NPI C54x Product Training

T_Basic_ch.doc 2005-08-25 14:01Training:培训手册(中文)1994 - 2005 COPA-DATA GmbHTraining manual---CN 2Contents目录Training:培训手册 (1)概要 (4)第一项工程 (4)创建一个新的工作平台 (4)创建新工程 (4)工程配置 (6)驱动器 (7)选择和配备驱动器 (7)模拟驱动器 (8)数据类型 (9)创建一个新的简单数据类型 (9)创建新的结构数据类型 (12)变量 (13)创建新的简单变量 (13)创建新的结构变量 (16)模板 (18)创建新的模板 (18)图片 (19)新建图片 (19)图片元件 (20)矢量元件(矢量) (20)功能 (23)功能管理 (23)动态元件 (25)文本按钮 (25)图片功能 (26)数值 (27)条线图 (28)趋势图 (29)仪表 (30)运行(在线操作) (31)启动运行 (31)Training manual---CN 3停止运行 (32)工程的拓展和变更 (32)重新载入 (33)替换一个工程 (33)改变设定值 (33)显示变量状态 (33)运行中重新加载变更 (34)间接图片寻址 (35)脚本结构 (36)功能项“发送值到硬件” (36)脚本自动启动 (37)运行 (38)Training manual---CN 4概要创建工程---定义变量---创建模板和图片—静态和动态单元第一项工程创建一个新的工作平台我们正创建一个新的子目录,此目录适合每个新的工作平台所以,所有重要的文件都可以存放在一个目录下• 选择”文件”菜单里面的”新建”在工作台的属性页面,你可以键入工作台的路径和名称.输入,, C:\”作为路径再输入名称,,工作台”如果此目录不存在,那么在确认了对话框入口后,点击ok来创建目录C:\EXAMPLE,与此同时WORKSPACE.WSP6也已经写入到目录中.创建新工程• 选择”文件”菜单里面的”新建”在工作台的属性页面,你可以键入工作台的路径和名称. 当键入工程名称时,所键入的值将设置为默认目录名.输入工程名” PRO1”,同时认可了默认路径.Training manual---CN 5下面的目录结构在编辑器里创建如同数据库目录般,工作台,工程和编辑器文件的目录能够被快速创建.用户定义的目录能按自己的意Training manual---CN 6愿短时间被创建运行目录在运行第一次启动时就被创建,也就是说,第一时间创建运行文件.如果一个新的工程在运行过程中,配有报警或CEL(顺序事件列表)条目,那么zenOn软件自动创建一个新的子目录,并给计算机和工程设定名称.如C:\EXAMPLE\COMPUTERNAME\PROJECT). 目录中的报警或是CEL 条目以BIN文件的形式存储.目录结构和所包含的文件(即使是扩展文件,如*.bmp, *.jpg, *.txt)不许手改.这些文件借助工程管理中的通道”文件”插入到工程,然后自动拷贝到适当的目录中,并存储在工程数据库里.工程配置• 在工程管理中选择工作平台仔细观察后,会发现工程一列归属于这个工作台.• 在详细的列表中选择工程"PRO1"此时工程"PRO1"的属性在属性窗口显示,并可以在窗口直接编辑属性.在接下来的联系中,我们会经常用动这个属性窗口.他通常提供了3种视图,可以通过顶部图标的切换来选择不同的视图.Quick view快速浏览只显示最重要的属性Group view群组浏览所有属性都在逻辑组里显示All全部属性没有组的形式, 显示所有属性.• 借助第二个图标可以切换到群组浏览• 打开”常规”部分Training manual---CN 7• 将”主窗口类型”的属性,更改为”无标题/全屏”所以,运行的可编程窗口将不带标题栏显示.在属性窗口的下游部分,你可以发现属性选择的一些简短的帮助.如果帮助无法显示,打开属性的关联菜单并激活通道”描述”“打开图片“的属性是定义图片,当运行开始时,“打开图片“也会自动被打开.迄今为止,由于我们还没有画一幅图片,所以属性一直时空的.只要我们在工程里创建了第一幅图片,那么他的名称就会自动被加入.驱动器为了实现同数据源的通讯(PLC领域bus总线,等),必须链接到驱动器上.根据工程对驱动器的需求(通过 )和他们的过程变量必须创建.举例说, 就如同我们现在没有PLC,但是我们要用一台模拟驱动器,他可以自动更改变量的值.难道我们要用像西门子系列的驱动器,没有PLC 连接,只会得到错误的信息.选择和配备驱动器• 在工程管理里,通过鼠标右击激活”变量”的关联菜单.• 选择菜单里的”新建驱动...”驱动器选择的对话框现在是开着的.Training manual---CN 8• 一直向下滚动列表”有效驱动器”,直到你找到”zenOn系统驱动器”为止.• 点击模拟驱动器. 在显示的:”定义驱动器”的对话框里写进”驱动器名”. 点击”OK”确认选择项模拟驱动器COPA-DATA公司对此驱动器进行开发,通常用于模拟值所用的变量和数据与西门子系列的PLC是兼容的.模拟器是由四个确定的变量完成控制的. 因此0到3为变量的存储地址. 这些变量的内容是模式,最大值,最小值,步距(如:步距10表示.模拟驱动计数器从最小值0开始0,10,20,30 以此类推直到最大值1000)Marker 0变量0模式0...模拟停止1...模拟打开 (上升) / 默认值2...模拟打开 (下降)Training manual---CN 93...模拟打开 (升和降)Marker 1变量1 上限0 到65535 默认=1000Marker 2变量2 下限0 到65535 默认=0Marker 3变量3 步距0 到65535 默认=10数据类型变量一方面基于驱动器目标类型,另一方面则基于数据类型.根据所选择驱动器来确定驱动器目标类型. 我们的模拟驱动器类似于西门子S5系列驱动器.我们通常谈及的数据类型是独立于驱动器之外的. 不是所有的驱动器都支持所有数据类型. 只有选择适合你自己驱动器的数据类型才是用用的.另外,预定义数据类型允许创建自己的数据类型. 有两种可能的数据类型 简单数据类型和结构数据类型创建一个新的简单数据类型•在项目管理打开“变量“• 用鼠标右键激活“数据类型的关联菜单.“ • 选择菜单里的”新建简单数据类型”Training manual---CN 10• 在名称栏输入新的简单数据类型名称”FILL L ” • 选择数据基本类型” UINT ”点击"完成"来完称数据类型的创建,现在数据类型的列表中是有效的.• 在列表中选择数据类型"Fill level"现在的属性窗口能看到"Fill level"的属性,我们可以对其属性进行必须的修改.• 打开组的"描述"和”值计算”项.• 在上面的图标中改变数据类型的属性: "最小整数", "十进制", "PLC 值范围" and "线性值调整”PLC 值的范围 例如:fill level 的数字值是12位或16位PLC线性值调整例如:工程中fill level 的模拟值设定是按照PLC值的范围来设定的.范围是最小01,最大6553,51我们现在就定义数据库"Fill level"的限定.• 在属性窗口点,用鼠标右键点击"限定"项.• 在相关菜单中选择”限定插入”.这样就创建了一个命名为”限定[1]”新项.• 打开名为”限定[1]”的项.• 在上面显示的图表中改变限定的属性.• 为数据库"Fill level"创建三个以上的限定限定2: 2000,最小,深蓝色,没有报警 限定3: 4500,最小,暗红色,没有报警限定45500,最大,亮红,报警创建新的结构数据类型• 在项目管理那打开“变量“• 用鼠标右键激活“数据类型的关联菜单.“• 选择菜单里的”新建结构数据类型”• 在名称栏输入新的结构数据类型名称"Valve".完成结构数据类型的创建后,会打开一个对话框.在此对话框里可以创建最初的结构单元.• 在名称栏输入新的结构单元名称"位置".• 选择数据基本类型"USINT". 这个数据类型将被嵌入进去.如果基本数据类型已经嵌入到结构数据类型中,那么数据类型的属性在结构单元中将不受基本数据类型的限制而自由变更.结构单元完成后,结构数据类型在列表中就生效了.现在,我们将为这个数据类型再创建一个结构单元.• 用鼠标右键激活结构类型"Valve"的右键菜单.“• 选择菜单里的”新建结构单元”• 为结构数据类型"Valve"创建另一个结构单元自动/手动:布尔位;嵌入变量过程变量是数据源(PLC,现场总线等)和控制系统之间接口为了实现对过程的检测校对以及开环和闭环控制,过程数据的交换是必须的.一方面是设定点的输入值,另一方面对过程数据的监控管理.过程数据及设定是用来定义单一过程的,输入的变量和参数在变量列表里相互交换.创建新的简单变量• 在项目管理里用鼠标右键激活右键菜单的”变量”.• 选择菜单”新建变量...”已打开的创建变量的对话框.• 输入"H1_Tank1"名称.• 选择数据类型"Fill level".• 确认完成后点击"完成".变量已经添加到变量列表中,变量在项目管理里的有详细的描述. "Fill level"的所有数据类型的属性都是在变量中预定义的. 所选择的变量可以在属性窗口检测和改动• 打开"变量"部分• 如上面图表所示,可以更改变量的属性.名称名称必须是唯一的鉴定名称可能不是唯一的偏移量文字偏移量变量服务器用来显示值按下列属性创建另一个变量.命名模式数据类型UINT偏移量0 信号分辨率:0..3测量范围 0..3?变量服务器用来预定义模拟特性.创建另外3个模拟变量.参照更深层的属性列表.变量列表工程管理的全面浏览应该有两个入口.过程变量采用合理的名称,这样可以使得浏览变得非常方便.现在按照下列设定对模拟驱动器创建新的变量."H1_Tank2", "H2_Tank1" 和 "H2_Tank2"具有与"H1_Tank1"相同的属性,他们偏移量地址分别为12,21和22 . 可以更改2号变量到"Hall 2"的确认.创建新的结构变量现在我们将创建更多的变量,但这次是用到结构数据类型.按上面描述的去处理.• 输入"值"名称.• 选择数据类型"值".• 设定变量"Dim 0"为数组型变量"Array dimensions",且变量值为4.选择一个结构数据类型,设定两个以上的有效变量.• 激活”自动寻址”选项.• 忽律”每个数据类型设定新偏移量”,根据协议的默认设定”激活所有单元”.现在,成功设定了4值的变量 (组变量=4),这里四个值是由两个变量组成()工程管理中的变量列表如下详细列出:模板画图前首先创建模板每幅图片都是以模板为基础模板是基于window技术下的.大致设定如下…♦ 模板尺寸=图片尺寸♦ 图片在屏幕上的位置完成.这样一个通用的版面被创建.提供了大量的优势:♦ 一致图片结构贯穿整个工程♦ 尺寸与位置只能定义一次♦ 改变模板将改变基于模板的全部图片.♦ 模板的功能专门提及(关闭模板,硬拷贝,等等)通常最少创建两个模板1个模板用在主画面1个模板用于吧条创建新的模板• 打开工程管理的”图片”,选择”模板”• 点击右键菜单里的”新模板”项创建新的模板名为“模板_0”的模板是自动创建的. 在属性窗口可以改变模板的设定.模板的尺寸按当前屏幕分辨率默认设定. 现在我们改动这些设定,这样在屏幕的顶部和底端会留下部分空间. 顶部的空间用于状态览,底部空间用于创建吧条.• 按上面所示改动模板的属性. •创建名为”吧条”的模板,用来标识吧条. 模板的尺寸自左/顶 0/700延伸到 右/底 1024/768 .图片一个图片就是一个可以预定义属性的窗口. 每幅图片都是以模板为基础新建图片• 在工程管理中选择”图片”项.• 点击右键菜单里的”新图片”项创建新的图片名为“图片_0”的图片是自动创建的. 在属性窗口可以改变图片的设定.• 在”通用”部分输入图片名”开始图片”并确认该图片属于”标准”window 类.• 在”模板”组中确认,图片与”过程图片”的模板是关联的.• 在工程管理的总览中用鼠标双击图片名来打开新建的图片,或打开关联菜单并选择”打开图片”项.• 现在创建名为” Hall”的图片当然,该图片同样要链接到”过程图片”的模板中.现在创建名为”BB-Start”的图片.模板”吧条”链接到此图片.图片元件一般来说图片中有两种不同类型的元件可以用.Vector elements矢量元件在运行时元件的外观都是保持一致的.Dynamic elements动态元件在运行时元件改变了他们的外观(通常依靠变量值).矢量元件(矢量)文本现在在” START_PIC”内输入文本• 打开菜单"Vect”元件• 选择矢量元件”文本”• 点击鼠标左键,在图片上画文本单元(矩形) ” START_PIC” 3cm 高和7cm宽.文本元件用选择标记标识着.单元的参数现在可以在属性窗口更改如果希望更改属性,只需在图片中选择元件,轻点鼠标右键就可以了.这样属性在属性窗口就是有效的了.对于所有的元件,这个程序都是有效地.• 在”描述/文本”写入的,将是第一个工程.现在我们将为文本单元创建一个新的字体.• 在工程管理中选择”字体”项.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”新建字体”.定义字体的标准对话框现在已经打开.• 现在选择”亚洲粗体24”,点击”ok”确定选择.工程管理的详细列表中显示”新字体1”,并且在属性窗口显示新字体的属性.• 将字体命名为”名称”.选择的字体可以被用于所有相关文本单元中.现在就在我们的文本单元种应用此字体.• 在启动画面中选择文本单元,并且在属性窗口打开选择的”标题”.• 选择属性列表右列的”字体”项.字体选择对话框已经打开.• 选择字体”标题”• 点击图表首个图片,可以作为启动画面自动保存到工程配置里.功能新图片可以通过吧条打开.另外,我们将为不同的窗口提供适当的吧条.借住功能可以运行此工程.功能管理功能列表可提供所有有效的变量函数.• 在工程管理中选择”功能”.在工程管理的详细列表中,可以看到空的函数列表.你在这里所创建的函数将被列出.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”新建功能”.预定义函数的对话框打开.函数将在各个区域内分类.首先,我们将创建关闭运行的函数.• 打开”应用函数”部分.• 选择”退出程序”函数,并点击ok确认选择.现在该函数已经存放在工程管理的功能列表中,可在属性窗口中更改.因为函数没有更多的参数,所以可以在这里对函数进行定义.接下来,我们将创建切换画面的函数.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”新建功能”.• 打开”图片函数”部分.• 选择”图片切换”函数,并点击ok确认选择.函数必须配有参数,此时输入必要函数参数的对话框将自动打开.函数要求图片以一个参数的形式打开.• 选择”启动”图片,并点击ok确认选择.无需更多的参数设定,所以函数定义结束.为图片”BB-Star”和”Hall”创建相应的图片切换函数.动态元件不同于矢量元件,动态元件是改变他们运行时的外观.动态元件习惯被用作显示变量值或是执行功能.文本按钮首先我们将创建”BB-Start”吧条按钮,来实现图片"Start Pic" 和"Hall”之间的切换.• 打开图片” BB-Start”.• 自动态元件菜单里选择”文本按钮”命令. 元件• 点击鼠标左键,可以在画板上画出动态元件” BB_START”(1.5 cm 高和 3 cm 宽)• 在属性窗口打开”文本”单元.• 第一行输入文本”启动”,第二行输入文本” Alt S”.• 现在切换到”元件”部分.• 点击属性列表右列的”功能”项.功能选择对话框已经打开.• 选择该函数”图片切换-启动”. • 点击属性列表右列的”组合键”项.定义组合键的对话框已经打开.在运行过程中,你可以通过点击按钮或是按组合键来执行功能.• 点击输入区键入组合键"Alt S",并点击组合键. • 确认”ok ”.•为图片”Hall ”创建一个相应的按键,配有文本"Hall 1" , "Alt 1"和对应的组合键. 创建另一个功能键”退出程序”,配有文本”退出”和” Alt E ”的组合键.我们为按钮文本提供了自定义的字体,并将此字体应用到工程的所有按钮中. 如果改变字体的尺寸和其他属性,马上就会自动影响到所有按钮.图片功能每幅图片都可以与函数链接,图片打开与关闭时,功能自动执行.借助此功能,我们可以在启动画面上打开吧条• 在工程管理中选择”图片”.• 在工程管理的详细列表中选择图片”启动画面”.• 在属性窗口打开”综合/功能”部分.• 在”启动功能”里面选择”图片切换”.列表的”BB-启动”.不管何时启动画面在运行窗口是打开的,匹配的吧条也是打开的.数值• 打开”启动画面”.• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”数值”命令.• 鼠标左键按住”数值”,在”启动画面”里画一个动态元件 (ca.2 cm 高和 5 cm 宽).变量选择的对话框打开.• 在对话框”变量选择”突出变量”模式”并按下”确定按钮”.• 在属性窗口激活”显示单元”选项.• 为了改变动态元件的尺寸,点击某一标记(鼠标显示双箭头,按下鼠标左键,移动鼠标就可以改变元件的尺寸.)• 为了移动动态的元件,你可以点击他(鼠标变做十字交叉箭头),按下鼠标左键,拖动元件到新的位置.• 点击标识• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”条形图”命令.• 按下鼠标左键,在图片”Hall”内画一个动态元件(ca.7 cm 高和 3 cm 宽).• 在对话框”变量选择”突出变量” H1_Tank1”并按下”确定按钮”.• 在”颜色”选项设定”条行吧”为蓝色.正常情况下吧条颜色保持一致.如果超出限定,其颜色就被定义的限定色所替代.趋势图• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”趋势图”命令.• 按下鼠标左键,在图片”Hall”内画一个动态元件(15 cm 高和 20 cm 宽).动态元件不会立即查询一个变量.因为,有更多的变量选择,这些变量都可以用在单元上.• 鼠标右键点击进入属性窗口,打开关联菜单.• 选择”插入曲线图表”.• 在对话框”变量选择”突出变量” H1_Tank1”并按下”确定按钮”.• 重复上面程序操作,选择变量 "H1_Tank2".现在可在属性窗口找到新项”曲线”• 在属性窗口依次打开”曲线”和”曲线[1]”部分.• 改变”曲线图信息文本”为"Tank 1".• 改变”曲线[2]”文本为"Tank 2".仪表• 打开动态元件菜单,选择”趋势图”命令.• 按下鼠标左键,在图片”Hall”内画一个动态元件(15 cm 高和 20 cm 宽).• 在对话框中选择” H1_Tank2”变量”,并按下”确定按钮”.• 在属性窗口依次打开”外形”和”比例”部分..• 设定”主刻度”为1000,设定”子刻度”为200.刻度值标识:每1000用长刻度标记,每200用短刻度标识.这样,就可以在运行时间看到我们的工程了.运行(在线操作)启动运行有四种运行方式:• 命令,菜单选项”运行”.• 点击按钮用来设定值的标准对话框已经打开,允许你改变变量的值.• 将变量”上限”值设定为65535,点击OK关闭对话框.• 将变量”步宽”值设定为1000,点击OK关闭对话框.在吧条按钮里面,借助按钮”启动图片”和”Hall 1”,可以实现两个过程图之间的切换.• 切换到图片"Hall 1",观察此时动态单元的变化.模拟器切换到开状态,条形图的移动将无法移动.• 返回到”启动画面”.• 将变量”模式”值设定为0,点击OK关闭对话框.• 返回到图片"Hall 1",观察此时动态单元的变化.停止运行• 按”退出”按钮关闭运行.如果未定义关闭运行按钮,或者是窗口标题的吧条是无效的,还可以用组合键"Alt F4"关闭运行. 工程的拓展和变更重新载入我们现在要了解的就是“重新载入“工程.“重新载入“允许我们不必关闭或重启而实现工程的变更.此功能允许运行期间在编辑器内做改动.这些改动将在运行时被重新加载.• 右击”功能”函数选择”新功能”项.• 在打开的窗口中,选择”应用功能”里的”重新载入”功能.在属性窗口,参数右边的默认项是”改变目标对象”.也就是说在执行此功能时,不是全部从新加载而是仅目标对象做改动.• 打开图片” BB-Start”.• 创建新按钮”重新加载”,执行”重新加载”功能.• 运行.• 点击窗口任务条或组合键” Alt Tab”返回编辑界面.紧接着,我们将学习如何应用”重新载入”功能.替换一个工程改变设定值• 打开”启动画面”.• Select the numerical value element for the "Mode".• 在属性窗口打开”设定值”部分.• 改变属性,将”设定值”改换到”元件”.改动“模式“变量值时,运行过程标准对话框将不再被打开.我们可以在单元中直接输入设定值.显示变量状态• 在属性窗口打开”外形”部分.• 激活属性”显示状态”不管何时与PLC的链接断开,动态元件都可以随时给出指示.在元件的右上方显示出一个有色彩的正方形.正方形可以有两种不同的颜色.invisible不显示与PLC链接.red红色驱动器与PLC之间连接被中断.blue蓝色zenOn与驱动器之间连接被中断.运行情况下用鼠标右键点击元件,并保持一段时间的按力,变量的状态将被显示出来.运行中重新加载变更在重新加载变更前,我们必须保存图片,接着创建新的运行文件.• 点击标识间接图片寻址在间接图图片寻址的帮助下,图片可以被重复利用.在打开前提下,这个功能性允许图片变量和功能被替换.对于相同的设备只需创建一幅图片,该图片可以在不同的设定变量或不同的图片切换功能下被打开.• 创建一个新的功能”图片切换”.• 选择图片” Hall”,点击”OK”确认选择.选择图片zenOn时就发现,图片早就包含了变量或函数.所以另一个对话框自动打开.在对话框“替换链接“下面可以看到变量和功能都已包含在图片中.(图片 Hall没有功能.)双击一行可以替换单变量但是如果在工程中有一个通用的结构变量名,那么我们就可以替换整个群组.• 一个源输入"H1*".• 一个目标输入"H2*".• 按下”接受”键,并点击”是的”信息确认.如果替换法是目的,那么目前在部分对话框下部可以检查.在举例过程中,所有变量开始全名为"H1"的都被变量以"H2"开始的全名所替换.• 点击”确定”关闭对话框并且点击”是的”回答接下来的两个提示.• 在图片"BB-Start"里创建了新按钮命名为"Hall 2",并执行刚创建的此功能.脚本结构如果合成几个函数,可以按定义的顺序执行(类似批处理文件),他们将被输入到脚本中.这里有些系统固有的脚本名,他们在系统开启和停止时自动执行.AUTOSTART自动开始在操作启动图片前,脚本已经自动执行运行启动了.AUTOEND自动结束脚本自动执行关闭运行.现在我们可以在自动开始脚本里自动完成上限值和模拟器驱动增量的设定.因此我们首先需要适当的功能.功能项“发送值到硬件”• 创建新功能.• 打开”变量-功能”部分.• 选择功能”发送变量到硬件”.• 选择”上限”变量,并点击ok确认选择.由于此功能需要附加的参数,所以又有新对话框开启.• 值设定为65535.• 激活选项”导向硬件”.选现生效,运行里根本不会给用户改变值的机会,输入的设定值就被直接发送到硬件(=PLC).为变量”增量”定义功能”发送值到硬件”,并设定值为100.脚本自动启动>• 在工程管理中选择”脚本”.• 在详细列表中打开右击菜单并选择”新建脚本”.• 并设定新脚本的名称”自动启动”.点击脚本名前的”+”标识,打开脚本”自动启动”的功能列表.• 在详细列表中打开右键菜单并选择”添加功能”.功能多项选择对话框已经打开.。

二、培训内容安排1. 基础知识学习(1)CUDA并行计算概述介绍CUDA平台的基本概念和架构,对GPU并行计算技术做出深入讲解,让学员对CUDA技术有一个清晰的认识。
2. 进阶技术学习(1)CUDA并行算法设计学习如何设计高效的CUDA并行算法,包括并行排序、并行搜索、并行归约等算法,提高学员在并行计算方面的应用能力。
3. 实践项目开发结合实际项目案例,让学员通过实际项目开发锻炼自己的CUDA编程能力,例如深度学习模型的并行训练、大规模数据处理等实际应用场景的项目。

在国家标准GB/T12904中,商品条码(barcode for commodity)的被定义为用于标识国际通用的商品代码的一种模块组合型条码。

Version 5.1 New EnhancementNovember 2023NECTechnology Service and Software Department (EXPRESSCLUSTER)EXPRESSCLUSTER RoadmapProviding various platforms with high availability in accordance with the timesEnhancement Points of EXPRESSCLUSTER X 5.1Enhancements for the cloud ⚫Added forced-stop resources for Azure.⚫Mail Report function supports SMTPS and STARTTLS.⚫Facilitated the configuration and operation processes in the cloud environment.Security enhancements⚫Added the function to display operation logs of the Cluster WebUI.⚫Added the function to configure the log storage period.⚫Added the function to configure a floating IP resource as a source IP address.⚫Supported OpenSSL 3.0.Newly supported platforms & applications ⚫SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4⚫Ubuntu Server22.04.1 LTS, Ubuntu Server20.04.5 LTS⚫SQL Server2022,PostgreSQL 15.1, MariaDB 8.0.31,MariaDB 10.10⚫ReFSEnhancements for the CloudAdded forced-stop resources for Azure.Mail Report function supports SMTPS and STARTTLS.Facilitated the configuration and operation processes in the cloud environment.Added Forced-stop Resources for AzureThe forced-stop function that prevents both-system activation due to a hang-up has been enhanced: GUI configuration now allows using the function to forcedly stop a failed node before failover.This can be configured from GUI withoutscripting.Availability SetResource GroupVMBlob storageFault Domain 0Fault Domain 1MirroringVMBlob storageForcedly stop a failed node before theoperation startup![Cluster WebUI] ->[Cluster Properties]-> [Fencing]tab-> [Forced Stop] FailureOperationOperation◆Mail Report function is now available for SMTPS/STARTTLS-required email delivery services such as “Email Delivery”, email delivery service on OCI.Mail Report function is now supported on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).Oracle Cloud InfrastructureAvailability DomainEmail DeliverySSL(TLS)Internet!System AdministratorFailure*This enhanced function is available in the on-premises environment as well.Mail Report function supports SMTPS and STARTTLSOther Facilitation Improvements in Configuration and Operation on the Cloud Environment◆For configuration◼Environment variables for using AWS-related functions (such as AWS virtual IP resources) now can be configured from the Cluster WebUI. This allows the configuration without going through a proxy to be set on the Cluster WebUI, for example, only when EXPRESSCLUSTER uses AWS-related functions.◼Added the function for specifying a command line option, to the AWS CLI being executed with the AWS-related function. This allows specifying the end point for executing the AWS CLI.◼Installing Python is not needed anymore in the configuration using only the AWS virtual IPresource and the AWS virtual IP monitor resource.◼Installing the VMware vSphere CLI is not needed anymore to use the forced-stop function in the vSphere environment.◆For operation*This enhanced function is available in the on-premises environment as well.◼Added the option not to execute the OS restart, to the backup/restore commands(clpbackup/clprestore). This now allows some procedures to be performed without the OS restart.Security EnhancementsAdded the function to display operation logs of the Cluster WebUI.Added the function to configure the log storage period.Added the function to configure a floating IP resource as a source IP address. Supported OpenSSL 3.0.Added the Function to Display Operation Logs of the Cluster WebUIAdded the tab to display the history of operations performed on the Cluster WebUI: It is now possible to check traces of incorrect or invalid operations.At [2:07:20 am, May 17, 2023], by the user [clpuser2], from the IP address [], the group [failover] was requested to move to the server [server22].At [2:08:28 am, May 17, 2023], by the user [clpuser1], from the IP address [], the properties of the group [failover] were viewed.When, by whom, from where, what operation was performed now can be checked on the Cluster WebUI!Added the Function to Configure the Log Storage PeriodItems to configure for the log storage period have been added to the Cluster WebUI: It is now easy to address the requirements for the log storage.Examples of guidelines for the log storage period◆PCI Data Security Standard v4.0 (*1)◼10.5.1 Retain audit log history for at least 12 months , with at least the most recent three months immediately available for analysis.◆Convention on Cybercrime (ETS No. 185) (*2)◼oblige that person to preserve and maintain the integrity of that computer data for a period as long as necessary, up to a maximum of ninety days◆NIST SP 800-92 (Guide to Computer Security Log Management) (*3)◼Table 4-1. Examples of Logging Configuration SettingsLogs can be compressed, stored to the logstorage directory at the specified time such as the one with low server load, and kept for the desired storage period.(*1) https:///document_library/(*2)*3)https:///nistpubs/legacy/sp/nistspecialpublication800-92.pdf[Cluster WebUI] ->[Cluster Properties]-> [Extension] tab-> [Settings of log storage period]Added the Function to Configure a Floating IP Address as a Source IP Address Items to configure a floating IP address as a source IP address have been added to the Cluster WebUI: The number of ports to be opened in the firewall now can be minimized as needed.◆Before◆The source IP is not fixed. (Actual IP or floating IP)◼If the firewall restricts the source IP address, all the IP addressesneed to be opened.◼If a failover occurs, the source IP address changes, and then theserver communicating with the cluster server behaves in anunexpected way.◆After ◆The source IP is fixed to the floating IP.◼If the firewall restricts the source IP address, only the floating IP address needs to be opened.◼Even if a failover occurs, the source IP address remains unchanged. This allows the server communicating with the cluster server to behave without being aware of the failover.Actual IPs of servers Source IP: ? ? ?Source IP: IP [Cluster WebUI] -> Properties of Floating IP resource -> [Detail] tab *This function is available also for applications where the clients are aware of the source IPs.Other Security Enhancements◆Supported OpenSSL 3.0◼HTTPS access to the Cluster WebUI◼HTTPS monitoring function by HTTP monitor resource◼FTPS monitoring function by FTP monitor resource◼Mail report function (Communication with the mail server by using SMTPS/STARTTLS)◆Disabled TLS 1.1◼HTTPS access to the Cluster WebUINewly Supported Platforms and ApplicationsNewly Supported Platforms and Applications◆OS◼RedHatEnterprise Linux9.2,9.0,8.8◼MIRACLE LINUX9.2,9.0,8.8◼Oracle Linux9.2,9.0,8.8◼SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5/SP4◼Ubuntu Server22.04.1 LTS◼Ubuntu Server20.04.5 LTS◼AlmaLinux OS9.2,9.0,8.8◆Data base◼SQL Server 2022◼PostgreSQL 15.1◼MariaDB 8.0.31◼MariaDB 10.10◆File system◼ReFS◆Java execution environment◼Java17◆Java application◼WebSAM SVF PDF Enterprise 10.1◼WebSAM RDE SUITE 10.1◼WebSAM SVF Connect SUITE Standard 10.1Thank YouAn Integrated High Availability and Disaster Recovery Solution For more product information & request for trial license, visit >>https:///expresscluster/For more information, feel free to contact us -https:///en/global/prod/expresscluster/en/contact.html。
NVIDIA Thrust Template Library High-Productivity

High-Productivity CUDA Development with the Thrust Template LibraryNathan Bell (NVIDIA Research)Diving In#include <thrust/host_vector.h>#include <thrust/device_vector.h>#include <thrust/sort.h>#include <cstdlib.h>int main(void){// generate 32M random numbers on the hostthrust::host_vector<int> h_vec(32 << 20);thrust::generate(h_vec.begin(), h_vec.end(), rand);// transfer data to the devicethrust::device_vector<int> d_vec = h_vec;// sort data on the device (846M keys per sec on GeForce GTX 480)thrust::sort(d_vec.begin(), d_vec.end());// transfer data back to hostthrust::copy(d_vec.begin(), d_vec.end(), h_vec.begin());return 0;}ObjectivesWhat is Thrust?// allocate host vector with two elementsthrust::host_vector<int> h_vec(2);// copy host vector to devicethrust::device_vector<int> d_vec = h_vec;// write device values from the hostd_vec[0] = 13;d_vec[1] = 27;// read device values from the hoststd::cout << "sum: " << d_vec[0] + d_vec[1] << std::endl;// list container on hoststd::list<int> h_list;h_list.push_back(13);h_list.push_back(27);// copy list to device vectorthrust::device_vector<int> d_vec(h_list.size());thrust::copy(h_list.begin(), h_list.end(), d_vec.begin());// alternative method using vector constructorthrust::device_vector<int> d_vec(h_list.begin(), h_list.end());// declare iterator variablesdevice_vector<int>::iterator begin = d_vec.begin(); device_vector<int>::iterator end = d_vec.end();// pointer arithmeticbegin++;// dereference device iterators from the hostint a = *begin;int b = begin[3];// compute size of range [begin,end)int size = end - begin;// initialize random values on hosthost_vector<int> h_vec(100);generate(h_vec.begin(), h_vec.end(), rand);// copy values to devicedevice_vector<int> d_vec = h_vec;// compute sum on hostint h_sum = reduce(h_vec.begin(), h_vec.end()); // compute sum on deviceint d_sum = reduce(d_vec.begin(), d_vec.end());for_each transform gather scatter reduce inner_product reduce_by_key inclusive_scan inclusive_scan_by_key sort stable_sort sort_by_key// allocate memorydevice_vector<int> A(10);device_vector<int> B(10);device_vector<int> C(10);// transform A + B -> Ctransform(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), C.begin(), plus<int>()); // transform A - B -> Ctransform(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), C.begin(), minus<int>()); // multiply reductionint product = reduce(A.begin(), A.end(), 1, multiplies<int>());Algorithms// allocate device memorydevice_vector<int> i_vec = ...device_vector<float> f_vec = ...// sum of integersint i_sum = reduce(i_vec.begin(), i_vec.end());// sum of floatsfloat f_sum = reduce(f_vec.begin(), f_vec.end());struct negate_float2{__host__ __device__float2operator()(float2 a){return make_float2(-a.x, -a.y);}};// declare storagedevice_vector<float2> input = ...device_vector<float2> output = ...// create function object or ‘functor’negate_float2 func;// negate vectorstransform(input.begin(), input.end(), output.begin(), func);// compare x component of two float2 structures struct compare_float2{__host__ __device__bool operator()(float2 a, float2 b){return a.x < b.x;}};// declare storagedevice_vector<float2> vec = ...// create comparison functorcompare_float2 comp;// sort elements by x componentsort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), comp);// return true if x is greater than thresholdstruct is_greater_than{int threshold;is_greater_than(int t) { threshold = t; }__host__ __device__bool operator()(int x) { return x > threshold; } };device_vector<int> vec = ...// create predicate functor (returns true for x > 10) is_greater_than pred(10);// count number of values > 10int result = count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), pred);// allocate device vectordevice_vector<int> d_vec(4);// obtain raw pointer to device vector’s memory int * ptr = raw_pointer_cast(&d_vec[0]);// use ptr in a CUDA C kernelmy_kernel<<< N / 256, 256 >>>(N, ptr);// Note: ptr cannot be dereferenced on the host!device_ptr// raw pointer to device memoryint * raw_ptr;cudaMalloc((void **) &raw_ptr, N * sizeof(int)); // wrap raw pointer with a device_ptrdevice_ptr<int> dev_ptr(raw_ptr);// use device_ptr in thrust algorithmsfill(dev_ptr, dev_ptr + N, (int) 0);// access device memory through device_ptrdev_ptr[0] = 1;// free memorycudaFree(raw_ptr);Recap5 8 3 2 4Step 1: Sort triangle vertices // a predicate sorting float2 lexicographicallystructbool operator float2float2if return trueif return falsereturn// storage for inputdevice_vector float2// allocate space for output mesh representationdevice_vector float2device_vector unsigned int// sort vertices to bring duplicates togethersortStep 2: Collapse like vertices// an equivalence relation for float2structbool operator float2float2return? ? ?// find unique verticesdevice_vector float2unique// erase the redundanciesStep 3: Search for vertex indices // find the index of each input vertex// in the list of unique verticeslower_boundThinking ParallelLeveraging Parallel Primitivessortdata type std::sort tbb::parallel_sort thrust::sortchar 25.1 68.3 3532.2short 15.1 46.8 1741.6int 10.6 35.1 804.8long 10.3 34.5 291.4float 8.7 28.4 819.8double 8.5 28.2 358.9PortabilityGeForce GTX 280$ time ./monte_carlopi is around 3.14164real 0m18.041suser 0m16.869ssys 0m 0.924s NVIDA GeForce GTX 480 Core2 Quad Q6600 $ time ./monte_carlo pi is around 3.14063 real 4m56.656s user 19m45.490s Sys 0m 0.080sIntel Core2 Quad Q6600Built with Thrust#include <cusp/hyb_matrix.h>#include <cusp/gallery/poisson.h>#include <cusp/krylov/cg.h>// create an empty sparse matrix structure (HYB format)hyb_matrix device_memory// create a 2d Poisson problem on a 10x10 meshread_matrix_market_file// allocate storage for solution (x) and right hand side (b)array1d device_memoryarray1d device_memory// solve A * x = b with the Conjugate Gradient methodcgThrust on Google CodeCan I use Thrust?。

目次1总则 (3)2术语和符号 (4)2.1 术语 (4)2.2 符号 (5)3材料及性能 (6)3.1 原材料 (6)3.2 性能 (6)4设计 (8)4.1 一般规定 (8)4.2 性能设计 (8)4.3 结构设计 (9)4.4 附属工程设计 (10)4.5 设计计算 (10)5配合比 (13)5.1 一般规定 (13)5.2 配合比计算 (13)5.3 配合比试配 (14)5.4 配合比调整 (14)6工程施工 (15)6.1 浇筑准备 (15)6.2 浇筑 (15)6.3 附属工程施工 (15)6.4 养护 (16)7质量检验与验收 (17)7.1 一般规定 (17)7.2 质量检验 (17)7.3 质量验收 (18)附录A 发泡剂性能试验 (20)附录B 湿容重试验 (22)附录C 适应性试验 (22)附录D 流动度试验 (24)附录E 干容重、饱水容重试验 (25)附录F 抗压强度、饱水抗压强度试验 (27)附录G 工程质量检验验收用表 (28)本规程用词说明 (35)引用标准名录 (36)条文说明 (37)Contents1.General provisions (3)2.Terms and symbols (4)2.1 Terms (4)2.2 Symbols (5)3. Materials and properties (6)3.1 Materials (6)3.2 properties (6)4. Design (8)4.1 General provisions (8)4.2 Performance design (8)4.3 Structure design (9)4.4 Subsidiary engineering design (9)4.5 Design calculation (10)5. Mix proportion (13)5.1 General provisions (13)5.2 Mix proportion calculation (13)5.3 Mix proportion trial mix (14)5.4 Mix proportion adjustment (14)6. Engineering construction (15)6.1 Construction preparation (15)6.2 Pouring .............................................................. .. (15)6.3 Subsidiary engineering construction (16)6.4 Maintenance (17)7 Quality inspection and acceptance (18)7.1 General provisions (18)7.2 Quality evaluate (18)7.3 Quality acceptance (19)Appendix A Test of foaming agent performance (20)Appendix B Wet density test (22)Appendix C Adaptability test (23)Appendix D Flow value test.................................................................................. .. (24)Appendix E Air-dry density and saturated density test (25)Appendix F Compressive strength and saturated compressive strength test (27)Appendix G Table of evaluate and acceptance for quality (28)Explanation of Wording in this code (35)Normative standard (36)Descriptive provision (37)1总则1.0.1为规范气泡混合轻质土的设计、施工,统一质量检验标准,保证气泡混合轻质土填筑工程安全适用、技术先进、经济合理,制订本规程。
ICDPPCNEXUS MPC55xx MPC56xx In-Circuit Debugger

ICDPPCNEXUSMPC55xx / MPC56xx In-Circuit DebuggerQuick Start GuideCopyright 2009, P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Visit us on the web at Document Version HistoryVersion Date Notes1.0 21 Sep 2009 Initial versionCONTENTS1 Introduction (4)1.1 P&E Compatible Hardware (4)2 Getting Started (5)2.1 Connecting to your Target (5)2.2 Reset Script (6)2.3 Loading Data and Debug Information (7)2.4 CPU and Memory Windows (8)3 Debugging (10)3.1 GOTIL command (10)3.1 Stepping through C instructions (11)3.3 Setting and Reaching Breakpoints (12)3.4 Using Code Window Popup Debug Evaluation Hints (13)3.5 Using the Variables Window (15)3.6 Modifying a Variable (16)3.7 Using the Register Interpreter (17)3.8 Adding Register Field Descriptions to the Variables Window (20)1 IntroductionThis document is a step-by-step guide to using the P&E ICDPPCNEXUS in-circuit debugger software, which is compatible with Freescale MPC55xx / MPC56xx processors. This guide covers the most commonly used features of the debugger: loading binary & debug information, accessing CPU registers & memory, stepping code, setting breakpoints, and monitoring variables.1.1 P&E Compatible HardwareThe following lists the P&E hardware compatible with the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger software.P&E Part Number Interface to host PCCABPPCNEXUS Parallel (LPT) portUSB-ML-PPCNEXUS USB 2.0 (Backwards compatible with USB 1.1 ports) Cyclone MAX Serial (RS232) portUSB 1.1 (Upwards compatible with USB 2.0 ports)Ethernet2 Getting Started2.1 Connecting to your TargetUpon starting the debugger, the connection assistant dialog appears:•Use the “Interface” and “Port” drop-down menus to choose the P&E hardware interface connected between the PC and your target board.•The “Target CPU” setting can safely be left at the “Autodetect” setting for most users. If you experience problems connecting, you can try specifying the exact Freescale device that you are connecting to.• A BDM_SPEED parameter between 2 to 4 can typically be used.Processors running at slower clock speeds will require higher values.Click the Connect button, and ICDPPCNEXUS will attempt to contact the processor. Using the default debugger settings, ICDPPCNEXUS will establish communications and reset the processor.After establishing communications, the main debugger screen will appear, and a debugger reset script macro should automatically execute and complete.2.2 Reset ScriptThis section explains the initialization that the debugger, using a reset script macro file, performs on the processor. The user can view and modify all of the macro file's initialization tasks.The processor Boot Assist Module (BAM) would normally initialize the memory of the processor. However, when running the target application from the debugger, the BAM functionality is disabled. To account for this, the debugger must run a script file on reset. The script initializes the memory of the processor similar to the way in which the BAM would initialize the processor.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched from the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE, the correct reset script file is automatically selected.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched stand-alone, the reset script file may need to be configured. Several reset script macros are included with the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger and have a .mac extension. For detailed information, you can view each macro file using a simple text editor such as Notepad. The macro contents will contain useful comments, such as which devices are supported by that particular macro.To configure the debugger reset script macro, select the debugger Configuration menu, Automated Script Options dialog, shown here:2.3 Loading Data and Debug InformationIf ICDPPCNEXUS is launched from the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE, your code will automatically be downloaded to the processor.•RAM projects are loaded into the processor’s internal SRAM.•FLASH projects will invoke the CPROGPPCNEXUS Flash programming software to burn the code into the processor’s internal FLASH.The debug information is also automatically loaded from CodeWarrior, which will allow you to debug using your high level source code and variables.If ICDPPCNEXUS is launched stand-alone, you will need to manually download the code and debug information. Launch the Load Dialog by clicking on the High Level Load button on the debugger tool bar:This dialog allows you to specify the binary/debug file and whether to load into RAM or FLASH. Once you are satisfied with your settings, press the “Process Load Command” button to begin the download process. This step will also load the debug information.2.4 CPU and Memory WindowsThe CPU Window displays all CPU core registers, including the Program Counter (PC) and all general purpose registers.•To modify CPU register contents, double-click the register value. You will be prompted for a new value.The Memory Window displays data at any given memory address. It can be used to view RAM contents, FLASH contents, and values of peripheral registers.•To change the memory address, right-click inside the Memory Window and select “Set Base Address”. You will be prompted for a new address to begin displaying data.•To change the contents in memory, double-click the value in memory that you would like to change. You will be prompted for a new value.3 DebuggingThis section outlines the different debugging capabilities available in the ICDPPCNEXUS debugger once the debug information has been loaded.3.1 GOTIL commandAt this point, your source window will show the assembly language startup code generated by the compiler:If you do not need to debug this section and would like to run the processor until the beginning of your “main” function, you can use the “GOTIL” command.•Type “GOTIL main” in the Status window to tell the debugger to run code until it reaches the “main” function of your code.The “GOTIL” command works with any function in your code.3.1 Stepping through C instructionsStep through the initialization code, or any source code, using the high-level language source step command. Use this feature by typing “HSTEP” in the Status window or by clicking the high-level step button on the debugger tool bar:Each time the HSTEP command executes, the debugger will rapidly single step assembly instructions until it encounters the next source instruction, at which point target execution will cease. When the debugger reaches the next source instruction, all visible windows will be updated with data from the board. After reaching the main function, step through several C language instructions. Notice that some instructions will take longer to step through than others because each C instruction may consist of a greater or fewer number of underlying assembly instructions.3.3 Setting and Reaching BreakpointsIn the source code window, there will be a small red dot and a small blue arrow next to each source instruction that has underlying object code. If a large blue arrow appears on a source line, this indicates that the program counter (PC) currently points to this instruction. If a large red stop sign appears on the source line, this indicates that a breakpoint exists on this line.•Set a breakpoint at an instruction by double-clicking the tiny red dot.•To remove a breakpoint, double-click the large red stop sign.Execution will begin in real-time when you issue the HGO command or click the high-level language GO button on the debugger tool bar:If the debugger encounters a breakpoint, execution will stop on this source line. If it does not encounter a breakpoint, target execution will continue until you press a key or use the stop button on the debugger tool bar:•By double clicking the small blue arrow, you will be issuing a GOTIL command to the address of this source line.A GOTIL command will set a single breakpoint at the desired address, and the processor will begin executing code in real-time from the current program counter (PC). When the debugger encounters the GOTIL address, execution stops. If the debugger does not encounter this location, execution continues until you press akey or use the stop button on the debugger tool bar. Note that all user breakpoints are ignored when the GOTIL command is used.You may also double-click the red and blue symbols in the disassembly window. The disassembly window may display an additional symbol, a small, blue "S" enclosed in a box. This indicates that that a source code instruction begins on this disassembly instruction.3.4 Using Code Window Popup Debug Evaluation HintsWhen debugging source code, it is convenient to view the contents of a variable while viewing your source code. The in-circuit debugger has a feature, debug hints, which displays the value of a variable while the mouse cursor is held over the variable name. The hint may be displayed in any of three locations, as shown below.The three locations for the debug hints are the code window title bar, the status window caption bar, and a popup hint that appears over the variable in source code. You can configure the hints to display in any combination.•Set the locations of debug hints in the configuration menu of the debuggerThe information in the popup hint box is similar to the information displayed in the variables window.The information includes the variable name (i), value ($1), and type (signed long).3.5 Using the Variables WindowThe variables window displays the current value of application variables. The following window shows a display of variables from the example application.Variables that are pointer or reference types are displayed in red. Normal variables are displayed in black.•Add a variable by typing the VAR command, by right clicking the variables window and choosing “Add a variable”, or by hitting the "Add Variable"button in the variables window.When adding a variable using the pop-up menu, the debugger displays the following screen.In the variable field, type the address or name of the variable. Typically, set the type of the variable to “Default”, which means that the variable will be displayed as it is defined in the debugging information. When adding a variable, you may specify the numeric display base of the variable.3.6 Modifying a Variable•To modify the current value of a variable, right-click the variable name in the variables window and select “Modify Variable” to display a dialog.Check the “Modify value” checkbox, and type the variable’s new value. After you click the OK button, the debugger updates the variable value on the target, and the debugger refreshes the variable window to display the new value. Note that the debugger will not edit certain user-defined types, such as enumerated types.•You may also modify a variable’s display properties, such as the type or numeric display base using this dialog.3.7 Using the Register InterpreterThe register interpreter provides a descriptive display of bit fields within the processor’s peripheral registers. The register interpreter allows you easily to change the value of these registers. You may quickly check the current state of a peripheral and examine the configuration of the target device.When you use the register interpreter within the debugger, it reads the current value of the peripheral register, decodes it, and displays it.To launch the register interpreter in the debugger, either use the “R” command or click the view/edit register button on the tool bar:A window will appear that allows you to select a peripheral block to examine.Double clicking the module of choice will launch the register selection window.Double clicking a specific register will launch the edit/display window for that register.The window lists the keystrokes and mouse actions, allowing you to modify the values of each of the fields. After right clicking on a specific field, the register interpreter will display all options for that field.When you quit the register view/edit window by hitting the ESC key, you will be given the opportunity to write the new value into the register, as shown in the following window.3.8 Adding Register Field Descriptions to the Variables WindowAdd register bit fields to the variables window by using the “_TR” command in the debugger or by clicking the "Add Register" button in the variables window. After selecting the register field, the field appears in the debugger variables window, and the debugger will continually update its value.。
TPS2554 and TPS2555 Evaluation Module User's Guide

User's GuideSLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module This user’s guide describes the evaluation module(EVM)for the TPS2554and TPS2555.TPS2554and TPS2555are precision-adjustable,current-limited,power-distribution switches.The document contains an operational description of the EVM,schematic,board layout,and bill of materials.Contents1Description (2)1.1Features (2)1.2Applications (2)2Schematic (3)3General Configuration and Description (4)3.1Physical Access (4)3.2Current-Limit Setpoint (4)3.3Test Setup (4)4EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelines (5)4.1Layout Guidelines (5)4.2PCB Drawings (5)5Bill of Materials (8)List of Figures1TPS2554/5EVM Schematic (3)2Typical TPS2554/5EVM Test Setup (5)3Top-Side Placement and Routing (6)4Layer-Two Routing (6)5Layer-Three Routing (7)6Bottom-Side Placement and Routing (7)List of Tables1User Interface (4)2Test Points (4)3EVM Bill of Materials (8)1 SLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedDescription 1DescriptionThe TPS2554EVM-010evaluation module allows reference circuit evaluation of the Texas Instruments TPS2554and TPS2555power-distribution switches.1.1Features•Precision adjustable,current-limited,power-distribution switch•Fast overcurrent response–1µs typical•80-mΩ,high-side MOSFET•Operating range:4.5V to5.5V1.2Applications•USB ports/hubs•Notebook personal computers(PC)2TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module SLVU462–June2011Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedGeneral Configuration and Description 3General Configuration and Description3.1Physical AccessTable1lists the TPS2554/5EVM connector functionality,and Table2describes the test point InterfaceConnector Label DescriptionJ1VIN Input connectorJ2VOUT Output connectorJ3J3Input voltage jumper.Shunt can be removed to measure input current.J4J4Output voltage jumper.Shunt can be removed to measure output current.J5EN Enable jumper.Leave open to enable TPS2554and install shunt to enable TPS2555.J6ILIM_SEL Current limit select.Install shunt to select ILIM0(2.4A nominal),and remove shunt toselect ILIM1(1.2A nominal).D1(RED)FLT Fault LEDTable2.Test PointsTest Point Color Label DescriptionTP3RED IN Power switch input(IC side of J3shunt)TP4BLK GND Power switch input groundTP1WHT FLT Fault pin outputTP2RED VOUT Power switch outputTP5BLK GND Power switch output groundTP6WHT EN Enable pin input3.2Current-Limit SetpointR4and R5configure the current-limit setpoint for ILIM0and ILIM1,respectively(see J6in Table1).ILIM0or ILIM1setpoint can be adjusted using the following example by substituting R4or R5for RILIMx .In thisexample IOS=2A.The following example is an approximation only and does not take into account the resistor tolerance or the variation of ILIM.For exact variation of ILIM,see the TPS2554/TPS2555data sheet,SLVSAM0.IOS=48000/RILIMx=2ARILIMx=48000/IOS=48000/2=24000ΩChoose RILIMx=23.7kΩIOS=48000/23700=2.03A3.3Test SetupFigure2shows a typical test setup for TPS2554/5EVM.4TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module SLVU462–June2011Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedV INOscilloscope EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout GuidelinesFigure2.Typical TPS2554/5EVM Test Setup4EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelines4.1Layout Guidelines•TPS2554/55placement:Place the TPS2554/55near the USB output connector and the150-µF OUT pin filter capacitor.Connect the exposed pad to the GND pin and the system ground plane using a viaarray.•IN pin bypass capacitance:Place the100-nF bypass capacitor near the IN and GND pins,and make the connection using a low-inductance trace.•ILIM0and ILIM1pin connections:Current-limit accuracy can be compromised by stray current leakage from a higher voltage source to the ILIM0or ILIM1pins.Ensure that adequate spacing existsbetween IN pin copper/trace and ILIM0pin trace to prevent contaminate buildup during the PCBassembly process.If a low-current-limit setpoint is required(RILIMx >200kΩ),use ILIM1for this case,as it is further away from the IN pin.4.2PCB DrawingsThe Figure3through Figure6show component placement and layout of the EVM.5 SLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedEVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelines Figure 3.Top-Side Placement and RoutingFigure yer-Two Routing6TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation ModuleSLVU462–June 2011Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout Guidelinesyer-Three RoutingFigure6.Bottom-Side Placement and Routing7 SLVU462–June2011TPS2554and TPS2555Evaluation Module Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedEvaluation Board/Kit Important NoticeTexas Instruments(TI)provides the enclosed product(s)under the following conditions:This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT,DEMONSTRATION,OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not considered by TI to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use.Persons handling the product(s)must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards.As such,the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-,marketing-,and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.This evaluation board/kit does not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility,restricted substances(RoHS),recycling(WEEE),FCC,CE or UL,and therefore may not meet the technical requirements of these directives or other related directives.Should this evaluation board/kit not meet the specifications indicated in the User’s Guide,the board/kit may be returned within30 days from the date of delivery for a full refund.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY MADE BY SELLER TO BUYER AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,EXPRESSED,IMPLIED,OR STATUTORY,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.The user assumes all responsibility and liability for proper and safe handling of the goods.Further,the user indemnifies TI from all claims arising from the handling or use of the goods.Due to the open construction of the product,it is the user’s responsibility to take any and all appropriate precautions with regard to electrostatic discharge.EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OF THE INDEMNITY SET FORTH ABOVE,NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY INDIRECT,SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.TI currently deals with a variety of customers for products,and therefore our arrangement with the user is not exclusive.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance,customer product design,software performance,or infringement of patents or services described herein.Please read the User’s Guide and,specifically,the Warnings and Restrictions notice in the User’s Guide prior to handling the product.This notice contains important safety information about temperatures and voltages.For additional information on TI’s environmental and/or safety programs,please contact the TI application engineer or visit /esh.No license is granted under any patent right or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any machine,process,or combination in which such TI products or services might be or are used.FCC WarningThis evaluation board/kit is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT,DEMONSTRATION,OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not considered by TI to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use.It generates,uses,and can radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for compliance with the limits of computing devices pursuant to part15 of FCC rules,which are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio frequency interference.Operation of this equipment in other environments may cause interference with radio communications,in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference.EVM Warnings and RestrictionsIt is important to operate this EVM within the input voltage range of0V to5.5V and the output voltage range of0V to5.5V. Exceeding the specified input range may cause unexpected operation and/or irreversible damage to the EVM.If there are questions concerning the input range,please contact a TI field representative prior to connecting the input power.Applying loads outside of the specified output range may result in unintended operation and/or possible permanent damage to the EVM.Please consult the EVM User's Guide prior to connecting any load to the EVM output.If there is uncertainty as to the load specification,please contact a TI field representative.During normal operation,some circuit components may have case temperatures greater than85°C.The EVM is designed to operate properly with certain components above85°C as long as the input and output ranges are maintained.These components include but are not limited to linear regulators,switching transistors,pass transistors,and current sense resistors.These types of devices can be identified using the EVM schematic located in the EVM User's Guide.When placing measurement probes near these devices during operation,please be aware that these devices may be very warm to the touch.Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Communications and Telecom /communicationsAmplifiers Computers and Peripherals /computersData Converters Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDLP®Products Energy and Lighting /energyDSP Industrial /industrialClocks and Timers /clocks Medical /medicalInterface Security /securityLogic Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Power Mgmt Transportation and /automotiveAutomotiveMicrocontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID Wireless /wireless-appsRF/IF and ZigBee®Solutions /lprfTI E2E Community Home Page Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated。

其中,视觉系统包括In-Sight系列、DSMax 系列等,视觉软件包括VisionPro、InsightExplorer等,视觉传感器包括Dataman系列等。


视频硬件扩展 - C5510、C5509
为 C55x DSP 系列仔细定制的三种硬件扩展是: 离散余弦变换 (DCT)/反向 DCT 像素插值 运动估值 提供不寻常的视频编解码器性能,从而释放了一半以上的 CPU 带宽来处理附加功能,如颜色空间转换、用户接口功 能、TCP/IP 以及视频处理。 高度优化的 C 编程等效、可使用 C 调用的函数,这些函数作 为 TMS320C55x DSP 图像/视频处理库 (IMGLIB) 的一部分来 提供,可从 TI 基础库下载。
全速 USB 2.0 (12Mbps) - C5509
与其它符合 USB 的设备的无缝互操作性。由 USB 实现者论坛 认证以确保数据传输速率高达 12Mbps。 仅用于控制传输的两个控制端点 用于其它类型的传输的十四个通用端点,这些传输可以是: 大量、中断和异步传输 用于快速数据吞吐量的可选双缓冲存储器方案 用于在通用端点和 DSP 存储器之间传输数据,而不会中断 CPU 的专用 DMA 通道。
新型 C55x™ DSP 结构的最新动态
新型 C55x™ DSP 结构的最新动态
新型 C55x DSP 系列以 C54x 系列为基础构建,是业界功耗最 低的 DSP。C55x DSP 内核支持新的编程功能,同时保持与 现有 C54x 代码的完整软件兼容性。C55x DSP 内核的创建 旨在推动未来从便携式因特网设备到高速无线再到基础设 施等数字应用,其特定功能包括:
结果是极其高效的电量使用和更低的系统成本。通过使用较少电量并散发更少的热量, C55x DSP 内核赋予设计人员有关电路板设计的更高灵活性。 C55x DSP 内核最具创新的特色之一是其支持可变长度指令(基于新的字节寻址方案): 指令长度可以是 8、16、24、32、40 或 48 位。 指令提取从 16 位增加到 32 位。 片上指令缓冲存储器单元会自动取出指令以最充分使用每个时钟周期。 C55x DSP 内核存储器总线活动的降低可以降低电量要求,同时在每个时钟周期,更长的指 令可以执行更多的功能,从而提高了性能并降低了系统成本。 C55x DSP 内核对于增强并行功能的关注使以下设备的周期效率得到改进: 附加硬件 - 双 17 x 17 位 MAC、另一个 16 位 ALU、四个新的数据寄存器(可用于简单计算 )以及四个 40 位累加器,这使每个周期能完成更多的工作,从而显著地降低整体的电 量要求。 新指令功能: 自动并行指令 隐式或内置并行指令 用户编程并行指令 提高正交性的附加指令 附加总线和扩展寻址 - 为确保吞吐量可以获取理论上新的计算硬件使之成为可能的最大吞 吐量,C55x DSP 内核采用以下总线: 三条 16 位数据读总线 两条 16 位数据写总线 一条 32 位程序总线 六条 24 位地址总线


8位存贮器 -memwidth 8-romwidth 816位存贮器 -memwidth 16-romwidth 16两片8位贮器并行组成16位存贮 -memwidth 16 -memwidth 16器 -romwidth 8 -romwidth 16bootorg 芯片中的起始地址 系统中的起始地址3.用hex500.exe把*.out转化成加载表*.hex在dos窗口下执行:hex500 hex.cmd如果hex500.exe与hex.cmd以及待转化的程序文件不在同一目录下,需加上路径或设置path环境变量。
第一章实验平台说明 (3)§1.1 系统总览 (4)§1.2 使用方法 (6)§1.3 模块说明 (7)第二章开发软件 ( CCS ) 介绍 (20)§2.1 CCS 简介 (20)§2.2 CCS的安装与配置 (22)§2.3 CCS的使用 (40)第三章基本指令实验 (45)§3.1 [实验3.1] 循环操作 (45)§3.2 [实验3.2] 双操作数乘法 (47)§3.3 [实验3.3] 并行运算 (49)§3.4 [实验3.4] 小数运算 (51)§3.5 [实验3.5] 长字运算 (53)§3.6 [实验3.6] 浮点运算 (55)第四章常见算法实验 (57)§4.1 [实验4.1] 卷积运算 (57)§4.2 [实验4.2] 相关运算 (59)§4.3 [实验4.3] 快速傅里叶变换 (FFT) 实现 (61)§4.4 [实验4.4] 离散余弦变换 (DCT) 实现 (65)§4.5 [实验4.5] 有限冲击响应滤波器 (FIR) 实现 (68)§4.6 [实验4.6] 无限冲击响应滤波器 (IIR) 实现 (75)§4.7 [实验4.7] 自适应滤波器 (LMS) 实现 (77)第五章接口及控制实验 (80)§5.1 [实验5.1] 数码管控制实验 (80)§5.2 [实验5.2] 交通灯控制实验 (81)§5.3 [实验5.3] 液晶显示屏 (LCD)实验 (82)§5.4 [实验5.4] 键盘扫描实验 (84)§5.5 [实验5.5] 通用异步串行接口 (UART) 实验 (85)§5.6 [实验5.6] 通用串行总线 (USB) 接口实验 (88)§5.7 [实验5.7] 普通语音A/D与D/A转换实验 (93)§5.8 [实验5.8] 高精度音频A/D与D/A转换实验 (97)§5.9 [实验5.9] 直流电机控制实验(选做) (106)§5.10 [实验5.10] 步进电机控制实验(选做) (107)§5.11 [实验5.11] 以太网卡与 TCP/IP协议实验 (109)§5.12 [实验5.12] FIR滤波器实时处理实验 (115)§5.13 [实验5.13] 利用信号发生模块的FFT实验 (119)§5.14 [实验5.14] TMS32C5410的Bootloader实验 (123)§5.15 [实验5.15] AIC23的数字录音机实验 (128)§5.16 [实验5.16] TMS320LF2407A FLASH烧写实验 (130)§5.17 [实验5.17] 数字图像基本处理实验(选做) (133)第六章附录 (137)§6.1 [附录1] TMS320C5410 DSP芯片简介 (137)§6.2 [附录2] TMS320C54X指令速查表 (144)第一章实验平台说明本实验箱以TI公司的TMS320C5410(可选配TMS320C5416)和TMS320LF2407两种DSP芯片为中心,附加开发了多个功能模块,可以使实验者方便有效地完成各种常用的DSP开发实验。
C54x第六章 C54x的软硬件应用

第六章C54x 的软硬件应用本C54X的存储器和外设的接口方法,FIR、IIR滤波器实现方法,FFT实现方法,数字波形产生方法,以及程序自动加载,最后学习串行口编程。
FIR滤波器的C54实现方法※IIR滤波器的C54实现方法FFT的C54x 实现方法正弦和余弦信号发生器程序的自举加载C54x 与外设的接口串口编程设计实例滤波器的C54实现方法FIR滤波器的结构原理√线型缓冲区法实现FIR循环缓冲区法实现FIR数字滤波器是DSP 的一个最基本的应用领域,其中FIR 滤波器的差分方程及结构图如下:y(n)=∑-=-1)(*N i i i n x a Z-1Z-1Z-1Z-1X(n)X(n-1)X(n-2)X(n-N+2)X(n-N+1)a 0a 1a 2a N-2a N-1y n在结构图中Z-1表示延时,X(n)表示当前采样值,X(n-1)表示前一时刻采样值,X(n-2)表示X(n-1)之前的采样值… … ,而X(n-N+1)表示的是与当前输出有关的最老的采样值。
滤波器的C54实现方法FIR滤波器的结构原理线性缓冲区法实现FIR √循环缓冲区法实现FIR(1)用线性缓冲区法实现Z-1•线型缓冲区法的特点:•i)对于N级的FIR滤波器,需要在数存单元中开辟一个称为滑窗的N个单元的缓冲区,存放最新的N 个输入样本。
如:一个六阶滤波器样本点处理方法运算后所有单元顺序向下移位第一次运算第二次运算第三次运算将新读入数据存入此单元X(n)X(n+1)X(n+2) X(n-1)X(n)X(n+1) X(n-2)X(n-1)X(n) X(n-3)X(n-2)X(n-1) X(n-4)X(n-3)X(n-2)运算前将ARx指向此单元X(n-5)X(n-4)X(n-3)A0A1A2A3A4系数单元(2)具有线性演示功能的指令有:DELAY Smem;(Smem+1)=(Smem)将数据送给下一个单元LTD Smem;相当于LT+DELAY执行先执行T=(Smem),然后再执行(Smem+1)=(Smem)MACD Smem,Pmad,src;相当于MACP+DELAY先执行src=src+(Smem)*(Pmad),然后再执行(Smem+1)=(Smem)由于线性缓冲区法都是将固定的单元内容和固定的滤波器系数相乘,因此数据在缓冲区中运算后必须送给它后一个单元,因此运算中都有数据向后移位的操作。
试论TMS320C54x DSP软件测试方法

试论TMS320C54x DSP软件测试方法杨苗; 张一【期刊名称】《《电子测试》》【年(卷),期】2019(000)017【总页数】2页(P100-101)【关键词】数字信号; 软件测试; 指令; 多周期【作者】杨苗; 张一【作者单位】陕西凌云电器集团有限公司陕西宝鸡 721006【正文语种】中文1 TMS320C54x指令特征1.1 指令分类TMS320C54x系列芯片硬件支撑下的DSP指令系统,采用16位的二进制方式,在确定其节本操作码程度的同时,系统中的单字节指令确定为16位,而双字节质量则对应的变为32位。
1.2 流水操作TMS320C54x系列芯片的流水操作也带有一定的特殊性,通过预取指、取指、译码、寻址、读操作数、指令执行这一系列的技术环境,完成整体技术操作内容。
1.3 中断与定时中断是在硬件驱动程序或是软件驱动程序中的信号信息,而终端信号的出现,可以是DSP系统暂停当前正在运行的系统程序,并直接进入终端服务程序的领域中。
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安装新的ITU 在安装新的ITU的时候,有一个条形码并包含16位数,请 把这组数记录下来,安装完ITU后,进入诊断菜单,进入 ‘PRINTER SETUP,选择’ITU Barcode’,输入记录下来 的信息。
安装激光器: 当安装完激光器后需要进行激光器校准,需要进入诊断菜单进行 黑色校准( Registration菜单) 和彩色校准( Alignment Menu)
C540 主板 控制面板 C543 主板 控制面板 C544 主板 控制面板
如果上述的备件被安装在打印机上,并且已经开机,那么这个被安装 的备件将无法使用在其他的设备上。 在维修的过程中不能同时更换主板和控制面板。
C54x 进入诊断菜单进行校准 方法:进入打印机诊断菜单,进入Registration菜单,修改其中的数值, 方法与T642相似。 颜色校准方法:进入打印机诊断菜单,进入Alignment Menu菜单,首 先对黄色进行校准,选择Quest Test, 之后打印机会打印出来校准页, 按照打印的提示来设置,方法同C53x系列相同。具体说明参照手册3-7
红色代表单面纸路 蓝色代表双面纸路
马达测试: 进入诊断模式,选择MISC TEST 找到MOTOR DETECT(不要按’对钩‘键) 取出所有的碳粉盒和显影单元 之后按照屏幕提示进行 马达测试时间大概在10秒,当完成后打印机会自动重起
C54x Produ4/5
Lexmark security classification
多功能纸盒只有C544dtn标配,其 他型号作为选件提供
感光鼓(4个鼓,不可分离) 显影单元(4个独立的显影单元)
纸 路
C54x 纸路