Reversible Gel Formation of Triblock Copolymers Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulation


第十届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛作品申报书 (1)

第十届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛作品申报书 (1)


申报者代表情况姓名赵镇性别男出生年月1985年10月学校华东理工大学系别、专业、年级理工优秀生部高分子材料专业04级学历本科在读学制4 入学时间2004年9月作品名称超临界CO2介质中活性可控聚合的研究毕业论文题目通讯地址略去邮政编码200237办公电话略去常住地通讯地址略去邮政编码200237住宅电话略去其他作者情况姓名性别年龄学历所在单位潘镱男22 本科华东理工大学理工优秀生部努尔西达•普拉提女21 本科华东理工大学理工优秀生部何洪波女21 本科华东理工大学材料科学与工程学院资格认定学校学籍管理部门意见以上作者是否为2007年7月1日前正式注册在校的全日制非成人教育、非在职的高等学校中国籍专科生、本科生、硕士研究生或博士研究生。






压 疮 是 卧床 病 人 和 老 年 病 人 常 见 的 并 发 症 , 以复 杂 、 难 以 愈 合 的慢 性 伤 口为 临 床 特 征 [ 3 ] 。 而 伤 口的 良好 修 复 依 赖 于 合 理 的
伤 口处 理 , 目的 是 尽 可 能 在 短 时 间 内 闭 合 伤 口 , 完成 再上皮化 , 能 保 护 Ⅱ期 压 疮 创 面 , 加快上皮组织形成 , 促进 创面修复[ 4 ] 。甲 壳素对于慢性溃疡创面 , 可 有 效 促 进 创 面 肉芽 生 长 , 减 少 Ⅲ期 压 疮 创 面渗 液 , 在 临 床 上 可 延 长 换 药 间隔 , 减少换药次数_ 5 ] 。改 性 甲壳 素 创 面修 复凝 露 药 膜 可 与 伤 口创 面 结 合 严 密 , 防止 感 染 , 对
林 建琼
Li n J i a n q i o n g ( Ce n t r a l Ho s p i t a l o f Mi a n y a n g Ci t y , S i c h u a n 6 2 1 0 0 0 Ch i n a )
关键词 : 改 性 甲壳 素 创 面 修 复 凝 露 ; 压疮 ; 应用 中图分类号 : R 4 7 2 文献标识码 : B d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 9 6 4 9 3 . 2 0 1 4 . 0 5 . 0 4 8
文章编号 : 1 0 0 9
压 疮 的 预 防 和 护 理 一 直 是 危 重 病 人 基 础 护 理 的 重 要 组 成 部 分, 反 映医院整 体护 理 质量 。欧洲 压疮 顾 问小 组 ( E P UAP ) 提 示, 高达 1 8 的住院病 人会 发生压 疮 , 国 内 医 院 压 疮 发 生 率 一 2 O 1 2 年 2月 在 我 院脊 柱 外


低玻璃化转变温度 和侧链液 晶分子 的高清亮 点转 变温度作为分子 开关可触 发三重形状效应 。由 于这类结构结合 了高 聚物的熵弹性和液 晶的 自组装 特性 ,所 以作为一种特殊 的功能材料受到 了 研究人员 的极 大关 注 。现在三重形状记忆 高分子的研究还处 于起 步阶段 ,对它 的研究也主要集 中于如何合成三重形状 记忆高分子材料和表征其 三重形状记忆功能 ,而 对其用于生物材料领域 的研究报道还很少 。因此 ,目前关 于三重形状记 忆高分子材料 的报道基本上还 未关注材料 的生 物相容性和生物降解性能。 在本项 目中 ,我们拟将侧链 液晶高分子结构和复合材料结构 相结合 ,通过分子间氢键作用 将高分 子与液晶小分子组装得到一种具有 侧链 液晶 的高分子复合 材料 。这种新材料合成可 以分 成 以下三个阶段 : ( 1 ) 以生物相容性好可降解 的聚 己内酯二醇 ( H O — P C L . O H)与二苯基 甲烷 二 异氰酸酯( MD I )预聚 , 然后用 2 , 2 . 二 羟 甲基 丙酸 ( D MP A)作 为扩链剂 , 再加人季戊 四醇 ( P E R )
本项 目具有重要 的学术意义 和工程应用价值 。
周绍兵’ ( 材料 学院 )
形状记忆高 分子 ( S h a p e Me mo r y P o l y me r ,简称为 S MP)是一种新型的功能材料 ,是高分 子材料研究 、开发和应用 的一个新 的分支 点。它是一类能够感 知环境 变化 ( 如温度 、力 、电磁 、 溶剂等 )的刺激 ,并 响应 这种变化 ,对其力 学参 数 ( 如形状 、位 置 、应变等 ) 进行调整 ,从而 恢 复到其预先设定状态 的高分子 。这种材料 因其 良好 的机敏性 ,在 智能结构或机 敏结构 中具有









清柔水份日霜:为肌肤提供双重保护的水分日霜,能有效阻隔UVA及UVB 对皮肤的伤害,抵御有害的游离基并减退色斑,防止色素形成。







1250J.Med.Chem.2010,53,1250–1260DOI:10.1021/jm901530bSynthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Azamacrocyclic C-X-C Chemokine Receptor4 Antagonists:Analogues Containing a Single Azamacrocyclic Ring are Potent Inhibitors of T-Cell Tropic(X4)HIV-1ReplicationGary J.Bridger,*,†Renato T.Skerlj,†,)Pedro E.Hernandez-Abad,‡David E.Bogucki,†Zhongren Wang,†Yuanxi Zhou,†Susan Nan,†Eva M.Boehringer,†Trevor Wilson,†Jason Crawford,†Markus Metz,†,)Sigrid Hatse,§Katrien Princen,§Erik De Clercq,§and Dominique Schols§†AnorMED Genzyme Corporation,500Kendall Street,Cambridge,Massachusetts02142,‡Johnson Matthey Pharmaceutical Research,1401King Road,West Chester,Pennsylvania19380,and§Rega Institute for Medical Research,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Minderbroedersstraat10,B-3000Leuven,Belgium.)Genzyme Corp.,153Second Avenue,Waltham,Massachusetts02451.Received October15,2009Bis-tetraazamacrocycles such as the bicyclam AMD3100(1)are a class of potent and selective anti-HIV-1agents that inhibit virus replication by binding to the chemokine receptor CXCR4,the coreceptor for entryof X4viruses.By sequential replacement and/or deletion of the amino groups within the azamacrocyclic ringsystems,we have determined the minimum structural features required for potent antiviral activity in thisclass of compounds.All eight amino groups are not required for activity,the critical amino groups on a perring basis are nonidentical,and the overall charge at physiological pH can be reduced without compromisingpotency.This approach led to the identification of several single ring azamacrocyclic analogues such asAMD3465(3d),36,and40,which exhibit EC50’s against the cytopathic effects of HIV-1of9.0,1.0,and4.0nM,respectively,antiviral potencies that are comparable to1(EC50against HIV-1of4.0nM).Moreimportantly,however,the key structural elements of1required for antiviral activity may facilitate the designof nonmacrocyclic CXCR4antagonists suitable for HIV treatment via oral administration.IntroductionThe development of antiviral agents that inhibit alternative targets in the HIV a-replicative cycle remains an important goal in order to alleviate the side effects of currently approved agents or to overcome the problem of drug resistance.In this regard,we have focused on the development of compounds that inhibit CXCR4,the coreceptor used by T-tropic(T-cell tropic)viruses for fusion and entry of HIV into target cells of the immune system.The corresponding chemokine receptor CCR5is used by M-tropic(macrophage tropic)viruses and has been associated with the early stages of infection and replication in HIV-positive patients.1,2The transition from M-tropic to T-tropic(or dual/mixed-tropic)virus during the course of HIV infection in approximately50%of patients is associated with a faster CD4þT-cell decline and a more rapid disease progression.3-5Recently,we reported the results of clinical trials with our prototype CXCR4antagonist AMD31006-8(1)and an orally bioavailable CXCR4antagonist,(S)-N0-(1H-benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)-N0-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-8-yl)butane-1,4-dia-mine(AMD070).9-11When administered to HIV positive patients whose virus was confirmed to use CXCR4for viral entry,both agents were able to suppress the replication of CXCR4and dual-tropic strains of HIV.Similarly,the CCR5 antagonist Maraviroc suppresses replication of HIV-1that exclusively uses CCR5for entry12and was recently approved by the FDA for combined antiretroviral therapy in treatment-experienced patients.13A combination of CCR5and CXCR4 antagonists for treatment of dual/mixed-tropic HIV infection is therefore highly desirable.Beyond its use as a coreceptor for HIV,the CXCR4 chemokine receptor has a more fundamental role in the trafficking of white blood cells,which broadly express CXCR4.14,15A member of the superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors,the interaction of CXCR4and its ligand, stromal cell-derived factor-1(SDF-1),plays a central role in the homing and retention of cells within the bone marrow microenvironment.16Consistent with these observations,ad-ministration of1to healthy volunteers caused a dose-depen-dent leukocytosis6,7that in subsequent studies was shown to include the mobilization of CD34þstem and progenitor cells suitable for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.17-20The ability of analogues of1to mobilize progenitors correlated with their in vitro capacity to inhibit SDF-1binding to CXCR4.21Because of the need for parenteral administration, 1was developed in combination with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF)to mobilize hematopoietic stem cells to the peripheral blood for collection and subsequent autologous transplantation in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma(NHL)and multiple myeloma(MM).22-25Plerix-afor(1)was approved by the FDA in December2008.We have previously reported the structure-activity rela-tionships of anti-HIV bis-azamacrocycles and their transition*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Phone:617-429-7994.Fax:617-768-9809.E-mail:gary.bridger@.Ad-dress:Gary J.Bridger,Genzyme Corporation,55Cambridge Parkway,Cambridge MA02142.a Abbreviations:HIV,Human Immunodeficiency Virus;CXCR4,C-X-C chemokine receptor4;CCR5,C-C-R chemokine receptor5./jmc Published on Web12/31/2009r2009American Chemical SocietyArticle Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2010,Vol.53,No.31251 metal complexes in detail.26-28Because of the commonstructural features between a doubly protonated cyclam(1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)ring present in1(at phy-siological pH)and a kinetically labile transition metal com-plex of cyclam with an overall charge ofþ2,we proposed thatboth structural motifs may bind to the CXCR4receptorthrough interactions with amino acid residues containingcarboxylate groups.29We have subsequently shown via direc-ted mutagenesis of the aspartate and glutamic acid residues inCXCR4that binding of1and related analogues to the seventransmembrane,G-protein coupled receptor is highly depen-dent upon the amino acids Asp171and Asp262,located intransmembrane region(TM)-IV and TM-VI at each end ofthe main ligand binding crevice of the receptor.30-35Mutationof either aspartic acid to aspargine significantly reduced theability of1to inhibit binding of radiolabeled stromal cellderived factor-1R(125I-Met-SDF-1R).More importantly,however,U87cells stably transfected with CD4and themutant coreceptors CXCR4[D171N]and CXCR4[D262N]were less effective at supporting infection of the CXCR4-usingHIV-1strain NL4.3compared to the wild-type receptor andthe double mutant CXCR4[D171N,D262N]completely failedas a coreceptor for HIV infection.31Correspondingly,theability of1to inhibit HIV-1infection via CXCR4[D171N]andCXCR4[D262N]was also diminished,thereby confirmingthat1binds in a region of the receptor that is critical for X4HIV-1coreceptor function.We have also reported that binding of the bis-Zn,Ni,andCu complexes of1were also dependent upon D171and D262of the receptor.36In a similar manner to1,the transitionmetal complexes were found to be less effective inhibitors of125I-Met-SDF-1R binding to the mutant receptors CXCR4-[D171N]and CXCR4[D262N]compared to the wild-typereceptor.Incorporation of Zn,Ni,or Cu into the cyclam ringsof1increased the affinity to the wild-type CXCR4receptor,but the enhancement was selectively eliminated by substitu-tion of Asp262.Supporting physiochemical evidence for theinteraction of acetate(carboxylates)with metal complexes ofazamacrocycles,including1,has been recently reported.37,38In the current study,we determine the minimum struc-tural features of1required for potent antiviral activity, leading to the identification of the single azamacrocyclic ring analogue AMD346532,33,39,40(3d)and ultimately the design of nonmacrocyclic,orally biovailable CXCR4an-tagonists.11,41,42Given the growing body of evidence that the CXCR4/SDF-1interaction is involved in regulating several human malignancies,43-45CXCR4antagonists may have additional therapeutic applications in addition to HIV treatment.ChemistryAnalogues containing a single1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetra-decane(cyclam)ring were prepared by modifications to previously published routes26,29as shown in Scheme1.Reac-tion of the selectively protected tris-diethylphosphoramidate (Dep)cyclam ring(2a)with R,R-dibromo-p-xylene in aceto-nitrile containing potassium carbonate gave the desired bro-momethyl intermediate(2b).Reaction of the bromide with an excess of the requisite amine,followed by deprotection of the Dep-groups with a saturated solution of hydrogen bromide in acetic acid at room temperature.gave analogues3a-i as the corresponding hydrobromide salts.To prepare analogues of3d in which the cyclam ring was replaced by a series of14-membered azamacrocyclic rings,we prepared a series of selectively protected macrocyclic ring systems containing a single(unprotected)secondary amine. This approach ensures the regiochemical outcome of the reaction with a benzylic halide during final construction (as shown in Scheme6).The syntheses of appropriate pre-cursors are shown in Schemes2-5.To incorporate fluorine groups at the desired position in the macrocyclic ring,suitably fluorinated bis-electrophiles were prepared,starting from 4-oxo-heptanedioic acid diethyl ester(4)and heptane-1,4,7-triol(8)as depicted in Scheme2.Reaction of the ketone(4) with neat(diethylamino)-sulfur trifluoride46,47(DAST)at room temperature for12days gave the corresponding di-fluoro-intermediate(5)in43%yield.Reduction of the ester groups with LAH(to give the diol6),followed by derivatiza-tion with toluenesulfonyl chloride,gave the bis-electrophile (7)required for the impending macrocyclization reaction.The corresponding monofluorinated intermediate was prepared in a similar manner.Protection of the primary alcohols in8as the acetyl group using acetic anhydride gave the secondary alcohol9,which was rapidly(and virtually quantitatively) converted to the fluorinated intermediate(10)with DAST (2.0equiv)in dichloromethane.Removal of the acetyl pro-tecting groups with saturated ammonia in methanol,followed by reaction of the diol(11)with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, Scheme1aa Reagents:(a)R,R0-dibromo-p-xylene,K2CO3,CH3CN,reflux;(b)amine,K2CO3,CH3CN,reflux;(c)HBr,acetic acid,room temp. Scheme2aa Reagents:(a)Et2NSF3(neat),room temp;(b)LAH,Et2O;(c)Ts-Cl,Et3N,CH2Cl2;(d)acetic anhydride,pyridine;(e)Et2NSF3, CH2Cl2,-78°C,then room temp;(f)NH3/MeOH,room temp;(g)Ts-Cl,Et3N,CH2Cl2.1252Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2010,Vol.53,No.3Bridger et al.gave the desired bis-electrophile 12containing a single fluorine group.The selectively protected azamacrocyclic rings were pre-pared via directed combinatorial macrocyclization of bis-2-nitrobenzenesulfonamides 48(Ns)(15a -c ,16a -c ,18)with bis-electrophiles (7,12,17)using previously optimized condi-tions 28(Scheme 3).To incorporate a phenyl or heterocyclic ring into the macrocycle,the corresponding bis-2-nitrobenze-nesulfonamide (15a -c )was prepared from the bis-aminoethyl intermediates 28(13a -c )by reaction with nosyl chloride (Et 3N,CH 2Cl 2).Similarly,16a ,b were obtained by reac-tion of commercially available intermediates 14a ,b with nosyl chloride or in the case of 16c (X=S)by reduction of 3,30-thiodipropionitrile with BH 33Me 2S and reaction of the intermediate diamine (14c )with nosyl chloride to give 16c .Macrocyclization was accomplished by dropwise addition of a DMF solution of the bis-electrophile to a DMF solution of the bis-2-nitrobenzenesulfonamide containing Cs 2CO 3maintained at a temperature of 80°C.Standard workup,followed by purification of the crude product by column chromatography on silica gel,gave the desired macrocycles 19a -c ,20a -c ,and 21a ,b in yields of 19-55%.Reaction of theintermediates from above with HBr/acetic acid at room temperature gave 22a -c ,23a -c ,and 24a ,b ,respectively.Because of synthetic convenience,we also prepared the selectively protected “isomers”of 22a ,b and 23a in which the alternative secondary amine was available for the alkylation reaction.We reasoned that reaction of 19a ,b and 20a with approximately 1equiv of thiophenol 49(our reagent of choice for nosyl deprotections)may allow pseudoselective deprotec-tion of a single nosyl group,leaving the Dep group intact.After some optimization,we found that reaction of 19a ,b and 20a with 0.8equiv of thiophenol and potassium carbonate in DMF (or acetonitrile)gave the precursors 25and 26a ,b in manageable,albeit modest yields (20-50%)following col-umn purification on silica gel (Scheme 4).Finally,the inter-mediates 27a ,b and 28(Scheme 5)were synthesized as recently described by palladium(0)catalyzed coupling of organozinc iodide reagents with bromopyridines.50Having completed the series of selectively protected aza-macrocycles,we proceeded to completion of the desired analogues by straightforward installation of the right-hand portion containing the aminomethyl pyridine moiety.As shown in Scheme 6,this was accomplished in all cases by direct alkylation of the available secondary amine of the macrocycle with the benzylic chlorides 34a ,b .Intermediate 34a was prepared in four steps from 4-bromomethyl benzoic acid methyl ester (29)and 2-aminomethylpyridine (31):con-version of 31to the 2-nitrobenzenesulfonamide 32,followed by alkylation with the benzyl bromide 30(obtained by reduc-tion of 29with DIBAL-H)gave the desired alcohol 33.As previously reported,28reaction of benzylic alcohols such as 33with methanesulfonyl chloride gave the chloride 34a rather than the corresponding mesylate,presumably via in situ nucleophilic substitution of the initially formed mesylate with chloride.Intermediate 34b (Scheme 6)containing a Dep-protecting group was prepared by an alternative synthesisScheme 3aaReagents:(a)Ns-Cl,Et 3N,CH 2Cl 2;(b)Cs 2CO 3,DMF,80°C;(c)HBr(g),AcOH,room temp.Scheme4Scheme5Article Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2010,Vol.53,No.31253(procedures in Supporting Information).Alkylation of the available secondary amine of the macrocycles with 34a (or 34b )in CH 3CN in the presence of K 2CO 3gave the penultimate intermediates 35a -n .Deprotection of the nosyl groups with thiophenol and K 2CO 3in DMF gave the free base of the desired analogues,which in the vast majority of cases were converted to the corresponding hydrobromide salts.For analogues derived from the macrocyclic precursors 25and 26a ,b ,the intermediates isolated prior to the deprotection also contained a residual Dep group in addition to nosyl groups.For compound 45,we found that conversion to the hydro-bromide salt using a saturated solution of HBr in acetic acid resulted in concomitant deprotection of the remaining Dep group to obtain compound 45.For compounds 44and 46,the residual Dep group was removed prior to nosyl deprotection and salt formation.The thioether analogue 41a was also used to prepare the corresponding sulfoxide and sulfone analogues for antiviral evaluation as shown in Scheme 7.Initially,we globally protected the amino groups of 41a with Boc and subjected this intermediate to oxidation with oxone in MeOH 51at -10°C to give a mixture of the sulfoxide and sulfone that were separated by column chromatography on silica gel.However,while deprotection of the Boc groups with simulta-neous conversion to the hydrobromide salt proceeded without incident for the sulfone (to give 41c ),we found that deprotec-tion of the corresponding sulfoxide led to substantial reduc-tion and hence recovery of the starting analogue 41a .To overcome this problem,the sulfoxide was synthesized by direct oxidation of 41a with 1equiv of oxone in MeOH to give 41b in a 21%isolated yield and was subsequently tested as the free base in antiviral assays.Finally,we prepared a short series of analogues containing a carbon atom in place of a tertiary nitrogen group at the ring junction.To economize on the number of synthetic steps,weelected to synthesize the dimesylate 54(Scheme 8),an inter-mediate that could be commonly used for the synthesis of multiple analogues via macrocylization with the bis-2-nitro-benzenesulfonamide precursors already in our possession (namely 15a ,16a ,b from Scheme 3).Intermediate 54was prepared from the commercially available starting material bromo-p -tolunitrile via a double one-carbon homologation of the malonate 51,followed by derivatization to gave the requisite bis-methanesulfonate 54.Macrocyclizations of 54with bis-sulfonamides 15a and 16a ,b were performed as described above.Deprotection of the nosyl groups followed by conversion to the corresponding hydrobromide salts gave analogues 56and 58a ,b .DiscussionHaving previously established the optimum ring size and distance between the amines of both aliphatic andScheme 6a aReagents:(a)DIBAL-H,CH 2Cl 2;(b)Ns-Cl,Et 3N,CH 2Cl 2;(c)K 2CO 3,CH 3CN,60°C;(d)Ms-Cl,Et 3N,CH 2Cl 2;(e)K 2CO 3,CH 3CN,80°C;(f)R =Ns:thiophenol,K 2CO 3,DMF,or R =Dep:HBr(g),AcOH,room temp.Scheme 7aaReagents:(a)oxone,MeOH,-10°C;(b)(Boc)2O,THF;(c)HBr(g),AcOH,room temp.Scheme 8aaReagents:(a)NaH,R -bromo-tolunitrile,THF;(b)LiAlH 4,THF;(c)Ns-Cl,Et 3N,CH 2Cl 2;(d)2-picolyl chloride,Et 3N,K 2CO 3,KBr,CH 3CN,reflux;(e)Ms-Cl,Et 3N,CH 2Cl 2;(f)cetyltrimethyammonium bromide,NaCN,benzene,H 2O,reflux;(g)conc HCl/AcOH (4:1),reflux;(h)BH 3.Me 2S,THF;(i)Ms-Cl,Et 3N,CH 2Cl 2;(j)Cs 2CO 3,DMF,80°C;(k)thiophenol,K 2CO 3,CH 3CN (or DMF),40°C.1254Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2010,Vol.53,No.3Bridger et al.pyridine-fused bis-tetraazamacrocycles required for potent X4anti-HIV activity,we designed a series of compounds to address the question of structural redundancy.The prototype bis-macrocycle 1has a center of symmetry and contains eight amino groups,of which four are positively charged at phy-siological pH.In the current study,we aimed to answer two specific questions:(1)Are all four positive charges required for potent anti-HIV activity?(2)On a per ring basis,what are the minimum structural requirements for activity?Assuming that the structural requirements are not iden-tical for both rings of 1,we reasoned that the simplest replacement for a single tetraaza-macrocyclic ring would be a pseudo diamine-segment,representing the first two amino groups of the macrocyclic ring from the point of attachment at the benzylic position.A judicious choice of “diamine”would also reduce the overall charge to þ1.Having previously established that the optimum distance between the first two amino groups was a two-carbon unit,we prepared a series of aminomethyl-substituted analogues in which the second amino group was a substituent upon an aromatic ring or part of a heterocyclic ring.In either case,the second p K a would be sufficiently low to prevent a second protonation at physiological pH.The compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit replication of HIV-1III B in MT-4cells,a strain of HIV-1that uses exclusively CXCR4for fusion and viral entry into target cells.The results are shown in Table 1.Compared to 1,the introduction of a benzylamine group (3a )in place of the azamacrocyclic ring substantially reduced anti-HIV potency,although the compound remained active at submicromolar concentrations.The concentration of 3a re-quired to inhibit HIV-1replication by 50%(the EC 50)was 0.49μM,which was approximately 100-fold higher than the 50%inhibitory concentration of 1.Aromatic amino groups at the 2-position (3b )or 4-position (3c )did not affect antiviral potency.Both 3b ,c exhibited comparable EC 50’s to the un-substituted benzyl group (3a ).However,we observed a sub-stantial increase in anti-HIV potency when the benzyl group was replaced by a pyridyl group (3d ).Compound 3d exhibited a 50%inhibitory concentration of 0.009μM,which was only ca.2-fold higher than the EC 50of 1.Furthermore,the 50%cytotoxic concentration (CC 50)of compound 3d in MT-4cells was greater than 112μM.Thus 3d exhibits a selectivity index of greater than 12000.The positional specificity of the pyridine-N in 3d was also examined.Replacement of the 2-pyridyl group with the 3-pyridyl (3e )or 4-pyridyl (3f )group had a detrimental effect on anti-HIV potency.For example,the EC 50’s of analogues 3e ,f were approximately 3orders of magnitude higher than the concentration of 3d required to inhibit HIV-1replication by 50%(the EC 50’s of 3e and 3f were 8.470and 9.977μM,respectively).Methylation of the amine in 3d (to give 3g )or extension of the connectivity to an aminoethyl pyridine group (to give 3h )also adversely affected the anti-HIV potency.Finally,we replaced the pyridine moiety with a comparable heterocycle of lower p K a than pyridine,namely the pyrazine group (3i ).Perhaps not surprisingly,the antiviral potency of analogue 3i was approximately comparable to the benzyl analogue 3a ,which did not contain a vicinal heterocycle nitrogen atom.With the optimized “right-hand”replacement for the aza-macrocycle ring of 1fixed as the 2-aminomethyl pyridine group,we then turned our attention to the “left-hand”ring.Needless to say,the mandatory synthesis of the symmetrical analogue in which both rings were replaced by a 2-amino-methyl pyridine group turned out to be a predictably fruitless exercise (EC 50was >250μM,data not shown).We therefore focused on systematically replacing individual amine groups of the left ring.As shown in Table 2,we first prepared an analogue in which the [14]aneN 4(cyclam)ring had been replaced by the optimized and equally suitable,py[iso -14]-aneN 4ring (to give compound 36).Consistent with the structure -activity relationship of py[iso -14]aneN 4bis-azama-crocycles,compound 36proved to be a potent inhibitor of HIV-1replication,exhibiting an EC 50of 0.001μM,that is,around 9-fold and 4-fold lower,respectively,than the con-centration of 3d or 1required to inhibit viral replication by 50%.Although the pyridine-N of the macrocyclic ring in 36was previously found to be critical for high antiviral potency,we reasoned that a precise determination of the pyridine-N contribution to potency could help redesign a less basic pounds 37and 38were then prepared to answer this question.Both analogues 37,containing a phenyl replacement and 38,containing an “exocyclic”pyridine fused group,retained reasonable anti-HIV potency (the EC 50’s of 37and 38were 0.040and 0.104μM,respectively)but were at least 40-to 100-fold less potent than analogue 36.So what role does the pyridine group play?At physiological pH,the overall charge of the py[iso -14]-aneN 4ring in 36is also þ2(in a similar manner to cyclam 52)and the likely protonation sequence is indicated in Figure 1A,based on the sequence reported by Delgado et al.53for similar 14-membered tetraazamacrocyclic rings contain-ing pyridine.Presumably,the secondary amino groups are predominantly protonated and the overall structure is stabi-lized by intramolecular hydrogen bond interactions from the adjacent hydrogen-bond acceptors,the pyridine and tertiary benzylic amine groups (while minimizing the elec-trostatic repulsion of two positive charges in a confined macrocyclic ring).This is confirmed by a conformational analysis of 36on B3LYP/6-31G*level followed by single point energy calculations.In the energetically most stable ring conformation (LMP2/6-311þG*þZPE),the pyridine nitro-gen forms two six-membered intramolecular hydrogen bond interactions with the two adjacent protonated nitrogens as shown in Figure 2.Potential five-membered intramolecular hydrogen bond interactions are formed with the tertiary amine.Table 1.Antiviral Activity of Single RingAzamacrocyclesnR 1R 2HIV-1(III B )EC 50(μM)MT-4cells CC 50(μM)3a 1H Ph0.4911603b 1H 2-amino-Ph 1.825243c 1H 4-amino-Ph 0.7172273d 1H 2-pyridine 0.009>1123e 1H 3-pyridine 8.470373f 1H 4-pyridine 9.977>2793g 1Me 2-pyridine 0.416383h 2H 2-pyridine 49.135>1103I 1H5-Me-pyrazine1.8957810.004>421ArticleJournal of Medicinal Chemistry,2010,Vol.53,No.31255The stabilization provided by this “shared”protonated structure could account for the high basicity of azamacrocyc-lic rings,as suggested by Kimura et al.54It did not seem unreasonable,therefore,that a potential role of the pyridine group is the contribution of a single intramolecular hydrogen-bond,which locks the conformation of the protonated aza-macrocyclic ring in manner that is beneficial to antiviral potency.To test this hypothesis,we prepared a series of analogues (depicted in Figure 1B,data in Table 2)in which the fused aromatic group had been removed and replaced by an aliphatic group,in some cases containing a hydrogen-bondacceptor at the key position “x,”the position occupied by the pyridine nitrogen in compound 36.Consistent with the hydrogen-bonding hypothesis,the alkyl analogue 39exhibited an anti-HIV potency that was compar-able to the phenyl and exocyclic pyridine analogues 37and 38(the EC 50’s of 37and 39,were 0.040and 0.043μM,re-spectively).This result categorically rules out the possibility that the conformational restrictions imposed by the fused aromatic groups in compounds 37,38were even partially responsible for the high potency of 36.However,incorpora-tion of a hydrogen-bond acceptor at position x (Figure 1B)in some cases restored activity comparable to 36.For example,the oxygen analogue 40exhibited an EC 50that was only 4-fold higher than the concentration of 36required to inhibit HIV-1replication by 50%(the EC 50of 40was 0.004μM).The corresponding thioether analogue 41a exhibited an EC 50of 0.013μM,which is approximately 3-fold higher than com-pound 40.Although the antiviral potency of the thioether analogue 41a compared to the ether analogue 41is greater than one would predict from the strength of the hydrogen-bond acceptor acceptor capabilities (thioether groups are considerably weaker H-bond acceptors than the oxygen inTable 2.Antiviral Activity of Single RingAzamacrocyclesFigure 1.Proposed hydrogen-bond structure of protonated aza-macrocycles.1256Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2010,Vol.53,No.3Bridger et al.40),this result can be reconciled by considering the nature of the H-bond required;a six-membered intramolecular H-bond constrained by the macrocyclic ring (Figure 2).With the thioether compound 41a in hand,we also pre-pared the sulfoxide (41b )and sulfone (41c )analogues by direct oxidation of 41a .We reasoned that the oxygen atoms of the sulfoxide and sulfone are stronger H-bond acceptors than the sulfur atom of 41a and may consequently improve the anti-HIV potency.However,both 41b and 41c were considerably weaker antiviral agents,exhibiting 50%effective concentra-tions for inhibition of HIV-1replication that were at least 79-fold higher than the EC 50of 41a (the EC 50’s of 41b and 41c were 0.485and 11.878μM,respectively).The precise reason for the poor antiviral activity exhibited by analogues 41b ,c was unclear;although the sulfoxide and sulfone are more sterically demanding than the thioether and could induce a ring conformation that is detrimental to antiviral activity,we could not rule out the possibility that the H-bond acceptor oxygen is now “one-bond”outside of the ring,and the intramolecular H-bond itself induces an unfavorable confor-mation (a seven-membered ring H-bond in 41b ,c (Figure 2)compared to a six-membered in 41a ).To complete this series of compounds therefore,we decided to introduce the fluoro and difluoro substituents at position x (Figure 1B).Several reports have demonstrated that the fluoro group can partici-pate as an acceptor for intramolecular H-bonds,particularly within highly constrained ring structures.55-57This is also confirmed by our calculations,as shown in Figure 2.The fluoro (43)and difluoro (42)analogues were also attractive substituents for two other reasons:(1)the substituents would be situated at the fourth carbon from the adjacent amine group,thereby minimizing the affect on p K a ;(2)in a similar manner to the sulfoxide and sulfone,the H-bond acceptor would be one-bond outside of the macrocyclic ring.However in this case,because the fluorine atom in C -F groups is isostructural with hydrogen,a negative effect of the fluoro substituents on antiviral activity can only be attributed to an inappropriately positioned H-bond rather than steric requirements (that is,in the absence of an H-bond,we would expect the fluoro or difluoro analogues to exhibit an EC 50comparable to the methylene analogue 39).In antiviral test-ing,the fluoro (43)and difluoro (42)analogues displayed EC 50’s that were greater than 20-fold higher than the methy-lene analogue 39(the EC 50’s of 39,42,and 43were 0.043,0.920,and 1.239μM,respectively),confirming the negative consequences of an incorrectly positioned hydrogen-bond (Figure 2).Next,we focused on the sequence of aliphatic amine groups in the macrocyclic ring required for potent antiviral activity.By straightforward synthetic manipulation of our collection of ring systems,we prepared the structural isomers of analo-gues 36,37,and 39in which the side-chain (R,in Table 2)was connected to the alternative secondary amine group to give compounds 44,45,and 46.In antiviral testing,analogue 44was substantially less potent than its corresponding regioi-somer 39:the EC 50of 44was 11.131μM,which was approxi-mately 260-fold higher than the EC 50of 39.A similar loss of antiviral potency was observed with the phenyl analogue 46and its isomer 37(the EC 50’s of 46and 37were 14.106and 0.040μM,respectively).Interestingly,the loss of antiviral potency with the pyridine-fused isomer 45compared to 36was significant but not as substantial;the EC 50of 45was 0.063μM,around 60-fold higher than the concentration of 36required to inhibit HIV-1replication by 50%.There was a possibility,therefore,that while the “tri-aza”ring configura-tion required for potent antiviral activity is clearlyrepresentedFigure 2.Lowest energy conformations of compounds 36,40,41c ,and 42.View from top on a plane defined by three nitrogens and X (see Figure 1).Dashed lines indicate hydrogen bond interactions:the hydrogen bond acceptors in 36and 40are in one plane with the three nitrogens.This is not the case for 41c and 42.Bond angles:36:—(N 333H -N þ)=140.5°,122.4°,102.1°,108.4°.40:—(O 333H -N þ)=135.1°,141.5°;—(N 333H -N þ)=104.6°,102.8°.41c :—(O 333H -N þ)=112.8°,112.8°;—(N 333H -N þ)=108.2°,108.0°.42:—(F 333H -N þ)=142.2°,142.2°;—(N 333H -N þ)=114.7°,114.7°.。



Operation process of agarose gel
electrophoresis experience
Experimental preparation
Preparation of reagents
Ensure all reagents are fresh and of high purity Prepare buffers according to the required pH and concentration
• Improvement and Development of Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Experiment
• Case analysis of agarose gel electrophoresis experience
Introduction of agarose gel
Equipment setup
Set up the electrophoresis chamber, power supply, and cooling system Check that the electrodes and clamps are in good conditions
Sample collection
Precautions for agarose gel
electrophoresis experience
Safety precautions
Wear protective clothing
Wear lab coat, gloves, and safety glasses to protect yourself from exposure to chemicals and biological materials





%In aqueous dispersion system,reversible addition-fragmentation transfer (RAFT) polymerization has the advantages ofmild reaction conditions, environmental protection, easy operation andsoon. So once the technology appeared, it received more attention. In this paper,the mechanism of RAFT polymerizationwasdescribedas well as choice of RAFT aqueous dispersion, and synthesis of polymers with narrowPDIwas discussed, such as homopolymer, block polymer, star polymer and polymer with 3D structures.【期刊名称】《当代化工》【年(卷),期】2014(000)010【总页数】4页(P2090-2093)【关键词】可逆加成-断裂链转移自由基聚合(RAFT);水分散体系;应用进展【作者】张勇林;张梁;刘超;姚军善;李海英;雷良才【作者单位】辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁,抚顺113001;辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁,抚顺113001;辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁,抚顺113001;辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁,抚顺113001;辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁,抚顺113001;辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁,抚顺113001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ325活性自由基聚合兼具自由基聚合与活性聚合的优点,能很好的控制聚合反应中链增长过程,有效的实现对聚合物分子量及分布的可控性。



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 202010671184.X(22)申请日 2020.07.13(71)申请人 广州市科能化妆品科研有限公司地址 510000 广东省广州市花都区花东镇先科二路23号申请人 广东丹姿集团有限公司(72)发明人 谢佩佩 杨登亮 李传茂 张楚标 曾伟丹 张伟杰 (74)专利代理机构 深圳市特讯知识产权代理事务所(普通合伙) 44653代理人 何明生(51)Int.Cl.A61K 8/9789(2017.01)A61K 8/37(2006.01)A61K 36/484(2006.01)A61Q 19/08(2006.01)A61P 17/18(2006.01)(54)发明名称胶原酶抑制剂组合物、抗衰面霜及其制备方法(57)摘要本发明公开了一种胶原酶抑制剂组合物、抗衰面霜及其制备方法,胶原酶抑制剂组合物,按质量分数计,包括甘草根提取物50~99%,洋甘菊提取物1~50%,洋甘菊提取物与甘草根提取物的质量比优选为1:1~9。




权利要求书2页 说明书16页 附图3页CN 111671691 A 2020.09.18C N 111671691A1.一种胶原酶抑制剂组合物,其特征在于,包括甘草根提取物和洋甘菊提取物,按质量分数计,包括甘草根提取物50~99%,洋甘菊提取物1~50%。



[19]中华人民共和国国家知识产权局[12]发明专利申请公开说明书[11]公开号CN 1606462A [43]公开日2005年4月13日[21]申请号02825553.4[22]申请日2002.12.13[21]申请号02825553.4[30]优先权[32]2001.12.20 [33]IT [31]BS2001A000111[86]国际申请PCT/IT2002/000791 2002.12.13[87]国际公布WO2003/061766 EN 2003.07.31[85]进入国家阶段日期2004.06.18[71]申请人整体护肤有限责任公司地址意大利布雷西亚[72]发明人G·德保利安布罗西[74]专利代理机构北京市中咨律师事务所代理人黄革生 林柏楠[51]Int.CI 7A61P 17/08A61P 17/10A61K 31/23A61K 31/225A61K 7/48权利要求书 2 页 说明书 13 页[54]发明名称用于治疗皮脂溢和痤疮的、基于亚油酸乙酯和柠檬酸三乙酯的组合物[57]摘要本发明涉及用于治疗和改善皮肤美学状况的局部用组合物,其包含亚油酸乙酯和柠檬酸三乙酯的混合物作为活性成分。


02825553.4权 利 要 求 书第1/2页 1.用于治疗和改善皮肤美学状况的局部用组合物,其包含亚油酸乙酯和柠檬酸三乙酯的混合物作为活性成分。







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Antartik Inject
50%的磷酸三钙和 50%的羟基磷灰石组成,外加增塑剂。此产品由两种不同的结构混合而成(液体状和粉末状) 使用时的操作视频: /index.php/zh/liste-des-produits/substituts-osseux-synthetiques/antartikinject
Antartik 医用海 绵
Antartik™ Sponge 是由羟基磷灰石 和磷酸三钙,外加一类和三类胶 原蛋白组成的人工骨填充物。
Atlantik 含抗生素型人工骨
可替代骨填充物与庆大霉素相结合的人工骨系列 Atlantik Genta 是由 70%的羟基磷灰石和30%的磷酸三钙, 外加庆大霉素合成的人工骨。它适用于外伤或外壳手术中 的骨缺损填充手术,其中包括: • 关节置换术 • 脊椎手术 • 闭合手术 • 切骨术 • 肿瘤切除术后的填充 这款产品特别推荐于抵制细菌对庆大霉素敏感出现的风险。 产品性能 Atlantik Genta 人工骨拥有优化的孔隙率和表面,促使迅 速的骨再生和良好的骨整合。 我们的人工骨材料结构拥有两种不同的孔隙率,两种孔隙 率之间的完全连接使宏观空隙促进了细胞的渗透,而微观 孔隙率增加与生物体液的接触面。 Atlantik Genta 人工骨的颗粒状能够对复杂形态的骨缺损 空腔进行填充,使外科医生在手术中的效率大大的提高。 Atlantik Genta 人工骨包含 150 毫克的庆大霉素,在手术 后的数小时内,庆大霉素将逐渐扩散到手术执行区域。 • 释放不少于 48 小时,以防止任何细菌产生耐药性的风 险。 • 庆大霉素的常规治疗剂量(3 毫克/公斤)适用于 50 公 斤以上体重的患者。 • 释放数的剂量与均匀的释放率达到局部高效的浓度(远 高于细菌对庆大霉素感的最低杀菌浓度 * )。当与血清混 合后在有效期限内产生的峰值(图 1)) • *CMB:最低杀菌浓度



Gemini表面活性剂对类脂囊泡理化性质及pH敏感性的影响王慧云【摘要】目的为开发新型药物传递系统,本文考察了非离子型Gemini表面活性剂对pH敏感类脂囊泡理化性质及pH敏感度的影响.方法以Tween 20、胆固醇、胆固醇半琥珀酸酯(CHEMS)为囊材,用薄膜水化-超声法制备pH敏感类脂囊泡,通过粒度、电位、包封率、囊泡于不同pH下的释放速率以及在牛血清中培育后囊泡荧光强度的变化等探讨CHEMS、Gemini对囊泡理化性质及pH敏感性的影响.结果含有Gemini表面活性剂的pH敏感类脂囊泡,体系分布均匀,包封率高,在酸性环境中可快速释药,且Gemini表面活性剂对pH敏感类脂囊泡的pH敏感性没有明显影响,在牛血清中pH敏感Gemini类脂囊泡仍然可保持其较好的pH敏感性.结论pH敏感双子表面活性剂囊泡,可用于向某些病理组织靶向输送药物,有望开发为一种理想的新型药物传递系统.【期刊名称】《济宁医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2013(036)001【总页数】5页(P9-13)【关键词】类脂囊泡;pH敏感性;双子表面活性剂;CHEMS【作者】王慧云【作者单位】济宁医学院药学院,山东日照276826【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ423由于人体病理组织如炎症或感染区域,某些肿瘤组织或局部缺血时会出现异常酸化现象,从而导致了其pH值较正常组织的pH偏低[1-4]。







第25卷第4期高分子材料科学与工程Vol .25,No .4 2009年4月POLYMER MA TERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERINGApr .2009醋酸乙烯酯的“活性”/可控自由基聚合研究进展蒋 波,易玲敏,詹晓力,陈 碧,陈丰秋(浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系,浙江杭州310027)摘要:醋酸乙烯酯在聚合中容易发生链转移和链终止反应,所以实现醋酸乙烯酯的“活性”/可控自由基聚合是一个巨大的挑战。


在众多活性自由基聚合方法中以黄原酸酯、二硫代胺基甲酸酯为链转移剂的RA FT 聚合和以乙酰丙酮钴络合物为调控剂的钴调控自由基聚合真正实现了它的“活性”/可控自由基聚合。

关键词:醋酸乙烯酯;“活性”/可控自由基聚合;RAF T ;黄原酸酯中图分类号:T Q 325.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-7555(2009)04-0163-04收稿日期:2008-02-06基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(20606029)通讯联系人:詹晓力,主要从事化学反应工程、聚合物与聚合反应工程的研究, E -mail :xlzhan @zj u .edu .cn 醋酸乙烯酯(VAc )是一种常见的单体,其聚合物聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAc )在生物医药领域有广泛的应用[1,2],实现VAc 的“活性”/可控聚合有很重要的意义。

由于VAc 只能用自由基方法聚合,而且VAc 的自由基异常活泼,所以实现VAc 的“活性”/可控自由基聚合是一个挑战。

尽管许多研究者用不同的活性自由基聚合方法进行了VAc 的“活性”/可控聚合,但是真正实现VAc “活性”/可控聚合的报道并不多[3~6]。

本文针对VAc 的“活性”/可控自由基聚合,从不同的活性自由基聚合方法角度综述了国内外的研究进展。

1 引发转移终止剂法(Iniferter )1982年,日本学者大津隆行等人[3]提出了Iniferter 聚合方法。



维甲酸换肤液对小鼠皮肤肿瘤和皮肤衰老的药效研究梁晓婷;王红丽;蔡海杰;任志伟;郭敏学;陈永丰;钱聚标;罗岚;单孔荣【期刊名称】《广东药学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(0)6【摘要】目的观察维甲酸换肤液对小鼠光损伤皮肤肿瘤的药理效应和皮肤衰老指标的变化.方法模拟皮肤肿瘤自然的形成过程,应用UVC联合DMBA快速建立小鼠背部皮肤光损伤肿瘤动物模型,2%、1%、0.5%维甲酸换肤液高、中、低剂量分别外涂小鼠背部荷瘤区皮肤,3 min后用生理盐水冲洗局部,终止反应,每天1次,连续3次,14d后,观察小鼠乳头瘤平均荷瘤数和平均肿瘤面积在治疗前后的改变、皮肤组织形态学变化及皮肤抗衰老指标的测定.结果第12周造模结束时,模型组小鼠平均荷瘤数为(4.57±3.03)个,平均肿瘤体积为(44.9±4.6) mm3.维甲酸高、中、低剂量组涂抹后,均可见瘤体迅速消退,与模型组相比,每鼠平均荷瘤数分别下降为(0.68±0.06)、(2.03±0.17)、(3.03±0.35)个,肿瘤体积分别为(8.3±1.2)、(21.6±1.5)、(29.6± 1.4) mm3,抑瘤率分别达到85.1%、55.6%、33.7%,并且换肤液组表皮厚度和真皮胶原合成增加,皮肤羟脯氨酸含量显著增多,皮肤SOD活性增强.结论维甲酸换肤液外用对小鼠光损伤皮肤肿瘤有治疗效果,其疗效与浓度有一定的量效关系.高浓度维甲酸换肤液在抑瘤的同时,亦显示明显的抗皮肤衰老作用.【总页数】5页(P776-780)【作者】梁晓婷;王红丽;蔡海杰;任志伟;郭敏学;陈永丰;钱聚标;罗岚;单孔荣【作者单位】广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305;广东药学院临床医学院/附属第一医院皮肤科,广东广州510305【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R965【相关文献】1.中药甲安口服液对小鼠T3、T4、FT3、FT4的影响及药效学实验研究 [J], 卢广翔;张曾譻2.中药绞股蓝提取液对抗小鼠皮肤衰老的实验研究 [J], 尹莹;吴景东;顾炜3.双葛止泻口服液对小鼠的抗炎止泻药效学研究 [J], 桑卡娜;李召斌;晏磊;杨绒娟;高艳艳;周德刚4.三瓶装阿霉素脂质体注射液的小鼠药代动力学和药效学研究 [J], 焦亚奇;商澎;王九成;冯会迎;韩欢牛;惠民权;陈涛5.脉络宁注射液对热毒血瘀证小鼠的药效学研究 [J], 秦劭晨;邓敏贞;黎同明因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


椎间盘突出等原因引起的急性神经根炎症,常常合并剧烈疼痛,全身用药量大 并可能产生副作用,CT导向下经皮穿刺神经根阻滞术可以迅速缓解疼痛,减轻 神经根的水肿。
L4/5椎间盘突出术后3个月复发,髓核造影见左侧椎板部分缺如(图 1红箭),造影剂经纤维环破裂口达硬膜外间隙(图1,2绿箭)。
O3 椎间盘突出溶解术
L4/5椎间盘右后方突出压迫硬膜囊、神经根淹没(图1,红箭所示);注 射臭氧10ml后即刻CT扫描见髓核得到溶解,臭氧抵达纤维环后缘,硬膜 囊形态恢复、右侧神经根显露。
胶原水解蛋白酶collagenase简称胶原酶,选择性溶解胶原纤 维蛋白的三维螺旋结构,而对其他组织不起作用。
在生理PH和温度胶原酶溶液中,42小时可将椎间盘组织全 部溶解为乳状液体。且浓度与溶解时间成反比。
急毒实验:LD50为7000-9000U/Kg,临床用量仅为600U1200U/次。 长毒实验:72U/Kg(临床用量3倍)连续14天 静脉注射。血尿及其他生化指标无异常,病理检查对脏器 无明显病变。注入肌肉组织,可引起局部出血、坏死,但 一个月内可恢复正常。
O3 椎间盘突出溶解术
臭氧介入治疗椎间盘突出症是近几年来欧 洲兴起的一项介入治疗方法。
2002年6月16日中华医学会广东分会在广州 召开年会,会议邀请欧洲介入放射学会主 席意大利学者MUTO教授详细讲解了臭氧 治疗椎间盘的现状,目前国内少数几家医 疗结构进行初步的应用并取得了较好的效 果。
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0410338v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s o f t ] 13 O c t 2004Reversible Gel Formation of Triblock Copolymers Studied by Molecular DynamicsSimulationLei Guo and Erik Luijten ∗Department of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,1304West Green Street,Urbana,Illinois 61801(Dated:September 1,2004;revised version October 12,2004)Molecular dynamics simulations have been employed to study the formation of a physical (ther-moreversible)gel by amphiphilic A-B-A triblock copolymers in aqueous solution.In order to mimic the structure of hydrogel-forming polypeptides employed in experiments [W.A.Petka et al.,Science 281,389(1998)],the endblocks of the polymer chains are modeled as hydrophobic rods repre-senting the alpha-helical part of the polypeptides whereas the central B-block is hydrophilic and semi-flexible.We have determined structural properties,such as the hydrophobic cluster-size dis-tribution function,the geometric percolation point and pair correlation functions,and related these to the dynamical properties of the system.Upon decrease of the temperature,a network structure is formed in which bundles of endblocks act as network junctions.Both at short and medium dis-tances an increased ordering is observed,as characterized by the pair correlation function.Micelle formation and the corresponding onset of geometric percolation induce a strong change in dynam-ical quantities,e.g.,in the diffusion constant and the viscosity,and causes the system to deviate from the Stokes–Einstein relation.The dynamical properties show a temperature dependence that is strongly reminiscent of the behavior of glass-forming liquids.The appearance of a plateau in the stress autocorrelation function suggests that the system starts to exhibit a solid-like response to applied stress once the network structure has been formed,although the actual sol–gel transition occurs only at a considerably lower temperature.Keywords:molecular dynamics simulation,triblock copolymers,sol–gel transition,percolation transitionI.INTRODUCTIONSolutions of polymers with attractive groups (associ-ating polymers)exhibit a wide range of rheological prop-erties that can be controlled through variation of tem-perature and concentration.These materials enjoy ap-plications ranging from viscosity modifiers in food or oil recovery to adhesives and coatings (see Ref.[1]and refer-ences therein).Under certain conditions,the attractive groups of the polymers associate to form a network and the system undergoes a sol–gel transition.The physical bonds between the attractive groups are reversible and,depending on their strength,can break and reform fre-quently on experimental time scales.The properties of these so-called weak or physical gels differ markedly from chemical gels in which the polymers are interconnected through covalent pared to chemical gels,the current understanding of physical gelation is still lim-ited and even controversial [1].Scenarios for thermore-versible gelation include the possibility of discontinuous gelation,in which the gelation is accompanied by sol–gel phase separation,and continuous gelation.The theoreti-cal treatments of Tanaka and Stockmayer [2,3,4,5]pre-dict that continuous gelation is a thermodynamic phase transition,whereas Semenov and Rubinstein arrive at the opposite conclusion [6].Simulations can provide specific information that is not easily obtained otherwise.On the one hand,the mi-2associative groups between different micelles [13].Simu-lations have indeed foundthat the diffusion properties of such solutions can be described by an Arrhenius law [15],as predicted by Tanaka and Edwards [16].If the poly-mer chains are less flexible,qualitative structural changes occur,as intra-chain pairing is suppressed and the forma-tion of flower-like micelles becomes energetically unfavor-able.This promotes the formation of a network structure at low polymer concentrations [17].However,the dynam-ical properties of such solutions of semiflexible telechelic chains seem not to have been investigated.Recently,Petka et al.[18]have used genetic engineer-ing techniques to create artificial proteins consisting of a hydrophilic group flanked by two stiffhydrophobic blocks.This triblock copolymer was found to exhibit gelation in response to variation of pH or temperature.Its significance lies in the possibility to independently tune the strength of the endgroup attractions that are responsible for gelation and the solvent retention capa-bility of the chains,which is essential for the formation of a swollen gel.However,the actual structure of the hy-drogel,which is formed at low polymer concentrations,could only be conjectured.Motivated by the experimen-tal findings,we have employed molecular dynamics sim-ulations to investigate the dynamic and structural prop-erties of a solution of triblock copolymers that can be viewed as a greatly simplified,coarse-grained model of the artificial proteins.This model evidently does not capture all relevant properties of the experimental sys-tems,but rather should be viewed as a first attempt to determine the generic properties of a solution of triblock copolymers with two stiffendgroups.II.MODEL AND SIMULATIONAL DETAILSIn order to study the gelation of triblock copolymers we employ molecular dynamics simulations,using the DL 2code [19].The polymers have an A-B-A structure,where the A-blocks are rigid hydrophobic rods and the B-block is hydrophilic and semiflexible.In our coarse-grained model,the solvent is modeled implicitly and each copolymer block is composed of spherical units (“monomers”)that represent an effective segment.The total length of each chain is set to 15units,consisting of three A-monomers per hydrophobic block and nine B-monomers in the hydrophilic block.This choice is mostly based upon practical considerations.A minimum of three units is required to represent a rod-like endblock,whereas a longer central block would pose equilibration prob-lems,given the computationally accessible time scales.Monomers of type A interact via an attractive Lennard-Jones potential,U AA =4εAA σAAr 6 ,(1)whereas the interactions between monomers of type B and the interactions between unlike pairs are purely re-pulsive,U BB =4εBBσBBr12.(2)We set εAA =εBB =εAB =εand σAA =σBB =σAB =σand cut offall interactions at 2.5σ.In order to express our results in reduced units we use εand σas units of energy and length,respectively.The reduced coupling,or inverse reduced temperature,J ≡ε/k B T is varied be-tween 1and 2in the simulations.The semiflexible char-acter of the hydrophilic block is controlled by a harmonic angle-dependent potential,U θ=12k bond (r −r 0)2,(4)where k bond =170ε/σ2and r 0=1.30σ.The simulations are performed in the canonical (NV T )ensemble,in a cubic box of linear dimension L =39σwith periodic boundary conditions.The total number of chains equals N =216,corresponding to a monomeric packing fraction of only 0.029,i.e.,roughly twice the overlap threshold.The temperature is controlled by means of the Nos´e -Hoover thermostat [20].The equa-tions of motion are integrated using a “leap-frog”Ver-let scheme [21],with a time step (in reduced units)∆t =0.00287.In all runs,the system is first equili-brated for four million steps;for some low temperatures,even longer equilibration periods are used.Subsequently,40million time steps are carried out for high tempera-tures and 200million time steps for low temperatures.After the equilibration period,the configuration of the system is recorded every 1000time steps for analysis of structural (e.g.,chain conformations and percolation of the system)and dynamical (e.g.,single-chain diffusion)properties.In addition,the energies and the stress ten-sors are calculated and recorded every 100time steps for the calculation of the specific heat and the stress auto-correlation function.Despite the simplifications made in this coarse-grained model,the required simulation effort is still appreciable.The total amount of CPU time corresponds to approxi-mately 2.5years on a single 2.0GHz Intel Xeon processor.3 III.SIMULATION RESULTSA.Structural propertiesIn order to characterize structural changes that takeplace in this system upon variation of the temperature,we employ an approach used in the study of micelle for-mation.For each configuration,bundles of endblocks areidentified.An endblock is considered part of a bundleif its center monomer lies within a distance r c from thecenter monomer of an endblock that is already part ofthe bundle.Our results turn out to be insensitive to theprecise value of r c∈[σ,4σ]and we have chosen r c=2σ.A configuration contains N(m)bundles of m endblocksand the bundle-size distribution is defined as the thermalaverage[17]N(m)W(m)=FIG.3:The specific heat C V(in reduced units)as a function of inverse temperature J.The maximum is indicative of bun-dle formation in the system.The line serves as a guide to the Fig.3,the specific heat C V exhibits a pronounced but relatively broad maximum around J=1.23,corre-sponding to the creation of bundles of attractive end-blocks.The specific-heat maximum was found to occur at a temperature below the onset of micelle formation (at J=J∗)in Ref.[15].Our data do not permit us to conclude this unambiguously.Indeed,for J>∼1.20the simulations become almost prohibitively expensive,ow-ing to the slow dynamic evolution of the system.Thus, the present system does not lend itself well to the appli-cation offinite-size scaling techniques for the determina-tion of the nature and precise location of the bundling transition.For example,in case of a continuous phase transition,the height of the specific-heat maximum will increase(up to corrections to scaling)as Lα/ν∝Nα/(3ν). The exponentα/(3ν)is typically rather small(e.g.,0.058 for Ising-type criticality[22]),so that even doubling the number of chains would only increase the peak height by an amount comparable to the statistical accuracy of the data.In order to determine whether bundle formation indeed leads to the emergence of a connected network structure, we consider the percolation probability.Geometric per-colation of the polymer chains in the solution is a nec-essary condition for gelation.However,whereas chemi-cal gelation coincides with the occurrence of geometric percolation[23],physical gelation has been suggested to take place only far below the percolation point[11].We consider our polymer solution to be percolating if a con-nected path(composed of chains that bridge the bundles of endblocks)exists between any pair of opposite sides of the simulation cell.The percolation probability,which is defined as the probability that a configuration is perco-lating,is plotted as a function of inverse temperature in Fig.4.The system always percolates for J>∼1.15,i.e., near the characteristic inverse temperature J∗for bundle formation.As the percolation probability certainly can FIG.4:Percolation probability of a solution of associative telechelic polymers at a monomeric packing fractionφ= 0.029,as a function of inverse temperature J.Since the per-colation probability equals unity for J>∼1.15,we consider this to be a measure for the percolation threshold.exhibit strongfinite-size effects,this determination must only be viewed as an estimate for the percolation thresh-old in the thermodynamic limit.The observation that J∗and the percolation threshold coincide reaffirms our interpretation that the telechelic chains become intercon-nected through bundle formation and form an spanning network.This behavior appears to differ from what has been observed for the solution offlexible telechelic chains studied in Ref.[15],which exhibits a comparable temper-ature dependence in the bundle-size distribution but is reported to exhibit geometric percolation at all tempera-tures.Figure5shows a typical configuration,obtained in a simulation performed at J=1.30.A network of inter-connected hydrophobic junction points is indeed clearly discernable.The onset of percolation affects the single-chain con-formations as well.This is illustrated by means of the temperature dependence of the end-to-end distance R e, see Fig.6.For comparison,thefigure also includes the end-to-end distance for an identical system in which the monomers in the endblocks experience a purely repulsive interaction[see Eq.(2)].Whereas R e increases for both systems as the temperature is lowered,the end-to-end distance increases more rapidly for the chains with at-tractive endblocks than for the purely repulsive chains. Because of the semiflexible character of the chains,the relative change in R e is only several percent,but never-theless the effect is clearly most pronounced for J>∼1.15, i.e.,near the percolation threshold J∗.We ascribe it to the conformational changes induced by the network for-mation.Owing to the low polymer concentration,the bundles are relatively widely separated,forcing the con-necting chains to adopt an extended conformation.This observation is reinforced by considering the spatial cor-relations between endblocks.Indeed,the rod-like structure of the hydrophobic end-FIG.5:Snapshot of a simulation at J=1.30,for a system of linear size L=78σ(monomer packing fraction0.029).The image represents approximately two-thirds of the simulation box.The hydrophobic endblocks are shown in red and the hydrophilic groups in cyan.The extended structure of indi-vidual chains aswell as the bundling of hydrophobic blocks (cf.the peak in Fig.1)can clearly be seen.blocks leads to an internal structure in the bundles that is absent in the models studied in Refs.[15,17].Fig-ure7shows the hydrophobe–hydrophobe radial distribu-tion function g(r)(calculated from their center-of-mass separation)at different values of J.As the temperature is decreased,two distinct features can be identified in this distribution function.The increasing maxima at short separations,which all lie at distances within the bundle size(cf.Fig.1),correspond to intra-bundle alignment of endblocks.The emergence of this microcrystalline morphology can be understood from the fact that in an aligned bundle each endblock experiences a large num-ber of monomer–monomer interactions with surrounding endblocks.The cutoffdistance employed in the Lennard-Jones potential(1)is larger than the maximum distance between monomers on fully-aligned(close-packed)end-blocks,so that even a single pair of rods can have9pair interactions.As shown in Fig.2,the average number of rods per bundle increases rapidly from approximately2 at J=1.15to almost10at J=1.40,leading to tightly-bonded bundles.It is this bonding that makes the result-ing network resistant to external stress.A second feature arises in Fig.7at lower temperatures.As shown in the in-set,an additional peak appears at a position that roughly coincides with the calculated average bundle separation, which varies from13at J=1.15to15at J=1.30. Thus,this peak characterizes the ordered arrangement of the bundles at low temperatures,and we conclude that the radial distribution function reflects the simultaneous emergence of both short-range and medium-range order upon cooling.FIG.6:Square of the end-to-end distance R e of the telechelic chains(closed triangles),as a function of inverse tempera-ture J.For comparison,this graph also shows the end-to-end distance for identical chains in which the endblocks do not possess an attractive interaction(open squares).For both chain types,R e increases upon increasing J(decreasing tem-perature),reflecting the decreasingflexibility of the center blocks.However,for J>J∗≈1.15the telechelic chains clearly exhibit a stronger tendency to adopt an extended structure,which is attributed to the formation of an inter-connected network.Error bars are smaller than the symbol size.B.Dynamical propertiesIn order to determine whether the structural changes observed in the triblock copolymer solution indeed corre-spond to gelation,we consider the dynamical properties as a function of temperature.Evidently,bundle forma-tion and the formation of a percolating network are an-ticipated to have a strong influence on the diffusion prop-erties of the polymers.Figure8shows the mean-square displacement of the center-of-mass of polymers at differ-ent values for J.At high temperatures,we observe the standard behavior in which the dynamics cross over from ballistic motion at short times to diffusive motion at long times.At low temperatures,an intermediate regime ap-pears where the dynamics are slowed down,indicative of the arrested dynamics resulting from network formation. Comparable observations were reported by Kumar and Douglas[11]in a Monte Carlo study of a lattice model of an associating polymer solution and by Bedrov et al.[15] for micellar solutions,although it should be noted that in both studies the polymer concentration was considerably higher than in the current system(which has c/c∗≈2) and that in the micellar system the change in dynamic be-havior was not associated with the formation of a network structure.The dynamic behavior seen in the low-density gel is similar to that found in glass-forming materials, but the underlying mechanism is different.The tempo-rary localization of the triblock copolymers is caused by the strong intra-bundle interactions experienced by theFIG.8:Mean-square displacement r(t) 2of the single-chain center-of-mass,for inverse temperatures J=1.00,1.15,1.20, 1.24,1.28,1.32,1.36,1.40,1.44(only the lowest and highest value for J are labeled).In addition to ballistic motion at short times and diffusive motion at long times,a slow inter-mediate regime appears at low temperatures.FIG.9:Diffusion coefficient D as a function of inverse tem-perature J on a log–linear scale.There are two regimes with a different exponential dependence on J,which are joined near the percolation point J∗≈1.15.While the high-temperature data(J<J∗)only permit an approximatefit,the diffusion coefficient in the low-temperature regime is clearly well de-scribed by an Arrhenius law,suggesting that activated pro-cesses control the relaxation of the system.Error bars are of the order of the symbol size or less.consistent with our earlier estimate of the number of in-teracting monomers in a pair of hydrophobic rods.Inter-estingly,the similarity between the dynamic properties observed in this system and those of the micellar system studied in Ref.[15]suggest that while the semiflexible character of the center blocks and the presence of rod-like hydrophobic endblocks change the structural proper-ties of the solution,these differences do not qualitativelyaffect the dynamic behavior.FIG.10:The viscosity ηat different couplings on a log–linear scale.Similar to D ,ηbehaves differently in two regions di-vided at the percolation point J ∗=1.15.In both regions ηcan be well described by an Arrhenius law.Scatter in the data at lowtemperatures iscaused by uncertainties in the numerical integration (6).Since gelation will be accompanied by a dramatic in-crease in viscosity η,we compute this quantity by inte-grating the stress autocorrelation function G (t )[25],η=+∞G (t )dt .(6)Here,G (t )is defined asG (t )=V2N i =jr ijβF ijα,(8)where m is the monomer mass,v iαis the α-componentof the velocity of atom i ,r ijβis the β-component of the vector r ij separating monomers i and j ,and F ijαis the α-component of the force exerted on monomer i by monomer j .The sum runs over all N monomers.For the calculation of G (t )we employ a fast Fourier trans-form [21],which accelerates the calculation by several orders of magnitude compared to the direct calculation method.Figure 10shows ηas a function of J .Above the perco-lation threshold (J <∼1.15),the viscosity increases grad-ually with decreasing temperature.However,in accor-dance with the behavior of the diffusion coefficient,ηstarts to increase rapidly at the onset of percolation and micelle formation,and is described by an Arrhenius law.FIG.11:Normalized stress autocorrelation function G (t )for J =1.22.The plateau value G 0is small but distinctly nonzero,as shown in the inset.In addition,the plateau value does not exhibit a clear temperature dependence.Experimentally,gelation is characterized by the appear-ance of a plateau in the stress autocorrelation function G (t ).In our simulations,we observe such a plateau for all temperatures below the percolation threshold.The plateau extends to longer times upon decreasing temper-ature,but eventually G (t )decays to zero.Since we use the “atomistic”(i.e.,monomer-based)representation of the stress tensor σαβin Eq.(7),the results exhibit rel-atively large fluctuations.Figure 11shows a representa-tive example.The plateau value G 0is small,but clearly nonzero,as shown in the inset.G 0is found to be only weakly dependent on temperature,and no clear trend can be identified,implying that the rapid increase in η(Fig.10)arises from an increase in relaxation time rather than from a variation in G 0.The integration (6)partially suppresses the statistical fluctuations present in G (t ),but the uncertainties in ηstill reflect the computational challenges,in particular at low temperatures.While the strong increase in viscosity follows unambiguously from Fig.10,we emphasize that the largest relaxation times (to be discussed below)are still much smaller than the ex-perimentally observed relaxation times for physical gels,which range from microseconds to seconds [1].Thus,only for (computationally inaccessible)temperatures far below the percolation threshold would the system inves-tigated here undergo a sol–gel transition.Following Ref.[11],we employ the non-Gaussian pa-rameter α2for the single-chain center-of-mass displace-ment [26],α2≡3 r (t )2 2−1,(9)to estimate a characteristic time.This parameter equals zero for both the ballistic and the diffusive regime.As shown in Fig.12,α2increasingly deviates from zero as the temperature is decreased,reflecting the heteroge-neous dynamics resulting from the hopping of endblocksallows these polymers to form a gel at remarkably low concentrations.The molecular dynamics simulations pre-sented here form a natural extension of earlier work on semiflexible chains[17],which however only addressed structural properties.In addition,we observe dynamic effects that bear close resemblance to those reported in Ref.[11]for a lattice-based model studied by Monte Carlo simulations and to those reported in Ref.[15]for micelle formation.However,the solutions in either of these stud-ies had a significantly higher polymer concentration.Fur-thermore,the micelle solution was found to exhibit geo-metric percolation at all temperatures and the dynamic changes were linked to the thermodynamic micelle tran-sition.We observe that all dynamic changes are corre-lated with micellization and the simultaneous emergence of a percolating network of polymer chains,in which bun-dles of rigid endblocks act as network junctions.Upon a further decrease in temperature,the hydrophobic blocks tend to align within a bundle,forming a microcrystalline-like structure.The resulting strong binding of the chains is responsible for the mechanical stability of the gel-like network.On a larger scale,the bundles distribute more regularly at lower temperature,as indicated by the ap-pearance of peak at the average bundle separation in the hydrophobe–hydrophobe radial distribution function. The change in the dynamical behavior of the solu-tion that occurs upon micellization and network forma-tion is reflected in the diffusion constant,the viscosity and the maximum in the non-Gaussian parameter.The temperature dependence of all these properties changes near the percolation threshold and is well described by an Arrhenius law,similar to what is observed for strong glass formers.The activation barrier in our system has a clear thermodynamic origin,namely the strong attrac-tion between endblocks that are part of the same mi-crodomain or“bundle.”Thus,there are similarities with the diffusion of diblock copolymers in a lamellar phase, which also exhibits an exponential decay with temper-ature[28,29,30].Recently,this type of dynamics has attracted attention in the context of slow dynamics in systems with frustration-limited domains(see Ref.[31] and references therein).Finally,we note that,while we observe afinite plateau in the stress autocorrelation function,as would be ex-pected for a gel-forming material,the dynamics in our systems are still faster than in actual experimental gels. Thus,the sol–gel transition only occurs at a temperature far below the percolation threshold.AcknowledgmentsHelpful comments by Ken Schweizer are gratefully ac-knowledged.This work is supported by the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund under Grant No.38543-G7and by the National Science Foundation through an ITR grant(DMR-03-25939)via the Mate-rials Computation Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.Access to computational facili-ties at Oak Ridge National Laboratory(via Grant No. CNMS2003-005at the Center for Nanophase Materi-als Sciences)was supported by the U.S.Department of Energy,under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725with UT-Battelle,LLC.[1]Rubinstein,M.;Dobrynin,A.V.Curr.Opin.Colloid In-terface Sci.1999,4,83.[2]Tanaka,F.;Matsuyama,A.Phys.Rev.Lett.1989,62,2759.[3]Tanaka,F.Macromolecules1989,22,1988.[4]Stockmayer,W.H.Macromolecules1991,24,6367.[5]Tanaka,F.;Stockmayer,W.H.Macromolecules1994,27,3943.[6]Semenov,A.N.;Rubinstein,M.Macromolecules1998,31,1373.[7]Groot,R.D.;Agterof,W.G.M.J.Chem.Phys.1994,100,1649.[8]Groot,R.D.;Agterof,W.G.M.J.Chem.Phys.1994,100,1657.[9]Groot,R.D.;Agterof,W.G.M.Macromolecules1995,28,6284.[10]Kumar,S.K.;Panagiotopoulos,A.Z.Phys.Rev.Lett.1999,82,5060.[11]Kumar,S.K.;Douglas,J.F.Phys.Rev.Lett.2001,87,188301.[12]Larson,R.G.The structure and rheology of complexfluids;Oxford U.P.:Oxford,1998.[13]Semenov,A.N.;Joanny,J.-F.;Khokhlov,A.R.Macro-molecules1995,28,1066.[14]Khalatur,P.G.;Khokhlov, A.R.Macromol.TheorySimul.1996,5,877.[15]Bedrov,D.;Smith,G.D.;Douglas,J.F.Europhys.Lett.2002,59,384.[16]Tanaka,F.;Ewdards,S.F.J.Non-Newt.Fluid Mech.1992,43,247.[17]Khalatur,P.G.;Khokhlov, A.R.;Kovalenko,J.N.;Mologin,D.A.J.Chem.Phys.1999,110,6039.[18]Petka,W.A.;Harden,J.L.;McGrath,K.P.;Wirtz,D.;Tirrell,D.A.Science1998,281,389.[19]Smith,W.;Forester,T.J.Molec.Graphics1996,14,136.[20]Frenkel,D.;Smit,B.Understanding Molecular Simula-tion,2nd ed.;Academic:San Diego,2002.[21]Allen,M.P.;Tildesley,puter Simulation ofLiquids;Clarendon:Oxford,1987.[22]Bl¨o te,H.W.;Luijten,E.;Heringa,J.R.J.Phys.A1995,28,6289.[23]Rubinstein,M.;Colby,R.H.Polymer Physics;OxfordUniversity Press:Oxford,2003.[24]Kob,W.J.Phys.:Condens.Matter1999,11,R85.[25]Haile,J.M.Molecular Dynamics Simulation:Elemen-tary Methods;Wiley:New York,1992.[26]Rahman,A.Phys.Rev.1964,136,A405.[27]Kob,W.;Donati, C.;Plimpton,S.J.;Poole,P.H.;Glotzer,S.C.Phys.Rev.Lett.1997,79,2827.[28]Barrat,J.-L.;Fredrickson,G.H.Macromolecules1991,24,6378.[29]Lodge,T.P.;Dalvi,M.C.Phys.Rev.Lett.1995,75,657.[30]Guenza,M.;Tang,H.;Schweizer,K.S.Macromolecules1997,30,3423.[31]Geissler,P.L.;Reichman,D.R.Phys.Rev.E2004,69,021501.。
