Phenate Method








在科学研究或学术研究中,Methods 通常指研究的设计、实验过程和数据分析的方法或策略。



- 1 -。



Select the machines
People Concerned Methods
Steering: Supervisor
Register the microstoppages
Execution: Technicians and Operators Method: Use of exhaustive film of all the machine
–PARTICIPANTS: supervisor and maintenance technician
–GOAL: ensure that the definitive measures have been implemented to avoid any recurrence of breakdowns
Manufacturing Engineering Tecfy the possible
Method: meetings on the shopfloor with problem solving tools ( Pareto - Brain Storming - 5M cause-effect diagram
Steering: Animation to reach objectives Execution: Application of formalise instructions
–SUBJECT: breakdowns encountered during the week










pH计将外部电极和内部电极的电压差转化为 pH值。


外部参比电极内部参比电极隔膜内部缓冲液通常 pH=7设备用于样品试验:•pH计和电极;最好为组合电极。
















提出过程强化的方法英文回答:Process Intensification Methods.Process intensification (PI) refers to the application of strategies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of chemical processes, often by reducing equipment size, energy consumption, and waste generation. Here are some common PI methods:1. Reactive Distillation:Reactive distillation combines chemical reaction and distillation in a single unit, enabling simultaneous product formation and separation. This eliminates the need for separate reactors and distillation columns, reducing costs and improving selectivity.2. Supercritical Fluid Extraction:Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) utilizes a fluid above its critical temperature and pressure to extract components from a mixture. SFE offers advantages such as high extraction rates, low solvent consumption, and reduced environmental impact.3. Membrane Separations:Membrane separations employ semi-permeable membranes to separate components based on their size, charge, or solubility. Membrane processes include reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, and gas separation, offering high selectivity and energy efficiency.4. Crystallization from Melt:Crystallization from melt (CFM) involves cooling a molten material to induce crystallization directly from the melt phase. CFM eliminates the need for solvent addition and reduces energy consumption compared to conventional crystallization methods.5. Microwave Heating:Microwave heating utilizes electromagnetic radiation to rapidly heat materials. This method provides uniform heating, reduces reaction times, and enhances reaction yields.6. High-Gravity Technology:High-gravity technology employs centrifugal force to enhance mass transfer and reaction rates. This technologyis particularly beneficial for processes involving liquid-liquid or gas-liquid systems.7. Ultrasound-Assisted Processes:Ultrasound-assisted processes utilize high-frequency sound waves to promote mixing, cavitation, and mass transfer. These processes can improve reaction rates, enhance extraction efficiency, and reduce energy consumption.8. Microreactors:Microreactors are miniaturized reaction vessels that provide high surface-to-volume ratios and precise temperature control. Microreactors enable rapid reactions, enhance selectivity, and reduce reagent consumption.9. Ionic Liquids:Ionic liquids (ILs) are non-volatile, liquid salts with unique properties such as low vapor pressure, high thermal stability, and adjustable polarity. ILs can be used as solvents, catalysts, or reaction media to improve process efficiency and reduce environmental impact.中文回答:过程强化方法。




EPA METHOD 3050B Chinese 1996

EPA METHOD 3050B Chinese 1996

沉淀物、矿泥和土壤的酸性消解法1.0 范围和应用1.1 本文提供了两种独立的消解程序,一种是沉淀物、矿泥和土壤进行火焰法原子吸收光谱分析(FLAA)或感偶等离子原子发射光谱分析(ICP-AES)的样品制备方法;另一种是沉淀物、矿泥和土壤进行石墨炉原子吸收光谱分析(GFAA)或感偶等离子质谱分析(ICP-MS)的样品制备方法。





每个元素适用的检测技术推荐如下:1.2 对于大多数样品,本方法并不是唯一的消解技术,这是一种强酸消解方法,几乎可以溶解所有的元素,使之转变为“可利用环境”,例外的是,本方法通常不能溶解硅酸盐结构中约束的元素,因为这些元素在周围通常不可移动,如果需要绝对地全部消解,则需使用方法3052。

2.0 方法概要2.1 样品消解,就是抽取一份具有代表性的1~2克(湿重)或1克(干重)样品,在重复加入硝酸(HNO3)和过氧化氢(H2O2)溶液中进行分解。

2.2 为进行GFAA或ICP-MS分析,最终消解的溶液在加热条件下体积减少,然后,稀释至最终的100ml体积。

2.3 为进行ICP-AES或FLAA分析,于最初的消解溶液中加入盐酸(HCl),样品再进行冷凝回流。




油漆喷漆名词‎ 术语
H hair c rac ks‎细裂纹 [漆病 ] hardne‎s s tes te‎r硬度试 验计 hazel‰ 浅棕色;淡褐 色 heat bodyin‎g 热炼; 热聚合 ;加热 稠化 heat reac t‎vi ity 热反应性 heat s ens i‎itve paint 示温涂料 heat-bodied‎tung oil 熟桐油 heatin‎g roller‎加热辊 hemp seed oil 大麻油;线磨籽 油;小 麻籽油[ 俗] hemp-seed oil 大麻油;线 磨籽油 ;小麻 籽油[ 俗] hiding‎(power) c hart 遮盖力试验 纸 ‎;黑白格纸 hiding‎power 遮盖力
inkome‎ter 油墨表 inos it‎e 环己六醇 ;肌醇 [俗] inos it‎ol 环己六醇; 肌醇[ 俗] ins ec t‎wax 虫蜡 ;白蜡 ins olu‎ble matrix‎type of anti- foulin‎g c ompos‎ition 不溶型基料防 ‎污漆 ins tru‎mental‎analys‎is 仪器分析 ins tru‎mentat‎ion 仪表化 ins tru‎ment-matc hi‎ng 仪器配色 ins ula‎ting coat 绝缘涂层 intagl‎io ink 凹版油墨 intens‎ity 强度;色饱 和度 interf‎ac ial tens io‎n 界面张力 ;面际 张力 interf‎erenc e‎c olor 干涉色 interf‎erenc e‎s pec tr‎os c ope‎干涉分 光镜 interi‎or finis h‎ing varnis‎h 内用 末道清 ‎漆;内 用罩光 清漆 ‎ interi‎or varnis‎h 室内用清 漆 interm‎etalli‎c c ompou‎nd 金属 互化物 interm‎etalli‎cs 金属互化物 intrin‎s ic vis c o‎isty 特性粘度 invers‎e-s pinel‎type s truc t‎ure 反尖晶石晶型 ‎结构 i o d a t e‎ 碘酸盐 iodine‎c hlori‎de test 氯化碘试验 [检验 鱼油的 方 ‎法] i o l i t e‎ 堇青石 ion 离子 ion exc han‎ge c hroma‎tograp‎hy 离子交换 色谱 ‎法 ion-exc han‎ge resin 离子交换树 脂 ‎ ionic bond 离子键 ionic c rys ta‎l 离子( 型)结 晶 ionic mobil‎tiy 离子迁移率 ionic polyme‎rizati‎on 离子聚 合 ioniza‎tion 电离 ioniza‎tion tenden‎cy 电离倾向 I on は l [商]2 ,6 - 二特丁基-4- 甲基苯酚[抗 氧化剂 、防结 皮剂] iron blac k 氧化铁黑;铁黑 iron filler‎硬质腻 子 iron oxide yellow‎氧化 铁黄 iron powder‎铁粉 iron sc ale 铁锈;(铁) 氧化皮 irradi‎ation 照射;辐射 is amic‎ac id 衣氨酸 is anic‎ac id 依散酸 Isano oil 依 散 油 [ 存 在 于 天 然 植 ‎物 O nguc‎ea gore 或 称‎O ngec o‎a c laine‎ana 的种子 ‎之中] is anol‎ic ac id 羟基依散酸;8 - 羟基十八碳烯 ‎-17 - 二炔-9 ,11- 酸 is ethi‎onic acid 羟乙(基) 磺酸; 磺基乙 醇 is ingl‎ass 鳔胶 is ingl‎ass 鱼胶;鳔胶 is oamy‎l benzoa‎te 苯甲酸异戊酯 ‎ is obut‎anol 异丁醇 is obut‎ene 异丁烯



前言15概念及术语15BET公式BET formula 15DLVO理论DLVO theory 16HLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance method 16pVT性质pVT property 16ζ电势zeta potential 16阿伏加德罗常数Avogadro’number16阿伏加德罗定律Avogadro law 16阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory 16阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation 16阿累尼乌斯活化能Arrhenius activation energy 16阿马格定律Amagat law 16艾林方程Erying equation 16爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence17 爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程Einstein-Stokes equation 17安托万常数Antoine constant 17安托万方程Antoine equation 17盎萨格电导理论Onsager’s theory of conductance17半电池half cell 17半衰期half time period 17饱和液体saturated liquids 17饱和蒸气saturated vapor 17饱和吸附量saturated extent of adsorption 17饱和蒸气压saturated vapor pressure 17爆炸界限explosion limits 17比表面功specific surface work 17比表面吉布斯函数specific surface Gibbs function 17比浓粘度reduced viscosity 17标准电动势standard electromotive force 18标准电极电势standard electrode potential 18标准摩尔反应焓standard molar reaction enthalpy 18标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数standard Gibbs function of molar reaction 18 标准摩尔反应熵standard molar reaction entropy 18标准摩尔焓函数standard molar enthalpy function 18标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数standard molar Gibbs free energy function 18 标准摩尔燃烧焓standard molar combustion enthalpy 18标准摩尔熵standard molar entropy 18标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation enthalpy 18标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数standard molar formation Gibbs function 18 标准平衡常数standard equilibrium constant 19标准氢电极standard hydrogen electrode 19标准态standard state 19标准熵standard entropy 19标准压力standard pressure 19标准状况standard condition 19表观活化能apparent activation energy 19表观摩尔质量apparent molecular weight 19表观迁移数apparent transference number 20表面surfaces 20表面过程控制surface process control 20表面活性剂surfactants 20表面吸附量surface excess 20表面张力surface tension 20表面质量作用定律surface mass action law 20波义尔定律Boyle law 20波义尔温度Boyle temperature 20波义尔点Boyle point 21玻尔兹曼常数Boltzmann constant 21玻尔兹曼分布Boltzmann distribution 21玻尔兹曼公式Boltzmann formula 21玻尔兹曼熵定理Boltzmann entropy theorem 21泊Poise 21不可逆过程irreversible process 21不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes 21 不可逆相变化irreversible phase change 21布朗运动brownian movement 21查理定律Charle’s law22产率yield 22敞开系统open system 22超电势over potential 22沉降sedimentation 22沉降电势sedimentation potential 22沉降平衡sedimentation equilibrium 22触变thixotropy 22粗分散系统thick disperse system 22催化剂catalyst 22单分子层吸附理论mono molecule layer adsorption 22单分子反应unimolecular reaction 22单链反应straight chain reactions 23弹式量热计bomb calorimeter 23道尔顿定律Dalton law 23道尔顿分压定律Dalton partial pressure law 23德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect 23德拜立方公式Debye cubic formula 23德拜-休克尔极限公式Debye-Huckel’s limiting equation23 等焓过程isenthalpic process 23等焓线isenthalpic line 23等几率定理theorem of equal probability 23等温等容位Helmholtz free energy 23等温等压位Gibbs free energy 23等温方程equation at constant temperature 23低共熔点eutectic point 24低共熔混合物eutectic mixture 24低会溶点lower consolute point 24低熔冰盐合晶cryohydric 24第二类永动机perpetual machine of the second kind 25第三定律熵Third-Law entropy 25第一类永动机perpetual machine of the first kind 25缔合化学吸附association chemical adsorption 25电池常数cell constant 25电池电动势electromotive force of cells 25电池反应cell reaction 25电导conductance25电导率conductivity 25电动势的温度系数temperature coefficient of electromotive force 26 电动电势zeta potential 26电功electric work 26电化学electrochemistry 26电化学极化electrochemical polarization 26电极电势electrode potential 26电极反应reactions on the electrode 26电极种类type of electrodes 26电解池electrolytic cell 26电量计coulometer 26电流效率current efficiency 26电迁移electro migration 27电迁移率electromobility 27电渗electroosmosis 27电渗析electrodialysis 27电泳electrophoresis 27丁达尔效应Dyndall effect 27定容摩尔热容molar heat capacity under constant volume 27定容温度计Constant voIume thermometer 27定压摩尔热容molar heat capacity under constant pressure 27定压温度计constant pressure thermometer 27定域子系统localized particle system 27动力学方程kinetic equations 27动力学控制kinetics control 27独立子系统independent particle system 28对比摩尔体积reduced mole volume 28对比体积reduced volume 28对比温度reduced temperature 28对比压力reduced pressure 28对称数symmetry number 28对行反应reversible reactions 28对应状态原理principle of corresponding state 28多方过程polytropic process 28多分子层吸附理论adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers 28 二级反应second order reaction 28二级相变second order phase change 29法拉第常数faraday constant 29法拉第定律Faraday’s law29反电动势back E.M.F. 29反渗透reverse osmosis 29反应分子数molecularity 29反应级数reaction orders 30反应进度extent of reaction30反应热heat of reaction 30反应速率rate of reaction 30反应速率常数constant of reaction rate 30范德华常数van der Waals constant 30范德华方程van der Waals equation 30范德华力van der Waals force 30范德华气体van der Waals gases 30范特霍夫方程van’t Hoff equation30范特霍夫规则van’t Hoff rule31范特霍夫渗透压公式van’t Hoff equation of osmotic pressure31非基元反应non-elementary reactions 31非体积功non-volume work 31非依时计量学反应time independent stoichiometric reactions 31菲克扩散第一定律Fick’s first law of diffusion31沸点boiling point 31沸点升高elevation of boiling point 31费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics 31分布distribution 31分布数distribution numbers 31分解电压decomposition voltage 32分配定律distribution law 32分散系统disperse system 32分散相dispersion phase 32分体积partial volume 32分体积定律partial volume law 32分压partial pressure 32分压定律partial pressure law 32分子反应力学mechanics of molecular reactions 32分子间力intermolecular force 32分子蒸馏molecular distillation 32封闭系统closed system 32附加压力excess pressure 32弗罗因德利希吸附经验式Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption 32 负极negative pole 33负吸附negative adsorption 33复合反应composite reaction 33盖·吕萨克定律Gay-Lussac law 33盖斯定律Hess law 33甘汞电极calomel electrode 33感胶离子序lyotropic series 33杠杆规则lever rule 33高分子溶液macromolecular solution 34高会溶点upper consolute point 34隔离法the isolation method 34格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律Grotthus-Draoer’s law34隔离系统isolated system 34根均方速率root-mean-square speed 34功work 35功函work content 35共轭溶液conjugate solution 35共沸温度azeotropic temperature 35构型熵configurational entropy 35孤立系统isolated system 35固溶胶solid sol 35固态混合物solid solution 35固相线solid phase line 35光反应photoreaction 35光化学第二定律the second law of actinochemistry 35光化学第一定律the first law of actinochemistry 36光敏反应photosensitized reactions 36光谱熵spectrum entropy 36广度性质extensive property 36广延量extensive quantity 36广延性质extensive property 36规定熵stipulated entropy 36过饱和溶液oversaturated solution 36过饱和蒸气oversaturated vapor 36过程process36过渡状态理论transition state theory 36过冷水super-cooled water 36过冷液体overcooled liquid 36过热液体overheated liquid 36亥姆霍兹函数Helmholtz function 36亥姆霍兹函数判据Helmholtz function criterion 37亥姆霍兹自由能Helmholtz free energy 37亥氏函数Helmholtz function 37焓enthalpy 37亨利常数Henry constant 37亨利定律Henry law 37恒沸混合物constant boiling mixture 37恒容摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant volume 37恒容热heat at constant volume 38恒外压constant external pressure 38恒压摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant pressure 38恒压热heat at constant pressure 38化学动力学chemical kinetics 38化学反应计量式stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction 38化学反应计量系数stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction 38 化学反应进度extent of chemical reaction 38化学亲合势chemical affinity 38化学热力学chemical thermodynamics 38化学势chemical potential 38化学势判据chemical potential criterion 38化学吸附chemisorptions 39环境environment 39环境熵变entropy change in environment 39挥发度volatility 39混合熵entropy of mixing 39混合物mixture 39活度activity39活化控制activation control 40活化络合物理论activated complex theory 40活化能activation energy 40霍根-华森图Hougen-Watson Chart 40基态能级energy level at ground state 40基希霍夫公式Kirchhoff formula 40基元反应elementary reactions 40积分溶解热integration heat of dissolution 40吉布斯-杜亥姆方程Gibbs-Duhem equation 40吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmhotz equation 41吉布斯函数Gibbs function 41吉布斯函数判据Gibbs function criterion 41吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula 41吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy 41吉氏函数Gibbs function 41极化电极电势polarization potential of electrode 41极化曲线polarization curves 41极化作用polarization 41极限摩尔电导率limiting molar conductivity 41几率因子steric factor 41计量式stoichiometric equation 42计量系数stoichiometric coefficient 42价数规则rule of valence 42简并度degeneracy 42键焓bond enthalpy 42胶冻broth jelly 42胶核colloidal nucleus 42胶凝作用demulsification 42胶束micelle 42胶体colloid 42胶体分散系统dispersion system of colloid 42胶体化学collochemistry 42胶体粒子colloidal particles 42胶团micelle 42焦耳Joule 42焦耳-汤姆生实验Joule-Thomson experiment 43焦耳-汤姆生系数Joule-Thomson coefficient 43焦耳-汤姆生效应Joule-Thomson effect 43焦耳定律Joule's law 43接触电势contact potential 43接触角contact angle 43节流过程throttling process 43节流膨胀throttling expansion 43节流膨胀系数coefficient of throttling expansion 43 结线tie line 43结晶热heat of crystallization 44解离化学吸附dissociation chemical adsorption 44 界面interfaces 44界面张力surface tension 44浸湿immersion wetting 44浸湿功immersion wetting work 44精馏rectify 44聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte44聚沉coagulation 44聚沉值coagulation value 44绝对反应速率理论absolute reaction rate theory 44 绝对熵absolute entropy 44绝对温标absolute temperature scale 44绝热过程adiabatic process 45绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter 45绝热指数adiabatic index 45卡诺定理Carnot theorem 45卡诺循环Carnot cycle 45开尔文公式Kelvin formula 45柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律Konovalov-Gibbs law 45科尔劳施离子独立运动定律Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions45 可能的电解质potential electrolyte 45可逆电池reversible cell 45可逆过程reversible process 45可逆过程方程reversible process equation 45可逆体积功reversible volume work 46可逆相变reversible phase change 46克拉佩龙方程Clapeyron equation 46克劳修斯不等式Clausius inequality 46克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程Clausius-Clapeyron equation 46控制步骤control step 46库仑计coulometer 46扩散控制diffusion controlled 46拉普拉斯方程Laplace’s equation46拉乌尔定律Raoult law 46兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism 46雷利公式Rayleigh equation 47兰格缪尔吸附等温式Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula 47冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration 47冷却曲线cooling curve 47离解热heat of dissociation 47离解压力dissociation pressure 47离域子系统non-localized particle systems 47离子的标准摩尔生成焓standard molar formation of ion 47离子的电迁移率mobility of ions 47离子的迁移数transport number of ions 48离子独立运动定律law of the independent migration of ions 48离子氛ionic atmosphere 48离子强度ionic strength 48理想混合物perfect mixture 48理想气体ideal gas 48理想气体的绝热指数adiabatic index of ideal gases 48理想气体的微观模型micro-model of ideal gas 48理想气体反应的等温方程isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions 48理想气体绝热可逆过程方程adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gases 48 理想气体状态方程state equation of ideal gas 48理想稀溶液ideal dilute solution 48理想液态混合物perfect liquid mixture 49粒子particles 49粒子的配分函数partition function of particles 49连串反应consecutive reactions 49链的传递物chain carrier 49链反应chain reactions 49量热熵calorimetric entropy 49量子统计quantum statistics 49量子效率quantum yield 49临界参数critical parameter 50临界常数critical constant 50临界点critical point 50临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration 50临界摩尔体积critical molar volume 50临界温度critical temperature 50临界压力critical pressure 50临界状态critical state 50零级反应zero order reaction 50流动电势streaming potential 50流动功flow work 50笼罩效应cage effect 50路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity 50 露点dew point 50露点线dew point line 50麦克斯韦关系式Maxwell relations 51麦克斯韦速率分布Maxwell distribution of speeds 51麦克斯韦能量分布MaxwelIdistribution of energy 51毛细管凝结condensation in capillary 51毛细现象capillary phenomena 51米凯利斯常数Michaelis constant 51摩尔电导率molar conductivity 51摩尔反应焓molar reaction enthalpy 52摩尔混合熵mole entropy of mixing 52摩尔气体常数molar gas constant 52摩尔热容molar heat capacity 52摩尔溶解焓mole dissolution enthalpy 52摩尔稀释焓mole dilution enthalpy 52内扩散控制internal diffusions control 52内能internal energy 52内压力internal pressure 52能级energy levels 52能级分布energy level distribution 52能量均分原理principle of the equipartition of energy 52能斯特方程Nernst equation 53能斯特热定理Nernst heat theorem 53凝固点freezing point 53凝固点降低lowering of freezing point 53凝固点曲线freezing point curve 53凝胶gelatin 53凝聚态condensed state 54凝聚相condensed phase 54浓差超电势concentration over-potential 54浓差极化concentration polarization 54浓差电池concentration cells 54帕斯卡pascal 54泡点bubble point 54泡点线bubble point line 54配分函数partition function 54配分函数的析因子性质property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state 54碰撞截面collision cross section 54碰撞数the number of collisions 54偏摩尔量partial mole quantities 54平衡常数(理想气体反应)equilibrium constants for reactions of ideal gases 55平动配分函数partition function of translation 55平衡分布equilibrium distribution 55平衡态equilibrium state 55平衡态近似法equilibrium state approximation 55平衡状态图equilibrium state diagram 56平均活度mean activity 56平均活度系统mean activity coefficient 56平均摩尔热容mean molar heat capacity 56平均质量摩尔浓度mean mass molarity 56平均自由程mean free path 56平行反应parallel reactions 56破乳demulsification 56铺展spreading 56普遍化范德华方程universal van der Waals equation 56其它功the other work 57气化热heat of vaporization57气溶胶aerosol 57气体常数gas constant 57气体分子运动论kinetic theory of gases 57气体分子运动论的基本方程foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases 57气溶胶aerosol 57气相线vapor line 57迁移数transport number 57潜热latent heat 57强度量intensive quantity 57强度性质intensive property 57亲液溶胶hydrophilic sol 58氢电极hydrogen electrodes 58区域熔化zone melting 58热heat 58热爆炸heat explosion 58热泵heat pump 58热功当量mechanical equivalent of heat 58热函heat content 58热化学thermochemistry 58热化学方程thermochemical equation 58热机heat engine 58热机效率efficiency of heat engine 58热力学thermodynamics 58热力学第二定律the second law of thermodynamics 59热力学第三定律the third law of thermodynamics 59热力学第一定律the first law of thermodynamics 59热力学基本方程fundamental equation of thermodynamics 59 热力学几率thermodynamic probability 59热力学能thermodynamic energy 59热力学特性函数characteristic thermodynamic function 59热力学温标thermodynamic scale of temperature 59热力学温度thermodynamic temperature 59热熵thermal entropy 59热效应heat effect 59熔点曲线melting point curve 60熔化热heat of fusion 60溶胶colloidal sol 60溶解焓dissolution enthalpy 60溶液solution 60溶胀swelling 60乳化剂emulsifier 60乳状液emulsion 60润湿wetting60润湿角wetting angle 60萨克尔-泰特洛德方程Sackur-Tetrode equation 61三相点triple point 61三相平衡线triple-phase line 61熵entropy 61熵判据entropy criterion 61熵增原理principle of entropy increase 61渗透压osmotic pressure 62渗析法dialytic process 62生成反应formation reaction 62升华热heat of sublimation 62实际气体real gas 62舒尔采-哈迪规则Schulze-Hardy rule 62松驰力relaxation force 62松驰时间time of relaxation 62速度常数reaction rate constant 62速率方程rate equations 63速率控制步骤rate determining step 63塔费尔公式Tafel equation 63态-态反应state-state reactions 63唐南平衡Donnan equilibrium 63淌度mobility 63特鲁顿规则Trouton rule 63特性粘度intrinsic viscosity 63体积功volume work 63统计权重statistical weight 63统计热力学statistic thermodynamics 63统计熵statistic entropy 63途径path 64途径函数path function 64外扩散控制external diffusion control 64完美晶体perfect crystalline 64完全气体perfect gas 64微观状态microstate 64微态microstate 64韦斯顿标准电池Weston standard battery 64维恩效应Wien effect 64维里方程virial equation 64维里系数virial coefficient 64稳流过程steady flow process 64稳态近似法stationary state approximation 64无热溶液athermal solution 64无限稀溶液solutions in the limit of extreme dilution 65 物理化学Physical Chemistry 65物理吸附physisorptions 65吸附adsorption 65吸附等量线adsorption isostere 65吸附等温线adsorption isotherm 65吸附等压线adsorption isobar 65吸附剂adsorbent 65吸附量extent of adsorption65吸附热heat of adsorption 65吸附质adsorbate 65析出电势evolution or deposition potential 65稀溶液的依数性colligative properties of dilute solutions 66稀释焓dilution enthalpy 66系统system 66系统点system point 66系统的环境environment of system 66相phase 66相变phase change 66相变焓enthalpy of phase change 66相变化phase change 66相变热heat of phase change 66相点phase point 66相对挥发度relative volatility 67相对粘度relative viscosity 67相律phase rule 67相平衡热容heat capacity in phase equilibrium 67相图phase diagram 67相倚子系统system of dependent particles 67悬浮液suspension 67循环过程cyclic process 67压力商pressure quotient 67压缩因子compressibility factor 67压缩因子图diagram of compressibility factor 67亚稳状态metastable state 67盐桥salt bridge 67盐析salting out 68阳极anode 68杨氏方程Young’s equation68液体接界电势liquid junction potential 68液相线liquid phase lines 68一级反应first order reaction 68一级相变first order phase change 68依时计量学反应time dependent stoichiometric reactions 68 逸度fugacity 68逸度系数coefficient of fugacity 69阴极cathode 69荧光fluorescence 69永动机perpetual motion machine 69永久气体Permanent gas 69有效能available energy 69原电池primary cell 69原盐效应salt effect 69增比粘度specific viscosity 70憎液溶胶lyophobic sol 70沾湿adhesional wetting 70沾湿功the work of adhesional wetting 70真溶液true solution 70真实电解质real electrolyte 70真实气体real gas 70真实迁移数true transference number70振动配分函数partition function of vibration 70振动特征温度characteristic temperature of vibration 70 蒸气压下降depression of vapor pressure 70正常沸点normal point 70正吸附positive adsorption 71支链反应branched chain reactions 71直链反应straight chain reactions 71指前因子pre-exponential factor 71质量作用定律mass action law 71制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration 71中和热heat of neutralization 71轴功shaft work 71转动配分函数partition function of rotation 71转动特征温度characteristic temperature of vibration 72 转化率convert ratio 72转化温度conversion temperature 72状态state 72状态方程state equation 72状态分布state distribution 72状态函数state function 72准静态过程quasi-static process 72准一级反应pseudo first order reaction 72自动催化作用auto-catalysis 72自由度degree of freedom 72自由度数number of degree of freedom 72自由焓free enthalpy 73自由能free energy 73自由膨胀free expansion 73组分数component number 73最低恒沸点lower azeotropic point 73最高恒沸点upper azeotropic point 73最佳反应温度optimal reaction temperature 73最可几分布most probable distribution 73最可几速率most propable speed 73练习题74第一章气体的PVT性质74选择题74问答题74第二章热力学第一定律75选择题76问答题82第三章热力学第二定律85选择题85问答题92第四章多组分系统热力学94选择题94问答题98第五章化学平衡100选择题100问答题104第六章相平衡104选择题104问答题110第七章电化学112选择题112问答题118第八章统计热力学119选择题119第九章表面现象125选择题125问答题129第十章化学动力学130选择题130第十一章胶体化学134选择题135第三部分模拟题145前言本书分为两大部分,第一部分为物理化学中的概念及术语。

inspect method

inspect method

成品的检验规程1.1酒精度1.1.1密度瓶法:原理:以蒸馏法去除样品中的不挥发性物质,用密度瓶法测定馏出液(酒精水溶液)的密度,查附录A,求得20℃时乙醇的体积分数,即酒精度,用%(体积分数)表示。仪器分析天平:感量0.001g, 全玻璃蒸馏器:500ml, 恒温水浴:精度±0.1℃,附温度计密度瓶:50ml1.1.1.3试样的制备用一洁净、干燥的100ml容量瓶准确称量取100ml样品(液温20℃),于500ml 蒸馏瓶中,用50ml水分三次冲洗容量瓶,洗液全部并入蒸馏瓶中,再加几颗玻璃珠,连接冷凝器,以取样用的原容量瓶作为接收器(外加冰浴)。




将密度瓶浸入20.0±0.1℃的恒温水浴中,待内容物温度达20℃,并保持10min不变后,用滤纸吸去测管溢出的液体,使测管中的液面与测管管口齐平,立即盖好测孔罩,取出密度瓶,用滤纸擦干瓶壁上的水,立即称重(m1)试样质量的测量将密度瓶中的水倒出,用试样(反复冲洗密度瓶3次—5次,然后装满,按1. b)同样操作,称量m21.1.1.5结果计算样品在20℃时的密度按式(1)计算,空气浮力校正值按式(2)计算。




离子交换法英文Ion Exchange MethodIon exchange is a versatile and widely used technique in various industries, including water treatment, chemical processing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. The ion exchange method involves the selective removal or exchange of ions from a solution by using a solid ion exchange material, typically a resin. This process is based on the principle of reversible chemical reactions, where ions are exchanged between the solution and the ion exchange material.The ion exchange process is particularly effective in the removal of undesirable ions, such as heavy metals, hardness ions, and certain anions, from aqueous solutions. The ion exchange material, which can be either a cation exchange resin or an anion exchange resin, selectively adsorbs the target ions from the solution and releases an equivalent amount of other ions in exchange.Cation exchange resins are typically made of a polymeric matrix, such as styrene-divinylbenzene, with sulfonic acid groups attached to the matrix. These resins are capable of exchanging positively charged ions, such as sodium, calcium, and heavy metals, with hydrogen ions(H+) or other cations present in the solution. Anion exchange resins, on the other hand, are made of a similar polymeric matrix with quaternary ammonium groups attached, which can exchange negatively charged ions, such as chloride, sulfate, and nitrate, with hydroxide ions (OH-) or other anions.The ion exchange process can be divided into several steps, including loading, regeneration, and rinsing. During the loading step, the ion exchange material is contacted with the feed solution, and the target ions are adsorbed onto the resin. Once the resin's capacity is exhausted, it undergoes a regeneration step, where a concentrated solution of a regenerant, such as hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide, is passed through the resin to displace the adsorbed ions and restore the resin's capacity.The regeneration step is followed by a rinsing step, where the resin is washed with water to remove any residual regenerant solution and prepare it for the next cycle of operation.The ion exchange method has several advantages over other separation techniques, such as:1. High selectivity: Ion exchange resins can be designed to selectively remove specific ions from complex mixtures, making it an efficient and targeted purification method.2. Reversibility: The ion exchange process is reversible, allowing the resin to be regenerated and reused multiple times, reducing the overall operating costs.3. Continuous operation: Ion exchange systems can be designed for continuous operation, enabling a steady stream of treated water or other solutions.4. Scalability: Ion exchange technology can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate different production volumes or flow rates, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.5. Versatility: Ion exchange can be used to remove a wide range of ionic species, including heavy metals, radionuclides, and organic ions, making it a versatile separation technique.Despite its advantages, the ion exchange method also has some limitations, such as the potential for fouling or scaling of the resin due to the presence of certain contaminants in the feed solution. Additionally, the regeneration process can generate waste streams that require proper treatment and disposal.In conclusion, the ion exchange method is a powerful and widely used separation technique that plays a crucial role in variousindustries. Its ability to selectively remove and exchange ions, coupled with its reversibility and scalability, make it an indispensable tool for purification, water treatment, and other industrial processes.。



专利名称:METHOD FOR PEPTIDE ANALYSIS 发明人:TANGEN, Anders,WADENSTEN, Henrik 申请号:SE2005000187申请日:20050211公开号:WO05/078451P1公开日:20050825专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention relates to a method of analyzing peptide(s). More specifically, the method of analyzing peptide(s) in one or more sample(s) comprises the steps of derivatizating said peptide(s) using a chemical assisted fragmentation reagent to produce sample solution(s) containing a mixture of un-derivatised peptides and one or more derivatives; flowing said sample solution(s) through an ion exchange medium and eluting said sample(s) without organic solvents, whereby un-derivatised peptides are captured by said medium and derivatives pass through said medium; and analyzing at least one said derivative in the sample solution outputted from said ion exchange medium. Preferably RPC and MS is run after the ion exchange step.申请人:TANGEN, Anders,WADENSTEN, Henrik地址:SE,SE,SE国籍:SE,SE,SE代理机构:GE HEALTHCARE BIO-SCIENCES AB更多信息请下载全文后查看。

scientific method 化学实验

scientific method 化学实验






1. 提出问题在进行化学实验之前,科学家需要提出一个具体的问题。



2. 制定假设在提出了问题之后,科学家需要根据已有的知识和观察到的现象来制定假设。


3. 进行实验在制定了假设之后,科学家会设计并进行实验来验证这个假设。


4. 观察和记录数据在实验过程中,科学家需要仔细观察实验现象并记录数据。


5. 分析数据并得出结论一旦实验数据收集齐全,科学家需要对数据进行分析,并根据实验结果来验证或者推翻之前的假设。


6. 发表结果科学家会根据实验结果撰写论文或者报告,向其他科学家和学术界公布他们的研究成果。







哌啶摩尔质量 -回复

哌啶摩尔质量 -回复

哌啶摩尔质量-回复什么是哌啶摩尔质量?哌啶摩尔质量(Purity of Piperidum)是指某一化学物质在一个样品中所占的百分比。





1. 色谱法:色谱法是根据物质在不同的固定相和液相之间的分配系数差异,利用移动相的持续流动将混合物中的各种成分分离并检测其浓度的一种分析方法。


2. 质谱法:质谱法是利用质谱仪对物质进行质量分析的方法。


3. 核磁共振法:核磁共振是利用核自旋在恒定磁场中的共振现象进行分析的方法。


4. 其他方法:除了上述常见的分析方法,还可以根据化学反应的特性和样品的特点选择其他适用的分析方法。









u bar 槽钢u forming 弯成u形u ing 弯成u形u notch u形缺口u press u形压弯机u tube manometer u形管压力计u tube pressure gage u形管压力计uhp electric arc furnace 超高功率电炉ullmannite 锑硫镍矿ulrichite 方铀矿ultimate analysis 元素分析ultimate deformation 极限形变ultimate strength 极限强度ultimate tensile strength 极限抗强度ultimate tensile stress 极限拉伸应力ultrafine powder 超细粉ultrahigh strength steel 超高强度钢ultralight alloy 超轻合金ultramicroscope 超显微镜ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洗ultrasonic drawing 超声拉拔ultrasonic echo method 超声波回声法ultrasonic flaw detector 超声波探伤器ultrasonic inspection 超音波探伤法ultrasonic reflectoscope 超声波探伤器ultrasonic thickness gage 超声波测厚仪ultrasonic wave 超声波ultrasonic welding 超声波焊接ultrasonics 超声波学ultraviolet rays 紫外线umklapp transformation 反相变unburned pellets 未焙烧球团矿unburned refractory 未烧耐火材料uncoated electrode 裸焊条uncoiler 开卷机uncoiling 开卷uncombined carbon 游离碳underannealing 不完全退火underbead crack 焊道下裂纹undercooling 过冷undercut 底部沟槽underfilling 未充满underground leaching 地下浸出underhardening 欠热淬火undersintering 欠烧结undersize powder 筛下粉末underwater cutting 水下切割unequal angle 不等边角钢unequal angles 不等边角钢unequal draft 不均匀压下unfilled section 未充满的断面unfired pellets 冷固结球团矿uniaxial compression 单轴压缩uniaxial crystal 单轴晶体uniaxial tension 单轴拉伸unidirectional freezing 单向凝固unidirectional solidification 单向凝固unionmelt welding 埋弧自动焊unit cell 单位晶胞unit cell vector 点阵矢unit dislocation 单位位错unit load 单位负载unit metal consumption 金属单位消耗unit power 动力单位unitary system 一元系unitemper mill 双二辊式平整机universal beam mill 万能式钢梁轧机universal coiler 通用卷取机universal coupling 万向联轴节universal indicator 通用指示剂universal mill 万能轧机universal plate 齐边中厚板universal rolling 万能轧机上轧制universal slabbing mill 万能扁捧轧机universal spindle coupling 万向联轴节universal stand 万能轧机机座universal testing machine 万能试验机unmixing 分层unnotched specimen 无切口试样unprepared scrap 未选废金属unrestricted spread 自由宽展unshielded arc welding 无保护电弧焊unslaked lime 生石灰unstable equilibrium 不稳定平衡upcut shears 下切式剪切机updraft 向上通凤updraught 向上通凤upgraded ore 精矿upgrading 选矿uphand welding 仰焊uphill casting 底注uphill diffusion 富集扩散uphill pouring 底注uphill welding 上向斜焊upper bainite 上贝茵体upper critical cooling rate 上部临界冷却速率upper punch 上冲头upper yield point 上屈服点upright converter 竖式吹炉upset 镦锻upset forging 顶锻upset test 顶锻试验upset tube 镦粗管upset welding 电阻对接焊upsetter 顶锻机upsetting 顶锻upsetting machine 顶锻机upsetting press 镦头机uptake 垂直管道;上升道upward welding 上行焊uraconite 土硫铀矿uranate 铀酸盐uranic acid 铀酸uranic oxide 三氧化铀uraninite 沥青铀矿uranium 铀uranium base alloy 铀基合金uranium carbide 碳化铀uranium compound 铀化合物uranium dioxide 二氧化铀uranium hexafluoride 六氟化铀uranium lump 铀块uranium nitrate 硝酸铀uranium oxalate 草酸铀uranium reactor 铀反应堆uranium rod 铀棒uranium slug 铀块uranium tetrafluoride 四氟化铀uranium trioxide 三氧化铀uranium yellow 铀黄uranophane 硅钙铀矿uranopilite 铀钙矿uranospatite 水磷铀矿uranospherite 纤铀铋矿uranospinite 砷钙铀矿uranothallite 铀碳钙石uranothorite 方铀钍矿uranotile 硅钙铀矿uranouranic oxide 八氧化三铀uranous oxide 二氧化铀uranous uranic oxide 八氧化三铀uranyl 铀酰uranyl nitrate 硝酸铀酰uranyl phosphate 磷酸氢铀酰uranyl sulfate 硫酸铀酰used sand 旧砂useful volume 有效容积utilization degree 利用率uvanite 钒铀矿uvarovite 钙铬榴石uvarowite 钙铬榴石v belt v形皮带v belt drive v形皮带传动v belt transmission v形皮带传动v notch v 形缺口vacancy 空位vacancy cluster 空位团vacancy condensation 空位凝聚vacancy diffusion 空位扩散vacancy loop 空位环vacancy ring 空位环vacancy source 空位源vacuometer 真空计vacuum 真空vacuum annealing 真空退火vacuum arc decarburization process 电弧真空脱碳法vacuum arc double electrode remelting process 双电极式电弧真空重熔法vacuum arc furnace 真空电弧炉vacuum arc remelting 真空电弧重熔vacuum arc remelting process 真空电弧重熔法vacuum carbonitriding 真空碳氮化vacuum casting 真空铸造vacuum chamber 真空室vacuum converter 真空转炉vacuum decarburization 真空脱碳vacuum degassing 真空脱气vacuum deposition 真空淀积vacuum desiccator 真空干燥器vacuum diffusion pump 扩散真空泵vacuum distillation 真空蒸馏vacuum drier 真空干燥器vacuum drying 真空干燥vacuum etching 真空腐蚀vacuum evaporation 真空蒸发vacuum extrusion 真空挤压vacuum filter 真空过滤器vacuum filtration 真空过滤vacuum furnace 真空炉vacuum fusion method 真空溶化法vacuum gage 真空计vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum heating 真空加热vacuum impregnating 真空浸渍vacuum impregnation 真空浸渍vacuum induction furnace 真空感应炉vacuum induction melting 真空感应熔炼vacuum ladle 真空铸罐vacuum manometer 真空计vacuum melted steel 空熔炼钢vacuum melting 真空熔炼vacuum metal 真空熔炼金属vacuum metallization 真空金属喷镀vacuum metallizing 真空金属喷镀vacuum metallurgy 真空冶金vacuum nitriding 真空渗氮vacuum oxygen decarburization converter vod转炉vacuum oxygen decarburization process 真空氧气脱碳法vacuum plating 真空电镀vacuum process 真空法vacuum pump 真空泵vacuum refining 真空精炼vacuum rolling mill 真空轧机vacuum sintering 真空烧结vacuum slag cleaning 真空除渣vacuum system 真空系统vacuum tempering 真空回火vacuum treatment 真空处理vacuum treatment installation 真空处理装置vacuum vaporizer 真空蒸发器vad process 电弧真空脱碳法vader process 双电极式电弧真空重熔法valence 原子价valence band 价带valence bond 价键valence electron 价电子valence forces 原子价力valence linkage 价键valency 原子价valentinite 锑华valve 阀valve reversal 阀倒转valve steel 阀钢van der waals bond 范德瓦尔斯引力van der waals force 范德瓦尔斯引力vanadate 钒酸盐vanadic acid 钒酸vanadic anhydride 钒酸酐vanadinite 钒铅矿vanadium 钒vanadium alloy 钒合金vanadium bronze 钒青铜vanadium chloride 氯化钒vanadium oxide 氧化钒vanadium slag 钒渣vanadium steel 钒钢vane pump 轮叶泵vanner 淘矿机vanoxite 复钒矿vapor 蒸汽vapor blasting 蒸汽喷砂清理vapor deposition 气相淀积vapor phase 气相vapor plating 蒸发镀层vapor pressure 蒸汽压力vapor pressure curve 蒸汽压曲线vaporization 蒸发vaporization heat 蒸发热vaporization point 蒸发温度vaporizer 蒸发器var 真空电弧重熔var process 真空电弧重熔法variable crown roll 连续改变辊凸度的轧辊variable resistance 可变电阻variscite 磷酸铝石vat 槽vault 拱顶vc roll 连续改变辊凸度的轧辊vector 向量vector product 向量积vein gold 山金vein tin 脉锡veining 亚晶界组织velocity constant 速度常数velocity distribution 速度分布velocity head 速度头velocity of transformation 转变速度vent 通气孔vent pipe 通风管vent wire 通气针ventilation 通风ventilator 通风机venting quality 透气性venturi port 文丘里式口venturi scrubber 汾丘里管除尘器venturi tube 文丘里管verdigris 铜绿vermiculite 蛭石vertical continuous caster 立式连铸机vertical downward welding 向下立焊vertical drawn out and bending machine 立弯式连续铸造机vertical furnace 竖炉vertical mold 垂直结晶器vertical position 立焊位置vertical retort 竖式蒸馏罐vertical retort process 竖罐蒸馏法vertical roll 立辊vertical upward welding 向上立焊vertical welding 立焊very fine drawing 极细拉拔vesicular structure 多孔结构vessel mouth 转炉炉咀vesuvian 符山石vesuvianite 符山石vibrating feeder 振动式给料机vibrating screen 振动筛vibration 振动vibration pickling 振动酸洗vibration sifter 振动筛vibrator 振动器vibratory compaction 振动成型vibratory mill 振动球磨机vickers hardness 维氏硬度vickers hardness number 维氏硬度值vickers hardness test 维氏硬度试验virgin aluminum 原铝virgin iron 天然铁virgin sulfur 自然硫viscoelasticity 滞弹性viscometer 粘度计viscometry 粘度测定法viscosity 粘性viscous flow 粘滞怜viscous fluid 粘性铃viscous glide 粘性滑移viscous resistance 粘滞阻力visual examination 表观检查visual inspection 目视检查vitallium 维塔留姆耐蚀耐热合金vitreous coating 玻璃涂覆vitreous silica 玻璃状石英vitrification 玻璃化vitriol 硫酸盐vivianite 蓝铁矿vod converter vod转炉vod process 真空氧气脱碳法voglite 铜菱铀矿void 孔穴voids 结点间volatile matter 挥发物volatile solvent 挥发性溶剂volatility 挥发性volatilization 挥发volatilization loss 挥发损失volatilization roasting 挥发焙烧volume assaying 容量试金法volume density 体积密度volume diffusion 体积扩散volume elasticity 体积弹性volume filling 体积装料法volume ratio 体积比volume shrinkage 体积收缩volumetric analysis 容量分析volumetric expansion 体积膨胀volumetric modulus of elasticity 体积弹性系数volumetric properties 容量性能vortex motion 涡了动vrbaite 硫砷锑铊矿wabbler 梅花头wad 锰土waelz kiln 威尔兹回转窑waelz oxide 威尔滋氧化物waelz process 威尔兹法walking beam 步进梁walking beam cooler 步进式冷床walking beam furnace 步进式加热炉walking beam hearth 步进式炉底wall thickness 壁厚度wall thickness deviation 壁厚度偏差wandering welding 跳焊warm pressing 温压warm rolling 温轧warpage 弯曲warping 弯曲wash metal 精炼生铁wash water 冲洗水washed coal 洗煤washer 洗涤器;垫圈washing column 洗涤塔washing drum 洗涤圆筒washing equipment 洗涤设备washing tower 洗涤塔washmarking 波纹面waste casting 废铸件waste electrolyte 废电解液waste gas 废气waste heat 废热waste heat boiler 废热锅炉waste heat flue 废热烟道waste heat recovery 废热回收waste iron 废铸铁waste liquor 废液waste metal 废金属waste water 废水waste water recovery plant 废水再生装置waster plate 上部防护板wastes 废料water bath 水浴water column 水柱water concentration 湿选water coolant 冷却水water cooled electrode 水冷电极water cooling 水冷却water core 水冷芯子water descaler 水力除鳞装置water descaling 水力除鳞water equivalent 水当量water gas 水煤气water glass 水玻璃water hardening 水淬water hardening steel 水淬硬钢water jacket 水套water jet pump 水羚射泵water leaching 水浸出water permeability 透水性water power 水力water pump 水泵water purification 水净化water quenching 水淬water resisting property 耐水性water softening 硬水软化water supply 给水water toughening 水冷韧化处理water treatment 水的处理water vapor 水蒸汽waveguide tube 波导管wavy edge 波浪边wax 蜡wax pattern 蜡模weak acid 弱酸weak electrolyte 弱电解质wear 磨损wear properties 耐磨性wear resistance 耐磨性wear resistant cast iron 耐磨铸铁wear resistant steel 耐磨钢wear surface 磨损面wear test 磨损试验weather resisting steel 耐大气腐蚀钢weaving 焊条的横向摆动wedge 楔wedge furnace 维吉式焙烧炉wedge section 楔型断面wedge test piece 楔型试样weighing hopper 称重漏斗weight 重量;砝码weight filling 重量装粉法weight of compact 压咆量weight percentage 重量百分比weight ratio 重量比weld 焊缝weld assembly 焊接结构weld crack 焊缝裂纹weld crater 焊口weld cycle 焊接周期weld decay 焊接接头腐蚀weld dressing 清理焊烽weld joint 焊接接头weld metal 焊接金属weld nugget 点焊熔核weld penetration 焊透weld pool 熔池weld rate 焊接速度weld reinforcement 焊缝补强weld slope 焊缝倾角weld spacing 焊缝间距weld structure 焊缝金属组织weld throat 焊缝厚度weld zone 焊接区weldability 焊接性weldability test 焊接性试验weldable steel 焊钢weldableness 焊接性welded beam 焊接梁welded construction 焊接结构welded girder 焊接梁welded pipe 焊接管welded tube 焊接管welder 焊接机welder's goggles 焊工护目镜welding 焊接welding apparatus 焊接设备welding arc voltage 焊弧电压welding bench 焊接工专welding blowpipe 焊接喷灯welding booth 焊接室welding burner 焊接喷灯welding cable 电焊电缆welding current 焊接电流welding defect 焊接缺陷welding electrode 电焊条welding electrode holder 电焊钳welding equipment 焊接设备welding flame 焊接火焰welding flux 焊接熔剂welding force 电极压力welding goggles 焊工护目镜welding ground 焊接地线welding gun 焊枪welding heat 焊接热welding heat input 焊接输入热量welding jig 焊接夹具welding machine 焊接机welding metallurgy 焊接冶金学welding of lead 铅焊welding operation 焊接操作welding position 焊接位置welding pressure 焊接压力welding rectifier 焊接整流welding residual stress 焊接残余应力welding robot 焊接机扑welding rod 焊条芯welding roll 辊式电极welding seam 焊缝welding set 焊接设备welding speed 焊接速度welding steel 焊钢welding stress 焊接应力welding symbol 焊接符号welding temperature 焊接温度welding torch 焊接喷灯welding transformer 电焊变压器welding wire 焊丝welding without preheating 冷焊weldless pipe 无缝钢管weldment 焊件weldor 施焊工wet analysis 湿分析wet assay 湿试金wet blast 加湿鼓风wet classification 湿法分级wet cleaner 湿法净化器wet cleaning 湿法净化wet concentration 湿选wet corrosion 潮湿腐蚀wet crushing 湿法破碎wet drawing 湿法拉拔wet extraction 湿法提取wet gas cleaning 湿法洗气wet grinding 湿法粉碎wet method 湿法wet milling 湿法磨矿wet nitriding 液体氮化wet polishing 湿法抛光wet process 湿法wet purification 湿法净化wet quenching 湿法熄焦wet screening 湿法筛分wet separation 水选wet sieving 湿法筛分wet strength 湿强度wet treatment 湿处理wettability 可湿性wetting 润湿wetting agent 润湿剂wetting angle 浸湿角wetting power 润湿力wetting properties 可湿性wheel gate 离心集渣浇口wheel ore 车轮矿wheel rolling mill 车轮轧机whirl gate 离心集渣浇口whisker 晶须white arsenic 辉砷矿white brass 白铜white bronze 白青铜white copper 锌白铜white fracture 白断口white gold 白金white heart malleable cast iron 白心可锻铸铁white heat 白热white iron 白铸铁white iron pyrite 白铁矿white lead 铅白white matte 白冰铜white metal 白色合金white mud 白泥white phosphorus 白磷white pig iron 白口生铁white rust 白锈white slag 白渣white tin 白锡white vitriol 皓矾wide flange i beam 宽缘工字钢wide flat steel 宽带钢wide strip 宽带钢wide strip mill 宽带轧机wide strip steel 宽带钢widia 维迪阿硬质合金wigner effect 韦格讷效应wild phase 增强相wild steel 冒涨钢winch 绞车wind 鼓风wind box 风箱winding machine 绕线机wing mixer 叶片式混合机wing pump 轮叶泵wire 钢丝wire bar 拉丝锭wire brush 钢丝刷wire brushing 用钢丝刷清理wire cloth 金属丝网wire cord 钢丝绳wire drawing 拉丝wire drawing bench 拉丝机wire drawing machine 拉丝机wire drawing soap 拉丝润滑皂wire flattening 线材压扁wire flattening mill 轧扁机wire gage 线径规wire mill 线材轧机wire mill strand 线材轧机股wire netting 金属网wire pointer 钢丝压尖机wire reel 卷线机wire rod 线材wire rope 钢丝绳wire rope closing machine 制绳机wire screen 金属丝网筛wire sieve 金属丝网筛wire tying machine 线盘捆扎机wire wrap 线圈withdrawal 拔模witherite 毒重石wittichenite 硫铋铜矿wobbler 梅花头wobbler spindle 梅花联接轴wohlwill process 沃尔威尔法wolfram 钨wolframite 黑钨矿wollaston wire 沃拉斯顿极细铂丝wollastonite 硅灰石wood charcoal 木炭wood metal 伍德合金wood pattern 木模wood's alloy 伍德合金work 功work hardened steel 加工硬化钢work hardening 机械硬化work hardening capacity 加工硬化程度work hardening coefficient 加工硬化系数work hardening curve 加工硬化曲线work hardening exponent 加工硬化指数work lead 焊接线work load 工缀载work roll 工辊work softening 加工软化workability 可加工性working 加工working life 寿命working lining 工足working platform 工捉台working pressure 工坠力working properties 工棕性working stand 工座working stress 工爪力working temperature 工茁度working volume 有效容积worm 蜗杆worm gear 蜗轮传动装置worm wheel 蜗轮wrapping test 缠绕试验wrinkles 折叠wrought iron 熟铁wrought iron bloom 熟铁方坯wrought metal 可锻金属wrought steel 锻钢wulfenite 彩钼铅矿wurtzilite 韧沥青wurtzite 纤维锌矿wustite 维氏体x radiation x辐射x ray analysis x射线分析x ray diffraction x 射线衍射x ray diffraction analysis x 射线衍射分析x ray film x 射线胶片x ray flaw detection x 射线探伤x ray fluorescence spectroscopy x 射线荧光光谱分析x ray metallography x 射线金相学x ray microscope x 射线显微镜x ray pattern x 线衍射图x ray phase analysis x 射线相分析x ray small angle scattering x 射线小角度散射法x ray spectrograph x 射线摄谱仪x ray spectrometer x 射线分光计x ray spectroscopy x 射线光谱学x ray spectrum x 射线谱x ray spectrum analysis x 线光谱分析法x ray structure analysis x 射线衍射分析x ray tube x 射线管x rays x 射线xanthate 黄原酸盐xanthic acid 黄原酸xanthogenate 黄原酸盐xanthogenic acid 黄原酸xenotime 磷钇矿y alloy y 铸造铝合金yellow brass 黄铜yellow copper ore 黄铜矿yellow metal 黄铜yield 屈服yield criterion 屈服判据yield curve 屈服曲线yield point 屈服点yield strength 屈服强度yield stress 屈服强度;屈服应力yield zone 屈服区yielding 屈服young's modulus 杨氏弹性模数ytterbium 镱yttrium 钇yttrium carbide 碳化钇yttrium oxide 氧化钇yttrocrasite 钛钇钍矿yttrofluorite 钇萤石yttrotantalite 钇铌钽铁矿z iron z 形钢z steel z 形钢zaratite 翠镍矿zeunerite 翠砷铜铀矿zinc 锌zinc alloy 锌合金zinc amalgam 锌汞齐zinc base alloy 锌基合金zinc bath 镀锌槽zinc blende 闪锌矿zinc bronze 锌青铜zinc chloride 氯化锌zinc coat 镀锌zinc coated sheet 镀锌薄板zinc concentrate 锌精矿zinc desilverization 加锌提银法zinc distillation 锌蒸馏zinc distillation furnace 锌蒸馏炉zinc dust 锌粉zinc electrolyte 锌电解液zinc ferrite 铁酸锌zinc flower 锌华zinc green 锌绿zinc nitrate 硝酸锌zinc ore 锌矿zinc oxide 氧化锌zinc phosphating 磷酸锌处理zinc plate 锌板zinc plating 镀锌zinc powder 锌蓝粉zinc removal 脱锌zinc retort residue 锌蒸馏渣zinc sheet 锌板zinc sulfate 硫酸锌zinc sulfide 硫化锌zinc vitriol 皓矾zinc white 锌白zinc yellow 锌黄zincate 锌酸盐zincate treatment 锌酸盐处理zinced iron 镀锌铁zincification 镀锌zincing 镀锌zincite 红锌矿zinckenite 辉锑铅矿zinnwaldite 铁锂云母zintl phases 津特耳相zippeite 硫酸铀矿zircalloy 锆锡合金zircon 锆英石zirconic acid 锆酸zirconic anhydride 锆酸酐zirconium 锆zirconium alloy 锆合金zirconium base alloy 锆基合金zirconium bronze 锆青铜zirconium ferrosilicon 锆硅铁zirconium ore 锆矿zirconium oxide 氧化锆zirconium sulfate 硫酸锆zoisite 帘石zone axis 晶带轴zone melting 区域熔融zone melting process 区域熔融法zone of deformation 变形区zone of equiaxial crystals 等轴区zone of slippage 滑移区zone refining 区域精炼zone segregation 区域偏析。



四氢呋喃水合物热物性非原位测量方法郝玉超;孙始财;刘昌岭;孟庆国;赵洁【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2018(018)032【摘要】利用HotDisk热常数分析仪对四氢呋喃(THF)水合物导热系数和热扩散系数进行了非原位测量.实验结果表明,温度在254.0~267.0 K时非原位测得的THF水合物导热系数为0.52~0.57 W·m-1·K-1;且随着温度的增加而线性增大.非原位测量导热系数值与原位测量导热系数值绝对值相差0.045~0.065 W·m-1·K-1,误差为8%~12%.当温度从267.0 K升高到277.0 K时,非原位测得的THF水合物的导热系数增加剧烈,表现出非线性关系.在254.0~267.0 K时,非原位测得的THF水合物的热扩散系为0.26~0.31 mm2·s-1;并随温度增加而减小.非原位测量的热扩散系数值与原位测量的热扩散系数绝对值相差0.028~0.068 mm2·s-1,误差为10%~22%.原位测量与非原位测量产生的误差,分析认为可能是样品的转移过程中,空气中的水蒸气在水合物表面凝结成冰所致.【总页数】5页(P179-183)【作者】郝玉超;孙始财;刘昌岭;孟庆国;赵洁【作者单位】山东科技大学土木工程与建筑学院,山东省土木工程防灾减灾重点实验室 ,青岛266590;中国科学院(广州能源研究所)天然气水合物重点实验室 ,广州510640;山东科技大学土木工程与建筑学院,山东省土木工程防灾减灾重点实验室 ,青岛266590;中国科学院(广州能源研究所)天然气水合物重点实验室 ,广州510640;国土资源部天然气水合物重点实验室 ,青岛266071;国土资源部天然气水合物重点实验室 ,青岛266071;山东科技大学土木工程与建筑学院,山东省土木工程防灾减灾重点实验室 ,青岛266590;中国科学院(广州能源研究所)天然气水合物重点实验室 ,广州510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TK124【相关文献】1.碳纳米管和碳纳米管-四氢呋喃水合物的储氢特性 [J], 臧小亚;梁德青;吴能友2.沉积物中四氢呋喃水合物生成/解离过程的电阻率演变试验研究 [J], 马淑芝;李鸿博;孟航;张致能3.四丁基溴化铵-四氢呋喃系蓄冷水合物 [J], 李刚;谢应明;刘道平;张亮;汤成伟;魏晶晶4.核磁共振成像原位监测冰融化及四氢呋喃水合物分解的微观过程 [J], 孟庆国;刘昌岭;业渝光5.玉米棒+四氢呋喃对IGCC合成气水合物生成动力学的影响 [J], 张青宗;吕秋楠;李小森;余益松;周诗岽因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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World Bank & Government of The Netherlands fundedTraining module # WQ - 39How to measure AmmoniaNirogen: Phenate Method New Delhi, March 2000CSMRS Building, 4th Floor, Olof Palme Marg, Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 11 00 16 IndiaTel: 68 61 681 / 84 Fax: (+ 91 11) 68 61 685E-Mail: DHV Consultants BV & DELFT HYDRAULICS withHALCROW, TAHAL, CES, ORG & JPSTable of contentsPage 1Module context2 2Module profile3 3Session plan4 4Overhead/flipchart master5 5Evaluation sheets12 6Handout14 7Additional handout18 8Main text201. Module context This module describes the laboratory procedure for measurement of ammonia nitrogen by phenate method. Modules in which prior training is recommended to complete this module successfully and other available, related modules in this category are listed in the table below:While designing a training course, the relationship between this module and the others, would be maintained by keeping them close together in the syllabus and place them in a logical sequence. The actual selection of the topics and the depth of training would, of course, depend on the training needs of the participants, i.e. their knowledge level and skills performance upon the start of the course.No.Module title Code Objectives1.Basic water quality concepts WQ - 01•Discuss the common water qualityparameters•List important water quality issues2.Basic chemistry concepts WQ - 02•Convert units from one to another•Discuss the basic concepts ofquantitative chemistry•Report analytical results with thecorrect number of significant digits.3.Basic ecology concepts WQ - 26•Explain how energy flows through anaquatic ecosystem•Explain how nutrients are cycled in theenvironment•Explain the causes and problems ofeutrophication4.Surface water qualityplanning concepts WQ - 27•Understand principles of WQmonitoring and assessment•Know of simple data analysis methodse of ion selective probes WQ - 33•Precautions required in use of ionselective electrodes6.Absorption spectroscopy WQ - 34•Understand theory and applications ofabsorption spectroscopy7.How to measure OxidisedNitrogen: Cd reductionmethod and UVSpectrophotometric methods WQ - 37•Measure oxidised nitrogen by Cd-reduction and UV spectrophotometricmethods•Appreciate limitations of the UVmethod8.How to measure Ammoniaand Organic Nitrogen:Kjeldahl method WQ - 38•Understand the relevance of nitrogento water quality•Know how to make analysis ofammonia and organic nitrogen byKjeldahl method.2. Module profileTitle:How to measure Ammonia Nirogen: Phenate MethodTarget group:HIS function(s): Q2, Q3,Q5, Q6Duration:One lecture session 15 min,One laboratory session 90 minOne concluding session 15 minObjectives:After the training the participants will be able to:•measure ammonia by Phenate MethodKey concepts:•Phenate MethodTraining methods:Lecture, LaboratoryTraining toolsrequired:Board, flipchart, OHS, chemical laboratory, spectrophotometer Handouts:As provided in this moduleFurther reading and references :•Chemistry for environmental engineers - C. N. Sawyer, P. L.McCarty & G. F. Parkin, McGraw - Hill, Inc., 1994•Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewaters, AWWA, 19th edition, 19953. Session plan No Activities Time Tools 1Preparations•Reagents as described in SAP•Samples: A – Tap waterB – Sample A 100 mL + 20 µg NH3-NC – Sample A 100 mL + 50 µg NH3-N15 min OHS2Introduction:•Describe significance of nitrogen in water•Describe briefly the Phenate method•Ask participants to read the SAP120 min Laboratory 3Laboratory•Divide the class in groups of 2 to 3 persons•Provide the stock ammonia standard solution and askeach group to prepare atleast 4 standards•While the participants are preparing standards,demonstrate the working of the spectrophotometer to eachgroup separately.•Ask the participants to complete the experiment4Report and wrap up30 min•Ask the participants to prepare their reports•Discuss results4. Overhead/flipchart master OHS format guidelinesType of text Style SettingHeadings:OHS-Title Arial 30-36, with bottom border line (not:underline)Text:OHS-lev1OHS-lev2Arial 24-26, maximum two levelsCase:Sentence case. Avoid full text in UPPERCASE. Italics:Use occasionally and in a consistent wayListings:OHS-lev1OHS-lev1-Numbered Big bullets.Numbers for definite series of steps. Avoid roman numbers and letters.Colours:None, as these get lost in photocopying andsome colours do not reproduce at all.Formulas/Equat ions OHS-Equation Use of a table will ease horizontal alignmentover more lines (columns)Use equation editor for advanced formattingonlySignificance of Nitrogen in water• Eutrophication- explosive growth in algae- decay of algal biomas and oxygen depletion • Nitrification reaction- consumption of oxygen• Health problem• Related to sewage pollutionHydrology Project Training Module File: “ 39 How to measure Ammonia Nirogen.doc” Version March 2000Page 6Determination of Ammonia Nitrogen• Distillation and titration- Kjeldahl method• Nesslerization- oldest method- environmental hazards• Phenate method- recommended under HPHydrology Project Training Module File: “ 39 How to measure Ammonia Nirogen.doc” Version March 2000Page 7Phenate Method• Ammonia reacts with phenol to form indophenol in presence of alkali and oxidising agent• Sodium nitroprusside acts as catalyst• The developed blue colour absorbs lightof 640 nm wavelengthHydrology Project Training Module File: “ 39 How to measure Ammonia Nirogen.doc” Version March 2000Page 8Interference• Ca++ and Mg++- form precipitate at high pH- complex with citrate• Turbidity- remove by distillation or filtration• H2S- remove by aeration after acidifying sample Hydrology Project Training Module File: “ 39 How to measure Ammonia Nirogen.doc” Version March 2000Page 9Experiment• Determine NH3-N in samples by Phenate MethodSample Source Expected conc. mg/LA Tap water0 – 0.1B Sample A 100 mL + 20 µg NH3-N0.2C Sample A 100 mL + 50 µg NH3-N0.5• Calibration standards: 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 mg NH3-N/LReport• Aim of the experiment• Results including calibration standard curve • Comment on results and quality of samples5. Evaluation sheets6. HandoutSignificance of Nitrogen in water• Eutrophication- explosive growth in algae- decay of algal biomas and oxygen depletion• Nitrification reaction- consumption of oxygen• Health problem•Related to sewage pollutionDetermination of Ammonia Nitrogen•Distillation and titration- Kjeldahl method• Nesslerization- oldest method- environmental hazards• Phenate method- recommended under HPPhenate Method•Ammonia reacts with phenol to form indophenol in presence of alkali and oxidising agent•Sodium nitroprusside acts as catalyst•The developed blue colour absorbs light of 640 nm wavelength Interference• Ca++ and Mg++- form precipitate at high pH- complex with citrate• Turbidity- remove by distillation or filtration•H2S- remove by aeration after acidifying sampleExperiment• Determine NH3-N in samples by Phenate MethodSample Source Expected conc. mg/LA Tap water0 – 0.1B Sample A 100 mL + 20 µg NH3-N0.2C Sample A 100 mL + 50 µg NH3-N0.5•Calibration standards: 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 mg NH3-N/LReport•Aim of the experiment•Results including calibration standard curve •Comment on results and quality of samplesAdd copy of Main text in chapter 8, for all participants.7. Additional handout8. Main textContents1.Introduction12.Phenate Method13.Aim14.Method15.Observation and calculations26.Report2SAP for Nitrogen, Ammonia (1.15)3How to measure Ammonia Nirogen: Phenate Method1. IntroductionVarious aspects of occurrence of different forms of nitrogen, organic, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in water, were dicussed in modules # 26 – ‘Basic Ecology concepts’ and # 27 – ‘How to measure Ammonia and organic nitrogen. Briefly these are:•fertilization leading to eutrophication and accompanying problems of decomposition of plant matter, oxygen depletion, odours, etc.•nitrification and deoxygenation•health related problems: methaemoglobinemia•indicator of organic pollution, such as, sewageDetermination of ammonia nitrogen by distillation and titration was also described in module # 38.Ammonia can also be measured directly colorimetrically. Ammonia combines with alkaline solution of potassium mercuric iodide (Nessler’s reagent) to form a yellowish brown colloidal dispersion, the colour intensity of which is directly proportional to the amount of ammonia originally present. This is one of the older colorimetric procedure.Due to the possible harmful environmental effects from the use of mercury in Nesslerization reaction, an alternative phenate method is described in this module which is recommended under HP.2. Phenate MethodThe method involves addition of phenol solution together with hypochlorite and nitroprusside catalyst to the sample. Ammonia reacts to form indophenol, which has an intense blue colour. The colour abosorbs light of 640 nm wavelength. The colour intensity is affected by the age of the reagents; therefore atleast two calibration standards are run with each measurement.Calcium and manganese in sample may interfere by precipitating at high pH. Complexing with citrate removes the interference. Turbidity in sample should be removed by distillation or filtration. Hdrogen sulphide, if present, can be removed by aeration after acidifying the sample to pH 3.3. AimTo determine the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in water samples by Phenate method.4. Methoda) Read the SAP for determination of ammonia nitrogen by Phenate method.b) Collect samples for analysis. The source of sample and expected ammoniaconcentrations are given belowSample Source Expected conc. mg/LA Tap water0 – 0.1B Sample A 100 mL + 20 µg NH3-N0.2C Sample A 100 mL + 50 µg NH3-N0.5c) Prepare calibration standards containing 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 mg NH3-N/Ld) Develop colour in the samples and the standards according to SAP.5. Observation and calculationsa) Fill in the following table as you proceed with the testSample Absorbance at 640 nm0.1 mg NH3 – N/L standard0.3 mg NH3 – N/L standard0.5 mg NH3 – N/L standard0.7 mg NH3 – N/L standardSample ASample BSample Cb) Use the values of the standard solutions in the table to plot a calibration curve of mg NH3– N/L vs absorbance.c) Read the ammonia content of each sample from the calibration curve.6. ReportWrite your report addressing the following•The aim of the experiment•The results obtained by you•Comment on the results if they are different from the expected values•Comment on quality of samples in terms of ammonia contents。
