Improved electrotransformation frequencies of Corynebacterium

314 结语本论文以C B P 为主体发光材料,I r(m p p y)3为绿色磷光掺杂材料制备柔性大尺寸绿色磷光器件,发现I r(m p p y)3的最佳掺杂量为8%,有机发光层的厚度为35 n m,主客材料蒸镀温度分别为335℃和390℃时能够制备出高性能的O L E D S 器件。
当在电压9.5 V 时器件发光效率最高,为6.11 l m /W。
当电压为17 V 电压时,器件发出稳定均匀的绿光,其最大发光亮度为12580 c d /m 2,电致发光光谱的峰值为512 nm,色坐标是(x=0.293,y=0.582),并且LT50寿命≥50h。
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静电成像方式英语作文Title: The Principle and Applications of Electrostatic Imaging。
Electrostatic imaging, a technique utilized in various fields including medical diagnostics, security screening, and scientific research, relies on the manipulation of electrostatic forces to generate images. This essay delves into the principle behind electrostatic imaging, its applications, and the advancements in this technology.### Principle of Electrostatic Imaging。
Electrostatic imaging operates on the fundamental principle of electrostatic attraction and repulsion. It involves the creation of an electric field between acharged object and a grounded substrate. When an object is charged, the electric field interacts with nearby particles, causing redistribution of charges and resulting invariations in the electric potential across the surface. Bymeasuring these potential differences, an image of theobject's surface or internal structure can be reconstructed.### Components of Electrostatic Imaging Systems。

1.What food will the woman’s daughter avoid?A.Steaks.B.Onions.C.Ice cream.2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Salesperson and customer.B.Co-workers.C.A couple.3.What flight will the speakers be on?A.CJ875.B.CJ865.C.CJ930.4.Why is the man worried about his brother?A.His brother is too confident.B.His brother struggles to make friends.C.His brother’s friends will be a bad influence on him.5.What is the main topic of the conversation?A.Types of schools.B.Places to sleep.C.Online classes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。

摩擦纳米发电激发光动力学英文回答:Frictional nanogenerators (FNGs) are devices that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy throughthe process of triboelectric effect. This technology has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential applications in self-powered systems and wearable electronics. In this article, I will discuss the exciting field of optokinetics, which involves the use of FNGs to generate light.Optokinetics is the study of light-induced motion andits interaction with matter. It explores the principles of photophysics and photochemistry to understand how light can be used to control the movement of objects at the nanoscale. FNGs play a crucial role in optokinetics by providing the necessary electrical energy to drive light-emitting devices.The process of optokinetics begins with the generationof electrical energy through the triboelectric effect in FNGs. When two different materials come into contact and then separate, a charge imbalance is created on their surfaces. This charge imbalance can be harnessed togenerate an electric current. By integrating FNGs withlight-emitting devices, such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), the electrical energy can be converted into light energy.One example of optokinetics in action is the development of self-powered nanoscale light sources.Imagine a scenario where you are in a dark room and need to find your way to the bathroom without turning on the lights. With optokinetics, you can wear a bracelet equipped with FNGs that generate electricity as you move your arm. This electrical energy can then be used to power tiny LEDs embedded in the bracelet, creating a small but sufficient amount of light to guide you in the dark.Another application of optokinetics is in the field of wearable electronics. For instance, researchers have developed smart clothing that can generate light patternsin response to specific gestures or movements. By incorporating FNGs into the fabric of the clothing, the mechanical energy produced during body movements can be converted into electrical energy, which in turn powers the light-emitting components. This technology has the potential to revolutionize fashion and entertainment industries by enabling interactive and visually appealing garments.In addition to self-powered light sources and wearable electronics, optokinetics can also be applied in other areas such as biomedical devices and environmental monitoring. For example, FNGs integrated with biosensors can generate light signals in response to specific biological markers, enabling real-time monitoring of disease progression or drug efficacy. Similarly, optokinetic sensors can be used to detect environmental pollutants by converting mechanical energy from air or water flow into light signals.中文回答:摩擦纳米发电器(FNG)是一种通过摩擦电效应将机械能转化为电能的设备。


3 Introduction
• ClO2 oxidation prior to chlorination can reduce the levels of THM and total organic halogen (TOX) formation (Lykins and Griese,1986; Linder et al., 2006 ).
(1) the changes of NOM properties with ClO2 pretreatment.
(2) the formation of regulated and emerging DBPs from ClO2 preoxidation and in combination with chlorination or chloramination.
• 与浊度不同,滤后水高锰酸盐指数自运行开始后一直保持稳定,说 明生物过滤对水中易氧化有机物的去除相关性不大;滤后水UV254 变化很小,说明难生物降解(shēnɡ wù jiànɡ jiě)有机物很难在生物 过滤中被去除; O3 —生物过滤对DOC 的去除率稍高。O3 和PPC 预氧化后SUVA 相对于空白试验分别降低和升高(见表1) ,而 O3 —生物过滤出水SUVA 升高较明显(见表2) ,说明O3 预氧化更 有助于生物过滤对可生物降解(shēnɡ wù jiànɡ jiě)有机物的去除。
transformed large aromatic and long aliphatic chain organic structures to small
and hydrophilic organics.

2020年12月第27卷第12期控制工程Control Engineering of ChinaD ec.2020Vol.27,N o.12文章编号:1671-7848(2020)12-2151-07 DOI: 10.14107/ki.kzgc.20180708M CR-W P T发射/接收线圈性能仿真建模分析范兴明,高琳琳,苏斌华,唐福鸿,张鑫(桂林电子科技大学电气工程及其自动化系,广西桂林541004)摘要:以两线圏等效电路模型为研究对象,重点考虑谐振线圈中通过的高频电流会受趋肤效应与邻近效应的影响,致使导体的有效截面积减小,增大线圈的高频损耗。
为了掌握 K:趋肤效应与邻近效应对系统传输的具体影响,在理论分析的基础上研究了线圏参数对系统 ^ 传输性能的影响规律,并利用M a x w e丨丨电磁场仿真软件对圆形导线横截面模型在不同频率情况下进行仿真分析,得到了趋肤效应与邻近效应各自产生的损耗随绕组厚度和频率的变丨化趋势,由此提出可用铜管来代替相同外径圆形实心导线,以提高材料的实际利用效率。
关键词:磁耦合谐振式无线能量传输:趋肤效应;邻近效应;效率分析中图分类号:TM724 文献标识码:APerformance Simulation Modeling Analysis ofMCR-WPT Transmit/Receive CoilsF A N X in g-m ing,G AO Lin-lin,S U B in-hua,TANG F u-hong,ZH A N G X in(Department of Electrical Engineering&Automation,Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin541004, China) Abstract: This paper takes the two-coil equivalent circuit model as the research object, and focuses on the influence of skin effect and proximity effect on the high-frequency current passing through the resonant coil, which resu lt s in reduction of effective cross-sectional area of the conductor and increase of high frequency loss of the coil. In order to master the specific effects of skin effect and proximity effect, t h is paper uses Maxwell electromagnetic f ield simulation software to simulate and analyze circular cross-section model under different frequency conditions, and obtains the respective variation trend of loss caused by skin effect and proximity effect with winding thickness and frequency.I t i s proposed that copper tubes replace solid wires with the same outer diameter i n order to increase the effective rate of material use efficiency. The comparison of theory and simulation results verifies the f e as ib il it y of using copper tubes instead of solid wires to increase the utilizati on of effective cross section of conductor i n the wireless power transmission coils, and the resistance loss caused by the wires under high-frequency current conditions i s reduced.Key words: Magnetically coupled resonant wireless power transmission (M C R-W P T); skin effect; proximity effect;efficiency analysisi引言无线电能传输技术可以实现从电源到负载无电汽车、医疗电子设备、油田和矿井的开采等领域得 气接触输电,比传统接触式电能传输技术更加安全。

精 密 成 形 工 程第16卷 第2期 174JOURNAL OF NETSHAPE FORMING ENGINEERING 2024年2月收稿日期:2023-08-15 Received :2023-08-15基金项目:重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJQN202203205)Fund :Scientific and Technological Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission(KJQN202203205)引文格式:邓佳明, 朱茜, 陈浩铭, 等. 增材制造复杂流道水冷电机壳体对驱动电机持续功率影响的研究[J]. 精密成形工程, 2024, 16(2): 174-181.DENG Jiaming, ZHU Qian, CHEN Haoming, et al. Influence of Additive Manufacturing Complex Flow Channel Water-cooled Housing on Continuous Rating of Drive Motor[J]. Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering, 2024, 16(2): 174-181. 增材制造复杂流道水冷电机壳体对驱动电机持续功率影响的研究邓佳明1,朱茜1,陈浩铭1,秦永瑞1,李佳2,李坤3(1.重庆长安汽车股份有限公司,重庆 400023;2.重庆工业职业技术学院,重庆 401120;3.重庆大学 机械与运载工程学院,重庆 400044) 摘要:目的 提高量产铸造电机壳体的换热效率,确保电机在高功率持续工作状态下不会过热,从而提高电机的持续功率。
方法 基于增材思维对电机水冷壳体的流道进行优化,改变流道形状以增大流道表面积、消除流道涡流并减小流道与内壁的间距。

2023-2024学年江苏省南京市第五高级中学高三7月英语摸底测试卷1. Why does the woman call the man?A.To place an order. B.To report a delay. C.To arrange a deliverydate.2. What does the woman want the man to do?A.Collect her book. B.Lend her a book. C.Buy some juice.3. What is the woman looking for?A.Her handbag. B.Her passport. C.Her boarding pass.4. What will the weather probably be like this afternoon?A.Rainy. B.Foggy. C.Sunny.5. What are the speakers talking about?A.A tree. B.A survey C.A country听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6. How will the woman go to the meeting center?A.On foot. B.By car. C.By taxi.7. Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a restaurant. B.In a hotel. C.At a train station.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8. What did the woman dislike about the concert?A.The venue. B.The singer. C.The music.9. What did the speakers think of the support bands?A.Moving. B.Surprising. C.Disappointing.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

电复律的英语The Principle of ElectroreductionElectroreduction, also known as the principle of electrochemical reduction, is a fundamental concept in the field of electrochemistry. This principle describes the process by which an element or compound is reduced, or gains electrons, through the application of an electric current. The process of electroreduction is essential in a wide range of industrial and technological applications, from the production of metals to the development of energy storage devices.At its core, electroreduction involves the transfer of electrons from an external source, such as an electrode, to a chemical species. This transfer of electrons causes the chemical species to be reduced, meaning that it gains electrons and becomes more negatively charged. The degree of reduction, or the extent to which the chemical species gains electrons, is determined by the applied potential difference and the specific properties of the reactants involved.One of the most well-known applications of electroreduction is the production of metals from their ores. In this process, known aselectrochemical metal extraction, an electric current is used to reduce metal ions in a solution or molten salt to their metallic form. This process is particularly important for the production of metals such as aluminum, copper, and zinc, which are essential for a wide range of industrial and technological applications.Another important application of electroreduction is in the field of energy storage. Electrochemical energy storage devices, such as batteries and fuel cells, rely on the principle of electroreduction to store and release energy. In these devices, the reduction of chemical species, such as oxygen or hydrogen, is used to generate an electric current that can be used to power various electronic devices or systems.The principle of electroreduction is also crucial in the field of environmental remediation. In this context, electroreduction can be used to remove or transform harmful pollutants, such as heavy metals or organic compounds, from contaminated water or soil. By applying an electric current, the pollutants can be reduced and converted into less harmful or more easily removable forms.In addition to these practical applications, the principle of electroreduction is also of great importance in the field of analytical chemistry. Electrochemical techniques, such as voltammetry and potentiometry, rely on the principles of electroreduction to analyzethe composition and properties of various chemical species.Overall, the principle of electroreduction is a fundamental concept in electrochemistry that has a wide range of practical applications across various industries and fields of study. From the production of metals to the development of energy storage devices and environmental remediation, the ability to control and harness the process of electroreduction has been instrumental in driving technological progress and addressing important societal challenges.。

物 理 化 学 学 报Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2024, 40 (3), 2305007 (1 of 11)Received: May 8, 2023; Revised: June 5, 2023; Accepted: June 20, 2023; Published online: June 28, 2023. *Correspondingauthors.Emails:***************(T.Y.);***************.cn(L.-F.C.)The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52374301, U1960107, 22075269, U2230101, GG2090007003), the Anhui Provincial Major Science and Technology Project (202203a05020048), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (N2123001, WK2480000007), the Anhui Provincial Hundred Talents Program, the Hefei Innovative Program for Overseas Excellent Scholar (BJ2090007002), USTC Startup Program (KY2090000062, KY2090000098, KY2090000099), the Performance Subsidy Fund for Key Laboratory of Dielectric and Electrolyte Functional Material Hebei Province (22567627H).国家自然科学基金(52374301, U1960107, 22075269, U2230101, GG2090007003), 安徽省科技重大专项(202203a05020048), 中央高校基本业务费(N2123001, WK2480000007), 安徽省百人计划(青年)项目, 合肥市留学人员创新项目(BJ2090007002), 中国科学技术大学启动基金(KY2090000062, KY2090000098, KY2090000099), 河北省电介质与电解质功能材料重点实验室绩效补助经费(22567627H)资助© Editorial office of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica[Article] doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202305007 Rational Design of Cross-Linked N-Doped C-Sn Nanofibers as Free-Standing Electrodes towards High-Performance Li-Ion Battery AnodesYing Li 1, Yushen Zhao 1,2, Kai Chen 3, Xu Liu 1,2, Tingfeng Yi 1,2,*, Li-Feng Chen 3,*1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China.2 Key Laboratory of Dielectric and Electrolyte Functional Material Hebei Province, School of Resources and Materials, NortheasternUniversity at Qinhuangdao, Qinhuangdao 066004, Hebei Province, China.3 CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials (LMBD), Department of Thermal Science and EnergyEngineering, School of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China.Abstract: Li-ion batteries (LIBs) have been considered as one of the most promising power sources for electric vehicles, portable electronics and electrical equipment because of their long cycle life and high energy density. The free-standing electrodes without binder, current collector and conductive agent can effectively obtain lager energy density as compared to the traditional electrodes where the addition of inactive components is required. In addition, the free-standing electrode plays an important role in developing flexible electronic devices. Currently, conventional graphite isstill the main commercial anode material, but its theoretical specific capacity is limited, and the rate performance is poor. In recent years, the high temperature pyrolytic hard carbon has attracted wide attention due to its higher theoretical specific capacity and more defects than graphite carbon. Moreover, polymer polyacrylonitrile (PAN) can be used as the raw material for preparation of free-standing anodes without any conductive additives or binders by electrospinning technique. Meanwhile, it is beneficial to reduce the production cost and simplify the manufacturing procedures of electrode. However, PAN-based hard carbon anode materials also have certain problems, such as low conductivity, poor rate performance, unsatisfactory cycling stability, and inferior initial Coulombic efficiency (CE). In addition, soft carbon has advantages of high carbon yield, good conductivity, superior cycling stability, high initial CE and relatively low price, but its specific capacity is generally lower than that of hard carbon materials. Based on above analysis, carbon anode materials with good electrochemical performance can be obtained by combining hard carbon and soft carbon, but the specific capacity of carbon materials is still low. Tin (Sn), as an anode material for LIBs, has a high theoretical specific capacity (994 mAh·g −1) and a low lithium alloying voltage. Nonetheless, the practical use of Sn anode has been limited by its huge volume change (theoretically ∼260%) during the repeated alloying-dealloying process, resulting in large pulverization and cracking, which triggers the rapid capacity fading. Hence, in order to increase the specific capacity of carbon anode materials of LIBs, the C-Sn composite film with uniform Sn nanoparticles embedded in N-doped carbon nanofibers was prepared byelectrospinning method following by a low-temperature carbonization process. The film was directly used as a free-standingelectrode for LIBs and exhibited good electrochemical performance, and the introduction of Sn significantly improved the electrochemical properties of the carbon nanofiber film. The formed fibrous structure after Sn was uniformly coated with carbon can promote the conduction of ions and electrons, and effectively buffers the volume change of Sn nanoparticles during cycling, thus effectively preventing pulverization and agglomeration. The C-Sn-2 electrode with a Sn content of about 25.6% has the highest specific capacity and best rate performance among all samples. The electrochemical test results show that, the charge (discharge) capacity reaches 412.7 (413.5) mAh·g−1 at a current density of 2 A·g−1 even after 1000 cycles. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that N-doped amorphous carbon has good affinity with lithium, which is conducive to anchoring the Sn x Li y alloy formed after alloying reaction on the carbon surface, thereby relieving the volume change of Sn during charge-discharge. This article provides a feasible strategy for the design of high-performance lithium storage materials.Key Words: Free-standing electrode; Carbon nanofiber; Metallic Sn; Li-ion battery; Cycling stability高性能锂离子电池用N掺杂C-Sn交联纳米纤维自支撑电极的理性设计李莹1,赵钰燊1,2,陈凯3,刘旭1,2,伊廷锋1,2,*,陈立锋3,*1东北大学材料科学与工程学院,沈阳 1108192东北大学秦皇岛分校资源与材料学院,河北省电介质与电解质功能材料重点实验室,河北秦皇岛 0660043中国科学院材料力学行为与设计重点实验室,中国科学技术大学工程科学学院热科学和能源工程系,合肥 230026摘要:为了提高碳材料作为锂离子电池负极材料的比容量,将氮掺杂的碳纤维与高容量的Sn进行复合。

CRYSTAL GROWTH AND EXPITAXY1.画出一50cm 长的单晶硅锭距离籽晶10cm 、20cm 、30cm 、40cm 、45cm 时砷的掺杂分布。
(单晶硅锭从融体中拉出时,初始的掺杂浓度为1017cm —3) 2.硅的晶格常数为5.43Å.假设为一硬球模型: (a )计算硅原子的半径。
(b )确定硅原子的浓度为多少(单位为cm —3)?(c )利用阿伏伽德罗(Avogadro)常数求出硅的密度。
3.假设有一l0kg 的纯硅融体,当硼掺杂的单晶硅锭生长到一半时,希望得到0。
01 Ω·cm 的电阻率,则需要加总量是多少的硼去掺杂?4.一直径200mm 、厚1mm 的硅晶片,含有5。
41mg 的硼均匀分布在替代位置上,求: (a )硼的浓度为多少?(b )硼原子间的平均距离。
5mm )的狭窄颈以作为无位错生长的开始。
如果硅的临界屈服强度为2×106g/cm2,试计算此籽晶可以支撑的200mm 直径单晶硅锭的最大长度。
6.在利用柴可拉斯基法所生长的晶体中掺入硼原子,为何在尾端的硼原子浓度会比籽晶端的浓度高?7.为何晶片中心的杂质浓度会比晶片周围的大?8.对柴可拉斯基技术,在k 0=0。
05时,画出C s /C 0值的曲线。
9.利用悬浮区熔工艺来提纯一含有镓且浓度为5×1016cm —3的单晶硅锭。
一次悬浮区熔通过,熔融带长度为2cm,则在离多远处镓的浓度会低于5×1015cm —3?10.从式L kx s e k C C /0)1(1/---=,假设k e =0。
3,求在x/L=1和2时,C s /C 0的值。
11.如果用如右图所示的硅材料制造p +—n 突变结二极管,试求用传统的方法掺杂和用中子辐照硅的击穿电压改变的百分比。
12.由图10.10,若C m =20%,在T b 时,还剩下多少比例的液体?13.用图10。

To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................

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ELECTRIC DRIVE2024Vol.54No.5电气传动2024年第54卷第5期改进单神经元PI的三相PWM整流器电压控制夏涛1,刘亮1,张仰飞1,2,刘海涛1,2,孟高军1,2(1.南京工程学院电力工程学院,江苏南京211167;2.江苏省配电网智能技术与装备协同创新中心,江苏南京211167)摘要:针对三相脉宽调制(PWM)整流器在负载变化时输出电压波动大且恢复时间长的问题,提出一种改进单神经元梯度学习控制策略。
关键词:整流器;电压外环;单神经元;梯度学习;余弦退火;负载扰动中图分类号:TM461文献标识码:A DOI:10.19457/j.1001-2095.dqcd24368Three-phase PWM Rectifier Voltage Control Based on Improved Single Neuron PIXIA Tao1,LIU Liang1,ZHANG Yangfei1,2,LIU Haitao1,2,MENG Gaojun1,2(1.School of Electric Power Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing211167,Jiangsu,China;2.Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Smart Distribution Network,Nanjing211167,Jiangsu,China)Abstract:Aiming at the problem of large output voltage fluctuation and long recovery time of three-phase pulse-width modulation(PWM)rectifiers when the load changes,an improved single-neuron gradient learning control strategy was proposed.Due to the poor adaptability of the traditional PI controller parameters when the load changes,a single neuron PI control was adopted in the voltage outer loop,and the gradient descent method was used to adjust the weight parameters online.In order to avoid falling into a local optimal solution during the solution process,a stochastic gradient descent algorithm with restart function(SGDR)was used,and cosine annealing was used to change the learning rate of the weights to improve the convergence performance of the algorithm.Through Matlab and hardware-in-the-loop simulation experiments,the dynamic response performance of the voltage outer loop of the three-phase PWM rectifier under different control algorithms was compared and analyzed.The results show that the three-phase PWM rectifier controlled by the improved single neuron PI algorithm has smaller voltage fluctuation,faster dynamic response and more stable operating state when the load changes.Key words:rectifier;voltage outer loop;single neuron;gradient learning;cosine annealing;load perturbation三相脉宽调制(pulse-width modulation,PWM)整流器既能整流又可实现逆变,且凭借整流输出电压可调、引起的网侧电流谐波含量少、稳定单位功率因数运行等优点[1],在电动汽车充电领域得到广泛应用,满足了汽车储能元件与电网间电能的互补利用[2]。

1 高温核磁功放的模块结构根据理论计算,在井下环境若要产生自旋回波信号,功放的瞬时功率至少为千瓦量级。
1.1 工作原理与效率分析图1中T 1-T 4是射频MOS场效应管,参数基本一致。
Ti是加激励电压的输入变压器,Tr 2是输出变压器,变压比N 为1。
LC是输出回路中串联谐振滤波电路,R L是负载电阻。
图1 全桥功率放大电路综合正负半周2个过程,L 1两端脉冲电压正负半周相位相反,通过变压器耦合到次级上产生感应电压V L2的波形为方波,由于输出串联汇路中有LC谐振电路的滤波作用,因此回路电流I L 是余弦波电流,在负载电阻上的电压降也是余弦波,完成了放大功能[3]。
此时功放的场效应管效率为:'(2)o cc DSS dc ccP V V P V η-== (1)由式(1)可以看到,要想进一步提高功耗的效率必须减小功率管的饱和导通压降,从而减小功率管上的导通损耗。

赵羽;Augustin Mpanda
【作者】赵羽;Augustin Mpanda
【作者单位】北京理工大学信息与电子学院;ESIEE-Amiens,14,Quai De la Somme,F-80082 Amiens,France
1.太阳能电池最大功率点跟踪的实现与控制 [J], 崔成旺;王昆;杨颖
2.MCU控制的太阳能电池最大功率跟踪控制器 [J], 时剑;单春贤;童红;方攀
3.基于RTDS太阳能电池建模及最大功率点跟踪控制 [J], 任立平;董兴绿;于跃海;
4.太阳能电池最大功率跟踪控制 [J], 包晶晶;顾工川;陈恳
5.太阳能电池最大功率点跟踪的实现与控制 [J], 崔成旺;王昆;杨颖;
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540growth of C.glutamicum strain AS019in glycine or glycine plus INH significantly improved electrotrans-formation efficiency(Haynes&Britz1990).Further-more,we found that a series of mutants,isolated orig-inally as amino acid auxotrophs,protoplasted more readily than their parent,ATCC13059(Best&Britz 1986).These mutants showed significantly different mycolic acid composition and the proportion of extra-cellular mycolic acids was greater following growth in high concentrations of glycine,INH or glycine plus INH(Jang et al.1997).The objective of the present work was to evaluate the use of these cell-surface mu-tants of C.glutamicum(MLB133and MLB194)as recipients in electrotransformation of plasmid DNA and compare these strains with the restriction deficient mutants,RM3and RM4,which are transformed effi-ciently by homologously-and heterologously-derived DNA(Schäfer et al.1994).Materials and methodsBacterial strains,plasmid,and growth conditionsSix strains of C.glutamicum were used:AS019, a spontaneous rifampicin-resistant strain of ATCC 13059(Yoshihama et al.1985);MLB133and MLB194,auxotrophic mutants(ileu−,leu−)derived from ATCC13059by long-term expose to ethyl-methane sulfonate(Best&Britz1986);ATCC13032 and its restriction-modification mutants,RM3and RM4(Schäfer et al.1994).The plasmid used was pCSL17,a7.2-kb E.coli-corynebacteria shuttle vec-tor(Hodgson et al.1989). C.glutamicum strains were grown routinely in Luria broth(Miller1972) supplemented with0.5%(w/v)glucose(LBG).Cells were cultivated at30◦C with agitation(200rpm)in a shaker incubator.Maximum specific growth rates (µmax)were determined from changes in A600for C.glutamicum strains in shake-flask cultures of LBG supplemented with up to8mg ml−1INH or10%(w/v) glycine and expressed as the percentage relative to growth in LBG.Preparation of cells and plasmid DNA for electroporationTwo media were used:LBG and LBG-GI(LBG con-taining2%glycine plus INH,which was used at 0.4mg ml−1for ATCC13032,RM3and RM4,or 4mg ml−1for AS019,MLB133and MLB194).Cells (100ml)were harvested at A600between0.35and 0.45,washed twice at4◦C with100ml of15% (w/v)of glycerol and then resuspended in2ml cold 15%(v/v)glycerol.pCSL17DNA were prepared by an alkaline lysis method(Britz&Best1986)and further purified with CsCl-EtBr density gradient cen-trifugation(Sambrook et al.1989).The source of heterologous DNA was pCSL17purified from E.coli strain LE392and homologous pCSL17was derived from C.glutamicum strain AS019.DNA was stored in aqueous solution at−20◦C.ElectroporationTransformation by electroporation was based on the protocol described by Haynes&Britz(1990)and this was carried out using a Gene-Pulser system(Bio-Rad Laboratories,Richimond,CA).Fortyµl of cell sus-pension(approximately109cells)were mixed with various amounts of DNA to give a total volume of 72µl and afinal concentration of15%glycerol.The mixture was held on ice for5min,then this was transferred to a pre-cooled0.2cm cuvette.Follow-ing exposure to a single pulse(2.5kV,25µF),the cells were immediately removed from the electrodes and stored on ice for5min.Subsequently,1ml of recovery medium(LBG medium containing10mM CaCl2and10mM mgCl2)was added to the cells.Fol-lowing incubation without shaking for1h at30◦C, 10-fold serial dilutions of cells were made in SMMC (Yoshihama et al.1985)and appropriate dilutions spread onto ET plates(Best&Britz1986)and ET containing50µg ml−1of kanamycin(ET-Km)to enu-merate transformants.Transformation efficiency(TE) was calculated as the number of transformants per109 cells electroporated perµg of plasmid DNA added and transformation frequency(TF)was calculated as the number of transformants per number of survivor per µg of DNA multiplied by106.Measurement of cell-wall thicknessCells were collected at an A600of0.4following growth in LBG,LBG-G(LBG with2%glycine),and LBG-INH(4mg ml−1).Thin sections offixed,em-bedded cells were viewed and recorded on a JEOL 100S electron microscope as described by Hayat (1981)and modified by Ms Anne Martsi Clintock (Dept.of Physiology,Monash University,Australia). Multiplefields were examined using several magni-fications and cells were photographed randomly.A magnification of12,000was used to measure cell-wall thickness,where10to20cells were viewed in each541parison of specific growth rates of C.glutamicum strains in the presence or absence of glycine or INH.Strains:AS019 ( ),MLB194( ),MLB133( )(left panels);ATCC13032( ), RM3( )and RM4( )(right panels).µmax values are expressed as a percentage of values seen for growth in LBG.frame.Cell wall thickness was measured for at least 40cells and multiple measurements(3–5)made for each cell,with averages plus standard deviations for each growth condition calculated using the Sigma-plot program.Determination of mycolic acid compositionStrains were grown to early exponential phase in shake-flask cultures of LBG and LBG-GI as described for electroporation experiments.The mycolic acid composition was determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry for cells and extracellularflu-ids following extraction,derivatization and quantifica-tion as described previously(Jang et al.1997).My-colic acids were quantified in terms of their peak area and the relative amounts expressed as a percentage of the total area detected for mycolic acids.ResultsSensitivity of strains to growth inhibition by glycine and INHStrains MLB133and MLB194were more sensitive to inhibition by both glycine and INH than AS019(rep-resentative of the parent of these strains),as indicated by their significantly lower relative specific growth rates when glycine was present at>1%and INH at >3mg ml−1(Figure1),confirming our previous ob-servations(Jang et al.1997).ATCC13032was more sensitive to both agents than AS019and both RM3 and RM4showed significantly more growth inhibition than their parent strain when grown in INH.In con-trast,the growth rates of ATCC13032,RM3and RM4 in glycine were similar,although RM3continued to grow in glycine at concentrations which completely inhibited the other two strains(>6%).Effect of glycine plus INH on mycolic acid profiles Our previous results had shown that the most signifi-cant impact of the presence of glycine plus INH during growth of the ATCC13059family of C.glutamicum strains was a significant increase in the proportion of extracellular mycolic acids(Jang et al.1997),where this effect was most noticeable for mutant MLB133 (Table1).The concentration of glycine used with the ATCC13032family of strains was kept at2%(w/v)in LBG but the concentration of INH had to be lowered to0.4mg ml−1to allow all strains to grow at accept-able rates.Even so,this level of glycine plus INH was very inhibitory,reflecting the greater sensitivity of these strains to the combination of these addi-tives.Although the profile of mycolic acids present in the ATCC13032family was similar to AS019and its mutants,the relative proportion of C32:0in all strains was lower than AS019and more resembled that seen for strain MLB133.Strain RM3was noted to contain relatively higher proportions of C36:2than ATCC13032and RM4,whatever the growth condi-tions used,which together with its very low levels of C32:0resulted in a higher ratio of unsaturated to saturated mycolic acids.Similar changes in mycolic acid composition were seen previously when strains MLB133and MLB194were grown in8mg of INH ml−1(Jang et al.1997),which suggests that strain RM3has undergone changes in its cell surface struc-tures which correlate with its greater sensitivity to INH.Growth in LBG-GI increased the proportion of extracellular mycolic acids in the ATCC13032family but the impact was not as great as seen for MLB133 and MLB194.However,there was no attempt to opti-mize the INH concentration used for the former and higher concentrations of INH may well have had a further impact.These results show that the concentra-tions of glycine and INH used altered the mycolic acid542Table1.Mycolic acid composition of C.glutamicum strains grown in two different media.Strains of AS019,MLB194and MLB133were cultured in LBG and were supplemented with2%glycine plus4mg INH ml−1and strains of ATCC13032,RM3and RM4in LBG were supplemented with2%glycine plus0.4mg INH ml−1.C32:053.0a55.942. C34:130.027.938. C34:08.810. 2.68.5 4.5 C36:2 5.3 4.19.419. 6.9 3.3 C36:1 2.934.4 3.313.8 3.2 2.1 3.0 3.9 5.0 2.2 3.2 1.0 %UM to TM b38.234.450.852.545.543.151.947. %Extracellular c 4.515. 3.57.2 4.110.5 5.411.9543Fig.3.Transformation efficiencies seen following growth in LBG or LBG-GI for heterologous and homologous DNA.Strains were grown in either LBG or LBG containing2%(w/v)glycine plus INH(0.4mg INH ml−1for ATCC13032,RM3and RM4,or4mg INH ml−1for AS019,MLB133and MLB194)(LBG-GI)and trans-formed with pCSL17.Legend for numbers:1and3,LBG;2and4, LBG-GI.Transformation efficiency is expressed as the number of transformants per109cells electroporated perµg DNA supplied. TE(ranging from<10to103transformants×[109 cells×µg DNA]−1)for heterologously-derived DNA whereas homologous DNA gave much higher TE val-ues(1.7to3.1×104transformants×[109cells×µg DNA]−1).This indicates that these strains con-tain an active restriction system which impairs entry of foreign DNA.For all circumstances,the presence of glycine and INH in the medium improved both transformation ef-ficiency and frequency.For the ATCC13032family, the presence of2%glycine and0.4mg INH ml−1in the growth medium lead to TE increases of approxi-mately10-fold,indicating that transformation of the restriction mutants could be further improved by ma-nipulating the cell surface structure by prior growth conditions.Similar or greater increases in TE were also obtained for the AS019family,where growth in LBG-GI significantly improved transformation forheterologous DNA.Of the six strains tested,and the growth conditions used,the highest number oftransformants was obtained when MLB133cells weregrown in the LBG-GI(TE of5.8×106transformants ×[109cells×µg DNA]−1).The TE here was100-fold higher than for cells tranformed after growth inLBG for both sources of DNA and was between10-and100-fold higher than for AS019grown similarly.DiscussionAlthough we had previously reported the isolation and characterization of cell-surface mutants of C.glutam-icum(Best&Britz1986,Jang et al.1997),we had not reported their performance in plasmid transforma-tion.In this study,we confirmed that the cell surface mutants MLB133and MLB194were more sensitive than their parent to growth inhibition by glycine and INH,and that growth in glycine,INH or combinations of these caused an increase in the extracellular my-colic acids.Furthermore,analysis of cells of MLB133 by TEM showed that the cell surface was thinner fol-lowing growth in either glycine or INH.This was consistent with the observed increase in extracellu-lar mycolic acids and adds evidence to support our hypothesis that these agents are acting at the level of both synthesis and attachment of mycolic acids in C.glutamicum.Although MLB133still retained an active restric-tion-modification system,evidenced by its relatively poor transformation by heterologous DNA,this strain showed high electrotransformation efficiency relative to AS019,and this was comparable or better than the restriction and modification mutants,RM3and RM4,and their parent ATCC13032,even for heterol-ogous DNA.However,we noted that the ATCC13032 family of strains was more sensitive to growth inhibi-tion by glycine and INH,and we made no attempt to optimize the concentration of these to improve elec-trotransformation efficiency.These data point to the large variation between strains of C.glutamicum in sensitivity to growth inhibition by cell-surface modi-fying agents and the need to optimize conditions for each strain to improve transformation.This may arise due to differences in the cell surface structures present: we noted that the relative proportions of mycolic acids varied between the two families of strains studied here and suggest that these differences may have been544sufficient to explain the inherently better uptake of plasmid DNA by ATCC13032compared with AS019. It was also interesting and unexpected to note that strain RM3,which was isolated as a restriction minus mutant,showed a different mycolic acid profile to its parent strain ATCC13032in that it had a higher pro-portion of unsaturated mycolic acids.Changes in the surface structure may have added to this strains good performance in transformation.Also,the ATCC13032 family required less INH in the presence of glycine to have a significant impact on transformation efficiency, which was consistent with their greater sensitivity to these agents.These observations may help to ex-plain why other workers failed to see improvements in transformation of corynebacteria following growth in glycine or threonine(Dunican&Shivnan1989),as the concentration of glycine required to cause shifts in mycolic acid profile and sub-cellular location of these lipids varies considerably between strains and species of coryneforms.This study confirmed the presence of two barriers to successful introduction of DNA into C.glutamicum, where both the physical barrier of the mycolic acid-rich cell surface and the RM systems present play significant roles(Katsumata et al.1984,Haynes& Britz1990,Schäfer et al.1994).It also provided an opportunity to better understand the relative con-tribution of these two barriers by showing that the uptake of DNA by restriction-minus mutants could be further improved by manipulating their cell surface structures.Our analysis concentrated on the impact on glycine and INH on mycolic acid structures.How-ever,it is interesting to speculate that the observed cell surface changes in mutant MLB133may also have affected restriction and modification activity in this strain,given the observed large increase in trans-formation efficiency for heterologous DNA following growth in LBG-GI.Schäfer et al.(1994)described a stress-sensitive restriction system in C.glutam-icum which was impaired by heat shock or treatment with surface active agents(detergents and ethanol), where the latter implied that the enzymes concerned may have been located at or near the surface of the cells.Shedding of mycolic acids into the extracellular growth medium during growth in glycine plus INH may alter the activity of this system by mechanisms which may include changes in the lipid environment necessary for activity or concurrent release of the en-zyme(s)concerned into the extracellular medium.This remains experimentally uninvestigated but warrants further study.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge Drs Schäfer,Kali-nowski and Prof Pühler for generously providing strains ATCC13032,RM3and RM4.ReferencesBest GR,Britz ML(1986)Facilitated protoplasting in certain aux-otrophic mutants of Corynebacterium glutamicum.Appl.Micro-biol.Biotech.23:288–293.Billman-Jacobe H,Wang L,Kortt A,Stewart D,Radford A (1995)Expression and secretion of heterologous protease by Corynebacterium glutamicum.Appl.Environ.Microbiol.61: 1610–1613.Britz ML,Best GR(1986)Expression of chloramphenicol resis-tance by plasmid pHY416hosted in Corynebacterium glutam-icum.Curr.Microbiol.14:13–17.Dunican LK,Shivnan E(1989)High frequency transformation of whole cells of amino acid producing coryneform bacteria using high voltage electroporation.Bio/Technology7:1067–1070. 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