



Advances and Expenses Claims借款和费用报销Cash Advance Policy and Procedure借款政策与程序Policy政策It is the company policy that the agreed policy and procedure must be complied with when getting cash advance from Finance Department.公司的政策是:任何人从财务部借款必须遵从公司的政策与程序。

Purpose目的To achieve effective cost control实现有效成本控制Procedures程序1.APPLICATION OF ADV ANCES申请借款•Application for Cash Advance/Travel Approval must be prepared by the applicant for the advance of traveling, the applicant should fill in the relevantitems, such as itinerary and travel purpose, etc.•员工出差前需填写借款/出差审批单,申请人需详细填息具体内容,如日程和出差目的等。

•Advance amount should be approved by the Head of Department, then submit to Finance Controller and GM for approval directly.•借款金额需得到相关部门经理批准,然后提交财务经理与总经理批准。

2. SETTLEMENT OF ADV ANCES借款结算•Expenses Claim Report needs to be prepared by the claimant after every trip•报销人应在每次出差后填写报销明细单。


Printed by
For the
year(or,quarter,month)ended JULY31,1998

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二、财务组织结构1. 财务部门设置财务部门应具备专业的财务知识和丰富的实践经验。



2. 财务职责分工明确各个财务部门的职责和权限,确保财务工作的有序进行。


三、财务核算与报表1. 会计准则与政策根据相关法律法规和会计准则,明确外资企业应采用的会计准则和政策,并确保会计准则与企业实际情况相适应。


2. 财务报表编制财务报表是外资企业重要的信息披露工具,要确保报表的准确性和及时性。


四、预算与成本控制1. 预算编制与管理外资企业应制定年度预算,明确销售、采购、生产等各项经营指标,并进行月度或季度的预算控制和分析。


2. 成本核算与控制建立合理的成本核算体系,对企业各项费用和成本进行准确核算和分析。


五、资金管理与风险控制1. 资金规划与筹措制定资金筹措计划,确保企业的资金需求得到满足。


2. 风险管理外资企业在金融风险、市场风险和汇率风险等方面面临着一定的风险。








































财务管理制度 英文范文

财务管理制度 英文范文

财务管理制度英文范文Financial Management SystemIntroductionFinancial management is an essential part of every organization, regardless of its size or nature. A well-designed and properly implemented financial management system allows an organization to effectively monitor and control its financial operations, make informed decisions, and ensure compliance with laws and regulations.This document outlines the financial management system of XYZ Company, providing guidelines and procedures to ensure the efficient and effective management of financial resources. The system covers key areas such as budgeting, accounting, cash management, financial reporting, and internal controls.1. Budgeting1.1. Objectives- Ensure effective allocation of financial resources to achieve organizational goals- Provide a basis for financial planning and decision-making- Control expenditure and prevent overruns1.2. Process- Prepare an annual budget based on inputs from various departments and stakeholders- Review and approve the budget by the management team- Monitor budget performance on a regular basis and take corrective actions when necessary- Conduct periodic budget reviews and adjustments, if required- Encourage the participation of relevant departments to promote ownership and accountability2. Accounting2.1. Chart of Accounts- Maintain a standardized chart of accounts to ensure consistency in financial reporting- Update the chart of accounts as needed to reflect changes in business operations or regulatory requirements2.2. Recording of Transactions- Record all financial transactions accurately, promptly, and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) - Implement a double-entry accounting system to maintain proper books of accounts- Segregate duties to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure internal controls2.3. Financial Statements- Prepare accurate and reliable financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement) on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis- Ensure compliance with applicable accounting standards and legal requirements- Present financial statements to the management team for review and approval3. Cash Management3.1. Objectives- Optimize cash flow to meet operational needs and financial obligations- Minimize idle cash and associated costs, such as bank charges and interest expenses- Safeguard cash against theft or misappropriation3.2. Procedures- Develop cash forecasts to estimate daily, weekly, and monthly cash requirements- Maintain effective controls over cash receipts and disbursements - Establish clear and documented procedures for approving and processing payments- Periodically review banking arrangements and negotiate favorable terms and conditions4. Financial Reporting4.1. Internal Reports- Generate internal reports to provide management with timely and accurate financial information for decision-making- Examples include budget variance reports, management accounts, and key performance indicators (KPIs)4.2. External Reports- Prepare financial reports for external stakeholders, such as shareholders, lenders, and regulators- Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, such as annual financial statements and tax filings- Present accurate and transparent financial information to maintain credibility and trust5. Internal Controls5.1. Objectives- Safeguard company assets from loss, theft, or misuse- Prevent errors, fraud, and irregularities in financial transactions - Ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies 5.2. Measures- Implement segregation of duties to avoid concentration of power and enhance accountability- Conduct regular internal audits to assess the effectiveness of controls- Implement a robust system of checks and balances to detect and prevent errors and fraud- Provide training and awareness programs to employees regarding their roles and responsibilities in maintaining internal controls ConclusionA robust financial management system is critical for the success and sustainability of any organization. XYZ Company is committed to implementing and adhering to the guidelines and procedures outlined in this document to ensure efficient utilization of financial resources, accurate financial reporting, and strong internal controls. Regular review and improvement of the systemwill be conducted to adapt to changing business needs and regulatory requirements.。



财务制度(中英文)FinancialManagemntRegulations财务管理制度Financial Management Regulations第一章总则第一条为了加强公司的财务管理和财务监督工作,保护本公司和投资人各方的利益,根据国家有关外商投资企业的法律、法规等,特制定本制度。

This system is hereby established in the list of national laws and regulations regarding to foreign investment enterprise in order to well manage and supervise financial affairs of this company and protect interests of the company and investors.第二条公司的财务活动,遵守中国的有关法律、法规和本规定,接受国家财税机关的检查和监督,并对董事会及投资人各方负责。

All financial activities of this company conform to Chinese laws, regulations and this system, receive inspection and supervision of state financial and tax authority and are responsible to board of directors and investors.第三条公司各部门和职员办理财会及财会相关事务,必须遵守本制度。

Departments and employees of this company shall abide by this system when involved in financial affairs or such affairs concerned.第二章现金管理第四条严格按照中国人民银行规定的现金管理办法和财政部关于企业单位货币资金管理和控制的规定,办理有关现金收支业务。



财务管理制度(中英文对照)Financial Management System一、概述Overview财务管理制度是企业为了规范和管理财务活动而建立的一套制度和规范。



The financial management system is a set of rules and regulations established by a company to regulate and manage financial activities. Its purpose is to ensure that financial activities are properly organized and effectively controlled to maximize financial goals. The following is the specific content of the financial management system in our company.二、财务核算Financial Accounting1. 制度概述1. System Overview本公司财务核算制度由财务部门负责执行。


The financial accounting system in our company is implemented by the finance department. All financial activities must comply with national laws and regulations as well as accounting standards for accounting and reporting.2. 财务报表2. Financial Statements按照国家相关规定和会计准则,财务部门将每年编制并及时发布财务报表,包括资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表等。





第三条公司财务管理遵循以下原则:1. 遵守国家法律法规,执行国家财经政策;2. 实行统一领导、分级管理;3. 强化内部控制,防范财务风险;4. 保障公司利益,提高经济效益。


第五条财务部主要职责:1. 制定和实施公司财务管理制度;2. 编制和执行公司财务预算;3. 负责公司资金管理、成本核算、费用控制等工作;4. 负责公司财务报告编制、对外披露等工作;5. 负责公司内部控制体系的建立、完善和执行。

第三章预算管理第六条公司预算编制应遵循以下原则:1. 遵循国家有关法律法规和政策;2. 符合公司发展战略和经营目标;3. 体现公司财务管理要求;4. 确保预算编制的科学性、合理性和可行性。

第七条公司预算编制程序:1. 各部门根据公司年度经营目标,编制部门预算;2. 财务部汇总各部门预算,编制公司整体预算;3. 公司领导审批预算;4. 预算执行过程中,各部门应定期报告预算执行情况。

第四章资金筹集与使用管理第八条公司资金筹集应遵循以下原则:1. 符合国家金融政策;2. 保障公司资金安全;3. 优化资本结构;4. 降低融资成本。

第九条公司资金使用应遵循以下原则:1. 符合公司经营目标和财务预算;2. 保障公司资金合理配置;3. 防范资金风险;4. 提高资金使用效率。

第五章资产管理第十条公司资产管理应遵循以下原则:1. 遵守国家有关法律法规;2. 保障资产安全、完整;3. 提高资产使用效率;4. 实现资产保值增值。



第六章成本、费用及税收管理第十二条公司成本、费用管理应遵循以下原则:1. 严格执行国家成本费用管理制度;2. 优化成本结构,降低成本;3. 合理分摊费用,提高费用使用效率。



外资企业财务管理制度范本一、总则1.1 目的本制度的目的是为了确保外资企业的财务管理工作规范、高效,保障企业财务安全,提高财务决策的准确性和实时性。

1.2 适用范围本制度适用于所有外资企业,包括独资企业、合资企业和外商投资企业。

1.3 定义1.3.1 外资企业:指外国投资者在中国境内设立的企业,包括独资企业、合资企业和外商投资企业。

1.3.2 财务管理:指对企业资金、资产、负债和权益的全面管理,包括财务规划、财务分析、财务报告等方面。

二、财务规划和预算2.1 财务目标外资企业应制定明确的财务目标,如实现盈利增长、资产增值等,并与企业整体经营目标相一致。

2.2 财务预算外资企业应每年制定财务预算,包括收入、成本、投资、资金筹集等方面,并定期进行审查和调整。

三、会计核算和财务报告3.1 会计政策外资企业应制定明确的会计政策,符合国家相关法律法规和会计准则,并及时更新。

3.2 会计准则外资企业应遵循中国会计准则或国际财务报告准则(IFRS)等相关会计准则,确保财务报告的准确性和可比性。

3.3 财务报告外资企业应按照规定时间制定财务报告,包括月度报表、季度报表和年度报表,并确保报表内容真实、完整。

四、资金管理4.1 财务预测外资企业应根据市场情况和企业经营计划,制定资金需求的财务预测,并根据预测结果进行资金筹措。

4.2 资金调度外资企业应合理调度资金,确保企业资金流动的平衡和有效运营,减少资金的闲置和浪费。

五、成本管理5.1 成本控制外资企业应建立健全的成本核算体系,控制成本费用,提高企业经济效益和竞争力。

5.2 成本分析外资企业应进行成本分析,包括直接成本分析和间接成本分析,以便更好地理解成本结构和影响成本的因素。

六、审计和内部控制6.1 审计制度外资企业应建立独立的内部审计机构或委托专业机构进行审计,并报告给企业高层管理人员。

6.2 内部控制外资企业应建立健全的内部控制制度,确保企业财务活动的合规性和风险控制。



I. IntroductionThe Financial Management System of [Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the System") is established to ensure the company's financial activities are conducted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, promote the rational use of financial resources, enhance the financial management efficiency, and safeguard the company's financial interests. This System is applicable to all employees and departments within the company.II. General Principles1. Legality and Compliance: All financial activities must comply with the laws, regulations, and policies of the People's Republic of China.2. Rationality and Efficiency: Financial planning, budgeting, and execution should be rational and efficient to maximize the company's financial benefits.3. Transparency and Fairness: Financial management processes should be transparent, and all financial information should be accurately and fairly recorded.4. Risk Control: Risk management should be integrated into the entire financial management process to minimize potential financial risks.III. Financial Planning and Budgeting1. Financial Planning: The company shall formulate a comprehensive financial plan based on its business development strategy and market conditions.2. Budgeting: The company shall establish a budgeting system to ensure that financial resources are allocated in a reasonable and effective manner.3. Budget Approval: The budget shall be submitted for approval to the relevant authority and shall be subject to periodic review and adjustment.IV. Financial Record Keeping and Reporting1. Record Keeping: All financial transactions shall be recorded in a timely and accurate manner, and the records shall be preserved for a specified period in accordance with relevant regulations.2. Financial Statements: The company shall prepare financial statements in accordance with accounting standards, and these statements shall be submitted to the relevant authorities for review.3. Reporting: The company shall establish a reporting system to ensure timely and accurate reporting of financial information to all stakeholders.V. Financial Control1. Cash Management: The company shall implement strict cash management policies to ensure the safety and liquidity of cash.2. Expenditure Control: All expenditures shall be approved in accordance with the company's financial policies and procedures.3. Investment Management: Investment decisions shall be made based on a comprehensive analysis of risks and returns.VI. Internal Audit and Compliance1. Internal Audit: The company shall conduct internal audits to ensure compliance with the Financial Management System and other relevant policies.2. Compliance Monitoring: The company shall establish a compliance monitoring system to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies.VII. Training and Supervision1. Training: The company shall provide regular training to employees on financial management policies, procedures, and regulations.2. Supervision: The company shall establish a supervision mechanism to monitor the implementation of the Financial Management System.VIII. Enforcement and Dispute Resolution1. Enforcement: Any violation of this System shall be subject to disciplinary measures, including but not limited to warnings, fines, and termination of employment.2. Dispute Resolution: Disputes arising from the implementation of this System shall be resolved through internal channels, and if necessary, through legal proceedings.IX. ConclusionThe Financial Management System of [Company Name] is designed to ensure the company's financial stability and growth. All employees are expected to strictly adhere to this System and contribute to the company's financial success.---公司财务管理制度第一章总则为规范公司财务活动,合理使用财务资源,提高财务管理效率,保护公司财务利益,特制定本制度。



制度会签表财务管理制度Financial Management Regulations第一章总则第一条为了加强公司的财务管理和财务监督工作,保护本公司和投资人各方的利益,根据国家有关外商投资企业的法律、法规等,特制定本制度。

1. This system is hereby established in the list of national laws and regulations regarding to foreign investment enterprise in order to well manage and supervise financial affairs of this company and protect interests of the company and investors.第二条本制度适用于上海有限公司。

2. This system is applicable to Shanghai Co., Ltd.第三条公司的财务活动,遵守中国的有关法律、法规和本规定,接受国家财税机关的检查和监督,并对董事会及投资人各方负责。

3. All financial activities of this company conform to Chinese laws, regulations and this system, receive inspection and supervision of state financial and tax authority and are responsible to board of directors and investors.第四条公司各部门和职员办理财会及财会相关事务,必须遵守本制度。

4. Departments and employees of this company shall abide by this system when involved in financial affairs or such affairs concerned.第二章现金管理第五条严格按照中国人民银行规定的现金管理办法和财政部关于企业单位货币资金管理和控制的规定,办理有关现金收支业务。



企业财务管理制度简单版英语范文Corporate Financial Management Policy.Purpose.This policy establishes the principles and procedures for the financial management of the Company. It is designed to ensure that the Company's financial resources are managed in a prudent and efficient manner, and that the Company complies with all applicable laws and regulations.Scope.This policy applies to all employees of the Company, as well as to any third parties who provide financial services to the Company.Definitions.Financial resources include all of the Company'sassets, liabilities, and equity.Prudent means exercising sound judgment and taking reasonable steps to avoid risks.Efficient means using resources effectively andwithout waste.Principles.The Company's financial management shall be based onthe following principles:Transparency: The Company's financial informationshall be accurate, complete, and transparent.Accountability: The Company's financial managers shall be accountable for the financial performance of the Company.Compliance: The Company shall comply with allapplicable laws and regulations.Prudence: The Company shall manage its financial resources prudently.Efficiency: The Company shall use its financial resources efficiently.Procedures.The following procedures shall be followed in the management of the Company's financial resources:Financial planning: The Company shall develop a financial plan that outlines its financial goals and objectives.Budgeting: The Company shall prepare and approve a budget that sets forth its expected revenues and expenditures.Cash management: The Company shall manage its cash flow to ensure that it has sufficient liquidity to meet its obligations.Investment management: The Company shall invest its surplus cash in a manner that is consistent with its investment policy.Debt management: The Company shall manage its debt in a manner that minimizes its cost of capital.Financial reporting: The Company shall prepare and publish financial statements that are accurate, complete, and transparent.Internal controls: The Company shall implementinternal controls to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its financial information.Responsibilities.The following individuals are responsible for the financial management of the Company:The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors isultimately responsible for the financial management of the Company.The Chief Financial Officer: The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company's financial resources.The Financial Management Team: The Financial Management Team is responsible for supporting the Chief Financial Officer in the management of the Company's financial resources.Review and Revision.This policy shall be reviewed and revised as needed to ensure that it remains current and effective.Effective Date.This policy is effective as of the date of its approval by the Board of Directors.。




二、组织机构与职责1. 公司设立财务部,负责公司财务管理的全面工作。

2. 财务部设部长一名,副部长若干名,下设会计、审计、资金管理、税务等岗位。

3. 财务部部长的职责:(1)全面负责公司的财务管理,确保公司财务状况的稳定和健康发展;(2)制定并实施财务管理制度,确保公司财务活动的合规性;(3)组织编制公司财务报表,及时、准确地反映公司财务状况;(4)负责公司财务预算、决算的编制和执行;(5)负责公司财务风险的控制和防范。

4. 财务部副部长及各岗位职责:(1)副部长:协助部长工作,负责分管领域的财务管理;(2)会计:负责编制和审核会计凭证,处理日常账务;(3)审计:负责对公司财务活动进行内部审计,确保财务活动的合规性;(4)资金管理:负责公司资金筹集、运用和管理,确保资金安全、高效;(5)税务:负责公司税务申报、税务筹划等工作。

三、财务管理制度1. 会计核算制度:(1)按照《中华人民共和国会计法》和国家统一的会计制度进行会计核算;(2)建立健全会计账簿,确保会计信息的真实、完整、准确;(3)严格执行会计凭证制度,加强会计凭证的审核、审批和保管;(4)定期进行财务报表编制和分析,为公司决策提供依据。

2. 资金管理制度:(1)加强资金筹集、运用和管理,确保资金安全、高效;(2)建立健全资金审批制度,严格控制资金支出;(3)加强资金回收管理,提高资金回笼率;(4)定期进行资金分析,及时调整资金策略。

3. 税务管理制度:(1)依法履行税务申报义务,确保税务合规;(2)加强税务筹划,降低公司税负;(3)建立健全税务档案,确保税务资料的完整、准确。

4. 财务预算、决算制度:(1)编制公司年度财务预算,确保预算的合理性和可行性;(2)严格执行财务预算,对预算执行情况进行监督、考核;(3)编制公司年度财务决算,及时反映公司财务状况。



I. IntroductionThe Financial Management System (FMS) is a comprehensive set of policies, procedures, and guidelines designed to ensure the efficient andeffective management of the organization's financial resources. This system is established to promote transparency, accountability, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The following document outlines the key components of our FMS.II. ObjectivesThe primary objectives of the FMS are as follows:1. To ensure the integrity and reliability of the organization'sfinancial reporting.2. To promote financial stability and sustainability.3. To protect the organization's assets and resources.4. To enhance the organization's reputation and credibility.5. To comply with all relevant financial laws and regulations.III. Policies and ProceduresA. Budgeting and Planning1. The organization shall develop and maintain a comprehensive annual budget.2. Budgets shall be based on realistic assumptions and shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate authority.3. Departments shall submit monthly budget variance reports to the finance department.B. Revenue Management1. All revenue shall be recorded in the organization's accounting system.2. Revenue recognition shall comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).3. Collections shall be made promptly and accurately.C. Expenditure Management1. All expenditures shall be authorized by the appropriate authority.2. Expenditures shall be recorded in the organization's accounting system.3. Expenditures shall be made in accordance with the approved budget.D. Asset Management1. The organization shall maintain accurate records of all assets.2. Assets shall be safeguarded and protected from loss, damage, or theft.3. Assets shall be depreciated in accordance with applicable accounting standards.E. Financial Reporting1. The organization shall prepare financial statements in accordance with GAAP.2. Financial statements shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate authority.3. Financial statements shall be made available to stakeholders upon request.IV. Compliance and Auditing1. The organization shall comply with all applicable financial laws and regulations.2. Internal controls shall be established and maintained to ensure compliance.3. Regular audits shall be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the FMS.V. Training and Communication1. Employees shall receive appropriate training on financial management policies and procedures.2. Financial management information shall be communicated to all employees and stakeholders.3. Employees shall be encouraged to report any concerns or violations of the FMS.VI. ConclusionThe Financial Management System is a cornerstone of the organization's operations. By adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in this document, the organization can ensure the proper management of its financial resources, maintain financial stability, and achieve its objectives.---财务管理制度第一章总则第一条本制度旨在规范我单位财务管理工作,确保财务活动的合法性、合规性和有效性,提高财务管理水平,促进单位可持续发展。



1. IntroductionThis Financial Management Policy (the "Policy") is designed to establish the framework for the financial management of [Company Name] (the "Company"). It outlines the principles, procedures, and controls that govern the Company's financial activities, ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies. The Policy is intended to promote transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the Company's financial operations.2. ScopeThis Policy applies to all employees, officers, and directors of the Company, as well as any other individuals or entities acting on behalf of the Company. It also applies to all financial transactions, assets, and liabilities of the Company.3. ObjectivesThe objectives of this Policy are as follows:- To ensure the integrity and reliability of the Company's financial records and reports.- To promote effective financial planning and decision-making.- To protect the Company's assets and resources.- To ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies.- To maintain a high standard of ethical conduct in all financial matters.4. Financial ControlsTo achieve the objectives outlined above, the following financial controls are established:4.1 Budgeting and ForecastingThe Company shall develop and maintain a comprehensive budget and forecast for each fiscal year. This budget shall be based on realistic assumptions and approved by the appropriate management level. Regular reviews and adjustments to the budget and forecast will be conducted as necessary.4.2 Record KeepingAll financial transactions shall be recorded in the Company's accounting system in a timely and accurate manner. The accounting system shall be designed to ensure the integrity and reliability of the financial records.4.3 Internal ControlsInternal controls shall be established and maintained to safeguard the Company's assets, ensure the accuracy and completeness of financial records, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. These controls may include segregation of duties, approval procedures, and regular internal and external audits.4.4 Approval of Financial TransactionsAll financial transactions exceeding a certain threshold shall require prior approval from the appropriate level of management. This includes, but is not limited to, expenditures, disbursements, and commitments of the Company's resources.5. Compliance and ReportingThe Company shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies in its financial activities. This includes, but is not limited to, tax laws, financial reporting standards, and anti-corruption laws.The Company shall prepare and distribute financial reports on a regular basis, including quarterly and annual reports. These reports shall provide a true and fair view of the Company's financial position, performance, and cash flows.6. Ethics and IntegrityAll employees, officers, and directors of the Company are expected to act with integrity and honesty in all financial matters. They shall avoid conflicts of interest and shall disclose any potential conflicts to the appropriate management level.7. Training and CommunicationThe Company shall provide appropriate training to employees on the financial management policies and procedures. Regular communication regarding the Policy shall be maintained to ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities and obligations.8. Review and UpdatesThis Policy shall be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Any significant changes to the Policy shall be communicated to all affected parties.9. EnforcementAny violation of this Policy shall be taken seriously. The Company reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, against any individual found to be in violation of this Policy.10. ConclusionThe Financial Management Policy is a vital tool for ensuring the financial health and sustainability of the Company. By adhering to this Policy, the Company can maintain the trust and confidence of its stakeholders and continue to operate effectively in a competitive and regulatory environment.[Company Name][Date]。



财务制度翻译英文Chapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 Purpose and BasisIn order to standardize financial management, strengthen financial supervision and ensure the accuracy and authenticity of financial information, this system is formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as the actual situation of the company.Article 2 Scope of ApplicationThis system applies to all financial activities of the company, including budgeting, accounting, auditing, financial analysis, and asset management.Article 3 Principles of Management1. Compliance: All financial activities must comply with relevant laws and regulations, as well as the company's internal regulations.2. Truthfulness: Financial information must be accurate, complete and reflect the true financial position of the company.3. Timeliness: Financial records must be kept up to date and financial reports must be submitted on time.4. Efficiency: Financial resources must be allocated and utilized efficiently to maximize the company's benefits.Article 4 Responsibilities1. The financial department is responsible for the overall financial management of the company, including budget preparation, accounting, auditing, financial analysis and asset management.2. All departments and staff must cooperate with the financial department and provide accurate and timely financial information.3. The board of directors is responsible for supervising the financial activities of the company and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.Chapter 2 BudgetingArticle 5 Budget Preparation1. The financial department is responsible for preparing the annual budget in accordance with the company's strategic plan and financial objectives.2. The budget must be approved by the board of directors before implementation.Article 6 Budget Control1. The financial department is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the budget and reporting any deviations to the board of directors.2. Departments must adhere to the budget and seek approval for any changes or adjustments.Article 7 Budget Review1. The financial department must conduct a review of the budget at the end of the fiscal year to evaluate its effectiveness.2. Any surplus or deficit must be explained in the financial report.Chapter 3 AccountingArticle 8 Accounting Principles1. The company must adhere to the accrual basis of accounting, recording transactions when they occur rather than when cash is received or paid.2. Accounting records must be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.Article 9 Financial Statements1. The financial department is responsible for preparing monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.2. The financial statements must be submitted to the board of directors for review and approval.Article 10 Audit1. An internal audit of the company's financial records must be conducted annually by an independent auditor.2. The auditor must report any findings and recommendations to the board of directors. Chapter 4 Financial AnalysisArticle 11 Financial Performance1. The financial department must analyze the company's financial performance and provide regular reports to the board of directors.2. Financial ratios and benchmarks must be used to evaluate the company's performance. Article 12 Investment Analysis1. The financial department must conduct investment analysis to evaluate the profitability and risk of potential investments.2. A cost-benefit analysis must be conducted before making any investment decisions. Chapter 5 Asset ManagementArticle 13 Asset Register1. The financial department is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date register of the company's assets, including property, equipment and investments.2. The register must include a description of the asset, its value, its location and its depreciation schedule.Article 14 Asset Disposal1. The financial department must approve any disposals of company assets, ensuring that they are sold at fair market value.2. Disposals must be recorded in the asset register and reported to the board of directors. Chapter 6 Internal ControlArticle 15 Internal Control System1. The company must establish an internal control system to safeguard its assets and ensure the integrity of its financial information.2. Internal controls must be documented and regularly reviewed for effectiveness.Article 16 Internal Audit1. The financial department must conduct periodic internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the internal control system.2. Any weaknesses or deficiencies must be reported to the board of directors for remediation.Chapter 7 Legal LiabilitiesArticle 17 Violations1. Any violation of this system or relevant laws and regulations by the company or its staff will result in disciplinary action.2. Serious violations may result in legal action and civil liability.Article 18 Confidentiality1. Financial information must be kept confidential and only disclosed to authorized personnel.2. Any breach of confidentiality will result in disciplinary action.Chapter 8 Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 19 ImplementationThis system shall be implemented from the date of approval by the board of directors. Article 20 AmendmentAny amendment to this system must be approved by the board of directors.Article 21 InterpretationAny interpretation of this system shall be the responsibility of the board of directors. This finance system is hereby adopted by the board of directors on [date]. Chairman: [Name]Secretary: [Name]End of Document.。



I. IntroductionThis Financial Management Policy (hereinafter referred to as "Policy")is formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations ofthe People's Republic of China, the Company's Articles of Association, and the principles of sound financial management. The Policy aims to ensure the Company's financial stability, enhance the efficiency of financial operations, protect the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders, and achieve sustainable development.II. Scope of ApplicationThis Policy applies to all employees, departments, and affiliated institutions of the Company. It is also applicable to the Company's financial activities, including but not limited to budgeting, accounting, internal control, and financial reporting.III. General Principles1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: The Company shall strictly comply with the laws, regulations, and policies of the People's Republic of China in its financial management activities.2. Financial Stability: The Company shall maintain financial stability and ensure the timely payment of debts and obligations.3. Efficiency and Effectiveness: The Company shall strive to optimize financial operations, enhance the efficiency of financial resources utilization, and achieve cost-effectiveness.4. Transparency and Fairness: The Company shall ensure the transparency and fairness of financial activities, and provide accurate and timely financial information to all stakeholders.5. Risk Management: The Company shall establish a comprehensive risk management system to identify, assess, and control financial risks.IV. Financial Planning and Budgeting1. Planning and Budgeting Cycle: The Company shall conduct annual financial planning and budgeting. The planning and budgeting cycle shall be consistent with the fiscal year of the Company.2. Budgeting Process: The budgeting process shall be carried out in accordance with the following steps:a. Collection of information: Collect and analyze relevant financial data and market information.b. Formulation of budget: Based on the analysis, formulate the budget plan for the next fiscal year.c. Approval and implementation: Submit the budget plan for approval and implement the budget after approval.d. Monitoring and adjustment: Monitor the budget execution and make necessary adjustments in a timely manner.3. Budget Execution: The budget shall be strictly implemented. Any deviation from the budget shall be analyzed and reported to the relevant authorities for decision-making.V. Accounting and Internal Control1. Accounting Standards: The Company shall adopt internationally recognized accounting standards and comply with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China.2. Accounting Records: The Company shall keep accurate and complete accounting records, and ensure the consistency of accounting data.3. Internal Control: The Company shall establish and implement a comprehensive internal control system to prevent and detect financial fraud and errors.4. Auditing: The Company shall conduct internal and external audits to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial statements.VI. Financial Reporting1. Reporting Period: The Company shall prepare financial statements on a quarterly, half-yearly, and annual basis.2. Reporting Content: The financial statements shall include the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and statement of changesin equity.3. Reporting Responsibility: The Company's financial department shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of financial statements.4. Disclosures: The Company shall provide accurate and timely financial information to all stakeholders, and make appropriate disclosures of potential risks.VII. Risk Management1. Risk Identification: The Company shall identify potential financial risks, including credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk.2. Risk Assessment: The Company shall assess the impact and likelihood of each identified risk.3. Risk Control: The Company shall implement measures to control and mitigate identified risks.4. Risk Monitoring: The Company shall establish a risk monitoring system to continuously monitor the effectiveness of risk control measures.VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation1. Monitoring: The Company's internal audit department shall monitor the implementation of this Policy and report to the Board of Directors.2. Evaluation: The Company shall conduct periodic evaluations of the effectiveness of this Policy and make necessary improvements.IX. ConclusionThis Financial Management Policy is an important document for the Company's financial management. All employees, departments, andaffiliated institutions shall strictly comply with this Policy and contribute to the Company's sustainable development.。





第三条海外财务管理的目标是:1. 确保海外业务财务信息的真实、准确、完整。

2. 优化海外资源配置,提高资金使用效率。

3. 防范财务风险,保障公司资产安全。

4. 依法纳税,维护公司合法权益。

第二章财务组织架构与职责第四条海外财务部是公司海外业务财务管理的核心部门,负责以下工作:1. 制定海外财务管理制度,组织实施并监督执行。

2. 负责海外财务预算编制、执行和监督。

3. 负责海外财务报表编制、审核和报送。

4. 负责海外税务筹划和申报。

5. 负责海外资金管理,确保资金安全、高效运作。

6. 负责海外成本费用控制,提高经营效益。

第五条海外各分支机构、子公司财务部门负责以下工作:1. 负责日常财务核算、账务处理和报表编制。

2. 负责执行公司财务管理制度和财务预算。

3. 负责内部控制,防范财务风险。

4. 负责税务申报和合规性检查。

5. 定期向海外财务部报告财务状况。

第三章财务核算与报告第六条海外财务核算应遵循以下原则:1. 会计凭证必须真实、合法、完整。

2. 会计账簿必须清晰、准确、完整。

3. 会计报表必须真实、准确、完整。

第七条海外财务报告应包括:1. 月度财务报表。

2. 季度财务报表。

3. 年度财务报表。

4. 财务分析报告。

第四章资金管理第八条海外资金管理应遵循以下原则:1. 依法合规,确保资金安全。

2. 高效运作,提高资金使用效率。

3. 合理配置,满足业务发展需求。

第九条海外资金管理包括以下内容:1. 资金筹集:通过银行贷款、发行债券等方式筹集资金。

2. 资金运用:用于投资、经营活动和日常支出。

3. 资金监控:定期对资金使用情况进行监控和分析。

第五章风险管理与内部控制第十条海外财务风险管理包括以下内容:1. 风险识别:识别海外业务可能存在的财务风险。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Advances and Expenses Claims借款和费用报销Cash Advance Policy and Procedure借款政策与程序Policy政策It is the company policy that the agreed policy and procedure must be complied with when getting cash advance from Finance Department.公司的政策是:任何人从财务部借款必须遵从公司的政策与程序。

Purpose目的To achieve effective cost control实现有效成本控制Procedures程序1.APPLICATION OF ADV ANCES申请借款•Application for Cash Advance/Travel Approval must be prepared by the applicant for the advance of traveling, the applicant should fill in the relevantitems, such as itinerary and travel purpose, etc.•员工出差前需填写借款/出差审批单,申请人需详细填息具体内容,如日程和出差目的等。

•Advance amount should be approved by the Head of Department, then submit to Finance Controller and GM for approval directly.•借款金额需得到相关部门经理批准,然后提交财务经理与总经理批准。

2. SETTLEMENT OF ADV ANCES借款结算•Expenses Claim Report needs to be prepared by the claimant after every trip•报销人应在每次出差后填写报销明细单。

•All Tax Invoices must be pasted neatly and attach to the Expenses Claim Report accordingly•所有发票应整齐粘贴,并附在报销明细单后面。

•Finance Department will check the contents of the claim report and approval of expenses must be obtained from the GM•财务部核对报销明细单的明细,各项花费均须获得总经理的批准。

•Every expense claim is to be settled the existing outstanding advance.•每次结算只能针对已经发生的借款。

•No further amount to be advanced to the same person, if there is an outstanding advance amount NOT settled•任何员工不能同时有两笔借款,若上一笔借款没有归还,则不能继续借款3. AMOUNT OF ADV ANCES借款金额The amount of advance should not overflow one month salary of borrower. For person who have petty cash on hand, then the petty cash should not overflow 2 months of their salary.借款金额原则以借款人的月薪为限额,不得超过。


Travel Expenses Policy and Procedure出差费用政策与程序Policy政策It is the company policy that all employees must adhere to the Travel Expenses Policy and Procedure when on company related business trip.公司的政策是所有员工因公出差时须遵循公司制定的出差费用政策与程序。

Purpose目的To set standard for travel expenses and to achieve effective cost control制定出差费用标准并获得有效的成本控制。

Procedures程序Prior to any travel, an employee must prepare a Cash Advance/Travel Approval and have it approved by Finance Controller and GM. Any cash advances required for travel must be requested 1 working days prior to travel in order to facilitate the Finance Department time to prepare funds.员工须在出差前一天填写借款/出差申请单,并由财务经理与总经理批准,以方便财务部门准备资金。

1.Application申请•If such trip is to be traveled by air, the HR/Admin Department is responsible to purchase the air ticket•若交通工具是飞机,则由人事后勤部安排购买机票。

2.Expenses Records花费记录•Claimant has to follow the company policy to settle the expenses.•报销人应根据公司政策报销费用。

•All tax invoices related to the trip must be pasted properly by the claimant for submission•与出差相关的发票应整齐粘贴好。

•Finance Dept. will check the contents of the report and ensure the supporting match with the claimed amount and then prepare the cash•财务部应核对报销明细表内容,确保票据与金额相符后准备现金。

•An Expenses Claim shall be submitted within 3 working days of return from the trip.•报销明细单应该在出差归来三个工作日内提交。

3.Settlement of Expense Claim出差费用结算•The expenses amount must be set off against the advance amount immediately after every trip.•每次出差归来后应及时核销费用,归还借款。

•Finance Department is responsible for updating the traveling expenses records •财务部负责及时更新出差花费记录。

•Before expenses reimbursement should signed by Finance Controller and GM.•费用报销前须经财务经理与总经理签字4.Entertainment宴请•Entertainment is arranged ONLY when there is a need•只有在必要时才可安排宴请•Sales relative entertainment approved by VGM, Others approved by GM.销售相关宴请须经主管销售副总批准,其他须经总经理批准。

5.Travel expenses standard差旅费标准Employees should make every effort to minimize travel expenses wherever possible. Meal allowance is for employee on travel(one-day trip is not include)the distribution is 20% for breakfast, 40% for lunch, 40% for dinner, but if entertainment is arranged during the time, all the relevant meal allowance will be cancelled, the payment is based on the actual expenses with official invoice under the limitation. The travel guidelines for the company are described below:员工应尽量节约出差费用,餐补是对因公出差的员工的补助(当日往返无餐补),具体分配为:早餐占餐补的20%,午餐占餐补的40%,晚餐占餐补的40% 若有招待宴请,则取消所有相关餐补,所有补助凭正式发票按规定标准报销。

具体标准如下:Office Supplies Purchasing Policy and Procedure办公用品采购政策与程序PolicyIt is the company policy that all office supplies purchasing must follow the proper procedure.公司的政策是任何办公用品的采购必须遵循一定的程序。

Purpose目的To achieve effective cost control为了达到有效的成本控制Procedures程序1.Nobody is allowed to purchase any office supply without prior approval.未获批准前,任何人不得擅自购买办公用品。

2.Purchase Order needs to be filled out before any purchasing.在购买办公用品前需要填写请购单。
