



立思辰留学360介绍,宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania,缩写UPenn)成立于1740年,是美国著名学者本杰明·富兰克林创立的一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学。




材料科学与工程基本信息:MS:3月15日USNEWS排名11学费$36,924申请截止日期PhD:1月2日TOEFL要求-GPA要求无可申请学期秋季IELTS要求-GRE要求Required GRE Subject Not Required注:(1)此处的排名是2015年USNEWS材料科学与工程专业的排名(2)MS共分两轮申请,第一轮11月15日截止,第二轮3月15日截止;两个轮次的申请没有本质区别,都是4-6周出录取结果(3)此处的学费只是针对MS学生的,为2014-15学年的数据;宾夕法尼亚大学工程学院所有PhD学生均可以获得全额奖学金,故其官网并无PhD的学费数据(4)该专业要求递交TOEFL/IELTS成绩,但未设定有最低分数要求申请说明留学360介绍,宾夕法尼亚大学材料科学与工程(Materias Science & Engineering)专业研究生招收MS 与PhD学生,要求申请者递交GRE成绩,但并无最低GRE、GPA等分数要求。


专业设置宾夕法尼亚大学材料科学与工程专业开设的研究领域如下:∙生物材料(Biomaterials)∙纳米管与纳米线(Nanotubes and Nanowires)∙陶瓷材料(Ceramics)∙材料化学(Chemistry of Materials)∙电子显微镜(Electron Microscopy)∙电子与光学性质(Electronic and Optical Properties)∙能源材料(Energy)∙材料理论与建模(Materials Theory and Modeling)∙机械性能(Mechanical Behavior)∙金属材料(Metals)∙纳米材料(Nanostructured Materials)∙材料物理(Physics of Materials)∙高分子材料(Polymers)∙扫描探针显微镜(Scanning Probe Microscopy)∙半导体材料(Semiconductors)∙表面与界面(Surfaces & Interfaces)∙X射线与中子散射(X-Ray & Neutron Scattering)∙。






专业介绍:材料科学与工程(Materials Science and Engineering)是一个多学科领域,涉及物质的性质及其在各个科学和工程领域的应用。




专业设置:根据美国大学开设的情况,材料专业大致可分为以下几个方向:金属材料(Metal Materials)、无机非金属材料(Ceramics)、高分子材料(Polymers)、复合材料(Composites Materials)计算材料科学(Computational materials science)、生物材料(Biomaterials)、电子、光学与磁性材料(Optical,Electronic and Magnetic Materials)。

材料科学与工程专业课程:材料科学与工程专业(Materials science and engineering)主要研究工程学上各种材料的属性,制造,使用,包括陶瓷,金属,聚合物及其他复合材料等。

说到这里可能有些家长就会问了,美国哪些学校材料科学与工程专业非常棒呢?今天就来给大家推荐几所,一起来看看吧!1、麻省理工学院(MIT)MIT的材料科学与工程专业开设在工程学院下面,有一个专门的材料科学与工程系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering),涵盖方向广泛,包括生物材料、陶瓷材料、计算机材料科学、电子化学、材料文化等21个方向。





大学排名1、西北大学麦科米克工程与应用科学学院 Northwestern University McCormickSchool of Engineering and Applied Science录取条件:GRE成绩,学院平均V560+Q770; 托福600/250/100或雅思7.0。


2、麻省理工学院 MassachusettsInstitute of Technology录取条件:GRE成绩,工程学院平均分V570+Q780; 托福577/233; 不具有材料学背景的理科背景学生,需要额外学习一学期材料学课程。

特点:学校的材料科学与工程学院的课程排名第一; 学院教师/研究生比例1:7;拥有出色的教师及设备; 有硕士和博士课程。

3、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 University ofIllinois at Urbana Champaign录取条件:GRE成绩,学院平均V540+Q770; 本科阶段为理科或工科; 托福613/257/104; GPA3.0。

特点:本科专业可直接申请博士; 材料科学与工程系成立于1987年,由最早成立于1867年的陶瓷、冶金、矿业等系合并而来;专业分为生物材料、电子材料等6个方向;全美材料专业排名常年前三。



美国留学材料科学与工程专业个人陈述范文三篇andresearchbackgroundThedesiretoknowmoreaboutthenaturehasmotivatedmetointothe broad worldof science. Ihave cultivated mygreat interestin physics, chemistry, biologyalotof related fields sinceIwasvery young.Iwas armed with strong foundationphysics duetomy three years’timein Tianjin Nankai High School, (oneofthe mostfamous high schoolsin China).Inthe September of2000,Ientered University of Science and TechnologyChinaand becameamemberofphysics department since then.New environment always brings unexpected difficulties,great effort has given bymetoget adapt tothe new life. During the periodhard trying, bothmy knowledge andmy maturity have remarkably grown andIfinallygotrank12%of 140, with overall GPA 3.5/4.0, and major GPA 3.8/4.0. My hard working finallymethe Outstanding Student Scholarship in2003.Besides enhancement of knowledge in physics,Ihavealsoaccumulated agreatdealof knowledge in chemistry and material science.Ihavegot95/100in“Theand PropertiesinSolidandSolidState Chemistry”and87/100in“SolidStateOpticsand Spectroscopy”,thetopscoresinclass. Moreover, Ihavemadeeffortto improvemyabilityin mathematicscomputerscience cautiously.(附加的段) Mytwoyears’researchinStructureResearch LaboratoryofUSTChasbroughtmeamore extensive and practical fieldof physics. Servedasan undergraduate research assistantin ProfessorXianhui Chen’s group,Ihave devoted mostofmytimetothe research andmy knowledge incondensed matter physicsanditsrelated fieldshave greatly increased.Ihave obtainedallthebasic experimentalskills ina very short time and in order to keep with the pace of the latestachievement inmy research field,Ihavespentalarge amountoftimeinreading related journals,such as Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Solid Stateandsoon.Atthe beginning of2003,Ibeganmy systematical workin exploring themethodandtransportproperty investigationsinhole-dopedsinglecrystalBSLCO(Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO4+y) seriesandelectron-doped NCCO(Nd2-xCexCuO4-y)Myworkwas focusedonthesingle crystal preparation and physical property measurement, especially the transportand magnetic properties. Aftersomany timesof attemptinthe melting rangeand descending speed,I successfully grewagreatdealofsingle crystals withhigh quality. Moreover, Ihave spentsodaysand nights together withmy colleagues inlab measuring the resistance ofthe single crystalszero field and high field. Duetothe high quality ofthe crystals and our hardwefinally obtained plentyof meaningful dataandby analyzing the normal state property, Ihavesubmittedapapertitled“Field-induced log(1/T) diverging resistivity deviationfromnormalstatein superconducting cuprates”toPhys. Rev. Lett.in2003asthethird author. However, my work wasnot stopped andwithinvestigation inthe2Dweak localization system,Ihave submitted another paperto Europhys. Lett.in2003asaco-author.Besides, throughthework,Iobtained almostalltheskillsof manipulationofthe corresponding instruments fromphysical preparationto characterization, suchasM.Braum Glove-Box system (Germany), MORRISHighPressure system (Berkeley), Rietveld and Lebail Refinement ofcrystal structure fromXRD pattern,17TUltra-High Magneticsystem (Oxford Science), AC Assistance Bridge (Liner Research Inc.) sputtering andsoon. What’s more,Iskillfully use software, (GSAS, FullProf, CELL PCPDFWIN and etc),toanalyzethe structureofthe materialX-ray diffraction data.Beyond the achievement in research, the happinessIgained fromthe cooperation withandthe approach ofthe physics science was greater. Timesof failure make me believe thatthe persistence istheonly thingtomake people gaintheir goalsandthe research work needsactive and creative thinking. Ioften have discussion with other members inmy groupnotonlyonthe current encountered problem butalsoonthesomenewideasfor research. Duringthe weekly groupweoften exchanged our viewsonour current research project andIhave learnedalotthis communication.Meanwhile, Inevergiveupsearchingformore extensiveand challenging field. Actually,someofmy present work is from my own idea. Known the misfit layer of CoO2, I havesomesingle crystalsofhighly efficient thermoelectric materials, suchasBi2Sr2Co2O, Bi2Sr2CoO6+y, Ca3Co4O9....... Inordertotherelationship betweenthemisfitstructureofCoO2layerandthehigh thermoelectricity, magneto-resistance andmagneto-power,have investigated thelow-temperature transport, thermalandmagnetic properties.Byreadinganumberofrelated papers,plantotakefurther investigation ofthese materials throughtheir thermoelectric potentialandotherrelated measurements.With great interestinnano science,Ihavepaidextra attentiontotheupdate techniquein synthesizingthe nanowires and nanoparticles. Bothfromthe corresponding booksinthisfieldand experienceofthePhD。



材料科学与工程系毕业生英文自荐书Postal Order Box 113Daqing Petroleum Institute,Daqing 163318 ChinaDear Manager:Your corporation is of great interest to me. So I wish to apply for the position referred, and believe that my education and project background are appropriate for the position. Please consider my application for a qualified job hunter .I will graduate from the Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanics School of Daqing Petroleum Institute , with a degree in July 20XX. Through almost four years studying in university, I have had profound knowledge in my major, Metallic Materials Engineering. During my education, I have been skilled in use of Microsoft Office xp/XX, Windows xp/sp2, and can solve the actual problem of engineering with Auto CAD XX/C++/Photoshop CS, and passed the NECR-3. Furthermore, I have won other prizes for my excellent performance.In addition, I am good at English and have gained the certificate of CET-4/CET-6. My English ability is good enough to read, write and municate with others.I am Seeking a challenging position as a Materials Mechanical Engineer for Metal materials designing , organizes performance and technics analysing, welding and Metal materials surface modified etc.The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and acplishments in greater detail. Im confident that employing me is a kind of investment for you. If you think that the record of mine qualified me for a start in your pany please contact me. I would very appreciate if I have an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.Thank you for your consideration.Your early reply will be very appreciated.Sincerely yoursXXX。




1 麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology $46,400/年2 西北大学Northwestern University (McCormick) $48,624/年2 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara $28,296/年4 斯坦福大学Stanford University $48,720/年4 伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign $31,626/年6 加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley $26,322/年7 加州理工学院California Institute of Technology $43,710/年8 佐治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology $27,872/年9 康奈尔大学Cornell University $29,500/年9 密歇根大学安娜堡分校University of Michigan, Ann Arbor $44,216/年11 卡耐基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University $42,000/年12 宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania $31,068/年13 宾州州立大学公园分校Pennsylvania State University, University Park $34,384/年14 哈佛大学Harvard University $41,832/年15 北卡罗来纳州立大学North Carolina State University $21,951/年15 普渡大学西拉法叶分校Purdue University, West Lafayette $29,132/年15 佛罗里达大学University of Florida $30,130/年15 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin, Madison $25,197/年19 哥伦比亚大学Columbia University (Fu Foundation) $42,768/年19 约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) $48,710/年19 俄亥俄州立大学Ohio State University $31,400/年19 伦斯勒理工学院Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute $48,100/年19 加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California, Los Angeles (Samueli) $27,732/年19 明尼苏达大学双城分校University of Minnesota, Twin Cities $24,508/年25 加州大学戴维斯分校University of California, Davis $28,266/年25 加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California, San Diego (Jacobs) $26,322/年25 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas, Austin (Cockrell) $17,506/年25 弗吉尼亚理工学院Virginia Tech $27,980/年29 科罗拉多矿业学院Colorado School of Mines $32,700/年29 莱斯大学Rice University (Brown) $41,560/年29 马里兰大学学院公园分校University of Maryland, College Park (Clark) $28,782/年29 弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia $24,778/年33 凯斯西储大学Case Western Reserve University $41,137/年33 爱荷华州立大学Iowa State University $22,250/年33 里海大学Lehigh University (Rossin) $1,380/学分33 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校University of Massachusetts, Amherst $9,937/年33 华盛顿大学University of Washington $29,274/年38 德雷塞尔大学Drexel University $32,079/年39 亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University (Fulton) $27,086/年39 布朗大学Brown University $48,272/年39 密歇根州立大学Michigan State University $1,401/学分39 罗格斯大学Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick $27,648/年39 加州大学尔湾分校University of California, Irvine (Samueli) $29,806/年39 南加州大学University of Southern California (Viterbi) $28,384/年45 阿尔弗雷德大学纽约州立陶瓷学院Alfred University, New York State College of Ceramics (Inamori) $23,664/年45 德州农工大学Texas A&M University, College Station (Look) $638/学分45 华盛顿州立大学Washington State University $25,216/年48 克莱蒙森大学Clemson University $20,550/年48 密苏里科技大学Missouri University of Science & Technology $25,766/年48 纽约州立大学石溪分校Stony Brook University, SUNY $22,210/年48 亚利桑那大学University of Arizona $29,362/年48 加州大学河滨分校University of California, Riverside (Bourns) $26,322/年48 康涅狄格大学University of Connecticut $33,300/年48 特拉华大学University of Delaware $1,674/学分55 波士顿大学Boston University $47,422/年55 达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College (Thayer) $48,120/年55 匹兹堡大学University of Pittsburgh (Swanson) $40,120/年58 密歇根理工大学Michigan Technological University $15,507/年58 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校University of Illinois, Chicago $27,460/年58 田纳西大学University of Tennessee, Knoxville $30,354/年58 犹他大学University of Utah $21,628/年58 范德堡大学Vanderbilt University $1,818/学分63 罗切斯特大学University of Rochester $1,482/学分63 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校University of Texas, Dallas (Jonsson) $22,282/年65 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校Binghamton University, SUNY (Watson) $22,210/年65 俄勒冈州立大学Oregon State University $22,932/年65 阿拉巴马大学University of Alabama $25,950/年65 中佛罗里达大学University of Central Florida $1,194/学分65 马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Francis) $23,303/年65 威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee $24,761/年65 伍斯特理工学院Worcester Polytechnic Institute $24,588/年慧德留学的每一个后期老师都是五年以上资深后期老师,能在你问后几秒钟内解决你99.9%的留学问题。



Com puter Honors
Science 5
Com m unication
Journalism and Media 4 Studies
理学学士/理学硕士 BS/MS
每年 秋季, 春季
环境科学与 生物科学学 院 农业,食品与 资源经济学 系
$23676 约合15 万(人民
and 4
Computer Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and 4 Engineering
理学学士 BS 理学学士 BS 理学学士 BS
每年 秋季, 春季
工程学院 电气工程与 计算机工程 系
环境规划与设计:景观建 筑学
Planning and Design:
Landscape Architecture
文学学士 BA 文学学士 BA
文学学士 理学学士 BS 理学学士 BS
每年 秋季, 春季
管理与劳动 关系学院 人力资源管 理系
$23676 约合15 万(人民
罗格斯大学被《普林斯顿评论》列为美国最佳东北部大学之一,被卡耐基基金会命名为 “一流的、具有高水平的教研活动”的大学。罗格斯商学院,是一所在管理学研究领域首屈 一指的商学院,在美国《管理学杂志》最新公布的全美最佳国际商 业研究型学院排名中,罗 格斯商学院荣居第八位。根据2008年《美国新闻与世界报道》,罗格斯大学的图书馆学专业 排名第一,工业工程与制造工程专业排名第22,计算机工程、计算机科学专业均排名第29, 生物医学工程排名第33。

Stanford, MIT(2), Berkeley之2017材料申请总结

Stanford, MIT(2), Berkeley之2017材料申请总结

Stanford, MIT*2, Berkeley之2017材料申请总结(世毕盟学员)本科:国内top 2 材料科学与工程GPA: 93/100GRE: V163 + Q170 + AW3.0TOEFL: 113研修:Cornell University, Queen Mary University of London申请结果:Stanford MSE PhD, MIT MSE PhD, Berkeley MSE PhD, UIUC MSE PhD, MIT ME M.S关于申请的感受回看自己的申请,单从结果看起来算是平稳中带着惊喜。









最好的结果自然是“paper 在手,天下我有”,手握paper大杀器的感觉就像拿到了一枚免死金牌,虽说这种良好的自我感觉略微镜花水月,毕竟申请是一个全方位提升的过程,但至少不会让人产生“人有我无”的强烈不安定感。






美国留学材料科学与工程专业个人陈述范文三篇【2】范文三When China, my motherland, is mentioned anywhere in the world, people will naturally awaken association with the exquisite and beautiful chinaware made in China, the country that enjoys a history of porcelain production one thousand years earlier than other countries and a reputation for her elevated art and remarkable craftsmanship. European people attempted at any cost to acquire the technology of porcelain making and at last achieved the satisfaction of this goal from a priest named Francois-Xavier D’Entrecolles, thus the present variety and brilliance of chinaware in both China and the West. Nevertheless, in an era of electronics and information today, China has fell far behind the advanced countries in the field of information materials science and engineering, in its research and application as well. As a graduate majored in physics and technology of electronic thin films, I am eager to trace the footprints of Francois-Xavier D’Entrecolles so as to bring the advanced technology of material engineering to China by means of studying in your prestigious university for Ph.D. program in the area of material engineering, realizing my dream of being a useful scholar to my motherland.University of XX is a world-famous university and especially well-known for her intellectual strength in the area of material engineering with her irresistible magnetic power pulling excellent students from all over the world to her. Therefore I justify clear realization of the sharp competition I am confronted with. But with a fine background of education in specialty, a firm foundation in theoretical study, the practical skill in experiment,and the cultured ability to engage myself in independent research work, I have the confidence to meet the challenge from other rival applicants.In University of XX of China, which enrolls brilliant students from various areas in China with her strength in the area of material science, I accomplished my undergraduate study in the specialty of magnetic materials and components and my graduate study in physics and technology of electronic thin films, in the period of which I kept to be the top student in my class and was awarded the school fellowship every year. I was elected “Graduate with Merit” of my university upon graduation.Benefiting from the strict training in my university, I gained fair acquaintance with the knowledge and theories in my specialty. Meanwhile, I read various journals and magazines at home and abroad, following the footsteps of the development of new theories and technology. I tried my best to participate in possible experimental work and research work, cultivate my skills in the use, maintenance, and modification of vacuum-evaporation equipment and pulse-laser- deposition equipment, and attend academic workshops and symposiums. The modulation rate of the BST voltage controlled thin film variable capacitor I produced reaches the level of 80%, approximate to the highest level in record so far.My achievement was highly appreciated by relevant scholars and specialists and I have been invited to participate in various programs experiments. As a result of my persistent effort, I have published “BST Voltage Controlled Microwave Elect ronic Components” and “STO Pulse-Laser-Deposition Growth of Thin Film” respectively on such kernel academic journals as XX in China, the former article being praised by relevant specialistsas “assuming the function of guidance to the application research on BST thin film in China.”Based upon the confidence of my theoretical background and research capacity, I chose the topic “Production of High-frequency Composite” for my Bachelor’s thesis. On the basis of extensive collection and absorbing of the recent information on magnetic materials and components, I decided to do my research on the project of compounding Co2Z material by applying Y2O3 and Sr2+ and adopting pre-processing technology, in addition to the control of working procedure and temperature point. In consequence, the improvement of magnetic property of the material. In the oral defense of my thesis, the present specialists concluded that the research, measuring high academic significance, was novel in topic selection, logical in argument, and creative in idea. My Bachelor’s thesis was chosen as “Excellent Thesis” of the university through critical assessment.At present, I am busy with my Master’s thesis “Au/BST/YBCO Ferro-electro Thin Film Voltage Controlled Components.” There exists a great diff erence between China and Western countries in experimental conditions with regard to BST thin film materials and we cannot produce desirable microwave components with available references nowadays. But the RMS on the surface of the BST thin film I designed and produced is of merely several angstroms , the modulation rate 80%, and the power loss 4‰, which satisfies the need of microwave component production. This achievement is at forefront in China at present.During this period of study and research, I have deeply felt that my country falls far behind the advanced countries in thearea of materials science and an intense need to study the advanced theories and technology in the fullest enforced academic institute. Thus I select University of XX where I believe I can realize my dream. In addition to the unparalleled strength in the area of materials science and technology, University of XX boasts the international background with scholars and students from different regions all over the world, the congenial atmosphere of academic research, and the systematic cultivation of creativity in her students. I am eager to enjoy an opportunity to enrich myself from this valuable academic nutrition and at the same time I hope, on the premise of the improvement of my theoretical construction and of my experimental capacity, to give full play to my initiative and potential strength and in this way to contribute my intelligence to University of XX -+in the participation in relevant research projects.。



美国留学材料科学与工程专业个人陈述范文三篇/ueditor/201710/01/a80643ef979d27c86e8e54caffa0c2af. jpg" title="52136.jpg" alt="52136.jpg"/>美国留学材料科学与工程专业个人陈述范文三篇范文一Academic and research backgroundThe desire to know more about the nature has motivated me to step into the broad world of science. I have cultivated my great interest in physics, chemistry, biology and a lot of related fields since I was very young. I was armed with strong foundation in physics due to my three years’time in Tianjin Nankai High School, (one of the most famous high schools in China).In the September of 2000, I entered University of Science and Technology of China and became a member of physics department since then. New environment always brings unexpected difficulties, and great effort has given by me to get adapt to the new life. During the period of hard trying,both my knowledge and my maturity have remarkably grown and I finally got rank above 12 % of 140, with overall GPA 3.5/4.0, and major GPA 3.8/4.0. My hard working finally earned me the Outstanding Student Scholarship in 2003.Besides enhancement of knowledge in physics, I have also accumulated a great deal of knowledge in chemistry and material science. I have got 95/100 in “The Structure and Properties in Solid and Solid State Chemistry”and 87/100 in “Solid State Optics and Spectroscopy”, among the top scores in class. Moreover, I have made effort to improve my ability in mathematics and computer science cautiously.(附加的段) My two years’research in Structure Research Laboratory of USTC has brought me to a more extensive and practical field of physics. Served as an undergraduate research assistant in Professor Xianhui Chen’s group, I have devoted most of my time to the research and my knowledge in condensed matter physics and its related fields have greatly increased. I have obtained all the basic experimental skills in a very short time and in order to keep with the pace of the latest achievement in my research field, I have spent a large amount of time in reading related journals, such as Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Solid State Chem. and so on.At the beginning of 2003, I began my systematical work in exploring the growing method and transport property investigations in hole-doped single crystal BSLCO (Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO4+y) series and electron-doped NCCO (Nd2-xCexCuO4-y) series. My work was focused on the single crystal preparation and physical property measurement, especially the transport property and magnetic properties. After so many times of attempt in the melting range and descending speed, I successfully grew a great deal of single crystals with high quality. Moreover, I have spent so many days and nights together with my colleagues in lab measuring the resistance of the single crystals under zero field and high field. Due to the high quality of the crystals and our hard work, we finally obtained plenty of meaningful data and by analyzing the normal state property, I have submitted a paper titled “Field-induced log (1/T) diverging resistivity deviation from normal state in superconducting cuprates”to Phys. Rev. Lett. in 2003 as the third author. However, my work was not stopped and with further investigation in the 2D weak localization system, I have submitted another paper to Europhys. Lett. in October 2003 as a co-author.Besides, through the work, I obtained almost all the skillsof manipulation of the corresponding instruments from physical preparation to characterization, such as M.Braum Glove-Box system (Germany), MORRIS High Pressure system (Berkeley), Rietveld and Lebail Refinement of crystal structure from XRD pattern, 17 T Ultra-High Magnetic Field system (Oxford Science), AC Assistance Bridge (Liner Research Inc.) sputtering and so on. What’s more, I can skillfully use software, (GSAS, FullProf, CELL PCPDFWIN and etc), to analyze the structure of the material through X-ray diffraction data.Beyond the achievement in research, the happiness I gained from the cooperation with others and the approach of the physics science was greater. Times of failure make me believe that the persistence is the only thing to make people gain their goals and the research work needs active and creative thinking. I often have discussion with other members in my group not only on the current encountered problem but also on the some new ideas for research. During the weekly group meeting, we often exchanged our views on our current research project and I have learned a lot through this communication.Meanwhile, I never give up searching for more extensive and challenging field. Actually, some of my present work isfrom my own idea. Known the misfit layer of CoO2, I have grown some single crystals of highly efficient thermoelectric materials, such as Bi2Sr2Co2O, Bi2Sr2CoO6+y, Ca3Co4O9....... In order to find the relationship between the misfit structure of CoO2 layer and the high thermoelectricity, magneto-resistance and magneto-power, I have investigated the low-temperature transport, thermal and magnetic properties. By reading a number of related papers, I plan to take further investigation of these materials through their thermoelectric potential and other related measurements.With great interest in nano science, I have paid extra attention to the update technique in synthesizing the nanowires and nanoparticles. Both from the corresponding books in this field and experience of the PhD students in my group, I grasped a number of methods, such as micro-emulsion, hydrothermal method, sol-gel and other soft chemical ways to synthesize the nano scale materials. Under the available condition, I am synthesizing the nano scale superconducting material YBCO and nanowires of magnetic materials, such as La0.5Ba0.5MnO3.More and more do I realize the importance of collaboration, during my exploring of the novel polycrystallineCo1212 and Fe1212. The samples were reported by some group to be superconducting only if it is annealed under the extreme pressure. I have measured the transport property of the crystals and observed some abnormal phase transition of superconductivity. However, because of the limitation of experimental condition, our samples cannot become superconducting. In order to solve the problem, we cooperated with Institute of Physics of China Academic Science to obtain the extreme pressure. Two papers of my work on Co1212 have been submitted to the international journals late this year, and I was the second author. In this case, I realized the cooperation within and without a group is equally important, and sometimes accomplishment is gained under several groups of people. We also have done some work in YBCO thin film transport property, collaborated with professor C. L. Chen of Superconducting Center Texas, U.S.A.In addition, I have also attended some of other sub-group’s research project, such as using sol-gel method to grow Ru1212, NaCoO2 transport property investigation and colossal magneto resistance materials preparation. What’s more, I have also attended the 7th National Superconductivity Conference and National Annual Conference of Physics in2003. My ken was greatly enlarged by hearing the report of the attendance and my confidence in my research was increased at the same time.Research interest and future planMaterial of science and engineering is concerned with the study of structure, properties and applications of materials. During my two years’research in Structure Research Laboratory, I have accumulated plenty of knowledge in the related area of material science, and meanwhile my ability in doing research is greatly proved. In the past work, I have done quite a lot in synthesis as well as characterization, and I have also deal with different classes of materials, such as electronic, magnetic, superconducting and so on. I believe, aimed with strong foundation of physics, the appropriate area for me to take research work will be more extensive.The area of interest is just as following:1. I have read a lot of corresponding papers in magnetic recording research, and I have great interest in this kind of materials. I believe research in this area is important both for basic studies of the effects of dimensionality and interactions, and for the future of magnetic recording. Hence, I wish to do some work in synthesis and processing of this kind ofmaterials.2. Because nano materials, such as carbon nanotubes, nano particles, quantum dots, nano-porous structures, and nano-electronics device materials, are the essential part of the current and future nano-based technologies. I hope very much to continue my future research work in this area.3. Moreover, I am also interested in the structural material, such as advanced engineering materials, which characters may be changed responding to the different mechanic condition. So I think I also hope to do the related research in analysis of materials property.My future plan is to pursue my PhD degree in material science and engineering. In fact, though the technology is developing at a tremendous speed, there is still a lot of progress remaining to be made. For instance, nanoscale devices, either assembled lithographically or chemically, will have a high probability of failure. Therefore, any architecture built from large numbers of nano scale devices will necessarily contain a large number of defects, which fluctuate on time scales comparable to the computation cycle. Furthermore, deeper insight should be given into the constraints imposed by nano-devices, especially carbon nanotube-based devices,by modeling the devices and corresponding architectures. Such a framework can contribute towards building more powerful nano-probes, nano-computer and efficient power fuel-cells.Why I Choose UCSDUCSD is world famous for its outstanding faculty and reputation. Though the economic condition in California is not so satisfying at the moment, I believe it will not impede the future development of UCSD.The Materials Science and Engineering Program at UCSD aims to provide fundamental knowledge for understanding of materials with the objective of predicting, modifying, and tailoring the properties of materials to yield, at the technology level, enhanced material performance. Also, I was greatly impressed by the great collaboration of different departments, which makes the Materials Science department more competitive and attractive. With so many outstanding professors and so broad research areas, I was convinced that the Material Science and Engineering Department is always the best choice for me to pursue my PhD degree.范文二Brought up in a shabby and cramped small apartment, Iwas fascinated in my childhood by the exquisite houses and condominiums I watched on TV in images that had been shot in the developed countries. It has since been my dream to build up in China the same kind of quality human habitat. I believe that this dream can come true if I get to undertake advanced studies in architecture at your university.I am now erecting fundamental building blocks towards the realization of my dream at the Harbin Institute of Technology (known as HIT), from which I am scheduled to graduate next year. This elite institution accepted me in 1995 in recognition of my strong performance in the National University Entrance Examinations, held once every year nationwide to screen high school graduates for higher education. Here, I have received vigorous training in structure engineering, an area of study that is essential to the country s frenzied construction industry.Deeply in love with my chosen area of studies, I have turned my mind into an engine of creativity during three years of disciplined learning. Courses of my major, particularly structure mechanics, architecture material, and survey of engineering, fascinate me so much that I am sometimes completely enthralled in studying them. Looking now at thereinforced concrete structures around me, I not only detect the configuration inside easily but also arrive at some preliminary assessment of its strengths and weaknesses quickly. Everything that comes into my sight presents itself in the framework of some form of structure. Carefully groomed as the only child in my family, I cannot stand being the second best in any group and situation, especially when it comes to a contest of intellectual caliber. At HIT, I beat the odds and excelled all most of my fellow students in academic studies, making myself the undisputed academic leader of the class. Students and faculty alike are so accustomed to my academic excellence that everybody would be surprised in class if I happen not to be able to answer a question better than others even once. My motto is : one either comes out the first, or he is a failure. The university has awarded me a string of scholarships and other accolades in praise of my academic achievements.But I am no bookworm. In fact, I am constantly engaged in a host of extracurricular activities, for which I have been conferred a Special Commendation for Participation in Social Activities. I have run and won the position of monitor in my class during my first semester, which made me a naturalstudent leader. Active on campus, I was then appointed the recreation officer of the Student Association, in charge of organizing entertainment and other recreational events for the benefit of the students. I now also serve as the president of the Society of Student Architects and Engineers. Such involvement in the student affairs has tempered my skills in leadership, organization and communication. But more importantly, it has broadened my horizon and deepened my insights in terms of what constitutes beauty, grace and strength, which I believe will always help me in my engineering designs.I would like to mention here my passion for a uniquely oriental sport called weiqi, known as the go in the English parlance. An intricate chess game, it is challenging to even the best and brightest minds. One usually has to be a full-time player to play it well. Not to be daunted, I not only joined the Weiqi Club on campus but also taken part in a national contest, in which I won the 12th place and the HIT team I led won the 3rd place. My achievement in the weiqi sport testifies to my superior mental power and intellectual resourcefulness.To tap fully into my intellectual resources, I would like to take up the greater challenges of helping to design mycountry s skylines in the 21st century. For that, I need better training that what I have received. An American education will expose mw to new perspectives and endow me with new inspirations. When I get to combine my Chinese perspectives with those of the West, I should have no trouble fulfilling my ambition of cutting one of the best structure engineers in the world. With that, I want to design and build the most beautiful structures in China.To ensure both my future and that of my country s construction industry, I sincerely hope that I could be admitted into your university. I am confident that, if I can be lucky enough to study under your seasoned guidance and with your kind financial assistance, many people in China will never have to endure the kind of shabby and inconvenient apartments that I endured as a child.。

















具体来说,我对以下研究方向较为感兴趣:1. 光电功能材料:光电功能材料在能源转换、显示技术和传感器等领域具有广泛的应用潜力。


2. 纳米材料与器件:纳米材料由于其独特的尺寸效应和界面效应,具备许多出色的性能特点。


3. 材料界面与相变:材料的界面结构对其性能具有重要影响。




材料科学与工程专业介绍材料科学与工程(Materials Science & Engineering)是研究材料制备、结构、性能、加工的学科,材料学是一个交叉学科。




学校介绍麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology项目名称:MS Material Science and Engineering项目介绍:麻省理工学院的工程系是最知名、申请人最多和最“难读”的学系。







西北大学(Northwestern University)项目名称:MS in Material Science and Engineering项目介绍:西北大学是世界上第一个建立材料科学与工程专业的大学,建立50多年来,研究成果显著,得到了国内外的一致认可。



USNEWS排名,是由美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. NEWS & World Report)发布的一项美国大学排名。





















美国材料科学与工程专业申请解析:对于欲申请美国材料专业研究生的学生来说,如果定位是前30,又比较在乎专排的话,需要GPA至少是85,托福100+,GRE 325,另外master的项目中有research-based 还有course-based,如果想要申请偏研究的学位,则需要学生在软背景方面做一些提升,如果学生定位是30-60,则需要学生绩点是至少在3.0,托福和GRE可以相应的降到95+,315+,但是在绩点优势不明显的情况下,如果两项标化成绩能有所突破对后期申请还是很有利的。




(2)理工学院另设有一个材料过程工程(Materials Process Engineering)专业,该专业只招收MS学生。



(5)马萨诸塞大学分校材料科学与工程专业设于系之下,研究生招收MS与PhD 学生。








材料科学与工程(Materials Science & Engineering)是研究材料制备、结构、性能、加工的学科,是一个交叉学科。




大体可以分为两种情况:一是只开设MS和PHD学位,这里的MS学位通常是针对就业的Professional学位;另一种则是开设有常规的MS MEng和PHD学位,MS通常是两年,以授课为主,侧重学术,毕业后可以选择就业也可继续攻读PHD学位。



专业分支1.金属材料 Metallic Materials金属材料是最传统的材料如钢铁材料、非晶态合金、结构金属材料、功能金属,它们的微观结构对材料力学和物理性能影响,合金中不同成份比例对材料硬度、韧性、拉伸强度的影响。




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立思辰留学360介绍,罗格斯大学(Rutgers University, Rutgers或RU),全称“Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey,New Brunswick ”,也即罗格斯新泽西州立大学新布伦瑞克分校——但一般习惯简称为罗格斯大学——是一所位于美



USNEWS排名 35 学费$26,686 申请截止日期 3月1日TOEFL要求83 GPA要求 3.0以上可申请学期秋季、春季IELTS要求7.0 GRE要求Required GRE Subject Not Required
留学360介绍,罗格斯大学材料科学与工程(Materials Science & Engineering)专业研究生招收MS与PhD学生,要求申请者递交GRE成绩,但无最低GRE分数要求。

该系绝大多数PhD学生均可以获得一定形式的奖学金补助,包括TA、RA和Fellowship等,覆盖全额的学费、医疗保险费外加$23,000 $28,000/年的生活补助。

先进电池纳米复合材料、电容与热电(Advanced Battery Nanocomposites, Capacitors, and Thermoelectrics)
先进聚合物加工(Advanced Polymer Processing)
碳纳米材料研究(Carbon Nanomaterials Research)
涂装质量与旋涂(Coating Quality and Spin Coating)
陶瓷、复合材料以及光学材料中心(Ceramic, Composite, and Optical Materials)
电子显微镜、锂离子电池材料(Electron Microscopy, Li-Ion Battery Materials)
光纤材料(Fiber Optic Materials Research Program)
混合纳米材料光学、电子与生物纳米技术(Hybrid Nanomaterials For Optics, Electronics and Bio-Nanotechnology)
界面分子科学(Interfacial Molecular Science)
纳米材料(Nano Materials)
光伏与储能纳米结构材料(Nanostructured Materials For Energy Storage and Photovoltaics)
光电元件及其可靠性(Photonics Component Reliability)
粉体加工与固体自由形式制造(Powder Processing and Solid Freeform Fabriacation)
特种光纤(Pecialty Optical Fibers)。
