectiveness.In order to achieve effectiveness,balance is a key factor.One must maintain the P/PC Balance the balance between production (P)and production capability (PC)however it is always a matter of judgment call on how to strike the proper balance in this equation.Organizational PCAlways a Judgment CallWhat are the things that set humans apart from animals?On top of the list is self-awareness.Humans have the ability to know themselves and to control their own thought processes.Because of self-awareness,people can observe,evaluate and learn from others'experiences.The act of examining oneself enables persons to have an objective view of ones individuality or uniqueness.Self-examination allows a person to separate himself from his feelings,from his moods and thoughts,so he can have a better view of how he functions as a person.Though conditioning plays an important factor in life,it does not define a person.Man's response to stimulus is determined by three theories of determinism.Genetic determinism states that a person possesses certain characteristics,behaviors or attitudes due to his DNA.Psychic determinism says that a person's upbringing determines his character in the later stage of his life.Environmental determinism states that factors in the present environment such as the office,school,community and the economy are responsible for a person's situation.Humans possess independent will and therefore have the freedom to choose to be responsible for their own lives.Because of man's independent will,behaviors become a function of their personal decisions and not of pre-conditions.Humans can choose and will things to happen.There is a tendency to let the conditions control and empower ones life that results in becoming reactive.One example of this is the weather.If it's good,some people feel good,and if it is bad,people also feel band and it affects their performance.Proactive people know that they have control over their own feelings hence their performance remain consistent because it is not hinged on external factors.Habit 1:Be Pro-activeConditioning and DeterminismChoose to Become a Proactive Personto be reactive or pro-active?The ability to make and keep commitments lies in the heart of the Circle of Influence.Proactive people know that keeping commitments builds integrity and self-worth.Making and keeping commitments,no matter how small,build inner-integrity that leads to greater self-control.It also makes proactive people become more responsible for their actions in life.Covey believes that “all things are created twice.”Things are created in the mind (mental creation)and then the action follows (physical creation).An effective person begins each day or task with a clear understanding in his mind of desired direction,destination or outcome.To begin with the end in mind,one must develop a personal mission statement or philosophy or creed.This exercise allows a person to focus on the things that he wants to do in life and the values and principles that will guide him in the achievement of his goals.A personal mission statement must be based on correct guiding principles because it becomes a benchmark for an individual when he makes life-changing decisions.The personal mission statement will empower the individual with strength and will be the source of courage when changes arise.Principles create a solid foundation for development of what Covey believes to be the four life-support factors that include security,wisdom,guidance and power.Correct principles are fundamental truths that remain deeply entrenched within a person.A mission statement that is principle-centered is marked with as it is not subject to immediate andsecurity,Making and Keeping CommitmentsDevelop a Personal Mission StatementBe Principle-CenteredHabit 2:Begin with the End in MindDraw While reactive persons are governed by social conditions,proactive people are driven by values and principles.Proactive people can control their feelings and are guided by internalized values and paradigms and their response to external stimuli is a value-based choice.To increase self-awareness,a person must look at where his time and energy is spent.Proactive people focus their efforts and energy in the Circle of Influence.This is a smaller circle where they have control over things and where they can do something about it.A Circle of Influence is a circle inside the Circle of Concern.The Circle of Influence allows a person to focus on the things that matter to him and those where they can have power over.This is the circle of proactive people.On the other hand,reactive people focus their efforts in the wider Circle of Concern where they have no control over.Thus,reactive people get frustrated and start to blame other people's weaknesses and the external environment over their predicament due to their perceived helplessness.In your personal and organizational life,do you wantReactive vs.ProactiveYour Own Circles of Concern and influenceProactive Circlefrequent change as opposed to work-centered or money-centered mission statements.Principle-centered living allows a person to use and as tools to see things as they really are.This helps us make decisions that will make our lives more meaningful.Personal power is strengthened by principles.A principle-centered person wields a personal that makes him more self-aware and proactive.He is not limited by constricting circumstances and external influences.To achieve a goal,a person must know where she is going.With a personal mission statement,a person can chart the route of her journey so she can examine her life with a much deeper direction and meaning,leading her to enriching experiences.This habit involves organizing and managing time and events according to the personal priorities established in Habit 2.Covey professes that a person must spend time doing what fits into his personal mission.In so doing,the P/PC Balance,which is the balance between production and production capability must be observed properly.In order to organize and prioritize things to be done,it is necessary to learn tools for time management.The matrix highlighted in the book divides activities into four quadrants.involves activities that are important and urgent these include crisis,pressing problems and deadline-driven projects.concerns those that are important and not urgent which includes relationship building activities and recognizing new opportunities.includes those activities that are not important and urgent such as interruptions,some calls and meetings.wisdom guidance power Quadrant I Quadrant II Quadrant III Routes of EnrichmentTime Management MatrixHabit 3:Put First Things FirstQuadrant IV contains trivial activities such as time wasters that are classified as not important and not urgent.People who value effectiveness stay out of Quadrants III and IV because they are in the unimportant grid whether they are urgent or not.A person who focuses too much on Quadrant I will eventually be overwhelmed because it consumes too much time,effort,and energy.The crucial quadrant for effective personal management is Quadrant II.It falls in the grid of things that are not urgent but important.Because effective people are opportunity-minded,the second quadrant is the perfect vehicle for them.This quadrant focuses on the P/PC balance because the activities are forward-looking such as visioning,preparation,long-range planning,etc.For a person to be increasingly effective,more time must be spent on Quadrant II.The best place to get more time from is to do less activities belonging to Quadrant III and IV.Learn to prioritize things to be a more proactive individual.Quadrant II empowers people to look at things according to importance instead of urgency.In working towards internalizing the Quadrant II paradigm,one will experience increased effectiveness in organizing ones life around principle-centered priorities.If done properly,living the Quadrant II paradigm will make a positive difference in a person's life because it elicits effectiveness and allows a person to rely on himself in managing his life.Quadrant for Effective PeopleAllocate TimeQuadrant II ParadiglmEffective Life ManagementHabit 4:Think Win/WinIn negotiation and bargaining,win/win is the ideal outcome for both parties.The same idea holds true in personal and organizational context.To arrive at a win/win situation,one must constantly seek to arrive at a mutually beneficial outcome.Win/Win situations empower both parties to a strong commitment after reaching a mutually satisfying decision.This paradigm views life as an arena of cooperation and not of competition.Character is the basic building block of Win/Win.As such there are three characters that are essential in cultivating a win/win culture.First is integrity,it is the value one places on the self.A person who has integrity works from a set of clearly defined values by making and keeping promises and commitments that increase effectiveness.Second is maturity,which Covey defines as “the balance between courage and consideration.”A mark of maturity is a person's ability to pursue a win/win situation with courage and high consideration.Third is abundance mentality.It is the belief that there is abundance for everyone to enjoy.A win/win situation does not constrict outcomes instead it enlarges it for both parties.People must strive to maintain and build win/win relationships.In the negotiation context,both parties must focus on the issues and not on the personalities,positions,or power play involved.Trust and compromise are things that need to be considered to maintain a win/win relationship.This habit is the most important principle of interpersonal relations as it is anchored on communication.Humans need to communicate in order to go through life.Without communication,lifeHabit Foundation of Win/WinWin/Win Relationship5:Seek First to Understand,then to be Understoodwill be a complete wreck as people will not be able to come to an understanding of each other's point of views.Communication is not a one-way street but most people disregard the listening part of the communication process.Most people fail to listen for understanding.Empathic listening according to Covey is listening with the intention of understanding the other person.When one empathically listens,the listener understands the point of view,the feelings and emotions of the other person.A typical conversation often ends up as collective monologues.A person who intends to listen empathically must refrain from listening autobiographically.Autobiographical listening means evaluation,probing,advising,and interpreting based on personal biases and experiences before fully understanding what the other person is actually saying.Synergy is today's management buzzword.However,there is enough merit in this paradigm.It simply means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.Translated into organizational context,a person must establish relationships that wield creative cooperation to achieve more than what each individual can contribute independently.Synergy means effectiveness in an interdependentEmpathic ListeningRefrain from Autobiographical ResponsesValuing Difference Creates SynergyHabit 6:Synergizereality.Proper use of synergy allows people to make use of the full potentials of their strengths in order to come up with a better outcome.The essence of synergy works best in a team setting where it serves as a platform for valuing differences and bringing various perspectives together in the spirit of mutual respect.When synergy comes to fore,a higher level of communication takes place between individuals and it opens the heart and mind to new possibilities,alternatives and options.A synergistic approach to problem solving creates better solutions something that is even better than a compromise where the P/PC Balance is strengthened and reinforced.The last habit is one of self-renewal.A person is one's own greatest asset.Sharpening the saw means taking time out from production to build production capacity through personal renewal.Renewal must be a balanced one between the four dimensions of human nature:the physical,the spiritual,the mental and the social/emotional.Neglecting one aspect will create a negative impact on the rest.The physical needs of the body must be taken cared of.Proper care involves regular exercise,eating foods that provide proper nourishment,doing relaxing activities that promote sufficient rest.Exercise for instance belongs to Quadrant II because it is important although it isn't urgent.When one fails to engage in regular exercise,the person moves to Quadrant I with health problems resulting from the neglect.A person must exercise the body in order to promote endurance,flexibility and strength.Fishing for a ThirdAlternativeThe Physical DimensionHabit 7:Sharpening the SawOne area that most persons neglect is the spiritual life.A person's core and value system is linked to the spiritual mon activities that strengthen the spirituality of a person involve prayerful meditation,yoga,going to church or temple or mosque,and communing with nature.Activities that strengthen the spirit become a source of enlightenment for most leaders.Learning doesn't end after getting a degree.Aperson must continually sharpen his mental acumen through exploring new things and constant updating of knowledge.Continuous learning activities include reading,writing and further education.These activities expand the mind and enrich lives.A person's emotional life is tied together with the social dimension because emotional security is important in dealing with other people.One must be emotionally secure inside in order to successfully interact with others.According to Stephen Covey,the crucial step in taking the path to personal effectiveness is to start from “within”and create an “inside-out”approach to improvement.A person who has correctly aligned principles will be empowered to break old paradigms that hinder growth.It is important to note that the quest for effectiveness is not an easy task,nor is it a quick fix.It takes a lot of discipline and willpower to nurture a character aligned with principles of human effectiveness.It is worth all the hard work,because it will lead you to an existence marked by healthy interdependence,and decisions will come from a strong set of core values and principles.The Spiritual DimensionThe Mental DimensionThe Social/Emotional DimensionFinalNoteof 88ABOUT BESTSUMMARIES is a book summary service.We provide abridged versions of top self-help,motivational and inspirational books,where you can learn--in minutes--what it takes to live life and live it well.With BestSummaries,you will 2004。

史上最全面的seven habits的培训PPT(含案例、游戏、互动)

史上最全面的seven habits的培训PPT(含案例、游戏、互动)

我别无选择/我不得不/他令我很生气/ 我可以选择/我的选择是---/我决定如何解 他令我很生气 / 除非 --- 我才 ---/ 我就 决此事/我来负责/我可以/让我们来看看所 是这样的/我无为力 有的可能性
• 赢家常Байду номын сангаас答案的一部分,而输家则是问题的全部。
• 赢家总是有计划,输家总是有借口。
行动决定习惯 习惯决定品格 品格决定命运
We first make our habits, then our habits makes us.
•好习惯直接影响到一个人的工作、生活、学习 习惯对我们的生活有很大的影响,因为它是一 贯的,不知不觉中影响我们的品德,暴露我们 的本性,左右我们的成功。 •习惯影响你的成功!
Sow an action, reap a habit; Sow a habit, reap a character; Sow a character, reap a destiny. 我们先养成习惯,然后习惯造就我们。
If you do the same thing in the same way, you get same result.
习惯一 习惯二 习惯三 积极主动 以终为始 要事第一
习惯五 习惯六 习惯七
知彼解己 统合综效 不断更新
这是一个关于选择的习惯,又被称为“七个习惯之母”。 低效能的思维是:我是环境的产物。 高效能的思维是:我是我自己选择的结果。
习惯一 : 积极主动



My Good HabitsHabits are powerful things. They can shape our lives in positive or negative ways, depending on whether they are good or bad. Over the years, I have developed a number of good habits that have helped me to lead a happier and more productive life. In this essay, I want to share some of these habits with you and explain why they are important to me.First and foremost, one of my most cherished good habits is regular exercise. I believe that physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. Whether it's a brisk walk in the park, a session at the gym, or a run around the block, I make sure to incorporate some form of exercise into my daily routine. Not only does exercise help me to stay fit and energetic, but it also improves my mood and reduces stress levels. I find that when I exercise regularly, I am more focused and productive throughout the day.Another good habit that I have cultivated is reading. I absolutely love to read, and I make it a point to read for at least thirty minutes every day. Reading isnot just a hobby for me; it is a way to broaden my horizons, learn new things, and escape from the stresses of everyday life. Whether it's a novel, anon-fiction book, or even just a magazine article, I find that reading helps to stimulate my mind and keeps me engaged. Plus, it's a great way to relax and unwind after a long day.Getting enough sleep is also a crucial habit for me.I understand that sleep is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health, and I make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. I try to stick to a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. By getting enough sleep, I find that I am more alert and focused during the day, and I am less likely to feel tired or run down.In addition to these habits, I also make it a point to eat a balanced diet. I try to incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into my meals, and I limit my intake of processed foods and sugary snacks.I understand that nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining good health, and I want to fuel my bodywith the nutrients it needs to function properly. By eating a healthy diet, I find that I have more energy and I am less prone to illness.Last but not least, one of the most important habits that I have is the habit of being organized. I believe that organization is key to productivity and efficiency, and I make sure to keep my living and working spaces tidy and organized. I try to declutter my space regularly and get rid of items that I no longer need. I also use organizational tools, such as planners and calendars, to keep track of my tasks and appointments. By being organized, I find that I am able to accomplish more in less time, and I am less likely to forget important tasks or deadlines.In conclusion, developing good habits has been instrumental in shaping my life in positive ways. Regular exercise, reading, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and being organized are just a few of the habits that I have cultivated over the years. These habits have helped me to maintain good health, stay productive, and lead a happier life. I believe that anyone can develop good habits if they are willing toput in the effort, and I encourage everyone to identify and cultivate their own set of good habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.。


我们先养成习惯, 然后习惯造就我们。
高效员工习惯 Introduction to the 7 Habits
什么是习惯 ?
习惯的定义: 是知识,技能及意愿连作时的交集.
知识(做 做
什么怎样做) 怎样做
习 惯
想要去做) 意愿(想要去做 想要去做
四. 双 赢 思 维
1.双赢品格 双赢品格 -正直(忠于自己的感受/价值观/承诺) -成熟(用勇气去表达自己的想法/感受, 用关照的心态去看待他人的想法/感受) -富足心态(有富足心态的人相信世界有 足够的资源得以人人共享)
四. 双 赢 思 维
2.双赢关系 双赢关系 -以品德服人,言行一致 -积极沟通 -尊重他人
L-W 无交易
四. 双 赢 思 维
思维 -寻求别人的利益 也照顾自己的利益 -以合作代替竞争
四. 双 赢 思 维
方式 - 寻求互相利益 - 是合作而不是竞争 - 更多倾听,更长沟通
四. 双 赢 思 维
双赢的四种面向 双赢是人际关系的一种思维. -品格 -关系 -协议 -制度及流程
七.不 断 更 新 不
在你忙碌的生活中,哪 些是更新活动时面临 的阻碍?并找出克服这 些阻碍的方法.
七.不 断 更 新 不
-请说出您最近读的十本书 -请说出您最近参加的社交活动 -请说出您认为自己做的最骄 傲的一件事情
五.知 彼 解 己 知
回应 建议 探询 诠释 评估 给予建议/劝告/对策 以自己的观点及动机去问问题 尝试猜出对方的想法 判断同意/不同意

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(成功人士的七个习惯)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(成功人士的七个习惯)
Lose/Lose Win/Lose 两败俱伤 损人利己

Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 知彼解己
• Listening is an important but often neglected part of communication. 用心聆听是重要的但却经常在沟通中被忽视.
– Imagination (visualizing beyond experience and present reality).
– Conscience (understanding right and wrong, and following personal integrity).
Habit 3 - Put First Things First 要事第一
• First things are those things we find most worth doing. They move you in the right direction. 把最值得做的事务放在第一位。他们使你往对的方向 发展.
• People with an Abundance Mentality believe that there is plenty for everyone. 充裕概念的人相信世界之大,人人都有足够的立足空间.
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win 双赢思维

Courage 勇气
Lose/Win Win/Win 损己利人 利人利己



效率极低人群之七大习惯(牛津大学对1050名在校大学生最新调查研究结果,后附英文原版!超值分享!)7 Habits of Highly Ineffective PeopleBy Henrik EdbergWith a twist to the common list of habits that are useful to establish, here are 7 habits that you do best to avoid.Just like finding habits that can be useful for you it’s important to find habits that are holding you back. Most of these 7 habits can easily become such a normal, everyday part of life that you hardly notice it (or how it’s affecting you). I’ve dabbled with all of them quite a bit. N ot surprisingly I didn’t get much of the important stuff done. I´d also like to add that these are just 7 broad habits you can establish to become highly ineffective in most parts of your life. I pretty sure there are several more.1. Not showing up.May be you’ve heard this quote by Woody Allen:“Eighty percent of success is showing up”One of the biggest and simplest thing you can do to ensure more success in your life – whether it be in your social life, your career or with your health – is simply to show up more. If you want to improve your health then one of the most important and effective things you can do is just to show up at the gym every time you should be there.The weather might be bad, you might not feel like going and you find yourself having all these other things you just must do. If you still go, if you show up at the gym when motivation is low you will improve a whole lot faster than if you just stayed at home relaxing on the sofa.I think this applies to most areas of life. If you write or paint more, each day perhaps, you will improve quickly. If you get out more you can meet more new friends. If you go on more dates you chances of meeting someone special increases. Just showing up more can really make a big difference. Not showing up will not get you anywhere.2. Procrastinating half the day. To keep it short, my 3 favourite ways to get out of a procrastinating state are:- Swallow that frog. What´s this means is simply to do the hardest and most important task of the day first thing in the morning. A good start in the morning lifts your spirits and creates a positive momentum for the rest of the day. That often creates a pretty productive day.- How do you eat an elephant? Don´t try to take it all in one big bite. It becomes overwhelming which leads to procrastination. Split a task into small actionable steps. Then just focus on the first step and nothing else. Just do that one until it’s done. Then move on to the next step.- The Get around to It Paraliminal. I find this guided mediation to be very useful. After 20 minutes of mostly just lying on my bed and listening I’m far more productive for a few days. I don´t feel the urge to sink into that procrastinating state or the need to find out what’s new over at one or five of my favourite websites.3. When actually doing something, doing something that isn’t the most important thing right now.One of the easiest habits to get stuck in, besides procrastinating, is to keep yourself busy with unimportant tasks.To be effective you probably need some kind of time management-system. It might be something really simple, like using the 80/20-rule at the beginning of each day. The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle as it´s also known, says that you´ll get 80 percent of your results from only 20 percent of your tasks and activities. So you need to focus most of your energy on those few important tasks to be effective.When you have prioritized using this rule just write down the top 3 most important things you need to do that day. Then, from the top, start doing them. Even if you just get one of the things done, you have still done the most important thing you could do today. You may perhaps prefer some other system, such as GTD. But however you organise your work it’s still of highest prior ity to find the most important tasks so you don’t spend days, weeks or months doing busywork that isn’t that essential anyway. Just getting things done faster isn’t that useful if the things you get done are unimportant to you.4. Thinking too much.And thereby seldom taking action. Paralysis by analysis can waste years of your life. There is nothing wrong with thinking before you do something. Do some research, make a plan, explore potential upsides and problems.But compulsively thinking and thinking and thinking is just another way to waste your time. You don’t have to examine everything from every angle before you try it. And you can’t wait for the perfect time to do something. That time never comes. And if you keep thinking you’ll just dig yourself down deeper and deeper and taking action will become more and more difficult. Instead you just need to stop thinking. Shut of your mind – it just helps you up to a point – and go do whatever you need to do.5. Seeing the negative and downsides in just about anything.When you see everything from a negative perspective you quickly punch a hole in your own motivation. You find faults everywhere and problems where there are really none. You cling to details. If you want to find a reason to not do something then that’s no problem. From a negative viewpoint you can find ten reasons every time.And so very little gets done, you whine to anyone who wants to hear –and many who don’t –about how crappy your job, life and boss is. Which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as you create the life that is appropriate considering how think and see your world.A solution is to realise the limits of a negative perspective. And that your perspective isn’t some kind of 100% true picture of the world. Then try other perspectives. For instance, trying to establish a habit of seeing things in a more positive and optimistic light can be quite useful. In that vein, you may want to try the Positivity Challenge. It´s not easy, but if you do the challenge and try to only think positive thoughts for 7 days it can give you an insight in how much your perspective and beliefs changes how you interpret your world. And what results you get.6. Clinging to your own thoughts and being closed to outside influences.It can be hard to admit that what you thought or believed was not the best alternative. So you cling to your thoughts harder and harder and keep your mind closed. This makes it hard to improve and for instance to become more effective. Even really considering the possibility that you can change your life can be difficult in this position.One solution, obviously, is to open up more. To open up and learn from the mistakes of others, from your own mistakes and from other sources like books. This is easy to say though. It can, as almost anything, be harder to do. One suggestion I have is to, like I said about the previous habit, realise the limits of what you know and the way you going about things. And then just try something new.Another tip is to read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and especially look at the chapters about the Ego. If you stop identifying so much with your thoughts and your Ego, as Tolle prescribes, it becomes a whole a lot easier to let new ideas and thoughts come into your life. And to let go of old thoughts tha t aren’t useful to you anymore. On the other hand I’d like to add and counter-balance with these tips: don’t get stuck in reading, in just taking in new information either or you might become a self-help junkie. Use the new information, put what you have learned in to action and try it out.7. Constantly on information overload.With information overload I don’t just mean that you read a lot. I pretty much mean an overload in all input. If you just let all information flow into your mind it will be hard to think clearly. It’s just too much stimulation. A few more potential downsides to this habit are:- Some of the input you receive will be negative. The media and your surroundings often put a negative spin on things for various reasons. If you aren´t selective in what input you want in your life then you’ll be dragged into this negativity too. This affects how you think, feel and act.- It creates an urge to keep up with what’s happening but there are always ten more things happening so you can’t keep u p. This makes life stressful.- It becomes hard to make decisions and take action if your mind is constantly bombarded with information or trying to sort through it all. Personally I find that if I get too much information it leads to a sort of paralysis. Not much get´s done. Or you get stuck in habit #3 and keep busy, busy, busy at high speed with low priority activities.To be able to focus, think more clearly and take action it´s useful to be more selective in what you let into your mind. When you work shut out as much distractions as possible. Shut off the phone, internet and shut the door. It is strange how much you can get done when you aren´t interrupted every fifth minute or have the opportunity to procrastinate by checking your RSS-feeds or favourite websites.Now I´m not suggesting that you should stop reading all blogs or newspapers. But think about what you really want to read and what you read just read to fill your time. And have a look at other areas of input where the doors are wide-open.For instance, you don´t have to let in all the negative emotions from your surroundings. If everyone else are procrastinating or are anxiously keeping themselves busy by doing low-priority tasks at warp speed it´s easy to be influenced by that mood. If you have a door, then it might be good idea to shut it and focus on doing more important things.。

7 Habits

7 Habits

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleBeing effective is learning to do 'that which produces the desired result'. If you want to be extremely successful in business or very happy in life or achieve some large goal, then being effective is consistently doing the things that will bring about the results you are after. Perhaps the best overall prescription for becoming effective is contained within Stephen Covey's best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Published by Simon & Schuster, this book provides a useful, sequential framework for understanding much about the process of Personal Development.Covey does not claim to have invented the 7 habits, but rather to have discovered them and to have found a simple language for articulating them. In fact, he says that these basic principles of effectiveness may be found in all world religions; and it can be noted that many highly successful people seem to have naturally developed them.Habit 1 - Be ProactiveIt is perhaps a great compliment to Stephen Covey that today, the substance of this first habit is deeply embedded into the management psyche. We are told, in business, that we should be proactive; and broadly what is meant by that is to focus our efforts and attention on the long-term and to think in terms of the long-term consequences of our actions.Covey contrasts being proactive or having a proactive mentality with being reactive. Reactive people, he says, are those who are resigned to the truth that whatever they do in the present can have no effect on their circumstances. And interestingly, for reactive people, it really is a truth, for whatever we believe in our heart affects our thoughts, words and actions. If we really believe that we can do nothing about our unreasonable boss or the daily events in our lives, then we simply do not make the effort.Proactive people, on the other hand, simply will not accept that there is nothing that can be done about the unreasonable boss or the events of daily life - they will point out that there are always choices. It is by the decisions we make, our responses to people, events and circumstances that proactive people can and do affect the future. We may have no control over what life throws at us but we always have a choice about how we are to respond.Now this notion that having a particular attitude of mind (which is really where this habit begins) can make such a huge and positive difference to almost everything we experience in life is foreign to those who have already internalised the opposite habit as a part of their personalities. For some people, the glass is always half-empty and the feeling of melancholy is a pleasant reminder that something is indeed missing. For such people, this habit represents a bitter pill to swallow - but, says Covey, it is also completely liberating.When we are finally prepared to accept full responsibility for the effects that are manifest in our lives; when we have the strength of character to admit it when we make mistakes (even big ones); when we are completely free to exercise the options available to us in every situation; then it can be said that we have finally internalised this habit. The other six of the habits require that we first work on our basic character by becoming proactive and thereby transforming ourselves into men and women of integrity.Habit 2 - Begin with the End in MindMany people in the west identify with the frustration of success. Being successful at their chosen career and committed to its progress they come to realise that it does not, in the final analysis, bring any sense of real satisfaction. The reason for this ultimate dissatisfaction is that they did not begin with the end in mind. For many people, it is notjust that they did not begin with the end in mind; it goes a bit deeper - they did not ever get around to defining the end itself and so they simply could not begin with the end in mind. So what does all this mean? The end represents the purpose of your life. Until you can say what that purpose is, with assurance, then you just cannot direct your life in the manner that would bring you the greatest satisfaction.There are no short-cuts here. To engage in this habit, you need to have a dream, define your own vision and get into the practice of setting goals which will allow you to make measurable progress toward the dream. If you practice a faith, then you will want to consider how this affects your purpose in life; if you do not, you will still need to get involved in deep self-examination to find out exactly what it is that will bring you fulfilment. To help you with this, you may wish to obtain my E-Book The Deepest Desire of Your Heart; available from this site. The book contains some excellent self-reflection exercises you can use to focus your mind on what is most important to you in life.Until you have defined your vision - the big dream to which you will be working - you will be unable to move on to habit 3 which provides a basic framework for you to re-align your efforts so that you will ultimately achieve your heart's desire.Habit 3 - First Things FirstFollowing the amazing popularity of his work on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey published a second book that deals with the 7 Habits; and the title of that book is also First Things First. Both the book and this habit deal with subject of managing your time effectively.Consider the simple 2 x 2 matrix shown below. It plots the concepts of urgency and importance against each other; and represents where you are spending your time. To really understand and apply this habit, you need to have first done habit 2 - that is, you should already have defined what is important to you. Without first doing this, habit 3 has no power because you simply cannot separate what is important from what is not important.This representation shows four categories of demand which may be made on your time. Quadrant 1 consists of activities which are both urgent and important - in other words, things to which you absolutely must attend. Why must you do these things? Because they are important - meaning that they contribute to your mission; and they are urgent - meaning that they have some sort of deadline associated with them.Choices about where to invest your time really are made in the other categories; and most people - driven by the concept of urgency - get drawn into Quadrant 3; doing things that consume their time but do not contribute to their goals. Highly Effective People (yes they all fit together you see) understand that the high leverage activities are all Quadrant 2 - important but not urgent. Planning, preparation, prevention, relationship-building, reading,improving your professional knowledge and exercise are all examples of Quadrant 2 activity - not an exhaustive list, by any means.We all intuitively know that Quadrant 2 activities are the key to getting results; but you need to have internalised the first two habits before you can benefit from the high leverage this habit brings. In other words, you first need to have developed the strength of character (proactivity) which allows you to be able to say no to demands on your time that fall into Quadrants 2 and 3; and you also need to have defined what importance means for you - otherwise the Quadrants do not exist.Put habits 1,2 and 3 together and you have the ultimate success formula. Stated simply - get your mind right; define what is important; then organise your life to maximise your Quadrant 2 efforts. By spending appropriate time on Quadrant 2 activities, you will gain control over the circumstances of your life; Quadrant 1 will actually get smaller because you will have anticipated and prepared for much Quadrant 1 activity. Concentrating on Quadrant 2 is absolutely fundamental to achieving success. You might like to take a look at the 4tm Spreadsheet, available from this site, which can help you to make this key adjustment in the use of your time.Habit 4 - Think Win WinThe next of the 7 Habits is - Think Win-Win. This habit is again an attitude of mind. It concerns fostering an attitude that is committed to always finding solutions that will truly benefit both sides of a dispute. Solutions do not, of course, exist in themselves; they must be created. And, even if we cannot see the solution to a particular problem, it does not mean that no such solution exists. The win-win idea is not based upon compromise - that is where most disputes naturally end. But compromise is the result of not properly perceiving the possible synergy of the situation.The more you practice this habit, the more committed you will become as you find solutions which truly do benefit both parties, where originally it looked as if no such agreement might be reached. Covey has amended the wording of this habit slightly in recent years to read:T hink Win-Win or No Deal. This attitude works well because it liberates the individuals concerned from the effort of trying to persuade the opposite party to shift ground or compromise. The effort is instead spend on trying to understand, which is where habit 5 comes in - you see, they are also sequential.Habit 5 - Seek First to Understandthen be UnderstoodThe fifth habit is - Seek First to Understand. What most people do, naturally, when involved in some type of discussion, meeting or dialogue is exactly the reverse - they seek first to be understood. And, as Stephen Covey says, when both parties are trying to be understood, neither party is really listening; he calls such an interaction, 'the dialogue of the deaf'. This habit is an important key to inter-personal relationships and it seems to be almost magical in its ability to transform the course of discussions. Why? Because by making the investment of time and effort required to understand the other party, the dynamics of the interchange are subtly affected.This habit is not just about letting the other person speak first; it concerns actually making the effort to understand what is being said. It is about understanding that our natural habit of mind is to misunderstand. When we are engaged in conversation, error is always present. NLP tells us that we simply make our own meaning based on our own experiences and understanding of life; and frequently we make the wrong meaning. You might like to take a look at the answers given by school-children on history exams which illustrates this principle - we are no different!If however, we are prepared to invest the time and effort to really understand the other person's position; and to get into the habit of spending the first part of the discussion doing so; then, when it is felt by the other person that you do indeed understand, the dynamic changes. People become more open, more teachable, more interested in what you may have to say and with the mutual understanding that flows from this habit, you are ready to practice habit 6; which concerns finding creative solutions.Habit 6 - Synergize (Synergise)The sixth of the habits is - Synergize. This habit involves you putting your head together with the other party or parties in order to creatively brainstorm a synergistic solution to a problem i.e. to find a solution which contains win-win benefits. It can only be done successfully if you have first practiced habits 4 and 5. The well-known definition of synergy is as follows:Synergy - When the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.Finding a synergistic solution means finding a solution which is better than either party might first propose. Such a solution can only be found if both parties truly understand the other parties position - the fruit of habits 4 and 5. There have been many books written on successful brainstorming techniques; my own favourite techniques are those proposed by Edward DeBono - professor of thinking and perhaps most famous fo r Lateral Thinking.Putting habit 4, 5 and 6 together, you have a perfect model for human interaction. Put simply: first be mentally committed to the idea that a solution that will benefit all parties may be constructed; next invest the necessary time and effort to really understand the other party and do that first; finally creatively brainstorm a synergistic solution - a natural product of mutual understanding and respect.Habit 7 - Sharpen the SawThe last habit of the 7 Habits is - Sharpen the Saw. In this habit, you are the saw; and to Sharpen the Saw is to become better, keener and more effective. Highly Effective People always take time to Sharpen the Saw. What is meant by Sharpening the Saw is to regularly engage in the exercise of the three dimensions which make up the human condition: body, mind and spirit. Covey also adds a fourth dimension - the inter-personal.Spiritual ExerciseLet us begin by considering Spiritual Exercise - this is the area which is perhaps the most misunderstood. I believe that, in the west, we have become spiritually blind. The progress of our science, education and technology has lead us to construct a view of the world and the universe that excludes the agency of God. Freud famously said that it was man that made God 'in the image of his father'. It is, of course, a very clever statement and not one I wish to here challenge - whether this statement or the reverse is true is for you to decide. However, as the west has, by and large, abandoned faith in the creator God, so it has simultaneously abandoned the idea that life has any meaning or purpose; and it is purpose and direction in life that this habit refers to as Spiritual Exercise. Of course, if you are a religious person, then there will be a tie-up here with your personal faith; however, if you are not religious, don't also abandon the idea that life holds a special purpose for you.To exercise spiritually, I recommend that you consider engaging in some form of meditation. Meditation involves regularly sitting in a relaxed position and thinking about nothing for a period of about 10 or 15 minutes. Why this practice should bring about any material benefits is an interesting question. You might consider that you relax your mind quite enough when you sleep, but it turns out that we don't really relax our minds when we sleep. The brain is active during sleep - during REM sleep, the brain appears to be processing information. Though it is not yet known exactly what it is doing, the brain is certainly not passive and so the mind is not relaxed during sleep. Meditation is the practice of disciplining the mind, It is difficult to do at first, but if you stick with it, positive health benefits will follow.Making use of Jack Black's House on the Right Bank is an excellent tool for combining what is really guided meditation with the practice of regularly reviewing your mission, your roles and your goals; and that is what Stephen Covey means when he talks about spiritual exercise - the regular, review and preview of the things that are most important to you in life. These are the first things that you must define in habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind.Physical ExerciseRegular aerobic, physical exercise is essential for health, energy and a feeling of well-being. Naturally, you should always consult your doctor or physician before you embark upon anycourse of physical exercise; and it should be obvious that such professional advice as may be given, should always be taken into account.To practice this part of Habit 7 requires that you commit to at least three sessions of at least twenty minutes per week. If you are not already engaged in this sort of exercise, you will find that after a period of about six weeks, you will feel much better, much healthier and indeed your body will become more efficient at processing oxygen - which is the key to energy.Mental ExerciseAsk yourself these questions. What am I doing to sharpen my mind? Am I engaged in a programme of education or learning of some kind? What am I doing to improve my professional knowledge?How you should go about this part of the habit is, of course, for you to decide, but you should ensure that you are reading regularly. What should you read? Naturally you want to put in the good stuff - so it's not a case of reading for its own sake; it is reading carefully selected material which allows you to broaden and deepen your understanding.You will naturally be paying particular attention to the important areas you defined in habit 2, but you should also consider reading all the great works of literature and also ancient wisdom literature which includes books like The Psalms and Proverbs..InterpersonalThis part is not really a discipline, as are the other three parts, it is really a commitment; and for me, I make the commitment during the spiritual part of the habit, that is, during a meditation. It is simply to commit to approaching inter-personal relationships by making use of habits 4, 5 and 6.Even if people approach me making use of language, actions, or behaviour which I personally believe to be inappropriate, my commitment is to not react, but to use my proactive capacity to engage in the exercise of habits 4, 5 and 6 which I believe will lead to the best possible outcome in such circumstances.。



七年级英语自编对话范文Seven Grade English Self-composed Dialogue。

A: Hi, Lisa! How was your weekend?B: Hi, Sarah! It was great! I went to the movies with my family. We watched the latest action movie.A: That sounds exciting! I love action movies too. Which one did you watch?B: We watched "The Avengers: Endgame." It was amazing! The special effects were incredible, and the storyline was very engaging.A: I've heard a lot about that movie. I should definitely watch it soon. Did you have popcorn and soda while watching?B: Of course! It's a tradition for us to have popcorn and soda whenever we go to the movies. It makes the experience even better.A: I agree. It's like a complete movie experience. By the way, have you finished your English homework?B: Not yet. I still have to write a short story. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas.A: I can help you with that. What's the topic of your story?B: It's about a young girl who discovers a hidden treasure in her backyard.A: That sounds interesting. You can start by describing the girl and her backyard. Then, you can introduce the treasure and the adventure she goes on to find it.B: That's a great idea! I'll start with that. Thanks for the suggestion, Sarah.A: You're welcome, Lisa. Let me know if you need any more help. I enjoy writing stories too.B: I will. I appreciate your help. So, what did you do over the weekend?A: I went hiking with my friends. We explored a nearby forest and discovered a beautiful waterfall.B: That sounds like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to go hiking and explore nature.A: You should join us next time. It's a great way to relax and enjoy the outdoors.B: I'll definitely consider it. It sounds like a wonderful experience.A: It really is. Nature has a way of refreshing and rejuvenating you. Plus, it's a good exercise too.B: I agree. I spend too much time indoors. It would be nice to get some fresh air and exercise.A: You should make it a priority. It's important to take care of your physical and mental well-being.B: You're right, Sarah. I'll make an effort to spend more time outdoors.A: That's great to hear, Lisa. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Let me know if you need any tips or suggestions for hiking.B: I will. Thanks for being so helpful, Sarah.A: No problem, Lisa. Friends are always there to support each other.B: You're a true friend, Sarah. I'm lucky to have you.A: Likewise, Lisa. Let's continue to help and support each other.B: Definitely, Sarah. Friends forever!A: Friends forever!In this dialogue, Lisa and Sarah discuss their weekend activities, movies, English homework, and outdoor activities. They share their experiences and offer each other help and support. It highlights the importance of friendship and the value of spending timeoutdoors. The dialogue is engaging and flows naturally, showcasing the characters' personalities and their bond as friends.。

七大习惯Seven habits

七大习惯Seven habits

七大习惯Seven Habits高效人士的七大习惯Leadership and management__ Seven Habits of Highly Effective People领导力与管理:高效人士的七个习惯By: Stephen R. CoveyThe Seven Habits model is not only applicable to our personal life, our social life and our working life, but also highly applicable for leaders and managers. According to Covey, our paradigms affect how we interact with others, which in turn affects how they interact with us. Therefore Covey argues that any effective self-help program must begin with an "inside-out" approach, rather than looking towards our problems as "being out there" (an outside-in approach). We must start with examining our own character, paradigms, and motives根据Covey,我们的行为范式影响着我们与人交往,最后,又反作用影响着别人与我们的交往。



Seven habits

Seven habits

Seven HabitsIntroductionIn today’s fast-paced and highly demanding world, developing effective habits is crucial for success. The seven habits outlined in this document have been proven to enhance personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to thrive in various areas of life. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can cultivate a foundation for personal effectiveness and lead a fulfilling life.Habit 1: Be ProactiveTaking initiative and being proactive is essential for personal and professional success. It involves taking responsibility for one’s actions and choices, rather than reacting to external circumstances. Proactive individuals focus on things they can control and influence, rather thandwelling on factors beyond their control. By being proactive, you can shape your own destiny and create positive outcomes.Habit 2: Begin with the End in MindHaving a clear vision and setting goals is critical for achieving success. This habit emphasizes the importance of defining your objectives and creating a roadmap to reach them. By envisioning your desired end result, you can align your actions and decisions with your long-term goals. This habit helps you stay focused and motivated, even when faced with challenges and distractions.Habit 3: Put First Things FirstEffective time management is a key aspect of personal effectiveness. This habit encourages prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. By organizing your time and resources, you can allocate them efficiently to achieve your goals. Putting first things first involveseliminating time-wasting activities and focusing on activities that align with your priorities.Habit 4: Think Win-WinCultivating a win-win mindset is crucial for building positive relationships and collaborations. This habit emphasizes the importance of seeking mutually beneficial solutions, rather than pursuing individual interests only. By adopting a win-win approach, you can build trust, enhance teamwork, and create synergistic outcomes. This habit promotes cooperation and effective communication, leading to greater success in both personal and professional relationships.Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be UnderstoodEffective communication is a cornerstone of personal effectiveness. This habit highlights the significance of listening attentively and empathetically before expressing your own thoughts and ideas. By seeking to understand others first, you can foster strong relationshipsand find common ground. This habit also helps avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, enabling effective collaboration and problem-solving.Habit 6: SynergizeCreating synergy by combining the strengths and talents of individuals leads to greater innovation and success. This habit emphasizes the power of collaboration and teamwork. By valuing differences and leveraging diverse perspectives, you can achieve collective and creative solutions. Synergizing encourages an open mindset, respect for others, and the willingness to embrace new ideas.Habit 7: Sharpen the SawContinuous self-improvement is essential for personal growth and effectiveness. This habit focuses on renewing and rejuvenating yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Sharpening the saw involves engaging in activities that promote physical fitness, expandingknowledge, nurturing relationships, and finding inner balance. By taking care of yourself, you can sustain high levels of performance and enjoy a fulfilling life.ConclusionIncorporating these seven habits into your daily life can transform your personal and professional effectiveness. By being proactive, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, cultivating win-win relationships, practicing empathetic communication, embracing diversity, and investing in self-care, you can enhance your overall well-being and achieve long-term success. Embrace these habits and embark on a journey of personal growth and excellence.。



My Good Habits: A Seven-Sentence Journey In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often overlook the significance of our habits. They silently shape our lives, determining our success and happiness. Here are seven sentences that encapsulate my good habits, guiding me towards a better me.I begin each day with a habit of gratitude. As I wake up, I take a moment to appreciate the blessings of the day, from the warmth of the sun to the love of my family. This habit reminds me to be thankful for everything in life, large and small.I am disciplined in my work. I believe in giving my best effort, regardless of the task's size or importance. This habit helps me maintain focus and avoid procrastination, ensuring that I am always making progress.I make it a habit to exercise regularly. Whether it's a morning jog or an evening yoga session, physical activity keeps me healthy and energetic. This habit reminds me that a healthy body is the foundation of a happy life.I am deliberate with my spending. I budget my money carefully, avoiding impulse purchases and unnecessary expenses. This habit helps me save for the future, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind.I have a habit of reading regularly. Books are my window to the world, teaching me new things and broadening my horizons. This habit stimulates my mind, keeping it active and engaged.I practice the habit of kindness. I try to be compassionate and understanding towards others, regardless of their differences. This habit makes me a better person, fostering harmony and positivity in my interactions with others.Finally, I have a habit of reflecting at the end of each day. I take a moment to review my actions, identifying what went well and what could be improved. This habit helps me learn from my mistakes and continuously improve as a person.These seven habits form the core of my daily life, guiding me towards a more fulfilling existence. They are mycompass, helping me navigate the challenges and opportunities of life with confidence and clarity.**我的好习惯:七句话的旅程**在忙碌的日常生活中,我们常常忽视习惯的重要性。

高效能人士的七个习惯(英文PPT版)the seven habits of highly efective families

高效能人士的七个习惯(英文PPT版)the seven habits of highly efective families

Making Family a Priority in a Turbulent World
“Okay, now, I know what you’re going to hear from people is “We don’t have the time. But if you don’t have the time for one night or at least one hour during the week where everybody can come together as a family, then the family is not the priority.” ~ Oprah Winfrey ~
Building family unity through
celebrating differences
You must be able to say sincerely, “The
fact that we see things differently is a strength – not a weakness – in our relationship.
Parenting is not about being popular and giving in to every child’s whim and desire. It’s about making decisions that truly are win-win – however they may appear to the child at the time.

与成功有约高效人士的7习惯(ppt 47页)

与成功有约高效人士的7习惯(ppt 47页)
第三部分: 使命宣言
Part C: Personal Mission Statements (time: 5:30)
7 与成功有约: 高效人士的
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
•我决定自己的未来并制定远期目标 •我在开始任何活动前,先进行心智创造
•创造并实现个人及组织使命宣言,将之当作是日常生活的宪章。 •规划预期结果与个人价值观,以指导我们的活动
以原则为重心不能只靠空谈,你不 能只从你的重心出发耒看原则,关键不 在于单一项原则,而是一套平衡的原则 ,足以涵盖你整个生命。
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The time management matrix Crises Prevention I Urgent probs. Relationships II Deadlines Planning, leisure Interruptions Trivia III Some calls, Some calls, IV popular activity time wasters, pleasant activity
4 dimensions of renewal
– – – – Physical Spiritual Mental Social/emotional
Personality ethic/Character ethic The power of a paradigm A new level of thinking Why ‘habits’? The maturity continuum
6 paradigms of human interaction
– – – – – – Win/lose: competition Lose/win: craven acceptance Lose/lose: self-destruction as well Win: personal gain Win/win: co-operation Win/win or no deal: both win or go separate ways
What it means to be proactive Act or be acted upon
Which list reminds you more of how you tend to speak? Reactive Proactive I can’t do anything about it What options? It’s just my nature I’ll use a new approach He infuriates me I control my feelings They’ll never let you do that I can convince them I can’t..... I choose....
Commence each day, action or project with a strong image of the end of your life in mind All things are created twice (things begin as a concept) Management is the 2nd creation of leadership
Diagnose before you prescribe
– Listen with purpose to understand
Understanding and perception ....Then seek to be understood. Speak your truth (ethos, pathos, logos)
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Ability to know of different perceptions and understandings Ability to pool differences into single energy for good.